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File: 57d18495ca7ac1e⋯.jpg (38.8 KB, 600x314, 300:157, r_pCxrJZ.jpg)

8f1888  No.10831

Goyim to be branded like cattle to accept the rat poison


>MIT researchers have struck on a novel, and for many surely unsettling, method of keeping track of who has and hasn’t had a particular vaccination - creating an ink that can be safely embedded in the skin alongside the vaccine itself, and only visible using a special infra-red application.

>“In areas where paper vaccination cards are often lost or do not exist at all, and electronic databases are unheard of, this technology could enable the rapid and anonymous detection of patient vaccination history to ensure that every child is vaccinated,” MIT researcher Kevin McHugh said in a statement.

>Strikingly, the research was funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation - in fact, the project came about following a direct request from the Microsoft founder himself, who has been personally and somewhat controversially involved in efforts to eradicate polio and measles via vaccinations worldwide.

You might recall this:


>First, we’ve got population. […] Now, if we do a really great job on new vaccines, health care, reproductive health services, we could lower that

This is also meant to get people used to the mark of the beast, getting people who oppose its precursors imprisoned or destitute and with their children taken away.




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0ef928  No.10836

Well fuck, I just understood that I have not been vaccinated since I was 10. That's maybe why I woke up to kike poison in the first place.

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191461  No.10844

File: 3a1ca585a3afa74⋯.gif (465.55 KB, 500x281, 500:281, 1527611043.gif)


Over the course of my youth I had a lot of vaccinations due to moving around a lot and growing up around the military.

Including some pretty exotic ones.

Yet I've been fervently antijew since my teens.

I don't really think vaccines are the blanket evil so many are claiming they are.

Rather they're a tool, a tool that works but a tool that can be used incorrectly.

Seasonal vaccines are in general a scam. But ones targeting particular long consistent diseases are a good thing.

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8c9ae4  No.10854

File: f69082e162bdb1c⋯.png (1.63 MB, 1330x2612, 665:1306, vaccines.png)

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8f1888  No.10855

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d0df0c  No.10857


>But ones targeting particular long consistent diseases are a good thing

But the real question is are they gmo-free, organic, animal friendly vaccination ?



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2d9b4f  No.10862

File: e27960f6aadd29e⋯.jpg (93.97 KB, 1000x541, 1000:541, Immunization Tattoos 1a.jpg)

File: a917b409050ee35⋯.png (214.17 KB, 541x657, 541:657, Immunization Tattoos 1b.png)

File: 92fc46770716806⋯.png (256.89 KB, 533x475, 533:475, Immunization Tattoos 1c.png)

Powered by Gates Foundation Cash, MIT Develop 'Tattoo ID' Tracking Who Has Had Vaccinations

> The invisible “tattoo” is a pattern made up of tiny semiconducting crystals that reflect light and thus glows under infra-red light. The pattern will be delivered alongside the vaccine into the skin via hi-tech dissolvable microneedles made of a mixture of polymers and sugar.

> MIT researchers have struck on a novel, and for many surely unsettling, method of keeping track of who has and hasn’t had a particular vaccination - creating an ink that can be safely embedded in the skin alongside the vaccine itself, and only visible using a special infra-red application.

> “In areas where paper vaccination cards are often lost or do not exist at all, and electronic databases are unheard of, this technology could enable the rapid and anonymous detection of patient vaccination history to ensure that every child is vaccinated,” MIT researcher Kevin McHugh said in a statement.

> Strikingly, the research was funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation - in fact, the project came about following a direct request from the Microsoft founder himself, who has been personally and somewhat controversially involved in efforts to eradicate polio and measles via vaccinations worldwide.

> The system has been practically trialled by MIT researchers on rats, with the embryonic patterns still detectable nine months after injection - on human cadavers, the patterns outlasted five years of simulated Sun exposure.

> “It’s possible someday this ‘invisible’ approach could create new possibilities for data storage, biosensing, and vaccine applications that could improve how medical care is provided, particularly in the developing world,” MIT professor and senior author Robert Langer said.

> The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation came under intense criticism for a vaccination project in India in 2009.

