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/abdl/ - Adult Baby - Diaper Lover

All about ageplay!
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File: d54eaf2a023937c⋯.png (1.39 MB, 1275x1650, 17:22, 1310220000-01.png)

09d136  No.41861

The old thread is saging, and I think there is still a lot of potential for discussion. I'll start off with some questions and own experiences.

What are you goals with hypnosis? For me, there are some behaviors that I would like to make automatic while wearing. These include wetting automatically and remaining limp while diapered.

What kind of files do you find work best? I prefer files that focus on a few key points rather than very elaborate scenarios. Also, I think that a file should be quite long in order to be efficient. In this way there is enough time for a convincing induction so that the suggestions actually may have some effect. 30-45 minutes seems to be optimal in my case, but there are probably some exceptions.

Background music often helps with relaxation, but in some cases the music chosen by the hypnotist can actually be distracting. I've found that taking files without music and then adding my own preferred background music gives the best result.

Do you guys have any special methods for increasing the chance of success with hypnofiles? Also, who are your favorite hypnotists, and why?

746575  No.41877

O downloaded Ember's wetting the bed, sleeping like a baby, and wetting diapers files to my phone, then looped them and went to bed.

I felt *something*, like my body went all tingly when I was listening to the files, but I couldn't wet unconsciously.

I dunno. I'm going to try again in a month when I have the house to myself again.

Any other files anyone can recommend?

523c7c  No.41923

File: 7cd7a9bb93efed7⋯.png (757.68 KB, 600x600, 1:1, 1483608281050.png)


> in a month when I have the house to myself again

Well there's your problem.

Just look into the 24/7 thread for a minute to realize how unrealistic this actually is.

>mfw wetting unconsciously happens when taking stimulants, psychoactives, and drinking

5021ca  No.41928

glad to see there's still interest in this topic

347d0a  No.41931

why does emg have to be such a gross neckbeard? can't he hire a hot chick to read his inductions etc?

5d3c94  No.41959

My goals with hypnosis are to become a bedwetter and to be more obedient to my daddy. I prefer files with male voices (with the exception of Arkadia's) of about the same length as the OPs optimum. Haven't had a problem with background music yet, but I hate binural beats. For some reason they don't seem to work on me and really impede my getting into trance. And files with direct reference to male anatomy take me out of it, which is a butt.

Favorite hypnotists are wohermiston, SoCalAB, and Arkadia/Charlotte. Also love the two DPF files.

3c1f1e  No.41967


I went to bed listening to several of her files on loop but nothing happened. They are really cozy even if they don't help me

6a4476  No.41973


I've listened to some of Ember's files and I like them quite a lot, even though I'm not really into age play. If you like Ember then the abdl-related files by Arkadia (also known as Charlotte Gray) could be worth checking out. I find the style to be quite similar, but I haven't listened that much to her files since they seem more directed at ABs than DLs.

d7d74f  No.41997

File: 5a4393cf49fb636⋯.jpg (372.54 KB, 1280x960, 4:3, tumblr_onyqv7U5ZV1qlrxh6o1….jpg)


>Also love the two DPF files.

Which files are these? Haven't heard the name before.

5021ca  No.42010

Sharefag are you still around?

We should keep track of the previous thread just in case



when I saw that clips for the first time…


b73db4  No.42144

File: 75b5754905c6c01⋯.jpg (388.74 KB, 1198x1004, 599:502, tumblr_ow1gvoaDKh1vlwgyio1….jpg)

So I'm thinking about buying a VR headset, after looking at the available options, I am leaning towards buying the Vive. I don't really care about VR games or VR movies. My sole interest in VR is with hypnotic and brainwashing experiences. Before I lay down 600 bucks for a vive, I was hoping someone here who owns a VR headset and has explored the world of VR headset hypno could give me some advice before I proceed. Are the devices available now (first gen) up to the task? Should I wait until the technology improves a bit? Is the vive a good choice for what I need? Would an oculus be better? Any advice and guidance is greatly appreciated. Thanks!

5021ca  No.42215


sadly 99.99% of the VR hypno scene is centered towards sissy/feminizations stuff, its such a shame, we've actually discussed this before a couple of times here for example


there's a lot of going on here though


although again, most of the new things coming out are sissy/feminization things...


also, here's something someone did related to hypno and abdl


you need to actively remove the furry shit and edit it to your own liking, I havent tried it yet since I dont really have a VR set of my own...

aaaaand last but not least you can use this custmizable spirals with the colors and phrases you like the most


sadly there aren't many of us creating hypno related material, can't seem to find the reason why that is...

347d0a  No.42222


speaking of NFC, RIP to their /babby/ board. the mods killed posting activity by stickying like an entire page of threads instead of letting bantz and porn naturally bloom

c760f2  No.42408


can anyone give me the name of this clip?

5021ca  No.42409

5021ca  No.42410

c760f2  No.42411


thank you kindly, my man

b93c67  No.42413


good shit m8

acd7a2  No.42525

File: 627e5d98966e333⋯.jpg (48.27 KB, 600x359, 600:359, CD17-SpyBaby1.jpg)

This was just uploaded to Empornium, anyone want it? I haven't listened to it, so I can't comment on it.

5021ca  No.42532


I think Sharefag didn't add it to the torrent/M3G4 but I did give it a listen when I got it from somewhere else, for me particulary didn't do much but I did find it interesting how its more like a story than an actual hypno file (at least for me). It's also related to feminization as well as regression, so I find myselft rejecting it a little bit.

However , for the sake of keeping an archive on hypno/ABDL stuff and ALSO for the people who are into feminization/sissy stuff as well as ABDL would be nice if you'd share it anon.

Have you seen any material from Nicole Dosei / Happy Nappies in Empornium anon? just cant seem to find any of her material anywhere…


7f44f3  No.42666


Here are both part one and two of the Spy Baby, listen to it and judge for yourselves.


6bb9e4  No.42686


Yeah I just built a new gaming rig so I've been catching up on 4 years worth of missed PC gaming, and I've been waiting for a new ember file to update the torrent with.


Both of them should be in the torrent's Mind Mistress folder.

7a6608  No.43015

Somebody made an okay brainwash video on pornhub.


There's a popper/sissy/diaper one on there too, but 2 out of 3 aren't for me.

26e7cf  No.44824

I'm pretty new to all this, but I really want to use the bedwetter and wet while wearing files. How well do things like this work generally? How long does it take to see results from using them?

ddca4b  No.45318

File: 572c3b0a4391675⋯.jpg (387.63 KB, 1280x854, 640:427, tumblr_op277xjSam1tk49jno1….jpg)

Anyone have good scripts? I've modified a mindmaster baby behaviors script and fed that into the hypno machine thing and have been having fun with that. I feel like first person there is ideal for getting stoned in front of the thing and staring off.

74bd79  No.45360

Honestly? My goal is to feel better about messing myself, in public and in private. I just wish I could internalize better messages about it so I don't feel excessive amounts of shame or guilt.

89a79f  No.45399

1299f2  No.45485

File: 774df0b8f591ca5⋯.jpg (308.01 KB, 1566x1517, 1566:1517, 774df0b8f591ca55861d761edf….jpg)

So I want to start developing some hypnosis. I'm curious about what sort of files do people actually want to listen too.

Personally I like the knock you out hypnosis, though I want to find one of the brainwashing flashy files the sissy types seem to enjoy. Anyone got inputs?

26a17d  No.45489


Some hypno files that would be really cool are some scenario walk-throughs. Very rare thing generally but especially with AB/DL. Suggestions are fun but they're way more fun when they're clever, and i feel like simply reading a short story about hypnosis after being put in trance would be a lot of fun. There was a great puppy play file like this where you're the subject of the story, it's told from the listeners perspective. It's great. It was also very clever in terms of suggestions too. Usually a file relies on your own perspective to get results but this didn't. The file spelled out the whole world and exactly how you were to behave without telling you outright. It just naturally happened in the story. It was really detailed and that made it so much more enjoyable. Most diaper hypnosis is extremely vague like

>you are a baby now

>babies use their diapers

without telling you anything else. It's always really weird to me when hypnosis is about clearing your mind that they rely on your imagination. That works well when your childhood was all fun and sunshine but a lot of us had pretty shitty childhoods and have terrible parents. I really don't like thinking about that shit when i'm in trance, it's the reason i don't meditate anymore, too painful. Plus, it's just more fun to go on a ride for an hour or so than to be told to use your imagination when we're mostly boring jaded adults and our imagination is shit

36a84e  No.45530


This video is actually really well-made. But it seems to be mostly directed at gay people, so watch out if this isn't your preference.

9fd990  No.45814

A new hypnotist with some nice freebies, I wouldn't pay for them($15-$30), but she has a website with more tracks.



51bd9d  No.45822


I hope they make more… holy crap I've been listening to this a ton. I ended up DLing it to play on loop while I sleep…

a9a874  No.45860


I honestly can not find that guys voice soothing

and it has too much of a gay/sissy ring to it sadly, I usually con only trance to women's voice

51bd9d  No.45861


I'm a huuuuge faggot, so those are the notes it hits perfectly for me.

ca1c6f  No.45874

I'd kinda like to see some more files form WMM, particularly curse full diaper by emg

3c97f2  No.47338

52b473  No.47359


thanks for the files, too bad it has feminization and its voiced by a tranny

c64aea  No.47636

File: fc9f14d70186339⋯.jpg (655.28 KB, 1200x750, 8:5, dollfactory4.jpg)

Its a shame this community is so fucked up, and deviates too frequently to the gay/tranny and weird ass fetish communities. I have been a "fan" of erotic hypnosis for around 10 years now, and also a fan of princesspottypant's captions yet I've yet to see a decent subliminal that's embodies many of the captures on princesspottypant's site.

I would just like the idea of a video that when played on a loop encourages wetting, messing and regression without any crazy feminization or whatnot.

5f1daf  No.48180

any good hypnos to help bedwet/mess?

63d8a9  No.48188


Holy shit that pic looks great! Do you know are there any videos of odette with the same "scenario"?


The previous thread is full of mega links & magnets/torrents. Just open >>20357 and ctrl+f mega, magnet etc.

