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/cbts/ - Calm Before The Storm

A Q and happenings board
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File: 20b3860755d1543⋯.jpg (21.62 KB, 320x189, 320:189, CalmBeforeTheStormSantaHat….jpg)

cd9652 No.160557

''' “Enlighten the people generally, and tyranny and oppressions of the body and mind will vanish like evil spirits at the

dawn of day.” ― Thomas Jefferson'''

'''Jeremiah 29:11 "‘For I know what I have planned for you,’ says the Lord. ‘I have plans to prosper you, not to harm

you. I have plans to give you a future filled with hope.’” '''

We are Restoring the Republic of America

Americas Military + Navy Intelligence, the NSA, the Q group and more have conducted an unprecedented python

approach of The-One-PedoRing-To-Rule-Them-All with over 4,289 sealed indictments fueled by the massive NSA

information powerhouse [KEY] turned good under Admiral Rogers.

We are living in historic times, and we've been handed a Map of what's to come, and what's going on in this war

between Patriots and Clowns.

Here's the catch: The CIA/MSM has lulled the normies into what Q calls Fantasy Land and they cannot handle the

Truth. Solution? Sincere Patriots [STONE].

We are the dot connectors. We are the excavators of obscured facts. We are who we've been waiting for our whole

lives. We are the Storm, and we are the Calm Center inside it.

Our goal is simple:

To explain the chaos of our times to our loved ones and friends. To explain the chaos of our times to our loved ones

and friends. We have been chosen to spread the word and to ease and assist the transition of our world.

>Perhaps he could not in good conscience see the world burn.

Can you?

'''Suit up lads, we will have Peace through the Strength of our Understanding and give Clarity through our Memetic


cd9652 No.160564

==Latest Q posts== , rt = replied to

2017/12/23 - SATURDAY



>>158144 rt >>158096

>>158162 rt >>158138

>>158219 rt >>158194 >>158202





>>158980 rt >>158952

2017/12/22 - FRIDAY


>>154468 rt >>154372

>>154505 rt >>154429

>>154535 rt >>154477

>>154583 rt >>154493

>>154682 rt >>154644





>>146058 rt >>145983


>>146147 rt >>146134

>>146268 rt >>146142

>>146328 rt >>146206

>>146454 rt >>146326


>>148746 rt >>148634

>>148761 rt >>148729

>>148848 rt >>148751



Graphic , >>150705

2017/12/21 Thursday

>>139686 rt >>139380







>>139851 rt >>139840

Graphic , >>150687




>>142996 rt >>142811





>>143223 rt >>143179





>>145418 rt >>145408


Graphic , >>150693


>>139686 , rt >>139380 https:// twitter.com/ABCPolitics/status/943866651803611136

>https:// www.whitehouse.gov/presidential-actions/executive-order-blocking-property-persons-involved-serious-


More info here >>140461 Executive Order Human Rights Violators Thread

And here >>141931

Petition for Disclosure, Find the Exchange

>>139851 , rt >>139840

>>142996 , rt >>142811

12/18 >>120430

12/19 >>130064

Petition for Disclosure thread >>120430

cd9652 No.160565


Grab yourself a Qmap in the format you prefer and fight alongside fellow Patriots for God and Country

>News unlocks message.

>Future proves past.


Interactive Qmap

https:// qcodefag.github.io/

Keep this open, search keywords when news hits and share relevant Q posts for autistic diggers. Search by

signatures to unlock?

We're all apart of the greatest timeline we've ever known.

Graphic Qmap

Grand Qmap: >>>/cbts/74532 , >>>/cbts/95263 , >>>/cbts/140346 , >>>/cbts/143990

4chan Q Drops pt.1 >>>/cbts/142488

4chan Q Drops pt.2 >>>/cbts/142506

8ch Q Drops pt.1 >>>/cbts/142514

8ch Q Drops pt.2 >>>/cbts/151273

Spreadsheet Qmap - Questions and Answers

https://app.smartsheet. com/b/publish?EQBCT=7e06675d22854a069d313fb6e08b2444

Spreadsheet guidelines >>>/cbts/110064

Interactive Q Database, Posts, Search, Glossary, Legend, Timeline & Quiz http://www.db-q. com/

Printable Q PDF's for physical spider web mapping https://www.dropbox.com/ s/ti7o7za7ahpztdk/q


https://anonfile .com/Z8R7pdd3bc

PDF Qmap https:// anonfile.com/ceFbp0dab2/Q_s_posts_-_CBTS_-_3.10.0.pdf

PDF Qmap https:// anonfile.com/CaD8p7dabd/Q_Map_12_22_2017v3.pdf

PDF Qmap https:// anonfile.com/CaD8p7dabd/Q_Map_12_23_2017v5.pdf

PDF Qmap https://anonfile .com/Z8R7pdd3bc/Q_Map_12_23_2017v5.pdf

Wikispaces Qmap https://cbts.wikispaces. com

Qmap Legend (List of abbreviations and meanings): >>>/cbts/75523

CheatSheetAnon Compilation: >>>/cbts/134020

Qmap Ven Diagrams and Q signatures studies >>>/cbts/119423

Summary “40,000 ft.” perspective >>>/cbts/134020

Wikispaces Qmap https://cbts.wikispaces. com - currently says 'Subscription Expired' on the webpage. Don't know

any more about it.

'''Remember, we have this entire board to report our research and creations. Find-or-create the thread that digs into

an area you're curious about and share great findings back here.'''

cd9652 No.160568


Q Resources

Psalm 144:1

Praise be to the LORD my Rock,

who trains my hands for war,

my fingers for battle.


Q-Text [4chan] https://pastebin. com/vTs4pdpC | https://anonfile. com/b4N8X2ccb5/Q5.pdf |

https://www.pdf-archive. com/2017/11/16/q5/

Q-Text [8chan] https://pastebin. com/dfWVpBbY

How to read the Q map [very helpful explanation from MI] >>>/cbts/133263

How to read Q's posts: >>>/cbts/75391

QturnedA https://anonfile. com/ncw5Xdc7b5/QturnedA.pdf

The Book Of Q (pdf) Updated 12.17.17

part I -> https://anonfile. com/lbOaVec2b4/q_posts_till20171109_as_confirmedbyq.pdf

part II -> https://anonfile. com/s1W7bfddb1/q_posts_since_tripcode_till20171121.pdf

part III -> https://anonfile. com/87k1d9dbb0/q_posts_since_20171121_v201711231546.pdf

part IV -> https://anonfile. com/Q9X0kedcb4/q_posts_8ch_nov26_v201712110947.pdf

part V -> https://anonfile. com/G024n1dfb6/q_posts_partV_v201712170612.pdf

Research Tools

Q Resouces:

Free Research Resources for Digging into People, Businesses & Orgs >>152634

Archive Important Webpages You Find! As soon as we find them they can be scrubbed >>>/cbts/112196

Map Making Tools

Not just memes - anons there are a host of free programs to use to map the connections between businesses,

foundations & org Boards of Directors, Donors etc. Q needs us to show the relationships and connections, so here are

posts showing some of the free resources available to anons'

>>>/cbts/111700 & >>>/cbts/119941

Decoded Stringers


https://anonfile. com/Y6x1ned2b0/Red_Red_decipering.png

https://anonfile. com/Xcx9nbd3b5/Deciper_part_1.png

https://anonfile. com/a5y9n3dbb2/Deciper_part_2.png

Latest decoded stringers >>>/cbts/109555 , >>>/cbts/109748 , >>>/cbts/108638

FREEDOM stringer diagram >>>/cbts/138885

Reading QUE map with stringers updated and merged into one file >>>/cbts/147818

FBI Anon Transcripts

https://dropfile .to/GrYcrR2

4Chan and 8Chan Archives

CBTS 8ch.net Threads Archive list -> https://pastebin. com/ci7PGKS0 [includes direct links to Q posts]

CBTS 8chan Board Archive -> https://8ch. net/cbts/archive/index.html

CBTS 4chan Threads Archive list -> http://pastebin. com/8zHit7mA [includes direct links to Q posts]

4chan Trip-Q Archive -> http://archive.4plebs. org/pol/search/tripcode/!ITPb.qbhqo

Pastebin of of LINKS posted on 4pol -> https://pastebin. com/A97LLKZL

Latest Archives

Search archive.is for cbts and topic threads http://archive. is/offset=50/https://8ch.net/cbts/res/*

8ch.net CBTS General Threads Archives List Webpage http://qarchives. ml/

With clickable archive & zip download links.




>Archive: https://pastebin. com/ci7PGKS0

cd9652 No.160570

==DAILY NEWS - Enjoy The Show== >>>/cbts/4485

Please crosspost in relevant threads!!

Recent Findings

For dig inspiration and catching up...

12.19.17 >>>/cbts/144985

12.17.17 >>>/cbts/119162

Todays Findings / Happenings

Underground massive data center? https:// archive.fo/lszIj

Post on the NEW Executive Order on Human Rights & Corruption

See Q's posts in the OP about how he said the new EO release was inspired by us!

Executive Order on Human Rights and Corruption - https://


Treasury Department Tweet - >>>/cbts/139481

Full EO Graphic - >>>/cbts/144786

United States Sanctions Human Rights Abusers and Corrupt Actors Across The Globe


DC Is Getting a Clean House


EO targeting ANYONE who as an abuser or corrupt actor in ANY way, shape or form. >>>/cbts/139492

Here are two videos about people named on the Human Rights Sanctions List put out by the Treasury Dept. Very


https://www. youtube.com/watch?v=1TWhlPqVddc

https://ww w.youtube.com/watch?v=4ZB3YoAvEro

Was this the exchange? https://8ch.net/cbts/res/140364.html#140844

The exchange and response?


Resigning CEO's List. Coincidence?

Google CEO resigned 12.21.17. Coincidence? List of all CEO's who have resigned since Oct 17 >>>/cbts/146328

NEW THREAD Post CEO/President/Notable Resignations Here with date >>>/cbts/146483

NEW Reading QUE map with stringers updated and merged into one file >>>/cbts/147818

NEW THREAD - North Korea - Post research, news, links, etc. related to North Korea, Kim Jong-Un, military action,

people/companies dealing with NK, and related Japan, SK, China, SE Asia news. >>>/cbts/1342

NEW THREAD - Post CEO/President/Notable Resignations here with date >>>/cbts/146483

NEW THREAD - 'Missle' Research - Why has Q mentioned missile as missle twice, and made the point specifically to

us. Contributions welcomed. >>>/cbts/147334


Prayer Request Thread >>>/cbts/55606

Useful Posts

How to spot a 'Bad Guy': >>>/cbts/89275

How to spot a 'Good Guy': >>>/cbts/89305

Black PR: >>>/cbts/115726

How to handle Black PR: >>>/cbts/115472

Q Verified Graphic 1: >>>/cbts/423

Why did POTUS come to /pol/? >>>/cbts/111172

cd9652 No.160572

Research Findings & Threads

NEW THREAD - North Korea - Post research, news, links, etc. related to North Korea, Kim Jong-Un, military action,

people/companies dealing with NK, and related Japan, SK, China, SE Asia news. >>>/cbts/1342

NEW THREAD - Post CEO/President/Notable Resignations here with date >>>/cbts/146483

NEW THREAD - 'Missle' Research - Why has Q mentioned missile as missle twice, and made the point specifically to

us. Contributions welcomed. >>>/cbts/147334

Alien / Disclosure related >>>/cbts/26613

Asia Foundation Dig Thread >>>/cbts/15984

A peek into (((they))) >>>/cbts/2422

Bloodlines and Y >>>/cbts/7705

Clinton Cabal & Swamp Drain >>>/cbts/1411

Executive Order Human Rights Violators >>>/cbts/140461

FBIAnon-AMA Transcript: >>>/cbts/137237

Godfather III >>>/cbts/2078

Hefner, CIA, RAZVI Traverse >>>/cbts/3952

Hefner/Blackmail >>>/cbts/132899

Hunt For Red October >>>/cbts/3102

Isreal & Zionism >>>/cbts/1398

Indictments & Arrests >>>/cbts/3163

Metaphysical & Esoteric Q >>>/cbts/

North Korea >>>/cbts/1342

Occult, Symbolism & Leadership >>>/cbts/4249

Q Confirmed by WH Anon!! >>10556

Q Signatures >>>/cbts/2198

Q Stringer Central >>>/cbts/2300

Rothschild Family >>>/cbts/1362

Rothschild Family Summary >>>/cbts/139091

Red Cross >>>/cbts/40157

Report Strange NWO Deaths >>>/cbts/114171

Sidley Austin Digathon >>>/cbts/15139

Saudi Arabia & M.E. >>>/cbts/1327

Sealed Indictments >>>/cbts/4409

Snow White and AI Science >>>/cbts/123576

Soros & NGOs >>>/cbts/1367

The British Connections >>>/cbts/117841

Titanic >>>/cbts/106

Underground massive data center? >>20714

Uranium-1 >>>/cbts/147083

Vatican, Knights Templar/Malta, Jesuits, FM >>>/cbts/1346

**Some broken links from above have been removed.

If you find something missing, please let the baker know of the working link.

Thank you for your patience.

cd9652 No.160575



Through tempest, storm

And darkest night,

Anons don't rest

'Til things are right.



Memes #1 >>2

Memes #2 >>61078

Memes #3 >>107604

Memes #4 >>142207

Infographs >>10

Bulk Image Download from Meme Threads

→#1 ~1400 images from Memes #1 thru 9Dec2017. Jumbo file … 424 Mb. Download may take an hour.

https://anonfile. com/J436k8d0b7/CBTS_1399_Memes__1.zip

→2a ~550 images from Memes #2, 9-12Dec2017. 200 Mb. https://anonfile. com/Mbq3l7dfbf/CBTS_Memes_2.zip

→2b The next 206 images from Memes #2, 12Dec2017. 69 Mb. https://anonfile.


→2c 206 more images from #2, 12Dec2017. 69 Mb. https://anonfile. com/h9jdm7ddb3/Memes_2C.zip

→2d 201 images from #2, 13-14Dec2017. 61 Mb. https://anonfile. com/u66am4d7b1/CBTS_Memes_2d.zip

→2e 197 images from #2, 14-15Dec2017. 62 Mb. https://anonfile. com/5bVamadcb5/CBTS_Memes_2e.zip

→2f 183 images from #2, 15Dec2017. 65 Mb. https://anonfile. com/w1o1nbd0b4/CBTS_Memes_2f.zip

→2g The last 215 images from #2, 16Dec2017. 75 Mb. https://anonfile. com/f118nad5b0/CBTS_Memes_2g.zip

→3a 215 files from #3, 17Dec2017. 121 Mb. https://anonfile. com/Y992n6d5b7/CBTS_Memes_3a.zip

→3b 194 files from #3, 17Dec2017. 66 Mb. https://anonfile. com/81D8n9d6b7/CBTS_Memes_3b.zip

→3c 200 files from #2, 17Dec2017. 62 Mb. https://anonfile. com/z3Jfncdcbc/CBTS_Memes_3c.zip

→3d 174 files from #3, 18Dec2017. 53 Mb. https://anonfile. com/g6nco8dbb4/CBTS_Memes_3d.zip

→3e 162 files from #3, 18-19Dec2017 (thru General #141). 65 Mb. https://anonfile.


