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File: 5ba3e43ddb27f7d⋯.png (183.75 KB, 590x595, 118:119, Screen Shot 2018-04-07 at ….png)

dff67c No.945864

All information about Eminem goes Here!!

647c5a No.946323

File: 45b056834ec0806⋯.png (620.47 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, Marshall_Mathers_MM_cannib….png)

File: 0ec247b23922307⋯.png (4.87 MB, 4084x2042, 2:1, MM_symbology_master_mason_….png)

Slim Shady cannibalism and MM symbolism Marshall Mathers - Eminem (M&M)

42f072 No.946400

File: d2cc923f2ee8903⋯.png (590.92 KB, 568x801, 568:801, Eminem Sister in Law 1.PNG)

File: c1bb9889ccbe810⋯.png (204.05 KB, 568x508, 142:127, Eminem Sister in Law 2.PNG)


Eminem’s sister-in-law dead of suspected heroin overdose


a674b1 No.946795

File: 182e7fa070896c7⋯.png (1.68 MB, 829x4220, 829:4220, EMINEM.png)

Made this a long time ago, good starting point

0bb66f No.949974

I hope he gets out of that dark place before it's too late.

No one writes stuff like that unless they're hurting.

3fdbad No.959500

eminem is fucking cancer wrapped in sewage.

3fdbad No.960842


"hurting" all the way to the bank, carrying what was your children's money.

a419f6 No.963227

File: 1f22fdf085053e6⋯.png (115.71 KB, 648x553, 648:553, screenshot_358.png)

File: 105c3ea6a965c33⋯.png (224.26 KB, 587x515, 587:515, Screen Shot 2018-04-07 at ….png)

File: 1ca5920982a08ed⋯.png (148.03 KB, 648x607, 648:607, Screen Shot 2018-04-06 at ….png)

c65b7a No.966505

File: a755772b475d116⋯.png (624.28 KB, 1180x1913, 1180:1913, IMG_4798.PNG)

File: c09539d434903c1⋯.png (663.42 KB, 1443x1868, 1443:1868, IMG_4799.PNG)

File: c0e7aaa06e1f9e7⋯.png (699.54 KB, 1261x1918, 1261:1918, IMG_4800.PNG)

File: c8659b463cdd936⋯.png (276.31 KB, 1169x844, 1169:844, IMG_4801.PNG)

318633 No.979731

(1) and (2) research:


f5fc62 No.984787

File: e078c485c2f94c4⋯.png (123.63 KB, 300x300, 1:1, s;dojngf[OSDJBF[.png)

Album: The Eminem Show Released: May 26, 2002

Look through old album photos…

These people are Demonic.

pool code for…

child code for…

plants code for…


51eecb No.1010211

Some info, I don't know if it'll be helpful or not.

The Eminem/MS-13 link:

Eminem has a track called Get Back Up in which Cashis references being connected to MS-13.

Eminem also has a track called As The World Turns, which Q keeps saying… There are name references in there (there usually are in his tracks). Maybe these will be of use to you guys.

My life has seemed abysmally downhill for the longest time, and I didn't see it getting better until you came along.

You've opened my eyes to your legitimacy repeatedly.

Thank you for everything you're doing, Q, and everyone on your side.

This is my first post here. I really hope it counts.

I'll continue lurking as I have been for months, have seen some bombshells here.

318968 No.1010957


Guys, did anyone remember this from a previous Q post?…

Excerp from Q post 118

"Who is the ‘broker’ for underage sex?

Think SA.

How does FB & Instagram play a role in capture?

Think ‘Taken’.

Fantasy right?"

Then trump signs a law to punish websites for sex trafficking… Looks like a significant connection to me…

9f3b78 No.1011390


Good post and welcome.

3716e3 No.1013791

Been researching all sorts of stuff for a long time now including tying to understand what some of the lyrics in modern day songs are all about. One day that curiosity took me in the direction of the links below and I was gob smacked, certainly not proof of anything but the whole concept coupled with MK Ultra potentially provides some sort of logical explanation of behaviors of many, that are clearly being used as puppets by the cabal IMO.

Been lurking on this board for a while now and have not contributed very much so far but if this takes us in a direction that supports the greater cause then all the better. The last vid at 16:15 has a reference that could be related to a Q reference "Dark to LIGHT"??

https:// hooktube.com/watch?v=CL034y-eUH0

https:// hooktube.com/watch?v=v8td32UdCaE

https:// hooktube.com/watch?v=7-vFiHS8HC0

Plenty of other vids on the tube as well. If you guys think this has legs then please comment and I would be happy to dig deeper, otherwise I will try and help elsewhere. Is this related to the sex abuse stuff in H'Wood?