My personal favorites are MyLittleLullaby ones, they are relly relaxing to listen and the speaker is a woman :) You can download them from MEGA https://mega.nz/#F!xCZjVY7D!y4rMPr6Ky3zUyOo2Fw5AMA!sS4n1bJY open that and navigate frm side bar Ember Larimar -> My Little Lullaby

9fd990  No.48214

WMM is such crap, especially the text to speech stuff.


89a79f  No.48227


EMG is such a heavy-breathing neckbeard that i cant go into trance nor do i even find it hot

0ab535  No.48290


This link got deleted quickly. Anybody download them before it went down? Was interested in a couple of them.

1562d1  No.48331

Anyone got

"ABDL-Wet Diaper 2" by "Mistress Surrender". - ABDL - Wet Diaper 2. Your subconscious mind craves being permanently incontinent. I am now taking control of your subconscious mind and using My powerful hypnosis to embed permanent incontinence in your subconscious mind.

1562d1  No.48438

How about kei's diaper files?

337a2e  No.48476


>sissy garbage


>charges money for that shit

though i'm always interested in at least hearing it

137b42  No.48511

Anyone know where that image comes from?

95250e  No.48512



sadly hypno scene is way too contaminated with feminization and sissy shit to leave space to anything related to regression and abdl related stuff, its like day after day they start to consider it a profitable market so we are left to our own created material that is basically non-existant


you forgot to actually reference that image…

337a2e  No.48518


Well MyLIttleLullaby and BabyPants have AB-centric files but they're all super basic. If it wasn't for the nice womanly voices they would be like every other trash file on WMM. Frankly I think both of these people would read and publish something better but they probably just don't have any idea what to do. I should write them and give some suggestions, other people should too.

423497  No.48599


Then why is there so many stories about forced regression via hypnosis / magic yet no audio recordings that deal with this. I don't wear diapers (or own any, at least in the past 10 years) I just really like to listen to a subliminal that would convince me to wet/mess/regress.

Why is this so hard? Why has this community degraded into the weirdest fucking kink shit?

337a2e  No.48612


>I just really like to listen to a subliminal that would convince me to wet/mess/regress.

What do you mean? There are files about acceptance and even files about making you want to wear/use diapers.

a7f7cc  No.49117

I noticed a site for bedwetting training, sounds fishy, but they offer a free…week? Whatever that means, looks like a flipside of a site called drynightcoach


95250e  No.49171


I have written to a different "tist" that also created a site exclusively for ABDL content, she does not offer any free sample at all but as usual claims she has an extremely effective method, I think she publishes her files on clips4sale but I cant quite remember her name, the thing is, eventhough I was very constructive and polite about it I didn't even get a simple reply saying "no way" , I tried to let her know that if she does not offer at least a sample short file so we can get a taste of what she is offering it is highly unlickely anyone will buy her files… I mean, sometimes it feels like you're wasting your time trying to improve the material available in the kink scene and when you might suggest an idea you get completely ignored due to someone dismissing you thinking you're trying to get free shit sigh

423497  No.49181


I mean seriously. This is the internet. Why won't these backwards people just open up a Patron or something?

337a2e  No.49188



Yeah it's just the average normalfag not understanding fuck all about anything. Her content is probably trash too. Like most of the people charging money on WMM have files that are total garbage. Then there's people like croc, people who value their stuff the most usually have the worst shit. They're dumb people trying to make a living with minimal effort and who have really high opinions of themselves. Seems like ever since YouTube enabled ad revenue content creation has really gone downhill. People who shouldn't/wouldn't ever do anything are shitting all over themselves trying to make a buck. Meanwhile people who can and should make good content are discouraged because the atmosphere is so toxic now.

337a2e  No.49189


this is seems like a total phishing scam

3d91ff  No.49204



I wonder about this, what could go wrong with trying a week though

fd5ceb  No.49235

Anyone have files from SwaddledDreams? Her “welcome to my nursery” one was great.

Also, the main megaupload thread is down

95250e  No.49280


I'm still seeding the main torrent with tons of premium files

c4131f  No.49329


I gave it a try, and despite my initial suspicions it's been great so far. It really is just a guy who treats you like a kid and lays out homework you do to untrain (in the same fashion he'd use for a real kid presumably before training them back up). It's exactly what it says on the tin.

3d91ff  No.49331


I'm >>49204, this is true. He has such a big privacy wall, including private protected domain and no business name due to not wanting to have his identify leaked and ruin his own career. It's at least a real person.

485fb4  No.49685

d9eb4c  No.49797


Want to share? I'm interested in what his process is, but I don't want to commit (and hand out contact info).

a6e12f  No.49849

Here's my own personal diaper subliminal, if this is what I think it is, it's meant to be looped. If someone could convert it to .mp4 for me I'd appreciate it. It's currently in .wmv format.


95250e  No.49874


I've seen this posted in youtube before… and I think WMM as well… you're either stealing someone else's material or simply assuming we are kind of short-sighted in the search for new stuff…

485fb4  No.49974

mega folder is down

19c5d8  No.50046


I am the one who made the file, I am also the one who put it up on YouTube, and WMM anon. So watch your tone or I won't release it again. Or would you prefer to buy premium membership on that site to watch my video?

19c5d8  No.50047


I'll repost a new one. Someone probably reported it, but seeing as I'm the creator of the file and can do what ever I please with it they shouldn't be.

19c5d8  No.50048

19c5d8  No.50050


Just found a good converter for iPad so here's the .mp4 version. Figured this was the best universal format to use. Have fun and happy trancing. ^_^ remember this is best if looped only 5:43 long

19c5d8  No.50314

Both mega folders are still up, and running for anyone who wants to take a gander. I'll keep them up as long as possible.

6c60b8  No.50378


Link is down again.

19c5d8  No.50396


Use the second link.

95250e  No.50543

posted this one on /hypno/ thought I might as well share it here…

I've been trying to for years to weaking my bladded state, I don't think I trully wated to achieve 24/7 incontinence but at least to fight back my shy bladder and simply wet more easily. The thing is that being incotinent, the thought of being made incontinent or a baby in my mind simply arouses the fuck out of me, being my number one focus of arousal it is extremely hard for me to concentrate and not break out of trance while listening to this kind of files, specially if they have soft femenine voices or lullabyes playing in the background.

After years of listening to several files, most of them were extremely disspointing, I mainly got them from WMM, files for wetting and feeling like a baby.

There are a couple of vivid experiences I remember though:

MM Baby Life Trainig series

I think this one was the most arousing and scariest file, the lullabyes in the background, the build up references made for wetting, feeling like a baby, and being a baby were just too much to bare. I managed to stop listening after a while because I got scared that my dick was 13cm instead of the original 17cm, but I can definitely tell you that I used to be bigger down there. Fuck, just writing this got me so hard and wanting to listen to the file again… this might be the most scary file I've even encountered. I kept listening to it for night after night after night hoping it would help to become an actual baby, I don't know wtf I actually wanted to achive, I feel like in state of arousal our minds become such maleable things that it is wayyy too dangerous to be fucking around with shit like this.

SoCalAB baby while wearing (female voice)?

I remember this was on the playlist that night, but I can't really tell if this one was the one that caused the effects but I cant seem to remember any other of the files there. I went to bed double padded, had a pacifier in my lips, I clutched a stuffed animal and I went to bed like many other nights, after drinking extra liquids to cause wetting. I didn't actually manage to wet at all but at some point of the night I felt surrounded by a feeling of happiness, simple-mindedness and utter joy that I couldn't quite understand what was it, I felt like I was fully embracing all those feelings because I was a happy baby boy, a good baby boy, a padded beautiful baby boy and everything was amazing and incredible in the world, those feelings were so overwhelming that I ended up snapping out of my trance. Which caused me to feel really sad and dissappointed all of the sudden, I was never again able to reach babyish-nirvana after that </3

ABDL Recordings

again, like the SoCalAB time, I was playing several files that night and I can only remember that this was one of them there. I remember going to bed padded and drinking lots of fluids. I slept facing down when suddenly a big urge snapped me out of sleep, it was a pressure in my bladder building more and more, I couldn't believe it was actually happening because the pressure building in my bladder would always be blocked by my immediate boners. Somehow I managed to stay calm, relaxed and keep the boner down. So eventually I felt an awesome release happening, warm, squishy and damp feelings all over my crotch, I went back to bed with one of the most relaxed and fulfilled mindsets I ever achieved.

it keeps going a little bit…

95250e  No.50544

Jennykins the treatment

this one might be along with baby life training from MM one of the most harmful files I ever listened to, at the beginning I would just listed to ABDL stuff that were genderless or strictly male oriented. But this file though, this file had something very alluring to it. Forced Age Regression, being into AR as much as I am I decided I would give it a try either way although I completely despise the sissy/feminization scene. I listened to this files for days and weeks even, the moaning, the fake struggle during the regression scenario would call me back again and again, it would be my go to source for fapping and also always part of my playlists during night time sleeping. Always playing, until eventually I didn't care it felt like it was targeted towards sissies or females. It just felt right to be dominated, hypnotized, possessed and regressed . After a while I started being more accepting of sissy or feminization files that involved some ABDL aspect in them. I would not care that much as long as I had the word wet, diaper or regress in them in order for me to have an excuse. After a while, I started giving the regular sissy or feminization files a try without the actual need for them to having any soft of relation to the ABDL kink. I think it is because deep down, this specific file made some sort of connection deep in my psyche that regression and feminization go hand in hand.

The female struggle sounds, the moaning, the breaking of will, the loosing control of bladders and the regression suggestions made it all possible for the damage to be lasting and big.

Up until this day, the sissy fetish is like a daily struggle for me, I hate the shit it represents and I hate that it holds part of my arousal hostage, this file is evil and just like many others that tackle with feminization must be NOT taken lightly, ABDL might be the gateway for many other more conflicting and troublesome ordeals…

Ember potty training nights

Since I'm not an english navite speaker I simply recognized the word potty for both pee and poo, so one night I got tired of not being successful with "wetting the bed" and "diaper wetting" so I ended up giving "potty training nights" a try. In the middle of the night I felt my tummy quiver a bit, become slighly gassy and in order to get rid of that feeling I pushed a little bit only to be taken by surprise by the fact that I was actually starting to poop myself. I wasn't even diapered that night because I completely did not believe that the file would do something to me the first night I gave it a try but it definitely gave me a good scare. Luckily I was able to stop myself enough to reach the bathroom and fully unload there.

