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File: 226b01c7485b6b1⋯.jpg (71.86 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, maxresdefault.jpg)

96ceec  No.15593[Last 50 Posts]

Ok u all already have read news or liked WW3 memes. But what do you think about the whole situtaion ?

here is my opinion as someone strongly disagrees with iranian regime idelogy and even the culture of Iran as an iranian; Sardar Qasem in my belief was the enemy of my iranian people in case of any protest movemment just like any other general or high ranked soldier shooting for this regime's idelogy but the case is why he was pointed as an international terrorist ? we all know the answer, cause he was one of the main players against lunatic fascist state of Israel; yes there a lot of charges against him relating him to attacks in us and other countries but none were proven by any at least media or journal i could find.

The real problem is here that US gov since Donald Trump presidency has done everything to empower this regime : strong santctions to impoverish people and rise hate against US and foriegn countries, making people having tendency to rise against gov ( like how they did on 2017-2018 , 2009 , 2000 excatly the periods in which people had the most economical strength so they rised up but every damn time US gov promised to help but they took people down again and again) , threating for war all the years he has been on which not even help any people but also make them get close to the regime to get protection ( Like the scene in V for Vendetta wich says you people choosed this guy because you were tired of wars .. ) and u see how it is going in every country under us sanctions Venezuella, N korea , Cuba they did nothing for people expect raising hate against US gov. And now killing the man who was the main reason of ISIS defeat in the area you know how much hate it raise again.

in conclusion it is seem like both Isreal and Republicans want Iran to be a strong regime in the area so they could be elected and run their shit by having the threat and transfer the fear of war to people. like if iranian regime collapses who the fuck gonna vote for Natanyahu ? And for Iran at least for the pas 40 years this bastrd mr john bolton has done everything against iranian people and Iraqi hundred of thousands of deaths in this area to all this years he has been in different positions in us gov is because of him u want to know the real terrorist here ? here you are john bolton is the biggest political killing machine in mid east and that's my opinion.

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29bf46  No.15596

I feel Iran should passively attack Isreali and American assets. Primarily isreali commanders. But didn’t Iran start this by attacking us troops?

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a8d04c  No.15599

>the enemy of my enemy is my friend

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0a27f7  No.15601


>what do you think about the whole situtaion ?

The only thing I know for sure, is I really don't know much at all.

I just don't want more of my people going to kill some other people because some asshole doesn't think a few billion is enough neetbux

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27b2c6  No.15604

Qasem Soleimani lead operations to kill our boys in Iraq while we were still there. Why justice was delayed for so long is the real question.

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0a27f7  No.15607


>Why justice was delayed for so long is the real question.

well, while we're figuring it out, the good news is our boys are all coming back from that shithole now that we're even, right?



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29bf46  No.15608


Glownigger propaganda but probably true none the less. I think they 100% knew he was behind US attacks so they took him out for it. Though he should have been smarter about his travel.

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17911c  No.15610


> But didn’t Iran start this by attacking us troops?

There was a protest at a US embassy in Iraq. The media claimed the protestors were backed by Iran and the ZOG used it as an excuse to bomb an airport.



Whoah, are you saying a party the US was at war with attacked US combatants? Incredible. Vile. This completely justifies bombing an airport ten years after the end of that war. Attacking combatants during a war is a horiffic war crime; he should have drone striked civilians instead like the based US has been doing.

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29bf46  No.15612


I have no love for the zog but the USA is not at war with Iran. Iran attacking UA targets is futile and stupid.

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0a27f7  No.15613


You'll never understand what it means to be an American.

We can hate our government, our people, our neighbors, our entire life, but fuck off if you bad mouth our country faggot because we will make you eat every ounce of lead that's ever been mined! (srs)

We're sick of this shit too, but only we can talk shit about ourselves.

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27b2c6  No.15614


>Whoah, are you saying a party the US was at war with attacked US combatants?

Iran wasn't at war with us during the Iraq war. brainlet.

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000000  No.15619





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17911c  No.15621


I am American, retard. This place is a modern day Sodom that deserves every bit of nuclear fire the world can cook up for us.


>the USA is not at war with Iran

Which is precisely why uncalled-for bombings are fucking retarded.

>Iran attacking UA targets is futile and stupid.

Civilians protesting != Iran attacking


Believe it or not, when you attack a regime, that regimes allies have a tendency to attack you in return.

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000000  No.15622


And just when I thought I couldn't like this guy any more

RIP brave commander, may amerimutts and their kike owners get their just desserts

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29bf46  No.15623


We’re t they protesting attacks in people who attacked US assets? Stop trying to strawman.

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a07203  No.15626


lol you'll find no support here kike :) pol is always right

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27b2c6  No.15627



Iran and Iraq were never friends.

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0a27f7  No.15629


>You'll never understand what it means to be an American.


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dd5592  No.15634


Who gives a fuck what they were protesting? It doesn't justify a bombing either way.


You'd be surprised what a common enemy can do to rivals.


I understand perfectly well what it means to be an American. It means taking hostile glares from ornery, shit-colored faces everywhere you go because you're White and this country isn't. It means watching interracial couples walk down the streets in broad daylight, and not being able to say shit about it for fear of ruining your life. It means seeing 10 year-old drag queens on billboards in major cities, and being told that this is something to celebrate. It means driving to work everyday and realizing that your hometown looks like a dirty, impoverished, third-world slum. America's only redeeming qualities are the 1st and 2nd amendments, and those are rapidly going down the drain. Why shouldn't I talk shit about this shithole?

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0a27f7  No.15635


>Why shouldn't I talk shit about this shithole?

Because the abyss stares back at you.

work on what you CAN change

I literally have a broken back

no money

no family

can't do shit, probably gonna die soon

but i'm going to fight til my last fucking breath, anon.

I'm working with what I've got to do every fucking thing I can do.

No fucks given. They didn't take my dream as long as I take it to the grave.

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dd5592  No.15639


>but i'm going to fight til my last fucking breath, anon.

You're going to shitpost on the internet til your last fucking breath. It's the rest of us who are going to be drafted to fight in some random desert shithole because according to ZOGnald we absolutely must go to war with Iran now.

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0a27f7  No.15641


>must go to war with Iran now.

There's hardly a person on earth that isn't attached to this box.

Everyone and everything is in here, all I have to do is find the way to who I want to find.

Everyone is exposed.

This box will be their undoing and there's nothing they can do about it. All that money, energy, put into controlling us, they didn't even think about the control it puts on them.

Every line in, goes out.

Minds need breaks. I shitpost in between work. This is my life.

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d65466  No.15646


>But what do you think about the whole situtaion ?

he was nothing but human waste, but Trump is a jew dick sucker when he makes US to do dirty job for Israel, this proves once again that jews own Trump

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a07203  No.15650


>NatSoc board

>modern day Sodom

lol, ok christcuck!

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000000  No.15658




Oh you, Satan.

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834093  No.15665


Modern day Weimar. Happy now?

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eb6012  No.15667

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a07203  No.15671


ahh I see what you did. I took what you said out of context, my bad brother

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5e9eba  No.15672

I can see the glow all the way from here.

I have never known an Iranian even the ones who oppose their government to call it a "regime"

That's very much a western zogbot thing.

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f8884e  No.15678


>what do you think about the whole situation ?

That all countries must start killing jews all over the world. Modern world's problems can only be solved by first killing the jews.

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1fe301  No.15693


America sucks. American "patriots" are easily the dumbest, most subhuman scum to have ever existed at any point in world history.

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0a27f7  No.15696

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1fe301  No.15697


It's a small clique of jews and rich people who always try to collaborate with America in the various color revolution schemes that get cooked up – just like in Venezuela. They always fail in these places because the ordinary people understand who and what is orchestrating these things and know the government improves their material conditions.

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e76a52  No.15702


>American "patriots" are easily the dumbest, most subhuman scum to have ever existed at any point in world history.

After looking at the videos on the homepage of Bitchute, and the comments sections of them, I'm convinced that the current Trumpnigger patriotards are even worse than the kosher conservatives who would defend Bush's Iraq war for Israel.

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1fe301  No.15710


>are even worse than the kosher conservatives who would defend Bush's Iraq war for Israel

They had an extra decade + to absorb reality TV and are by default the lowest end remnants because anyone with a few brain cells left to rub together already distanced themselves.

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ea4110  No.15712

File: 2284228e08e1451⋯.jpg (61.89 KB, 622x775, 622:775, 2j2pD2a.jpg)


> but fuck off if you bad mouth our country faggot because we will make you eat every ounce of lead that's ever been mined! (srs)

>t pog

What are you gonna do faggot? run me over with your electric scooter? Fuck Isreal fuck nato fuck the Jew untied states

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009999  No.15714


What's with all the boomers lately?

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0a27f7  No.15717


meemaw shops there

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000000  No.15727


WTF? I hate the foundations of Western civilsation now!

Thanks amerimutt!

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000000  No.15729



You do know that Q is like half the reason this site exists?

Nice ID btw

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a07203  No.15730


>our boys

>(((our boys)))

your mean kikes and zionists? lol you kikes are shilling hard for this hahaha and you'll prob get it, but the hate for you afterwards once normies realize you lied to them will be priceless. I've always said "your arrogance will be your downfall," and I stand by it. once the dust settles, we'll still be here to remind them of (((your crimes)))

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a07203  No.15733


lol fuck jewmerica

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fd0508  No.15748


Q is a fucking psyop designed to get idiots to do nothing

Trust the plan my ass

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e76a52  No.15751

File: 90d7b3e9f257b10⋯.jpg (204.77 KB, 1347x766, 1347:766, 36cc23b8f876b47e81ddf0cbc9….jpg)


I'm just hoping at least some of the Qcumber boomers end up killing themselves whenever Trump leaves office without a single arrest taking place.

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0a27f7  No.15753


> half the reason this site exists?

Is he out of the pokey yet, I haven't even checked?

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a07203  No.15755


I think anon knows that. I assume he was just pointing out the rebooting of this site was primary for the purposes of hosting Q propaganda. but I don't want to speak for him

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000000  No.15757


idk, I don't know much about Q other than the occasional twitter post I see with someone doing some impressive mental gymnastics to conjure up a 'prophecy'.



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009999  No.15758


>You do know that Q is

I have gotten a glimpse of what retardery it represents after constant spamming of this shit.


>Q is like half the reason this site exists

Not anywhere near, if anything it's antithetical to the core of ful/pol/ which is pro-active by nature instead of the self-masturbatory pats in the back post-exodus moot/pol/ is.

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009999  No.15760


It's literally "do nothing goy, the ZOG Emperor has you covered with 1488D chess".

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000000  No.15764


Jim makes what, like 31k a year from this site? He wants to cash in on the Q thing

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0a27f7  No.15765


>I don't know much about Q

I know he's a really good human being and his heart is in the right place. I just don't know about the rest of the team or much else beyond that. I'm powerless to do much else than shitpost and hope.

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e76a52  No.15766

File: a8728d69c8af70b⋯.jpg (108.53 KB, 350x447, 350:447, Qcumber euthanasia.jpg)


When the arrests never happen, I hope you do the right thing and end your life.

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0a27f7  No.15768


>end your life.

so much waste

even you, if you look away from the screen right now. right, left, up… You see it, too.

I refuse to believe every element in our government is corrupted.

I'll die a hopeful moron, but better than a spiteful Mischling.

There just seems like there would be some kind of value seen in all of us. I'm confused by how duping us and killing us off would benefit (((them))) overall? Wouldn't you rather live with hard working whites than, well, everything else?

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a0c6da  No.15772

>But what do you think about the whole situation?

Meh Gulf War 3: Greasy Hole Boogaloo same ‘ol same ‘ol.

Now Civil War 2 on the other hand

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1fe301  No.15782


shut the fuck up faggot

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0a27f7  No.15786


So you don't see it either, then?

There's no benefit.

it makes no sense.

The only thing I can even conjure up is there's a big fucking alien thing looking to populate the planet and it needs us gone but it doesn't want to kill the planet in the process.

its weird, but at least the pieces fit together.

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57dd1b  No.15792


>I refuse to believe every element in our government is corrupted.

You are the reason the jews remain in power.

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e821c2  No.15793

File: 341c44736746b19⋯.jpg (292.04 KB, 2290x1322, 1145:661, Gay in America.jpg)

File: cd9e371d6c81769⋯.jpg (955.47 KB, 2936x2000, 367:250, Gay in Iran.jpg)

Faggots in America vs Faggots in Iran.

Choose your side.

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0a27f7  No.15797


You give me way too much credit.

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be9076  No.15799


He means people like you tard

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0a27f7  No.15801


When this headline hits the presses:

"Hacker-Terrorism! White Nationalists move toward cyber-terrorism!"

tell me how tartar I am.

That dipshit thinks we're his dogs… Lol

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1fe301  No.15802

filter this nigger cripple

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5c544a  No.15825


They are still a middle-eastern shithole that puts rugs over their woman's heads and enslave them, you can't hate a half of your race and be a white nationalist.

Islam is pretty much completly against the west and very degenerate. There's a scene where Muhammed is having his cum stains cleaned off by a Child Bride, great shit

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3ef12e  No.15826


>but the hate for you afterwards once normies realize you lied to them will be priceless

Perhaps if people can turn off their TVs, put away their phones and stop watching porn. The average chump of today would just shrug his shoulders if you gave them evidence that 9/11 was a jewish job. "At least it wasn't me in that tower. Hey check this out, these are clothes I'm going to buy when I change my gender!"

