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101a08 (2) No.745210>>746380 >>749430 >>757461 >>757688 >>758230 [Watch Thread][Show All Posts]

5G Death Towers: Whistle Blower blows lid off 5G Death Towers! (Part 1 of 2).

https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=c509duCxyhE


① Causes cancer -- creates cancer allies.

② Damages human body.

③ Female reproductive system particularly vulnerable.

④ 5G installers not respected, not protected.

⑤ Population in danger.

⑥ Dangerous radiation, improper testing.

⑦ Companies only interested in profits, not worried about population.



⑩ Vertigo, ears ringing, nausea, cause people to collapse, used as a weapon against the population.

⑪ The towers are very dangerous and the re-transmitters also. They are physical hazards and not safe for the American people. They transmit dangerous radiation.

⑫ Whistle-blowers exposing this are persecuted horribly.

If Trump were so marvelous, why is he supporting and implementing 5G, which is destructive to the human body and especially to the female reproductive system?

(There is much information to prove all of this).

764e2d (1) No.745558>>745699 >>745853

MZ? Any ideas?

101a08 (2) No.745699

a7ecaf (1) No.745853


Mark Zuckerberg

c6b10e (1) No.746380>>751383 >>758159

File (hide): d1c23c7bb290b04⋯.png (597.39 KB, 1712x1468, 428:367, IMG_3223.PNG) (h) (u)

File (hide): 6b88600a7741c23⋯.png (584.28 KB, 1206x1181, 1206:1181, IMG_3230.PNG) (h) (u)

>>745210 (OP)

I've seen them, they are going up all over my town, most located by schools. I'll get a few pic's and drop them here. We had a Petition on 5g, but it may have expired. We really need to get these petitions going, that's the only thing I know to do. But we can't get the word out due to Censoring. Here are a couple I'm working on, I'll do one for 5g again, we just ALL have to push them hard. I'll get back with the info I gathet


8bfe99 (2) No.748376>>751414 >>850138

File (hide): e4e0b8743a4da30⋯.jpg (17.09 KB, 663x552, 221:184, tesla-energy-harvester.jpg) (h) (u)

Just suck it up with >>

Nicholas Tesla Ambient Energy Harvester

3986de (1) No.748646>>751401

Really glad you found this for yourself. Do research on the #G that's already in place.

Spying on US citizens is already in place.

This is a local issue at this point to prohibit installation. There a lot of areas that don't want these installed.

Reversing/not installing these devices will probably come from grass-roots.

Blaming POTUS is mis-directed anger IMHO. All these plans have been in the pipe long before 2017.

896589 (1) No.749430

>>745210 (OP)

if they are bad news and affect you then chop them down.

if it gets fixed unfix it starting with whatever camera they set up.

if it's too expensive they will give up, especially if it is done everywhere at once.


23a43c (3) No.751383


Great, thanks! Yes, petition needed urgent!

23a43c (3) No.751401


POTUS was recently seen meeting with the people wanting to install these and giving support to it. So you cannot say he is not part of it.

23a43c (3) No.751414>>838423


How do you build that lower section?

ab56f5 (1) No.754861>>757577

The truth about Trump:


Trump is a Jesuit and a Mason and part of the banking cartel.

See this:

https:// www.youtube.com/user/KarenHudes/videos

b75610 (2) No.757461>>758095

>>745210 (OP)

>If Trump were so marvelous, why is he supporting and implementing 5G, which is destructive to the human body and especially to the female reproductive system?

Even GSM cell towers can be just as dangerous depending on how strong the EM field is and how close people are in its vicinity.

Go figure this:


>Total bureaucracy

>Police state


"How gullible can a human be? Lead them to the light and they will trust you - to meet their own demise on their own volition."

