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/pnd/ - Politics, News, Debate

and shitslinging
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File: ecd1e5f2714545c⋯.png (223.05 KB, 367x365, 367:365, seeing eye to eye.png)

faad58  No.17035

I think I speak for many when I say I used to be very active in /pol/ before it became a cesspit of people calling each other shills and derailing every potentially productive discussion into a shitfit where everyone left unsatisfied. While I'm sure this wasn't entirely organic, as we all know the enemy always plays both sides, it wasn't totally inorganic either.

To anyone paying attention, any vaguely contentious thread, whether is was about current events or political philosophy or even subjects life self improvement, should they gain any traction, would be quickly flooded with dumbfucks posting shit for and against every position in the dumbest way possible to ensure that nobody learned anything and everyone left frustrated, and further convinced that anyone that disagreed with them was dumb as fuck. IMO this was entirely intentional with the objective of shutting down any semblance of intelligent discussion, which used to pop up here and there, and make sure people stayed frustrated instead of unified.

Anyway, my question is, is /pnd/ any different, or is it just more of the same?

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199fd5  No.17044

File: beb04e06e734d91⋯.jpeg (987.01 KB, 1280x960, 4:3, light.jpeg)


> is /pnd/ any different, or is it just more of the same?

I might be naive and it's still too soon to tell, but I really feel like the shiling is somewhat minimal. It's without a doubt here, but it's almost like they just don't have the wordcraft as they used to.

I almost (don't shit a brick) but I almost feel like JIDF has left the building and we're only dealing with /leftypol/ PNAC Open Society fuckwits, which are basically just fucks since there is no wit to them. (wasn't that witty?)

Anyway, the shills here, now, are so fucking obvious that I tend to skip right past them as if they don't even exist. Maybe my powerlevel has reached such a level I don't even see the shilling but that's my take on things.

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faad58  No.17051

Should've proofread my post, couple typos and too many commas.


>Anyway, the shills here, now, are so fucking obvious that I tend to skip right past them as if they don't even exist. Maybe my powerlevel has reached such a level I don't even see the shilling but that's my take on things

I feel like that sometimes too, but I think that shutting out newcomers is another one of their tactics. If people who have questions come to places like this and see nothing but bullshit, then they're likely to return to wherever they came from and assume there's nothing else out there.

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199fd5  No.17056


>then they're likely to return to wherever they came from

I'm not for or against this. I see the benefits in awakening newfags, but at the same time, full was a refugee camp for those of us that realized 4 was pozzed and it was time to jump ship so we could slow the pace a bit and concentrate on what was important.

Keep in mind, 4chinz still exists. newfags find their way there and even today it's a hard dose of reality for somebody that is complete normie never having any exposure.

There is definite merit to keeping 8 obscure and out of the airwaves.

Do we need to grow? Yes

Do we need to redpill the masses? Yes

Do we go about it by way of ______….

you tell me.

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faad58  No.17062


I hear what you mean. Running a refugee board goes to shit pretty quickly. What I'm talking about is that when people come to places like this with questions or doubts about race, history, politics, etc and they see nothing but people posting dumb shit then it turns them off to the idea. I don't think that's by chance.

I'm not saying these boards should be civil. Always call a faggot a faggot. Anyway this is beside the point. I haven't browsed /pnd/ much at all, I'm wondering if it's comparable to 4chan /new/, old 4chan /pol/, early 8ch /pol/, or late 8ch /pol/

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199fd5  No.17068


>early 8ch /pol/,

this minus the esotericism

what was that dudes name, Robert something? If we get him back here, it will be regular old /pol/

I tend not to dig into that stuff, but I felt like he was at least genuine in his passion for what he discussed.

We do need more truth digs on genetics, though. We had a great contributor prior who opened my eyes to the Neanderkike theory. I'd like to see him venture back, too.

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a72dd6  No.17070

I miss pre Trump 8ch pol.

I learned a lot.

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faad58  No.17074


Right on. I'm not big into the esotericism myself, but it's always interesting stuff.


I hear that. Things went to shit in a big way during 2016. I don't really blame imkampfy though, pretty sure he thought that what he was doing was for the best. He was wrong, though.

