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File: 23b36fbe1ab0088⋯.jpeg (125.53 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, trump.jpeg)

73d405  No.132[Last 50 Posts]

Trump thread

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b18b3a  No.134

Unemployment is at an all time low and the markets are at all time highs. It does not matter if that is a result of Obamas administration or Trumps; as long as the economy is good he will be re-elected in a landslide

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b7f602  No.136


Have you looked at the polls?

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b18b3a  No.138


There are polls that support both narratives and 2016 showed us that polls cant be trusted. One week before the last election Clinton was going to win with 90% of the electoral college according to the "polls".

Polls are just used to manipulate demographics into a type of herd mentality

Break free Anon

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a7742b  No.139

>unironically believing any politician regardless of views

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fec0b1  No.142

Anyone who thought that Trump was going to be anything more than a protest vote to give a big middle finger to the kikes is living in fantasy land. Anything he has done or might do that has benefited White Americans is secondary to his primary purpose. (((The establishment))) wanted Clinton, so Americans voted Trump into office. It's as simple

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b18b3a  No.143


When you say

> (((The establishment)))

do you mean the jews

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164c97  No.150


>unironic dup posting

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da76fe  No.182


Every other website on the internet lets you suck off the ZOG emperor. Never post here again.

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29a048  No.190


Okay you say there are more jobs and that's true but they're all just soulless service industry work or backbreaking manual labor. Not exactly what I would call a win for the people. All of the good jobs that make you feel like a human being are still locked out behind 5+ years of college programming.

t. person who has been repeatedly fucked by economy

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706f17  No.261


Where's the wall at?

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f827a1  No.270


Unemployment is at an all time low for blacks and spics, not for white people

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d5cae6  No.283

File: 2d6af56011b11a4⋯.png (225.08 KB, 1200x600, 2:1, pizzagate.png)

you mean AIPAC thread?

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5ebb45  No.298

File: 9ac6be91c2b6ed9⋯.png (342.8 KB, 570x380, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 231399adbbf25a6⋯.png (250.11 KB, 676x380, 169:95, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2b9cc190282f6b6⋯.png (325.98 KB, 570x380, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 95e7d3414561539⋯.png (281.67 KB, 671x380, 671:380, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1b27f0648c87cd1⋯.png (367.84 KB, 676x380, 169:95, ClipboardImage.png)


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f5cfa3  No.300


᠌ ᠌ ⎳

᠌ ᠌᠌ ᠌ ▬

Trump is not a subversive kike/civnat cuck.

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706f17  No.304

I should've voted Ted Cruz

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f5cfa3  No.306


He'd be better, but I doubt he could've won against Clinton.

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a58fe2  No.311



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5e9f33  No.323



Wasn't he born in Canada, and therefore not a natural born citizen? Just because Obama got away with it doesn't mean we should allow it.

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639d95  No.351

Trump is great. Losers who think Trump sucks because he is pro-Israel would rather he openly defy the very people who own everything and are responsible for everything, thereby making sure that no one will ever vote Republican again out of fear.

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80cdea  No.355


Hell yeah brother!

Say it with me!






**really though born and bred American been living the American dream for 40 some odd years. Opening my second franchise in North Carolina next year working my ass off every day of my life. Proud son of an AMERICAN. Really just want ALL Americans to prosper including jews, african americans, mexicans, indians, native americans, pakistanis, and even some islamic citizens even though they're fascist fuckers who my daddy fought in ww2 we'll kill 80 million again if we need to fuck nazis and fuck antisemites Sick of these deranged "white nationalists" trying to claim ownership of a country or a "bond" to the land. Disgusting crypto fascists. Their ancestors did as much as mine we're making America great one legal immigrant at a time!==

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1b2b5c  No.363

File: 72a85f55d902cf9⋯.png (320.4 KB, 800x496, 50:31, anger qualified.png)


Being pro-Israel does suck though. They're anti-Christs, who have no respect and afford no dignity to non-jews, they are NOT Israel (that word actually means something, and it does not include jews), they SPY ON the USA constantly, they STOLE OUR NUCLEAR WEAPONS, stole and gave away our military tech to other countries, they start wars of expansion and get the USA to unwittingly fight them, they literally ATTACK US (US Liberty) and blame it on other countries TRYING TO START A WAR BETWEEN US AND AN INNOCENT COUNTRY, they are subversive to our country and culture and actually run military ops on our soil all the %#$@^%$ time. there's lots more

They're 9 out of 10 of the top richest %1, but they are still only 2% of the population. There are too many who sell their souls for fame and/or fortune. Traitors who sold their souls for a paycheck or whatever


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da76fe  No.366


Piss off, ZOGbot.

