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Infinite Yuri
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Winner of the 1st H/u/nger Games
Himeko from District 7

File: f06301a53227c77⋯.jpg (138.29 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, Dg13B0AUwAIgOaS.jpg)


Guide to WIXOSS


Batoru Online


A pretty out-of date Batoru Sim, it'll let you play with most LRIGs except for Guzuko, Layla and Carnival.

Heres the git for it:


Random Decks For Batoru


For Webxoss only.

Previous thread: >>44224


Male Selectors was a mistake.


I know this was asked a lot of times but who should be the next writer for this franchise?






Mari Okada



This, unironically.



Does it matter? Shakespeare could write it and people would still go ballistic because their headcanon didn't get animated.



So the series might as well be shit as long as some people complain about their headcanon not being animated?

You can't please everyone so you should be focusing on making a good story. People who like it will stay and watch it the others are irrelevant.


>Blu-Ray 2: October 25, comes with two promos and a box of WXK-P04

>Blu-Ray 3: December 20, comes with two promos and a box of WXK-P05

Well we've got the blu-ray release dates now, I have a feeling based off of the fact that Utopia comes out at the same time as the first blu-ray;

that they come out at the same time as the sets they come with.


I miss Yuki.


File: 5edb23506c93165⋯.jpg (1.86 MB, 4077x5929, 4077:5929, __sachi_and_ulith_gekijoub….jpg)


Just be glad that Yuki wasn't ruined by conflate, she got a couple of cute scenes at least.

I miss these two but as long as they don't appear again they can be together forever, maybe it's better that way. There is a small difference in that we never got a satisfactory ending to Yuki though who just dissapeared. SachiRumi at least gota very final ending.



>Yuki will exist forever alone inside of Tama.

When she finally gets out she'll be completely insane and even more obsessed with BATORU and panties.


File: 1313fed61c449f0⋯.mp4 (3.03 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, 121frames_of_pantsu.mp4)


This took way too long and I had no idea what I was doing so the encoding is probably fucked in some way.


File: 6c3922ad95f45cd⋯.jpg (363.73 KB, 2204x1476, 551:369, DhZALD4W0AAT3lA.jpg)

Here's a new promo, its a reprint of the Aya key;

it seems that the key promos are reprints of the deck keys.

Considering this, the next is key is most likely Nanashi(Yuzuki might be completely skipped considering she got printed as a secret in full scratch).

Also here's stats again.

>Layla: 1

>Piruluk: 2

>Guzuko: 11

>Midoriko: 12

>Remember: 14

>Tama: 17

>Carnival: 14

>Ril: 16


File: f771b66a185a869⋯.jpg (647.05 KB, 1482x1124, 741:562, Reverse.jpg)

Re/verse OVAS when?



They should animate it as a showing of good will after the train wreck that was conflated.


File: 082e01e41fa7a72⋯.gif (620.68 KB, 368x271, 368:271, 1417837250365.gif)


>mekimeki's artwork and dynamic panel composition translated into animation by the Conflated team


File: 75bba64026bf5f6⋯.jpg (95.89 KB, 450x666, 25:37, DempoeuV4Agy8W5.jpg orig.jpg)

How was Conflated received in Japan?


File: 049cb3eeffafb3c⋯.jpg (467.56 KB, 1000x1414, 500:707, wixoss-chiyori_p2.jpg)

File: acff4b300da51f2⋯.jpg (435.92 KB, 1000x1414, 500:707, wixoss-chiyori_p4.jpg)

File: 91be5e5cffe4431⋯.jpg (564.36 KB, 1000x1414, 500:707, wixoss-chiyori_p5.jpg)

File: ba593dcf50a29b0⋯.jpg (534.84 KB, 1000x1414, 500:707, wixoss-chiyori_p6.jpg)

File: 4d1dbfea5b7596f⋯.jpg (592.46 KB, 1000x1414, 500:707, wixoss-chiyori_p7.jpg)

As usual, we've gotten news;

and some more previews for Chiyori manga.



File: 66c9987bea5761c⋯.jpg (99.19 KB, 250x349, 250:349, WXK03-004.jpg)

File: b2913ad76fb9260⋯.jpg (59.61 KB, 250x349, 250:349, WXK03-019.jpg)

File: 2f89330308236fe⋯.png (667.78 KB, 852x1100, 213:275, Eternal P.png)

File: 1ed61cd3a6986b6⋯.png (1.35 MB, 852x1100, 213:275, Mais.png)

File: 54e5297da66b48c⋯.png (1.04 MB, 852x1100, 213:275, Tellos.png)


While there were updates to utopia, there weren't very many.

We do have confirmation on the number of coins eternal starts with now however.

Also new background images.


File: 132bd49522357eb⋯.png (1.92 MB, 1600x1362, 800:681, ClipboardImage.png)

Alfou, ganba!


>Tama meta again

Not surprised.


Looking really good.



>Ulith has half the winrate that her waifu does.

What is going on?!

This'll probably change once she gets some actual support though. At least it seems to be going away from being absolutely dominated by 3 or 4 LRIGs although that might also just be due to the low amount of games that have currently been played. We'll see once everyone has had a significant amount of support how well that'll truly hold up.


File: a6aa5cd7e71e1f8⋯.jpg (212.57 KB, 752x752, 1:1, Dg_lo9bVQAE4Nhz.jpg orig.jpg)


That chart is the data from Star Festival alone by the way.


I haven't played in ages, Yuki is better than White/Black Iona right?



Yuki is better, she's the newer one.

Black/White Iona hasn't got any support in a long time and her LRIG is kinda weak.

Pure black iona is decent, though lacking in support.


File: 99b9c243f00ad1c⋯.jpg (121.16 KB, 584x800, 73:100, DhfyOoGUcAAgz80.jpg orig.jpg)

File: 0bf3610d54fc773⋯.jpg (515.97 KB, 882x1158, 147:193, 69540859_p0.jpg)

File: caa518080ab3712⋯.jpg (258.49 KB, 800x1065, 160:213, DhVqgI1VAAEUkD7.jpg orig.jpg)

File: 39bdc3af605323e⋯.jpg (1 MB, 773x1059, 773:1059, 69513149_p0.jpg)


File: f6c1e0172a7b45e⋯.jpg (70.42 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 02 - Girl - Ideal And Real….jpg)

What makes Suzuko and Chinatsu so gay?


File: 57f6991e5f28be9⋯.jpg (644.42 KB, 2048x1448, 256:181, DhqJhzYUYAABNmW.jpg)


File: a0ab4df29c4946f⋯.png (1.77 MB, 852x1100, 213:275, bg_chara_wxk03_1807_04.png)

Was there a recent Wixoss interview where they confirmed the Tama getting Sachi's body theory?

It seems someone on the wiki edited the Tama article so that's why I was wondering. It was never stated and they look different so it doesn't make sense either.


There's this one as well I just noticed. Maybe they put another couple up. Are you getting them from a twitter feed (or somewhere else?) or directly from the site?


Chinatsu, after the one moment in Incited where she forgets Suzu, doesn't seem particularly gay to me. Suzu's a raging homo though. Childhood friends tend to be pretty gay it seems; one of the best yuri tropes.


File: 77bff2613bdbe8f⋯.png (1.26 MB, 852x1100, 213:275, mais.png)

File: 350bb0195d1727d⋯.png (996.28 KB, 852x1100, 213:275, tellos.png)

File: 576dd7bbb7c5f02⋯.png (546.01 KB, 852x1100, 213:275, eternal1.png)

File: 273d416046569e8⋯.png (1.68 MB, 852x1100, 213:275, eternal2.png)


File: 2a1ae994c951448⋯.jpg (615.69 KB, 350x512, 175:256, DhqU0QrU0AE1uCm.jpg)


I'm getting them from the site.

