Ok so I am almost through the entire video and I would like to say one thing about this.
First: The NWO could not have gotten as far as they have and would have been a total 'no go' WITHOUT the full support of the US Military. The US Military BETRAYED the USA in the service of the banking cartels. They abdicated their own position AND VOWS to protect our nation from all enemies foreign and domestic. Is it significant now that they see their total obliteration at the enemies hand that they seek US citizen support? I think it is. I also think that there is no guarantee that they will 'do the right thing' when this is over as well. What offer of guarantee could TRAITORS offer that will make them legitimate now?
At best they could say, "we made a mistake" and now that the writing is on the wall we don't 'like' what our one time allies the NWO is going to do to humanity (and BELIEVE ME humanity will live in fear and total degradation for eternity if this takes place). They have not actually opted for this route of total honesty so what is left? I think I, personally, will take my chances with another system because the ones who swore an oath to protect us have no only LIED about their own role in that oath but they have also at the same time benefited from it and not done anything to prevent it.