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199fd5  No.17076

File: 5d8cce99b9256f0⋯.png (336 KB, 965x748, 965:748, 14wordsDHS.png)


>Things went to shit in a big way during 2016

We got some laughs out of it.

Some of those fedniggers came up with some good maymays and I really liked their humor over the pink-haired faggots pushing the opposition.

That said, we're stuck in this whether we like it or not. We're going to have to pick a side and neither of us is in a position to do much on our own.

Did you see DHS put the 14 words as their motto?

Also, department of interior pout out a frog tweet saying "If you feel alone, you are not! Hang in there!"

Are we being marched to our deaths? Probably. Most certainly, yes.

Do we have a choice? No, not really.

Would I rather die for right than live for wrong?

Every Fucking Time!

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faad58  No.17077


I've seen that, like the US Border Control using a thinly veiled 14 words, but I don't trust it. If they were calling civilians to take up arms, I'm in, but as is it's just some vague dogwhistles to make us think they're on the same page. But none of their actions support that.

I voted for Trump, and convinced a number of other people to do so, but now I see that I was misled. Trump is no different. Seems to me that he was primarily a pressure release valve for people like me or you to keep us from taking other actions. To lead us to believe that the system is still working, when it isn't. At all.

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199fd5  No.17081


>just some vague dogwhistles to make us think they're on the same page.

We fuck around a lot about "muh racism" here but very, very few of us are inherently racist where we dismiss a person simply because they belong to a specific race. I would much rather live next to Jim Gates than just about any human alive today. Losing him would be a tremendous lost to civilization and he's a very black man.

My point is, we're the intelligent ones in this battle of "us vs them" and those in the position to know, know!

They aren't freaking out thinking theres some ultra-secret white taekover movement or 1488racewarnow! coming, they know who's who and they have an active interest in not living among a bunch of fucking degenerate faggots looking to fuck their kids the first moment they turn their back or leave them with a neighbor.

Those DHS guys are here. Those FBI guys are here. Those Sheriffs refusing to give up their guns, they're here!

We are NOT alone! I believe that!

If that makes me an idiot, that's a bullet I deserve but I won't become hopeless. I refuse to give in and I refuse to bow to evil. I belive in humanity, those humans who have it in them to believe as well. I also belive, that if we're being completely objective, enforcing what's best for humanity is going to be brutal and, from a certain perspective, quite "Rayyysisss!"

Gott Mit Us!

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9c3398  No.17082

hey, I'm going to slide this thread in a minute

not because its off topic or anything - it should have been in the meta thread anyway

> Things went to shit in a big way during 2016

it got real bad when the whole q-shit blew up in Oct/Nov 2017 and they got their own board, started shilling on twitter, facebook, and youtube, (to name a few) and attracted all those users.

Post-election was nothing, because the majority that showed up seemed like 4/pol/ then.

Trying to chase off q-tardation is difficult, and I wish there were more who took that into consideration whilst modding. at least the cuckchanners might get some redpilling in, but these q fags are just neocon zionist mongoloids with their heads so far up their ass that they have to open their mouths to see.


> I voted for trump

yeah, so did I

but was there any other alternative?

I didn't see one.

I guess I just went for the lesser evil, or so it seemed at the time.

> pressure relief valve

but the whole world needs one

> lead us to believe that the system is still working

> the system

they are all the system

and it took me voting for the hope I thought there was with trump, only to have that stamped out by his zionism to see that it still doesn't matter who I vote for.

now I vote the opposite

I vote for acceleration

any and every time I get a chance

fuck it

the time for discussion, debates, and arguments have slipped like water through my fingers.

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9c3398  No.17083

> hey, I'm going to slide this thread in a minute

eh, maybe later

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af1c6e  No.17084

The only reason we’re not remotely flooded with shills, JIDF, And other assorted glowniggers as 4chan is simply because we are an obscure board post-8chan. Most people still think 8chan is dead and didn’t resurrect as 8kun

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199fd5  No.17085

File: 8c0e0fbea3b8751⋯.jpg (1.71 MB, 1428x4198, 714:2099, Screenshot_2020-01-06 Abel….jpg)


I want to introduce you to Q

His name is Field McConnel and up until a couple months ago, he lived in a desolate area of Wisconsin and slept in a Bank Vault. He was/is the most intelligent mother fucker I ever listened to speak. He could tell you what you were wearing and what the weather was like on the day you met, one time in your life, 22 years ago. He would remember your name, face, age, the day of the week you met on, the time, what you were wearing… A real-life Rain Man. Look it up for yourself.

