[–]▶ No.42796>>43458 >>43513 >>45125 >>69300 >>94831 >>98787 >>105089 >>108079 >>116802 >>271054 [Watch Thread][Show All Posts]
I've been playing some RPGs that have been pretty fun but it's a pain in the ass to find ones that aren't shitty to play in english.
I'm gonna post 5 titles I liked and I hope you dudes post some other that're good.
First up
Virgin's Protection Magic
You play a which who's more powerful when she's horny, it's got some pretty detailed clothing damage and H animations and a pretty good light hearted story. Combat is pretty fun. First four hours are translated but it's not done yet.
▶ No.42798>>44892 >>72105 >>92696 >>98125 >>222786 >>324900
You play as 3 women, who get more powerful when they act slutty, lots of scenes combat is fine, really dig the costumes. Probably my favourite h game ever.
▶ No.42799>>43460 >>71865 >>324900
By the same dev, play as a witch, do slutty shit in town, collect resources in a dungeon to get points to unlock more of the town to do slutty shit. Translation isn't done yet but what you need to do is explained. Not as good as the others but still decent.
▶ No.42800>>48452 >>298091
Girl in the Red Slave Collar
Play as a slave gladiator, walk around, get raped, fight, it's okay.
▶ No.42802>>72741 >>79476 >>117681 >>117935 >>324900
Hypnosis Aristocracy
Play as a dude who hypnotizes a queen and princess to do slutty shit for some reason. Pretty decent.Can't remember what they call it at ULMF but it's by the Salvation dev.
▶ No.42804>>302951 >>303947
The Moral Sword, Asagi
This is the weirdest shit I've ever seen. Art kinda shit but it's so fucking bizarre it's worth playing. Really hardcore, a weird comedic plot, I don't think it's something that can be explained. it's worth a look for the sake of the WTF value.
▶ No.42805>>48513 >>324900
Witch Act
A not as good predecessor to salvation. Play this if you want more but not as good salvation.
▶ No.42806>>42849
All of these torrents are at sukebei nyaa and translation patches at ulmf, google it.
▶ No.42807>>66207
Runes pharmacy definitely deserves honors. A translation is in the works as well. It's suppose to be done by the end of the year. Perhaps it's already done. Check progress at ulmf
▶ No.42849>>42893
the link for the english patch of salvation is dead at ulmf
▶ No.42893>>315121
Check the last page of the game thread, I think there's a prepatched mega link.
▶ No.43458
>>42796 (OP)
is virgin protection magic fully translated?
▶ No.43460
same there as ^^
not full translation, not even in progress afaik
and for anyone else, check the ghostbin lost somewhere in the board, has most of these and most translated as well
▶ No.43513>>135812
>>42796 (OP)
Ariadne is alright.
▶ No.43551>>43556 >>43558
▶ No.43556
The website? It's alright now. My pastes are still out there.
▶ No.43558>>48444 >>54177
can you repost the link plz
▶ No.44892>>48045
In salvation, the goddess hints there's someone who can grant you more powers than she can, but I never found anyone. Did I miss them or was that intended but never implemented?
▶ No.45125>>47673
>>42796 (OP)
could we get a link for pre-patched Virgin Protection Magic?
not only is the game hard to find, but translation is rpgm-patch in assembla, which makes a bit hard for some of us
▶ No.47673>>93594
▶ No.47727
▶ No.47959
Virgin Island is pretty great
▶ No.48045
I think she was just talking about the fairies in the recollection room
▶ No.48444
▶ No.48452
This one's battles are as beautifully animated as still images can get.
Honestly Sachi's poses and expressions are just lots of fun to watch.
▶ No.48513>>48515
Ariadne and Magica are fully translated.
Sangeki of Gear and Rhode Fortress are also translated.
Witch Act is fully translated? Since when? I never found out.
▶ No.48515
September is when Witch Act got translated
▶ No.54177
▶ No.66207>>67262 >>67304 >>67310 >>69163 >>69337 >>71574 >>96440 >>96773 >>110341 >>120157 >>148263
Stumbled upon it whilst looking for something else, game is translated and seems unusually decent.
Rune's Pharmacy ~Tiarajima no Okusuriya-san
(Rune's Pharmacy ~The Druggist of Tiara Isle)
After the death of her parents,
young Erunelle has inherited their debts.
Play as this novice pharmacist in PICOPICOSOFT's gather-fantasy RPG.
You're not just mixing aspirin here, these drugs have potent effects…
* Genre: Item gathering fantasy RPG (w/ lots of assault)
* H scene count: 55 (24 base CGs / 20+ pixel animations)
* Outfit damage: yes
* Gallery mode: yes
* Voice: yes (battles only)
* Virgin completion: yes
punishment sex for shoplifting, loli retrogression by drug,
part-time brothel work, interspecie sex with orc/cyclops/slime,
bukkake as a barmaid, "eroma" therapy massage, slum f*ck,
assault in one's sleep and more…
Lots of pixel events with the villagers
All monsters have scenes for defeating you
(Note: PC needs the non-unicode language setting to Japanese to even extract the file without breaking the filenames horribly though)
▶ No.67262
Thanks anon, trying it out now. I'll give you headpats if it works!
▶ No.67304>>67310
What do i have to do to get the loli medicine?
▶ No.67310
After you fix the bridge, the scholar guy in the main part of town will request the potion. The ingredients are in the two new areas, the hardest one to get being the aurora grass which you have to kill the archdemon in the ice area to get. After you make the potion he'll ask for you to test it.
Unfortunately there's only two scenes for it (both with him), and you can't even wander around as a loli.
Is the ending for the game different depending on your corruption level? I played through the game twice (no sex xp/corruption pure virgin and fucked the shit out of Mei with no corruption) and they were both the exact same - no mention of her purity or Mei at all. Pretty sad about the lack of Mei.
▶ No.69163
Would be nice if the links to get the password actually fucking worked.
▶ No.69177>>69211
>67310 I think there is a special scene/ending if you are a virgin when you interact with the unicorn. Not sure tho since I wasnt.
▶ No.69211
He gives you 300k, which is great.
▶ No.69246>>79489
Was there any progress on the Virgin's Protection Magic translation?
▶ No.69300>>135582
>>42796 (OP)
> good translated hrpg
> virgin protection magic
damn I started playing this game and it was fucking one of things I've ever played,
translation was awesome, until reaching its final part and fuck
knowing who is translating it, knowing it will take ages
▶ No.69337>>71287
It worked fantastically and I owe you many headpats, I finished it in a day and thoroughly enjoyed it!
I'll contribute soon!
I don't think there's a special virgin ending but I only finished it as a virgin before slutting it up very fun. Then again I did /everything/ but vaginal
Polishing the unicorn horn as a pure maiden gave me giggles though.
▶ No.71287>>71867
>I'll contribute soon!
>says that while saging the thread
by the way, if people here don't know yet, that game was fully translated,
should be next in my to play list as well,
▶ No.71574
I didn't even know Rune's Pharmacy was being translated. Hell, I enjoyed it in jap but never got around to finishing it. Now I get to finally finish this game and understand everything going on too. Thanks mate.
▶ No.71865>>72234 >>79410 >>116617
Translation is done and the game is good.
mega . nz/#!9I9xiC6Y!Tb5xb14TNvX3rX42pV6J4EMoVp1dDgu1G_BELMkuugQ
Enjoy. Very fun game and when you finish all the h-scene locations come back with your master for 3+way scenes.
Someone posted the halfchan 2dhgg ghostbin but its way out of date, have the fresh one so you don't have to visit that site.
▶ No.71867
Sageposting is for when you don't have anything of value to add to the thread so its not worth bumping it on such a slow imageboard and knocking something else off the first page. The thread isn't going anywhere
▶ No.72105>>72177
anyone have a megalink?
▶ No.72177>>93669
It's in the ghostbin.