→3f 210 files from #3, 19Dec2017. 66 Mb. https://anonfile. com/AfA1ofdab0/CBTS_Memes_3f.zip

→3g 330 files from #3, 20Dec2017. 82 Mb. https://anonfile. com/JaU9o4d4bd/CBTS_Memes_3g.zip

→3h 240 files from #3, 20-21Dec2017. 63 Mb. https://anonfile. com/G0j1pddfb0/CBTS_Memes_3h.zip

→3i 308 files from #3, 21Dec2017, 89 Mb. https://anonfile. com/3302p9d0b1/CBTS_Memes_3i.zip

→4a 282 files from #4, 22Dec2017, 70 Mb. https://anonfile. com/6aD0p9ddb0/CBTS_Memes_4a.zip

→4b 320 files from #4, 23Dec2017, 83Mb. https://anonfile. com/GbOapcdab2/CBTS_Memes_4b.zip

Red-pilling Methods


Guerilla Twitter Tactics



They Fear Our Confidence. Give them No Quarter.

cd9652 No.160588

File: 2069e749ff225d3⋯.jpg (75.85 KB, 430x547, 430:547, SethRich_flagshirt42534.jpg)

In The Event A Baker Is Needed


Image: Save the title image, change one pixel, save changes.

Location for new thread: Go to the top of the index page for CBTS which is 8ch.net/ cbts/index.html (without the

space after the first / )

Title - enter in the 'Subject' field: CBTS General #XX: ??????? Edition

Post: From the pastebin location given below, copy the first section and paste it to the 'comment' field.

Add Image: Upload the new image.

Activate New Thread: If needed, do the verification. Then click on the 'New Thread' button to the right of the

subject field.

Adding the rest of the sections: Click on the number of the post in the new thread you have just created and add the

second section after the first +++PAGE BREAK+++

Add the rest of the sections as individual comments - each section is separated by the ++++PAGE BREAK++++ notation

Keep adding comments until all sections are posted.

Continue down and add sections as replies. Sections are broken by +++POST BREAK+++ in the paste.

==NOTE:== You do not need a pastebin account if all you are doing is copying and pasting. You do need an account if

you want to keep a copy for yourself and then add and format links, other data, etc, although you can do that in the

comments box when posting.

Last batter used: https:// pastebin.com/eyEEAuLW (#175)


Update this line with the link to the pastebin file you used to bake this bread.

o7 Captain Mike Green o7

o7 Seth Rich o7

640bb8 No.160642

Still have time to repent Lyn!

956399 No.160651

OZ522/AAR522 Asiana Airlines

Departed from London 6:30pm 12/23/17

Heading to ICN Seoul

Significant to power outage?

Seems to be only plane leaving

fd35e6 No.160660

why bread so early?

640bb8 No.160663

Their calling it a hostage situation at the FL mall


f7b475 No.160667

Brevard County Sheriffs just reported a jailbreak occurring now

640bb8 No.160672



640bb8 No.160674


Where is that?

623490 No.160675


for the Op

f7b475 No.160679


The county w/ Kennedy Space Center

632a3b No.160682

File: 783ebf0c72e74f4⋯.png (8.65 MB, 10744x5904, 1343:738, 8chQDrops2ndHalf.png)


8ch Q Drops 2nd Half

Please Update Link

Thank you please

o7 Godspeed, Patriots o7

956399 No.160688


Other than one chopper heading to unspecified location PIK

36afd1 No.160693

File: 7958b9cccd5f213⋯.png (492.48 KB, 642x590, 321:295, tweet1.png)

c12a51 No.160700

The RED RED stringer highlighted events that we only now know about.

Look at all the Dec. dates, they only end in either vC or vc


The dates that end in vc are the 12th, 17th, and 22nd, along with another but I want to point some attention to the fact that the ATL shutdown is in the exact center of those dates. Those 10 days.

Q said delta was important, and these stringers are more simple than we think. Just look for what stands out.

68080f No.160703


Did you mean broward?

640bb8 No.160704


Are you able to post the stringer?

243bfe No.160705


>Q doesn't realize we can hear, and see as well.

Really think so?

"“If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles." ~ Sun Tzu

"These people are really stupid." ~ Q

3f8a53 No.160706

"Aventura Police have found no evidence of a shooting. Still being investigated."


640bb8 No.160707


9ad9e5 No.160708

https://twitter.com/ B75434425/status/944727884836560896

>pray for florida

b0b9a2 No.160709



640bb8 No.160710

ee16b4 No.160711

File: cb7e5e091e4eff2⋯.jpeg (123.54 KB, 795x835, 159:167, 5D6E4D5D-3E41-4634-87B0-A….jpeg)

Wow! This place is magical

fae603 No.160712

File: 0eadb03fd46a946⋯.jpg (42.02 KB, 474x257, 474:257, IMG_2741.JPG)

I might be more retard than autist re:Musk. "Little Rocket Man"

640bb8 No.160713



Provided it twice

cc27ae No.160714


This seems Saucy for the ongoing pedowood saga …. he was the manager for Maroon 5. I would lay odds on him being offed to cover something up over anything “ritual” about it

e3b25d No.160715


12th plus 5 = 17th

12 plus 10 = 22nd

12 plus 15 =

3f8a53 No.160716


https:// twitter.com/AventuraMall/status/944731450443739139


063e98 No.160717

File: b413bb7b668baec⋯.png (662.5 KB, 1000x2500, 2:5, qanonmap.png)

this is all i got.

6bbeac No.160718



9cc8c5 No.160719


Yeah 9/11 world trade center steel melted perfecting with termite. Yet the FBI DOJ NYPD etc ignored it all and then Guliani had the steel immediately shipped over to China. Fucking melted steel burned underground for months…. but yeah fire brought down the towers. What is really frustrating is so many people will still REFUSE to look at the evidence of 9/11 to see the only conspiracy is the one the government cooked up!

226259 No.160720

Baker, why are the Q posts from #179 not in the bread?

c12a51 No.160721



THE 27th!

ee16b4 No.160722

File: 0a97070eb84cb87⋯.jpeg (108.34 KB, 739x744, 739:744, 8CFA00ED-15BB-4503-87B1-B….jpeg)

ed48c0 No.160723

File: f1a66b71bc8c88d⋯.png (324.09 KB, 583x595, 583:595, f8f6d8705899d1da5ba3e9c8ed….png)

File: 19b4afa533cdf83⋯.png (46.08 KB, 580x263, 580:263, upload_2017-12-23_15-59-11.png)

More on breaking Vice news scandal:

One woman said she was riding a Ferris wheel at Coney Island after a company event when a co-worker suddenly took her hand and put it on his crotch. Another said she felt pressured into a sexual relationship with an executive and was fired after she rejected him.

A third said that a co-worker grabbed her face and tried to kiss her, and she used her umbrella to fend him off.

These women did not work among older men at a hidebound company. They worked at Vice, an insurgent force in news and entertainment known for edgy content that aims for millennial audiences on HBO and its own TV network.

But as Vice Media has built itself from a fringe Canadian magazine into a nearly $6 billion global media company, its boundary-pushing culture created a workplace that was degrading and uncomfortable for women, current and former employees say.

An investigation by The New York Times has found four settlements involving allegations of sexual harassment or defamation against Vice employees, including its current president.

In addition, more than two dozen other women, most in their 20s and early 30s, said they had experienced or witnessed sexual misconduct at the company — unwanted kisses, groping, lewd remarks and propositions for sex.

The settlements and the many episodes of harassment the women described depict a top-down ethos of male entitlement at Vice, where women said they felt like just another party favor at an organization where partying often was an extension of the job.

What stands out about the women’s accounts — in the wake of a public reckoning over sexual assault and harassment by mostly older men — is that the allegations involve men in their 20s, 30s and 40s who came of age long after workplace harassment was not only taboo but outlawed.

“The misogyny might look different than you would have expected it to in the 1950s, but it was still there, it was still ingrained,” said Kayla Ruble, a journalist who worked at Vice from 2014 to 2016. “This is a wakeup call.”

Vice and its co-founder and chief executive, Shane Smith, have long been open about the company’s provocative atmosphere. But Vice is now struggling to reconcile its past — famous for coverage of streetwear, drugs and sex, as well as its raucous parties — with its emergence as a global media company backed by corporate giants like Disney and Fox.

20a3ff No.160725


8ch Q Drops pt.2 >>>/cbts/160557

Got it.

e3b25d No.160726


12th plus 20 =

7f3280 No.160727


Breaking 911 reports there is active shooter by a witness (not yet by the police) in Florida Shopping Mall

Aventura Mall

1209f9 No.160728



Meme idea: "Jet fuel - for perfectly severed support beams every time"

eadbcf No.160729

I may have missed the boat on this one for being gone so long. Apologies in advance if these have already been covered. I'm back from my 4th internet outage today on a, normally, rock solid connection. I believe these are the most relevant "Timestamp" posts. All times EST.

Q !ITPb.qbhqo Sat 9 Dec 2017 13:48:57 571cae No.60421

Timestamp US Military against POTUS' recent Tweet - US Military.

>Q is referring to this post:

Q !ITPb.qbhqo Sat 9 Dec 2017 13:34:24 571cae No.60291

What has been said about the US Military?

>Time is 13:34:24 - What is POTUS' Tweet?

>This must be the [15] marker. To whom does it refer?

Q !ITPb.qbhqo Tue 12 Dec 2017 17:31:52 3ce126 No.82276

Timestamp [Q] post [:03] against POTUS' Tweet [:13].

>This one is a direct confirmation. This was Q's Merry Christmas vs. POTUS' Happy Hannukah.

>This is the [10] marker. To whom does it refer?

Q !UW.yye1fxo Sat 23 Dec 2017 16:40:56 2d673c No.158900

Timestamps have meaning.

>This is the [5] marker. To whom does it refer? #2?

Please fill me in if these were all solved.

c12a51 No.160730

File: cf820ba0671ff90⋯.png (58.76 KB, 604x782, 302:391, d030b401016e44ae9192566475….png)


Holy shit.

1669f3 No.160731


sauce? cuz that map is not accessible in real time

640bb8 No.160732

5fd5fa No.160733


Divertion. Maybe by white hats.

823f70 No.160734


c62fb2 No.160736

Power out in NY or not?

Chaos as huge power cut hits America

Hundreds of thousands of people in New York and other cities in the north-eastern United States were left without electricity after they were hit by a massive power cut.

http://www. dailymail.co.uk/news/article-192507/Chaos-huge-power-cut-hits-America.html

29e19b No.160737

We are the Witch Finders. Trump and Q, The Witch Hunters.

We must build the holy temple in Jerusalem and begin the thousand year XXtian reign

de7e1c No.160738

https://www.youtube. com/watch?v=Mhcj3sOdckg

https://www.youtube. com/watch?v=fLa4miaiXIA

New Taco Bell commercials! Featuring $ bills and Illuminati! Hmmmmmm Are they starting to show themselves in public?

ee16b4 No.160739


Truth and justice is coming

I’ve been feeling it for years… truth will be known to all and it will be in our lifetime and it will be soon.

I’d stake my life on it

b57691 No.160740


Q from #179







c12a51 No.160741



f4392f No.160742


Everything perishes dumb fuck. OHHHHH SHIT!!!! ohhhhhh i get it your a god? HOT FUCKING BALLS. Guys, hey guys, we got our selfs a fucking god in here!!!! You know what god? I jizzed in your mom…let that sink in…a little deeper.

a74615 No.160743


2003 fag

f7013d No.160744

File: f7224b71078864e⋯.jpg (118.31 KB, 857x1333, 857:1333, karta.jpg)

This is my Trump card.

1669f3 No.160746


that has a 12/21/ date….todays the 23rd… did I miss something?

bbf7f4 No.160747


I think ye olde jet fuel can't melt steel beams!1!! meme works just fine. Still. After all these years of constant repetition.

I mean to say we don't really need to meme anything on 911. That job is done :)

d37207 No.160748

so maybe this drop happens the 25th? at 00:00:00 ZULU?

ed48c0 No.160749


>inflated sense of importance

e3b25d No.160750


oh boy

5b9a18 No.160751


hope so

f3735e No.160752


RCMP are technically military (MPs with a civilian mandate) and they do a lot of UN peacekeeping in Haiti.


Tymoshenko? Damn, I had a huge crush on her because of her hair. I love that braid.

785dd1 No.160753


> dailymail.co.uk/news/article-192507/Chaos-huge-power-cut-hits-America.html

2a992b No.160754

File: d1d69e8f5c54ba8⋯.jpeg (93.07 KB, 634x348, 317:174, 5BB490CA-40AF-4716-9D64-5….jpeg)

8c540b No.160755



Confirmed kek

0189ca No.160756


> and then I said the Witch Hunters and everyone rejoiced!

fd35e6 No.160757

is at&t working for cells in US?

29e19b No.160758

File: c92c03a329479fb⋯.jpg (1.56 MB, 3990x2993, 3990:2993, spidey.jpg)


Jesus fucking Christ, they're attacking gonzo journalism now! I unironically think they need the alt right's favorite anal leaf to restore order to what should be one of the best media sources around. Those old documentaries, mane.

62f8eb No.160759


I’ve been thinking that as well

e3b25d No.160760


Maybe the JUSTICE has to do with our Dept of JUSTICE

aebaba No.160761



>Degrading place for women

Go figure. Become so left that you have no morals left.

ee16b4 No.160762



e66865 No.160763


is that huma abedin

f71e33 No.160764

>> 160522

Don't worry, Anon. We carry 24/7. Well, we carry what fits inside our pants. We leave the sthotgun a home in our safe unless we are there. If home, that sucker's locked and loaded, too. Everyone who is lawfully qualified to carry must do so legally. Stay safe, y'all. Be prepared. God bless.


7f3280 No.160765


Anon - put a space somewhere in the URL you just posted…As it is now, bad actors can get to you…

243bfe No.160767


>i don't care.

You REALLY should care, anon.

Nasty actors in here right now.

640bb8 No.160768


You guys I have posted multiple links on twitter and other places with videos. I'm not saucing it anymore go look for urself

aebaba No.160769



Nice find!

5287e2 No.160770

File: 23d370a9263a1e0⋯.png (126.7 KB, 1080x850, 108:85, IMG_20171224_020205.png)



20-23 December

In most forms of Wicca, this holiday is celebrated at the winter solstice as the rebirth of the Great horned hunter god, who is viewed as the newborn solstice sun. The method of gathering for this sabbat varies by practitioner. Some have private ceremonies at home, while others do so with their covens.


Among Wiccans, the festivals are also referred to as sabbats /ˈsæbət/, with Gerald Gardner claiming this term was passed down from the Middle Ages, when the terminology for Jewish Shabbat was commingled with that of other heretical celebrations.


Rothschild party = Yule (Y heads)

2a992b No.160771

226259 No.160772



Baker, pls add to today's Q

67870b No.160773

File: 91c4c3c9cfd6d73⋯.png (59.29 KB, 603x389, 603:389, f225734ba578293abb5c495b98….png)


How many clues must we Provide!


