>What hentai games are compatible with Linux?
None of them because you do not understand yet what you are talking about.
When a software (hentai games or not) is made, when it's created the programmers have to choose on what platform it will work, they could for example choose to make a POSIX compliant/compatible program thus it would run on 99.9999% of all computers or they could just refer to the numbers of normies running X version of Microsoft windows.
I haven't yet responded to your question but please stay with me. My reasoning is that when a program is made for windows it is only compatible with windows and that will never change except if the programmers extend the compatibility.
But you might ask me:
>why does some games programmed for windows works on gnu/linux ?
Either because the game was programmed to be working on a gnu/linux operating system or because other programmers decided to make a compatibility layers.
For example WINE is a compatibility layers who tries to reverse engineer part of the programs of windows so that compatible windows games can be executed on gnu/linux.
But is that a good things ?
Well it depends on what you believe. The whole point of gnu/linux is to be in control of your computer, to finally have ownership of it. Wine is a technically interesting project but you must understand that once you began to install windows compatible games on gnu/linux you will bring the problems that you fled from windows on your gnu/linux OS.
Let me explain why. WINE is not an emulator, it's not sandboxed or anything if your windows compatible game has malware or spying capabilities it will be able to do the same functions on your gnu/linux as well.
So now that you know this you have a better understanding of your options.
You can:
-Stay on MS windows with your games:
But you'll have all the malware/spying that MS is imposing you and the malware/spying that the games are inflicting you.
-Migrate on a gnu/linux OS and install WINE and the windows compatible games.
But you'll bring all malware/spying that the games are inflicting you.
Like RMS says "It's a choice of lesser evil".
If you want to migrate on gnu/linux and use it efficiently you will have to learn a lot about the programs that you will use. It's not hard, you just need to build endurance.
My best advice for someone you who tries to do it himself is to stay with the windows OS they have and install the gnu/linux os on another computer so that you can test your configuration until it satisfies you.
Myself right now I am using gentoo that I installed last week. It's not finished, I installed the gentoo base, iw, X, evilwm and firefox (plus lots of small test tools like fwts). The wiki gentoo is not complete and very beginner friendly but you can always go on the forum.
My advice if you want to go for that is to have a pen an paper an note every command that you do, read a lot on the wiki and forum and when you want ot post on the forum you post the threads that you found before posting to show that you were actively searching.
Here's another tool that came handy in my researches: searx.me and https://github.com/asciimoo/searx/wiki/Searx-instances it's a meta search engine. Basically when you make a research it sends request to multiple search engine (like google or duckduckgo) and gives you a compiled results, you need to go in the preferences to active more of them tho.
Good luck I hope you'll be successful.