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/lewd/ - Circlejerks

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File: d5b7b232514915b⋯.png (205.53 KB, 549x443, 549:443, 1473962046452.png)


Date's value is at 200% maximum because he is a p.ure and i.nnocent virgin edition


File: 27880ff274dbf60⋯.png (882.42 KB, 655x920, 131:184, 1425564115454.png)


One of those sleepless nights, so I had to stay awake for a long time.


File: e49b2a19cbfd13b⋯.jpg (157.53 KB, 850x1063, 850:1063, __ibuki_suika_touhou_drawn….jpg)


To know one


File: 5b01dec2c210f77⋯.png (448.71 KB, 649x960, 649:960, 13255902_1547707022191662_….png)


File: fabe45274ff6a57⋯.webm (9.81 MB, 700x392, 25:14, fabe45274ff6a57b743f3c12c….webm)

>tfw never going to cosplay SG Jinx


Ah I see. Yeah had one of those as well. Seems like today will be one too. Shouldn't you try sleeping soon if you want to correct it?


What's up over there?


File: 14aa6d24d4d69c6⋯.png (248.06 KB, 800x600, 4:3, 96dd5db19dccd9c1e4625128cb….png)


It was stupid.

I'll try as I even remembered to take my sleeping aid as well.

Also to answer the earlier demand, I don't have any benzos, never had.


File: 4efda0779f4c232⋯.jpg (135.91 KB, 850x1258, 25:37, __ibuki_suika_touhou_drawn….jpg)


File: 1393f60a9e742df⋯.jpg (387.35 KB, 1000x1533, 1000:1533, 74f97d7e41d48d4fc143d11ec7….jpg)


Suika is so fucking hot


File: f71b61f123e1f62⋯.png (2.23 MB, 1500x2000, 3:4, oy91.png)


Just asking what is up

Didn't really understand what you meant with your reply either though.


You take your Zzzz aid now?

Me neither. But I'm thinking they'd help me better with anxiety and general shit feel more than alcohol.

But y'know, that whole suicide risk thingy oh and ain't like us Finns are allowed to get relief from anything other than alcohol.


File: 03736109ba2852b⋯.png (124.28 KB, 322x322, 1:1, sk1426890960015.png)




File: bb394df0c2600c0⋯.jpg (50.79 KB, 300x376, 75:94, 765.jpg)


File: b2b862e6acf998c⋯.jpg (129.13 KB, 696x695, 696:695, smug-00034.jpg)


I want to put myself in the proper position so that a dog will want to mount, fuck, and then knot me.

You think I'd be ashamed of something that vanilla?


File: 44453047ed79f25⋯.jpg (70.32 KB, 595x841, 595:841, 642a7c3c054948b7ca5fc02e87….jpg)


I usually forget it, that's the stupid part that I can't recall things that I need to do for myself most of the time.

Probably, never tried though.

Those are the laws, but not like I care if anyone breaks them, anarchy hi-ho.


Heavily related.


File: 15b22ef412d216f⋯.jpg (987.93 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, sk1426890959958.jpg)


I did not! We watched two episodes of Space Patrol Luluco, and I'm going to bed very soon!


File: d9d95bdfdb0d002⋯.jpg (315.13 KB, 800x1000, 4:5, sk1426890959948.jpg)


Well, if a dog's gonna do that, can I be your bitch, master?


File: d4a1d325402fb33⋯.jpg (66.16 KB, 675x1200, 9:16, FB_IMG_1476107271311.jpg)


Oh just in bed, don't worry


Dont let her mount you


File: 49a8afc93346b90⋯.jpg (32.55 KB, 599x412, 599:412, 000000000.jpg)

i demand attention

because the german is asleep


File: ad48d5a20ec7dca⋯.png (425.73 KB, 552x800, 69:100, u75y.png)


heh. Is it just melatonin or something else?

Yeah… strongest non alcohol thing I've had is codeine…

Myeap… I'll go OD on Burana 400mg now.


Sleepy time for UKians?


Attention gibt


File: b61180284743972⋯.jpg (20.51 KB, 300x282, 50:47, 685.jpg)


Oh. I have that downloaded.



File: b7c82792d5f4cfa⋯.jpg (535.28 KB, 800x1004, 200:251, __ibuki_suika_touhou_drawn….jpg)


Yeah snuggle


File: f75f12cbcf1d7e0⋯.gif (1.12 MB, 540x524, 135:131, tumblr_nj6lt246Wz1rbnx7io1….gif)



>cat related images

you both are spoiling me too much


File: fb2e86772371fc6⋯.jpg (111.56 KB, 568x800, 71:100, c714b6bc32ac2fe2cbcc5d0200….jpg)


Some 1,5 mg melatonin tabs.

Same really, codeine based cough medicine.

Heavily related again.


That doesn't really help at all, as a bigger dosage does nothing over the 400-600mg tabs.


File: ac91f742633f209⋯.jpg (105.66 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, smug-00032.jpg)


Nothing wrong with my fetishes.


People could read that post as you wanting me to get fucked by a dog while I fuck you. I hope you know that, love~


File: 77362920b5e59e7⋯.jpg (172.18 KB, 500x500, 1:1, sk1426890960137.jpg)


I'm fairly sure nobody but you interpreted in quite such a degenerate way, darling.


It's actually pretty fun! It uses its really low budget to its advantage.


File: c47d1c6bd6b4a59⋯.png (275.13 KB, 703x692, 703:692, sH8PRnP.png)





only the best 4 u


I'll sell you my prescription 3mg ones for 0,50e per pill. Haven't used them since I got them.

Mine was for when I complained enough about an ear infection they gave me Panacod which was codeine+paracetaol pills. Had to beg for more every 3 days too. Fun.

I know, I'm just joking since it's the only thing one can buy without prescription.


File: 1fd45ba8d66a8cf⋯.png (6.38 MB, 3358x1882, 1679:941, lg83z3hx2bqx.png)


now you are being extra nice on purpose!


File: 8e87c99a04a4b2f⋯.jpg (127.37 KB, 850x850, 1:1, __ibuki_suika_touhou_drawn….jpg)


Want to wear a diaper?


Buy a daki boi


File: 38503ffae8b54a6⋯.jpg (322.45 KB, 500x500, 1:1, b7c5d2a3004626cb28272a7569….jpg)


I bet I could get those easily if I just bothered to whine about the sleeping problem.

I got like half a litre of codesan comp due to h1n1, fun times.

You can buy melatonin up to 2,5mg over the counter and multiple different small-time things too.


File: 071f01cd26ea135⋯.jpg (583.56 KB, 1018x1556, 509:778, u7mk.jpg)


Wouldn't be right for me to be mean for a shrine maiden skin crawler.


I still don't really have waifu.

I'll just stick my imagination and a pillow or two. Maybe buy a body pillow when/if I get an apartment.


