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File: 2284ef4ab122f3a⋯.png (252.44 KB,404x376,101:94,ClipboardImage.png)

 No.1458 [Open thread]

You niggas are nasty posting pics of dicks and downies on a imageboard forum.

What if your employer clicks on the thread and finally sees what you have.

No wonder you people always try to get college degrees to buy G-wagons to make up for "all of that".



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File: 97c40f5a453e7ac⋯.mp4 (6.11 MB,854x480,427:240,cat_1_mp4.mp4)

 No.1324 [Open thread]

Small cat make doo doo when don't know how to use letterbox. They shit up a storm expecting u to clean up their asses for them. Their big cat clean shit butt but no big cat around to lickie lickie booty booty. Cat oopsie poopsie peepeepoopie whiping must commence.













Cat oopsie poopsie peepeepoopie whiping complete. Cat more happy now. Cat go play on a hot pad that feel like big cat belly.

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File: 51553e71945e574⋯.mp4 (2.39 MB,854x480,427:240,cat_2_mp4.mp4)


You can even go use a blowdryer to dry their buttcheeks!!!!


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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


This is actually a serious tutorial on nursing young cats when they cannot go in the letterbox.

If you separate a kitten from it's mother cat, you will have to learn to do this yourself.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Normal day for Nuclear.

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File: 61e6e4f7a29594b⋯.png (156.52 KB,342x188,171:94,ClipboardImage.png)

Did anyone see the new "Cats" movie?

If so, how did you feel about it?

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File: 0b53f86f83d3af2⋯.jpg (72.26 KB,882x685,882:685,lobaru.jpg)

File: fba94910f9bd857⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image,475.7 KB,2448x3264,3:4,lobaruthepedo.jpg)

 No.1452 [Open thread]

cuck lobaru (Thomas **) pics leaked by 15 year old Emma.

More shit will be released if shit doesn't settle down

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File: bbef8657ffdeae8⋯.jpg (41.36 KB,500x500,1:1,my ancestors :).jpg)

 No.1317 [Open thread]

the truth about owo

owo merely larps as a woman, in reality he's a fat neckbeard

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File: a500e5d6e40ba63⋯.jpg (135.56 KB,640x480,4:3,owo.jpg)

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02:49 <dressedinyellow> owo and I were dating.

02:49 <jmanfatty> I see

02:49 <dressedinyellow> I've seen pictures.

02:49 <dressedinyellow> We were close.

02:49 <dressedinyellow> We fought, I left the channel.

02:49 <jmanfatty> ah

02:49 <dressedinyellow> That's it.

02:49 <jmanfatty> so it was uber personal

02:49 <dressedinyellow> Yeah.

02:49 <dressedinyellow> Yeah.

02:49 <jmanfatty> couldn't possibly have hurt you like Monroe tier

02:49 <dressedinyellow> We PMed all day for, like, 3 months.

02:49 <dressedinyellow> We were in love and stuff.

02:50 <jmanfatty> so owo is bisexual then

02:50 <dressedinyellow> owo is my ex.

02:50 <jmanfatty> gotcha

02:50 <dressedinyellow> That's….owo didn't want anyone to know.

02:50 <jmanfatty> well ofc I won't be telling anybody this

02:50 <jmanfatty> I just wanted to be part of the elite club that knows this

02:50 <dressedinyellow> Part of the reason I didn't want to tell you is I thought you might be turned off by me if I told you owo was my ex.

02:50 <jmanfatty> oh um

02:50 <dressedinyellow> Like, think I am weird.

02:50 <jmanfatty> how could that be the case

02:50 <jmanfatty> other than owo being a gay dude

02:51 <jmanfatty> i mean your ex husba…

02:51 <dressedinyellow> Yeah, I love gay men.

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02:58 <jmanfatty> wait so

02:58 <jmanfatty> sec

02:58 <jmanfatty> sec

02:58 <jmanfatty> I've always wondered who this was and I had a strong suspicion it was owo

02:58 <dressedinyellow> Who?