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d5cae6  No.369


>I'm ok with trump undermining my interests if it's in the interests of Israël

Is /r/the_donald colonizing boomerchan now?

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1b2b5c  No.380

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


You are dumb. God is no doubt real and you are going to burn in hell unless you repent. You absolute moron.

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1ffb6d  No.399

File: 0ed96bd46e169ce⋯.jpg (46.95 KB, 541x960, 541:960, trump hidden jew.jpg)

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070527  No.570

keep that jew faggot out of here

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ecac1d  No.573


At least Clinton would have started a nuclear war and self-desteucted the ZOG machine by now.

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15f713  No.585


You have yet to find someone who would become the president of the USA and wouldn't cuck to Israel. I guess there are some possible political choices but cucking to Israel seems hardwired, no matter who is in the office.

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704a94  No.601



Stop posting this kike stooge. Literally the most kike dick sucking president in history.

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704a94  No.609


>lesser of two evils

>literally the tribe hellbent on our destruction vs a bunch of 80IQ camel fuckers.

Fuck that kike.

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e1df00  No.654


You gotta take into account that most of the benefits Trump brought to the economy weren't felt by everyone.

You're not getting tax breaks if you don't pay taxes in the first place and you're not going to find employment if you decided to be a NEET living in welfare for your whole life.

There's a reason why nu/pol/ will gladly spam all the time about killing niggers, but never about killing low IQ individuals. They don't care about self-improvement or being the bigger men because in their heads, they already are and anything or anyone that doesn't confirm or help them keep their shitty lifestyle and ideology is antagonistic to their status quo.

Trump isn't a particularly good president, but he's the man that America needed this time and everyone shitposting about him would sing a different tune if we were 3 years in with Hillary as president instead.

And if he wins in 2020 (very likely) it's again not because he's that good a candidate or because there's a jewish cabal propping him up but rather because every single other candidate is fucking terrible and only appeals to single issue voters, not unlike nu/pol but on the other end of the scale.

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da76fe  No.657

Jewish spam thread still up, huh?

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f827a1  No.663

File: e67c5342018d77a⋯.png (204.83 KB, 526x569, 526:569, 247793bfb60d6aff4c375ba229….png)




Trump is so jewish they named a place in Israel after him, that's how much of a kike he is

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119334  No.686

File: f543adc76c23910⋯.png (208.74 KB, 560x416, 35:26, 1568909018422.png)


Where are the wars for Israel?

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d5cae6  No.687


>The best goddamn thing for America is sucking circumcised kike dick

>it's not Trump's responsibility to advance our interests over Israël's


Shut up boomer kike.

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f827a1  No.688

File: 8827dffa44ca24f⋯.jpg (111.94 KB, 1000x1344, 125:168, john-quincy-adams-1843-fir….jpg)


KKK was all white and great, shut the fuck you jew loving faggot and go back to Israel where you belong. Anti-KKK means you hate America

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27389c  No.732

File: dffdcf66292c107⋯.jpg (3.43 KB, 125x113, 125:113, 1575248948989s.jpg)

File: b59aee892f0b8b1⋯.jpg (4.01 KB, 125x117, 125:117, 1575248979660.jpg)

File: 99db186964bdd18⋯.png (15.19 KB, 125x113, 125:113, untitled.png)

File: 474788e7f20c687⋯.jpg (8.98 KB, 250x250, 1:1, 1517003918384s.jpg)


You don't deserve the benefit of the doubt.