Baby acceptance

this one was actually the most suble change I was able to perceive but a change nontheless, I was trying to get rid of my arousal response to severak if the wetting files so I was suggested that I should be connecting the wetting sensations to a more innocent and pure root of things. Thus, I started listening to this, needless to say that I started having problems when interacting with the world, regular work tasks became slightly more challenging and when failing I would be filled with a sense of despair and sadness that was almost too strong to endure, I caught myself many times tearing up at work because I would be able to deal with some stuff, or some interactions with friends became weird because they would be teasing me or making some jokes and I would feel mortified and overwhelmed by the fact that they were being mean to me. I stopped listening all together after a week though, I had no desire to become an unstable emotional rollercoaster in the hopes that it would help my unpotty training more easy

a49bdb  No.50668


Hot story OP, do you have a link to Jennykins?

95250e  No.50670


one's fear is another one's kink

you can find all of the files in WMM, for free, go nutz although I recommend you dont

95250e  No.50674

found this old file while making a clean up of an old laptop I have, someone might find it interesting, it guides you through a baby-like experience and regression


6c9fd1  No.50680


not same anon, but I'm also looking for that file and I physically cannot find it on WMM

a906b8  No.50682

Just thought I'd drop my own anecdotal experience in here, since I've been on the Mindmaster Baby Training series for a while and it's been mentioned a bit recently. I'll run through what I've listened to and the effects everything has had on me so far. My eventual goal is being fully unpotty/diaper-trained, with a heavy dose of regression and helplessness thrown in for flavor. Just to preface this with a little history, I've been 24/7 off and on for ~5 years (more on than off…we're talking maybe a total of 3-4 months out of diapers), have a partner who participates full-heartedly, and just in general have a life that's conducive to my goals with diapers and regression, so I was pretty sure of what I wanted when going into training. I was skeptical about hypno for a LONG time. Was on WMM back in 2005, tried it for a while, and decided it just didn't work for me. Nowadays I'm pretty sure I was just too stubborn of an asshole to let anything change me and didn't want to put in the time or effort to achieve results.

Cue 5 months ago, about how long I've been training myself now, when I stumbled on a hypnosis video while looking for porn and a switch just fucking flipped. In those 5 months my wetting and messing has become instinctive upon the urges hitting (except messing at work. No idea how that works, but my brain thankfully nixes that), sometimes I leak when I cough or laugh, and I've started to wet my diapers while sleeping. That's not even mentioning all the baby stuff that's changed at home, like drinking only from bottles, almost always having a binky in my mouth, spoken vocabulary leaning more towards babytalk, and actually being able to hit a "little" headspace, which is something I had literally NEVER been able to do in my ABDL life. I primarily view myself as a toddler now and the world around me, outside of work, only seems to serve to enforce that. This probably all sounds autistic as fuck, but I'm happy, my husband's happy, and life is moving forward, so eh, fuck it. Anyways, files I'm on and why you should/n't listen. Totally stealing the formatting from >>50543 because he did well with it (also, sorry you don't feel so hot about your experiences, man :<).

Pastebin because otherwise it'd be like 5 posts lol:


3c5084  No.50695


Wow what a great write up for mindmaster files, I've been listening to for years and find it so addicting. Literally cannot not listen to them when I diaper up and they've only gotten stronger the longer I listen. They get me down and out for so long. Super dangerous and erotic. I loved your suggestions of Brahm's lullaby for the first two.

I think the only reason they haven't completely made me a baby is my job and career. I think that mentally is the only thing from keeping me from going over the edge. They've trained me to completely relax the minute I get a diaper on. Those files have pavlov'd me to barely be able to hold my bladder when I'm wearing and not messing is really hard too. Both also feel so incredible and sometimes it is really hard to take a wet and messy diaper off cause it feels so incredible.

Pretty sure my penis shrank a little bit after listening to baby train a lot a year or two ago. My balls hold so tight to my body now too. Continual and long term listening definitely wear you down cause I now shave my diaper area regularly, have a pacifier, love the smell of baby powder, and can totally watch Paw Patrol no issue. I never would've been into SPH or penis shrinking until I listen to those files.

And it makes me dream about diapers and I long to wear them all the time.

485fb4  No.50738

Has anyone tried kei's diaper files?

95250e  No.50744


>>50543 here

Again, WOW thanks for giving everyone such insight regarding your training/regression progress and how you reacted to each of the files.

Being on and off with the wetting and regression desires myself it sometimes feels like a struggle because its all mainly a source of arousal, I play with the idea of being more childish and babyish, even of shrinkng my penis but my only true goal from the start is and always has been being it easy for me for wetting and even sometimes wetting in my sleep (although that sounds impossible without daytime wetting I believe).

So after years and years of being subjected to different kinds of suggestions I have what you might called mixed feelings about it, its not that I don't find them hot like you said, its just that, like with everything related to a fetish or a fantasy, the moment I cum my interest is over, is completely fleeting and passing. So, although new desires popped in my head or I put them there with the files? the only thing that remains there as a desire after all is simply being able to wet more easily my diaper in any position and some degree of bedwetting.

Like I said, when trying to pursue this by detaching my sexual response from wetting with the acceptance and little emotion files, I gave them a try while I combined it with a time of self-imposed no-cumming in order to detach myself from sexual thoughts althogether. Of course it backfired and I was an emotional wreck, unable to hold my feelings in check, getting teary eyed over nothing and getting scared more easily, it was weird and different but I realized that this was definitely not what I was looking for, I felt fussy, angry and building up a degree horny but guilty about it all the time so I guess I'm just hardwired to sexual responses and they will always end up stopping me from achieving actual success, I will keep investigating hypno stuff related to AB/DL for fun mainly, I feel like I am not in a position to actually achieve what I want without getting undesired side effects or unwanted behaviors

If you ever decide to listen to other penis shrinking files, the curse of the teeny weeny does seem to have a very real and strong effect. In WMM, there's a long thread about this where a specific user "mondaytuesday" went on and on about his regression/shrinking process and how it turned him into an infant in the penis department, completeley removed any sort of erection but that amplified his sensual feelings all over, it is quite an interesting read.

I'm one of the ones sharing MEGA hypno back-ups so I'm glad you're finding them resourceful and helpful


thanks for sharing anon, all this experiences are really interesting and helpful and hot

totally unrelated


06567e  No.50765


>ABDL Recordings

Does anyone has a way to get this?

95250e  No.50784


they have been hosted in the MEGA folder or the hypno torrent for a while now

c3e940  No.50788

I've been having a lot of success with the following files: A diaper trance hypno machine session which I adjusted for my tastes, and also included are some of the mp3's I listen to while watching.

I am losing entire days to trancing now. I lay down, put headphones on, set the recording on random-repeat, and watch as the pretty pictures flash by. Literally, days, weekends, longer periods of time, just gone poof while I trance. When I'm not trancing I feel light headed, happy, and peaceful. It's nice. And the sessions are having the desired affects on my mind and body.

I hope you may enjoy this as much as I am. Please feel free to modify this, create your own, and then share it with the rest of us.


This is the first time I've used mega to share stuff, I hope this is the correct link.

c3e940  No.50790

No, thank link is no good,

Perhaps this one will work,


95250e  No.50804


can you tell us more about what is it that you set out to achieve and if you did, to what degree? some matter of small journal of your progression with the trance training of sorts? if its not too much to ask

95250e  No.50813

File: 6a95a87770adc39⋯.jpg (99.31 KB, 544x408, 4:3, 02-soldier-saluting-fsl.jpg)



you're a hero among abdlhypno-kindred, I salute you anon

b6eafa  No.50888


Hey man, thanks for the suggestion! I'll give that file a shot sometime. It sounds like almost exactly what I'm looking for. Hopefully it combines well with the rest of my stuff.

And hey, for what it's worth, I used to be a lot like you in terms of what I wanted out of hypno. Easier/uncontrollable wetting in my diapers, bedwetting (which you can absolutely do without losing daytime control btw), and maybe some babyish habits…but in the end I just thought the concepts were hot and didn't REALLY want to deal with any of the repercussions if the suggestions came true. Then brainwash hypno happened to me and…I dunno. Any guilt or misgivings I felt about diving into this shit headfirst just melted away with every fap. Not saying you should find your equivalent or anything, especially if you feel so strongly about this stuff not being a good fit for your life, but just saying that it's possible to change if you wanna. Maybe give acceptance another try without the cum ban? Or at least another wetting file of some sort. Chastity fucks me up too tbh and I'm not actually sure that it's all that great with hypno. I always end up in hardcore down/non-little/kinky states after extended dry spells and it's no good. Not to say that's orgasm control isn't useful, cuz it is, but I prefer shorter stints. A few days a week or something, y'know? Sorry, babbling. Thanks again for the mega archive maintenance, it's genuinely appreciated.


Dude that's awesome! I'm glad someone else is seeing similar effects :3 Makes me feel less like I'm just playing pretend at all this shit. I know exactly what you mean about work keeping you an adult too. Without that lifeline, when everything else is pressing in on you and telling you you're a baby, it'd be hard to ever go back. Maybe that's just what you need though, kiddo ;)


Holy shit, anon, thank you! This is probably my favorite collection of pics and gifs I've seen from the hypno machine. You've got all the basics in there, plus a fuckton of different stuff. Suggestions are simple. Display settings are set to a nice pace with clear colors. Your choice of files are legit too. I'm gonna give this a shot when my weekend starts :3 Also, I'd like to second >>50804. It'd be awesome to hear more about where you're at in your regression, what your lifestyle is like, etc.

55358d  No.50899


How are the MM audios "edited"

<And thanks for the few files in there that I didn't have yet

c3e940  No.50943



I am not comfortable discussing openly about my strange desires and lifestyle. I did not choose it, it chose me.

In regards my progression, my first encounter with erotic hypno was about 15 years ago. For a long time my entertainment had nothing to do with ABDL. But I eventually found myself absolutely obsessed with this fetish through the influence of some nice people on WMM.

My lifestyle is much like yours, there are quite a few parallels. The stories of your experiences with the files are what lead me to also share what I could. I'm glad you like the session. It's a continual work in progress. I will continue to polish it over time, incorporate any good ideas or material I encounter. I'm so pleased to hear that you enjoyed it. While watching, pick a theme for the session and choose the recordings appropriate to reinforce the training. I only ever listen to at most 4 recordings on shuffle-repeat. The intention being to imprint the theme on my sub conscious and mind.