The truth will always shine, but the falsehoods will shine first.

b75610 (2) No.757577


Millenias to eons of birthright enslaving billions - You think he's an anomaly? There is no christ/savior other than yourself. I ask you to save yourself, nothing else.

ed0a43 (1) No.757688

>>745210 (OP)

cancer is a fungus everybody has it grows in an acid body and gets cured by baking soda wich oxidizes the body killing fungus why do we have it woman use it to have children without this fungus (cancer) miscarriage happens so you are contradicting yourself saying it causes cancer and then saying reproduction system vulnerable

3864d0 (1) No.758087

Very small piece of the puzzle. 5G towers are going to be controlling the nanobots and synthetic biology that's been installed in almost all Americans through chemtrails.

If you're going to post a topic, research it. Don't just link to a YouTube video. Pretty weak.

3a4238 (2) No.758095


> to meet their own demise


> their own volition

3a4238 (2) No.758159


Anon, not sure what your intent is here or what you WANT it to say but this second line needs a correction of some kind (I'm guessing the end is missing, but have no way of knowing that) :

The new saying is

"Dindn't your mom ever teach you nothing is ever _____?"

e91c7d (2) No.758230>>758234

>>745210 (OP)

Thi is the same formatting as this thread :


Fuck off deluded nigger

e91c7d (2) No.758234

45d663 (1) No.765676


It's a simple bridge rectifier circuit consisting of four diodes and an electrolytic (polarised) capacitor for storing the energy/electricity.

From memory so forgive me if I'm a little off so best to do an image search for bridge rectifiers and look into it yourself.

The older types of what I think you call 'wall warts' also use them as the internal transformer converts your domestic 110V AC supply to say 14.8V AC (approx) and then that goes through the bridge rectifier circuit that converts the AC to around 12VDC current. Each diode has a voltage drop (consumption) of approx 0.6V so it's 14.8V AC minus (4 x 0.6V) = 12.2V DC unregulated output.

Diodes can be thought of as one-way valves that require voltage to operate ~ 0.6V approx. Some types consume more and some like Schottky diodes consume much less.

The electrolytic caps in these are usually 1000uF/25V or 470uF/25V. Why 25V? It's a 2X safety margin. Always go high. The DC waveform straight from the diodes is very rough and the capacitor acts as a reservoir to first store then release the electricity more smoothly. Successive caps can be added to further smooth the waveform - 1000uF-470uF-100uF-10uF-0.1uf. It all depends on how smooth it needs to be for whatever it's powering.

There are much more energy efficient methods used today - voltage regulators, buck/boost units with PWM etc,

If you're thinking of building one to experiment with then it may be best to use the (all in one) Schottky bridge rectifier package. One neat package with low voltage drop internal diodes. You could even mount it to the aluminium plate using some thermal grease or a thermal rubber pad to transfer any heat from the rectifier to the plate.

Note: Electrolytic caps are polarised and therefore need to be attached the right way around. The Negative (shorter) connection is clearly marked. Get it wrong and they'll let the 'Magic smoke' out before going BANG!

Been there, done that. Got the T-Shirt.

Also look up Leyden jars but beware as they can kill from accumulated static electricity.

Interesting to think that the Ark of the Covenant was/is I believe one giant Leyden Jar/Capacitor that would self discharge between the winged Cherubim or kill anyone foolish enough to touch it beforehand. Hence the wooden carrying poles.

Also the tabernacle it was housed in was designed to create static electricity not only to charge it but to power/prolong its self discharge. Very impressive! Very deadly!

8bfe99 (2) No.838423


It's Earth connection, hammer a copper pipe into the ground. This build is according the principle that Earth is functioning as a large battery.

442ac3 (1) No.842326>>848883

For those anti-Trumpers thinking he is pro 5G. Think again:

https:// www.cnet.com/news/why-trump-blocked-qualcomm-broadcom-its-all-about-5g/

51c14e (2) No.848883


Trump has clearly come-out and supported 5G.

51c14e (2) No.848886>>849982




It was stolen. Q is not legit.