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022a2f  No.781


Actually unemployment is quite low for whites kike

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022a2f  No.783


Fuck off Enoch

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f827a1  No.784


Actual unemployment is at an all time high kike

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f827a1  No.785

File: 490d8db1765f515⋯.jpg (157.84 KB, 1047x549, 349:183, 1565258660527.jpg)


And here we go with the kike squad back after 3 years to shill their favorite jew

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022a2f  No.786




What's he done lately for the Jews huh? What about his best Buddy Bibi? Exactly Israel is worse off then ever before and Trump could care less. It's lip service you fucktard

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022a2f  No.788


No it's not

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022a2f  No.789


I wish TRS died with 8chan. You faggots contribute absolutely nothing. Trump has done far more good then bad. Oh and by the way the Kikes all hate him.

>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!




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496db2  No.793



>Only part with actual wall built is the part that was there before Trump

Wowee, you sure showed them!

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e35d11  No.794



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33236a  No.820



Hell yeah brother! Don't forget to send some love to Israel, the only democracy in the middle east and the only country standing up boldly to radical islam! Every day millions of israelis are bombarded with dirtybombs and missile strikes from disgusting palestinian terrorists so they need more of our taxes to defend themselves! Fuck $20 billion in loans and grants from the US taxpayer if they're dealing with that kind of terrorism daily we need to bump it up to $100 billion!


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f827a1  No.822

File: 0f02349e55d124e⋯.jpg (170.18 KB, 636x763, 636:763, Trumpcuck.jpg)


Yeah and everyone wishes you kikes would fuck off from the internet. Everytime someone points out what a failure and a jew Trump is you homos have no retort except spamming buzzwords. You faggots just flat out ignore how he's sucked Israels dick 6 million times over the years and his own daughter is a jew

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9c6133  No.877


Yeah, I looked at them before he got elected, too.

He's going to ride the impeachment hearings as loud and hilariously as possible until November or whenever it blows up in his face.

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9c6133  No.879


What is the point of this chain letter shit?

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1e3095  No.919


More like you're trying to tear him down with no idea of a replacement beyond pie in the sky bullshit that won't work.

Trump is fucking awful, but he's significantly less awful than the other available options, so he got elected and you're just gonna have to learn to deal with it homo.

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f5cfa3  No.921


There's some crossover with literal boomer Qtards and Trumptards.

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e3ad97  No.934

>cucked on guns

>cucked on the border

>cucked on ending daca

>stated that he wanted more shitskin immigrants so as long as they're legal

>illegal immigration at highest levels since bush

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57e40d  No.949

File: 5321c0e28c2cea4⋯.png (1.61 MB, 1384x2525, 1384:2525, Trump.png)

File: 2159aad7aa6a788⋯.png (1.44 MB, 807x4350, 269:1450, NV.png)


Trump the kike

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57e40d  No.958

File: 29813a957d31d93⋯.png (144.44 KB, 642x623, 642:623, King.png)


President Trump is the greatest President for Jews and for Israel in the history of the world, not just America, he is the best President for Israel in the history of the world…and the Jewish people in Israel love him like he’s the King of Israel.

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f827a1  No.1065

File: 9e1e4fafce18495⋯.jpg (187.55 KB, 800x806, 400:403, 61a517133d815ee28badc4b974….jpg)


How is he less awful? Being a jew and letting jews get away with anything in this country is the worst thing anyone can allow to happen to a nation. Kikes have done more to destroy the United States of America then any ISIS terrorist could ever dream of

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50cc83  No.1073


Hell, if the United States had never been shaped by kike propaganda, ISIS probably woudnt want to get involved. Obviously they'd still want to behead infidels but without America's world policing on behalf of protecting jewish interests, the would have less support and less cause to target the US

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d3ba2c  No.1092


>Being a jew and letting jews get away with anything in this country is the worst thing anyone can allow to happen to a nation.

It wasn't Trump who started that. That's been happening for a long, long time, to a point now at which you cannot reverse it anymore. The only way to be a president who doesn't suck kike dick is not becoming the president in the first place. Once someone runs for president he is only really applying for a job to (((them))). You can always hope for "right wing" politics when it comes to little things that don't matter so much, and maybe Trump has accomplished a few things on that level, but changing the grand scheme of things? Forget about it. That's never going to be what politics are about.

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3cad14  No.1097


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3cad14  No.1098


what I can't enter sage in the email field?

what the fuck?

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b220ab  No.1099


drumpf is a zionist bigot

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3cad14  No.1100


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3cad14  No.1101


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c488a4  No.1103



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c488a4  No.1105



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d3ba2c  No.1106


Maybe it wants you to use the "do not bumb" checkbox (click Show post options) instead. For now, let's just see what happens when I put it into the email field.

