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File: ab20ceacfc3aab8⋯.png (8.73 KB, 255x143, 255:143, _qresearch_png.png)

271f33  No.8712707[Last 50 Posts]

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.




Q Proofs & Welcome

Welcome to Q Research (README FIRST, THEN PROCEED TO LURK) https://8kun.top/qresearch/welcome.html


Q: The Basics - An Introduction to Q and the Great Awakening

PDF & PICS Archive: >>/comms/3196

100+ Q Proof Graphics qproofs.com

Q's Latest Posts

*Remove once Qposts resume*

Special Note: Below posts are 404d out of order due to Qs posts in UK/EU breads being retained longer.

They are being retained for historical timeline.

Saturday 03.28.2020

>>8601103 ————————————–——– Freedom Flag (Cap: >>8601360)

>>8601061 ————————————–——– The entire world is watching. (Cap: >>8601342)

>>8601001 ————————————–——– Decide for yourself (be free from outside opinion). (Cap: >>8645430)

>>8600954 ————————————–——– A person(s) value: (Cap: >>8600998)

Friday 03.27.2020

>>8589057 ————————————–——– This is not another [4] year election. (Cap: >>8589087, >>8589386)

Thursday 03.26.2020

>>8573290 ————————————–——– [infiltration instead of invasion] (Cap: UK bread >>8573366 )

>>8573039 ————————————–——– Q #513 No Outside Comms (Cap: >>8574299)

>>8572999 ————————————–——– PF Post Patriots vs Traitors (Cap: >>8574325)

>>8572837 ————————————–——– Habeas Corpus Suspended (Cap: >>8572906, >>8574346)

>>8572583 ————————————–——– The Silent War continues.. (Cap: >>8572604, >>8572598 vid, >>8574384)

Monday 03.23.2020

>>8538300 ————————————–——– The key that opens all doors. (Cap: >>8538366)

>>8537834 ————————————–——– PREVENT [[D] party destruction] BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY. (Cap: >>8537877)

>>8537514 ————————————–——– "the CHINA virus" (Cap: >>8537554, >>8537565, >>8539010, >>8538058, >>8539081, >>8539785 (vid))

Saturday 03.21.2020

>>8509836 ————————————–——– Do not fear. (Cap: >>8509881)

Monday 03.09.2020

>>8358897 rt >>8358859 ————————— GOD WINS (Cap: >>8358921)

>>8358831 ————————————–——– Backchannels are important when the 'news' itself is untrustworthy [controlled]. (Cap: >>8358856)

>>8357903 ————————————–——– Silent running is a tactic used when…. (Cap: >>8359179)

>>8357870 ————————————–——– Nothing can stop what is coming. Nothing! Rig for Red

Q's Private Board

>>>/projectdcomms/ & Q's Trip-code: Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6

All Q's posts

Archived at qanon.app (qanon.pub), qmap.pub, qanon.news & qposts.online

Onion Link

Access through Tor: http://jthnx5wyvjvzsxtu.onion/qresearch/catalog.html

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

New?: Use logic and reason when evaluating posts, look beyond the content of the post(s) and evaluate intent.

>>7683307 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

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271f33  No.8712724

Global Announcements

>>8694416 Make it easier on the bakers: how to write high-quality research posts

>>8363658 Iwo Jima flag on YouTube for TOR posting


are not endorsements


>>8712683 Austin Steinbart got arrested (need verification)

>>8712658 CV 19 Model Projections Grossly Misrepresent Reality

>>8712614 Moar on Anti-Drug Maduro news

>>8712418 US Navy has changed their Twatter banner.

>>8712384 Pope addresses quashing of George Pells child sex convictions

>>8712280, >>8712484 Planefag reports

>>8712250 Affidavit from FBI Officer Re: Dr. Charles Leiber

>>8712162 US labels Russian White Supremacists a Terror Group

>>8712171 Saudi Arabia accused of tracking it's citizens abroad

>>8712081, >>8712150 Pr. Andrew accuser, Virginia Guiffre hospitaliized/being tested for COVID

>>8712038, >>8712061, >>8712107, >>8712140, >>8712178, >>8712199, >>8712038, >>8712190 COVID newz

>>8712046, >>8712053, >>8712156 Boris Johnson reportsm

>>8712049, >>8712076, Cardinal Pell - cleared by Australia's highest cour

>>8712040 NG Tweet Analysis

>>8712710 11155


>>8711318, >>8711361, >>8711368, >>8711382, >>8711432, >>8711474, >>8711503, >>8711564 EXPLOSION IN SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA - Mojave National Preserve

>>8711263, >>8711380 Potus wore a pink tie on April 1st and 4th at his COVID19 pressers. The Hospital Code for child trafficking is pink

>>8711465, >>8711488 POTUS owns just enough of a Dodge & Cox fund to get financial disclosures on Hydroxychloroquine

>>8711215 Crisis Stricken Venezuela Faces Mounting Pressure From The U.S.

>>8711232 Former Ak-Chin Charman Louis Manuel Jr. dies at 57

>>8711283 Firearm Manufacturer gifts very special Biden AR-14 to Michigan auto worker.

>>8711264 Governor Blackface (Northam) - Virginia (D) wears a BLACKFACE mask.. you can’t make this shit up

>>8711353 Judgement summary - PELL v THE QUEEN

>>8711374 Maeve Kennedy Townsend McKean's body found by divers

>>8711500 Senate Intel Russia probe enters homestretch with key unanimous approval

>>8711548 State Department refuses to back Hillary Clinton attempt to avoid deposition

>>8711727 Qanon is right! Proof Donald Trump is Exposing the ILLUMINATI and has been warning us for years - Lionel harris

>>8711770 Bill Withers to Posthumously Receive U.S. Navy Memorial Lone Sailor Award. o7!

>>8711844 #11154


>>8710590, >>8710581, >>8710583 Actor Jay Benedict dies 'due to COVID-19 complications'

>>8710602, >>8710607 Ex-Libyan PM, Mahmoud Jibril, dies of Coronavirus

>>8710488 COVID-19 Symptoms Predicted 2 Years Ago caused by 60GHz 5G

>>8710454 POTUS Schedule for Tuesday, April 7, 2020

>>8710472 Faker Fucker Fauci vid was from very early 2017 Predicts " surprise outbreak" during Trumps term

>>8710455 Drs around World wondering where heart attacks/strokes/flu/pneumonia deaths are.. fell off a cliff!

>>8710516 It was a big day for Q two years ago. Here is just some of todays 2 year delta.

>>8710551 London Real Transform Yourself interview with David Icke on the COVID-19 conspiracy and what it’s really about.

>>8710669 Abe says he'll declare emergency, but won't lock down Japan's cities

>>8710738 NZ Health Minister apologizes for breaking lockdown rules

>>8710795 Louisiana’s youngest COVID-19 victim: a premature baby who lived for one day

>>8710809 President of sub-builder Electric Boat tests positive for coronavirus

>>8710888 sisolak blocked new icu trauma centers to protect government owned umc monopoly

>>8710899 Macron States Readiness to Continue Humanitarian Cooperation With Iran

>>8710958 Truck drivers make it possible for everyone else to work from home

>>8710992 Anon Report on COVID19

>>8711076 More on POTUS calling out Chinese reporter

>>8711023 Cuomo says Hydroxychloroquine is proming in NYC hospitals

>>8711115 #11153

Previously Collected Notables

>>8710378 #11152,

>>8707257 #11148, >>8708027 #11149, >>8708822 #11150, >>8709594 #11151

>>8704940 #11145, >>8704198 #11145, >>8705720 #11146, >>8706484 #11147

>>8702581 #11142, >>8703342 #11143, >>8704081 #11144, >>8704940 #11145

Notables Thread #1, #8960-present: >>7003045

Notables Aggregators: https://wearethene.ws & https://qnotables.com (new)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

271f33  No.8712725

War Room

Meme folder: Trump Successes mega.nz/#F!pcZzRQDD!_ObYaRec8u6qn7zzOpbnag

[1] #QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want!

[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

[4] Q's requested hashtags on of 3/11/19:






Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet LASERFAST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Current Operations

>>8137311 Call For Graphics: Romania, PapaD, Energy, Levant, Cyprus

Q Proofs

Q Proofs Threads ---- Proofs of Q's Validity >>6156082

QProofs.com ---------- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

Book of Q Proofs ----- https://mega.nz/#F!afISyCoY!6N1lY_fcYFOz4OQpT82p2w - https://bookofqproofs.wordpress.com/

Missing Catalog Bredz 10964-11007: https://pastebin.com/xT0PWKMf

Q Happenings Calendar

Submit an event here - https://teamup.com/ks8x4ixptej432xt2a

Main Calendar URL ---- https://dark-to-light.org/calendar/

Sealed Indictments

Sealed Indictment Master -- https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677

Sealed Indictment Master Files Backup -- https://drive.google.com/open?id=1iBS4WgngH8u8-wAqhehRIWCVBQKD8-5Y

Searchable Indictment Map w/dockets, links & more -- https://bad-boys.us/


All Resignations Website ----------- https://www.resignation.info

Resignation Posts Search Tool --- https://qresear.ch

Board Admin & Discussion Threads

>>6064510 --------- META (for board admin queries)

International Q Research Threads


Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>7111560 ------ The JQ (Jewish Question) Research Thread #6

>>6867253 ------ Clockwork Qrange #10

>>8292070 ------ Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #12

>>>/qrb/13005 - Planefag Q+A (Planefagging 101)

Letters of Gratitude

>>1215912 (Q posted in #1025)

Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#10 >>>/comms/486, >>>/comms/487, >>>/comms/488, >>>/comms/489, >>>/comms/490

Q Graphics all in GMT #11-#20 >>>/comms/491, >>>/comms/545, >>>/comms/950, >>>/comms/951, >>>/comms/952, >>>/comms/953, >>>/comms/987, >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#27 >>>/comms/1119, >>>/comms/1156, >>>/comms/1286, >>>/comms/1288, >>>/comms/1303, >>>/comms/1307, >>>/comms/1462

Q Graphics all in GMT #28-#34 >>>/comms/1466, >>>/comms/1489, >>>/comms/2071, >>>/comms/2072, >>>/comms/2073, >>>/comms/2100, >>>/comms/2164

Q Graphics all in GMT #35-#41 >>>/comms/2176, >>>/comms/2228, >>>/comms/2229, >>>/comms/2261, >>>/comms/2268, >>>/comms/2270, >>>/comms/2274

Q Graphics all in GMT #42-#48 >>>/comms/2306, >>>/comms/2312, >>>/comms/2314, >>>/comms/2327, >>>/comms/2450, >>>/comms/2491, >>>/comms/2496

Q Graphics all in GMT #49-#55 >>>/comms/2520, >>>/comms/2528, >>>/comms/2605, >>>/comms/2801, >>>/comms/2831, >>>/comms/2869, >>>/comms/2981

Q Graphics all in GMT #56-#62 >>>/comms/2990, >>>/comms/2996, >>>/comms/3019, >>>/comms/3116, >>>/comms/3187, >>>/comms/3464, >>>/comms/3472

Q Graphics all in GMT #63-#69 >>>/comms/3687, >>>/comms/3688, >>>/comms/3701, >>>/comms/3702, >>>/comms/3858, >>>/comms/3859, >>>/comms/3882

Q Graphics all in GMT #70-#76 >>>/comms/3898, >>>/comms/3920, >>>/comms/3975, >>>/comms/4029, >>>/comms/4197, >>>/comms/4335, >>>/comms/4386

Q Graphics all in GMT #77-#83 >>>/comms/4388, >>>/comms/4423, >>>/comms/4443, >>>/comms/4684, >>>/comms/5035, >>>/comms/5044, >>>/comms/5228

Q Graphics all in GMT #84-#90 >>>/comms/5510, >>>/comms/5577, >>>/comms/5622, >>>/comms/5699, >>>/comms/5700, >>>/comms/5773, >>>/comms/5806

Q Graphics all in GMT #91-#97 >>>/comms/5811, >>>/comms/5890, >>>/comms/5975, >>>/comms/6045, >>>/comms/6083, >>>/comms/6843, >>>/comms/9187

Q Graphics all in GMT #98 >>8603566

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271f33  No.8712726

QPosts Archives

* QMap & Mirrors PDF:

MEGA: https://mega.nz/#!pjpS1aBI!LwepOu-CyC4UlLj2dXqkxiH49D813WetrOF0OCuIg1Y

MEDIAFIRE: https://www.mediafire.com/file/xszgdtiow4hups0/Q_Anon_-_The_Storm_-_X.VII.pdf/file

SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/419874308/Q-Anon-The-Storm-X-VII?secret_password=55SQ1tCYhuNR8ESzm50u

* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g

* QPosts Archive, Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts & More: qmap.pub

* QPosts Archive, Searchable, interactive with user-explanations: qanon.pub qanon.app (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub)

* QPosts Archive + RSS, Searchable, Analytics, Offsite Bread Archive: qanon.news

QPosts Archives in Other Formats

* Q Raw Text Dumps: 1: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE / 2: pastebin.com/6SuUFk2t / 3: pastebin.com/iteQ8xAt

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* QMap Zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8kun.top/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

QResearch Search Engine

* Search all posts from QResearch: https://qresear.ch/

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

* Twitter Video Downloader: http://twittervideodownloader.com/

Other Tools

* Searchable Commercial Aviation Incident List: http://avherald.com

* Searchable Hussein WH visitor list: https://archive.org/details/WHvisitorlogs_2010-16_date

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Q Happenings Calendar 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* Research Section Backup: >>>/comms/220 (updated 1.12.19)

* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

* Federal Judicial Court dataset from 93 Federal Districts - Searchable db: https://bad-boys.us/

* Catalog of US Government Publications: https://catalog.gpo.gov/F?RN=306384688

* Fire Fox Archiver: Save Page WE https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/save-page-we/?src=search


* Opera Archiver: View Page Archive & Cache https://github.com/dessant/view-page-archive

* Webpage Archiver: http://archive.md/

* Baker Tools v0.7.2: https://pastebin.com/L1p6iRzZ

* Check Criminal Cases: https://www.justice.gov/usao/find-your-united-states-attorney

* Get your Q clocks anytime (0 - 59 min past posts): https://q-clock.com

Meme Ammo

55 >>8696213, 54 >>8406256, 53 >>8128395, 1 >>>/qrb/2298

Current Focus --> #KungFlu #ChineseVirus #SocialDistancing #KillTheVirus #WashYourHands #Hygiene #StayHomeChallenge #SlowTheSpread

Kung Flu ———— mega.nz/#F!xVRwVQgL!0d8Duz-aqyHBCJrTu2ScVQ

2020-Apr ——— mega.nz/folder/IdI10A5R#5tHYq0h1Vd58eeEzd1YDvA

Biden ————— mega.nz/#F!cUhmUIzA!a-EOJx-VNCAlntYJA_LSQQ

Clintons ———— mega.nz/#F!pRY0jShJ!-NUlzXxvhTopV1GO2c89tg

Trump Successes & Redpills for Lefties

———————— mega.nz/#F!pcZzRQDD!_ObYaRec8u6qn7zzOpbnag

2020-Mar ——— mega.nz/#F!kVB1CACD!peYZ8j9pIbUhbR2Bm02Q6A

2020-Feb ——— mega.nz/#F!1UwDnSRQ!29yEy3XjIQVBEuBR53_kEw

Bernie/Socialism- mega.nz/#F!5NgkjAyZ!xeXnTJTJBFR98Sa0X1E3bQ

Voter ID/Fraud — mega.nz/#F!EV4HkQ7A!fxp-5L2RjgKl1D3YK1xGYA

Bread Archives (sites)

Board Archive - The main /research/ board archive: https://8kun.top/qresearch/archive/index.html

Offsite Archive - qanon.news/archives

Bread Archives (downloads)

MasterArchivist ———————— qarchives.ga | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist ---- main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled)https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon ------------------ https:/mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa

Learn To Bake!

Quick Pic Bake Instructions & simple instructions: >>>/qrb/10809, https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

Check Out the LIVE Baking Classes Thurs 7pm ET: Class #8: >>>/comms/9320

Tips on Notables for Bakers: >>>/qrb/41931

Baker Templates For Formatting Crumbs And Their Links: https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR

Video: How to Bake In 2 Mins: >>>/qrb/

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6b19c6  No.8712746

File: 8f648e5df404a72⋯.png (628.99 KB, 854x501, 854:501, Untitled137_20200407085939.png)

Is the TCF Center/Cobo hospital being built for rescued kids?

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0801dd  No.8712765


>>8712683 Austin Steinbart got arrested (need verification)

keks in toadjaso

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d2c041  No.8712771

Don’t know of anyone has mentioned it, but the last date Q dropped was 3.23.2020. The date shows Triple P@IN. 23 and two 32’s (think mirror). Cool!

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79e63a  No.8712774

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Psalm 11

For the director of music. Of David.

1 In the Lord I take refuge.

How then can you say to me:

“Flee like a bird to your mountain.

2 For look, the wicked bend their bows;

they set their arrows against the strings

to shoot from the shadows

at the upright in heart.

3 When the foundations are being destroyed,

what can the righteous do?”

4 The Lord is in his holy temple;

the Lord is on his heavenly throne.

He observes everyone on earth;

his eyes examine them.

5 The Lord examines the righteous,

but the wicked, those who love violence,

he hates with a passion.

6 On the wicked he will rain

fiery coals and burning sulfur;

a scorching wind will be their lot.

7 For the Lord is righteous,

he loves justice;

the upright will see his face.

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79e63a  No.8712780

File: 0f32ebe617a988d⋯.jpeg (338.46 KB, 828x1006, 414:503, BAB9404A_FBC9_456A_9783_5….jpeg)


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d89545  No.8712786

>>8712472 (pb)

Thank you anon and bakers who kept this alive to see the light of day. This WELL DONE and TIMED recycle/reuse/remaster of "THE Video Which Will Get DJT Re-Elected" from LIONNELHARRIS 2 is zactly what I need to spread far and wide in this run-up week to Good Friday and Easter.

As I type, the wailing and gnashing of teeth of the shills being put to the lash who slept on watch and let this GEM get through the wire last night is almost audible.

"Who knows? I'm just guessing."

"The only way you can make trillions is by investing billions."

"The Rothschild Family money make Bill Gates' money look like crack-head change."

"If the Rothschilds woke up and had Bill Gates' money they kill themselves."

"They want to control the World and how can you do that with borders."

"Damn. About the only thing they don't own in my Grandmother's .38 !"

[Hat tip to anons: "Sometimes lying is a good thing."]

"We need to hurry up and vote all these damn democrats out of office and get the Senate back."??

"And that is only by working together. Something that me and my Baby Momma would never do."


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271f33  No.8712787

File: f50017a780d4a36⋯.mp4 (4.61 MB, 320x240, 4:3, HelterSkelter.mp4)



Rosemary's Baby

BAKER Has to Ghost

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d5e314  No.8712788

File: 053253dd7b08246⋯.pdf (467.44 KB, show_temp.pdf)

>>8712683 pb

USA vs Austin Steinbart


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8693b3  No.8712789

File: 6e373b971c60a3d⋯.png (771.29 KB, 720x405, 16:9, Passover_2020.png)

File: 941b8d1edf19664⋯.gif (4.93 MB, 400x206, 200:103, Hosanna_Hosanna_Hosanna.gif)




>> Passover 2020 BEGINS on the evening of


and ENDS ON the evening of

THURSDAY, April 16


>> Due to the ongoing threat of the coronavirus, graduation for the Class of 2020 will take place on SATURDAY, April 18. This EVENT will be 6 weeks ahead of schedule (previously scheduled May 28).


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c3d0b2  No.8712790


I got it baker

Il do my best to keep sane with the lag, this shit is redick. Good work, il hang as long as I can .U know whats up.

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cc4350  No.8712792







You fucking assholes, wait for the fucking dough!

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379c4f  No.8712795


Well, there's a shitload of bread shitters now…KEK!

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cc4350  No.8712796

File: f333ae7f83f188a⋯.png (1.33 MB, 1080x1085, 216:217, Screenshot_20200406_225229….png)


Thanks baker!

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ccaf11  No.8712797

File: 8fe1ef030aa0eef⋯.jpg (49.34 KB, 1015x863, 1015:863, NOOOOOOOOO.jpg)

>>8712778 (lb)

>I posted todays court docket.

>Proof enough?


Outstanding, hadn't updated bread when posted last with signature page.

Good work anon.

Explains the sudden stop in his faggotry.

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d03d0d  No.8712798


it smells without sauce

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c3115c  No.8712800


no need to ghost bakes. we have a couple of bakers in the bullpen. lrp, if you are ready, just self confirm. if not baker picks up by 100, i will take the bake. all guud. -wnb out.

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05ae31  No.8712801


Major Kek

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d62245  No.8712802


3-28-20 Anon. Last drop.

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271f33  No.8712803

File: ef4e2b63f6aa77b⋯.png (656.13 KB, 811x510, 811:510, handoff.PNG)


Handoff Confirmed

Happy hunting Baker

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5b4f83  No.8712804

File: c579e89ac89bd85⋯.png (877.95 KB, 557x750, 557:750, POTUS_q_research_creed.PNG)

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8693b3  No.8712805

File: f7fd43515ab1f44⋯.gif (4.38 MB, 540x304, 135:76, Last_Full_Measure.gif)

File: e2b2fad1eb26176⋯.gif (5.52 MB, 480x270, 16:9, Night_Thief.gif)

File: fc13a1aa03023b3⋯.gif (Spoiler Image, 2.06 MB, 540x304, 135:76, Fixing_Channeling.gif)




>> Passover 2020 BEGINS on the evening of


and ENDS ON the evening of

THURSDAY, April 16


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3e8ee8  No.8712807

I think my time is better spent picking up dogshit in the back yard. Shills have ruined this place.

Seriously, Stay safe! Later.

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5f2ecd  No.8712808

File: 6ff6f80f202eff9⋯.png (1.14 MB, 1211x724, 1211:724, britshitah.PNG)

File: 449e75c01d6d94a⋯.png (1.25 MB, 1244x1027, 1244:1027, sbnm.png)

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b72981  No.8712809

File: ebf3cb72bc094cb⋯.png (710.19 KB, 716x514, 358:257, ClipboardImage.png)

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c3d0b2  No.8712810


i got the dizzy have no feer Anons lrb is here ,kek

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7ca4a6  No.8712811


hey, you are the baker?

caker here

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79e63a  No.8712812

File: 591478cb05bc495⋯.jpeg (79.86 KB, 776x783, 776:783, 8AADE963_66D4_4E6F_A41B_8….jpeg)

File: 1e6645c10bd8638⋯.jpeg (397.84 KB, 694x566, 347:283, E3240822_B563_436F_B102_8….jpeg)

File: a7ab8d448eb900c⋯.jpeg (189.7 KB, 590x405, 118:81, 540ECEE3_E2E4_4ED8_B35E_0….jpeg)

File: 761d2b9089975e9⋯.jpeg (107.75 KB, 828x967, 828:967, 839B7AA1_D8BF_46BB_B042_4….jpeg)


Figured 10 minutes was enough time.

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a072f4  No.8712813

File: a98d10b4eca8bd2⋯.jpg (70.05 KB, 630x630, 1:1, 4913597_0.jpg)


taing dhut bèicear bha e na thoileachas

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702c43  No.8712814

>>8712081 (lb)

i hate to say this, but whenever i've been sick enough to go to the hospital...the very LAST thing on my mind is twittering out a pic of myself to let the world know. when i'm SICK, i'm SICK and i want to be left alone, especially if i'm having trouble BREATHING. just sayin....

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7d4d23  No.8712815

File: d45c11117b5d683⋯.png (244.96 KB, 3717x1985, 3717:1985, ClipboardImage.png)


I posted the court docket last bread.



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b9a667  No.8712816

File: aa7b1ddf397d2b8⋯.jpg (31.14 KB, 612x395, 612:395, 3vnhddsgt.jpg)

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5d8b7d  No.8712817

File: 7aa07ae747162f5⋯.jpg (76.79 KB, 666x500, 333:250, 7aa07ae747162f522dbdde3e95….jpg)

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7e0230  No.8712818




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7e630c  No.8712819

File: c917d1d59967a8c⋯.png (281.54 KB, 500x326, 250:163, trump_corona_enjoy_the_sho….png)

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cc4350  No.8712820


No retard, obviously it wasn't enough time. When you see the fucking dough then you post. Otherwise gtfo.

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c3d0b2  No.8712821


Yes I can bake or if you are moar in the mood i am still recouperating from the weekend shill assault. How u doin

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b5ebc3  No.8712822

File: 6601f81fec4c3c5⋯.png (97.05 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)



Thanks Bakers!

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0f51e9  No.8712823

File: 1a3c03b4992fb6a⋯.jpg (38.41 KB, 551x284, 551:284, Satan_s_Orifice.JPG)

File: c18397c9004c38a⋯.jpg (84.69 KB, 700x467, 700:467, Pedo_Pell_Boylover_Staff.jpg)

Pope Blames Pedo Pell's Victims

Cardinal George Pell -- the highest ranking Catholic official to be convicted of child sexual abuse -- was released today from prison after the Australian High Court overturned his convictions for child sexual abuse.

The pope responds:

Let us #PrayTogether today for all those persons who suffer due to an unjust sentence because of[sic] someone had it in for them.

What a cunt.




Aussies respond: #Disgraceful trends on Twitter


>>8712049 pb

>>8712076 pb

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379c4f  No.8712824


Sauce is all in the document.

It's YOUR job to follow it up, and post information.

So with your comment, your be a lazy fucking shill.

NICE! We are back to 6 character captchas!

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a072f4  No.8712825

File: 49c5693242aa7ad⋯.png (192.58 KB, 1000x882, 500:441, 001zh3.png)

'Futures, Global Markets Soar For Second Day As Virus Fears

Fade, Dollars Slides

Tue, 04/07/2020 - 08:10

"At 0730 ET, Dow e-minis were up 816 points, or 3.7%, S&P 500 e-minis were up 83.75 points, or 3.1% and Nasdaq 100 e-minis were up 235 points, or 2.9%. Tuesday's rally followed a 7% surge on Monday after the governors of New York and New Jersey said their states, hot spots of the COVID-19 disease, were showing early signs of a “flattening” of the outbreak. But they warned against complacency as the nationwide death toll approached 11,000 and global infections surged past 1.3 million.

“Even if we have reached the peak, the lockdowns around the globe may be extended for a while more as governments may want to ensure that the virus has indeed been contained,” said Charalambos Pissouros, senior market analyst at JFD Group. “We believe that the global economy may start recovering well after the peak of the pandemic.”

Worldwide, the virus has infected more than 1.3 million people and killed over 74,000, and though the numbers are still rising in many highly-populated countries, some tentative improvements have given hope. In hardest-hit Italy and Spain, authorities have started looking ahead to easing lockdowns after steady falls in fatality rates. In the United States too, the daily number of deaths in the country’s worst-affected area, New York, has also shown signs of steadying.

There was an added boost from commodity markets as oil climbed nearly 3% on supply cut hopes, after Russian Tass reported that OPEC+ is discussing an output cut for 3 months, while currency markets also came alive as a tumbling dollar saw the euro race out of a six-session rut of falls. Exxon Mobil, Marathon Oil and Apache Corp rose between 4% and 10% in premarket trading as oil prices rallied amid hopes the world’s main oil producers including Saudi Arabia and Russia would agree to cut output at a meeting on Thursday.

Oilfield services firm Halliburton Co jumped 7.3% after saying it was cutting about 350 jobs in Oklahoma and that its executives would reduce their salaries.

European stocks also put in another healthy start with Eurostoxx 50 and DAX rallying ~3-3.5%, with various European markets entering a 20% bull market from the lows. Travel and Leisure stocks lead, gaining over 7%, autos and insurance names join in the outperformance. S&P futures rise 2.5%. The Stoxx Europe 600 Index also advanced, led by travel and leisure shares, after the rate of new infections slowed in France and in Italy, the original epicenter of the continent’s outbreak. The Eurogroup of finance ministers within the single euro zone currency bloc are scheduled to meet later on Tuesday, and analysts expect more joint action to help prop up the economies of member states.

“A day does not a trend make, a week does not a trend make… but we think the market is bottoming out,” said Jeff Mortimer, Director of Investment Strategy at BNY Mellon Wealth Management. “We are trying to get clients to understand that (in market performance terms) better times ahead can come more quickly then you expected.”

Earlier in the session, Asian stocks also gained, led by energy and IT, with the MSCI Asia Pacific Index rising more than 2% after adding nearly 3% a day earlier. Most markets in the region were up, with India's S&P BSE Sensex Index gaining 7.4% and Thailand's SET rising 6.8%, while Jakarta Composite dropped 0.7%. Japan’s Nikkei followed up Wall Street’s 7% surge on Monday with a 2% jump as its government promised a near $1 trillion stimulus package - equal to a fifth of its GDP. The Topix gained 2%, with Artra and TORQ Inc rising the most.

Chinese stocks climbed and the yuan strengthened in the wake of further targeted stimulus by policy makers as Shanghai reopened after a long weekend with Liaoning SG Automotive Group and V V Food & Beverage posting the biggest advances. China said it didn’t have any new deaths for the first time since the pandemic emerged.

"Optimism on the direction of equity markets will be difficult to maintain until we see more clarity on the corporate earnings outlook and until the dispersion of analysts’ forecasts subsides,” Marija Veitmane, a multi-asset strategist at State Street Global Markets, wrote in a note.

In FX, the dollar, which has been soaking up safe-haven flows for weeks, slipped against most major currencies. The Bloomberg Dollar Spot Index fell as much as 0.8% to the lowest since April 2 as the greenback fell against all Group- of-10 peers."



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c3115c  No.8712826


hey cakes. wnb. yeah that's the baker for dis bread. i am on a wurkfag conf call for the next 1.5 hrs. reeeeeeeeeeeeee

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7ca4a6  No.8712827


mornin baker here, all guud

how goes it wnb?

thanks for the dough walk thru yesterday

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536e83  No.8712828

Our Spectrum cable has gone out. It hardly ever goes out. Anyone else?

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ccaf11  No.8712829

File: c9b1f34cb566f1c⋯.jpg (318.21 KB, 1744x1863, 1744:1863, ptRFVNH9pf.jpg)




Austin Steinbart on Court Listener



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79e63a  No.8712831

File: 3ab47705bf26729⋯.jpeg (132.29 KB, 828x781, 828:781, C21E6A02_F4CC_4009_9E65_F….jpeg)


Take it easy.