I wear 24/7 have for some time now. Biggest change this year, I am losing my fears of exposure. In fact, I have found myself not caring if people find out, further, I find myself craving exposure. I want to tell the people in my life, so I can just live my life happily in diapers without worry. I've been spontaneously dropping subtle hints in random conversations with my friends and family. An odd pun here, an uncommon reference there. I've also been wearing my night diapers during the day, the Comfi Cozy or abena M4. With a nice pair of plastic pants. I still try hard to be discreet, but you know…

I don't own a crib (yet), but I often dream about being in one while I sleep.



I don't exactly remember, so I have removed the edited recordings and replaced them with the unedited originals.

c3e940  No.50946

File: 9ad9ae9e2ccc36d⋯.jpg (4.69 MB, 4320x3240, 4:3, Time4Bed.JPG)

I find that trancing while wearing only a diaper to be most beneficial. I don't know why, but something about seeing the diaper, and not just a bulge in my sleepers or onesies, helps to reinforce things in my mind.

If you can find those little things which work just right for you, trancing becomes very easy and enjoyable.

b6eafa  No.50949


I see those kins cloth diapers there :p That's an awesome setup though. I usually do my computer chair in front of my desk when I'm doing something visual, or cuddled up with an oversized plushy for listening. May have to think about getting a tv or monitor I can place below a bed for extended relaxation/trance sessions. I agree about diapers being best on their own though. When I do my sleep training, I try to hit the mindmaster trigger (tugging your diaper into your crotch) through a sleeper and I think just isn't the same. Full access to the soft plastic and telltale bulk is just sooo much better.


Damn, so you've been around the block too! I wonder if we knew each other back then haha. You've certainly got an interesting origin story, but, while I'm intrigued, I won't pry.

I'm very glad my progress journal thingy ended up with you posting! And thank you very much for the advice on a playlist as well. I think I'll be running through a session tonight in place of my typical Baby Behaviors listening. Do you have a recommendation for a good theme/set of 4 to try out to give me an idea in how to mix and match them?

I think I understand what you mean about exposure. For a long time as the mindmaster series began taking more and more effect, I comforted myself by saying that I'd just potty train for days I needed to visit family or go to a doctor, but now I'm just…past that. I wear diapers now, period, and I don't really care to hide it. I've always kinda been in love with being exposed as a baby/diaperboy as well, so I can sympathize in that regard too. I do find it extremely interesting that the desire cultivated in you from nothing though. That's pretty hot, if you don't mind my saying :3

And hey, your bed area looks pretty comfy and babyish to me! And perfect for getting all fuzzy-headed and obedient as well. I think any big baby would be proud ^.^ I don't quite have a cub yet either, just toddler rails on either side. Daddy still likes to call it my crib though, which is a pretty nice feeling. A real one is still top of the priority list for furniture however.

c3e940  No.50957


You are a beautiful person. And I am grateful to have been allowed to share in your radiance.

Find your true self. Find yourself in diapers, forever.

My playlist is mine, you need to master your own. I will help if I can.

c3e940  No.50958


I grow cross-eyed with desire while discussing diapers. Diapers. So warm, So wonderful. This is how I want to spend my time here on Earth. Yes, I want to be in diapers, and wet in diapers, forever.

c3e940  No.50960


Not Kins, shall I tell you? Do you care? I won't bother.

c3e940  No.50961


I don't mean to be rude. fetware.com. They sell incontinence wear, not gimmicks. Buyer beware, there are no returns.

c3e940  No.50964

Im so sorry.

a906b8  No.50965


I intend to do just that, friend. And yes, I understand. I was only looking for your own experience to measure my own on. I'll be experimenting with this, regardless of advice I receive, and hopefully achieving a similar state of contentment. I will admit that the thought of using the earlier Mind Master files without a lullaby in the background intimidates me, so I may create playlists that reflect a need for some soothing babyhood as background audio, as well as other that already contain it. That'll be a good start and I appreciate you nudging me down this path ^.^


Really? Apologies, the soakers/stuffers on the top, as well the leg gatherers on the diaper at the bottom look exactly like the kins diapers and stuffers that I have. They must have the same supplier. Interesting fact to find out :3

c3e940  No.50967


Will you marry me?

c3e940  No.50968


P.S. I've been filling my bottles with cran-apple juice and vodka. 11oz bottles, 6.5oz juice, the rest, up to the flange, is 11oz. I have had 6 bottles this evening. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.

c3e940  No.50970


You mean babykins, right? I own one of their day weight cloth diapers, and several of their onesies. Babykins onesies are very comfortable, but the garments stitching and longevity are demonstrably poor. I like fetwares pull on better. I have not experienced kins prefold diapers. So I can't comment.

c3e940  No.50971


Their booties are the best. As a side note.

c3e940  No.50972

I break all my toys. But I never mean to, and I always regret it.

a906b8  No.50973


Don't apologize, anon. You're an adorable lil crinkle-cutie and you don't need to worry about a thing. As mentioned in my own writeup, I partake in my own indulgences, so I'm absolutely not gonna fault you for yours ^.^ Anything that makes you a better baby is a good thing, okay?


Yup! I actually wear their onesies to work and they've lasted me for years >.> Well, 'lasted'. The stitching and snaps develop issues after many washes and a long period of time, but they work out when it comes down to it. I've had problems with the other manufacturers of plain onesies, though I've wanted to try Tykables ones recently. I'd say the Babykins prefolds are great, but I honestly don't have much experience outside of them so I can't really be objective either. I'm a disposable, baby print diapers sorta baby boy, so I don't deal with cloth a whole lot except for bulking up my padding.

I'll have to look into fetware though! If you recommend them so passionately, they must be doing something right. Besides, I need some new printed plastic pants…and perhaps some locking ones…and some snap-ons…and rhumbas…and… :p

c3e940  No.50976


Tykables onesies are very comfortable, they feel more like spandex than they do like cotton. But not by much. Tykables clothing comes with Tykables labels attached to the outside of the garment, like a flag. Like a billboard, announcing to the world who manufactured this garment. I hate this, and I wish Tykables would not feel the need to push their brand so obtrusively. But they make some damn nice clothing. I will be buying some shortalls from them in the near future (and cutting off their flag).

a906b8  No.50978


At least it's just labels that can be cut off and not the imprinted junk that you get with babypants >.< I'm just glad they don't push their branding so much on their diapers like ABU does. I'm happy to hear that the quality is good, though! Makes me eager to try them out :3

Do you have any particular favorites when it comes to baby clothes or accessories, anon? I'd love to hear what works out for you or helps to regress you in your day-to-day.

c3e940  No.50980


You flatter me with your inquiries. I feel truly humbled by your interest in my activities.

It's nice to encounter a Kindred spirit. I am at a loss for real words. Thank you.

c3e940  No.50981


I like onesies, and sleepers. Footed sleepers. Oh how I love footed sleepers, sleepers as they made in the 80's. Not the hoodie footie nonsense that is popular today.

But since I can't enjoy a nice Sears sleepers ever again, I settle with baby pants sleepers, and onesies from a multitude of manufacturers. My favorite accessory? My bottles, my pacifier, and my stuffed friend. Those are necessities, everything else is a luxury by comparison.

c3e940  No.50985

I know happiness. I am off to visit it now.

3c5084  No.51076


This is 50695yea it doesn't feel like pretend, if anything I've gotten into a positive feedback loop or some crazy shit where these files just affirmed and made me accept a lot of the things I've wanted. I might sound crazy and maybe somewhere on the spectrum but the MM files stuck with me early on when I discovered them and slowly but surely over the last 5 years finally living on my own away from my family has really helped me come to terms with things.

I discovered warpmymind in 2008 or something but didn't listen to Mind Master stuff until probably 2013 when I bought Dry 24/7's, my first adult diaper, and wanted to hypno when I put one on. I had roommates then so I was always really afraid of someone coming in so I never went that deep. A year and a half later I got my own place and have been using them ever since.

I started with the Poopy Diapers first. I freaking loved it. Never really went down that deep at first but it was such a thrill and so erotic. And basically after that every time I had a diaper on I had to always listen. Then I think I bought Bladder Retraining and Baby Behaviors and listen to those a lot too and was starting to actually go into trance. Or what I think trance is. For me it is almost no thoughts at all but a weird semi-conciousness where I'm listening but feel all light and good. I don't think I realized the damage I was doing cause the recordings were making me have cum hands free in my diapers and I was starting to wear them more and more. Out of the house, every once and awhile to the store, and was starting to acquire more baby things without realize what I was doing. I used to have a shy bladder and couldn't even go when I went into a public restroom. I had such a hard time. That became something completely in the past.

I wasn't really following the program either I was jumping around based on my interests. Sometimes bladder retraining, sometimes baby behaviors, or when I discovered all of the files on here Baby Train 2 and Baby Acceptance. I'm not even sure how it happened though or when the first time was but every time I listened to bladder retraining wetting my diapers became orgasmic. Seriously there were and still are times after I listen to that file that it feels like absolutely bliss to pee my pants and I get such an erection and can't do anything but caress my diapers and keep thinking of how good they feel.

After that I had someone on here, who I'd still like to get in contact with (pnut this is tk) who really got me to delve into my baby life in the summer of 2016. Listen every day and wear as much as possible besides work. I think I was in diapers all the time for about nine days listening and starting to even accept the penis shrinking files. I got so scared though when I started to see results and backed out very quickly. With his help I was able to get a teddy bear and a pacifier I still have today.

It has been a year and a half since then. I took about a month or two off of diapers and had to change where my adult life was going. I'm glad I did cause I was in a better place. I'm fitter, have a better job, and a boyfriend but diapers and baby stuff do keep calling and I'm still addicted to these files. My relationship with my boyfriend isn't anywhere as kinky as I'd like but damn am I so submissive and I do think these files have contributed to that. I love that my penis is smaller than my guys dick. I love that I shave and like shaving almost all of the hair below my neck off (at least my chest and my diaper area, something I used to never dream of doing) while he remains nice and hairy. That may not be completely related to the fetish but for me there are a lot of similar correlations.