02:58 <jmanfatty> sec

02:58 <jmanfatty> https://media.8ch.net/file_store/545c42775cb5d3dd70d4e5829183e7d176dc6383a724792a85d8cba1071bca4e.jpg

02:59 <jmanfatty> the whole gender neutral appearance

02:59 <dressedinyellow> I can't confirm or deny.

02:59 <jmanfatty> oh :\ lol

02:59 <jmanfatty> my curiosity continues then

02:59 <jmanfatty> >_<

02:59 <dressedinyellow> But, that person is hot. Looks like someone I'd date. (Hint.)

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File: ca0bd173e961c31⋯.png (767.34 KB,1200x732,100:61,74369971_p0.png)


Who's the cute tomboy? I'm obsess with tomboys she is perfect

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File: b17228309bf2188⋯.png (2.17 MB,1105x1706,1105:1706,SwedishMeatball.png)

File: ac17a33dadb31c6⋯.png (214.61 KB,1366x768,683:384,2019-06-19-211215_1366x768….png)

File: 08a7298555d563d⋯.png (139.34 KB,1366x768,683:384,2019-06-19-210855_1366x768….png)

 No.1364 [Open thread]

He's gone too far this time.

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File: e8e8f35b8671f10⋯.jpg (36.15 KB,800x600,4:3,SwedishMeatball_2019.jpg)

SwedishMeatball, circa 2019

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File: 94d550926004519⋯.png (800.13 KB,640x853,640:853,1576508276521.png)


it's a sad day for swedish man, swedish man bad

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File: 605063a43f63cc1⋯.jpg (139.92 KB,1080x1034,540:517,external-content.duckduckg….jpg)


when you want cat treats and meowing isn't working so you put on your cutest face

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File: ab99536e6270ff0⋯.jpg (258.66 KB,1280x720,16:9,yayo.jpg)

lol @ fucking faggot OP

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File: 7a96691828ad57d⋯.jpg (44.93 KB,759x847,69:77,7a96691828ad57de651fef5fcf….jpg)

 No.1428 [Open thread]

i am homosex

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File: a4770c82561db21⋯.png (369.06 KB,500x520,25:26,1564788836910.png)

 No.1420 [Open thread]


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File: a86fa2916c8b7d0⋯.png (1.14 MB,1600x896,25:14,ClipboardImage.png)

 No.1400 [Open thread]

Desperately I held my asshole expecting a mega shit. It wasn't gonna be the routine poo. It was gonna be the big one. I've been waiting a few days since July 4th expecting it to come. I worshipped it by eating a few hot dogs here and a few hamburgers there to garuntee the second coming of the turd. I sat on the toilet thinking my life story and what I've done to deserve such a fate. The shit came out. It came out like storm water breaking a window open with ass skin all over the toilet. The toilet was nearly filled and I aimed my asspipe to the shower expecting a mega horse shit showdown. It came down and as the thunder clapped my ass stopped shitting and I started spraying pee for at least a minute. The battle finished by me and my friend taking a shovel to shovel the shit into bags to set on fire and chuck at buildings. The very next day the news reported the mysterious disappearance of several historical buildings. Several businesses like JP Morgan have invested in building new migrant shelters and set a reward up to $2,500 to the man or woman that burned down the property for reuse.

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File: 0145f33abfb7306⋯.png (601.14 KB,1280x720,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0ca22f36df08ca3⋯.png (955.73 KB,1160x773,1160:773,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0e0fe555bda7943⋯.png (349.75 KB,408x612,2:3,ClipboardImage.png)

I didn't take up the offer. I knew it wasn't really a guaranteed reward, but rather a trap to get me to admit I burned down a historical coal factory. It doesn't matter if Berkshire Hathaway offers to create a new Reduced Rent Refugee center. I knew from TV ad they were trying to find the crafter of land in a place so desolate and abandoned. Many years ago Hitler's Nazi's have done almost exactly the same with the burning of the Reichstag. A coal factory to the town is like the Reichstag in how it controls a nostalgic centerpiece. The very next day I barely mustered up a shit. I took a months worth of cat litter and put it in the bag.