26af63 No.1013929

File: ad1f4999a5eba8e⋯.jpg (53.92 KB, 640x360, 16:9, Eminem - 3 a.m..00_00_10_0….jpg)

File: c0b8fd22c51ebfb⋯.png (719.2 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Eminem - 3 a.m..00_00_44_1….png)

File: c103c01af684a6c⋯.jpg (27.91 KB, 640x360, 16:9, Eminem - 3 a.m..00_00_51_1….jpg)

File: 3dcb1c26f2c8e62⋯.jpg (32.58 KB, 640x360, 16:9, Eminem - 3 a.m..00_00_55_1….jpg)

File: 9188eb7669abf9e⋯.jpg (47.43 KB, 640x360, 16:9, evil face 1.jpg)

This fuck is evil , Like chainsaw massacre type evil I hope he gets the firing squad. Here is a frame by frame demon dig on his video 3 am. There are skulls moving in and out of the frames and demonic creatures come in from the side and go back out within 5 frames. here is just a taste of the stills and work I am doing .

26af63 No.1013937

File: f6ea7230f9ad276⋯.jpg (53.94 KB, 640x360, 16:9, Eminem - 3 a.m..00_00_44_1….jpg)

File: a8cd37e45366649⋯.png (827.92 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Eminem - 3 a.m..00_00_44_1….png)

File: d02fd544697b6b9⋯.jpg (48.27 KB, 640x360, 16:9, Eminem - 3 a.m..00_00_44_1….jpg)

26af63 No.1013969

File: 1719685c9cf911d⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 61.96 KB, 640x360, 16:9, Eminem - 3 a.m..00_02_04_2….jpg)

File: 03af7e38b99883c⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 65.15 KB, 640x360, 16:9, Eminem - 3 a.m..00_02_15_2….jpg)

File: 85f320a47888694⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 57.13 KB, 640x360, 16:9, Eminem - 3 a.m..00_02_16_1….jpg)

File: aa381c12b71b9fe⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 59.86 KB, 640x360, 16:9, Eminem - 3 a.m..00_02_17_2….jpg)

Real body parts in his video . look at the arm. No way to know for sure but this was in his prime evil time . Right after renegade got elected this evil fucker came back more eveil than ever. I am doing this dig because fuck feminem talking shit about My President and His daughter. How rude !! I will keep showing you this amazing evil editing in this video as i work on the frames. [EMINEM]

3716e3 No.1014313


What if they are cloning people?

What if they then program (MK Ultra/Monarch Programming) the clone?

What if they then replace the original person with the clone?

What if one of those people had a position of high authority/power?

Google Clone Factory / MK Ultra vids.

5a3a7e No.1014636


anon - I'm not going there -god bless you have the stomach for this. I really hope you report this to some one when you are done.

It's hard to trust who to contact these days, but there must be something on the DOJ website to report this kind of info. Trust Sessions has something like in place by now.

b22d3b No.1014652

File: bec1615635f542b⋯.png (425.67 KB, 443x569, 443:569, Screen Shot 2018-04-12 at ….png)

File: ec8768a22a4ac68⋯.png (170.66 KB, 461x467, 461:467, Screen Shot 2018-04-12 at ….png)

File: 2e30485e6bab0e8⋯.png (197.78 KB, 390x534, 65:89, Screen Shot 2018-04-12 at ….png)

File: 2d4b262d0f5e25b⋯.png (173.2 KB, 202x401, 202:401, Screen Shot 2018-04-12 at ….png)

I'm doing a little more looking into Eminem, and I'm wondering about this tattoo of an Evil Mushroom and these burning buildings and the eye that is in the upper right??

I can't seem to find and answer, but are those the Twin Towers?? And WHEN did he get this tattoo?? It looks to me like it was Pre-911, or maybe I'm seeing things.

"Make me king as we move toward a New World Order." -Eminem

5a3a7e No.1014715


I just wrote a lot and then erased it.

If you are new to the board - read back and connect the dots, otherwise you are MSM/clownfag

26af63 No.1015060


Big dogs are watching us here. i am confident this man is being looked at . This is not just some ordinary petty misdemenor teenager shit. TY for the reply. Threatening Lady I was the last straw for me .