File: 6b3673bd043b75b⋯.jpg (217.86 KB, 800x969, 800:969, 6b3673bd043b75b798b1d85bb7….jpg)


im not a skin crawler!!!


File: 931ff3ed71dcd82⋯.png (968.65 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, u7ih.png)


I think it costs like 5e with prescription too lol. I don't even know if they're prescription exclusive dosage, I doubt they are.

Ahh sounds fun indeed.

Oh okay. Yeah well you can just take 2 of the 1,5mg ones if you really feel like it.


You are though. You switch forms between Reimu, Megumin and that one black and white girl. Oh and toastyfu


File: 6f39331391d1b89⋯.jpg (15.38 KB, 336x223, 336:223, ScreenHunter_394 Sep. 25 0….jpg)


im not!

im a normal sized boy


File: 901c0b7e6373f9d⋯.jpg (19.56 KB, 324x325, 324:325, FB_IMG_1476351938882.jpg)


File: 3b2cb96abefa679⋯.png (1.21 MB, 2100x2970, 70:99, 55c17162f6f83ab8e6b936c335….png)


Well, I bought like 100 of the 1,5mg ones for like 12€ something.

Pretty much, but I'm fine with it as it is.


File: 1661ff7c6df324d⋯.jpg (105.99 KB, 700x700, 1:1, 2bd2ddda99ed4f69f38957e6c6….jpg)


I'm not THAT degenerate.


I'm already wearing a diaper. I'll be wearing a diaper until I take it off before I shower tomorrow.


File: f79b7950e56b400⋯.jpg (372.52 KB, 1825x929, 1825:929, 43fab02d7ec188940413629987….jpg)

>tfw no comfy road trips as sunsets


Ehh… You do you.


You're a tall girl silly


Oh never mind then about the cost. I bought these like a year ago and still got probably 70+ left.

That's good. Saving them monies by not taking double dose


File: a3943873a972761⋯.jpg (52.61 KB, 667x528, 667:528, ScreenHunter_431 Sep. 25 1….jpg)


im a 5"4 petite boy


File: a46233b23d4b4fe⋯.jpg (209.21 KB, 640x480, 4:3, 1423079760950.jpg)



That's good to hear then.


File: 6c585da97c54ea5⋯.png (602.9 KB, 560x808, 70:101, 71e3a762de47ab88244f1c40dd….png)


I've had these for like 4 months now, still got about half of them left.


File: f5af1958860004c⋯.jpg (143.5 KB, 325x715, 5:11, sk1426890960134.jpg)


Is the reason you want to get fucked by a dog that grooming dogs is socially acceptable?


File: bf7d907f56e2fa6⋯.gif (677.74 KB, 360x270, 4:3, tumblr_neap92TbmT1tm01ouo1….gif)


Cute. I thought you were a taller girl though.


As long as they work and help you sleep


File: 819718626dc0e96⋯.jpg (107.5 KB, 1280x718, 640:359, 1452925130361.jpg)



I don't want a loli


File: aadee09e010ff4e⋯.png (110.16 KB, 771x1035, 257:345, megumin_by_kfrworks-d9sqtq….png)





ima boy

i always have

i was assigned female at birth

but im a boy


File: 00096e378690124⋯.jpg (114.74 KB, 442x716, 221:358, __ibuki_suika_touhou_drawn….jpg)


You really weren't joking about bring a degenerate


Paint my nails?


File: c09b743460b2a7a⋯.jpg (1.44 MB, 4160x3088, 260:193, IMG_20161012_094641.jpg)


Here's a picture I took of my room earlier this week, desu.


File: 973664898fe1455⋯.png (282.03 KB, 435x435, 1:1, sk1426890959629.png)


Grooming a loli? I'm sure I don't understand what you mean, master, being such an inno.cent and naive little pet.


File: a052a2bec0a0570⋯.jpg (101.31 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, 23452.jpg)


Yeah, too bad it takes a while for them to kick in.


File: 847b4bcc2f5900f⋯.jpg (201.18 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, 847b4bcc2f5900fc8f0c780002….jpg)


You've started to do that?


But why do you keep saying that you're avg. height when that's definitely not avg height.


>Model M



True. But you shouldn't let the blue light slow their effect even more.


File: 172de2456e10408⋯.jpg (147.15 KB, 850x478, 425:239, __hakurei_reimu_and_ibuki_….jpg)


You left handed?


File: 6a9dc44cc3dfc5f⋯.jpg (137.1 KB, 600x338, 300:169, konosuba (1).jpg)


its average height


File: 82b6fbe08ffe952⋯.jpg (176.85 KB, 850x1133, 850:1133, __ibuki_suika_touhou_drawn….jpg)


Not yet but will


File: e62d2ab0daa9829⋯.png (1.29 MB, 840x1344, 5:8, 1430363144111.png)


File: 6b67bc9b993e0f4⋯.jpg (47.01 KB, 300x310, 30:31, 578.jpg)



Ah! Come on, man! We all have our likes, but spoiler that and warn us next time at least.



You've started to do that?


But why do you keep saying that you're avg. height when that's definitely not avg height.


>Model M



True. But you shouldn't let the blue light slow their effect even more.>>345002


File: 0a5614e57316361⋯.jpg (1.59 MB, 4160x3088, 260:193, IMG_20160923_184901.jpg)


It's an Industrial Model M.


No? What makes you say that?



Also bonus old picture before I got this vinyl recliner!


File: 71f7a989c22f386⋯.png (91.9 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, megumin__konosuba__minimal….png)


anyone here would agree 5"4 is normal


File: 4df7e5963599dd2⋯.jpg (190.49 KB, 625x625, 1:1, sk1426890960096.jpg)


Yes, master. Going to bed now, I love you <3


File: dd9cb8f17bf9d82⋯.png (477.56 KB, 850x749, 850:749, u2ze.png)

8chan was kill and so are (you)'s


You keep saying that…


You should practice. It's not too easy. But it's nice seeing your colorful nails when you do daily things. Always makes feel nice.


I don't think so…



what are the blue pills



ask everyone and they will say yes


File: b1a6dda07bca518⋯.jpg (56.94 KB, 500x500, 1:1, efd2a0da806aeb85ff9ded279d….jpg)


File: d50cc2d8202bbc2⋯.jpg (49.05 KB, 624x633, 208:211, zwshhqjkofjx.jpg)


I'll ask Sims.


File: 54beffe2c2f7ed3⋯.png (1.15 MB, 774x1100, 387:550, 54beffe2c2f7ed3a7f9aec2a47….png)





File: d11a3df037a3368⋯.jpg (132.99 KB, 1600x900, 16:9, happy-00034.jpg)


I love you, have a good night <3 You've been a very good boy.