It was obviously going in a cycle of -p-, tellos, mais when i checked last time so, -e- was probably added a bit more recently;

they did technically reveal the (blurred)card at the time i checked.


File: 268e474d37d6263⋯.jpg (136.99 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 1529713747127.jpg)

How often do these two fuck you think?



There is a girl in Shoujo Kageki Revue Starlight like Ril.



Did any other LRIGs get bodies like this?



They are really cute even though they shouldn't exist. How are they even leading normal lives? You don't just magick 10+ people into existance without some sort of problems.

Conflated's ending was bad. The human LRIGs are adorable and I really like the way they made them seem like normal people by giving them normal hair colour and stuff but that doesn't really excuse it.


What even is it? It's been mentioned a couple of times but there seems to be a great lack of information regarding it.

And is it /u/?



>What even is it? It's been mentioned a couple of times but there seems to be a great lack of information regarding it.

>And is it /u/?

See it yourself





>They are really cute even though they shouldn't exist

This. Yuki gets stuck in Tama whilst Ril and Mel get to be girlfriends irl. Nothing makes sense here. No consistency with this.


It kinda looks a little too cute girls doing boring things. Nothing in that trailer signaled to me this was gonna be good. Hopefully more comes out later but I'm expecting a dull season.


File: 84168ee9075989d⋯.mp4 (9.16 MB, 852x480, 71:40, ending.mp4)


Watch the show? Don't really blame you if you don't though.

Sorry for the shit graphical quality.


The trailer is cute and all but it doesn't really show anything /u/ related or give much of anything that it's about. Looks like cgdct with a focus on stage play.

Seems to contain childhood friends.


File: dec98c078ad14a3⋯.jpg (61.16 KB, 450x318, 75:53, wxm08.jpg)

File: 7f876e08009a018⋯.jpg (45.76 KB, 450x318, 75:53, wxm09.jpg)

File: 90ab3bd2fdcaa76⋯.jpg (68.45 KB, 450x318, 75:53, wxm05.jpg)

File: 8e62f7371d062fb⋯.jpg (51.11 KB, 450x318, 75:53, wxm02.jpg)

File: edf148116ce5688⋯.jpg (68.37 KB, 450x318, 75:53, wxm03.jpg)

Previews for the magazine.


File: d1f61c4e214a0aa⋯.jpg (257.32 KB, 869x1213, 869:1213, Dhuv9HyVMAAWh8Q.jpg)


Here's a card they are hyping up.

Its Eternal support.



What are the chances for the reverse side Eternal to have infinite limit and a constant that removes all limiting conditions?

Somewhere around 100% probably.


What's with the blur? It doesn't look like there's any additional card text in it.



>What are the chances for the reverse side Eternal to have infinite limit and a constant that removes all limiting conditions?

Incredibly unlikely, she probably wouldn't get any direct support if that were the case.


>What's with the blur? It doesn't look like there's any additional card text in it.

Its really efficient blur, it obviously has a life burst and the third line has an on-play symbol.

Also considering the revealed text is just:

>When this SIGNI attacks, if your LRIG is <Eternal>

it obviously has more text.



Didn't notice the lifeburst and didn't think anything of the lack of a full stop somehow. You're right though, I'm an idiot.

The first was more of a joke on how Conflated seems to try and one up Selector constantly.




I want that to get an spin-off.



Apparent leaks of what the effects of the cards are…

Also some translations of the major cards(though i didn't translate the Eternal ones)




I don't have the to translate the other cards right now.



Ulith, Enma of Attachment strangely enough is probably best used in a Nihilism deck to turn it back into a black LRIG so that things like revival flare and balck coffin can be used for maximum effect. Can't see the delevel support being enough to make such a deck viable but adding small amounts of the gimick won't harm it anyway since you have it onto of the key. Making Nihilisms colour black again doesn't seem that important though, maybe slight Eternal support since she can have all the keys on the board.

Eternal -E- is just slightly more consistant Nihilism (exceed always suceeds and Anne, Pilgrimage of Friendship) with effectlively 3 less limit and a lot more keys. Don't know if that makes it better or worse really. Much worse than I was expecting.

Servant F's auto is OP and only slightly expensive. Kinda like squid but for servant decks (and without the card draw, I'm sure one of the keys will allow you to fix that though). Servant decks viable now.



And of course Eternal -E- also doesn't have Nihilisms main feature, spell and ARTs delimiting. All in all it's a lot less interesting than it could have been.



File: 91c0f131d73fa32⋯.jpg (119.8 KB, 800x400, 2:1, Dh0qO5UUcAQ8bZk.jpg orig.jpg)

File: beeb3d1cba37cfa⋯.jpg (52.85 KB, 400x543, 400:543, Dh0qOY5U8AAVr-W.jpg orig.jpg)

File: d1cecd480bcfc35⋯.jpg (98.38 KB, 800x400, 2:1, Dh0qPdAU0AU68NP.jpg orig.jpg)

Card protector set and two play mats offered as prizes at the latest event. Prize only play mats go for a lot of yen on second hand sites.


>All in all it's a lot less interesting than it could have been.

I'm becoming increasingly concerned about where the TCG is going.


File: d06e9d6d8a38ac0⋯.jpg (93.3 KB, 1440x810, 16:9, 1480360955767.jpg)

What's the best way to store cards when you have a lot of them? I'm thinking about using binders but what are the inserts called?



>but what are the inserts called

Binder sheets?



I think Eternal was gimmicky enough as it is.

Only having to run 2 LRIG cards is really strong, if she delimited stuff on her other side, she would be insane.

The Ulith key seems cool, it sorta implies they want to do something with de-leveling, plus changing the color of your LRIG might allow for some cool things.

And considering all-star is getting its own pack, they might make resona/cross SIGNI more of a thing as those don't exist in key format apparently.



The delimiting thing wasn't meant seriously. Eternals gimmick itself is still really strong because her grow cost is effectively Colourless 1 and she gets all the key effects, including Anne's multi ener potentailly from the second turn.

The Ulith key only makes sense if they give a lot more delevel support although it alone might make Diabolos a lot better. It's a shame that the rules state you can't delevel a signi to 0 and banish it. Requiring an additional effect is a pain especially when it's on a SIGNI's attack as it's much to easy to prevent them from attacking or banish them during the attack phase to be consistent.

It seems to cost a bit too much in comparison to the other keys. At least it sort of works with itself; although the second effect isn't that great either.



I want a friend caring as Ril.


File: 8ed12a3ce0b0071⋯.png (218.44 KB, 639x294, 213:98, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4f16c7fc7581195⋯.png (283.85 KB, 638x370, 319:185, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0b6705c07594c0e⋯.png (290.13 KB, 639x391, 639:391, ClipboardImage.png)

War of Brains collab Key card.

Tama and Allo Piruruk will make an appearance in WoB.



Well it confirms Wiles release date, and makes the theory that the sets are coming out at the same time as the blu-rays more likely.


File: 6a04c4f379ec9df⋯.jpg (872.01 KB, 2444x2816, 611:704, Dh6JOCUU8AEqhGH.jpg orig.jpg)

File: de6c9263cdf1740⋯.jpg (174.88 KB, 839x1135, 839:1135, Dh5rzVTVQAA-mc4.jpg orig.jpg)

File: 5f89d674fab9a31⋯.jpg (403.51 KB, 2048x1208, 256:151, Dh5qpH5UEAIIJJ4.jpg orig.jpg)

File: 267c17f8496ba78⋯.jpg (93.34 KB, 645x645, 1:1, Dh38FjPUYAI2w5g.jpg orig.jpg)

File: edffa423a2066b5⋯.jpg (1.5 MB, 2113x2962, 2113:2962, DhwvjPBU8AANplH.jpg orig.jpg)


Download for a tickle Ril game.