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3ef12e  No.15831

File: 792457293dbe88f⋯.png (104.46 KB, 1448x596, 362:149, iran attack.png)

Oy vey. This makes me incredibly anxious. How dare they do this? Two rockets, what if it had been 20, maybe even 200? There could have been jews in that airbase! Are we supposed to just sit idle while hundreds even thousands of missiles could rain down death and destruction on the jewish people? This could have been northern Israel. Thousands perhaps even millions could die from the Hitler of Iran attempting a holocaust of 6 million jewish people.


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7c9b3d  No.15835


Joke's on you, faggot. I'm not a white nationalist. Day of the Crane for you.

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3ef12e  No.15846

File: f9ae7f14c30d05f⋯.png (652.95 KB, 787x473, 787:473, flag.png)

The UK tabloids are really hyping this.

>For the first time in the history of Iran, a red flag was raised over the Holy Dome of Jamkarān Mosque symbolising a severe battle to come. The disturbing war flag reads the words: "Those who want to avenge the blood of Hussein."

Perhaps it's true, but it feels like fake news. I wouldn't be surprised if the flag is just to commemorate the general. Anyone know for sure?

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ab0d7a  No.15847


Why do you believe Iran was behind the attack on Baghdad embassy? I assumed it was Mossad

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3ef12e  No.15850

File: effdbc0c6df29e6⋯.jpg (142.83 KB, 962x641, 962:641, 22987632-7851075-image-a-2….jpg)

File: 74ec4df5d8c9a67⋯.jpg (188.29 KB, 962x722, 481:361, 22976838-7850619-image-a-8….jpg)

File: 986982f0fa8020a⋯.jpg (150.99 KB, 962x641, 962:641, 22986264-7851075-image-a-1….jpg)

File: e92c62ecd44114c⋯.jpg (109.55 KB, 962x641, 962:641, 22983516-7851075-image-a-1….jpg)

File: 7dc4fcdb5625465⋯.jpg (162 KB, 962x641, 962:641, 22977520-7850619-image-a-1….jpg)

Dailymail is garbage, but they always do have great photos.

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083e38  No.15851

File: 1795bac55669f90⋯.jpg (39.69 KB, 621x414, 3:2, female-ranger-grads-1800.jpg)


The Death of Solemani signals the final dropping of the mask by trump. I know we saw the zionist writing on Don's wall years ago, but this act feels like an official blood signature on the kike contract. 4D Chess is over.


>our boys

Nobody in today's military is "my boy". Grind them all into dogfood in the desert with their Israeli friends for all I care.

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3ef12e  No.15853

File: 680297da9745b31⋯.jpg (201.05 KB, 962x722, 481:361, 22976338-7850619-image-a-5….jpg)

File: 3f902e39c8945b9⋯.jpg (255.31 KB, 962x622, 481:311, 22979470-7851075-image-a-3….jpg)

File: 6e705682611a6dc⋯.jpg (159.87 KB, 962x642, 481:321, 22978794-7851075-image-a-1….jpg)

File: 6452d2b43bef89c⋯.jpg (118.5 KB, 962x641, 962:641, 22980222-7851075-image-a-3….jpg)

File: 984f0b1a52ea075⋯.jpg (199.25 KB, 962x641, 962:641, 22983976-7851075-image-a-1….jpg)

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5c544a  No.15855


Jokes on you I'm not a towel head ya goat fucker so come and get it.

The degenerate liberal world order, the destructive middle eastern relgions and cultures of Islam and Judaism are all my enemys.

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2f1da6  No.15857


>Send troops to help ISIS shit up the middle east

>Iranians do what they have to do and protect their country

<Oy vey! They killed our goys in Iraq!

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083e38  No.15858

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


And then there's this faggot.

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5c544a  No.15865


Yes because I don't support Islam I support kikes and diversity? Even though I said I didn't, how retarded can you be?

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25c8f5  No.15866


>They are still a middle-eastern shithole that puts rugs over their woman's heads and enslave them, you can't hate a half of your race and be a white nationalist.

Comfirmed for knowing nothing about Iran. They have so many fucking laws protecting and cuddling them that it makes the West seem like a patriarchy. Of course they have less rights there, so it balances out.

And what the fuck is wrong with having the thots cover up in public? We did for fucking centuries in the West and it kept them in check. Whores go around the street practically naked, exploiting male biology for attention. This is how they get away with everything these days.

I do not support Islam. But calling Iran a shithole for the reasons you listed is extremely ignorant. Muslims have no place in the west, but neither do faggots, traitors and prostitutes.

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1fe301  No.15875


>final dropping of the mask by trump

If one is inclined to believe that elections are not entirely controlled and just mostly controlled and that real effort still needs to be put in to ensure a particular candidate gets into/remains in office, I think the possibility exists that they don't like Trump's chances and he's been ordered to kick this thing off now instead of pulling a Woodrow Wilson [campaign on isolationism, but go in after the election].

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753980  No.15877

File: e09ef184a00b38d⋯.gif (386.89 KB, 300x100, 3:1, 1575478940707.gif)

File: c2ef27fac6a84f7⋯.png (32.18 KB, 1010x258, 505:129, Screenshot_2020-01-04_12-1….png)


>continually invade a country for 50 years for monetary gain

>do it under the guise of bringing freedom

>kill their decent leaders

>cry when their people get pissed and organize around new leaders fit for the situation

>kill those new leaders

>start beating each other off at the prospect of WW3 after your 20 false flags failed to kick it off for 5 years straight

Sounds about right.


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e821c2  No.15885


>destructive middle eastern culture

>doesn't call out Christianity

I bet you think Jesus was a white man, don't you …

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d6aaf6  No.15886

You know what really boggles my mind? In the last 15 years Americans completely fucked:





Not only by invading, but also constantly funding and training "moderates" who then turn out to be terrorists as well as toppling regimes left and right. And now they are about to fuck Iran.

And americans and their media STILL somehow find a way to spin and justify this shit. What the fuck is wrong with these people?

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2de955  No.15889

File: f2958b61e9f7efa⋯.jpg (44.64 KB, 440x447, 440:447, DEM FAIL.JPG)


>what do you think about the whole situtaion ?

It's a distraction. Channers and MSM have been 100% focused on the Trump impeachment proceedings for months. Now it's clear that Dems have been totally BTFO and the whole charade could actually hurt Dems in the upcoming presidential election. Now they are all quickly switching gears to a topic that will make neocons look like the warmongers that they are. Meanwhile the Impeachment disaster has been quietly forgotten within a matter of days.

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1fe301  No.15892

File: 9eb94344664a0ab⋯.png (879.42 KB, 812x2149, 116:307, Screenshot_2019-11-27 Sen ….png)

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753980  No.15894

File: ae7c12284045df9⋯.png (16.37 KB, 538x123, 538:123, Screenshot_2020-01-04_12-2….png)

File: 0a59d1ed8fee67c⋯.png (70.42 KB, 1006x328, 503:164, Screenshot_2020-01-04_12-2….png)

File: 6f90deb1cf0f751⋯.png (38.03 KB, 556x222, 278:111, Screenshot_2020-01-04_12-2….png)


>What the fuck is wrong with these people?

Pics related.



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083e38  No.15900

File: 0bae0452052bcf6⋯.webm (185.5 KB, 480x360, 4:3, wake up.webm)


>You know what really boggles my mind?

Allow me to shine some light on the mystery for you.

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e821c2  No.15902


Not really. Trump IS impeached. That will forever be a part of his legacy and he will forever be in the history books as the "third President to be impeached". There is no getting around it or denying it. Now, the Senate may choose to acquit - and I'm sure they will - but Trump is absolutely 100% an impeached President.

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8e9cb8  No.15905


I'm an Iranian too and you seem like a fag.

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f21f7a  No.15908


I'm sure he lost no sleep over that at all.

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13e77c  No.15909

Listened to Alex Jonestown yesterday [paraphrasing slightly]

>History repeats itself. Last century Aryans wanted to take over the world, and now Aryans are again vowing to do so again.

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e821c2  No.15910


It was supposed to mean something. The entire supposedly "20 million strong" Q-Army was supposed to rise up and destroy America "if Trump gets impeached". Guess they moved the goalposts again.


He lost a lot of sleep over it. He's been crying about it non-stop like a purple haired fat girl when you don't user her chosen pronoun.

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13e77c  No.15913


He was impeached on the flimsiest ground imaginable because of a hyper partisan divide. There is an argument that he technically hasn't been impeached until congress submits articles of impeachment to the Senate.

It really means absolutely nothing. What does mean something, is for him to win reelection in 2020, and this little act for Israel will ensure that the Senate acquits him.

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1fe301  No.15915


Him and Scheuer [who has quietly been raging about "ayatollahs" and "pallets of cash" and "nazi adam schiff" for months] have been completely comped. Alex I'm sure is through his wife/children. Scheuer I can only assume is financial or blackmail against his CIA torturer wife.

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f21f7a  No.15916

File: a4ef66014fa00bf⋯.jpg (1.71 MB, 3160x2882, 1580:1441, slaves of zion.jpg)


Everything he says on twitter is just theatre, dumbo.

Do you also believe republicans and democrats are not on the same team? Theres only one party in Weimerica, the zionist party.

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1fe301  No.15917


Impeachment is a pleb engagement mechanism for ZOG theater typically related to squabbles over behind the scenes rents.

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640f9b  No.15922

File: f74105ad3640e3c⋯.mp4 (10.74 MB, 720x480, 3:2, Alex Jones Calls into Mich….mp4)

File: 61bcaf873a381fc⋯.webm (382.25 KB, 568x480, 71:60, Alex Jones - Devil-worshi….webm)


Sad to hear about Scheuer, but Jonestein has always been totally controlled, he just played a slightly different character in the past.

Mp4 is very relevant. In 2006 he called into Michael Collins Piper's show, and while he did try to downplay jewry's global role, what he said was mostly factual, but then it turned out that at that exact same time he was trying to get the "anti-Semite" Piper dropped from RBN affiliates.


Any idea what part of the show it was in? I really want to hear it, but I can't sit through 3hrs of a zionist penis juice merchant.

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427e92  No.15928


Not him, but why?

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8222bc  No.15938


Pretty sure it would be this show, but I cannot remember where. I've been trying to find it myself.


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e821c2  No.15940


>I was only pretending to be retarded


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1fe301  No.15942


Are you disputing the uniparty?

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e821c2  No.15944


No, I'm disputing the statement that Trump's twiiter feed is just theater. Trump is genuinely, unironically retarded. He's not just pretending.

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1fe301  No.15947


When you focus on his twitter, you're not focusing on things like his administration sending $400B in heavy weapons to the same Ukrainian government his proxies accuse of being in bed with Joe Biden, whatever that means. It is theater.

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d0bfd1  No.15949


>What does mean something, is for him to win reelection in 2020, and this little act for Israel will ensure that the Senate acquits him.

That still doesn't win him reelection. His faggot boomer supporters might want war with Iran but his other supporters don't. A lot of people voted for him because of the promise of no more foreign wars, no more attacks on gun rights, and for fixing the immigration problem. He's failed on all three accounts. And Trump can't afford to lose a single voter.

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1fe301  No.15950


That's assuming elections aren't 100% rigged and they might not be. If they aren't, the estimation may have already been made that Trump bled off enough support from non-typical voters where re-election was iffy, so get things hot enough where it gets dumped off on the next guy even if he loses.

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083e38  No.15954

File: c7806358e2bd811⋯.png (513.93 KB, 550x412, 275:206, probably true tbh.png)


>After being informed that he lost the /pol/ vote, Trump said "fuck it" and went full-throttle third temple mode towards Greater Israel.

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31a560  No.15956


This is why Iran must not fall for the bait and rush to attack. Trump supporters will back him 100% in a defensive war, but not if it's another 20 year quagmire with boots on the ground.

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159dae  No.15957


No, jew foreign legion started it by occupying and destroying a country for jews, you can't cry victim to any response of that.

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159dae  No.15959


They haven't filed the paperwork, that's like saying your car is registered without filing the paperwork at the DMV.

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e821c2  No.15960

File: 6f8be93e78a2050⋯.jpg (145.14 KB, 640x750, 64:75, Iran.jpg)


Y'all just gonna keep grasping at every little straw you can, eh? In the meantime, enjoy $15/gallon gas!

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1fe301  No.15961


/pol/ is a small slice of the more radical side of views that are more widely held in the US than the six o'clock jew news wants to admit. People who want mexicans deported en mass. People who want a closed off economy. Those people typically didn't vote because their views and interests were not even pretended to be catered to.

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02f702  No.15962


>defensive war

Are you retarded? Did you really think Iran was going to invade the US? LMAO the only thing getting out of Iran will be ballistic missiles heading straight for Tel Aviv, and New York if we're lucky.

I hope Iran manages to develop some nukes during the war so we can finally see the world cleansed in nuclear fire.

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1fe301  No.15963



Can we set up an exclusively nigger image board for these guys?

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083e38  No.15965

File: c6298fa9cbb0f86⋯.jpg (63.04 KB, 727x689, 727:689, s00p.jpg)


>an exclusively nigger image board

We've only had one for like seventeen fucking years. If only I could remember the name.

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02f702  No.15967


That would mean war with the UAE. They'd have to glass that entire country if they wish to maintain that blockade. Meanwhile, oil trade can still be conducted from Saudi Arabia and they can boost production if necessary.

A more surgical response would be the destruction of any US bases in Iraq.