> During the year, several schools for tribal children in Telangana became sites for observation studies for a cervical cancer vaccine, which was administered to thousands of girls aged nine - 15. The test subjects were administered Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) vaccine Gardasil in three rounds under the supervision of state health department officials. In all, 16,000 girls in the district, many of whom stayed in state government-run hostels meant for tribal students - months later, many started falling ill and by 2010 five died.

> A standing committee on health and family welfare that investigated the studies in India tabled its report in 2013, finding consent for conducting the studies wasn’t properly secured, in flagrant violation of medical norms - in many cases, children gave ‘fingerprint’ consent for the tests despite having no idea about the nature of the disease or the vaccine. In others, consent forms were simply not secured at all.

Source: https://sputniknews.com/europe/201912241077771404-gates-funding-vaccine-tattoo/

Archive: http://archive.ph/paK5L

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2d9b4f  No.10864

File: f9a7f04b0a7d0ea⋯.jpg (65.17 KB, 800x600, 4:3, Immunization Tattoos 2a.jpg)

File: 0cc4804324b3069⋯.jpg (37.32 KB, 1071x366, 357:122, Immunization Tattoos 2b.jpg)

File: 44b8f33c94b966b⋯.jpg (86.38 KB, 1072x693, 1072:693, Immunization Tattoos 2d.jpg)

File: 033c780f85a8100⋯.mp4 (8.52 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Immunization_Tattoos_2c_A_….mp4)

This Spiky Patch Could Invisibly Record Vaccination History Under Skin

>But the technology raise several ethical concerns that could stymie its progress

> The human body is an extraordinary record keeper. Tattooed into its skin are the scars of old wounds; archived in the molecules of the immune system are the traces of past infections.

> But when that history gets translated into written medical records, things can quickly get dicey. Every lost sheet of paper or inaccurately tallied statistic can raise a person’s risk of receiving inadequate care—an especially pressing issue in low- and middle-income countries, where health care resources are often scarce or inaccessible.

> The consequences go far beyond a missed injection: Inconsistent recordkeeping is thought to play a large role in the 1.5 million deaths that occur due to undervaccination each year.

> Now, a team led by MIT scientists has come forward with a bold proposition that could write a legible vaccination history back into the body’s repertoire. Solving medicine’s record-keeping riddle, they argue, might just involve injecting patterns of invisible nanoparticles under the skin. Like QR codes, these designs could be scanned and interpreted by smartphones, and someday allow health providers to archive and access patients’ past vaccinations without the muss and fuss of external records.

> The tattoo-esque technology, described today in the journal Science Translational Medicine, is still in the early stages of development, and hasn’t yet been tested in humans. But the team’s experiments in rats suggest that these medical marks are both safe and long-lasting, and can be administered alongside vaccines without compromising efficacy.

> If the team’s research progresses, future efforts will focus on delivering the technology to children in low- and middle-income countries, where many still rely on paper cards or certificates to track their vaccination history. But other experts caution that both technical and ethical hurdles might stymie its implementation—including in places where new tools to combat the spread of disease are needed most.

> A schematic showing how a new product could encode a person's vaccination history without the need for medical records. A microneedle patch delivers fluorescent nanoparticles beneath the skin, leaving a pattern that can be visualized with a smartphone that can detect infrared light. (Courtesy of Kevin McHugh, Rice University)

> “Figuring out how to keep better track of vaccination is incredibly important from a health systems and public health perspective,” says Johns Hopkins University bioethicist Nancy Kass, who wasn’t involved in the project. But injectable nanoparticles that reveal private information about a patient “could be ripe for misinterpretations and rumors,” she says. That’s especially true given the fraught history of vaccination in countries at all socioeconomic strata, including the United States.

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2d9b4f  No.10865


> With similar concerns in mind, the researchers, led by bioengineers Robert Langer and Ana Jaklenec, are preparing to conduct surveys to assess whether the invisible tattoos would be accepted by locals in high-priority regions. Backed by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, interviews in Malawi, Bangladesh, Benin and Kenya will begin early next year.

> “We want people to be comfortable,” says study author Kevin McHugh, a bioengineer at Rice University. “The goal is widespread adoption.”

> Though somewhat comparable to tattoos, the marks themselves are nothing like traditional ink. Delivered by a microneedle patch—a four-by-four grid of tiny, 1.5-millimeter-long spikes that hurt less than typical injections—they’re made up of nanoparticles that are undetectable in visible light, glowing only when viewed in infrared.