51eecb No.1018792

File: 0380db053062d39⋯.png (68.59 KB, 538x166, 269:83, emm.png)


I did some reading into it.

I think you've found something here.

Happy to help.


-UK Patriot

51eecb No.1018921


Thank you, always happy to help.

As I'm new here, the board structure may take some time to get used to be, but I'll try my best.

The MS13 lyric connection.

Correction, track is called "We're Back".

Only mention of MS13 I can find in Eminem related tracks as of now.

Released 2006 on the album The Re-Up.


"You can find me right now, on the C.A. streets

I'm on the roof, of the building, shooting at police

Some of the homies feel opposition can't kill me

I'm a walking obituary, death live in me

I take life through the pen, by the way I'mma see

Or have you raped in the pen, like American meat

I'm connected gettin' weight from MS 13

With S.K's, A.R's and Mini fourteens

I'm Cashis, the last of the real, with a strap

On Prozac, D's and E-Pills, it's a wrap

Get the block on tip, two for tens of crack

I'm in a lifetime contract, Shady's back nigga"

51eecb No.1018941


I think you're right.

https:// www.instagram.com/p/BhaQtqklrSX/

Why is Eminem "taking control of his Twitter account" now? Why now?

6d173c No.1019529

Although Geni scrubs him, his genealogy exists back to the 1600s, which is curious enough in itself. Why would a white rapper's genealogy be known back to 10 generations? Because heis from the families. He is a Rhodes, a Parrish (Parris), a Nelson, a Hartmann, a Graves, and so on. Samuel Parris was the preacher in Salem. Eminem is a project.

http:// www.wargs.com/other/mathers.html

51eecb No.1019590


Coincidence, Eminem's daughter was born on Christmas Day 1995. Maybe related? Who knows.

c28322 No.1019600

File: 451d21253e01ad4⋯.png (1007.89 KB, 1229x689, 1229:689, rachel chandler eminem int….png)

File: 36badd709a531d9⋯.png (1.32 MB, 788x1404, 197:351, rachel chandler eminem int….png)

Interscope records connection.

51eecb No.1019645


Another coincidence I just found. In "As The World Turns" he mentions a "Liz Claiborne"


On that wargs link I found this:

Mary Ann Claiborn, b. … , Ind., … [ca. 1835], d. …

Lacking the E but definitely a Claiborn in his ancestry.

26af63 No.1020727


I don't understand what this means. I do understand how evil this creature is tho. TY for the reply

51eecb No.1021139


Gonna embrace my autism here.

Keeping in mind MSM is now talking about Q, "they" are aware of us. You know who they are. They're who we're fighting.

Therefore, Eminem is aware.

With this back and forth tirade involving Q, Trump and Twitter, they are "activating" Eminem to start speaking openly. Given his current stance, he will speak against it.

Just my thoughts, would like to hear others. I value the open discussion and sensibility of some people here.

26af63 No.1021220


he is a 50 thousand pound pink elephant in the room Il tell you that. He got my eye on him. I got a ton more insanity from that video I will get it doner soon. You will not belive how evil these music video editors are with these demon rappers and cabal musicians.

b81113 No.1021238

"I'm sorry Miss Cheney but your husband's heart problem is complicated"

Mayo clinic, Richard 'Dick' Cheney's heart transplant:

https:// newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org/discussion/reaction-to-former-v-p-cheneys-heart-transplant/

Guess who is on Mayo's Board of Directors?

"Richard Cheney"


"Barbara Bush Bush Incorporated"

"Eric Schmidt" (formerly) "Alphabet Inc."

https:// www.bloomberg.com/research/stocks/private/board.asp?privcapId=4165212

M&M hinting to inside track knowledge about Mayo clinic corruption?

26af63 No.1022375

File: 2d1b13c06bb17ae⋯.jpg (95.06 KB, 714x532, 51:38, serveimage8BMIEVJG.jpg)

File: db47eb8c3028c8c⋯.jpg (423.17 KB, 991x656, 991:656, serveimageCN3BI016.jpg)


Autism intesifys !! He did this ALL to himself. He could have taken the long road and trusted in the Holy Sprit to guide him and be broke for some more time while he came up.He has natural talent and probably would have been famous anyway without Dr.Dumb. He could have chosen to say no and not harm even the tiniest of God's creatures . He could have said in his mind. "I was given life and will preserve that gift I was given to all things in God's creation" . These beings chose to go the route of darkness . Now they are GLOWING. Hear me [EMINEM] You glow . Hope you are squeeky fucking clean as far as violence goes and it's all an act because you got yourself a thread on Q research It doesnt appear to be going away. I have no time for him if he is just a petty thief or dipshit criminal. I am here digging for the REAL evil motherfuckers. Balance to my attitude is key . (Violence survivor no sympaty wanted ) . The only person/s he needs to fear now from my long term vision is Qteam and Anons . RESPECT GOD's creation or die !! rant over sorry .Been going frame by frame thru "3am" Evil fucks . You will see more very soon .You will shit .

