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File (hide): 1459565509866.jpg (23.23 KB, 312x312, 1:1, 1456356316636.jpg) (h) (u)


 No.11504>>11545 >>11567 >>11658 >>11669 >>12099 >>24229 >>29530 >>48501 >>55646 >>63926 >>64900 >>64971 >>106972 >>108503 >>110134 >>112722 >>124530 >>125127 >>128102 >>158054 >>158701 >>206164 >>234840 >>248276 >>248822 >>252775 [Watch Thread][Show All Posts]

>H game

>Only way to get sex scenes is to lose


>no gallery mode

>game requires both hands to play, keys cannot be rebinded

 No.11520>>11524 >>11545 >>12640 >>12656 >>70319 >>113366 >>113374 >>262929

>playing something like CoC because Fenoxo's community has some kind of monopoly

>spend time carefully creating the character

>that's me now

>fighting some animal

>'lore friendly' lust bar maxes out

>"overwhelmed with the desire to bread, you are unable to fight any longer as…"

Can. Not. Relate.

 No.11524>>11547 >>68001

>ungodly difficulty.

Jesus Christ I'm looking to relax, not play fucking Ninja Gaiden.

Only somewhat related since it's intended to be harder than a bronze colossus but I will never beat RJ118178 as long as I live. I want my 2-second pixel art victory loop, damn it


This also.


When its incomplete and the only excuse as to why it hasn't updated in forever is a reworded "Its a free game, I can take as long as I want"


When you cant ask for someone to upload a full hg on a forum because the maker of the hg is an active poster on said forum.

When you also cant ask someone on /hgg/ to do the same thing because they dont think the game is worth it and/or ">spoonfeeding"

*cough* >>10713 *cough*


Scenes and characters being gated being skippable as a result of really obscure/convoluted mechanics with no hints in the lore or game mechanics. Seems very common in Japanese games as a way to pad playtime.

I'm fine with failure to achieve a certain objective resulting in penalization, or even clear choices locking you out of certain content, but realizing something is now impossible to complete because you made a seemingly mundane choice 5 hours ago is just annoying.

Of a similar note is time limits (or other time constraints, like in Kichikuou Rance if you don't focus on the gameplay aspects as much as you should you'll get stomped later on), I'm trying to jerk off, I don't need that pressure

>>11504 (OP) (OP)


These two are also right up there.



>Ungodly difficulty

Fucking this

How many side scrolling H action games are going to have bullet hell bosses to fight? Was playing one the other day (cant remember the name, Ill grab it later if I think of it) and there's a boss in there that took a full 15 minutes of nonstop shooting to kill and it didn't even have a fucking sex scene

god DAMN

 No.11567>>11576 >>11609 >>96778

>>11504 (OP)

The worst part about Game Over Rape like that is, it's so easy to solve. If they developers wants to make a game about the heroine being raped, then just let the player play as the monster/rapist. Why is it so hard for them to understand that? It defeats the purpose of it being a game if loosing gives access to the content the player came for.


>eroge/nukige VN

>automatically creates obnoxious dektop and start menu shortcuts after install

>cannot skip dialogue by holding down enter

>gallery mode does not include all possible CGs



Game over rape is a kink, anon. There's nothing really to solve. Typical gameplay conventions take a backseat to sexual desire in games like that, that's just how h-games are sometimes.

You can also mix game over rape in with other content. The Raidy series gives you scenes both when you win and lose, and I don't think the games would be as good if the bosses didn't rape you when you lost. So, it can be used as a way to round out content.

Don't get me wrong, you can make a bad game over rape game, but the whole setup services a particular fetish. It may contradict typical game design sometimes, but it's not unworkable. Games like that don't instantly fall apart for having rape on game overs or rape on losses.


>screwing around after playing an eroge/nukige VN

>try to extract the CGs

>twenty times to get the tools working

>still using .bmp in this day and age



i just want to be a little girl


Shit or no translation for the game.

Potato based game mechanic.

Difficulty so insane even Dark Souls has to call bullshit on it.



>cannot skip dialogue by holding down enter

90% of Japanese games, even non-h, have control as the skip text button. Maybe try that instead of enter next time.


File (hide): 1459768898614-0.png (95.23 KB, 602x452, 301:226, Image1.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 1459768898614-1.png (134.16 KB, 602x452, 301:226, Image2.png) (h) (u)

I'd say some of the spectacularly bad automatic machine translations.

Some come out with such complete gibberish word-salad they're actually much worse than the base japanese version, because you cannot even try translating it yourself at that point.

Related pic. Game has nothing to do with gay sex :P (ero night)



The girls' battle dialogue got a much better translation, so I can only assume they saved their money for that rather than springing for a real translation for the entire game.

 No.11658>>11659 >>11700 >>11736 >>44149

>>11504 (OP)

This. It pisses me off when sex is game over.

Or sex = corruption, so it's very, very bad for you. Sometimes it's like these game are made by prudes. sex = evil.

Take for example The Last Demonhunter.

I like the concept, like the characters, like the potential, but… 99% of all sex scenes are Bad Ends.




>Or sex = corruption, so it's very, very bad for you.

Tradeoffs. How much are you willing to risk/sacrifice.

 No.11666>>55892 >>109130

File (hide): 1459783438701.jpg (71.25 KB, 583x639, 583:639, qwaser for the plot.jpg) (h) (u)

>there's a plot

>but it's terrible


>>11504 (OP)



>[fetish] happens

>can't cum during it

>can only cum if you change the type of fug


>The Last Demonhunter

L-link pls

 No.11736>>11737 >>11774

File (hide): 1459887434501.jpg (20.95 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 1428001138639-1.jpg) (h) (u)


>Try it.

>Constantly rail roaded into bad ends.

>No control over the dominance in fights.

>Get no experience whatsoever from fights.

>No basic heal spell to keep yourself alive over time.

>Enemies drop no reward beyond basic healing potions.

>So can't heal aside from that gal in the beginning of the game.

>Grayholme is so filled with monsters and you have to beat ALL of them to proceed.

>First "boss" fight can heal herself, knock you out to sleep and "dominate" you.

I don't think I've ever been so infuriated in the last few weeks. This game is bullshit. Not only is it unbalanced, the creator is slapping me across the face for every decision I make, and turns them all into bad ones. What the fucking hell!?

How can one creator be such an asshole.

 No.11737>>11741 >>11774

File (hide): 1459887847095.png (296.29 KB, 555x446, 555:446, Why.png) (h) (u)


This piece of shit is so awful. It just rail roads you into EVERYTHING. I decided not to help the guard. I lost an alignment and if I go to the town it's be taken over by demons.

So not only can I not beat that succubus boss, I have no levels and it rail roads me AGAIN. For a decision I made that was fucking forced. I mean come on. Now I can't exolore any new areas because I'm rail roaded AGAIN into going into the jungle. What the fuck is wrong with this piece of shit?

 No.11741>>11801 >>12336

File (hide): 1459892156339.png (252.69 KB, 557x450, 557:450, Wew.png) (h) (u)


Saved the town. The succubus fight can just take luck, no skill. In the patch notes the creator mentions he needs to rebalance the whole shebang. Anyways, I'm wearing an iron plate body. Apparently it's glitched so the standing picture in the menu shows up with tits out. Leveling is bullshit still. At level 5 you're given a cure spell, so it's just a grind. That's rail roaded again. Another rail road is these breeder plant creatures. ANOTHER one is turning into a catgirl. Your name also changes to Ayla Fluffypaws. Made me laugh, but it's kinda stupid.

 No.11774>>11801 >>11847 >>13831


It's a fucking game, why should sex be BAD?

Why should it be game over?

What kind of tradeoff is that?

Ok, some if it, maybe. But 99% of it?



>Get no experience whatsoever from fights.

WUT? Something is bugged on your end.

you get a heal spell on lvl 4 or 5.

>So not only can I not beat that succubus boss

git gud.

It's hard, but hardly unbeatable, although it does require a bit of luck.

Kill all monsters on the way - in the cavern and in the village

Go DOWN in the village where the balcksmith is. There's a shine you can pray at that fully heals you and restores MP.

While the game opens up later and you can explore more freely, it's still railroad-y.

PROTIP - AFTER you become a true demonhunter, loose to a plantgirl. You'll manage to escape and you'll loose 1 point of humanity, but will get a new, useful power.

You can get it before, but becoming a demon hunter changes you class and re-sets your skill, so you'll loose it. Don't try to loose against a plantgirl a second time though, that's a bad end.


whenever you get options to do something multiple times NEVER do it more than once. Drinking from the fountain you can get away with 2 times, 3rd time is a band end (the best bad end)




I beat the boss. Eventually got bored, and kind of tired of being slapped in the face for every decision I make. Once I got to a point it was simple. I didn't like any of the "ends". They were fucking retarded.


>All fetishes in game are poorly documented


>it's a Western "hentai" game


>it's Western



>It's a fucking game, why should sex be BAD?

Because it's part of what the Villain wants.

Though, if the Remake one is like the original, shouldn't you get purged from your corruption later on anyway?

 No.11853>>11854 >>11893

File (hide): 1460050749653.jpg (18.35 KB, 300x215, 60:43, clint.jpg) (h) (u)



>it's a western

I don't suppose there actually is a Wild West H-game?



I remember playing a visual novel years ago that was western-themed. I even remember little references and homages to classic westerns sprinkled here and there, throughout. I don't remember the name of it, unfortunately. As for the company that made it, I want to say it was Nitroplus.



Custard's Revenge on the Atari.


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Zoku Satsuriku no Django?



That's the one. Thanks a bunch, anon. I couldn't remember the name for the life of me.



I think the issue is that these games are made by giganerds for giganerds who play bullet hell and whatever so much they forget/don't care what reasonable challenge is

Alternatively, a lot of hentai games are so easy they're boring, or just tedious.



Speaking as a giganerd who plays Touhou and Ikaruga on a regular basis, I fucking hate bullet hell-tier hentai games like Barrage of Pain.

Those games take practice. Hours of it, sometimes. If I'm going to invest hours into a hentai game, why wouldn't I just play CM3D2 or something?

The issue is that hentai games do not get playtested like normal games. You make it and sell it and hope that your judgement was correct. As a result, there's little quality control in the market. Difficulty is not easy to get right - When you create a game, you understand the mechanics from the code up. You are inherently better at the game than everyone else because you have had time to practice it. It's difficult for a game developer to recognize their mistakes when they have played their game for literal weeks during development and are simply used to the mechanics and difficulty.


>>11504 (OP)

No set of a invincibility window when recovering from that h-attack mostly based on the action orientated type.

It's like hell I like the h-scene but fucking hell a back to back h-attack? Come the fuck on as I understand the consequences of the scene but just no.



The boss is piss easy. Use smite and spam potions like a madman. He also fucked up so the small mana potions give you 100 mana.



I got bored and stopped playing. Having little choice really got to me.


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>H-game with a plethora of girls to fuck

>Get to the ending

>Game forces one specific girl on you and gives you no choice to choose anyone else



It was fun, if extremely unpolished. It's obviously unfinished, but I enjoyed it nonetheless. I think if the author expands on it, it could become one of the greats.

 No.12624>>124753 >>248313 >>254369

File (hide): 1461348700263.jpg (30.23 KB, 308x531, 308:531, 1441906681121.jpg) (h) (u)

>Protag is a young male

>He isn't very social

>He's beta

>He's never had a girlfriend


>Spends all his time reading and masturbating

>Suddenly PLOT means he gets to have sex

>Despite being a forever alone, kissless and touchless virgin, he is capable of easy erections, no stage fright

>He is capable of marathon fuck sessions

>He has insane stamina

>He can cum multiple times within a short time frame

>He can cum massive amounts



I actually like when that happens.



That was part of the reason I left CoC's team.

If it wasn't "You totally get aroused by it. What do you mean you don't like animals?" it was "No, rewrite that! My character would NEVER do that because they're godlike"

If you're gonna work on a collab project do it with friends I guess is the moral there.



Definitely Demon's Sperm



>It's a fucking game, why should sex be BAD?

Well it's not rape if I want it now is it?


File (hide): 1463176429596.jpg (9.04 KB, 429x271, 429:271, 12249784_894377673979730_4….jpg) (h) (u)

>H game

>yuri scenes are not existant or very limited

 No.13841>>13849 >>102503

File (hide): 1463179371567.jpg (33.92 KB, 853x480, 853:480, 1456859657848.jpg) (h) (u)

>hgame being developed

>Looking promising


>Patreon grows decently successful

>Ohhhhhh nooooo you will never guess what happened I'm sick now and apparently that affects my ability to code :(

>Updates all but cease

>Any criticism or concern is met by drooling retards foaming at the mouth to fight tooth and nail for the dev

>Still rolling in 2k+ a month for doing almost nothing

>he a gud boi he sick it'll get finished

>it never gets finished

>dicksuckers continue to dick suck

>the cycle repeats itself

>they never learn

What kind of sickness fucks with one's ability to code or draw anyway? Carpal tunnel?

It seems to happen a lot.



Carpal Tunnel, which is really easy to avoid. Eye stress, which is again really easy to avoid. Greed and Sloth, which hit like an earthquake - Impossible to predict and absolutely devastating.

Happens to professional game dev companies too, when they chuck out a shitty AAA sequel to the previous games. Looking at you, EA.

The trick to avoiding that is to make sure that the game dev is programming their game because they want to, not because they're trying to make a living.


>main character is clearly set that he doesn't like girls his age

>two of the six heroines are teenagers

I'm looking at you, Sansha Mendan, At least the Mesu Kyoushi series had the excuse that the MCs were going for everything that moved.

 No.15454>>15499 >>15621 >>187898

File (hide): 1465521715691.png (240.56 KB, 650x650, 1:1, 1464876949059.png) (h) (u)

>Having to change your system locale to Japanese

I can play VH when I do but fuck it usless and even messes up my system when I do.



HongFire, my boy, they have a custom applocale that lets you choose to isolatedly run a program with jap locale, and with options for other locales as well.

 No.15500>>15588 >>15666

File (hide): 1465542275869.mp4 (91.33 KB, 200x200, 1:1, 84e6507df5b9b0a22c79d89e6b….mp4) (h) (u) [play once] [loop]


Not when you are using win10, son.

Trust me I knew of HongFire and applocales for years now.



Why the hell are you using Windows 10? It's literally bloated spyware.

 No.15600>>15621 >>15629 >>15647

File (hide): 1465619590720.gif (530.41 KB, 480x292, 120:73, fkjdlksjr 32.gif) (h) (u)


>this fucking meme


File (hide): 1465622715658.jpg (39.66 KB, 680x383, 680:383, 1447113738050.jpg) (h) (u)

>game has unavoidable rape scene


File (hide): 1465646423981.png (219.12 KB, 313x449, 313:449, 1433097046513-2.png) (h) (u)



Quit messing around.


File (hide): 1465652474389.jpg (21.51 KB, 352x400, 22:25, donotwant.jpg) (h) (u)

Slow letter by letter revealing of text.

A lot of it is due to me being an extremely fast reader, so i'm constantly bumping into the word being revealed. Most games let you turn it off, but some do not and that gets very frustrating very quickly.

I still don't understand why this unofficial standard that text should only be slowly revealed exists in the first place though…



>RPG or VN

>Gotta play for 3 hours and read about the lore of the world and backstory of each character before you get to h-scenes


>controls are so bad it's unplayable


File (hide): 1465686323763.png (1.14 MB, 1300x4704, 325:1176, WHy windows 10 is shit dro….png) (h) (u)


Its so fucking terrible i wish it was a meme

 No.15657>>15663 >>15666

File (hide): 1465694680538.png (38.07 KB, 1078x794, 539:397, c638f99710fecab36cc56030a8….png) (h) (u)


File (hide): 1465711881715.jpg (49.73 KB, 600x604, 150:151, 1410719686964.jpg) (h) (u)


>Shown proof that Windows 10 is spyware

>Shitposts with a reaction image


File (hide): 1465714436022.mp4 (538.17 KB, 270x360, 3:4, 1463676660418.mp4) (h) (u) [play once] [loop]



Nigger you better be acting retarded or being a troll as if you're serious then you sir are the biggest fucking idiot I ever met here and I met alot. Also go fucking neck yourself.