▶ No.72234>>72532
dead, I get 503 error
▶ No.72532>>97880
Ghostbin is down right now anon, it'll likely be up soon enough
▶ No.72741>>73001
>for some reason
Do you have a penis and not understand why someone would hypnotize hot chicks to be sluts?
▶ No.73001
there is a reason though, more or less your father would be making the stepsister the royal heir, instead of you
▶ No.79367
you know ive been trying to play moral sword asagi for ages now but crashes on startup everytime ive heard it has a missing file
anyone any ideas?
▶ No.79410
I don't suppose anyone knows where one might get a map of the tower? It's getting pretty tiresome trying to farm items from higher levels.
▶ No.79476
This was great up until it fell into the usual trap of MC not just keeping the girls for himself
also not enough scenes of the aunt
▶ No.79489
Apparently he's about 78% done and has put 50 hours into Persona 5. In other words, we'll probably see it in about two years.
▶ No.79602
▶ No.89594>>89633
If you have the game, would you mind uploading it somewhere else now that nyaa.se is down?
▶ No.89633>>90328
From ulmf
▶ No.90328
This game is pretty fun so far. Thanks bros!
▶ No.91621>>92492
I really wish Virgin Protection Magic would be fully translated. It's fantastic.
▶ No.92492
supposedly, an update was about to go out, and finishing it until the end of the year
damn, have to make time to play this some time soon enough
▶ No.92696>>92711 >>93490
Well that didn't go well, I somehow beat the game but fucked up and barely found anything.
▶ No.92711>>92817
I tried playing it but just gave up. I'm not sure if I'm retarded but I can't seem to do much. Each girl has just one NPC that keeps giving the same one scene over and over and the demons in the ruins are raping my asshole after one fight so I can't get through there either. Am I supposed to grind those few scenes for offerings until I have enough points for a levelup or what?
▶ No.92817>>92834
I don't think the fights in the dungeon should be hard, though if you just blazed through them all you'd eventually be too low level for the current dungeon, I guess.
For the events, each time you do an event, the girls involved get a …slut point? Or something like that. You can go back to the angel at the start and trade those points for sluttier outfits, which then unlock new scenes for every npc.
It's possible that when you get new outfits they also become stronger, but I don't remember.
It's translated so you should have read what the npcs were telling you.
▶ No.92834>>92895 >>93186
So I guess for h-scenes I just have to grind the current events until I can level up their slutiness? That's not very good design, seeing how they're really tame and you can't even really skip them.
▶ No.92895>>93255
it been a while since i've played that game but i think it's level 1 level 2 level 3, ect
so you would get a level 1 scenes from various NPCs in various towns then you would go back to the goddess and she unlocks your power allowing level 2 so on and so forth.
i'm sure there are more then enough level 1 scenes for each girl to get level 2 with out grinding one scene
▶ No.93186>>93255
>and you can't even really skip them
▶ No.93255>>93477
Yeah, I played a bit more and I actually managed to get further and also figured out that LCTRL is skip, no idea why I didn't try that button earlier. Still, I don't find the game particularly fun at least for now, scenes are still pretty lame and it's not very self-explanatory where to get them, you have to run all around a location to find that one NPC that'll trigger something, once for each character. And it also seems pretty lazy - some random guy in a bar manages to seduce a princess and steal her virginity at only the first "slutiness level", and the scene isn't even modified to indicate it's her first time? I'm sorry, what? On the other hand I also started playing Muchi Muchi School Trip, and fuck me that one is so good. Very easy to get scenes, no bullshit gameplay involved, hilarious writing, it's just great. Only flaw is that CGs repeat a fair bit but when you get a scene every 2-5 minutes, it's kind of understandable.
▶ No.93477
>it's not very self-explanatory where to get them
It gets much easier once you've leveled them to lvl 3+, some chains can't even be started until you get to that level. Grinding is easy enough, for the princess and elf easiest way is probably to go to the womanizer in the inn at veles and then immediately go to the inn desk and cycle the day, should only take a few minutes.
▶ No.93490>>108083
full save if you haven't found one, yet.
The reason why you missed out on most hscenes is because you didn't return to them after an upgrade.
Everytime your goddess gives you a skimpier outfit, you can re-do the h-scene for a different, more erotic one.
▶ No.93594
Bro, I'm new to the boards, these torrents? I just wanna ask since you probably know more than me.
▶ No.93669
▶ No.94831>>97136
>>42796 (OP)
Anyone have a mega link
▶ No.96440>>96773
I keep getting the error "Unable to find file: Audio\ME\item" Whenever I get certain things like the recipe for the aroma oil, use a chocolate egg, or so on. Anyone know a fix?
▶ No.96773>>97136
Got a fresh link? Nyaa hasn't got it up yet.
▶ No.97136>>97515 >>296787
▶ No.97515
Thanking of you friend, it really has in working!
▶ No.97816>>97969 >>97987
> Virgin Protection Magic
dont work for me, no text, help anyone? i swiched files and change windows location to japanese, also its win 10
▶ No.97880
Accounts been terminated on the mega?
▶ No.97969>>98153
▶ No.97987>>98153
That garbled text on the window title means you're not actually on Japanese locale.
Locale is not exactly the same as "location", it's a setting on "Control Panel > Region > Administration > Language for non-Unicode programs" or something like that. That's the one that has to be set to Japanese (and it'll force you to restart Windows, so be warned).
▶ No.98125
▶ No.98153>>144415
Alternatively it means you didn't extract it in Japanese locale.
Don't use shit like this >>97969 and just change to Japanese locale.
▶ No.98787>>99157 >>99164 >>135565
>>42796 (OP)
my most fav game is sacred eyes
you have choice if you want to sex or not, you can die virgin so very nice plus for realism
also your decisions can afect plot, there is some hide parts of plot, nice game. Also
-Lawdness lvl
-spirit sex
▶ No.98809
sup old friends, anything new lately to the ghost bin? anything new from cuck Chan?
▶ No.99157
▶ No.99164>>103524
The ghostbin account on mega has been terminated
Any link for this sacred eyes game?
▶ No.99817
Anything out there like JC Fight (the whole daily routine thing) with yuri in it?
Kinda sucks that the dicks are forced in that one, even when you lose against the ladies
▶ No.103524>>103535 >>103556
▶ No.103535
Its classic game,
maried warrior emma
very good tho and all english
▶ No.103556>>103559 >>103566
Actually that's fake, this one is the right one
No seeder tough, so i too humbly request the game, seems no torrent is available for this
▶ No.103559>>103564
well i got that game when i was newbie so i dont think anyone could have problem if you try hard enough to find it
▶ No.103564>>103566 >>103572 >>103575
i registrated in some shitty website for this link so you better like it
also, contribute this thread, i want more games
▶ No.103566
▶ No.103572
Thanks, it's since i saw it mentioned that i looked for this, but nothing, at least not translated
▶ No.103575
man, just look at hgg2d at half Chan
Search for the ghost bin, basically prime location for anyone into hrpgs
▶ No.105089
>>42796 (OP)
VPM still has no complete patch. Fug, I'm really sad about this, I was actually really enjoying it until the translation ran out.
▶ No.105147>>105181 >>105249 >>105541 >>106067
I just visited /hgg2d/ on halfchan for a few days and what's up with all the NTR? I don't understand how people can enjoy it, it just makes me depressed.
▶ No.105181>>105285
yea i dont get it to, also all visual novels are just pure shit, how ppl can "play" this, i wouldnt call this even plaing, its just cringe af
▶ No.105249
NTR is so universally hated that NTRfags all get pushed out of every other general, /hgg2d/ is just the place they all end up.
It's still by far the best general for finding and discussing new Jap H-games though.
t. /hgg2d/ regular
▶ No.105285
It's because you're a nigger.
▶ No.105541>>105544 >>105545
I think they get off on other people getting cucked because what is worse than being an ugly weeaboo loser? A guy who's wife gets gangbanged and loves it while destroying the guy.