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e33846  No.8712833

File: 15aa7329b0782eb⋯.png (23.14 KB, 829x535, 829:535, steinlarp_court_az.PNG)



Sauce on Steibart Case:



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75c120  No.8712834

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5b4f83  No.8712835

File: 0d868c077f6c90f⋯.png (309.94 KB, 1116x593, 1116:593, AZAZ09O9_and_AZAZ09O9_JBA_….PNG)

File: 2fb182416534fa4⋯.png (138.31 KB, 973x560, 139:80, EASY40_and_LOBO701_C_560_s….PNG)

File: 23e09638d318b94⋯.png (124.87 KB, 1158x555, 386:185, VM101_G5_out_of_JBA_and_sw….PNG)

AZAZ09O9 US Army C-560 from Newport News Int'l west

AZAZ09O9 C-560out of JBA and sw

LOBO701 USMC C-560 out of MCAS Cheery Pt and sw

EASY40 US Army C-560 depart New Orleans NASJRB

VM101 G5 depated JBA a bit ago and sw

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7ca4a6  No.8712836


I'm guud, you bake, just checkin as I saw a ghost

willing to plug in if needed

you go ahead

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cc4350  No.8712837

File: 71254336e594ec4⋯.png (754.13 KB, 1080x1056, 45:44, Screenshot_20200331_211630….png)

File: e81116b14ee3dae⋯.png (1.02 MB, 1080x771, 360:257, Screenshot_20200324_020431….png)


I guess I need to throw him in with these douchebags. So fucking funny. He got what he deserved.

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b72981  No.8712838

File: c878d291866ef32⋯.png (1.96 MB, 1195x877, 1195:877, ClipboardImage.png)

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78be4f  No.8712840

File: 262e1dcdbb514c2⋯.png (1.3 MB, 1254x982, 627:491, 001ap3.png)

'Virus puts UK PM in intensive care; Japan declares emergency

25 minutes ago

LONDON (AP) — British Prime Minister Boris Johnson was in intensive care Tuesday with the coronavirus, while Japan’s leader declared a monthlong state of emergency for Tokyo and six other regions to keep the virus from ravaging the world’s oldest population.

The 55-year-old Johnson, the world’s first head of government known to have fallen ill with the virus, was in stable condition and conscious at a London hospital, where he was receiving oxygen but was not on a ventilator, said his spokesman James Slack. Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab was designated to run the country in the meantime.

“We’re desperately hoping that Boris can make the speediest possible recovery,” said Cabinet minister Michael Gove, who is among scores of British officials in self-isolation. Johnson’s pregnant fiancee is recovering from coronavirus symptoms.

Japan’s prime minister made the emergency declaration after a spike in infections in Tokyo, but it was a stay-at-home request — not an order — and violators will not be penalized. Despite having relatively few infections and deaths, Japan is a worrying target for a virus that has been killing the elderly at much higher rates than other age groups.

Deaths in the U.S. reached about 11,000, with about 370,000 confirmed infections.

In New York and in some European hot spots, authorities were hoping that plateaus in deaths and new hospitalizations meant that the outbreak was turning a corner.

In Spain, one of the hardest-hit countries, new deaths Tuesday rose to 743 and infections climbed by 1,000 after five days of declines, but the increases were believed to reflect a weekend backlog. Authorities said slowing the contagion will be a long process and were confident in the downward trend.

New coronavirus cases were also slowing in Italy and France, while Portugal reported its lowest daily rise in new infections since the outbreak began. To keep up social distancing, Paris banned daytime jogging just as warm spring weather settled in for a week."



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5a1080  No.8712841

Hey, I'm trying to make like a guide to awaken a "normie". What I'm trying to do is post a series of videos that will educate someone that thinks theres something fishy going on, but doesn't really understand what.

Where I'm having a road block is getting into the satanic stuff because the deeper you get the harder it is to find stuff. Can you guys help me out?

I'm unsure if I should really start talking about Q with them or not tbh….

Here's what I have so far. Planning on telling them to watch these in order.

Thoughts? Other Video/ pic suggestions?

Thank you <3

This Video Will Get Donald Trump Elected - https://youtu.be/G2qIXXafxCQ

Trump Inauguration Speech / NWO Quotes - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X_xN0u2d7AI&feature=youtu.be

New World Order Quotes - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UVYBDIkgxKo&feature=youtu.be

Confessions of a KGB agent - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rB8dxgFI0vg&

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8ad92e  No.8712842

File: 39c3477e4834f9e⋯.png (695.93 KB, 1057x668, 1057:668, notlagthis.png)

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0f0722  No.8712843

File: 616efcf270f952e⋯.png (25.92 KB, 713x611, 713:611, 616efcf270f952e212ba69cf84….png)


I bet the fist thing that went through his mind after receiving the court order was "Fuck, Q is real"

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5a1080  No.8712844


Forgot to add this one at the end

Local news stations aren't safe - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ksb3KD6DfSI&

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c3115c  No.8712845


guud and you? gonna be sunny and hot 2day.

my pleasure on the page 3 fix. glad you got it resolved. i'll be around. on a call just listening for the most part but had to give up my shift cause i can't focus on both. i know i know… where are my priorities. kek

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df3826  No.8712846

File: 44830f2922c5d03⋯.jpg (53.88 KB, 516x651, 172:217, wisconsin_election.jpg)


video shows long, long voter lines in Wisconsin Primary

In the middle of the coronavirus pandemic, THIS is the line for in person voting as the polls open for Election Day in Wisconsin. #COVID19 #ElectionDay

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1b2292  No.8712847

can i live happily after this , 17 april is my birthday. and i want to ask if we are winning , Q ??

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78be4f  No.8712848

File: 32cc08116776732⋯.png (286.96 KB, 720x784, 45:49, 001ET3.png)

Trump Says He and Biden Had ‘Wonderful’ Phone Call About

CCP Virus Pandemic

April 7, 2020 Updated: April 7, 2020

"President Donald Trump said he has spoken with Democratic presidential hopeful Joe Biden about the nation’s response to the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) virus pandemic in a “really wonderful,” phone call.

Speaking at his White House Coronavirus Task Force briefing on April 6, Trump said he “appreciated” the exchange between the two and described the conversation as “warm” and “friendly.”"



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cc4350  No.8712849

File: 6a49be6cf814860⋯.png (1.06 MB, 1080x1080, 1:1, Screenshot_20200227_185957….png)


Go fuck yourself back to wherever you came from.

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e33846  No.8712850




Austin Steinlarp's case is real.

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ccaf11  No.8712851

File: af12f09eab5d78c⋯.jpg (18.29 KB, 443x358, 443:358, 2mUgd0MWik.jpg)



Thanks for that lb, barely caught it

see >>>8712797

So maybe his followers will send him some soap on a rope

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c3d0b2  No.8712852

File: bff49449a6755e1⋯.jpg (27.5 KB, 200x233, 200:233, Ghostarmypatch.jpg)


got it under Qontrol for now . Enjoy der bread

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0b8626  No.8712853

File: da89c3e22a8746c⋯.png (647.04 KB, 483x612, 161:204, DIGFRENS_flotus.png)


tyvm baker




paralegal fag can confirm it real

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0ffdda  No.8712854

File: a25f9219e770425⋯.png (29.74 KB, 607x392, 607:392, presi.png)


Who do you think will be our next President? #DailyPoll #Poll

Remember to RETWEET!


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6489f0  No.8712855


Maybe he wasn't referring to the victim. If there is evidence that shows he was set up (think Kavanaugh, POTUS, Flynn etc) and he knows the truth about the real Pedovores there, this comment makes more sense.

Until we see what evidence release him, we are speculating his guilt.

Not saying one way or the other, just saying we need full context.

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401fea  No.8712856


hey thanks! I called out to videoanons last night. We really need a video on all the spoopy "coincidences"

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c164c2  No.8712857

Two AZAZ flights in the air. One is an 09 flight out of Andrews headed for Myrtle Beach, the O9 flight is headed West towards Nashville. Will post caps later.

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f82c46  No.8712859

>>8711993 (lb)

Literally some of the dumbest fucks I have ever met in my life! Lawyers, who didn't even know what a memorandum of points and authorities meant. Thought it was an optional part of preparing a legal brief to be filed with the Court, when it's the main part, where the facts and the law that are controlling for each issue, are argued.

I wondered how they ever passed the bar exam, but in a state (CA) that admits illegal aliens to the bar, there is no way that they did, legitimately. Who knows who they had to blow or payoff? Similar to Hollywood!

Probably not the real jews. You keep thinking that they are so smart, until you watch them all get taken down with the DS by Q and the Patriots. The Cabal types and their shiils, like (YOU). Q said, Saving Israel for last. Scared yet, faggot?

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cff955  No.8712860

Looks like two kc135s headed south out of McDILL

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7cc547  No.8712861

File: c91ac9262a117cd⋯.jpg (102.96 KB, 720x1148, 180:287, Screenshot_20200407_092519.jpg)

File: aacdf77bebe6c1b⋯.jpg (120.72 KB, 720x1148, 180:287, Screenshot_20200407_092551.jpg)

File: ec746016cd2047c⋯.jpg (120.29 KB, 720x1148, 180:287, Screenshot_20200407_092612.jpg)

File: 5b291b18c3bffe1⋯.jpg (96.87 KB, 720x1148, 180:287, Screenshot_20200407_092634.jpg)

Good morning Anons!

For KEKS! Looks like Larping Stainfart got hisself arrested by da Feds.

See what awaits, shills?

First hearing today 2pm Arizona time


Caps incl

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0cd49a  No.8712862

File: e53c96d40a519ac⋯.png (281.59 KB, 760x1031, 760:1031, Screenshot_20200406_211550.png)

From yesterday, one of them Wish anon posts, bread 11145. Mentions "Missions Forward"

dComs - that's Patriot's Fight

But what does "7:17" refer to?

Trying to embed, but I'm new to phonefagging

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0b8626  No.8712863


fair and balanced - gold star.

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d2c041  No.8712864

File: 3e5a347a5240857⋯.jpeg (195.16 KB, 960x1348, 240:337, 41039A48_C70F_4C64_BF78_6….jpeg)


Shit! I need to find my damn glasses! I’ll see myself to the door. BTW, Is that the door or the refrigerator over there, Anon?

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a5d43b  No.8712865


I bet u any money this is a "Stunt" to discredit Q….

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505ab7  No.8712866

File: e3ef8dff764325a⋯.png (392.75 KB, 1246x802, 623:401, Pepememegallery.png)

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ccaf11  No.8712867

File: 0f184edcea29afc⋯.jpg (28.59 KB, 455x578, 455:578, nxZWSJvtaO.jpg)



Now have court documents outlining his mental issues also.

Surely he'll make meaningful relationships in jail.

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1f13c3  No.8712868

File: 7e62e60a612938b⋯.jpg (107.23 KB, 1200x1285, 240:257, 4HDSW6YT777BLGN7SBPHL7STMM.jpg)


This is the week they say we'll experience unbelievable numbers of deaths.

Because somehow they know when a virus will kill with such specificity they can tell us the week.

If thousands are going to die from muh Coronavirus,

then tens of thousands must be in hospitals right now on their death bed.

Oh…and don't forget the tigers with muh Coronavirus.

Their week is coming soon too.

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a072f4  No.8712869

File: 7ca4ee2e4dc5058⋯.png (635.69 KB, 1126x1102, 563:551, 001FOX1.png)

Trump taunts media as mutual disgust reaches new depths

Howard Kurtz | Fox News

6 hours ago

"President Trump found something to briefly celebrate Monday, some bad news for what are emerging as his biggest detractors during the virus crisis: the media.

“Advertising in the Failing New York Times is WAY down. Washington Post is not much better,” he tweeted. “I can’t say whether this is because they are Fake News sources of information, to a level that few can understand, or the Virus is just plain beating them up. Fake News is bad for America!”

Whatever the merits of Trump’s dissatisfaction with the two papers, it’s clear that advertising has plunged because some companies are shut down while others are slashing spending while most of their customers are stranded at home.

As America’s coronavirus death toll exceeds 10,000, two clashing narratives have come to define the president’s handling of the pandemic. Trump is courageously leading the country with a disruptive approach despite the naysayers, according to his supporters, or, from a press perspective, he is royally botching the emergency because of severe character limitations."



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5a1080  No.8712870


No problemo, but I still need help taking it further.

I'm unsure if I want to add the plan to save the world video - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6cYZ8dUgPuU

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7d4d23  No.8712871



He must have spelt his own name.

Fucking retards.

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80da27  No.8712872


read the bread and notables before posting - welcome to two hours ago

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9ce141  No.8712873

I've never been to this page before, but it had a part about

the shill who is missing:


is this a real site?

I guy as ridiculous as Austin would be as elaborate as to set up fake sites, but the lawyer is real too, so I think that Austin really is in custody.


Now will all the screechy young groopies start a 'realise Austin' campaign?

Does he have anyone who cares.

If he's mentally ill I hope he gets better.

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f766bd  No.8712874

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

New updates from Dr. Vladimir Zelenko: Cocktail of Hydroxychloroquine, Zinc Sulfate and Azithromycin are showing phenomenon results with 900 coronavirus patients treated – Must Watch Video

Today, we now have a new and encouraging updates from Dr. Zelenko. In a one-hour video, Dr. Zelenko provides a detailed medical explanation about why his cocktail of Hydroxychloroquine Sulfate, Zinc and Azithromycin (not Z-Pak) works, and why the three-drug combination are really needed in killing coronavirus.




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51d5ee  No.8712875

File: 4b1a114f3955c44⋯.jpg (167.12 KB, 661x575, 661:575, 4b1a114f3955c442d0687a9fa9….jpg)


Anons it seems that the cabals grip on our internet is tightening at a rapid rate. Twitter, WhatsApp and YouTube are censoring or deleting Q and conspiracy related content left right and centre. I propose further actions to prevent censorship by uploading video and other important content to a blockchain based network and making reference to it in future posts. Over the next week I will be creating a shitty python tool to automatically upload Youtube videos to IPFS and provide a text output with hash of file and link for posting. It will be provided open source. I am a script kiddie so anyone else willing to take on this or a similar idea would be welcome. Please discuss.

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154ce3  No.8712876

File: c1d151e946b62d4⋯.png (660.7 KB, 758x426, 379:213, Screenshot_2020_04_07_Thre….png)

File: c5305efacece1d7⋯.png (1.15 MB, 1345x860, 269:172, Screenshot_2020_04_07_Stor….png)

Wtf is this shit???

I can't get to the video source platform..


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e33846  No.8712877

File: 28813eb21029bf2⋯.mp4 (2.35 MB, 426x240, 71:40, military_operation_6_april….mp4)

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1e33cf  No.8712878

did someone sing?

latest "choir member"


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79e63a  No.8712879

File: ae12908653ba533⋯.jpeg (355.54 KB, 828x1151, 828:1151, C5F01AAA_EA39_4980_85FF_7….jpeg)

File: d5976169108985e⋯.jpeg (52.03 KB, 437x548, 437:548, 6DA6B569_F10E_4BFA_B9C5_1….jpeg)

File: ee37e04319b7eee⋯.jpeg (587.23 KB, 828x911, 828:911, 0EB660CF_AF10_488C_A0AC_5….jpeg)

File: da3618a76b4ddfa⋯.jpeg (239.45 KB, 780x898, 390:449, 447DB917_86B5_48F1_87D8_F….jpeg)

The rest of the old money?


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1a688a  No.8712880

>>8712384 p Pope addresses quashing of George Pells child sex convictions

They weren't "quashed," asshole. He was framed.

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6885b5  No.8712881

>>8712773 (lb)

I think the point I was trying to make was, this was planned for. Q knew back in December 6th, 2017. They knew.

If this doesn't set people's minds at ease about the current situation, I don't know what will. I'm telling ya; the longer this goes on, the more sense it all makes.


TY Baker!!!

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7ca4a6  No.8712882


we do what we can to live right but can't always put "satan" behind us, keks in kun

hope you have a smooth one and peek in later today, not right when you don't

got that AC ready to go, new filters, know it's comin, that and the rain


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5b4f83  No.8712883

File: ace699a801468ab⋯.png (576.36 KB, 1118x634, 559:317, NATO30_NATO06_FAF9025_Sent….PNG)

File: c8b931e3519c267⋯.jpg (363.49 KB, 1050x700, 3:2, Sentry_AWACS_inside.jpg)

NATO30 E-3A Sentry AWACS in North Sea off Scottish coast

NATO06 E-3A Sentry AWACS from Geilenkirchen ne of Hannover

French AF FAF9025 E-6F Sentry AWACS circling Lyon

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1a688a  No.8712884

>>8710472 p Faker Fucker Fauci vid was from very early 2017 Predicts " surprise outbreak" during Trumps term

Debunked a hundred times already.

OMG who is moar faek and gay than this borad?

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e33846  No.8712885


Could backfire and force the question.

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1b1264  No.8712886

File: bc90c54f86220b9⋯.png (387.1 KB, 575x579, 575:579, ClipboardImage.png)



BLESS dis BREAD reQuest(ed) /LB

rePOST >>8712735, >>8712783 /_\ = 52 / 25

{TS coincidental 911 four[9]}

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7d4d23  No.8712887

File: 3f36ad2ae4e6f22⋯.png (154.95 KB, 2789x858, 2789:858, ClipboardImage.png)

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7ca4a6  No.8712888


but but but …..muh notables

I'z juss callz em bossman, I'z don read em

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154ce3  No.8712889

File: 978805c8962a6ec⋯.png (637.67 KB, 1192x908, 298:227, Screenshot_2020_04_07_Hosp….png)



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124df5  No.8712890



now somebody HAS to ask the question, in court and on the record.

perhaps a way to force the question

he's like schroedinger's Q, he is and he isn't

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379c4f  No.8712891

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1e33cf  No.8712892

File: 9fc26da885d18cd⋯.jpg (25.06 KB, 474x322, 237:161, boris_nbc.jpg)

File: b66bfc68da2a578⋯.jpg (7.23 KB, 281x168, 281:168, nbc_peacock.jpg)


> British Prime Minister Boris Johnson

anyone else see a theme here?

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5b4f83  No.8712893


on it


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51958a  No.8712894

File: 4bb617ba934ebad⋯.png (345.65 KB, 848x756, 212:189, dr_fauci.png)


fauci is

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dbc31f  No.8712895

File: 2bc26a10419fed9⋯.png (515.42 KB, 969x546, 323:182, 2bc26a10419fed9ad171595230….png)


> On March 24, 2020, STEINBART posted a YouTube video where he discusses his

involvement with the DIA and Spaceforce and thanks his supporters for their data

blockade of the victim company. See https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XCQXHLmnJI.

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57c8d8  No.8712896

POTUS has Fauci and Birx in a pickle doesn't he?

Cases, hospitalizations, and deaths will be way below their predictions, hydrochloroquine saving lives, after being pushed by POTUS and poo pooed by Fauci.

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e33846  No.8712897



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b4f47f  No.8712898



Quick, give him more attention. Thats not at all what he wants.


Its a brigade of idiots. Shift started.

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3b003b  No.8712899


Hey Austin, don’t forget that I fucked your wife.

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2b62b2  No.8712900

File: 7a03d96391c6e43⋯.png (45.72 KB, 968x852, 242:213, pepeknite7a03d96391c6e4307….png)

>>8712750 lb

g'mornin Swordy!

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124df5  No.8712901


such a fine line between abstraction and objectification

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c3115c  No.8712902

File: a1ed252e86f2478⋯.jpg (46.33 KB, 576x587, 576:587, a1ed252e86f24781234b6a76f5….jpg)


muh corona

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a4e83d  No.8712903


This is scripted. Newscaster dont decide what goes on the air and they dont adlib personal opinions on the air. Newscasters read from scripts, everything is timed to the milli-second of airtime. Everything is scripted, rehearsed…NOTHING the newscaster thinks matters to the writers and producers.

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c164c2  No.8712904

AZAZ0909 landing at Fort Bragg.

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7cc547  No.8712905

File: 44da48a80484b14⋯.png (55.05 KB, 1322x260, 661:130, Upvote.png)



Interminable lag happens.

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f766bd  No.8712906


Dr. Zelenko's open letter to medical professionals around the world




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124df5  No.8712907


will OANN be there to find out who Q is?

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a2db98  No.8712908

File: b7d5ea1eeb09f2b⋯.png (208.02 KB, 400x400, 1:1, CAD70FE4_C795_4AF4_AA6B_A7….png)

Will she ask the Q?

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79e63a  No.8712909

File: 9a999f0d2f00695⋯.jpeg (294.1 KB, 802x1051, 802:1051, E67DAEEE_E0FD_4A74_B2FE_E….jpeg)

File: bc8144f3cfa770b⋯.png (3.1 MB, 828x1792, 207:448, 6FF96CA9_1989_431E_9B9B_5B….png)

File: 6d7b272f5235a33⋯.jpeg (244.71 KB, 827x539, 827:539, 4FCC8DDB_29CF_43CA_B0C2_1….jpeg)

File: e78d9a42dfe08ce⋯.jpeg (756.55 KB, 828x959, 828:959, A4ABFA15_95FC_4D22_B8D1_E….jpeg)

The Keystone?


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aa0936  No.8712910


But, but we saw a picture of him holding an octopus as a boy and he said he grew up catching ducks. Lol.

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fae998  No.8712911

File: 5ea280c7ce07d9d⋯.png (190.41 KB, 977x1140, 977:1140, 9AED93E8_7595_4808_931B_C1….png)

dam Detroiters

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2b62b2  No.8712912

File: 32055ea7e6dccc8⋯.gif (309.2 KB, 500x500, 1:1, pepeheadphone32055ea7e6dcc….gif)

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7e630c  No.8712913

File: bd0d724d3b47cc1⋯.png (307.33 KB, 800x630, 80:63, trump_thor_panic_in_dc_pos….png)


so soon? kek

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ccaf11  No.8712914

File: 70906bf71e74ef2⋯.jpg (98.13 KB, 1140x966, 190:161, HAHstin.jpg)

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cc4350  No.8712915

File: ad3e2fa4a5fec56⋯.png (368.31 KB, 1064x676, 266:169, Screenshot_20200407_094004….png)


Kek, rollin' dubs! I had to add nipsy to the wall.

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401fea  No.8712916


If it's a long video then yes, at the end.

if it's a short video maybe just the coincidences to get them thinking. We were all there once. That one spoopy coincidence that put us on the path to an explanation that led to more questions. So down the rabbit hole we went. Make us proud! I know you will knock this thing out of the park.

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976ba4  No.8712917

File: db590e35db4f55e⋯.jpg (99.67 KB, 765x1024, 765:1024, 1586260985192.jpg)

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d89545  No.8712918


Ha! Spent half the day yesterday doing zactly that. Shills are the best sign that the Plan is on track anon. You should know this.

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a55c18  No.8712919


Forgot to mention that POTUS put the lockdown entirely on them yesterday.

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c3115c  No.8712920

File: 1b7b0f5129abfd3⋯.jpg (11.35 KB, 255x169, 255:169, potuswink.jpg)

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0b8626  No.8712921

File: 107720801f26e4e⋯.jpg (431.3 KB, 2048x1536, 4:3, nxiumhq_anongoeswherenosma….jpg)

File: 274dfc9d25f973d⋯.jpg (363.85 KB, 1815x1071, 605:357, epsteinislandanons_run_thi….jpg)

File: b77fee63a87a8fc⋯.png (468.31 KB, 750x551, 750:551, gitmofrens06182019.png)


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bfe009  No.8712922

File: 797037cf6cb4a13⋯.png (511.61 KB, 624x421, 624:421, ClipboardImage.png)

Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai has been in the notable before.

Here’s a video link a medical friend of mine shared; been trying to red-pill him for a year now.

If Shiva isn’t an Anon, he does a great impression.

It’s a long video but a good listen, especially for the norms.

He’s not a Fauci fan and presents a long list of the different influences (China, BigPharma, peers at Universities, etc) pushing Fauci. Also goes off on the Chinese influence into the US economic, business and education arenas.

Nothing we don't know here but with 187K views, he's getting the word out.


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a4e83d  No.8712923


Nobody cares who Q is. What matters is truth, facts, and taking back control of the govt.

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cc4350  No.8712924

File: 63fd4910c51abec⋯.png (960.52 KB, 1080x1440, 3:4, ultracomfycutout.png)


It would be pretty funny if she did!

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a98b82  No.8712925

File: 4e7e80e80279d3a⋯.png (364.97 KB, 579x533, 579:533, ClipboardImage.png)


Tell us…


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1e33cf  No.8712926

File: d59ea80e94cc3d3⋯.jpg (69.92 KB, 500x710, 50:71, dem_in_d.jpg)


>He must have spelt his own name.


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f82c46  No.8712927


Lionel Harris is a fucking gatekeeper, who claims to support Q, but ridicules anons on a daily basis about "my decode, my decoder ring, Trust The Plan, etc." AND doesn't even know what a Q Proof is!

Yeah, he's one of us. NOT! He's a fucking "pay-triot!" Can't stand listening to him or his obnoxious NY Jew wife who constantly toots her own horn about "saving the chilren." No, Q and the Patriots are doing it, while she flaps her gums about it and goes to meetings!

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182597  No.8712928

File: 23adee1bbdfc3d1⋯.jpeg (136.21 KB, 645x698, 645:698, FAAEE761_B007_4943_BA8C_3….jpeg)



The beatings must continue until morale improves.

That is all.

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75c120  No.8712929

File: 05c731bb57a404e⋯.jpg (289.67 KB, 1536x768, 2:1, 023ff09e22087f9d5d95c6daf4….jpg)


children :


subliminal programming:


child trafficking Lithuania/US:


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9a258e  No.8712930


I dont usually read CTA posts

but when i do I stop at centre

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51958a  No.8712931


they are totally flanked and outclassed

it's not even close

they thought they had this, but no

Trump is a genius leader, who will always get his organization to perform. Even the bad actors have to prove it under Trump. And they will be found out publicly and outed. By Trump.

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0cd49a  No.8712932

Anons, this is what 'muricans are all about. I'm buying yeast to mail to friend in Montana. They're out. She'll trade for sanitizer.

Also mentioned yesterday is the Prime Act. So we can access local meat products without shopping at retail stores. This decentralized shit is what we're aiming for. Kek

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fe2c06  No.8712933

File: 0b339d3d926df9a⋯.jpg (143.72 KB, 1100x797, 1100:797, QCrumbsDifficultTruths102.jpg)

File: 1bcf480b84afec4⋯.jpg (518.56 KB, 1200x1553, 1200:1553, QCrumbsCoronaOffline50.jpg)

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edf010  No.8712934

File: 110fa46dcd065ce⋯.png (396.01 KB, 700x700, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

Strange underground seismic activity continues. Anons are the best. We don't give up, we research, we dig, and we don't tolerate shills. Prayers to all our military in harms way. Godspeed.

Anons! God bless you all and the breads throughout this day in nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti (in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit). Amen.

God bless POTUS and all Anons who serve POTUS in good faith, and this bread and all the breads throughout this day. To the enemies of God, that they would draw close to God in true repentance or be defeated.

In addition, we ask, St Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. And, may God rebuke him we humbly pray and do thou oh prince of the heavenly host, by divine power, cast in to hell satan and all the evil spirits who roam through the world seeking the ruin of souls, Amen.

Holy angels of God, help this country; help this world.

In nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti.



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79e63a  No.8712935

File: d47beae25822ebe⋯.png (106.83 KB, 374x175, 374:175, BC506446_A25B_42A9_A288_D2….png)

File: b301bfcc54d5453⋯.png (11.99 KB, 295x106, 295:106, 73E97FA6_D85A_4254_ACD9_ED….png)

File: 2476b0f9043586b⋯.png (23.32 KB, 360x267, 120:89, AC07A3BA_A050_49EF_8F9E_A0….png)

File: b38b56c331b0b8e⋯.jpeg (278 KB, 828x650, 414:325, 687B9250_A9FC_440B_BD73_2….jpeg)

File: e4556fcfafebc18⋯.jpeg (620.02 KB, 754x1052, 377:526, 35C1AEE0_3C18_4DD9_879C_B….jpeg)

Are the Freemasons local cabAl assets?

Child trafficking?

Secret oaths?

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379c4f  No.8712936


…or was it his HUSBAND! KEK!

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513df1  No.8712937

File: 226f145908398ad⋯.jpg (203.6 KB, 451x574, 11:14, kittycoof.jpg)

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c7706a  No.8712938

File: 7faf10b49925e8b⋯.png (2.23 MB, 2352x1172, 588:293, ClipboardImage.png)

>>8712084 PB

>>8711942 Older B

>>8711479 Older B

Some of the London Pics consolidated for purposes of estimating time range during which pics were taken.

Moar to come.

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5a1080  No.8712939


Thank you anon, will watch and see if I should add the and where.

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1f13c3  No.8712940

File: 98ed5d70ab0b03e⋯.jpeg (8.81 KB, 183x275, 183:275, images.jpeg)



They've made many statements (lies) to all of America that have created fear in the people.

Akin to yelling "fire" in a movie theater.

All on video record.

DJT's statements are based on what they're telling him.

They're providing DJT data from their "models."

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0db26d  No.8712941

>>8712683 on Steinlarp

Boy, that whole "I get messages from myself in the future" doesn't look so good on court documents.

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9ce141  No.8712942

File: 358e430e5a55d96⋯.jpg (212.82 KB, 853x759, 853:759, AuSbart_terms_001.jpg)

File: 9ee9700f859817a⋯.jpg (226.49 KB, 907x807, 907:807, AuSbart_terms_002.jpg)

File: 853cae9615507e7⋯.jpg (218.71 KB, 825x892, 825:892, AuSbart_terms_003.jpg)

File: c9a13e9498e5f9f⋯.jpg (393.92 KB, 713x385, 713:385, boring_shill_009.jpg)


don't be a prissy jerk.

didn't it look fake to some.

I've just verified that it's a real case, a real story.

here are some caps of his 'terms' of being under arrest.

What I am reading is that he can still be here, but FBI will monitor him!

and he has to be under good behavior.

Two hours ago I was sleeping in my bed, anon.

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000000  No.8712944

>>8710455 pb


The link is to a NYT article. Why is the NYT raising this issue? What is their agenda?