File (hide): 1465723006486.png (55.52 KB, 192x154, 96:77, rZOaHhx.png) (h) (u)


>anonymous chat logs are proof

 No.15685>>15703 >>15900

>game mechanics run counter to what someone is looking for in the theme of the game

Looking at you Breeding Season. Why the hell would I want to sell off my high level breeders? I could understand selling off their offspring, but why the breeding stock? It takes all the fetish out of it. There's no lineage to your breeders. There's no 'high score' to attain (such as 'my top breeder has been bred 17 times'). Nope, it all just boils down to a spreadsheet of orders to fill



No but detailed articles showing traffic analysis are.



I don't quite understand. Can you explain in greater detail?

 No.15867>>15872 >>15909

File (hide): 1466019345236.png (67.66 KB, 194x268, 97:134, 1415605881287.png) (h) (u)

>VN format

>it's 1.80 GB or something

>there is no real gameplay and little or no choices at all, you can just press a button and skip through the entire thing

Why did they even make it a "game"?



Atleast as a manga one could skip all the boring parts conveniently.



He thinks the best way to get money in breeding season is to sell your best monsters


You're doing it wrong, you keep your top/best until you create something better, and sell the offspring that sucks. How the hell do you think real ranchers do shit?

 No.15909>>124836 >>206196


They're called Kinetic Novels


They're more akin to books/TV/film, just done in the visual novel format. The category 'game' doesn't apply to them at all really.


>male PC

>male PC and you can't even get fucked in your boipucci


If your game can't be easily won while playing with one hand don't even call it an H game tbh


Sex = Game over is one of the worst things



Definitely not Demon's Sperm. If you don't forget to upgrade your health and stamina bars and attack strength, of course.


File (hide): 1471603153651.jpg (45.23 KB, 766x460, 383:230, drake-hotline-bling-jacket….jpg) (h) (u)

>Play female character

>always get raped but can't rape anyone



Fags unwelcome.

 No.23677>>23690 >>31656 >>43288 >>53690

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File (hide): 1471605490978-1.png (956.44 KB, 625x963, 625:963, BURN THEM ALL.png) (h) (u)

>Game has H yuri scene. It's pretty good.

>Said girls find magical artifact.

>Have another H scene, remember artifact.

>Gives them dicks.

Words can't describe my


For something like this.

This is why I'll always hate Futa, because it ruins yuri.


File (hide): 1471613893018.png (19.45 KB, 300x309, 100:103, pure hate.png) (h) (u)

>10 years old level dialogues

>typos every single line

>art that don't match

>locked leveling system (non respawning enemies)

>combat where you need 5 turns to kill one enemy

>no cg room

>strong point is to have several outfits: only one of them is displayed


seriously, everyone removed all of these in regular games so don't add them in my H-game damnit

 No.23690>>23697 >>23790 >>23947


>This is why I'll always hate Futa, because it ruins yuri.

Really? I've always seen futa as the natural evolution of yuri. If it's ok for a girl to fuck another girl with a strapon, why isn't it ok to fuck her with a real dick? You even get the added bonus of bukkake / nakadashi.


File (hide): 1471614973853.png (373 KB, 555x411, 185:137, HELL_YES.png) (h) (u)


>Play female character

>Get to rape other female characters



If I wanted to see futa, I'd go look for it. When I want to see two girls engaging in pure love, I want it to be 100% dick free.

I bet you're the guy who puts yuri tags on futa on girl doujins.


One peeve of mine in Hentai games is meaningless choices.

Meaningless choices add nothing to the game except for frustration when you are going though the game several times to unlock all the CG. It goes double for untranslated games where you can't really tell that the choice is meaningless.

I remember one time where I played Hitomi my stepsister where the main character got two sandwiches from the school cafeteria.

You have the choice to give Hitomi, who is your stepsister, either the really good sandwich or give her a crab sandwich. Which the main character says is awful.

You can choose give Hitomi, your stepsister, the good sandwich the scene proceeds as normal.

However if you choose to give Hitomi, your stepsister, the crab sandwich. The game declares that while the main character was reaching in his bag to get the crab sandwich Hitomi, your stepsister, sees the good sandwich which makes your character feel like he has to give the good sandwich away.

 No.23733>>23817 >>23947 >>24559 >>24821 >>234848

File (hide): 1471634411402.jpg (2.04 KB, 125x123, 125:123, 1376138691421.jpg) (h) (u)

>game is about FREEDOM to choose what you do, who you fuck etc

>can play totally virginal maiden who never has sex

>cant play totally virginal maiden who takes it up the ass instead to keep her virginity or/also gives blowjobs because most sex-scenes give you no choice as to what to do in them so prepare for surprise vaginal with some random npc!

"Pure" waifus who think they are pure because they abstain from vaginal intercourse is my fetish but no game other than maybe Free Cities get it even remotely right and even in FC it only works if you give her the chastity belt.

 No.23790>>23894 >>105037

File (hide): 1471654834982.jpg (168.43 KB, 766x600, 383:300, BURNING FURY.jpg) (h) (u)


Exactly this.


Because yuri is girl/girl while futa is girl/girl with male genitalia. Yuri expressly forbids anything male, which is why strap-ons and dildos are replacements for dicks.

So yeah, I abhore Futa.



I'm pretty sure MaiDensSnow Eve has a similar item but it's all monster rape.

 No.23894>>23925 >>23947 >>68080


Exactly, and if one of the girls have cock the whole "dynamics" of sex change a lot.

Instead of being carpet-munching, tribalism and such it turns more into guy x girl despite the other person being futa.

Also most futas completely lack balls or they are inside their bodies somehow which looks fuking shitty especially if the dick starts straight from where the clitoris is supposed to be making it more of an oversized clitoris instead. not that that's a bad thing, huge clitorises to be used as cocks i mean. i can see some character being such a sex crazy maniac that she'd used somekind of penis-pump thingy but on her clitoris instead to make it grow to the point she can fuck bitches with it





Sure is troublesome finding games with the range inbetween 'strange' and 'a tad disturbing' where typical sex no longer does it for you. I suppose amounting it to "Particularly annoying but not obviously lewd torture" could describe it.


It's even worse when you're a fag that can't get off on vaginal/yuri sex. I've had to give up on conventional H-games entirely with the odd few games that I "play for fun" because I can't get hard throughout the entire combined session.


I can enjoy the giant clitoris types, not the weird-ass thin pink rod, but the engorged kind that appears like an actual clitoris and with a focus of teasing around it's lewd/grotesque appearance.


I went the backwards route, I wasn't able to start masturbating to sex before futa, before it was a mix of girl vore/absorption/hugging fantasies or girls kissing via porn or sims 2 was just the best I could manage. After being desensitized it just fell further into faggotry, now mostly traps and trap accessories do it for me unless I have literally any other /d/-tier fetish involved to get my engine going.

tl;dr I'm a /d/-fag that is incredibly jealous any of you can even find games you enjoy at all.

 No.23983>>24579 >>43288 >>97768 >>176565

>if you want a harem, you have to let your girls fuck other dudes.

>Being a Cuckold.


I wish dick cancer was a thing so Fenoxo and all the other faggots that think like this would get it.


File (hide): 1471878109622.gif (317.25 KB, 410x300, 41:30, porque.gif) (h) (u)

>>11504 (OP)

>mfw game turns out to be "my furry waifu with a 10 in. dick" simulator

> x100

>little to no fuckable dudes

oh okay then



Pretty much this. This is also why a lot of indie and early access games go to shit; the devs stop listening to the fans (or only listen to the ones that suck their cocks) and do all their own playtesting, and sometimes only in godmode. (Looking at you, fucking Chucklefish) They have no idea how the game is played by most people.




There're always KISS games. God bless KISS for doing buttslut routes. You could do anal only in Crossing Knightmare too. Learn jp for more anal VNs.

 No.24579>>31719 >>55646

File (hide): 1472014459083.jpg (134.94 KB, 1016x498, 508:249, no.JPG) (h) (u)


I hate this content



That's my fetish too. At least Fenoxo's games allow you to do it as long as you never lose a battle.

 No.28340>>28349 >>249501

Why is there no reverse of the monster girl rapes-you-if-you-lose shit? I just want a MGQ where you defeat the monsters then fuck them into submission.



>start raping defeated opponent

>they like it

what was the fucking point then



Technically CoC is like that. You can rape the monsters if you win. Of course they rape you if you lose too.


>it's a transformation fetish game

>it's abandoned



>NOt liking the pure domination aspect

>NOt liking mind break



>Its a tfgamessite game



It's basically MGQ - horny monsters want to fuck you, except you can choose to fuck them if you win in battle. Where's the unwilling losers of battles?

Maybe I haven't played it enough.


File (hide): 1b7997e8c918cef⋯.jpg (5.79 KB, 255x188, 255:188, 1447443811654.jpg) (h) (u)


>unavoidable rape

i know that feel

 No.29530>>97768 >>100486

>>11504 (OP)

>when your fetish is too complicated without having it be a major feature of the game

Someday there will be a game that has weight gain that isn't abandoned way too early or has an author that gets absolutely shit on by life.


File (hide): ae0652fe7b9f806⋯.png (1.13 MB, 1301x782, 1301:782, rhea_nurse.png) (h) (u)

>play pregnancy-focused vn

>sex scenes do their damnedest to hide the girl's belly

She's supposed to be full term here.

 No.29686>>29694 >>29786

> after 3 hour in the girl route, suddenly ntr or rape, and is unavoidable

hate those games

> need be cuck to advance the history

sengoku rance did this in some scenes, castle fantasia series did it too

>be a pixel sex game, the gallery don't contain the sprite sex animations, only the lame as normal cg's

why? just tell me why you do this?

>monster girl's games where the protag is beta as fuck with game over sex and really few sex scenes in the normal route (mostly blowjobs)

Get it already, we like to fuck every thing on our way, and make an harem, and you make us avoid the sex to complete the game

>cool game with good graphics, after 2 hour's of game suddenly there is a extreme fetish that was not advertised

happened to me in the game "eroge; lets make lewd games", nobody told me this game will have scat



Why not just watch 3DPD porn?


> harem

> only two girls

that's a threesome nitwits



if you got enough imagination, may i suggest looking up a game like Rai7 or eratohok? the latter is actually available in a semi translated form here on hgg, but the former is out there on the net

really good games, actual gameplay(albeit, strategy gameplay) and filters to say nah to what you don't wanna see.



They're sluts anon

All women are

They all want it



>Have an extremely high Toughness stat which mechanically means that my character can shrug off mortal blows, block the axe of a Minotaur and have x3 times the health of any fuckin' enemy in the game

>Cutscene tells you that you get knocked out because someone hit over the head you with a bucket

Same thing happens with other stats.

>Maximised Strength

>Can't escape a grapple/shitty restraint because the cutscene tells you that you can't

>Maximised Intelligence

>Can't trick or persuade NPCs/resist spells/notice traps/otherwise make any sort of smart decision

>Maximised Speed

>Can't dodge a scripted blow or run away, or have any semblance of reflexes

I should just play D&D again because how little freedom you have to do shit your way or at least have your stats influence cutscenes even marginally fucking infuriates me.

The prison segment in CoC is what really ticked me off since I had no say in whether or not I was captured, AND I couldn't just murder my way through the complex because "hurr-durr magic means you're a slutty slave that can't fight back" despite being able to dish out 100 damage per punch when the game finally decided I got to attack a guard. There wasn't even an option to kill that bitch Ellie.

There's just no effort put into options for Pure characters looking to fight against corruption because Fenoxo's raging microerections are too busy plopping furries into every cutscene they can muster rather than actually finishing half-built content.



>I should just play D&D again because how little freedom you have to do shit your way or at least have your stats influence cutscenes even marginally fucking infuriates me.

I fondly remember A Dance with Rogues giving you options during some encounters where you needed to pass a skill or attribute check to succeed at something. You were still restricted in the character you had to play, but it was something. That's probably why it's rare, because too many stats means there's so many ways a scene could possibly go if every skill could be used that way. It's a quantity vs quality problem.


File (hide): d01ef43205c4b54⋯.png (857.98 KB, 1600x1597, 1600:1597, 1465494475231.png) (h) (u)

>no gallery in a RoR, sprite game, whatever

I swear to god, I wouldn't have minded Softhouse Seal's shitty ninja game if it at least had that.


Oh shit, time to pick that up again. Eventually. Fuck the main girls are boring.



yo, taking that ONE future society option is not worth getting your wife gangbanged, marry the wife with paternalism and then get that future society.


>girl with masochist trait has same dialogue crying and asking player to stop during S&M sex as girls without it (got to give Illusion props for not fucking that up in Honey Select)

>hardly ever a harem route

>hardly ever athletic or muscular women in games

>if there are fit girls, it's femdom shit

>Sexy Beach PR and Honey Select are still the only h-games that let you make fit girls, and the fitness level is still at a point that requires caramel color skin to really see the musculature

>no matter what kind of relationship you want to have with a girl, they'll always end up the same when stats hit a certain point (CM3D2, I'm looking at you)



Too fucking true. This is exactly the reason why I don't donate to Patreon or Kickstarter or anything like that. The moment the developer has your money, it's his, and he can do whatever he wants after that, including not working on his game/movie/whatever.


>playing a game where the main character has a harem

>he doesn't bang the girls

>other people bang her girls







Fucking Imouto Paradise.

 No.43293>>49455 >>125673

Fetishes that deflate my dick faster than a needle

loli stuff (notice loli != teen)

any boobs > melon-sized (so much fat on a body is just disgusting)

NTR (netori is ok)


dumb protagonists that we are forced to play as such (male or female ones)

scat (of the brown kind)

obnoxious furry stuff (some nekos here and there are fine)

Other stuff that immediately make me use .\uninstall.exe

Boring gameplay (grinding is ok, if it remains fun, not if it's just there to delay the next CG)

Unavoidable rape right at the beginning (it could be ok further in the story, if it makes sense)

CG slide-show (go here, click there, watch CG… online porn exists for a reason and porn > anime)

"3D" rpgmaker games on patreon (stop being lazy and learn how to draw + select a proper engine for your game if you want it to be 3D)

There is probably more, but that'll do for now

 No.44129>>44136 >>44166

File (hide): 90870f349fc19d0⋯.jpg (24.29 KB, 400x400, 1:1, Emperor help me.jpg) (h) (u)

>Enter H game

>Approaching town

>As I get closer to the town, my speed suddenly increases


>Continue walking

>Speed continues to increase

>Stop pressing the move key altogether, still moving against my will

>Suddenly becomes dark despite being midday

>What the fuck? Are those mountains pulling me i-

>They're not mountains

>They're massive, comically oversized anime titties

>Scream a final protest before being sucked into the singularity of incredibly large, dense anime tits and being crushed to death by the gravitational pull

Seriously though is it too much to ask to have h games with normal sized breasts? Why is the bare minimum size "Triple Z breasts augmented with implanted waterbeds and a team of midgits jumping on a bike pump attached to the nipples"? I don't even want mosquito bites, just B - C range ffs.


File (hide): 81de2b0a1fdb73a⋯.gif (389.23 KB, 320x180, 16:9, Sexual Aroma.gif) (h) (u)


How faggy do you have to be to not like D cups?

As faggy as >>44129



I can relate

>Playing the CoC

>Hey Anon, want to give up your useless soul, and become full-blown demon with crazy sex powers? It's will be fun, i swear

>Whew lad, now i'm going see some really lewd stuff, aren't i?

>Sure, go on

>From this moment and to the end of times your character will spend entirety of his life doing nothing but participating in sexual acts of extremely debaucherous nature

>You will never see it, though, because fuck you




>Implying what I'm complaining about is anything near D cup

 No.44166>>44169 >>52776



Cowtits are unsexy and ridiculous, i cant fap to this

A to C is best


File (hide): 2d7bbe00b169242⋯.png (231.02 KB, 632x360, 79:45, oh my.PNG) (h) (u)

>hentai rpg

>no item to decrease or prevent enemy encounters

>can't escape the battles

>enemy pops up every other step

talk about annoying.



I love big titties and i find it hard to masturbate to anything less than a b cup. I a lot of people just really like boobies.


>H game where you can extensively customize female characters

>Can't do the same for male characters

Looking at you, Illusion.