> Over the course of two minutes, the nanoparticles diffuse from within the microneedles to a shallow layer of skin, where they’re deposited in simple patterns of dots, each smaller than your garden-variety freckle. The patch is then removed, leaving behind a subtle mark that can still be imaged after being exposed to the equivalent of five years’ worth of sunlight, the team’s experiments show.

> “This ties the vaccine to the record itself, and ties the record to the person,” McHugh says. “It can never be lost, it can never be counterfeited.”

> From there, reading the dots becomes a lot like scanning a QR code. Though invisible to the naked eye, dots stamped onto pieces of pig and human skin lit up in clear patterns—a circle, rectangle or cross—when viewed through a smartphone fitted with an infrared filter, the team found. In theory, each symbol could denote a different type of injection, McHugh says, and be read through a simple machine learning algorithm that the team’s already written and tested. Even with multiple shots, he adds, the marks are small enough that “your whole array of vaccines could fit within a couple inches.”

> Although the nanoparticles themselves don’t contain medically relevant drugs, the researchers safely delivered them to rats alongside a polio vaccine, which seemed to still confer its protective benefits. That’s the ultimate goal, McHugh says: to always administer the medicine and the marker in tandem, so there’s no risk of getting one without the other. And when the team scanned the rats nine months later, they could still identify the symbols the microneedle patch had left.

> Nine months is a long time for rats, which live only a couple years, but the blink of an immunologic eye for a human. The next step, McHugh says, is to test a similar protocol in longer-lived animals like pigs, which share a lot of anatomical commonalities with humans, including the structure of their skin. Ideally, the formulations will remain detectable for at least several years, and perhaps longer, as most vaccinations are delivered during early childhood, McHugh says. These longer-term experiments will also give the researchers the opportunity to do more testing for toxicity and other side effects. Though the dots’ glow eventually fades, the nanoparticles stick around for good.

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2d9b4f  No.10866


> For now, the patches can only encode a handful of simple shapes. But adding more microneedles could make the designs more intricate, potentially conveying information about a vaccination’s date, dosage, lot number and more. “To eradicate [diseases] like polio and measles,” Jaklenec says, “you really need this kind of data.”

> More complexity, however, also introduces the possibility for more error. If the nanoparticles are misapplied, fast-fading, poorly imaged or even misinterpreted, public health officials could end up back at square one on the record-keeping front, points out Grace Lee, an infectious disease pediatrician at Stanford University’s Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital who wasn’t involved in the study.

> What’s more, the team’s study represents the first pass at a product that could take years—even decades—to develop and clear stringent safety regulations, says Darrick Carter, a vaccine development expert at the Infectious Disease Research Institute in Seattle who wasn’t involved in the study. “It’s already difficult enough to get vaccines cleared to go into these countries,” he says. An accessory procedure like this, he says, could meet further resistance.

> And that’s just on the practical side. Making a technology usable doesn’t guarantee it’ll be used, and there are plenty of reasons why patients might hesitate to sign on to such an unusual procedure. One of the biggest issues, Lee says, involves privacy, something that’s already a hot-button topic in the realm of health records. Carrying medical information on the body—even in a form that’s “invisible” without a special filter—could invite stigma, discrimination or worse.

> The idea of administering tattoos en masse may not be well received, adds Kendall Hoyt, a biosecurity expert at Dartmouth College’s Geisel School of Medicine who wasn’t involved in the study. Potential patients could reject the procedure out of fear or mistrust, worrying, for instance, that authorities are using the patches to “encrypt” information onto individuals. Add that onto the backlash that already comes part and parcel with vaccines on the whole, and the situation could compound hesitancy and misinformation, she says.

> Given the nature of these issues, the team’s tattoos could end up widening the chasm between patients and health providers, both foreign and local, Kass says. If communication about the product isn’t initiated early, “I worry about the unintended consequences,” she says. “It could make things worse than they already are.”

> McHugh stresses that if the microneedle patches someday make it out to the field, they won’t be mandatory accompaniments to vaccination, and nanoparticle-free formulations would be available at the same sites. The team’s upcoming surveys, he adds, could also help the researchers adapt their product to patients’ needs, desires and concerns.