Mid November, Field got picked up on a warrant out of Broward County for a property he owned, with his ex wife, decades ago. Some "court mishap" that the judge needed to see him for.

Today his website is down and there's been nothing from him for weeks.

So, badmouth the Q movement all you want, but the man himself, is a fucking saint! He started this shit because his sister Marcy, worked with Hillary to start the trade of underage children within the US as an extortiion racket for powerful people. It all leads back to Arkasas, it all leads to Clinton.

You want to direct your hate, you hate that bitch! Q didn't do this shit, he did the best he could. If he's alive or not, I have no fucking idea! Mattis (James Norman Mattis - add em up!) has been fired and the orchestrator of the movement is MIA.

Now is the time to worry. I don't trust anything whoever has hijacked the movement is saying because it's not the same ones that started it.

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faad58  No.17086


I'm a straight up racist, and I don't feel bad about it, like they say I should. To be sure, I've met some decent blacks, but the other 95% are absolute trash who have no place in a civil society. They only damage it and steal what virtues it has, while contributing nothing.

Sure, I don't think we're totally alone. There are definitely some in government who have seen the facts, demographics, crime, IQ, whatever, and haven't been able to ignore them. But most are still playing along, because it's easier to do that than try something else.

>Gott Mit Us!

Yes, this is certainly not the end. We've faced far worse times, plagues, ice ages, famines, war…and survived. We always will, it's in our blood. That said, what's going on now is unacceptable.


> I voted for trump

>>yeah, so did I

>>but was there any other alternative?

>>I didn't see one.

I don't blame you. I didn't see an alternative either. Realize that this was intentional.

>now I vote the opposite

>I vote for acceleration

Voting doesn't mean shit. Get fit, get armed, make good friends. That's all that matters.

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faad58  No.17088


Anon, Q is the definition of a government controlled hangout.

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199fd5  No.17089


>I'm a straight up racist, and I don't feel bad about it,

Nor should you be made to feel bad for being able to properly assess your surroundings and make sound decisions based upon past experiences.

>>17088 (heil'd)

I agree with that statement.

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faad58  No.17091


Get fit, get armed, make good friends. These goals can be achieved by anyone with sufficient time and effort;.

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199fd5  No.17093


>sufficient time

I put all my time into academic pursuits and really let the physical go by the wayside, but will be making some drastic changes now that I know for a fact what's coming our direction.

The universe is in a constant state of annihilation, no surprise that we're going to have to dominate the unworthy.

I only hope we carry forward the knowledge so our descendents don't have to suffer through this shit in the future.

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9c3398  No.17094

File: 6d75f5e0bf07aa1⋯.gif (524.62 KB, 384x216, 16:9, whatwhatwhat.gif)

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199fd5  No.17096


too many men have gone down in history with bad record for doing good deeds and i won't let someone who can't defend themselves be badmouthed. I kept my mouth shut long enough, but not when the man isn't even around to defend himself. I fucking hate bullying and I hate bullies and I hate with every ounce of my being people who are willing to shit on the reputation of good men so they can secure their filthy lifestyle and degenerate reputation from the public eye.

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9c3398  No.17097

File: 7b48e8babc28627⋯.gif (3.12 MB, 320x213, 320:213, philosopher.gif)


>The universe is in a constant state of annihilation,

quite the philosopher, you are….

Get fit and quit delaying

don't make any new year's resolution

get to the gym

start with running on the treadmill for a month until you can go 2 miles non-stop running/jogging.

build it up

start off at .25 miles run/jog .25 miles walk - alternating for a total of 2 miles

then start .5 miles run/jog .25 miles walk - alternate for 2 miles

then .75 miles run/jog .25 miles walk - alternate for 2 miles

1 mile run/jog and .25 miles walk - alternate for 2.5 miles




get the idea?

do not let yourself go to shit

you have to both learn and pay attention to your body

real soldiers take care of their body mind and soul.

there's a board on here


I suggest you go there and visit

also, visit the /fit/ board on 4 chinz

it has good information

don't ask me to post pics of my gains

just worry about yours.