You will need to change your locale to Japanese for it to work.

I played it for a few minutes and there is no dick involved as far as I'm aware.






It's Nanashi tickling Ril. There is also a strip Rock Paper Scissors game with Mel.



There's a few simple games that involve doing something lewd to LRIGs. Someone made a Remember abuse simulator and there's various screen shots of someone else adding Ruuko to custom maid.


File: bdd358458d43e1b⋯.png (1.87 MB, 891x1849, 891:1849, ClipboardImage.png)

Just what is the Eldora manga about?



Its about VR.



Some VR device for batoru? I wonder if the Urazoe family is behind this.





>wixoss taking after angelic layer

Technology-driven WIXOSS would be interesting.



Please tell me we will get scans



As soon as it arrives and I have time.



>wixoss x lain

Just hire Chiaki J. Konaka!



Bless you anon


File: 096362a1f07bd3f⋯.jpg (571.47 KB, 1671x2480, 1671:2480, DimNtQYXkAAFEr0.jpg orig.jpg)

File: afe49aaf16d32d9⋯.jpg (110.53 KB, 576x1024, 9:16, DimRh9iXUAIZ_MQ.jpg orig.jpg)

File: fc36c77aeed79f5⋯.jpg (404 KB, 1180x2098, 590:1049, DimRiY9WkAAAoO3.jpg orig.jpg)

Dona daki for C94






That's incredibly nice.



>best lrig from lostorage gets this

Donna was truly underated.


File: 72386f7534b6da6⋯.png (1.66 MB, 2108x1282, 1054:641, 26ede1ec12e024fea825417660….png)

File: 3440ef9c59082c7⋯.png (778.49 KB, 520x727, 520:727, DiB0GEgU0AEchN4.jpg orig.png)

File: 1b9aedafc4b9410⋯.jpg (148.31 KB, 858x1320, 13:20, DiZksbZU8AAe7j7.jpg orig.jpg)

File: 22f8cbc79627112⋯.jpg (537.14 KB, 2423x3324, 2423:3324, DiZMBrtU0AM_OlT.jpg orig.jpg)

File: f44c944c55c5a2d⋯.jpg (152.84 KB, 800x1118, 400:559, DioV0zvVAAEmwO8.jpg orig.jpg)



>last picture



File: add10a44a3fd374⋯.png (574.69 KB, 968x600, 121:75, wx-alswfc.png)



The power of waifufagging has no limits.


File: 551ef2e738c6f2c⋯.png (1.09 MB, 1199x870, 1199:870, waifufaggotry.png)



I saw Ulith for 20000 Yen just recently.

Whatever site that is, their prices are full of shit.


File: ebfc2acdedc21f4⋯.jpg (215.65 KB, 1249x1331, 1249:1331, 1415763589566.jpg)


>non-proxy fags getting shafted hard

Current prices on yahoo auctions


WX19-??? (Allos Piruluk)

100,00 JPY - 900 USD

WXK02-??? (Allos Piruluk


98,00 JPY - 882 USD

WX09-??? (Tawil)


73,612 JPY - 662 USD

WX16-??? (Nanashi)


50,000 JPY - 450 JPY

WX01-??? (Tama)


45,000 JPY - 405 USD


File: 84fb28a8f17142b⋯.png (64.31 KB, 1005x626, 1005:626, wx-rdr.png)

A few more doujin




Well, just because they're up there for those prices doesn't actually mean anyone is buying them. It was just funny how ridiculous this gets.

From what I've heard japanese products sold outside of japan generally have massively overinflated prices, especially for things like this that arn't really a thing for the general public.

Although it shouldn't really be a concern for someone willing to drop $400+ on a piece of cardboard. Not saying you shouldn't go to the extra effort to get it at half the price just that it shouldn't be an actual concern if you can "afford" it.


I just noticed Ril is not only on Revue Starlight but you can see Donna in some art related to that series.


File: e8d0fa5ad38077b⋯.jpg (45.61 KB, 463x570, 463:570, 1414809295864.jpg)


>From what I've heard japanese products sold outside of japan generally have massively overinflated prices, especially for things like this that arn't really a thing for the general public.

The majority of people don't know that shipping proxies exist, so the idea of ordering something directly from Japan at Japanese prices doesn't occur to them. Most people also don't have an interest in forex so aren't aware of how having a strong native currency can be used to save money in other markets.

>Although it shouldn't really be a concern for someone willing to drop $400+ on a piece of cardboard. Not saying you shouldn't go to the extra effort to get it at half the price just that it shouldn't be an actual concern if you can "afford" it.

It's difficult to describe. Imagine that you've invested some money and have made $1600. You want to buy the Allos Piruluk card.

You now have two options.

<buy it from a western company for $1600.

> + it's a lot easier than looking through Japanese websites and then using a proxy

> + you won't have to wait for it to be delivered from Japan

> - you have no money left to reinvest

<buy it from yahoo auctions through a proxy for $900 + $100 shipping and proxy fees

> - you have to find an auction for the card and then have the proxy bid for it

> - need to wait over a month for it to arrive because seller > proxy > international shipping > you

> + have $500 left to reinvest so you can buy even more luxury items that you don't need next year


File: 39fa685a04421a4⋯.jpg (84.33 KB, 504x704, 63:88, amazon_01.jpg)

The first BD now comes with an acrylic Allos Piruluk figure if bought from Amazon


It makes me wonder if it's selling as bad as Incited is if they have to add extra privileges.





There is no harm in more goodies. I don't know what you think of it but I want that acrylic Allos.


File: 959d1511a0d45e7⋯.jpg (86.09 KB, 500x713, 500:713, DjBobLuUYAc0qiG.jpg)

File: 3e5499e198176ce⋯.jpg (86.66 KB, 501x716, 501:716, DjBoHAdV4AEQQYB.jpg)

Since that war of brains promotion is two ways, we got some art.



I'd rather have an actual figure. Considering the popularity of both Allos and the original Piruluk, I can't understand why they haven't done this.



They hate money.



Perhaps losing Harold Meij (now working on Bushiroad - NJPW) made them lose insight about what they should do.


File: 82e26c06b63496e⋯.jpg (800.28 KB, 2720x3016, 340:377, DjNGAGeV4AAc_4I.jpg orig.jpg)

When is the OST coming out?


File: edec79072c9da21⋯.jpg (159.77 KB, 868x1228, 217:307, 69779385_p0.jpg)



All the previous figures sold out at preorder and are still expensive to buy second hand because there is demand for Wixoss figures.


It's included with the BDs. I'm not going to preorder the BDs like I did with Incited. I'll wait and see if they're discounted on release.




I just checked prices an Amazon. The version with the acrylic Allos figure has completely sold out. The other BDs in the set are already discounted though. Amazon is selling them for 10,087 JPY instead of 13,824 JPY. I'll have to look for the first BD on secondhand sites once it's released.



This is TRUTH.



Dunno if I just missed it earlier or if it's a new one but this key seems to be rather good defensively, even though it's a bit bland.

It certainly would be a lifesaver in the webxoss decks, don't know how much the meta has changed since I can't play any newer sets with anyone


File: dd945561d24a09c⋯.jpg (1.08 MB, 2000x2988, 500:747, Djq3MbMUUAIIBt6.jpg orig.jpg)

File: b97f20a91029a26⋯.jpg (1.18 MB, 1996x2992, 499:748, Djq3NIKV4AAdwv2.jpg orig.jpg)

File: 166fbb1a98b7199⋯.jpg (1.22 MB, 1996x2992, 499:748, Djq3OGXUcAAFUCp.jpg orig.jpg)

New decks


File: 70d1f658951242a⋯.png (649.89 KB, 858x1200, 143:200, 69981507_p4.png)



WTF I love Eldora now!