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da76fe  No.1179

No trump here.

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aa16e1  No.1224

Regardless of what you think of Trump, is it safe to say he has the next election in the bag? None of the Democrats running seem to have even a sliver of a chance against him. Obviously I'm looking at this from a biased perspective but I can't see the average person voting for any of them.

Let me post this time.

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50cc83  No.1233


Yeah, he's definitely going to win. The dem frontrunner is Joe Biden and he generates zero enthusiasm. The two people trailing Biden are self proclaimed socialists which will alienate 99% of swing voters, and everyone else isnt even worth mentioning. Some people think the gay mayor can steal the dem nomination but I think he doesn't vibe with the black trans community enough to get there. Trump delivered at least halfway on most of his campaign promises, but even if he didnt, all his opponents are fat jokes. He could be comatose through the election and still win.

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496db2  No.1264


I hate him but yeah he probably has this election.

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c22798  No.1267

File: e04652fbeb00d80⋯.jpg (56.75 KB, 420x314, 210:157, 20191202_172149.jpg)

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c22798  No.1268



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da76fe  No.1270


Who gives a fuck? It literally does not matter. They all vote identically. They all do what jews want.

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000000  No.1657


There is no such thing as a political solution to this. But with a democrats in office, the kikes will rape your ass twice as hard.

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f827a1  No.1669


They didn't rape anyone until a Conservakike got into office, happens every time because the President doesn't matter, he has no real authority, that's the Senate and Supreme Court which control 99% of America and this is the way it has always been if you're not a retarded 12 year old who just started into politics. Whenever a president gets elected the shift occurs in the opposite direction as it always has

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50e565  No.1887

File: c886b07920b2aa2⋯.mp4 (6.64 MB, 640x360, 16:9, support_President_Trump.mp4)

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881c24  No.1919

File: 34bd7fd9ec4a4e4⋯.webm (3.77 MB, 960x540, 16:9, ZOG_declare_War_on_White_….webm)

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9d41b1  No.1940

I think you are lost. You meant to post here. https://8kun.top/qpatriotresearch/index.html

We don’t take kindly to kike puppets here moshe.

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966b07  No.1944


Did you mean >>>/qresearch/ ?

That seems to be the main Qboomer board (and the fastest board on 8kun).

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3e8808  No.1946


We dont take kindly namefagging newfags too so gtfo back to reddit

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ba081c  No.1948

File: d4dd32e97a77dd0⋯.jpeg (35.36 KB, 250x250, 1:1, 4424EE91-BE60-4CE6-BB88-F….jpeg)


TBH, I stopped following it when it was a clear larp.


>Calls me a name fag

>When I’m a trip fag

>Being this new.

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aa2dc7  No.1951

What are the chances the Secret Service deletes this board because of posters ITT?

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8fa719  No.1962

drum bad, trum is joo, imbech drum

piden good, vote piden

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251c20  No.2206


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f827a1  No.2222


Try taking the jew dick out of your mouth before you speak

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7100dd  No.6916

So much winning. I can hardly take it all. We will look back on these days and say, Yes! This is when the invaders were finally pushed back!

Deus vult.

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435d8a  No.6922

File: d61ab2f0cf4dd90⋯.jpg (37.36 KB, 640x418, 320:209, ELdH-RkU4AEdVLR.jpg-large.jpg)

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fa40ea  No.6941

File: fd60c522e16ac9a⋯.jpg (45.93 KB, 960x548, 240:137, Gretrump.jpg)

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4b340b  No.7840

File: 437bf6ca4445b11⋯.jpg (481.48 KB, 1024x695, 1024:695, sa.jpg)

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1217e4  No.7882

File: e204345ae73300d⋯.gif (791.96 KB, 616x900, 154:225, Puppet.gif)

File: aa2ba8b29f786b6⋯.jpg (541.45 KB, 939x630, 313:210, Monkey.jpg)

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371a25  No.7897

Europoor here, what's the deal with impeachment? Do the Dems have a case against Trump, or is it merely blustering?

