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/monster/ - The Last Bastion of Romance

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File: 71a1fd5363ebadb⋯.jpg (534.99 KB, 700x879, 700:879, Beconing_1.JPG)

File: 75c432601f94cef⋯.png (857.17 KB, 691x950, 691:950, 1432488026000.png)

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a43bdc No.319959

Old thread: >>316802

/monster/ NEWS

>It's almost Halloween, so get ready for spoopy monstergirls and trick-or-treat'ing with your daughteru(s) and waifu.

>/bane/ and /just/ are having a movie stream on the 20th, and everyone is invited. >>319309 Naturally I'm making the thread a day before the stream happens, so this bit of board-related news is gonna be old in about a day.

>Some memelord is spending fifty gorillion hours in MS Paint (or mayb like half an hour in GIMP or Photoshop) making shitposts with the drawings/images posted in the updates for the gargoyle CYOA. >>318402

8chan NEWS

>Max filesize is now 16 MB. You can post an entire episode of certain t.v. shows now if you get the quality just right.

>CipherSimian broke the site, then fixed it, then broke it again, then sort of fixed it again (again).

>Some anon has been consistently running a Hunger Games type of thing if you haven't been paying attention to the big notices on top of the page. Previous winner of the 11th run was /jp/

World NEWS

>Some guy in Las Vegas shot up a concert and now is/was (since he's now kill) the record holder for deadliest mass shooting in the United States. World record holder is still Anders Brevik.

<As a note to this, /pol/ and other parts of the internet/real world have found "evidence" meaning conspiracy theory stuff that as as convincing as you believe it to be that the guy: a) was using a different weapon than what the media was saying (an M240B as opposed to an AR-15 style of rifle with a bumpfire stock), b) had help from various sources, including the government/alphabet agencies carrying the out the attack, and c) there was more than one shooter/shooting.

>Harvey Weinstein got outed as a misogynist and overall sex predator of women in Hollywood, and to no surprise all the top people knew about it. Hollywood is now imploding to some degree because of allegations going fucking everywhere and people being blamed for knowing about it but not doing/saying anything.

>Sportsball fans and non-sportsball fans are flinging shit at each other because of sportsball players kneeling for the national anthem, and Trump fueled the dumpster fire by saying the sportsball players should be fired if they kneel.

d99121 No.319989

>going to have to miss the stream


e49457 No.320005

>A fucking M240B

These people are delusional

a30680 No.320013

>Kneeling for your national anthem is wrong

What? Wait, what? I know it's unorthodox, but why is this seen as wrong?

>Norway has a world record


>In murder


582c69 No.320017

Commenting on posts from the meta thread:

>As much as I would love the /human/ thread, it seems to be less shitposting as monstergirls and more cancerous roleplay at this point

<Isn't that the whole point? It's meant to be a mirror image of /monster/. If they aren't roleplaying as monstergirls then it'd be a pointless thread. Look on the bright side, it's good practise for writeing and there's no erp going on. They're keeping it tame and contained to one thread.

I say it's easy to tell the difference between cancer and non-cancer posts in a /human/ thread. All the *raises paw* stuff in /human/ threads is cancer analogously to how *raises hand* is cancer in any other thread.

582c69 No.320018

>from the meta thread

I meant from the preceding meta thread.

d99121 No.320020


>I know it's unorthodox, but why is this seen as wrong?

You're meant to stand.

ac8a3f No.320022

Op forgot to mention that Taro Yoko says he wants to do adult films (read: porn).


>inb4 he founds studio jiggly

>inb4 he make hit parody movies titled My Fuckbuddy Totoro, Kiki's Climaxing Service, and Howl's Moaning Castle

ac8a3f No.320023

dcf7eb No.320028

File: f72077415dadf4d⋯.png (576.29 KB, 1067x620, 1067:620, fellow kid.png)


Sounds like he's desperate to stay relevant.

41a38a No.320030



>/bane/ and /just/ are having a movie stream on the 20th, and everyone is invited

It was moved to Saturday (21st).


1f1d27 No.320044


The only thing a man should kneel for is the woman he wants to marry

Which actually makes kneeling for the national anthem sound respectful but the niggers in the NFL are doing it as an intentional sign of disrespect because muh racist police killin good boys who dindu nuffin

ba0ca6 No.320046

File: 8de189cf99a22a7⋯.jpeg (407.67 KB, 1043x1043, 1:1, DA7879CB-CF32-497A-B9B8-6….jpeg)

On the positive side, our UID numbers seem to be balancing out to be a bit higher. But it still bothers me that our average is probably going to start sitting below 200.

5ed6fd No.320047


But anon, kneeling for your waifu is inferior to trading magic engagement gems with her.

dcf7eb No.320049

File: f187dd9b82f4127⋯.jpg (60.36 KB, 509x537, 509:537, 1479794463878.jpg)

File: 05b6b49a6eec7aa⋯.jpg (113.25 KB, 528x817, 528:817, 1472278584063.jpg)

File: c10ba2f92a5791e⋯.png (717.55 KB, 800x600, 4:3, 1465257513396-0.png)

I'd like to remind all resident toaster molesters about >>>/robowaifu/

Earn your spot on the right side of the inevitable human-machine conflict before it's too late!

f4a765 No.320050


>supporting marriage

>in this climate

I kek'd.

That said, the issue of police brutality is a topic that feels overblown from years of cherry picked media coverage but a discussion needs to be had if only to make some groups try to improve their behavior to each other. Like destroy black culture's hatred of cops or at least reduce it.

1f1d27 No.320052


>supporting marriage

>on a waifu board

I know man crazy right?

f4a765 No.320053


I thought you meant in real life as in with 3DPD.

cef96d No.320054

File: 7c1ed74f1e51209⋯.jpg (33.06 KB, 599x518, 599:518, 3a0a02c2690f020946facdfae4….jpg)


There are plenty of good reasons to disrespect the stars and stripes, but they've picked one of the worst.

a43bdc No.320055


conspiratards are saying the fire rate and sound matches an M240B since it's a slower fire rate and lower pitch compared to the higher fire rate and pitch you get from a full auto (or bumpfired) AR-15/M16/M4



>muh racist police killin good boys who dindu nuffin

that, and the fact that Trump supports standing for the anthem, so it's partly because of muh dindu's and partly to protest trump because that's the hip and cool thing to do in the media and will be for the next three years (at least)

f80142 No.320059


It's also that every step of this has had inconsistencies. From reports if people bragging about it about to happen to the hotel disputing the official timeline, a security guard that isn't actually a security guard, a witness who said multiple gunmen turns up dead, FBI disputing Isis' claim to the shooting. This was a god damn clusterfuck of loose ends.

To paraphrase some guy on the radio last week, "I've never payed attention to conspiracy theories before, but I kind of had to because they're making more sense than the official story".

Also in the news US vs Japan mech battle went down yesterday. It's hammed up but promising for the future. Like pro-wrestling but you're allowed to tear apart the opponent to the bone.

106b6a No.320085


I doubt that lifetimes of indoctrination can be undone with a mere "discussion". It would be better to target the organizations responsible for it: the welfare programs that make blacks slaves to the state, the media companies whose "thug life" brainwashing makes blacks into fatherless drug dealers, the secret government agencies who rake in profits while blacks die in their drug wars, and, of course, the (((small, rootless international clique))) behind it all.

With the sources exposed and removed, the mind-control would wear off on its own in a generation or two.

41a38a No.320090

File: 119c88256fea402⋯.png (142.07 KB, 1880x1115, 376:223, tAY AI GET.png)



e6afa9 No.320118


Whatever happened to /clang/ and /machinecult/

f28de7 No.320134


Don't we already have >>>/clang/ for that?

54f891 No.320152


>some nigger warns everybody that shit will go down in Nevada on 9/11 on cuckchan

>explains that it is (((lobbyists))) who will be responsible

>only off by a few weeks but one of the most (((convenient))) shootings since Sandy Vagina and it's one of the most tactically brilliant since Woo Bum-Kon*

>conspiritards tho


*There has never been a mass shooting in Korea thanks to it's sensible gun laws, nor have any real cops been responsible for one. Bum-Kon is a fictional character and Martin Bryant held the world record until Brevik. Anybody who tells you otherwise is a thought criminal conspiritard.

54f891 No.320153

File: 456d1bb0a7ca3b3⋯.png (47.43 KB, 1287x445, 1287:445, COINCIDENCE.png)

Forgot pic.

c794ab No.320180

File: eddb00ae6bbde1e⋯.jpg (203.03 KB, 1052x1634, 526:817, 9b5b1bc8452166551f01d52cbb….jpg)

Marburg-sama is back! Surely Ebola-chan's onee-chan deserves our love too!




c83b36 No.320185


No, that's a porn board full of metal furfags and diesel dickers.

593ebb No.320227


>death cultists spring the Ebola family on Africa just in time for Halloween.

I can't wait for what else this year has in store.

65bafb No.320228

How's the thread participation and OC going? I need more crow stories in my life.

ba0ca6 No.320229


>I need more crow stories in my life.

Have you considered writing some yourself?

693f05 No.320232


Yokai thread has a crow story and an ushi oni one if you're up for it.

880fd4 No.320254

File: c524721dbe35e75⋯.jpg (114.98 KB, 857x1100, 857:1100, Ratatoskr profile.jpg)

Now Neogaf is imploding. To think it's not even Halloween yet let alone christmas, What will happen next in this wild ride known as 2017?

1f1d27 No.320256


>Neogaf is imploding

Is this still over Jon "Empty my Nine on the Welfare Line" Jafari being kept in A Hat in Time?

a7965a No.320258

File: 9a56fd2562733b1⋯.jpg (231.21 KB, 660x660, 1:1, moth_smug.jpg)


No, guy who created it is accused of sexual assault, a lot of their mods and 2 admins quit,

It's possible their whole site dies

Post your face when you're not a neofag

1f1d27 No.320260

File: 8efdcd657d75ec3⋯.gif (2.18 MB, 500x281, 500:281, Smug Gun.gif)


>Neogaf may die


>Its users will spread across the rest of the internet like flies from a rotting corpse

Less radical. Still, worthy of being smug.

880fd4 No.320261

File: b4db4cec1fb0daa⋯.png (114.86 KB, 274x356, 137:178, b4db4cec1fb0daab202a7a2ff5….png)

File: 2de002459276a0d⋯.png (71.39 KB, 222x268, 111:134, Dangerous-levels-of-smug-d….png)

File: 8563d6d2a32ad0a⋯.png (3.35 MB, 2292x1798, 1146:899, GIANT FUCKING FAGGOT CAT.png)

File: 3b9eae5b92eee62⋯.png (2.49 MB, 2102x2293, 2102:2293, Momi.png)

File: ef66f96f4a4b7d0⋯.png (261.56 KB, 398x370, 199:185, smug vampire loli.png)


You trying to kill this site with something so reckless as posting endless amounts of smug?

cef96d No.320266


>creator is a rapist

Isn't this old news? I'm pretty sure I remember hearing about that back when gamergate was still a thing.