Xanax 1mg. I'm kind of addicted I guess…


File: 96f3c7406add172⋯.jpg (183.37 KB, 850x808, 425:404, __ibuki_suika_touhou_drawn….jpg)


The damage to the left arm of the chair




File: d1044b05662d7a1⋯.jpg (326.76 KB, 2500x2800, 25:28, 5f75e3a330fde02df029bb421c….jpg)



United States: 5.8ft - 5.10ft

Liar, liar, pants on fire.


File: 12fe0e7d665d5d9⋯.jpg (224.69 KB, 640x504, 80:63, 6qTIO.jpg)

Help! My banana is cute! What do I do?!




Is that a child's pair of panties?


Well 5'4 is the average height for Mexican ethnicity.


File: e5aef6721070613⋯.jpg (110.76 KB, 1000x871, 1000:871, megusmile.jpg)


its close enough


File: 88397dee249f6c0⋯.jpg (47.45 KB, 414x318, 69:53, happy-00033.jpg)


The entire chair is like that. No one sat in it for years, and it sat in a room with poor veneltation. I'm going to get a proper leather recliner when I get my own apartment.


File: 4fdfa4e58241916⋯.jpg (75.16 KB, 1163x960, 1163:960, 4fd.jpg)


banana kitty


File: 462588c310a5901⋯.jpg (177.09 KB, 550x550, 1:1, 1471093364556.jpg)


>Insert joke about giving a few inches for you


Nigga are those panties on the side.

Oh and gib gib.


Eh it's not like happiness will ever happen so might as well whatever.


Ah I see. Them shorties


File: 42524ac2d70c4e8⋯.png (1.14 MB, 1920x1200, 8:5, 8b5add42ff1426d595a374e815….png)


Not even close.


File: f8d74e7e11aa401⋯.jpg (79.58 KB, 861x767, 861:767, ScreenHunter_399 Sep. 25 1….jpg)


its only 4 inches


File: 7a158d05eff5159⋯.jpg (85.89 KB, 400x500, 4:5, 537f62157defca8ac47c41b308….jpg)


That's still pretty much.


File: bebd1f6af44874e⋯.jpg (57.07 KB, 482x549, 482:549, why-00065.jpg)


You had me thinking you were Skandi.

Yes those are panties.


Yes. I have a panty fetish. So?


File: 284d340c578a3dc⋯.jpg (101.69 KB, 1063x592, 1063:592, ScreenHunter_411 Sep. 25 1….jpg)


not one bit~


File: d88948001362fe8⋯.jpg (115.33 KB, 1359x767, 1359:767, ScreenHunter_387 Sep. 25 0….jpg)


I-i dont get the joke


File: 94f9588bd2e37e2⋯.jpg (244.09 KB, 850x850, 1:1, __ibuki_suika_touhou_drawn….jpg)


You ok want to talk?


File: d4e885905a06c91⋯.jpg (269.67 KB, 800x858, 400:429, 39d20c778fd48b529038dab8e8….jpg)


Well, I think bit's quite tall, so no, not one bit, maybe like two dozen of bits?


File: c66bef48e362e73⋯.jpg (47.77 KB, 550x413, 550:413, 1407328780395.jpg)


You have to realize is the USA is full of all kinds of mutts and ethnicity. So that mean is just everyone put together, ignoring ethnicity.



It happens with some races. I don't know where the hell my height comes from. Guess I need to look at German and Irish means.


Ah, that makes sense. Fair enough. Just was a bit confused on why they were there.


File: e44bf3e492ff8bb⋯.jpg (61.6 KB, 656x598, 328:299, ScreenHunter_415 Sep. 25 1….jpg)


its only 4 inches

how much difference is 4 inches?

not much


File: 27882c859341b30⋯.jpg (226.76 KB, 950x1600, 19:32, 27882c859341b30905c94e0aac….jpg)



blackjack dealer cat


File: 6c88896f3ae463a⋯.jpg (455.01 KB, 990x710, 99:71, tnxs.jpg)


Nah, just his third or fifth closest neighbor.

Where do you get so much xanax and how much did that cost.


Ehh just the roller coaster of emotions! Luckily we're getting to the low moods part I think which I can handle. Thanks though. Should start on meds again in 3 weeks.


Someone could give their penis to you which is a few inches


True. I don't really know about those things myself either.


File: 0557ef52e60837c⋯.jpg (128 KB, 530x470, 53:47, e5cfb7a6f1a0c7ab2e6600ef6d….jpg)


I added all of the specimens into that 5.8ft to 5.10ft, since Mexican Americans were 5.8ft, same with hispanic/latino Americans on that list, if you paid any attention to it at all that the United States has 7 different samples for different ethnicity and general.

You get nothing, you lose! Good day sir!


That's one head in length, quite much.


File: a783732c98fdfd7⋯.jpg (305.33 KB, 800x1080, 20:27, __ibuki_suika_touhou_drawn….jpg)


I like a happy ven


File: 2674d3fd8fbdf12⋯.png (150.24 KB, 710x561, 710:561, 2674d3fd8fbdf12f647b60934f….png)



sorry finns i dont speak gay


File: da669b0c4ab5731⋯.jpg (97.79 KB, 600x702, 100:117, ne.jpg)


I was helping my family clean their hoarding shit and I saved a bunch of pill bottles by saying I'd throw them out. I went though and kept all the pills with potential for abuse. I was hoping for opiates but all I got were adderall and a few benzos.

I have like 400 something xanax left. I used all the aderall years ago.


File: 7142ac422039c4f⋯.jpg (201.95 KB, 584x480, 73:60, f9920079a54c3742b255b3e5d1….jpg)


Nor do I, so how comes you recognized the language?


File: 5a76af86c38298d⋯.jpg (3.26 MB, 4160x3088, 260:193, IMG_20161002_181604.jpg)


I fap with them, desu.


File: bd996b325cc54d8⋯.png (580.54 KB, 1000x1239, 1000:1239, __hakurei_reimu_m_u_g_e_n_….png)


That's too sweet :s

Too bad happiness is unstable! Meds are supposed to balance the moods a bit though. Assuming I get any.


That's like a really nice haul.

Oh well. Maybe one day I'll somehow get benzos


So what are the green ones then?



File: 5a431d336fc5cfd⋯.jpg (36.46 KB, 432x439, 432:439, ScreenHunter_441 Sep. 25 1….jpg)


i hang around you guys too much

it sticks to me


File: 75a4663a7f68f8c⋯.jpg (360.11 KB, 566x800, 283:400, 75a4663a7f68f8c8f9c1a63b95….jpg)


File: 36d30f829d06e76⋯.png (313.35 KB, 512x512, 1:1, 7a65e0cf27ff95383f814e0b98….png)


You mean the others as I can't into that at all, your banter is all faulty, maybe you need to rest your head.