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2b7d10  No.7902

dup btfo dup btfo dup btfo dup btfo dup btfo dup btfo dup btfo dup btfo dup btfo dup btfo dup btfo dup btfo dup btfo dup btfo dup btfo dup btfo dup btfo dup btfo dup btfo dup btfo dup btfo dup btfo dup btfo dup btfo dup btfo dup btfo dup btfo dup btfo dup btfo dup btfo

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da76fe  No.7908


The current state of impeachment is both a legal fraud in every form. Nothing Trump is accused of doing has actually happened. Biden has actually committed treason (the punishment for which is execution), and there is public evidence of this. Nothing is done about it.

Trump, of course, has also committed treason. His worship of jews and support of white genocide (among a dozen other crimes) are both impeachable (and executable), but as the entirety of the federal government is complicit in treason against the United States, such crimes will obviously never be brought up.

The point is that every action taken by the government is POLITICAL THEATER, and you should ignore LITERALLY. EVERY. SINGLE. THING. YOU. SEE. It's all a hoax. It's all a fraud. We have a single political party–israel–and everyone is elected to serve its bidding. Jew Party A and Jew Party B is a hoax. Stop listening to anything you see in the media.

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fa40ea  No.7913


>treason (the punishment for which is execution)

No it isn't. "Congress shall have power to declare the punishment of treason" - Article III, section 3, US Constitution (a document you clearly have never read). Execution CAN be a penalty, but it's not automatic. Most get prison, and several of those convicted of Treason against the US were subsequently pardoned.

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da76fe  No.7917


>No it isn't.

lol fag, keep defending jews

>a document you clearly have never read

What's funny is that you actually believe what you've said.

>Execution CAN be a penalty, but it's not automatic.

Okay. Kill yourself now, please.

<18 U.S. Code § 2381

<Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death

LITERALLY THE FIRST FUCKING THING LISTED AS A PUNISHMENT. There are others, but death is the punishment. Period. Now kill yourself for defending NOT executing traitors.

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232e56  No.7924

Hunter was making $75k a month, a convicted cokehead and a total failure as a lawyer, in a post soviet slav-shit country. Nothing suspicious, it has nothing to do with that his daddy was a vice president and buddy buddy with Oblunder at the time.

Stop investigating this, you fucking nazis, literally everyone trying to investigate this or Burisma gets immediately fired, is silenced, and disappears from the public.

Stop looking at facts you stoopid whyte trash gnazis.

dup literally btfo

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73d5ab  No.7930

File: 75cc480cd65ab75⋯.pdf (1.19 MB, trump_letter_to_pelosi_201….pdf)

Worth a read.

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da40fd  No.8099

File: 6ee0c6b9cd8005c⋯.jpg (51.83 KB, 792x612, 22:17, trump balls.jpg)

File: 6f59e3497de74cb⋯.jpg (62.72 KB, 600x750, 4:5, trump awesome.jpg)

File: aef2776ae872dab⋯.jpg (59.05 KB, 500x357, 500:357, trump cannon.jpg)

File: d84475a3935132a⋯.jpg (80.47 KB, 663x1024, 663:1024, trump feelings.jpg)

I have always felt that a politician is to be judged by the animosities he excites among his opponents. 

~ Winston Churchill ~

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24526a  No.8107

File: 21c96615b505a1a⋯.jpg (70.56 KB, 417x463, 417:463, Poland.jpg)


Another jewish slave.

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3445de  No.8161


Literal facebook memes.

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5587af  No.8223

Trump is literally worse than Obama was.

Obama didnt ban anything. He talked about it a lot but never banned anything. Trump has already banned bump stocks, said we should "take the guns first, due process comes second," said he wants to ban silencers and raise the minimum rifle buying age from 18 to 21. Not to mention he has supported federal red flag laws at every opportunity. He has also deported fewer illegal immigrants than Obama did.

If his last name was Clinton or Obama you would hate him.


Take guns first, due process comes second: https://thehill.com/homenews/administration/376097-trump-take-the-guns-first-go-through-due-process-second

Raise rifle buying age to 21: https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/president-trump-vows-care-bump-stocks-executive-action/story?id=53421961

Silencer ban: https://www.forbes.com/sites/lisettevoytko/2019/06/05/trump-signals-hell-consider-silencer-ban-heres-why-he-probably-wont/

Red flag suppprt: https://www.cnn.com/2019/08/05/politics/red-flag-gun-law-explainer-donald-trump/index.html

Trump bumpstock ban:


Fewer deportations than Obama:


Trump on cutting funding to colleges who boycott Israel:


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517311  No.8240

File: d4d4a5115071aac⋯.jpg (375.19 KB, 2560x1439, 2560:1439, ORANGE MAN STILL BAD.jpg)


>Trump is literally worse than Obama was.