> That’s critical, Kass says. Bringing in the voices and opinions of the people who stand to benefit the most from the product is something that should start early, and continue. After all, there’s no point in advancing a technology that no one’s going to use.

> At the root of it all, the tattoos still address a very important problem, Hoyt says. It just has to be approached in the right way.

> It remains to be seen if these microneedle patches fit the bill. Figuring that out will require “a robust discussion to optimize the use of this technology in an ethically appropriate fashion,” Lee says. “You want to advance science. But you also want to mindful of the potential impact that science might have."

Source: https://www.smithsonianmag.com/innovation/spiky-patch-could-invisibly-record-vaccination-history-under-skin-180973809/

Archive: http://archive.ph/wL7eY

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cd2976  No.10867

File: 47bc084ca064300⋯.jpg (370.31 KB, 1917x1161, 71:43, 47bc084ca06430048dbfd4a508….jpg)



Thanks for doing it properly anon

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e8be9b  No.10869

File: 892014ce1f2faf1⋯.jpg (60.84 KB, 1024x396, 256:99, science.jpg)


Interesting. Fits with what we already know about the con artists and reddit tier retards who push the anti-vax stuff.

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e8be9b  No.10872


I meat "anit-vax hate stuff".

Anyone find out why they are pushing this nonsense? Just money for big pharma?

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5f2e0b  No.10889


While this makes a lot of sense overall, I still suspect vaccines may have utility in the eradication of particularly bad diseases

Anything polio or smallpox tier

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b3d351  No.10900


What a fucking Gish gallop this shit is. This is the sovereign citizenry of microbiology. "Natural infection elicites Th1, vaccines just do Th2" BULL FUCKING SHIT. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1111/j.1365-2249.2005.02931.x

A couple of cherry-picked studies and a very specific influenza-related paper later, suddenly all vaccines don't work.

The relationship between *immune activation* and cancer protection is well documented. The solution is not to give people dangerous diseases.

The CDC has a specific child vaccination schedule for a reason.

"DNA fragments in the vaccines can cause cells to mutate" This isn't how DNA, proteins, or microbiology work.

"Pertussis-vaccinated children were 14 times more likely to get asthma and 9 times more likely to get eczema!" Then a link to a study that says, right up top, "Conclusions. Our data suggest that currently recommended routine vaccinations are not a risk factor for asthma or eczema."

(This is how you know someone is trying to bullshit you: when the actual text of the referred thing is the opposite of what's claimed.)

"Everyone was immune by virtue of past infection, artificial immunity doesn't last!" Ha ha, no. Does this dipshit even know what shingles are?

And then the rest of this is just the usual crap.

Also, regarding the OP: This is for niggers in Africa in parts of the world where their local governments are too illiterate and/or retarded to actually make paper records. This isn't some goyim control program - if you want those, turn on the fucking TV - this is Bill and Melinda Gates playing veterinarian.

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6a4df8  No.10903


fuck I literally cannot wait to be branded

my arm is itching in anticipation

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8c6253  No.10917


"The Jew cries out in pain as he strikes you".

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8b6cb3  No.11010




Bill Gates must really hate shitskins kek

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8c9ae4  No.11048


Okay, lets do this. First of all, your counterarguments:

> A couple of cherry-picked studies and a very specific influenza-related paper later, suddenly all vaccines don't work.

Care to link other studies disproving the ones in the original picture?

> The relationship between *immune activation* and cancer protection is well documented. The solution is not to give people dangerous diseases.

Where is this suggested? Pic implies only link between prior infections and lower cancer incidence, which you seem to corroborate.

> The CDC has a specific child vaccination schedule for a reason.

And what is this reason? More importantly, why should it matter?

> "DNA fragments in the vaccines can cause cells to mutate" This isn't how DNA, proteins, or microbiology work.

I am no microbiologist, but this is the very first study I've found - maybe there are others: https://cancerres.aacrjournals.org/content/70/2/560.long "We examined the oncogenic potential of cells that had been cultured directly with plasma from patients with colon cancer by injection of such cells into NOD-SCID mice. Five days after injection, we found palpable masses in the three mice that had been injected with SW-480 cells and in all four mice that had been injected with NIH-3T3 cells that had previously been cultured with plasma from cancer patients (Fig. 3). At sacrifice, only the seven mice had s.c. masses, with greatest diameters that ranged from 1.1 to 2.7 cm (Fig. 3). No masses were found in the two mice injected with NIH-3T3 cells that had been cultured with plasma from healthy subjects, and none were found in mice injected with untreated NIH-3T3 cells."