File: 8a767fee22e41da⋯.jpg (61.86 KB, 700x514, 350:257, 1405647213681.jpg)


I think I'm running out of cat images that are good and not commonly posted here.


I just know a few. Like Mexican men are suppose to be around 5'4, Japanese men are like 5'8 I think, and Netherlanders are fucking giants going over 6' these days.


Oh. I read that chart wrong, my bad. But don't know why this is so different from the one I read a year or so ago that said Mexican men average height was 5'4. World average was 5'10 if I remember right.

>tfw I'm an outlier of the averages


File: 17bfb0fb71f4d1b⋯.png (826.6 KB, 792x843, 264:281, what-00081.png)


Benzos aren't that great. I'd rather do heroin desu, but I realize that's not a great idea. Benzos aren't that great of an idea either really, unless you use them as ONLY a weekend drug.

If I stopped right now I'd feel great tomorrow, but then Saturday I'd feel awful, and Sunday I'd probably wake up with full body cramps again.

It took me a little under 2 weeks to get dependent. Be careful.


File: 0af5f3359c5eb21⋯.jpg (259.52 KB, 850x946, 425:473, __ibuki_suika_touhou_drawn….jpg)


It would be nice if you could get some


File: ba92851fa20620b⋯.jpg (107.44 KB, 878x720, 439:360, what-00024.jpg)



Also the green ones are clonazepam. I keep them around for any tapering I may start. I always have some in my coin pocket in my pants in case I get some kind of awful withdrawal symptom, but so far I've only had to do that once.


File: b4312e52b507a09⋯.jpg (306.8 KB, 500x603, 500:603, 6f00c6da4b978b1bf1ca533b20….jpg)


Mexican-Mexicans are like that in the list if I recall correctly, but the US-Mexicans are a different dealio.



File: 27e07eac8a8f02e⋯.jpg (273.89 KB, 1502x1200, 751:600, __if_neptune_series_drawn_….jpg)


What did I do now?


Oh wow. I didn't realize Mexicans were that short. Was certain asians would be shorter.


Would be a wild jump to heroin from the strongest drug I've had being codeine.

I just want benzos to know if they'd work for my anxiety and those super low bad times that I get. Basically to replace alcohol mostly.

That don't sound too good. You planning on lowering the dose slowly to get rid of it?

Hmmm well I'll keep that in mind. I have no idea how strong xanax or any other benzos are.


Well then :/


File: c6375aaf78f246e⋯.jpg (498.66 KB, 772x1100, 193:275, e136ac81b366a5449553ddc56f….jpg)

My time's up, g'night.



good night

don't let the bed bugs bite



Yeah but they're the normal useless SSRI things so… yeah. Hasn't been too useful so far.


File: def8bed7f3e2ec9⋯.jpg (119.47 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, special-00002.jpg)


I only dislike the withdrawal symptoms. Everything else is fantastic for the most part.

I am not anxious in public the next day, I feel like more normal a person and xanax kills my weed munchies, making it so I don't overeat as much, though the past few days I've ate a lot more, so maybe that was just withdrawal stuff.

If you do benzos keep it to the weekend. Benzo withdrawals are apparently worse than heroin withdrawals, but I wouldn't really know.

I chronicled a bit of my withdrawal stuff on my tumblr but I'd rather not read them again.


File: 5fedf88ecfb68fd⋯.jpg (30.52 KB, 200x340, 10:17, 682.jpg)



Playing quite the dangerous game I see.


Oh. I would wonder why that is. Maybe it's maybe it's mixed Mexican or something.

Are you shorter or taller?


I hear the females are still quite small over there.

In Trigun, there's this really "tall" girl that towers most people named Milly. I was thinking she's like 6' or so, but apparently she's suppose to "officially" be 5'8. Kind of leads me to believe the Japanese are pretty short if they think that's really tall.


Sleep well.


File: bd3e696ae062852⋯.jpg (7.66 MB, 4096x4816, 256:301, __makise_kurisu_steins_gat….jpg)


Understandable lol. I'll take your word on that. Doubt people would take them otherwise.

You take xanax with weed? Wew lad. I feel like such a slutty little boy when I talk to Americans since you people do all of the drugs it seems.

I wouldn't really take them for the fun of it too much, or that's not the plan at least. Just take them on those bad moments.

Heh don't worry about it.


qt petite asians yo

Oh wow. I have to check that series out too then… But 5'8'' portrayed as really tall is a bit amusing.


File: e7b5e3a7158ef6b⋯.jpg (215.89 KB, 666x1000, 333:500, 2d74e27f552b0853bd0d4180ef….jpg)


>You take xanax with weed?

Yes. It's an amazing combination when you get the right balance.


It's not too dangerous actually. If I tried stopping cold turkey it might be dangerous because I could have a seizure. At this point however I'm up to 4mg. That'd be dead simple to taper off in a few weeks. By the end of this month I'll know if I have to start tapering or not because there's no way I can bring benzos with me if I go to Norway for a week.


File: 063b93ef8232656⋯.jpg (51.59 KB, 480x661, 480:661, 1476059147600.jpg)


Str lvl?



Sounds a bit much. Then again never had weed either.


File: c380cae7fa6bbe2⋯.jpg (83.13 KB, 465x800, 93:160, faf26b49014c1fcf6801ac5d93….jpg)


It's a lot, but not THAT much. Some people here have been up to 10mg a day and had seizures already. I don't know if it's okay to name them or if they even post here anymore.

I'll be okay because I have Skandi.



How the fuck do you americans get xanax so easily. so unfair.

But that's cute.


File: 6c0d06784a70704⋯.jpg (40.14 KB, 270x273, 90:91, 33.jpg)


Pretty much it seems.

You should. It's pretty good. I need to read the manga though. Has a lot more detail and different stuff in it.


I see. As long as you're in control. I have heard of the dangers of dropping benzos cold turkey do to possibly risk of getting a seizure.


70. Finally got it up yesterday. Trying to do attack now. Well not playing right now, but you know what I mean.


File: ac8ae9f54957bb5⋯.jpg (143.97 KB, 668x1194, 334:597, 1474449571416.jpg)


File: a17b78e01f0ce90⋯.jpg (319.84 KB, 720x886, 360:443, well-00007.jpg)


Xanax is prescribed her incorrectly. I believe most people who are physically dependent weren't even abusing it. .5mg a day every day for a month is apparently enough to get you hooked. 2mg a day for weeks was enough for me.

Don't be jealous.


I'll be fine. I have more than enough to taper. And it's not a choice, I'd NEED to taper by January if I want to visit Skandi.

There's other stuff going on now too, so I'll probably have to cut back anyway. Sigh…


File: 2ff8135be4e07a1⋯.jpg (30.92 KB, 240x218, 120:109, 52.jpg)


Oh! I saw the thing say I could do that dungeon. Thought I had to have 70 Attack, Strength, and Defense. Or was that something else?