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5587af  No.8251

File: 40825ecab2bd9e5⋯.jpg (303.81 KB, 1920x1280, 3:2, y3elke.jpg)

File: 1d1084e8cc3edfc⋯.png (262.52 KB, 637x644, 91:92, b294b0a09d18c14cb4ef7e0559….png)

File: 72734075a02c1cc⋯.png (390.9 KB, 763x424, 763:424, IMG_0609.PNG)

File: 90f4fbf1cabdaf0⋯.jpg (60.75 KB, 737x1024, 737:1024, IMG_0608.JPG)

File: 6af042159100973⋯.png (30.82 KB, 805x469, 115:67, IMG_0616.PNG)


Kill yourself.

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517311  No.8281

File: d1aba32f3953801⋯.png (198.46 KB, 976x593, 976:593, ISISRAEL LOSSES iraq_syria….png)


>no new OC in over a year of spamming the same shit

<so kosher he let ISISrael lose Syria to Russia




You're really predictable, ol' elgoys.

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879c52  No.8331

File: eeb423a22de3d0d⋯.jpg (6.14 KB, 124x112, 31:28, Oy.jpg)

File: 239b474c6668c5f⋯.jpg (23.35 KB, 250x250, 1:1, Vey.jpg)


Oy vey!

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527959  No.8357

/pnd/ is more discord trannies than actual posters rn

good thing they don't actually know where the fucking bunkers are

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115cfa  No.8366


Fecal-themed memes have a very jewish vibe imho. I observed that jews tend to be very fecal in their humor, amongst other things.

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7f525e  No.8370

File: be7708257739841⋯.png (69.28 KB, 137x173, 137:173, thumbnail.png)


Yang 2020

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0303e9  No.8372


Gun grabbing fucking communist bug people? No thanks.

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0303e9  No.8373


Only retards are incapable of processing that no matter who we vote for the agenda in WDC never changes. You would have to be a literal RETARD not to notice that the agenda never changes when a TOTALLY DIFFERENT PARTY is elected. There is no political representation for Europeans on this planet. Ergo, politics are invalid. WAR IS THE ONLY SOLUTION.

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39d874  No.8441

File: 47404820f1376f8⋯.jpg (55.62 KB, 699x755, 699:755, 47404820f1376f832ac0429f0c….jpg)


Churchill was a nigger and so are you.

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4b340b  No.8445

File: 53fca4c7c131d8b⋯.jpg (148.65 KB, 720x1080, 2:3, 1s8rey.jpg)

File: 69fad0d285bfcd3⋯.jpg (82.41 KB, 532x1024, 133:256, qlmlbr.jpg)

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0303e9  No.8499


All the parasites are on the same side. Anyone who doesn't understand this will die at their hand.

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c7bbfd  No.8580

File: 961c8d93b11e5b2⋯.jpg (187.39 KB, 1359x2048, 1359:2048, 79857609_10156713652616935….jpg)

Let the facebook memes flow

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53ed17  No.8896

File: 8a42d370d16fd59⋯.jpg (14.26 KB, 380x250, 38:25, pepe gun.jpg)

> Amnesty for 4,000 Liberian Nationals Stuffed into NDAA 2020 Spending Bill


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d5243e  No.8906


Trumpniggers are also worse than the literal niggers who supported Obama. Obongo supporters believed a lot of retarded and crazy things, but none of it even came close to the Q LARP, 88D chess, and the "plan to save the world".

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467317  No.8938


wtf I hate Trump now

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da76fe  No.8951


>liking Trump


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da76fe  No.8952


This is imkikey. Report all posts it makes.

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517311  No.8967

File: 8362ca818d79e93⋯.jpg (259.65 KB, 720x686, 360:343, hasbarafag.jpg)


>muh kikey

I thought I was the designated kikey, hasbarafag? Make your mind up faggot, there can't be two of us.

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