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Anarcho-fascist eco-accelerationism

File: f922f9267501052⋯.jpeg (408.1 KB, 1300x1390, 130:139, 5C1B64A3_4018_475F_B75A_5….jpeg)

c9648c  No.100515

Hey /pnd/ I thought we should have a discussion about the state of Animal Rights. Essentially they should have none, zilch, zero. Unless the animal is owned by a human, it should have no rights whatsoever. A man should not be forced to pay fines and legal consequences for doing anything to an animal no matter how unsavory. The state of animal worship in American culture is reaching disgustingly decadent levels. Who cares if you bash a dog or cats skull in? Why aren’t homeless people being told to hunt stray animals? Certainly it’s better than spending tax-payer dollars to feed their lazy asses. Animals should have no rights and there should be no consequences to killing them. Animal cruelty is a joke. I’ll never miss our family dog as much as I miss my departed grandfather.

>TL;DR dog steaks for the homeless

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c5b12a  No.100516

File: 3f970080e14840e⋯.jpg (82.1 KB, 500x603, 500:603, verboten.jpg)

Shitskin detected.

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93a3a9  No.100517

File: 03685fec4cebb72⋯.png (561.34 KB, 500x620, 25:31, ClipboardImage.png)


You are upset because a stray dog has more value and rights than you do in western or any other society.

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c9648c  No.100522


Trust me I have more than a dog. I hold the power of life and death itself

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6248da  No.100535

File: 367c899f0af2153⋯.jpeg (8.18 KB, 275x183, 275:183, lmaoing_at_immoral_fags.jpeg)


>I hold the power of life and death itself

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d140ac  No.100542


>pls post animal cruelty vids pls!!!!!!!!!

Ok nigger.

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