>all around good game with a lots of content and decent writing

>it's about furries


>>11504 (OP)


Also this game, great potential but pratically no concern from the author whatsoever bout sex despite being an H game

Recently added entice ability….but seems to work as a penalty. Pretty much an H game where having sex is more a penalty the anything



 No.48637>>48649 >>49394 >>64910 >>97381 >>97768 >>125675

File (hide): c2b59d5099c4bc3⋯.jpg (92.52 KB, 566x720, 283:360, 1439973212596.jpg) (h) (u)

>every single hentai RPG you play a female who goes maximum slut

>hardly any where you are a guy who fucks lots of chicks

>even then there's tons of content where the girls you fuck are gangbanged around



>Not wanting to roleplay as girl who slowly descends into a degenerated slut

What are you gay?

 No.49394>>52737 >>64910


Fucking this, even your picture sums it all up

>starts looking into h games and notice a lot of them star female protags

>must be a jap thing

>discover the chans

>ahhh my western brethren, surely now I'll find tons of male pc dom harem sfuff.

>damn near all want to be woman, girls, or boys getting fucked by men, monsters, or animals.

>my face when I thought my fetish was common and the majority

I just wanted to pet the monster girls, traps, lolis, etc

I just wanted to live off the fat of the harems.



>porn > anime

Your opinion couldn't be less relevant.


File (hide): e608524394183c2⋯.jpg (72.87 KB, 600x1040, 15:26, Kornheiser_Why.jpg) (h) (u)

>game looks to have decent gameplay/systems

>all the assets are just GIS porn images

I can understand most porn games are made by small teams/indies. But there's something about stolen images stripped of their original context that turns me off; like mentally, and sexually.

I just want a decent management/RPG game that actually has original artwork. Custom Maid 3D was alright for a bit; but it's really shallow.


File (hide): a3ce508d5054bcc⋯.jpg (57.97 KB, 414x414, 1:1, 1468562972874.jpg) (h) (u)

>male MC fucks a shit load of girls

>dangerous days are mentioned every single time

>there is no pregnancy or impregnation anywhere to be found


Forced WASD (a general gaming pet peeve autohotkey can help but still come on)

Unskippable cutscenes (general pet peeve but if it is a particular H scene that you just don't like but bam you can't skip or speed it up it is much worse)

Life counters I hate them in almost any game.

Too much use of artificial difficulty (rare but some do use this IE undodgable 2/3 health attacks on a tanky character) EX blank blood

Visual novels trying to call themselves a game seriously if it is pure visual novels with nothing besides that don't tag it as a damn game!

I don't mind the whole get raped loose health theme in fact it makes sense but I wish more games will implement a if you are the aggressor you get healed mechanic like nightmare sphere does.

Only way to get ploughed is to loose all your health



>I just wanted to live off the fat of the harems.

I-is there a liposuction fetish game?



I think you're playing the wrong games. Most of the good RPG maker ones have original art.




>Rpg maker



My pet peeve is ambiguously/badly named options. Scenes changing due to something out of your characters control is one thing, choosing the (fuck ass) option and having your character proceed to give them a reach-around or get fucked themselves kills my boner.



It's because less is more. Same thing with a big ass. It has no effect unless the rest of the girl is small and feminine.


>game is set up as a harem with dozens of girls

>half or less have an H scene

Why fucking bother?

>reading a pretty normal H game

>sex scene is going normally

>suddenly vivid descriptions of the girl queefing or farting

Instantly loose my erection. Unavoidable rape in non-rape games, no adequate gallery, having to have your girls fuck other dudes and the prevalence of "play as a girl and become a slut" games tick me off too but they've all already been mentioned.


>tfw that futa DP scene is your favourite in the game

Sequel is getting translated too.


>male PC

>every female in the game is a big breasted thick bimbo

>getting transformed whenever you have sex


File (hide): a4c5c041f421639⋯.gif (1.55 MB, 400x286, 200:143, 1428384881968.gif) (h) (u)

>female protag

>lose to a low level bandit/slime/wolf/tentacle plant

>game over, no rape scene

>have to grind until you find the boss

>no rape on loss there either

If combat doesn't directly lead to scenes, it's a waste of time.



>Game over is game over, there is nothing more than h-scene if you lose

That kinds pisses me off

We need more games like Blanked, when you loose you can play further, its just that your perspective shifts as your character gets corrupted


>Having anal sex

>Switches to vaginal


>no gallery mode unlock after you beat the main game

Literally why. What does it add to the game if I play through it again to intentionally lose against everything, one at a time, to get all the scenes.



If we're talking Jap games, that's because they're incompetent, lazy or simply cut short so they don't put too much money in a game.

Stupid, but it tends to work. Why do you think there's so much shovelware?



This, but the other way around.



My reason is purely hygienical. At least she wont get massive infections the other way around.


File (hide): 12fc6debc219e6c⋯.png (3.89 MB, 3541x3541, 1:1, doc-self-satsified.png) (h) (u)

>game over rape

>game unlocks scene when you beat the enemy

 No.55646>>55647 >>55655


I'm pretty sure you can play through Free Cities easily without whoring your girls out, just by playing the slave market or owning a dairy. And the scene in question that you are referencing is a choice.

On the other hand, FC Dev is a fan of subtle railroading. Like 99% of the most efficient options involve being a cruel and unfeeling mega-capitalist. (true to life?) I'm a fan of it, but I can see how others would dislike it.

>>11504 (OP)

Fuck this, a million times over. I've dived into programming recently just to make a game that doesn't do this.

On the other hand, I want to make one of those "girl falling into submission" games, and I have no idea how I can balance active gameplay and being a whore, while still having the taboo, without resorting to Game Over. Maybe if I was less of a fag this would be easier.



and I fucked up the parallel syntax. Just pretend I didn't repeat myself there.


okay faggot



you can let the clients have a taste on the tabooed places and take them to some more private places to finish, if you fail to be discrete there must be a chance of getting punished (by losing money or something) without the game finishing at once

in fact you can use the influence you have to change the place and if your char is not the whore you can play it both ways (more or less taboo) with benefits and risks

 No.55683>>55694 >>133933

File (hide): 17a3ff6acd638fd⋯.jpg (331.12 KB, 900x643, 900:643, RmdG9Yc.jpg) (h) (u)

>win a fight

>bad end, game over

>turns out you were supposed to lose

wtf is this shit


File (hide): c72a1d50ae409ff⋯.png (2.01 KB, 206x234, 103:117, Toriel.png) (h) (u)



Which game was actually meant here? Imouto paradise definitely doesn't fit here and I don't know of any similiar games that would.


The real problem with the Game Over fetish is that without fail, every single game that contains it has little staying value. Picture something like Free Cities as opposed to some other shitty Twine game. In FC you can bust a nut, save, and reload the game later with no major regrets (unless you're really fucked up) - in a game with a sexy "Game Over" the only way you can fuck yourself is to fuck the run over. It doesn't even make for a good sex game.



have you got a bigger version of that image my dude?


>H ""game""

>Is basically a CYOA with pictures


File (hide): a60cc5b05e8fe97⋯.png (143.11 KB, 342x423, 38:47, 1358131247496.png) (h) (u)

>beating the game doesn't unlock all the CGs

>have to do multiple play through

>game doesn't have routes

>you just have to do that shit again and make sure you don't fucking miss that event



>Scenes and characters being gated being skippable as a result of really obscure/convoluted mechanics with no hints in the lore or game mechanics. Seems very common in Japanese games as a way to pad playtime.

The developers of regular RPG's put ingame secrets there in order to sell strategy guides. Too bad some people thought it was a good design decision to make the players try out everything unintuitive or look up things online.



>Not liking well done CYOA with pictures


>Imminent yuri scene

>both women gender bend into dudes




Why put focus on pictures? A good description and an imagination is way better than any image created


That has never happened


Thief and sword

>collecting items left right and center

>get into a fight with the skeleton guard near the end of the normal route

>waste half of my weapons on him

>there's an even harder skeleton after him

>even if I beat him, there's the final boss after that

>get murdered

Fucking bullshit.



It happens pretty often.

>We're both hot chicks

>Let's grow cocks!



Or rather a ménage à trois, bumpkin.



>Look at me Mom, look what I can do Mom, look how special I am Mom, LOOK!


>>11504 (OP)

My greatest problem ever.

>Samurai Sakura-mento

>Succubus Tower

>Treasure Hunter


>Blood Rush

I'm too good to die in these games. I beat Blood Rush dying only once only because I wanted to check how much stronger the first special boss was before I had even beaten the first normal boss.

> Viotoxica

The only game I actually died a lot. Only because the hardest difficult is some grindcore bullshit.

At least some games have an omake save file you can use to unlock the gallery.

 No.64063>>64083 >>64151 >>126042

File (hide): 5510bd5d62288fc⋯.jpg (283.9 KB, 1479x1100, 1479:1100, guts_rage.jpg) (h) (u)

>shota game

>they all have 30 inch dicks




Wtf why so tiny? I know it's just kids, but that's not even enough to please an average chick.

 No.64119>>64161 >>97768 >>158105

>the game is pushing the creator's waifu on you

>it's worst girl

why does this keep happening



>The only time cute, small penises are part of the game is to emasculate the character

>Partner never desires/appreciates those traits or appreciates the character for who they are despite those traits and still has consensual, loving, satisfying sex because they love him


Fetish is not mentioned before game or don't have option to turn it off.

Also NTR. All kinds.


Shit waifu taste, impossible to cure.

 No.64168>>64187 >>125676 >>158057

Any kind of plots where "ebeel" fucker snatches the heroine and sexually tortures her until you have to free her. Forced NTR is the worst. Even shit eaters are not as disgusting, though they are up there in my list of things that kill my boner.


Anything cute can't be desired sexually, since it's something you want to cuddle, hug and pet, rather than fuck. In a way, anything that was cute and got fucked loses it's cuteness, because sex kills innocence which is one of main attributes of something cute.



I like cute things sexually and I don't see tender loving as all that innocence-destroying.


File (hide): 461ccf8a65b4077⋯.jpg (14.28 KB, 240x320, 3:4, gross.jpg) (h) (u)

smegma eating



Well… here's goes my lunch

 No.64889>>64893 >>64953 >>65893

>play shin sei den

>beat the game

>disappointed in lack of sex scenes

>learn that the only way to get affection with the follower girl is to help her escape getting raped by monsters

>never got this because I prevented monsters from getting to her the whole fucking game

why the fuck do I have to be bad at the game to get relationship up? shouldn't me preventing her from getting raped make her like me more???



anon buddy…sweet innocent anon. you were suppose to enjoy the view you get when she's raped by stronger, more virile males and then you take care of whatever remains.



>ooga booga get cucked white boi

kill yourself

 No.64900>>64916 >>170528

>>11504 (OP)

>downloaded Muv Luv Alternative

>it has one H scene

>i cant show my friends irl how greeat its is because of that one scene


File (hide): b44e1130940daaa⋯.jpg (435.13 KB, 1045x1500, 209:300, what happened to the poof.jpg) (h) (u)



Look into the Rance series.

Not sure about what else. There's shit like bunny black but the protag there is pretty wimpy. I guess we have something like sealed room breed 2, but that's hardly a game at all.

I wonder if guys like us are the silent majority or very much the minority. I suppose I should make a poll.



Why would you show your friends ANY of the shit you find on here? Even vanilla, normie trash like New Life.



Fucking this. Such cuckery is disgusting, plain and simple.



To be fair you can just grind off the first "H" enemy who only gives her a grope.


>>11504 (OP)

>you need to have sex with a character you don't really care for to progress the plot

>in the event that you have a choice to or not to fuck said character they will become pissy if you deny them



>Games will have you cucked by monsters, watching monsters, or fighting monsters.

>Good luck finding a game where you play as a monster, or dude monster.

>Even then, Japan has this fetish with overweight orc type monsters and nothing else.

>No sleek amphibious monsters, alien insectoids used to be common but have all been replaced by overweight orc types, no strange shit just fuckin human body shaped garbage as if they were only wearing a monstrous mask.

Is this so hard to ask, Japan?

I know Japan's rampant xenophobia basically causes them to see all other humans as monsters, so why don't they allow us to play as some?

I would fuckin die if I got to play a h-game where you chose a specific monster clan and had to manage city takeovers and hold off rival monster clans. The goal being to literally conquer humanity, in the end all will be hybrids or some shit.

And what is the fuckin deal with the lack of monster variety?



>Play as a monster

>Not an orc

There's Marunomi if you're into little kids.

There's also a game that's kind of a rip off of marunomi but with grown girls and much better arts, but was never translated as far as I know, don't remember what it was called.

Koonsoft released a little sprite game recently in which you play as a somewhat buff orc against some kind of chibi oppai loli nun creature.

Fairy Fighting has an assortment of varied monsters you can play as.

Pretty Warrior May Cry has you play as a vaguely humanoid dungeon master. You order monsters around and some of them are not orcs.

>I know Japan's rampant xenophobia basically causes them to see all other humans as monsters, so why don't they allow us to play as some?

You mean, a game in which you play as an African?

I think you're going a bit too far.

>I would fuckin die if I got to play a h-game where you chose a specific monster clan and had to manage city takeovers and hold off rival monster clans. The goal being to literally conquer humanity, in the end all will be hybrids or some shit.

There are a few era games with similarities to what you describe.

They're all in moon runes though.


>hgame is just a bad game with a boring slideshow as the "h"



This, especially when you have to exert a large amount of effort DURING THE SEX SCENE(S)



You've clearly never tried the era games.

You won't need no slide to jerk off after playing those. You just need your




A clitoris IS a undeveloped proto-penis, m8.

Same cellular structure, same shape.

 No.68081>>68110 >>68111


A woman IS an underdeveloped proto-man, m8.

Same cellular structure, same shape.


File (hide): 58ab95679d3001f⋯.jpg (24.06 KB, 324x450, 18:25, 131500-004-4E3E4827.jpg) (h) (u)


Fully agree





>Group takes over Princess Trainer, start a patreon because of course they do.

>While sand/salt crab is working on Witch Trainer and slowly replacing all the original art with their own, the guys are shoving their art on top of the completed game.

>Except their artist is shit.



>>Except their artist is shit

Wew lad, looks like it is you who has poor taste



That was your best bait? Did you even try looking in the garage?



Im too lazy to download this garbage and swim trough the severs to look for better bait sorry

 No.70319>>70539 >>113366


but that's the "corruption", champion


>female protag

>no consensual sex



Problem is that lust bar shit happen even in game without corruption, fucking turning a bloody virgin into a freaking slut in record time



>female protagonist

>The only consensual sex locks you to the NTR route

 No.72299>>95996 >>96708

File (hide): 7b81b42b1ed4240⋯.gif (5.42 MB, 320x320, 1:1, C7TMx3dV0AA7Zu2.gif) (h) (u)

Let's also talk about the community surrounding anything related to pornographic games, especially the modders.

>be modder

>modding career is only about porn

>porn in RPG games like Skyrim or Fallout

>devious shit, like slavery, prostitution, BDSM, bestiality, etc

>supposed "fan" asks me about a version that doesn't have "checks" that do not allow innocent, precious children in-game to be touched

>shit pants furiously

>start sperging like a madman on the forums asking for bans left and right

>take off mods

>start masturbating from perfect show of dominance

>continue sperging

Anything western related is infected by this crap. Even the fucking Sims. There's like, only TheFallen that doesn't react this way because they're specifically made for this crap.

Instead, every other site that is general, excludes loli/shota.


>I would fuckin die if I got to play a h-game where you chose a specific monster clan and had to manage city takeovers and hold off rival monster clans. The goal being to literally conquer humanity, in the end all will be hybrids or some shit.

Thank you for an idea which I'll never use. It's right after the Mongol invasion with orcs RPG where you get to fuck female prisoners sexually and avoid getting fucked non-sexually by disloyal underlings and threatened leaders.


>innocent Shota

>Not even fully developed

>Whips out a 13 in man donger

fuck off



It's dangerous to make such mods in the west, especially if the modder has any reputation. TheFallen only survives because it's obscure and people with "normal" degeneracies don't actively look for it.

