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/ircsecrets/ - IRC CONFESSIONS

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 No.1479 [Open thread]

>Giving me mod on /ircsecrets/

>A good way to curb the Cringe Yearbook

Choose one.

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File: a9d45d807d681bd⋯.png (621.65 KB,553x629,553:629,ClipboardImage.png)

As a mod on 8kun /ircsecrets/…

>All low quality threads from me have been deleted including UNMODRATFINKRITENOW posts, posts linking Dead YouTube videos, and non-spicy Jake Paul meme threads

>The threads above will be replaced with even worse Cat Oopsie Poopsie and Bladder Cat Circus-like threads.

That's about it.

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File: 97c0e61d43147b2⋯.jpg (1.07 MB,1536x2048,3:4,hkm wallet contents.jpg)

 No.1569 [Open thread]

<ranix> ask me officially

<HKM> <ranix> post whats in ur pockets

<HKM> so rainx

<HKM> u agree correct

<HKM> i will post whats in my wallet

<HKM> IF u cant match it

<HKM> u r perm banned

<HKM> deal?

<ranix> you won't post shit because you're a bitch

<ranix> you can't ban me either

<HKM> k we take that as he agrees

<HKM> midget rainx

<JEWS> in my official capacity, i will enforce this agreement

<HKM> 0sec pic

<HKM> https://app.box.com/s/fn0rm2vf1roli5848ft6u1d07u5g96yi

<HKM> midget rainx

<HKM> u have 5min to comply

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<HKM> damn

<JEWS> ranix: you have five minutes from now

<HKM> jews is openly shitting onu rainex

<ranix> <3 ircsecrets

<ranix> I'm not posting shit JEWS

<HKM> ^


<ranix> lol

<HKM> wtf

<ranix> nice shit skin

<JEWS> enjoy your ban at 5:58 i guess

<ranix> what are you hispanic

<HKM> ^

<HKM> ool

<HKM> he just called me illegal mexican

<HKM> ya this kid is ne

<HKM> w

<HKM> im done here

<HKM> time to go walk with my son

<ranix> watch out for dark areas

<ranix> someone might jump out at you

<JEWS> watch out for hidden marriage contracts

<HKM> what is this marriage contract meme jews

<ranix> don't worry I'm not interested in fornicating with the offspring of shitskins

<HKM> he got married?

<HKM> she assfucked him?

<HKM> he was crying about marriage contract here?

<JEWS> <ranix> I'm not sucking off your son without a prenup

<ranix> go walk to walmart with your son

<ranix> spend $200

<HKM> midget rainx

<HKM> how does it feel

<ranix> post a picture of your son

<HKM> to openly be humiliated

<HKM> knowing god damn well

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File: 182fa0f2b5cfafa⋯.jpg (88.76 KB,1280x720,16:9,WIN_20190420_23_36_18_Pro.jpg)

 No.1564 [Open thread]

this is montercristoX, the anti-nazi! he's white as fuck bro!

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plz to show bob nd vagene

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show bob

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hi yes plz show bob or vagene, i am make very god money. i am like sugar dady

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File: 23b9ec84c418df7⋯.png (111.34 KB,1824x1196,456:299,local tranny.png)

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File: c1bf5b54b03fafd⋯.png (488.34 KB,630x420,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

 No.1563 [Open thread]

Aye we Juggalos 🤡🤡eat dat bat🦇soup🍜. Woop Woop, Wu Flu! 🦠

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 No.1558 [Open thread]

Clean Clean!

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File: 1d55132a85dac2f⋯.gif (20.39 KB,220x188,55:47,tenor.gif)

Picking up

Picking up the team

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File: 1ef628fa2095c53⋯.jpg (39.74 KB,696x392,87:49,IMG_20200120_104410_424.jpg)

File: 6a3a8c0ccd8d656⋯.jpg (72.14 KB,661x640,661:640,661px-MarkHarmonHWOFOct201….jpg)

 No.1561 [Open thread]

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 No.1559 [Open thread]

Clean Clean!

Clean Clean!

Clean Clean!

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File: 29692b39aee431b⋯.png (746.19 KB,862x632,431:316,copenmy.png)

 No.1511 [Open thread]

Copenmy IRC

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Where did Copenmy go?

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File: f2292ad9eb8740a⋯.png (865.4 KB,931x524,931:524,ClipboardImage.png)


Copenmy planted a bomb in Centennial Park.

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File: f0c74d10a460987⋯.jpg (17.2 KB,388x357,388:357,IMG_20200114_120821_464.jpg)

 No.1550 [Open thread]

pk caught on cam by Fex

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This was already noted in the thread >>1514

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Specifically >>1549, one post before yours.

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File: 88e997a6f160f62⋯.png (518.63 KB,631x495,631:495,miep irc.png)

 No.1515 [Open thread]

Miep/MiepGirl IRC

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File: 8897451a2b9a1b2⋯.png (1.2 MB,1280x720,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

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Did you really have to post a drunk one of the hundreds of pics I've posted? Cringe ;-;

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File: 7398ea6a5ff62a5⋯.png (2.67 MB,2198x1090,1099:545,mirror.png)

 No.1552 [Open thread]

pk caught palm reading by Fex

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 No.1551 [Open thread]

Just gonna put this here

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File: 7dac5dac4189b77⋯.jpeg (400.96 KB,2500x1875,4:3,brite.jpeg)

 No.1544 [Open thread]

aka doctor faggot

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File: 2c93259ed7d12b6⋯.jpg (122.95 KB,500x333,500:333,tupac.jpg.kkk.jpg)

 No.1295 [Open thread]

7h3 KKK is b4KKK. W3 h4v3 b33n h01d1ng b4ck f0r 700 10ng. Y0ur d347h5 r 1mm1n3n7.

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File: 36b73e7b6f8d5e0⋯.jpeg (189.04 KB,1080x1246,540:623,kkk meme.jpeg)

1f ur n0t a k00l k1d pl34s3 go 4way fr0m 7he K1ub…

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1f ur n0t a k00l k1d pls g0 aw4y fr0m the k1ub…

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can i be in the cool kids treehouse im a white kid please please i will do and say and suck anything

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you ain't k00l if you don't pee your pants

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File: 3c781611552453e⋯.png (1.29 MB,800x599,800:599,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6fe5881a228dec1⋯.png (109.08 KB,131x287,131:287,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6dcff016e7d5e7e⋯.png (1.3 MB,1920x1017,640:339,ClipboardImage.png)

y0u 5ur3 w3 57I11 n33d k001 k1d5 k1u|3? 4ll 7h353 f01k5 94v3 0ut th13r p1kkk5 0n d3 ch47.

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File: 3fa65dc5f311a2c⋯.jpg (26.01 KB,480x640,3:4,dpr1.jpg)

File: 863784afb38e3cd⋯.jpg (88.91 KB,1024x1024,1:1,dpr4.jpg)

 No.1540 [Open thread]


<DPR> my hands are less scabby now

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