But I am jealous. I want to see if benzos would help me. Oh well. Drug policies and things, good fun.


Sigh… Another one on to the list.


File: 58dcc572273cd51⋯.png (198.81 KB, 285x365, 57:73, well-00008.png)


The withdrawals are going to happen even if you taper. Also your mood and memory are both royally fucked up and will be for months even if I do taper off.

It was stupid for me to start, but I don't want to stop forever. It's kind of like heroin; just don't bother, it's nice but you're going to have to deal with more shit than its worth.


File: ed2162b5bc6d0a4⋯.png (201.04 KB, 516x716, 129:179, 1473551244571.png)


Just 70 str but the other stats being higher would help a bit



Ahh I see :/

Well sooner rather than later could still be gut though

I'm afraid I'm out of ideas that would help me, if you have an idea other than alcohol or nicotine or benzos that would calm me the fuck down I'll gladly take ideas.


File: 6e94d9c4ae08080⋯.jpg (25.32 KB, 280x164, 70:41, 40.jpg)


Well good luck with all that. Let's all hope you don't end up getting yourself killed.


Happens to me too, fam.


Good thing I found a decently quick way to raise them. Now if I could only get some challenges for combat.


File: d46932ec2994425⋯.jpg (38.8 KB, 600x600, 1:1, Cnuf0JrUkAAwVZ8.jpg)


If you get panic attacks benzos are great for that. Benzos take a while to get addicted to. Using them a two or three times a week, especially at doses you'd use for anxiety, would not get you addicted.

Just keep in mind even .25mg a day every day will get you addicted in a matter of weeks. It's meant to be used when you have anxiety attacks, not as a daily use pill.


File: 609f4a223e2526d⋯.jpg (135.77 KB, 715x1000, 143:200, CumM4q_WcAA3VnZ.jpg)


What do you do?



It's starting to get out of control.


I've only had 2 mild panic attacks. Like super mild I'd say. Then again idk at which point it goes from mild to normal to severe. Ahh well those are the doses I'd plan to use them at. But as I say that's what I'd plan, idk if it'd work out. Yeah I understand that.


File: 0fdc4150bd70b15⋯.jpg (34.72 KB, 300x243, 100:81, 352.jpg)


Jungle Spiders or Abyssal creatures.

Jungle Spiders are good because they die rather fast and give a good amount for the level I'm at. They're in a safer place, and drop some carcass that's worth 2k on the GE.

Abyssal creatures can go somewhat faster as you they crowd around you and you can just do AoE skills on them. My HP goes down quite a bit on them, but one run gets me about 10k xp. Think this is more of a high level idea. Kind of hard to do since there's 3 of them and each either does Melee, Magic, or Ranged damage. You have to run through the wilderness too to get to them.

And why does Agility suck so much to try and level up?


Wew Ken Bone is doing an AMA on reddit.


File: ceb45c43ec75d6a⋯.jpg (48.27 KB, 280x314, 140:157, 22.jpg)




>Ken Bone



File: 6298531b961fc6d⋯.jpg (48.7 KB, 780x438, 130:73, 161010004816-ken-bone-deba….jpg)


This guy


File: 3d2eedc276d5376⋯.jpg (39.84 KB, 340x319, 340:319, 154.jpg)


Only seen him, but no idea what makes him important.



His sweater. He was in the latest debate asking a question. Became a meme.


File: d8ca63c66fe329a⋯.jpg (23.3 KB, 345x192, 115:64, 218.jpg)





Doesn't take more than that.

Hey, you guys made him a meme. I'm just receiving them.


File: feb4d8f7e2d2373⋯.webm (3.58 MB, 640x360, 16:9, elf.webm)


I see a few people talk about getting crashed at Abyssal. Funny stuff.

It gets better later on, here is the elf course at level 77 I think. Only 75 atm, it's best to put your xp you get from the treasure hunter into skills like that.


File: 0fc6a22301dbea8⋯.jpg (43 KB, 340x254, 170:127, 223.jpg)


I'm not apart of any of this mental retardation on whatever spit this shit out.


Crashed? What does that mean?

I actually haven't touched that treasure hunter thing yet except for once. Should I?

That's an interesting course all right. I want to be there. ;_;



You share the blame with everyone else under your flag I'm afraid.


File: a17e3aaca79d1cc⋯.jpg (39.72 KB, 300x257, 300:257, 719.jpg)


I will chop off all four of your limbs.


File: 2c743da5fd69429⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 25.99 KB, 436x402, 218:201, 1427488871170.jpg)


When you get crashed it means another person took your spot while you were there taking all the xp and stuff

Uh yea you big baka, you can get very good stuff from it. Should do it everyday.





Just for that I'm going to rename the Digimon webm to SimsxBit


That's kind of drastic don't you think


File: b2e25356d239fdc⋯.jpg (56.77 KB, 400x431, 400:431, 1476382978813.jpg)


You do that and I will make a folder of that meme!!



I'll change the name back ;-;


File: cca9f3d4569601d⋯.png (510.17 KB, 873x562, 873:562, One day I'll edit this.png)


That would make sense. They make the killing shot and it all goes to them. Good thing I'm on a underpopulated world.

Oh, but it looks like one big micro-transaction!


I don't.



Fine… I'll just blame /pol/


File: d24a244ee9f75f0⋯.png (803.17 KB, 904x785, 904:785, 1463337136784.png)


Very good, im watching you!


I'll send everyone to that world. Sure is but not using your free dailies wont change anything.


File: d916044dd3df7c6⋯.jpg (160.61 KB, 600x700, 6:7, chi.jpg)

Greetings /lewd/, your favorite poster ever has returned.


File: e48c25b3f6bec84⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 124.74 KB, 223x364, 223:364, BitxSims.png)



Think it's time for sleep though.


File: 41e339cd2fc225a⋯.jpg (62.28 KB, 544x708, 136:177, 1356603087191.jpg)


I'd blame Reddit and Twitter. Maybe Facebook too.


Pls no. ;_;

Well I have like 17 keys I think?


File: f4675834e2c5393⋯.png (243.79 KB, 460x823, 460:823, 9.png)




It's almost 2017, think that would work on me!?


Well you get two once you finish a quest and 2 everyday but I believe those day ones dont stack


File: 4b77c0e8c885b93⋯.jpg (184.42 KB, 800x635, 160:127, __imaizumi_kagerou_touhou_….jpg)

nighty night


Hi! Bye!


Fine, I'll blame those then.


Sleepy me didn't think .png would give it away x.x


File: 682c9e29941987d⋯.jpg (40.14 KB, 240x294, 40:49, 59.jpg)


Guess I'll use them next time.