85e155 No.320274

File: 37bab1a899efe53⋯.png (123.13 KB, 361x361, 1:1, 37bab1a899efe536564ae3b096….png)


He did it again the madman.

the TL;DR is

>takes this girl a few years back

>girl gets fucking wasted

>decides to take a bath

>after she goes in he instantly strips and gets into the shower with her, touching her and shit

>"wtf no, I have a boyfriend, get out"

>stays pissy the rest of the trip and doesn't even talk to the girl

>girl posts the story on facebook a while back

>people find out and the fire rises on faggaf

>6 of the 7 mods quit or get banned

>half the userbased banned already

>site goes out every once in a while

>faggot still trying his hardest to damage control with "s-she was asking for it", just proving he actually did it

Apparently there's a fucking list of girls this guy harassed.

I'm just smug the "listen and believe" mentality they've kept for years is what is going to destroy their site.

85e155 No.320276


>>takes this girl a few years back

*takes this girl into a trip a few years back

e6afa9 No.320280

File: a7f6a718579a913⋯.png (292.48 KB, 540x405, 4:3, a7f.png)


I don't think it's gonna be too big of a deal, last I heard they were considering making either GameFaq, reddit, or halfchan /tv/ their new locus of power. I honestly doubt they'll come to the site that was drawn into the spotlight by Gamergate, r-right?

44f7c7 No.320283


I've seen posts satating otherwise.

The issue is mark always thinks "everything is fine"

87f79d No.320285

>4cuxxs already banned it

so much for horoshima

f4a765 No.320286


I forgot that Jon was in A Hat in Time, "still" people were mad about it?


For extra irony, I got to ask, is this guy someone who constantly talks about how "consent is sexy" or goes full white knight for women?

1f1d27 No.320289

File: 162c5f46648fddd⋯.png (188.37 KB, 608x260, 152:65, salt.png)


Well, "people" weren't really mad about it, but Neogaf certainly was

85e155 No.320290

File: 31232349fc6c463⋯.png (170.87 KB, 579x1300, 579:1300, 31232349fc6c46321187e74054….png)

File: ec27b8d20189eee⋯.png (719.84 KB, 1024x678, 512:339, ec27b8d20189eee665e49b29c3….png)

File: dee06843236d36f⋯.png (344.3 KB, 1918x788, 959:394, 715dece31f55cc8e9c8930e335….png)


>is this guy someone who constantly talks about how "consent is sexy" or goes full white knight for women?

From the /v/ /gg/ thread.

5034d3 No.320293


<Sultry hourglass figure


Immorality attracts the truly broken in mind. Reminds me of radio hosts yelling about "nazi" communists.

48fc09 No.320380

File: e77ca6cde37bc4d⋯.png (95.57 KB, 1261x1200, 1261:1200, Board_log_-_2017-10-23_02.….png)

File: 936e6fe390b1ec4⋯.png (160.92 KB, 339x482, 339:482, shiki 1.png)

>King Kike is actually doing his job

d82df9 No.320438


>Reminds me of radio hosts yelling about "nazi" communists.

I take it you've never heard of "Nazi-Bolshevism"?

5ed6fd No.320451


I thought that was "National Bolshevism."

c794ab No.320452

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

5ed6fd No.320500

File: 33669e90b635a2c⋯.jpg (475.04 KB, 1000x598, 500:299, love at first sight missio….jpg)


This is /monster/'s word bubble. Love is a significant bubble in it, but could be a lot bigger. Make sure to say love more often while browsing /monster/.

a7a3d9 No.320511

File: ad21f906026ce53⋯.jpg (146.27 KB, 600x400, 3:2, laughing korwin.jpg)

File: d153b298e8b0f40⋯.png (345.05 KB, 1184x1258, 16:17, Chan_Word_Bubbles_-_2017-1….png)

File: 848ec28b5d431d1⋯.png (488.61 KB, 1180x1238, 590:619, Chan_Word_Bubbles_-_2017-1….png)

File: fe4754b4321fd6e⋯.png (340.03 KB, 1241x1238, 1241:1238, Chan_Word_Bubbles_-_2017-1….png)


Thanks for reminding me that this exists

5ed6fd No.320512


>/sp/ says got more often than get

What happened?

c83b36 No.320515

File: 4940c2669e0fd86⋯.png (4.66 KB, 125x97, 125:97, for you.png)

1f1d27 No.320517

File: da98d0041e312eb⋯.png (8.78 KB, 120x142, 60:71, feel good monsters making ….PNG)

3778a5 No.320522

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Anyone else enjoying the Neogaf and 4chan pit-fire?

a7a3d9 No.320524


It funnily enough seems to actually increase board quality on /v/ again since everyones on edge.

c83de8 No.320525


Hell I am, it's a fun roller coaster ride that reminds me of the one that lead to gamergate happening.

5034d3 No.320530


This. It's all the trainwreck action of gamergate without having to jump out of the train.

a43bdc No.320548


>search /v/

>immediately read "game", "games", and "shit"

it's true, vidya is shit

f6e1a4 No.320554

found a VN from steam new releases http://store.steampowered.com/app/669050/Mutiny/

it has mongirls with pirate theme. fug. 2 girls are behind dlc and one of them is moth girl

e94a40 No.320556


>girl with dick in one of the pics

>developer logo has pawprint in bg

Unfortunate. I wish monstercons with our tastes were more prevalent.

f6e1a4 No.320558


sadly that won't happen unless we have own community devs doing it or devs who follow us and doing their own thing.

cef96d No.320560

File: 6f198edeb3a7636⋯.jpg (36.57 KB, 640x520, 16:13, 01ee737b46c8351cf744023178….jpg)


>paw print logo

Strike 1.


Strike 2.


Strike 3.

1f1d27 No.320567

File: 8d9fffa8e009ad1⋯.jpg (35.75 KB, 508x419, 508:419, get outta here.jpg)



>Paid DLC characters

f3414c No.320571

I'm thinking of doing a let's play thread for some monstergirl games. I want to start things off with Tokyo Tenma 1 (AKA Not-SMT with lewds.) I don't have any experience with streaming, but would you guys be interested in it?

42747e No.320573

File: f054bae1e8eb2cb⋯.png (128.91 KB, 446x324, 223:162, nanalan.png)


Hope you don't sound like a faggot if you're adding commentary. Where will the stream be hosted?

f3414c No.320574


As I said, no experience with streaming, I was going to post screenshots/gifs in a thread. I can try a stream if the people prefer it.

5ed6fd No.320576


Attempt streaming so that we can funpost in the chat a lot if you succeed and funpostbolli you if you don't succeed.

7690d1 No.320577

So there's a game on steam called Elex.

According to a fellow nazi it sucks and you can't choose to be with the logical "bad" guys.

Here's the thing though. The bad guys are called Albs. Unless you're playing in german as said guys does, then people start talking about Alps everywhere.

3a2da0 No.320588

Talk about intrusive. it doesn't matter the site, if a furfag who believes that they're in a moral highground gets moderation, they will shit up a board for their manchild mannerisms.


Post last edited at

5ed6fd No.320589


I'm still surprised we've ever even heard about this until now despite it apparently happening six days ago. Does that mean we have less halfchan crossposters than ever at the moment?

7b32e1 No.320590


At least 8 /a/ has loli and kemono friends threads.

5aa855 No.320617

>163 UID

Shit we're dropping off again. Thought we came up with ideas on how to get more traffic

ec385d No.320619


I tried contributing to the yokai thread with my shitty Ushi-Oni story. Though I still think we need more content creators throughout the board. Any plans?

ba0ca6 No.320620


Looking at the list in the previous thread

>>Use meta threads to help promote threads and topics on here.

No one is really doing that.

>>Be more open to certain fetishes excluding NTR to attract more people

This is a method that will only slowly generate users, and not everyone is going to get the memo. Plus for some anons it can be hard to not display their disgust, such as what was posted in the amphibian thread

>>Ban people who wont stop bitching about a certain fetish or subjects. Seriously no one wants to hear your bitching, take it to the meta thread if need be.

Essentially the previous point.

>>Promote threads about monster girls we haven't seen before, get people interested in them who can contribute OC

There hasn't really been many obscure monstergirl threads. Plus it may get annoying to see a flood of no name monstergirl threads with only a couple replies each.

>>Make holiday themed threads and stories and coordinate them. Halloween is coming up

An incredibly temporary solution that has yet to be even touched.

>>Start creating more CYOA's

It's not easy for new writefags to just start writing a story, especially a CYOA that could last for months on end and requires heavy dedication. Perhaps someone could make a short CYOA thread where anons write 2-4 post long short CYOAs about various monstergirls.

I honestly don't know how we can permanently fix this. Any anons that have been on 8chan for a decent amount of time has heard of us, so it's more of a question of how do we bring them here, or get lurkers to post, which the former may be inclined to just not even bother here with how some people particularly myself included feel compelled to call out newfags, and the latter just need to post of their own volition.

7b32e1 No.320625


Hopefully the good times will come soon. It's sad that this board is slow, especially on October. I remember how fast and how much content we had. A lot of anons were driven away.

bddea4 No.320628


OC is the lifeblood of the board. To get more people, we need more OC, to get more OC we need to get more content creators, to get more content creators we need to get more people so that the content creators can get feedback and feel justified to do more. This is kind of an ironic conundrum. Also lack of feedback to writefag and drawfag works probably discourages the content creators. Imagine making something and nobody responds what they think?


The only thread I see brought up here is the yokai thread and apparently an obscure monster like chochin obake has got it's first ever writefag there. It's a start at least.

f24fae No.320630


>lack of feedback to writefag and drawfag works discourages the content creators.

This is definitely true from personal experience in the past. I have gotten a good amount of feedback here, but I can’t say what it looks like for other content creators. I’ll try to make it a point to look into more writefag works and give feedback if I can find the time.

2de617 No.320637



Last thread mentioned that the Purity Spiral drove away some anons. I think that the shadow anchor of the rape thread is the final straw for some of them, even the ones who don't care for the thread since it's a shadow anchor which rubs people the wrong way. Aux mentioned on how /a/ tends to talk shit about /monster/, but that only happened once in their old elf thread shortly after pages from the manga got deleted from /monster/'s elf manga thread in which /a/ brought up the rape thread getting anchored here. /a/ never mentioned/monster/ ever again after that thread. We shouldn't go on a degenerate slippery slope, but we should also not go into a purity spiral, there should be a moderate balance. Now we need to get anons back, but we don't know how.