> "Pertussis-vaccinated children were 14 times more likely to get asthma and 9 times more likely to get eczema!" Then a link to a study that says, right up top, "Conclusions. Our data suggest that currently recommended routine vaccinations are not a risk factor for asthma or eczema."

From referred study (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1448377/):

> Our univariate analysis showed that exposure to DPPT was associated with an increased risk of developing asthma (hazard ratio [HR] = 14.0; 95% confidence interval [CI] = 7.3, 26.9) and eczema (HR = 9.40; 95% CI = 5.92, 14.92)

You should be reading the whole study, you know. To be fair, there is also this gem:

> However, these relations were dependent on consulting frequency: 83% of children not recorded as vaccinated were in the lowest quartile of consulting frequency for the first 6 months. When the analysis was stratified by consulting frequency, it became clear that there was a strong association between DPPT and asthma in the lowest quartile of consulting frequency, and that this association was reduced considerably in the next higher category of consulting frequency.

Study asserts that higher incidence of asthma and eczema in children with DPPT is only due to consulting frequency. They ignored DPPT link in lieu of finding that children with complications tend to visit hospitals more often. Very surprising, isn't it?

This also means that children visiting doctors more often are more likely to be vaccinated, but who cares about vaccines, right? honk honk

Their reasoning would be valid if asthma or eczema were only transient phenomena, but IMHO these tend to last for the lifetime.

If anyone wants to discuss the pic further and if I'll care enough I will continue with checking all referenced studies, posting my progress here.

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7fd3e8  No.11060


More like the elite have done a good job on Europeans but now must turn their attention to Africa and Asia. Billions of them is not good for their plans.

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37f05a  No.11118



Bill Gates supports the rapefugees flood though

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37f05a  No.11120


Let's see who got this:




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acd4c7  No.11124


It's bizarre how prevalent it is there. I've never posted on reddit, but I'll occasionally check for information on supplements/nootropics, and literally every time I'm on the homepage there's something about how great vaccines are or how terrible anti-vaxxxxxxxers are. It's almost at the level of Holohoax "denial" at this point.

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fb9597  No.11129


Antivaxers are actually a threat to all of society. Not just themselves. Every disease has a herd immunity threshold: a percentage of the population that needs to be immune in order to statistically block the disease from making any reasonable spread through the community. Anti vaxers with their constant shilling and misinformation are convincing other people not to take vaccines and we are rapidly approaching the cutoff point for a lot of diseases where they will start spreading again. smallpox was only eliminated because its threshold (70%) is pretty low and the entire world cooperated to hit that number and maintain it

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37f05a  No.11143

File: 8a4c7afe3e03ead⋯.jpg (339.38 KB, 1425x1071, 475:357, 1529630133846.jpg)

File: b5fc0ba82bb612c⋯.jpg (51.36 KB, 1024x669, 1024:669, 1529639265370.jpg)

File: 5cb31da5da186ee⋯.jpg (58.66 KB, 618x931, 618:931, 1551754501829.jpg)


>Anti vaxers with their constant shilling and misinformation are convincing other people not to take vaccines

GTFO with your kikery, people are free to shill chemical castration and sodomy to children but telling people they shouldn't trust Dr. Shekelstein to shoot whatever chemicals and pathogens he deems necessary into their bloodstream makes you a threat to society. If you consider vaccines to be safe and you get them then that shouldn't concern you.

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d0df0c  No.11144


lmao virgin kfc nigger want to vaccinate chad clean eating because muhhh weak immune system

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45ddb4  No.11150


Societies have functioned just fine for thousands of years without vaccines. Also daily reminder that redditors like this one want to make it a literal crime to not be vaccinated. The redditor is spiritually jewish, and everything he wants to be done must be considered a threat to the white race

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e8be9b  No.11172

File: 1e0671d1fd2d7bc⋯.jpg (103.21 KB, 1024x931, 1024:931, 1575573359840.jpg)


That's part of why I mentioned it. Whenever I get an imgur link I tend to browse through the front page, most of it is cancer, but some of the memes can be decent. Eventually I noticed a consistent drip of antivax propaganda. It's never anything clever just hur dur antivax dum. I was starting to think it's inorganic. Sure the upvotes may be mostly organic, but it just feels like a shilling organization is posting them.