At this point because of those files I can wear for longer periods of times and I get the urge to wear almost all the time. It's even getting to the point where I don't have to be horny to want to wear a diaper. I love sucking on my pacifier and wearing my baby clothes. I'm getting more adventurous and wear out more and I care a lot less who sees me. I have a bottle and like drinking it. And even though I'm gay the thought of sucking a nipple is pretty erotic. I love the smell of baby powder and I'm really starting to see myself as an infant. Baby stuff excites me.

I'm willing to talk more about all of this too!

e60dfb  No.51083


Hey, pnut here - drop me an email, silly little!

485fb4  No.52232

c3e940  No.52261

Sorry about all the stupid shit I said the other night, I was pretty drunk and nervous/embarrassed/excited.

f40303  No.52663

Maybe you'll enjoy this better. I think I like it better. So hard to stay away from the feminization aspects of this fetish. It's everywhere. But I've attempted to purge that from these files. Using my limited abilities, I've tried to shape it to compliment the MM BT series. Imagine what someone with some skill and knowledge could accomplish with this software. I sure wish someone would try.


eea026  No.52664

I've had a lot of success with the binaural version of EMG's TrigPottyAmnesia

8ad986  No.53002

Seems like every file that gets uploaded never stays up long. Shame cus I really want to listen to the bedwetting file from ember

a906b8  No.53004


Ember is most likely watching this thread to send takedown notices to mega ever since some dumbshit newfag linked the folder on fucking /r/abdl and ruined it for everyone. We could definitely use a new one, but I think you may need to live with the torrent for the time being, man.

8ad986  No.53030


I saw that. But I do understand where she comes from. Id honestly buy some of her files but the bedwetting one is the one I wouldn't risk buying and would rather torrent. Mostly because it causes wetting when you start waking up in the middle of the night to pee.

485fb4  No.53244

anyone got any kei diaper files?

0aefcf  No.53415


man, it got taken down again

damn it, someone from wmm must be onto us >_<

0aefcf  No.53416


could you upload only the hypno machine without the files so the link doesnt get taken down? sorry for the bother

0aefcf  No.53581



cant take down a torrent, this one has most of the files you should be checking out

If you're reading this Ember, I respect your work and actually appreciate the effort you put into your work but not everyone can afford your files and I don't feel ok with not sharing with others the chance to experience nice things

>inb4 commie

91acc9  No.53585

will post this here, it still up for the moment, and will be until i get closed or whatever, but enjoy, a whole buncha baby hypno i actually grabbed on this thread and among other places. i also have a entire assortment of random hypno that isnt abdl related as well:


41f64c  No.53590


I just downloaded the torrent.

544c6f  No.53624

File: 166fc3e05bb411f⋯.jpg (480.72 KB, 1280x813, 1280:813, tumblr_p061zweAHk1vcsyk8o1….jpg)

I'm very interested in these mind master files if anyone has em. I'd appreciate it.

0aefcf  No.53645


check the torrent or the mega link

a57b46  No.53699



It wasn't removed by a copyright holder, I took it offline. I honestly didn't think anyone wanted it. Tonight or tomorrow, when I have some time, I'll put the files back together and re-upload it to mega. It will have all the MM files, and the Trance Machine.

0aefcf  No.54094

0aefcf  No.54337

get them while they are hot


also, please notice the name of the room JAP

485fb4  No.54428

Are all the files in Japanese?

b50b8e  No.54483


some of them I find very nice to listen eventhough I dont understand a lot of whats being said, just a relaxing asmr experience

32c73d  No.54592

File: c8cbf45eb372c19⋯.gif (2.37 MB, 320x240, 4:3, angrywoman.gif)


yup that's def not hypno. That's KP you fucker. This is why we can't have nice things.

036927  No.54698

I have a couple Nicole Dosei files to trade for other Nicole Dosei files, if anyone's got em…

485fb4  No.54743

I've got Shelle Rivers - Tinkle files to trade

35e291  No.54746


well then, my bad for trying to share stuff I guess, don't worry wont happen again

41f64c  No.54751


Wait… so it is kiddy porn? Tha'fuck?!

98cf26  No.54755


>That image

correct, no matter how many hypno audios i ear i still have to consciously release the bladder control

but once i took 400ug of acid and i was struggling to not pee myself every 20 minutes, it was in a friends house and i did not leave the room next to the bedroom for fear of leaking my pants on her coach

98cf26  No.54761


Holy shit, lots of free stuff im interested, not sure about the rest of you guys but my diaper fetish overlaps a lot with some feminization in a non-humillated or non-forced way and overall feeling girly

i wonder how common that is, wish some random fagget pulled off a gigantic survey and people where honest so we could gather some numbers

41f64c  No.54763

File: 02127e2fec786d5⋯.jpg (310.47 KB, 720x700, 36:35, Birthday Candles (small).jpg)

File: c10a386ff294a89⋯.jpg (254.38 KB, 720x600, 6:5, Glow Sticks - Sticks In Th….jpg)

File: f0ea70eab121709⋯.jpg (54.69 KB, 500x500, 1:1, !!!Butter Bows.jpg)

File: 093329f8cb670d7⋯.jpg (329.56 KB, 650x720, 65:72, Stickers - 03.jpg)

File: 2a21aa42a4385bc⋯.jpg (2.63 MB, 3968x2976, 4:3, zGlow Stick Horde.jpg)


When I was like four I wore dresses for like a week because this stupid bitch teacher at the preschool brought all these big frilly dresses and let the girls wear them and made a big/mean stink about how "boys weren't allowed" and we were all excluded… so then I wore a dress to school and taunted the bitch for like a week until I got distracted by something else and stopped.

…although I guess technically I just wore a dress on ~top~ of my regular clothes, but I think it still counts.

Personally I don't really care either way as long as what I'm wearing is comfortable, but if I'm not "allowed" to do something and there's no good reason or explanation for why… it triggers this massive WANTFUL desire to do it just to spite whoever said I couldn't.

Beyond that, girls clothes tend to be shinier and fancier and more colorful, which I like. I sometimes think I might be part crow or something… I have this like innate NEED to acquire shiny/sparkly shet for no real apparent reason at all.

Fireworks, glowsticks, stickers, art supplies, ribbons/bows, blankets, clothes… the shinier and the more colorful the better!

A lot of it tends to be "girly" I guess, but I don't ever really think about it like that, I just like it.



Oh, also different textures and fabrics and such, like silky stuff, plushie things, frilly stuff… basically anything not abrasive or heavy (like wool, I hate wool).

So I think it's more the ~stuff~ than it is the ~girly~ aspect, cause I'm not really into the whole "humiliation" bit at all.

0aefcf  No.54876



>share japanese asmr

>some of the audios come with depictions of 2D femdom

>get accused of sharing kp

I guess its my fault for not quitting fetish ib earlier, thank anons, you've helped me take a big leap today.

485fb4  No.55069

576ed1  No.55106

shelle rivers pee files


485fb4  No.55347

Any new diaper files?

4149b8  No.55366



Late to the party, any chance of reup?

036927  No.55388

So nobody's got any Nicole Dosei files? Her hypnos are good, she understands the fantasy really well and it's all put together professionally. She's even releasing new stuff currently once a week. I'll probably end up buying more but it adds up fast. I've got four to post but I'd love if anyone else had any to contribute… If anyone else could take one for the team and buy a couple, I can post mine.

0aefcf  No.55396


Nobody wants to risk spending money on something that could potentially dissappoint them. We have NO way of actually knowing her work since she refuses to provide even a small free file to test how we feel about her hypno technique, I have sent her a couple of messages explaining how the people interested in this are usually taken advantage by greedy people who just pretend to understand our desires so we usually need some sort of proof of work to further decide if we want to approach the artists work or not, I was detailed and respectful throughout the whole message explaining her "we don't want free stuff we want to know that we are purchasing quality stuff". Needless to say I received no answer whatsoever from her so forgive me for being a not trusting a person who chooses to ignore clients contructive suggestions… basically you could just be shilling her shit or be her

485fb4  No.55399

036927  No.55400

Alright, that makes sense, fair enough. Here's the two I have that are most related to bladder untraining:


I hope I did this link right, I haven't put stuff up on Mega before.

Anyway I really like her files so far, I pair them with binaurals and it's uh… kinda tweaked something in my subconscious. What's been happening is that all of a sudden my bladder will feel a lot of pressure, and unless I consciously put effort into it, it's like a very small amount of pee goes "on deck" like the feeling when you're standing in front of the toilet but right before your muscles fully relax. At this point, it hasn't reached the point of having an accident, but again, unless I put all of my conscious attention on holding it, that small portion of pee likely will squirt out as I'm clenching up my muscles to hold it back. It's like it's already in there, so by clenching and "holding" the muscles, it squirts out the pee anyway and this results in a maybe quarter sized wet spot inside my underwear. And then, the thing is, if I'm in a mood where I don't care, this process will keep happening unless I get up to empty my bladder.

What can I say, I like results. I've listened to a bunch of the WMM TTS bullshit, that's all crap. Also fuck the creepy breathy hypnotist dude whose files have been around a long time and seem to be pretty popular in these circles. Ember's stuff is pretty great but maybe I just wasn't at the right point in my "journey" lol when I was listening to her files.

Actually, as I think back, it's kinda sad to say that I've spent a long time looking around for files like this and I've listened to a lot of them. There's some good stuff amidst the crap, but it's pretty slim pickings. Nicole's files aren't magic, I just find they're well produced, there aren't any glaring flaws that throw me out of the fantasy, and I like the fantasy she unspools. All that stuff about a woman wrapping me around her finger and trapping me in diapers, that drives me crazy, and she understands that angle.

So there's two files, give em a try, I really hope someone enjoys them and feels compelled to share more, whatever way they get their hands on em. If you guys can share any more, I'll post up the other two I have and any I end up buying in future.

61620f  No.55405


Is the uncontrolled wetting file aimed at males? It's pretty safe to assume that the other is, given its name.