 No.95999>>96012 >>98325

File (hide): 887904876eed212⋯.jpg (874.69 KB, 1280x2130, 128:213, 1285636579500.jpg) (h) (u)

>amateur makes a game which uses stolen assets, but the written context is bretty gud

>makes sequel or redoes the game with original art

>the art is now fucking terrible

>the women look like fucking trannies now terrible


File (hide): 67e629d76c8129e⋯.png (756.98 KB, 921x695, 921:695, 17a6858e98c773385b1f33be54….png) (h) (u)


>a character looks great in regular CG

>all their sex scenes are by another artist who can't draw for shit

>you can tell they're struggling to even make the character look like they're supposed to



I don't blame them. If they don't take a hard stance against it, then others will target them and ruin their lives.

People are veeeeeeeerry vindictive. They shut websites down and cut all your sources of funding, it's crazy.



That doesn't work, if you want the heroine to be raped being the monster completely ruins it, it stops being sub content and is instead dom content. If my character isn't taking it completely ruins it for me. There are games where you play as the dom, you can enjoy those and let other people enjoy sub games.


File (hide): 2335906c1c675fd⋯.jpg (56.45 KB, 320x450, 32:45, kdam.jpg) (h) (u)


Pic. Also there are tons of VN both 2d and 4d where you are a guy who fucks lots of chicks. They might not be RPG in the sense of stats, loot and leveling up but they do offer role playing, often with branching paths and alternate endings.

I do feel you though all I've wanted since I was a horny teenager was Pokemon but ALL the trainers were sexy grills and you got to rape them tenderly make love to them while holding hands after you defeat them.


female mc







>Game with good customization

>Can only customize the PC, can't customize the NPCs

>When you can the changes are not using the same system as the PC so has an extremely limited level of "customization" that's insignificant

>TFW YWN be able to combine pure waifu, bimbo aesthetic, wg, be, and demon girl fetishes.


My nigga.



does tumblrtale have a good porn game yet? Mainly asking out of sick curiosity, nothing else from this game has been good so I don't expect anything playable to fare well either.



>hear about this and finally give it a try

>eyes set on one of the main girls

>MC ends up fucking everything that moves

This would happen the one time I want just one but it wasn't so bad after the 20th or so time. I should probably redownload and finish that pain in the ass route. No idea why anyone makes such a big deal out of the toenail bit.



What are some examples? I could use a good laugh.



It's a pretty solid game with some fun gameplay to boot. Legit weirdest moment in the game though is when the MC just sucks shota dick out of the god damn blue.

 No.99569>>99646 >>100331

>All HGs are either side scrollers, half baked light novels, RPGs, or on extreme rare occasion a strategy game

82 gigs worth of games in and I have exclusively seen these games. Like christ I know its easy to make a RoR a sidescroller but can I have a game in my hentai games for once? A danmaku, a shooter, a rhythm game, anything thats even slightly fresh.



lord knows there is a huge lack in H games from a sub perspective!




>a shooter

H doom. That's about it. There's a couple of japanese 3d games with third person perspective and some shooting but they're all shit.



even worse, most sub games have male or tranny PCs. finding a proper female sub hgg that isnt infested with horrible fetishes is nearly impossible.


>Hentai voice actor girl: What? Inside? Yes! Please!

>Hentai SFX guy: *squeezes an almost empty bottle of ketchup into the mic*



It is a crime against humanity to waste any amount of ketchup.



The games I've seen that actually pull this off well would be a few that have the player in the role of a succubus or something similar. In this way, the character tends to be eager for the rape from a strong foe and even grows more powerful as a result.

I've actually played a few games where that was the only way to level. There were other ways to get stronger, but the fast track was to let your foes have their way with you (and I do mean fast, the difference in strength between levels, wew boy).


>cuckch filename


File (hide): 7341ed8de4bfc80⋯.jpg (32.61 KB, 500x557, 500:557, kill me.jpg) (h) (u)

>game doesn't work with wine

>too lazy to move it over to my windows partition and restart my computer

>end up jerking it to something else

>the game just sits there taking up space in my downloads folder forever



It's no fun if they break that easily.


There's a shitty rhythm flash on swfchan where getting it right undresses the character

the music doesn't even sync up though

 No.100396>>102446 >>102471 >>248314

File (hide): 42bc1ab54c3c07d⋯.png (378.88 KB, 642x483, 214:161, censorship.png) (h) (u)

+1 for needing a walk-through to play. *cough Robozou *cough

i want it to be intuitive, not grindy, or WTF do i do now.

the generic squeaky Japanese girl voice/tone. makes me want to stab my eardrums with ice picks.

also, can't believe nobody has mentioned censorship.



It would be interesting but how you make a game with that fetish? Raising sim, classic visual novel, …?


>"she takes it deep in her throat"

>the pic still shows her sucking on the tip


>All female characters have really nice looking big boobs

>Not a single paizuri scene

>Hot evil woman taunts and torments the characters throughout the game

>Never get to fuck her

>Female protag

>Various lecherous characters harass and flirt with her throughout the game

>No sex scenes with any of them

>game is labeled a 'hentai RPG'

>no choices in it whatsoever and only a few sex scenes that are part of the story


>Check out this hentai game!

>It's a visual novel


File (hide): 9720807e83eaba4⋯.webm (2.45 MB, 640x480, 4:3, ConCs.webm) (h) (u) [play once] [loop]


people have gotten used to the voices and censorship, unless it's really over the top censorship

only getting scenes by losing is a big one

random battle encounters in H-RPGs is another, i hated mature quest because of it




What game? I can't find anything on those you've posted



It's called Patreon disease. It's degenerative and there's no known cure once a dev shows signs of contracting it.



>character creation

>game says you attracted to every character you encounter

>can't just be a lesbian



File (hide): 8f6db4152123a1b⋯.gif (364.33 KB, 330x270, 11:9, 1494161031001.gif) (h) (u)

> male MC looks like a 14 year old with a monster cock while in reality he's already in college

> aforementioned +18 year old "guy" lives around women who are all taller than him, even when they are younger

> battles in game

why? If I want to fap to a game I don't want to play a stupid 2D JRPG

> play random hentai game, suddenly some girl grows a dick



>Yuri expressly forbids anything male, which is why strap-ons and dildos are replacements for dicks

That doesn't make any fucking sense. Strap-ons are literally modeled after dicks, which are male. I don't like futa either, but both strapons and futa is annoying in yuri, and without imagination that gets boring quickly.



<>game requires both hands to play, keys cannot be rebinded

This is honestly the worst.


Unintentionally bad writing can really kill a game for me.

>playing a game where the MC locks in and rapes a young girl

>after the rape she starts crying

>MC starts to feel bad and says don't be sad it's just a prank bro

>she buys it

This was supposed to be a serious game and now I can't remember anything other than this one moment because of how stupid it was.


>slow ass text

>written by a potato

>tries to be plot heavy

im just trying to wank it, please

>less than 10CG

>rigid animations

>pixel art that looks like its made from minecraft


 No.105075>>105077 >>158011


If it isn't capable of getting a girl pregnant, it isn't male regardless of shape or purpose tbh



retard, he wasn't saying strap-ons are male. He was claiming they are modeled after dicks (which they are) and obviously dicks are male



Can you read two sentences and draw an inference from them, or are you a dumb animal? He was objecting to the idea that nothing male is allowed in yuri but strap-ons and dildos are fine. Why would he object to that if he thinks strap-ons and dildos aren't male?





Squeaking high pitched japanese screeching/talking when characters are having sex and in general.



>none of the girls will ask you if you like bayblades during sex


File (hide): 3d9cc59192183b5⋯.gif (875.5 KB, 296x166, 148:83, 1429659487611.gif) (h) (u)

>Can't name the MC

>Barely or No choice to pick Waifu/Cumdumpster

>Again little to no choices

>The answer you pick it totally presented in way it wasn't close to what you want to say or do.

>your choices don't matter

>Play katawa shoujo!


>Barely any options and so far it feels like it picks your waifu for you even if you don't want that one.


>It's just a fuckin' VN

Look Hentai VN are okay as long as I get chose in some matters, can name the MC, and there are different out comes to certain actions. If it does not have those, you might aswell read a Dōjinshi, because it's NOT A FUCKIN" GAME at that point. Hell even when it meets my standers, I can even really call it a game, because it's not.


>Can't use ctrl or other key to skip through text if it's your first time going through it, have to resort to clicking madly

Sometimes a scene isn't my taste, and not being able to skip fast is annoying

>Down arrow key doesn't progress text

Easiest key for me to hit when fapping, annoying when it doesn't work. Enter on numpad is an ok replacement, but not as good

>Stupid mechanics that the creator shoved in and force you do to in order to get to the sex

Stop. We're here to fap. You're developing a legitimate full-fledged game, just make smut and be on your way

>Little or no choices to keep fucking your favorite character

Not that I expect differently most of the time, but sometimes there's a character I like WAY more than the others, and I wish I could just go on her route and fuck only her, but the game doesn't have that functionality



Use an autoclicker anon, helps get through the generic, shit writing of pretty much every vn


>she cries during sex

why japan?





It's not just a Japanese thing.

>what are tears of joy/happiness/etc?


>game requires mouse to play

How the fuck am I supposed to masturbate, when my main hand has to be on the mouse?



start fapping with the other hand? i've been doing that for years now




>start fapping with the other hand?

For some reason I find it VERY hard to fap with the other hand and I have no idea why. It just doesn't… work.

So I learned to use the mouse with the other hand.



I guess either solution works.


>every run and rape game

>Playing character is always female

>Only game that breaks this mold is that great Zell monstergirl game

>No dating Sims involving mythological cryptids

>No dating Sims with alien-looking aliens.


>cliche writing

>generic male MCs




>every run and rape game

>Playing character is always female

>Only game that breaks this mold is that great Zell monstergirl game

I remember one JP game where you played a guy. Virgin something something it was shit though


>objectively best waifu

>has to get gang raped or fucked by someone else before you get her

Stop fucking doing this

 No.106972>>110137 >>249038

>>11504 (OP)

>H game

>Only way to get sex scenes is to lose

This. It seems the main goal of CoC is to avoid anything you'd want to do.


>Pick a strong chick.

>"Oh, you like men? Here's futa dick up your ass!"

>Date a girl

>"What's my name?", "What's my favorite object?", "What's my birthday?" etc.

>Want to see other endings

>Mandatory scenes with characters you never cared about

Looking at you Let's Meow Meow. I never wanted to fuck the priestess in the first place, let alone for each fucking ending!

>About to have consensual sex with a loved one.

>She cries and pisses herself like it's a rape scene.

This is my biggest issue with hentai in general. The best non-game example comes from some anime where a dominant witch was about to conquer the world with a ritual that included her laying down on an altar and getting molested by her minions. And she cried like a little girl, while being groped by her own minions, by her own orders.



Have you tried Illusion's Biko series of games? I think you'd like it.


File (hide): 6913c9376b16212⋯.jpg (112.14 KB, 1024x552, 128:69, Rage.jpg) (h) (u)

>be me

>enjoy foot fetish content

>almost everything with the focus being foot fetish has the one receiving it be a bottom beta bitch that likes getting treated like shit.

Fucking nearly impossible for me to find any good foot fetish content with out that submissive garbage.

 No.107674>>107680 >>108663

> Monster girls

> Girls are just humans in cosplay

> Girls are just monsters with regular human face and tits



>wanting to fuck actual monsters

It's time to reflect on yourself, anon


>>11504 (OP)

>MC is pathetic

>MC is a beta or omega

>MC isn't nameable

>MC is a cuck

>MC shares his woman

>MC is an idiot

>MC never fights back


Protagonist NEVER brutally beats up or kills anyone who dares to touch his woman.


>game has bust, waist and hip measurements

>they only change when the character is pregnant and revert to their original values after giving birth

If you're going to include measurements in your game, at the very least make it so that changes will last longer based on how often she gets knocked up.


File (hide): 0752a79266df2c0⋯.png (30.76 KB, 297x527, 297:527, why.png) (h) (u)

>>>Plays this game

>>>Fug any of the girls you like

>>>You can get them pregnant if you like (or if they consented to it)

>>>You get to do group sex with many girls as you like


>>You can only stay as a couple for the rest of the game

>>>Sister game is almost the same but now allows you to marry many girls as you want

>> Does not have the pregnancy mechanic




> Girls are just humans in cosplay

> Girls are just monsters with regular human face and tits

but anon both of these statements are objectively true statements in real life


>want dark hardcore games

>but almost all of them have ntr

>despise ntr



fucking kek



B=Name of the H game?


>Suddenly a futa

>No way out without restarting



EraTW and EraLiG

 No.108855>>108924 >>108932

>a monster race like troll or orc are actually black people



this trope is as old as Tolkien (and very true!)



It's the other way around, anon. Black people are a monster race.


>everyone has a horse sized donger

>everyone can take a horse sized donger easily

>player character needs a large penis or he'll get shamed.






its a sign that they need to stop making you use 2 hands



True Love



drug that makes you dream white route


>>11504 (OP)

Gigantic, terribly written purple-prose textwalls that clumsily jerk around the tone of the story and the flavor of a character so severely as to newly destroy, with every single sex scene, any roleplaying you might think you're engaged in--all on top of being boring.

Terrible user interfaces where every set of options is presented via the same standard, rectangular block of buttons.

Awful, mechanically inserted synonyms for bodyparts, most especially "bitch-button".


I could sum all these up by saying that the thing I hate in h-games is Fenoxo. But I've cum so many times to his games that I guess that wouldn't be fair to say. But god damn does the dude ever have bad taste.



>This is my biggest issue with hentai in general. The best non-game example comes from some anime where a dominant witch was about to conquer the world with a ritual that included her laying down on an altar and getting molested by her minions. And she cried like a little girl, while being groped by her own minions, by her own orders.

Haha yeah. Japanese people's brains just don't work right sometimes, I think.



>I hate it, but I like it

Sounds like you just don't want to admit you also have bad taste. And this is coming from someone who doesn't like CoC whatsoever, so I'm not defending it. I just don't understand why someone would play something they dislike.


>she's stick in a wall all day

>she services half the town

>not a single person breaks in her tight little anus

i guess everyone likes loose vags and stranger's creampies.


>shotacon has to has to have his prostate stimulated


File (hide): f53a801d51f0856⋯.png (128.46 KB, 233x219, 233:219, f53a801d51f0856af570fbc1de….png) (h) (u)

>>11504 (OP)

>Have sex



>All males except the MC are shit

>MC is a judgemental piece of shit


mostly the communities around these porn games

>fawns over subject matter that most people would find so disturbing as to suggest players be institutionalized

>gets foaming in the mouth butthurt over ears being fuzzy



>mostly the communities around these porn games

same here man.

>dev doesn't want to add their furry fetish

>gets foaming in the mouth and shits up the thread for days because their fetish wasn't catered to until they were kicked out of the main thread

>still won't let the issue go to this day


>I have to download something to play some 2D game that only uses pictures and text

How is the japanese porn market even alive? Don't these people know that this shit can be done directly in browser?

just give me a fucking html file


and with that, the tale of anon's shekel farming ventures began.


I fucked up

 No.113137>>113151 >>113178


>Being a triggered pedo in denial

>Aggressively denying to the point of utter stupidity

>Seriously believing traps aren't gay

>Still refusing coming out of the closet

>Aggressively attacking someone else fetish that doesn't get you arrested in most of the world instead

<My Fetish are superiors! Everyone else is a fag!



>Being a triggered pedo in denial

What do pedos have to do with this community?

 No.113173>>113174 >>113176


<What do pedos have to do with this community?

Free Cities - Pregmod



What does fiction have to do with pedos?



Is it even talked about that much?

I know ages can be set to as low as 3 but I haven't noticed all that much discussion about it, other than some talking about events being stupid with people that young.



This is pretty sad though. Having to excuse shit instead of explaining it.

Pregmod fans wanted loli/incubator and rallied behind it.


File (hide): 3cdb2d31038727a⋯.jpg (224.91 KB, 858x1669, 858:1669, 3cdb2d31038727ac9595272e19….jpg) (h) (u)


>can't code for beans

>annoys everyone with begging

>throws absolute tantrum when told to fuck you

you monstergirlfags really are just furries aren't you



Explain how? What's to explain?

There's kids, and that's fucked up.

You know what else is fucked up? Sexual slavery.

It's not like it's a nice game of happy smiles.

How about we explain it as anyone who looks child-like is actually a centuries-old dragon in human form? That makes it better, right?



>There's kids, and that's fucked up.

Are there? I thought kids were real.