6a8949 No.320638

Been thinking about doing a reboot of an old cyoa of mine. How's the number of active cyoas now? Don't want to start if there's quite a few.

3a2da0 No.320650


>We shouldn't go on a degenerate slippery slope, but we should also not go into a purity spiral, there should be a moderate balance. Now we need to get anons back, but we don't know how.

Oh please, you haven't been near slowdowns content creation is what helps the board, and not going ew i don't like this because of my taste every time something new is brought out.

Just recently some faggot reported a loli thread, and i dont think most reports nowadays are worth humoring, other than some mongs overstepping their bounds when it comes to shitposting.

Post last edited at

45e32b No.320652


There's like two or three active ones. Waifu left all of hers behind. So much for goatgirl getting hugged. I actually miss Busboy, it was fun. But hey, the gargoyle cyoa is doing great! The drawfag is doing his best, and we can all be thankful for that. It's a good story so far. Why don't you test the waters, at the very least? Which cyoa was yours, the one you want to reboot?

29747c No.320655


>Oh please, you haven't been near slowdowns content creation is what helps the board, and not going ew i don't like this because of my taste every time something new is brought out.


That's exactly what he is saying, Aux.

You're not a very literate person are you?

3a2da0 No.320656


Did you just ignore the slowdown remark and reach for something else? The board slows down near fall time, summer is where it gets filled with posts mainly cancerous meme ones since you know schools out and whatnot and we're in a period where midterms are starting or are about to start.

There has been other times when this has happened, its just that you aren't seeing those slowdowns or you're just new to the ebb and flow. even chaos is getting hit with a brief period of non posts, they're normally like 20 to 25 users but its down to 16 because of midterms.

Post last edited at

6a8949 No.320672


It was a lizardgirl stalker cyoa from 2015. Just going to keep the same character but change up the stats and story.

03ad5c No.320673

Hello, long time lurker here I occasionally post in the Oomukade thread. To be honest I dont think we have anything to worry about as far as our numbers go. /monster/ has been much slower than it is now, and changing the board drastically fells like cutting off our leg because we found a bump on our foot. Also, maybe it just my taste or whatever but the people who keep saying we have to change our stance on degeneracy feel like the same people who want monster to be a porn dumping board. I mean chaos is, from what i remember, it has been a while esentially a less purian monster and they have less post then we do.

b49c02 No.320687



I kinda wondered what happened to bus boy since I haven't seen any threads lately, such a shame really.


>Plus for some anons it can be hard to not display their disgust, such as what was posted in the amphibian thread

It's unfortunate that would be the case, but not surprising when I saw the spoilered content. It hasn't been deleted yet, I guess the mods don't mind it? At least it wasn't horribly done.

3a2da0 No.320699


I say do this, give the shit a chance then either the board ignores it or wants more. Alot of anons nowadays take it too personal and wish the board to be like the rest of the site, this is rapefugee tier mentalities, it doesn't work for a niche interest. I mean its 8chan the quality of posting is more hostile than the one on 4chan, people need to get thicker skins. I even had a paladin poster sperg out on the drawfag thread because his choice was not taken. This is the sort of cancer that kills this board.

85e155 No.320701

File: e4bdc43a5926bd8⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 56.43 KB, 400x600, 2:3, 25e0174ec954437c9a145d9e79….jpg)



7b32e1 No.320706


This is why people like dullahans.

efeabe No.320708


This right here is the biggest problem. the fact that people sperg out over a topic that somehow triggers them and thus derails the entire thread. You see this so often on halfchan and on other boards on 8ch as well.

f306e4 No.320709


Is that Sekibanki?

7b32e1 No.320710


Yes, it is an underrated 2hu.

89b376 No.320722

File: 0b9beb0695f7c51⋯.png (519.96 KB, 900x1259, 900:1259, 58958593_p0.png)

File: 4890ae92e29d1b1⋯.jpg (356.36 KB, 1023x723, 341:241, 47345960_p11_master1200.jpg)

File: cc3badbbd9cc67b⋯.png (1.53 MB, 2039x1377, 2039:1377, 52030858_p0.png)

File: 94b7c9b1e94d592⋯.jpg (320.56 KB, 672x842, 336:421, 54886932_p4_master1200.jpg)

File: 2d4cea2114ef32e⋯.jpg (205.27 KB, 850x680, 5:4, sample86.jpg)


Banki is a cute, but reminder that even the most underrated 2hu still has mountains of fan art.

3a2da0 No.320727


yeah but everyone has bitched since the dawn of imageboards, theres a point where its just best to ignore it and dont take it seriously.

b49c02 No.320732




I will admit that I was the one who posted the doujins in that amphibian thread. Aside from the images showing disgust, I was thankful that they didn't sperg out completely. I did ask if it was okay to post it in the thread, and there was no objection. I guess frog anatomy like that was a bit much.

b49c02 No.320734


I forgot to mention I asked in that QTDDTOT thread.

8d45e9 No.320741


>even the most underrated 2hu still has mountains of fan art

Provided she's not most PC-98 characters. Or poor Rin.

5ed6fd No.320749

File: b7bea2931b91592⋯.gif (159.79 KB, 234x234, 1:1, [SKIPPING LEG DAY INTENSIF….gif)


abdc29 No.320752


Monstercons hate furry and furfags much more than furfags hate monstergirls and monstercons though.

3a2da0 No.320755


alot of people need to realize that they're trying to put a face on aimless shitposting, and make it personal. Its what forum fags do, its what furry has done on /v/, its what people do to their boogeymen. Anons should shake it off, and it looks like thats happening, if the naysayers cant see this then they need to step back and realize what do they expect from imageboard to begin with.


eh looks like /v/ is turning to goonshit tactics, funny enough it looks like. anyways what the fuck is a monstercon? why are you using outside memes on a board, its cringeworthy.

27b8bf No.320756


The funny thing is that whenever we use the argument about monstergirls being based off mythology, furfags will come out and be like


I don't give a shit whether or not "they wuz Egyptians", that doesn't stop them from being cancer.

abdc29 No.320757


>anyways what the fuck is a monstercon? why are you using outside memes on a board, its cringeworthy.


I saw it on this board and nowhere else.

27b8bf No.320758


>anyways what the fuck is a monstercon?

Monster Complex, which means he's sexually attracted to monsters.

118ce1 No.320759


>"We furries wuz Egyptians"


Are they that delusional to ever think that?

3a2da0 No.320760


They use that argument on their cancerous wiki entry.

b49c02 No.320769


That's some BLM logic. Should I even dare look at that entry? May Ammit help me…

44f7c7 No.320782


That was me. I mean my entire intention was to start shit

593ebb No.320788


Are you so drama starved that you went to another board and just caused trouble?what was the post anyway?

3a2da0 No.320794


Some gay irrelevant shit ploy to get furfags to fight weeaboos, the furshit autist squad showed up and kept being buttblasted that the board moved on from their bullshit.

44f7c7 No.320800


basically neogaf rapefugees are trying to restart on a new site. One of them is a furfag that hates weebs. The idea was to get this rapefugee camp to kill itself by pitting weebs against furfags and possibly furthering the gap by putting "Monster girl fans" as a third part in the war though to normalfags and sites likeneogaf, monster girls are probably sexist to them in some shit way.

Anyways nothing more than an idea to get a pack of retards to kill each other for our enjoyment

b57da6 No.320830


>though to normalfags and sites likeneogaf, monster girls are probably sexist to them

This. I wish I had the screenshot of that amazon review of the encyclopedia where some bitch sperged out about how sexist it was that stronk monsterwomyn were dependant on semen and men anyway.

f3414c No.320846


Was it amazon? I remember being another site, the woman who left the review worked for ANN and couldn't make the review on the site so she did it on another books review site. I think it was mentioned in one of the earlier meta threads.

abe4ac No.320848

File: 3253002e6209bc3⋯.png (138 KB, 666x763, 666:763, MGE1Review2.png)

3e7af0 No.320849

File: 7b0e58a6f90ad93⋯.gif (78.27 KB, 254x255, 254:255, 1502687133965.gif)

File: 7e2fa27a0beb03d⋯.jpg (34.52 KB, 600x558, 100:93, 1500980226374.jpg)


>tumblr-tier profile pic

>like, why does hentai have hentai in it


f3414c No.320850


Yep, that's the one.

>Notion that women find male sexuality a burden

>Gives the book a negative review and references another book that does view male sexuality a burden.

Like pottery.

c1b6e0 No.320851

File: 999918aa3052cc1⋯.gif (1.49 MB, 500x281, 500:281, 999918aa3052cc156bf50a5902….gif)


>something isn't about 3DPD having power over men via sex, and is in fact men being happy without 3DPD

>1 out of 5 stars

you can't make this shit up

abdc29 No.320854


>monster girls to take over, even though it will lead to [human women's] eventual extinction


You mean yet to happen. :^)

e65948 No.320859


>local woman sees the face of pure love and shutters the thought

d99121 No.320865

File: e0058caad6adfb9⋯.png (625.15 KB, 768x768, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


>perfectly happy to allow monster girls to take over, even though it will lead to their eventual extinction.

Does this mad conspiracist actually believe that there is some kind of engineered program to demographically replace human women with mamono? Sounds like racist propaganda to me.

44f7c7 No.320866

File: 5fa4bb5ce64a8df⋯.png (226.33 KB, 600x800, 3:4, 06e82bbd63ddb72d0fdd7ba644….png)

File: 6b7bd62425262b5⋯.jpg (128.5 KB, 850x850, 1:1, 6b7bd62425262b57d90fc56fb0….jpg)


I agree. Ratotaskr controlled news outlets are our friends as are danuki.

How could you say no to cute girls like this?

7b32e1 No.320867


Don't beauty products Danuki sell to women have monsterization side effects?

44f7c7 No.320869


only if they're dealing while in human form.

Dealing with a danuki while she's in her true form you'll get honesty from her.

7b32e1 No.320871

File: 7e2956ffa9189a2⋯.jpg (491.03 KB, 2776x2232, 347:279, We caught the Danuki.jpg)

File: ae6701b4d8f5f6f⋯.jpg (496.81 KB, 2680x2120, 67:53, Wait a minute....jpg)

d99121 No.320872


I'm reporting you for hate speech.

44f7c7 No.320873

File: eb13944d6f95e46⋯.jpg (105.69 KB, 717x1113, 239:371, tanuki_by_foreling-d7yvw2n….jpg)

5ee324 No.320876

File: 3b12f57ec8bdc34⋯.jpeg (232.59 KB, 537x758, 537:758, 2e11665b36bfb8f50c7089f7c….jpeg)





Not enough fluff in the right places.

f6e1a4 No.320878


like anus?