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843e61  No.15970

Cant wait for Murica to wipe the earth clean of all these sandniggers

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000000  No.15976

Boomer dad won't listen to anything I have to say about Iran, thinking about sending him an email filled with properly backed sources and infographs

care to help or would I just be wasting my time?

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cd377f  No.15981


You'd be wasting your time. His mind belongs to the broadcasting jews. His head will be filled with propaganda and resistant to even the most rigorously conducted discussion.

Just prepare yourself and your friends for what's imminent.

The boomers are lost.

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d0bfd1  No.15986


Go back to your fucktarded boomer board >>>/qresearch/

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e821c2  No.15990


"Sandniggers" are Arabs. Iranians are Persian. The proper pejorative would be "Majoos".

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8e6787  No.15991

Trump says US to strike 52 Iranian sites 'VERY FAST and VERY HARD’ if Tehran moves to avenge general's death

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e821c2  No.15994


>can't handle Southern White colloquialisms


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8e6787  No.15996


As per usual, the retard is the one projecting. If Iranian backed militants bombed a U.S. city, or struck missiles at troops stationed in the middle east, Trump supporters would absolutely support his effort to avenge the loss. Further more, if the target were Israel rather than any American asset, you'd have every evangelical signing up his first born son to invade Iran.

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1fe301  No.15998


Country would be better off with those halfwits six feet under. No greater humiliation in the modern "West" than dipshit White dupes who keep signing up to defend, enforce, and empower the regime sworn to their personal and racial extermination.

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8e6787  No.16000


Oh I don't disagree, but the fact is you know they'd rush head first into the conflict, learning absolutely nothing from all the previous ones. There would be no real winner. Iran would be devastated, and many Americans would come home in coffins or severely wounded.

It would be far better to educate these "halfwits" before they commit to the fight. After all, these are white boys being sent off as lambs to the slaughter.

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d0bfd1  No.16004



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1fe301  No.16005


I'm sure some would sign up, but I have my doubts how numerous they still are. I think they are closer to used up.

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8e6787  No.16006

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8e6787  No.16007

File: d3bab704b92b6ac⋯.png (397.82 KB, 1248x1474, 624:737, trump iran.png)

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d0bfd1  No.16008



>"If Iran strikes any Americans, or American assets, we have…targeted 52 Iranian sites (representing the 52 American hostages taken by Iran many years ago), some at a very high level & important to Iran & the Iranian culture, and those targets, and Iran itself, WILL BE HIT VERY FAST AND VERY HARD,"

>Iranian culture

What an absolute piece of shit trump has turned out to be.

>muh 52 gorrilian hostages

Retarded neocons gonna neocon.

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1fe301  No.16009


Bernard Marcus, Paul Singer, Sheldon Adelson, Jared Kushner, Trump. That's a good list of targets. You can tell how full of shit China is since Sheldon Adelson is still skimming his millions of rent dollars from Macau.

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8e6787  No.16015


Yeah, this pisses me off "important to Iran & the Iranian culture." It reminds me of a speech Hitler gave where he was lamenting that centuries of great European artwork could just be decimated in seconds by some American farm boy flying a bomber over a city.

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d0bfd1  No.16016


Technically speaking an attempt to erase culture or cultural sites falls under the rubric of genocide.

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e821c2  No.16018


>still butthurt about something that happened 40 years ago

Damn … he is literally a Jew!

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9343e7  No.16020


>in conclusion it is seem like both Isreal and Republicans want Iran to be a strong regime in the area

No, they just want war like the dirty Jews they are.

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3acdf2  No.16052


deliberate targeting of cultural non military sites is a war crime. they'll use this at the UN trial

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000000  No.16055


>The USA wants no more threats!

It's easy - nuke yourself, USA.

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000000  No.16058


>oy vey goyim you shouldn't like Christianity!

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000000  No.16059



<League of Nations

Is dead.

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d0bfd1  No.16061


>inb4 Trump gets re-impeached on war crime charges

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000000  No.16064


Good thing the US has a permanent seat then, huh?

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e821c2  No.16066


If you really want to piss off the Jew, you become Muslim. Jews can't control Muslims. Jews control Christians with "turn the other cheek" and "the meek shall inherit the earth" and all that drivel. You can be a braided beard sword wielding Odin worshiping white nationalist and the Jew won't care. Soon as you declare shahadah, however, every Jew in the world screams in agony.

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000000  No.16071


This is a form of civil war, choose a side and fight.

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000000  No.16073


What if I'm not an amerimutt evangelical rabbi?

And wahabis aren't controlled by jews at all, right rabbi?

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1fe301  No.16074


If that were genuinely true, jews wouldn't have flooded every single White, Western target of their occupation with specifically Muslims.

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000000  No.16075


>become Muslim

Fuck you, mud.

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000000  No.16076

There's never going to be any open warfare, just random jabs here and there between JewSA and Iran. A few villages bombed, some sanctions here and there, but never open warfare. Congress hasn't formally declared war on any nation since Japan in WWII, it's always just "military advisors". Don't get too excited for WWIII, think to yourself how many times you've been juked out in the past.

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4c1138  No.16078


>Boomer dad won't listen to anything I have to say about Iran, thinking about sending him an email filled with properly backed sources and infographs

>care to help or would I just be wasting my time?

To a boomer political opinions are about social posturing and virtue signalling. Not about standing for something that is true or something that works.

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e821c2  No.16079




Try again.


>has never heard of White Shariah

Come home, White man.


It's funny to see people here being genuinely afraid to be part of something greater than themselves. You so desperately want to organize, but you lack the one fundamental necessity: fearlessness. When you're no longer afraid to be part of something, something real, something beyond shitposting a memes, we'll be waiting.

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4c1138  No.16080


>There would be no real winner.

Oh yes it would. An US-Iran war would allow the chinks to defeat America trough a proxy and getting away with it. Chink money buys russian weapons which end up in the hands of iranians. The american public will only see russian weapons and assume they have been donated by Evil Putler.

The cost of an Iran war would absolutely wreck the US armed forces, particulary the Navy and Air force. The army uses cheap shit and cheap disposable men that are easily replaced, but the Navy and Air Force uses capital items that require big capital spending to produce. A lost F-22 is literally irreplacable.

The end result is that China becomes the world undisputed superpower in 2030 with America drained to the bone. Flawless victory without firing a single shot.

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000000  No.16086


>NoT ReAl MuSLiMs!

Kike, millenial, or just really fucking retraded?

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e821c2  No.16087


>one tiny faction that makes up <3% of the world's Muslims are the only true Muslims

Ok Boomer.

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000000  No.16090


Yep, wahabis aren't funded by kikes and responsible for the majority of terrorist attacks and indoctrination in the West at all

Where the fuck do you think you are, kike?

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d0bfd1  No.16091

File: bd0faed10898a5e⋯.jpg (33.41 KB, 399x400, 399:400, Mechanicum.1.jpg)


>A lost F-22 is literally irreplacable.

And a lost F-22 would be nothing compared to a lost aircraft carrier. Those things are practically artifacts from the elder days.

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3ac0b5  No.16093

File: ded7b82d8dd4b2d⋯.jpg (231.25 KB, 1085x1424, 1085:1424, lol.jpg)

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5c544a  No.16095

"White Sharia" this is a shitpost right? Please tell me it is.

"We want to adopt an alien relgion thus culture and customs to destroy and supercede our own but we are also White!!!"

If your Islam you revoke your White license, but that doesn't make you middle-eastern just makes you hated and laughed at by both sides.

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e821c2  No.16096


Literally nobody in the world, especially not Muslims, give a shit about the "wahabis". They're not even Muslim. They don't follow God or the Prophets, they follow their sacred messiah, Muhammad ibn Abd al-Wahhab and his holy book "Al-Usool-uth-Thalaatha". Calling wahabists Muslim makes about as much sense as calling Scientologists Christian.

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85ff27  No.16097


No, that shit is probably real.

Some people are actually that stupid.

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000000  No.16099


Yep, Wahabis aren't funded by Saudi Arabia (the place where Mecca is btw in case you didn't know. That place that's Islam's holiest site?) and thus the kikes and totally doesn't have the leading Islamic schools in the Muslim world where all the terrorist leaders have links to.

JIDF please spend more shekels, the quality of your shills on 8kun is fucking abysmal.

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e821c2  No.16100


It's real and you've probably been practicing it for a long time and don't even realize it. What you strive to conquer - Jewish control through processed foods, porn addiction, and feminism - we've already destroyed in ourselves and our communities. We've moved on to the next step while you still struggle with the basics. We're here to help you. Come home, White Man!

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e821c2  No.16101


>still trying to make people believe that the snake handlers are the real Christians … I mean, the wahabis are the real Muslims

Stop hiding in Tor. We can take your shame away from you and make you know that you don't have to hide.

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0a27f7  No.16102


Correction: 53

We're getting that fucking flag!

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000000  No.16104


>oy vey why won't the goyim share his IP address?

>Still can't refute the fact that Wahabism is the most well funded and influential Islam, especially in the West


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b90b23  No.16105


Kek. I do not support bombing Iran to the stone age, but if Trump sent in a team to steal that Red War flag off the top of the mosque, that would be quite great.

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e821c2  No.16106



You can hide from me, but you can't hide from God. We are 100s of millions strong. Be part of something greater than yourself. Come home!

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1fe301  No.16112


I think it would be better if you went home, Rahman.

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4ce3b9  No.16113


It is objectively genocide, and I expect the Iranians to do the same to Israel in return.

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4ce3b9  No.16115

File: b4ae336f9fee475⋯.jpg (15.01 KB, 255x229, 255:229, b4ae336f9fee4750566188c500….jpg)

File: 0f4baab33b6d269⋯.jpg (175.46 KB, 800x533, 800:533, Ulfheonar.jpg)


Look man, I appreciate that you are trying to rescue this anon from the black pits of atheism, but we Europeans already have some better options.

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000000  No.16116


Why should amerimutts be exempt?

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1fe301  No.16117


Had the guy pegged a while ago. >>15963

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e821c2  No.16118


What you fail to realize, brother, is that I am home.


How is that a better option? The Saxon gods call on you to sacrifice your own children in blood. How are you going to continue the White race if you're slaughtering your own children? There's a reason that there are no more Vikings.

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e821c2  No.16120


If you can't handle White Southern colloquialisms, that's your problem.

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1fe301  No.16121


Home as in go back to Morocco. You're filtered, btw.

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e821c2  No.16123


>You're filtered

Then I shall see you in other threads.

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e256ad  No.16124


Those aren't faggots, those are rapists. If you're gay in Iran and get caught they force you to live as a woman, they don't execute you.

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8429ce  No.16125


Fuck off feminist nigger.

Woman must be beaten for the sake of beating discipline inside them so they could follow male's orders.

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e256ad  No.16126


>every jew in the world screams in pain if you convert to Islam

Absolutely retarded, Christianity and paganism are both considered to be idolatry by just about all rabbis whereas Islam isn't.

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8429ce  No.16128


Christianity is a good goy religion.

It's like kikes who pretend to hate Trump.

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1fe301  No.16129


It's a brown shill cruising for recruits because it doesn't want its parents home/business in the West to have its profits damaged in a civil war – since material benefit is the only reason they came here. Filter it.

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4ce3b9  No.16131

File: 3a5721e5a9ba6a0⋯.jpg (82.44 KB, 736x981, 736:981, I LIVE I DIE I LIVE AGAIN.jpg)

File: f9b42deda8d5a9c⋯.jpg (57.39 KB, 501x657, 167:219, tumblr_o0k4mhvaD01sz65cdo1….jpg)

File: 766f620c489fe9b⋯.png (326.03 KB, 500x571, 500:571, 5a8c01ec53dc5b7641746aee9c….png)


Nigger, I posted Norse-Germanic warrior-monks, Anglo-Saxons were their fucking prey. Fuck off with your 'Saxon' bullshit.

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e256ad  No.16134

File: 1c9c461cf49b70c⋯.png (101.45 KB, 511x584, 7:8, Screenshot 2020-01-04 at 9….png)

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e821c2  No.16138


Even better. The Norse-Germanic warrior monks, extinct. The German Reich, extinct. You follow fallen gods with extinct followers. How sad and lonely your life must be.

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8429ce  No.16140


Not pagan but you sound exactly like a kike.

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e821c2  No.16142


Kikes don't ask you to join them. They demand you join something long dead or something that makes you a cow.

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0246bc  No.16149

File: 3ac90c7ecf03362⋯.png (480.53 KB, 579x559, 579:559, eurasianeconomicunion.PNG)

Rouhani and Javid Zarif at least are both Western assets, look up their histories, especially in the US and the universities they went to - why else would Rouhani travel all the way to Glasgow to do a thesis on Sharia law?

And what happened to the relative pan-Arab solidarity under Ahmadinejad? Now Iran seems more interested in going after the Saudis and other Arab nations than going after Israel in any productive, mature way. When they DO go after Israel, they do it by screaming 'death to America, death to Israel!', by putting those very slogans up on billboards all over the Middle East, and by burning flags on live broadcast from parliament. Not exactly the most logical and subtle way of doing things, especially for a country courting the favor of Germany and the EU as a whole, no? Just like the photo-ops of Hezbollah roman saluting and goosestepping. Generally being exactly the boogeyman that Israel needs - so it's not exactly a stretch to ask the question of whether Israel and Iran are actually working together, at some level.