>>8711084 pb

>misinformation about heart attacks/ strokes

What misinformation? Lower # of total deaths is confirmed by the CDC's own figures. The question is what is the cause(s).

Are you saying the NYT is guilty of misinformation? If so, I would agree with that.

>>8711019 pb


The study that the Guardian quoted measured emergency-room admissions, not deaths.

This choice of the CRFs used for our calculations made finding baseline rates easier because we searched for emergency hospital admissions rather than admissions plus cause-specific deaths.


There's a long explanation as to why they chose emergency-room admissions over deaths in the link.

That study was also being used to further the 'climate emergency' narrative that the Guardian loves to peddle and if you actually read the study, you'll see that the data sets were specifically tailored to achieve a certain result.

It also fails to account for seasonal variations, so does not factor the combined effect of heat + pollution.

Relevant since we're now considering a drop in deaths in late winter/early spring, not the middle of the summer.

Does pollution have a positive correlation to deaths due to heart attacks/stroke? It would appear so, but that study you used to justify your argument does not quantify the correlation in any way to sufficiently explain the recent ~20% drop in total deaths in the U.S.

It's like comparing oranges and tangerines.

You also continue to fail to acknowledge the elephant in the room - the 3rd leading cause of death in the U.S. - MEDICAL ERROR - causing anywhere from 250,000 to 400,000 deaths PER YEAR.


And it is a fact that hospital admissions are way down due to the 'COVID crisis'.

>>8710983 pb

Second the question.

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379c4f  No.8712945


And to think of all the fucking idiots on this board that thought he was 'something' real.

Bunch of fucking losers that don't know what "NO OUTSIDE COMS" means…KEK!

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9e1373  No.8712946

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

NY mayor says rumors of temporary burials in public parks are

'totally false'

CNN 10 hrs ago

"After a city councilman said New York may need to bury coronavirus victims in a city park as morgues run out of room, Mayor Bill de Blasio made it clear Monday there are no such plans and that such rumors are "totally false."'

"There will never, ever be anything like 'mass graves' or 'mass internment' in New York City ever," de Blasio said.

"If God forbid, we ever had to get to the point of a temporary burial, it would be individual by individual so that families could reclaim their loved ones when the crisis was over. But we're nowhere near that now."

City Councilman Mark Levine, who had caused the confusion with a series of tweets Monday morning, later tweeted "there will be *no* burials in NYC Parks.""




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505ab7  No.8712947

File: cedc4ff884b9e59⋯.png (322.78 KB, 1294x752, 647:376, C_Akek.png)


kek I love this place

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5b2002  No.8712948


ipfs is like zeronet fine but can be abused. Tahoe lafs is supposedly better

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702c43  No.8712949

File: 8d7dd51b0a2eacd⋯.png (1.19 MB, 1125x1206, 125:134, ClipboardImage.png)


Visibility – How to Choose Sides: Madonna Ciccone announces she is partnering with Bill and Melinda Gates on “vaccine” while wearing a shirt depicting Satan on the Cross

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e33846  No.8712950


>Nobody cares who Q is. What matters is truth, facts, and taking back control of the govt.

I didn't say they did, you a soon shit anon.The question isn't "who is Q"…

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0801dd  No.8712951






good thing there's always the breadshitting complainers to spend another dozen posts on it

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39cd43  No.8712953

File: 651c0acc47e2171⋯.png (771.05 KB, 1284x1595, 1284:1595, CV.png)

COVID-19 Vaccine Secret Ingredients released….

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b4f47f  No.8712954


>Will she ask the Q?

If her handlers tell her to, yes.

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f86b21  No.8712955


Defendant Name: Austin Ryan Steinbart

Case Number:MJ 20-09119-01-PHX-ESW

Proceeding Type:Preliminary Hearing

Judge: Boyle, John Z

Courtroom: Phoenix Courtroom #305, 3rd Floor

Date and Time: 04/07/2020 2:00 PM

USMS ID#:35841-508


18:1030(a)(7)(C) and (c)(3)(A) - Transmission in Interstate and Foreign Commerce a Communication Containing a Demand or Request for Money or Other Thing of Value in Relation to Damage to a Protected Computer, Where Such Damage was Caused to Facilitate Extortion

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702c43  No.8712956

ya'll gotta meme war the vaccine that bill gates is working on….we need to get it out there about the "mark of the beast" for buying/selling goods.

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eec73a  No.8712957



I bet Alex Jones will be there to ask the"Q"….


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7cc547  No.8712958

File: ad8a6fed0c71f4b⋯.jpg (75.63 KB, 1001x538, 1001:538, empty_tomb.jpg)


Amem and amen, Padre!

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8b7140  No.8712959

We're all losing our assess

Gubby is printing money, economy is tanking, Fauci is a lying piece of shit, everyone is losing their retirements, on and on and on.

Where is the fucking storm?

Let me guess? Muh spending ammo.

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fe2c06  No.8712960

File: e80e7cb203bd932⋯.jpg (429.32 KB, 900x1200, 3:4, QCrumbsFacebookUmbrellaFor….jpg)

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI Sat 09 Mar 2019 18:12:57 a61e11 No.5594813

Nellie Ohr > C_A?

There are others within the FBI/DOJ linked to the C_A.


What access does a House member have?

What access does a House Committee member have?

Think [Brennan] spy campaign > US SENATE

What happens when the C_A targets [spy insertion] the Executive, House, Senate, DOJ, FBI, State, etc branches of the UNITED STATES GOV?

How many so-called 'former' C_A agents ran for House elections in 2018?

What party?


What happens when the C_A targets [spy + tech insertion] of GOOG, FB [LifeLog], Twitter, etc etc?


What happens when people wake up to the fact that FB is a cover for LifeLog [DARPA]?

What happens when people discover all RT data [inputs + listening/camera/GPS meta] is being harvested and made accessible to Langley?

Charter of the NSA? DOMESTIC + FOREIGN?


Why is the C_A conducting an active umbrella collection campaign [stringer tangents to 9] against all US citizens through LifeLog [FB] absorb/tan targeting?

Bypass data encryption on phone/tablet etc?

Primary focus on elected officials?

Primary focus on elected officials in key sub committees?

Can activation occur of 'recording' local on device pre SCIF entry?

No logs.

No keys.

Ghost in-Ghost out.

People only engage security (+ escape vehicles) when they have something very serious to FEAR.

What is that FEAR for MZ?


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379c4f  No.8712961


My second post about it, and ONLY because your the bitch bitching about a single post, not dozens, fucking liar!

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000000  No.8712962


Better yet, make Jonathon Karl ask it!

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0b8626  No.8712963

anybody watch the ritual erm uh i mean WHO / lady gaga ting last night

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154ce3  No.8712964

File: 28e6d03ce0bf821⋯.png (40.98 KB, 790x277, 790:277, Screenshot_2020_04_07_3_in….png)


LOLS if true.

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cc4350  No.8712965

Steinfart BTFO! Such a great day!

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401fea  No.8712966


I bought a cow and had it butchered last year from a local farmer Have way more than we can eat. Selling to friends or giving away to those in my community who need it.

Farmers gettin' a high five, chest bump and shake shake here.

Bringing it back to the roots.

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702c43  No.8712967


who, here, will say "yes" to the vaccine? (bc of pressure from family, etc)

who, here, will refuse to take vaccine? (no matter the costs - not being able to return to work or enter buy/sell establishments?)

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829940  No.8712968

File: bd2f6b38a858d06⋯.jpeg (87.07 KB, 959x640, 959:640, B8F93FEF_BA77_49F4_8942_7….jpeg)

File: a696600f575b9b8⋯.png (3.9 MB, 2048x1366, 1024:683, 601A4C20_8EE1_4B00_8589_63….png)

File: c13bc3931dce1af⋯.jpeg (1008.28 KB, 2323x1430, 2323:1430, B97A28DC_EB3E_4D98_B334_C….jpeg)

The ‘reflections’ in these images are not natural.

Someone has gone to a lot of trouble especially in the pic with Dan on the computer.

The reflection of the stars in the flag is wrong.

There is a white ‘Window’ in front of Dan’s face in the reflection instead of Trump’s head.

The reflection of ‘whoever it is’ has a head and collar in the reflection but only their back above.

BUT whoever did the graphics for WWG1WGA and the writing on the flag is an amateur in total contrast with the pro photoshop work.

Same photoshop person did the reflection in the schedule pic.

Same style of reflection which is not natural and same deftness.

Pence is reflected but only his midsection which correlates with the rest of the reflection.

So the question is... why all the pro ps work?

Seems unnecessary for a simple twitter pic release.

Could be about Pence as VP.

In my opinion Pence is dirty as all hell and being kept close and not because he’s a friend.

But my feeling is there is something else going on with this reflection shit.

Don’t ask me.

I just report what I see.

Is the schedule pic the one that forces the Q?

I would imagine that the pic that forces the Q would not need to be pointed out to anons as mentioned by anon in recent bread >>8710144

Photoshop and graphic design fag.

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4242ad  No.8712969

File: 592bf44e6cd815c⋯.png (137.02 KB, 1127x783, 1127:783, 10_days_march_2020_april_2….png)

Not date setting, sliding, or predicting.

Just being vigilant.

If I am missing something please let me know.

10 Days from last Q-POST:



28 Mar 2020 - 3:22:45 PM


Semper Fidelis

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18099b  No.8712970



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bfe009  No.8712971


I want to know who swabbed its nose!

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957466  No.8712972

File: 019c85629cbc2fd⋯.png (632.42 KB, 818x928, 409:464, 001beast1.png)

Celebrities Are Spreading a Wacky Coronavirus 5G Conspiracy

and They Need to Stop

Updated Apr. 06, 2020 8:00PM ET

''As conspiracy theories about 5G warp to fit the COVID-19 crisis, some paranoid citizens are burning cell towers. And celebs, from Woody Harrelson to M.I.A., are fanning the flames.

Photo Illustration by The Daily Beast / Photos Getty

It will likely surprise no one to learn that a wild conspiracy theory linking the novel coronavirus pandemic to 5G wireless networks has its roots in, among other places, QAnon. Unfortunately, it seems some celebrities and influencers have nonetheless taken the bait—and some British citizens have begun to burn down cell towers.

Scientists have debunked the notion that any link exists between the coronavirus pandemic and 5G networks. Nonetheless, celebrities including Woody Harrelson have shared conspiracies that claim just that. Days ago, the Cheers and Zombieland actor shared a post he conceded he hadn’t “fully vetted” on Instagram linking the novel coronavirus outbreak to the installation of 5G networks in Wuhan, China. That same day Harrelson also posted a video of last year’s Hong Kong protests with the erroneous caption, “Meanwhile the Chinese are bringing 5g antennas down.”"



crazy conspiracy theories kek

star push theory

anon push theory?

anon like deep state star?

think anon think

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fe2c06  No.8712973

File: 62f0f951e0328ad⋯.png (284.51 KB, 784x732, 196:183, 2020_04_07_09_52_53edt.png)

File: 02673d3ac0426c7⋯.png (219.08 KB, 605x2016, 605:2016, Screenshot_2020_04_07_Goin….png)

new DJT RT


President Trump 'to get involved' in Thomas Modly-Capt. Brett Crozier dispute

3:59 PM - 6 Apr 2020 PDT


‘Going to get involved’: Trump to settle dispute between Modly and fired Capt. Crozier

Ben Wolfgang

President Trump said Monday he is “going to get involved” in settling a heated dispute between Acting Navy Secretary Thomas Modly and former USS Theodore Roosevelt Capt. Brett Crozier, who was fired last week after writing a letter about a worsening coronavirus outbreak aboard his ship that was later published by the San Francisco Chronicle.

During a press conference at the White House, the president praised both men and said he doesn’t want Capt. Crozier’s career to be ruined because of a “bad day.”

“I’ve heard very good things about the gentleman, both gentlemen,” Mr. Trump said. “I may just get involved … you have two good people and they’re arguing. And I’m good, believe it or not, at settling arguments.”

Capt. Crozier’s “career prior to that was very good,” the president continued, “so I’m going to get involved and see exactly what’s going on there. Because I don’t want to destroy somebody for having a bad day.”

Mr. Trump did not specify exactly how he’ll get involved or what steps he’ll take to settle the controversy.

The president’s comments came on the heels of Mr. Modly addressing the 4,000 crew members of the Roosevelt — which is now docked in Guam after more than 150 sailors tested positive for COVID-19 — and blasting Capt. Crozier.

“If he didn’t think, in my opinion, that this information wasn’t going to get out into the public in this day and information age that we live in, then he was either ‘A’ too naive or too stupid to be commanding officer of a ship like this. The alternative is that he did this on purpose,” Mr. Modly said, according to a transcript and recording of his message over the ship’s public address system.

Democratic lawmakers and other critics blasted Mr. Modly for his remarks. The president cast it as a very “strong statement” but stressed that the “letter shouldn’t have been sent.”

Military officials have argued that in writing a letter that ultimately found its way to the press rather than speaking in private to his superiors, Capt. Crozier sent a signal to adversaries that the U.S. military had been compromised.

Mr. Trump offered a similar assessment.

“It’s unfair to the families on the ship because they get nervous — and it shows weakness,” he said. “And there’s nothing weak about us now.”

After departing the Roosevelt last week, Capt. Crozier tested positive for COVID-19, according to media reports.

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182597  No.8712974

File: ab832c65b81cba6⋯.jpeg (71.73 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, 4CBA884F_B1F6_469E_A18C_B….jpeg)


She’s pretty.

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7bb39f  No.8712975

File: 7032177c3ab198f⋯.jpg (130.46 KB, 1200x630, 40:21, PAY_PROD_giant_shark.jpg)


Always amazes me when people attack you without considering who they're talking to.

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5b4f83  No.8712976

File: 7a1fdafc20b6936⋯.jpg (129.99 KB, 983x500, 983:500, anon_visits_huber_in_slc_1.jpg)

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d89545  No.8712977


"And that's exactly where @POTUS wants them as the hoax unravels publicly. He's like a Big Cat playing with these little Deep State apparatchik mice. He wasn't supposed to discover the plot and even worse torture them psychologically in public as they have to weave more and more lies."

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8b7140  No.8712978

File: 1d708278f0817e7⋯.png (171.68 KB, 601x817, 601:817, ClipboardImage.png)

Austin Steinbart larp indicted…

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37ffe2  No.8712979

File: b33d81092a06591⋯.png (233.25 KB, 658x697, 658:697, ClipboardImage.png)

Remember this anon?

Maybe Boris will think twice now.


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39cfdb  No.8712980

File: 3e72a68675428bc⋯.jpeg (17.4 KB, 350x350, 1:1, 905E9657_45CD_44E1_A48E_4….jpeg)

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513df1  No.8712981

File: dfd62ab5847efe9⋯.jpg (263.07 KB, 962x501, 962:501, austin3.jpg)

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cc4350  No.8712982


Nigger I called the breadshitters out with one post. Go suck yourself off somewhere else.

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39cfdb  No.8712983

File: e0971e798143213⋯.jpeg (161.73 KB, 500x815, 100:163, C690138D_4D78_4B7E_9DC2_6….jpeg)

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2c8895  No.8712984


>What a cunt.

The allegations against Pell essentially came to to his word against the accuser.

He deserved to be released.

Remember, he was trying to get to the bottom of financial irregularities (corruption) in the Vatican when the accusers came forward (35 years after the abuse supposedly took place BTW).

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7d4d23  No.8712985


Ive already posted todays court docket twice with his name on it and notes that he is being help by marshall's.

Fuck your couch.

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39cfdb  No.8712986

File: 9377278a77d1488⋯.jpeg (520.28 KB, 2000x2000, 1:1, 60DBBCD9_7DD7_4AF4_8E3E_6….jpeg)

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957466  No.8712987

File: 08aafbdbf36e0ea⋯.png (461.32 KB, 1336x972, 334:243, 001times1.png)

kek! straight muh joo shillin'!

I ain't so dis all muh have's!

take it!

its good deal!

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f86b21  No.8712988


Did Bill Gates Just Reveal the Reason Behind the Lock-Downs?

"In a recent candid interview, Bill Gates outlined that, despite the comparatively small threat of Coronavirus, he and his colleagues “don’t want a lot of recovered people” who have acquired natural immunity. They instead are hoping we become reliant on vaccines and anti-viral medication.

Shockingly, Gates also suggests people be made to have a digital ID showing their vaccination status, and that people without this “digital immunity proof” would not be allowed to travel. Such an approach would mean very big money for vaccine producers."


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154ce3  No.8712989

File: 14757b345be099b⋯.png (246.3 KB, 846x676, 423:338, Screenshot_2020_04_07_3_in….png)


Moar keks

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ccaf11  No.8712990

File: 3c3a23e37eed08c⋯.gif (751.51 KB, 245x140, 7:4, 3pgxcx.gif)


>all the fucking idiots

Been thick since the resurrection as 8kun.

Someone should whisper in the intake officers ear how he likes to stash things in his prison wallet.

Thorough search required.

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aa0936  No.8712991


He gave TMI about childhood and this built false trust as people matched up his child experiences with their own and now felt some bond. Also who that hangs around here would not want to be Q or a bigger part of Q? This also led to people trusting him too much. People trust those like themselves or those like who they want to be more like. Be careful anons. Recognize the method. This guy needs help and is desperate for notoriety but is being used to discredit all who are here.

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5b4f83  No.8712992

File: fb1f506918940d9⋯.png (208.58 KB, 1094x567, 1094:567, LOBO701_USMC_C_560_on_fina….PNG)

LOBO701 USMC C-560 from Cherry PT to MCAS Beaufort on final

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80da27  No.8712993



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154ce3  No.8712994


Guillotine before vaccine, fren. If those are my choices.

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8e9a69  No.8712995


They should test it on her. Test the overdose and toxicology on her.

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95c113  No.8712996


this is part of the show, steinbart's censored 'amorphous archive' is at the center of this case, a public showcase of this trial will put the amorphous archive in the news, more eyes on is the objective, just sayin there will be more to this story as time unfolds, and steinbart probably isn't going away anytime soon,

and fuck all of you that think they have everything already figured out, here's a hint, you don't

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976ba4  No.8712997

File: 16961cc27916413⋯.webm (1.28 MB, 720x720, 1:1, 1585932365299.webm)

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c96aff  No.8712998

File: 47b0588be4a7750⋯.png (712.16 KB, 1130x1046, 565:523, Screen_Shot_2020_04_07_at_….png)


potential shutdown of US and Canadian airspace…needs additional sauce…


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abd117  No.8712999


The chalkboard TOP KEK

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5a1080  No.8713001


Sorry anon, but these aren't really great videos to introduce people to satanism. :(

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d1664e  No.8713002


Fuckin' hell she's so hot… I'd let her "interview" me ifyaknowhutimean.

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9a258e  No.8713003

File: b27f774dbed0d57⋯.png (117.54 KB, 500x364, 125:91, ClipboardImage.png)

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4bc06f  No.8713004


She's sitting on something like a park bench, with corrugated metal behind her.

Could just be me being overly suspicious, but it sure feels hostage-y.

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379c4f  No.8713005

Told ya Austin Shithead hacked qmap.pub and managed to get his fake Q posts listed in there, but NOOOO, nobody wanted to hear it.

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4f1a0c  No.8713006

>>8712352 (pb)

>pic of Judge Roy Moore, OANN hottie Chanel Rion, hubby Courtland Sykes


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182597  No.8713007

File: ee31edb0a152721⋯.jpeg (64.35 KB, 530x768, 265:384, F5E06E5A_E426_4775_81C5_C….jpeg)


Who the fuck wants to know?

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7ca4a6  No.8713008


Aren't u fucking special

a rainman wannbe

newsie shit

you are filtered

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85e14b  No.8713009


Let's post the news another 49 times in this bread.

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79e63a  No.8713010

File: e9be6ebac6902f1⋯.jpeg (172.97 KB, 828x1118, 414:559, 6C09DE3C_B7F3_4FDB_B611_3….jpeg)


I can dig it, I woke up on the wrong side of the bed, getting impatient.

I Just wanna work.

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7d4d23  No.8713012

File: c8701c3450cbb03⋯.png (669.76 KB, 630x550, 63:55, ClipboardImage.png)



Excuse my Biden.

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950c71  No.8713013


"even though HE was innocent" (Jesus was, we ain't)


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9a258e  No.8713014


>who they're talking to.

do you think that should make a difference?

are you special irl?

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0cd49a  No.8713015


Only sad thing about this Act is that Dems initiated it. That party still has some decent folks. Just needing a new party. POTUS is about that too.

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379c4f  No.8713016


^^^^^^^^^^^ an Austin Shithead worshiper.

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39cfdb  No.8713017


Nah, we dunnowatchamean, pray tell.

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976ba4  No.8713018



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5b4f83  No.8713019

File: be0d37ffaefdcba⋯.png (215.53 KB, 970x589, 970:589, VVLL823_P_8_Poseiden_off_t….PNG)

VVLL823 P-8 Poseiden off the Space Coast from NAS JAX

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831795  No.8713020

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

dis kek

pepe tears!

pepe sides!

pepe attack tokyo!



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0db26d  No.8713021

File: da59566d7588a06⋯.pdf (595.68 KB, gov_uscourts_azd_1239290_3….pdf)


Additional info from FBI agent


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ccaf11  No.8713022

File: 8c2b6b51dbb5fdc⋯.jpg (85.81 KB, 1465x900, 293:180, 86LabTonOr.jpg)



Looking for mugshot…he is gonna have fun in jail.

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8174e7  No.8713023

File: b8a9042bcb757f6⋯.png (306.99 KB, 600x613, 600:613, ghost_squad.png)

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154ce3  No.8713024

File: a8d1ba88fc27b17⋯.png (9.12 KB, 1196x70, 598:35, Screenshot_2020_04_07_Q_Al….png)

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cc4350  No.8713025

File: bbaefa6ec9e80db⋯.png (693.32 KB, 1080x674, 540:337, Screenshot_20200407_100317….png)

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98631c  No.8713026

File: 6d5be8333bd9c9e⋯.jpg (492.9 KB, 1080x1735, 216:347, 20200327_174626.jpg)

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7d4d23  No.8713027

File: 17f80d503626b5c⋯.png (299.35 KB, 320x480, 2:3, TimCruz.png)

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f2467c  No.8713028

File: 9f0127a770a979b⋯.png (739.4 KB, 680x454, 340:227, 9f0127a770a979b7848b7d0832….png)

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e8be50  No.8713029


-oh the irony

wut made him credible to some was his self doxxing exposure to criminal charges

he bragged about it kek

read the affadavit he is a loon

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957466  No.8713030

File: ae28b1626faef41⋯.png (190.5 KB, 1748x972, 437:243, 13CBA1.png)


well i guess i could have done that ThanQ, Anon

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d1664e  No.8713031


Friday, fucker. Watch twitter.

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702c43  No.8713032


nobody important, just an anon askin. hell, they know everything about all of us on here by now anyway.

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c164c2  No.8713033

Blackhawk at 200ft right next to Pier 90. Dropping 'patients' off?

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44fc4c  No.8713034

File: 7bcf8cfd9ce5cb9⋯.png (15.86 KB, 1071x460, 1071:460, ClipboardImage.png)



your sauce is 404

nothing from FAA yet.


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d1664e  No.8713035


I mean I'd let her step up to the mic ifyaknowhutimean…

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dd069a  No.8713036

File: 8b13f0b5ce8eba8⋯.jpg (67.44 KB, 500x539, 500:539, _Chucky.jpg)

Really bad Intel that went nowhere.

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1a688a  No.8713037


you're sick fuck. trade places with him.

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9ce141  No.8713038

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Anjel G should go he's near by and do a live report from the court room dressed in an Osiris getup. He can arrive by flying into the window of the court room as a black crow and then magically Poouff into anjel shape. He's a performer and is good at the Poouff thing, so, it'll be authentic.

Now if BS Boring Shill comes here he'll be monitored and if people threaten him . . . they could be tagged for making threats!

sung to the tune of John Phillips Sousa:

Be nice to the mentally ill

a shill could be some bodies ???

I once asked an in the know person about the shills here. I asked if any of them woudl ever be held to account. The other anon answered 'probably not'.

but now we see that the shill mentality goes beyond politics to extortion!

and mental illness?

I say maybe (maybe) he's taken a fall so as to allow what he does to be monitored . . .

and the whole thing is designed to give them a reason to watch this board!

we'll know that's true if he starts shill here again.

In which case everyone better understand that all he does, and all that we do when he is here, is being watched.

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d1664e  No.8713039




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bfe009  No.8713040


Good catch Anon.


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a2db98  No.8713041

The democrat party is in the worst shape I’ve ever seen. After Trump wins 2020, we might not see another Dem President for at least generation.

They have NO bench left. They blew their load trying dethrone POTUS, and they have nothing left.

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379c4f  No.8713042


2 days and a wakeup.

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d89545  No.8713043


Fuk you BG, I ain't clicking that shizzel.

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79e63a  No.8713045

File: 6ecb9e64d8e0366⋯.jpeg (212.52 KB, 754x762, 377:381, 36A9BE58_BF52_40D2_B205_3….jpeg)

[theY] have Nowhere to run.

Lies lead to bigger lies.

Transparent fools all.

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bfe009  No.8713046



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18d5e9  No.8713047

File: e3f5597fa8f4f60⋯.jpg (115.19 KB, 1121x841, 1121:841, IMG_20200407_090733.jpg)

File: ba4fc3bd2120c72⋯.jpg (763.28 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20200407_090713….jpg)


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bcea9e  No.8713048


Wonder why the keep doing this. Day after day…

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957466  No.8713049



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8b7140  No.8713050



Its always some special date in the future. When it never comes to pass, then disinfo is necessary AGAIN.

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7e630c  No.8713051

File: 619289685df75ca⋯.png (608.71 KB, 777x397, 777:397, 4_10_20_djt_day_the_greate….png)

File: f9018883225e0a1⋯.png (1.96 MB, 1148x1090, 574:545, jesus_salvation_collage_gr….png)

File: 02d209351b6d287⋯.png (426.81 KB, 509x579, 509:579, MABA_Jesus_verses.png)

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154ce3  No.8713052

File: b6c556daffc1fad⋯.jpg (6.64 KB, 256x197, 256:197, serveimage.jpg)

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d1664e  No.8713053



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8b7140  No.8713054

File: eb7a3b5d942fce6⋯.png (125.15 KB, 708x663, 236:221, ClipboardImage.png)






Have fun.

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2ab0d5  No.8713055


Only uncomfortable part for me is saying POTUS is stupid and surrounded by idiots.

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1a688a  No.8713056

File: 0c195e1721e22fe⋯.png (9.23 KB, 229x104, 229:104, Screen_Shot_2020_04_07_at_….png)



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513df1  No.8713057


oh man the laughs so early in the morning are a blessing HAAAA

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efdfc1  No.8713058

File: 46f1036b3638c2e⋯.png (898.56 KB, 724x826, 362:413, Messages_Image_3043491462_.png)

Since the new daily narrative is….Grocery store workers are dying, lets review one

Young, unhealthy looking woman worked at supermarket and later dies. Article is strange, link at end…

1) Last worked March 16 but proclaims in story that she was determined to keep working to help people. Found out was sick 12 days after discontinuing working…

2) Falls out of car at hospital, rushed to isolation and incubated on ventilator…..but has time to call mom to tell her she can't breathe.

3) Picture used in article is 100% staged. 3 people, 3 different face mask setups. Which is it? simple FFP2 or N95? Face Shield? Or full biohazard(top only) apparatus?

Bonus round: Photographer says "hey for this pic, hold the doctors hand for empathetic response"


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f2467c  No.8713059

File: 85504d50bc87509⋯.png (327.11 KB, 598x631, 598:631, Screenshot_2020_04_07_Medi….png)

File: 3d9f12b17307c3c⋯.jpg (2.52 MB, 1263x7200, 421:2400, Screenshot_2020_04_07_Step….jpg)

Stephanie Grisham Reportedly OUT as White House Press Secretary


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fe2c06  No.8713060

File: c91d0238c43cd06⋯.jpg (456.51 KB, 2000x1125, 16:9, Think_Mirror_Official_Whit….jpg)

File: b8e52f24f760175⋯.png (4.04 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, D3.png)

File: 3103fd9a17d6f7c⋯.png (455.27 KB, 1737x771, 579:257, 2020_04_04_23_06_09edt.png)

File: 491aa11a6e7a8d4⋯.png (3.8 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 491aa11a6e7a8d4f355740d802….png)

File: f573f1ec2a9743a⋯.jpg (827.11 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, POTUS_schedule_4_6_2020_an….jpg)


Thanks for bringing this up again. The Schedule posted last night also has the same anomalous text overlays. Pic.

Also reposting the other caps I have for reference. They provided us with the original Apr 3 schedule photo + reflections, and the altered version for comparison.

They also posted proof that D3 does mean April 3rd. So today is D7, April 7.

There was a series of interesting posts made by the same ID who posted the April 3rd schedule & base photo from which it was constructed, in that same #11100 bread. I have the caps and we can examine them if anybody else is interested.

CLEARLY this is intentional comms and it's for us. UNDENIABLY.

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000000  No.8713061







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39cd43  No.8713062

File: 1f3382abfdcaa97⋯.png (177.89 KB, 467x691, 467:691, CV.PNG)

COVID-19 Vaccine Secret Ingredients released….

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3030f0  No.8713063

File: 06255e526f48813⋯.png (764.93 KB, 1616x1452, 404:363, QBREAK2.png)

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c76a3a  No.8713064


Get ready to be called a shill by the drooling masses. Heavens forbid we all stand up to Q and demand any sort of visible action against the deep state. Apparently that sort of thinking is also shilling.

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dd069a  No.8713065

File: 1d02d49c964a164⋯.jpg (136.58 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 1584479110071.jpg)

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bfe009  No.8713066


If the medical community is looking for plasma from Corona survivors, don't they have a ready list for all the CELEBRITIES and POLs who have had it?

Shouldn't those folks be volunteering to donate? Good publicity for them if they do that.

Unless they really didn't have it?

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5b4f83  No.8713067

File: bfe0b05fbd64de6⋯.png (467.8 KB, 763x674, 763:674, Blackhawk_down_hudson_711a….PNG)


this what I got on the scope

G8523896 H-60 Blackhawk down the Hudson

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19546f  No.8713068

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>>8710551 pb - London Real Transform Yourself interview with David Icke on the COVID-19 conspiracy and what it’s really about.

the shill and disinfo agent David Icke

they don't let you sell 25+ books, lecture to tens of thousands, while living comfortably in the Isle of Wight (a freemasonic center), unless you are a disinfo agent.