44f7c7 No.320879

File: cf2d6bf69015ae2⋯.png (1.2 MB, 1500x2000, 3:4, 54353514_p0.png)

File: 7af204d8c96716a⋯.png (1.05 MB, 888x1243, 888:1243, 59294547_p0.png)

5ee324 No.320881

File: 3146f96f0abf700⋯.jpg (266.32 KB, 600x800, 3:4, 322d182f712d0cf17b77eb210e….jpg)

File: acac0cb22e2153a⋯.png (801.65 KB, 1000x1500, 2:3, 710e86fb17a0fc413854d21a7a….png)

File: 3fc2f0ba9d45c6f⋯.jpg (726.84 KB, 1100x1100, 1:1, 9465251d03b93b40ac1ad08ff7….jpg)


Especially anus. Why aren't there any pictures of Mamizou tasty, hairy anus?

cef96d No.320882

File: 72cbfe9096c9a01⋯.jpg (17.04 KB, 298x406, 149:203, 72cbfe9096c9a014b54bebdde4….jpg)


no thanks

4851a2 No.320883

File: c90fed00acd991d⋯.png (1.06 MB, 1390x985, 278:197, kedqnd.png)


Posting most tasteful picture featuring anus from my Monstergirl Hentai folder.

44f7c7 No.320884

File: 9c0c211aa3a0074⋯.jpg (146.53 KB, 706x985, 706:985, chuby_tanki.jpg)

File: 019c761621d37a5⋯.png (984.24 KB, 990x687, 330:229, futatsuiwa_mamizou_and_yak….png)

File: 604a7e000e90304⋯.png (1.15 MB, 766x983, 766:983, futatsuiwa_mamizou_kumoi_i….png)

Do not post buttholes, poop comes from there

4851a2 No.320885

File: 58dff3e716da566⋯.png (31.41 KB, 228x204, 19:17, 1433403477306-2.png)


>be me

>about to be raped

>"Wrong Hole!" I shout as I realize she's guiding my dick into her anus

>"No it isn't."

>"But you poop from there!"

>"Not right now I don't."


d99121 No.320889


I'd kiss it

9de2f7 No.320891

File: 2d608a5549fe84f⋯.jpg (115.03 KB, 1300x956, 325:239, serveimage.jpg)


Analfags can go back to /mgg/

cd4638 No.320893

File: 827e84a5c43502c⋯.jpg (28.74 KB, 500x500, 1:1, autism.jpg)


>Spend the last meta thread denying the purity spiral

>New thread, anon complaining that we're having sex with out wife the wrong way

Cursed board

1f1d27 No.320894


There is literally nothing wrong with having anal sex with your waifu. It is the best alternative to vaginal sex when you aren't ready for more kids

8c3a74 No.320895

File: c14322fca4b5798⋯.png (440.2 KB, 503x593, 503:593, c14.png)


>getting triggered by such a minor post.

89b376 No.320896

File: 0e062ab9542948f⋯.jpg (730.12 KB, 741x1068, 247:356, 62696010_p0_master1200.jpg)


>On a chan board

>is shocked that we have taste fights

>thinks we will ever stop having taste fights

now anon, who is the real autist here?

cd4638 No.320898


Don't touch me, cursed broad.

5ed6fd No.320900


Anal sex is only okay with monster girls because they don't poop.

4851a2 No.320901

File: f88a6169cc94baf⋯.jpg (29.13 KB, 384x116, 96:29, 1433379183585-1.jpg)


Fun fact: anal sex almost always requires lube to be enjoyable.

73b5a7 No.320902

File: 2ad7bb5d9549915⋯.png (566.62 KB, 700x840, 5:6, 1456963074319.png)

5ee324 No.320907


Are you butthurt?

cef96d No.320912

File: 10300a0988ac0f1⋯.gif (5.12 MB, 450x278, 225:139, 10300a0988ac0f1cad2dd1be30….gif)


>I don't like buttsex=ban buttsex now

9856fb No.320913

File: f0263970546f1c3⋯.png (9.68 KB, 500x250, 2:1, Oekaki.png)


>that tail position

what is it that people do not understand? oekaki cat illustrates the issue

6a8949 No.320915

How would a cheshire react if you come to the bedroom dressed up and a pirate in order to "plunder her booty"? Especially if you make pirate puns the entire time you're fucking her ass. Maybe with a sea shanty or two added in for the fun of it.

5ed6fd No.320917


Happily play along? Either that or pretend to be r63 Peter Pan and foil your plans.

9de2f7 No.320919

File: e080b738e91b73f⋯.jpg (2.21 MB, 2480x3507, 2480:3507, 1465994354520.jpg)


>It is the best alternative to vaginal sex


00efa6 No.320925


Oh go fuck yourself anon.

075f06 No.320926



We need an edit of that "don't you just hate anti SJWs? they are bad as SJWs" except a furry with an anon mask on referring to monster girls and how furry they are. It would get a ton of mileage.

73b5a7 No.320928

File: 16cc184565efd7a⋯.png (1.25 MB, 1297x952, 1297:952, aaaaaaaaaaaaa.png)

3a2da0 No.320929


nah that would fag enable the worse people, just tell them to fuck off.

f7af35 No.320930


>anal clipping

Sort your layers out fam that shit's atrocious

212eae No.320946

File: 62c82ce66e5ae10⋯.png (168.89 KB, 307x688, 307:688, cloaca.png)

File: 9f7ec5ce02c14ed⋯.jpg (66.73 KB, 750x444, 125:74, f162ffe8ee7f93a6f80d862618….jpg)

File: 6f2915dedc3654a⋯.png (124.97 KB, 537x443, 537:443, (C82) [CAZA MAYOR (Tsutsum….png)


God that last one would be perfect if it didn't put exaggerated armpit hair front dead center. Her expression and the detail around her ribs/waist is great.

Regarding muh purity spiral, I think the less hard and fast rules the better. The obvious ones, NTR, cheating guro, vore etc should remain v&. Anal, rough sex and more vanilla-tier stuff should be judged on a case by case basis, and appropriately mocked if it's over the line.

73b5a7 No.320955

File: 943083eb4d70f0f⋯.jpg (78.4 KB, 1297x952, 1297:952, aaaaaaaa.jpg)

File: 145bd8eaf6df228⋯.png (539.48 KB, 700x840, 5:6, thatll be 99 plus tip.png)

44f7c7 No.320959


I just don't like anal.

I'm not gonna get upset if you poke her pooper, but make sure it's clean first.

44f7c7 No.320960

1f1d27 No.320963


What a silly thing to say. Of course her butthole would be clean, what kind of girl would let her butthole get dirty?


Doing Ammit's work Anon.

593ebb No.320964


Very nice. how have they reacted the last few times?

44f7c7 No.320965


like kvetching people

a3fbcd No.320986


What I'd like to know, is why always the Halo Wars page?

bb8534 No.320987

File: fda1378db1c2bbb⋯.jpg (141.63 KB, 898x618, 449:309, TrumpTank.jpg)


god speed you magnificent bastard

69f1af No.320989

>/mgg/-drawfag's imgur album got pruned


1f1d27 No.320994

File: 03135bd98ab6564⋯.png (166.21 KB, 800x648, 100:81, kiki in need of a hug and ….png)


>He doesn't save every picture he finds of his waifu

Be more diligent Anon. Every time you see her, you must save her. Even when she is suffering

7b32e1 No.320995


It's a damn shame that it pruned. I'm sure anons had archived them somewhere, hidden in one piece.

8d0036 No.321002

File: 9c6b6898b22c886⋯.jpg (129.08 KB, 850x839, 850:839, 9c6.jpg)


Listen, I would if I could, ok? I've been without a pc for about a week, and the gallery was pruned sometime last month according to my research. Which was a shame, yes. Huff the fluff. Well, it certainly is autumn. Where can I find /mgg/ anyway? 8/a/? /Jp/? Or is it on halfchan?

89b376 No.321008

File: 62f4d13294ef03b⋯.webm (756.45 KB, 1055x680, 211:136, __shoebill_kemono_friends….webm)


lurk moar anon

67a7bb No.321009

File: 78cccafefcbf87a⋯.png (3.16 MB, 1749x2458, 1749:2458, 1452263521349.png)


Simplest explanation would be that the Halo Wars is shameless danuki cash-grab but in the current year, 20 dollars for "Halo Wars: Definitive Edition is an enhanced version of the real-time strategy classic, Halo Wars, updated to run natively on PC. Halo Wars: Definitive Edition includes improved graphics, new achievements and all of the DLC created for the landmark real-time strategy game." Doesn't sound too bad.

a7965a No.321013


if it latenight's you're looking for, here's the new link


44f7c7 No.321019


I own the game

44f7c7 No.321022



I pissed off some /pol/ larper who also is part of the /r9k/ steam group

5ed6fd No.321023


>watches sargon

He doesn't seem very good at larping as /pol/.

f7c0dc No.321024

File: bdc779e9a785045⋯.jpg (68.54 KB, 627x800, 627:800, DAY OF THE RAKE.jpg)


The Eternal Leaf strikes again

44f7c7 No.321026


look at his groups.

guy is an autist.

3f3d7f No.321027


Post screenshots faggot

89b376 No.321028

File: c94fa61cf2573f5⋯.png (1.41 MB, 7680x4320, 16:9, c94fa61cf2573f589bbdd66d52….png)


I think the proper term is degenerate.

67a7bb No.321029

File: bae3fdd60409803⋯.jpg (56.2 KB, 622x960, 311:480, 8xrXTKH.jpg)

44f7c7 No.321030

File: e41f4f99a748d23⋯.jpg (231.18 KB, 1000x875, 8:7, __futatsuiwa_mamizou_touho….jpg)

44f7c7 No.321032

File: 036abbad26b3034⋯.png (30.48 KB, 646x286, 323:143, lel.png)

Here's some earlier gold

44f7c7 No.321033

File: 13cfecbcaa7f386⋯.png (12.25 KB, 645x142, 645:142, meinsides.png)

forgot this one too

89b376 No.321034

File: 3bccbd160325bb2⋯.jpg (265.41 KB, 774x1000, 387:500, 3bccbd160325bb253e9fbbbe27….jpg)



normalfags truly are weak creatures

36e7ae No.321038


That's why they are normal. They grew up in a controlled environment. I'm willing to be the majority of imageboard users had a shit youth. I know I did.

e65948 No.321039

i thought steam community pages were exclusively about shitposting what's this dude's beef

44f7c7 No.321041


I dunno. I just wanted to share my culture with these people

85e155 No.321045


Who the fuck is zaku?


>and said he was going to imagine me getting fucked by an overweight man in an ash ketchum costume

My fucking sides.