>that Halloween Yuki butt

>Chorizo Key

Too based.


Aww yeah


File: 4d1dbfea5b7596f⋯.jpg (592.46 KB, 1000x1414, 500:707, wixoss-chiyori_p7.jpg)


>another tama key

But why tho, guess its not shocking that Tama was the first to get two keys.

Also whats with the blue scrunchies and two of them at that?


As an obvious point, the ARTS confirms this to be the Eldora from the new manga.

Not that it wasn't obvious with the "cybernetic" design that the level 4 also has.


>Every Level 0 Lrig will have unique background: Variable Level 0!!!!!! (get your 1 and only Level 0 Lrig)

I wonder what they mean by this.

Source: http://blog.livedoor.jp/freedomduo/archives/53935405.html



Its just means that level 0's will computer generated backgrounds, it was even mentioned this in the initial announcement.







>revue starlight is a bushiroad ip

>we will never see a collab due wixoss being a takara tommy project



WIXOSS reboot will be something like Angelic Layer x Megaman NT Warrior


File: 9447831484a5870⋯.png (4.02 MB, 1805x2591, 1805:2591, ClipboardImage.png)

Cover of a C94 novel.



I really need this.

Suzuko and Chinatsu are important to me.



Yeah I want to see that scanned too.


Where the fuck is the Chiinatsu x Suzu shipper god artist?



see >>47350

I think the artist mostly draws some original yuri manga behind the pixiv paywall right now.




Oh yeah and the author is someone else.




Any pictures of how they will look?



It said "all level 0's in Wiles will have backgrounds generated by a computer" in the original announcement

It looks to just be the Halloween LRIGs currently.


Which are the ones where they look like they're dressing up as Layla.


File: 3073174748084ba⋯.png (67.36 KB, 265x391, 265:391, wx-dj.png)

This fucking doujin



That's an artbook isn't it?



Yes, I have the second one.


>meanwhile wixoss younger brother

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4go8XsxizDY [Embed]


File: 8d548198311b60e⋯.jpg (210.74 KB, 1213x869, 1213:869, WXK03-018.jpg)

So a Hanare key appeared, it was hinted at a while ago, but honestly i was expecting an arts.




This is exactly what I expected a Hanare key to be like. I'm happy about this since it gives the character more defined characteristics and core mechanics but it is a bit boring.

I would hope for more L4/5 LRIGs with similar mechanics to Ril, Memory of Dignified Valor, in that they would do something with specific keys on the board.



I know this is something very late to ask but do you consider Chinatsu and Suzuko whole story memorable?


New LN

Google translation incoming:

>WIXOSS -Become You-

>A story begins with a mother 's visit to a detective office, "My daughter has changed." A detective to follow the truth without knowing about the selector battle, but the girl who is the assistant of the detective is actually a selector ……!! It is an ambitious work of drawing "Wicros" from a viewpoint other than the selector!

Illustrator: https://www.pixiv.net/member.php?id=1752240


Sounds interesting, I'd read it if I could.



Shit like this is what I want to be animated. The premise has strong potential.



>It is an ambitious work of drawing "Wicros" from a viewpoint other than the selector!

I'm very interesed on this.







In order to give them a positive response about them trying to take the whole concept of what wixoss is to new highs we should produce fan art of parts of the LN. It can work to give a signal to the creative dudes to shift the stories to be more elaborated while also being very yuri-friendly.


File: 02f3e90db3fa829⋯.jpg (155.33 KB, 1024x610, 512:305, DkRzaLoUYAAbD5_.jpg orig.jpg)



Hanna was truly the MVS of the series.



Most Vulgar Slut?



Most Valuable Selector, you dummy.



>tfw we will never witness kiyoi in sakaguchi karaoke rape cave


File: 3e13299e0d42fcd⋯.jpg (284.23 KB, 1075x1518, 1075:1518, Dj1vYvGVAAIwkfU.jpg orig.jpg)



This better be a lead-up to a threesome.





>okada is currently writing araburu kisetsu no otome-domo yo

>code words for sex is written as a es-ii-cross




>A story begins with a mother 's visit to a detective office, "My daughter has changed." A detective to follow the truth without knowing about the selector battle, but the girl who is the assistant of the detective is actually a selector ……!! It is an ambitious work of drawing "Wicros" from a viewpoint other than the selector!

I can picture the first scenes of that LN featuring this kind of music:



File: c9f9d270c53ef3e⋯.png (511.46 KB, 900x767, 900:767, [Piyokichi] 06.png)

So, the ending of Conflated Wixos was trash?

And it was not cannon?

Why JC staff do this?

Is it that they do not care about the feelings of the fans?

I stayed two episodes from the end, but honestly I could not stand it and I stopped seeing it.



I want to hug Yuki!



You didn't see the actual ending so i might as well spoil it no? its a everything is fixed ending, where the lostorage LRIGs are turned into humans, Kiyoi gains control of the white room and Akira is resurrected without her scar

>And it was not cannon?

Its canon for better or worse, the human lostorage LRIGs from it could lead to fun.

I don't think Conflated's overall messy plot was intended, like what was even going on with Layla nearing the ending? It seemed like it was building up to Layla having some major battle with Carnival and it goes nowhere; it was technically "resolved" but it seemed very useless.

Overall Conflated seemed ambitious in weird places and overused melee combat in battles(which taxed the animation as well), its plot seemed too much for what was essentially a ten episode anime.

I have to wonder if a lot of this could be attributed to the probably last minute decision to add a lot of legacy cast from selector that essentially did nothing.


File: aebf6632ae654d1⋯.jpg (144.64 KB, 460x580, 23:29, 7029761.jpg)




File: 20c0b855606c19d⋯.png (1.59 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, [Erai-raws] Lostorage Conf….png)


>Why JC staff do this?

I don't think that J.C STAFF are entirely to blame for the state of Conflated.

There was so much wrong with it, I would say that the problems started as far back as the production committee. The animation studio were given too much to do with too little budget.


File: 47a42ea6a619735⋯.jpg (37.77 KB, 486x518, 243:259, 9435543896895.jpg)

I'm doing part of the C94 order and I can't find the fanbook mook for Conflated. Seems odd as the previous ones were released soon after the season finished airing. Is it selling that badly that they're not going to bother?

Also of interest, there was a job lot of Incited merch on yahoo auctions for 1000 JPY.



I was going to see if I could find storyboards and such for Conflated but after seeing all the whole stuff does it matter at all? I mean all the people in the important job positions were either still-learning or didn't have a meaningful past work.


File: f936dd3cb59f8cf⋯.jpg (104.91 KB, 1066x624, 41:24, Dgid32OUcAAfMrw.jpg orig.jpg)

Fuck the C94 LRIG Lab doujin has sold out on melon.


I think it would be worth doing to see what changes were made during production. We know from the Incited story boards that Kiyoi's original LRIG was to be another version of Remember. What I really want to know is what changed bewteen the preview for Conflated at the end of Incited and it's actual airing. Story boards and scripts might give a hint.



I couldn't find anything yet.


File: 9b3d204e149fe9a⋯.jpg (92.35 KB, 450x628, 225:314, SPK03-05.jpg)

File: 88a8ea49b8639d5⋯.jpg (96.46 KB, 450x628, 225:314, SPK03-06.jpg)

Well here's the next two wedding promos.


File: ae29b7b83223b4e⋯.webm (14.95 MB, 1380x720, 23:12, WIXOSS 4 (1).webm)


This does not look anything like what I download.



Is this your first time watching this? Please feel free to post your opinions!


File: e44595ef2b975b0⋯.jpg (88.47 KB, 700x742, 50:53, DlcB_qfUYAEDppU.jpg)

Does anyone want to batoru?



Mel really needs to wear a tampon.



LRIGs aren't real people.