29e19b No.160774

File: 6f9f406096b3520⋯.png (312.32 KB, 311x445, 311:445, uuuu.png)


Nice digits. I feel like you are an enemy who has been fired or a lesbian witch. If that is the case, please remember that we here at CBTS have an abundance of counter spells.

6b463f No.160775


Musk is Rocket Man! You're more autist; Anon.

7c8690 No.160776

File: 5ac4766aafab5c5⋯.png (289.16 KB, 480x407, 480:407, mad-dog.png)

8c540b No.160777


Nice find!

0189ca No.160778


And the 12th and 17th…

292b69 No.160779


Umm - maybe he's overseeing a military happening?

1df03a No.160780


OLD news from 2003

ee16b4 No.160782


It’s not done

It’s long overdue in my opinion

My parents know in their hearts it’s a lie

But the cognitive dissonance has a firm grasp on their balls

They cant watch videos of 9/11

We live close to NYC my dad volunteered

Maybe it’s time…

1209f9 No.160783

File: fa206caa88c571c⋯.jpg (166.9 KB, 1200x900, 4:3, DARKNESS MISSISSAUGA.jpg)



Beautiful isn't it?


fd35e6 No.160784

is anybody having problems will making calls on at&t cell phones in the US?

bbf7f4 No.160785


If you're right I would be outright furious. They fucking took everything from us, but even 'het Juul' (Yule)?! These bastards need to eradicated.

c12a51 No.160786







Holy happy new year lads.


What significance do the STAND dates have?

ed48c0 No.160787


>I feel like you are a lesbian witch.

How does that feel?

0189ca No.160788

Comy happenings music:

https://you tu.be/F8FbL0zW_bQ

5fd5fa No.160789



3bcf38 No.160790

File: 49c9e2343016ec5⋯.png (876.68 KB, 673x853, 673:853, thor.png)

5db552 No.160791


I can't wait to see your pic related come true

fd6006 No.160792


not till Trudeau is in the ground, then it will be beautiful.

640bb8 No.160793

Sauce for fl.

f3735e No.160794


>Aventura Mall

>Not Jesse Ventura Mall


29e19b No.160795

File: dd0518b3b11a23e⋯.jpg (116.62 KB, 486x1430, 243:715, wicca-i-am-your-father.jpg)


Daily Reminder

640bb8 No.160796

Oops you need the link

sauce for fl

http://bnonews. com/news/index.php/news/id6882

ca58c6 No.160797


Us northern europeans have been celebrating Jul for 1000s of years long before christianity. Its originally a pagan european holiday marking the winter solstice.

3535d1 No.160798

f71e33 No.160799


Anon, would you please explain? How can bad actors get to anyone who posts links? Thank you.

5160e4 No.160800


Was on ph. In car ph went nuts jumping to boards I’ve never been…..

ed48c0 No.160801


That's pretty funny.

243bfe No.160802


>How does that feel?

Like a broomstick shoved up her cunt by HRC.

a45235 No.160803


you going strong brother?

bbf7f4 No.160804


Everything is a Rich Man's Trick might be a good one to show your parents. It focuses on much more than 911, and is presented in a very professional way.

fae603 No.160805

File: 1398ffc476149ce⋯.jpg (32.5 KB, 480x360, 4:3, IMG_2756.JPG)

File: c17c840b5888869⋯.jpg (120.24 KB, 933x445, 933:445, IMG_2757.JPG)

File: 581057a8ef304ff⋯.jpg (50.54 KB, 500x375, 4:3, IMG_2758.JPG)

0189ca No.160806


vc lowercase on 12, 17, 22 and 27

7fc9dd No.160807

>>160782 show them this - it's 2 minutes 19 seconds

https: //www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zv7BImVvEyk

20a3ff No.160808

File: bd35836bc0d469a⋯.jpg (37.84 KB, 700x376, 175:94, nukeFromOrbit.jpg)

050df5 No.160809


but what does it all mean bazil?

7fc9dd No.160810

>>160765 I think it's funny no one tells Q to put spaces in his links

0189ca No.160811


dunno but the original thinking that only 23 (22 actually) and 27 were lowercase is false

62f8eb No.160812

File: 09a9215b682b641⋯.jpeg (459.27 KB, 750x990, 25:33, 591C4434-AA30-498A-A042-5….jpeg)


This is the tweet Q referenced when he asked “how many clues must we provide?”

640bb8 No.160813

So are we not waiting for something tonight?

bbf7f4 No.160814


Have you read the Oera Linda book?


Funny how? You saying I'm a funny guy?

4a052b No.160815

Lynn if you read this

Tits or gtfo

20a3ff No.160816


I'm doing good brother. Do you or anyone want to take over? I'm good for another loaf or 3 if not. NBD, but if someone else wants to bake, go for it! I'll upload my current batter to pb

5db552 No.160817


If I'm doing my math correctly….

fd35e6 No.160818


can't make calls on att right now. just got a call and it lasted all of 2 seconds and went dead

8c540b No.160819


Secretary Jim Mattis told troops at Fort Bragg, N.C., that "storm clouds are gathering" over the Korean Peninsula

f3735e No.160820


Arachne and Minerva, also used at Bohemian Grove

ca58c6 No.160821


>Oera Linda

No whats this book?

ed48c0 No.160822

e8f5f1 No.160823


His posts make screenshots. It makes sense to post full links in his context.

f71e33 No.160824


What drop, please? Thank you.

956399 No.160825


767-3JHF(ER) DHL

Departed EMA at 7:10pm

Destination unknown

Call sign unavailable

68f198 No.160826

London update?

62f8eb No.160827


Scaramucci on Fox News has been using ‘bad actors’ several times.

a8e213 No.160828


>So are we not waiting for something tonight?


We are… but at the same time, I think most of us know it wasn't likely a reference to tonight. At least, I don't really think it was. Won't stop me from looking, just in case. You never know what you will find when you look.

5db552 No.160829


Roseann, if you are reading this, you do not need to.

20a3ff No.160830


L's busy chowing on H's Bush.

f7013d No.160831


I noticed that too. Spoopy.

ee16b4 No.160832

File: 54f0459298ab6ee⋯.png (1.46 MB, 1334x750, 667:375, F201F801-6440-4FB3-9686-AE….png)


Greetings from downstate !

Nice view from the Hudson !

4c5698 No.160833

So nothing happened with Qs "Go Go"

That's disappointing I was so excited

ca58c6 No.160834


how to track? Doesnt show up on flightaware.com

7f3280 No.160835


if you leave all letters in the string together, they trace your IP.

Break it up, like

www. y outube.com

9cc8c5 No.160836

File: 6aefa3ca9492bbf⋯.jpg (95.71 KB, 640x360, 16:9, richardsoncnn.jpg)

File: 12615f674a3b828⋯.jpg (69.05 KB, 640x360, 16:9, richardson3.jpg)

File: d1468fe42120888⋯.jpg (9.68 KB, 299x169, 23:13, richardsonwb.jpg)

File: 9cb712f91538791⋯.jpg (56.72 KB, 800x430, 80:43, richardson1.jpg)

I strongly believe that Bill Richardson is a key player with North Korea. He has made a dozen trips there, there is an article where he says he has met with NK officials 20 times THIS year alone. (why is he meeting with NK officials, he is not part of Trump's admin?)

He escorted Eric Schmidt there in 2013. Seems he is the one who takes people there who wants to visit. I found he took Wolf Blitzer there too.

Here are some images perfecting for memeing. Is Bill Richardson a controller and puppet master of NK for others?

728ea6 No.160837

File: 65e0dea00327a33⋯.jpg (53.8 KB, 632x617, 632:617, bidenbaby.jpg)

Just saw this. WTF!

243bfe No.160838


Q keeps telling us that the time stamps are important.

I think Q is trying to show that he is legit … not to us chans (we already know), but to the cabal as a disinfo tool and to normies who's viewership of this exercise continues to grow.

It's Q's way of building credibility with the ever-increasing normy audience.

Re pilling the masses slowly.

695cc9 No.160839


POTUS is acting as if he accepts Moore's loss, so as not to seem in any way partisan when the election fraud is revealed.

a8d286 No.160840


I'll bet that thing looks like a gunshot wound.

08d3f8 No.160841

So, you're fucking telling me, that there's going to be another NYE happening that everyone will want yet probably won't happen? *sigh*

a1608b No.160842

I also thank the anon who updated Patrick Henry's famous speech to fit our times. Very nicely done. Will reply with Shakespeare's famous version of King Henry V's speech before the Battle of Agincourt. The summit of eloquent pre-battle oratory, not to mention manly defiance. Seriously, if you have never read it all the way through, it is required reading.

https://en.wikipedia. org/wiki/St_Crispin%27s_Day_Speech

848b1f No.160843

File: dbd7fe32304d1cc⋯.jpeg (51.35 KB, 306x462, 51:77, F363A512-A596-4AC8-8386-F….jpeg)

2a8c9a No.160844




640bb8 No.160845



I still think this is significant

bdbc3a No.160846

If you haven’t figured out the 15 min marker,try Blunt and Direct time, also try the No he gave to HRC

5db552 No.160847

d53c7f No.160848


Finally, a better than chuck norris meme…

243bfe No.160849


Uncle Joe grabbing the toddler by the pussy … as it were.

4a052b No.160850


Omg Whats that

aebaba No.160851


Big man. Looks like he's had one two many fetuses.

a299ef No.160852

File: f3771a9e4d67ab8⋯.png (1.94 MB, 1328x878, 664:439, Screen Shot 2017-12-23 at ….png)


>Q !UW.yye1fxo

Delta Relevant. Coincidence? Just saw this on the platform you boys call Twatter. Gitmo.

20a3ff No.160853


Like a grenade in a salami factory.

b42504 No.160854


I was thinking the same today hahaha

5db552 No.160855


my hopeful guess as well

292b69 No.160856


The power outage in the UK seems to be indicative of something going on

5160e4 No.160857

a8e213 No.160858


Is there a white paper that explains how this is done, somewhere? I am not a networking guru by any standard, but this doesn't really mesh with how I understand it all to work. It sounds like folklore, to me.

243bfe No.160859


Roseann, just GTFO.

4420c1 No.160860

File: 2247cc4e689980c⋯.jpg (121.81 KB, 305x475, 61:95, 30358494.jpg)



640bb8 No.160861


I think so

9cc8c5 No.160862


WTF???!!!!!! That man is so Fucking creepy!! Why would he be grabbing a babies crouch? That is so horrendous! And yet the mom tweeted out how awesome he is. She didn't have a problem with the crotch grab?

e7b6ac No.160863


Lynn is so ugly, if she gives you head, it counts as anal.

3e9ec0 No.160864

File: 6b7d8d13e0af963⋯.jpg (123.05 KB, 680x1483, 680:1483, I made this meme elon kim.jpg)

a45235 No.160865


naw dude if you're good I'm gonna leave you to it I'll take it later

f71e33 No.160866


Oh, cripes, thank you. I guess it's a goid thing we have lawful licenses to carry here in my family. . . .

06b1ca No.160867


[i] will be watching

e8f5f1 No.160868


Look at the babies face!! Holy shit the kid is shocked.

640bb8 No.160869

Distraction in FL while the Owls business goes down in the darkness???


5160e4 No.160870


Has anyone tried spelling out words with all the [] around them

c4f246 No.160871

File: 13e1f12071b76b3⋯.png (458.39 KB, 600x337, 600:337, jjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj….png)

aebaba No.160872



5ae10e No.160873

File: 74de6669fd9a0b9⋯.png (574.46 KB, 1366x768, 683:384, LondonEye.png)

File: 0e2f48e352d1c16⋯.png (322.58 KB, 1366x768, 683:384, Hotspotoutage.png)

File: 95c77d6fbf9e2df⋯.png (625.23 KB, 1366x768, 683:384, CityOfLondonOutage.png)

Thought I'd contribute for once. Midnight Coincidence?

5160e4 No.160875


What’s happening

0920b9 No.160876


Her you go

https://qcodefag. github.io/

e3b25d No.160877

James Comey

✔ @Comey

Sadly, we are now at a point in our political life when anyone can be attacked for partisan gain. James Baker, who is stepping down as FBI General Counsel, served our country incredibly well for 25 years & deserves better. He is what we should all want our public servants to be.

10:27 PM - Dec 22, 2017

Adam Schiff

✔ @RepAdamSchiff

FBI would set a dangerous precedent if it forced out dedicated career public servants in capitulation to Trump and WH pressure. President has already removed one top FBI leader — Comey — over Russia; McCabe would be another. https://twitter.com/realdonaldtrump/status/944666448185692166

3:52 PM - Dec 23, 2017

62f8eb No.160879


Right, but I think having them graphically connected will help later on. It also helps people read the map. Oranization is helpful.

9cc8c5 No.160880


Damn - Awesome find! Does that mean he already has new residents at Camp Delta? Are they singing like a bird maybe?

bbf7f4 No.160881


It's a book written by a Frisian family back in the day (4000 years ago back in the day). It's passed on through generations and has been discovered again around 1800 and has been translated and published since then. It tells of a very different history then we are meant to believe and is a very interesting read overall especially since im dutchidgaf. I think you could find it over at >>>/pdfs/, but I can't vow for the English version.

Otherwise, just try google to know more.

e3a2e4 No.160882


If this happens on the 27th it would be a great gift to me; It is a very very sad day in my life and to have something this amazing would give it a lot of meaning and hope.





LdR was a Forester Before she was married into the family.

If it is LdR, just push the button on the remote and stop being a pussy about it.

7fc9dd No.160883

File: f652860ffa0a35a⋯.png (2.07 MB, 1454x1094, 727:547, Truth_in_advertising_CIAma….png)

640bb8 No.160884


Fl mall hostage situation/shots fired. Its all over twitter. Also, power outage in London.

695cc9 No.160887


Nah, she's actually kind of a hot witch.

82ef2d No.160890






>Happy #SmallBusinessSaturday!

>A great day to support your community and America’s JOB creators by shopping locally at a #SmallBiz. #ShopSmall

https:// twitter.com/realdonaldtrump/status/934507210385829888

ca58c6 No.160891


Very interesting, I'll check it out! Thanks

fe32ce No.160892

File: 74cff25feab350b⋯.png (77.89 KB, 515x392, 515:392, bgneedshelpunderstanding.png)

Bill and Melinda G. needed help to understand what it's like to be poor.

To be so lucky that all you need to do is read a book to UNDERSTAND what it's like to be poor… Such altruistic humanitarians. They can almost UNDERSTAND what it's like to be people.

I'm sure endorsing that book will help keep them from getting poor.

"Melinda and I have been working for some time to learn more about the challenges Americans face moving up the economic ladder. This book helped me understand what it’s like to be poor in the U.S. better than anything else I’ve read: http:// b-gat.es/2Bnd26q"

6a25cb No.160893

File: 5ba39fd2d847471⋯.jpg (17.47 KB, 576x227, 576:227, DRxLUsTVAAAMqBe.jpg)

So what happens in 5 days (12-28) when Q's countdown (15, 10, 5, etc) gets to zero?

728ea6 No.160896


I was trying to make this into a meme but it's making fucking sick.