>How about we explain it as anyone who looks child-like is actually a centuries-old dragon in human form? That makes it better, right?

But it's not worse or better in any of the cases described.



There's made up kids, and some people don't like that. Much how there is made up sexual slavery.

Myself, I don't care.



Not furry, just anti-pedo for retard like you

You seriously need to be executed like they did to presumed witches in the past century, set on fire in the middle of the plaza for everyone to enjoy your screaming





>be me heterosexual male

>fighting a male orc

>he flashes his dick at me

>lmao so? im into girls faggot

>he does it 4 more times

>instantly submit to him and become his buttslave

makes perfect sense tbqh



>Do you like dicks?


>you do now :D


I hate that too especially when the enemy runs up to you and rubs their musty dick around your mouth. How is that erotic?


File (hide): eec49208fdda5a6⋯.gif (181.84 KB, 226x224, 113:112, 1504416708177.gif) (h) (u)

I hate games that force my character to perform oral on literal whoresTrials in tainted space or spit on my dick Free cities before i fuck them. Why can't i just use lube or have them go down on me? Why is it not a seperate option? Why is there lube in TiTs but i can't use it?


>playing a male character. Get to the Japanese government mandated scene where someone has to try to stick something up my ass.

I don't care if its a tongue, a finger, or a rotor, DONT TOUCH MY ASS

 No.121823>>126097 >>127497

>Game relies extensively on RNG for any sort of item mechanics

>Said game also makes you heavily reliant on said items

>Items also have a large chance to have negative effects and become semi-permanently attached to you.

>Little to no reliable way to get rid of said items.

I bet y'all know exactly what game I'm talking about, even if its not something you yourself did or would play.


>have to go through 5 hours of visual novel to get the porns

>puzzles to get different scenes/endings

I want to fap not read a book god damn nigga.


Shit that bothers me in the hentai community.

>Some dude posts his own game, not a bad game, but it's on DLsite

>people ask for free downloads



>spergs literally pirate everything else

 No.122082>>124441 >>127643


>rent a whore for an hour

>it's already established that her hyper sexual character takes multiple patrons a day

>she's covered in sweat and semen stains

>blowjob is it's own option

>choose to fuck her instead

>author of the scene tosses in clam eating who wouldn't want to suck the cum out of a whore amirite?

God damn you Fenoxo

 No.122300>>122310 >>124484

File (hide): ad7bc328b9c2c1d⋯.png (329.04 KB, 750x548, 375:274, the_struggle.png) (h) (u)

Not quite /in/ H-games, but a generally hgame related issue that gets me every time.

pic related.



Google translate is usually good enough for understanding controls. If it can't translate it correctly you usually get the gist of it.

The rest of the text is always very hit and miss though.



This, immediately goes in the trash when that's a thing.



I write porn.

It's very, very hard to get feedback like this.

Detailed this-not-that feedback of any sort is a pain in the ass to get for porn.

Thank you for providing it.

I like this whole thread, yours is just the one that made me feel gay enough to say something.



this but when the encoding in the txt gets fucked and it's just gibberish

 No.124530>>124574 >>124576 >>124579

>>11504 (OP)

Just drama that makes /ourguys/ to leave the community.

>Dev A comes here, makes great game, and makes a minor promise.

>Everyone is cool with the Dev A.

>Dev A breaks that minor promise.

>Everyone calls him a traitor and bullies him until he leaves the site.

>Dev A doesn't come anymore and talks on reddit/4chan where he gets wealthy off of patreon.

It's always a cycle.



nobody likes your cuck shit reddit pandering, bullprepper.

 No.124576>>124769 >>192775


Redamz promised no futa or cuckshit, added both into MGI despite saying otherwise then said he always planned to do it. Lying niggers can't be trusted.



I wish CoC had a screen where you could tick off fetishes you don't like so they wouldn't appear.

I just want to bang wizards and rape chicks, not get a 9 foot amazonian dickgirl try to fuck me up the ass.



>Dev A comes here, makes great game, and makes a minor promise.

>Everyone is cool with the Dev A.

>Dev A breaks that minor promise.

>Everyone calls out the dev for breaking said promise

>Dev begins to backtrack and claim said broken promise isn't actually broken

>Everyone Calls out dev again for lying out of his ass

>Dev later uses fanboys to flood place and try to quell any proof and desenting opinions to save money and face

>Fails and retreats to reddit for emotional/financial support


You know they'd at least get away with it more if they'd at least fucking ADMIT they broke the promise instead of going on a ruse cruise of pretending nothing happend.



He does though, but they still call him a traitor.



>RPG maker




>not text based

>no choices


 No.124726>>124761 >>124800

File (hide): 4b2bcfea0f886a7⋯.png (8.6 KB, 601x188, 601:188, Sold out.png) (h) (u)

>$3,000 a month is not a comfortable enough level for me to develop adult games full time.

I just… you hear of people taking advantage of patreon and the idiots that support them but to say "$3,000 a month is not enough money." That really does reek of "Maybe you should get an actual fucking job and leave this as a hobby."



But I was like that.



3000 for one person is spectacular. It's roughly 20/hour full time.(assuming no taxes)

1500 is about 10 an hour after/without taxes. That's as much as they would get working at McDonalds.

Considering most people want more than that, even when making easy money…>>124726



Fuck, did he really add NTR?.

I haven't been on top of MGI for a long while, and it seemed like it could have been something, what a waste.



>too lazy to move it over to my windows partition and restart my computer

if you have another computer you could make an Ubuntu VM and create an owncloud server



I looked up their patreon and they are a fucking goblin factory. Who the fuck is giving them money


File (hide): 751f1c17a64f17d⋯.jpg (131.46 KB, 508x644, 127:161, 2086c71cbda222efae89c6aab5….jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 102365fa68f650a⋯.gif (333.75 KB, 318x319, 318:319, Bombing Internally.gif) (h) (u)

File (hide): 52a5a666678c145⋯.gif (2.87 MB, 695x390, 139:78, Justice.gif) (h) (u)

File (hide): 686b0223ff53ea0⋯.gif (1021.49 KB, 275x275, 1:1, NOT COOKIES.gif) (h) (u)


Yet there are people that will vehemently defend their title as "games", and these kinetic novels plague any torrent or downloading sites games sections! I've just taken to ignoring visual novels entirely. I clearly can't find the good stuff that some people claim exists. Every one I've downloaded, I've hit the skip button and the whole thing goes through without pause, and on rare occasion get to make one or two "choices" that don't actually do anything!

I absolutely hate downloading a "game" because the description ticks all my boxes, only to find a fucking shitty novel instead!

On this note however, I know a game is going to be shit if it has a 10-minute-long unskippable intro that has obnoxious effects that meander along at the speed of frozen sludge! And hot DAMN do h-games developers love the sound of their own voice. Would it kill them to keep the cutscenes short and sweet!? Often times I get stuck in a scene that takes 5 minutes to get through, even when I'm skipping everything because I couldn't give less of a damn about their frankly shit story at that point.


>>11504 (OP)

>be me

>fine cool proof of concept first version game

>is fun

>wait a while for next version

>many faps

>wait for next version

>wait for next version

>wait for next version

>never comes

>creator says he can't continue unless he rebuilds the game from the ground up using a new engine

>wait for that version

>proof of concept using new engine

>many faps

>wait for next version

>wait for next version

>creator starts a new project

>says old project on hold

>makes proof of concept

>many faps

>wait for next version

>wait for next version

>wait for next version

Hey, any porn game creators out there, don't fucking start a project until you finish your last one, unless you legitimately can't continue that one. Fucking faggot called "Elerneron" on futanari palace can't stick to one fucking project. Dude's had one project going for like 5 years and still hasn't gone passed a basic character creator.

Also devs who get "sick" all the time and somehow that means they can't sit in front of a computer and code. Seriously, I can't count how many papers I've written when "sick." If you can watch TV you can code.



If you want to know what is and is not part of a fetish group simply scan through porn reviews (hentai, doujinshi, real, etc) and look at ONLY complaints.

>XXX star took a black dick in a recent video. She is dead to me.


>I will kill her and all niggers

> ^I too voted for Hillary.

Oh. Ok. Some people don't want that. Gotcha.

The shit ain't rocket science.



True Love for PC98 and DOS

Maid Story as well

both of which are on this site so you can try them out a bit before you go hunting for the game itself




>XXX star took a black dick in a recent video. She is dead to me.

they know this kills porn star careers, fuckin kikes push it anyway

 No.125233>>125329 >>158014


It pays more for that reason, but porn stars tend not to have very good risk-reward judgmental abilities else they wouldn't be fucking porn stars.


>Shota trash, Incest trash

>Abraxas, hydroplane, massive


>can impregnate girls

>Game makes a mention of it

>That's it, there's no pregnancy content past the single mention at the start.

>Rape and impregnate random encounters

>They're not even pregnant later on.


>>125233 (begetting dubbs)

kek, yeah

there is an article though, where a kike called a porn star racist because she said she didn't want to kill her career yet



>Shota gets over powered by the milfs!

>They peg the poor lad until he dies!



>chooses to not lend the man money.

>But I need that money today.

>Oh, I seem to have found my wallet in my back pocket!






 No.125624>>125626 >>125630 >>125634 >>125646


From the very start, it blatantly shows that my choices don't mean shit. Why even give me a choice there in the first place!? They weren't even clever about it to give me the illusion of choice.

And I kept going after that just to make sure that wasn't a one time thing, and I didn't have any real control over any events afterward. Sure, I had some schedule thing I could do to mess with stats that didn't seem to do anything yet. I'm assuming I couldn't even get through the intro, as still more girls were popping up, but I just couldn't get through it.


1. The intro should be a game's best foot forward, and this one's demonstrated everything I hate about VNs.

2. Choices should matter, or at least give some illusion to convince me they matter. That scene with the friend asking to borrow money was a slap in the face for me, because my character gives him the cash either way with just a quick "But I neeeeeeed it!"

3. I really don't like the MC. I don't know if it was an issue with translation or something, but the way he talks to women is just plain creepy. And, yet again, I have no say in the way he acts.

 No.125626>>125630 >>125634 >>125646

>>125624 (cont.)

Almost forgot.

4. Not a fan of harems, and that is the only way I could see this going with how many girls were getting introduced. The more girls that get introduced in an h-game, that less time and effort that is devoted to each one. It isn't unusual for a game with that many possible love-interests to only ever have 1 scene with each.

 No.125630>>125634 >>125646


>>125626 (cont. again. I just keep remembering more I didn't like about it)

5. The "playboy asshole" character. I've seen enough of these shit-stains to know his only purpose for existing is so the game can say "well at least your character isn't THAT GUY! All flaws and selfish and manipulative actions/motives from your character are instantly forgiven by everyone because even he hates THAT GUY, so you should forgive him to. Is he a likable character with redeeming traits/features? No, but he isn't THAT GUY! So he is good by comparison!"

 No.125634>>125635 >>125644 >>125646



>>125630 (cont. Yet again. Now sage because this is getting ridiculous.)

6. Again, not sure if this was an issue with translation, but something about it just made it read like a bad fanfic to me. The writing was too… Not even sure how to describe it, simplistic? It has that feel to it where the writer seems too inexperienced for their line of work, using short phrases that are almost too descriptive, if that makes sense. Even with how long that intro went on for, the writing seemed rushed, almost impatient to get on with it.



Fuck, forgot to sage.


>>125634 (I think you get it at this point)

7. The actual "game" elements to it had no explanation and no obvious effect at the time. In short, it only served to make the intro unskippable and all the more intolerable.








I'm not sure we played the same game



I played the game that was directly in the link provided. This was my take on it.

 No.125655>>125659 >>125661


alright buddy, I'm gonna break down some of your preconceptions

>From the very start, it blatantly shows that my choices don't mean shit.

certain girls like certain stats more, if you don't develope a stat some girls don't like you

relationships also have to be developed over time and to do so you have to chose to hang out in areas where the girls appear and they do not always appear there every time you are there, and if I recall some times they switch up

my first run I had stats super high and ended up with NONE of the girls

Intro is fine, not everyone likes long tiresome intros before they get to gameplay, I sure as shit dont

friend is a shit, and if I remember possibly a gay with a gay ending with no H-scene

The MC actually changes based on which route you go, stats don't affect it so much

its not a harem game, you have to legit focus on a girl or at most 2 if you're really good

I get the feeling that you aren't too familiar with where this game is coming from, and I don't want to put forward the effort to dissuade you from your opinion, so ok, that's your taste.



If it really gets better, that is great. I'm pretty used to shit coming from VNs at this point, and it had all the little signs that I was in for a bad time that I had learned to watch for with more recent VNs.

I'd give it another try, but, frankly, the MC is a creep. "You're that girl who's panties were exposed!" Who talks like that? Then there was the very start of the game where he acts like a rude brat to the girl that is supposedly a childhood friend of his, even if you have him say "I like you". Even if what you say is true, it sounds like I'd have to mold this guy into a semi-decent human being before I could find any enjoyment from it. Still not good by my standards, and a bad first impression is a game killer in my books.



And another thing, while I agree that getting into the gameplay sooner rather than later is a good thing, they could at least finish the intro before starting the gameplay. The "game" of it starts while they are still introducing girls, and that just makes it all the more tedious to get into the meat of it.



>If it really gets better, that is great. I'm pretty used to shit coming from VNs at this point, and it had all the little signs that I was in for a bad time that I had learned to watch for with more recent VNs.

its not a recent one buddy, older PC98 VNs are just better tbh, but that's the number one dating sim I measure all others against, notice how when innitially setting up your guy you get the same choices as the old flash games like ganguro girl and sim date girl

>I'd give it another try, but, frankly, the MC is a creep. "You're that girl who's panties were exposed!" Who talks like that?


and that doesnt make him a creep even if he was english

> he acts like a rude brat to the girl that is supposedly a childhood friend of his

again japan

I really don't know if this game is for you man, like that's a staple of anime and old comics with the childhood friend option, even today with aho girl and tsurezure children


I don't know man, I see too many games go through pages of dialogue before you get to anything, feels more organic to me this way anyway



>Fetishes that deflate my dick faster than a needle



I dunno. I find sister-sister or mother-daughter hot.



>>hardly any where you are a guy who fucks lots of chicks

What? There's tons of games where you're a guy. Tons.

I go looking for games with girl protagonists and end up finding so many with guys.

 No.125676>>158017 >>158057


>In a way, anything that was cute and got fucked loses it's cuteness, because sex kills innocence which is one of main attributes of something cute

I'd say that's bullshit.

It's just a mental construct. A fabrication. A Myth.

Virginity and purity/innocence (in a broader sense) are not connected at all.

 No.125725>>125741 >>126239


I don't know man, I've read a lot of these at this point, and typically found the older ones to be more enjoyable, but this one really rubbed me the wrong way when it came to writing.

I haven't seen many, if any, h-game characters act like this. I think the obvious tsundere in that game put it best, "shameless". The guy seems to have no filter or self-control, and I don't find that kind of behavior to be charming or quirky, just creepy.

This with the "asshole playboy" character was a big reason as to why I couldn't get through the introductions. I get that this is an older game, before such things were established, but these days the inclusion of such a character is because the game dev doesn't know the most basic rules of story telling, make a likable protagonist that people want to win, so they settle for not having him be the most hate-able character in the game by shoehorning in a character with no redeeming qualities that mistreats women on the regular. This is purely to make the MC look good by comparison. Like I said, I get that this game is likely older than this trick, but it is another of those signs that I'm not going to enjoy this I tend to look for now.



I don't really disagree, and honestly its been so long I cant remember the game well enough to make any further points, I feel like I'm forgetting things about it that are relevant though



May I ask what game you're referring to?


File (hide): 0f49e540dc029b8⋯.gif (37.63 KB, 280x400, 7:10, wolf01.gif) (h) (u)

>When you quit the game, your preferred control scheme gets reset back to the default.

>Have to bind your controls again, next time you play.

Looking at you, Wolf's Dungeon



I have no idea what game you're talking about, honestly.



Trap Quest.



>They won't make a likable protagonist that people want to win, so they settle by making him not the most hate-able character in the game by shoehorning in a worse character with no redeeming qualities that's an asshole on the regular for no reason.

I hate this in everything, not just Hgames.



Autohotkey my man, not worth getting for just one h-game but it's been a godsend to my arrow-key using ass.