I walked up to the trailer responsible for the construction of the Refugee Apartment complex. I lit up the bag and lighted the trailer on fire. The trailer was dead silent and it was night so nobody could snitch on my attempt to end progress in the town. The trailer burned easily for the citizens of the town poured gasoline all over the trailer prior to my second attempt at Arson.

The Democratic Federal Government ran by Cory Brooker and Kamala Harris responded soon days after. They banned the sale of non-pumped gasoline and required the resettlement of 500 Syrian migrants into the town. Word got around that I was the man who set the factory on fire and caused the construction for the new migrant apartment complex.

Days later, an Indian man was caught taking a shit in the local pool. He was charged with 10 Counts of Ass Arson Accelerationism. He was given a reduced sentence and even a college education. Had it been a white individual he would be given a harsher sentence under the Democratic Government of Cory Brooker and Kamala Harris.

I got sad that day until my brown Tabby came to my rescue and I downed a nice chocolate milk and disfigured melted M&M's. It was a truly enjoyable sunset that brought an end to a troublesome week.

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File: 19670b2f271e980⋯.png (332.17 KB,861x700,123:100,Kazam_screenshot_00002.png)

File: 727707c650c5ebe⋯.png (276.9 KB,861x700,123:100,Kazam_screenshot_00003.png)

 No.745 [Open thread]

The KKK Says it's A-Okay to be Gay Gay Gay!

Read all about it:


Also, for more information on your local k00l:


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File: 96bd37ed96a4700⋯.jpg (101.77 KB,1018x1024,509:512,[laughsinamerican].jpg)

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bump for the dirty truth about the GAY GAY GAY

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bump for truth

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File: d64624f319ec7bc⋯.png (880.76 KB,1366x768,683:384,3.png)

 No.1332 [Open thread]

Happy 4/20!

It is never too late to remember XXXTentacion's legacy as a honorable, noble author of the most influential lyrics of our generation. Every one of his words written down is almost as recognizable and memorable as the Constitution at Golden Corral.

In addition, CloverOS is an excellent Gentoo variant that can automatically install itself in around 5-10 minutes. A normal installation of Gentoo would take from 35 minutes to a few hours for beginner users. CloverOS is nearly perfect enough to be deployed in an enterprise setting or for a small business workspace. CloverOS is good for personal and business use.

Chromebooks are also good but not perfect in nature. Chromebook’s are marketed to be able to play Roblox, but at a mere Mobile standard. CloverOS, on the other hand, is documented to be able to run Adobe professional software like Photoshop and After Effects. Many GNU/Linux distros including Debian, PopOS, and Mint have difficulty to keep up with the exceptional standards CloverOS has set. CloverOS isn’t bogged down with systemd, pulseaudio, dbus, avahi, nls that plague major distros like Ubuntu and Fedora GNU/Linux.

If you don’t like reading paragraphs to persuade you into using CloverOS, don’t mind watching my CRINGE video.

Thank you for your time.

Here’s the link to install CloverOS or buy a Chromebook!



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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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File: 79a5cf685ccfec1⋯.png (225.06 KB,640x432,40:27,ClipboardImage.png)

File: cdb0feacdd95ec0⋯.png (196.8 KB,492x269,492:269,ClipboardImage.png)

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File: 43a5ac33eaa815e⋯.jpg (2.14 MB,4032x3024,4:3,kwjstDr.jpg)

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File: 0c01ca42c1f0f09⋯.png (356.55 KB,800x600,4:3,oCOqzVk.png)

File: cc6bbc71a2d013a⋯.jpg (58.43 KB,902x676,451:338,IMG_20171220_043658.jpg)

File: ceee099d9150993⋯.jpg (74.31 KB,480x640,3:4,UIXYYDa.jpg)

 No.1043 [Open thread]


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File: 8b2fcdae25769ae⋯.jpeg (45.82 KB,640x360,16:9,729A0CF3-A872-4003-8282-8….jpeg)


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File: 45474bc4ff5c38c⋯.png (799.65 KB,854x1056,427:528,1551424555386.png)

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File: 59d06b679a78ce3⋯.jpeg (67.72 KB,640x480,4:3,835143B6-6BE1-4AEA-9DA6-5….jpeg)

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File: 49cd7caa271d4ff⋯.png (99.71 KB,357x274,357:274,9000.png)



genital warts?


shit stain?