26af63 No.1022385

File: e799c7c20973d4d⋯.jpg (9.03 KB, 226x223, 226:223, 0a0ba8e96a9ae604a3cc05ad57….jpg)


You are a smart Anon dam good work. Lets doxx this fucking demon. He is the real Leatherface I can see it . One of them anyway def in the family .

26af63 No.1022421

File: f71906bb99c0507⋯.jpg (62.69 KB, 1080x565, 216:113, 12081244_803911459718254_5….jpg)



Looked for 30 seconds on his pics and found this. GLOWING !!!!! There is a Jason mask in 3 am vid you have to go frame by frame to see the 4 frames it moves in and out of the background. I have been tracking and tracing, Il have it soon here . You can see a little in the prelim pics I already posed. Also I noticed the chopped off arm in 3 am video and the chopped off arm in the newest video Framed look different. The Framed video the chopped off arm looks fake as fuck. The pics abouve look like a real chopped off arm but i wonder if the arm vein would still hold form if the arm was actually a severed arm. Could be a shop job but its real good if so. The chopped off fingers look very real in 3 am as well. Still soon.

1788f9 No.1022579

File: 604847c749e35da⋯.png (2.96 MB, 1242x2208, 9:16, IMG_0058.PNG)


Looks like he is worried and trying to cover his ass.

26af63 No.1022883


If he is not guilty then he has nothing to worry about correct? correct.

0438a5 No.1122744

Why is E so vocal against POTUS?

Biggest connection missing.

Focus on friends (2).

(1) F

(1) M

(1) Presidential pardon.

(1) 187 MS_13



Not exactly a pardon, but John Forté was given a commutation from President Bush

>NOVEMBER 24, 2008

>John Edward Forte

>Offense: Aiding and abetting possession with intent to distribute five kilograms or more of cocaine, 21 U.S.C. §§ 841(a)(1) and 841(b)(1)(A)(ii), 18 U.S.C. § 2

>District/Date: Southern Texas; November 20, 2001

>Sentence:168 months’ imprisonment; five years’ supervised release; $5,000 fine

https:// www.justice.gov/pardon/gwbush-commutations

He is also mentioned in one of his lyrics

>I'm the shadiest nigga here to come out the Dirty Doz

>Do a song with you and tell people how wack your verse was

>("Shit's wack!") I'm laid back like John Forte'

>Who got a screwdriver so me and my girl can have foreplay?


>We some dirty, filthy, rotten scoundrels

>Dirty, filthy, rotten scoundrels

https:// www.cifraclub.com.br/eminem/418321/letra/

Do these two have any closer ties to eachother?

c3d5a2 No.1149455


does that hand close up have 6 fingers?


d4f05e No.1149603

File: 9b33cb290a281b9⋯.jpg (56.98 KB, 696x455, 696:455, leadframed2-696x455.jpg)

https:// vigilantcitizen.com/musicbusiness/framed-eminem-becomes-a-mind-controlled-serial-killer/

51eecb No.1149726

File: 489db647ed26534⋯.png (1.42 KB, 248x60, 62:15, fakebook.png)

Fakebook trending.

No coincidences.

6d173c No.1160506

File: bf7d2c9070aa3d8⋯.jpg (28.34 KB, 400x400, 1:1, Emeye1.jpg)

File: f0e5b156d875da3⋯.jpg (424.54 KB, 2048x1892, 512:473, Emeye2.jpg)

File: bf8295914af4a7a⋯.jpg (289.66 KB, 1538x2048, 769:1024, Emeye3.jpg)

File: 690d9ed9bee9695⋯.jpg (22.36 KB, 480x640, 3:4, Emeye5.jpg)

So much one eye stuff with this guy

fedce0 No.1172378


I mention Barbara Bush and her being on the Board of Directors for the Mayo Clinic and suddenly she croaks:

http:// www.foxnews.com/politics/2018/04/21/former-first-lady-barbara-bush-laid-to-rest-in-houston.html

Someone was covering up tracks.

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