You do know this is a r18 board right?
And if you do and are, which i heavily doubt, why are you still living with your parents like a disgusting societal leech?
Shouldn't you be focusing on getting your life straight than jacking off to hgames on your parent's old system?
Seriously dude. As much as the jokes for wageslavery goes, it at least gives you the freedom to not be a goddamn parasite for your family and doesn't leave you with an excuse that makes you look like you came straight from /r9k/.
And tell your parents that Macs have always, through all ages except back at the Apple 2 days, have costed double that of a standard prebuilt loaded with Windows, while having even less software (and therefore less programs and options) developed for them and even less compatibility with stuff that wasn't even developed for either.
Or triple of that of simply handpicking hardware actually, since they practically are numbered LEGO toys nowadays, and piecing everything back together on your own has been made so easy it's a joke now for IT and helpdesk departments.
Nevermind the exorbitant prices of laptops in the market that still don't have enough portability or features to justify themselves for how little power and specs they get, no matter if they're the garbage sold by Apple or not.
There is a reason they and you are "poor", and it isn't because they don't earn enough-- It's because they are too fucking stupid to research what they are spending on.