Original source please.



Isn't webxoss not getting updated anymore?



>Isn't webxoss not getting updated anymore?

Yep, i just felt like playing WIXOSS even if outdated.



Shit I don't have any of my decks on this machine.


File: 32cb90675df9c36⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 791.12 KB, 1200x900, 4:3, 48462437_p0.jpg)


N-no, i mean… yeah but I do not see what the problem is.



You don't see what the problem with lostorage is or just don't see the problem with incited? Because Incited was ok if a little underwhelming; it's where the issues start but they're not bad enough to really drag it down. That happens in Conflated.

First time watching incited or Wixoss in general; have you watched selector?


File: 5445b0ef38e8d58⋯.jpg (706.19 KB, 2048x2048, 1:1, DkZbbE2U8AEjGWA.jpg large.jpg)










File: d925ecc6fe17fdd⋯.jpg (25.83 KB, 375x500, 3:4, 1534104748615.jpg)



I really want to know what will be the narrative approach of that LN since it feels they are trying to get serious with the whole wixoss concept. In my mind, we can artificially guide the people who green lights this stuff in order to notice 'some people' react to a more elaborate story having wixoss involved. We will need a lot of fanart. Can't wait for the LN's artwork.



Sorry anon, I would like to help you, but for me they are just pseudo NTR tropes and transition to maturity.

I have not read the LN, but the first season I found top tier even 10/10, while the following seasons seem like bad spinoffs.


File: 4c4853dc2f1f631⋯.jpg (1.13 MB, 1946x2233, 278:319, Mari Okada - Bingo!.jpg)


>Sorry anon, I would like to help you, but for me they are just pseudo NTR tropes and transition to maturity.

That's Okada. Under a different writer it's something I would like to see.



IIRC isn't shit like this why Yukime killed herself? She couldn't stand living as a human. Wouldn't the now real LRIGs like Mel and Ril feel the same?



Lostorage LRIGs are made of memories, the most important ones, of their selector. Perhaps the Genki-girl selector was not so happy at all and had terrible and depressing memories.


File: b85af081f2a25c0⋯.jpg (23.87 KB, 349x341, 349:341, Pepe_kawaii.jpg)


Interesting, this explains many things.


So what did they even do with the genki girl. It's not like she has a body to go back to…


File: 3cb4990f9f6b89a⋯.png (1.34 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, [Erai-raws] Lostorage Conf….png)



Our god is an awesome god.


File: 33b342e8adcac58⋯.png (490.15 KB, 722x973, 722:973, 69357487_p0.png)


>be Yukime

>just want to batoru like any other LRIG

>is forced into your retarded Selector's body because she picked a fight with Professor Hanna of all people

>discover that the human experience is overwhelming ennui and suffering

>an hero to end the pain

>come back to life as a human once again

>can't an hero again because your retarded selector has also come back to life and now you have parental obligations towards her

T-Thanks, Piruluk.


File: 52f40e5598b9f91⋯.jpg (44.81 KB, 736x796, 184:199, 68159796_p1.jpg)


>Piruluk made Yukihime a single mother

>in fucking Japan

Truly a little bitch


File: 66b29140a45ef0b⋯.jpg (71.11 KB, 632x646, 316:323, perplexed crayon gril.jpg)


Where would she even live?

If Piruluk had the power to make LRIGs into real human beans, then did she also have the power to give them all stable living conditions too?





This pretty much happens to Tama as well. Perhaps they were brought into existence with a human background.

That doesn't explain why Grandma would suddenly be fine with having an obsessed cosplay girl living with Ruu but maybe Grandma is just a person who doesn't really ask questions.


File: f203b5e0d9a47c1⋯.jpg (495.34 KB, 1448x2048, 181:256, DlhwbHdUwAE1zNw.jpg orig.jpg)

File: a4b7dac33a223a1⋯.jpg (511.4 KB, 1428x2048, 357:512, DlhwbHiU8AAwZsP.jpg orig.jpg)

File: 7819a8100c8e945⋯.jpg (539.08 KB, 1469x2048, 1469:2048, Dlh_-aEVsAEF3n1.jpg orig.jpg)

File: 6d7ac4619243452⋯.jpg (513.38 KB, 1511x2047, 1511:2047, Dlh_-aEVsAAlFAK.jpg orig.jpg)

File: 7c8a4deb703cd0b⋯.jpg (449.35 KB, 1419x2048, 1419:2048, DliU2VqU8AAQwg5.jpg orig.jpg)

Cute LRIGs doing cute things.


File: 822687d8ba69235⋯.jpg (488.74 KB, 1429x2048, 1429:2048, DliU2VnVsAIjUVe.jpg orig.jpg)

File: 8c753489337b63c⋯.jpg (552.18 KB, 1441x2047, 1441:2047, DlnX8CxUcAAT2up.jpg orig.jpg)

File: 200b604d6dcf82f⋯.jpg (557.37 KB, 1458x2048, 729:1024, DlnsfejUYAASedd.jpg orig.jpg)

File: 624b52b7467f4fe⋯.jpg (550.81 KB, 1469x2048, 1469:2048, Dlrs2UlU8AAgPhV.jpg orig.jpg)

File: dc8b187d3cd5ada⋯.jpg (508.75 KB, 1424x2047, 16:23, Dlr2d6yU4AAeqlr.jpg orig.jpg)


File: ecfa62c9fdb66eb⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 601.38 KB, 900x1200, 3:4, 50863554_p2.jpg)



It's something like an acronym for sex, right?


File: 65cca98fc9f1cb2⋯.jpg (1.48 MB, 2448x3264, 3:4, DlvFezBU8AAnl2I.jpg orig.jpg)

Some of the contents of the first BD


File: 02f2e073baa9b28⋯.png (7.96 MB, 5498x7649, 5498:7649, 70429897_p0.png)


How do we reboot this franchise?



Hire Urobuchi.



Nah bring back Okada.




I was talking about the content of the future series rather who is going to write it.


File: c520c7e871f6b75⋯.jpg (325.95 KB, 1594x1378, 797:689, DlxptKiUcAUK8-G.jpg)

File: 909faf4747fc59f⋯.jpg (1.87 MB, 4016x2293, 4016:2293, DlwyRk0UwAEf7qT.jpg)

Utopia has now released~

The rest of the cards will be translated eventually.


File: e2d1ea14c9711c2⋯.jpg (299.74 KB, 1200x857, 1200:857, Dlxpd_OUUAEEwrB.jpg)

File: cb0b8aa67d97e7c⋯.jpg (318.76 KB, 1200x853, 1200:853, Dlxpd_NVAAUguSq.jpg)

File: 529fc92e2ade72b⋯.jpg (170.36 KB, 858x1200, 143:200, DlxptD9U4AE599d.jpg)

File: 1913313195945ae⋯.jpg (163.17 KB, 1083x772, 1083:772, DlxqSjjUwAALx1A.jpg)

File: 64a029523c8c9d7⋯.jpg (191.99 KB, 1083x772, 1083:772, DlxqSjjVAAEEjQQ.jpg)


Of course with a release comes art.


