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The existence of black people is inexcusable

File: d17d11ad6bb1e77⋯.jpg (177.32 KB, 1080x595, 216:119, 20200612_164302.jpg)

3d29e7  No.123644

Listen pussies now is the time to act. A terrorist organization has occupied and invaded US soil and declaired Sovereignty. This is an act of treason even the left agrees. They claim the Confederacy committed treason by seceding from the Union. Well they've committed the same act of treason. Before anybody goes out and acts alone, Understand you are not John wick and they are also armed. We need to do this as good PR for the right. The leftist, terrorist, occupiers, Are vandalizing, destroying, and extorting small business owners. The majority of the country is on our side. If we form an invasion force, With the goal of having minimal casualties and maximum arrests, forcring the captured to stand trial for treason. We can gain even more favor with the voters for years to come. We would need a minimum of 100 armed individuals with a minimum of 25 suv's, pickups, ect, and a means of organizing and mobilizing. This is the civil war and we're not doing anything. We need to take action.

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6decde  No.123647

But it's so funny to watch them crash and burn on their own.

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3d29e7  No.123650


I agree, but by letting them continue you allow their spirit to live and embolden them. Their spirit needs to be crushed. They need to be made an example of. We need to show them that even if the government will tolerate it, the people will not. And once their spirit is crushed and 100's stand trial for treason they'll run back to the shadows.

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588497  No.123654


You want to organize an army but you can't even check a mother fuckin' catalog?

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d757bc  No.123658

File: 8d80ff1a55ee6dd⋯.jpg (14.48 KB, 320x247, 320:247, fed_build_kid.jpg)

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3d29e7  No.123661


A 100 man invasion force is hardly an army. And i never said me. I said we need to do it, weather it's me or a more influential annon. Now be gone kike.

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3d29e7  No.123664


Also they're not exactly fumbling. They're having g the media, politicians, and other higher up cave to their demands even if they look like idiots doing it. That's a win for them. And they won't stop at major cities. More cities get involved every day. Once that's done you think they won't go after what they consider hicks in the country side?

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e6a04d  No.123709

File: f81de1a95d12378⋯.jpg (82.22 KB, 901x749, 901:749, Sam_Hyde.jpg)


>A bunch of fucking idiots take over downtown Seattle, declare it an autonomous country, while the mayor reins in the police.

>form a militia headed up by armed black men and gang bangers

>reports of robberies and rapes targeting the evil racist white folks in their midst

>businesses looted and/or burned down

>They run out of food, and demand tofu.

NO!!! Don't interupt them. What normal government needs to do is feed their insanity. This is the darkest fucking comedy we've had since Trump got elected. Many, many folks are waking up right now.

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20d06f  No.123729


Okay, go do something. Anywhere, at any time, for any reason. You won’t.


Literally no one is “waking up.” Fuck off with your retarded “IF WE JUST GET ENOUGH PEOPLE TO KNOW, THEN SOMETHING WILL MAGICALLY HAPPEN” bullshit. You know it isn’t true.


>I never said we

Why should anyone here want to do something that you, the instigator, are unwilling to do, then? Piss off, coward. You’re a fucking shill.

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3d29e7  No.123735


Listen faggot. We need to do it. Who organizes it it irrelevant. I'm willing to drive out to Seattle asap. We need people though

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20d06f  No.123739


>we need to do it

Okay. Go do it. No one here cares, so prove to the world that it’s actually necessary. Go. Do. It. Stop talking about it. Go do it.

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befd2d  No.123782

File: 78c8e9563e36df9⋯.mp4 (6.99 MB, 1836x1080, 17:10, gas_cockroaches_backyard.mp4)


is there a federal building in CHAZ?

Maybe we could blow up their garden?

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befd2d  No.123785


This is a joke fedfaggots.

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6ba065  No.123813

This is where our taxes go to. I am disappointed.

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befd2d  No.123815


Most of the problems on this planet would be solved in less than 6 months if Ethnic Europeans simply stopped paying taxes.

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6ba065  No.123816

File: 8cac733a12b4e87⋯.png (259.67 KB, 690x410, 69:41, AAAA.png)


Not a bad point

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7d182d  No.123885



> trials

In whose court?

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28931e  No.123936



>Double negative

Back to the drawing board, friend.

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ad4b72  No.124173

There is a BLM movement taking over my once very peaceful small town. They refer to themselves as "Black Lives Matter - North Georgia" on their FB group.

Link: https://www.facebook.com/groups/blmng/

They are now holding a protest at Young Harris College today at the red light and there are expected to be thousands of people. They need to be checked.

Their leader, Mary Slavkin is an associate professor at Young Harris College.

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ad4b72  No.124174

Details: The BLM - North Georgia riot will be in front of Young Harris College today from 4-6 PM EST.

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7b9a56  No.128122

Well the army/national guard/police just needs to:

* turn off the electric power to these 'sovereign areas'

* turn off the water too

* surround the area and allow no one to enter (to bring food or supplies), if they leave they are arrested

* have cellphone signal jamming

* if they want to be really cheeky, they can have loudspeakers blasting 'Rock It' by Herbie Hancock 24/7 really, really loud; with bright searchlights beaming in light at night time.

Letting the authorities handle this, in this way, would be best. Problem solved.

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