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File: 100c81d40c311d5⋯.jpg (17.97 KB, 400x300, 4:3, 48295729.jpg)

52b4aa  No.16304[Last 50 Posts]

Who's excited about blowing up some sandniggers? This war is gonna be lit!

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883cac  No.16313


Verreck in der hölle du fotze.

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af88cf  No.16323


Hey buddy I think you got the wrong door. Leather club's two blocks down. >>>/qresearch/

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595c4f  No.16326


Who's excited about dying for Israel? This war is gonna be lit!

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1528bf  No.16327


Total cuck mentality. Getting excited watching other men in action.

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d118e5  No.16328

File: cb10dfdc546c335⋯.png (881.4 KB, 940x632, 235:158, 1578217172784.png)



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35c7cf  No.16332

File: 58b0738ebfad860⋯.jpg (158.06 KB, 993x765, 331:255, bang.jpg)

I can't wait to see certain "sandniggers" get lit allright.

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53080b  No.16338


People dying for kikes are cucks. Kikes watching them die are not cucks.

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121d08  No.16343

I much rather blow up sandniggers at home than go out there and do it (which will give a +1 for Israel) or watch it on the internet or tv since I did plenty of that during Dubya’s and Obongo’s admistraions

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ac0124  No.16353

File: 212d9b76d31fd00⋯.png (3.3 KB, 98x87, 98:87, 8.png)

hmm, yes, today i shall once again kill my aryan brothers on the other side of the planet in another pointless war to protect the jews yes, i know they were overthrown by the muslims, but much of the population is still aryan

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bc1c7d  No.16360





I read this as killing the sandniggers and kikes (since they are sandniggers by DNA) in our own nation, FIRST. We can't have a weakness at home (sandniggers in our nation; raping women and children behind our backs) when we eventually go forward to exterminate the brown shit from the planet.

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bc1c7d  No.16365

File: 2fa2144a3989e5e⋯.jpg (170.25 KB, 800x531, 800:531, iran boys.jpg)

File: 75cd7b7c183278e⋯.jpg (76.59 KB, 650x433, 650:433, iran men.jpg)

File: da3968d9318029a⋯.jpg (112.96 KB, 700x454, 350:227, iran old men.jpg)

File: 890eb812a56f973⋯.jpg (41.01 KB, 640x320, 2:1, iranian army so white.jpg)

File: 0d06d4e5711a7d9⋯.jpg (553.03 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, iranian boys.jpg)


"muh sandniggers are aryan"…LMFAO…what are you smoking faggot? They are not 'our brothers' at all. There is nothing about them in the slightest that resembles us as a people.

There so 'white' from islamic nigger rape that they TOTALLY resemble 'whites' and not fucking brown POS, amiright?

I am right.

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af38d1  No.16371

File: 5e9398f0040bdd6⋯.png (978.69 KB, 500x500, 1:1, serveimage.png)


They look different to me schlomo, but I'm not going to murder for you so that you can use our blood to protect the land you stole from Palestine.

May the Gods speed your nukes Iran and turn the jews stolen land into green glass.

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d26d28  No.16377

File: 6153652ff70aeed⋯.jpg (122.68 KB, 736x736, 1:1, Alexander the Great.jpg)


Why stop at Iran, let's get Iraq, Syria and Israel why we're at it for our holy middle eastern harem.

Fuck, if Alexander's empire isn't restored by the end of the year I will be displeased.

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d118e5  No.16384


>I read this as killing the sandniggers and kikes (since they are sandniggers by DNA) in our own nation, FIRST.

Too many European countries are already broken beyond repair. UK, Belgium, Sweden, France, Germany for example.