Could be social signaling retards, but why not just post racis is dum? Maybe I'll look into the accounts posting it next time I see one.

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fe96d4  No.11187

File: cab3790a1c5c24e⋯.jpg (286.69 KB, 1378x1911, 106:147, Vaccines study.jpg)


It's for a multitude of reasons

>rile people up over nothing

>distract them so they wouldn't start questioning why they even need one to begin with

>remind others to vaccinate

>create an additional outlet for people to vent their anger

But yeah, money for big pharma. It is much easier to get people to continue this trend through self-enforcement. They COULD spend a shitload of money paying media executives or they could just post on Reddit for free. It's not like Reddit is capable of independent thought so they will just regurgitate this meme until the end of days the same way boomers do. And what this will do is that it will gather support for the buying of massive quantities of vaccine through taxes.


It's definitely artificial. It's edgy humor for those that are neither edgy nor funny. Just a constant flow of "lol ded kids" from people that wouldn't in a million fucking years dare to make a joke about dead kids. They sure as fucking hell didn't come up with it themselves.

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41017e  No.13406


That's the price you pay I guess. Even the ones that are long term that are more or less "good" or the positives outweight the negatives are still full of heavy metals that lower IQ among other things. Anything seasonal is a complete racket, especially flu shots for example. Its pure profit basically and pointless

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cba6ce  No.13465

File: 2295faaeb564285⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 71.26 KB, 621x643, 621:643, trannies woman gets a beni….jpg)

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ee73ad  No.13585


I've been vaccinated for even longer, and I still managed to wake up. I don't know how. I wish I did so others could follow suit.

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4ec003  No.13600


Lel, you act like people have been vaxxed for thousands of years. Have people live only among there own and the spread of diseases will grind to a halt

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87a332  No.13651


>Have people live only among there own and the spread of diseases will grind to a halt

This. Want to enter the city, get tested and fill the paperwork to get a pass. Own a trucking company and want to deliver/transit through the city, uphold the safety standards testing and supervising your employees to get a permit.

They may have a pandemic in the works, a typical "create the problem and provide the solution" scheme importing migrants with exotic infectious diseases and then imposing compulsory vaccinations and other restrictions.

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645b82  No.13652


> targeting particular long consistent diseases are a good thing.

There's another word for this type of vaccination.

immune system

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f7e370  No.13721

File: 09b22f5efd29391⋯.jpg (34.54 KB, 554x439, 554:439, It happens.jpg)


>Rather they're a tool, a tool that works but a tool that can be used incorrectly

>Seasonal vaccines are in general a scam. But ones targeting particular long consistent diseases are a good thing.

Oh anon, you were so very, very close to the right conclusion, yet you ended up going the wrong way, absolutely bashing yourself into an incredibly jewish wall!

Vaccines are a


and like all other products the quality, effectiveness and healthiness of it all is determined by who produces it!

Hamburgers are tasty, eaten occasionally maybe even healthy depending how you prepare them and how much green goes in it, be it as a side dish or into the bun, yet you wouldn't trust McDonald to make a burger that's healthy for you, would you now?

Likewise soy can be delicious and I personally adore soy sprouts, however you wouldn't catch me dead drinking soylent or any type of "soy" related product with ten times the dose of estrogen a women get in a lifetime!

The issue with vaccines is not the concept of a vaccine, rather that the vaccines are produced in a very shitty way meant to purposely make us sick.

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d8dc15  No.14156



All of that.

Glad to see some fucking sense for a change.

We're always thrown into a basic black of white fist fight.

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594352  No.14182

File: 949e1a1dc743d98⋯.png (54.14 KB, 652x653, 652:653, Bayer contaminated vaccine….png)


Much like antibiotics, the issue with vaccines is that people take them way too fucking often, although in the case of the vaccine they are pressured and forced to do it. Someone taking a vaccine because he is going to a different continent on holiday is perfectly fine and normal. Administering a couple hundred vaccines before a child can even walk on the other hand is morally bankrupt.

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