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9c3398  No.17098


after you get to 2 miles nonstop, then you can start to hit the weights

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199fd5  No.17099


>then you can start to hit the weights

That really won't be necessary, running is all I have to concern myself with. I'm about as Scandanavian as you can imagine somone being. That 14yr old kid that had a 200lb bench press his first day in the gym.

I do appreciate the motivating words and advice, though. i'll take it to heart and enact what I have been putting off far too long. I look funny running, you don't see a lot of guys my size doing it, but i've managed to do a bit of it in my life.

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9c3398  No.17100


I'm 6'7

235 lbs

I don't care if I gain weight now, because it will all be muscle

Work on pullups after you start using the weights

you see that funeral procession for the iranian general?

pompeo's twitter video saying that iranians were celebrating is full of shit

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199fd5  No.17106


>pompeo's twitter video saying that iranians were celebrating is full of shit

I did!

I don't trust Pompeo. i don't trust anyone left on the team. I just know that a lot of guys on the inside are not going to let blue-helmets set one fucking foot on this soil without a slaughter taking place.

together we're 13' tall and nearly 600lbs! lol We could have donned a black robe and taken over a swath of land 100 years ago.

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10e83e  No.17107


>I think

>I speak for many

>I used to be very active

>before it became a cesspit [of shills]

>derailing every … discussion

Please, think. Think firstly, think period. Then speak. And lurk, of course. Are not 4th wall breaches are scheduled for the meta thread? Are the rules lacking diction or clarity?

A name is like an account number. If your credit card detail becomes 'shared' with shitskins, what do they do with it? What can you do to stop it? Rules 1 and 2, get a new account, and try again.

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63cb22  No.17112


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a33dea  No.17122


The problem is that kike OPs (along side people who do not usually post here) make the most threads.

If normal 8kun poster would make these threads, I'd agree with you.

However most OPs are kikes who shill for their jewish, semitic viewpoint.

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be71a2  No.17140

File: a3dd54f70a13c27⋯.jpg (60.39 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, a3dd54f70a13c27eb6b101dcaf….jpg)

>Anyway, my question is, is /pnd/ any different, or is it just more of the same?

If you have to ask this question, you haven't been present for very long. It should have been clear to you a long-ass time ago.

>"b-but /pol/ used to be great, now it's a cesspool"

Eat shit, newfag. People have been saying this since day one, looking for whatever fucking reason they could grab a hold of to use. If you want to guarantee quality discussion, you start with yourself. You may think that you can't do a single thing about it and that the good times are all of a sudden gone. In reality, not only is this nostalgiafagging but this is also you admitting that you yourself provide absolutely nothing of value, just that you passively latch onto the next big thing. In effect, that you coming here is no different from the fat slob watching TV and just flipping through all the channels hoping for something good to show up.

>"b-but good threads get slid"

Well then do something about it, retard.

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68721d  No.17202


Broward County?

Serials? So he is MOSSAD and part of the national jewish terrorist ring that operates without any constrains from our government in this nation? Murdering whomever they please for fun…BUT…

We should totally trust the plan, right, nigger?

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68721d  No.17205


Wait until you are a hard core White Supremacist…that is like being born again.

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5c3eba  No.17231


Would you mind telling us more about how the intelligence agencies are set up?

What's the deal with Broward County?

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92cf61  No.17245


thanks for the jpg

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ebb4e2  No.17252


I've been wanting a good Tavistock thread so that I can actually learn about their hijinks but I have nothing to contribute.

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be71a2  No.17255


Well if you're not going to look then you can just keep waiting for one

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ad01b2  No.22834


It is essential that claims of shilldom be part of literally any discussion of politics lest people be led astray by bad actors.

Anyone who has problems with this part of board culture merely wants to eliminate an important part of this boards immune system.

This is the 17th thread "congratulating" /pnd/ on not calling people shills I've seen.

You are a literal virus and deserve more suffering than your entire family tree has room for.

The mere fact you wanted to make this thread damns you.

Anyone with the sense to put themselves in your position would realize this isn't what they would do. The only reason to make this thread is to reinforce a different "way of things". One in which calling someone a shill is less common.

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