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Biden laptop stuff is ok as long as it's not underage

File: 2d55b287fc9227e⋯.jpg (68.28 KB, 735x569, 735:569, officer_i_cant_breathe_geo….jpg)

02a559  No.171572

anyone have a link to a good-quality version of floyd's other arrest on may 6 2019? this was not the one where he died. he apparently said "i can't breathe" once before in an entirely different arrest

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fb7bed  No.171578


Since that NY nig selling "illegal cigarettes" died as he screamed "I can't breeeeat," niggers just reflexively utter the phrase anytime a cop comes near them.

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5549c6  No.171579

I think it has something to do with the weird shape of their nose. Perhaps this subspecies was never meant to last.

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5511e1  No.171621


> subspecies

sub is right

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