Just one way of seeing it. Another way of viewing it is as the PG 13 of rape. Think about it rape is kind of being overshadowed by ntr maybe because the violence? With NTR it is usually just blackmail, plus NTR victims usually end up liking it compared to rape sooo yaaa
▶ No.105544>>105545 >>105546
NTR games tend to be from the position of the male though so wouldn't it be more accurate so say they like being cucked due to them playing as the person being cucked
▶ No.105545>>105547
also I can kind of understand if playing the female, but when the vast majority of praised NTR H-games I see you play as the guy I just don't see the appeal.
▶ No.105546
NTR anime is my main example.
In your case I just chalk it up to a moe prverse voyeurism
▶ No.105547
I think it would be weird to play as female as a guy, would feel even more wrong a neutral outsid observer is best IMO all the NTR i have seen is rarely frm JUST the guys perspective its mainly as an audience where you see the girl and guys perspective
▶ No.106067
Cuckchan wasn't chosen as a nickname willy nilly, anon. You'll see the same shit in /gif/
▶ No.107701>>107703 >>107707 >>110293 >>110988 >>111472
Hey anons. Do you like harvest moon?
Do you like cute sisters in debt walking around town in microbikinis after losing a bet?
Do you like monster lewds?
https://d.filebox . moe/giyysppl.rar
Enjoy, this is the DLsite version of Twins of the Pasture, if you really enjoy this for some reason or think it would be a funny gift the game is on steam with a patch to add lewd content. This version never had any lewds removed since its from DLsite.
▶ No.107703
I just looked it up and apparently you PLAY as the sisters, if that's a turnoff to anyone.
▶ No.107707>>107715 >>107717
I googled it and saw a steam version. Is this version the DLsite version or the english steam version (maybe with uncensore patch/mod).
▶ No.107715>>107718 >>107757
Yes this is the uncensored patch, the circle that made it is on dlsite and it has an RJ number you can find if you search harder.
I'm sure, anyway use virus total its a trust issue. Otherwise if you need any help ask away! I'd like to have posted an image or something.
Shit taste detected. Why wouldn't you want to be two cute virgin girls and become quickly corrupted?
▶ No.107717
If the grind gets too hard use cheat engine, I recommend using cheat engine anyway to make the girls generally do things faster.
▶ No.107718
A big draw of these farming simulators is the ability to get married and settle down with a spouse. I'd imagine a R18 Harvest Moon should be similar, except with porn.
▶ No.107757>>108695
>>>107707 (You)
>Shit taste detected. Why wouldn't you want to be two cute virgin girls and become quickly corrupted?
I think u got the wrong guy
Does someone know how i finisht he watermelon quest… I didnt let him fondle her tits and got normal watermelon seeds. I planted them and harvested them, but it still tells me to harvest the fruits
▶ No.108079
>>42796 (OP)
anyone got this game mostly translated anyways for download?
It's a shitty patch and I couldn't find the recent version and I'm too lazy to patch it myself because it's usually just move some files over but not with Virgin's Protection Magic.
▶ No.108083
Holy shit thank you. The game should have made it more obvious you can go back for more scenes.
▶ No.108674
ok i started plaing it and its awesome
anyone know how to fight someone else not on ring?
▶ No.108695
Just buy luxury seeds dude, they're expensive but they're right there. I made that mistake too somehow.
▶ No.110082>>110219
That moment when its only intresting thread here
that moment when it dont have any attention
feels bad man
▶ No.110219
hgg is ridden with /d tier type porn text games, half of it at least
the other half is western suck balls, patreon shit, and very rarely the good stuff
▶ No.110293
>https://d.filebox . moe/giyysppl.rar
>Error 502
▶ No.110341
This is fucking great.
▶ No.110988>>111050 >>116653
>Cannot extract as archive
▶ No.111050>>116653
Worked on my machine using the latest version of 7zip. Did you use the latest version of your software or did you try to run your program on a half completed file?
Recompressed into a much better format and reploaded to a les shitty speed wise host,
▶ No.111142
▶ No.111472>>114080
I dont know if anyone here would find this to be helpful, but I have a mega link for the game I got from F95 awhile back, ive yet to play the game but here. https://mega.nz/#!BrQljAoK!WxRJR8WB870EP4s_NZX1bIOyCFpm0G6wbr9i8sHzzms
▶ No.114080>>116648
but what game is it
▶ No.116617
▶ No.116648
It's the farming simulator game from earlier in the thread.
▶ No.116653
Nevermind, I'm an idiot. Was just trying to open the file instead of extracting it with the password. Derp.
Also you shouldn't need to update 7zip. I was running on the same version since 2015 just fine and have never run into issues with it not opening stuff.
▶ No.116802
>>42796 (OP)
this game was amazing
▶ No.117551>>117570 >>269089
Check out "Escape Rugomu fort" and "Magician of the Olecta Desert". It's two games about the same character. Not too many scenes (like ~20 of them in each game), but the art is amazing and the plot is good too.
▶ No.117570>>117585
Some of the actual CGs.
▶ No.117585>>117611
I started playing it and stopped midway, I think got kinda of stuck, does it have a guide or something?
▶ No.117611
I saw some guides on ULMF. But I didn't read them, so I don't know how good they are.
For Escape Rugomu fort:
For Magician of the Olecta Desert:
▶ No.117681>>117935
No link to the English translated version?
▶ No.117935>>135462
▶ No.120157>>120273
I can't seem to get sound on either Rune Pharmacy or Salvation. My system locale is Japanese, but for some reason sounds never play. No errors related to sound, just no sound plays in game.
VH works just fine, sound and all, as an aside note.
▶ No.120273
F1 and check if they're enabled
there may have cases though where they literally have no music, or have been stripped of music
▶ No.130952
▶ No.135462
Both links expired. Does anyone have safe links?
▶ No.135565
If i don't remember wrong is actually one of the few inwhich you must have some sex in order to get the true/best ending. At least this is nice.
▶ No.135582>>135620
I'm still waiting on Lilium Union, m8.
▶ No.135620
Well apparently the TL is actually decently far along and it-
Yep and it's game over. Better luck next time my dude.
▶ No.135812>>136132
This is an awesome one.
Another very good is "Arms Devicer".
Then there is those made by Oneoneone like "dark elf hystoria" or "Akame ga fuck" (aka marauder dystopia)., Even if they look like all the same game with a different protagonist.
"Sangeki of gear" deserve a try even if from the screenshots it doesn't look like. It have nice sprites and animations. And a very different way to play it.
"Virgin island" is another good one.
▶ No.136132>>136133 >>137428
Got any DL links? I found this one for Ariadne but idk if it's the latest version or what, I haven't had a chance to download it yet cos my internet is slow as shit.
▶ No.136133
nvm, quite a few of these are on the ghostbin actually
▶ No.137292>>137361 >>137439 >>147732 >>302952
It looks like one of the best recent NTR H Games got a full translation!
RJ189682 - Mischief War (It's been called a lot of other things like Island Prank War)
Trans can be found on ULMF (it's back up). Just be sure to get it from the thread labeled [Complete - Full].
▶ No.137361>>291217
The only good NTR game is a none existent one.
▶ No.137428>>137434
gotta password for Ariadne?
▶ No.137434
▶ No.137439>>137512 >>272226
I honestly have no fucking idea why cucks have to inject NTR into every scenario.
There is absolutely no reason why you can't play as a bratty shota and seduce a single/divorced/widowed mom instead of an actively married one.
▶ No.137512>>144425
How is seducing a married woman so much worse than a single one? Are you one of those moralfags who's against rape and any sex that isn't consensual missionary, or are you a hypocrite?
▶ No.144415
I'm in japanese locale, but the text is all garbage in the game. What do I do then?
▶ No.144425
Because not all of us like the idea of stealing a woman away from someone, or enjoy watching someone get ground into the dirt over it.
▶ No.147732>>147821 >>147935
How does this compare to Thug Hero Party? I don't mind NTR as long it's not super edgy like THP
▶ No.147821
IIRC, somewhat airheaded wife gets into shenanigans with perverted old men and shotas.