292b69 No.160897


WTF are you talking about?

f4392f No.160898


Agree. Evil as fuck and hot, i dig it.

5b4a8a No.160899


The Storm

20a3ff No.160900


Right on.

36afd1 No.160902


get to digging newfag. we'll know when it's apparent

f3735e No.160903


>demonic powers

Or they took mushrooms.


If you don't know how to use engine breaking/force downshift/emergency brake/ drive in an S pattern to burn speed/ control the car moving with all power cut, you probably shouldn't be driving. Not blaming Hastings, but forewarned is forearmed.

58f469 No.160904

File: b3017ef9c962939⋯.jpg (15.17 KB, 531x116, 531:116, flyjohnnyfly.jpg)

Q, is it this…


#2 = #FLYJOHNNYFLY# of >>38366

JOHNNY being John McC… whose surname you don't like to say!

e19dd3 No.160905


Anons, prepare for the "Trump is a Dictator" Lib narrative. They're teeing it up already.

e93f44 No.160906

File: 4ce7c2610b848a7⋯.jpg (59.71 KB, 880x449, 880:449, 15-2.JPG)

File: cd5a36100f2ab66⋯.jpg (20.06 KB, 684x173, 684:173, 15-1.JPG)

Starting from the beg. This is the first 15 I found. No direct link in content though

e3b25d No.160907


Bill Richardson has withdrawn his nomination to be commerce secretary.

Richardson, who will remain governor of New Mexico, is facing a federal grand jury investigation into whether he exchanged government contracts for contributions to three Richardson political committees.

Richardson denies any wrongdoing but the investigation won't be finished before he has to go to a Senate confirmation hearing.

"Let me say unequivocally that I and my administration have acted properly in all matters and that this investigation will bear out that fact," Richardson said in a statement. "But I have concluded that the ongoing investigation also would have forced an untenable delay in the confirmation process."

Obama said he was accepting Richardson's request to withdraw with "deep regret."

It is a measure of his willingness to put the nation first that he has removed himself as a candidate for the Cabinet in order to avoid any delay in filling this important economic post at this critical time," the president-elect said in a statement. "I look forward to his future service to our country and in my administration."

The Associated Press reported last month that a grand jury is investigating whether the California firm CDR Financial Products paid to push through a contract with the state of New Mexico.

State documents show CDR was paid a total of $1.48 million in 2004 and 2005 for its work on a transportation program.

CDR and its CEO, David Rubin, have contributed at least $110,000 to three political committees formed by Richardson, according to an AP review of campaign finance records.

The largest donation, $75,000, was made by CDR in June 2004 – a couple of months after the transportation financing arrangement won state approval – to a political committee that Richardson established before the Democratic National Convention that year.

Democratic strategist Mary Anne Marsh told FOX News that with the cloud lingering over the Obama transition because of Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich's alleged attempts to sell Obama's vacated Senate seat, the Richardson nomination would have been another unwanted distraction.

Richardson "was going to have a very difficult time getting through this nomination," Marsh said. "People really haven't looked at the Richardson situation and the more they looked at it, the more they realized" confirmation was going to be a problem.

Richardson, who ran unsuccessfully for the Democratic presidential nomination last year and later endorsed Obama, is currently in his second term as governor of New Mexico. He served seven terms as a U.S. representative and was energy secretary and U.S. ambassador to the U.N. during the Clinton administration



5bf2f9 No.160908


Maybe this was the 15 minute delta post

5db552 No.160910

0189ca No.160911


Didn't see original post. Very could be habbening

a51c94 No.160912

File: 8cb62c5641f41f4⋯.jpg (6.15 KB, 639x356, 639:356, pray.jpg)


Baker, please consider adding the Kim Clement prophecy (detailed below) to dough – serious


another part of Kim Clement's prophecy is fulfilled, per Roy Potter, and per me after seeing it.

Kim Clement said that Trump would be elected and that Bill Gates would help restore "the church" with his money

>"I will raise up the Trump to become a trumpet, and Bill Gates to open up the gate of a financial realm for the Church."

Gertler and the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation are connected.

Bill Gates' assets were frozen as a result of EO 13818.

Roy here: https://y outu.be/zdV4OCMQs-U

Kim Clement (short) here: https://y outu.be/eFfFtq1fljY

2b8477 No.160913

File: 2315696d241cfd0⋯.jpg (76.82 KB, 500x510, 50:51, hrc wow.jpg)

f8f2d6 No.160914


No flights are scheduled to leave LHR until 5:30am. That AAR plane was on a 4hr delay… reason unknown. There was a power outage of the Heathrow Express train that was suspended at lunchtime due to an electrical failure. The link between Paddington and the airport had a problem with power lines.. from dailymail

243bfe No.160915



I didn't mean for us to stop graphing and meming the links.

Definitely helps the red pilling process.

20a3ff No.160916


Magical indeed. Trips confirm. 11-3 = 8 / 2 = 4 -1 = 3 so good deal.

b90432 No.160917

center of main power outage is over Buckinghamshire, Rothschilds main residence.

2019df No.160918


we still haven't found the [15] minute one, from the past; Q is waiting

695cc9 No.160919


She needs a good ol' school Christian fucking to get those demons out.

37b042 No.160920


This is our best breakthrough so far boys.

The "Crumb dump" that followed was all SA-related.

5db552 No.160921


welcome to Delta 1

956399 No.160922


Can we get cargo manifest on this plane and this one


bbf7f4 No.160923


No worries man :)

291766 No.160924




>Trivia: Last two lines are the source of Monty Python & The Holy Grail monk chant: "Pie Jesu, Domine, dona eis requiem."


>("Merciful Lord Jesus, grant them rest."

Dubs checked, and Monty Python reference greatly appreciated.

5160e4 No.160925



cd6d13 No.160926

SA is doing to their rich and corrupt what DJT is about to do. Holee fuck.

3e9ec0 No.160928

File: d094f9240824aab⋯.png (1.19 MB, 744x2180, 186:545, Screenshot-2017-12-24 U S ….png)


>Bill Richardson

https://www.nytimes .com/2016/03/16/world/asia/us-troubleshooter-meets-north-korea-diplomats-on-detained-american.html

Otto Warmbier was whiped clean of his memories?

guess who

9cc8c5 No.160929


REALLY?? FOR SURE?? DAMN I AM EXCITED NOW! another chance at them?!

But they would have a ton of back up power - so they wouldn't have their lights out.

c4f246 No.160930

File: 3b088e677a8a727⋯.png (547.02 KB, 600x450, 4:3, jjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj….png)

File: e9426f539ec2da5⋯.png (583.39 KB, 600x449, 600:449, jjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj….png)

243bfe No.160931


Looks a little man-ish.

Fucking honker. What happened, mosquito bite on her nose?

f6c757 No.160932


My calls are working but data is horrendously slow. Almost unusable

1a5e62 No.160933




Those Q posts are in the OP - here >>160564


OP - post here >>160588 has pastebin from #175.

Here's a newer link from #182:

https://pastebin. com/kYshSt4V

4420c1 No.160934


approx 15 min, good find

0a560d No.160935


Ahh I've always loved the sound of concussion grenades during the holidays.

e93f44 No.160936

File: c5f418eeb82b9b1⋯.jpg (105.54 KB, 754x914, 377:457, 15-4.JPG)

File: b92f56a2e30ab8f⋯.jpg (48.76 KB, 908x467, 908:467, 15-3.JPG)

Another 15

292b69 No.160937


more likely retribution

5db552 No.160938


the 15s other anons found did not really have significant news events like the 10 did, unless it is the move to jerusalem notification

f4392f No.160939


Hahahahaha, oh shit. You cant see it but im lol like a mo fo over that

36afd1 No.160940






Bill Richardson was the Energy Sec under Clinton

fe32ce No.160941

File: b3c5622e3e4f49e⋯.png (35.25 KB, 512x235, 512:235, escantwait.png)

ES "can't wait". Well, with the rate people are waking up, I think he will require more patience before he dives into those endeavors.

Who's Larry and Sergy?

A is for Asshole!

1209f9 No.160942

GREEN Justice…


"On a silver platter" please…

3d73e8 No.160943


Good job. [15]=KSA

20a3ff No.160944


Yeah Joe. Thanks for being an awesome pubic servant.

5b9a18 No.160945


I imagine FL is a cabal distraction?

063e98 No.160946

Shooter in Aventura Mall..people uploading video to twitter, start capturing

4420c1 No.160947

18943d No.160948



243bfe No.160949


This looks like an important find.

Great job, anon.

248c33 No.160950

Q post 159016 is missing from bread… get it together guys

1209f9 No.160951


Is this a 'spirit cooking' reference we missed?

4420c1 No.160952

a1608b No.160953




Baker please include zip 4c from prev thread


4c 228 files from #4, 23Dec2017, 84Mb. https://anonfile. com/DfW0pbd1b6/CBTS_Memes_4c.zip


e61983 No.160954


>Who's Larry and Sergy?

WTF? You can't be serious.

20a3ff No.160955


If this is true, I might just die of boner.

37e94e No.160956



Nov 6 = [15]

b57691 No.160957


Put these filthy fucks in Guantanamo already, be done with it, stop giving them leverage to amass an idiot army of drones and mindless zombies via this demonic media, and stop torturing the good patriots of the country who see WTF is going on. Just put them in fucking jail now.

13ba2d No.160958


nah, she's had surgery. make it all pretty

3e9ec0 No.160959


always a mass shooting as distraction

5bf2f9 No.160960


Confirmed NO SHOOTER. Carry on.

e66865 No.160961

File: e7ca1b61202effd⋯.jpg (2.51 KB, 125x100, 5:4, 1505309116855s.jpg)


ohh fucckk….

a45235 No.160963


https://www.broadcastify. com/listen/feed/27207/web

f3735e No.160964

File: a9d3fea7d8c78da⋯.jpg (11.14 KB, 300x195, 20:13, teaserbox_4093125071.jpg)


>termites melt steel beams

t. shitposting to keep things lighter in a serious time

640bb8 No.160965



would you like to tell what is going on then?

fe32ce No.160966


L is for lovers?

397db0 No.160968

Thank POTUS!

1209f9 No.160969


It gives police, public and copters something to do so they miss the real event. Mall @ Xmas, obvious distraction.

a8d286 No.160971


Why not have a little surgery on that face then?

243bfe No.160972


>She needs a good ol' school Christian fucking to get those demons out.

Pro Tip: Never put your dick in crazy, anon.

3265de No.160973

Guys, I just had a thought. So (((they))) have had so much power for so long that they never had to "rewrite history" since they were the ones literally writing history. And now that we've caught on, what if the tables have turned and we are the ones writing history by doing this work on here, now?

5db552 No.160974


11/6 was texas church shooting

5fd5fa No.160975


Again: it can be a distraction by /ourguys/

f7b475 No.160976


Police / Authorities saying no shooter. No specifics released

https://patch. com/florida/aventura/aventura-mall-police-investigating-incident

3bcf38 No.160977



f3735e No.160978


It's called Vice, duh.

Gavin and Shane used to brag about fucking MILF ad execs back in the day. I think Gavin left/was pushed when Shane developed certain, um, tastes.

fd6006 No.160979


pretty much, its a pants shitting moment

37b042 No.160980


Easy advice in these parts, anon.

9cc8c5 No.160981


Did you know that Warmbler died after coming home?


Richardson currently runs a foundation, the Richardson Center for Global Engagement, which aims to mediate prisoner releases and international conflicts.

Recently, he worked to free American college student Otto Warmbier, who was held for 17 months by North Korea after being convicted of stealing. In June, the 22-year-old was sent home on what Pyongyang said was humanitarian grounds. Warmbier, who was in a coma for a year, died shortly thereafter.

Kim Jong Un's constant concern about being overthrown as leader of North Korea complicates any dealings with the reclusive nation over its nuclear missile program, said Bill Richardson, whose past diplomatic missions included negotiations with Pyongyang.

Richardson, formerly ambassador to the U.N. and Energy secretary during Bill Clinton's presidency, said on CNBC's "Squawk on the Street" Wednesday that President Donald Trump's "fire and fury" threat against North Korea was "over the top."

"You never know how the North Koreans are going react … especially Kim Jong Un who's afraid of his own shadow, who is concerned about him being toppled, regime change," said Richardson, adding he was encouraged that Secretary of State Rex Tillerson tamped down Trump's rhetoric.

20a3ff No.160982


“Sometimes people don't want to hear the truth because they don't want their illusions destroyed.”

― Friedrich Nietzsche

6c85a8 No.160983


Pump it full of CS and toss a flare like they did at Waco.

e93f44 No.160984

File: 9b6188e2bdb97eb⋯.jpg (52.39 KB, 925x363, 925:363, 22-2.JPG)

File: a7742336fd9f1e2⋯.jpg (18.37 KB, 678x171, 226:57, 22-1.JPG)

Werent we told to find :22

that would be these

a45235 No.160985

20a3ff No.160986


Can confirm.

632a3b No.160987


8ch Q Drops pt.2 >>>/cbts/160682

e66865 No.160988

File: f235401c4d43764⋯.jpg (37.64 KB, 634x475, 634:475, 1510006407403.jpg)

243bfe No.160989


I gotta have a sauce first.

My habbenings boner won't be able to take disappointment from this if it turns out to be a larp.

5db552 No.160990


>Pro Tip: Never put your dick in crazy, anon.

If only you had told me that 10 years ago, anon.

fd35e6 No.160991


bars all down to 1 on all att devices right now.

normally get 3 or 4

3e9ec0 No.160992


They killed his brain in NK but why, guess this is beginning to make sense now. Otto saw something or someone.

e3b25d No.160993


makes you wonder what Otto really saw over there.

His parents sure aren't talking about it.

29e19b No.160994


Not all powers are demonic. Mushrooms can contact demonic powers, sure. And to the third highest poster, the pizza card represents the ubiquity of creature staples. Its newfound signicance to the gate of tasty-itallian-cheese-snax is merely ironic. I find the power in that card game comes from the source material of the card game, the Novel Illuminatus written by a former )))playboy((( editor and a powerful discordian pope. Great spells cause emanations, much how Alan Moore's V for Vendetta gave us Anonymous.

9cc8c5 No.160995



Bill Richardson interview this month about North Korea on Fox News.

e3b25d No.160996

37b042 No.160997


should I email you to get a source? lol

397db0 No.160999

File: 011152a137c7cfd⋯.jpg (137.64 KB, 800x447, 800:447, HUMANE.jpg)

Who still has doubt?

e423d0 No.161000

It would be nice if some of you would be a bit objective.

There is a reason Musk has a following.

For idiots talking about Tesla cars, they are literally like the best cars there are.

Electric and they are the fastest, safest, most advanced vehicles.

Two years ago I drove 3 hours to reserve there new car they just start producing starting at 35k.

The guy is a billionaire and still works 24/7.

He also took a lot of heat for joining Trump's advisory board before leaving after the paris agreement.

The Musk part is by far the hardest thing to believe, coming from someone who actually knew about him.

If he is involved it would be hard to believe anything but Clowns coming in and trying to take advantage of his success and following.

For morons talking about his tweets….

