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5c0635  No.105207

Salutations, anons!

My book collection currently includes cursory treatises on genetics and eugenics so I was wondering where I could find the most comprehensive and up-to-date manuals on eugenics. Roswell and Popenoe met only part of my expectations (understandable given the time of writing) even though their work was good reading. What should I get a copy of next? Thanks.

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c85146  No.105220

File: f9afa67a1668031⋯.jpeg (29.61 KB, 300x300, 1:1, salk.jpeg)

File: c185f49b2d4f1a6⋯.png (1.05 MB, 1072x841, 1072:841, Salk_Play_w_Curve.png)

File: d03f4fc10722b7f⋯.png (426.1 KB, 533x814, 533:814, Salk_Vaccines_Mutations.png)

File: d0329f9cf015bb3⋯.png (531.23 KB, 530x804, 265:402, Salk_Vaccines_Hereditary.png)

File: 474b82a40467468⋯.png (609.84 KB, 530x850, 53:85, Salk_Control_Fertility.png)

Salk's book isn't directly about eugenics. But even a cursory glance between the lines makes what he's talking about pretty clear.

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c85146  No.105221

File: 41e59c4fde8b846⋯.png (645.99 KB, 529x819, 529:819, Salk_Unwise.png)

File: 9500ca1dff17681⋯.png (621.94 KB, 565x845, 113:169, Salk_Selection_Pressure.png)

File: f34bcfa00666380⋯.png (574.71 KB, 543x847, 543:847, Salk_Wrongthink.png)

File: 1bf43fa115de8d9⋯.png (598.87 KB, 550x844, 275:422, Salk_Freedoms.png)

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c85146  No.105222



Basically the father of vaccines thinks we are entering an epoch where all past values and ethics are becoming obsolete and mankind must control himself (re HE CONTROLS YOU) or disaster and extinction will ensue.

Lots of talk about vaccines and viruses mutating DNA, which is then a heritable bit of information.

Couple this with Gates' RNA vaccine and all the fertility problems arising worldwide with his vaccines and we are getting a clear picture of how the modern eugenicist plans to go about.

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946e67  No.105315


Thanks. Yes, I think Salk makes quite a few good points there. At some point (barring the development of viable space travel and subsequent settlement of distant planets) I suppose the human population will no longer be able to grow unchecked so there will be substantial pressure to select for quality of heredity among other factors that are already at work nowadays. What I'm interested in is a manifesto or road map that we could chart for mankind in order to secure the best outcome for future generations without sacrificing quality of life to the point of intolerance. People like Bill Gates strike me as international terrorists and calling him a eugenicist is an affront in my view. I want eugenics to comply with religion and society's norms and vice versa as opposed to unleashing pain and suffering on the world.

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946e67  No.105318


Besides, eugenics has an obligation to meet ethical standards. Anything that circumvents those standards is simply a bastardization of the term.

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c85146  No.105355


>I want eugenics to comply with religion and society's norms and vice versa as opposed to unleashing pain and suffering on the world.

I have bad news for you.

That is a requirement.

You will have to control people violently.

imo this will happen naturally as our best and only shot.

It's like free market vs communism.

Centrally planning things because you might think you are smarter and can do it better, leads to total disaster shit show.

You are seeing that with the people who currently consider themselves eugenicists and saving the planet.

Best way is to influence people's minds and leave them free to choose.


>bastardization of the term

Bad news again m8.

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6fe6be  No.105357

Best way is to influence people's minds and leave them free to choose … oxymoron

The earth is full! God is doing something about it. Mainly in the USA cause thats where the dumbest people are. Hug yours guns dumbarses they cant save you but you just hug them anyway…. and yell something something about a conspiracy would be best.. lmao bye

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c85146  No.105360



How so?

Not by the definition of the word.

The rest I'm not sure makes sense either.

USA will be the last to go because of our guns though if I read you at all.

Why else are they desperate we don't have them?

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fc51fd  No.105362


I agree to an extent but there's just one catch - freedom ought to come with responsibility and as individuals we should have to face consequences for the choices we make. If society condones a safety net that invariably promotes dysgenics i.e. incurs costs to society from a eugenic point of view, it punishes smart and productive people by compelling them to subsidize what is essentially bad breeding. Maybe we're on the same track here. Perhaps the free market you speak of is friendly to eugenics.

Other than that, I disagree that people need to be controlled violently in order to achieve these aims. People are more than willing to give up their freedoms in exchange for security. Has there been an armed insurrection against our controllers over the impending demographic tailspin that will set back first-world countries immensely? Nah.

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