I don't believe there'll be war any time soon - people have been assuring us that war with Iran is just round the corner at least since 2017 when they dropped the USD. Iran isn't Libya, and things have changed a lot in recent years. For one Trump needs to at least ensure his re-election, and war would be suicide for his voter base. Then again pulling out of the Middle East with all the mess they've caused would be suicide too, and there's been a lot of talk of that as well, which brings me to my main point here. This isn't about war per se, this is all about shifting trade blocs. They *want* the US to make a botched job of it just like they did in Iraq. Americans are getting sick of war, but China, and to an extent Russia, aren't. If all goes to plan, America will eventually withdraw from the Middle East, leaving everything under the control of Russia and China, who have both been strengthening their alliances with Israel. China even has a lot of relations with Iran, which in itself is suspicious given China's treatment of Muslims.

TL;DR this is all about setting up Iran as Israel's boogeyman, allowing them to influence other Arab nations, breaking up pan-Arab nationalism, ensuring Greater Israel, and ultimately withdrawing a tired, used up America from the region, and handing the reigns over to China and Russia who will enact Israel's wishes even more swiftly and brutally.

Look up the main cities and nations involved in China's Belt and Road. Look up Russia's 'Eurasian' project as set out in Dugin's 'Foundations of Geopolitics', and look into their pipelines like Nord Stream 2. Look up Chinese and Russian investment in Israel and vice versa. Look up China and Russia dropping the USD, stocking up on gold, and the gold bloc between countries like Russia, Iran, Turkey etc.

If you didn't before, you'll start to see what's going on here.

>World upside down as EU and Russia [and China] unite against US [over Iran oil deals and Russia's Nord Stream 2 pipeline into Germany]




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e256ad  No.16151


>And what happened to the relative pan-Arab solidarity under Ahmadinejad?

The Sunnis allied with Israel. Saudi Arabia even did so officially. You're getting your causality completely confused.

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000000  No.16175

Fucking hell. Now every thread is turning into /islam/ vs /christianity/. We've been invaded.

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a053c7  No.16212

File: 4ad58996939d84e⋯.png (70.41 KB, 612x350, 306:175, MIC.png)

The MIC needs blood.

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25c8f5  No.16228

File: 183e6e9afb23cdc⋯.jpg (107.62 KB, 1024x869, 1024:869, f59cc4f4a26721ed8f836ed53e….jpg)

File: 64f678a61d94110⋯.jpg (42.81 KB, 403x604, 403:604, Ulfhedhinn.jpg)

File: b7378d41d9e25b9⋯.jpg (22.79 KB, 277x400, 277:400, hitler.jpg)


>The Norse-Germanic warrior monks, extinct.

>The German Reich, extinct

An eco-fascist fumigated fifty of you cockroaches with a rune-plastered rifle during this very year, can you really say that with a straight face?

Both the reich and the warrior-spirit of our ancestors live within us, and they always will. Hitler himself was an incarnation of Wotan, he was not the first and will not be the last.

>You follow fallen gods with extinct followers

The Gods will not fall until the day of Ragnarok, and they are still worshiped to this day, we are not 'extinct'.

>sad and lonely

Unlike you, I don't need to be part of a pedophile death-cult to have friends.

You sound more jewish than persian, though it might be the abrahamic slave-morality doing it's work on your feeble mind. Your ancestors would have welcomed us as worthy foes instead of these limp-wristed attempts at conversion. Are you even persian? If you are, then it's clear the arabs raped away your manhood like they did to your old traditions. If you're arab filth though, which I bet you are, then take your troops to the street and we will break you, invader.

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f00c89  No.16244


>Southern colloquialism


Nah, Southern speech is negrified, full stop.

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d85867  No.16249

File: 7a15a4767c4e15c⋯.jpg (62.74 KB, 494x390, 19:15, ISIS-Global-Cowardice.jpg)


Wow, must take a big stronk germanic warrior to kill women and children. Wotan must be so proud of a coward like Tarrant.

So stunning and brave of you LARPagans to accelerate the jewish agenda. You are literally no better than the muslims you hate.

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5c544a  No.16254


The Jewish agenda is to kill us and keep us asleep. Forcing people to wake up through a race war or scaring off the Muzzies is more effective than any mass movement to ever exist since 1945.

What is your plan, hmm?

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d65466  No.16267


>What is your plan, hmm?

nice try feds

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244873  No.16269


>be part of something greater than themselves

Mohammed please, you retards can't even stop killing yourselves.Your desert pedo cult has nothing to offer Europeans. Hitler was being kind in complimenting your sort for being quick to aggression in your eagerness for war.

You must remember that Christianity is an amalgamation of Greek philosophies, which is a far more natural to our kind than something designed for nomadic caravan raiders.

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9ca3fb  No.16273

File: 369b56fa8bb619c⋯.jpg (186.13 KB, 460x650, 46:65, Saint Paisios of Mt Athos.jpg)



Elder Saint Paisios Against Zionists And Cowardly Orthodox

>“The Zionists want to rule the world”, warned holy monk of Mt. Athos Elder Paisios before his death in 1994.

>The Zionists are already preparing their messiah. For them the false-messiah will be king, will rule here, on earth. A great discord will arise. In this discord everyone will clamor for a king to save them. At that moment they’ll offer up their man, who’ll say: “I’m the Imam, I’m the fifth Buddha, I’m the Christ whom Christians are awaiting. I’m the one whom the Jehovah’s Witnesses have been waiting for. I’m the Jewish messiah.”

>Difficult times are ahead. Great trials await us. Christians will suffer great persecutions. Meanwhile, it’s obvious that people don’t understand that we’re on the verge of the end times, that the seal of the Antichrist is becoming a reality. As if nothing’s happening. That’s why Holy Scripture says that even the chosen will be deceived.

>The Zionists want to rule the earth. To achieve their ends they use black magic and satanism. They regard satan-worship as a means to gain the strength they need to carry out their plans. They want to rule the earth using satanic power.

>God is not something they take into account. One sign that the fulfillment of prophecy is near will be the destruction of the Mosque of Omar in Jerusalem. They’ll destroy it in order to restore the Temple of Solomon which used to be on the same place.

>In the end the Jews will pronounce the Antichrist messiah in this rebuilt temple. The rabbis know that the true Messiah has already come and that they crucified Him. They know this, and yet they are blinded by egotism and fanaticism.

The full text is much larger and worth the read.

tl;dr Zionists seek world domination and use finance, usury, and black magic to achieve this end and will usher in the Antichrist.


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107dbd  No.16319


>or liked WW3 memes

How to discredit your entire post and prove that you aren't from here and 99% a CIA.

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f9c6fb  No.16322

File: f450b4be2cd0869⋯.jpg (85.51 KB, 720x527, 720:527, muh pallets.jpg)


kek. I found this right on the infowars home page.

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f9c6fb  No.16324


Also I just need to say, isn't that just an abysmal cartoon. How crappy are you as an artist if you draw a pallet of cash, and then have to label it so.

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d0bfd1  No.16329

File: 17731c616e86307⋯.jpg (282.69 KB, 720x527, 720:527, teotwawki.jpg)


Even King Nigger turned out to be less bad of a president than trump did. It's fucking flabbergasting.

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9112b7  No.16330

Iran should just kill Trump, no harm to anyone else.

Someone should contact someone in Iran and make this suggestion to them.

I bet US gets more intelligent president next time who doesn't kill people for fun.

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f9c6fb  No.16331


Needs more labels.

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a0c6da  No.16334

File: 71fca3be60c9bb1⋯.jpeg (33.14 KB, 700x390, 70:39, 51526258-0F77-4067-815C-B….jpeg)


Oh look a buttmad mudslime. May many Brenton Tarrants raid your mosques

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d0bfd1  No.16340

File: 829df6c4574a781⋯.png (564.03 KB, 720x770, 72:77, labels.png)

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db03c9  No.16341


Sorry anon, but during the Bush years, a bill was passed into taw prevent any American from standing trial for war crimes at The Hague International Criminal Court.

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000000  No.16344


>Iran should

China should heavily arm anti-trump radical movements in USA. Right now.

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8b93b0  No.16354

What is done is done now. It would likely be wise for both sides to back off unless they want to escalate a lot more death for both sides.

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0cfd88  No.16362


it's going to be hard to do that if the Jews and their agenda you are accelerating takes people's guns away.

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6b0dfc  No.16373


Attacks from before. I’ve been loosely following this and clearly know more than everyone here. Either way the USA raised the bar by doing this. I really hope Iran fucks up Isreal for this.

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e256ad  No.16419


If people allow them to take their guns away suddenly they would have definitely allowed it to happen slowly. Any time I read this idiotic tack I'm convinced that the person pushing it must be old and their gameplan must be to just push things off for a decade or two so that they'll be dead and not have to deal with it.

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a1857c  No.16452


The only way I see least likely escalating is if the U.S "re-proxies" its actions in the Middle East immediately so a cycle of direct escalation is avoided while still exerting influence. I don't expect them to just back off entirely, they have too strong of a (((vested interest))) to do so. It's likely Iran understands this situation as well, and will strictly retaliate by using their proxies to mitigate that risk. It's all up to how the U.S responds to the definite retaliatory action that's coming, and it's going to be big.

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2f1da6  No.16526

Iran should be voting on whether to revoke USA's authorisation to stay in Iraq.

Unconfirmed but it seems enough voted yes.

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27b2c6  No.16564


Was Obama the man to save the west the whole time?

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4e8b0e  No.16577


I have a feeling if Iran is smart they will stop attacking Americans and start to target (((the real threat))) if you know what I mean. However that too would most likely escalate war.

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173833  No.16599


What Americans has Iran been attacking and how are Americans different from (((the real threat))) at this point? Complaining that you're occupied only goes so far when you put up practically zero resistance.

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29fa29  No.16605


Absolutely fantastic.

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846503  No.16607


I really don't know how many troops have died from Iran, perhaps some of that outrage is overblown. As for being occupied? Most Western nations are. And many Americans are doing what they can to resist and have been for some time. Don't expect chimp outs though, we happen to be more civilized when it comes to activism. Such as challenging unconstitutional laws in the courts. Voting for grassroots candidates. Sometimes even far as to disobey laws too, but most of us keep hush hush when doing so (being busted would do us no good). Are things shitty for many? Sure, but that's just the way life is, a constant struggle between citizens and governments. At least we still have Constitutional law and because of that, we can legally challenge those laws and have the repealed. And yes that does happen more often than you would think.

For those that claim "that's not enough" well then what do you expect us to do? Shoot politicians? Go ahead and try that and see how your life ends behind bars, outside some civil war that ain't gonna happen.

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33db81  No.16611

File: 49011eb842757bc⋯.png (181.47 KB, 1212x806, 606:403, 1.png)

File: 5d71e20bef63159⋯.png (145.79 KB, 1236x646, 618:323, 2.png)

What an absolute piece of shit!

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173833  No.16624


>I really don't know how many troops have died from Iran, perhaps some of that outrage is overblown.

Say the number is overblown. Say the number is not overblown. Where have these troops died? Where is the important thing here.

>As for being occupied? Most Western nations are.

Yeah, that's what I said.

>And many Americans are doing what they can to resist

No, they aren't. I don't really need to comment on the rest of your pedantic post. Same stupid patriotard shit. Fuck America and fuck you.

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357401  No.16643

File: 61a9d9c84970559⋯.webm (7.87 MB, 426x240, 71:40, Tremor - DJ Harris ft. Sk….webm)


>someone invoked Mad Bomber Harris

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357401  No.16644

File: 5bff2d750df9603⋯.mp4 (4.53 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Former Acting Director of ….mp4)

And I forgot I have this relevant clip.

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5c544a  No.16653

Germany: *doesn't bomb either side's civilians because of agreement*

Mongreland:*starts bombing German civilians because of attempted peace offer*

Germany: *Bombs back*

America: *Fire bombs women and children, drops fuse delayed bombs DESIGNED to kill civilians some of whom are still killing Germans today*

Germany: Wtf

America: WeLl YoU sHoUlNt Of StArTeD bOmBiNg If YoU dIdN't WaNt To Be BoMbEd

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009999  No.16656


>puts rugs over their woman's heads and enslave them,

And that's bad how?…

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5c544a  No.16657

The Americans are nothing but dogs on a leash for their Jewish masters barking when the kike says it's time.

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5c544a  No.16660


How is that good? Both female and male traits are needed for society to run, I hate the U.S goverment but Islam is just as bad chief. The enemy of my enemy is not my freind. Middle-Easterners and Niggers need to dissapear from the world.

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009999  No.16661


>think of the sandnigger children!

Don't make it THAT obvious, Muhmad. Should we also cry for rat pinkies eating rat-poison?

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009999  No.16664



> Both female and male traits are needed for society to run

Yes, but female traits should be confined in the kitchen.

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8e9cb8  No.16665


The USA and Russia and the UK sure did a good job of defending against Hitler and didn't donufin'. Happy non-binary day, xer.

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27b2c6  No.16672


>Yes, but female traits should be confined in the kitchen.

Okay, incel.

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e256ad  No.16673



Women aren't "enslaved" in Iran, they're made to wear head coverings. Big fucking deal, I really don't see the problem. There were dress codes enforced in the West for most of our history, "female liberation" has been a disaster. If anything my problem with how Iran treats women is that they're too permissive. They're welcome in universities, the job market, and are allowed to both vote and hold office.

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5c544a  No.16688


Just forget the inability of Women to divorce without paying a downpayment, the okaying of rape betwix a man and a woman, Female genetial mutilation, the pushing of child brides and stuff (even Muhammad the degenerate had one).