Easter eggs are just special temporary things added to the software of the cars.

Eric Schmidt says to ignore Musk's AI fears.


Elon Musk say's Zuckercuck's understanding of the subject is limited.


"Google's AI camera doesn't even pretend to be innocent."


Elon Musk almost crying when astronaut legends don't approve.

Elon Musk almost crying when told about the energy crisis in Australia. "We'll work harder."


e66865 No.161001


this should be a thing a father tells his son when he starts to mature..

4a6cc0 No.161002


It has to get out to normies. FFS sickening & mom disgusting.

1209f9 No.161003


"The storm is grabbing more than the humane society" (grab em by the KITTENS!).

If this is real, meme fodder!

5160e4 No.161004

Wow. Some9ne tried kicking me out of board. Sent me 8nto a cancer board then anime board then back here. Signed out and. Did a check and renter.

b5ee27 No.161005

Ok. I cannot find any power or internet outage of significant concern in london right now. Still seeing my london twitter people tweeting just normally. Can someone please verify if this is real? All the pictures I have been seeing are old outage maps

9cc8c5 No.161006



Exactly What Truth did he see there that they had to make him a zombie over? He was in Coma for a year.. then died.

f3735e No.161007

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Now you've done it. Those kodachrome people will come out of the woodwork.

e3b25d No.161008


And who really controls NK

397db0 No.161009


Reposted at


Forgot the pussy! That's the best part.

81e35d No.161010

File: 33c2f1982a70656⋯.png (514.02 KB, 719x405, 719:405, Anon .PNG)

6bbeac No.161011


Pro Tip: they're all crazy, anons

20a3ff No.161012


David Koresh did nothing wrong.

1d3c79 No.161013

https://powercheck.nienetworks.co.uk 2 major outages n uk started 7:12

a51c94 No.161014


_CONF_AW-CjF78-82(Z 00:00)_


GO/EXECUTE order for Joint Operation "AWAN RAIN" ???


5db552 No.161015



623490 No.161016


this brings a tear to my eye. Imagine, of all the first generation Kekistanian-Americans can walk down the street as equals in this New America!

640bb8 No.161017

Now would be a great time for Q to drop by.

ed48c0 No.161018


>It would be nice if this near-violent mob of internet religious fundamentalists and people who think aliens are fighting an invisible war above our planet would be a bit objective.

Good luck.

243bfe No.161019


>this should be a thing a father tells his son when he starts to mature..

Should be the VERY FIRST sentence of "the talk".

2a8c9a No.161020

File: 086a62e7e8f032e⋯.png (615.16 KB, 930x1060, 93:106, war never changes - ironic….png)




' . . please forgive the for what they are about to do."

>hold on pepe , this might get bumpy

5160e4 No.161021



f392c6 No.161022


Consider this anons: Trump has been absolutely silent on his military operations, there have been zero leaks of operations too.

Now, why would Mad Dog seemingly tell us that a possible storm is gathering over NK?

That in itself is significant - they wouldn't broadcast an attack on NK, look at the 'rods from God' - it just happened and received zero media attention.

As we know, NK is owned by Clowns, so this could well be Mad Dog informing us and the Clowns that the storm is here for them.

MEGA from a Brit Anon cheering your GEOTUS on here since the start.

e3b25d No.161023


· 5 hours ago

Uproar as top MSNBC hosts denounce their own network for firing beloved contributor Joan Walsh for unknown reasons

13ba2d No.161024


arrogant, condescending, poison vaccine pushing bottom feeder.

9cc8c5 No.161025


At the 3:30 mark Bill Richardson calls Kim of NK a 'rational ACTOR'.

1d3c79 No.161026

correction n ireland 2 outages

97d481 No.161027

If any anon needs a prayer tonight, see this thread

<Prayer Request Thread




e423d0 No.161028


Link of Musk almost crying when astronaut legends don't approve didn't post for some reason.


a51c94 No.161029


Yessir, it sho is. These are the times. Best timeline. Perfect.

9919ab No.161030



Assuming this is the start of [15] on Nov 6

Then end is on Nov 21. What happened then?


[10] is from Dec 7 - Dec 17


If [5] starts today, then tick tock Dec 28


Alternatively if we interpolate the dates from the time it was posted, then

Nov 6 - Dec 7 - Dec 23 - ?

Deltas: 32,16,8

Dec 23 + 8 = HAPPY NEW YEARS


expect emergency transmission during the countdown

5160e4 No.161031


No wonder Mattis went to gitmo. To make sure there was room for more!

b5ee27 No.161032


Major? It is saying it is affecting 20 customers each. Doesn't seem too major.

9ad9e5 No.161033

File: f951b1c199fc753⋯.png (187.04 KB, 805x582, 805:582, bt1.png)

File: f240ef9c3592158⋯.png (792.87 KB, 1255x537, 1255:537, bt2.png)


No it doesn't seem so (Use Harrow as point of reference )

3e9ec0 No.161034

File: 125614eaf41c2b4⋯.jpg (21.73 KB, 250x366, 125:183, RMGPfdj.jpg)


>>He was a brother of the Theta Chi fraternity.[20][21][22] Warmbier's mother was Jewish, and he was active in the Hillel Jewish campus organization at the University of Virginia.[23] He had visited Israel in a Birthright Israel heritage trip for young Jewish adults.[24]

https://en.wikipedia .org/wiki/Otto_Warmbier

Could be mossad

f3735e No.161036


>willingly living in the sausage

Back to Reddit for you.

569d08 No.161037

Sorry for using Huff but it seems relevant:

"Back in New Mexico, Richardson maintained a close relationship with well-known painter R.C. Gorman, who was suspected of being a pedophile for more than 40 years. An FBI report released after Gorman’s death indicated that the agency had uncovered “credible evidence that Gorman participated in child sexual abuse,” though the only provable cases had occurred many years prior to the five-year statute of limitations. Richardson, who was aware of the charges, used Gorman’s art work “Mystic Mesa” as recently 2002 in his campaign poster. Richardson’s own “inappropriate” behavior around women also dogged him on the campaign trail."

https://www.huffingtonpost. com/geoffrey-dunn/richardsons-lies-have-fin_b_155150.html

5db552 No.161039


unfortunately, i did not get that talk.

she was so fine

695cc9 No.161040




Can't help it Anons, I love batshit crazy.

5fd5fa No.161041



d37207 No.161042


that u elon

243bfe No.161043


>David Koresh did nothing wrong.


Bible toting gun nut.

By that definition, 100 million Americans could get Wacoed tomorrow.

37b042 No.161044


Disinfo. The numbers are ALL deltas.

9ad9e5 No.161045


fucked it up

02dd8e No.161046


Donald Trump had said in an interview shortly after 911 that aircraft could never go through the steel pillars at the outside of the WTC buildings:

https: //www.youtube.com/watch?v=0STS7HBi5Cw

You may skip to 2:17 and listen&watch 2 minutes.

57ff75 No.161047

File: 5cb0ea215782f7e⋯.jpg (68.72 KB, 736x521, 736:521, hillaryous.jpg)

1df03a No.161048

Just throwing this out there:

[5] today (Roths?)

[10] ATL extraction (Soros?)

[15] KSA validation

Are we seeing the dates and predictions of the takedowns?

5db552 No.161049


the welcoming party!!!

5160e4 No.161050


Awan target

3535d1 No.161051

1bc817 No.161052

File: 97004a53378a14e⋯.jpg (147.31 KB, 960x641, 960:641, Gates.jpg)

5b9320 No.161053


What's the pendants on the chain?

29a90a No.161054

eadbcf No.161055

File: 66cf7b6ae706fe1⋯.png (1.03 MB, 2022x1275, 674:425, Stringer_decode5.png)


Another big stringer decode from the "Stringer" thread. God bless those autists! Pic relevant.

ba600e No.161056



Budget deficit, federal debt, budget deficit….

15000 Haitian deportees x$1100=$16.5MM/month

x12 months=$198,000,000/ year just for AIDS medication.*

Ds: Shame on POTUS for not welcoming people in need.


5db552 No.161057


The welcoming party

>I did not even see the post I responded to first

>3rd time

3535d1 No.161058

I heard Alwaleed is loose…anyone know if true?

6c85a8 No.161059


I know.

243bfe No.161060


The crazy ones always are … that's God's sense of humor at work.

9919ab No.161061


Delta is used in calculus as the difference between numbers, not the number itself

d41ace No.161062


Crazy is so fun and unpredictable

569d08 No.161063


Maybe when Trump said, "I would bring back waterboarding, and I'd bring back a hell of a lot worse than waterboarding,", he knew exactly who that would be applied to in the near future.

20a3ff No.161064


Yeah.. if H would have "won" the election..

243bfe No.161065


>I love batshit crazy.

Who doesn't?

ya just gotta walk away … and take your dick with you.

640bb8 No.161066


He's not loose. His govt is saying they want him to pay them 6 billion dollars to get out of jail.

e423d0 No.161067

Another Musk breaking down video.


Do you see this from any of these other CEO's we are talking about?

Something doesn't add up.

fe32ce No.161068

File: 87deb1e1214ce98⋯.png (243.15 KB, 514x384, 257:192, bgsoextreme.png)


Nice work! Damn, MG looks like a man in that pic. I thought her head was photoshopped.

BG probably knows how to go scubadiving after reading that book/pic/tweet.

Here’s my own extreme submission to the challenge. #extremereading

5160e4 No.161069

9ad9e5 No.161070

File: bf012635f4f509f⋯.png (867.39 KB, 1317x529, 1317:529, b2.png)

File: 3dacb2c99a40cc5⋯.png (47.56 KB, 612x538, 306:269, b1.png)


Better one

dec2db No.161071

File: 12071b0d64effcf⋯.png (528.7 KB, 622x386, 311:193, cultmtg.PNG)


to be a Pepe on the wall…

5db552 No.161072


I finally learnt that in the school of hard knocks

you don't forget those lessons

cbd9f5 No.161074

823f70 No.161075

I wish Q would answer just this one question, just to put people at ease:

Will the BEGINNING of 2018 be reigned in with true justice?

37b042 No.161076


Delta = difference, not just in calculus.

5, 10, 15 are deltas of POTUS - Q post timestamps.

He literally spelled this out for us.

5b75f0 No.161077


Well they already have a lot of practice eating the pain anyways.

Give them a buffet

5fd5fa No.161078


yes, but where did you get it?

7f9428 No.161079


Leviathan Cross?

b90432 No.161080

Center of England power outage in South over Rothschild Burkinghamshire. Ahlaweed +++ apprehended, Soros + apprehende, So I am thinking the Owls got the Owl. A big deal and will be kept secret. Watch the Brits bitch, unless they have a reason not too.

e43217 No.161081

File: 8b5611647a9ec0b⋯.png (31.89 KB, 535x144, 535:144, Screen Shot 2017-12-23 at ….png)

Posted this in previous bake

fd35e6 No.161082


bail money, but still to dangerous to let him loose.

0920b9 No.161083



>>On it way<<

http://www.scmp.com/ news/world/united-states-canada/article/2125169/toronto-tycoon-tried-stop-probe-trudeau-fundraising

f71e33 No.161084


Thank you, Anon. We can never have too many prayers. Merry Christmas and God bless you.

243bfe No.161085


No doubt.

5160e4 No.161086


>CONF_AW-CjF78-82(Z 00:00)_


>GO/EXECUTE order for Joint Operation "AWAN RAIN" ???

20a3ff No.161087

4c5698 No.161088

File: cebe88b25aeaae6⋯.jpg (650.09 KB, 1384x1909, 1384:1909, Screenshot_20171224-023506.jpg)


Wow people are making up stuff here all the time…..

4a6cc0 No.161089


Awans Pakistan involved in Iridium Sats.

096f5f No.161090


i do, i drive a dumb car with a stick. not a smart car with no tranny and drive by wire controls.

5fd5fa No.161091


I can't believe they give military orders on 8chan

13ba2d No.161092

Waters World FOX now showing live" recording pilot describing UFO. Oohh, scary

eb66a8 No.161093


>Q !UW.yye1fxo

Could an entitled, stupid jewish kid used as a useful idiot.

Sure sounds like an upbringing of one lol

9cb45e No.161094

File: 0e4762762e95948⋯.jpg (181.7 KB, 1457x800, 1457:800, cia utube jewgle twatter j….jpg)


after waiting all day to get to this…

5db552 No.161095


At least she didn't show her tits to us while she was here.

e3b25d No.161096


LOL you guys need your own thread

I'd read it

ca58c6 No.161097


Great work!!!!

a80e8e No.161098


That is why the damning and completely irrefutable evidence MUST be made public.

It's the only thing that will put cognitive dissonance/pet theories/Mockingbird counter-narratives to bed.

And as the TRUTH sinks in, we will comfort and calm those around us…

7f3280 No.161099


the difference between 78 and 82 = 5

Could this be one of our "5"s ?

5 people?

5b75f0 No.161100

>>161095 She could,,

5fd5fa No.161101


There's no "awan rain" on Q map

maybe I'm dumb, but I don't understand

2e6291 No.161102


kek… been waiting

29e19b No.161103

File: fd73535561bc8d9⋯.png (13.52 KB, 230x219, 230:219, tho.png)

3535d1 No.161104


Get a copy of Lew White's book, FOSSILIZED CUSTOMS

243bfe No.161105


The night isn't over …..

10f6fe No.161106

Lights out over R in London or fake?

f3735e No.161107


I learned on a boat. No brakes.

Then when I had a car I had a monster 70's gas guzzler V8. Try driving one of those without power steering or brakes…

5db552 No.161108


Do not threaten me, Roseanne

9ad9e5 No.161109

File: ef00341a9d16b11⋯.png (38.62 KB, 492x492, 1:1, 4f9.png)



292b69 No.161110


I wish he would answer this one: is the danger of the US being nuked/poisoned/emp'd behind us now or are we living in the most dangerous time the US has ever seen (until this is over)? Just how biggly are we winning?

ae887c No.161111




Also, Aventura Mall is in an area where a lot of wealthy NYC and east coast (((families))) have condos. Very popular for them to be there now.

Who's on the hunting list that could be in that area?

a8d286 No.161112

File: 192cfa820bfba1a⋯.jpg (19.03 KB, 381x164, 381:164, q 12.22.17.jpg)


I don't know about the beginning of 2018, but Q did say 2018 will be GLORIOUS!

eb66a8 No.161113



Expand your thinking, anons.

5db552 No.161114


hey tubbs

a45235 No.161115


welcome back tubbs

e3b25d No.161116


He was from Virgina?

That is deep state right there

Trump got him home

Something strange about that entire case.

Just like Vegas . . . too many unanswered questions

096f5f No.161117


holy fuck … they made it look like one of us edited it

243bfe No.161118

a8e213 No.161119


Perhaps Elon should spend less time fibbing to investors about being cleared for hyper tunnel ventures through governments he never talked to… and more time making sure his production supervisors over at Tesla have what they need to use the -automated- equipment to make the cars?

Just a thought.

e423d0 No.161120

Elon Musk destory's Jeff Bezos.


c3593b No.161121


What'd you have,one of those boat anchor 305's?

