[–]▶ No.113945>>114211 [Watch Thread][Show All Posts]
Saw it just a bit ago, went 404 immediately after I saw and tried to view it. Also Zankuro game general, I guess.
Pixiv ID: 7964
Game: https://zankuro.booth.pm/items/590514
edit: put the main purpose of the thread into the subject
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▶ No.113968
fucking gold mine
Dlsite product (there you can easily download the demo version)
▶ No.113999
▶ No.114079>>114195
I'm not gonna buy it after the shit he pulled with 4. I'll wait to make sure I can actually play it on a dirty gaijin computer. Even if the initial release is safe he disabled all gaijins from playing 4 after the fact so it's still not sure if it is even worth purchasing. I guess he don't want my dirty gaijin money. Glad he finally got back to Henrietta though and I really want to play this.
▶ No.114094
Oh yeah looks like they finally disabled flash on firefox now I gotta play the games with MPHC.
▶ No.114190>>114214
Well the torrent has been out for awhile and holy hell this is fucking amazing.
▶ No.114194
ECM isn't a game, it's an animation.
▶ No.114195>>114256
Nice, I didn't know a fifth game had come out.
What did he do with 4?
▶ No.114211>>114900
>>113945 (OP)
I thought he was dead.
▶ No.114214
▶ No.114256>>114347 >>114418
He made 4 completely unplayable unless you are running it on a Japanese OS, not even changing your locale and format works. It wasn't that good anyway, 1 was pretty good, 2 was amazing, 3 was meh, and 4 was just slightly above 3. I'm glad he has come back to what has made the series popular in the first place although it seems he always had a soft spot for Henrietta with all the art he draws of her.
▶ No.114347>>114364
I could play just fine with Japanese locale, so I have no idea what are you talking about.
▶ No.114364
Really? I think I might have to download it again. One day it stopped working and the rumors circulating as to why that happened was because he made it stop working on gaijin computers. I guess I should maybe apologize to Zankuro as I have held a grudge against him based on what could be unfounded rumors.
▶ No.114365>>114367 >>114375 >>114556 >>252156
>pic related after seeing all the newfags itt
Download the linked zip and install the exe with "winax".
You don't need to change your locale, language, or anything else.
If you don't want to download that 60MB zip I've got the uninstaller and version you need here:
▶ No.114367
This works for all 5 E.C.M's, exe's and all. This was a bigger deal around 2011.
▶ No.114375>>114418
Nigga i have flash installed one day E.C.M. 4 just inexplicably stopped working and I bought the anti-gaijin rumors. I still don't know what caused it to stop working for so many people to spread those rumors.
▶ No.114418>>114431
I'm guessing it just fucked up for some people. It's always worked in my PC with nip locale.
▶ No.114431
I'm guessing it was DRM or some other sort of anti-piracy measure. I still can't find any pirated links that works. Oh well it was not my favorite E.C.M. anyway and 5 is fucking amazing so I'll just be happy with what I have.
▶ No.114442>>114826
how do i run them when they dont have exe's
▶ No.114553>>114580
what if my isp has blocked all p2p networking through my modem? can't even install blizzard games, smh
▶ No.114556>>115151
>download blocked: may contain a virus or spyware
▶ No.114580>>114622
What ISP does that? shit tons of devs use p2p for their offical downloads.
▶ No.114622
My college internet used to, it was a pain in the ass going to mcdonalds to download shit
▶ No.114826>>114829 >>114836 >>114969
I was wondering if this one would top the second one and it turns out that most of the content is with the girl from ECM 2. The animations are much better than his older stuff and come with multiple versions. I don't even care for footjobs but it was still a great scene. The scenes in these screenshots were my favorite.
The music is pleasant too.
I also made a torrent for Zankuro's stuff. Includes most of his doujin and art work but not the most recent drawings. Only ECM4 is in there as a gif form. It doesn't include the desktop apricot programs. No other ECM is in that too. But if you want those too I can make a magnet.
Simply play them in your browser. Like "Open with…(browser)". Or just drag them into the browser you're using.
▶ No.114829>>114836
>with the girl from ECM 2
▶ No.114836>>114969
I know right? Probably the best decision Zankuro has ever mad is going back to Henrietta. All future E.C.M. games should be about Henrietta as well. These are my favorite scenes.
▶ No.114838>>115821
Can somebody ms paint translations on some of these options, please?
▶ No.114900
Any uncensored version like the third pic here?
▶ No.114913>>114956
>>114243 What the fuck am I doing wrong? I can't even open the rar folder, with winrar or 7zip. Keeps saying no archive found. Only having experienced ECM 1 and 2, I want the rest so fucking bad ><
▶ No.114956
Update those programs.