▶ No.147935>>147942
This have NOTHING to do with THP.
The only NTR part is just the knowledge that she is married.
In some circumstance you can play the husband and go peep on her, but is optional. You can switch back to her immediately or (if i don't remember wrongly) simply skip husband's turn immediately.
So this is basically just an happy cheating/slutty wife story.
▶ No.147942>>147961
>In some circumstance you can play the husband and go peep on her, but is optional
>NTR apologist
>So this is basically just an happy cheating/slutty wife story.
>Putting slutty/cheating with happy
▶ No.147961>>147964
No depressing shit here.
Just a MILF fooling around and happily going along with it.
The NTR bit inwhich you play as the husband and go fap to her is just to add another fetish.
You can skip all that shit if it trigger you.
▶ No.147964>>147966
Cheating on itself is deppresing. I understand that's not the case in some cases like manga related https://exhentai.org/g/985595/4167c99fc3/ And even that is debatable, but in this very specific case you have the option to let the husband pic, that's fucking strictly netorare, regardless of it being optional or not, and that's shit. Stop the mental gimnastics, apologist.
▶ No.147966>>147969 >>147972
I don't apology it. I skip it.
I'm not triggered by the fact that the NTR option is hidden somewhere in the code of the game.
I just play as an happy slutty wife.
So if the one playing this game is not pathologically paranoid about the argument to the point that he's gonna be scared by having it somewhere in his hard drive, like some kind of toxic waste that can leak and contaminate the other fap materials, for him this is completely enjoyable.
▶ No.147969>>147972 >>147973 >>148431
>I don't apology it. I skip it.
>I don't apology muslims for raping locals
>I just skip it
Same fucking shit, anon. Youre a fucking cuck for even supporting it or defending it because "lol it's optional".
Also, female protagonists is fucking shit anyway. Enjoy your cuck game.
▶ No.147972>>147976
All forms of NTR are shit. Just admit that you like the taste of shit, Anon.
>Muslim rapists are optional
If only this was true…
▶ No.147973>>147976
Well anon asked if it was like THP. And is not.
If you don't like it, your problem.
▶ No.147976
>If only this was true…
It is if you grow a pair and stops accepting "teen migrants" into your fucking country, and fucking exclude them entirely for the matter. But nah, let's skip it.
All NTR is shit, so in that regard, is the same as Thug Hero Party.
▶ No.148263>>148265 >>148281
So is Rune's Pharamcy 1.7 not english? The only English versions I can find are 1.2 and 1.51
▶ No.148265
I doubt there is so much difference that if you apply the english patch for 1.71 it doesn't go well.
▶ No.148281
English patch for 1.71: mega.nz/#!1opVlTRK!sEJNRMoPnfzddWaapZ7Vj9Q0WuPOtXI1y6n4k7SeIKw
▶ No.148324>>148327 >>148375 >>148408 >>148431 >>148435
what's with all the anti-NTR? lol
The only good thing about NTR is that corruption is usually involved as well, and any JUST connoisseur knows corruption is best fetish. but still I don't mind NTR if it's there, just not my thing
▶ No.148327>>148370 >>148375
Are you new?
>Corruption is best fetish
It's a shit fetish and you have shit taste.
▶ No.148370
You'd prefer an astronaut…
▶ No.148375>>148387
Bc vanillafags like this: >>148327 like to shame anyone who has differents tastes than their own. Life isn't just black and white. Funny how they are the most vocal about this shit and people who like corruption could care less about what other people like. They prob can't help but relate to the person getting cucked than the person cucking them bc they are too much of a bitch.
▶ No.148387>>148405 >>148406 >>148407
>like to shame anyone who has differents tastes than their ow
You say it as if that was a bad thing, anon. You know that shame is a psychological weapon of society to outcast freaks and the such, right? Fuck off with your "acceptance" bullshit, that's tumblr-tier, next thing you'll say is that is ok to be a cuck because "everyone have different taste", no shit, you're entitled to eat shit, but don't get mad when people make fun of you because of that.
>Funny how they are the most vocal about this shit and people who like corruption could care less about what other people like
Good, then keep yourself quiet like a cuck boy, but always consider you'll get laughed at if you do otherwise.
>I-insert yourself as the guy being cucked, h-hehe
No thanks, I'm not particularly keen with self-inserting as a pig disgusting person, since I'm not one.
▶ No.148405>>148412
>You say it as if that was a bad thing, anon. You know that shame is a psychological weapon of society to outcast freaks and the such, right? Fuck off with your "acceptance" bullshit, that's tumblr-tier, next thing you'll say is that is ok to be a cuck because "everyone have different taste", no shit, you're entitled to eat shit, but don't get mad when people make fun of you because of that.
I mean yeah, but it's an anonymous image board; you ain't gonna be bullying people into the right path here as you do in real life. As soon as this thread dies, every persona you meet on it disappears unless they're tripfagging or something.
▶ No.148406>>148412
> You know that shame is a psychological weapon of society to outcast freaks and the such, right?
What a narcissistic and convoluted way of thinking. From this sentence alone shows the fact that you are so socially inept and inconsiderate. That it's futile typing this comment. There is no saving a basement-dweller such as yourself.
> but don't get mad when people make fun of you because of that.
In no way shape or form did I get mad. Only thing laughable is you thinking that.
>No thanks, I'm not particularly keen with self-inserting as a pig disgusting person, since I'm not one.
Sure keep telling yourself that, whatever makes you sleep at night. The truth hurts and you can't accept it. Pathetic anon.
▶ No.148407>>148412 >>148419
Honestly, I agree with you on the NTR and corruption thing. I just don't believe it's worth discussing about it, faggots will die being faggots and unless you know them IRL there's nothing to be done about it.
▶ No.148408
It's the same thing that happens with furfags. Take a look at Unnamed Text Game before it became CoC, it was a game full of monster girl with two or three futa characters; then it got popular, Fenoxo left /d/ and started furrifying the entire game until it was so disgusting it was unplayable.
Because they spread everywhere and polute everything they touch with their filth is why people say that furries are cancer. In pornography, the same can be said about cucks and to a minor degree diaperfags. NTR is fucking cancer, and I'm sick of seeing it everywhere.
▶ No.148412>>148455
So? I don't particularly care about bullying them into the right path, but if it happens, good. I just like to bully them. It would be nice if they at the very least think twice before even trying to post about the damn thing.
>What a narcissistic and convoluted way of thinking
Excuse me, anon, I didn't intend to bother the sensibilities of a selfless progressive person such as yourself tumblrite faggot.
>In no way shape or form did I get mad
I never really implied that, it was just an example, but if the boot fits…
>Sure keep telling yourself that
I don't need to, I have a mirror.
And that's nice and all, anon, but I hate the faggots with a passion. The same way they are entitled to be cucks I'm entitles to laugh at them, don't you think? And it's nice to keep them out of the site in the first place. They can always go to other sites where they are actually accepted, and even in those sites they are not majority and they are mocked too. It makes me happy.
▶ No.148419>>148422
> I just don't believe it's worth discussing about it
Yet, every single time this circlejerk of a topic gets pushed around. The ones starting it is the extremist vanillafags getting on their high horse, thinking they are the saving grace of hentai. This valuable time people are wasting could be better put to use elsewhere.
> I don't particularly care about bullying them into the right path, but if it happens, good.
Get fkin real anon. You're kidding yourself big time to think think that might actually happen.
> And it's nice to keep them out of the site in the first place.
Once again being a delusional faggot. Thinking that your bullying is keeping people away from this site or anywhere else as a matter of fact. Jesus anon, sounding even more pathetic each time you comment. I didn't think it was possible, yet here we are.
▶ No.148422
>Gets mad at people for getting on a high horse
>He immediately gets on one too
Leave it to cuck defenders to shame themselves.
>You're kidding yourself big time to think think that might actually happen.
Which is why there's an if. Seems like NTR mess with your brain way too much.
