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/ircsecrets/ - IRC CONFESSIONS

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File: 73cb6506d558b38⋯.png (846.44 KB,938x876,469:438,le56.png)

 No.1350 [Open thread]

which one of you faggots is this?

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the next victim

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bwaha the 50th tinder guy

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File: d491bb9cc765929⋯.png (328.63 KB,1280x750,128:75,Screenshot_2019-06-15-01-4….png)

This is the new fag looking for a baby sitter

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Victoria & Phillip

▪May 28th - June 20th, 2019 Rest In Peace

Who will be MissAnthropy next victim?

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File: 7740d10de228f79⋯.jpg (594.78 KB,2448x3264,3:4,pedojpx.jpg)

 No.1489 [Open thread]

japex (jpx) IRC

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fkn hell always knew he was a pedo

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File: 42eeecf128654ab⋯.jpeg (86.63 KB,800x450,16:9,la-1513365210-h5ejzhbmqk-….jpeg)

 No.1391 [Open thread]

Miss Genital Herpes 2019 –→>> now smells like a mix of a fish market in August, her breath like the stench cheapest massage parlor rubbing alcohol, the unwashed pussy of an genital herpes spreading jailbird buddy, the sperm of a 300 pounder, stale hobo ass, cat piss plus her own odor of fresh puke and luke warm urine! Meet missa the bed pissa, the small town jizza, she swallow for a dollah!

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File: a9c94553f0b1b6b⋯.png (3.07 MB,3454x1276,157:58,catpoop.png)


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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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File: 02d1212b79b5eda⋯.png (1.03 MB,1066x580,533:290,ClipboardImage.png)


Watch a Bobcat play with this VR camera.

It's quite entertaining…

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ayyyyy lmao

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File: 94d550926004519⋯.png (800.13 KB,640x853,640:853,94d5509260045193a8f3fb0d1d….png)

 No.1490 [Open thread]

13:43 < Schnuffel> I hate u swedishmeatball

13:43 < SwedishMeatball> fuck you Schnuffel

13:43 < faggotbot> ok! get on all fours you little bitch!

13:43 < SwedishMeatball> get back in #8chan

13:43 < SwedishMeatball> I will not be disobeyed

13:43 < Schnuffel> Ur channel sucks

13:43 < SwedishMeatball> I will send EVERYONE your nudes

13:43 -!- Jax [~Jax@Chaotic.Good] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]

13:43 < SwedishMeatball> your school, your family, your church, your town

13:43 < SwedishMeatball> everyone

13:43 < Schnuffel> And only beast can be bossy

13:44 < Schnuffel> Fuck u

13:44 < SwedishMeatball> Emma Louise ***

13:44 < SwedishMeatball> last warning

13:44 < Schnuffel> Stop it

13:44 < SwedishMeatball> GET IN

13:44 < SwedishMeatball> NOW

:44 -!- treeman4 [~treeman4@3899A039.9264A1CF.73E2802A.IP] has quit [Ping

timeout: 240 seconds]

13:44 < Schnuffel> Why

13:44 < SwedishMeatball> because I will burn you to the ground if you don't?

13:44 < Telmeh> we do not negotiate with terrorists

13:44 < SwedishMeatball> Emma Louise *

13:45 < Schnuffel> Why r u blackmailing a 16 year old

13:45 < Telmeh> #cockblocked

13:45 < SwedishMeatball> Emma Louise A*

13:45 < Schnuffel> Shouldnt u be an adult

13:45 < SwedishMeatball> Emma Louise A**

13:45 < Schnuffel> What is wrong with u

13:45 < SwedishMeatball> Emma Louise A***

13:45 < Schnuffel> U ficking cunt

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fkn hell son

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File: 5f94feb98953985⋯.jpg (346.73 KB,1280x720,16:9,Ponyo IRC.jpg)

 No.1510 [Open thread]

Ponyo Anayx IRC Random024s Indian girlfriend

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Pajeet lmao

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File: f580abdd70690e7⋯.jpg (11.58 KB,255x198,85:66,pedolobaru.jpg)

 No.1491 [Open thread]

(09:49:12) (+*) lobaru, is it true you had cam sex with Emma?