5fd5fa No.161122


And who is going to make it public? Trump? Sessions? Pence?

They are "Trump puppets" for MSM.

There's a need for a believable third party to spill the beans… maybe Wikileaks, who knows.

ed48c0 No.161123

ae887c No.161124


A friend in the area confirms no actual shooter????

Smells like a distraction.

I repeat, find the HVT from the swamp that has a home or condo in AVENTURA. That's who they just grabbed

162b25 No.161125

Miss America CEO Sam Haskell resigns with other top brass amid leaked email scandal

https://www. usatoday.com/story/life/people/2017/12/23/3-miss-america-organization-leaders-resign-amid-scandal/979182001/

9ad9e5 No.161126

File: 5f0b9167d64c21e⋯.jpg (31.25 KB, 409x513, 409:513, 811.jpg)

06b1ca No.161127


I thought it was a rule.

ed48c0 No.161128

File: a8ca64f1fcc95c9⋯.jpg (39.56 KB, 750x493, 750:493, 1514078611959.jpg)

4ca3e4 No.161129


I mean, if we get some video of them fucking some kids, it won't matter too much who releases it.

a45235 No.161130


I love your work and you bring much needed cuteness to the board

6c85a8 No.161131


Oklahoma City was a black op

9ad9e5 No.161132



eb66a8 No.161133


Jewish kid, goes to UVA.

My guess is useful idiot tool. Sure acts like one. His capture/illness/death brought deep state and (((globalists))) one more excuse to stir things up with NK etc. Because rest of the world just sees white american kid.

5db552 No.161134


I'm willing to give her a pass. You?

67870b No.161135

Aventura Mall is a distraction.

632a3b No.161136

File: 0f0f51b50c10d54⋯.jpg (73.74 KB, 402x402, 1:1, 0f0f51b50c10d542b7c6fc93ab….jpg)



That wasn't me..

c3593b No.161137


1d130b No.161138

nonymous 12/23/17 (Sat) 09:17:31 e260ea No.156882>>157048


All of us who voted for DJT have hired him. We are his employers. He answers to

nobody but us. Get it now?

I'm not concerned. I'm pissed the hell off and I want some answers. Or at least some

results from the Storm but preferably both. Enough fucking "digging." It's time for

action. We need to see it and the world needs to see it.

We've been given a mission from Q to spread the word and gradually prepare people

for a paradigm shift. But that is not our only responsibility. We have to be actively

engaged with those who want to govern us. We have to be critical when we feel it's

appropriate and give praise when it is due. That is the definition of a patriot.

<Grow the fuck up, you self entitled faggot!>

243bfe No.161139



I agree. No way Q's drops are predictive. Too easy to let slip important info that could be used against the operation.

Most everything important to the outcomes has already taken place.

What's left is the red pilling.

5db552 No.161140


did you find the key logger yet?

9919ab No.161141


And he also often tells us to expand our thinking.

The time stamps are important, right?

If there is a pattern between the deltas in the dates from the first posts of [15],[10], and [5], should we ignore it?

Just 1 of 2 theories I posted. It could be wrong. But I wouldn't dismiss it without considering it.

063e98 No.161142

File: 6e085a1a7a6c903⋯.png (7.07 KB, 380x172, 95:43, 2017-12-23 19_54_28-GANNET….png)

I was aggregating RSS feeds and I came across http:// rssfeeds.usatoday.com/usatoday-NewsTopStories and this came up

a45235 No.161143


awww bummer my bad

1bc817 No.161144

File: 2b17292279bdfae⋯.jpg (149.48 KB, 912x602, 456:301, Gates2.jpg)

9ad9e5 No.161145


you must have me confused with someone else

640bb8 No.161146


police are reporting no shots fired and no shooter but everybody that was at that mall says otherwise.

a8d286 No.161147


If the heat really comes down tonight, she might offer to give BJs to get off the hook.

34e81b No.161148

DWS district covers Aventura Mall, I believe

37e94e No.161149

So have we confirmed [5] [10] [15]

Time to figure out [0]

06b1ca No.161150


hell no.

29a90a No.161152



Those palindrome numbers?

9ba326 No.161153



The storm will be the public outcry once these stealth operations are completed and people learn who has been arrested.

That's the storm, the media's spin and biased portrait of events.

5fd5fa No.161155


"It's a fake! Drumpf wants to get rid of those amazing public servants! Etc etc!"

You should know them

9ad9e5 No.161156


looks like someone trolling on twatter

5b9a18 No.161157


he does look like someone who would being doing that, but no doubt it's all an distraction.

5db552 No.161158


that will be hell

243bfe No.161159


Elon Musk is a modern day snake oil salesman.

Nothing more.

f3735e No.161160


I love lions too, anon, but I don't fuck them. Get help.

6153df No.161161


did you know that they arent held to the same crashtest rules as large auto companies? they dont make enough cars per year to count as a big company. almost as if all of those subsidieswere going somewhere else…

3e9ec0 No.161162


But that doesnt explain his lack of brains on return.

d68bea No.161163


too much botox

aeb47c No.161164

File: ff790214314f14c⋯.png (188.37 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, IMG_9375.PNG)

File: 6f06753c62cee9d⋯.png (200.71 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, IMG_9376.PNG)

Hey Lynn…how are your dreams now? Your power is draining…

37b042 No.161165

jesus this little girl on fox just blurted out of nowhere "I like pizza".

I shuddered.

1bc817 No.161166


Totally fake post

11c014 No.161167


Pls add to the list of resigned CEOs tks!

4100a7 No.161168


That’s bill Mitchell lol

640bb8 No.161169


5 Is today or the 27th?

2019df No.161170


he also repeats that timestamps are important; all the actual timestamps that match the 5,10,15 lineups may contain information too (as much as themselves containing confirmation tweets etc)

243bfe No.161171


I think we can wave that rule this time.

e9edd5 No.161172

Putin: North Korea Has Zero Nukes, But Trillions in Rare Minerals



The All Seeing Eye and Illuminati Control/Power, page 1


Origins and Techniques of Monarch Mind Control - The Vigilant Citizen


…Monarch programming is a mind-control technique comprising elements of Satanic Ritual Abuse (SRA) and Multiple Personality Disorder (MPD). It utilizes a combination of psychology, neuroscience and occult rituals to create within the slaves an alter persona that can be triggered and programmed by the handlers. Monarch slaves are used by several organizations connected with the world elite in fields such as the military, sex slavery, and the entertainment industry. This article will look at the origins of Monarch programming, its techniques, and its symbolism.

Microchip Mind Control, Implants And Cybernetics




Theories of Methods Used in ESMC

…We know that electronic and mind control assault operates by remote, but we know little about its delivery system. The delivery has to be either satellite-driven, land-based, or a combination of the two. The debate about which one it is goes on. Likewise, there is still some question about whether the delivery system requires a device implanted in the human body or can be delivered without that implanted device.

ed48c0 No.161173


Will you ever be able to eat pizza again?

fe32ce No.161174


AlopeCIA wouldn't be much of a statement.

e3a2e4 No.161175




seems suspect Probably because that totally looks like Bill Mitchell.


Can't screencap cause working.

d6a06b No.161176


Or..Tom Mueller? The Engineer working for EM was, according to this (https://en.wikipedia . org/wiki/Tom_Mueller)

Also called "Rocket Man".

8304f1 No.161177

File: 5b679ea55e682b3⋯.png (1.82 MB, 2048x1876, 512:469, Q Anon 12-23-17 breadcrumb….png)

292b69 No.161178


The people better shut up about what they saw/heard so they aren't Vegacided

c8e01e No.161179


Good shit, next timestamp is either 1 or 0. Is Q exchanging hands and getting closer to POTUS, will Trump eventually be Q? Or Scavino at least, he tweets sometimes right?

baccc9 No.161180


SAME. pizza is ruined.

37b042 No.161181


Thank the lord I'm on keto.

1209f9 No.161182



9ba326 No.161183


it's what I was born for

62f8eb No.161184


Right?! No one can say pizza anymore. Hell I can’t even eat it anymore.

243bfe No.161185


When did the LVPD set up shot in Aventura, FL?

a496ad No.161186

File: 60a5ca7121f2cfe⋯.jpeg (53.86 KB, 560x370, 56:37, CreepyBidenCrotch.jpeg)

5b75f0 No.161187

I think the year of Jubilee (Jewish Holy Year when all debts canceled and slaves are freed) is the Hebrew year 5777.

But I don't think it technically happens until the year is up or something to that effect.

I believe the last of the Holy Days is in Jan 2018.

Been searching for. Saw this years ago.

But I find it funny….the chance the world banksters go down is the same year as Jubilee.

Anyone else find this more than coincidence?

2e6291 No.161188


Do we know who the manlet in the purple tie is?

9cc8c5 No.161189


You know that yournewswire is nothing but disinfo and false stories right? I never read anything they write. If you didn't know, now you do.

0cfcf5 No.161190


No that’s Big trumpet Bill Mitchell. They are trying to start a new Sam Hyde type meme or something

e43217 No.161191


Pizza is ruined, skin crawls…

34e81b No.161192

DWS…pretty sure thats her district


956399 No.161193

One plane on radar at Birmingham airport no movement yet

20a3ff No.161194


Right. Why couldn't they ruin something that's already nasty. Like oysters or squash.

"Do you think I'd be better at domino's on oysters or squash?"

Sounds just as legit.

37e94e No.161195


[5] is today

67870b No.161196

Are we missing Q Drops on bread?

c3593b No.161197

5db552 No.161198


checked and checked

ed48c0 No.161199


Want to try some walnut sauce? It's gourmet. Want to try some pasta? Firm noodles. Al dente.

9ad9e5 No.161200


It was fucking weird, it really came out of nowhere. And did you see how her parents clothe her in these video ?

9cc8c5 No.161201


Yeah I have never looked at pizza the same way after finding out about pizza gate last year and how the term is used.

640bb8 No.161202


ok. sure feels like it.

a2a301 No.161203


witnessed anon.. wtf? she was so shy had nothing to say and then all of a sudden piped up and went " I EAT PIZZA! " the mum looked mortified!!!

cd6d13 No.161204

67870b No.161205


5 today means 12/28

388359 No.161206


Like nuke energy

a51c94 No.161207


pg/10. you were there. life changing. we're here now. big mission. from above.

41f796 No.161208


Oh no, that's a TANGENT. It's totally Russian walnut sauce /s

eb66a8 No.161209


This sounds about right. The reason Q is dropping these crumbs is to have a solid counter balance to this entire affair from us PATRIOTS so REAL NEWS, REAL FACTS, REAL TRUTH IS NOT BURIED AMIDST HYSTERIA.

Q is educating us and feeding this to us in this 'crumb' fashion because WE NEED TO UNDERSTAND IN ORDER TO FULLY BE PERSUASIVE and POWERFUL. If he just wrote a whole report on the topic and we slurp it up, we would be as convincing and understanding as a cattle and pigs.






f7013d No.161210



8304f1 No.161212


Anons in that thread identified him as Bill Richardson

37b042 No.161213



If Watter's wasn't my boy I'd be digging into him now considering the look on his face.

4420c1 No.161215


Agreed. Salute

5db552 No.161216


he deserves a looking into

640bb8 No.161217


28 or 27?

9a514f No.161218


I think Schmidts tweet was a taunt at us. Not a threat to POTUS.

Think about it. What do they all do as a first act of defense? Label us as conspiracy theorists.

2e6291 No.161219


Bill Richardson is the one soaked in gravy -

Thanks Anon

b57691 No.161220

a51c94 No.161221


it's a method that I've used on the stringers that has revealed "sleep john podesta" and "sleep daesh" and many other things

9cc8c5 No.161222

Seems Bill Richardson only deals with North Korea.


That man has to be a controller for the clowns. Yet what is odd, is he has talked about KJU and his personality etc in interviews. Yet I can't find a single image of him with KJU. Why not? Others take pictures with KJU, why hasn't Bill Ricardson?

a8e213 No.161223


True, but we seem to have a Musk fan in our midst. I was building electric cars in highschool. I've always been a little… skeptical… of Tesla. I also have an upbringing in manufacturing, and love the comedy gold that unfolds when people who should never be trusted to dig a fucking hole get put in charge of a factory.

Just because they can do basic arithmetic and polish a turd on an overhead transparency doesn't mean they know how a business works. Much less a factory.

4ca3e4 No.161224


Last seen robbing Sephora of all their eyeliner.

7fc9dd No.161225

>>161212. no Bill Richardson does not have red hair

20a3ff No.161226


Palindrome checked.

243bfe No.161227


Brilliant autism, anon.


5db552 No.161228


7, muh bad

fe32ce No.161229

File: c7ba56d87a6bf2c⋯.png (393.2 KB, 649x507, 649:507, deltaceo.png)

Looking for anything about a power outage in the UK i found this:

Delta CEO wants someone else to pay after Sunday's Atlanta airport power outage cost the airline up to $50 MILLION

Delta CEO Ed Bastian said Tuesday that the company will seek compensation for its losses after Sunday's Atlanta power outage

It's estimated that the company lost between $25million and $50million when a fire knocked out power to the airport for 11 hours

Delta is the largest airline in the country and its hub is Atlanta, so the blackout caused travel chaos across the country - not just the southeast

Bastian said it was 'shocking' that it took so long to get power restored

Bastian said he doesn't know whether Georgia Power or the airport was responsible, but said Delta will have conversations with both

http://www.dailymail.co.uk/ news/article-5198235/Delta-wants-pay-losses-airport-outage.html

What up with the power outage in the UK????

9ad9e5 No.161230

File: 904f9c19481a78f⋯.jpg (56.84 KB, 800x600, 4:3, 1452192180224.jpg)



Maybe our mind is altered because we know so many disgusting things about our society. Our innocence might be forever lost at this point.

eadbcf No.161231


If it hasn't happened already, I believe we're really close to getting direct messages from POTUS.

f7013d No.161232

File: 808704372106473⋯.jpg (188.29 KB, 1960x896, 35:16, November-3rd.jpg)



ae887c No.161233




that area is teeming with the swamp.

This was a distraction from a snatch and grab

Q, am I right??

a92a98 No.161234


You are one with a sense of entitlement. "I am owed answers right this minute, regardless of the scale and complexity of things, operational security and the impact of an explicit statement on long term planning!!!!!! Druuuuummff, you owe me!"

Shut the fuck up. It's not about you or your capacity to understand. Find answers, wait for answers, or fuck off.

f3735e No.161235


351 Windsor.

e423d0 No.161236

3535d1 No.161237


Feeling it here too, anon.

Just read the MSM crud about McCabe. Megs says he was gone with an ankle bracelet. Looks to me he's walking free getting ready to cash in on that nice pension. Comey tweeting Mr. nonchalantly. Same with Skippy talking about flying in UFOs!

C'mon anon, shake me back into reality…we are winning BIGLY, right?!

58c533 No.161238


might explain






Q/POTUS4 [10] <<<<<<<<<<<<<


special place "

baccc9 No.161239


true, but he couldn't control what she said. Mom, however, preps her daughter to say things and be inappropriate on YouTube….

e66865 No.161240

File: 80b916179629fbe⋯.png (583.45 KB, 640x460, 32:23, 1509038345922 (1).png)

9a89ee No.161241

Short video at Aventura Mall showing man with rifle…hard to make out if police or not

https://twitter. com/Kool_Ambition/status/944741407771844608

640bb8 No.161242


Mine left a long time ago so …..