▶ No.114969
He just needs to team up with a jap who knows how to code and they should make a h-game with her as the lead.
▶ No.114973
Is this website down or is the problem on my end?
▶ No.114997>>116115
https://1337x dot unblockall dot xyz/torrent/2371174/Hentai-2D-Ugoku-E-C-M-5-August-2017-E-C-M-5/
this link seems to be working too.
▶ No.115151
>Using the Jewgle botnet
Chrome blocks exe's from any site that isn't approved. They're able to do this because they report anything you download back to Google headquarters. https://8ch.net/tech/chrome.html
▶ No.115361
Nicovideo embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Someone say Zankuro?
Niconico embeds work, right?
▶ No.115972>>116319
"Play with yourself" is auto-play. I just discovered it recently and it has improved my fapping experience significantly.
▶ No.116115>>116167 >>116204 >>121816
I cannot open the .rar anon after downloading it, any suggestion?
▶ No.116167>>116204
I'm not trying to be a smartass.
You know you need to extract those, right?
▶ No.116204>>121816 >>133370
According the nyaa pantsu upload, you need to update 7zip to be able to unzip that particular one for whatever reason. There is also a torrent with it already unzipped.
▶ No.116319
Ah so the buttons minigame must all be autoplay settings.
▶ No.116321
Can someone tell me where is that one feature where you can set a visible timer on when the heroine will cum?
It's a feature that can be found back from the first game and I can find it intuitively since ECM 4 (i dont speak moons).
However I can't figure out how to make it work in 5… can someone tell me how?
▶ No.121802>>121816
Where are my options? There doesn't seem to be any way to progress further.
▶ No.121816
winrar works fine.
right click
▶ No.133364
Anyone got the recent 1.1.0 update?
▶ No.133370>>140827
Could you share said torrent? I tried using both winrar and 7zip but i can't still unzip the damn thing.
▶ No.133504>>140822
New versions of ECM 1-3 have been released and they work on flash, anyone got them?
▶ No.133857
So has anybody found a work around for ECM 1-3 since it seemed to stop working? I got firefox playing flash right now, but they still aren't playing at all.
And off topic, but that bleach mayuri game from Circle Eden isn't working either.
▶ No.140806
bumping hopefully for the updated ECMs 1-3
▶ No.140822>>141390
>New versions
I know it's near impossible but are these new versions uncensored?
▶ No.140827
Did you extract from 7zip menu or did you try to open it in 7z? Some files are finnicky and you can't look at them before extracting them.
▶ No.141390
lol no, but you can run them now without doing weird shit
▶ No.159754
Does anyone have the universal E.C.M. 4 file mentioned in this post?
▶ No.159759>>159942
Nvm. Got the SWF version that works.
▶ No.159942>>214528
Know where I can snag it? All of his works just fucking stopped working on my computer.
▶ No.214528
▶ No.214696>>221363
I'll upload ECM 1-5 here with the new installers once he updates ECM 4 and 5 on dlsite
Not sure when that'll be, probably within a month or two
▶ No.221363
▶ No.230073>>230214
Anyone know how to play ECM 1-3? I can play the fifth one, no problem, thanks to one of the other Anons on here. However, it seems to difficult to play the first 3. I am using Firefox and I open the index.html file, which leads me to a page with the several thumbnails of the swf scenes. I click on them, but nothing occurs. What to do?
▶ No.230214
Use flashplayer10_2r152_26_win_sa.exe to run the animations on the data folder individually.
Or you can also try opening the index.html file on chrome(don't forget to allow flash)
▶ No.242380>>252156
i'm bumping this thread because ECM4 is the only ecm that doesn't fucking work on my PC and it's triggering my chode's OCD
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▶ No.252156
I had a barebones Win 7 VM on my PC and I was able to transfer a ECM4.exe from my laptop with little trouble. Use the "flashplayer10_2r152_26_winax" from >>114365 and run it on your VM, then put your ECM4 on there and enjoy
(I used VMware and, if I remember right, the "cracked by some anon" torrent on sukebei)
▶ No.282391
▶ No.310824>>311369
Bumping this because i can't even pirate this shit
▶ No.310825>>311369 >>311526
is this cuck shit? can you actually tell us what the games are about when you post them instead of expecting people to know about your obscure jap developers.
▶ No.311369
Literally just Google the game's name.
No, it's loli shit
▶ No.311526
>Is this cuck shit?
No it's chubby lolis and shortstacks getting fucked by shy shotas.