>Thinking that your bullying is keeping people away from this site or anywhere else as a matter of fact
How many threads about cuck games have you seen? How many people asking for help about cuck games have you seen? You're lucky if you see one and it's immediately bombarded with righteous fury, and even if they come here, they usually don't accomplish anything other than shame, You're welcome. Now go back to cuckchan.
▶ No.148424>>148427
>Which is why there's an if.
It's not the matter of "if", the fact that you even typed the rest of the sentence. Means it was a thought you had in mind and proves my point. Cmon anon, read betweens the lines. On that note, I'll leave you on your "crusade of delusion". Good luck!!
▶ No.148427
>It's not the matter of "if"
Prove me wrong, then. Oh right, you can't it's not a certainty, but it's also not entirely impossible.
>Good luck!
I don't need luck from cucks.
▶ No.148431>>148443
Is depressing and annoying.
Is always some shit about some rapist that destroy some girl life but she like his cock so much that become retard from cumming while her boyfriend get all emo and retarded as well.
Is just cringeworthy.
But even more cringeworthy is the paranoia that accompany it. Is jsut necessary that some female character (no one give a shit about guys fucking and cheating everywhere) look at the general direction of some other male character that is not the MC. Or that is hinted a former relationship or her not being a virgin. And some japanese hikkikomori like >>147969 start cuckling in panic like his fucking pointless life depend on it bringing in muslims and other shit that have nothing to do with the game.
▶ No.148435>>148442 >>148443
From my experience, I started with Vanilla and from years of that, I got bored of it. So I went deeper in the pit venturing from one fetish to another. And from countless of hours researching. I can wholeheartedly say everything is the same shit over and over again. No variance at all. So seeing these Vanillafags and NTRfags bickering is hillarious.
▶ No.148442>>148443
Strange, cause i had to deal with rape and mindbreak shit so much that for me is vanilla the alternative.
Seriously, look like japs can't get hard if a woman just want to get a fuck without bullshit to deal with.
▶ No.148443>>148446 >>148450
>NTR is bad!
>But the people against it is worse lol
Nice virtue signaling.
>They are both bad!
Nice fence sitting.
I don't get it either. The problem is not even the fact that they do it but the amount and almost all it's the fucking same. Not like they are the most imaginative people ever.
>50% of their games have a female protagonist
>At least 90% of those consist in the woman losing so the H-scene ensues
At this point I just stick to VNs made by respectable companies over there, Jap indies are as cancerous as western indies.
▶ No.148446>>148453 >>148455
>>They are both bad!
Thx for twisting my shit up, anon. Now let me reiterate I've been around enough to know now fetishes and then some. Trust me, many cumstained tissues have been made. Ok now onto the matter at hand it's not that simply both are bad or one is better than the other. I fk with a variety of fetishes instead of a single preference. IV'E had plenty of vanilla to last me lifetimes and the same goes with a whole bunch of other shit. Gotta have that eclectic taste, anon. Idk you but after some years. You'll prob think the same. Cheers.
▶ No.148450>>148455
I'm against NTR as every other respectable deviant that fap to hentai shit.
But jizzus christ anons like that one going on and on with their fucking paranoia…
Would be contained to actual NTR/cuck shit would already be something, but they project their obsession into every fucking thing. Cuck this, cuck that… every fucking time a game have a slightly variation from "press start to watch the only male in the world MC fucking all the virgin girls" they must flood the threads with their cuckling.
I've seen ranting about fucking threesomes (1 male 2 females) cause if a girl while being fucked is licking the pussy of the other one that's cuck too.
▶ No.148453>>148456 >>216494
Sorry, but if you enjoy NTR on any level you're a pathetic cuck.
NTR isn't just any other fetish. NTR is about wanting to feel inferior to other men and enjoying the fact that your woman is much better off fucking anyone other than you because you're just a pathetic individual that can't satisfy anyone.
▶ No.148455>>148464 >>148466 >>148495
Anon, I've liked animated porn since the 90s and you won't fucking come with that shit. Yes, you can get numb from over exposition, and that's true for everything, but you will always have a preference over the other regardless of time and you can even go around cycle them as for whatever you are in the mood, and for you to like NTR should mean you had to form a preference for it or not being disgusted by it in the first place and both are pitiful.
It's hard to believe someone have been doing this "for a lot of time" using shit like "thx" or "idk", sounds like you don't even know what you like yourself because you never bothered, which, again, is pitiful. You're a centrist, I bet.
>I-it's just paranoia!
Sure thing, cuck, let's ignore the raise of acceptance of this shitty fetish. See >>148412 I can't wait until it becomes the next furry.
>slightly variation from "press start to watch the only male in the world MC fucking all the virgin girls"
Gee, I guess the alternative of "play as the girl, lose on purpose and let the cucking begin" is better, cuck. I bet you defended Eric in Big Brother.
>cause if a girl while being fucked is licking the pussy of the other one that's cuck too.
And they are right. Threesomes are retarded.
▶ No.148456>>148461 >>216494
Haha nice try. I fk with Netori not to be associated with the others. Get your facts straight, sir.
▶ No.148461>>148464
The 3 are as bad, particularly because there's not a single good netori game.
▶ No.148464
I didn't state my preferences like a full hand. But I will say I gravitate to Netori.
Tis true that isn't much good Netori games, which is a shame. So I fk with Vanilla more and other stuff as my preference. One is better than the others and you can't deny me this, anon. The proof is right there.
▶ No.148466>>148552
>" using shit like "thx" or "idk", sounds like you don't even know what you like yourself because you never bothered, which, again, is pitiful.
Assuming that bc I didn't give out more information about my preferences. Is this an interrogation? Why the fk should I spill my whole resume on this shit. Youre grasping at straws by nit picking "thx" and "idk". I didn't use those words towards my OWN preference. Reread things and understand them before commenting. Because this whole line you typed is invalid asf.
▶ No.148495>>148552
Is paranoia indeed when everything that derail from "he and she doing it missionary" trigger you so much that you start raving about ISIS and shit.
Some nigger must have cucked you in real life and make you clean his dick with your mouth after destroying your dakimakura's onahole.
Just see some psychiatrist and get over it.
▶ No.148552
Then stop talking about NTR at all.
Pic related. Stop trying so hard.
▶ No.148584>>148593 >>148607 >>148715
>If a shitstorm lasts for more than 1-2 days a mod may take action.
It's been about a day since this started. Any further posts continuing this NTR shitstorm will result in a ban and deletion, most of the points have been made before in the past.
▶ No.148593>>216298
Why is this shitstorm even still allowed? There should be a zero-tolerance policy on this joke of a debate. Time after time this shit shows up ruining threads.
▶ No.148607>>148622
Good job deleting an unrelated post, retard.
▶ No.148622>>216298
I agree with your post, but I think it sounds pretty related to what the mod said was banned tbh
▶ No.148715>>148760
What is the official stance of moderation on the NQ (NTR Question)?
▶ No.148760
Different vol, I answered your question in the meta thread. Please take it there and let this thread have some rest from the NTR shit storm.
▶ No.216251>>216335
So there was this game I played in 2013 ish and I don't remember the name of it. You play a redheaded female warrior who goes and fight monsters. If you get attacked you lose your clothes and get raped. You can get pregnant and give birth to the monsters. There are quests and it's basically open world but 2d. If someone knows the name of it please help me. Thanks
(Rule 4, eight hours.)Post last edited at
▶ No.216298
then the mod should have deleted >>148593 as well
▶ No.216335
Sounds like Violated Heroine
▶ No.216494
▶ No.222786>>222826
Anyone have an updated link to this? I used to fucking love this game but I lost it when I cleared my Hard Drive, I was super far too.
▶ No.222826
▶ No.260512
doton katon raiton suiton mokuton
▶ No.260520>>260673 >>263114 >>303472
How about some translated Exhibitionist ones? I know of:
>Violated Heroine
>Naked Order & its' sequel Naked Plus
I know of a handful of others like that Arcade Series with the pixel-style art, but have mixed translations for them, Fyuugetsujin or something? Beyond that, very few translated.