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bc1c7d  No.16385

File: f8af033fd9ea2bc⋯.jpg (89.17 KB, 752x588, 188:147, nigger slave trade semites.jpg)

File: 3e3220972252c83⋯.jpg (71.69 KB, 906x512, 453:256, iranian jew.jpg)

File: 984f1b4d5b968ea⋯.jpg (68.72 KB, 354x236, 3:2, iranian jew 4.jpg)

File: 8fc840022cab237⋯.jpg (30.27 KB, 625x361, 625:361, iranian jew 2.jpg)

File: f6a60d58a81d0d8⋯.jpg (69.43 KB, 620x414, 310:207, iranian and jews.jpg)


You might be a nigger but that is the spirit.

The sandniggers should all exterminate each other in an ideal world.

ALSO YOU FUCKING RETARDED CUNT…it isn't about 'muh what they look like' it is about them being totally different 'part niggers' DNA that if you allow to live will be a constant plague on the planet due to their high concentration of nigger blood.

Did I travel back in time and tell their ancestors to rape every nigger they could get their hands on? No I didn't did I…even the 'best of them' look exactly like kikes (no surprise that the kikes are the ones controlling a nation of nigger part breeds).

If you can't tell that THESE ARE THE SAME FUCKING PEOPLE…you have larger issues.

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bc1c7d  No.16386


Not even close. It simply requires the blood of the invaders to fix it. We have done it before, we will do it again.

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4fab46  No.16387

Who's excited about taking a nigger dick up his ass? OP is because his a faggot kike!

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d26d28  No.16389


I'd rather return the middle east to former glories instead of this toxic stagnation they are currently in.

Make the middle east Hellenic again. You know they secretly crave this on the inside, so why not let it happen?

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d26d28  No.16390


tfw no Jew/middle eastern harem

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bc1c7d  No.16391


Really? How will you separate out the nigger DNA from the entire population? Their average IQ is 84…they TOTALLY DESTROYED THEMSELVES FUCKING NIGGERS.

They will never, ever, ever 'return to former glory' because niggers are protohumans and not even the same species as we are…do you really think that someone who 'race mixed' with niggers who have not developed one iota in over 30,000 years is going to 'return to glory'…? There is no 'glory' when you decide to become a protohuman.

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b6412b  No.16393


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bc1c7d  No.16394


That kikenigger DNA doesn't stop polluting your blood when you fuck it.

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d26d28  No.16398


If that's the case then we're already fucked globally.

My problem is with the culture that currently exists in the middle east.

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2820ff  No.16402


european origin white jews already successfully invaded israel/palestine. They are currently cleansing and will be ready to accept more territory soon.

Iraq is held under semi reliable proxies.

Syria needs improvement

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8b0c96  No.16406

File: 165f12cd13a9c53⋯.png (2.35 MB, 1218x1080, 203:180, OP_Shill.png)


Let Israel fight it's own wars

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170d11  No.16409


Jewish paid shilling allowed to remain up.

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d26d28  No.16412

File: e59094afa0112aa⋯.jpg (7.22 MB, 2894x4093, 2894:4093, d8974b0b6bdd5dbabf6b7f50fd….jpg)


Yeah, but they're still spooked by horned idols like Pan and I consider that retarded as fuck.

Hell, I'm pretty sure El was originally a horned deity. Now Satan is the horned deity even though in the past Satan was a shadow at most, not a horned deity.

Silly jews.

Make horns great again.

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85b8c9  No.16430

rather do some boogaloo tbh

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bc1c7d  No.16432


Me too…our nation needs to be purged of trash and subhumans before we fight anywhere else.

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45a915  No.16440


Personally, I won't be doing anything and I hate watching people play video games. Chances are, though, that this is just another tease and nothing will come of it.