File: b4a12853e99f70c⋯.jpg (108.2 KB, 733x720, 733:720, K (119).jpg)


Sleep well, VenFin.


File: 39daa350c100710⋯.jpg (511.71 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, kyo.jpg)


No sorry I'm not a tool, surprised this place isn't dead yet.


See ya bud.


File: d7e5d063682b5be⋯.png (790.75 KB, 694x476, 347:238, 120 SLAYER CAPE.png)


Maybe next time, night night


My dream cape ;-; and good


File: b4a12853e99f70c⋯.jpg (108.2 KB, 733x720, 733:720, K (119).jpg)


Sleep well.


File: 958071ccc9b2440⋯.png (381.17 KB, 498x713, 498:713, 1476230305755.png)


Oh you too? Night and dont forget the keys!


File: 68aead939210878⋯.jpg (79.17 KB, 500x281, 500:281, 783.jpg)


Wait…I read your comment to Ven wrong. I'm not sleeping for a while.

Should I just go ahead and use them all up?


File: 3ee7f126d924c41⋯.jpg (24.53 KB, 374x267, 374:267, 1476164064250.jpg)


I got about 30 minutes left, yea could get something nice


File: e0e49f43521a29b⋯.jpg (65.11 KB, 281x282, 281:282, K (48).jpg)


Like what? A nice muscle grill? :^)


File: 272d386a5ce023b⋯.jpg (129.83 KB, 726x1000, 363:500, CumM4q-WcAAW_kN.jpg)


Anything is possible :^)


File: c1152cf3041aef8⋯.jpg (39.81 KB, 300x381, 100:127, 90.jpg)


Don't tell me these sweet little lies.


File: 42e140201a0b8ec⋯.jpg (77 KB, 780x548, 195:137, 1167669800346.jpg)


It's da truth! I dont get the nickname Sean Murray for nothing :^) :V(


File: 377f857ff237c06⋯.jpg (47.39 KB, 320x391, 320:391, 125.jpg)


Huh? That guy off NCIS?


File: 7cd30c3a46dff02⋯.jpg (146.03 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, yes.jpg)


File: b7894866d4d8069⋯.jpg (49.02 KB, 300x276, 25:23, 562.jpg)


Oh. That guy. Didn't know he had the same name.

Should have said Sean (((Murray))). :^)


File: 31aa65ffe52816b⋯.jpg (26.16 KB, 704x396, 16:9, 1476068863306.jpg)


Im just gonna call everyone called Sean a big phony!


File: 20ae1d883a1c890⋯.jpg (45.39 KB, 300x323, 300:323, 512.jpg)


What if I was called Sean?


File: 65b6521bbcb800c⋯.png (202.15 KB, 265x470, 53:94, OPM.png)


I already know your name but I would call you CouldbePhony then


File: 2e7f5efaa113014⋯.jpg (41.63 KB, 300x214, 150:107, 474.jpg)


You do?! My info has been leaked!

Damn, that's good.


File: 378f34d35877572⋯.jpg (92.33 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, 55CEDC48456C0E0007.jpg)


Yes my Russian hackers are the best or Chinese..

I must rest now, also that sounds like something a phony would say! Gudluck on your keys!


File: de770579141a96e⋯.jpg (34.8 KB, 300x229, 300:229, 485.jpg)


Thanks, non-phony. Sleep well.


File: 9f757525a8e3a9e⋯.png (433.13 KB, 554x788, 277:394, 9f7.png)


File: b7c194113043293⋯.png (244.47 KB, 680x432, 85:54, 72a.png)


File: 6977f824e77f0b1⋯.jpg (221.71 KB, 850x607, 850:607, __ibuki_suika_touhou_drawn….jpg)


Stop stealing kaga reee


Build a wall between Scotland and england


File: 24f13219cec0f6d⋯.jpg (121.11 KB, 750x750, 1:1, tr144SZqqfVzFVAZTdn7XO5y0S….jpg)


I didn't steal it :p


File: 6b6fb098f8c4064⋯.png (129.33 KB, 354x354, 1:1, 4fa.png)


Isnt there one already?


File: 9b0a4e273b546ea⋯.jpg (2.71 MB, 2280x3000, 19:25, 9b0a4e273b546ea587959e2eac….jpg)


Not one that keeps out the English


File: b878b5c5041da04⋯.jpg (87.47 KB, 850x588, 425:294, __ibuki_suika_touhou_drawn….jpg)


No kaga posting >:(


File: 9bc86cce21e3800⋯.jpg (1.06 MB, 850x1202, 425:601, 1470448935416.jpg)


B-but sleep was a mistake :/


File: 54297726fac053c⋯.jpg (124.17 KB, 623x2048, 623:2048, FB_IMG_1476441199345.jpg)

Ven X magi irl ngl tbh fampai


File: eef4f1c4fa900d1⋯.jpg (32.48 KB, 519x480, 173:160, d59.jpg)


File: 42cbf3681838e2d⋯.png (102.21 KB, 327x390, 109:130, 8d5.png)


File: 5b3d7ed38c748f1⋯.png (559.59 KB, 653x948, 653:948, 3f9.png)


File: 590d1e69c2de304⋯.png (108.43 KB, 421x461, 421:461, 2bc.png)


File: 2b467e79f58935c⋯.jpg (388.17 KB, 1803x1351, 1803:1351, 1476441053239.jpg)

Me at work



Someone around?


File: 003da2801596736⋯.jpg (24.24 KB, 337x337, 1:1, 12383609_1086580951373452_….jpg)


File: b44ee667d65d339⋯.jpg (35.88 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 1475380843408.jpg)


File: 569dc65a2047f11⋯.png (90.4 KB, 472x472, 1:1, 44b.png)


hello friend!


File: a2a6a17631749e5⋯.png (611.88 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, wörk.png)

Wörk, done'd

Vodka, open'd

Stress, dropping'd



We dont even know each other :O


Haai Lanky :3


Tfw still at wörk


Lmao at this brit bong i have multiply calls with everyday. He is funny and talks funny.


File: e8e82d745ee2649⋯.jpg (101.1 KB, 720x720, 1:1, 1369588035001.jpg)


Feels bad man.

Long sift?



I work from 8:30 till 17:00


File: 3fee46ed05566d6⋯.jpg (92.16 KB, 426x458, 213:229, kuuskyt.jpg)


Oh, well, atlest it's friday.

Happyjuice, beer and sauna.



You mean csgo…. a-and uhm… sleep… i guess…


File: 79d9cb6e94b1a0c⋯.jpg (99.7 KB, 888x720, 37:30, 2.jpg)


That's quite sad actually.



I could also go out with friends but im not sure if i want.


File: 38c71e5cc9bdeb7⋯.png (328.71 KB, 540x540, 1:1, lyyh.png)


On fridays after a long week of wörking's it's usually a short night.

imo saturday is more of a dinking and seeing ppl day.