I started working on one of my own but I've rewritten and restarted it at least twice now and it wouldn't have CGs so it may never come out or be worth mentioning further
▶ No.260673
I'm not too clued in but there is a futa exhibitionist game called Milk Pot.
▶ No.261489
I know most people have probably already played it, but I just wanted to say that Ariadne is one of the best RPG's I've played in the last couple years, not just HRPG's but RPG's period.
Even if it had no H content at all it would still totally be worth playing. I can't recommend it highly enough.
▶ No.262202
Does anyone have a download for Rune's Pharmacy?
▶ No.263114>>263213
Exposure Quest. A lot of other games have streaking/exhibitionism scenes, even without it being their main focus. For example this >>243588
▶ No.263213>>263221
Is there a full translation or just the partial?
▶ No.263221
Partial is all I have.
▶ No.264804>>269061
Been playing Ariadne on the recommendations of a few anons here, really good I'm enjoying it.
Any similar recommendations? Not looking specifically for RPG maker stuff, just stuff of similarly high quality. Preferably fully translated as I get a bit frustrated with things like VH.
Also what's generally a good place to find downloads for some of these more obscure games? Couldn't find Ariadne on any of the nyaa sites before I found a working link in this thread.
How do I enter the sun temple?
I'm gonna keep trying to find the solution by myself (don't tell me I'm just supposed to try every single combination with the crystals? There must be a hint or something right?) but I'll throw the question out there in advance in case I get stuck and frustrated, since this board isn't the fastest.
I'd also appreciate a non-spoiler answer on when you get a tool to break the rocks. I don't think I've missed anything but there's gonna be a lot of backtracking later.
▶ No.269061
Princess Sacrifice - Adventures of Feena -
Not only a great game that's 80% translated last I checked, but legitimately the best H-game I've ever played (and I've played a lot).
▶ No.269089
Evening Starter. Gameplay similar to earlier megumi tensei games, story is full of lovecraft stuff, art by the guy that made >>117551.
▶ No.270077>>270389 >>271893 >>273698
Does anyone know if RJ168810 has an English translation floating around? If not, I'm thinking of translating it, myself.
Pic related.
▶ No.270389>>270773
99.99% sure it does not as I looked for one a while ago. Hasn't popped up in hgg2d on cuckchan either since then. A translation would be great, been interested in this circle's games.
▶ No.270773>>270828 >>271893
In that case, I guess I'll do the translation. I have some utilities that I wrote to extract data from wolf games. Should be useful.
▶ No.270828
anon you're saintly
▶ No.270849>>271048
Hey, anyone know if this game ever got a translation or even where to find the raw file outside of dlsite?
▶ No.271048
Dunno about translation.
Googling it's RJ led me to this Thai forum:
And here is supposed to be a password:
Maybe it's there, maybe not, I can not into Thai runes.
▶ No.271054
>>42796 (OP)
>First four hours are translated but it's not done yet.
Has that stupid nigger ever finished a translation? He was literally given a translation for Lilium Union a year ago and he hasn't done shit with it.
▶ No.271893
Holy shit, this game is an unmitigated disaster, internally. There are a lot of maps that are prototypes, I think, but they are populated with events. It also looks like about 25% of the erotic common events are unused. I can't tell what I do and do not have to translate.
If anyone wants to help, I can post some JSON files with untranslated strings.
▶ No.272226>>273858
If you look at the numbers, you'll see that the elder population is reaching the 2:1 ratio in contrast with the younger population in japan, so NTR is probably a way to see how the younger population is more intrested in womans who are at the around the same age-range also those above and below their age-range to be fucked by other people, most likely when you see NTR which includes bestiality/monster, you'll realize that the animals/monsters on those stories are foreigners due the fact that japanese live in an island and their society decided to isolate themselves from the rest of the world willingly and they have done it for so long that they see foreigners as beasts/uncomprehensible and lustful monsters Gaijin=Alien=beings you can't relate so what's actually happening is that at least the younger male population wants to willingly be driven to extinction while they fap to the japanese womans being fucked to the point of mindbreaking and impregnated by foreigners
▶ No.273698>>277682
I fucking loved this game, one of the few I actually went back and bought. Will build small shrine to you in garden if you actually deliver
▶ No.273858
>replying to a year-old post
>armchair psychology
Back to reddit you go
▶ No.277682
I've been slowly translating it. It's got an absolute shitload of very dense dialog. No clue when I'll be done, but I'll post updates.
▶ No.279063>>286048 >>286689 >>298104
Is RJ189145 any good? I love me some kimono.
▶ No.286048
If you like paizuri, yes very much so.
▶ No.286689
It's really good but there's only paizuri and it's also really grindy, to the point where you might want to just edit your save.
▶ No.289739>>289892 >>302461
Wings of Roldea is amazing.
Features lots of clothes, rape, and progression systems for the player's lewdness and combat abilities. The art is well done and there is just enough writing to keep the player immersed but not bored. Best game 2018.
▶ No.289892
>just enough writing to keep the player immersed but not bored
What kind of brainlet gets bored by reading but nonetheless decides to jack off to a mystery dungeon hgame instead of pornography?
▶ No.291217>>291270
Why can't people just enjoy themselves. Don't like NTR? Fine. Just don't play it.
▶ No.291270>>296984 >>298015
Too bad, it never works and also some faggots try to push it into other games too.
▶ No.296787>>298075
Nope, that one is dead too now.
▶ No.296984
Suffer not the cuck to live.
▶ No.298015>>298102
>muh capitalism fails because of cuckoldry
>philosophical rant about cuckoldry using terms with no given definition
This is why people call you insane anon
▶ No.298075>>299615
▶ No.298091>>298109 >>300777 >>300877 >>301085 >>302461
anybody try the new game? I haven't seen it get any attention
▶ No.298102
>he wasn't here for that thread
>strawman distraction argument
You don't belong here.
▶ No.298104
Now I know where Schrereir got the idea that Sorceress is a lolicon fantasy.
▶ No.298109>>298128 >>298173
▶ No.298128
ULMF says it's for sale but I haven't seen it uploaded
▶ No.298173>>298194
Since yesterday, yes.
▶ No.298194>>298203 >>298463
If you buy it off Steam.
▶ No.298203
Fuck this shit.
>B-But the patch…
Fuck this shit.
▶ No.298463>>298487
I don't even mind spending money on hentai games, I just can't get comfortable with the idea of having one my steam account.
▶ No.298487>>298548
They would probably make more sales if you could "shadow purchase" games. Basically buy games, but they will never show up on your account for others, nor any achievements should they be present. Then you can buy all the shit that would make people look down on your like that one VR game, or that furry game, or Fallout 76.
▶ No.298507
I'm looking for a game with animated h-scene
any recommend?
▶ No.298548>>299564 >>299597
I'm surprised Steam doesn't already handle this on a game by game basis. I just hide all games and achievements from everyone, globally.
▶ No.299482
I've been enjoying Anthesis.
In my taste the fact that she already had a hobby of taking lewd photos makes it a lot better. Self-corruption is much, much hotter than if the demon just did it all himself.
Don't let the time limit or discovery meter worry you; once you finish the game both go away and you have free play.
I haven't figured out what the Flower of Turbidity does yet.
▶ No.299541
Anyone know of any anal h games out recently? I'm looking at vanilla sources of anal. No gangbang
▶ No.299564
> implying Steam gives a shit about customers
▶ No.299597
Why so shy?
I'm more concerned about people discover that i play Fortnite or CS:GO. This would be shameful and humiliating. Not hentai games.
▶ No.299615
Don't play it for the lewds. They are rather mediocre overall and sprite sex looks worse than in VH.
▶ No.300552>>301072 >>302136
<never ever
Feels bad. I've quit porn, but if this is ever finished I will have to finish playing it as well. luckily that doesn't seem to be a problem
On the topic though, were there ever some great games like that, I'm wondering what I've missed.