(09:49:12) (+*) what's wrong, lobaru? why aren't you answering?

(09:49:12) (+lobaru) live video was involved a couple times, yeah

(09:49:12) (+*) with sexual intentions?

(09:49:12) (+lobaru) not usually, but it led there a few times

(09:49:12) (+*) ah

(09:49:12) (+*) so lobaru, you are a pedo

(09:49:12) (+*) you had sexual encounters on live video with a 15 year old girl

(09:49:12) (+lobaru) that's probably the "worst" of it

(09:49:12) (+*) this will be noted in court

(09:49:12) (+*) thank you, lobaru

(09:49:12) (+lobaru) no problem, now go tell your friends or whatever

(09:49:12) (+*) don't worry, mate - emma has told us all about this

(09:49:12) (+*) we just wanted to hear it from your finger tips

Another pedo exposed. Logs from #8chan

Cuck lobaru (Thomas **) pics leaked by 15 year old Emma.

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Another pedo exposed, huh?

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File: 94d550926004519⋯.png (800.13 KB,640x853,640:853,94d5509260045193a8f3fb0d1d….png)

 No.1487 [Open thread]

SwedishMeatball IRC

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Is this actually SwedishMeatball? #notsurprised

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File: 14b44a57da26a8b⋯.jpg (26.86 KB,640x480,4:3,sanguine irc.jpg)

 No.1495 [Open thread]

Sanguine IRC

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ayyyyyyyy lmao

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File: d56c1b5834cc95b⋯.jpg (805.42 KB,1110x1656,185:276,pk irc.jpg)

File: a5a81c722bc2e2b⋯.jpg (341.63 KB,960x1280,3:4,pk irc 2.jpg)

File: 68d1e276a7646a7⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image,186.9 KB,1339x993,1339:993,pk irc 3.jpg)

 No.1514 [Open thread]

princesskitana irc

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wew lad

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her skin is the same color as poop

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her skin is the same color as fecal matter

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What a bruh moment

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Post her Bob and vagene

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File: 6aa5a3497e2f811⋯.png (407.36 KB,773x585,773:585,visual irc.png)

 No.1513 [Open thread]

visual irc

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File: 50e4722c63b5164⋯.png (399.74 KB,540x960,9:16,visualirc.png)

visual irc

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File: 242532e12900765⋯.jpg (479.5 KB,1620x2160,3:4,somefaggot.jpg)

File: 80e9001eb7fac31⋯.jpg (58.7 KB,310x397,310:397,bro.jpg)

 No.1516 [Open thread]

welcome to /ircsecrets/ - owo's board facilitating many Christian and Jesus inspired keks under the command of God

in no particular order, a current list of selfies {new or old} can be found here-

MiepGirl >>1515

SwedishMeatball >>1364

princesskitana >>1514

JEWS >>1500

Ponyo >>1510

Beast Emma >>1431

Underdose >>1499

Monroe >>1488

Sanguine >>1495

lrsp >>1492

lobaru >>1491

DPR >>1496

japex >>1489

kristina >>1498

visual >>1513

RTFT >>1497

Copenmy >>1511

Mijin >>395

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File: 24407aec0c05065⋯.mp4 (Spoiler Image,2.35 MB,360x460,18:23,straightmemes.mp4)

 No.1508 [Open thread]

Guess who this is?

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File: af2318de5446385⋯.jpg (1.09 MB,2448x3264,3:4,underdose.jpg)

 No.1499 [Open thread]

underdose irc

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File: 247b95bd16fed28⋯.jpg (82.05 KB,959x1280,959:1280,Monroe IRC.jpg)

 No.1488 [Open thread]

Monroe IRC

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File: 02df0f4dda98938⋯.webm (2.94 MB,540x960,9:16,makeup.webm)

 No.1481 [Open thread]

ban makeup

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