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File: 60e5f77f0fa67e7⋯.jpg (291.76 KB,1242x2208,9:16,yq49elap2fl21.jpg.kkk.jpg)

 No.1301 [Open thread]

Negroids are the superior race.

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Only in theft and foot races.

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Oh, and rape.

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File: 698670e225becdc⋯.png (358.64 KB,850x570,85:57,ClipboardImage.png)


Is that Emma? If so, kill yourself.

This should make you kill yourself regardless.

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Emma who retard? I took that picture off some trap subreddit. Here's her (male) account https://www.reddit.com/user/twackedtranny

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Pornhub embed. Click thumbnail to play.

 No.1314 [Open thread]

jewish question 6 gorillion kekistan goy day of the rope oy vey annuda shoah! muh jew le happy merchant race realism attack helicopter goyim drain the swamp we wuz kangz n shiet NPC NPC great replacement kekistan autistic screeching deus vult muh shlomo 6 gorillion microagression jew moon man ally oy vey annuda shoah! deus vult special snowflake cultural marxism oy vey SJW black don’t crack beta misogyny microagression Soros shlomo MAGA ally points free helicopter rides whitey moon man shoah goyim normie muh moon man cuck

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File: 29cc25eec0a2eda⋯.jpg (109.12 KB,800x400,2:1,mesa_r34.jpg.kkk.jpg)

 No.428 [Open thread]

This is your mind on anti-KKK:


Is this what it has all come to?

Thread sponsored by the Kool Kids Klub

[k00l] is a trademark owned by KKK Inc.

©2017 Kool Kids Klub Inc. All rights reserved.

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the KKK have literally never hacked anything, prove me wrong

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15:49 < visual> 15:31 < visual> :D

15:31 < visual> look - nothing's gonna happen

15:32 < [k00l]prrpx> he says now

15:32 < [k00l]prrpx> he'll regret his words later

15:48 < [k00l]prrpx> don't hl me visual

15:48 < [k00l]prrpx> i'm gonna ignore u

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File: d14a19137576a89⋯.jpg (56.74 KB,500x436,125:109,1453566990950-1.jpg.kkk.jpg)

based shlomo right wing death squads shlomo deus vult microagression day of the rope red pill cultural marxism oy vey shoah goyim right wing death squads attack helicopter anti-racist is code word for anti-white great replacement Sad! normie shoah anti-racist is code word for anti-white jew jew free helicopter rides misogyny moon man kekistan diversity white genocide Soros pepe pepe microagression dindu oy vey annuda shoah! right wing death squads diversity kek deus vult white genocide autistic screeching ally points le happy merchant ally cuck pepe ally NPC deus vult degenerate drain the swamp

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 No.834 [Open thread]


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File: 111ed9cf935d1ea⋯.jpg (44.4 KB,596x470,298:235,UnoriginalNigger.jpg)

File: 9a795ffb3292eeb⋯.jpg (35.1 KB,480x360,4:3,meme.jpg)

Finally someone uses iFunny

((Sniper Elite)) skills

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lol @ mad owo

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File: 3668512e34ae309⋯.jpg (552.84 KB,1382x3244,691:1622,1553942911427.jpg.kkk.jpg)

🥛 muh MAGA it’s okay to be white deus vult we wuz kangz n shiet drain the swamp le happy merchant multiculturalism ally drain the swamp dindu microagression autistic screeching based MAGA muh white genocide normie kekistan right wing death squads microagression degenerate MAGA misogyny goyim shlomo free helicopter rides autistic screeching special snowflake red pill misogyny free helicopter rides RWDS anti-racist is code word for anti-white white genocide drain the swamp jewish question NPC goyim shlomo special snowflake autistic screeching misogyny RWDS goyim cuck it’s {current_year} deus vult 6 gorillion

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