036927  No.55410

Yeah I think so. One of her things is that she says you have to be a little boy because she decides when you get to be a big boy again… LOL how is this my life

b5810d  No.55425

File: 228edc68451be30⋯.jpg (309.61 KB, 1280x853, 1280:853, tumblr_nnc7ukKUsV1rjz56uo1….jpg)


Haven't listened to any of her files or anything, but in the process of checking what other stuff she has, I just realized she copied some of the chapter titles and description for the story I've been writing for a series of files on her site. I thought it was just a funny coincidence at first, but then I noticed all 3 files in the series matched up with the first 3 chapter titles of my story exactly, with the same premise for the content judging by the descriptions (which borrow the wording of my story's synopsis with only minor changes to adapt it to a gender swap for the main character/subject).

Honestly not sure how I feel about that. I don't think my story is worth getting all up in arms over nor am I under any delusions that I'm an experienced enough writer to be making money off of it, but it's a little disheartening to see that kinda thing done without at least crediting my story. If you're going to borrow so heavily from somebody's work that you use the description, chapter titles, and premise, while charging $30 per file, you should at least credit them.

Regardless, thanks for sharing anon. Probably wouldn't have found that if you hadn't posted about her.

Adding an image to this post because I feel bad leaving just a giant wall of text here, this just legitimately caught me off guard.

485fb4  No.55426

Who are you?

485fb4  No.55427

Has anyone tried kei's Mind Virus: Diaper Love? Is it any good?

41be08  No.55478


I've got Baby Training, Mommys Baby, Mommys Nursery 1, Mommys Rules 1, and Uncontrolled Wetting. Post what you got and I'll post mine.

41be08  No.55479

File: 95bb8d95f12efbc⋯.png (14.17 KB, 503x324, 503:324, cca5a174564009b38a5fb3c2bf….png)


Also, same person, screw you captcha

41be08  No.55480




I am an idiot and did not read entire thread, I'll post what I got shortly.

a8a766  No.55485


have you heard Ember Larimar & Charlotte Gray? C'mon, don't be a fag, post what you have.

036927  No.55494


I would love to hear those! Please post them plz plz plz

41be08  No.55508

Bet you thought I wouldn't come through.



IMO mediocre hypnosis but good fap material

036927  No.55518


Yknow what, I didn't think you actually would come through lol. So glad you did though. I added the other two files I have to the link above: X's and O's, and Babytalk & Bedwetting.

>mediocre hypnosis but good fap material

I mean, yeah, what do you think we're doing here?

036927  No.55519


At first I was skeptical, but I stalked your story Anon, and you're absolutely right, it's completely clear she lifted your story chapter by chapter. Check out the new file she released yesterday, sure enough it has the same title as chapter 4 of your story.

Still, taking the time to record and put together a file isn't nothing, and I like her style.

cbc5ac  No.55535

For the chap who posted Nicole's Hypnosis files; thank you sir!

She's the best!

41be08  No.55545


>what do you think we're doing here?

Fucking up my brain, my dude, fucking up my brain.

4c8035  No.55555

File: 51aa2679ed37aa1⋯.jpg (387.76 KB, 1280x1707, 1280:1707, tumblr_oniz1aS9sg1u2lg7bo1….jpg)

So who here has experienced tangible results with the penis shrinking aspect of MM BabyTrain2? Having a baby-sized penis is absolute peak fantasy for me but I suspect the reported effect is a placebo. I'm kind of reluctant to accept the other lifestyle implications of the file but I would commit to it in a heartbeat if I knew there was someone out there who undeniably was affected by the penis shrink suggestions.

337a2e  No.55561

File: 2c9ea12275d290c⋯.png (3.93 MB, 1304x6566, 652:3283, screencapture-cuckdominati….png)


The effect of not having an erection for a long period of time is very real. It will shrink your penis down to nothing eventually. This is usually accomplished with chastity. But if you can do it with just hypnosis then good for you.

cf8941  No.55585


I actually want to know the science behind this for some reason.

33a810  No.55586

File: a539e4cdf66ec14⋯.jpg (131.82 KB, 1392x1032, 58:43, 4e7658398655423.jpg)

91c72a  No.55605


Its bullshit.

The pictures in question are literallly a dude going from chub to fully erect, posted in reverse order. Its a fap fiction image.

bc134e  No.55609


Was this ever reuploaded?

337a2e  No.55611


I honestly don't know if this is fake or not but it doesn't look like something totally fake like you're saying. I mean HRT will kill your dick and shrink it some. If you refuse the ability to get erections and replace that with anal stimulation, I think it would make your cock smaller in a similar way. I mean again. IDK, but it seems kinda legit to me.

55358d  No.55638

File: 3a3cbcde6733262⋯.png (160.19 KB, 1280x1091, 1280:1091, 1511624957.lankilote_23318….png)


Just lookit Serena Valentina's nearly inexistant dick in that Sasha Sade vid… HRT for sure, and to some extend, diaper wear, chastity, and anal all contribute to shrinkydinks.

I know cumming while not erect, from a tight diaper preventing me from getting hard (pointing it INTO the padding) and never letting myself get hard, makes it feel smaller… I can imagine if you do that 24/7 for long enough, your dick will prefer to retain that state of comfort and memory.

7e55f5  No.55673



I just wanted to say thank you both for sharing new hypno material around here, good to know there's people around here that want to see this sub-scene grow a little bit more and get more people interested in this


>IMO mediocre hypnosis but good fap material

atm I'm getting this vibe, yes



definitely we're all fucking up our brains with this kind of stuff to some degree and I don't intend on stopping

I haven't actually being listening a lot to these files but I have some comments on them.

Some things that I didn't enjoy so much:

* I feel like the sort-of induction is a bit rushed in most of her files, I feel like I dont actually have the time to actually get deep/relaxed fast enough

* The length tends to feel a bit "short-ish" like, arkadia files are about 50-45mins, then ember files 30-40mins, this files are about 20-30mins long. (kind of related to the previous point but still)

* I feel like there is no actual build-up feel to it, I don't feel myself experiencing a spiraling downwards journey and coming out the other side of the rabbit hole feeling more childish. Also related to this, the files feel more like instructions or command created separately and put together without putting much thought into it. Other files I listened to felt like they would first establish a foundation to later on work their way up, that's the nice way to do it.

* This one is both good and bad for me, she uses the same set of 10 or so words over and over again "baby" "toddler" "squirm" "diaper" "infantile" "helpless" "wetting" "regress" "humilliation" "mommy" (really breaks my concentration when I hear the word "humilliation" in my trance/relaxed/receptive state). I guess she's doing this in the hopes of those words triggering reactions on the listener side but I can't shake the feeling that she made a google search for the most used words for the ab/dl part of the population and kind of mashed them together without working an order, a proper induction or some build-up to the files in general.

* At the end of some files there is no sum-up of what will happen when the listener wakes up and also don't even have a proper wakener at the end, like it doesn't really feel like wrapping up the experience/training/hypno session.

Things I liked:

* The constant repetition of words, does tend to cause an interesting effect. I remember myself conciously listening to files and thinking to myself "I really wish they would use more of this or that word" "I really want to listen to that part again or that word again". The word "squirm" for example I find it amazingly entrancing and arousing so there's definitely a response on my side when some of those words are spoken not exactly going deeper but they do take me to the direction I'm "supposed to go"

* She attempts to address helplessness as ways I don't think I've heard before, imo she should make a more cute/tender/loving approach and discard completely the "humilliation" aspect of it but its a nice change of pace to the regular files you usually come across.

* She takes a playful tone in the files, like she's asking you about your input a couple of times, putting you in a state of wait or awareness of sorts, when she asks "and who wears diapers little one?" "thats right babies…" and stuff like that, the playful tone is something that hasn't been exploided a lot I believe on this kind of thing, not necessarily sexual just slightly teasing and caring.

Anyway its been a very interesting set of new files to experience I think I will play aroudn with them a little bit more to see if I can get new feelings or success stories, but at the moment ember and arkadia feel a little bit more resonating to what I'm looking for and less "fappy material" imho

66400b  No.55706

So, I have been playing around with Jenny's 24 hour training regime… Has anyone else played around with it?

Personally I tend to do a short session, wet mess or fap then wake up and do something else…

I find the files quality (and volume) to be a bit hit or miss, but the general effect to be interesting on an individual file by file basis… [I find the messing file to be extremely jarring]

So has anyone tried the whole set? And how do I insert the other files that the hypnosis set seems to require? Cause I will have some time off and I think I might want to try the set.

3655c3  No.56487


> Jenny's 24 hour training regime

What is this reference to? I googled it but dont see it.

bfb7cd  No.56601


I guess it's related to some serie of jennykins on warpmymind.

68e809  No.57573

I've got kei's diaper anal trainer if anyone wants to trade

f5f1c0  No.57653


Wish people made more stuff like this for incontinence/regression, I didn't feel compelled to pee at all though.

d8c510  No.57674

Anyone want to upload there files here? volafile.org/r/jzd7p5hr

2ab859  No.57879


uploaded mix of 3 dif. files

ce3ecf  No.57892


thx, what are the 3 files?

68e809  No.58236


d8c510  No.58252

anyone want to upload? volafile.org/r/jzd7p5hr

d8c510  No.58464


d8c510  No.58750


99e4b1  No.58752

Does anybody have the ember curls staying wet and staying messy they're the only two I'm missing

cf262a  No.58817



How the fuck does this work?

I select the options and press submit and nothing happens.

7f685e  No.59126


Congratulations you've now been hypnotized…. (I think the website doesn't works)

d8c510  No.59453

upload any file you want here : https://volafile.org/r/krjzap7w

47f0ac  No.59503


Can you fuck off, if people want to upload files they will. Stop bumping and spamming a empty link

d8c510  No.59649


bf890b  No.59707

d8c510  No.59903

Does anyone have any j3nnyk!ns files?

3e73c4  No.59917


I’d probably pick them up and share here but the mylittlelullabye website seems to be gone?

68e809  No.60160

The Hypnosis RetroShare Network is a free, anonymous file sharing network with tens of thousands of files available.

Retroshare uses Tor, an anonymous and secure network, so setting it up takes a bit more time than just creating an account on a website but it's worth it.