Oh and the rug, how is that good? Do you not want to see the beauty of western women to better sexually select a good mate? I could get it if you're a sandnigger and don't want to see your shebaboons but western women are hot. Hrmm

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009999  No.16697

File: 2730ba2713b5628⋯.png (788.57 KB, 1887x2545, 1887:2545, how_to_identify_anons_that….png)


>le reddit buzzwords

>muh dick!

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73aa79  No.16698


okay, 4cuck

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27b2c6  No.16699



Doesn't make him any less of an incel, incels.

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73aa79  No.16703


go back

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009999  No.16704

File: 12f1e523e2ac592⋯.jpg (356.17 KB, 1600x2812, 400:703, feminism, a jewish war on ….jpg)


I bet you pussywhipped faggot also think women should be allowed to vote.

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e256ad  No.16706


>inability of women to divorce without a downpayment

The only thing wrong with this is the option to pay a downpayment. No fault divorce is one of the worst things ever conceived of.

>okaying of rape betwix a man and a woman

False, punishment for rape is execution by hanging. A lot of the pictures that retarded conservatives are parading around as being people hanged for being gay is actually rapists when you bother to track down the source pic, the rest are drug dealers.

>Female genital mutilation

Its not something that's encouraged by the Iranian government, its something people have to do in secret. Iranian government has tried using state propaganda to discourage people from engaging in the practice.

>pushing of child brides

I disagree with the age they allow girls to be married off at, though it should be mentioned that boys are also married at a young age, one of the few problems I have with them.

>Oh and the rug, how is that good?

Women should dress modestly. What "modest" entails differs by culture, in the West traditionally that would not entail head coverings but would entail covering up most of a woman's legs for instance. Allowing women to go around dressing like sluts encourages promiscuity, promiscuity contributes to higher divorce rates, leads to the breakdown of the nuclear family, leads to the next generation being raised in poor environments and the degradation of the nation as a whole. Women in general going around dressed like a bunch of whores is a very recent occurence in the West, as in within the last century. Before this there were standards.

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27b2c6  No.16707



Blaming problems on women having the same opportunities as men in politics or the workforce is not only unreasonable, but it doesn't fix anything. Hating women won't make men such as yourselves less lonely.

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dcc6fc  No.16712

File: 3742f925c32d157⋯.jpg (120.78 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, Pathetic.jpg)



Cool shit.

WW 3 will not happen. It just stopped being a proxy war after US decided to drop bombs in that guy. Now the whole world will watch if Iran pretend this is still proxy war or decide to take war to a whole level. Still not WW material. See the screenshot here: >>16007

What would be WW material? It's when it involves a country with nuclear weapons. Other than that, it's just regional wars.

And no, I don't care about Iran or rest of countries. They can fuck off with islam after they decided to force the whole population into islam. I hope they can enjoy being destroyed.


Exactly. And this is the kind of thing I want to see. The whole muslim world in war between them so they can go to extinction so we don't need to deal with this shit ever again (aka anything related to islam)

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d0bfd1  No.16713


All China would have to do is declare their annexation of Taiwan and the South China Sea and Trump's ball and the balls of the rest of the military industrial complex will draw up so far that they'll look like eunuchs.

Or they could even just officially drop the dollar or impose import/export restrictions on the US to achieve much the same thing.

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18b885  No.16714

word is eeran wants to retaliate within the cyber warfare theatre, declaring themselves a "tier 1 cyber power." well somewhere there is a mudnigger so high on meth he thinks he can out autist the autists. the civillian digital army would desimate those persian niggers. those who want to live, let them fight, and those who do not want to fight in this world of eternal struggle do not deserve to live. I prefer a cyber war over a ground war all day every day. let ben shapiru go die for israel. lets hack for fun, for scalps, for the fuck of it. whats better than a digital license to kill. lets go scalpling lads. remember, subscribe.

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009999  No.16715


Literally every (((evil))) that has befallen western democracies, from sexual degeneracy to immigration is a direct result of women voting, you stupid nigger cunt. Go back to cuckchan with your fellow SJW roastbeef tumblards.

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27b2c6  No.16717


Are you really going to try and claim every problem that has ever happened was due to women?

Maybe we should ally with male jews to take out a common threat by that logic. This is why the ultra-sexist crap is a cancer for any political ideology.

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009999  No.16718


>Are you really going to try and claim every problem that has ever happened was due to women?

It's a self evident fact, you 1200ccm brained genitally impaired estrogen beast. Who's persistently voting left and its degenerative policies?


>?Maybe we should ally with male jews to take out a common threat by that logic.

Male jew is almost an oxymoron, you fucking retard. They are a tribe of matrilineal matriarchal neurotic little bitches.

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18b885  No.16721



are you so fucking dumb to not realize that men gave the power to women to be able to vote. it is not the fault of the woman, but the fault of the man for bowing to jewish influence. removing the mother from the home, shoving her into the work place. now both authority figures in the home are in the machine, slaving for their jewish masters. there is undeniable honor and duty and it is right for a woman to be at home raising children, whilst making that home a home. a man is there to provide, protect, to be the representative og logos in the home. a woman does the things a man cannot do - not everything a man can do, you ignorant jewish half chan reddit nigger. live stream your pathetic inevitable suicide. thank you for your generosity.

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27b2c6  No.16722


>ackchyually, jews count as women

lmfao Just take the L at this point.

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e256ad  No.16723



Its not the fault of women, its the fault of jews for pushing for female enfranchisement and our own men for going along with it. The fact that some nationalists are retarded enough to think that women voting and holding office is acceptable is a problem though. The jews did this shit for a reason and that reason is that women are even more easily influenced by propaganda than men. Allowing women the right to vote is in essence just leaving another attack vector for your society to be damaged by.

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5c544a  No.16725

The ability of any gender to vote is what lead to this problem. I can tell you no woman voted for Lincolin, and a majority of men voted for LBJ who passed the civil rights act.

Man is not equal thus not equally fit to rule, thus not equally fit to vote on who should rule. The strong should rule the weak and any system that goes against that is an affront to the truth of nature's inherent inequality and will lead inevitably to that system's doom.

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5c544a  No.16729

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e256ad  No.16731


Lincoln would have been fine if he hadn't pussied out on deporting the Africans after the war. As for LBJ it was seen as an act of solidarity in honoring JFK, which was obviously misguided but understandable. Women in every study ever conducted are lower information voters than men. While I agree that democracy in general is undesirable the more widespread the franchise is extended the worse things are.

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27b2c6  No.16732


Realistically, I don't believe that because this or that thing a jew or jews supported is the measuring stick as to why something is bad. Allowing women to have economic mobility and voting power isn't a problem by itself. And continuing to make issues such as immigration, degeneracy, so on and so forth, the blame of women not only continues to drain support of anything that is remotely right-wing, but also hurts young men by making them think the perfect partner is a woman who's a mother who you also get to fuck. For anyone who's actually been in a relationship with the opposite sex, that's not how it works and never was how that worked.

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0eac8f  No.16737

File: 0371268b9d3887a⋯.jpg (38.41 KB, 500x364, 125:91, 76536790356790532679053267….jpg)


Its just pocket monster war games to them.

(((They))) are just throwing pokeballs out and seeing what works, if it doesn't they return the fake shit and send another ball.

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e256ad  No.16738


Have I said that its the fault of women? No, I've said that its the fault of jews and foolish men such as yourself.

>B-But you can't get female support if you're against women voting

This is such a pathetic mentality, plenty of women are against women voting and holding office.

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27b2c6  No.16741


>Have I said that its the fault of women? No, I've said that its the fault of jews and foolish men such as yourself.

Except you're not following your logic all the way through. If we agree that jews gave women voting rights and economic mobility, then it is the fault of their choices meaning women are, in fact, to blame even if you want the jews to have the lion's share of it.

>This is such a pathetic mentality, plenty of women are against women voting and holding office.

Almost all women would object to being regarded as either stereotypical 1950s house wives or else considered broken. Further, most men disagree with this attitude as well. It's not reasonable to ask half the population to regulate themselves to second class citizens.

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d41a8d  No.16743


This. Kikes own Trump

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e256ad  No.16746


>Except you're not following your logic all the way through. If we agree that jews gave women voting rights and economic mobility, then it is the fault of their choices meaning women are, in fact, to blame even if you want the jews to have the lion's share of it.

Do you blame children for thinking that homosexuality is acceptable or do you blame the people who should be safeguarding them? Blaming women is retarded egalitarian thinking that presumes that men and women are equal.

>Almost all women would object to being regarded as either stereotypical 1950s house wives or else considered broken. Further, most men disagree with this attitude as well. It's not reasonable to ask half the population to regulate themselves to second class citizens.

I'm well aware that the majority of modern society is composed of absolute fools who believe in a fiction called equality. Most also believe that the only difference between races is skin color. Its absolutely laughable to me that any nationalist would use an argument based on popular consensus. Power is to be achieved through force and popular consensus is to be directed through proper incentives after attaining power.

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27b2c6  No.16747

polite sage for clarification


>then it is the fault of their choices meaning women are, in fact, to blame even if you want the jews to have the lion's share of it.

*then it is the fault of women's choices that have resulted in societal rot. Meaning women are, in fact, to blame even if you want the jews to have the lion's share of it.

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27b2c6  No.16749


>Do you blame children for thinking that homosexuality is acceptable or do you blame the people who should be safeguarding them? Blaming women is retarded egalitarian thinking that presumes that men and women are equal.

While women and men aren't the same or equal, there's not this gargantuan gap in the differences between men and women that places them as adults and children respectively. This is some weird incel belief.

>'m well aware that the majority of modern society is composed of absolute fools who believe in a fiction called equality. Most also believe that the only difference between races is skin color. Its absolutely laughable to me that any nationalist would use an argument based on popular consensus. Power is to be achieved through force and popular consensus is to be directed through proper incentives after attaining power.

This is wrong at a fundamental level. No nation can possibly survive without the will of the people in agreement with the state. You might be smarter than the "absolute fools" that make up almost everyone else in modern society, but this right here is foolish.

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e256ad  No.16761


>While women and men aren't the same or equal, there's not this gargantuan gap in the differences between men and women that places them as adults and children respectively. This is some weird incel belief.

On an emotional level there is this large of a disparity. This is why women's voting is done on an emotional level rather than on an informational basis. This is why women are far more predisposed to be welcoming of refugees in most of the West while being equally opposed as men to it in Eastern Europe, in both cases they are going along with state media targeting emotion rather than making rational decisions it is merely that in Eastern Europe they are mostly in control of their own media to promote beneficial policies.

>No nation can possibly survive without the will of the people in agreement with the state

Popular will can be manufactured. This is easily seen by observing the overwhelming shift in popular consensus over the past several decades that was achieved through control of the media and education system. It can be reversed through a similar gradual process if power is achieved, arguably even more easily as it would be a return to a more natural way of life. This notion that "equal rights" has been a positive thing for women is demonstrably false as they are less happy than they have ever been which can be seen by the ever rising percentage seeking antidepressant medication.

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5c544a  No.16772

Men and women are different. We serve different roles. A woman who is completly female is superior to a male who is not masculine. Both are needed for society to function, the man is fit to go to war the woman is not. The woman is fit to nuture a child, the man is not.

These gender roles can be applied without envolving degenerate Islamic pratices like female genetial multilation and child brides or enslaving the woman to the man. Like classes we shouldn't be pit against eachother but instead work for the higher good through fufilling our indviual roles in the natural order.

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000000  No.16781



Enslaving women and turning them into nothing more than wombs is not the answer. Men and women are made for different roles and each have their own unique ways of thinking (though men are overall superior, women are better with more specific tasks such as multitasking to ridiculous degrees and child rearing)

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e256ad  No.16787



Noone wants "enslavement" of women, the issue is how some want to define "enslavement". Women not being involved in politics and an understanding that the man is to be the head of the household is not slavery.

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083e38  No.16811

File: e735d6867816729⋯.jpg (673.53 KB, 632x768, 79:96, jhm6k5.jpg)


>Praising the Dresden Firebombing

Do not break into Jack Burkman's home and hold his family hostage. Do not make him watch his family burn alive inside the burning ruins of his home so that he may truly understand the gravity of his words. Definitely do not asphyxiate him by shoving the ashes of his cremated family down his throat until he chokes to death. Do not do that. That would be illegal.

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6833a7  No.16812


That's the biggest fucking joke I've heard all day. You'd be surprised what a Navy destroyer can unblock in 30 seconds. One US Navy destroyer has enough weaponry to make a parking lot.

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d0bfd1  No.16813

File: 780dfb30b687516⋯.jpg (155.21 KB, 1248x563, 1248:563, irlmaier may have seen som….jpg)

File: b5605d529d4d092⋯.png (100.22 KB, 1398x912, 233:152, prophecy of Alois Irlmaier….png)

Are we getting close?

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e821c2  No.16814


I am intimately familiar with the US Navy. You, however, might want to study up on Iran's Navy. These ain't no Iraqi monkeys who will surrender to CNN crews at the first sign of shooting.

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d0bfd1  No.16828

File: 506564721190b83⋯.gif (165.06 KB, 313x474, 313:474, US_Navy's_new_training_man….gif)


That's assuming that the Navy doesn't just crash the ship into something.

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f10f03  No.16842

>lunatic fascist state of Israel

>using fascist as a pejorative

Fuck off

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5d02e3  No.16848



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bfc8a2  No.16945

File: 487d7e59e9decd5⋯.png (386.81 KB, 1240x1308, 310:327, 1.png)

File: ea5d4000a82116f⋯.png (354.09 KB, 1222x1244, 611:622, 2.png)

File: 8d1edfa5f585265⋯.png (234.76 KB, 1226x892, 613:446, 3 wtf.png)

I support war with Iran to avenge those they helped kill on 9/11. They hate us because we are free. These Iranians hate us so much, they worked with Saudi Wahhabi Muslims to take away our freedoms. Thank you Mr. Vice President.