44f7c7 No.321046


Originally my display name was MS-06F Zaku II F-type

9de2f7 No.321049

File: 35f44e43042ea61⋯.png (1.13 MB, 990x1400, 99:140, 35f44e43042ea616fa3b351f0a….png)




wtf I love tanukis now

dacceb No.321051

File: 3f58fe81e117ed7⋯.png (204.84 KB, 366x550, 183:275, ClipboardImage.png)


Speaking of mobile suits, is it just me or does Epyon remind one of a manticore?

44f7c7 No.321053


they're both shit?

67a7bb No.321055


EVE Online has many Caldari ships named after mythological creatures, resulting many overlaps with monstergirls.

>Harpy-class Assault Frigate

>Kitsune-class Electronic Attack Frigate

>Manticore-class Stealth Bomber Frigate

>Basilisk-class Logistic Cruiser (functions as healer by restoring shields of allied ships)

>Golem-class Marauder Battleship

>Chimera-class Carrier

>Wyvern-class Supercarrier

dacceb No.321060


I meant more visually.

a30680 No.321061

File: 9171a26e919335e⋯.jpg (101.61 KB, 800x600, 4:3, Speedwagon_YES.jpg)

File: 56d2e6b9267530b⋯.jpg (153.6 KB, 850x1208, 425:604, 1508879275877.jpg)

File: ae3bdd5b4da1b72⋯.jpg (130.56 KB, 681x894, 227:298, aebc35f91c150f6fccc8288bf0….jpg)


YOU ARE A GODSEND, ANON! My eternal thanks! Thank you, thank you! May your waifu be fertile and your children strong!

593ebb No.321080

Why don't we draw/edit some monstergirls into spartan armor or something? It'd technically be halo related.

1f1d27 No.321096


Because ODSTs are cooler

78511b No.321100

File: dcfde947bd659a9⋯.jpg (201.39 KB, 1347x800, 1347:800, 3784ec608143533cded47c9368….jpg)


Jeesus! Are you Islamic? Because that was absolutely savage behavior.

7da1f4 No.321103

File: a4d2d7b3f593851⋯.webm (505.93 KB, 320x240, 4:3, savage.webm)

73b5a7 No.321108

File: e7e031c373fdaee⋯.png (33.71 KB, 634x209, 634:209, 0.png)

File: a587c35ad0931e9⋯.png (7.02 KB, 661x142, 661:142, 1.png)

File: 9b98134a59cbf9e⋯.png (10.09 KB, 654x298, 327:149, 2.png)


>stahlhelm tipping LEAF

oh my fuck

cef96d No.321109

File: a3c3f57ab43eb2d⋯.jpg (85.17 KB, 800x633, 800:633, 4f6b4f2dfb242869ead50895b6….jpg)


Daily reminder.

593ebb No.321114


Do not disgrace the stalhem by associating it with this sperg.


>ancap memes

The only meme ancap is known for is "what if the child consents though"

6a68d4 No.321116

File: a73ee09885e5201⋯.png (107.72 KB, 918x613, 918:613, yes.png)


1923de No.321117

File: 86d0fc1c582f57d⋯.png (187.94 KB, 327x436, 3:4, 04Youko_child_crop.png)


>The only meme ancap is known for is "what if the child consents though"

f7c0dc No.321118

File: c04918e77ce2fd9⋯.png (216.82 KB, 500x504, 125:126, vsauce_what_if_they_consen….png)

1daec9 No.321119


The robot that's sperging over the Mamiposting brings shame upon the fucking leaf. May he drown in a thousand liters of maple syrup.

1923de No.321120


Thanks for posting. I didn't know that guy drew so damn much.



a7965a No.321121

File: 0911a55e6c6c155⋯.jpg (178.97 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, 1491675272070.jpg)



>having pride

9856fb No.321123

File: 4ee2333f7474ef6⋯.png (11.7 KB, 358x119, 358:119, unironic.png)


Just goes to show what kind of person gets triggered by cute 2d's

6a8949 No.321126


Man, how much if a loser do you have to be to be a 2d-hating robot?

Granted I used to be a robot too, but still.

cef96d No.321129


>not roads

>not somalia

>not "not an argument"

73b5a7 No.321131


Waste of leaf juice.

093f9f No.321133

Did they ever figure out where all that syrup went that year it got stolen?

44f7c7 No.321144


Got another one.

Man Jojo fans just attract cancer

b1d3c8 No.321147

File: e12b3fdd219c6d6⋯.jpg (86.79 KB, 532x528, 133:132, e12b3fdd219c6d67b7ddd187f4….jpg)


>Groups: Reddit

44f7c7 No.321152

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I ain't even mad.

Redditors gettin mad while I've got this on blast

73b5a7 No.321208

File: fd5200520a9e9e8⋯.png (118.98 KB, 1061x1301, 1061:1301, 1508615604845.png)


Could be worse.

ba0ca6 No.321445

File: efd668dc8de722c⋯.png (22.59 KB, 738x117, 82:13, IMG_2201.PNG)

We've had an incredible burst of energy this weekend. Did something happen to bring people back?

ad9c3f No.321449


Hurricane season passed, pressure differences no longer causing mass (minor)depression amongst the sensitive. My guess.

593ebb No.321460


I was going to guess that with winter approaching the comfiest season of the year has people wanting their waifus.

132648 No.321462




Also we have three active threads with writefags. Just continue writefagging.

d85f37 No.321537

File: 0aa3d7e1fdfe614⋯.png (823.07 KB, 788x1199, 788:1199, FPDH-L.png)

File: 84e5575642a1154⋯.jpg (85.79 KB, 600x800, 3:4, Cy6tX-PW8AAwzaJ.jpg)

File: bfb879cf527659d⋯.png (1.97 MB, 1000x1412, 250:353, 149859243169.png)

File: cca94a7d20c8d78⋯.png (421.37 KB, 646x644, 323:322, ss (2015-11-14 at 07.54.26….png)

I need pictures!

Pictures of Monstergirls wearing long colorful robes/dresses!

1f1d27 No.321540


Damn that looks comfy

f6e1a4 No.321541

File: b0eebf508d5d134⋯.jpg (263.67 KB, 719x1017, 719:1017, 63444333_p5_master1200.jpg)

File: 1f5c7c887ab2490⋯.jpg (632.45 KB, 800x1200, 2:3, 64600080_p0_master1200.jpg)

File: 1e32d83c8c0b9d9⋯.jpg (407.18 KB, 960x1200, 4:5, 64851388_p3_master1200.jpg)

File: 2d48a80b588dd93⋯.jpg (176.91 KB, 1200x1500, 4:5, 2d48a80b588dd93fa9a1dc30e5….jpg)

d85f37 No.321542

File: 63a72909b248e9c⋯.png (1.55 MB, 2000x2000, 1:1, 1449452528804.png)


Which one of those is most appropriate for dropping random short standalone greentext that came up with?

ba0ca6 No.321543


If not the writefag thread you can probably dump them in this thread >>318556

7b32e1 No.321546


If they're related to yokai, then >>320100 and there's also >>318556

613285 No.321551

Reitia bless our writefags.

06e24c No.321552


>Crimson color scheme

>Prehensile whip-like appendage

>Gets inside your head and mindscrews you.

Can't unsee it. Epyon is a giant robot manticore.

24d291 No.321553

File: 2a5ad278214b55c⋯.gif (554.89 KB, 640x360, 16:9, 1441058097310.gif)

I really have to push myself to make the Halloween deadline. I wanted to write a SHORT story. 18.452 words later I'm now finally at the last chapter. It's getting late and I want to go to bed, but I have to finish the story today. I need at least one day for editing the whole fucking thing.

>decide to write short story for Halloween

>have idea

>spent literally one entire night developing it instead of sleeping

>start writing

>"Huh? I didn't anticipate it becoming that long. What? Yes, of course I'm going to come play vidya now."

>Waste lots of time elsewhere

>Now trouble making the deadline again

It's like I'm bullying myself.

44f7c7 No.321580

5ed6fd No.321584


Anon, you linked it wrong, it's saying the page doesn't exist.

1f1d27 No.321586


It literally just worked 30 seconds ago, and now it's broken. HDoomGuy might have had his account deleted for posting the wrong kind of porn.

ba0ca6 No.321587

1f1d27 No.321589


I wasn't trying to link to anything, it was just weird to me that>>321580 worked one second and was broken the next.

44f7c7 No.321591

abdc29 No.321980

File: 773e2d9133fac7a⋯.png (491.57 KB, 900x1100, 9:11, 773e2d9133fac7a305ce55a076….png)

Last two days I was stuck at some event that me and a bunch of other math postgrads had to go to. I enjoyed shitposting with y'all whenever I had a free moment. Thanks /monster/ anons.

fe8953 No.321990


No problem, dude. Happy Halloween.

d99121 No.321995


Our pleasure m8

cf8ca4 No.321996


Shit, I'd fuck a ghost like that.

7b32e1 No.322003


Is that a mu-onna?

abdc29 No.322007

File: 0aa9abb6ec2485a⋯.png (23.8 KB, 300x100, 3:1, 1473378485188.png)

e7125e No.322047

I think I went off the deep end today anons.

>be at grocery store

>having a really nice day

>just got paid so I'm getting good to last me a while

>store just re-arranged everything and have yet to change the signs

>need some noodles

>can't find them for the life of me

>my confused look draws the attention of one of the employees

>"Can I help you sir?"

>look the person in the eyes and smile

>try to ask where the noodles are

>instead say

>"Fuck off"

>person blinks and gives me a glare

>realize what I did

>quickly go check out and leave

What the hell happened? I know I'm kinda cold and bitter but I was having a really nice day.

ba0ca6 No.322048


Nice blog faggot.

e7125e No.322049

File: f85013e7f5dac49⋯.png (116.08 KB, 500x526, 250:263, IMG_2264.PNG)


I just needed to vent it out. I forgot to add pic related, thought of it afterwards.

ba0ca6 No.322051



>thought of it afterwards

Regardless we aren't your therapist. Go write in a journal or some crap like that if you need to vent. No one here cares.

a43bdc No.322054



613285 No.322057

Is the Nanachi thread >>321932 stealth anchored?

>stealth anchoring

b34010 No.322061


You mean that thread that's so furry it fucking hurts? I'm surprised it hasn't been deleted yet

613285 No.322063


>I'm surprised it hasn't been deleted yet

Exactly. Either it's allowed, so it stays, or it's not, so it gets deleted. Regular anchoring is useful in some cases, it is like delayed deletion with a side of "See this? Don't do this." for bad threads or "This thread is on its way out, use the next thread" for good threads. But what's the use case of stealth anchoring?

I do agree with the decision that Nanachi is too furry for this board. She's /kemono/.

5ed6fd No.322064


>But what's the use case of stealth anchoring?

I know Aux tends to do this out of the reasoning making it less noticeable for some autists so that they make less trouble over it, but I don't think it works out and that people are just going to notice the anchoring either way. Best to just be upfront and visibly anchor.