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b75f8f  No.16455

File: 5139eca47dac242⋯.jpg (898.49 KB, 1200x1500, 4:5, Ben_Bernanke.jpg)

File: 1360de4750b9e0e⋯.jpg (51.9 KB, 992x558, 16:9, Chuck Schumer.jpg)

File: a75eff9dd201a4b⋯.jpg (292.12 KB, 600x755, 120:151, Jon Corzine.jpg)

File: c87eb2eef435026⋯.jpg (1.02 MB, 4000x2667, 4000:2667, Lloyd Blankfein.jpg)

File: c48d243ae662dc8⋯.jpg (252.82 KB, 678x381, 226:127, Larry Silverstein.jpg)


>Blowing up some sandniggers

Why wait to fight overseas, FBI-kun? Your work is cut out for you right in your own backyard?

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bc1c7d  No.16459

File: 381d5786db410fc⋯.jpg (53.21 KB, 493x489, 493:489, disgusting_faggots.jpg)

File: 6d0a61fd5819aed⋯.jpg (70.35 KB, 800x800, 1:1, chessmen-i671.large.jpg)


FBI-coon never fights where it is needed…it is a jewnigger at heart every time. Without the jewnigger stealing from us day after day FBI-coon is so short sighted that it thinks it won't get 'muh paycheck' if it doesn't bendover (they teach them this at 'Q'uantico) for the kikes. It, like its glownigger brethren, is literally so retarded that it doesn't and can't imagine the life of freedom that would come with the death of the jew that uses 'soft terrorism' every day against it and all its 'brothers' to achieve their goal(s).

tl;dr the FBI-coons are so masochistic that they could never imagine a future without their carrot headed 'lords' giving to to them right up the poopshoot.

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99359a  No.16468

File: 5c2e414ab6389fe⋯.jpg (17.91 KB, 200x382, 100:191, 5c2e414ab6389fe7c72e6533ef….jpg)


>Implying the eternal kike doesn't want us to further destabilize the Middle-East to disposition more angry Muslims into white countries to kill two goys with one circumcision

nu/pol/ makes me cringe.

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c22be0  No.16485

File: ceb166d5dc5b588⋯.jpg (20.74 KB, 208x246, 104:123, rin_smoking.jpg)


I'd be stunned if Trump actually started a war. To me it seems most likely to be a continuation of his policy with NK (Fire and Fury) and Syria (missiles at a dirt patch) where he makes sure nothing actually happens. Still, if Trump does go in


ain't happening. I would predict Trump instead just bombs the shit out of them until there's nothing and nobody left. Hell, maybe he even uses nukes. I wouldn't expect there to be much if any dying for pissreal.

If some rapefugees do somehow make it out alive it's up to yuros to stop being fucking cucks and not let them in. This may actually be the push they need to grow a spine. I'd rather the kikes overplay their hand (or have it overplayed for them) than let them continue to boil the frog.

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3a4130  No.16496


The only thing making sure nothing happens in North Korea is the nuclear deterrence and rationality of the North Korean government.

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170d11  No.16500


>rather [jewish buzzword for invented situation]

Too bad, kike shill. You’re exposed.

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c22be0  No.16574


Sure, and you think Trump doesn't factor that in?

>everything Trump does has just sorta worked out and it's a total accident

Yeah nah.

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2ab742  No.16579


We will kill jews instead.

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53080b  No.16588


They are not Sandniggers but are Iranic Mediterraneans, as compared to European Mediterraneans, or Semitic Mediterraneans.

Sandniggers for me means directly semitic people (Levantines/Arabs) who originate in Levant.

Arabs/Levantines are mixed with actual Africans and ancient Africans genetically while Iranians are mixed with Negritos (South Asians, somewhere 5%) and their African ancestry does not top South European African ancestry.

Negritos are East Eurasians genetically, but are more primitive than Mongoloids.

They do not resemble niggers by their skull shape, neither by their body-built.

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cd372d  No.16589


My gut feeling is THIS. Trump acts stupid sure, but most his actions have proven otherwise. Trump knows damn well if he started another war with a lot of loss of American life – especially a forced draft – he would start losing a whole lot of his voter base. Political suicide for him, he knows that. So if Iran doesn't back off, I'd agree Trump is going to order a wave of strategic strikes that will cripple Iran and their leadership and then he'll let the dust settle. Almost no loss to American life needed either. Swift and quick as before.