681970 (1) No.849290

>⑩ Vertigo, ears ringing, nausea, cause people to collapse, used as a weapon against the population.

Cool. All symptoms I suffer from every day and I'm very close to one of these towers.

3b0d41 (2) No.849503

"How Big Wireless Made Us Think That Cellphones Are Safe"

'The Nation' (MSM) carries detailed article on corruption and hiding of safety data (lack of safety) for cell phones. FOX News is apparently running some stories on the 5G rollout soon.

https:// www.thenation.com/article/how-big-wireless-made-us-think-that-cell-phones-are-safe-a-special-investigation/

4dc9c8 (1) No.849982

File (hide): ac6f30dc4587847⋯.jpg (340.9 KB, 1024x600, 128:75, weiner-1.jpg) (h) (u)

66ee83 (1) No.850138>>850994


That's just a full wave bridge rectifier, connected to a piece of aluminum. A common circuit, modified to look like something it is not. You put in an AC signal to get DC out. This is a BS diagram.

4c4895 (1) No.850478>>850994

For more good info on the dangers of EMF radiation (cell phones, wifi routers, smart meters, etc.) check out the following books:

- “Overpowered” by Martin Blank, Phd

- “EMF Freedom” by Elizabeth Plourde, Phd

- “Dirty Electricity” by Samuel Milham

There are also excellent YouTube videos by each of the authors as well.

Another good resource is a site run by Dr. Blank (they have an appeal signed by 237 emf scientists from 41 countries calling for better EMF guidlines/regulation):


Tldr: there are countless peer reviewed scientific studies showing Non ionizing emf radiation is a carcinogen due to how it vibrates our molecules which overtime can cause single and double strand DNA breakage/damage. Due to the ubiquitous nature of wifi/emf radiation in our current society we are getting constantly blasted by this radiation and our bodies rarely get a break.

Numerous recent scientific publications have shown that EMF affects living organisms at levels well below most international and national guidelines. Effects include increased cancer risk, cellular stress, increase in harmful free radicals, genetic damages, structural and functional changes of the reproductive system, learning and memory deficits, neurological disorders, and negative impacts on general well-being in humans. Damage goes well beyond the human race, as there is growing evidence of harmful effects to both plant and animal life.

Even the world health org has classified ELF and microwave radiation as class 2B possible carcinogen.

Godspeed and stay safe anons. Education is key to stop this radiation of our populace.

58ea47 (1) No.850994>>851090 >>851212 >>853908


This is correct. A full wave bridge rectifier with a (non specific) filter capacitor between the DC outputs. This is one of those circuits that would do something if we had ideal diodes. Real diodes have an approx 0.7v forward bias voltage for silicon based diodes or 0.3v for germanium based ones. This makes this circuit useless for 'energy harvesting' unless you are directly beside a broadcast station. In that case you /may/ be able to get something but it wont be much as the energy radiated to an area drops off with the cube of the distance and the antenna is not tuned or impedance matched so energy recovered will be detectable but insignificant. This is much less scary than say dihydrogen monoxide.



WHOs page on microwave radiation says no such thing.

http:// www.who.int/peh-emf/publications/facts/info_microwaves/en/

Not that I trust them but apples to apples and what not.

I've been in close proximity to relatively powerful (~1KW) radio transmitters most of my life. Grew up around the amateur radio hobby and now do rf engineering both as a hobby and professionally myself.

RF Burns are no joke. They are very real and as with any burn probably increase cancer risk in that area but because of strictly thermal damage. They do require you to either be very close to the source or in the direct path of a highly directional source (like in the path of a high power transmitting satellite dish, on the business end of a maser or magnetron).

Keep in mind we are exposed to approx 1KW per square meter of extremely wide spectrum EMF from the sun. It's nuclear fusion after all. The issues we see from that are the result of the uv component of the solar radiation because it is ionizing which means that it has enough energy to rip electrons off of atoms causing damage. This damage shows up in other objects as sun bleaching and deterioration of the materials, brittle bleached plastic being a recognizable example. If part of that plastic is always shaded it will not experience those effects even though it is still exposed to radio frequency EMF. Almost all (99.9+%) rf used for comms/tech is well under the visible part of the spectrum and far away from ionizing.