7b32e1 No.322068


People already mentioned that they don't like anchors that are stealths.

3a2da0 No.322071






offtopic threads get anchored and also ones ridden with hostile shitposting until its cleaned up. Its been often said that nanachi is kemono so its not allowed. if it shows up once it will get saged, if it shows again on the second time it will get deleted.

f59eb3 No.322072

File: 29d59c100a0ff1f⋯.png (283.41 KB, 963x1398, 321:466, 29d59c100a0ff1f0dc6ba96f16….png)

>Gonna spend the rest of the night watching 70s/80s Italian horror flicks and listening to spoopy music

How are you spending your St. Skelly's, /monster/?

5ed6fd No.322073


That's fair enough, but since it's a thread that won't get unanchored to begin with, there's no point in making the anchoring a stealth one.

7b32e1 No.322075


People aren't against anchoring anything, it's that nobody likes it when it's stealthed.

3a2da0 No.322076


I'm turning the option on, just so you know im going to anchor threads if they have hostile uncreative offboard autist shitposting, until they're cleaned up and all the idiots responsible get banned, it will only get unsaged if the board uses a /tg/ tier creativity to grapple the troll. Threads that have a subjects that work on specific times like a movie thread will get autosaged after the invitation is expired or the boards birthday so nobody bumps it and fills the front page with no longer relevant threads.

Post last edited at

5ed6fd No.322079


>I'm turning the option on

Wait, stealth anchoring is the DEFAULT mod setting for anchoring threads?

0b9955 No.322081

Kemono posts have to go to /kemono/, they aren't welcomed. Polt is the only kemono allowed because she's been around from the get-go. All MG related kemono posts will have to go to the kemono mamono thread here >>>/kemono/6832

f40524 No.322082


>Wait, stealth anchoring is the DEFAULT mod setting for anchoring threads?

No but it seems like lying to save face is.

3a2da0 No.322085


stop being paranoid open up a new board one that hasnt been created beforehand since the settings get saved or turned on depending on who owned it beforehand, and you can see its turned off by default.

then you can see how moderator tools work.

If you have no idea on how 8chan works then should work on lurking a bit and not come off as a mobile poster who just wants to start shit.

Post last edited at

7b32e1 No.322086

With anchors being visible, it's all good.

fe079f No.322094

File: 40172617f8e4c00⋯.png (289.94 KB, 1200x1500, 4:5, Bane.png)

File: 29444d66e2663bf⋯.jpg (306.88 KB, 1532x1536, 383:384, I'm CIA.jpg)

Happy Halloween /monster/. What did you dress up as? What would your waifu dress up as?

9856fb No.322110


As nothing, because we dont celebrate halloween where I live. But I think me and my waifu would have matching greek themed costumes and she'd probably be a medusa

7b32e1 No.322112


Dress Cheshire up in a nekomimi costume.

cef96d No.322114


We were both drunk for halloween.

6a8949 No.322120


I just wore jeans and a trick or beer t-shirt. No kids came over, so I spent my night eating candy, eating jerky with carolina reaper powder, drinking bourbon, and being pissed at my fucking HOA and my homeowner's insurance. I feel like crap and just want a nice place with a loving kikimora waifu away from society. I'm starting to understand hermits more and more. Spoiled and saged for blogposting, i guess. Fuck.

I guess my kiki waifu would dress as a witch or something, i dunno.

ba0ca6 No.322123


>and saged

I don't think you know how to sage, anon.

6a8949 No.322136


I'll chalk that up to the booze. I wish it was a Friday or Saturday though just so I can drink more.

Halloween's for getting drunk, yeah?

ee2241 No.322161

File: 9a066defebbaf12⋯.png (21.3 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, midsection theorem.png)


>math postgrad

I thought I'd be the only one who'd pursue in math. currently an undergrad though

cef96d No.322170

File: 38c5029c23b30d5⋯.png (63.47 KB, 900x750, 6:5, 38c5029c23b30d59b76b24b988….png)


>added ghost pepper sauce to my chili while buzzed

>opening of the bottle was wide enough to fit my pinky in

>ended up with at least a tablespoon of what is by far the spiciest sauce I own in a single bowl of chili

Fucking kill me.

6a8949 No.322172


Grill up some ribs or smoke some pork butt and slather that shit on them. Hell, add some booze to your stupidly hot chili, mix it up, and then slather it on.

Also I love it that the place the sells the hottest pepper in the world is in my hometown. Heard the guy who made that pepper is making an even hotter one to compete for the next hottest pepper in the world.

76c711 No.322174

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>fellow mathfag

My nigger. Play some HyperRogue (I fell in love with this game lately)

For Halloween I put on a suit, cape, and facepaint and went as a vampire to a social dance. Keeping the false teeth in the whole night was a bitch and a half.

48a213 No.322175


A year ago I made $100 from drinking a tablespoon of that shit. Almost had to go to the hospital since I could barely breathe.


It did end up causing me to vomit too.

e65948 No.322214

File: ab139db45aa60b5⋯.jpeg (Spoiler Image, 403.64 KB, 1560x1559, 1560:1559, ab139db45aa60b5526deb6bea….jpeg)


Didn't get my STALKER stuff in time so grabbed an old squid hat from my closet and went to a DnD party with some friends until we all slid under the table from homemade moonshine and cheap rum.

She'd probably dress up as a nun because she loves God almost as much as I love her.

be9db6 No.322222


you have not read something like this before. even better if you see the author's previous work

f7c0dc No.322223

File: 4f8999bd4dd9919⋯.gif (495.03 KB, 500x283, 500:283, tfwnodubs.gif)



>mind break


>moral degeneration

You don't deserve those digits

be9db6 No.322224


you read it for the story not the sexy silly

d99121 No.322225

File: daf50c35bf39dc2⋯.jpg (10.7 KB, 320x272, 20:17, checked.jpg)

d1f94f No.322229


>reading pornography for the story

This is autistic. There is absolutely no reason to do this.

787601 No.322231


But that's why I read MGQ.

52e441 No.322267

>Cait Sith and Cu Sith get deleted on sight

>Made in Abyss thread got anchored

>thread full of actual furries and worst-tier western art get's to stay up


Aux, what the fuck?

0d16b6 No.322272

File: b4abc0141fd51dd⋯.png (89.47 KB, 400x325, 16:13, 1502982835290.png)


Are you implying saiths and made in abyss aren't furry?

3a2da0 No.322273


cu sith and and cait shit are used for nothing but shitposting, it has been since kc introduced them, anyways you dont fuck your pet dog or cat.

made in the abyss is fucking kemono, and its stated to be that.

western art is shit and i should probably destroy the shadposter. I dont like it but you have to remember ghoul school was one of the first introductions to mg's to people here.

Just fucking shave winnie and be done with it.

Post last edited at

a43bdc No.322274

File: f469d7fd4909453⋯.jpg (23.56 KB, 252x249, 84:83, 1426727236404-0.jpg)

7b32e1 No.322276

File: 0b62c0c1975bc3e⋯.gif (540.23 KB, 498x278, 249:139, 0b62c0c1975bc3e8bd08f608aa….gif)

Have a headpat for the new month.

7b32e1 No.322278

File: aa219a02c34c65f⋯.jpg (1017.57 KB, 1224x1646, 612:823, 0d0abf7afffce8df0f4b1bbc71….jpg)

File: 47293d4fe3a5802⋯.jpg (950.58 KB, 1255x1753, 1255:1753, 2c7bfb0c2d0eb6ac3db04fbc5d….jpg)

File: 3906cca53f7bc0e⋯.jpg (3.39 MB, 2943x3917, 2943:3917, 5b6e073cc77dc544bde284ca3f….jpg)

Also, cute snek.

a30680 No.322281

File: 67678995f42a0e5⋯.png (757.49 KB, 1000x1650, 20:33, Hutago chinese zombie.png)

File: 73608aef032a60b⋯.png (1.15 MB, 1024x1024, 1:1, Halloween dark elf.png)

File: 6be39142b146b29⋯.jpg (361.11 KB, 1323x1840, 1323:1840, Yukibuster halloween.jpg)

File: 50d7514450257b2⋯.jpg (33.9 KB, 500x611, 500:611, TAIL RUB.jpg)


Thanks. Have some candy of mine, anon

52e441 No.322282

File: 6f781a76c051241⋯.png (660.81 KB, 630x487, 630:487, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2eb5a28fbb787a0⋯.png (381.15 KB, 539x349, 539:349, ClipboardImage.png)


You don't fuck dead people either. The "they are just transformed animals" argument get's brought up a lot but I'm certain nobody would have a problem with them if they looked like a catgirl and doggirl.

MiA is a lot further removed from the Entartete Kunst than that thread is. At least be consistent with your rulings.

3a2da0 No.322284


> my kemono was banned, you shouldnt fuck undead, do your job mister.

if i could you veet on you and winnie i would.

3a2da0 No.322288

It seems that a bunch of people are complaining rather than reporting the rule violations. I'm going to start banning retards who did not read these rules for 10 minutes if they do it for the first time and 3 days if they repeat this rule violations.

You guys cant complain and then report, the rules don't work that way. they changed if you haven't bothered to read the rules sticky. Just flat out report when you see a rule violation. If you complain on the thread you're only helping to derail.

Bump threads that you like and let the ones you hate sink into the final pages of oblivion.

Post last edited at

55c4c0 No.322291


Guy who made the Made in Abyss thread,

Thought that it was fine since no snout, but I can see how some characters (Nanachi) are right on the edge. Are all made in abyss characters banned or just nanachi?

3a2da0 No.322293


its kemono dude its marketed that way, least in jap porn.

52e441 No.322297


I'd say that at least Ozen and Faputa should be perfectly fine, Prushka too at least "alternative, final form" Prushka. Riko would be pushing the definition of MG. She looks like a regular human girl but she is technically undead. Mitty is a weird pile of skin and organs but she needs love badly and she might have a human re-design as well.

Reg, Maruruk and Bondrewd are /chaos/.


That didn't answer the question.

55c4c0 No.322303


Agree, i just wanna love mitty and nanachi man. They are prime daughteru material

55c4c0 No.322304


what if never ever lewd

5ed6fd No.322305

File: a75918cb65e5eeb⋯.jpg (123.96 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, doppeliru khenmaat outfit.jpg)

File: 93eed19395deaf1⋯.jpg (149.85 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, doppeliru khenmaat fug.jpg)


Forever ever doppeliru lewd is better, though.

7b32e1 No.322308

File: 4091ca90d6a8781⋯.jpg (106.9 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, __kanna_kamui_kobayashi_sa….jpg)


Ravioli ravioli do not lewd the bunny loli.

But can you lewd the dragon loli?

