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File: 42be0f8da09142d⋯.jpg (2.29 MB, 3892x2535, 3892:2535, This_is_CNN.jpg)

File: 7307ce7186d7799⋯.png (1.14 MB, 836x912, 11:12, Cia_Glow_nigger.png)

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a5b203  No.121678

We are in the end game….But.. not the endgame they wanted.

What is really going on strategy wise is that (((They))) have been force into a corner. And they have to implement theirs plan even without having all the lever of Power. This is why the situation look so insane. This is why we are seeing ALL the major corporation pushing this insanity at the same time. This is why we are seeing every person in position of authority acknowledging this insanity at the same time…… But it's to soon.

The COVID Hoax is done for. The ID201 bullshit is not going to happen and this destabilisation attempt is going to fall really short of it's goal.

If you want to coral the sheep into theirs little box you have to take your time and coordinated. If you go to fast they will scatter everywhere.

And now even the normie know theirs is a big sharp knife that is waiting for them if they don't get the fuck out.

So in conclusion the accelerationist faction as won this game of chess. Expect the violence and Mayhem to be very intense but only in very select city where the infiltration is the worst. It's going to get really bad, and at the last moment when all hope is lost The maestro will do it's magic trick and expose them all.

We are at THE END GAME

Enjoy : https://youtu.be/1STlzJ6EeDo?t=104

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efc8e5  No.121682

Fuck off, Q-LARP.

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2cfaf0  No.121690

>We are at THE END GAME

I think this is only the beginning of the beginning, of the beginning. Things will have to get much worse than they are now before the system implodes.

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355a51  No.121692

File: a0ea219552cf5ea⋯.png (79.44 KB, 712x582, 356:291, Screenshot_2020_06_09_2020….png)

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355a51  No.121693


The system isn't imploding. It is proceeding according to plan. You just mistakenly believe it is your system, even in part.

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a5b203  No.121697

File: 1e6dba04c27549b⋯.jpg (104.12 KB, 935x1024, 935:1024, William_Barr_Quote.jpg)


What I'm seeing is the end of the old power structure. The normie are way beyond the point of no return. They know something is up. They see and FEEL that this shit is insane. So in a way yes it's the end.

I agree with you that it's going to get worst and even more insane. They will let the most infested city push this madness, Like in Seattle and other heavily infiltrated city.

The rest will be OK. So they want to push this…. They will let them push it and the people will see and they will be horrified.

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