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f9c0ba  No.16591


Those sandniggers are the enemies of your oppressors

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da16ef  No.16595


Well sort of. I assume you refer to Israel right? Sure the Zionist lobby is a major problem for us and has gotten us into all these nasty wars I agree. However, Iran also does hate our guts, and Iran would love nothing more to see America suffer. So guess what? Both should be considered threats.

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53080b  No.16602


I would love nothing to see America in flames, the only solution is to starve and crash the system completely to start a race war and gas kikes and rebuild the civilization afterwards.

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53080b  No.16603


*nothing more.

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098f2c  No.16693

Nice try, Mossad.

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974329  No.16724

>who is excited to be blown up by a IED so that Israel can get a bigger territory

STFU Mossad.

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53080b  No.16726


Don't bump kike threads.

Quality threads will then die out instead and kike gets it's message amplified

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14055c  No.16771


This is not an commodity, anon. They have all the money from their global slavery ponzi scheme in the world to play on our board. No amount of sages will ever get them to leave. It is not the FINAL SOLUTION.

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98e1f8  No.16785

File: 7f7550c87ab5846⋯.webm (2.51 MB, 640x360, 16:9, 1577837906645.webm)


TOTES LIT BRUH! Gonna be whole caravans of rapefugees heading straight to the centre of Europe! Legit af *normie emojis*

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608b80  No.16829

File: d8a501f2bb068b9⋯.jpg (82.2 KB, 465x618, 155:206, d8a501f2bb068b908421882a97….jpg)


>Oy vey! Who's ready to die for Israel!

lmao neck yourself

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608b80  No.16832

File: 4964860156dfd32⋯.jpg (90.91 KB, 960x720, 4:3, 4964860156dfd32c8910b5e5ae….jpg)


>where he makes sure nothing actually happens.

He kind of shit his diaper with that part when he had the much-beloved Solemani vaporized like a hotdog in a microwave, but I guess we'll find out real soon, won't we.

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345ed1  No.16845

Doesn't this fulfill one of the predictions from the "Friends Of David Goldberg" youtube channel? What was that Project Zyphr crap about? Did anyone seem to go missing?

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bc1c7d  No.16894


Good Lord they are so disgustingly degenerate.

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bc1c7d  No.16895


Huh? What you talking about Willis?

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98e1f8  No.16918


Niggers are the gayest thing on the planet, constant male on male rape in the home, on the streets and in prison.

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345ed1  No.16923

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Some kike youtube channel made claims of leaked mossad operations to track down anti-semites on the internet and assassinate them in IRL.


There were threads about it on the bunkers a month or two ago.

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3a4130  No.16950


this is nonsense to make jews seem more numerous and powerful than they are. jews do not have the capability to systematically round up "anti-semites".

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121d08  No.16955


Jews just don’t know when to stop barking do they?

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bc1c7d  No.16995

File: 728f34883824220⋯.jpg (187.46 KB, 1200x799, 1200:799, sniper rifle.jpg)

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c56409  No.17042

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Can someone do a deep investigation of project pogo and zyphr and confirm if it is legit or fake. I need to know.



David Goldberg's Iran War False Flag Predictions Update




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54e7c1  No.17072

File: d71f5421369f081⋯.mp4 (645.96 KB, 480x360, 4:3, XD.mp4)

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651862  No.17222


Persians are literally the original Aryan tribe.

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098f2c  No.17443

This is the only anchoring of a thread that I agree with. Fuck your wars. If Israel wants Iran taken out, let them do it themselves.

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93a7a5  No.17542


>The natural fact of evolutionary diversion is true, so they will not look like European Aryans.

They don't look like Europeans anymore because they got raped by arab slimes. Before that they would have been indistinguishable from European Aryans.

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