74da59 No.161243

In other news.. Cargolux 747-8 4D0116 squawking 7700 emergency over Illinois

d3ec66 No.161244


Central Florida

62f8eb No.161245


Naw, I’m good

3e9ec0 No.161246


pervert yuk


so he's robbing a bank now? come on…

e3b25d No.161247

there are two men with purple ties

67870b No.161248


Thank you Anon. We need to update bread.

dec2db No.161249


Hear Hear, Anon. We are the Counterbalance. As we murmur in our little circles, the normies start to wonder what all the fuss is about. What could possibly be SO engaging?

Then Happenings occur. How could we possibly have answers to brand new and confusing events? How could we know so damn much about stuff that isn't on the news, yet rings loudly of truth?

fe32ce No.161250

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


pizza underground

7fc9dd No.161251

File: d21f85cb5542449⋯.png (2.52 MB, 2412x1430, 1206:715, Screen Shot 2017-12-23 at ….png)

36afd1 No.161252


Yea and more strangeness..

North Korea's strange relationship with New Mexico

https://www.abqjournal .com/news/state/413528nm12-04-05.htm

a2a301 No.161253


Was there from day 1 pizzagate bro.. what a sick ride

2e6291 No.161254

File: 7c8626e53ac98c1⋯.jpg (38.78 KB, 721x267, 721:267, General.JPG)

Re-Reading the Paine tweet

> We know all about the secret email list of Feds, prosecutors and attorneys general plotting a coup against Trump.

> GENERAL - whois the General?

37b042 No.161255


Yeah I'm done clicking pizzagate related vids thank you.

b90432 No.161256

If Trump is to capture a Rothschild, who would it be? He already has Soros and the Prince it seems.

640bb8 No.161257

Stop saying pizza. I'm hungry and pizza sounds good, and then I start feeling bad about what pizza means to (((them)))

67870b No.161258


Got it Thank you.

5db552 No.161259

640bb8 No.161260


atty general

20a3ff No.161261


Shit. I thought I had them all in there! Eff. Ok. I'll put those all in.

5b9a18 No.161262


pretty sure the mission is kill, not just capture

063e98 No.161263


I haven't seen this one, this man is sick..

7c8690 No.161264


NY AG Eric Schneiderman

5db552 No.161265


27 is 0

no idea where the 8 came from

2e6291 No.161266



sorry being a pleb

f57a04 No.161267

Liberal judges who get in the way of national security need to be brought up on subversion charges

e3b25d No.161268



There are two nooses there.

Who is the second one for?

d976f5 No.161269


Jacob or Evelyn would be my guess.

728ea6 No.161270

File: cad80e0af5acd95⋯.jpg (38.54 KB, 558x362, 279:181, bidenbabyNTSH.jpg)

a51c94 No.161271


brainlet or schill?

c0729a No.161272


Plus, chan acts as a distributed intelligence providing some clues the other way. Most of them are worth nothing, but some can be of importance.

9ba326 No.161273

File: 1561cfba742385b⋯.jpg (517.92 KB, 768x576, 4:3, ludicrousSpeed.jpg)


when you've dug up the answer with your own guoogle-fu and you understand exactly what happened it becomes easy to spot the (((media))) BS and counter it.

The meme generation will kick into ludicrous speed once the storm actually arrives

fe32ce No.161274


Dunno, but he looks like the type.

5db552 No.161275


info overload has made me do weird things from time to time.

99e9d6 No.161276

File: 6e213cda3795350⋯.jpg (166.82 KB, 676x907, 676:907, obr1800.jpg)

Love is the biggest power we can have, and the biggest fear of the dark cabal. Thank you all for keeping the spirits up.

d37207 No.161277


2a992b No.161278


Is this related to all the sealed indictments? I’ve always doubted they were one sided…

aa7dbd No.161279



Sauce or


f57a04 No.161280


One is much like the other

ed48c0 No.161281

File: 9863c9cff2bad12⋯.gif (257.65 KB, 220x165, 4:3, tenor-2.gif)

File: bab5b49e21a079a⋯.gif (442.57 KB, 480x360, 4:3, giphy-4.gif)

File: 7afc6e256a089ef⋯.gif (3.38 MB, 644x472, 161:118, cyTz9JZ.gif)

62f8eb No.161282


I’m pretty sure POTUS referenced NYE yesterday after signing the tax bill. I can’t remember the exact working but it stuck out to me.

74bcb3 No.161283


On the first one, can you clarify the timezones? Q post appears in different timezone.

4ca3e4 No.161284

File: ca49a01ec49d55e⋯.jpg (163.45 KB, 1014x600, 169:100, no_2_done1.jpg)


>Just read the MSM crud about McCabe

I think we found the problem.

Who do you trust, MSM, or POTUS?

Do you think MSM is trying to encourage, or discourage patriots like us?

Operation Mocking bird?

>pic related

37b042 No.161285


With the new EO he could sieze their assets and use it to pay off the deficit we owe them (since they control the Fed).

A man can dream.

ae887c No.161286

Also re: awan rain

Originally posted by either fbianon or WHanon -


9ad9e5 No.161287

File: 6330e0395c31b97⋯.png (282.56 KB, 625x941, 625:941, 1503857146078.png)


I've witnessed enough crazy shits since I first browsed /pol/ to write a whole book.

Let us end the chitchat; we need to focus!

2e6291 No.161288

File: b1c1e5d230889f8⋯.jpg (64.28 KB, 727x405, 727:405, Capture.JPG)

4c5698 No.161289


Nah I thought it was a good post, clicked the link after i took the screen.

I realized it was shit so I never put the link.

But I forgot to remove the pic from the file drop not used using 8chan on my phone

e66865 No.161290


if musk is compromised, there is a big chance it happen during the economic crisis of 2008.

just look at him when the reporter brings that up..

>his mind goes to the sacrifice he had to do

3e9ec0 No.161291


I mend he robes people not banks, too much work and risk.

5db552 No.161292


I'm deleting that post 0 is 27

ty anon, I do not recall that

a51c94 No.161293


The Bible says the man who can bridle his tongue can bridle his body.

I'm blessed.

There's a lot I keep bottled up.


aa7dbd No.161294


SAUCE, fagot

6752a7 No.161295

shit i was gone all day.. im really lost since alot happened over the last 12 hours.. is there an updated map? updated book of Q??

291766 No.161296


Or a very healthy dose of BBC?

ec7c11 No.161297


5 minutes.

Missing 10 marker from past.

Missing 15 marker from past.

Timestamps have meaning.


It's a countdown

15, 10, 5…

f57a04 No.161298

a51c94 No.161299


Word man

598ca4 No.161300


two scoops!

eb66a8 No.161301


This is a GREAT start.

Remember what Q said: WEAPONIZED AUTISM.


c98701 No.161302


I know what you mean. I saw some stupid Buzzfeed “Where Are They Now” feature about the little kid that played Charlie in The Santa Clause. They said he’s “an avid pizza lover” and showed him eating a slice of pizza. On the table in front of him was a cake that had a triangle logo and said 666 Street on it. Ugh.

fe32ce No.161303


YW. Just Culkin eating a piece of pizza on his band Pizza Underground's YT. Doesn't mean anything at all. Carry on.

16223b No.161304

Evening all! I see it's been a big day. Reduced to twitter second hand info all day. Gack.

I read the last couple threads and wanted to toss these out because i didn't really see it answered, etc. And one is just an FYI about wizards:





Besides that, looks like they are still in the P-3 and not the P-8s yet. Can't find any transitions. for them.

62f8eb No.161305


The strings show 27-1 several times. So 27-1= 26 + 5 = 31 so 0 could be 1/1/18

8304f1 No.161306





My bad, they were referring to the guy on the right next to ES. Still not sure about the purple tie guy

37b042 No.161307


imo today is 0 which POTUS counted down himself:

17:57 TODAY

>Remember, the Republicans are 5-0 in Congressional races this year.

https:// twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/944703626454487042

f02d70 No.161308


Holder, Lynch, and Yates = Attorneys General

c4902b No.161309



Methinks that word does not mean what you think it means. ;)

9a60af No.161310

File: 1844267b5579729⋯.jpg (162.57 KB, 649x697, 649:697, Elon & Kim Rocket Man.jpg)



5db552 No.161311

a8e213 No.161312


The pertinent part of that anon's response was "doesn't make enough cars."

You going to fix that any time soon, or am I buying another Corolla? You have all that automation at your disposal up there, and you're short by like 80% of your projected volume for the past 6 months. That's usually bankruptcy territory for companies.

9ad9e5 No.161313



Yeah that post was a palindrome


1669f3 No.161314

7fc9dd No.161315

File: a1e2b14c169a2ec⋯.png (305.64 KB, 792x1224, 11:17, tacocat.png)

cbd9f5 No.161316


I tend to agree.

It would certainly be a merry christmas as POTUS has been so visibly promoting

37b042 No.161317


Recall anons that 5-0 isn't really accurate as Roy Moore lost, i.e. this is most probably code.

ae887c No.161318

I'm telling you Anons, someone got picked up in Florida just now.

Trying to find DWS last known whereabouts

c4902b No.161319


Oops. My bad. Just saw waht you were referring to. …lurking moar…

3e9ec0 No.161320


Mr. Owl ate my metal worm

640bb8 No.161321

Whos got that Q batman style search light. We need it.

a51c94 No.161322


i think you're right

9a60af No.161323

File: d6074c08dda5adc⋯.png (1.18 MB, 832x805, 832:805, You Didn't Build That.png)


and this

d68bea No.161324

File: dc8d9687a6383d7⋯.png (256.58 KB, 415x651, 415:651, Screen Shot 2017-12-23 at ….png)

In other news…

http://www.dailymail.co.uk/ news/article-5208927/MSNBC-drops-Joan-Walsh-paid-contributor-followers-upset.html

62f8eb No.161325


I was just about to delete that. I’m been MIA most the day so I haven’t sat down to really dig into the drops today enough to make that assumption. Ignore it.

640bb8 No.161326

People still reporting that there was DEF a shooter at the mall. Cops still say no shooter. Something is up.

f4392f No.161327


Beautiful picture

e66865 No.161328


take your pick!

i would love to see husband and wife hanging together..

>who said romanticism is dead

fd9422 No.161329


The video was taken by schmidt. You can see in the picture that it is taken from the position he is standing. That's why he never took the scarf off, he was wearing a wire.

Why was Schmidt surveilling the north koreans during his trip? Maybe he was a spy, maybe they flipped him. I'm wondering what other video he has

bbf7f4 No.161330


Yeah, the one without the caption

1d130b No.161331



For Meme makers lookin for ideas. How about a photo of two men in bed together, one Elon Musk, the other Kim Jung In? On Musk's side a label-Space-Ex, on Un's side labeled Nuke ICBM's! Normies should get it!

f7013d No.161332

File: 057e097234319a8⋯.mp4 (7.26 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, What's-In-Your-Closet-John.mp4)

ec61cc No.161333



Absolutely not

2e6291 No.161334



Mark Master Mason

1669f3 No.161335



That would be 4pm EST in the USA.

This event happened at approx 1pm EST in the USA and was over with 4 hours later.

e423d0 No.161336


It would be nice if some of you would be a bit objective.

There is a reason Musk has a following.

For idiots talking about Tesla cars, they are literally like the best cars there are.

Electric and they are the fastest, safest, most advanced vehicles.

Two years ago I drove 3 hours to reserve there new car they just start producing starting at 35k.

The guy is a billionaire and still works 24/7.

He also took a lot of heat for joining Trump's advisory board before leaving after the paris agreement.

The Musk part is by far the hardest thing to believe, coming from someone who actually knew about him.

If he is involved it would be hard to believe anything but Clowns coming in and trying to take advantage of his success and following.

Eric Schmidt says to ignore Musk's AI fears.


Elon Musk say's Zuckercuck's understanding of the subject is limited.


"Google's AI camera doesn't even pretend to be innocent."


Elon Musk almost crying when astronaut legends don't approve.

Elon Musk almost crying when told about the energy crisis in Australia. "We'll work harder."



063e98 No.161337


where is the original

29e19b No.161338

File: c6294d77d4faf42⋯.png (37.26 KB, 2738x1425, 2738:1425, patentpending.png)

5db552 No.161339


>vc lowercase on 12, 17, 22 and 27

that and they are all 5 apart. I think you have something there.

cbd9f5 No.161340


"He said the failure happened around 6.15pm.."

How does this match up with 00Zulu time?

fe32ce No.161341


He looks like the type.

c4f246 No.161342

Any anon figure out the 15, 10, 5 yet ???

holy shit when you do.

5db552 No.161343


And the nays have it

f35e37 No.161344

File: 543783e3248bdfe⋯.jpg (99.8 KB, 700x506, 350:253, 1c7dee14e56f3726ea7c5c8833….jpg)

File: 628358d5400337b⋯.jpg (126.11 KB, 568x373, 568:373, x794069-naomi-campbell-eco….jpg)

Naomi Campbell's 'Eye of Horus' mansion on an island off the coast of Turkey

2e6291 No.161345


Opps Should be - >>161334

640bb8 No.161346


That would match up perfecly

2a8c9a No.161347

File: e057063121d4a5e⋯.png (652.77 KB, 1814x1170, 907:585, 1.2mm- Q response.png)

hows the acceleration of reach in the last couple of days

>1=2 2=4 4=8 , exponential anyone?

>pic related

9bee2c No.161348


DWS office is in aventura. Check it

cbd9f5 No.161349


no way 0.0

f3735e No.161350

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Someone check into Haim Saban…

16223b No.161352


Didn't read the article, only because I have a family member that resigned because he called out Wen Ho Lee and Bill Richardson and basically wasn't going to get taken down by the Clintons for the theft. they tried, btw, but no one CYAs like my clan.

37b042 No.161354


This has to be a coded message.


"DJT attacking Baker and McCabe"

640bb8 No.161356


Ignore me. I was wrong

3e9ec0 No.161357


looks like cheap schoolproject sauce and coordinates please.

e43217 No.161358

File: 1978faba1157d29⋯.png (20.66 KB, 766x88, 383:44, Screen Shot 2017-12-23 at ….png)

File: a72351ea1628e38⋯.png (19.1 KB, 760x83, 760:83, Screen Shot 2017-12-23 at ….png)

Just in case this is needed for future reference. Pics Related

1209f9 No.161360


A "Charlie Brown" Christmas (re: Schultz)

only oldanons may get that…

10f6fe No.161363

so, i messed something… if Huss is gay & his wife is a dude…. did they adopt kids??

29e19b No.161364


I agree 100% about Musk's ultimate role for humanity.

GEOTUS has been to epsteinisland. Jesus forgives. (Nukes are a MASSIVE sin tho)

3415d3 No.161366

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



He totally rigged the 2016 elections with Obama. He's a DARPA golden boy and ripped his way into Google.

He's building an AI robot army with Motorola.

