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/abdl/ - Adult Baby - Diaper Lover

All about ageplay!
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File: c194098bbe6a6c4⋯.jpg (49.52 KB, 300x200, 3:2, shelly80s_01c.jpg)


New gigatribe. Old saved out. Post usernames for trading. And atleast with gigatribe items cant be removed like on mega. My username is tfmonkey.


File: 2c3ef74d97a6415⋯.jpeg (9.57 KB, 272x185, 272:185, 3c5359e51128e9ba1109a02a0….jpeg)


How about you go play in traffic?



Why Because I things that will never be on the internet, I have rare files that cannot be bought or found any where.



Does gigatribe still have galaxies of child porn everywhere? I'm not fucking with that site.



The fact I recognize your username despite never having even used gigatribe means that you're spamming this shit too much. I find it amusing that despite claiming to have a large collection of rare files, you're still one of the worst e-beggers on this board.

It doesn't help that the platform you've chosen for your spamming spree, gigatribe, is some closed source Windows-only freeware shit. Something like Retroshare would be a far better choice, and I'd actually consider joining an /abdl/ network on there.



Here's a thought. Maybe if you shared something, anything at all, on Mega instead of shill your piece of shit Pedo Ring of a website, maybe you would get something in return. If not, fuck off. Nobody wants your shit anyways.



In his defense, Mega is total shit compared to good peer-to-peer solutions like torrents and GNUnet. Also any site which isn't used by pedos is probably full of normalfag scum which is far worse.

His unwillingness to share, even on private torrent trackers, just makes me think he's greedy and/or full of shit though.



Yeah, I can confirm that there are lots of pedos on it.

Careful with using GTribe, tbh.



>any site which isn't used by pedos is probably full of normalfag scum which is far worse

pedo detected



>any site which isn't used by pedos is probably full of normalfag scum which is far worse

pedo detected



>any site which isn't used by pedos is probably full of normalfag scum which is far worse

pedo detected


Add me on gigatribe, I new japanese movies that were asked for in japanese threads and adultbabysource files updated with all the family albums, I am looking for older adultbabysource files if you have them, I am mainly looking for photos. I have 900gb of other stuff sharing add me gigatribe, share and I will share back.

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