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173833  No.16956


It's the theater of the absurd at this point.

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a1857c  No.16963


I'm getting an Iraq War 2003 coverage flashbacks from this. Hell this is even worse, because at least that fiasco back then was more entertaining to watch.

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173833  No.16968


It's worse because there was ~15 years of clear cut failure and exposed lies between then and now and they just keep doubling down. These people have to be killed to stop this.

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000000  No.16986


>we are free

Your cities are mined by nuclear mines, be ready to get REAL freedom, Muricans.

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f890f5  No.17007


I'm not sure if you got the point, but "They hate us because we are free" was a talking point the Bush admin used to justify the 'War on Terror.'

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f890f5  No.17011

Holy shit, this is getting insane.

On hitting cultural centers

>“They’re allowed to kill our people. They’re allowed to torture and maim our people. They’re allowed to use roadside bombs and blow up our people. And we’re not allowed to touch their cultural sites? It doesn’t work that way,” Trump said.

On Iraq voting to kick out U.S. troops

>Iraq’s parliament voted Sunday in favor of a nonbinding resolution calling for the expulsion of the American forces.

>Trump said the U.S. wouldn’t leave without being paid for its military investments in Iraq over the years — then said if the troops do have to withdraw, he would hit Baghdad with economic penalties.

>“We will charge them sanctions like they’ve never seen before ever. It’ll make Iranian sanctions look somewhat tame,” he said. “If there’s any hostility, that they do anything we think is inappropriate, we are going to put sanctions on Iraq, very big sanctions on Iraq.”

>He added: “We’re not leaving until they pay us back for it.”


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f890f5  No.17012


Remember, Trump campaigned on ending foreign intervention and pledged to leave Iraq. Now he has the excuse he needs to actually do it, but instead the mask slips and he reveals that he intends to stay until they can pay the U.S. back for the war, which effectively means forever.

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173833  No.17013


>They're allowed to kill our people. They're allowed to torture and maim our people.

Don't occupy their countries and don't let them exist in ours and this problem can't exist.

>Trump said the U.S. wouldn't leave without being paid for its military investments in Iraq

Hopefully this dude and his whole jewish family get domed.

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f890f5  No.17014


And that's an addendum, before someone wonders why I'm replying to myself.

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f890f5  No.17017

File: 6838b10b6e60e4b⋯.png (251.18 KB, 962x768, 481:384, qzpqeyv0m1941.png)


Yep. Clowns on both sides to detract from the seriousness of it all. I saw this on the_donald and of course they're yucking it up because the other side's clown just got owned. It's all so tiresome.

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2f1da6  No.17019


Highly hypothetical scenario ahead:

>Jews already attempted an assassination

>General knew those rats would try and eventually succeed

>There was discussion outside stating that different groups/cells know the drill and having the general die would change nothing

>This event sparked a national vote on whether US troops should remain in Iraq or not

>It was voted they should leave

Let's suppose that his death was a bargaining chip, jews are retarded and they wanted him dead, Iran propose a deal: the general in exchange for US leaving the middle east.

This way jews got what they wanted and are satisfied (only short term), Iran is satisfied, and US can leave for real or risk "WW3" which would be a satisfying outcome.

Then all that remains is for Israel to be kicked in the curb.

Now it depends if they will officially leave or not.

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eba36f  No.17020


More realistic scenario: Over the next 10 years, we will see dozens of "decisive victories", keep doing what we're doing, and then we'll find another sand country to destroy.

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a1857c  No.17021


Trump is not in a position to threaten Iraq like that, because it'll more likely galvanize their relationship with Iran. This would also present an opportunity for Russia and/or China to take advantage of this relationship indirectly to negate the effect any sanctions would have.

Trump would probably claim this was already happening gradually, and they can't leave because it's guaranteed to happen without U.S presence. However his recent actions have made it guaranteed to happen regardless if they leave or not. The latter means an increase in U.S causalities as the entire population flares up in hostility, supplied and supported by Iranian proxies (pretty much ironically what they claim this strike would have averted). It's going to be a gigantic mess.

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2f1da6  No.17022


What would be the outcome of "economic sanction"?

Does the US have a lot of trade with Iran? If not, it's just words, and nothing prevent them do business with Syria, or Russia, or other country around.

So IMO, leaving and then hitting them with "sanctions" is a good theatrical act.

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5c544a  No.17032


What do those two comments have to do with eachother? Missle sites aren't cultural centers and oil is only a cultural center for Amerimutts. And I get he's trying to be "anti-pc" but it doesn't come off that way it just comes off forced and cringy. He could of made a bartender joke like; "Do something you're actually good at and pour me a beer"

Still a stupid line but less stupid then that what ever that was. Thanks for the cringe anon.

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eba36f  No.17037


How does it feel, knowing that whichever clown wins, you lose? Wouldn't it be nicer just to have picked a side and not have to worry about anything past the surface?

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5c544a  No.17043


"Bombed innocent civilians"

Oh, this makes my fucking blood boil everything is a joke and lies but this is so assine coming from America.

That's exactly what they did to my country in 1999. The Bosians were illegally running of with our people and our lands. Look up the Republic of Srpska majority Serbian! They stole our land and we wanted it back we wanted freedom for our people. Freedom, so what does the US of A do a country founded on "freedom" They rain down bombs on our cities killing thousands. And bombs don't discriminate, women and children died because America didn't want us to be free. And then they claimed they were dropping them because of Kosovo more stolen land, why then did bombs drop on Belgrade? Why did they fire on nursing homes? Why was the plan to bomb the at the time majority Serb Kosovos out of their homes. Civilians. America kills civilians to prevent freedom and than turns around and wags a finger at it's mirror image.

I hope this war comes, every dead Amerimutt solider is a god send.

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8a28ab  No.17046

File: b3e71f47835ec29⋯.png (377.51 KB, 965x1124, 965:1124, bt_newspaper.png)



>plebbit talk

I don't know what's going on in this thread. It's a real shitshow. This thread has so many shills or people not from here. A lot of this stuff sounds like fedposting.

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5c544a  No.17048

Now look at Kosovo once our core now over run with Shit Turks. Like the American south and niggers should I drop little bombs on Jew York because the niggers are a majority in the south and it's thus not your land anymore. Ignoring that you built it and settled it the Jews like the Turks just deicided to import thousands of blacks there.

It's hideous, I think I am to drunk if someone want to delete m posts the password is "1234"

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be3826  No.17052

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

LIVE: Funeral for Iran's Quds Force General Soleimani in the Iranian city of Tehran


Live right now post your red pills in the live chat. There is already a lot of anti-kike posts there.



Tarrantard posts are always fedposts.

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173833  No.17054


Sanctions work because they affect and extend to other parties/countries who would trade with the targeted country and jeopardize their trade with the country applying the sanctions.

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87d028  No.17057

False flag to ensure more money goes missing for the Jews and more white men die in battle.

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5921aa  No.17058

File: 5bfe6ebef15badb⋯.mp4 (9.83 MB, 480x360, 4:3, Sve Dzamije u Oblake Lete.mp4)


>Tarrantard posts are always fedposts.


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be3826  No.17066

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Can someone do a deep investigation of project pogo and zyphr and confirm if it is legit or fake. I need to know.



David Goldberg's Iran War False Flag Predictions Update




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789078  No.17102


Sounds like a LARP. Look at the other videos on the channel, it's crazier than Alex Jonestown.

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dca2a3  No.17109


You should probably get your politicians to stop chanting "Death to America!" in parliament, it makes it impossible for any of us to publicly argue against your country's destruction.

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fc5d2f  No.17110


It honestly makes me 100% understand why the suicide rates are sky high these days. Seeing the lose-lose situation we have with our """choices"""… It can be remarkably despairing.

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df6cdf  No.17116

ain't gonna be a WWIII, dummies

the only two countries with military forces big enough for us to give a shit about are China and Russia. The Chinks would lose 10% of their GDP overnight if the US, Great Britain and the rest of the Commonwealth countries stopped buying their shitty exports. Also, Chinkistan is literally throwing mudslimes into internment camps - you think they're going to let a bunch of their own guys die for them?

Russia can't afford and doesn't want a war with us over some pissant Iranian jackoffs. You think they give enough of a fuck about Iran to send their own children to die for them? They told us to fuck off in Syria because of their interests; we told them to get fucked. And fucked is what they got.

WWIII ain't fuckin' happening.

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df6cdf  No.17117

also imagine thinking anyone here gives a shit what some mudslime sandnigger thinks about anything. get fucked

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120e63  No.17123

File: 742bad54521dd26⋯.jpg (176.5 KB, 1663x1247, 1663:1247, 15519706142780.jpg)


>You should probably get your politicians to stop chanting "Death to America!" in parliament, it makes it impossible for any of us to publicly argue against your country's destruction.

To be fair, if:

-A foreign country invaded my continent

-Fucked up all my neighbour countries

-Built military bases everywhere around the borders of my country

-Eliminated my scientists and sabotaged nuclear facilities

-Coerced the whole world to impose sanctions on me and severely damaged my economy

-Killed my national hero on an official diplomatic visit

-Told me I'm a terrorist and I'm next

All things considered, chanting "death to america" wouldn't seem so absurd and far fetched. I'm not even Iranian or muslim, yet I fully agree and wouldn't give a flying shit if every boot on the ground in middle east spontaneously combusted. Amerishits, get fucked.

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120e63  No.17125


>They told us to fuck off in Syria because of their interests; we told them to get fucked. And fucked is what they got.

ISIS is almost gone and Assad is still in power, country is pretty much stable at this point. You sure it's the Russians who got fucked?

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3893f3  No.17128

File: b2e27738a65037f⋯.jpg (103.17 KB, 911x607, 911:607, iranians.jpg)


But they're aryans!

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a7e96f  No.17194

File: fa280ac1a7b8f7d⋯.jpg (42.24 KB, 430x594, 215:297, al mcshani.jpg)


Ian McShane let himself go.

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380f7b  No.17197


>Guy imediately behind looks fairly modern, and doesn't have arab bent nose

>Guy 2 rows behind looks like he could be any regular old boomer in a white country

I never quite got how fanatical people are with ethnicity. That shit is complex, and the one drop rule only works if you have strong racial markers like niggers do.

I know a guy who married an Iranian woman, and they literally have blond kids. That country is an ethnic patchwork of the weird and the ridiculous, how does it make sense to call them non-white?

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638849  No.17234


Is a very sad state of affairs no doubt but Americans have a YUGE dilemma that many outsiders fail to realize:

1) both our political parties are run by ZOG interests/lobbyists.

2) Republicans may be insane when it comes to foreign policy but Dems are 1,000X more insane when it comes to *domestic* policy [thus the reason more Americans rather vote R than D simply because our lives would be much better off [research what has happened to California and New York if you don't believe me].

3) no matter who we vote for, our foreign policies don't differ much at all – on top of which the world already hates our guts anyway – so we end up with having to decide based on 1 & 2 in mind.

So how can we fix this whole mess? America is literally facing the verge of a civil war already because of extremely insane politics.

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6b2b7c  No.17236


Based and redpilled analysis my guy. But if you think about it, it makes perfect sense that the most JEWED country in the world will end up with a completely and utterly fucked political system. USA should never have allowed any jews in their country, let alone in politics.

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409966  No.17239


>USA should never have allowed any jews in their country, let alone in politics.

We should have drowned them in the harbor and said, "Ooops! Sorry!" and left it at that. Fucking roaches infested this place like a plague.

Anyone speak sandnigger? Since it's not likely Iran is going to come after me, what do you guys think about trying to drop a payload in some sandniggers phone, blackmail him/her and try to get us that flag?

Imagine if we find evidence of Apu banging the neighbors goat or some shit, he'd probably be inclined to help us with this little mission, no?

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b9f53c  No.17241

File: f2e4f63d50b4cb9⋯.png (260.79 KB, 560x559, 560:559, newgoy.png)


too subtle?

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a6192c  No.17242


There is almost zero difference in domestic policy between either party. It's very hard to believe there are still people out there who think like this. The trajectory does NOT change at all. It has not wavered and only moved in one direction for 70+ years.

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56e670  No.17257


The real difference is that Republikikes pretend to care about White people while Demokikes pretend to care about non-Whites, but in reality, they both only really care about jews.

If anything, voting Republican, and giving White people that false sense of victory is even worse. As we can see in your post, justifying being a votefag, and even using the ZOG Emperor's patent "YUGE", 'cause you gotta own those libs, right?

It's all the same semitic shit.

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f00c89  No.17260


Totally LARP.

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56e670  No.17263


It's funny how people will believe these blatant modern LARPs, like that and Q, while denying the authentic (albeit flawed, thanks to Nilus' edits) Protocols.

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a6192c  No.17267


Q is effective on the low-information boomers it targets because it uses the appearance and imagery of the "conspiracy" movement/scene that has challenged the standard discourse of the empire, but at the same time it uses that image to confirm all the core imperial conclusions these boomers were fed their whole lives. They get to pretend to be on the "inside" and the "cutting edge", while not actually having to divest of any of the ideas that brought them and the country to this point in the first place.

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57dd1b  No.17278


And the worst part is that even the Protocols are a fucking FORGERY, and they’re STILL 100% TRUE.

