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The heartbeat of 8kun is strong

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A woman and her boyfriend are accused of a robbery and attempted robbery where a crowbar was brandished this past week.

In a press release with the heading "Arrests Made: 'Bonnie and Clyde,'" town police say Scarlett J. O'Dell, 26, of Clifton Park entered the Northway Mobil on Troy-Schenectady Road and the Game Stop at 800 Loudon Road with the heavy tool on Wednesday. Police said the gas station case is a robbery and the Game Stop incident was an attempted robbery.

Her boyfriend, William H. Jersey Jr., 31, of Schenectady, was allegedly the getaway driver, behind the wheel of a 2015 Volkswagen. Both are charged with first-degree robbery and first-degree attempted armed robbery.

Jersey was arrested over the summer for robbing the same Mobil station, a matter that is still pending, police said. He was out on bail in that case.

They were arraigned and jailed on $35,000 bail each, and are due in court on Tuesday.

Colonie police said the investigation was helped by tips received from media coverage and Colonie Facebook postings, but especially by the State Police in Clifton Park and the Capital District Crime Analysis Center.

State troopers were investigating a Halfmoon stolen car case and determined their female suspect was possibly involved in the Colonie incidents. After she was arrested Friday night by State Police, she was interviewed by Colonie investigators and charged with the two town crimes on Saturday morning. Her boyfriend was also stopped by troopers driving the Volkswagen and charged with having crack cocaine.

Town investigators interview him, and filed their charges against him. A search warrant on the car and Jersey's home resulted in the recovery of the crowbar and clothing worn in both incidents.


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>not niggers


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