Same goes for his BS lizard people garbage and his new age "consciousness" push.

This shill was bread in their breeding grounds, he was a talking head on BBC prior to his "change", and was featured on mainstream channels such as Vice and BBC pushing his BS to the public. This allowed him to push disinfo to the truth community on the one hand, and paint the truth community as retarded psychos to the "normies".


David Vaughan Icke (/ˈdeɪvɪd vɔːn aɪk/; born 29 April 1952) is an English conspiracy theorist[1][2][3][4][5] and former footballer and sports broadcaster.[6] He is the author of over 20 books and numerous DVDs and has lectured in over 25 countries.[7][8]

Originally working as a BBC television sports presenter, Icke claims he saw former British Prime Minister Ted Heath's eyes turn black while the two waited for a Sky News interview in 1989.[9][10] In 1990, while spokesman for the Green Party, he visited a psychic who he said told him he had been placed on earth for a purpose and would begin to receive messages from the spirit world

source: wiki

Video attached is Bill Cooper calling him out no his BS:

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ccaf11  No.8713069

File: e407263b088c135⋯.jpg (40.29 KB, 829x544, 829:544, nek29E6VKb.jpg)


>you're sick fuck. trade places with him.

Ok pearl clutcher

It would take a lot of meth probably

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a2db98  No.8713070


Of ALL the people and ALL the places, the smartest person on earth decided to bless 8kun with their presence. It’s a fucking WILD world we’re living in, people. Wild world.

Everyone thank this jesus for educating us. He had the foresight to know that shutting down the world would have a negative effect on the economy.


*begins slow clap

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44fc4c  No.8713071

File: 0832263aa8999b3⋯.png (478.93 KB, 500x338, 250:169, ClipboardImage.png)


waiting, and waiting, and waiting for update, then all i get is this shitty low IQ troll post.

this anon needs a habbening soon.

quarantine sucks dick

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d37486  No.8713073

File: b0342ceaa92a788⋯.png (487.02 KB, 1230x587, 1230:587, ClipboardImage.png)

Fauci pushing vaccine


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48ccee  No.8713074

File: 16404030780fbce⋯.png (873.3 KB, 960x720, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

Hey lets just seal off North America… :)

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c7283b  No.8713075


On Friday POTUS will fake his assassination.

The country will go dark until Sunday, martial law and everything.

He will reappear in an announcement explaining why Hussein et. al. are now locked up awaiting trial.

We will all watch the trials next week, and then the GALLOWS soon after.


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ff4d7d  No.8713076

File: e1835723da85023⋯.mp4 (3.01 MB, 880x1284, 220:321, hopeforthebigQ.MP4)


I hope so

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e5cd85  No.8713077





I posted an article on this topic a few months back, and it was in the Notables, but now I'll never find it.

Pell was set up, to get him out of the Vatican. He was uncovering tons of shit involving money-laundering and embezzling, and (((they))) needed to be rid of him.

"By October 2016, two years into his term as prefect of the Vatican’s Secretariat for the Economy, Cardinal George Pell had become aware of a Vatican dicastery handling large amounts of unregistered cash in offshore accounts.

But nearly three years later the questions raised by Cardinal Pell about the management of Administration of the Patrimony of the Holy See (APSA), the dicastery which handles the Vatican’s real estate and financial assets, have seemingly gone unanswered. Pell had identified money laundering and fraud risks related to the APSA’s use of foreign bank accounts and had questioned particular asset and real estate transactions.

Keen to move swiftly ahead with Pope Francis’ mandate to root out mismanagement and possible corruption in Vatican financial operations, the cardinal prefect contacted Australian banking friends in London in 2016 to find out more. They estimated that possibly as much as €100 million could be held in these accounts, primarily in the branches of two private banks located in Lugano, Switzerland.

Cardinal Pell responded by saying he would ask a Swiss law firm to first collect bank statements going back 10 years of one of these accounts, and to have the Vatican’s auditor general, Libero Milone, a former partner with Deloitte, a multinational financial auditing and consultancy firm, inspect them. To do this, Pell had to ask in writing for Pope Francis’ permission, which the Holy Father duly gave him with a simple signature.

Yet the bank statements never made it to Cardinal Pell or Milone — both of whom subsequently departed from their Vatican positions. An alleged sexual abuse scandal overshadowed the cardinal, and a barrage of accusations besieged Milone but a year later Vatican officials exonerated the auditor following an internal investigation that failed to produce evidence to support the accusations."



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124df5  No.8713078


>He gave TMI about childhood and this built false trust as people matched up his child experiences with their own and now felt some bond.

same thing namefag bakers do. tru story.

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0db26d  No.8713079


Kek. All military bases have removable signs on secure areas. Signage is wrong, repop using patch abbreviation.

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8b7140  No.8713080

File: 301a6b7b328091f⋯.png (50.96 KB, 723x297, 241:99, ClipboardImage.png)

File: e6cedfc1a8d7558⋯.png (1.14 MB, 1039x838, 1039:838, ClipboardImage.png)

Hi Austin.

1323 W Glenmere Dr

Chandler, AZ 85224

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1a688a  No.8713081


bullshit. abc is not sauce, it's slander.

you fucking useless bigot.

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536e83  No.8713082

File: 0c65ea4f241e3d9⋯.png (296.88 KB, 591x509, 591:509, Austin_Steinbart_busted.png)

Well I think he got his answer. Kek


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124df5  No.8713083


how did he get a copy of the laptop anyhow?

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1f13c3  No.8713084

File: 5387259ff4d97eb⋯.jpg (37.88 KB, 500x452, 125:113, 590117d6dfc6212dd4f1a7bddf….jpg)


Controlled Hollyweird assets pushing a conspiracy theory linking 5G to Coronavirus.

Media immediately calling it out as a "wacky" conspiracy.

Demanding they stop this wacky conspiracy.

Purpose: bring lots of attention to it being a wacky conspiracy; create belief by sheeple it's just a wacky conspiracy.

Just spit ballin' but maybe it ain't so wacky.

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c3d0b2  No.8713085


>>8712848, >>8712869, >>8712968, >>8712973 President Trump's Tweets News and Decodes

>>8712835, >>8712857, >>8712860, >>8712883, >>8712992, >>8712998, >>8713019, >>8713033, >>8713034 Planefag reports

>>8712840, >>8712846, >>8712874, >>8712889, >>8712906, >>8712896, >>8712911, >>8712946, >>8712979 Chinese Virus Reports

>>8712789, >>8712805, >>8712960 Q Drop Decodes and discussions

>>8712825 Financefag reports

>>8712823 pope blames pell's victims

>>8712829, >>8712818, >>8712978 Austin Steinbart "Dude It's a Cell!"

>>8712879 Multi Plus Finance

>>8712938 London Pics Moar !

>>8712949, >>8712972 Noteable people (Bad Guys Mostly) /Arrests/ Announcements/Deaths

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3030f0  No.8713086

File: 10491629c6606f0⋯.png (717.67 KB, 1932x1766, 966:883, deathalot1.png)


I call this one "death a lot" kek

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7bb39f  No.8713087

File: 90a4d0993d05793⋯.jpg (133.14 KB, 750x638, 375:319, argo_navis_johannes_heveli….jpg)


Then again, your skin's thick enough for a bit of flak…

We're all praying that you can get started when the time is right too.

That poor sheep is the most sinister symbol of all, in spite of it's classical origins.

Is there anything left to dig?

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1a688a  No.8713088



get back to us after you've met my good friend Karma.

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379c4f  No.8713089

File: f12a5ab449805b1⋯.png (143.66 KB, 320x180, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

Bolton joins calls for WHO director’s resignation: ‘Accomplice to China’s massive coverup’


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80da27  No.8713090


not quite faggot. ^^^^^^^ a fucking sick of shills worshipper

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f1438f  No.8713091

DOJ News Release 04/03/2020: Office of Justice Programs Announces More Than $55 Million Available To Fight Human Trafficking and Help Trafficking Victims


Document: https://www.ojp.gov/sites/g/files/xyckuh241/files/media/document/ojp-news-04032020.pdf

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c76a3a  No.8713092

Hello cattle

Are you enjoying your quarantine? Be good little sheep. Don't bleat too hard.

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c40607  No.8713093

To All Patriots in Harms Way

We Pray for You

We Are With You

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c3115c  No.8713094

steinbart seems fine to me…

"steinbart stated he received his orders from messages that were sent from himself in the future.

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8b50b8  No.8713095

File: ba6ecf3046a5952⋯.png (454.31 KB, 589x448, 589:448, Patience_Grasshopper.png)


Ye of little faith.

Do you not trust the plan?

Trust POTUS.

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79e63a  No.8713096

File: bf4586f94f5d4ec⋯.jpeg (482.15 KB, 828x1422, 46:79, 1347724D_AD0E_4C4F_BC6F_E….jpeg)


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fe2c06  No.8713097

File: 2507f415a7a5ca2⋯.png (221.92 KB, 1570x516, 785:258, 2020_04_05_00_12_29edt.png)

File: ce6f495992ff5bb⋯.png (273.06 KB, 731x372, 731:372, 2020_04_04_22_53_45edt.png)

File: 835eb3cffdb7154⋯.jpg (277.36 KB, 500x373, 500:373, drummerhoff.jpg)

File: bb18bfe4efd34aa⋯.png (17.26 KB, 620x132, 155:33, 2020_04_04_22_28_40edt.png)

File: 1a79c1bfff66305⋯.png (25.56 KB, 612x167, 612:167, 2020_04_04_22_27_13edt.png)


Resolute desk mentioned by POTUS during presser, prior to "the picture will be the signifier, think mirror, 666" reflection April 3 schedule pic being posted.

The Drummer Hoff children's book was posted on 8kun at least 3 times over a period of 2 days trying like hell to get anons' attention. The finally got my attention and I started backtracing all of their posts in #11099 and #11100 which is what led me to find the April 3rd POTUS schedule reflection image and a pile of other related posts by the same ID in #11100.

I'll explain what "Drummer Hoff" means in next post.

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c76a3a  No.8713098


Imagine being this deluded. Are you a new type of shill?

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7d4d23  No.8713099

File: c3077a9e87caea5⋯.png (357.41 KB, 466x960, 233:480, ClipboardImage.png)

Is this a date typo or did the DEMS show their hand early and accidentally?

From JAN 2017?

Needs eyes on.


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0801dd  No.8713100


>Current Operations

>>>8137311 Call For Graphics: Romania, PapaD, Energy, Levant, Cyprus

"Current" = february. all dead links

Board Admin & Discussion Threads

>>6064510 ——— META (for board admin queries)


>>6885294 the board for beginners


International Q Research Threads

Germany #47 >>8609800

UK #12 >>8574141

Australia #7 >>7994433

Canada #5 >>8085053

New Zealand #4 >>8242350

Nederland #3 >>7227517

France >>8331823

South Africa >>8033191

Romania >>8137179

Nordic >>5290557

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12c625  No.8713101

File: 2576cd6fc284942⋯.jpg (8.26 KB, 310x163, 310:163, queen_and_price_andrew.jpg)

File: 83077db61db3128⋯.png (45.4 KB, 1121x547, 1121:547, child_evacuations.png)

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182597  No.8713102

File: 59c52b18c3724f5⋯.jpeg (125.15 KB, 598x877, 598:877, D309B2E9_D306_432E_B7CA_9….jpeg)


Sry. I imagine MSM fucks like CNN asking such questions here and using that minimal data to malign this place. Stupid concern on my part as they already do that.

The attempt for vaccine against MERS and SARS was not successful. What makes Gates think he can do one for COVID-19?

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37ffe2  No.8713103




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7d4d23  No.8713104


It says in the docs he took pics of a laptop with patient data on it and then used the pics to extort.

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75c120  No.8713105


They use antibody test.

Patient has ABs = good for serum

No ABs = Never had and/or no good for serum

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8fa7c2  No.8713106

Has Hulk Hogan been lurking? → “Maybe we need to take this time of isolation from the distractions of the world and have a personal revival where we focus on the ONLY thing in the world that really matters. Jesus.”


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548208  No.8713107


Things are great here. Working remotely. No sitting in traffic and I get more time to ride my bike and spend with my family.

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4242ad  No.8713108


Nice catch.


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182597  No.8713109

File: 49cbd0b077b099d⋯.jpeg (106.01 KB, 605x403, 605:403, 3C177A22_A140_4D34_822E_2….jpeg)


Comfy here.

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50ec23  No.8713110


Fuck this "doctor", Fuck big Pharma.

You're not sticking a needle in me under the pretext of a vaccine for a virus that spawned lies and more lies.

Think of it: 100 million people dropped dead from Spanish flu–in a world where there was maybe a billion people, if that.

Here, we're sold a pandemic virus that doesn't even approach 25% of the average flu deaths every year in this country, like snake oil.

Nobody's dropping dead, are they?

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d151e4  No.8713111


Every Death caused by not trying this drug regiment shold be added to FAUCI's negligent homicide class action lawsuit

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c359d7  No.8713112

File: 3d15d8345dc3aa0⋯.jpg (246.69 KB, 1281x772, 1281:772, CNN_CLAIMS_Q_IS_A_TROLL_IN….jpg)

File: 5595efd3e4b0cc9⋯.jpg (157.18 KB, 1079x575, 1079:575, FBI_terrorist.jpg)


>USA vs Austin Steinbart

IS "USA vs Austin Steinbart" another FAKE Qanon set-up to poison the Great Awakening?

Why didn't the FBI arrest him on the spot for impersonating a federal DIA agent? They do this all the time in order to leverage (under threat of a felony process "crime") unstable people (1000's) and force them into serving as informants and/or pawns for nefarious operations. IS this another FBI "let's set up another idiot as a "lone terrorist" Op?

WATCH: Trevor Aaronson: How this FBI strategy is actually creating US-based terrorists


It would be interesting to see if the FBI agents who visited Austin were out of the same office that wrote up that FBI warning brief about Qanon (May 2019?)

Note: I am not suggesting that the documents are FAKE, but rather when the shit hits the fan and anons report its "happening", the media will point to this guy as "Qanon" and say its just some crazy Jim Carey wannabe schizo who has been doing all this in his parents basement for the past 3 years.

FAKE NEWS will be like "Nothing to see here move along"

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51d5ee  No.8713113

File: 0e8323ebd8572c8⋯.png (182.87 KB, 1786x874, 47:23, Screen_Shot_2020_04_08_at_….png)

Looking good on the economic front this week.

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513df1  No.8713114

File: 5a0f6af87604acf⋯.jpg (1.14 MB, 1200x1200, 1:1, austinsalad.jpg)

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7ca4a6  No.8713115


this is bad code that fucks with the dough


fuck off

bakers beware

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b704b0  No.8713116


He even got the WWG1WGA tag wrong.

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e5cd85  No.8713118





Why do my recent posts never show up? Fuckery afoot… I will try to rewrite this from memory. Sorry if it shows up again later.

Pell was set up. I posted about this months ago and it was in Notables, but now I'll never be able to find it. If he's abruptly been set free, to me that means Our Guys are at work, regardless of whatever Pope Francis says or doesn't say.

"By October 2016, two years into his term as prefect of the Vatican’s Secretariat for the Economy, Cardinal George Pell had become aware of a Vatican dicastery handling large amounts of unregistered cash in offshore accounts.

"But nearly three years later the questions raised by Cardinal Pell about the management of Administration of the Patrimony of the Holy See (APSA), the dicastery which handles the Vatican’s real estate and financial assets, have seemingly gone unanswered. Pell had identified money laundering and fraud risks related to the APSA’s use of foreign bank accounts and had questioned particular asset and real estate transactions.

"Keen to move swiftly ahead with Pope Francis’ mandate to root out mismanagement and possible corruption in Vatican financial operations, the cardinal prefect contacted Australian banking friends in London in 2016 to find out more. They estimated that possibly as much as €100 million could be held in these accounts, primarily in the branches of two private banks located in Lugano, Switzerland.

"Cardinal Pell responded by saying he would ask a Swiss law firm to first collect bank statements going back 10 years of one of these accounts, and to have the Vatican’s auditor general, Libero Milone, a former partner with Deloitte, a multinational financial auditing and consultancy firm, inspect them. To do this, Pell had to ask in writing for Pope Francis’ permission, which the Holy Father duly gave him with a simple signature.

"Yet the bank statements never made it to Cardinal Pell or Milone — both of whom subsequently departed from their Vatican positions. An alleged sexual abuse scandal overshadowed the cardinal, and a barrage of accusations besieged Milone but a year later Vatican officials exonerated the auditor following an internal investigation that failed to produce evidence to support the accusations."



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1b9859  No.8713119

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Everyone that ain't as woke as you is a paytriot, right? All those twitter users, anyone who peddles t-shirts on the side, etc, right?

He says he wasn't a believer but has become one.

Tear it up Lionel!

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9e1373  No.8713120

File: e50a2616836c0ed⋯.png (14.12 KB, 2140x284, 535:71, DHRTCOIN1.png)


I think you may have overdosed on too many of the Q but you will be alright promise :D

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57c8d8  No.8713121

File: 1503b144aa74bdc⋯.jpg (57.51 KB, 608x499, 608:499, 3vpe2g.jpg)

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d89545  No.8713122


>The reflection of the stars in the flag is wrong.

>There is a white ‘Window’ in front of Dan’s face in the reflection instead of Trump’s head.

Nope. @POTUS' head isn't visible because the reflection is only of the top (bright) half on window and just a foot or so of the lower, darker part of window that is darker because of the trees beyond. @POTUS's head reflection is actually lower than the dark part of the window and is covered by Dan's left forearm.

>The reflection of ‘whoever it is’ has a head and collar in the reflection but only their back above.

No. Just because the camera doesn't "catch" the man's head doesn't mean that the table CAN'T reflect it.

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fe2c06  No.8713123

File: 735ccf4c1091873⋯.png (242.03 KB, 1722x504, 41:12, 2020_04_05_01_08_17edt.png)

File: c186f72e7be2178⋯.png (240.19 KB, 780x592, 195:148, 2020_04_05_01_09_22edt.png)

File: d0f78a452c5db28⋯.png (277.64 KB, 723x368, 723:368, 2020_04_05_01_41_23edt.png)

File: c552039cfa7015f⋯.png (211.23 KB, 717x465, 239:155, 2020_04_05_01_41_35edt.png)

File: 0f9047358a150b3⋯.png (288.11 KB, 879x468, 293:156, 2020_04_05_01_42_12edt.png)

Who do you think is giving us this info using "Drummer Hoff" to get our attention? I suspect Q team. (Actually I suspect POTUS himself.)

It was Ivanka's tweet about an R&B legend with the image of SOULTRAIN that looks like SoULTrAin (SULTAN) that the poster is referring to. SULTAN → the name of the cannon in Drummer Hoff children's book that fires off a big explosion.

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7d4d23  No.8713124

File: af605f2aed8d447⋯.png (1.84 MB, 1908x1146, 318:191, ClipboardImage.png)


Sorry 2019

BIden'd again

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ccaf11  No.8713125

File: 1dc69b9ddf3f118⋯.jpg (33.36 KB, 704x591, 704:591, Wut_I_dont_belong.jpg)


Did you read what the charges were for?

Basically extortion (ransomware style).

Yeah sure something that simplistic would be needed.



>good friend Karma.

Karma for what exactly Linda?

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379c4f  No.8713126

File: b211feb8973c92a⋯.png (155.91 KB, 320x180, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

Take it for what it's worth.

Dr. Saphier says new models showing less coronavirus deaths suggest social distancing works


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0801dd  No.8713127


>bad code that fucks with the dough

wtf, code? that's not code, that's suggested corrections

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79e63a  No.8713128


I dunno, I imagine start planning for a post cabAl and clown future.

It will be quite the world without [theM].

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5b4f83  No.8713129

White House Press Secretary Stephanie Grisham Reportedly Out, Set to Return to East Wing

White House Press Secretary Stephanie Grisham is leaving the job and becoming First Lady Melania Trump's chief of staff, said a CNN report on Tuesday. New White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows is shaking up the communications team and considering several candidates for press secretary, including Trump campaign spokesman Kayleigh McEnany, the report added. President Donald Trump has been acting as his own press secretary, conducting daily coronavirus briefings. Grisham has never briefed the press.


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182597  No.8713130


Where will Scooby and Shaggy be? Front and center I’m hoping.

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c76a3a  No.8713131


Oh yes, that's exactly what is happening with no proof whatsoever.

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7d4d23  No.8713132


That's a Bowl, not a Mug.


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02be4b  No.8713133


For over 30 years Bill Gates failed to protect Windows® against virus attacks, why should I trust him with my body against this virus?

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cc4350  No.8713134

File: 8ce772086a1d32b⋯.png (529.4 KB, 1080x669, 360:223, Screenshot_20200403_195304….png)

File: f87740981146f77⋯.png (435.32 KB, 1080x1073, 1080:1073, Screenshot_20200403_125542….png)

File: 1fad953791ebb1a⋯.png (1.38 MB, 1080x1589, 1080:1589, Screenshot_20200403_031819….png)


Thanks. I try.


And thanks to you too!

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4242ad  No.8713135

File: 553c1de34c99219⋯.png (22.38 KB, 1152x346, 576:173, ClipboardImage.png)

This was shared on QRV today.

Was a tremendous blessing to me.

Hope it brings you "Comfort" and "Mercy" as well.

In Jesus name,



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dbf0d4  No.8713136

File: b5170173c8b3764⋯.jpg (10.24 KB, 244x206, 122:103, download.jpg)


Having a good time.

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124df5  No.8713137


it would be interesting to watch the TDS reaction. would it be truly dionysian and would certain actors do revealing things garnering additional charges?

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9a258e  No.8713138

File: 1949a58845644fa⋯.png (134.52 KB, 888x764, 222:191, ClipboardImage.png)



top of the comments

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0db26d  No.8713139

File: 7d99e37f5b188cb⋯.png (842.85 KB, 1440x2880, 1:2, Screenshot_20200407_092523.png)


P 1/11 of FBI agent statement.

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f1438f  No.8713140

File: 40c1f62bcb4e07a⋯.pdf (265.32 KB, ojp_news_04032020.pdf)

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705dd5  No.8713141

File: 6bf3bec15fc0dca⋯.png (47.27 KB, 686x757, 686:757, george_pell_article.png)

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39cfdb  No.8713142

File: 4bcf8589fdba041⋯.jpeg (402.54 KB, 910x512, 455:256, 740592EF_1A80_4CCC_A1AE_6….jpeg)

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124df5  No.8713143


how much did he try to get out of Hilary?

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a0b0a6  No.8713144


Ditto! I worked from home anyway and am a homebody. All my friends and fam are enjoying this mental reset.

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fe2c06  No.8713145

File: 497686fbdc1bffb⋯.png (158.17 KB, 639x366, 213:122, 2020_04_05_01_41_58edt.png)

File: 8c3851adc3d8a2e⋯.png (331.66 KB, 1675x511, 1675:511, 2020_04_05_01_45_56edt.png)

File: da0ee5ee2f2bbdc⋯.png (95.36 KB, 1180x477, 1180:477, 2020_04_05_01_54_43edt.png)

File: da0ee5ee2f2bbdc⋯.png (95.36 KB, 1180x477, 1180:477, 2020_04_05_01_54_43edt.png)




Then to make sure we noticed the word "SULTAN" they posted a youtube link to the "Sultans of Swing".

They posted Q crumb #137 about Rothschild owning 166 of the world's central banks with a comment about Rothschilds generational wealth that buys power.

Anons connecting the dots?

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18d5e9  No.8713146

File: 4e514765e7ab863⋯.jpg (843.25 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20200407_092727….jpg)

File: b93668b5adc9240⋯.jpg (1.01 MB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20200407_092738….jpg)


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d1664e  No.8713147


How 'bout a nice little talk with USSS?

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d89545  No.8713148


True. No patriot EVER gets that tag wrong. I honor it enough to check it twice or even three times before I post it.

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7bb39f  No.8713150

File: 1611f75dbc475d8⋯.jpg (1.08 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, Screenshot_20200408_003216….jpg)


Life is sweet.

We knew this day would come.

I can sense the turmoil in your heart.

You don't believe the things you say.

Soon you will understand that you were only hurting yourself.

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c49f7a  No.8713151

File: fdf69ffe468ffd2⋯.jpg (50.87 KB, 567x440, 567:440, 1.jpg)

File: 7f2dc16556ed17a⋯.png (105.4 KB, 308x370, 154:185, 2.png)

File: ff7906c7c160194⋯.png (239.64 KB, 421x500, 421:500, 3.png)

File: ff45776386b06b9⋯.png (1.17 MB, 1298x1364, 59:62, 4.png)

File: 4228b88592a94be⋯.png (140.49 KB, 551x492, 551:492, 5.png)

A horse is a horse of course of course

And no one can talk to a horse of course.

That is of course unless the horse

Is the CEO of JewTube!

Go right to the source and ask the horse

She'll prove she's the source of all remorse

She's always on a downward course

Neigh for the CEO of JewTube!

Jews pilpul like homeless freaks

and waste your time of day

But Susie won't throttle your views

Unless she wants shekels today

A horse is a horse, of course, of course

And this one'll lie 'til her voice is hoarse

You never heard of a talking horse?

I am the CEO of JewTube!

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99e503  No.8713153

Anyone have sauce handy on Fauci being positive about hydrochloroquine for MERS back when that happened?

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cc4350  No.8713155


You should make the pics png/jpg so they don't disappear after the bread is archived. Just saying. There's a reason there's a reminder at the top of every SINGLE bread.

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bcea9e  No.8713156

So today marks 10 days since Q last posted.

Will Q return tomorrow (the first day of Passover) to post?

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1d8663  No.8713157


This tells me the virus was overblown and cholorquine/zpack is very effective. They can take their social distancing and shove it up their ass. We are a social animal and will remain so.

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1b9859  No.8713158


Not as wealthy as he said, took a public defender.

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fe2c06  No.8713159


>>8713129 White House Press Secretary Stephanie Grisham Reportedly Out, Set to Return to East Wing; new chief of staff Meadows considering McEnany for press sec

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d1664e  No.8713160


Quarantine? There's no quarantine. I can leave my house whenever I want!

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ccaf11  No.8713161

File: ba2fecdda11bcf6⋯.jpg (132.21 KB, 992x1264, 62:79, pVM0SLKLsE.jpg)

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5a1080  No.8713162

Been working on the video list. I had to refresh browser so I might be a different ID, not sure how that exactly works. I've decided to say, fuck it, going all in on the Q stuff. I'm an optimist after all, but I'm not gonna date fag about the corona. Still need videos or something to go after this that gets into the satanic aspect of everything. I'm not as knowledgeable on the specific times Q has gone over the satanists so I'd appreciate any help on that front.

Thank you all, and God bless.

This Video Will Get Donald Trump Elected - https://youtu.be/G2qIXXafxCQ

If I were the Devil - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4LWPcEo2gV0

Confessions of a KGB agent - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rB8dxgFI0vg&

Local news stations aren't safe - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ksb3KD6DfSI&

AOC criminal pres - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TJlpS4vhKP0

Trump Inauguration Speech / NWO Quotes - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X_xN0u2d7AI&

Q - A Plan to save the World - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6cYZ8dUgPuU

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fe2c06  No.8713163

File: 4520d7199314ca3⋯.png (119.82 KB, 370x1113, 370:1113, 4520d7199314ca35eedaa1d817….png)


Rothschild central banks cap meant to attach to >>8713145

(chan is funky this morning)

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f766bd  No.8713164

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Black american splices together important parts of POTUS' and other videos. Simplifies illuminati for the everyday Joe

Qanon is right! Proof Donald Trump is Exposing the ILLUMINATI and has been warning us for years


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b93a50  No.8713165

File: ef3cca4a76151a9⋯.png (230.41 KB, 452x549, 452:549, Ted_Cruz_China_Media_Propa….png)

File: 7d66ee63bb17654⋯.png (44.81 KB, 258x465, 86:155, Ted_Cruz_China_Media_Propa….png)

File: 8cc6ea03d86ae26⋯.png (250.57 KB, 521x639, 521:639, Ted_Cruz_China_Media_Propa….png)

Ted Cruz


Phoenix TV has been waging information warfare in the US for yrs. They are nominally private but actually state owned. In 2018 I led effort to block them from using cutouts to spread propaganda. MSM should NEVER have given them seat at WH press conference.

11:54 PM · Apr 6, 2020·Twitter for iPhone


Article referenced in TC Twat:


Thread Reader App (TC 8 comments related to China media propaganda twat)

2/x From my letter to the FCC: “H&H Capital assists PRC companies with finding strategic investors from around the globe” and “work[s] with Chinese companies interested in buying U.S. companies or the Chinese rights to U.S. brands.”

3/x “…It was founded by Ms. Huo, who is described on the website as ‘native of Beijing’ who ‘has conducted in-depth research and analysis of major financial, legal, and business news including… key legal issues facing Chinese state-owned enterprises, among other topics.’”

4/x “…Radio Free Asia recently reported that Ms. Huo worked in NY as a correspondent for Global Times, which is owned by the People’s Daily, an official newspaper of the CPC, registered under the Foreign Agents Registration Act.”

5/x “…Phoenix Satellite TV US is a subsidiary of Beijing Phoenix TV, based in Hong Kong. The People’s Republic of China (PRC) exerts control over Chinese media and the control extends to Phoenix: in 2009 testimony to the US Economic & Security Review Commission on China…”

6/x “…Anne Marie-Brady…at Wilson Center said ‘Phoenix is nominally privately-owned; however its current main investor is the State-owned enterprise China Mobile.’ In 2016…Phoenix BROADCAST THE FORCED CONFESSIONS of 5 Hong Kong booksellers for violating PRC censorship law.”

7/x Here’s the text of the full letter: cruz.senate.gov/files/document…

8/x So to recap, the WH Correspondents Assoc gave a seat at the WH press briefing to an employee of the Chinese Communist govt, to ask globally televised Qs to POTUS, at the same time China is waging a propaganda campaign to hide their culpability & coverup of the Wuhan virus?!?