File: 5f1560d03aef20e⋯.png (1.85 MB, 1132x800, 283:200, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8a8c25d5449add0⋯.png (996.43 KB, 800x565, 160:113, ClipboardImage.png)


What if


File: a653f510c16a7e6⋯.jpg (179.83 KB, 802x600, 401:300, Dlxs6R4V4AAH2js.jpg)

File: 244f0103aef5c46⋯.jpg (97.12 KB, 560x640, 7:8, DlxvSG4UYAAnc5J.jpg)

File: 1a65a6bc24135d1⋯.jpg (104.53 KB, 552x800, 69:100, DlxoEudU8AAgKIo.jpg)

File: 12f9db92945419a⋯.png (592.09 KB, 574x800, 287:400, DlxoJbNU8AUl67L.png)

File: f26c01cae71ffc8⋯.png (836.7 KB, 493x650, 493:650, DlxtRb1UcAAKy6N.png)


File: 0a8b21a4c049081⋯.jpg (195.51 KB, 758x900, 379:450, Dlxt8khU4AESETk.jpg)

File: 314aca770e63171⋯.png (1.98 MB, 998x1200, 499:600, Dlxs8XEUYAA3Whu.png)

File: fa85da09477bbde⋯.jpg (160.49 KB, 1144x800, 143:100, DlxtclAU8AUL7cA.jpg)

File: d380026883dc603⋯.jpg (289.19 KB, 914x1200, 457:600, Dlxs9GgU4AAi6ra.jpg)

File: 6360b9620fcce93⋯.jpg (117.49 KB, 600x803, 600:803, DlxpqMUV4AA2tl4.jpg)


File: d598f752ad31735⋯.jpg (141.43 KB, 1024x683, 1024:683, detectivecross.jpg)


What if


File: ff1d6b76f3d95c6⋯.png (655.71 KB, 614x800, 307:400, DlxqmxBUYAA0Kxg.png)

File: da7eb1701be6bd3⋯.png (718.94 KB, 614x800, 307:400, DlxqlrrU8AAqRTw.png)

File: b6ea5e7a8044948⋯.jpg (133.5 KB, 747x988, 747:988, DlxpldBV4AAK70c.jpg)

File: c83d9ef87960e3c⋯.jpg (199.7 KB, 713x1000, 713:1000, Dlxu6fbU8AEEkoP.jpg)

File: 19431648e836f1c⋯.jpg (235.39 KB, 738x1000, 369:500, Dlxpo3JVsAEP_7s.jpg)


File: 6b35099803da206⋯.jpg (190.98 KB, 858x1200, 143:200, Dlxpp9DU0AAG3O5.jpg)

File: 6b35099803da206⋯.jpg (190.98 KB, 858x1200, 143:200, Dlxpp9DU0AAG3O5.jpg)

File: 616b481c2523a2a⋯.jpg (200.76 KB, 782x1030, 391:515, DlxqviMVsAA6QCK.jpg)

File: 0fe3f20c4299d59⋯.jpg (177.58 KB, 858x1200, 143:200, DlxprmUV4AASY5O.jpg)

File: 7e0ae51ca4d24b3⋯.jpg (129.66 KB, 540x720, 3:4, DlxvQ8jUUAAhN7O.jpg)


File: b06a69bc5a3ec91⋯.png (573.91 KB, 614x800, 307:400, Dlxqj-_UwAASqnW.png)


The second image was suppose to be this.


File: fd3eea6ff79acb1⋯.jpg (177.93 KB, 724x974, 362:487, Dlycr1qVAAATp89.jpg)

File: f58d5042f4e202e⋯.jpg (255.19 KB, 707x1000, 707:1000, Dlx7byLU8AAEjtu.jpg)

File: 16ea2609762f5d6⋯.jpg (153.94 KB, 707x1000, 707:1000, DlyCbsoUwAAmfYk.jpg)

File: fd83e147ec1a439⋯.jpg (189.88 KB, 707x1000, 707:1000, DlyCbAxU0AAqos6.jpg)

File: bc3928d75a275ab⋯.jpg (118.42 KB, 724x974, 362:487, DlycsqlUwAAznsq.jpg)


File: 496d3e10c454cff⋯.jpg (204.93 KB, 636x900, 53:75, DlzRU-iUcAAoqxq.jpg)

File: 4e27e4a81a2c763⋯.jpg (177.83 KB, 636x900, 53:75, DlzRUQbVAAA368e.jpg)

File: 04a20594f48169f⋯.jpg (176.32 KB, 636x900, 53:75, DlzRT0iUcAAaxuv.jpg)

File: 4edd8ca85386b2c⋯.jpg (203.04 KB, 636x900, 53:75, DlzRS6IU0AIlVIm.jpg)

File: b32d49836e7b10b⋯.jpg (122.02 KB, 707x1000, 707:1000, DlyCccCUwAEaHmc.jpg)


File: 7c747fb0d15289a⋯.jpg (236.34 KB, 868x1228, 217:307, Dl0GgdZUUAAAnt8.jpg)

File: 90a3aad3cf2f053⋯.jpg (201.42 KB, 651x910, 93:130, Dlz0V-RU8AAoqBl.jpg)

File: b3215d911a9d0ad⋯.jpg (129.65 KB, 651x910, 93:130, Dlz0U5hUUAEps42.jpg)

File: 5e278c93ae35d84⋯.jpg (162.34 KB, 651x910, 93:130, Dlz0SMDUUAAkICz.jpg)

File: c81f39e2fb16971⋯.jpg (279.25 KB, 868x1228, 217:307, Dl0GfkIU4AA9yEO.jpg)


File: 65cef58c7df6101⋯.jpg (209.25 KB, 802x600, 401:300, DlztZl5VsAAKaoS.jpg)

File: 6d6f832f51258d1⋯.jpg (160.39 KB, 712x968, 89:121, Dl0u4UEV4AASuq2.jpg)

File: 0d7fa82e06c58ba⋯.jpg (149.71 KB, 644x900, 161:225, Dl0dm1PUYAEMZ2M.jpg)

File: 4408b1382f416f8⋯.jpg (142.26 KB, 589x800, 589:800, Dlzx9a_UUAAUlKn.jpg)

File: c7d230b07fa29cb⋯.jpg (210.93 KB, 868x1228, 217:307, Dl0GhG9UwAAodEJ.jpg)



All Utopia cards have been translated now.

Has the ??? rare popped up yet?


File: 32aab6d51329317⋯.jpg (240.25 KB, 1000x1305, 200:261, Dl2CaZxUUAA3hkR.jpg)

File: 0a4d80442324c14⋯.jpg (254.54 KB, 1000x1305, 200:261, Dl2CX3kVAAE7I_f.jpg)

File: 760928beb9401f3⋯.jpg (393.39 KB, 1600x990, 160:99, Dl1wmCGUUAA_4t8.jpg)

File: 9854b92fe1dcbc4⋯.jpg (106.62 KB, 725x800, 29:32, Dl174W7U0AE_0BM.jpg)

File: e833d0a3bf17f8e⋯.jpg (87.9 KB, 567x800, 567:800, Dl176pHVsAEtxJ_.jpg)


forgot images


File: 287bfe99d1ffa9b⋯.jpg (38.53 KB, 363x512, 363:512, WXK03 A.jpg)

File: c8b25232eb70fb8⋯.jpg (90.43 KB, 495x663, 165:221, WXK03 B.jpg)

File: 986be1b7d656d30⋯.jpg (178.7 KB, 630x796, 315:398, WXK03 C.jpg)


>Has the ??? rare popped up yet?

Hoh i found them right after i posted.



Guzuko's body and personality makes me want to refuse my humanity.


Do you know any futaba archive which features images?


File: 162cf1e2aa709fb⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 1.44 MB, 672x987, 32:47, Become JUST.png)

Preview WIXOSS's newest LN.


I really wanted the series to take a more serious route but I guess this won't happen unless a writer gets in charge of the future reboot and gives it a new identity


File: 4da76124d7a1316⋯.jpg (63.27 KB, 358x500, 179:250, Became JUST - Card.jpg)



The cover put me off but this gives me hope.


File: 1d8ae1d8ccaed62⋯.jpg (98.41 KB, 450x636, 75:106, DmYY3WXV4AE9ac9.jpg)

File: 23b7ceb88aa0f85⋯.jpg (55.36 KB, 358x500, 179:250, DmYY4bAUUAErvaO.jpg)

The next artbook has been revealed.