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aff11c  No.17313


> Since it's not likely Iran is going to come after me

Yea there are millions of Shiites stateside, probably comparable numbers elsewhere. Yes they are coming for you. Yes it is jews fault that many of them are here. No, the sandniggers will not resist your tender asshole if you put your heads in the sand.

A lot of people are muslim cucked on 8ch. "Hey Jews suck, so come on in and fuck my daughter. Jew resisters of the world unite!"

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34896a  No.17319


Or just driving by a school, and seeing all the kids outside are niggers and spics. That's a hefty psychological toll, as it really makes a person wonder "what it's all for?" If these simians are the future generation, why not just act selfishly and leave? Why work to "give back" to the society that forged you.

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91ca34  No.17329


War is for jew business

Raising economy and creating more rapefugees

There is nothing good or honest in this

World is rotting in general

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d0bfd1  No.17330


>Yes they are coming for you.

Well they are now. GUESS FUCKING WHY? The US government decided to stir up their shit.

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e21a36  No.17335


trust the plan. 130,000 sealed indictments.

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74d61a  No.17337


> 130,000

it's up to 6,000,000 now

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d9ddad  No.17374

File: fcd2fb57642f2a3⋯.png (114.28 KB, 1604x396, 401:99, leave.png)

Let's see how true this is.

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e256ad  No.17375



I've seen this cope all over the internet. People keep claiming that Trump was referring to military targets when he said cultural sites because obviously he was making some obscure reference as a side jab. As if Trump's ever anything but direct in his rhetoric and insults. People still on board MAGA are cultists at this point.

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e256ad  No.17377



I'll never understand people that commit suicide over this. If you're at the point where you're willing to throw your life away why wouldn't you try to make your enemy pay a price at the same time?

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000000  No.17378



I wouldn't use them as evidence for anything because of the stigma around them, but if you look at the world today and see how it compares to what the Protocols predicted, it's kind of terrifying.

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000000  No.17379


some people probably think about it, ten think about how it will have no effect overall and be forgotten after a while, which only accentuates their hopelessness

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e256ad  No.17381


If so they're pathetic. Millions of papercuts could bleed a man dry.

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1cbdd1  No.17382



>BREAKING NEWS: Defense secretary says U.S. troops are NOT withdrawing from Iraq despite general's letter to the contrary after country's parliament voted for anti-ISIS troops to leave in wake of Qassem Soleimani's death

What a shit show.

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000000  No.17383


I wish I could pretend I was surprised by this

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e256ad  No.17385


The alleged letter was saying that non-US forces would be pulling out. So the small amounts of troops that countries like Australia have there, Defense secretary's statement only mentions US troops.

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554c25  No.17387


>Also, Chinkistan is literally throwing mudslimes into internment camps

You are so ignorant, mutt.

Only the Uyghur or whatever the fuck is facing persecution for being rebels since decades. Other mudslimes in China are not touched upon.

8/k/ hasn't improved one bit I see. We still have MIGA shills in this very thread. Disgusting.

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e256ad  No.17396


>destroy ancient buddhist texts

>commit disproportionate violence

>get your shit kicked in

>act like you dindu nuffin and get faggoty westerners to stick up for you

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554c25  No.17401


It is just typical trash behavior of land squatters.

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000000  No.17404


Only state-sanctioned religion is allowed in chinkland

So any imam or whatever will be on communist payroll if not an outright agent, like the supposed catholic priests there

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e256ad  No.17408


Something most anons seem to not fully understand is that China is a very vast landmass and that rural areas often aren't that closely monitored. Which is why religious conflicts between buddhists and ughyurs managed to pop up despite China as a whole being overwhelmingly atheist.

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75abca  No.17410

File: 2e10ff2293d17fa⋯.jpg (83.15 KB, 634x655, 634:655, muh leaked draft.jpg)


No, the original letter did not differentiate US forces and partners. Here's what the general is saying now… after probably being reamed out by his superiors.

>Chair of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Mark Milley sought to address the confusion that began after the leak of aletter to the Iraqi government from US Command in Baghdad suggesting US troops would be withdrawn from the country.

"That letter is a draft. It was a mistake, it was unsigned, it should not have been released … (it was) poorly worded, implies withdrawal, that is not what's happening," Milley said.

"It's an honest mistake … it should not have been sent," he added.

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000000  No.17412




>rural chinkland

>not being more controlled due to less monitoring from outsiders

You're funny anon. Not retarded and/or a chink at all.

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75abca  No.17414


Pardon me, it's actually the JCOS General grovelling, not the Brigadier General who penned the letter.

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554c25  No.17417

File: 967875d6f2b9a27⋯.png (190.7 KB, 614x647, 614:647, Definition of race hwhite ….png)


Eat shit you subhuman muhammutt mulatto shitskins.

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a6192c  No.17419


Esper was on MSNBC just a few days ago clearly saying that US forces were there at the invitation of the Iraq government.

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e256ad  No.17420



>not atheist

You realize that under Mao they banned religion just like all communists try to, right?

>rural chinkland

>not being more controlled due to less monitoring from outsiders

Its got both less monitoring from outsiders and less monitoring from the central government. Just as it is everywhere. Governments focus primarily on cities because not only are they the places with the overwhelming majority of the population but they're also the places with the most cultural influence.

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ea4110  No.17422

File: 203dc4f6fe6d654⋯.jpg (62.62 KB, 650x418, 325:209, sm8gkXX.jpg)

File: d278d4f0b5392ec⋯.jpg (68.27 KB, 780x610, 78:61, 5336566_orig.jpg)

File: af15d8dbccf29fe⋯.png (2.53 MB, 1415x1080, 283:216, b28aaf1fb9df1d9a4831173a9c….png)


>>destroy ancient buddhist texts

The communist state has destroyed more buddhist text and statues than what the Uyghur could ever dream of

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554c25  No.17424


The thing is that chinks decided to take on communism themselves. Mudslimes have always been outsiders.

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e256ad  No.17425


Correct, and? Its a lot easier for some villager to kill a muslim smashing his shit than it is for a villager to stop the government from doing so.

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000000  No.17428


You do realize that chinks are extremely superstitious and just because mao outlawed it doesnt mean every chink practices the bastardized taoism/buddhism mix right?

And rural chinkland is governed by rural communist chinks who act like kings in rural areas and act even more authoritarian than major cities.

You're pretty shit at shilling aren't you Wong?

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554c25  No.17429

File: 823395151917c89⋯.gif (1001.79 KB, 500x284, 125:71, 823395151917c892ffc37e3aa7….gif)


>leddit spacing

Shills are still trying to convince people to go to open war with any country that can shoot back?

Chinks are shitty dog eaters. Yeah. But you can go first :)

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e256ad  No.17433



There's plenty of supersititious atheists, this really isn't saying anything. Atheists think they're oh so enlightened but really they're just a bunch of annoying retards that are quick to buy obvious lies like equality.

>You're just a Chinese shill

So I'm a shill for China by saying that the areas where the Chinese government has less control are better off? Don't think you thought this through exactly as my argument inherently implies that the Chinese government is shit.

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554c25  No.17435


It is a shill from MIGA team.

They don't even give up this walking corpse of a site. Crazy, heh.

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ea4110  No.17436


>Its a lot easier for some villager to kill a muslim

Xinjiang conflict is between the the state/ han chinese and Ungyars not Tibetans

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89961c  No.17440


>what is the bombing of London

or am I wrong?

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554c25  No.17442


They bombed Germany long before Germany bombed London.

But it doesn't matter tbh. The outcome of the war was karmic as fuck.

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000000  No.17444


But Wong, you can't be an atheist but then also have a shrine for guan-yu, that's not how atheism works.

And you didn't imply shit, and are avoiding the fact that rural chinkland is more monitored by its rural rulers that act like kings.

You do know that chinks were caught spying on Uyghurs, even the ones using iphones right?

I understand, you're a retarded chink paid 50c an hour to shill on this site

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e256ad  No.17447


Yeah, on second thought think I got it confused with the situations in Myanmar and Sri Lanka from a few years back.

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e256ad  No.17453


>didn't imply shit

Yes I did.

>are avoiding the fact that rural chinkland is more monitored by its rural rulers?

I'm avoiding it because I don't think its true and you haven't provided any evidence for me to take it seriously.

>You do know that chinks were caught spying on Uyghurs, even the ones using iphones right?

Don't see the problem, if they don't like it in China and feel that China is racist to them they should get out. Any country that foreigners are in should be heavily monitoring those foreigners, ideally they just wouldn't let them in instead. I wish we were monitoring all the Pakistanis in England far more heavily than we are to crack down on their raping.

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000000  No.17458


1. No you didn't

2. There's an example right in the text

3. Uyghurs were there first, Free Tibet, Free Uyghurs, and Free Hong Kong you slanty eyed baby munching communist rapist

Why the fuck did the chinks suddenly take an interest in 8kun?

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ea69ca  No.17466

File: 6a42a57b4b9fca8⋯.jpg (111.58 KB, 728x603, 728:603, many china.jpg)


>Only HK, Uyghurs and Tibetans

What about all the other races and lands occupied by communist chinks?

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e256ad  No.17468



>2. There's an example right in the text

What text? OP is about Iran and you didn't link anything.

>3.Uyghurs were there first

And? Feather niggers were in North America first, everyone's conquered land over time.

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000000  No.17472


>Responds to a post

>What text

Open your slanty eyes chink


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e256ad  No.17474


You didn't give any examples of rural areas being more closely monitored than cities though.


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000000  No.17482


So chinks installing spyware on iphones to spy on uyghurs happens in major chink cities too huh


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a6192c  No.17483



You notice how it's never a word about Western countries? It's because the people putting these arguments and talking points forward aren't Western – they aren't Goths, Celts, Romans, Picts, Northmen, Greeks. They're jews. And as far as they're concerned, there are no problems in Western countries.

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5c544a  No.17484


All of the mongoloid Chinks should of been replaced by the superior Japanese. They would of put the land to better use an not of been as much of a plague, we truly spit on the face of Nature by seperating the Japs from their right full Chinese slaves.

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e256ad  No.17487

File: ff1ed67e9ed6ca7⋯.png (32.33 KB, 902x233, 902:233, translate01.png)


Chinese spy on internet activity across the nation, difference is that unlike in rural areas there's CCTV cameras everywhere in cities which is why I say rural areas are less closely monitored.

Miss Liu Bao you are a good man, ah(including screencap because I think the translation is a bit off here)

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000000  No.17489


But Wong I'm just correcting you chink shills


White people have this culture of speaking out against things that are wrong and give the finger to your communist dictatorship.

If you don't want White people to realize that "One China" is a load of chink shit, too bad faggot we know it and we'll discuss it.

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000000  No.17491


Why are you failing to answer the question of whether chinks install spyware aimed at spying on uyghurs in cities too?

Why are you suddenly pretending you dont speak chink?

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a6192c  No.17493


I'm not Chinese and you're not correcting anything. "Free Hong Kong" is sportsball tier bread and circuses. No serious White nationalist gives two shits about some formerly British kike money laundering outpost. Hong Kong isn't our problem.

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000000  No.17494


>I'm not chinese I just say exactly what a chink would want to say

If you say so Wong

Any race that wants to break away from communist chinks deserves support in my book, not sure about your little red book

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e256ad  No.17495


>failing to answer the question of whether chinks install spyware aimed at spying on uyghurs in cities too?

Pretty sure they would, didn't directly answer because I don't know it for a certainty. Instead I pointed out how cities are observably more monitored as it leads to the rational conclusion that there's no reason they wouldn't also utilize spyware in the cities.

>pretending you don't speak chink

I don't speak chink, I had to use bing translate on the previous posts too. The translation from the first post you made just didn't have a sloppy english translation.

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a6192c  No.17498


>Any race

HK has got to be 95%+ Han.

>break away from communist chinks deserve support

But not anyone who wants to break away from the jew World Order. Like I said, you aren't a Westerner you're a jew.

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000000  No.17505


Yes, the chink communist government is fighting against the jews and deserve our support, right chink?

>Han chinese

>Who were ruled by mongolians, manchurians and half a dozen other races

>A single race

>Guangzhou people who speak differently, have different letters and different culture are lumped into one mythical "han chinese"

I'm sure you're not a chink but a totally white person who repeats chink communist propaganda ;)

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a6192c  No.17509


If the Chinese government is in conflict with the American government, they are in conflict with the jews. The extent or depth of that conflict is up to you to judge. The point I am making is that "Free Hong Kong" is a nonsensical distraction for a West on the brink of total racial annihilation. It means nothing to us. It's just like sportsball teams that get leveraged to channel nationalist or rebellious energies into dead ends.

With an active genocide happening against our people, a money laundering outpost used to wash opium silver on the other side of world is a non-entity. Petty islander jealousy at their loss of status to places like Shanghai and Shenzen aren't our problem.

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000000  No.17511


Yes, Jews are totally not in league with the chink government at all and jews have never bet on both sides in a conflict. Hong Kong gaining independence and thus weakening the communist party's hold on (((China))) is also a terrible thing if it was to happen.

Where the fuck do you think you are you retarded chink?

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e256ad  No.17519


>If the Chinese government is in conflict with the American government, they are in conflict with the jews.

No, they're in conflict with a faction of shabbos goyim. Jews also have control in China, it and Russia are their next primary hosts after the US's power deteriorates too far. Look into how much Israeli/Chinese/Russian trade has been increasing over the past couple years.

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a6192c  No.17521


Whatever you say there, partner.