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e9a161  No.8713166

Leonard 'Nipper' Read dies - he was the detective who caught the Kray twins

The Met police officer was the man who lead the team of detectives who finally put Ronnie and Reggie Kray behind bars

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a1cfca  No.8713167

File: 95f94fca811dcf6⋯.jpg (90.43 KB, 979x1430, 89:130, Chuck_Norris_2.jpg)



>I want to know who swabbed its nose!

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d89545  No.8713168


Nice try but the actual numbers are beyond Fauci and Birx's most hopeful predictions. Remember how thoroughly @POTUS grilled them on the the lower range of their projections?

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3e2af4  No.8713169

File: 4ca88b5286938e5⋯.png (5.72 MB, 2166x1359, 722:453, 4ca88b5286938e5a1156947598….png)


last night we were digging into wikileaks emails and various Q stringers possibly referring back to specific emails.

I'm still not convinced that there's something to it, you can see for yourself in this post:


But more importantly, SPOOPYanon comes in and drops some spoiler image and some blacked out text.

They linked to various posts about HRC and her apparent threat against potus on twat yesterday.

here is that post:


The image was pic related.

A few anons quickly realized that the data in the image was base64 and needed to be transcribed and decrypted.

In doing so for the first few lines this is the output:

>A specter is haunting the modern world, the specter of crypto anarchy.

What makes this intriguing is that in October 2016 there was a push of data to the blockchain that coincided with the arrest of Julian Assange at the embassy in London.

That data stated:


Hash: SHA512

fools rush in where angels fear to tread.





iQIcBAEBCgAGBQJYCbq7AAoJEM3lTKOOnkanngkP/i39oLudJmpJZSQIUAzAuVLr 2lY212qOKoNtHrnbBf2AaFqYUU0+Ln1799gxFvEQfL8GPiGlcBIVgh8G1Q1roFMC Ll0W6g+dFwokMMG5HH7guVuMRQ/HaLh3Mj67p4f5SIGngWVmuGzG2if8mxFrHhjy 20AsRAU/5jVXqkHR/d+1V9xwLQvawxDnJU/vMzA3oKb3ObLfgS+oj+AuybVeI93I 0iMfGug95KIvVImAL5YYzWMm3gHG7UDy1wI9VOVP7RfIImePLJTzK0/P23wATGse 1aQMKx6axBvuqAjf4ZL8cyXn1yZnwM/FhE1MvrsAx2G6X3E4+PWgWjJEK0JWPOT8 vcVkZgSAgLACiiMbfY2ZBX2jCK42nqttn0zofYhyRdU0wUGRalCDRfaof4TW+XkN 1PtRbxCnxgv1PSqnI7dizwoQO6nxWRW/ZzBRamOKTeu9G4pSlCgCdZsUEgHFlvKL 9F2wH6ATohpbdQAkHuCLxq1L

gpg: Signature made Fri 21 Oct 2016 02:50:35 AM EDT using RSA key ID 8E9E46A7

gpg: WARNING: signature digest conflict in message

gpg: Can't check signature: general error


CONSENSUS OMNIUM // 36414 814 814 44930 6 6 0000 0000

Spoopy indeed. This is immutably posted to the bitcoin blockchain and is forever resilient to censorship. The date of the PGP key generation lines up exactly with the police presence at the embassy in London in 10/2016.

A few important points about this transaction is that it is an unclaimed pgp signature. If someone wanted to prove that they are who they are from 2016, cryptographically, all they have to do is claim the PGP signature with the private keys.

The data goes on to post a simble base64 string and decrypt it within a linux terminal line.


That string was the last one of the pgp message above.

The string decrypts to:

>CONSENSUS OMNIUM // 36414 814 814 44930 6 6 0000 0000

Notice the encrypted string starts with a Q and ends with DAK (Day Assange Kill, which also lined up exactly with the police presence at the embassy).

The decrypted string "consensus omnium" means, essentially, "the consensus of all" or "the agreement of all."

or: The "Collectivized intent of all."

We know that the wikileaks insurance files are rumored to hold much incriminating data and rumors of insta-kill and insta-delete of the internet connections and data of anyone who spread the keys or data within.

Considering what is being revealed about the Vanderbilt Railroad Cult, including adrenochrome use, trafficking and corruption/blackmail control by the royal families of Europe…

Can you imagine whats within those insurance files?

I'm trying to provide context to what's to follow:

What revs up my nipples is that the use of base64 falls within the modus operandi of this bitcoin transaction that is LOOSELY correlated with the time-frame when we were digging the shit out of wikileaks, JA, and the insurance files.

It falls within the 'meta.'

Knowing what we know now about comms between power players, I certainly think this could possibly be related to that 2016 bitcoin data, and considering we're on the eve of JA entering stage left…

So anyways: Decrypting the image data, it appears to be The Crypto Anarchist Manifesto written by Timothy C May. I'll post it in my next post.

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536e83  No.8713170


Looks like he has been spewing this crap for a while.

Macrobius Theodosius

August 28, 2018 at 12:42 PM

Possible BIOGRAPHIC STATEMENT of possible source RIBCAGE: [[ https://twitter.com/austinsteinbart?lang=en ]]

My name is AUSTIN STEINBART. I have been working undercover for nearly a decade trying to figure out what happened to my family. My company, STEINBART MERCHANT TECHNOLOGIES, specializes in IT subcontracting for big restaurants, big hotels, grocery stores, and government agencies. Given the unique access that my job affords me, I have been able to effectively infiltrate and "peek behind the curtain." I now believe that I have figured out what happened - And it's quite frightening!

Compelling evidence suggests that the VAST majority of the drug and human trafficking (in the entire USA) can be traced back to a single source - and is coming in/out through the airspace of the Yuma corridor.

I have infiltrated every level of the syndicate, and have a wide range of (very sensitive) sources including but not limited to:

1. Phoenix and Tucson City Officials

2. Apache Tribe Officials

3. Navy Pilots and Crew Chiefs

4. Street Level Narcos in PHX, YUMA & SONORA

5. Mexican Federal Police in Sonora

6. Girls who were trafficked

7. Boys who were abused by priests

8. Defense Industry Executives

9. Prison Guards

10.Border Patrol Agents

As you might imagine, I am currently quite skeptical of my government. My state is rife with corruption (at every level). Even the police and the judges are corrupt. There seems to be no-one that I can trust. Also am quite certain that this ruthless organization has unfettered access to US Navy Signals Intelligence, and that my communications are being closely monitored.

Furthermore, as I have inched closer and closer to the truth, I have been increasingly menaced and threatened. I have been advised to "mind my own god-damn business if I know what�s best for my family." My dogs have caught intruders creeping around in our backyard several times. On a hike with my partner SARA last weekend, we encountered an unidentified Mexican national (with a neck tattoo) holding a hammer (for no obvious reason) that greeted us along the trail and then winked at me as we walked away (when SARA wasn�t looking). A 6-inch nail was left on my front porch yesterday.

At this point, SARA is absolutely petrified. She has been begging me for months to drop this and move on. But at this point, I feel that we are in too deep, and our only hope is to pass the baton. We are being aggressively closed in upon, and we are both at our whit�s end.

It is my sincere hope that I have made the right decision entrusting you with this information.

Good Luck and Godspeed,


[See Enclosed Documents]


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7ca4a6  No.8713171


that's the problem

they've forced you to make a judgement on a trumped up mind fuck pandemic

that's where detachment is needed

just consider that

the science on tx is not all in yet

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18e747  No.8713172

File: f2b4cd0a3966e98⋯.png (902.94 KB, 1600x900, 16:9, idk.png)

Bill Gates is a Liar and a Traitor

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5b4f83  No.8713173

File: 58ff72474a3cf45⋯.png (214.98 KB, 1091x591, 1091:591, WING53_C_560_from_Cheyenne….PNG)

File: 661d4d2780a5516⋯.png (729.98 KB, 909x504, 101:56, dick_cheney.PNG)

WING53 C-560 from Cheyenne Regional Airport se this came from JB Lewis-McCord yesterday and started Dobbins with ground stops in Alexandria, LA. Grand Junction Colorado, and JB Lewis-McCord before landing at Cheyenne

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9ecd75  No.8713174

File: 595b84e9fa1651b⋯.jpg (112.66 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, vghu.jpg)

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4242ad  No.8713175


I know the free spreading and reporting of the facts are their destruction. It brings light to their crimes.

If a network allows for another way of quickly sharing these fact in video or other multi media form.

Seems like that might be a positive for the freedom fighting Patriot.

I mean look at the people that are taking action to remove them. Deep state CLOWNS, C_A, operators.

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a072f4  No.8713176

File: 3830020d1d8a773⋯.png (366.72 KB, 586x1354, 293:677, davicke1.png)



heck cooper did not know that much either

much of his shit was simple deduction and research into other religions etc. which most people are unwilling to do.

and they are/were both suckers for the protocols

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c522ab  No.8713177

File: 6f81571e9402e1b⋯.png (1.35 MB, 1200x925, 48:37, as.png)

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379c4f  No.8713178

File: 7dcbf4a3ce4ed1b⋯.png (122.81 KB, 320x180, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

Coronavirus cases in children largely less severe than adults, CDC reports


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1d8663  No.8713179

File: 957f0656e4c4c7f⋯.png (732.03 KB, 711x696, 237:232, Screenshot_2020_04_07_Repo….png)


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182597  No.8713180

File: 5d5e94ccd75c19d⋯.png (365.08 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, C74A05E3_073E_4A26_8CD0_CF….png)

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8fa7c2  No.8713181


"Michigan Democratic lawmaker says hydroxychloroquine saved her life"


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4d9549  No.8713182

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Italian living in Bangkok Thailand gets thrown out of Luxury Condo and forced into Immigration Detention Center. You do NOT want to be an Italian living in Asia with violence and attacks leading to confinement. These are people that do NOT have the Covid19 and have been in Thailand for months or years.

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da2838  No.8713184


He deserves a jab of oxygen in his neck.

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aa73aa  No.8713185


That would make him the antichrist.

Revelation 13:3 (NIV)

3 One of the heads of the beast seemed to have had a fatal wound, but the fatal wound had been healed. The whole world was astonished and followed the beast.

A fatal head wound will permanently damage his arm and right eye. According to Zechariah 11:16, the Antichrist's arm will be completely withered and his right eye totally blinded.

This story will broadcast around the world. It will be beyond belief. It will challenge your faith. And if you are not prepared, it will cause you to doubt everything the Bible teaches about Jesus Christ. The Antichrist will receive a very literal deathblow to his head and then he will be miraculously brought back to life.

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f05464  No.8713186

I'm not going to vote in November unless "the plan" comes out of the shadows and into the daily news cycle.

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39cfdb  No.8713187


>Are you ready to see arrests?

Yep, as long as they ain’t Patriots

>Are you ready to see PAIN?

Yep, as long as the PAIN is felt by the guilty not the innocent

>Are you ready to be part of history?

Yep, as long as that doesn’t mean I’m dead

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18e747  No.8713188

File: 62dfe091ce1da32⋯.png (1.01 MB, 1600x900, 16:9, idk2.png)


Bill Gates is a Liar and a Traitor

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c76a3a  No.8713189


See the 3 faggots above who pretended they like being locked up in their houses?

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d89545  No.8713190

Why does Tom Hanks keep telling me that the "Gate is Bad" when I try and post? Secret comms?

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12c625  No.8713191

Foxnews reporting that Grisham leaving role as White House press secretary to take position to become Melania's Chief of Staff.


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dbf0d4  No.8713192

File: 5144d6ecda5952f⋯.png (44.34 KB, 198x254, 99:127, 101st_Airborne_Division_CS….png)

Friday is the 101st day of this year.

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a072f4  No.8713193

File: 21eb934a9abee02⋯.gif (230.68 KB, 768x1183, 768:1183, 1.gif)

File: 417a229761e8956⋯.png (250.86 KB, 836x1902, 418:951, Q_1950_VATICAN_HOLY_SEE.png)

File: 3e4537788cafb81⋯.png (256.96 KB, 760x1145, 152:229, Q_1002_VATICAN_VIPER_NSA.png)

File: 186aa0beeff96f2⋯.png (561.41 KB, 1720x2532, 430:633, Q_154n911ceyea.png)


and off goes another head!

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be215e  No.8713194

Dear Qteam, you are brilliant.

who needs the SC to kill abortion?

Mask Supplier Refuses to Fill Abortion Clinic’s Order Because Masks are for “Health Professionals”


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c7283b  No.8713195


Would be the perfect trap let alone how fucking biblical that move would be

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37ffe2  No.8713196

I wish POTUS would quit playing along with these assholes. This movie has turned into a never ending story.

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4ca706  No.8713197





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3e2af4  No.8713198



Below is the message encrypted using base64 in the image of op.

A specter is haunting the modern world, the specter of crypto anarchy.

Computer technology is on the verge of providing the ability for individuals and groups to communicate and interact with each other in a totally anonymous manner. Two persons may exchange messages, conduct business, and negotiate electronic contracts without ever knowing the True Name, or legal identity, of the other. Interactions over networks will be untraceable, via extensive re-routing of encrypted packets and tamper-proof boxes which implement cryptographic protocols with nearly perfect assurance against any tampering. Reputations will be of central importance, far more important in dealings than even the credit ratings of today. These developments will alter completely the nature of government regulation, the ability to tax and control economic interactions, the ability to keep information secret, and will even alter the nature of trust and reputation.

The technology for this revolution–and it surely will be both a social and economic revolution–has existed in theory for the past decade. The methods are based upon public-key encryption, zero-knowledge interactive proof systems, and various software protocols for interaction, authentication, and verification. The focus has until now been on academic conferences in Europe and the U.S., conferences monitored closely by the National Security Agency. But only recently have computer networks and personal computers attained sufficient speed to make the ideas practically realizable. And the next ten years will bring enough additional speed to make the ideas economically feasible and essentially unstoppable. High-speed networks, ISDN, tamper-proof boxes, smart cards, satellites, Ku-band transmitters, multi-MIPS personal computers, and encryption chips now under development will be some of the enabling technologies.

The State will of course try to slow or halt the spread of this technology, citing national security concerns, use of the technology by drug dealers and tax evaders, and fears of societal disintegration. Many of these concerns will be valid; crypto anarchy will allow national secrets to be trade freely and will allow illicit and stolen materials to be traded. An anonymous computerized market will even make possible abhorrent markets for assassinations and extortion. Various criminal and foreign elements will be active users of CryptoNet. But this will not halt the spread of crypto anarchy.

Just as the technology of printing altered and reduced the power of medieval guilds and the social power structure, so too will cryptologic methods fundamentally alter the nature of corporations and of government interference in economic transactions. Combined with emerging information markets, crypto anarchy will create a liquid market for any and all material which can be put into words and pictures. And just as a seemingly minor invention like barbed wire made possible the fencing-off of vast ranches and farms, thus altering forever the concepts of land and property rights in the frontier West, so too will the seemingly minor discovery out of an arcane branch of mathematics come to be the wire clippers which dismantle the barbed wire around intellectual property.

Arise, you have nothing to lose but your barbed wire fences!

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fce2b5  No.8713199

So who do we think Austin was then? Former FBI? He WAS photographed with McStain…

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ae3761  No.8713200


>For over 30 years Bill Gates failed to protect Windows® against virus attacks, why should I trust him with my body against this virus?

Better argument: Bill Gates refused to vaccinate his own children.

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0b8626  No.8713202

File: 2ab28888b537e87⋯.jpg (17.83 KB, 255x160, 51:32, nevergobacktosheep.jpg)

File: 7716a6fd0367325⋯.jpg (22.05 KB, 255x255, 1:1, nobrakes.jpg)

File: 5e6f2bf84d43650⋯.jpg (13.32 KB, 170x255, 2:3, patience.jpg)

File: 8db4e02d08cc237⋯.jpg (107.99 KB, 1200x660, 20:11, peaceistheprize_yaygrens.jpg)

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c3d0b2  No.8713203


Got a IRL issue developing need to go if possible asap


>>8712848, >>8712869, >>8712968, >>8712973, >>8713060, >>8713097, >>8713096 President Trump and CO Tweets News and Decodes

>>8712835, >>8712857, >>8712860, >>8712883, >>8712992, >>8712998, >>8713019, >>8713033, >>8713034 Planefag reports

>>8713047 US Marshall Tweet

>>8712840, >>8712846, >>8712874, >>8712889, >>8712906, >>8712896, >>8712911,

>>8712946, >>8712979, >>8713058, >>8713099 Chinese Virus Reports

>>8712789, >>8712805, >>8712960 Q Drop Decodes and discussions

>>8712825, >>8713113 Financefag reports

>>8712823 pope blames pell's victims

>>8712829, >>8712818, >>8712978, >>8713054 Austin Steinbart "Dude It's a Cell!"

>>8712879 Multi Plus Finance

>>8712938 London Pics Moar !

>>8712949, >>8712972, >>8713101 Noteable people (Bad Guys Mostly) /Arrests/ Announcements/Deaths

>>8713086 fake news OFF THE RAILS!

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e9a161  No.8713205



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c76a3a  No.8713206


The plan is the deep state's cock in your ass. Have you seen any progress to stop it?

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045b22  No.8713207


The favorite method of killing for the JOO is via starvation. It does not even cost them the price of a bullet. If the farms do not start ground work in April, it will be proof that is what they are going to do.

I laugh at the prospect of this virus being used as a precedent for action on 150,000 sealed indictments, it is far more evident that it is for the purpose of never seeing any action on them at all.

Watch what is going on people, those farms had damn well better be getting ready to plant by the end of April.

There is limited food left, and those who accept the shot will receive it!

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73121c  No.8713208

File: 45c26a496bf67df⋯.png (93.62 KB, 686x713, 686:713, hacked.PNG)


Austin Steinbart got arrested, needs verification

Court docket:




specifically naming Steinbart's youtube channel as the forum under which the offense was committed and attesting that Steinbart said he hacked famous people's medical records and showed those records onscreen


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c3115c  No.8713209

File: e3ec406e8c3bb8a⋯.png (264.56 KB, 1416x672, 59:28, steinbartfollower.png)

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be215e  No.8713210


this anon has always enjoyed solitude, but must admit, after the shock of the "new" is wearing off, is beginning to enjoy this slower pace of life.

There is an upside to everything, shill.

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be215e  No.8713211

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23a6af  No.8713212


All of Q's posts are listed in like 5 different types of archives, most of them not scrapers. Also all threads that Q has posted in are archived separately from scraper sites.

Therefore all of Q's posts can be cross-referenced across multiple independent platforms outside of the scraper sites.


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6885b5  No.8713213


She asked about the cartels and military response yesterday. Trafficking was his response. I definitely think she has the potential to be a "game changer" reporter that keeps asking a specific question, bit by bit. Q told us that the question will be forced.

Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: f240d5 No.1952583 📁

Jun 28 2018 23:18:21 (EST)

Anonymous ID: 00a106 No.1952489 📁

Jun 28 2018 23:13:12 (EST)






with a mention of



Bullshit meter off the charts with this one


We are waiting for a reporter to ask the ultimate question.

What are they waiting for?

They can end this at any time simply by asking POTUS, right?

We may have to ‘force’ this one.


If I'm "reading" this right, we still won't have the "Q" answered in June of this year, but most people watching, learning, paying attention will probably start believing in Q, or at least parts of it, by that time.

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI No.342 📁

Oct 5 2018 12:53:48 (EST)


Important moment in time.

The picture will be the signifier.

The signifier will 'force' the Q.

The Q will be answered (((WWG1WGA))).


We haven't seen the picture yet. We don't even know what it is, yet. But it looks likely that it will be a WH Press Conference setting, and @POTUS might have something on clear display, at that time, and a reporter is going to ask the Q, perhaps without even realizing it.

You, me, and all the anons are going to be stuffed to the gills with popcorn, by that time.

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d89545  No.8713214


ur welcome anon:

"WOW! Dr. Fauci Cheered Hydroxychloroquine Success Treating MERS Coronavirus in 2013… But Today He's Skeptical… That's Weird?"


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8174e7  No.8713216

File: 8aa977fadfc5a68⋯.png (137.14 KB, 270x271, 270:271, insane_ds.png)


sounds like a bunch of legalspeak for a cracked classified object with sensitive data

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379c4f  No.8713217


Looks like Arizona is the capital for the cabal/DS.

Where is Austin Shithead at right now, Arizona?

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d886c9  No.8713218

File: 111b7d9fadbd662⋯.png (167.11 KB, 549x375, 183:125, ClipboardImage.png)

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6885b5  No.8713219

File: 7405a79fe8a4cb4⋯.png (827.3 KB, 728x499, 728:499, 7405a79fe8a4cb485bc7679941….png)


> and i want to ask if we are winning , Q ??

We've already won, anon.

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6660e7  No.8713220

File: aa4a213b56b1275⋯.jpg (31.01 KB, 540x666, 30:37, funny_soldier_moping_up_ra….jpg)


Appears that an existing bill was changed, read original name in history. Just below your marks and the blue line. Pffft "research"

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a0b0a6  No.8713222


I’m antisocial and hate physical contact. What’s not to understand? Kek

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9dca8e  No.8713223


i deployed to Afghanastan in 2011-2012. we had to take it 3 times a day everyday to help prevent us from getting MERS.

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e9a161  No.8713224

The Novominsker Rebbe, Rabbi Yaakov Perlow, who served as President of Agudath Israel of America since 1998, died early Tuesday morning at the age of 89, a victim of the coronavirus pandemic. He died at home in Boro Park.

Rabbi Perlow was born in Brooklyn and was named after his great-grandfather, Rabbi Yaakov Perlow, the first Novominsker Rebbe. His maternal grandfather was Rabbi Yitzchak Zelig Morgenstern, the Sokolover Rebbe, a direct descendant of Rabbi Menachem Mendel of Kotzk. Rabbi Morgenstern was among the founders of Agudath Israel in Poland in 1912.



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c76a3a  No.8713225


There is no movie. Q told you himself that only 40% will come to light. Don't you see it? They will simply cover up 60% of the crimes, shed a few stragglers off the deep state, and replace the swamp with one of their own. Truth?Transparency? Justice? Get outta here with that nonsense.

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cc4350  No.8713226

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

For this morning's listening pleasure…

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379c4f  No.8713228



And I did just like you said…crossed referenced it.

None tripcoded posts on the boeards, have tripcodes in qmap.pub, but not other locations.


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d62245  No.8713229


What a sweetpea!!! Got one just like him.

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fc958f  No.8713230

File: b20105e2c869ff4⋯.png (345.5 KB, 432x504, 6:7, ClipboardImage.png)


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274ed5  No.8713231




BabyQ goin to trial

Guess he wont be on alex's show today


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a05441  No.8713232

File: 8a9fe05f3232479⋯.jpeg (125.43 KB, 1160x773, 1160:773, 94D31135_96BA_4D5E_9193_A….jpeg)

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154ce3  No.8713233


It's good to be deemed essential.

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124df5  No.8713234


he could be the soft reveal of MK used to make patsies.

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b93a50  No.8713235

File: 1264b0911bf5cd5⋯.png (180.06 KB, 462x550, 21:25, Ted_Cruz_China_Media_Propa….png)

File: a58b151f3280006⋯.png (162.57 KB, 463x549, 463:549, Ted_Cruz_China_Media_Propa….png)

File: 72d321197c1d934⋯.pdf (499.92 KB, Ted_Cruz_China_Media_Propa….pdf)


Ted Cruz Letter Referenced in China media propaganda twat:


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37ffe2  No.8713236

File: 39e5067480b748f⋯.png (91.4 KB, 1280x336, 80:21, ClipboardImage.png)

muh elections…they're safe…PROMISE


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39cfdb  No.8713237


Yes, but who is “we”?

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ccaf11  No.8713238

File: 21107be609f3025⋯.jpg (122.15 KB, 1054x1069, 1054:1069, 0g26vnavdZ.jpg)



Hopium addiction is real

There might be a pattern

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9c11a6  No.8713239

Funky Chan Today

We will ' Endeavor to Persevere '

Almost spit out my coffeve , Conservative Treehouse has video clip of hand signal comms. between Dr . Fauci and ABC reporter Johnathan Karl.

Karl appears to give a ' salute ' as he brushes hair / Dr. Fauci - FASCI responds with hand gesture as he leaves presser.

Unable to link , sry. worth a look.

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7e630c  No.8713240

File: 323176ba62dc52a⋯.png (301.8 KB, 480x420, 8:7, history_channel_trump_ille….png)

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3d7f63  No.8713241

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Cheer up niggers

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f1438f  No.8713242

US diplomats involved in trafficking of human blood and pathogens for secret military program

MUST READ, ANONS. This is an incredible piece of work by a Bulgarian investigative journalist. Packed full of photos and documents.

All kinds of shit going down in Tblisi.

This is author's own site, it appears.

I must head out to work and wanted to get this out there for dissection by Anons just in case we go dark before I get back home.


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14356d  No.8713243

File: ac93191af193c2b⋯.jpg (306.78 KB, 1280x400, 16:5, 20200407_074401.jpg)


You are not needed here.

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95c113  No.8713244


'we think' you're too stupid to be here if you can't think for yourself

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000000  No.8713245


>Lies lead to bigger lies.

They just can't resist.



The dark-web conspiracy theorists from QAnon and the like do worse to Fauci, a loyal public servant under every president since Ronald Reagan.



Right-wing influencers and QAnon supporters are waging an information war against Anthony Fauci, the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases and top-ranking member of the White House's Coronavirus Task Force. They are falsely claiming that Fauci is working with Hillary Clinton and the deep state to cause an economic collapse and discredit President Donald Trump.

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d89545  No.8713246

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

""Well, I'm Upset" - Dr. Oz Vents After NY Governor Cuomo Shuts Down His Study on Hydroxychloroquine for Early Treatment of Coronavirus (VIDEO)

By Jim Hoft

Published April 6, 2020 at 5:08pm



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fe2c06  No.8713247

File: ab56201eb156829⋯.png (382.57 KB, 1594x496, 797:248, 2020_04_04_23_15_24edt.png)

File: 47cc56de862519b⋯.png (1.79 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, JFKin17Qs.png)

File: 477b98daed41192⋯.jpg (52.52 KB, 467x275, 467:275, Q_703.jpg)

File: 77c9750ae201749⋯.png (196.23 KB, 722x462, 361:231, 2020_04_05_00_24_10edt.png)

File: 85aeb04776667bf⋯.png (418.44 KB, 551x551, 1:1, HammerTimeIsNow.png)



I have not been a fan of the JFK theories but this is what they posted about it in >>8669306 PB in #11100.

(I know this is disjointed. It was a 4 hour dig hours after muh bedtime where I was frantically going back and forth between 5 breads and qresear.ch trying to cap everything they had given us and trying to figure out what it meant.)

They posted the Thor image "It's Time"

in >>8690829 PB while I was racing around trying to locate their referenced posts from #11100 and the file name of that image was TimeIsNow.png.

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80da27  No.8713248


just a republican who went to republican events

he was part of an event with brandon straka also

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6885b5  No.8713249

File: 919cb762aaa6cd2⋯.gif (10.3 MB, 480x366, 80:61, Yesss.gif)

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d151e4  No.8713250


Telecom and wireless broadcast equipment made by China would be signing our privacy and lives over to a communist government that has no morals.

POTUS banning HUAWEI was the preventive action. Forcing our companies into the fray, means real safeguards will have to be put into place.

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2b62b2  No.8713251

File: ceb9483b851114b⋯.jpg (421.15 KB, 1000x637, 1000:637, pepefalconceb9483b851114b4….jpg)

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c3115c  No.8713252



still on muh wurkfag call, but can continue notes and bake if no other baker shows up. -wnb out.

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fe2c06  No.8713253


There's more. I'll return in NB after IRL and continue posting the caps from that odyssey of discovery. Wish I had listed out all the post numbers ina file, kek.

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c385b9  No.8713254

anons, the harvest is now

expect increase in abortions and disappearing children between now and the end of the lockdown +9 months

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73121c  No.8713255

File: e072d6b30dd6cad⋯.jpg (39.31 KB, 708x288, 59:24, masons.JPG)


Like everything else, they have been infiltrated. Like our pharma, and our agribusiness, education, banking, politics and our federal agencies, our local systems……you name and the evil has their hands in it.

It doesn't mean the orgs are bad or the people in them are all bad. they will be cleaned, they will be found out. And the masons can get back to doing the work of our founders and their forebears, our Founding Fathers

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d62245  No.8713256


Can you point me to one of these hack Q post from this soi boi anon. Just looking over the drops and the trip codes all match. ty

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7bb39f  No.8713257

File: c676031d88a3364⋯.jpg (1.02 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, Screenshot_20200408_005617….jpg)


Good work cryptofag.

There's definitely something lurking in Q's stringers.

Keep digging… all secrets want to be discovered.

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d151e4  No.8713258


Hey Stupid.. They wanted to increase the west's birthrate. Well staying at home is gonna do just that.

Generation Q coming…

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9ecd75  No.8713259


Cooper was naval intelligence from a long line of officers in his family. He knew and saw MANY things in his career and was an extraordinary researcher.

He also stood alone and came out against nearly every other patriot and took NO bs.

His legacy has stood the test of time and has been co-opted by everyone.

I have NO PROBLEM supporting real patriots and groups with my hard earned monies this work ain't free ffs

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182597  No.8713260



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c76a3a  No.8713261


Your saviour did nothing to stop this deep state attack on us. Q team sitting on evidence makes them complicit in the deaths. Easy to understand?

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a05441  No.8713262


while it seals off the major northward drug distribution channels (mainly by sea), it also cuts off mexican oligarchs' and cartel leaders' only remaining escape routes.

i wonder if we aren't going literal war with cartels, which is what a POTUS and Milley (might have been SecDef) have said.

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a0b005  No.8713263

File: a3e4c3635b19e09⋯.png (279.73 KB, 918x806, 459:403, 5gt.png)

File: 703e6b374788a9a⋯.jpg (225.75 KB, 800x450, 16:9, samkinosin_cropped.jpg)


5:5 but of course….

some of us watch other CT's like some of us watch the news…. and when we see all the traditional doom porn stars peddling the same shit, well, let's just say it becomes rather elementary.

and I would have dug it to make sure if I did not already have enough knowledge to know it was bullshit wrapped in a thin slice of truth, yummy!

toss in some jesus and a freaking armageddon or two…. some scary music and boom! 5G doom is upon us!


Trust Boss!

Boss has earned our Trust!


true anons are comfy

these 5g anons chose poorly


Guess what Baker?