There is a lot of BS being spread. It's one of those things you have to learn how it works to know if you're on to something or being fed a load.

96b797 (1) No.851068

File (hide): 742fd06c226a71f⋯.png (201.79 KB, 720x978, 120:163, 20180331_114802.png) (h) (u)

8f9027 (1) No.851090


Thank you for the B/EE revisit. Like I said. The circuit posted is BS. It could be part of a power supply, it is not. The diagram posted is nothing. The circuit is not tied into anything..

Posting a bunch of unrelated gibberish about forward-biasing P/N junctions of different diodes is Electronics 101.

As for the RF stuff, that's basic comms too.

3dd161 (1) No.851212


You are correct - this will only produce useful energy, if you are near a broadcast transmitter.

I've also been a ham since the early 1970s, and have seen these circuits being promoted for "free energy". Most people live near a transmitter, and they may produce tiny amounts of current-limited useful energy. But if we have a major event, taking out the power - then the transmitters will mostly go silent - and no energy would be harvested.

Back when Tesla got into this, he was using his tesla coil to transmit the energy in the ELF freqs. But without the coil, it's usefulness fades away. BTW, semiconductor diodes did not exist in his day, so this circuit wouldn't have been "invented" by him, except as a theory. Vacuum tube diodes would not be useful to harvest free energy, due to wasted power for filament.

3b0d41 (2) No.853566

File (hide): b0ae70e9db0482f⋯.jpg (174.19 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, EMF_Pain.jpg) (h) (u)

To the Radio Amateurs who have been around 1KW radio transmitters all their lives: at issue here is the higher danger of spread-spectrum digital communications to human biology. GSM/CDMA, 3G, 4G and 5G are progressively more complex signals, found more likely to affect human biology. Maybe not your biology, but it did affect mine. As an amateur, I have been 'not-normal' all my life, but it took 40 years for my heart to start failing, and for the change to SWL which saved my life. Microwave photons from WiFi and 5G have 100 times the energy of the signals from most 1KW Amateur rigs, and they are spread-spectrum, pulsed, not SSB, CW or NFM. The peak energy of 4G and 5G does the biological damage, not the heat energy we know from HF/VHF. Stand in front of a Radar dish for any length of time and you will get very sick indeed, despite the low average power.

More than 50% of American adults are taking a drug for a chronic disease condition (sauce: Rand corp.) You may not be affected by 4G/5G, but please don't assume others are not. The Cabal is more interested in the 50% who buy drugs daily to sleep and think-straight, not the healthy Radio Amateurs.

71f5ef (1) No.853908


The IARC made the classification which the WHO adopted but the WHO still claims there is insufficient evidence to justify lowering the quantitative exposure standards, bc they are a bunch of corrupt buttholes, so I’m not surprised you weren’t able to find much on the WHO site.

Here’s some sauce on the IARC classification of radio frequency radiation in 2011:


Yes ionizing radiation such as that found in the higher light frequencies and beyond has enough energy to immediately strip electrons/destroy molecules. Non ionizing radiation from radio/microwave/ELF doesn’t have enough energy to immediately destroy molecules but it does has enough to vibrate molecules. Over time this constant vibration has a cumulative effect which weakens then destroys molecules such as single and double strand dna. This has been verified in studies that showed non ionizing radiation causes the presence of nucleotides (dna fragments) to be found in the blood.

Dr Blanks book is well referenced re: the various studies and what they showed. Highly recommend reading it.

8ded9a (1) No.865575

Study, Important:



f5c39a (1) No.868781


7fda44 (1) No.946157

Good thread, see this also:


c28045 (2) No.1111629

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

c28045 (2) No.1112025

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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