I prefere going out on friday.

If Im long out and drink a lot i have enough time to recover.


File: e72b34c12bf2c9b⋯.jpg (63.39 KB, 493x750, 493:750, 9DA.jpg)


please dont think r9k people are normal


File: 0770f3a20c3be97⋯.jpg (55.21 KB, 697x1000, 697:1000, FB_IMG_1476113030052.jpg)

Are chockers a tranny thing? Magi would you want a chocker?


File: 6f39331391d1b89⋯.jpg (15.38 KB, 336x223, 336:223, ScreenHunter_394 Sep. 25 0….jpg)


chockers are for girls and girly boys




Whats a chocker?


File: 5a431d336fc5cfd⋯.jpg (36.46 KB, 432x439, 432:439, ScreenHunter_441 Sep. 25 1….jpg)


some thing you put on your neck


File: b29d347d76037a9⋯.jpg (115.52 KB, 700x961, 700:961, FB_IMG_1474188176756.jpg)




File: cf5b0af9a5678bf⋯.jpg (186.17 KB, 860x1217, 860:1217, cf5b0af9a5678bfd4ff305dc5e….jpg)


I would, though luckily my adams apples hidden ^^, also like being choked >.<




Sounds hot.

Im sure Date would like to have one around his neck and being pulled around like a dog.


File: 14928ea93cadf1c⋯.jpg (126.03 KB, 850x635, 170:127, __ibuki_suika_touhou_drawn….jpg)


Got love S&M, tfw never been chocked


File: e55cd74e94517cb⋯.jpg (467.61 KB, 768x1200, 16:25, e55cd74e94517cb5665814d183….jpg)


It's good fun ^^


File: 1bcf71057df2b00⋯.jpg (50.05 KB, 587x724, 587:724, FB_IMG_1476439436889.jpg)


Make sure to do it in a public Park at night, >date irl


File: 7a9e2b9738a0605⋯.jpg (260.87 KB, 850x1209, 850:1209, __ibuki_suika_touhou_drawn….jpg)


High impact sexual violence



Yeees it will be much fun :D


File: 6442b980ec3f675⋯.jpg (90.4 KB, 1181x886, 1181:886, 1465304283547.jpg)


Yep ^^


File: 2674d3fd8fbdf12⋯.png (150.24 KB, 710x561, 710:561, 2674d3fd8fbdf12f647b60934f….png)


File: eb1ac1d950f839f⋯.jpg (161.82 KB, 850x850, 1:1, __ibuki_suika_touhou_drawn….jpg)


Trans species


File: b447c25e52b6fca⋯.png (241.62 KB, 636x548, 159:137, 1465585700517.png)


yes you

not me


File: b878b5c5041da04⋯.jpg (87.47 KB, 850x588, 425:294, __ibuki_suika_touhou_drawn….jpg)


Hey I'm not going to be the one who will be walked around a park like a dog.


Tfw date wakes up only to spam cat sounds at you and falls aslerp again


File: 0425dcbbd873198⋯.jpg (25.03 KB, 391x624, 391:624, ScreenHunter_400 Sep. 25 1….jpg)


yes you are im sure burt is into that stuff


this rarely happens


File: 4b89083cb7201c8⋯.jpg (442.37 KB, 724x1024, 181:256, __ibuki_suika_touhou_drawn….jpg)


He not really….?


File: 49a8afc93346b90⋯.jpg (32.55 KB, 599x412, 599:412, 000000000.jpg)


you should ask him then

just to be sure


File: 159092f25949c6f⋯.png (91.73 KB, 309x515, 3:5, 159.png)


File: 45ae9814ef32372⋯.jpg (33.3 KB, 463x563, 463:563, 1474146592830.jpg)


are ya sure?


File: 5b389cb7323808d⋯.png (154.61 KB, 405x405, 1:1, 1474125600190.png)


ah ok so you will do it in private then


File: 0f237f2ebfd18df⋯.png (131.4 KB, 587x400, 587:400, 0f237f2ebfd18df581cf4005da….png)




File: 0263c0ff5601493⋯.png (1.69 MB, 1360x768, 85:48, 394360_20161014111632_1.png)

now to take germany



What try are you on? 5th?



File: ab437539e2edd7f⋯.png (334.14 KB, 600x517, 600:517, 5c2.png)


File: 08281736f3598ae⋯.jpg (157.64 KB, 850x1000, 17:20, __kongou_kantai_collection….jpg)


File: cbc2e473f1ee21d⋯.png (2.56 MB, 2524x3275, 2524:3275, 1470963407027-2.png)


File: 2ca8b5beaa171a3⋯.jpg (1.14 MB, 1200x1500, 4:5, 2ca8b5beaa171a349d33c1aff8….jpg)


File: 05a96025ee03def⋯.jpg (38.46 KB, 500x500, 1:1, Best!.jpg)



Chockers are nice >.<


File: 52cc497a45d4802⋯.jpg (814.29 KB, 700x1134, 50:81, __hoshiguma_yuugi_ibuki_su….jpg)


kek we all fucked up


File: 5063f5da8d752db⋯.jpg (574.84 KB, 750x1060, 75:106, 1458066041160-1.jpg)

Oh shiet niggas


File: 7e4fe2ab8222ff1⋯.jpg (290.11 KB, 844x900, 211:225, __hoshiguma_yuugi_ibaraki_….jpg)


started hrt?


File: c23f51ff8b15691⋯.jpg (102.67 KB, 700x721, 100:103, 130302825690.jpg)


Hells to teh nope!

Opened my second bottle of happyjuice!


File: c8df9473f8e3abc⋯.png (504.33 KB, 720x720, 1:1, __ibuki_suika_touhou_and_w….png)


all boys must become girls!


File: c6d9f47a9c80498⋯.png (186.66 KB, 640x484, 160:121, horrivying.png)



this is a blatant lie


File: 05a96025ee03def⋯.jpg (38.46 KB, 500x500, 1:1, Best!.jpg)


We did?


File: 0da19e83d93ee1c⋯.jpg (58.98 KB, 332x233, 332:233, sk1426890960145.jpg)


Yeah, 'cause you all said "chocker" instead of "choker".


File: 05a96025ee03def⋯.jpg (38.46 KB, 500x500, 1:1, Best!.jpg)


ooooh >.<

**Well i think i've said i wanna be choked so :3


File: 17ed5cd735d7c47⋯.png (154.25 KB, 361x361, 1:1, sk1426890959449.png)


>wanting to be choked

Are you some kind of pervert?