52e441 No.322309


Also, Maruruk might be ok as long as he's with Ozen. They are pretty much a canon /ss/ pairing.

88b530 No.322311

File: 67d01088c7b22a6⋯.jpg (181.86 KB, 800x600, 4:3, 22656.jpg)

Anyone played this?


I can't find a download :(

f6e1a4 No.322315


JAST USA is releasing it soon https://www.jastusa.com/princess-x-my-fiancee-is-a-monster-girl which i posted in meta awhile ago

6a8949 No.322316

File: 40d5fb2f3366acd⋯.jpg (331.33 KB, 1842x1037, 1842:1037, image.jpg)

File: 07652ad9b5bd01e⋯.jpg (155.01 KB, 1277x718, 1277:718, image.jpg)


>Not posting some of the more memorable quotes

c8bf0c No.322317


>released 31 October

I've found a torrent. Will report back.

cc52d0 No.322342

File: c7f6db133e45873⋯.webm (6.62 MB, 800x600, 4:3, Desktop 11.02.2017 - 10.5….webm)

7e7106 No.322351



its ntr cuckshit

88b530 No.322352

fe079f No.322353


Is it forced and can I fuck with the cucker?

>inb4 the cucker is you

c8bf0c No.322359

It's uncensored but the dick (as always) is not drawn very detailed. Haven't got up the anime tiddes and pucci yet.

5ed6fd No.322367


In what way?

abe4ac No.322371


It is finally released? They announced it like 2 years ago.

I personally wish they translated Sei Monmusu Gakuen instead.


I don't see any ntr tag on vn database


cc52d0 No.322372

File: 59c455851acac0a⋯.jpg (167.58 KB, 800x600, 4:3, Untitled 02.jpg)

cc52d0 No.322373

I have a dynamic IP btw hence the change in IDs

7e7106 No.322375


you can't get the robot girl + the centaur girl gets raped when you chose the snektits

abe4ac No.322386

File: 673584f0b46dc36⋯.jpg (152 KB, 800x600, 4:3, ev04009_3f.jpg)

cc52d0 No.322389



abe4ac No.322390

File: 3bcf0d7de122ef1⋯.png (1.26 MB, 1178x898, 589:449, monmusu.png)

too bad it looks to be a gacha game


a7965a No.322392

File: a1e06a216235206⋯.jpg (79.02 KB, 900x673, 900:673, 1470865039650.jpg)



I hate that this is catching on

a14444 No.322394

File: 519bba4ee2e5f4a⋯.png (13.02 KB, 958x126, 479:63, Princess_X_~Boku_no_Iinazu….png)

File: 8c40c2df8372745⋯.png (695 B, 180x22, 90:11, Princess_X_~Boku_no_Iinazu….png)


Check your eyes anon

0d34db No.322408



Ok, im going to take a risk because I notice over time that (NTR) it meaning has become looser and looser. Now from the synopsis, it one of those where you're force to choose one girl and that it. But it could always be that there a girl that you're able to steal from another man.

2efd86 No.322417


>it meaning has become looser and looser

Just like your waifu's vagina I suppose

bff9b1 No.322420

File: f5c480f58350ba6⋯.jpg (28.86 KB, 510x510, 1:1, jacket_chen_nice.jpg)


Fuck you, but ok I walked straight into that one, you made me chuckle.

a7965a No.322421


To be fair, you kinda dug yourself into that hole

b68686 No.322425

File: 92c7f736cf702ca⋯.png (573.97 KB, 1000x1050, 20:21, 1480713442652.png)


Then don't dismiss reports for things you personally like.

3a2da0 No.322443


you can either autistically screech like the majority of 8channers, or contribute to threads that you like. Eventually the threads you don't like will sink into the last page and remain irrelevant as they should be that is if you don't complain on them.

Post last edited at

7a1d90 No.322444


>too autistic to reply to made in abyss anon's questions

3a2da0 No.322445


You're a moron, its kemono and you know it.

55c4c0 No.322446


Are you a mod?

b68686 No.322470

File: 31a2bc74efb2ff4⋯.png (30.75 KB, 378x566, 189:283, very relevant.png)


>you can report but there's zero feedback on whether that did anything

<even anchors were hidden until someone noticed

>no logs to confirm anything

>you're not allowed to self moderate

>just hope they'll go away

>which they won't because now there's no one to tell them to

>expecting bad threads to slide off when the average lifetime of a thread here is counted in months

>lurkers get to see a skewed version of the board

There's probably a better solution to whatever you're trying to solve than this.

3a2da0 No.322476


you guys have to self moderate, if you get handholded too much then the board gets in worse shape, Atleast try to post in threads that you like.

a4a3ce No.322477

File: ad021e44a5bed5c⋯.jpg (16.93 KB, 418x405, 418:405, eb05742d85416b69de0cea0564….jpg)


>you guys have to self moderate


>you can either autistically screech like the majority of 8channers, or contribute to threads that you like. Eventually the threads you don't like will sink into the last page and remain irrelevant as they should be that is if you don't complain on them.

3a2da0 No.322479


also your version of self moderation may be different than actual self moderation, if getting unironically mad at something counts as self moderation then you really need to take a step back and realize its unfunny to do so. 8chan itself has lost the ability to be funny for the most part, and just forces memes to spot the problem but not fix it.

doing that almost killed this board in the summer. either do something funny, wrangle the troll like /tg/ does or just ignore and report.

1b7f28 No.322483


It's Aux, obviously.


>deleting my post

55c4c0 No.322485


If it was aux he would aux post id think. I personally think its someone larping as a mod but if not I'll probably get a temp ban for this post.

3a2da0 No.322490


atleast post like you're not trying to start shit, i know you britcucks have dynamic Ip but it comes off as mobile posting, if you want to shit up a board do it elsewhere.

1b7f28 No.322495



Nice wrong guess. I would reply with a slur but you'd just delete that. Imagine I called you something involving legumes.

3a2da0 No.322497


You obviously are making this thing into a personal issue, but hey only you are in charge of what you do on your free time.

69213c No.322507


sometimes I too like to LARP as having the ability to edit my own posts

7b32e1 No.322509

File: e53a4a5bee04957⋯.gif (5.9 MB, 600x338, 300:169, S (2).gif)

File: 4ba8e97b829a382⋯.gif (6.21 MB, 600x337, 600:337, S (1).gif)

1b7f28 No.322510

File: 3945ef30faaece8⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 990.72 KB, 1772x2362, 886:1181, 3945ef30faaece831bbb8d7cf2….jpg)

85bdd4 No.322511



>smile sadistic

>sadistic oneesan

seems a bit redundant

3c8a19 No.322520


I think the idea is that one is the archetype they adopt at the cafe and the other is their actual personality. So the sadistic one adopts the Oneesan archetype and the smiley one adopts the Sadistic archetype.

f3414c No.322531


Did some of the artists from the Monmusu online web-browser that was around last couple of years ago, work on this game?

f3414c No.322532

Oh fuck no. Why are they putting this damn thing on Steam?

ee9863 No.322546






odds are you get ntred if you go for the bad ending

f82c78 No.322596

File: e05e47861777072⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 63.21 KB, 414x620, 207:310, 7c4b49310e319d59ade99296e5….jpg)

Good evening /monster/ it is I, SLOTH, Son of the Lost Write-fag. Pen–holder of the sacred scriptures of Saint Sir Thomas Moore. The Bane of English Vernacular. It appears to you that I have stopped writing, your understanding is quite wrong Fuck Bois.

As Sun Tzui once said: when you are near, appear far. When you are strong appear weak! And when you are Sloth, APPEAR TO HAVE CEASED!

3e7af0 No.322601

File: 128e36cd8b47e95⋯.png (317.03 KB, 500x519, 500:519, 1475031546153.png)



Holy fuck this is a blast from the past

593ebb No.322627


How do we know you're the real sloth?

7b32e1 No.322643

File: c742951d6526633⋯.gif (5.68 MB, 600x338, 300:169, s stands for (1).gif)

File: 4c466ff2d21e2a3⋯.gif (5.34 MB, 480x270, 16:9, s stands for (3).gif)

b49c02 No.322732

File: 50783496791d273⋯.jpg (253.11 KB, 960x1321, 960:1321, GLOD0073_story.jpg)

Looks like Lune's vanilla elf game is getting an OVA treatment.


2bdc7c No.322762

File: c2bbfbaa625670a⋯.gif (274.2 KB, 300x100, 3:1, 1470083626319.gif)

What the hell is happening in this banner?

7b32e1 No.322766


>That Pitou banner

Funny, I don't even know what sex Neferpitou even is. Its gender has been kept ambiguous, but it don't matter since it's dead.

2bdc7c No.322771


>but it don't matter since it's dead.

Gender still matters if something's dead. I'd rather fuck a dead vagina than a dead penis.

1f1d27 No.322779


I always thought it kind of looked like someone's leg exploding.

837a18 No.322780


>still no translation

My autism is turning into autistic rage.

2948c1 No.322832

Oh what is that, the JEW will pay special attention to you calling him unfit to rule the board? Count us in.


ef463e No.322849



Those are her ridiculous leg muscles tensing as she's about to leap off of a really tall tower. She travels a mile in essentially a straight line with that pounce.

4d82fb No.322907

So if you need help writing lewds… well… I wouldn't use this but by fuck is it funny.


927622 No.322908

89697e No.322966

File: 35a9f12d62e975a⋯.jpg (62.61 KB, 498x614, 249:307, DN3bSD5VAAIaqMl.jpg)

d0c0dd No.322991

File: 45a074ce3e66019⋯.png (163.05 KB, 712x1066, 356:533, F9EB4DA2-4BDC-47A1-8C15-FD….png)


>Japanese comics.

9e9e55 No.323005

Nationstates thread is getting retarded, I might cull it and put it to pasture if the paladin larpers dont cool it, this board is about monstergirls not about oc knights. Its always these sort of faggots that chase the mg community because they get rejected from their forums for being insufferable little tryhards.

Post last edited at

ef463e No.323015


>Getting retarded

There's only one paladin larper, and there's roughly five posts worth of memes over the course of a few days related to that. The vast majority of it is contained to the nationstates site. You've nothing to worry about. Your vigilance is appreciated though! We'll tone it down over here.

9e9e55 No.323018


alright just know you're all namefagging on that site, and whatever you guys say to yourselves other there is ON the group itself, if drama is brought on the board because of that then i will cull.

Post last edited at

ef463e No.323019


Noted! Thank you.

74397f No.323036

File: 1db489a8ba46968⋯.png (1.33 MB, 2830x2493, 2830:2493, hnf_opaque.png)

Working on an Ammit sigil bumper sticker Yes, same faggot from months ago, kinda liking what I have but wanting brutal opinions before I drop shekels on getting it printed.

Pic is current version.