File: 642b4c26c6a3223⋯.jpg (175.28 KB, 881x1200, 881:1200, DmY1gUfVAAADJEb.jpg)

File: 821c7b55c340c49⋯.jpg (237.01 KB, 858x1200, 143:200, Dl_K_QHV4AA4FZS.jpg)

File: 48b064649171237⋯.jpg (331.09 KB, 849x1200, 283:400, Dl-oCNUUwAAlvqg.jpg)

File: 47476d9cb672e3b⋯.jpg (98.44 KB, 557x700, 557:700, Dl2s1-eVsAAiQ4J.jpg)

File: d7d73e79f3c7518⋯.jpg (315.95 KB, 857x1200, 857:1200, Dl-p35eVsAIqWwa.jpg)


File: 198e112f964534a⋯.png (63.77 KB, 977x493, 977:493, wx-order.png)


I haven't been able to find one since futalog went down.















It doesn't archive much so you have to check every few days before the threads are gone.


File: 980a57e5f269c88⋯.jpg (246.68 KB, 875x1191, 875:1191, Dlx6-6_VAAABUF2.jpg orig.jpg)


File: cd85b027da46346⋯.jpg (670.17 KB, 1818x2560, 909:1280, 1536238151173[1].jpg)

There's something wrong with Kiyoi today.



What do you mean.

Sorry Brainlet.



I dropped 160 GBP on a fifth scanner today, so colour scans soon.


File: 05c8b8afb02ac83⋯.jpg (215.39 KB, 670x523, 670:523, meru_congra_img.jpg)

File: 42eca179ccdff54⋯.jpg (275.74 KB, 670x506, 335:253, nanashi_congra_img.jpg)


Well we got another Eternal column for whatever reason;

it does have the full arts for the promo keys though so thats nice.


File: 91c00df9ed23101⋯.jpg (46.1 KB, 360x512, 45:64, zhoro53598.jpg)

File: bef42b42e9e7427⋯.jpg (6.04 MB, 2120x2996, 530:749, 04011020640.jpg)

File: 16d17cafafcf717⋯.jpg (6.3 MB, 2009x3002, 2009:3002, 04011020641.jpg)


File: a4653d55ceebf3c⋯.png (2.62 MB, 1026x1474, 513:737, IMG_20180914_0001.png)


File: ff2b2c3a0366eaf⋯.png (11.36 MB, 2120x2928, 265:366, IMG_20180914_0025.png)


File: a68752d2ad849bf⋯.jpg (77.27 KB, 477x425, 477:425, DnCjhR-V4AA4F1t.jpg)

File: 8b54f5bd0482c6b⋯.jpg (191.68 KB, 960x670, 96:67, DnCjhvpU0AAlBCX.jpg)



So the first deck of this wave has been revealed;

based off of the spoilers, they all have mechanics tied to them(except Yuzuki for some reason).

They'll all be translated eventuallysome were translated before i realized this even happened.




I hope we could read this one day.





Looks kinda washed out. But I guess that's just the material you're scanning.


Is anyone watching LoV?




File: 096dd0157dd4dfa⋯.png (3.93 MB, 1224x1754, 612:877, IMG_20180914_0058.png)


I'm scanning one of the magazines. The quality of the paper makes it quite challenging for several reason. It's reminds me of the toilet roll used in local council owned public toilets. It's very thin, textured and glossy. It will look much better once I've processed the raws.



I think I know exactly what paper you are talking about.

How is the scanner?


File: 3ec9031822cb6ca⋯.jpg (968.33 KB, 2150x3035, 430:607, DnSZD_UUcAENwCb.jpg orig.jpg)

File: 97a943e5eb14a21⋯.jpg (1.13 MB, 2150x3035, 430:607, DnSZHm9U0AAvaZ-.jpg orig.jpg)

File: be07353517010d4⋯.jpg (1.07 MB, 2150x3035, 430:607, DnSZHpDVsAAHS1J.jpg orig.jpg)

File: e912dddec1ae71c⋯.jpg (838.82 KB, 2150x3035, 430:607, DnSZKdYU4AA5Rm3.jpg orig.jpg)

Finally something new from this artist.



>3rd image

Finally, some pantsu that are made for catgirls.



I really hope one day we get all of this artist work translated.


File: a2295eb75e3949b⋯.png (1.56 MB, 792x1107, 88:123, wx-c9fcd.png)


It's too early to tell. I'll probably come to have a better overall opinion on it's abilities as I keep using it. I experimented last night with scanning cards with metallic text. The brighter LED light source seems to produce better results than on the LiDE.


And here are some utopia era tournament stats;

>Layla: 8

>Piruluk: 7

>Guzuko: 5

>Midoriko: 9

>Remember: 2

>Tama: 11

>Carnival: 11

>Ril: 13

>Eternal: 2



I see key spam is bad even if you have unlimited slots for them. Pretty much as expected.

They should've given each key its LRIG type and then made it so that, while you have the key on the field, your LRIG gains that type. Would've been much more interesting than the current mediocrity that keys seem determined to stay in.

BUFF KEYS FFS and while they're at it a little more servant only support would be nice.



Its more to do with how little the "eternal" name-type gives;

servant infinity and fractal cage, while good, aren't enough to prop up a deck.

Doesn't help that due to mechanics, epilogue functions as a level 6 in key, since there's no way for eternal to generate ener turn one(outside of Next Ready which is a shit card).

Most of the current keys due to their self removing effects, don't really care about eternal's effect right now either and running key spam with other decks tends to work better.



That was kinda what I was trying to say. The core gimmick that eternal is supposed to give you is terrible just because of how bad keys are. The innate effects of (L4 and L5) LRIGs are so superior to the minor stuff keys add; if they were slightly closer in power eternal's effect would justify itself. There's also the thing that keys don't really have synergic effects with each other (or LRIGs outside of the ones they represent) which means you spread your gimmick much too thinly as eternal since you can't focus on any one thing.

One advantage of her grow ability is that it can be used after effects have been used meaning you can generate ener first and "grow" after.

Next Ready would be ok to run for this one purpose if drawing it would be guaranteed on turn one but the chance isn't great for how much you would be relying on it.



I don't get it.

Is that a number of wins based on the LRIG used in the tournament?



Is it even possible to scan metallic stuff without it appearing dark like this?



It seems as though it isn't. It's probably better to "scan" metallic cards using a camera and a light box.



Yes, its how many tournament winners i can dig up since Utopia has released.


Yeah a good part of eternal's shittyness is the quality of keys and how much anti-synergy she has with them;

most of them want exceed, eternal doesn't really have any exceed fodder to spare.

Anne is useless due to how many servants she wants to run anyway, Remember requires you to run cards dedicated to her and Yuki's free advantage is useless for eternal since she can't do anything with them(vanilla servants might have actually made her interesting choice though).

The rest of them are pretty much anti-meta or nothing game changing so its not hard to see why she isn't doing so well.

On another note, I'm still bemused at how bad the remember support is, why did one of the worst decks get a bunch of niche cards and nothing else?


File: 61b74649aa0ee7d⋯.jpg (91.4 KB, 670x347, 670:347, DnhwjpYUwAEz3RK.jpg)

File: 964d6961abafb57⋯.jpg (93.39 KB, 250x349, 250:349, WDK07-E05.jpg)

File: 89cc1b78b837d71⋯.jpg (65.12 KB, 250x349, 250:349, WDK07-Y05.jpg)

Dual Plant and spoilers and the unsurprising next promos have been revealed.

Same as last time, they'll be translated in awhile.


File: 8f0070b712d993e⋯.jpg (378.01 KB, 1000x1414, 500:707, comic_180920_02_03.jpg)



>angelic layer x texhnolyze x wixoss

I really hope the next anime series production team hires a competent director and series compositor. Technological WIXOSS would be interesting and has tons of potential. Specially with the current times if you dig a bit into the whole post-modernism final stage: transhumanism.