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207b49  No.8713264


No records found in AZ DoC

I looked in Ca DoC also.

still searching

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5b4f83  No.8713265

File: c6de165c7b0db0c⋯.jpg (25.64 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, we_work_sure_you_do_moar_l….jpg)

WeWork sues SoftBank after $3-billion tender offer falls through

WeWork’s owner, The We Company, has sued SoftBank Group, challenging its largest shareholder’s decision to terminate a $3 billion tender offer for shares in the office-space sharing firm. An independent two-member special committee of The We Company’s board filed the lawsuit, saying that SoftBank had breached its contractual obligations by abandoning the tender offer.

“The Special Committee regrets the fact that SoftBank continues to put its own interests ahead of those of WeWork’s minority stockholders,” it said in the lawsuit filed in the Chancery Court of Delaware.

Last week, SoftBank said it terminated the proposed tender offer for additional WeWork shares, citing criminal and civil probes into the startup, its failure to restructure a joint venture in China and the impact of the coronavirus pandemic.

WeWork has been hit particularly hard by the outbreak, as its occupancy rates have plunged over the past month and its largest clients have been forced to vacate.

WeWork, however, has said it has enough cash and cash commitments to execute its five-year plan and manage the challenges posed by the coronavirus crisis.

In the lawsuit, which was widely expected after the tender offer fell through, the special committee called SoftBank’s decision to terminate the tender offer “wrongful” and alleged that SoftBank had breached its obligations under the master transaction agreement (MTA).

“SoftBank’s failure to consummate the tender offer is a clear breach of its contractual obligations under the MTA as well as a breach of SoftBank’s fiduciary obligations to WeWork’s minority stockholders, including hundreds of current and former employees,” the special committee said.

The tender offer, which would have mostly benefited a select group of shareholders, including ousted co-founder Adam Neumann, had been agreed in October as part of a bailout plan by SoftBank after WeWork’s IPO plans imploded.


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b93a50  No.8713266




Reporting for duty, CONFIRM HANDOFF?

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a0b005  No.8713267

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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6267ec  No.8713269



Q!UW.yye1fxo 10 Feb 2018 - 11:30:58 AM (timestamp qmap)

Seals are wonderful creatures.

Heard they work fast at capturing their prey.


Silence is golden.


Games R FUN!


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d89545  No.8713270

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

"Dr. Oz: Governor Cuomo Shut Down Our Study on Hydroxycholorquine for Early Treatment of Coronavirus"



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274ed5  No.8713272

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Kansas live presser

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73121c  No.8713273

File: 5aa7794acb8e5ee⋯.jpg (23.54 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 5aa7794acb8e5ee3e6cb580aa4….jpg)


Again, 4 days in a row with this clown bullshit. You seriously going to try to push this for the 4th day in a row.

the reflections may be wrong


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23a6af  No.8713274


>None tripcoded posts on the boeards,

Would you like to try that again?

There are obviously tripcode posts on the boards, scraper sites, raw text, pdf and spreadsheet.

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976ba4  No.8713275

File: a7b82f979831f29⋯.png (532.96 KB, 704x528, 4:3, 1585478539625.png)

File: 2411e5ab2d39726⋯.jpg (94.76 KB, 700x911, 700:911, 1585288575537.jpg)

File: d10ba56ffce9aab⋯.webm (1.38 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 1585290727419.webm)

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c76a3a  No.8713276


Fuck you, you spineless coward. May it be your family that dies while you sit complacent with your q suppository up your ass. The time has come for Q to prove he's not a psyop. We won't sit here saying nothing. We do not want violence. We want action. No more bullshit.

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7f68b5  No.8713278


CORSI wtf is up wih him?we have not heard the last of him, im still not sure Roger is not Q

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567fed  No.8713279

File: 0dd4f20e3c7017d⋯.jpg (59.71 KB, 600x600, 1:1, 1585452870_1.jpg)

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000000  No.8713280



The program, conducted by The Center for Strategic Communication, is based at Arizona State University. The DARPA funding for this project can be confirmed on the ASU website here. The head of the project, Steve Corman, has worked extensively in the area of strategic communication as it applies to terrorism and “extremism” – or what could be called “the war of ideas.”

This research is being conducted by The Center for Strategic Communication at ASU and is entitled “Toward Narrative Disruptors and Inductors: Mapping the Narrative Comprehension Network and its Persuasive Effects” A detailed overview of the project can be found in the document below. Highlights include:

In phase 3 of the research, the research group will “selectively alter aspects of narrative structure and brain functions via Transcranial Magnetic Simulation (TMS) to induce or disrupt selected features of narrative processing.” (Page 16, emphasis added)

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cc4350  No.8713281

File: 03d86cf717f11ac⋯.png (778.49 KB, 1080x539, 1080:539, Screenshot_20200331_230705….png)


Baker, no table imo.

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d1664e  No.8713282



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23406f  No.8713283


HA HA HA what a tool

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cd2572  No.8713285

File: 992379b3328f091⋯.png (121.07 KB, 500x270, 50:27, ClipboardImage.png)

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5b4f83  No.8713286

File: 1af47393dddb54b⋯.jpg (627.59 KB, 876x1037, 876:1037, pepe_you_mad_bro_yea_you_m….jpg)

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f1438f  No.8713287

File: e5dc6ebc7761307⋯.jpg (76.89 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, 1_1024x576.jpg)

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37ffe2  No.8713288

File: bcae67557ecb0c9⋯.png (1.05 MB, 1078x1647, 1078:1647, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8f27a7b1fad73f3⋯.png (185.87 KB, 625x425, 25:17, ClipboardImage.png)


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da2838  No.8713289

File: 355f75bd44c88c9⋯.png (60.91 KB, 555x153, 185:51, media_assets_will_be_remov….png)

>>8712829, >>8712818, >>8712978, >>8713054 Austin Steinbart "Dude It's a Cell!"



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bfe009  No.8713290


Kek…Generation Q…I think I'm going to steal that.

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c522ab  No.8713291

File: ffb4abe92193489⋯.png (1.08 MB, 1300x867, 1300:867, this.png)


Stainbarf locked up!

Now is the PERFECT time to ask the Q?

OAN! Your up.

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e886e0  No.8713292

File: 9aee4533eac0ce5⋯.jpg (43.64 KB, 637x622, 637:622, pepe_6.jpg)

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5e1dbc  No.8713293

File: b334b0adbf11112⋯.jpeg (253.21 KB, 1103x800, 1103:800, whoops.jpeg)


Kids, this is why you don't pretend to be a government agent when you're not. 6 ways to Sunday and all that.

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0801dd  No.8713294


getting a social media astroturf push for #masksforall now

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c3115c  No.8713296


you are awesome bakes, thanQ wasn't sure how i was gonna pull both feats off. kek.

Handoff Confirmed


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1b1264  No.8713297

File: d7be6825be4ac0d⋯.png (1.7 MB, 1270x898, 635:449, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 04cbf932f7de677⋯.png (419.87 KB, 1244x1388, 311:347, ClipboardImage.png)


The RESURRECTION Day occurred on The Sabbath

>this year, it coincides with same days as ORIGINAL,

A ] Q [ day 17 on Hebrew Calendar

<pic real-ated


Astronomically and Agriculturally Corrected Biblical Hebrew Calendar




Matthew 12:6-8 The Message (MSG)

6-8 “There is far more at stake here than religion.

If you had any idea what this Scripture meant

— ‘I prefer a flexible heart to an inflexible ritual’

— you wouldn’t be nitpicking like this.

The Son of Man is no lackey to the Sabbath; he’s in charge.”

GOD’S WORD Translation (GW)

8 “The Son of Man has authority over the day of rest—a holy day.”

Names of God Bible (NOG)

8 “The Son of Man has authority over the day of worship.”

Complete Jewish Bible (CJB)

8 For the Son of Man is Lord of Shabbat!”

The Voice (VOICE)

8 For the Son of Man has not only the authority to heal and cast out demons,

He also has authority over the Sabbath.


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79e63a  No.8713298

File: 875564a0b406fee⋯.jpeg (318.21 KB, 828x779, 828:779, C047E622_CC81_4C64_87FC_D….jpeg)

To be a member of the cabAl or the Deepstate is to have a fate of pure hell, exposure, trial, and decades of random prison violence and rape.

Every single one of these pieces of shit are doomed.

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1bca09  No.8713299


muh Bitcoin memes!

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ca3837  No.8713300



Intriguing post. I'm familiar with this

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bff7a9  No.8713301


My ass is quite intact. Thank-you.

>Where is the Storm?

You have been blessed with eyes, yet they do not see.

Oh, ye of little faith!

If you can do nothing else, pray for the ability to see.

You are surrounded by blessings and joyous happenings that are fulfilling prophecies of old, and yet you cower in fear.

Send forth nothing but love, thanks, and support for your fellow man and watch your world change in the blink of an eye!

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6267ec  No.8713302

File: b0788182cbb3ae5⋯.png (64.47 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, Grf.png)


I created a grafic with regard to media fear mongering! Am I a scientist now?

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b7b392  No.8713303

/cvg/ checking in with a few questions. Haven't been here for a while because I've been trying to understand the chinkiepox. Can someone give me a QRD on what the current plan is, because from a disease perspective what the USA is doing makes no sense?

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7d4d23  No.8713305

File: 4d2c79f46b24185⋯.png (2.47 MB, 1981x1725, 1981:1725, ClipboardImage.png)

Call your insurance company and demand a full refund if you didn't get one already.


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379c4f  No.8713306


Check previous breads where Shithead posted 'Q Style'.

No tripcodes on those posts, yet tripcodes on qmap.pub posts.

Scrappers collected from tripcodes, Shithead didn't have the tripcode on ANY of his posts.

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c3d0b2  No.8713307


Thank you WNB , emergency situation nothing life threatening have to sign out thank you sorry bout this .

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e886e0  No.8713308

File: 22400a88d75439f⋯.png (8.5 KB, 473x500, 473:500, pepe_12.png)


Confirmed: He lives in his parents basement.

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c76a3a  No.8713310


Bleat harder sheep.

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c3d0b2  No.8713311

All I got for now , Must sign off pls help new baker


>>8712848, >>8712869, >>8712968, >>8712973, >>8713060, >>8713097, >>8713096 President Trump and CO Tweets News and Decodes

>>8712835, >>8712857, >>8712860, >>8712883, >>8712992, >>8712998, >>8713019, >>8713033, >>8713034 Planefag reports

>>8713047 US Marshall Tweet

>>8712840, >>8712846, >>8712874, >>8712889, >>8712906, >>8712896, >>8712911,

>>8712946, >>8712979, >>8713058, >>8713099 Chinese Virus Reports

>>8712789, >>8712805, >>8712960 Q Drop Decodes and discussions

>>8712825, >>8713113 Financefag reports

>>8712823 pope blames pell's victims

>>8712829, >>8712818, >>8712978, >>8713054 Austin Steinbart "Dude It's a Cell!"

>>8712879 Multi Plus Finance

>>8712938 London Pics Moar !

>>8712949, >>8712972, >>8713101 Noteable people (Bad Guys Mostly) /Arrests/ Announcements/Deaths

>>8713086 fake news OFF THE RAILS!

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73121c  No.8713312

File: a0a890253349493⋯.png (746.46 KB, 662x640, 331:320, reflection.PNG)


you go photofag from another shopfag. I've done your homework for you.

I've copied the reflection, flipped it and made it mostly transparent. then overlayed the reflection on his face. You can still see it's outline overlayed.

Aside from a minor rotation that would align with the table being round and the angle of the photographer the original face and the reflection are identical.

what a stupid ass clown show fuck faggot you are. 4 days in a row pushing your stupid fake b.s.

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7d4d23  No.8713313

File: ac1433c6e876747⋯.png (233.37 KB, 415x276, 415:276, ClipboardImage.png)


>I created a grafic

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c385b9  No.8713314


That IS the real movie.

Why every movie talks about the "ex-US"? Prediction = Plan

US isn't America

Wake up for real

God wins = people lose

Who is the one and where is he going???

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02be4b  No.8713315

File: f8d5fb563591ab5⋯.jpg (30.49 KB, 600x315, 40:21, yourTearsSayMoreThanEviden….jpg)







I could use some more salt

please keep posting

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bae275  No.8713316



She has a lot of good red pills for normies.

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bff7a9  No.8713317

File: ccf039d41d845c3⋯.png (640.33 KB, 846x714, 141:119, babyDEM.png)


Must be time for a new diaper.

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1e1c03  No.8713318


Fear has taken you.

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39cfdb  No.8713319

File: 4f7ab0cf35fe31d⋯.jpeg (20.37 KB, 387x357, 129:119, 713BFC34_5CD4_4C81_B32C_C….jpeg)

File: 05596e2d7b8e122⋯.jpeg (12.26 KB, 528x205, 528:205, 81B0363C_F538_4694_81A4_B….jpeg)

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379c4f  No.8713320


Check previous breads where he posted as Q, He posted NO tripcodes on his posts, he didn't HAVE the tripcode, brain dead.

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182597  No.8713321


When you assume, guess what happens?

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000000  No.8713322



Perhaps more disturbing; and clearly exhibiting his political alignment with the effort; Dr. Fauci signals his approval for Jonathan Karl’s efforts as he exited the briefing. WATCH:


After Fauci deliberately ensured he was the last person to exit the stage, he attempted the sly signal of a ‘job well done’ in return to the salute he received from Jonathan Karl.

Again WATCH:


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0b8626  No.8713323


same i love this

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674b57  No.8713324

File: 61890d4324ddb51⋯.png (24.59 KB, 333x373, 333:373, Screenshot_2020_04_07_at_9….png)

Only visit this trending topic if you like getting pissed off

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a2db98  No.8713325


Notables should be more explanatory. I’ve noticed this over the past several weeks. Little to no description. I saw a notable the other day that said “Vatican news” or something to that effect. How hard is it to add one line describing what the notable is about?

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124df5  No.8713326



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8fa7c2  No.8713327

File: f5aeb44a3beebb8⋯.png (113.78 KB, 500x500, 1:1, good_vs_evil_gop_vs_dnc.png)

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c76a3a  No.8713328


Can you imagine how brainwashed you must be to be in locked down police state of society, innocent people dying all around, and no actions taking place against those that did this to us?

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69c5cd  No.8713329


SOME really good action video of RBG exercising that should get your nards goin


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df5a95  No.8713330

File: d30a42ce7070c15⋯.jpg (22.67 KB, 400x400, 1:1, DFIRE2.jpg)


Its fine for them to go through that process yet its like school…. do teachers let you sit there with crayons until one day you learn to scribble the letter "A" or do they teach you how?

That's all….

Some of us have been at this a long time and we have made many mistakes that in some cases took us years to resolve.

Go ahead, fall into that trap but it appears time is short so we have a a few weeks/months to do what took years…. sorta like that.

Do you know how much concern we experience?

Oh man!!!! everything is too fast!

let me learn at my own pace! they cry moarer!

Do scientists relearn everything that has been learned via experience? I mean, it would be wonderful if we all lived forever and had that sort of time yet I will trust the one's who came before me that accidentally discovered DYNAMITE for example! fucking kek!

as you were….

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d151e4  No.8713331

File: f8b63b6c9e7a669⋯.png (156.09 KB, 668x295, 668:295, Wave.png)

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0801dd  No.8713332


>Respond immediately without my parents CC'd if you intend to comply

ohman, that whole email is gold but that killed me

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0b8626  No.8713333

File: 32fad2060b95556⋯.png (125.54 KB, 1000x764, 250:191, herewego_jpeg.png)

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bff7a9  No.8713334


>Am I a scientist now?

Moar of one than Dr. Fauci.

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79e63a  No.8713335

File: 6f1f81da9d66927⋯.jpeg (529.24 KB, 745x545, 149:109, F6E73DD5_1D13_4EBE_9DA1_0….jpeg)

File: 2b7530af6c6f69c⋯.jpeg (274.58 KB, 705x534, 235:178, BC02FE86_7372_4FFF_837B_4….jpeg)


Big in California too

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1b1264  No.8713336

File: 7e7851935f243eb⋯.png (678.26 KB, 1226x2774, 613:1387, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b6fcbf3a95b3de6⋯.png (192.76 KB, 926x721, 926:721, ClipboardImage.png)

>>8713165, >>8713235

>Ted Cruz

QPost# 3338


Follow the Watch: When Will Public Discover That Senator Ted Cruz Was Also Spied On?


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c385b9  No.8713337

File: e1557d9b0cfa4ca⋯.png (188.7 KB, 450x584, 225:292, oo.png)

File: 54c84edac6ab486⋯.png (193.19 KB, 403x597, 403:597, 8.png)

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a4e83d  No.8713338


You cant wake up anyone who doesnt want to wake up. Only an open mind can be filled.

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6885b5  No.8713339


I miss that man so very much.

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f86b21  No.8713340


Hard to say what will happen, just like most things in life. Many of the previous shills don't shill here much anymore, I have noticed.

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d89545  No.8713341


"Taco Tuesday". Thanq for the beautifully adorned bewbs though they gild the lily.

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e886e0  No.8713342

File: 50d378318294c9a⋯.png (487.5 KB, 500x522, 250:261, dafuqisdis.png)

Board stuck at 485 replies. No new posts since entering the bread…

If I click [Return] then come back, then I see new posts.

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6267ec  No.8713344

File: ef691f7208d1b91⋯.jpg (261.56 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, DrFusca.jpg)

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567fed  No.8713345

File: e746501327c42c0⋯.png (985.84 KB, 800x800, 1:1, 1584578545.png)

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d62245  No.8713346


Got cha Patriot. Yea, I remember the bullshit post now. I kept telling that motherfucker to put up or shut up. How easy would it be to drop something with the fucking trip code if you Q? Of course he wouldn't, cause he couldn't.

Fucking retard mongal.

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7e630c  No.8713347

File: 72a33fe7ee7e092⋯.png (245.08 KB, 594x877, 594:877, bill_gates_b_w_windows_vir….png)

File: 9f7b93fb203a26e⋯.png (209.45 KB, 594x877, 594:877, bill_gates_b_w_blank.png)

File: e59bbd50a25dbe4⋯.png (69.94 KB, 787x309, 787:309, bill_gates_doesn_t_vacinat….png)


I think that's one of the more effective Gates memes I've seen…if they take the time to follow the 1-word instructions.

The B&W image is a good one…here's a blank for anyone wanting to make their own.



>Bill Gates refused to vaccinate his own children.

probably true, but I don't have sauce.

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2b62b2  No.8713348

File: 0c840a9d2d6478c⋯.jpg (33.03 KB, 475x371, 475:371, story2.jpg)

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7ca4a6  No.8713350

File: 0c7f18abec20b01⋯.png (339.52 KB, 409x392, 409:392, 0c7f18abec20b01a678aec4d6d….png)


checkin in

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23406f  No.8713351


Look Joe M he's good

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7f68b5  No.8713352

File: e79593461e660af⋯.jpg (21.89 KB, 255x251, 255:251, kiddo.jpg)

>>8713014 you are not anonymous on a board full of feds, some of usare just civilians dtm-17-004 butt few of these guys can make you have a bad day, once you know howit works you gain a new respect

lucky you are a dumb ass anon like me and they like you they can be dicks now and nobody can stop them


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83a026  No.8713353

File: 9a4a173be512730⋯.png (1004.2 KB, 1549x828, 1549:828, 911pnac1.png)


pfffft yeah…. I tried to listen to a few eps of hour of the time again…. slow talking slow walkin' barely knew more than most baby anons here yet true it was good stuff considering the time and he had no nets!

that's all…. religious bias ooozing out of him at every step….

CT 101 is what I call it but I can see why you think its tippy top, pilgrim.

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b93a50  No.8713354

File: 284dbb62c050279⋯.png (919.53 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, Handoff_Accepted.png)



NP gotcha baker


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c76a3a  No.8713355


Ok Qoomer. Go get your Gates vaccine while you justify yet more senseless deaths while Q sits on mountains of evidence of criminality. Are you fucking stupid? You really blame us for wanting something to happen?

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d703c0  No.8713356

File: d714fffea5884ef⋯.png (917.79 KB, 666x500, 333:250, ClipboardImage.png)

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d6d4fc  No.8713357

File: 80b8bd1b8b586cf⋯.jpg (27.93 KB, 480x640, 3:4, il_fullxfull_1806550181_80….jpg)

File: bf91cfce80a6724⋯.jpg (424.56 KB, 1561x1477, 223:211, Screenshot_2020_04_07_A_po….jpg)

File: 000f1dbf1a18fde⋯.jpg (264.11 KB, 1024x877, 1024:877, 1024px_St_Denis_North_a.jpg)

File: 885db489ca45a6d⋯.jpg (164.68 KB, 1280x853, 1280:853, 1280px_Wistar_rat.jpg)

File: 4fb6d335436ec5f⋯.png (6.8 KB, 297x136, 297:136, Screenshot_2020_04_07_The_….png)

How the glass medicine bottle, lab rats, Wisteria flowers, and the Coronavirus vaccine connect to Bill Gates.

Bill Gates uses The Wistar Institute for his private CV vaccine research data


1696 - Caspar Wistar born into a glassmaking family in Palatinate Germany

1717 - Caspar Wistar arrives in Philidelphia, PA penniless

1724 - became a British subject and joined the Religious Society of Friends (the Quakers) in 1726. He married Catherine Jansen in 1727; they had seven children. With the support of Quaker merchants and political leaders, he set up a glass factory and began buying land and selling it to new immigrants from Germany. His land deals made him one of the richest men in Pennsylvania.

1737 - Built the first commercially successful glass factory in America.[5][6] He arranged in January 1738 to lease 50 acres (20 ha) of land containing 18,000 cords (65,000 m3) of wood from John Ladd, a local landowner.[7] Wistar then recruited four experienced glass makers from the Palitinate region of Germany – C. Halter, S. Griessmeyer, J. Wentzel, and J. Halter – to make the factory operational. He organized a joint venture with them, dividing profits in exchange for the art of glass making. The four artisans were to teach this art to the Wistars and nobody else in the colonies.[8] Wistar had arranged for their journey to America, and they arrived in Philadelphia from Rotterdam on the ship Two Sisters in September 1738.[9][a]

Wistar had houses built near the factory to rent for the key artisans and other workers that were usually indentured immigrants.[11] He also had a mansion constructed for the factory's foreman, which also served as a lodging and office for Wistar while on his visits to the factory from his home in Philadelphia. A company store was constructed for the workers' needs. Products could be purchased on credit against the glass a worker would make in the future; a bookkeeper was employed to keep track of the store accounts and housing rents. The store also served the people of the village of Alloway, and was the center of community life.[12]

Wistar's factory produced about 15,000 glass bottles per year made in the Waldglas style, which had been a way of making glass in Europe since the Middle Ages. It was an inexpensive traditional method whereby the main materials of wood ash and sand produced a greenish-yellow glass. The factory produced window glass and was the first American supplier for the thirteen colonies.[18] The Glass House (as it was often called) also produced rum flasks and tableware.

Wistar was friends with Benjamin Franklin of Philadelphia and made glass globes for Franklin's electricity producing machines, used for scientific research into electricity.[17] Franklin built several of his machines, using the Wistarburg glass globes, for Cadwallader Colden and Lewis Evans, for which they paid him between ten and twelve pounds each.[22] The Wistarburg Glass Works also made glass tubes for David Rittenhouse to use in his experiments on electricity.

One of the first German colonists in Pennsylvania,[citation needed] he became a leader of that community and prospered in land transactions. He “arrived in Philadelphia in 1717 with nearly no money; at the time of his death in 1752, his wealth outstripped that of the contemporary elite more than threefold…an immigrant’s path to achieving the American Dream."[2]

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679c0f  No.8713358


Should have said "666" Gorillions


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8b7140  No.8713359

File: 964785df9077c8f⋯.png (257.78 KB, 697x986, 41:58, ClipboardImage.png)

The beauty of all this minning.

moar minning again

All the unemployed diversity curry wanna stick around the country some more. You know Trumpenstein is gonna say yes.


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87266c  No.8713360

File: b1d03744db9f08a⋯.jpg (142.71 KB, 412x412, 1:1, kek.jpg)

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18099b  No.8713361


Stay inside and Mark your dwelling in the Blood of the Lamb, huh? Interesting.

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884896  No.8713362

File: f3ee0cf1ca43070⋯.png (567.08 KB, 883x1630, 883:1630, World_HEald_Day_2020.png)

7 minutes ago

The White House

Office of the Press Secretary


April 7, 2020

** Presidential Message on World Health Day, 2020


Public health plays a critical role in building strong, prosperous, and free societies around the world. Today, as our Nation and entire global community continue to combat the challenges posed by the coronavirus pandemic, we reaffirm our commitment to do our part to stop the spread of this virus, care for the sick, and protect the health and well-being of our fellow Americans.

Each of us should follow the simple and necessary precautions set forth in the President’s Coronavirus Guidelines for America and by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to protect ourselves, our families, and our communities from the coronavirus. These guidelines include critical steps we can take to slow the spread, such as practicing social distancing, avoiding discretionary travel, following the directions of your State and local authorities, including regarding temporary closures of bars, restaurants, gyms, and other common gathering places, and voluntarily wearing cloth face coverings when out in public. Importantly, if you are showing common symptoms and feeling sick, stay home and contact your medical provider to discuss next steps in diagnosing and treating your symptoms. Additionally, older Americans and those who have serious underlying health conditions or other risk factors should take extra precautions to mitigate the risk of contracting the coronavirus. By adhering to these recommendations, as well as practicing good sanitation and hygiene habits, we are all helping win the battle against this invisible enemy.

The coronavirus pandemic has posed intense hardships on our society, but the strength, resiliency, and compassion of the American people are far greater. Each day, we are seeing the remarkable ways in which the men and women of our great Nation are helping others. One especially critical way healthy Americans can assist in filling a critical need brought on by this pandemic is by continuing to donate blood. The American Red Cross is currently facing a dire blood shortage. If you are of good health and satisfy the eligibility requirements, the process to donate blood is safe, and your donation is needed now more than ever. To learn more about additional ways in which you can help those affected by the coronavirus outbreak, please visit www.fema.gov/coronavirus/how-to-help.

The United States will defeat this invisible enemy. On this World Health Day, Melania and I join a grateful Nation in paying tribute to all of our doctors, nurses, healthcare administrators, researchers, scientists, educators, public health officials, and all of the extraordinary men and women who are helping diagnose, heal, inform, protect, and reassure the American people. Together, we will emerge from this challenge stronger, healthier, and more united than ever before.


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5b4f83  No.8713363

File: 2e803bdc8c46312⋯.jpg (161.18 KB, 888x500, 222:125, carnival_cruise_mile_26_bu….jpg)

Carnival Cruise Lines bought by Mile26 Capital LP: $10m-Apr 6

Represents trust shares (the "Trust Shares") of beneficial interests in P&O Princess Voting Trust (the "Trust"). In connection with the dual listed company transaction between Carnival plc (f/k/a P&O Princess Cruises plc) and Carnival Corporation (the "DLC Transaction"), Carnival plc issued one special voting share to the Trust and, following a series of transactions, the Trust Shares were distributed to holders of common stock of Carnival Corporation (the "Carnival Corporation Common Stock"). Since completion of the DLC Transaction on April 17, 2003, if Carnival Corporation issues Carnival Corporation Common Stock to a person, the Trust will issue an equivalent number of Trust Shares to such person. The Trust Shares are paired with shares of Carnival Corporation Common Stock and are represented by the same stock certificate. The Trust Shares represent a beneficial interest in the Carnival plc special voting share.

Mile26 Holdings Llc is a domestic entity serving as General Partner for Mile 26 Capital LP, a hedge fund company. Mile26 Holdings Llc has an ownership stake in Mile 26 Capital LP of less than 5%.

Randall John Weisenburger founded Mile 26 Capital LP. He is Managing Partner at this company. He is also Managing Member at The Altus One Fund, Inc., Managing Member at Mile26 Capital LLC and Member-Overseers Board at The Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania and on the board of 8 other companies. In his past career Mr. Weisenburger occupied the position of CFO, Executive VP & Head-Investor Relations at Omnicom Group, Inc., Founding Member at Wasserstein Perella & Co., Inc. and Member of First Boston Corp.



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aa0936  No.8713364


I trust Bill Gates virus vaccine the same as I trust Internet Explorer with ecommerce and ebanking. Zero. Use firefox. Take zinc. FO Bill.

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831795  No.8713365

File: 70dd8a289a9ac52⋯.png (462.11 KB, 749x690, 749:690, tmroses4.png)



the most jaded and unfuckwithable gen ever! kek

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379c4f  No.8713366


> I kept telling that motherfucker to put up or shut up.

Alot of anons, except those with they're noses up his ass, did that.

And he refused to settle the matter by posting WITH the right trip, and he kept refusing.

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4ca706  No.8713367

China let me out of prison early if I make good posts here.

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dbf0d4  No.8713368

File: fa941f4c4cd6490⋯.jpg (45.83 KB, 500x422, 250:211, US_RENDEZVOUS_WITH_DESTINY….jpg)


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5b4f83  No.8713369

File: 261a8f0f8059a73⋯.png (438.8 KB, 679x655, 679:655, pepe_yep_you_mad.PNG)

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8ad375  No.8713370

File: 4ce841a64dd7bad⋯.png (815.13 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, kungflufighting_3_21_20.png)

File: 4b6c3cc98d7227a⋯.jpg (25.73 KB, 612x354, 102:59, CowboyUp_on_horses_CTH_3_3….jpg)

ABC'S Johnathon Karl invites the CCP to attend the White House Coronavirus briefing

Notable News Article?

The Last Refuge nails it that ==Dr. Fauxi was giving John Karl the thumbs up for inviting the CCP into the WH briefing==. Let that sink in.

Sundance also provides a number of POTUS tweets where he writes THE MSM's fake and dishonest reporting isn't the enemy of POTUS. THE FAKE NEWS MEDIA IS THE ENEMY OF THE PEOPLE!

Time to Cowboy up American Patriots and FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT!



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47e118  No.8713372


>Former FBI?

Watch the videos. Forget opinions about the messenger and assess the info.

He's says he's DIA working to wipe out CIA/Air Force. A lot of what he says is familiar to anons. Normies need another angle/presentation medium, thus Steinbart. Not his choice, either, he says.

If anything, watch the Black Ops 101 video. He exposes McCain and the AZ cabal pretty substantially. A lot of info packed into that clip. Take in the info and see if it meshes with your own world view or not.