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e256ad  No.17528

File: 5b6f6b197179b88⋯.jpeg (66.83 KB, 1024x682, 512:341, wang qishan wailing wall.jpeg)


Hong Kong's an obvious CIA op, there's an argument to be made to still support it if you really hate China but don't delude yourself.


See pic.

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000000  No.17532


I have hong kong friends who suspended their studies to join the protests. You have to be pretty fucking retarded to think hong kong people aren't out there protesting on their own free will.

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a6192c  No.17534

File: 93a7444513633df⋯.jpg (2.84 MB, 768x7723, 768:7723, Screenshot_2019-09-03 Hong….jpg)

File: 08d574b2db618bb⋯.png (37.87 KB, 606x417, 202:139, proto-color revolution.png)


>I have brown friends

Yes, we know. We can tell.

>protesting on their own free will.

Yes, color operations historically work off of feelings held by heavily propagandized segments of the population – university students being easy marks.

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75abca  No.17535


> hong kong friends who suspended their studies

Stopped believing right there.

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e256ad  No.17536


Did I say they weren't? I said that it was a CIA op, they foment underlying rest and stir it up further than it would normally go. Its not like they just send in a ton of actors when they do these things.

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75abca  No.17537


Up until yesterday, that was indeed true.

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000000  No.17538




>Suddenly flurry of responses from chinks


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000000  No.17539


Hey it's that chink from the other thread

How dare these protestors not spit in the face of the West and try to take on the communists with zero human rights?

Western governments are also totally censoring us poor innocent chinks despite not having a single proof!


The official chink propaganda newspaper itself admits that the meeting took place in a public restaurant

These are the kinds of sites spamming this shit





Original article seems to be from here


And they had their facebook and twitter shut down, probably for being retarded

Which is funded by


Which if course has a Department of Israel.

So are you a boomer browsing retarded 'news sites' or a chink spreading this bullshit?

Or a genuine kike even?

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000000  No.17540


>Copy post from another thread

>Random line breaks

But why Ron? Why?

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e21a36  No.17541


you are mistaken…it is 6 GORILLION!!!

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e3450b  No.17544

File: 82b317bb36200a7⋯.png (132.21 KB, 870x1200, 29:40, hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm….png)

File: 2f2d3f5841e69ce⋯.png (95.74 KB, 768x512, 3:2, burn.png)

We just need to red-pill the Iranians on the fact that America is controlled by the jews and is not their true enemy. Only the jews are.

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75abca  No.17545


Iranians are very redpilled on Israelis, second to only the Palestinians.

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a6192c  No.17548


America has zero credible internal resistance to jewish rule. Zero. It absolutely is a true enemy of Iran. It's wishful thinking of the desperate and inactive to insist otherwise.

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e256ad  No.17552


Their leaders know, not sure how much the average Iranian feels merciful towards us for letting it happen though.

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e3450b  No.17557




"The highest art of warfare is not to fight at all but to subvert anything of value in the country of your enemy until such time that the perception of reality of your enemy is screwed up to such an extent that he does not perceive you as an enemy." – Yuri Bezmenov

Basically, Psy-ops are the best. Iran can do something that is the same as what Yuri describes but is also the opposite. Anti-subversion that is beneficial for both Iran and America. Why don't they just wage red pill spy-ops against America?

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392db3  No.17558

File: e236f7ed5150f9c⋯.jpg (51.75 KB, 600x256, 75:32, 11tehran600.jpg)


You were probably in diapers when this occurred, kid, but in 2006 Iran had a famous international conference on Holocaust Revision.


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000000  No.17562


>Bomb them

>Guys we're only doing this because the Jews told us to please don't hate us

Yep that'll work

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e256ad  No.17563


Iran's been thoroughly demonized to most normalfags. I've seen families basically disown their own children for trying to redpill them, doubt they'd be more likely to listen to truthful propaganda from Iran.

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e3450b  No.17565




We can make social media accounts pretending to be Iranians so that we can encourage this idea among the real Iranians and hope that it takes off. We can even start it off for them. We use them as a red-pilling army.

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9731bf  No.17566

File: 4667460ade99582⋯.png (530.77 KB, 786x1048, 3:4, 19275937693.png)

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4a8716  No.17573

File: df4c5d1cd6fa4db⋯.png (547.12 KB, 610x363, 610:363, ClipboardImage.png)


Trump is pulling a Clinton on us

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e3450b  No.17579

File: 1c067087fb7597d⋯.jpg (31.7 KB, 384x384, 1:1, 1576156918701.jpg)




Clearly you guys have not yet learned to think like a jew. You must always think about things like this first: How can I use this to benefit my team? Then go back to your normal way of thinking. You must learn to think like the enemy to understand the enemy. Or are you just a bunch of shills?

Do this: >>17565

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92ec47  No.17613


lmao at all these shills trying to make us ree at china

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92ec47  No.17615


what a fucking boomer/shill just accusing everyone of being chinks lol, dont address the points being made but throw empty insults.

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ea4110  No.17621

File: bbf3d2a3af37d47⋯.jpg (213.78 KB, 1200x920, 30:23, native taiwnese.jpg)


Why stop there?Why not free Taiwanese abos from the Japs and chinks living there? Oh that's right you only care about people's china not ROC.

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360d46  No.17624

File: 659948f86ebaa34⋯.jpg (414.73 KB, 840x886, 420:443, DNA aryan races classifica….jpg)


There isn't any genetic difference between the iraniggers and the kike niggers. Look how united genetically the kikes and the iranians are…BOTH are total foreigners to us.

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56e670  No.17627

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Iranians are already redpilled, much more so than White people living under ZOG. Iranian TV even produced a 13 part documentary series about the Holohiax, one part of which those "brilliant" kikes at MEMRI decided to subtitle. It's about Prof. Faurisson.

The real focus has to be on redpilling whatever kind of anti-war movement comes out of this. It will be another war blatantly for Israel, so that shouldn't be too hard.

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56e670  No.17628


>BOTH are total foreigners to us.

One is our eternal racial enemy, the other isn't. We aren't inviting the Iranians to marry our daughters. In fact, a war makes that much, much more likely.

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e3450b  No.17633


I was talking about encouraging Iranians to try to red pill Americans. To get them to see it as a psy-op against the jews that benefits them.

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ea4110  No.17640


the antiwar fags are protesting outside as we speak maybe you could meet an Iranian in person. Iranians in the protest are highly likely.

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60de85  No.17647


obviously you are a bastard, plus also this producted bullshit graph you distribute, what is this? assume all are homogenous


everyone knows iranians are the good guys, yids are a pure gimped species

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60de85  No.17650

look at the depths of the israeli damn twitter war they conduct on iran. like their own lives depend on it, for that matter every political event you can observe these rats take a formation, the ones in euro/american host nations at 1/4 jew, just the same, those bottom of the barrel scum with their aim just to belie and deceive, they take all and produce less than nothing

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d0bfd1  No.17784

File: a7e722e6e44f46d⋯.png (907.22 KB, 862x622, 431:311, They Don't Really Care Abo….png)


Loyalty's reward it seems.

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23cf3a  No.17789


Tossed onto the road like a used up whore.

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eddc33  No.17835


1. Blatant false dictonomy is blatant.

2. They also hang 14-year-olds, which we're not doing.

3. They don't hang gays, they make them into trannies.

4. Mudslimes are subhuman and islam is for shitskins. We aren't emulating any part of it.

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3bd849  No.17862


>one of the murderers is a small black man, the other a litle bit taller, with bright-colored hair

>a literal glow in the dark nigger

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e256ad  No.17907


>2. They also hang 14-year-olds, which we're not doing.

We should be doing this though. That little 13 year old nigger that knifed that dumb college girl's face over and over again is a good example of why.

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78a7db  No.17929


This. We must embrace jewy and sodomy for the sake of all 14-year-old criminals.

>Mudslimes are subhuman and islam is for shitskins. We aren't emulating any part of it.

ZOG "culture" is more subhuman and anti-White than Iran. I'm certainly not saying we should all convert to Islam, but as stands currently, we definitely don't have any kind of high ground here.

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cf3389  No.18135

There's reports going around that Iranian backed militants totally not Israelis in cosplay have fired 60 missiles at a U.S. base in Iraq.

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e256ad  No.18156


It wasn't "Iranian militants", it was the Iranian government. Iran had announced they were going to do it. This isn't a false flag, this is them following through on counterattacks just as they've been saying they would. The mourning period ended today.

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0a59ae  No.18619

File: 6b763e6d0c4cc5f⋯.jpg (1.65 MB, 2250x2850, 15:19, John_McCain_official_portr….jpg)

Iran's just a loose-end for the CIA and US Military. Seems we basically rolled out the red carpet for Khomeini to come back in and highjack the Iranian Revolution in order to push the socialists out and keep us from having to fight yet another proxy war with the Soviets. Besides, the Shah was our guy. Don't like our guy, then let's see how you like 40+ of theocracy after we spill a big frosty mug of Islamic Fundamentalism all over that nice Persian rug.

But Iran has since outlived it's purpose, and we're still pissed about the Hostage Crisis. There's a reason why it was openly admitted that we're targeting 52 sites in Iran for retaliation, and that number isn't random - it's symbolic. We've been setting this up for the last two decades. Iran has no allies left in the region outside of disparate insurgency groups incapable of an organized front. Bolton even promised the MEK remnants in Albania that they'd be celebrating victory in Tehran by 2019, and this promise was made well before he was part of the Trump cabinet. Iran is a thorn in the side of the US, of Israel, and of Saudi Arabia. That thorn is about to be plucked out.

Honestly, I don't think Trump really wanted war with Iran. I don't think he has a choice. He's got an impeachment resolution hanging over his head, which was shotgunned through the House on spurious evidence, and is now hanging over his head like a Sword of Damoclese. If he were to refuse to play along and set the stage for war, it wouldn't take too many Republican defectors to ensure he was ousted and Pence was installed - who the old NeoCons and Warhawks would much rather have in office. But even if he can't win the 2020 re-election, the Dems have been busy stacking the primaries with establishment candidates that will do as they're told.


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dca2a3  No.18690

File: 727988d4fffa730⋯.png (53.85 KB, 561x266, 561:266, trump iran.png)


Correct, and we know it was Iran because they went out of their way to not kill any Americans. If it were the kikes there'd be dead Americans right about now. This is Iran's "lets fire missiles at a patch of dirt in Syria". The message of that won't be lost on Trump.

Trump for his part is looking at the latest attack and saying "All is well!" and "So far, so good!". That's an odd thing for a POTUS to say when one of his country's military bases just got attacked. I think this is just another NK, with threats of "Fire and Fury" to appease the neocons followed by quietly pulling back and not actually starting the war they wanted. Rather, I think Trump is trying to engineer a geopolitical situation where it becomes impossible for the establishment to start a war no matter how much they actually want it.

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dca2a3  No.18692

File: e9226f925b3e0e8⋯.png (313.76 KB, 818x658, 409:329, drudge.png)


(((Drudge))) meanwhile is instead printing this shit.

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3bd849  No.18727


>All is well!

>the people i deployed there died! yay!

God this is making me fume. You are supposed to at least keep up appearances you kike loving faggot. Guess he can't help himself.

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dca2a3  No.18774


Nobody died. Are you retarded Schlomo?

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5b2d17  No.18789


Nigger, there would be no casualties to assess if nobody died. You're going to have to give up on your chess fantasies eventually


>calling him a jew

What, nigger? Everybody from Sheldon Adelson, the one time self-proclaimed "richest jew in the world" and modern day Elder of Zion, to kikes from the JIDF enthusiastically support the ZOG Emperor.

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049e92  No.18791


I think it is just The Kikes wanting total world control so they must go to war with Iran. That simple. I side with Iran before Kikes.

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049e92  No.18792


I will side with Iran over the Kikes any day. This entire war is driven by The Kikes.

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f2943b  No.18858

File: a92973da3155bd3⋯.jpg (124.92 KB, 801x494, 801:494, war is hell.jpg)


<anyone who kills ISIS (cia/mossad construct like al quaeda) is fucking based

<the federal government is the enemy of the planet, but specifically white people, and any foreign nation that wont bow to jewish bankers

<the federal governent doesnt represent americans

<not saying this the way leftist faggots say it, they love the jews and only hate trump to win browning points

<i hate trump because he is an anti-white conman and whore of the kikes

<i would seriously fear iran getting bulldozed like they did to syria

<hopefully they send all the mulattos and spics to fight over there, so iran can cull them


i expect the cia/mossad faction to false flag america in a nasty way and blame it on iran. fucking devil-scum

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4c3e7c  No.18904

I'm just going to leave this here.


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4c3e7c  No.18906

File: 92df895477d060f⋯.jpg (10.83 KB, 480x360, 4:3, XEEEEE.jpg)

I'm just going to leave this here for you guys,..


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000000  No.18907



Thanks for posting it twice and not even having the decency to upload it on bitchute or even linking to invidio.us

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4c3e7c  No.18910


Do the honors.

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a3e289  No.18913

I'm so happy you guys are back, i really didn't think we would ever get this site back

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4c3e7c  No.18914


I actually never heard of the invidio.us one…

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000000  No.18916


It's essentially a proxy that promises not to track you


Just replace youtube.com with invidio.us so that




Wait a fucking second





Nigger what the FUCK are you doing not using "https everywhere"?

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cfed3c  No.19252



I'm deeply skeptical of all these sites like startpage, invidio, etc. That just pop up out of nowhere offering privacy for charity's sake. Sounds like the kind of thing Google would do to bring people back to the surveillance grid. Why would they even allow these sites to exist? They certainly have the resources to shut it down.

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