I love the new Eldora and green Yuzuki is great too.



I wonder who is the Red one.


File: 994fd6557b911c3⋯.png (635.17 KB, 529x550, 529:550, wxk04_akazukin.png)

File: 67b570a3fb2a9b7⋯.png (723.77 KB, 527x550, 527:550, wxk04_yuuri_lv4.png)

Well, translation complete.



>I wonder who is the Red one

That's the promotional LRIG for Lord of Vermilion(a arcade card game), while her LRIG type does just list her as LoV;

its specifically the character Yuri Shiraki.

As a note, we'll be getting main pack spoilers for her next week.


File: dc305219e658c9e⋯.jpg (228.81 KB, 1350x748, 675:374, Dnm_nIWU4AA6XC1.jpg)

Halloween promos.

Weren't these suppose to be in Wiles? Why is there separate promos that seem the same?


File: b9312d00809feca⋯.png (210.67 KB, 270x380, 27:38, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 457916fb0180a0f⋯.png (168.05 KB, 271x380, 271:380, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 092b6b422c869a9⋯.png (203.33 KB, 271x380, 271:380, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 46b6562d061e981⋯.png (216.64 KB, 269x380, 269:380, ClipboardImage.png)

You think we can expect more new takes on older LRIGs?

Bring me that white bride Alfou, Takara Tomy!



>Weren't these suppose to be in Wiles? Why is there separate promos that seem the same?

I'm sorry, what?


File: dd945561d24a09c⋯.jpg (1.08 MB, 2000x2988, 500:747, Djq3MbMUUAIIBt6.jpg)


They're on the Wiles poster, you can see the same midoriko.



Ah that's the name of the set, okay. Sorry.

I think the text says that you get one of 12 Halloween LRIGs per box as an extra goodie.




Takara Tommy hates money.


File: 96941bdec3f883f⋯.jpg (506.28 KB, 2079x2953, 2079:2953, DmvMS48UcAAjOh-.jpg orig.jpg)

File: f16b560d9cc8f3c⋯.jpg (571.58 KB, 1536x2048, 3:4, Dnbks1lUYAAelez.jpg orig.jpg)


The cutest.



I can dig they using Alfou as a character for a reboot.


File: e694c731ab48741⋯.png (3.11 MB, 2048x1126, 1024:563, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 367864dcbc9b4e3⋯.png (4.23 MB, 2048x1409, 2048:1409, ClipboardImage.png)

File: eb9ec4e6aa90e96⋯.png (5.23 MB, 2048x1703, 2048:1703, ClipboardImage.png)

Two versions.


File: c4184edb9837a92⋯.jpg (236.08 KB, 1350x748, 675:374, DnsGuT5VAAE2XyF.jpg orig.jpg)


More Halloween promos.


Witch Piruruk still best.



I want her to freeze me!


File: 7423a4497813067⋯.jpg (223.05 KB, 1350x748, 675:374, DnxUirMWsAII2pM.jpg)


Some more Halloween promos.



Carnival is working something of me into a shoot with that pose.




I hope we get the artwork for the LN soon.


File: b7284a89ed7ede0⋯.jpg (231.98 KB, 1350x748, 675:374, Dn2eMTzU4AAqq3q.jpg)

File: 3b7598b4613df6a⋯.jpg (737.96 KB, 3066x1725, 1022:575, Dn7TZUxU8AE1gxT.jpg)

File: b6d261a20db9489⋯.jpg (726.38 KB, 3066x1725, 1022:575, Dn7TZ52VsAA9v5d.jpg)

File: bac1f40015dc479⋯.jpg (124.95 KB, 450x628, 225:314, WXK04-002.jpg)

File: 7c9dbaee8ec82c9⋯.jpg (94.97 KB, 600x430, 60:43, DoJkLbWVsAAuIEH.jpg)

>most of my posts over the last few days never actually posted

Okay, i'll just make a summary then;

>More Halloween promos

Some banlist stuff

>Arcgain, Valkyrie and Apato are now no longer limited to 2.

>THREE OUT and Osaki are now legal to use in the same deck

>MPP and APEX are legal in the same deck

>CRYSTAL SEAL and APEX are now legal in the same deck

>the MPP and CRYSTAL SEAL ban is still in effect though

Carnival K, Yuri's level 4 and her SR SIGNI have been fully revealed.





File: 92a7121043d7841⋯.png (656.45 KB, 852x1100, 213:275, bg_chara_wxk04_1810_03.png)

File: a4298915cd6260b⋯.png (691.98 KB, 852x1100, 213:275, bg_chara_wxk04_1810_04.png)

File: 8d15100e546d03e⋯.png (1.36 MB, 852x1100, 213:275, bg_chara_wxk04_1810_01.png)

File: 73f8b1e10389761⋯.png (1.19 MB, 852x1100, 213:275, bg_chara_wxk04_1810_02.png)

File: d3b375e3c206479⋯.jpg (294.76 KB, 869x1213, 869:1213, WXK04-030.jpg)


Right, the "full"(the rest of yuri's cards probably won't be known until the set actuall releases) reveals for Yuri are here;

and with them comes the "full" arts for the level 4's as the site updated.


File: 4f78a958b53cd83⋯.jpg (95.81 KB, 250x349, 250:349, WXK04-011.jpg)

File: 03a9947ef167be2⋯.jpg (84.72 KB, 250x349, 250:349, WXK04-012.jpg)

File: 24cc4524d9c2b72⋯.jpg (80.43 KB, 250x349, 250:349, WXK04-044.jpg)

File: 96bf87682a4415a⋯.jpg (82.47 KB, 250x349, 250:349, WXK04-068.jpg)

File: e7def9203075aa3⋯.jpg (80.58 KB, 250x349, 250:349, WXK04-045.jpg)




That Eldora design looks DIMES. I hope they can use that concept in a future series or something like that. I really like the idea of a tech wixoss.



>Yuzuki's left pumpkins resemble Ruu and Hitoe

>top right is Hanayo

Good design!


File: 5fe4deacd799140⋯.jpg (869.77 KB, 2150x3035, 430:607, DoVE5g5U8AAwT1z.jpg orig.jpg)


File: ba455a723042668⋯.jpg (480.58 KB, 1400x2000, 7:10, DnyZW3gWsAAr_Ax.jpg orig.jpg)

File: 0b369f958755a53⋯.jpg (973.46 KB, 3017x2122, 3017:2122, DoIqcm8UUAE2cRH.jpg orig.jpg)

File: e767e92f95b3808⋯.jpg (353.24 KB, 2108x1282, 1054:641, Dn0JmlRXcAEteNN.jpg orig.jpg)

File: 34a4b6cc729c82f⋯.jpg (394.8 KB, 1400x2000, 7:10, DnJH0KuUwAEp0un.jpg orig.jpg)

File: 29de99b67d1223f⋯.jpg (195.49 KB, 1696x1200, 106:75, DohU_zLU8AATi8q.jpg orig.jpg)


File: d1d64d67e78ab8a⋯.png (7.06 MB, 3070x1726, 1535:863, ClipboardImage.png)

New set!

Alfou key YEEEAH


File: 6628fdde135f6cc⋯.png (5.79 MB, 1542x2124, 257:354, death.png)

File: e3b43e4f219061f⋯.png (7.04 MB, 1526x2108, 763:1054, rape.png)

The Allos PR card I bought arrived with the C94 order. I'm not sure what to make of it, she looks like something unpleasant is about to happen to her.





File: da4f001c8413b5e⋯.jpg (288.86 KB, 2048x1448, 256:181, Do1DLqBU8AAzgzv.jpg orig.jpg)



I fucking love this.


New thread.




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