File: 98da2c9cb7c3490⋯.png (354.05 KB, 565x995, 113:199, ixscj2vzzqlx.png)

this pic was the best find ever


File: 953caeeca5c1356⋯.png (46.02 KB, 180x235, 36:47, 180px-Reimu.png)


>not posting the reimus and megumins you have found


File: 107b9441500ef7c⋯.jpg (93.11 KB, 472x748, 118:187, sk1426890960041.jpg)


It'd only be useful if you found a board with perverted people on it, though.



You have all the ones I've found. I don't go out of my way looking for them!

Most of the ones I've found are because of the avatar curses you've put on me


We're not perverted enough?


File: b71b88b03bdce6e⋯.png (2.36 MB, 1181x1748, 1181:1748, b71b88b03bdce6eeef94d12506….png)

Take care Cherub


File: 782adeb6160ab55⋯.png (223.35 KB, 510x914, 255:457, 1460158517552.png)


you look for them!


File: e68518f0013c20c⋯.jpg (1.04 MB, 904x1280, 113:160, 6s4idi16jgqx.jpg)


I do not! I just find them randomly because of your witchery


File: 84815d6107c38c3⋯.png (710.12 KB, 729x714, 243:238, 13413117_1553936518235379_….png)


thats one huge lie



It's not!


File: 699cba61ec3fb3e⋯.jpg (103.6 KB, 640x960, 2:3, 13179361_1090560840964721_….jpg)


yes yes yes!


File: 468044a6edb778a⋯.png (21.16 KB, 234x450, 13:25, sk1426890959964.png)


Huh? Of course we're not perverted.



I must be thinking some other board then

You know the one with all sort of weirdo neets




File: c10dc1e5cef8304⋯.png (155.31 KB, 472x472, 1:1, tumblr_inline_nrm81q1qpP1r….png)


File: 2e4afebfe307691⋯.png (1.09 MB, 945x945, 1:1, 1463031774943.png)



dont lie

lying is bad


File: 05a96025ee03def⋯.jpg (38.46 KB, 500x500, 1:1, Best!.jpg)



Wouldn't you want to be choked by Miles?


File: 18ad2d0491d9cd6⋯.jpg (41.41 KB, 300x166, 150:83, 222.jpg)


Time to be perverted, kitten!




File: f82e88471f75c64⋯.png (184.49 KB, 390x390, 1:1, sk1426890959417.png)


Are you thinking of /cuteboys/?


… No comment. You're still more of a perv than me, cuck!


File: 05a96025ee03def⋯.jpg (38.46 KB, 500x500, 1:1, Best!.jpg)


How am i a bigger perv than you? I don't have a master


File: fad024673f8f808⋯.png (1.57 MB, 1786x2500, 893:1250, fad024673f8f808c6d253e7b6e….png)


I think he's left, not entirely sure, but it looks that way


File: 8bedc9fa2cd61f3⋯.png (1.93 MB, 1253x1770, 1253:1770, u57g.png)


Well I've once or twice gone out of my way looking for Megumins or Reimus.


I'm not sure.

Thinking of that board with people into castration, sissy, dog fucking, airplane fucking, crossdressing, getting molested by officers etc.

That board.


Don't perv qt cat


File: 9cf9ee1f80625cc⋯.png (1.98 MB, 1500x1500, 1:1, sk1426890959949.png)


Yeah, but you want a master, dont you? You want a master and you want to be tied up and have your dick locked up while your master fucks somebody else?




File: ecddf72b8ec41ae⋯.png (815.88 KB, 1000x1348, 250:337, u6kb.png)


I think it's a smaller /animus/ kind of board.


File: a440d9ec82a9119⋯.png (189.49 KB, 485x635, 97:127, sk1426890959475.png)




File: 05a96025ee03def⋯.jpg (38.46 KB, 500x500, 1:1, Best!.jpg)


No absolutely not!

Even tho i got hard from the thought of it!



I didn't even know that's a place


File: 23a466512d0bf35⋯.png (131.06 KB, 346x346, 1:1, sk1426890959525.png)


C'mon, just admit that you're a pervert cuck. And don't use spoiler tags when you admit it, either.


Neither did I, but 8ch has a weird thing at the bottom where it just seems to list random boards!



Usually advertises /suicide/ or something


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


File: abbb9c8eb9263d3⋯.jpg (35.68 KB, 380x270, 38:27, sk1426890959447.jpg)


No offence, Venn, but I think you just notice "/suicide/" more because… you know.


File: 05a96025ee03def⋯.jpg (38.46 KB, 500x500, 1:1, Best!.jpg)


Fine, i can agree with the pervert! But not the cuck



Heh maybe

You're drunk again!?


File: d108dd32744f783⋯.png (181.13 KB, 600x710, 60:71, sk1426890959401.png)


If you want to, I can go back a few threads and find a few times where you've admitted to being a cuck.


Yes, quite! And I'll get drunk again tomorrow! But after that, normal life starts up again, and I'll only be allowed to get drunk on Fridays and Saturdays ;_;


File: 05a96025ee03def⋯.jpg (38.46 KB, 500x500, 1:1, Best!.jpg)


I've done no such thing!

I've only said maybe


File: 4ab3704f726680d⋯.jpg (629.25 KB, 1148x698, 574:349, sk1426890960076.jpg)


Just admit that you're a cuck, you sissy bitch.



Aw how unfortunate.

I think you could negotiate sunday in there too


File: 05a96025ee03def⋯.jpg (38.46 KB, 500x500, 1:1, Best!.jpg)



I'm a cuck


File: 15b1e672f019d1d⋯.png (164.23 KB, 400x400, 1:1, sk1426890959717.png)


I probably could, 'cause master is really nice, but I've got an alcohol problem so I don't think I want to drink three times a week.


Good boy~



Yeah, you'll save money too not constantly buying alcohol since that shit is expensive af

Drinking vodka or?


File: 4c2d5df32ccc649⋯.png (379.72 KB, 488x518, 244:259, sk1426890959528.png)


>Drinking vodka

Bitch, who do you take me for? I'm drinking Fireball mixed with weak-ish vodka just to mellow the taste out, with chocolate milk and chopped-up white chocolate sprinkled on top!


File: 73ec3262d4f9b71⋯.jpg (42.29 KB, 546x696, 91:116, 73ec3262d4f9b71a76e3c598e2….jpg)

>everyone here always mixes their alcohol


File: 05a96025ee03def⋯.jpg (38.46 KB, 500x500, 1:1, Best!.jpg)


If i can't call you good boy you can't call me that! >.< But yea now i just gotta find love



>buys strawberry wine


Heh fireball is really strong with the sweetness. Idk if I would use fireball as a mixer for vodka though… You may have a drinking problem indeed.

Ahh again with the chocolate milk. Making it fancy now too!


File: c2147f387ab35b0⋯.jpg (82.97 KB, 450x600, 3:4, Hakurei.Reimu.600.1923982.jpg)


but i would never mix my vodka or any strong alcohol

also the wine is already like that

plus all wines are fruity


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