At this point i would assume minority, ours is a hopeless lot unfortunately.


File (hide): 6a8b90490c47399⋯.gif (38.94 KB, 500x333, 500:333, 1478300036578.gif) (h) (u)


If it's Trap Quest like another anon guessed, you can use debug mode and use the disintegrate command to get rid of the offending item..

Though, if it's an item you get for doing a certain thing too much, you'll most likely get it again later after disintegrating it.

Debug is a patron exclusive thing, but there's a Trap Quest thread on this board where you can easily get the unlock file for it.



>benign option to go investigate

>directly leads to a scene where you get face fucked under a table and love it

Sometimes I wish I was bi just so I could enjoy more H games.


File (hide): 2156aad27001c54⋯.jpg (18.03 KB, 363x334, 363:334, professor.jpg) (h) (u)

>hear about hentai game with perfect fetishes, tailor-made for my discerning palate

>it's rpgmaker

 No.127757>>128100 >>158735

>game's character has my uncommon name with the uncommon spelling in it

It's so bizarre. I can't imagine what it feels like to people with more common names.


>Try to look for hentai games

>Get mostly visual novels

Why are these tagged as games?



It's shitty. People say whatever comes to mind first while looking sad/hopeful.

>"I'm Alicia. Pronounced Ah-Lee-See-Ya. As in Allie, see ya later! Spanish version of Alice."

>"…uh…Aleesha, nice to meet you!"


>>11504 (OP)

>Let's give illusion of choice!

>Choice is just if villain gets away now and you track down later, or if if villain gets captured

>Choice is just two flavors of same thing

>Choice is between being a decent person or being a complete fucking sadist, as if being a general stern asshole isn't possible.

 No.128116>>128148 >>133435 >>193878

>ugly monsters or old men

>faceless males






Why is it almost mandatory for any sexual context to be extremely negative, sex can be such a nice thing to share with someone you trust.


File (hide): 5b82dcd38f75b9d⋯.png (639.01 KB, 549x564, 183:188, Jim aristrocrat.png) (h) (u)


Get out.


File (hide): a858a0b75023193⋯.jpg (154.42 KB, 416x554, 208:277, 1467911388502.jpg) (h) (u)


File (hide): 1bb7f0504119730⋯.jpg (19.9 KB, 240x240, 1:1, 1394194194926.jpg) (h) (u)

>no prompt when you get a quest

>not having a quest list

>not having a summary list of things that happened

This is mostly for the rpg/jrpg games. I hate reading through the boring dialog and just want to reach the sex scenes. Also, it'd be useful to those who didn't play the game for a long time but also wants to continue their save.


File (hide): 72ca32ef5f24b1f⋯.gif (746.8 KB, 250x306, 125:153, c74.gif) (h) (u)

>shitty art

>3d art

>mismatching art



Where to begin…

>"Roughly Translated English" that sounds like a 10 year old Indian boy wrote it

>Making characters you develop feels for be legitimately stale and boring

>Making characters you have every god-given right to hate legitimately being the highlight of the game

>NTR and their supporters

>Trying to fap to the girl and suddenly you get a screen full of orc ass

>Finding an animation or scene you like but it's only available for one moment, and accidentally hitting a button or repeatedly hitting a button by mistake makes it damn near impossible to get back to

>Anything that requires me dying to view is automatically bleh

>Scenes that have a time limit before game-overs

>Galleries that are just push-button rather than just being longer or more controlled versions

>No infinite life (aka ironman fap) mode

>Scenes that force optimism on protag in areas I'm not here to fap to.

The list goes on.


File (hide): 19789c70dfeabd7⋯.jpg (89.94 KB, 406x639, 406:639, 1435580153589.jpg) (h) (u)



>Disliking bdsm,rape, even faceless males

>actually wanting to see the guys face

People like you are the reason male moans exist in porn.

i was so close to agreeing with you, though you are still right about there being too much interracial/cuckshit on this board.



I understand wanting faceless men for self insertion, but that usually leads to slut to fuck with anyone. Pre-stablished characters with faces makes better for a good story, but it depends on the media.

>Faceless men in mangas is a bad sign, usually about sluts fucking lots of guys

>Faceless men in VNs usually makes it better to self insert


>Game has NTR


File (hide): bba347fa5badd88⋯.png (117.96 KB, 483x444, 161:148, e19650daaa47eaaf9e744cd2e7….png) (h) (u)

>shitty art excused because of the fetish


>stolen art assets replaced by garbage original art

On one hand stealing art is scummy, but poor anatomy and ugly art makes for a bad fap.



That's nothing.

>shitty art is photoshopped to become garbage original OC assets because of the fetish


>text game with poorly written short scenes and is filled with constant bugs that are unique to you alone

Exaggerating a bit, but vore is the absolute worst fetish for games, even worse than gore which gets detailed as fuck classics. We have one legitimately good vore game, and that is actually a remake of the previously only good vore game. I used to play through ryona platformers just for the few vore enemies within them.

It's not my only fetishism at least.


>Game doesnt have pregnancy, mc, mind break, corruption or bestiality



File (hide): 7e6dbf3b7e93e70⋯.jpg (16.55 KB, 500x482, 250:241, 1468597206188.jpg) (h) (u)

>Protagonist's clothes get ripped when they're down to a certain amount of health

>When they heal, their clothing magically reappears

>There is no armor stat of any sort, making the clothing even more redundant

>Protagonist uses arms to cover themself when nude

>Protagonist moves slower when nude

>Enjoy a certain underrated scene

>It's on the really kinky side

>It gets removed in the next update because prudes ruin everything

>The upload for the previous version of the game is removed and nobody who follows the game seems to have saved it

 No.133886>>133897 >>133899

>Main Hero acts like a pessimistic faggot and won't take the hints the women toss at him

>Would rather be in a room by himself reading a book or playing a vidya game instead of fucking big tittied bitches



>>Would rather be in a room by himself reading a book or playing a vidya game instead of fucking big tittied bitches

Literally me tbh

 No.133899>>134278 >>134315



Aren't we all? Approaching women in today society is almost a crime, so that sounds pretty realistic.


>game advertises itself as a "femdom" game

>all scenes are just regular sex, except maybe the girl is mean or makes an evil face



As lame as that was, the wolfgirl had the best scene in the series.


Can someone explain the reason for every Japanese game using the damned arrow keys and z,x,c?

It's so obnoxious having to mash z.



Isn't that because they are all made in RPG maker?


File (hide): 4b0f2f7b6b9a868⋯.jpg (26.11 KB, 225x225, 1:1, 1392725618669_jpg.jpg) (h) (u)


>Approaching women in today society is almost a crime


maybe you're just ugly

 No.134279>>134282 >>134315 >>134316


That's not what I mean. I mean that a simple hi could be considered harassing, ugly or not, although if you're good lucking you have more chances, though.



It all depend on how much of a creep you are. As long as you look respectable and dont sound as starved for human interaction as you actually are you'll be totally fine.


File (hide): d214fc805c17f02⋯.jpg (101.25 KB, 300x269, 300:269, d210095.jpg) (h) (u)



>I mean that a simple hi could be considered harassing

Hahaha you really need to go out more Anon.


File (hide): 7ba05a48274de43⋯.jpg (77.24 KB, 500x396, 125:99, garthennis.jpg) (h) (u)


Put on some fucking pants when you go outside, anon.


File (hide): 92af4e90462e7cc⋯.jpg (113.49 KB, 550x800, 11:16, I'll get rid of it nyself.jpg) (h) (u)

>Futanari character has really good sex scenes, 10/10 would drain my balls again

>You can't remove "her" penis ever


File (hide): 2b4978ff501affd⋯.gif (3.89 MB, 200x200, 1:1, disguy.gif) (h) (u)

>smut rpg/text game

>it's bad

why artists put effort into visual porn but writers refuse to put effort into text porn?

i don derstand



Even artists can be terrible, but writing is something that can be without ever realizing it's terrible. Honestly I wish porn programmers would step up their game more than writers. It's almost like they want to get real jobs instead of working on porn for very little pay and then having no social life. That was a sarcastic statement.



got anymore of this kind shit fam?


>Game has an optional event

>you have to follow a specific sequence of steps in order to access it.

>the game offers no hints for the event whatsoever

>the only way to get info on the event is to visit the website or find some forum that has more information


File (hide): 249504afaf780c8⋯.png (166.94 KB, 554x527, 554:527, ALL I FEEL IS RAGE.PNG) (h) (u)


>play cool waifu game

>meet girl

>girl gets raped

>immediately stop interacting with girl

I don't want no fucking used goods.


>Play game

>Claims to be fetish central

>"We don't allow lolis because X"

>"We don't allow beast because it would isolate the playerbase"

>"We don't bother with feet or similar fetishes because they're boring and/or obscure"

>"No one want's to look at pregnancy so we won't include it"

>"We don't allow pretty much every fetish except for bondage, rape (but it's not rape if anyone asks), and cuckoldry."

Fuck, I'm a relative vanillafag other than my lolis and this shit pisses me off to no end.


>Developer and his loyal band of shills try to push a game as vanilla

>Play the game, it is clearly not vanilla

>look up the tags on various forums, blogs, and file sharing websites, this game is not labeled as vanilla

Are you trying to give me diabetes with all this chocolate?

 No.142324>>142340 >>142343

>win sex with an enemy lasts a few minutes or an hour no matter how high your libido is

>loss rape almost always lasts a few hours with a single enemy



>win sex is just a short paragraph telling you you fucked it

>lose sex goes on for pages




>Win sex gives you penalties for sexing it up

>Lose/Surrender sex is almost strictly incentives with a light slap on the wrist


That uncanny valley prerendered 3d a bunch of western games use. Who the fuck finds that attractive? It actually doesn't bother me that much because I'm never going to play them because of it, it's more disappointment that maybe some of they could have been good games if they had some actual art.

 No.143444>>143446 >>143499

>game has romanceable characters/slaves that are 90% waifu garbage or just not appealing in general

>but has several generic enemy NPCs that are perfect

>can't enslave them

>sometimes the sex scenes are either short or have very few options

CoC Revamp, you guys got some really good shit but what satanic ritual do I have to perform for you to let me take a COCKatrice or a basilisk home to foster a gay loving relationship



You just need to write out the scene, and someone will add it in or you.



anon you are just a complaint-fag and/or Millennial. If you wanted it in you would write the scenes, or pay someone to write the scenes, or be in a large forum/discord dedicated to that fetish where you can get someone else to do something.


File (hide): e09d6879e37d761⋯.png (58.61 KB, 645x729, 215:243, brainlet.png) (h) (u)


>Game has love and romance

>i-it's vanilla!



Debatable. They are still male, just as an impotent man-whore is still male. Dildos shouldn't be in Yuri.



I've read an article bout how they don't tell the pornstars that they will be fucking niggers, and when they show up on the day and refuse or are asking for more money, they are called racists and are pressured into doing it anyway.



> Virginity and purity/innocence (in a broader sense) are not connected at all.

That's where you're wrong, buddy. Virginity is purity unless you apply sophistry.


File (hide): ca952df99dd77f8⋯.gif (2 MB, 375x276, 125:92, deception.gif) (h) (u)

>>11504 (OP)

>Tagged as Ryona

Proceeds to be gore.


Sex looks like all the other consensual sex in the game.

Being a despicable degenerate is hard man.



I stay away from most western porn games because of this.




I can't decide which of these posts is more idiotic.

There's a reason why "innocence" has been a euphemism for virginity for pretty much all of human history.

However, it's entirely possible for a (wholesome) girl to be cute/innocent and fuckable at the same time.

You're both wrong in equally horrible ways.


>there is a lust bar

>you dont collapse into sex at full lust


>there is a lust bar

>its built up by just about anything regardless of the characters sexuality

I want so bad for a game to list a characters kinks

I want so bad for a game to have varying degrees of whatever kink is being worked with on the character

I want so bad to be able to put in kinks at chargen that limit or open options

I want so bad to be able to gain kinks sometimes forcibly that do the same as above



fucking fenberg


File (hide): cbf6389020b9cbc⋯.gif (2 MB, 500x375, 4:3, 1515837155338.gif) (h) (u)

>new update for a game comes out




>>11504 (OP)

At this point I think I've somehow been mentally conditioned to prefer it that way. I may have a problem.



I have a kinda common name and it really doesn't happen


File (hide): 85e76893d7ef034⋯.jpg (28.49 KB, 482x480, 241:240, IMG_0883.jpg) (h) (u)

>You can do anything! Your wildest fetishes can come true!

>Can't actually do half of my fetishes>>11504


File (hide): a447d4ac718560c⋯.png (165.37 KB, 326x326, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

>download game

>version pre-pre alpha

>game abruptly ends before the sex scenes

>"Coming soon!"

>no updates in 3 years

>still makes over 7k on patreon

 No.165284>>165582 >>165618 >>270820

File (hide): 5d20da25f9c50d9⋯.png (199.25 KB, 296x353, 296:353, really_nigger.PNG) (h) (u)

>game dev promises the backers that the game won't contain futa, nor yaoi

>game dev starts a discord

>discussions turn more and more into /leftypol/

>suddenly, trap character out of fucking nowhere, no poll or anything

>"it's okay 'cause traps ain't gay yo" :^)

>tons of backers abandon ship, game dev remains in his discord circlejerk

Monster """Girl""" Island dev needs to be gassed.


>Get fucked for the first time

>No defloration


File (hide): 479e9231ae99bda⋯.jpg (116.82 KB, 500x629, 500:629, 1411861822190.jpg) (h) (u)


that pissed me off so much, shitty fetishes and fags will always throw the most money at awful Dev's and encourage them to ruin the entire project..


File (hide): 49565cf0d705f14⋯.jpg (132.81 KB, 512x512, 1:1, CSL.jpg) (h) (u)

>Time based sandbox with subplots

>Requires lots of stat grinding

>Took one in-game month to get a hold of the mechanics

>Took a week to get laid

>Stuck on the second story line for the second chick

>Took weeks finding the clue and finally got her

>Actually enjoying the game now

>Aiming for the third chick

>BANG It's the 120th day, your time is over and here's your bad end because you didn't score enough pussies

>No sandbox mode

>Resort to a memory editor to constantly reset date to day 1



Lilith's Throne is pretty much that. Let's you pick your kinks at least.



Don't forget he added NTR to some of the monsters.






I don't know what that is.

I've played a lot of sandbox games that requires grinding(either your own stats or affection or influence or whatever) and an arbitrary end date and no endless mode.

If Daibanchou fits the description, then yes.


>a game with monster girls is all about femdom and shotas

>Monster girls actually have a benis

>monster girls will peg you

>Centaurs, dragons, or hell hounds are never submissive

Oh boy I sure love me a nice helping of cancer.


>Game over rape only sexual content

>The concept of corruption is entirely based on sex

>Female MC become evil and nympho by getting raped and sexually tortured by monsters and/or old hairy fatsos.

>Female MC can save the world from the demonlord but cannot defy the old baldy that is blackmailing her for some menial reason.


File (hide): 23bc7d499bfc35e⋯.jpg (43.49 KB, 474x427, 474:427, rage.jpg) (h) (u)


Forgot the worst of it all:

>All sexual content is locked until you're character is virgin

>Being raped is the only way to not be a virgin anymore

>Once the cherry of your character is popped she becomes everyone slut and canot refuse and /or fight back against anyone

>True/good ending only achievable by avoiding all sexual content.

Many "oneoneone" games are perfect examples of this bullshit.



>Low sexual content

>Devs update the game adding routes and shit

>Is all ages version



fucking this. I thought urta's whole deal was nobody wanted her. it's bullshit because she's pretty much fucked everyone in the city and tells you under no uncertain terms that she's not going to stop.



It's not a harem if your girls are with other guys. Don't be so easily upset and play games in genres you like.


File (hide): 697b0ea0a523936⋯.gif (2.3 MB, 460x246, 230:123, 1457177061040.gif) (h) (u)


>new update for a game comes out




>Human dicks


>impregnation content

>only a female MC can get pregnant

>can't knock up NPCs


Really old complaint but eh

>Nip VN


Fuck you, Season of the Sakura.