▶ No.300777
Nice game. Too bad is hella short. It was seriously disappointing. Games of this files size usually goes for hours and have lots of content.
I think devs have realized that many people don't even consider small size games cause is a dead giveaway of the lack of CGs and by consequence hentai content.
▶ No.300877
I've played this yesterday (failed miserably on my nofap) and I can attest this is one great game, serious good art, good h-scenes, and even some with animation.
The h-content is also good, and the gameplay fun and challenging, one tip don't play to lose, there are some h-scenes like that but better to leave to the end. The gameover scenes are also somewhat depressing, still there are some free scenes that are pretty good. There are some mini-games with them and you even game an unintentional gameover scene, so no need to willingly lose.
Play this one over Branded Azel, and I'll consider it a good farewell game, I've looking for something like for a while.
▶ No.301072
I am literally going to have finished learning Nip before Hasbian gets of his fat fucking arse and finishes the last 2% remaining of the translation.
▶ No.301085
wish the grope mechanic had a little more depth. could have got a lot more mileage from the endless mode.
▶ No.301808>>302516 >>302527
Played the pregcess of Zeven.
Finally something done the right way. The sexual progression is not made by blackmailing, rape, and lost battles rape. And actually the girl gets bonuses for sluttyfiyng herself instead of the usual "happy/real end only for virgins". That's the way i like the H-RPGs.
Melty's quest is another good one, the only game that make GOR (even if is not really game over) properly.
▶ No.302136>>302146
Need sauce for the pic.
▶ No.302146
Is the game in OP.
▶ No.302461>>302463 >>302600
Can people get me the rundown on pic related, to those who don't know. Its officially translated and released on steam, but there are available downloads around.
I get that its pretty well produced, reasonable art and whatnot, but I'm afraid of the content, that it seems rather weak and poor.
Besides that any recommendation of whats been actually good lately as well.
For reference
I've commented on this one, and how it was one of my favorites, top notch art and ecchi content, their previous was also pretty good if not short.
For anyone who cares, this is also pretty polished game, pretty decent, however very short on story and h-scenes, mostly its about adventure and battle rape.
▶ No.302463>>302600
It's cuckshit. Only reason it's famous is because the controversy with steam.
▶ No.302516>>302527 >>302600 >>324900
>Download the game after seeing all that praise
>It's a machine translation
Damn it.
▶ No.302527>>302537 >>302600 >>324900 >>330637
>pregcess of Zeven
Damn, I knew there was something about this game, it looks pretty fucking awesome, I don't care if its a mtl, can you even barely understand? If so please share with us
▶ No.302537>>302679 >>324900 >>330637
>can you even barely understand?
You can definitely understand enough to play the game, but it can be pretty awful at times.
>Oh, it's only half back and excitement just back to back. I wanted to see ~, my daughters nipple's and dicks…
>Wow! Well, are the brutality?
▶ No.302600>>302679 >>302814
Is very easy to understand what's going on. Is not like there is any complex dialog anywhere.
Good game. Play it.
Not precisely. Is one of these games inwhich everyone fuck with everyone. So both male and female character get lots of action. The degree of cringe and frustration is minimal if not completely not existant.
Inb4 religious rant about: "and thou shall abhor every porn inwhich THOT get more than the chosen one dick, and thou shall sperg about cuckoo abomination with flaming keyboard of indignation upon the followers of the promiscous whore".
▶ No.302679>>302722 >>302935
Still no link to be found, help me out anon?
Thanks anon.
▶ No.302689>>302693 >>302718
I found this game
R-18G from a Chinese guy.
Unfortunately it is in Chinese and no English version exist.
I believe the author would welcome anyone willing to help with the translation.
Anyone here is willing to help?
▶ No.302693
Not really, i like my girls with all of their limbs.
▶ No.302718
that's some new kind of trash… now fucking read the thread's title for godsake
▶ No.302722
▶ No.302814>>302823
>Is very easy to understand what's going on
It's easy to get the gist of it, but it can be hard to tell exactly what's going on, to a degree that did impact some of the H scenes.
And as far as the RPG and combat side of things, it does cause some issues. There are a few enchantments whose effects are completely unintelligible, and most are only clear for one of their two uses, with the other cut off entirely from the text box.
▶ No.302823>>303007
>I'm naked surrounded by horny guys, that's so embarassing but feel so good.
Horny guys
>Fuck yeah naked girl! Get more naked!
Old man
>You gonna get preggo!
Here. I translated all the game for you. Enjoy.
▶ No.302935
it's available on nyaa.si
▶ No.302951>>302958 >>303580 >>303943
This game is severely underrated.
It has one of the best h-game combat systems ever. Every game with multiple female party members should use this system.
▶ No.302952>>302958
Anyone got a DL link for a full translated version?
▶ No.302958>>303128
The artstyle is shit.
Try nyaa and Fag95
▶ No.303007
Except the entire appeal of the game is her willing descent into sluttery, as she gets hooked on having men see and praise her as a woman.
The art isn't great. The internal dialogue is a large part of what makes the game worth playing. That's why the scenes are so long (which in turn is why MTL is to be expected; there's a colossal amount of text). Having that internal dialogue be so full of garbage impacts one of the key attractions of the game.
▶ No.303128
>The artstyle is shit.
It grows on you fast.
▶ No.303472>>303540
Naked Order got a sequel?
▶ No.303540>>303606
Yeah it did, but didn't get a translation as far as I'm aware.
▶ No.303580>>303720
>best h-game combat systems ever
Can you elaborate a bit?
What is it like and what makes it good?
▶ No.303606>>304049
Same with the one for Lulu Farea, unfortunately. Speaking of that game, I noticed that not only does DLsite have an officially translated version, but it appears to use a different maker. The one I'm playing right now runs on WolfRPG while this other one appears to use RPGmaker MV. Is the difference strictly cosmetic or is it worth hunting down the latter (granted, I make it a point to buy these things if I really do like it)? Hell, how is this "official" translation?
▶ No.303720>>303738 >>304049
Standard rpgmaker setup along the bottom of the screen, 2-4 party members with HP, MP, and TP.
HP is HP. TP is built up over time and used for skills. MP is rewritten as "resistance." Resistance goes down from sexual attacks. Sexual attacks also tear clothing, which lowers h-defense. When resistance hits 0, the girl is swept up and fucked mid-fight, losing a chunk of hp each turn with a chance to escape to hold. Teammates can smack the rapist to free her, but if her hp hits 0 then she's removed from the party and taken away as a fucktoy. The battles are voiced, so you get to hear the muffled moans and cries, and almost every enemy has unique in-battle CGs of them getting fucked. It also has many unique status effects, like masochism which turns all hp damage to mp damage, arousal which forces them to masturbate and you have to choose how they do so, etc.
▶ No.303738>>303740
voiced is always a nice touch but most of that is pretty standard.
▶ No.303740
Go play it and say that. It's very non-standard.
▶ No.303943
>this game is underrated
I've heard more praise than not for this game, if anything I'd say it's overrated. I'd have given it a shot from word of mouth alone if I liked bdsm but I don't. That and the artstyle. The gameplay sounds interesting but if it doesn't get me hard I couldn't care less.
▶ No.303947>>303949 >>303950
>The Moral Sword, Asagi
DL link.
Mega: #!EEAwSIxA!KHWDXuEsN60P53UIp25iUEe8g7v18dgZuCOCHwYuVGs
▶ No.303949>>303950
Pass: creewcreed
if anyone wants to mirror unpassworded feel free.
▶ No.303950>>304005
also this is untranslated.
▶ No.304005
>Good Translated HRPGs
>also this is off-topic
▶ No.304049
>how is this official translation
No clue, but I doubt they made the game in two different engines, its probably just Wolf and you had mistaken it. If there is a different translation you should check ulmf first. It could just be that you someone translated it a agree with the devs to share it officially.