There's no purity test. It's as if some believe that if someone isn't 99.9% aligned with their oen world view he must be a cabal hidden asset. Individual Americans are all over the fucking place idealogy-wise. People have a various mix of opinions that run the table from left to right, but when balanced out, falls pretty close to a center-right position. Not correct, IMO, to let an outlier right or left be the basis for an assessment of a person's general belief system.

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ca3837  No.8713373

File: 61d595cb7d6116c⋯.jpg (326.16 KB, 1080x1080, 1:1, 20200406_144332.jpg)

File: 0282871c5a1469a⋯.jpg (181.56 KB, 1080x1060, 54:53, 20200406_144347.jpg)

File: a9d61dd68cf7142⋯.jpg (387.7 KB, 1080x1422, 60:79, 20200406_144405.jpg)

File: 7796bbeb9424201⋯.jpg (330.25 KB, 1080x1376, 135:172, 20200406_144424.jpg)

File: 2557d0a33c2b4cd⋯.jpg (330.64 KB, 1080x1320, 9:11, 20200406_144438.jpg)



Mornin, DOPEY. You little fuckers get around, dontcha? You arent fooling anyone, retard. Fuck off

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831795  No.8713374

File: 6edc1b6e03616a7⋯.png (78.79 KB, 586x614, 293:307, BAB.png)

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679c0f  No.8713375


That is a geographically absurd painting.

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7e630c  No.8713376

File: 8aea3bd7c201780⋯.png (358.44 KB, 600x322, 300:161, easter_empty_tomb_jesus_re….png)


Thank you fren!

Very interesting info.


used your raw material!

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02be4b  No.8713377


some feel that quantity makes up for lack of quality

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182597  No.8713378

File: 9b7d45c71f8258d⋯.jpeg (354.24 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, 9F78DBA5_D43E_41B5_8F34_8….jpeg)


Hospitals all empty.

Deaths reported have been stolen from one of the captains of death, pneumonia/influenza.

Lockdown needed for final sweep of enemies working against humanity.

“Stand up.”

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6267ec  No.8713379

File: c946996caffeed0⋯.jpg (282.46 KB, 736x414, 16:9, WHOasshole.jpg)

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379c4f  No.8713380


Wifeanon said something about that to me as well. Was like, Huh?

What happened to the other plagues first? KEK!

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aa73aa  No.8713381


God did state that he would make the weak of spirit believe the great delusion. They would not be able to see the deception. They will follow it to their deaths.

2 Thessalonians 2:11

"For this reason God sends them a powerful delusion so that they will believe the lie"

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0801dd  No.8713382



dunno, man, has a creepy vibe.

it's also a test of conformity, through a worn unescapable visual cue.

(as in, armbands/yellowstars style)

getting into social enforcement now. not good.


and it was actually #masks4all

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d6d4fc  No.8713383



1761 - Grandson Caspar Wistar the Younger, born.

1777 - Caspar Wistar the Younger develops an interest in medicine after helping wounded troops during the Battle of Germantown, PA in the Revolutionary War

He studied medicine, first at the University of Pennsylvania (receiving his Bachelor of Medicine degree in 1782), and then at the University of Edinburgh (receiving his Doctor of Medicine degree in 1786). While in Scotland he was, for two successive years, president of the Royal Medical Society of Edinburgh, and also president of a society for the further investigation of natural history.

He was an early promoter of vaccination. During the yellow fever epidemic of 1793, he suffered an attack of the disease contracted while caring for his patients.

It was his habit to throw open his house once every week in the winter, and at these gatherings students, citizens, scientists, and travelers met and discussed subjects of interest. These assemblies, celebrated in the annals of Philadelphia under the title of Wistar parties, were continued long after his death by other residents of that city.[4]

The American College of Physicians elected him a fellow in 1787, and he was appointed one of its censors in 1794, which place he retained until his death. In 1787 he was elected to membership of the American Philosophical Society, was chosen its vice-president in 1795, and on the resignation of Thomas Jefferson, in 1815, served as president until his death. He also served as president of the Society for the Abolition of Slavery, succeeding Benjamin Rush.

The botanist Thomas Nuttall named the genus Wisteria in his honour (some call it Wistaria but the misspelling is conserved under the International Code of Botanical Nomenclature). The Wistar Institute of Anatomy and Biology at the University of Pennsylvania, founded in 1892 by his great-nephew, Isaac Jones Wistar, is also named for Caspar Wistar.

Wistar was a friend of Thomas Jefferson, with whom he worked to identify bones of the megalonyx[5] and through whom he sent Meriwether Lewis some recommendations for scientific inquiry on the Lewis and Clark expedition.[5]

1892 - The Wistar Institute founded as a independent, nonprofit research institution in biomedical science, with special expertise in oncology, immunology, infectious disease and vaccine research. Located in the University City section of Philadelphia, Wistar was founded in 1892 as America's first nonprofit institution solely focused on biomedical research and training. Named after Caspar Wistar, M.D., a well-respected Philadelphia physician, The Wistar Institute is the nation's first independent medical research facility, founded in 1892 by Isaac Jones Wistar , great-nephew of Dr. Wistar and a prominent lawyer and Civil War Brigadier General who made a long-lasting contribution to the city of Philadelphia and to biomedical science.

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23406f  No.8713384


namefag filtered

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c76a3a  No.8713385


Cowardice has taken you. God does not look kindly on those who keep criminals free. May they prey on you, since you are ok with it.

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8f99b3  No.8713386


that was her job prior to being WH press sec

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7d4d23  No.8713387

File: 4296a32ba282a48⋯.png (2.37 MB, 1900x1454, 950:727, mel.png)

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bfe009  No.8713389


Trump signs executive order to support moon mining, tap asteroid resources

The new executive order makes things even more official, stressing that the United States does not view space as a "global commons" and sees a clear path to off-Earth mining, without the need for further international treaty-level agreements.

The executive order, called "Encouraging International Support for the Recovery and Use of Space Resources," has been in the works for about a year, a senior administration official said during a teleconference with reporters today. The order was prompted, at least in part, by a desire to clarify the United States' position as it negotiates with international partners to help advance NASA's Artemis program for crewed lunar exploration, the official added. (Engagement with international partners remains important, the official said.)

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f753ca  No.8713390


Introduced as Midfle Class Heath Benefits Tax Repeal?

I think both the black hats and white hats knew what was coming and each prepared legislation to deal with it ahead of time.

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23a6af  No.8713391


Why the fuck would anyone archive something that isn't a Q post? No one, that's who.

LARPboi is not Q.

Archivists only archive Q posts.

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e33846  No.8713392


Star Wars poster

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18099b  No.8713393



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e15648  No.8713394


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513df1  No.8713395


i can imagine you cutting down stream like a little faggot. I can imagine your family laughing over you, at what a pathetic little bitch you are. I can imagine you burning in hell forever.

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9a258e  No.8713396


yeah, not sure what your point is but I dont need or expect to be anonymous anywhere


I dont need or expect to be treated "special" for who I am irl like the tard OP said


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02be4b  No.8713397

File: e6aa0c4a63d7cd1⋯.png (1.21 KB, 210x161, 30:23, fukenSaved.png)



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207878  No.8713398

File: bd9bc4796266606⋯.png (10.06 KB, 348x83, 348:83, ClipboardImage.png)

so choice

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18099b  No.8713399



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ccaf11  No.8713400

File: 84cbb8e75ccd410⋯.jpg (79.88 KB, 895x830, 179:166, LokxhfgKPV.jpg)


At the White House, I asked about Chinese Propaganda peddled by press in the White House…

WHCA members had a meltdown.

So they removed OAN from their little chair club.

China Propagandists Pheonix TV has a seat in WHCA's little chair club.



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018d74  No.8713402

File: 36e6fd98a9aea48⋯.png (36.36 KB, 593x308, 593:308, ClipboardImage.png)


The W.H.O. really blew it. For some reason, funded largely by the United States, yet very China centric. We will be giving that a good look. Fortunately I rejected their advice on keeping our borders open to China early on. Why did they give us such a faulty recommendation?


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9c11a6  No.8713403



eyes on comms ( piss poor trade-craft )

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d62245  No.8713404

POTUS just tweeted about the WHO shilling for the ChiComs.



Donald J. Trump

7 Apr 2020 - 11:04:16 AM

The W.H.O. really blew it. For some reason, funded largely by the United States, yet very China centric. We will be giving that a good look. Fortunately I rejected their advice on keeping our borders open to China early on. Why did they give us such a faulty recommendation?

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) April 7, 2020

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9ec2b8  No.8713405


I will never take another vaccine. They had better be coming up with other prophylaxis.

Fuck Gates.

Always hated that bastard since he killed IBM's OS/2. 1000 times more reason to hate him now.

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ca3837  No.8713407


What I REALLY cant imagine is how retarded you have to be to make a post lome that. How do you even dress yourself????

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e15648  No.8713408

File: 92b6fb2de25b089⋯.png (70.07 KB, 249x191, 249:191, 8c82303cc2c5a60461714288e9….png)

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d6d4fc  No.8713409




Since 1972, Wistar has been a National Cancer Institute (NCI)-designated Cancer Center and its application for renewal of the Cancer Center Support Grant received the highest rating of "exceptional" in two consecutive terms in 2013 and 2018.[3] Known worldwide for vaccine development, some of the Institute's accomplishments are its contributions to the creation of vaccines for rubella (German Measles), rotavirus and rabies.

Immunology and vaccine development

The Wistar Vaccine & Immunotherapy Center advances new generation DNA-based technologies for prevention of infectious diseases and for cancer immunotherapy.

The HIV-1 research program at Wistar is co-leading a consortium of 30 of the nation's top HIV investigators, which in 2016 received a nearly $23 million grant from the National Institutes of Health for HIV cure research, to test combinations of novel immunotherapies in clinical trials.

Discoveries at Wistar have led to the creation of vaccines that protect children and adults from widespread, debilitating, and life-threatening diseases and have saved countless lives in the U.S. and abroad:

A vaccine against rubella (German measles) developed in 1969 at Wistar has been successfully used worldwide since the 1970s and is administered in the U.S. as part of the measles, mumps and rubella (MMR) combination vaccine. The Wistar-developed vaccine led the charge in the eradication of rubella, which was declared eradicated in the U.S. in 2004.

Two rabies vaccines were developed at Wistar and are used worldwide to prevent rabies-related deaths in humans and wildlife. One is administered as a post-exposure treatment and is nearly 100% effective in preventing fatal rabies infection. It is also given to people at high risk of exposure, including veterinarians and wildlife officers. This vaccine, which was developed at Wistar in the 1960s and ‘70s, has helped to make rabies-related human death a rarity in the U.S. and many other countries. Another Wistar vaccine, licensed in 1995, is used to prevent rabies infection in wildlife.

Wistar scientists are co-creators of a rotavirus vaccine that was licensed by the Food & Drug Administration in 2016 and is routinely administered in the United States and around the world. The rotavirus vaccine contributes to saving U.S. children from 250,000 emergency room visits and 70,000 hospitalizations each year.

Wistar contributed technology critical to the development of the first vaccine for the Zika virus approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration to be tested in humans.

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83e4f6  No.8713410


with fire fox you end up with thousands of trackers

dissenter or brave don't only block trackers they also block adds

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47e118  No.8713411


Thought she was Melania's COS. Maybe on her staff, but not COS, though, not sure.

POTUS is better of doing his own briefings, if the popularity of the CV briefings are any indication. Use a Skype type format and let a call screener handle the bullshit. Let a few assholes through, though, so POTUS can tee 'em up. Need a little fun mixed in to keep it entertaining.

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3a7761  No.8713412

File: 53c4f5a70b8aa87⋯.png (640.6 KB, 1022x551, 1022:551, chanel_RCAs.png)

File: 427732b54e5dc2e⋯.png (288.92 KB, 983x525, 983:525, rudercar.png)

File: 7357fc8edbd6c34⋯.png (550.45 KB, 1023x550, 93:50, rudy_jos4.png)

Nobody I know (IRL) has NO idea about OANN/Chanel Rion's Investigative Series with RUDY which exposes SO many truths.

Then Rudy goes on FauxChat and HE'S on the defensive, as though HE'S trying to vindicate himself.

Blow ALL this Communist Propaganda crap up, and please don't cite Faux as "news"/sauce. There are legitimate NEWS outlets to cite.

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c3115c  No.8713413


still on muh call.. lrp had to jet. i jumped in briefly so we didn't ghost. backup baker took the bake minutes ago. u b up 2 dates cakes -wnb out

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567fed  No.8713414

File: 09b4b5adebe13aa⋯.jpg (86.67 KB, 1261x620, 1261:620, IMG_20200406_134540_782.JPG)

File: 3611f6f2cbe0815⋯.jpg (64.71 KB, 1280x441, 1280:441, IMG_20200406_134703_288.JPG)


Team work for paytriots.

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d62245  No.8713415


You make fuky suky?

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8b7140  No.8713416


Is he?

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9c11a6  No.8713417


Quads dont lie

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530c3e  No.8713418

File: 2d9d8c6356dc85f⋯.jpg (856.54 KB, 1214x888, 607:444, matrixs3gun.jpg)

File: b724f1476fb9b37⋯.png (933.58 KB, 3832x2808, 479:351, BIB1.png)

File: f567d22d050971f⋯.png (945.24 KB, 3832x2808, 479:351, BIB2.png)

File: 2e82f98a51bf409⋯.png (935.3 KB, 3832x2808, 479:351, BIB3.png)

if i post Q drops that seem to make sense am i ruining anons chance to learn that shit for themselves? KEKISTAN!

I think I have finally heard it all.

One time, at band camp, someone said "why you always bringing up subjects that you studied yet none of us know shit about! that's unfair!" at which time I realized that Idiocracy was a documentary and that minus some miracle, we doomed, scro :D

on so many levels…. THANK GOD! FOR Q!

Oh! we gonna learn ya or your going to have to look away as we learn those brave enough to keep looking….

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c76a3a  No.8713419


No evidence. Stop peddling bullshit. You are fake news.

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5b4f83  No.8713420

File: aa492ad539933f2⋯.png (130.64 KB, 1137x547, 1137:547, VM101_G5_on_final_at_NB_Co….PNG)

VM101US Navy G5 from JBA on final at NB Coronado

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c61254  No.8713421

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Truth about vaccines and damage it causes. Aajonus Vonderplantiz have been studying what it does for a long time and have been attacked for spreading the truth about them.

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87266c  No.8713422

File: 49dc64fa3c1ea23⋯.jpg (729.32 KB, 4032x3024, 4:3, nyc.jpg)

"Biblical"- perhaps the real disaster will be epic flooding of major sea ports caused by a 'sky event', hence the lockdown and naval ships, something like what they've predicted with their global warming hoax

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69c5cd  No.8713423

the fraud fauchit leaky fauci has spent 50 some odd years in the cdc and they still havent figured out how to test some of the oldest drugs around to the extent he still describes their healing and toxicity properties as ANECDOTAL??

is this nigger for realz - yall??

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23406f  No.8713424


I feel it has to be a left reporter, Look at Jack P at same network he is BS

Has to be unbiased look for me

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9a258e  No.8713425

File: 975cd0c579e9a35⋯.png (399.17 KB, 800x509, 800:509, ClipboardImage.png)

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505ab7  No.8713426

File: d07c86e203cecff⋯.png (359.57 KB, 763x454, 763:454, Pepeatthemet.PNG)


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1e1c03  No.8713427


You something of God?

Fear will destroy you!

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e15648  No.8713428

File: af5ad3f9804569b⋯.png (353.98 KB, 383x550, 383:550, OnyOneSheriff.png)




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12e489  No.8713429

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d62245  No.8713430

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c76a3a  No.8713431


How many children have died while Q sat on evidence doing nothing? Is that the delusion?

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124df5  No.8713432


it's a subversive win for freedom in a way, because before this people in the USA would have completely freaked out about walking into a pharmacy or a bank wearing a mask, never mind a hat or sunglasses or scuba gear.

now it's socially mandatory

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702c43  No.8713433


hope she ain't got the covid

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154ce3  No.8713434


Ears don't line up, neither does the shoulder, and your top right corner of the overlay is missing.

Also, there is no POTUS in the reflection on the table, yet the flag behind him shows up.

Even on your own overlay, the flags don't line up.

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cc4350  No.8713435


Yep results are in. You're hiv+.

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83ada7  No.8713436

For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Live as children of light

Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them. It is shameful even to mention what the disobedient do in secret. But everything exposed by the light becomes visible—and everything that is illuminated becomes a light.

‭‭Ephesians‬ ‭5:8, 11-13‬

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e33846  No.8713437

File: 413bb9acb558063⋯.png (62.16 KB, 604x448, 151:112, POTUS_WHO.PNG)


The W.H.O. really blew it. For some reason, funded largely by the United States, yet very China centric. We will be giving that a good look. Fortunately I rejected their advice on keeping our borders open to China early on. Why did they give us such a faulty recommendation?

8:04 AM - 7 Apr 2020


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79e63a  No.8713438

File: e4ac2ea32e083fb⋯.jpeg (107.01 KB, 828x563, 828:563, 8411B230_A6A2_4995_B8BC_2….jpeg)

File: 13f9167be0b97d2⋯.jpeg (68.32 KB, 828x661, 828:661, 0C981110_06D5_4435_B771_F….jpeg)

File: fa8bd75ac337e83⋯.jpeg (157.37 KB, 828x628, 207:157, F02CA4FB_D24E_4627_95C7_C….jpeg)

File: 9925830f357ffb0⋯.jpeg (138.61 KB, 828x675, 92:75, EECD4306_10E9_42AE_8594_E….jpeg)

Enough of this ruse, finish [theM]

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702c43  No.8713439


love his critical thinking approach towards the public

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e33846  No.8713440

File: 7ef8a4548920158⋯.png (58.19 KB, 603x450, 67:50, POTUS_IG.PNG)


Why didn’t the I.G., who spent 8 years with the Obama Administration (Did she Report on the failed H1N1 Swine Flu debacle where 17,000 people died?), want to talk to the Admirals, Generals, V.P. & others in charge, before doing her report. Another Fake Dossier!

8:22 AM - 7 Apr 2020


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3dc0aa  No.8713441

File: b64de9fabe1ff3f⋯.png (778.14 KB, 700x705, 140:141, pepe_in_hopes_hair.png)

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379c4f  No.8713442


Why the fuck do the demoncraps hide shit from us in those spending packages?

Why does the MSM push fake news?

Use your fucking brain, it's called DISINFO!

Wouldn't be surprised if Fake Money heavily involved as well..

qmap.pub is nothing more than a crypto-currency mining op, just like this place with susucoin.

Odds are ran by Hotwheels himself.

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87266c  No.8713443

File: 73497d706d1028f⋯.jpg (448.22 KB, 900x468, 25:13, whoknows.jpg)

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3a7761  No.8713444


>NO idea

ANY idea

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f753ca  No.8713446


I member when that snowhite darf idea was first post here. Never confirmed. Cool theory tho.

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ccaf11  No.8713447

File: ba5b81ad80a1a8f⋯.jpg (115.65 KB, 949x860, 949:860, vWFr6v9Ljc.jpg)



>Former FBI


>assess the info.

pic related, his own words.

>don't be stupid

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b93a50  No.8713448

@590 Speak naow anons, or forever hold your peace kek ijs




>>8712848, >>8712869, >>8712968, >>8712973, >>8713060, >>8713097, >>8713096 President Trump and CO Tweets News and Decodes

>>8712835, >>8712857, >>8712860, >>8712883, >>8712992, >>8712998, >>8713019, >>8713033, >>8713034 Planefag reports

>>8713047 US Marshall Tweet

>>8712840, >>8712846, >>8712874, >>8712889, >>8712906, >>8712896, >>8712911,

>>8712946, >>8712979, >>8713058, >>8713099 Chinese Virus Reports

>>8712789, >>8712805, >>8712960 Q Drop Decodes and discussions

>>8712825, >>8713113 Financefag reports

>>8712823 pope blames pell's victims

>>8712829, >>8712818, >>8712978, >>8713054 Austin Steinbart "Dude It's a Cell!"

>>8712879 Multi Plus Finance

>>8712938 London Pics Moar !

>>8712949, >>8712972, >>8713101 Noteable people (Bad Guys Mostly) /Arrests/ Announcements/Deaths

>>8713086 fake news OFF THE RAILS!

Baker Change

>>8713091, >>8713140 DOJ News Release 04/03/2020: Office of Justice Programs More Than $55 Million Avail Fight Human Trafficking

>>8713146 Attorney General Will Chair Committee Review Foreign Participation US Telecommunications 4/7/2020

>>8713129 White House Press Secretary Stephanie Grisham Reportedly Out, Set to Return to East Wing

>>8713194 Mask Supplier Refuses to Fill Abortion Clinic’s Order Because Masks are for “Health Professionals”

>>8713236 Moar than a Million Illegal Immigrants Scored CA Drivers Licenses

>>8713242 US diplomats involved in trafficking of human blood and pathogens for secret military program (9/12/2018)

>>8713270 "Dr. Oz: Governor Cuomo Shut Down Our Study on Hydroxycholorquine for Early Treatment of Coronavirus"

>>8713272 Mike Pompeo Live Presser

>>8713099 Did DS Show Their Hand? Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (January 24, 2019)

>>8713336 Ted Cruz Warned About China Media Propaganda/Q Post 3338

>>8713359 H1B Workers Seek 180 Instead of 60 Day Stay in US Post Unemployment Period

>>8713362 Presidential Message on World Health Day, 2020

>>8713363 Carnival Cruise Lines bought by Mile26 Capital LP: $10m-Apr 6

>>8713389 Trump signs executive order to support moon mining, tap asteroid resources

>>8713402 PDJT Twat: The W.H.O. Really Blew It

>>8713173 Planefag Reports


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4ca706  No.8713449

Funny story Bill Gates Child Prodigy and everyone believed it haha

Sheep never question, always believe.

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22cdb6  No.8713450

File: 516904854a5ef3a⋯.jpeg (28.51 KB, 500x500, 1:1, p.jpeg)

Release the Cures: Any anons know of any treatment or cure for Myalgic Encephalomyelitis or Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. Friendanon suffers greatly from this and I'd do anything to help this person out.

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018d74  No.8713451

File: 51f9379cb55b6d7⋯.png (34.47 KB, 597x272, 597:272, ClipboardImage.png)


Why didn’t the I.G., who spent 8 years with the Obama Administration (Did she Report on the failed H1N1 Swine Flu debacle where 17,000 people died?), want to talk to the Admirals, Generals, V.P. & others in charge, before doing her report. Another Fake Dossier!


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cd2572  No.8713452

File: 24797a89407cd29⋯.png (573.23 KB, 500x501, 500:501, ClipboardImage.png)




why don´t you do what you dream ?

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aa73aa  No.8713453

"The New Normal"

"The New Normal"

"The New Normal"

This song and dance.

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511f77  No.8713454

File: 24da6a01824d90d⋯.jpg (16.08 KB, 362x506, 181:253, sE3gi_lH_dlu_0n5t5_p_9_G6P….jpg)

File: 64fe3394d35fa17⋯.jpg (110.09 KB, 358x504, 179:252, G7ityunftysdn_0_5H6_df64ck….jpg)

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c61254  No.8713455


PLEASE don't vaccinate your children or tell the doctor to sign a form that he will be responsible if the vaccine causes any damage

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6885b5  No.8713456


LOL, I had no idea they were trying to say something was "fake" about the photos. Last night, I grabbed the higher rez version for anons to analyze. I even flipped and rotated those for analysis. Rule of thumb for me, is, they start casting doubt on Pence, I dismiss.

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0801dd  No.8713457


>Archivists only archive Q posts.

hm, did keep a copy of some of the early apocryphs, if only for reference, and to be ready for defense if/when those got reposted months/years later.

always surprised there wasn't more fuckery at that level, but i think most if isn't here, but on twitter, where various fakes got more traction than they every could have here

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8cfdad  No.8713458


He's gonna expose these clowns. Setting the stage to release cures?

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000000  No.8713459



Clearnet died, switched to Tor



Since 1972, Wistar has been a National Cancer Institute (NCI)-designated Cancer Center and its application for renewal of the Cancer Center Support Grant received the highest rating of "exceptional" in two consecutive terms in 2013 and 2018.[3] Known worldwide for vaccine development, some of the Institute's accomplishments are its contributions to the creation of vaccines for rubella (German Measles), rotavirus and rabies.

Immunology and vaccine development

The Wistar Vaccine & Immunotherapy Center advances new generation DNA-based technologies for prevention of infectious diseases and for cancer immunotherapy.

The HIV-1 research program at Wistar is co-leading a consortium of 30 of the nation's top HIV investigators, which in 2016 received a nearly $23 million grant from the National Institutes of Health for HIV cure research, to test combinations of novel immunotherapies in clinical trials.

Discoveries at Wistar have led to the creation of vaccines that protect children and adults from widespread, debilitating, and life-threatening diseases and have saved countless lives in the U.S. and abroad:

A vaccine against rubella (German measles) developed in 1969 at Wistar has been successfully used worldwide since the 1970s and is administered in the U.S. as part of the measles, mumps and rubella (MMR) combination vaccine. The Wistar-developed vaccine led the charge in the eradication of rubella, which was declared eradicated in the U.S. in 2004.

Two rabies vaccines were developed at Wistar and are used worldwide to prevent rabies-related deaths in humans and wildlife. One is administered as a post-exposure treatment and is nearly 100% effective in preventing fatal rabies infection. It is also given to people at high risk of exposure, including veterinarians and wildlife officers. This vaccine, which was developed at Wistar in the 1960s and ‘70s, has helped to make rabies-related human death a rarity in the U.S. and many other countries. Another Wistar vaccine, licensed in 1995, is used to prevent rabies infection in wildlife.

Wistar scientists are co-creators of a rotavirus vaccine that was licensed by the Food & Drug Administration in 2016 and is routinely administered in the United States and around the world. The rotavirus vaccine contributes to saving U.S. children from 250,000 emergency room visits and 70,000 hospitalizations each year.

Wistar contributed technology critical to the development of the first vaccine for the Zika virus approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration to be tested in humans.

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c76a3a  No.8713460


Oooh edgy. I am evil cause I want the cabal to be fought against.


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7e630c  No.8713461

File: 43ab9ef0240255c⋯.png (248.13 KB, 594x877, 594:877, bill_gates_b_w_virus_vacci….png)

File: cb08bf6fca6ac1b⋯.png (116.54 KB, 548x362, 274:181, trump_hand_stop_that_makes….png)


I don't normally do requests, but "the gate" (template) was good (still open). Kek.




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f1438f  No.8713462


Asteroid, perhaps?

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018d74  No.8713463

File: 87125a0f905cfa2⋯.png (19.35 KB, 596x182, 298:91, ClipboardImage.png)


Wisconsin, get out and vote NOW for Justice Daniel Kelly. Protect your 2nd Amendment!


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dbf0d4  No.8713464

File: 0e64e6994b143d4⋯.jpg (12.58 KB, 300x168, 25:14, download.jpg)

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87266c  No.8713465

File: 40e5b04c2d1b982⋯.jpg (312.19 KB, 1357x911, 1357:911, whoenemy.jpg)

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9c11a6  No.8713466


World Health Org = United Nations

UN is built on blood soaked former slaughterhouse grounds donated by Rockafellers. ( spiritcookers )

Lucis Trust is UN publisher = LUCIFER Trust and Alice Baily.

HOW do you get all to take " Mark of the Beast "? ….. Can I see your vaccination card / permission to travel papers , please ?

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9b97bd  No.8713467

File: 5ec1ccebe8f5458⋯.jpg (333.66 KB, 1777x1000, 1777:1000, BGates1.jpg)

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78be4f  No.8713468

File: 3251142e0839de1⋯.png (32.14 KB, 990x744, 165:124, zh1.png)

New York Reports Largest Single-Day Jump In Deaths As

COVID-19 Optimism Fades: Live Updates

Tue, 04/07/2020 - 06:49

"Update (1100ET): New York State just reported its biggest one-day jump in COVID-19 deaths, and a modest decline in new cases, quashing the optimistic narrative that President Trump has been pushing. The state also reported more than 8k new cases, bringing its total to 138,836.

For the second day in a row, Gov. Cuomo said the data appear to show that the state has reached a "plateau". On Tuesday, New York State reported 731 deaths, bringing its total to 5,489.


Russia reports another concerning jump in cases

Downing Street offers update on Johnson's condition

Abe kicks off Japan's 1-month state of emergency

Spain reports jump in deaths following drop over the weekend

Wuhan lifts lockdown

US death toll tops 11k

New York State reports biggest one-day jump in deaths with 731

ICU admissions, intubations down significantly in New York

US cases accelerate faster than Europe's

De Blasio says ventilator shortage is easing

12 NYPD officers have died of COVID-19

Trump admin officials jawbone market higher

Peterson poll shows 73% say COVID-19 has hit them in the pocketbook

India closes hospitals after cases confirmed

China reports no daily deaths for first time

German health ministry unveils app to help track COVID-19 patients

France prepares to ban jogging as lockdown tightens"



doom off? doom on? tomato plants?

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5e1dbc  No.8713469


the majority of these guys get 80k+/yr to do data entry with the occasional question posted on stack overflow to get them through their day. Then they form little mobs and get "outsiders" fired so they can bring over their mini-poos from their real home, in order to get the rent on their 700/mo apartment even lower so they can send even more money back home.

But by all means, import more and more and more! it's not like there aren't a few thousand unemployed anons here on this board alone that can do some data entry for 7k a month.

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d62245  No.8713470

Did anyone see the QPatriot video on the tunnels in NY? If you did, what did you think? It was worth the watch. About 33 minutes I think.

"Wonderland" ain't [SA] it's Manhattan.

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274ed5  No.8713471

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


From last year

Military times underground fighting

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124df5  No.8713472


gaslighters always try

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e33846  No.8713473

File: b1b34997e384cbc⋯.png (40.89 KB, 605x279, 605:279, potus_wisconsin.PNG)


Wisconsin, get out and vote NOW for Justice Daniel Kelly. Protect your 2nd Amendment!

8:26 AM - 7 Apr 2020


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1d7d20  No.8713475

President Trump wants them to ASK THE Q.