File (hide): ae947c97917c473⋯.jpg (179.53 KB, 813x407, 813:407, i'mdeadinside.jpg) (h) (u)


>impregnation content

>only a female NPC's can get pregnant

>can't get knocked up as a female MC

 No.186864>>187091 >>187807

File (hide): b9935c91514e466⋯.jpg (460.25 KB, 1400x1050, 4:3, il_fullxfull.269861173.jpg) (h) (u)


>game has extensive white/blacklists for fetishes

>most of them don't actually have any content attached to them



HHS im looking at you!

 No.187807>>187892 >>248965



Worse yet:

>The list doesn't actually do anything even on existing content

Why the fuck does the game let your sibling get banged by random characters when I explicitly said "no cucking"… fucking HHS


>Game appeals to a variety of fetishes

>No good scenes for any fetishes

>No good futa inflation non-text games

>No scenes where you get to dom a dom. Unless you turn into an amazon or some shit.

>No pixel game where you play as a futa



I hate that stupid little whore because of this.



i installed an app, i can't recall what its called but you just right click and then launch as japanese. It like emulates the region just for the program.


File (hide): 914486dde879582⋯.jpg (96.48 KB, 750x560, 75:56, 1520031699041.jpg) (h) (u)


>impregnation content

>can be done to both female NPCs and female MCs

>but it takes literally 9 in-game months to actually give birth




This is what I use. Might be what you were thinking of.


File (hide): e358f83d04970ca⋯.png (337.97 KB, 640x363, 640:363, kt23.png) (h) (u)

>game has a great concept and has all of my fetishes

>but it has a vomit-inducing art style.

This happens WAY too much. What a waste.


File (hide): dff18f6512f0af0⋯.jpg (147.23 KB, 960x960, 1:1, db48b4_5272872.jpg) (h) (u)



In his defense, it smells of waifu geting mindbroken by rapist and fucking him in front of the MC.



What where'd he put the futa?



>but it takes literally 9 in-game months to actually give birth

Or even longer and you can't fastforward to the birth.

Fucking Fenoxo


File (hide): 483619fc727d8bc⋯.png (78.48 KB, 192x176, 12:11, 1520464213668.png) (h) (u)

>bimbo/bimboify fetish



I'm bi and I still hate this shit. All options should be clearly labelled so you get exactly what you asked for. Just because I like candy doesn't mean I appreciate having it shoved down my throat without warning.


I really don't understand the appeal of bimbos. They're all boring and they're all the same.

 No.193878>>193879 >>194087


>>ugly monsters or old men

>>faceless males





>Implying this isn't really hot



No it isn't, you disgusting shit.



Ugly men is literally why futa is the best.

Heterosexual sex is gay.



But you can fastforward to the birth in Fenoxo's game.

 No.194192>>194245 >>194281

File (hide): d2f83112a064b47⋯.jpg (323.05 KB, 850x637, 850:637, sample_231e7a1b38fea4f899e….jpg) (h) (u)

The mating press position where the man is visible.

Why would I want to see a man's hairy ass cover the entire screen? You can't even see her face, you're usually only able to see the girl's legs. Why the fuck are some people into this?

Bonus shitpoints if the man's asshole is showing. That's just disgusting. Not hot.



Out of all the weird as fuck kinks out there this is tame and barely worth the mini rant you just had. The obvious answer is "duh, Japan". The next best one is… whatever.



>Out of all the weird as fuck kinks out there this is tame and barely worth the mini rant you just had.

It's equivalent to the money-shot switching to the dudes face in porn, he is right to be upset.


File (hide): 44636f35192572e⋯.gif (364.63 KB, 249x161, 249:161, Chandler_Bing_laughing[1].gif) (h) (u)


>shitpoints if the man's asshole



Fuck this shit so hard. Not only does it drag down the entire game but it makes you feel like you're in even less control of the MC than you normally are since every 2 lines will be him moaning about how he feels obliged to do something retarded. I'm playing a fucking lolicon sex game, i shouldn't have to hear the MC talk about how giving a sandwich to his sister is the right thing to do as he fucks a 10 year old.


File (hide): 1a69cc4f49db28b⋯.png (246.01 KB, 676x634, 338:317, wtf2.png) (h) (u)

>>>>Plays space empire game

>>>Become a loyal fleet captain for the empire

>>Married the princess of the emperor I'm serving

>>All was going so well

>>Became a faction leader

>>no option to make her join my faction

>>next turn she became a faction leader as well

>>Invites members to her faction via sex




It was RAI 7 PUK, isn't it?

Did you turned off NTR events in options at least?


>heroines are all lovely

>MC is an absolute asshole to them all the time

I know you're angry about your comically small dicks but just stop that shit.



yeah I did, oddly enough it still happens




I always hated faction events, never ending power struggles without damn reason.

Also it just makes scenarios much longer than they should be.


Wut game?



Asshole MCs are so common it's absurd. It seems that nips have some deep internal resentment towards manners after being raised in a culture that puts such an emphasis on being polite, and it shows in their media. Any male character meant to be cool is actually just an asshole to everyone for no reason.

They'll hear a question like

<Oh MC-kun, do you want to have lunch on the rooftop? And because this is porn, she really means "let's fuck on the roof

And answer it with

>Fuck you cunt, what makes you think you have the right to eat lunch with me?

Which is fine if you want him to be a dick, but then all of the other characters will revere him as this super cool charismatic badass when all he does is treat people like shit.


<welcome to my text based sex rpg thing, please make a character:


<enter a first name, last name, gender, age, height, weight, hair colour, eye colour, earlobe type, cock length diameter and species, fur type, fur colour, fur density, star sign, preferred weapon, backstory, perks, skills, 19 different combat stats, hairstyle, beard style, magic school, music genre preference, favourite beer…

>really? okay.

<now read this 19 page introduction to my generic fantasy sexworld…

This is terrible, please stop.


>censorship, mosaics



text based has nothing going for without, oh I don't some visuals for one and images of said acts.

 No.205941>>205943 >>205945 >>234635

A painfully common theme in hentai games. Why do japs get off to tragedy? I'm one of those people that can't get off unless everyone involved is having fun, and there are so many of these game that get really uncomfortable with shit like murder, depressing rape scenes, abusive families, and stories of peoples lives being completely ruined. None of it being portrayed in a comedic or even fetishistic light. The game just starts and your character sees his/her mother and/or sister raped and murdered in front of him. I'll give them credit where credit is due, that is one hell of a motivator for the hero to want to bring down the antagonist, but Jesus H Christ I just wanted fantasy sex.

I'm not even sure when this became the norm. Once upon a time hentai seemed to be a really light-hearted affair. Rape was just surprise sex they didn't know they wanted, or how women said hello to each other. School girls where lining up for their teachers to plow them, and the female teachers where happily spreading their legs for the class of horny boys. Orcs raped elves into submission, and the elves loved it. Now the school girl story has the girl biting her own tongue and fucking dying because a teacher tried to rape her, and the orcs are hiding from the elven sluts! Mass hysteria!

Seriously though, when did everything start getting so dark? What happened to the fun stuff?


>>205941 On that note

Whatever happened to the hentai protagonist? Where did the "I'm invincible! I have infinite stamina and can solve all my problems with the power of my dick!" fellow go? I distinctly remember seeing that type of character a lot. When did the japs think porn needed to be relatable to losers? Why are there so many shitty porn games that start with "I'm a worthless otaku with no skills or abilities whatsoever. The only thing extraordinary about me is how much of a pathetic asshole I am. Watch as I somehow get all the women by simply not being the biggest asshole in this game. Just watch, there are like 3 characters that will regularly make appearances that serve no purpose to the game's plot other than to make me look good by comparison."

With how protagonists and common-folk alike are portrayed anymore, the japs seem to subscribe to a very pessimistic view of the world that even I would hesitate to consider.



>Why do japs get off to tragedy?

Because their lives suck.

>What happened to the fun stuff?

It's very sparse nowadays, but it still exists.


>What happened to the hentai protagonists?

>When did the japs think porn needed to be relatable to losers? Why are there so many shitty porn games that start with "I'm a worthless otaku with no skills or abilities whatsoever.

They have problems with relating to anything else.


>Looking for new fap material

>Finally manage to find something new. Even says what's in the game.

>Sweet mother of god, it has all the right things!

>BoiBoiBoiBoiBoiii Download immediately

>Open game and getting read

>Doesn't even have half the shit it says it does.

Their hands should be removed for these lies.


File (hide): 25c07416dea5e44⋯.png (33.32 KB, 879x147, 293:49, NTR.png) (h) (u)

This should be mandatory to any game stupid enough to have NTR.

 No.206068>>206115 >>206122


How about not have cuckoldry in any game in the first place?



and cuck NTR-fags out of their fetish?

you really want to give them that pleasure?

 No.206122>>206139 >>206148


>how about cutting out content for which many people are ready to pay

Hahaha, no.

I mean I dislike NTR, but come the fuck on, not milking this cash cow is just stupid.



Cuckoldry is shit and having that shit spread like aids will ruin games and turn everyone into faggots



if killing them is cucking then sure, it be the last for them.


I kind of wish there were more games where you can impregnate your daughter.



By that logic why doesn't Persona 5 add gay romance or make your protag go through a sex change (and no I mean an actual sex change, not choosing which gender you start at the game like IF and P3P), or Eien no Aselia have trannies and the main character fuck futas, (which aren't even in it). don't get me wrong P5 it isn't an Eroge or H game but just because its a small percentage of faggots that are into cuckoldry and faggotry doesn't hurt of not having it in it at all.



I think Juan Goto did that


>>11504 (OP)

>"Optional" fetishes like scat,ntr,piss,furry,futa,vore,sharing

>pregnancy causes game over

>devs that have the urge to put dicks over any chick and say "it's not gay" not having the possibility to remove them

> Massive grinding to get a small scene

>devs that take 3 months to release an update only to have 2-3 scenes that makes it clear they have only worked in the last two weeks

>devs that introduce characters nobody cares about and have no content for the main characters (Milfy City)

> girl corruption games that work through gangrapes by niggers\orcs\monsters\disgusting old fat dudes, at least have the possibility of a single protagonist corrupting and keeping a girl as his personal sex slave.



this, especially when the devs put dicks on girls and debate you that it isn't gay and force you to masturbate to it.

 No.206196>>206208 >>206209



>not allthetropes



I see you are an anon of culture as well.



Look at date of that post, you turbo retard.



I don't disagree but don't expect devs to abandon this shit completely, because cucks are always thirsty for more humiliation.


Nah, you misunderstood - I simply said that you shouldn't expect NTR shit to disappear. It's like furry, you know - there are lots of cucks who are eager to see their masculinity squeezed out of them. It's a cash cow, low effort and somewhat popular. And the amount of cucks who jack off to porn games is larger in proportion to fags and trannies playing games mentioned by you.

What really pisses the fuck out of me is when all of the heroines are broken in, fucked and enslaved by MC ONLY, but this one bitch just had to have some disgusting gangbang scene at the end of her fucking story. Why. Just fucking why. I don't get it, why devs are always including this sick shit in a game where everything was fine otherwise. THis is sickening.


File (hide): 9bd001885c9340a⋯.gif (666.58 KB, 171x255, 57:85, 1421802313936-3.gif) (h) (u)

>game has tons of combat

>only a small group enemies even have post battle sex scenes

>game is gateway'd and is super grindy


>Game is tagged as Pregnancy/Impregnation based

> Only pregnancy content in the game is birthing scenes, no scenes with preggo sex


File (hide): af4e4a89b6098e9⋯.png (32.31 KB, 170x198, 85:99, Hanny-Samurai.png) (h) (u)


Moe!! A girl wearing glasses and coughing up blood is moe!! You just don't understand! You don't understand the moe!


>choices that dont matter

>choices that arent choices because there is only one and its shit like "open door"

>no narration, all text is dialogue

These is the absolute worst


>Hentai Game

>It's literally a virtual book where you click to change pages.


File (hide): 38ca41fb0cdbafa⋯.png (128.61 KB, 361x640, 361:640, 1.3 Poster.png) (h) (u)

>>11504 (OP)

definitely this

but also

>sorry guys, i'm not doing so well in life and i must focus on my irl job. i don't know when or if i will be back. thank you for all the support you've given me




Check out Degrees of Lewdity

if you rush to the chapel as the game starts you can get a chastity belt before anyone rapes you. The anal shield is optional

The result is you can blow and assfuck people but they'll never get at your purity

its all still rape and youll still have ptsd though



My fucking god. Is that a Sengoku Rance reference?


File (hide): fedc59d45ecee28⋯.jpg (150.76 KB, 375x500, 3:4, 8445263400_bdf0892e25[1].jpg) (h) (u)

>brothel scenes

>bar scenes

>alleyway scenes

All the big named and translated games have this shit and it puts me to sleep, I could probably cum faster to one of those gay text-based games than another fucking bar scene where a chick gets groped. Finna learn jap just to translate some proper degenerate games and fix this sore balance.

 No.235561>>235973 >>242431


But what about

>public transport(train/tram/bus) scenes

Every time I see a transition on to one of these, I'm like "here we go again"


>hot character

>no sex route

>generic 3D

>good games with little to no content

>the lazy fuck ass devs



I actually haven't played that many with public transport scenes as most games have a fantasy setting but just hearing about them puts me to sleep so those too.


This hits me on a personal level so deep I'm actually reaching what would be considered the "China" portion of my body.

Post last edited at



I've always found it weird that western devs handle those scenes so much better. The japs always go ridiculously over the top with it or never do anything with it at all. Either the transition scene just exists with no real purpose, you get some tame groping that only ever amounts to someone lightly rubbing your character's ass with the back of their hand, or everyone on the train suddenly converges on you for a gang-rape.

Just kind of defeats the point if you ask me. There is no thrill of being caught in a public fucking if everyone is in on it or nothing actually happens. Meanwhile, the few western games that have it actually do a good job with it, with the player getting a choice of how to react to the groping with different results for each choice, and the molester getting bolder the more you let him get away with until he is fucking your character against a window from behind.

Of course one of those game had letting that happen lead to a bad end, so it still isn't quite right. It just makes these scenes bother me all the more because of how good they could be but definitely won't be.


I've scene those scenes in a fantasy game too. It was a decent game, but of course they made those scenes boring.

Nothing happens. Apparently there is a minuscule chance of something happening, but it is so god damn rare it just never happens.



oh fuck no, his was like the only 3d hentai game I ever enjoyed.

 No.242469>>242506 >>242625

>game is regular good ol' vanilla rape where you do the raping

>game over is your MC being raped in the ass by fellow men



Kinda fucking games are you playing? I've never heard of that.





When it's a porn game with too much porn and not enough game. Seriously, why are you even bothering with "gameplay" if it's basically just a glorified slideshow? Just give me a gallery and save me the extra clicking.


File (hide): ea0ee93ed2dd6a0⋯.png (450.7 KB, 680x772, 170:193, 124234324234343.png) (h) (u)

>Action hentai games - Game with good artwork, tons of action scenes/positions has next to no options, no modifiers for genital size, no pain/oversensitivity bar, no toys, no instant cum, no interesting thrusting styles. Game has tons of story and characters talking, but everything is pre-scripted or stuck in a repetitive loop.

>Dress-up bondage game - Game with shitty artwork, no action scenes/no positions has a huge amount of options and modifiers, especially clothes, but has no "next scene", no context, no story, no relationship and the female character is always snared and the male is invisible or non existant. Often times you get a convoluted UI and no walkthrough on how to properly use everything and neither pre-set up thrusting styles.

>Girl just stays there and takes it without any real action, consequence, change to options and sex.

>Coercion game - Have to work for the sex scenes through a game of combat or mind games. It takes forever to get to the sex and you have to read a guide on how to precisely interact with the character just to get slightly modified expressions and dialogue lines during the sex.

>Dating Sim Games - everything, enough said. But 1 thing I hate in particular is the action taking up energy and the energy being used for EVERYTHING, not just dialogue. And energy grows only if you train your strength rather than anything else.

>Game doesn't allow you to make the scene; vanilla, rough, romantic, rape through the use of sex or through menu options.

>There's no wrong way to fuck the girl, and if there is then it's game over or nothing interesting happens.

>Girl always cums slower than the male. Cumming is shown as a bad thing.

>Girls always screams when the male cums. Girls always cums at the same time with the male.

>Nobody ever wears a condom and cumming inside is more than fine, it's encouraged.

>There's no way to unusually amaze or piss off the girl during the sex. No G spots, no cervix hitting, no clit stimulation, no anal rape, nothing.