This has nothing to do with his womanizing or kiddie diddling.


The video is embedded so just click on image to listen to it.

Accompanying articles below.








e423d0 No.161367


Short by 80%? You are just making up numbers.

They aren't just a car company.

They will be a top 5 company in the future unless something drastic happens.

Car companies don't become a top 5 company.

3b1c66 No.161368


Go good Owls!

ac29fd No.161370

File: 71c28900745a98c⋯.jpeg (140.5 KB, 1083x656, 1083:656, 99101479-2BE1-4701-B128-C….jpeg)

Comcast outage map… I think this is above the norm?

http:// downdetector.com/status/comcast-xfinity/map/

a6451b No.161371

Q said on 12/19:

Find the markers.

10 & [10].

12/7 – 12/17.

The [10] Q drop/POTUS tweet was on 12/12= 5 days after the ATL fire drill = in the middle of the 10 day period.

Deltas are relevant.

[15] [10] [5] refer to period of days that started before the corresponding drop/tweet?

34e81b No.161372


1920 West Country Club Dr.

Aventura, FL 33180

5db552 No.161373


There is no way they would prerelease an op time even in code. If anything it started at that moment.

d68bea No.161375



47e93d No.161376

File: 6fc378fbed756cb⋯.jpg (105.21 KB, 750x500, 3:2, 21lv5b.jpg)

a80e8e No.161377



If the evidence is irrefutable and the crimes indefensible then it won't matter who releases them.

Sadly, I agree (>>161129) - for a full wake up (the kind which could put 99% in hospital if not calmed/explained by anons in their midst) it needs to reflect the darkest heart of the evil. The evidence needs to reveal crime which NO ONE can rationalise.

Otherwise (with evidence that *should* be enough, but won't break through the cognitive dissonance wall) it will be somehow "rationalised away by people who don't want their beliefs to be shattered (or to believe Trump is capable of doing ANYthing good)

- i.e.:

- "weak" evidence: clear indication of treason/arming enemies, etc

- liberal defence: but muh foreign policy you don't understand - complex nuanced diplomacy, etc (or but what about Trump muh Russian collusion, etc)

-"weak" evidence: video of trafficking children -

- liberal defence: oh no, they were moving them, while in process of "rescuing" the kids

-"weak" evidence: video of satanic ritual (without sacrifice)

- well, they should be allowed to practice their faith - religious freedom, etc.

Yup, it needs to be the really, universally DAMNING evidence that no-one wants to see/hear/read (suitably censored to protect the innocent) - but which they must, in order to understand how Trump is /their guy/ - if they have a heart for other humans at all.

It's happening in baby steps -

hetero sex scandals (Weinstein, et al)

gay sex scandals (Spacey, et al)

underage sex scandals (Open Secret, Polanski revisited, et al)

next steps…

pedo scandals

satanic ritual scandals

child trafficking scandal as pipeline for power structure built on depravity, blackmail and evil…

(Or something like that.)

16223b No.161378


https ://www.google.com/search?q=naomi+campbell+mansion&rlz=1C1CHBF_enUS721US721&tbm=isch&source=iu&ictx=1&fir=4a2lP05ZKRci3M%253A%252C3NPyT8NvLtfCJM%252C_&usg=__xDvR8y8odSwFkGx1KeTkJ-eXJA8%3D&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwidydbzy6HYAhUHZCYKHW9RAb0Q9QEIODAE#imgrc=4a2lP05ZKRci3M:

Yes, I used the gooj. Easy enough for this. It's the real deal.

37b042 No.161379


>gunshots heard in Aventura

>DWS office in Aventura


https:// wassermanschultz.house.gov/contact/

f7013d No.161380


Pulling no punches! I like it

Dumb whore.

10f6fe No.161381


meh. I've seen worse

2e6291 No.161382


How do check when the charity was set-up?

I'm thinking it's Clinton Foundation Scam.

Would make more sense as they're out of power.

d37207 No.161383



fe32ce No.161384


I thought/think that is C.G..

41f796 No.161385


Q changed the timeline. "Soros is targeted." Antiwah stood down. Thank you, Little Baron.

9bee2c No.161386


DWS extracted tonight from Aventura. Book it. A day after Q gave us timeline on Seth rich

3f7042 No.161387




388359 No.161388


He is there to answer questions fag he is there to keep us informed of progress we chronicle

34e81b No.161389


Would be a goddamn good start

7430a3 No.161390

Angels Sing!

Just something I want to share that really touched my heart when I heard it.

Every time a person is saved, born again - everytime a soul is saved - ALL the Angels in Heaven break out in song and praise!

Can you imagine what that must sound like?

God says that "in the fullness of time" Jesus Christ will return.

I've always wondered what that meant. I think it also has to do with the fact that His will is that "all come to the knowledge of the truth and be saved".

Well, if you tie these two truths with all the Angels singing as people start getting saved all at the same time - is that the Day of Days, God's Fullness of Time. In the new heaven and earth, btw, God will do away with time, as well as other things. Eternity has no time.

Anyway, Angels singing in unison and everyone getting saved, the Great Awakening, would be a great time indeed!

Let His Will be Done!

a8e213 No.161391


That article is from 2003.

Not saying it is irrelevant, since Q may be referring to a past event… but… keep in mind what we are working with.

a51c94 No.161392

File: 6601e2822d7f61f⋯.png (41.46 KB, 961x357, 961:357, dws-office-aventura.png)


Most escellent.

3e9ec0 No.161393



thats 200mtr away WOW

c8e01e No.161394


I'm liking this

Q/POTUS - 1 = Trump

Q/POTUS - 2 = Cabinet secretary/general

Q/POTUS - 3 = Deputy Secretary/general [5] i.e where Q is now

Q/POTUS - 4 = Strzok level [10]

Q/POTUS - 5 = [15] original Q, 4 layers away

f3735e No.161395

File: 6438e447cfd5013⋯.jpg (29.88 KB, 550x309, 550:309, US-Company-3M-to-Establish….jpg)

fe32ce No.161396

34e81b No.161397


from the mall?

65bb45 No.161398


Motorola has the patent on the Iridium system, built 77 satellites for the company and 66 remain in orbit. One of them took out a derelict Russian satellite, at least that's the official story.

71b725 No.161399

How is GSA in this Q

16223b No.161400


I watched some mall footage on twitser. It's in a big mall. Is the the mall type?

maybe it's a diversion though… hmmm.

ae887c No.161401


Do we know if that building has floor numbers that match to the happy hunting/owls go Q left? It was in the 68-70 region. If not floors, office suites??

3e9ec0 No.161402


yes making pic

7fc9dd No.161403

>>161376 looks like a man

c0989c No.161404


Yeah. It’s plainly in Podesta emails. Saying he would need to hire thousands of staff etc to build some super data mining project on every voter. They also changed the way YouTube video subscriptions work and recommended videos etc. the censorship on all social media was epic

9cc8c5 No.161405


I hope your car you bought didn't all of a sudden bust into flames like other Tesla cars have.

Also, such a shame to use such a brilliant person's name who knew the secrets of the universe from numbers to vibrations as the name of a shitty car maker whose batteries explode. People relate the Tesla name to batteries and bad cars.

Musk is a clown who is a puppet for others and is the front face to do the bidding of others.

So.. Merry Christmas Elon Musk…. you should visit us here more often to get the truth. Though I doubt you will like it.

f3735e No.161406


Good grief!

a0f406 No.161407


That means… CHRISTMAS CAME EARLY. Pray it's right.

71b725 No.161408

GSA is all .

29e19b No.161409


Thread theme? Rewind the rumor mill.

146dae No.161410

File: 4886fb9dbaafcb9⋯.jpg (339.38 KB, 768x1024, 3:4, Screenshot_20171223-202614.jpg)

Cyber attack

8b30f1 No.161411


There is a tweet about Harvard getting slammed with massive trust taxes. It’s on the front page of the donald

Are Harvard the source of the owls?

67870b No.161412


Wow now everything makes sense.

Its a plausibility

5db552 No.161413

d7f4ee No.161414

File: 0395c9b771afc15⋯.png (560.37 KB, 1860x1040, 93:52, Q.png)


Hopefully this is right?

292b69 No.161415

161372 Get outa here! Seriously?? Maybe they got her while she was shopping! OK – now I have a boner! And I'm female!!

cd6d13 No.161416



fe32ce No.161417


She up SAT night shredding papers and they raided her maybe?

6e663b No.161418

Q- "How close is the nearest star?"

NK shining star sat?

1209f9 No.161419


GREAT work anon.

NOT a coincidence; (even if Q didn't say so)

Safe to assume the Shultzanigger is caged…

a8e213 No.161420



Classic specops tactic is to create a hysteria event near a target for direct action as cover for the direct action.

Not jumping to conclusions, but I would rate this as one of the most probable of the proposed theories involving an op tonight.

cd6d13 No.161421


Tits or gtfo

f3735e No.161422

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>darkest heart of the evil

6752a7 No.161423

#2 = #2 in FBI

71b725 No.161424

GSA is gov building

c12a51 No.161425







06b1ca No.161426


great find!

100936 No.161427


>Also, such a shame to use such a brilliant person's name

when changing history they also need to change the meaning of some words and i would not be surprised if not already most people think Tesla is just a car and have never heard of the person. in the future all references of the man Tesla will be erased.

ae887c No.161428


Holy fuck my own autism scared me with this.

We need Q confirmation.

He did give the complete SR timeline yesterday.

Oh please god let her be in cuffs.

Off to look at mall to office distance

3415d3 No.161429


It looks like he bought up Motorola or parts of it anyway.

b42504 No.161430



20a3ff No.161431

New breadz!


>New breadz!


New breadz!


>New breadz!


New breadz!


>New breadz!


You know what to do.

7430a3 No.161432



That would be an insult to all men!

Looks more like a demon to me!

f3735e No.161433

File: 3e01da28e12c457⋯.jpg (38.14 KB, 648x324, 2:1, DWSBANE-1.jpg)



292b69 No.161434

>>161370 Look at that – that's LEFTYLAND! It's happenin' bois! I'm tellin' ya, it's happenin'

5d8a02 No.161435


Praying to see MT AG Tim Fox on that list….

5db552 No.161436


>such a shame to use such a brilliant person's name

2nd that

187c7b No.161437



Look, my dudes, Pagan civilization was around for thousands of years before Jesus. It's still around. It isn't going away, and it isn't evil. Before leaping to ill or un-informed opinions on bits of lore you don't understand, try soliciting the advice of those who do. Not only will it improve and enhance your understanding of the forces at work, it might keep you from wasting time going down meaningless rabbit-holes when there are more important things for you to be doing.

There are plenty of dedicated Pagans on this board who are also Patriots. Mostly we let this kind of shit slide because a) we're used to it and b) it's amusing to watch. But what you have "discovered" here is no more mystically or cabalistically significant than an Advent Calendar. Quit looking for signs of Satanism and focus on the abject corruption. One is covered by the First Amendment which we all hold so dear. The other is not. Believe me, the Pagans on-site will let you know when something of real significance pops up.

d8fdc8 No.161438

You guys found the [15] already ?

In case not, on 11/21 DJT re-tweeted Laura Ingram at 5:37 (pacific (twitterHQ) time, I believe). UTC is 8 hours ahead (17+8=25), and on 11/22 at 01:22 (15 mins earlier) Q wrote:

"What US President was nicknamed "Eagle" by the USSS?



Could be far fetched, as it's only a re-tweet, but should be 15 mins time-diff …

37b042 No.161439

obligatory fuck you to the anon/shill out there who was whining about nothing happening today/night

49f522 No.161440


Rosie, is that you?

3e9ec0 No.161441

File: 401a7adf7565858⋯.jpg (408.76 KB, 1911x969, 637:323, mall florida DWS.jpg)

f3735e No.161442

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Seasonally appropriate.

82ef2d No.161443


"1920" looks like a typo.

https://wassermanschultz .house.gov/contact/officeinformation.htm

this lists the street address as "19200" which is still close. it looks like city hall.

3415d3 No.161444


Schmidt was building a database with Obama back in 2014 with the goal to rig the 2016 elections.


292b69 No.161445


Tits? Well ok, but just know you missed your opportunity to see a boner clit

32abec No.161446

File: df143492b0c33b9⋯.jpg (8.1 MB, 7790x7180, 779:718, Q_comp_correct_11.22.2017_….jpg)


Latest Q maps 1 of 3

Timestamp Edition

ba600e No.161448



Budget deficit, federal debt, budget deficit….

15000 Haitian deportees x$1100=$16.5MM/month

x12 months=$198,000,000/ year just for AIDS medication.*

Ds: Shame on POTUS for not welcoming people in need.


5db552 No.161449



640bb8 No.161450

Twitter people saying ES wanted to be on Hillary's cabinet during her presidency.

aeb47c No.161451


The electricity is out Anons!

32abec No.161453

File: 2a2400aa6ef5c71⋯.jpg (6.95 MB, 6770x7400, 677:740, Q_comp_correct_12142017_2o….jpg)


Latest Q maps 2 of 3

Timestamp Edition

3535d1 No.161454


Thanks, anon.

71b725 No.161455

GSA////////// Q ?????????

b42504 No.161457


This should be in the bread, imo.

32abec No.161458

File: 2b758ecd92d3dfc⋯.jpg (5.71 MB, 6110x7510, 611:751, Q_comp_correct_12232017_3o….jpg)


Latest Q maps 3 of 3

Timestamp Edition

67870b No.161459



Yes. I was thinking the same thing this with the markers [15] [10] [5] [0] is the list of events that already happened and will happen timeline key. Looks like soros is the last target to get shutdown.





Q/POTUS4 [10] <<<<<<<<<<<<<


special place "[0]

292b69 No.161460


Ok, that's low

a8e213 No.161461


Missouri had an AG who caught a case of the suicides couple years ago along with his aide. He had a very successful streak, as he put together strike teams that would raid places under subpoena and shoot anyone who moved toward a shredder.

That could be part of "enough is enough." Teams reported back that there was movement and they were cleared to engage.

623490 No.161462

everyone is hungry for bread tonight

5db552 No.161463


Filler up

ae887c No.161464



c4f246 No.161466


62f8eb No.161468

2e6291 No.161469


Need those VOTES

32abec No.161470


looks like a few were missed. i'll recompile.

3415d3 No.161472


At 9:15 of the video he goes into Schmidt buying Motorola who is building robot soldiers.

9cc8c5 No.161475


NO Not if we meme the shit out of it. We NEED to MEME Tesla cars! We need to make sure people relate the name with the man not the car.

Can we do that?

I am not a meme maker. If I put pictures in, will people meme them? things like

TESLA is NOT a CAR it is a MAN who Einstein stole his work?

Tesla created wireless back in early 1900s

Tesla created what we use today in technology 100 years ago.

916ef1 No.161476


One of the Twitter posts I saw about the incident was bitching about the massive traffic jam caused by the incident at the mall. Total gridlock. Good way to prevent anyone from fleeing the nearby office – create a commotion at the mall, people start leaving en masse, total gridlock ensues, and whoever happens to be at that office can't go anywhere.

29e19b No.161477


For we are in the times of christ

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