It's now much easier to get in (broken down in very small steps):

1. Get Retroshare (Tor Only version) Qt5, Portable: http://retroshare.net/downloads.html

2. Extract the folder somewhere you like

3. Start retroshare.exe that is inside the folder you just extracted

4. Choose a username, a password, move your mouse arround a bit and press "Go!"

5. Wait until tor establishes a connection

6. Retroshare is open and ready to connect to the network. We now need to register you with the keyserver

7. Download the tor browser. You just need it once: https://www.torproject.org/download/download-easy.html.en

8. Extract it and run it

9. Go to the following url: http://scwmwsig5mvoyz32.onion

10. Click on English

11. Open Retroshare in the first ("Home") tab

12. Copy the big block of text. That's your certificate/key

13. Paste it in the box on the website

14. Solve the captcha and press "Validate"

15. The server gives you it's own certificate back. Copy it and go back to retroshare

16. In the "Home" tab, click on the "Add friends certificate" button

17. Paste the certificate of the keyserver into the new window and press "next"

18. Press "finish"

19. Go to the "Network" tab and wait a minute. The "Hypnosis Keyserver" should connect and appear green

20. Inside the "Network" tab, click on the "Keyring" tab. You will now have access to all the nodes that have ever existed on the network. No need to accept them all!

21. Order the Keyring table by "Last Used" and wait for one hour. After that all the keys should show "Today" in the "Last used" column. After some more waiting you will see that if you sort again, some nodes show "Last hour" again. That means they are active

22. Double Click those active nodes and press the big "accept connections" button, then "OK"

23. These users will be notified that you have tried to connect to them and will eventually add you back

That's it!

Read the next post for a short introduction on how the network is structured.

If you need support at any point, here's how you do it:

- If you managed to connect to the Keyserver then go to the "Chats" tab and double click the "Chatserver EN" entry on the left. You will be able to chat with people in the network. The answer may take time if noone is looking at their computer, but we'll answer.

- If you can't connect to the Keyserver then simply ask in this thread. If the Keyserver is down you have to use the old way. I'll post the old guide in two posts.

eb0a23  No.60199

anyone got the SwaddledDreams files? It seems to be the last quality hypnosis stuff that isn't freely available yet.

49f55d  No.60204


haven't also seen hypn0 - mummy . com yet

eb0a23  No.60206


never heard of it, and can't find the site. got a link?

49f55d  No.60207


just replace the 0 with a o and write it as 1 word.. don't forget the - in there. I don't want to add the link, as google might index it and link it to this thread

49f55d  No.60208


sry it's mommy not mummy….

eb0a23  No.60212


awesome, these ones are super expensive though. some richfag needs to come to all of our rescue

49d1e1  No.60224



ain't no richfag but I'll buy one of the files when I get my next paycheck, if anyone else wants to put their eye on one and help contribute to getting the whole set. Worth seeing if the hypnotists are garbage or not at least?

49f55d  No.60225


I don't know if they're garbage. There're 3 samples on the site (hosted on youtube) with < 1000 views. I guess you'll have to try those to see if you like them. I wasn't aware of SwaddledDreams before, so it's nice to see/find some new content

8dd046  No.60263


get the age regression - little or sleep ones pls

51c682  No.60279



If we're saying which ones we want, I just want the loss of bowel control one if the files are any good. It seems unique. Not requesting per se but there are other options for the rest, aren't there?

651921  No.60286


I second this, I've found that there are far fewer files out there for bowel incontinence than bladder incontinence.

82b2ed  No.60315

Thank you I have been listing to WMM and Mind Master for 10 years with limited results. The Baby Pants voice and pace are muich better.

thanks again to the person who posted the complete Mega link.to ABDL Recordings

8e6abc  No.61124

Here's a couple old DPF files I never see around anymore.


File descriptions:

"Magic" Tape - https://web.archive.org/web/200406deleteme08221347/http://store.yahoo.com:80/dpf/magtap.html

Super Hypnotic Bedwetting Tape - https://web.archive.org/web/200411deleteme30052922/http://store.yahoo.com:80/dpf/suphyptap.html

(delete the obvious "deleteme" parts of the URLs)

Sound quality isn't the best, but they're still easily listenable.

86316a  No.61126

Anyon other ESL here?

Has anyone ever successfully hypnotised with an english file?

34561d  No.61999

Has anybody tried this serie of bedwetting files?


ccb2c3  No.62402

does someone has abdl files from there? i qm really curious how nicole dowsie does this stuff i only have non abdl hypno stuff from her.

8e6abc  No.62491

Four Nicole Dosei files: https://mega.nz/#F!4PJ1USiC!7DUJCwfs8yPighnsiLOSUA

Babytalk and Bedwetting

No More Big Boy Pants

Uncontrolled Wetting

Xs and Os

834074  No.62713

Bump on the bedwetting and newer "becoming babyish" files

05f580  No.62796

8d559b  No.63699

File: db2ffd6cfa2f7bb⋯.png (458.96 KB, 1290x701, 1290:701, dependency.PNG)


Anyone tried these yet? The price is pretty steep.

1e5c37  No.63733


There are some free youtube clips on the site which are….okay? wasn't totally blown away. Would prefer to spend my money elsewhere(though I rarely do anyway)

8d817b  No.63735

Real talk here, anons: does this stuff actually do anything to you or is it just fap material? I've used hypno stuff a little bit here and there in the past and I don't think it has much of an effect. There was one time where after listening to a regression hypno I thought I felt "little" and spent a half an hour crawling around, sucking my thumb and playing with toys and actually had fun in the process, but I don't know if that was the result of hypno or me just LARPing along.

1e5c37  No.63740


Over the long term, i think yes. If your expecting it to be like a stage show people running around like morons,no. Over several months and years I think I have seen a real effect on my behavior and wetting while wearing.

1e5c37  No.63741

File: 69c67783a377a8e⋯.png (447.7 KB, 455x455, 1:1, collage.png)


More of the same really, but if anyone is interested:


Baby Training

Mommys Baby

Mommys Nursery 1

Mommys Rules 1

2ffb5a  No.63745


>wetting while wearing.

For how long you listened to that and what files

4b3ab2  No.63760

File: 0cdd2e31c287ad2⋯.jpg (489.04 KB, 2048x1365, 2048:1365, 52324332443.jpg)


people pay for this kind of shit?!

You hear no crinkling, no changing, no babytalk…

fucking boring shit!

afbc57  No.63767


So I've been a DL for a long time.

Without hypnosis that seems to happen a few times a month.

With hypnosis - that gets jumped to a few times a week and occasionally a whole weekend because work.

This is not about the 'baby' behavior. The AB part isn't quite my kink. But it does escalate the DL.

And this is where the 'cant be made to do something you dont want' partial truth comes into it.

I'm sure if I had a super hot mommy wanting to 'Baby' me I'd be doing that more and Hypnosis would escalate that too but left to my own devices I just use Diapers more.

Unless you have a reason or desire to change my experience is that Hypnosis increases the frequency or intensity of what is already there.

Which makes sense if you're going to dedicate at least 30 minutes or an hour of your day to THINKING about doing something.

6f3bb3  No.63768


Files are less effective than being hypnotized in real time by a good hypnotist. But they can work some. Depends on how suggestible you are. Hypnosis does involve some participation by the subject, though a good one can really make it feel involuntary..

d1cdb6  No.63799


Piggybacking off your in-person comment. How would one go about finding a hypnotist that would be willing to take a request like “I want to wet uncontrollably while diapered”. I’m within easy travel distance to anywhere in NYC and I feel that there would have to be at least one person there willing but I’d have no idea how to find them.

82b2ed  No.63871

you might try looking for a Kink Professinal or

find a power exchange group in an alt news paper.

ea85f3  No.63982


Do you visit Long Island? My daddy is a hypnotist and loves new subjects. We only meet at munches, though.

f12993  No.63987


For the purpose of trying out in person hypnosis I could probably make the trip in a coming weekend… I feel like a personalize experience would give a much more… volatile reaction that pre-recordings ._.

ea85f3  No.64154


It really is night and day. I'd been listening to hypnosis files for years and I thought they worked on me to some degree, but after being hypnotized in person I would never go back. Daddy can take me much deeper in trance than I was able to do on my own. And he is very good! If you have a fetlife, I can send him your username.

2e034b  No.64355


I’d have to make a throwaway account since 1.) I don’t have one and 2.) it is 8chan so nothing is truly safe.

Before I do though, how much does he typically charge for a session? I’m a bit strapped for cash at the moment (not broke just not rolling in the dough) so depending on the price I may be unable to afford him for the time being. v_v

2e034b  No.64405


Just to save time from you replying and me listing it here after, I made a throwaway account anyway under “hereforthehypno”. You can still answer the questions I asked but I figured I’d skip a step and just post the account. I’ll try to remember to check into it at least once a day once you reply :)

7ee828  No.64569

If there was one file that's actually pretty good, with not a lot of AB overtones, is Saranoga's comfortable in diapers. It basically instructs the listener not to treat diaper wearing as a big deal.

It's helped me .a bit, I don't feel as anxious about wearing.

You can find on WMM.

ea85f3  No.64578


Just asked and he said no charge. We love making friends in the abdl community. I'll send you a message on Fet later tonight ^^

709c75  No.64583


I can’t wait to hear from you! :)

56243a  No.64727


Her motives are just, but it is obvious that we are the ones that are incapable or unwilling to purchase before knowing if their effects are anything close to advertised.

If I get the bedwetting one and start wetting within a week, I'd find her webpage and give her my money instantly,

9fbcd3  No.64729


as someone who is into the sissy shit, where is all of it??? I can only ever find regression and pedoey stuff.

8a6584  No.64745


Was there an issue finding my account? ._.

50d202  No.65265


I'll give this one more bump for visibility but at this point I'm just assuming shit isn't going to work out.

6fb674  No.65286




Sharefag here.

I actually feel really bad about it possibly affecting her income, so I never took any action to preserve a MEGA archive after the initial takedown. I even donated an insignificant amount by purchasing the files a second time.

Her sessions were very helpful to me, and I don't want her to be discouraged from keeping up the good work.

My initial intent was to make every file I could get my hands on available to everyone here so that success could be confirmed with certain files, and stories exchanged.

bed093  No.65654

Hypno padding is awesome.

f5bb4a  No.66421

I finally decided to -really- take the plunge and have listened to the first MindMaster training file twice a day for the last three days and what the heck I'm already starting to experience significant effects that are not like anything I've ever experienced before. This happened to me once when I first tried them when they came out but I got scared and stopped. That time it took five days though. This time? I'm not stopping.

dfac48  No.66460

Does anybody have becoming babyish by nicole dosei?