>No dialogue options during sex to interact with the pleasure bar.

 No.242653>>242656 >>254275

File (hide): d10962a526aac5f⋯.png (193.06 KB, 591x448, 591:448, d10962a526aac5ff406b0ed540….png) (h) (u)

>Western made game

>Free version of the game lags behind patreon release for a month and fag95 refuses to leak the patreon version

>Western made game

>Dev decides to rework everything in the middle of development

>Western made game

>It has shitty daz models and 0 effort put into it

>Western made game

>It has good 2d art but dev abandons it or keeps the game in infinite hiatus



Sounds good enough, what games?



don't forget they cuck out and censor their product for fag95

 No.242662>>242672 >>242673

File (hide): 25905313a71d714⋯.gif (310.29 KB, 500x300, 5:3, original.gif) (h) (u)

>Nobody ever thought of combining a stealth game with a porn game. This shit literally designs itself.

>Nobody ever thought of making some of the girl characters to be persistent love interests/rivals along with the checklist of nameless female mooks/NPCs to kill err fuck.

>Nobody ever thought of making a monster xenomorph stealth game where you lure dumb NPCs or even online players with your 11/10 avatar at the promise of sex and then infect them/parasite them. Or a vampire game for that matter.


File (hide): 1f7196040833404⋯.gif (558.48 KB, 367x265, 367:265, AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA….gif) (h) (u)


>stealth RPG game where you lure dumb NPCs with your 11/10 avatar at the promise of sex and then infect them/parasite them. Or a vampire game for that matter.

 No.242673>>242716 >>242763

File (hide): 80ccbc8cd03e79b⋯.gif (1022.98 KB, 194x172, 97:86, 1514818505001.gif) (h) (u)


>Nobody ever thought of making a monster xenomorph stealth game where you lure dumb NPCs or even online players with your 11/10 avatar at the promise of sex and then infect them/parasite them. Or a vampire game for that matter.

Tbh MC getting corrupted and the corrupting others and/or continuing after the "bad end" is one of my biggest fetishes

Does anybody know games that focus on that? Asking for a friend



Beat Blades Haruka, kinda.



House of Pandemonium. I know of another that focuses on that fetish specifically, but for the life of me I just can't remember its name right now. I'll get back to you when/if I figure it out.



The only thing that angers me more than that is the pretentious retards that defend it. Those morons that have no clue what makes a game a game will fight tooth and nail if you dare claim their virtual comic books with identity issues aren't games because it is as 'interactive' as turning a page.

"Oh, but it has choices!"

> The "game" has 1 single choice in its entire 3 hour run time.

> The choice doesn't matter and changes literally nothing, the NPCs react the exact same way no matter what you chose and it has no effect on the story.


>2D Side-scrolling game

>Walking into an enemy makes them immediately rape you

>Can only fight back while they've already deflowered you

It's even worse that the MC never reacts to anything so the sex is boring shit




Princess Knight Rachel, although now that i have checked they do have sex scenes, but they are chosen in a random pool when you decide to give birth. The next games by the circle fixed this problem and every npc buddy has at least 1 preggers scene. Also, Elite Knight's Errand features this same problem.


>Femdom bait girl

>no femdom scenes


File (hide): 3624ec99aa764f0⋯.jpg (302.82 KB, 1052x1439, 1052:1439, serveimage.jpg) (h) (u)

>>11504 (OP)



That is basically Bernd, but Unteralterbach gets a pass for being genuinely funny and not bad Jap comedy.



Japan should get another nuke for that shit.


File (hide): b61f3bbcddae68e⋯.jpg (423.86 KB, 514x836, 257:418, b61.jpg) (h) (u)

>>11504 (OP)

>Game feature a fetish i love

>It even cover the main image

>Actual game

>Only one CG feature it

>Its one fucking scene with slightly differences beetween frames

>The 6 others CGs are vanilla shit

>500 mb game



I've played that game, blacklisted Yaoi and Futa content, and it still fucking shows up.

Like god damn, the blacklist is actually broken.


>Finally getting good

>"This is the end of the current build!"

>"Donate to my Patreon for the next version sooner!"


File (hide): 237552696c6e8dc⋯.png (120.91 KB, 281x309, 281:309, 1523006645000ba9201a635cc7….png) (h) (u)

>game tagged as gay

>it's tf/sissy shit

>try it anyway

>it's just you getting fucked while everyone makes fun of your micropenis

>game has rape

>victims are either complete sluts and enjoy it anyway or they're reduced to to screaming, crying messes

>there's no in-between


>futas everywhere

>they're all domineering bitches with cowtits

>they won't stop talking about their dicks

>not a single maleherm npc

>can get 20 inch girl dicks shoved up my ass but can't fuck literal boipucci

>get annoyed, make a maleherm PC

>PC has no tits

>PC looks obviously male

>still gets called a "she"



>Looking at you Let's Meow Meow. I never wanted to fuck the priestess in the first place, let alone for each fucking ending!


Which girl was the best girl, though?



When it comes to hentai games the gay lads really do have it the worst.

 No.249092>>249099 >>249116

>play TiTS

>literally even single tile and action you ever take is a wall of text


If a fucking novel bored you with irrelevant bullshit like this on every page, you'd drop it immediately. Why do they think this is any different with games? Why do they think slapping a million words EVERYWHERE is a sign of quality? It's fucking not. It's a serious flaw and the mark of an amateur, as anyone serious about writing will tell you.



You know when you walk up and down the space stations and a little text blurb pops up about the squares (stores etc) that are adjacent to you ?

That text is basically looping, and you don't have to re-read it you mong. Capishe ?



See, I actually like feminine guys/traps/etc., but nothing kills my boner faster than h-games going out of their way to treat them like women with dicks.

 No.249116>>249260 >>249298 >>249356


>plays text based porn game

>complains about text

Peak autismo right here.



He is right though. Fenoxo's games are awful about having massive walls of text that often paint the player character as the most retarded person I've ever had the displeasure to read about. As nice as having a text game thoroughly describe the scene for us is, Fen's shit could do with being a bit more concise. It wouldn't be so bad if the writer of whatever scene was any good, but the quality rises and plummets at random.



Yeah, also writing a good porn scene is an uncommon skill. I can only imagine how difficult it must be to write a sequence where the main character is a complete blank slate. The interplay between the two characters involved is what makes written porn engrossing. Without that, the entire sequence can only be about describing a particular act, which is hardly exciting to anyone who does not have a distinct fetish for that act.



it's not just that. Literally every place you ever visit, every person you ever meet, every action you ever do is desribed by an exhaustive wall of text that goes on for much, much longer than it should.


What else other than text is there to complain about in a text game, you faggot? The sheer volume of irrelevant shit dumped on you basically dooms you to either start skiping text (which is a sure way to destroy any modicum of immershion you might have) or spend the next hour reading about how a room that you have no reason to care about looks, in detail. Good luck keeping up an erection for that long, before finally getting to next sex scene!

 No.249305>>249491 >>251789

File (hide): c3652887caa48f6⋯.jpg (53.78 KB, 800x450, 16:9, excuse.jpg) (h) (u)

>female player character

>all options lead to being a turboslut

>game with transformation tag

>it's sissification

>game has incest route(s)

>"Don't call me (mom/sister/aunt) any more, just use my real name."


>cum in waifu 75 times with no pregnancy

>get pregnant on contact if you're playing as a female

>attempt to do a pure run

>bullshit auto-loss battles you couldn't run from leave you with holes gaped so wide you could park your car in them

>all chubby characters are unfuckable comic relief



He is right, a good text game has brief descriptions of everything.

Im not reading a fucking book, im playing a game

Good example of properly made text game is DoL



>I can only imagine how difficult it must be to write a sequence where the main character is a complete blank slate. The interplay between the two characters involved is what makes written porn engrossing.

Exactly. It seems like a simple solution in hindsight, but too few h-devs get it yet. Just give us the option to choose how our character reacts to a situation. Very few games let us have that integral control over our character, but the ones that do tend to be great until they get abandoned.

It doesn't need to have some massive arcing dialog tree with each scene to give the effect either, just have a few lines of text be interchangeable. Despair Labyrinth is a good example of how to let the player have some control over the character's personality without having to put a lot more effort into each scene.

On the other hand, devs could try to actually just give the PC a personality, but seeing how the attempts at doing so turn out I wouldn't recommend that. Most h-devs have no idea what makes a character likable. Instead of finding the nuisance I'm stuck with charming or fun, I find myself wishing he was real just so I could bash his head against whatever won't break before his skull does.


File (hide): 3fc50ed4e1f9496⋯.jpg (88.66 KB, 465x363, 155:121, 45y71d2s465.jpg) (h) (u)

>having to spend a shitload of time grinding stats to get to the sex



>>game has incest route(s)

>>"Don't call me (mom/sister/aunt) any more, just use my real name."

This. Just this.



The played character as a vague nobody is really the most irritatingly common trope in written porn. You know, it would be cool to see a game where the player has a direct input into how the played character acts. Maybe there could be some sort of mechanism by which the player could write in the played character's preferences and some stock phrases which pop up in certain situations. That would run the risk of producing comical results, but that has as much potential to be fun as it does to be annoying. In any case, being able to build a character in some way other than stats would be welcome.



I thought that too, long thought about making such a game as I'm an aspiring 3D animator with Unity and a host of paid asset store utilities like realistic maps Playmaker and shader generation.

However I am currently finding religion and unsure if I want to continue with my dreams of producing pornographic content.


>all the gay content is domination, sissy shit, or the least fleshed out

>female pcs can fuck male and female npcs

>male pcs can't fuck male npcs

>content hidden behind ultra-specific variable combinations



>content hidden behind ultra-specific variable combinations

This, the other ones weren't so bad and are a matter of taste, but this one in particular is horrible



>game with transformation tag

>it's sissification

tbh i blame bimbofication for this, as it was also one of the prime contenders for misplaced transformation tags

Although if there is actual transformation in it its not so much a problem

But when its purely mental sub shit going on, they have to know its reaching the wrong people



Tbh mental transformation > psychical transformation



>Tbh mental transformation

tbh fam, most mental transformations have the MC struggling to suck a dick one day and then proceeding to have no qualms getting gangbanged the next day

They're way too abrupt, which is why most of them use magic or nanites to explain away why all this shit is happening so quickly

Not to mention almost all games that have mental transformation for MC's end up always making the MC turboslut

But i can understand why they're preferable than physical transformation

There was this one transformation game i played where you went around turning everyone into latex furry balloon abominations, it wasn't sexy in the very least

Personally i blame deviant art for this cancer


>>11504 (OP)

>long and taxing battle during which both hands were required and dick is now flaccid

>1 second hentai art flash if you win

>no gallery mode

>have to smash print screen after every battle so I can have a wank after the game

>off to find the next group of enemies

>(((riveting))) "gameplay"



>being stuck for minutes clicking through every character's speech options until you find the one that advances the plot


>HTML text game

>everything BUT H scenes drawn

>"games" that give you same results no matter which dialogue option you choose.

why even give me the option if the outcome is going to be same and forced.

>"You succumb and present anus to the opponent" despite the fact the I was decisively kicking their ass

>it happens even if you win

>wip game

>everything looks pretty

>h scenes are just sketches

>Hottest characters not fuckable because "muh not the focus of the story"

>play a rpgmaker game for hours

>seems devilishly hard for some reason

>no h scenes

>turns out I would have to lose all those battles to get anything

>no matter what game, it only has one of the 2 plot types:

>-Not even trying.

>-Too good for an h game.

>need to figure out what set of clothes to put on the wench to advance "relationship"



>Rhythm and per-boot randomly generated memorization game during sex to unlock scenes


>get raped twice and then youre isntantly ok and in love and ok with it

any games that have you go from "i fucking hate this let me go you asshole to" to "ugh……..ok…….i guess i dont have a choice." but stop there? i just want something where they are never totally ok with it or even enjoying it.


Everything about trap-quest.

>Game is basically out to fuck you over

>Dick shrinks all the time

>Even if you win you lose bullshit


File (hide): 1a80721d0abe78e⋯.jpg (32.99 KB, 583x439, 583:439, skeleton cuts loose.jpg) (h) (u)

>Get to sex scene

>To actually perform any action you need to input several commands or use both hands.

Motherfucker how am I supposed to jerk off with both hands on the keyboard?


>Game is unfinished



>Having the sex be the grind needed for stats.

>Having a super short in-game timer.

<Allowing you to bring in girls via newgame plus.

>Nerfing those girls into the dirt and hardcapping them so they will never be useful.

Looking at you, most Era games. Way to make the sole point of a porn game, the actual porn, not fun. By turning it into a shitty grind where I need to spam certain sex actions over and over again for in-game days to weeks just to get the effects I'm after. Megaten is one of the worst offenders of this.



I mean in Free Cities you can give your girls lipo to make stop being a whale.



Eventually they have to either give up and run with the shekels, or rework everything, because the vast majority of them are incompetent programmers and the whole system is too buggy, slow running, or large, to build up anymore. Not that this is a defense of them, it's a criticism, just that that's why. Just look at the mess called "programming" in Yandere Sim, Lilith's Throne, or Trap Quest (which admittedly is built on a terrible old engine to support the game's design, not entirely the dev's fault).


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I like this though. I'm glad H-games do this, I just wish it was more common in doujins.



Don't do under the chin or in the mouth, hold it to the side of your head and put the barrel behind your ear. Shot will go straight through your brain stem and you'll be dead before you even realize it.


>game is actually good

>go looking for more

>it's the only game they ever made


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>hentai game Apks are still rare

>Html games work but there's just not enough fuel for my fire

Why even life?


>Every H game is linked to Patreon and is no where near done

>Will never be anywhere near to being done

>Too many H games Tech Demos

>Fags get hyped and throw money at devs

>Devs get content and stop working on the fucking game

>"I am sick you guys"

>Still making 4k+ a month




Cursed armor and 2 princess trainer games. Have been finished and are good, you silly sausage.



>Cursed armor

>RPG maker


File (hide): 948dfbb22244b42⋯.webm (420.65 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 2017-06-02_01-32-07.webm) (h) (u) [play once] [loop]


that shit turned into furry porn real quick

I made a clone of trials in tainted space just for fun and when i posted it on fenoxo forums, the guy who was one of the developers of tits got ass blasted and said i stole from him, I hand created all the assets myself in paint and gimp, no copying.

got so mad thought i was trying to steal his patreon money.

Fucking idiot.

After a few days later they removed every comment and released a new forum.


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Don't knock RPG Maker, man. You know you liked VH.


>jap eroge has DLC

>no one ever uploads it


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>All ero content is game over rape

>Game is ridiculously easy and the only way to lose a fight is by losing on purpose



grinding for stats over and over and over and over

a little is alright, but there's a limit to how much you can actually grind


>Finally gets through a 10 minute cutscene

<Another 10 minute cutscene starts after 20 seconds of gameplay

<The 20 seconds of 'gameplay' was just walking, because devs think that a bigger map is somehow better even though it is just more empty.



>japanese VN

>femdom girl is dominant until the dick goes in

>no more dom scenes for the rest of the game

into the trash it goes


oh hey i actually might play MGI now if the trap has any topping scenes. then ill just hope he decides to put the nail in the coffin and add a female protag for all my yuri needs.


>start game

>3o minutes of cutscene first

Fucking why?

Another one is


>gay shit

>furry shit

>getting buttfucked

>no option to turn it off or at least make it impossible to get ass fucked

I endured all of that garbage in CoC, then got to the Easter Bunny and never played it again.


>FAQ page insists game will not include furry shit

>dev proceeds to give every futa or shemale a giant animal dick

It wouldn't be an issue if it was just for one character, but it never stops with just one character.

>development page notes that game will not include "extreme fetishes such as scat, guro, loli"

>game over epilogues and art include amputation, mind break, and executions

It's heartening to know that these creators will have a bright future in politics when the h-game thing doesn't pan out.


>translation in progress




kek, going into CoC expecting all gay shit to have a off button? As annoying as that game can be, it does a pretty good job of letting you avoid most of the shit you don't want to see.


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>Game will never be completed because the dev is too busy milking money from his patrons



Though if you shield both your ass and pussy then you'll get the shit beat out of you a lot more than if you left your asshole open to be ravaged.

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