That sounds like a good polished battle fuck, however as a taste choice, I usually don't like them. Don't want to be fapping while trying think about a fight.
In fact, I would usually prefer games that fully revolve around the ecchi content, being more casual or adventure types.
▶ No.304053>>321060
Btw, never forget this link, Lulu Farea included
▶ No.307761>>308233 >>310206
Is thread bump locked?
I was going to ask to wake me up when pic related gets a full translation, but given this state, just kill me now.
▶ No.308209
Here is a good slutty loli HRPG.
It was translated years ago but I added uncensored images.
▶ No.308233>>308303
I looked it up a few days ago and apparently it's done through chapter 4, which is nice but I'm not going to touch it until it's fucking done.
▶ No.308234>>308303
▶ No.308303
Well, it had an amateur translation going on, but then they decided to make an official translation for the Western market, about one year or more ago. So it's definitely happening.
▶ No.309352
Just gonna leave this here, this was an excellent game, however I can't take this kind of degeneracy in my life anymore.
▶ No.310201>>310660
Sister Travel was a short but neat RPG. I think it needed more H-scenes, but the presentation is pretty great overall. It's only about 5 hours, so $15 can seem a bit overpriced, but I'd recommend at least trying it out if you're up for something really light hearted.
▶ No.310206>>310216
Didn't Kagura do another game with that dev? You could email them and ask about it.
▶ No.310216
I think Frontwing was supposed to be in charge of the translation. It's probably best to contact them.
▶ No.310374>>310378
Can't remember what this game is called. You wake up on a beach and want to become a knight because everyone that isn't one can only fuck one person or they get a cursed black ring.
▶ No.310378>>310588
That was Evenicle.
▶ No.310493>>310588
▶ No.310588
▶ No.310660>>310722
Is it one of those "rance but not so rapey" games
▶ No.310722
▶ No.312129>>312298 >>321060
Let me just recommend this here.
This is pretty good for those that like your traditional jrpg. The art is fucking great and scenes are alright, though I get the feel it has solely battle lose rape, even though you don't game over.
But after things get rolling it has a traditional quest system where you go around doing stuff, some side prostitution you can do at night. Though everything seems to be quite linear, quests and stuff, perhaps there is a bit more hscenes you find as you progress, and hopefully that would this game a lot better.
But still its reasonable for those enjoy the gameplay of this traditional style.
▶ No.312215>>312298
what game is this from?
▶ No.312298>>312312
Remember this. Another shitty, fail your quests/get beated to fap only game. What's the point of giving RPG mechanics to games like this or even worst "Sara and the hypnotic city" if the player can't do shit, there is no choices, or branches? Should be a VN.
A not translated one. So it doesn't belong here.
▶ No.312312>>312313
>A not translated one. So it doesn't belong here.
Well its going to be translated apparently, officially at release.
>What's the point of giving RPG mechanics to games like this or even worst "Sara and the hypnotic city" if the player can't do shit, there is no choices, or branches? Should be a VN.
Well the point is that basically it is in fact a RPG, the focus is more on the fighting and stuff, you still get to do your normal jrpg shit, plus you can quests and whatnot. I know its not my cup of tea either, but there is people who like it.
▶ No.312313>>313419
From what i remember despite the size, if you RPG only is a 10 minutes game.
▶ No.313055
Any RPG game that features stray pubic hair?
▶ No.313419>>313551
>if you RPG only is a 10 minutes game.
I don't get what you're saying, but I spent 4 hours already, even reduced difficulty for the grind, and not even close to finishing, like I said, its more of a game that you actually have to play.
▶ No.313551
I see…
Probably i dropped when i realized that the only way to get some fap out of this was to fail quests and GOR. This damn trend must die once and for all.
▶ No.314036>>314775
Is an acerola game. So, very likely the NTR part is all about her having a boyfriend/husband. An NPC with no relevance at all but you just know he exist. Like class rep Yukino.
▶ No.314775
March 8
This one has impregnation and a pregnancy status effect
▶ No.315121>>321060
Can't seem to find a patch anymore, any help?
▶ No.321060
Pic related is out this since yesterday I think, oficially translated to english, you can find links on pantsu, both this and >>312129
Unfortunately it just seem more of the same old.
Still strong on the jrpg side, if you that's your cup of tea then you will like it. What I didn't say on my previous comment (perhaps I was still hopeful for the game), is that its quite grindy, even on easy difficulty you take a long time to get through levels, and admittedly there are some quite good level design in some parts.
The art and H content is still pretty good, unfortunately there is barely any voluntary content besides prostitution, another positive point is that all scenes unlock after you beat the game, so it serves as a good reward after all.
> still depending on ulmf
>never forget this link
▶ No.323572>>323898
Not to insult you in any way anon, but this is likely cuck shit, and Acerola doesn't even have that good art/gameplay either.
Wake me up when VPM gets translated.
▶ No.323633
Back to cuckchan with you.
▶ No.323898
Must admit is disappointing.
Is not really cringy, especially cause the husband is the usual impotent premature ejaculating faggot that end being with a mega hottie a beta piece of shit like him doesn't deserve.
But is kinda like that class prez game in medieval times, but worst. The class prez game was much better.
▶ No.324160
The "cucked" one had even less relevance in that game than the husband of Leanna.
▶ No.324900>>325169
Kagura games have just announced they're translating The Pregcess of Zeven and releasing it Q3.
And while we're on the subject
The new Clymenia game is due for release next month, released with a Eng- translation by Kagura games simultaneously.
▶ No.324992
>censored the /ss/
▶ No.325069
Ignore the haters. At least when we had a cuckoldry thread these games had a place to belong to.
▶ No.325085>>325169
not only did they censor the game they list the game on fakku as uncensored and advertised it with a uncensored CG that is censored in the game
▶ No.325167
Go blame the jews for your hair loss on /pol/
▶ No.325169
Kagura games are usually uncensored, just make sure you're getting the proper version, and even then they have a patch on their site, that probably contains the translation and uncensored CG.
> Kagura games have just announced they're translating The Pregcess of Zeven and releasing it Q3.
This is quite the big news, but I'm unsure how to feel about this.
For one, because it will be a big temptation for me to break my nofap. For second, that this game had a huge amount dialog, and worse of all, a lot of it was fluff, filler and repetitive dialog, very slow corruption and long scenes. Its good for those that want something like this, but a double edged sword, since they went way over the top with it. Still should be interesting.
▶ No.325348>>326062 >>326067
Reminder that cucks are the most vocal minority and should be derided constantly. 4cuck's /hgg/ threads are even more of a trash heap than the rest of the site because these faggots are tolerated.
▶ No.326062>>326092 >>326164
Reminder that faggots that shout cuck! and every possibility, are just a very vocal minority whose main goal is to just shitpost in every corner of the internet, they should be denied constantly and go back to the hellhole where they came from.
▶ No.326067>>326128
The /hgg/ threads on cuckchan are bad because the site is anti-loli to the point where normalfag views about pedophiles are widespread and normal there, so jap games all but don't exist
▶ No.326092>>326164
We are perfectly aware of that. Only some baby on his first day on the internet would seriously think that they are a thing. Anyone knowing a little bit of hentai know that this is a industry all about rape, tentacles, corruption, and gangbangs. This fagtroll is a century too late to start complaining.
▶ No.326128>>326158
> cuck/hgg/ threads don't about loli enough
Fuck off with your pedo shit.
▶ No.326158
>loli is the same as real children
Go back to reddit you shitskin doublenigger kike.
▶ No.326164>>326303
>Just ignore them and let cucks run free, goy
>Tentacles is the same as cucks
▶ No.326303
"Cuck" is just a strawman.
That guy call cuck everything that is not vanilla. Cause he is aware that if he start going full SJW about rape and stuff he only collect middle fingers. So he cling to the only other thing we degenerates hate aside from furries.
▶ No.326441
I think you missed the point.
▶ No.330637
Kagura have announced they're going to translate it if you feel like waiting: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1040510/Princess_of_Zeven/?