Building a new YouTube channel isn't easy, finding the right communities to target your content is a struggle, even for professional artists ready to redpill sheeple.
Ads are not expensive, but you would need to buy enough to compete with ToyDemon and OtonaJP. Threads need to be a certain quality, or if you haven't checked you'd definitely see a bunch of my recent "Pity Party" video promotions, yet for a video on that level of cringe it would be very difficult to post with exceptional quality if any at all.
That is where /8tube/ comes in, whether it is months on Blender, Vegas, Steam or a single day on Windows Movie Maker, we are the venue to farm Homegrown Liberal Tears™.
Going back to my main point, what would be your preferred method of promoting on 8chan or other means of promotion?
>inb4 trigger'd mods squealing thier heads off