1e1453  No.66462


sounding like a shill anon


honestly nicole dosei's files so far have been more of a fap material than any actual effect inducing/hypno media for me, kind of sad really, I was hoping she would be more professional about hypnotism and not just another cheap domme hoping to cash in on perverted fetishes.

To feel babysh I'd recommend "baby acceptance" from both ember larimar and babypants, using those I have managed (at least once) some progress in feeling like getting small/younger during sleep-trance it was a really mindblowing experience although extremely short-lived

dfac48  No.66464


actually, the all powerful mommy dom let's me get into trance easy. Amphetamines help too.

1e1453  No.66522


you mean nicole dosei?

Do elaborate more, if I am wrong in my statement be so kind as to enlighten me.

I am honestly intrigued.

67f170  No.66523

File: ec2059b56762044⋯.gif (1.1 MB, 800x642, 400:321, 1429947002378.gif)


Not sure how it effects you, only thing I could ever get anything out of was an old WMM file from Saratonia(?) That doesn't even work anymore,

How come there is nothing new on the market, and noone has really said anything works since this thread has been up? is Hypnosis really a fluke?

1a22e4  No.66526

File: a9b4ae70cfe8a4e⋯.gif (1.3 MB, 400x400, 1:1, tumblr_nhqmcuwiYT1r0splno1….gif)


I feel it's almost like the same positive mental state athletes do with envisioning making a shot.

Basically it's positive mental reinforcement to help you feel more comfortable with it and most effects are just from yourself accepting it's okay to do it.

Plus it just feels nice listening to some files, I like looping certain files and playing them at the same time as others, feels good.

1e1453  No.66538


So far the only ones that seem to be real hypnosis are SoCALab, Babypants (Gray) and Ember Larimar.

All others seem to be just trying to capitalize on a particular kink/fetish by simply recording audios stating stuff and "pretending" to be suggesting stuff without any actual kind of technique, system, program or actual studies in hypnotism which in turns ends up being just FAP material for most, and other who don't realize will simply listen to exhaustion to later on get dissapointed.

To that you add the tremendous amount of shilling that hypnodommes get from trolls, fake accounts or simply retarded whiteknights >>65654 so its difficult nowadays to actually find a nice hypno file with the potential for working,

I'd recommend trying out those that I mentioned since there's already plenty of stuff available of them free in several links and the torrent, and I have actually experience "some" success when listening to them.

dd7206  No.67119

Would Hypno really help out for going 24/7?

f6d194  No.67193

Hypnosis on the surface seems like a good idea, I just can't help but feel like it would be wasting my time. Sure, it's good material to help zone out, but I have always had problems with it aiding my pursuits of incontinence.

Maybe because they don't work, maybe because I know deep down that becoming incontinent on purpose is a terrible idea.

1e1453  No.67651

d8c510  No.68055

Anyone have anything from this? http://abdlrecordings.com/premade%20store.htm

651921  No.68061


Yeah, hang on.

I have what I think is the complete incontinence one, gonna give it a bit of a listen to find out. Also, just so you know, the sound quality is wanting.

651921  No.68062


Here you go, you'll want 7zip or winzip to extract it.


651921  No.68063


while I'm posting that, would anyone know of any good mommy files or messing files?

56f4fd  No.68593

Does someone has the hypno-mommy bedwetting file and can share it? I love her 'wet yourself' YouTube video. It's really working for me! So I hope the bedwetting file also does that.

56f4fd  No.68606

Bedwetting Hypnosis

Link: https://mega.nz/#F!4p0TyAiL

Key: !kD5-Ljx1_HD88bmQktB9iw

966beb  No.68610


Fantastic files, good to see new content!

1e1453  No.68619


hey thanks for the new share! really appreciate it!

3381fa  No.68752


is there anyway to hear what is being said in the background?

3381fa  No.68759

File: b4cb670b8033415⋯.png (194.95 KB, 1762x1162, 881:581, cliping.PNG)


i am the same guy and I have made progress I seem to be able to see two diffrent audios but don't know how to seperate them…

651921  No.68771


You already know more about this than I do. Best luck separating them.

d5bb84  No.68789


You mean separate them into two mono tracks?

3381fa  No.68792


Yes I want to clear all the water sounds and only play the hypnotic suggestion the white part seems to be the person's voice but I am unaware as to hot to isolate it

d5bb84  No.68846


I’d honestly need to take a stab at the files myself in order to give better advice. If the sound you want to separate are on the two separate tracks, it’s a five-second solution. If they’re part of the same waveform, then it’s a bit more involved.

3381fa  No.68887


they are on the same waveform but I was able to separate them shown as a white wave and a dark blue but cant do more than that

964178  No.68909

These are pretty damn nice, but fuck do I feel uncomfortable letting my mind open for someone. Will this go away as I become more experienced with this?

8d817b  No.68936


>Will this go away as I become more experienced with this?

Probably. I only choose tapes that sound enjoyable to me so I don't feel too nervous when listening to them. I just sit back, relax, let my mind go blank and let the words fill my head. I don't really know how (or if) this stuff really works but at the very least it is a good form of induced relaxation and positive reinforcement. I had one experience where I genuinely felt little after one hypno-tape, something I was a bit unsure of before, but after I snapped out of it it I really wanted to experience something similar again

3edaf6  No.68951

File: 7da1dd2eb79c0f8⋯.jpg (244.71 KB, 800x1000, 4:5, tumblr_phfib6Fsqe1qlrxh6o1….jpg)

File: 04337fdc09391e8⋯.jpg (258.53 KB, 800x1000, 4:5, tumblr_phfib6Fsqe1qlrxh6o2….jpg)

File: 01b7cd0207ad4d5⋯.jpg (322.36 KB, 1280x960, 4:3, tumblr_phfib6Fsqe1qlrxh6o3….jpg)

File: e0c2bdf0668bc6d⋯.jpg (375.43 KB, 1280x960, 4:3, tumblr_phfib6Fsqe1qlrxh6o4….jpg)

File: 17d0bcf28de14e0⋯.jpg (376.4 KB, 1280x960, 4:3, tumblr_phfib6Fsqe1qlrxh6o5….jpg)

Thought this would be relevant. if anyone has the video

1e1453  No.69001


I hope this is not just a photoset but a video as well, I live for diapers&hyno stuff

d0d088  No.69018

File: 9320ccc6fe9fad2⋯.gif (832.37 KB, 600x338, 300:169, abdreams_sasha_diaper_ther….gif)


It's a video, one of their more recent ones. It's called "Diaper Therapy for Sasha" (got the preview gif from the video section of their site tour).

9a43d1  No.69206


Damn. Sasha's not the best as just baby but when she transitions to one mid-vid it's great.

68e809  No.69294

https://volafile.org/r/jxwmn0cg Posted a kei diaper file.

5687f8  No.69364

Sweetdreams Resist diaper addiction feels like another file i shouldnt be listening to. The first time i did i took off my headphones and diaper in the middle of it, immediately did a small purge, and vowed to stay away from diapers for a bit. Yeah that didnt last very long.

966beb  No.69381


Just looked it up, holy shit. right from the word go it's arousing, I wasn't seriously listening to it but still felt relaxed. feels like in another life it'd be my favorite file but man, not ready for that shit now.

d8c510  No.69553

anyone have become bedwetter by j3nny d3m!l0?

f40552  No.69579


Has anyone listened to the whole thing?

14a34e  No.69583

Does anyone have the torrent link or torrent files they could upload? I need them, torrent is seemingly dead

f5f1c0  No.70185

Someone made a new subliminal


68e809  No.70225

I wonder what the underlying script is to that song, nothing discernible to the ear.

3381fa  No.70233

I already like the song the remix here is nice but I couldn't even decipher the last on I don't feel like trying again

17fd8e  No.70247

I just bought a pair of sleepphones so i can listen while I sleep. Can anyone suggest some files to help me get closer to 24/7 ?

1e1453  No.70256


MindMaster bladder retraining is not that long and is very strong

1e1453  No.70258

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

I know this is not hypno, but there's so much hate towards ASMR and asexual qt stuff that I feel this might be the only place I can share this

17fd8e  No.70363


I don't suppose you have a link ? Everything in the previous thread is dead.

fa1feb  No.70365


That is the first time in my life that I irrationally hate someones voice.

f5f1c0  No.70500

I found some other subliminals, they didn't really work for me

Forced laxative/diuretic


Forced look like a child


3edaf6  No.71515

File: bd6a1e8dd74fc39⋯.gif (1.67 MB, 450x253, 450:253, tumblr_inline_oc6tqj68O31r….gif)

1e1453  No.71530


I don't think this video is related to hypno, is more related to a pill or something magical I belive

by any chance does anyone have amyof the new files from nicole dosei? lately I've been diaper training myself more and more at home (mainly going to sleep with her audios on loop while diapered with an onesie) and I'm finding more pleasurable to simply wear and really its starting to get a little bit difficult to hold my urges to let go my bladder only when wearing

5c682e  No.71560


How many nights would you say you've listened to this on loop?

1e1453  No.71571


I ran out of diapers after the second week aproximately

f5f1c0  No.71791

I just found this https://www.pornhub.com/view_video.php?viewkey=ph5c078d5760b30

Is this part of a separate hypno track? It sounds like it's cut short.

4608a5  No.71807


I recognize the audio. It's from maggiescappies patreon. check yiff.party.

1e1453  No.71810


that's a cool tumblr, I like her captions, I feel she's what totallytransformed used to be.

1e1453  No.72478

01aacd  No.72597

>had a lot of hypno files

>HD dies

>lost all of them


Does anyone has the babypants ones? Those are the ones that I miss the most.

5c682e  No.72619


That was terrible. Had a feeling looking at the like to dislikes but gave it a chance for a couple minutes. Can’t stand the digital voices Hypnos.

1e1453  No.72625


ageplay 24/7 has been creating shitty stuff for a while now

68e809  No.72972

Does anyone have maggiescappies audios? Good quality from what I've heard so far.

67909d  No.72975


None of it is hypno.

1e1453  No.73169

File: 21e3e0b38d899e1⋯.jpg (62.42 KB, 540x764, 135:191, hypno.jpg)

reaching the 300th

ca892b  No.78510


If thats the one from my video that’d be the binaurals that were recorded durin my voice you might not be able to seperate them

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