1) Isn't is true, Mr. President, that the invisible enemy we're at war with is not a virus,

but rather, the Rothschild-owned financial system, where obscene amounts of generational

wealth has bought almost total control of every institution in almost every country?


Is that what America is at war with, Mr. President?


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f628c0  No.8713477

Last night Fauci got called out, not named but we know who POTUS was talking about, Birx looked scared, Chinese journalist got called out, today the W.H.O. and Obama I.G. getting called out.

I'm enjoying this.

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c76a3a  No.8713478


Yes you will you fucking cuck. You will take it like you take Q's bullshit while the cabal go 99% unopposed. Not one of you cucks has the courage to stand up and ask Q to do something. Not one. Fucking stand up and demand action or bend over and take it like the cowards you are.

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d62245  No.8713479

BO, whaz sup with the board? Dragging like ass. 15 minutes or more.

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0801dd  No.8713480


>socially mandatory

well that's the thing, innit

i'd have settled for socially acceptable

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bff7a9  No.8713481


Surely you realize that just because you can't see something, does not mean it does not exist?

Patience . . . Grasshopper.

In time, even blind men will Wonder how much they couldn't Stevie.

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000000  No.8713482

>>8713357, >>8713383, Clearnet died, switched to Tor, >>8713409


The Wistar Institute pioneered the use of aborted fetal cells in vaccine development in the 1960s.


"In the heart of Philadelphia, the secret work of Wistar Institute, the work of aborted baby “WI38” was going on while they pretended to be against abortion. Once the Wistar Institute was successful in patenting their formula for aborted fetal cells, they partnered with the World Health Organization. They then flew Hayflick around to different countries to teach people his “recipe” using [aborted] baby lungs so countries could make their own cell lines and vaccines.

Today, over 300 million doses have been injected in humans on earth. Every time a shot is given, profit is made. Many think of Washington, D.C. as the center of evil. However, Satan plays deceptive games for those unaware. This company, this location, IS the high place of extreme wickedness. The [vaccinations] of impurities of the dead forced into HOLY bodies is NOT acceptable. Messing with God’s DNA the HOLY NATION will no longer tolerate."

A Wistar rat https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Laboratory_rat

The Wistar rat is an outbred albino rat. This breed was developed at the Wistar Institute in 1906 for use in biological and medical research, and is notably the first rat developed to serve as a model organism at a time when laboratories primarily used the common house mouse (Mus musculus). More than half of all laboratory rat strains are descended from the original colony established by physiologist Henry Donaldson, scientific administrator Milton J. Greenman, and genetic researcher/embryologist Helen Dean King.[19][20]

The Wistar rat is currently one of the most popular rats used for laboratory research. It is characterized by its wide head, long ears, and a tail length that is always less than its body length. The Sprague Dawley rat and Long–Evans rat were developed from Wistar rats. Wistar rats are more active than others like Sprague Dawley rats. The spontaneously hypertensive rat and the Lewis rat are other well-known stocks developed from Wistar rats.

The Wistar Institute today

6 Apr 2020 - A potential coronavirus vaccine funded by Bill Gates is set to begin testing in people, with the first patient expected to get it today.


Researchers from the Weiner Laboratory work on a coronavirus vaccine at The Wistar Institute

Healthy volunteers in Philadelphia and Kansas City, Missouri, will begin testing an experimental coronavirus vaccine starting this week.

Inovio Pharmaceuticals, a small biotech in Pennsylvania, received regulatory clearance to begin testing. The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and other nonprofits have poured funding into Inovio's vaccine project.

The biotech said it expects to have early safety data by late summer and aims to produce 1 million doses by the end of 2020.

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8bc6c9  No.8713483

Boards borken.

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3166fc  No.8713484

File: a411aca0c972731⋯.gif (491.86 KB, 500x465, 100:93, HBTFD_Neon_GIF.gif)



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0ffdda  No.8713485

File: 1b13ae4219f3fab⋯.png (51.92 KB, 593x501, 593:501, Covid3.png)


…did President Trump sacrifice thousands of innocent Americans to the ravages of COVID 19 by waiting until mid-March to take decisive action?

Remember to RETWEET! We are in an information WAR.


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9ec2b8  No.8713486

File: 9fa4f57e970578f⋯.png (10.8 KB, 545x181, 545:181, error_Capture.PNG)


firefox + ghostery

pic related - posting was 100% complete several times when this popped up. Whose gateway? mine?

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bac56a  No.8713487

File: 9c02e5eac32cfe6⋯.jpg (17.23 KB, 443x195, 443:195, 2yr.JPG)

2 year delta TOMORROW……

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d62245  No.8713488


POTUS should reinstall her. PRONTO!!!!

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18d5e9  No.8713490

File: 6f3e9100ef0f816⋯.jpg (602.59 KB, 810x2540, 81:254, Screenshot_20200407_102850….jpg)

File: 35486dc6ae53c10⋯.jpg (697.13 KB, 810x2540, 81:254, Screenshot_20200407_102916….jpg)

File: ce2d747ad1bf517⋯.jpg (524.21 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20200407_102933….jpg)


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4977cf  No.8713491

>>8712683 PB

So Austin will Get HELD

Somebody should report the snuff-like video where someone (austin?) is choking a black person, that Austin posted on this board as few days ago.

I reported it. But didn't report Global

There so much warning about reporting Global I was afraid to

BO and CM should specifically list "snuff" [or "snuff -suspect?] as a reason to report Global. List doesn't say that.

Too many people filter?

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6267ec  No.8713492

File: 0a85a001a395076⋯.png (1.08 MB, 1260x840, 3:2, WHOass.png)

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0801dd  No.8713493

anyone has the vid of based aussie whip man?

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0db26d  No.8713494

So Wuhan is about to ease lockdown. Amazing that they are doing this without a vaccine.

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1d7d20  No.8713495

File: a03cbe6586ae13e⋯.png (321.93 KB, 1859x884, 143:68, 2020_04_05_10_01_30edt.png)

President Trump wants them to ASK THE Q.


2) Q listed 166 countries with Rothschild-owned-&-controlled central banks.


They issue fiat (conjured out-of-thin-air) money & charge interest on it.

This is how they increase their wealth and control, at the expense of the world's people.

The power to issue bills of credit enables them to acquire control over the real assets

and wealth (land, water, food production, shipping–every industry that extracts or

produces goods vital to life and health.)


Is that what America is at war with, Mr. President?


I've been posting this for several days now. Q wants them to Ask The Q. Ask Q+ the Question. Here are some questions (with implied answers) that we'd like to see brought out by an honest press in dialog with the President.

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3166fc  No.8713496

File: 01ed77ac06507ea⋯.png (121.69 KB, 1020x1320, 17:22, Austin_Detention_Memo_0402….png)

File: 01eb8eeb30add6f⋯.png (1.53 MB, 2560x1280, 2:1, Austin_Compilation_0326202….png)

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000000  No.8713497


Complete and total isolation from artificial fragrance for at least 72 hours to determine if that is the cause.

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87266c  No.8713498

File: a0887019878521c⋯.jpg (799.87 KB, 782x690, 17:15, mcgaduck.jpg)

CALIFORNIA: New restrictions for [some counties] :

Now requires employers in essential businesses to maximize the number of people who work from home. Businesses may only assign those employees who cannot perform their job duties from home to work outside the home.

Clarifies that auto repair and auto supply operations are essential, but auto sales must be limited to online and delivery only.

Removes fishing as an essential activity.

Clarifies that funeral homes and mortuaries are essential businesses.

Adds clarifications regarding what construction is considered essential.

Clarifies that businesses that include an essential business component alongside non-essential components must, to the extent feasible, scale down their operations to essential businesses components only.

Clarifies that mixed retail businesses may continue to stock and sell non-essential products alongside essential products (i.e., liquor stores that also sell a significant amount of essential products.)

Clarifies people may use public transit for travel for essential work or activities only.

Authorizes local governments to limit or block recreational access to parks, rivers, lakes and other open spaces to reduce crowding.

Requires the closing of playgrounds, outdoor gym equipment, picnic areas, dog parks, and barbecue areas outside of residences.

Requires the closing of golf courses, tennis and pickle ball courts, rock parks, climbing walls, pools, spas, gyms, disc golf, and basketball courts.

Clarifies that any sport or activity that includes the sharing of equipment may only be engaged in by members of the same household or living unit.

Clarifies that gatherings for a funeral must be limited to no more than 10 individuals.

Clarifies that moving from one residence to another is essential, but only if it cannot be deferred, or if the move is necessary for purposes of safety, sanitation, or habitability reasons, or to preserve access to shelter.

Clarifies that services to assist individuals finding employment with essential businesses are essential services.

Clarifies that volunteering for “health care” operations is an essential activity.

Clarifies that gun stores are essential businesses.

Clarifies that personal storage (mini-storage) facilities are essential businesses.

Clarifies that travel for the following are also considered essential travel—to manage after-death arrangements and burial; to arrange for shelter or avoid homelessness; to avoid domestic violence or child abuse; for parental custody arrangements; and to temporarily reside in a residence or other facility to avoid potentially exposing others to COVID-19.


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513df1  No.8713499


edgy is that blade as it slices down your wrists. You screaming like a nigger on welfare does not fight the cabal it only makes you look like a weak little bitch. The kind the cabal you want to fight so badly will bend over and fuck, but then again i bet you would like your faggot hole stretched. Remember to not get any of your aids blood on the carpet.

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7ca4a6  No.8713500



as long as coverage

thanks for update

conference calls are nice

like baking commando


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5e1dbc  No.8713501


That's an expensive option play.

You can look at this and not help but to imagine that someone with inside baseball of what's going on thinks Americans are going to have a good amount of residual cash at some point in the not too distant future.

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df5a95  No.8713502

File: cf705418dac7fc6⋯.png (970.45 KB, 1404x742, 702:371, NEWSIE9.png)


punk better quit reading my notables!

I am prettier than this man! :D

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1b1264  No.8713503

File: d99abe58d3be0c7⋯.png (25.71 KB, 255x255, 1:1, HealedBYstripesStarredORcr….png)


>Thank you fren!

>Very interesting info.

Welcome fren!


>BLESS dis BREAD reQuest(ed) /LB

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09ea55  No.8713504

File: 0e4f4fa125c6709⋯.jpg (792.43 KB, 1440x3040, 9:19, Screenshot_20200407_113215….jpg)

Trump tweet: H1N1 … 17 000 deaths (17)

Google: 4000 deaths.

Speaking to us

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1d7d20  No.8713505

President Trump wants them to ASK THE Q.


3) Mr. President, you keep saying that you're a wartime president.

Aren't the American people entitled to know who the real enemy is?

In the "speech that will get Donald Trump elected",


you said the establishment doesn't have our good in mind:

"Our movement is about replacing

A failed and corrupt political establishment

With a new government controlled by you, the American people.

The Washington establishment

And the financial and media corporations that fund it,

Exist for only one reason."

Are we in the Second American Revolution to return power

to the people, as you declared in that historic speech?


Is that what America is at war with, Mr. President?


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5b4f83  No.8713506

File: addfa6a7c991ba9⋯.png (276.13 KB, 593x586, 593:586, pepe_still_mad.PNG)

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950c71  No.8713507


anemic? B12?

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18d5e9  No.8713509


Really, 33… such a random number…

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9c11a6  No.8713510


If anons look at the UN symbol , it is a cone shaped PYRAMID , with 32 blocks and a capstone


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02be4b  No.8713511


>Why the fuck would anyone archive something that isn't a Q post?

gee… you'd have to ask the author of WEARETHENE.WS or QRESEAR.CH about that

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ccaf11  No.8713513

File: a51b2989328b47a⋯.jpg (54.3 KB, 893x407, 893:407, pXTAXhenh3.jpg)



Why didn’t the I.G., who spent 8 years with the Obama Administration (Did she Report on the failed H1N1 Swine Flu debacle where 17,000 people died?), want to talk to the Admirals, Generals, V.P. & others in charge, before doing her report. Another Fake Dossier!

17,000 – 11:22 Digits

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e15648  No.8713514

File: 5c8bde39941d178⋯.png (185.22 KB, 484x374, 22:17, PetrifiedAnon.png)


Shut the fuck up, faggot, and learn to pass through stone!


LAG x10,000

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b25a7f  No.8713515

File: 5c73b5d30fb9706⋯.png (32.64 KB, 250x358, 125:179, ClipboardImage.png)

Anyone notice Brix when she stood behind the Admiral when he was talking?????

She was blinking like she was on drugs or something.

Like she was trying to send a Morse coded message.

Just watch her in the clip

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aa73aa  No.8713516


The delusion is believing that q is going to do something.

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0f0722  No.8713517


Right.Cutting funding after a plandemic is an effective way to avoid future plandemics

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865862  No.8713518

Every day at the same time the board starts fucking up.

Must be a timing issue or sumptin.

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b9e74a  No.8713519



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23a6af  No.8713520


Is that you, Studio54?

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c76a3a  No.8713521



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2b7f96  No.8713522

Cuomo is so damn stupid..he calls out the deaths when he doesn't realize that all the deaths are being recorded as COVID 19…and the Press are eating it up.

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87266c  No.8713524

You're already nearly locked out of society when you opt out of a mobile phone, now imagine when you don't take the 'vaccine"

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d62245  No.8713525



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74ab1a  No.8713526

File: 6075d73012202a6⋯.png (368.81 KB, 503x579, 503:579, ClipboardImage.png)

when are these evil groups going down? I actually went to school with the person who posted this on facebook….google oxfam child trafficking.

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47e118  No.8713527


Agree. And ALICE is the tunnel digging machine.

I think, too, Building 666 5th Ave is an important tunnel node. Only a hunch, though. Going by the chan exchange one night by a poster who very well could have been JK. Poster say the location was critical, or someyhing along those lines.

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5e1dbc  No.8713529


I have nothing good to add, but really wanted to reply to this information. This is so intriguing, I don't even know where to begin.

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274ed5  No.8713530


Got a link?

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fb38cb  No.8713531

File: 1a2a5f889efecb8⋯.jpg (49.04 KB, 600x368, 75:46, So_youll_go.jpg)

File: 329367b7def2bb5⋯.jpg (47.18 KB, 905x503, 905:503, tucker_trump_h1b_visa_outs….jpg)

File: 0eeffed0fada06f⋯.jpg (35.55 KB, 403x403, 1:1, zach_disgracesnike.jpg)

File: 51ebc49c5224734⋯.jpg (52.45 KB, 662x515, 662:515, inflation.jpg)

File: 2552f5030ffcace⋯.jpg (17.96 KB, 400x280, 10:7, job_security_nosofunny.jpg)


I lost my great job to one of these fuckers. H1B IS NOT MAGA. Offshoring is NOT MAGA.

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f753ca  No.8713532

In the alternate timeline where their faux candidate won (either Jeb or Bitch), would the media be making a big deal about deaths? I think NO.

In the alternate timeline where their faux candidate won (either Jeb or Bitch), would the media be making a big deal about deaths? I think NO.

We would all be focusing on something else ( war with Russia over Ukraine or with North Korea ) and the WHO and Demonrats would keep us complacent while diseased masses crossed the borders of Europe and USA and Oz.

The plague would be worse possibly too— one of those samples the Harvard doc was caught trying to smuggle rather than the unfinished relatively harmless version going around.

If HCQ cured it, the media would NEVER mention it. Some doc on Infowars would tell us about plot and also advise us to burn down 5G towers and then anyone else who mentioned it would be silenced or arrested for spreading “fake news.” To

We would all be focusing on something else ( war with Russia over Ukraine or with North Korea ) and the WHO and Demonrats would keep us complacent while diseased masses crossed the borders of Europe and USA and Oz.

The plague would be worse possibly too— one of those samples the Harvard doc was caught trying to smuggle rather than the unfinished relatively harmless version going around.

If HCQ cured it, the media would NEVER mention it. Some doc on Infowars would tell us about plot and also advise us to burn down 5G towers and then anyone else who mentioned it would be silenced or arrested for spreading “fake news.”

By the time the virus was unstoppable, the media would bleat about it at last, and the NWO would be pushed through to “save” us.

Thank God we are in this timeline and not theirs.

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1d7d20  No.8713533

President Trump wants them to ASK THE Q.


4) Mr. President, isn't it true that the Invisible Enemy

America and the world are fighting isn't actually a germ?

Doesn't Invisible Enemy refer to the insidious system of

obscene generational wealth, closely held among a few ruling families?

Have they secretly controlled almost every aspect of our lives?

Should we be calling our struggle to regain our freedom

the 2nd American Revolution?

What do you say to that, Mr. President?


Is that what America is at war with, Mr. President?


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807c2d  No.8713534

File: 5eba3fd62e9dcb4⋯.png (470.08 KB, 760x476, 190:119, ClipboardImage.png)

‘Prayer has been the great source of strength to me’: Cardinal Pell looks forward to Easter

Washington D.C., Apr 7, 2020 / 08:54 am (CNA).- After more than 14 months in prison, Cardinal George Pell said he was always hopeful about the High Court decision which acquitted him of all charges and released him from incarceration on April 7.

Shortly after his release from prison, the cardinal told CNA that, while he had kept faith he would be eventually exonerated, he tried not to be “too optimistic.”

On Tuesday morning, the High Court issued its decision, granting Cardinal Pell’s request for special leave to appeal, quashing his convictions for sexual abuse, and ordering that he be acquitted of all charges.

As the decision was announced by the court, several hundred miles away the cardinal watched from his cell in HM Prison Barwon, southwest of Melbourne.

“I was watching the television news in my cell when the news came through,” Pell told CNA, in an exclusive interview shortly after his release on Tuesday.

“First, I heard that leave was granted and then that the convictions were quashed. I thought, ‘Well that’s great. I’m delighted.’”

“Of course, there was no one to talk to about it until my legal team arrived,” Pell said.

“However, I did hear a great cheer from somewhere within the jail and then the three other inmates near me made it clear they were delighted for me.”

After his release, Pell said he spent the afternoon at a quiet location in Melbourne, and enjoyed a steak for his first “free” meal in more than 400 days.

“What I am really looking forward to is celebrating a private Mass,” Pell told CNA before he had the opportunity to do so. “It has been a very long time, so that is a great blessing.”

The cardinal told CNA that he had lived his time in prison as a “long retreat,” and a time for reflection, writing, and, above all, prayer.

"Prayer has been the great source of strength to me throughout these times, including the prayers of others, and I am incredibly grateful to all those people who have prayed for me and helped me during this really challenging time.”

The cardinal said the number of letters and cards he had received from people both in Australia and from overseas was “quite overwhelming.”

“I really do want to thank them most sincerely.”

In a public statement at the time of his release, Pell offered his solidarity with victims of sexual abuse.

“I hold no ill will to my accuser,” Pell said in that statement. “I do not want my acquittal to add to the hurt and bitterness so many feel; there is certainly hurt and bitterness enough.”

“The only basis for long term healing is truth and the only basis for justice is truth, because justice means truth for all.”

The cardinal told CNA on Tuesday that as he readjusts to his life as a free man and prepares for Holy Week, he is focused on what lies ahead, especially Easter, and not behind.

“At this stage I don’t want to comment further on the last few years, only to say I have always said I am innocent of any such crimes,” he said.

“Holy Week is obviously the most important time in our Church, so I am especially pleased this decision came when it did. The Easter Triduum, so central to our faith, will be even more special for me this year.”


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4977cf  No.8713535


I called out his snuff post and then …

But that's not mentioned in the paperwork


slow like chinese water torture

"Watch the [drip drip drip] Water"

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567fed  No.8713538

File: 559475b5d3d1346⋯.jpg (133.99 KB, 532x400, 133:100, 1533525508.jpg)

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a51a25  No.8713539


HR 748 had the Bill Title amended. The original bill was

Middle Class Health Benefits Tax Repeal Act of 2019

"To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to repeal the excise tax on high cost employer-sponsored health coverage."

List of bill titles as they changed by amendment. in the Senate

COVID-19 Pandemic Education Relief Act of 2020

Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act

Coronavirus Economic Stabilization Act of 2020

Emergency Appropriations for Coronavirus Health Response and Agency Operations

Relief for Workers Affected by Coronavirus Act

Sometimes Congress will totally change a bill content by amendment and often change the bill title.

Exampleof bills completely changed from what was introduced

HR 1865 "National Law Enforcement Museum Commemorative Coin Act"


was replaced with an appropriations bill that was over 10 weeks past the fiscal year

"Further Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2020"




after amendments to replace ALL text the amendment to change the bill title, became

H.R. 3590 Obamacare


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a64ded  No.8713540

File: e9ad3c504188bff⋯.jpg (96.88 KB, 501x700, 501:700, zombies_world_health_organ….jpg)



Putting all eyes on them.

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73121c  No.8713541

File: 59cb3143b276868⋯.jpg (97.94 KB, 640x433, 640:433, external_content_duckduckg….jpg)


reflections stretch more the lower angle you photograph at, and the farther they are away from the 'center'

Even the flag stripes line up

>type right corner of overlay is missing

for fuck sake do it yourself and do it right the first time then I wouldn't have to do your work for you. some photoshop fag, just because you can map text to path?? there's no hidden text, and the reflection isn't manufactured. Its exactly what it should be with a low camera angle. Including stretching toward the top

Have some pic related reflection distortion you absolute mong. 4 days in a row your bullshit, you could only be clown

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87266c  No.8713542

File: ca00b3c5982c088⋯.png (578.34 KB, 1112x672, 139:84, amazon.png)

Okay Amazon

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d37486  No.8713544


Who is the she he is talking about? Did he mean AG Lynch?

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23a6af  No.8713545


This is a discussion that has been had here in the last 2 weeks. After Q got his first tripcode, he posted a revised, "official" graphic compilation of his actual posts on 4/pol/ (pre-tripcode). That is how we know which early posts were actually Q, and all archives are based on that. You can see the post and the graphic Q posted for yourself.

While scrapers don't include posts Q made without tripcode (mistake or mistaken tripcode pass), they are logged on the spreadsheet *IF* Q makes a subsequent or duplicate post in that thread with the same ID and the tripcode.

So there really are no apocryphs, as all is accounted for in multiple locations.

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44fc4c  No.8713546

File: 443bce1ae84baac⋯.png (7.74 KB, 686x226, 343:113, ClipboardImage.png)

7s everywhere. thanks China

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154ce3  No.8713547


Where's the "Go fuck yourself with this nonsense bullshit" option?

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1b1264  No.8713548



BluntDirect+TRUMP Time !

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73121c  No.8713549



no, the delusion is thinking that Q is going to do your responsibility FOR you

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bfe009  No.8713550



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de447f  No.8713551

File: c1d0a8fbbdb99e1⋯.png (73.7 KB, 1761x247, 1761:247, ClipboardImage.png)

Check out DJT's '17,000' tweet history

17,000 deaths = criminals arrested

1.7 MILLION CoVid tests = pounds of narcotics seized

6000 ventilators = MS13 arrested = military at the border

Did he just confirm the connection between CoVid and arrests?

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b93a50  No.8713552

File: 923c6c34ac06d7e⋯.png (329.18 KB, 714x602, 51:43, Baker_Fresh_Bread_2.png)






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5e1dbc  No.8713553

File: f7e0914014d96d8⋯.jpeg (54.08 KB, 490x550, 49:55, bug_twatter.jpeg)


make'uh fukey fukey

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c76a3a  No.8713556


Hahahaha cabal shill is butthurt

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9c11a6  No.8713557


Anons , please check CONSERVATIVE TREEHOUSE , RE Dr, Fauci > ABC reporter wink+nod comms attempt.

something screwy around here

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1b9859  No.8713558

File: 331002c344ca314⋯.png (344.24 KB, 534x575, 534:575, highestranking_anon.png)

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567fed  No.8713559

File: 8938bb5a537cf0f⋯.png (441.37 KB, 746x520, 373:260, 1559854068_1.png)

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1f22d3  No.8713560



I find the possibility of Hope Hicks being the new press sec interesting. Possible she left to be debriefed. Returns when POTUS and military take on a new phase of the operation?

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23a6af  No.8713562


I think you mistagged my post, anon. Nothing to do with your reply.


No archivist is going to log spoopy pseudo-Q posts as Q posts. I'm not sure how to make it anymore simple for you.

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000000  No.8713563

If I were going to attack the rich and famous, I'd target their water. Probably that really expensive water only rich people drink. Maybe I'd pollute the acquifer occasionally so that when it's pumped up and bottled certain people would get sick all over the world??

"Those you trust the most"

"Watch the water"


Vatukoula - Native tellurium crystal on sylvanite from the Emperor Mine, Vatukoula, Tavua Gold Field. Vatukoula (meaning "gold rock" in Fijian) is a gold mining settlement in Fiji, 9 km inland from the Town of Tavua on Viti Levu, the main Fiji island (home to the national capital Suva and its international airport Nadi). The Emperor Mines Limited (EML) shut down on 5 December 2006 due to low price of gold and the high level of capital required to sustain the mining operation. It sold its operations to Westech International, a private company based in Australia which, in turn, sold the mine to River Diamonds Plc (later renamed Vatukoula Gold Mines Plc), a Chinese company.


Fiji Water bottles water from Fiji and ships it overseas. The water is sourced from Yaqara, on the north shore of Viti Levu, the largest island of Fiji.

In November 2010, Fiji deported Fiji Water director of external affairs, David Roth, for "interfering in Fiji's domestic affairs,"[16] leading to the resignation of interim defence and immigration minister, Ratu Epeli Ganilau.[17] Shortly afterwards, an increase in the tax from one-third of a Fiji cent per litre to 15 cents per litre for producers over 15 million litres per month which at that point in time applied only to Fiji Water, led the company to shut down its Fiji Island offices on November 29, 2010. The purpose of the raise was to increase Fiji Water's tax contribution to the Fiji Government on the F$150 million (AUD 82 million) they exported each year from F$500,000 to F$22.6 million.[18] The next step for the brand was thought to be a move to New Zealand.[19][20][21] However, after threats from the government to give the well to another company,[22] Fiji Water announced its intent to resume operations and accept the new tax levy.[23]

In December 2010, Fiji Water's Fiji plant had 400 employees.[24] Fiji Water has also established a foundation to provide water filters to rural Fiji communities, many of which lack access to clean water.[25][26]

In 2006, Fiji Water ran an advertisement stating, "The label says Fiji because it's not bottled in Cleveland". This was taken as an insult by the Ohio city's water department.[27] The Cleveland Water Department ran tests comparing a bottle of Fiji Water to Cleveland tap water and some other national bottled brands. Fiji Water reportedly contained 6.31 micrograms of arsenic per litre, whereas the tap water of Cleveland contained none.[27] In a 2015 test of Fiji Water bottled in November 2014, performed and reported by the company, the reported arsenic level was 1.2 micrograms per litre, below the FDA limit of 10 micrograms per litre.[28]

Owned by

The Wonderful Company

The Wonderful Company LLC, formerly known as Roll Global, is a private corporation based in Los Angeles, California. With revenues of over $4 billion,[1] it functions as a holding company for Stewart and Lynda Resnick and as such is a vehicle for their personal investments in a number of businesses. The company currently counts as business divisions the following brands: juice company POM Wonderful, bottled water company FIJI Water, Wonderful Pistachios and Wonderful Almonds, Wonderful Halos, JUSTIN Vineyards and Winery, Landmark Vineyards and Winery, JNSQ Wines, pest control company Suterra, flower delivery service Teleflora, sea freight company Neptune Pacific Line and in-house marketing agency Wonderful Agency.

The same company that uses 1.1 gal of precious water, from drought ridden CA, to grow a single Almond for export to Asia, imports bottled water from Fiji to sell to idiots.

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a51a25  No.8713564


Congress has a habit of completely changing bills. They will take a bill that makes it thru the House and then have the Senate make major or even complete text change to a bill. This way they can introduce something in the seante that would not have passed on its own merits in the house. Then the House just votes to approve the amendments.

2 bills where the text was completely changged by amendment and the the bill title was changed by amendment.

HR 1865 "National Law Enforcement Museum Commemorative Coin Act"


was replaced with an appropriations bill that was over 10 weeks past the fiscal year

"Further Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2020"




after amendments to replace ALL text the amendment to change the bill title, became

H.R. 3590 Obamacare


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ca3837  No.8713566

File: 470dabf30d18e2c⋯.jpg (487.49 KB, 1080x1696, 135:212, 20200407_104408.jpg)

Kayleigh McEnany will replace Stephanie Grisham as White House press secretary


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944400  No.8713568


So what did the idiot do to get himself arrested, no crime indicated

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a18bbf  No.8713569

File: 70228e4b0d8e36f⋯.png (92.21 KB, 317x386, 317:386, HI_AUSTFAG.png)


>>8712683 Austin Steinbart got arrested (need verification)



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675038  No.8713571

>>8713164 This translucent niggah just found another opaque one he can trust.

TY, anon.

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536e83  No.8713572


Attorney for Defendant…

Benjamin Good?

B Good Kek

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e15648  No.8713575

File: fcd2b5bafdec76c⋯.png (668.17 KB, 743x645, 743:645, Quarantined_Copy.png)

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1b1264  No.8713576

File: b59a61821d49e74⋯.png (62.78 KB, 800x800, 1:1, SGT_KEK_OBSERVE_onDUTY.png)




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4ca706  No.8713577

File: 6ccdb0372e02a21⋯.png (1.28 MB, 884x761, 884:761, TREE.PNG)


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bcea9e  No.8713578

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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215c2e  No.8713579

File: 7cd28e59567d425⋯.png (419.64 KB, 610x342, 305:171, ClipboardImage.png)

Cardinal Pell pedo was found guilty, did a small time in jail, and set free once judges reckoned they should have thought it might not have happened….


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5e1dbc  No.8713580


>why don´t you do what you dream ?

Bad people watching.


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c7fc92  No.8713582

File: 3642f172e4b344f⋯.jpg (146.14 KB, 901x450, 901:450, WHOpanic.jpg)

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a18bbf  No.8713583



Not only that but anons tried to help that retard by telling him so while he was breaking federal law… The entire time

He deserves everything he gets.

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8693b3  No.8713586

File: c54c8d32840f5d4⋯.jpg (177.91 KB, 1000x1002, 500:501, Never_Ending_Story.jpg)

Luck Draggin'$ N' Shit…

The Ride Ne'er Enns…..

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8f99b3  No.8713588


fuck California

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154ce3  No.8713593


Lel. I guess checking IDs is too hard.

Go yell at the sky, I'm just making an observation because glass-top table is STILL FLAT.


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