922736 No.323038


Looks fucking stupid as hell, stupid bullshit, fucking kill yourself stupid faggot

74397f No.323039

File: 0a09741cc71f9b6⋯.png (96.52 KB, 233x280, 233:280, halfSquint.png)


Maybe a little less brutal?

0962c9 No.323040


I personally think a white feather looks better, but that still looks nice.

fdafbc No.323041

5440f7 No.323048



do consider this.


I still dont get why this vn had so many pissing scenes

cc77da No.323051


Personally I like the white feather, but that's because the feather of truth should be pure.

74397f No.323052

File: 99c81e7553794d7⋯.png (1.2 MB, 2830x2493, 2830:2493, hnf_inv.png)





The issue with a white feather is that the heart is a ring rather than filled. A white feather would struggle to contrast well with a white background. While a black outline of the white feather on a white bg might work, I don't think it'd be overly recognizable at a distance, and I don't wanna end up with "Why do you have a heart on your car, Anon?"

I could switch the bg to black (see attached), but my vehicle is silver and thus the sticker would stick out a bit more than I'd like. Note that this was just throwing invert at parts, fixing the stem, and adjusting the shadow in the top right; would probably want to brighten the heart a bit too if pursuing this route.

cc77da No.323055


I actually like it

fada3c No.323056




I like both designs. I mean, traditionally, the feather of truth WAS an ostrich feather usually. And those can be black or white.

fada3c No.323057


>Yes, same faggot from months ago

Which same faggot? Were you still working on a bumper sticker months ago or were you doing something else?

89f094 No.323058

File: dec44193dfe8fa3⋯.jpg (549.47 KB, 1189x1500, 1189:1500, 1424003096855-2.jpg)


>"Why do you have a heart on your car, Anon?"

If this is a question that bothers you, you shouldn't be sticking it on your car. That being said, I'd like to have a patch of that, or maybe get a necklace with that symbol, so I can give it to my waifu when she becomes real.

74397f No.323068


Nah I started it in september or so then lost my muse briefly. Wasn't until I was working on my halloween costume that I managed to find her again.


You misunderstand why it bothers me. Since I made the image (well, assembled and edited it) it's a bit of a point of pride. "Anon, why do you have a feather on your car?" would bother me equally, as either question would mean a technical failing on my part.

fada3c No.323071


>Nah I started it in september or so then lost my muse briefly. Wasn't until I was working on my halloween costume that I managed to find her again.


74397f No.323075

File: ab9242665283680⋯.png (1.37 MB, 2830x2493, 2830:2493, hnf.png)

Added some better shading and killed the feather's alpha. Pops a bit better in the lower left.


My motivation for visual art tends to be very fickle, as all of my skill is autistic determination rather than drawing talent. I originally dropped working on this because I couldn't find a heart I liked to use for the base composite. Since something else had the muse tending to me (halloween costume), she saw fit to help me try again. Didn't find a heart I liked, but did find half a heart to mirror and filter into one I did.

The personification is more akin to the Greek's invocation of the Muses than anything robotic.At least, this time. Thanks for the concern, though, Anon. I mean it.

006fee No.323076

File: 91e2a3baf59be3c⋯.png (201.53 KB, 800x800, 1:1, citroen-logo.png)

File: 3197c3cfc267729⋯.png (131.06 KB, 880x660, 4:3, Acura-logo-880x660.png)

File: e20d4ca2b5396fc⋯.png (20.08 KB, 920x500, 46:25, mercedes-benz-logo-silver-….png)


Why not make the feather a reflective silver? With the right reflections, and the right grays, it would work with either a black or white background.

74397f No.323079

File: 9fa49479929ed0c⋯.png (1.36 MB, 2830x2493, 2830:2493, hnf.png)

Fixed the white outline on the feather, feel like a dunce for uploading one with that mistake. Probably last upload of this too unless something major changes.


The goal was to get the feather to be white lol follow the comment chain you're replying to.

Also hard to get that onto a bumper sticker. Glossy vs Matte is material, so all or nothing per print..

8dc0c2 No.323105

File: d3a67d1d3013cbb⋯.jpg (83.2 KB, 1029x905, 1029:905, 4adec86c85dad1d93e173dd598….jpg)


>Why is Libya so lawless?

fada3c No.323107


I meant for you to elaborate on the muse, anon.

6ef326 No.323114

5440f7 No.323134


If your car is white I'd say go with a black feather, Still I like the white one better.

89697e No.323183

File: 811911bc6474f77⋯.jpg (388.33 KB, 1441x2048, 1441:2048, Oni Futatsu_1_1.jpg)

File: 07d857352e026b8⋯.jpg (360.64 KB, 1441x2048, 1441:2048, Oni Futatsu_1_3.jpg)

>Everyone has a stand

>Main guy gets cute demon girl as a stand

471a1f No.323259

File: 50d7514450257b2⋯.jpg (33.9 KB, 500x611, 500:611, TAIL RUB.jpg)

File: 157b58b2d7c249d⋯.jpg (53.49 KB, 500x647, 500:647, NTR-Support-Group.jpg)

Important PSA to all monster fags

Two things you must always remember, summed up in two pictures

6ec792 No.323313

File: 0a8001003ee6c76⋯.gif (Spoiler Image, 2.17 MB, 280x358, 140:179, 1507500280695.gif)


The Bane?

d0c0dd No.323317

Why is everything so shit lately?

a60b00 No.323318

File: 3cb4a74f3b2b77b⋯.gif (7.34 MB, 462x447, 154:149, 3cb4a74f3b2b77b99b759d659f….gif)

So there is a drama with Monster Girl Island game? I heard once that the dev is a faggot and added shit content and fetishes in a game that should have been vanilla in the first place, but now I'm hearing he is adding NTR? I'm sure someone here is more knowledgeable about it and hopefully the dev isn't towerfag-tier shit

Why we can have something nice and vanilla, /monster/? Why do devs always push their shit fetish?

c99b3d No.323326


Because faggots will pay him money for it. 33k a month to be exact.

ecf3f4 No.323332


Because halfchan faggots are coming over.


Also because of faggots who are getting dosh from other fags. May they all get cancer and drop dead.

Oh yeah, we might have a happening soon. Heard Langley is going to have shit go down. Get your popcorn ready.

cc77da No.323333


>33k a month

>a month

Surely you mean a year right? That degenerate cannot be getting paid almost 400k a year to put shit tier fetishes like NTR into monstergirl content

89697e No.323334

File: 2905788cbc64b97⋯.jpg (52.33 KB, 912x324, 76:27, 1510017665123.jpg)


Why is halfchan coming over?

02f946 No.323336


Nah. He means a month.

cc77da No.323340


That's obscene. That money could be better spent. Like building an ammitist temple or something.


I'm always ready for a happening. CIA vs FBI?

a60b00 No.323341

File: 2a4e930f81bf306⋯.png (156.32 KB, 1119x881, 1119:881, insane.PNG)



>Gets 3 quads

It's monthly, anon, that's how patreon works, and he isn't even the one that wins the most that way. He is the third, though. It's fucking insane.

89697e No.323342


>FBI vs. CIA FurNiggers


There's something wrong with the Western fandom outside /monster/. Even the Siths are preferable to this.

cc77da No.323343


Absolutely disgusting. Just how many degenerates will we have to hang come DOTR?

8af738 No.323345


I already knew this but seeing it on "paper" like this makes me unreasonably angry

ecf3f4 No.323346


Neofag burned, followed by a disagreement with hiroshima and the halfchan mods over allowing laughing at neofag burning threads led to a small exodus. So yeah, halfchan cancer spilling out with maybe some neofags as well.


Would be fun to see. Hell, it'd be fun watching the CIA HQ crash with no survivors. I know there's been some predictions from some guy on /pol/ that something's going to go down. Combine that with the new power vacuum in Saudi Arabia and Skyking doing something unusual and you have the vibes of a happening.

So we're either going to see a US intel civil war break out or there's going to be another false flag.

6bbd14 No.323348

File: a9cf2b314c9e884⋯.jpg (22.19 KB, 512x384, 4:3, 1463854836205.jpg)

So who's up for creating /monster/'s own game?

8af738 No.323349

File: a0b0d84596fa78a⋯.png (121.44 KB, 1794x385, 1794:385, Bromont.PNG)


I think Bromont's still making his game

cc77da No.323350

File: 524ed6c306d30f7⋯.jpg (76.14 KB, 335x500, 67:100, IMG_1185.JPG)


>Second US civil war

My body is ready

a60b00 No.323351

So no one have clear information of that guy adding NTR to the game?




The best part is that barely any of those creators have completed a game, not even halfway through, and just a few of them have significant content.


Didn't the mini exodus happened a couple of weeks ago already?


There are gamedevs all around 8chan, but monster related but not quite would be the mods working on the scraps of the towergirls game back in /hgg/

48da37 No.323352


I remember there was a wizardry rip-off with monster girls in it someone made last year. Does anyone have archives of the thread to it or the game itself?

8af738 No.323354


I don't know about adding NTR, but what really got the board pissed was him adding his own self-insert trap after specifically stating he would not have any gay shit in the game.

a60b00 No.323355


>but what really got the board pissed was him adding his own self-insert trap after specifically stating he would not have any gay shit in the game

Ah, so that was it, I remember now too. Still, pretty fucking stupid move and gay shit in monster GIRLS games is stupid. I hope some other drama explodes recently, but then again, the faggot is still winning 33k per month.

01c83c No.323362

File: 244d4f056a18dca⋯.jpg (2.15 MB, 2303x4371, 49:93, 49712793_p0.jpg)


It was partly that and partly being an asshole trying to bullshit around his word

>I said no yaoi not that there wouldn't be a trap

I honestly did not care that much until he started being an asshole. I mean fuck you are never supposed to burn bridges like that unless they started the fire first.


when I get out of school I might try and start a text based monstergirl game. Hell, there are already a million furry ones we should get one that is not filled with fur faggotry

3fe40b No.323405



What's going on with Langley?

739977 No.323410

File: 92099be38cd79a4⋯.png (472.43 KB, 768x768, 1:1, 1465169584388.png)


How much are you paying?

fd6cb6 No.323412


Jesus, that was a miserable experience. The main ending left me with a bitter taste on my mouth. Spider girl cucks you. You bang a trash bin. Just fuck this.

a60b00 No.323413

File: 54c42169942b22f⋯.png (55.12 KB, 542x596, 271:298, 54c42169942b22fa448a819090….png)


>Cute art

>Cute characters

>Interesting setting

<NTR shit

I'm tired of this.

fada3c No.323440


Why on earth does spider girl decide to cuck you?

fada3c No.323441


You mean Lizardry? I remember that being finished, but I forgot to download it, I think.

2f415d No.323452

new thread >>323451

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