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File (hide): 7c3836b90c41f66⋯.jpg (83.05 KB, 1103x528, 1103:528, PMMAGACO2.JPG) (h) (u)

File (hide): 2bf842738f4df91⋯.jpg (71.05 KB, 716x885, 716:885, PMMAGACO.JPG) (h) (u)


bf2955 (1)  No.6058023>>6058196 >>6058358 >>6064305 >>6068356 >>6068829 >>6081408 [Watch Thread][Show All Posts]

Some kind of operation is being run at Q researchers, it has been for a long time, but the intensity of it has increased markedly in the last month or so.

Here are a few examples of this op's formation, and a request for transparency from one of our own.

It coming at us like a fire hose, meaning from several directions, which is intentional to make it hard to discern the source. We've uncovered once source, which is this phony MAGA Coalition PAC, but I think there are probably several others we might not be aware of.

Several anons have dug deep into this phony PAC, and the names that are turning up all indicate something is off. For example, meet Ginger McQueen (@GingerMcQueen), treasurer of MAGA Coalition. She thinks Q is a terrorist org. She also enjoys retweeting a fake @PrayingMedic account.

Bill Mitchell (@Mitchellvelli) is a good friend of Ginger's and has occasionaly referenced Q, but once Q posted about MAGA Coalition he has started taking stabs. Conveniently enough we have seen @PrayingMedic come in and join his show. The same Medic that thinks he is the Q OG. How many other accounts have tried to draw you in only to be a shill? Not saying it, just saying it should be noted.

I notice a "don't sew division" push-back trend when patriots are trying to flush this stuff out. I'm not on that train.

Truth above all else.

If someone we believe to be a patriot is questioned WITH evidence, then it needs to be reconciled. We formed this collective to flush out pied pipers and paytriots. We can't be emotional about that.

So, that's why this concerns me…

@prayingmedic, I believe enough has been flushed out on this topic to warrant your response. I know you are aware because you blocked @occulturalism's digs.

I think this hard working and dedicated community deserves some clarity on your association with these people.

It's possible you were sucked in for disinfo photos later on, etc, but silence is probably not the best idea when you are photographed with a PAC that Q specifically called out as corrupt.

I have no interest in sewing division, but I saw enough of a tipping point being reached that it's important to, as a community, deal with this.

If we do this on leftists, then we need to also do it on "our own." I hope that Medic is a victim here, and I want to hear his side. But frankly, after Q calling out this PAC, if he doesn't clear the air, then we're at an impasse. I want to 10x emphasize my intent is not to sew discord, in fact it's to seek unity.

If we have bad seeds like Seaman, McQueen and Mitchell "on our team" then we are victims of a disinfo op designed to damage us.

Unity comes from truth and transparency.

160bf3 (1)  No.6058075>>6058170

this exact thought popped into my head 2 days ago. it feels like a rambo biggs/ cernovich thing.

9d1fec (1)  No.6058170


It's bigger than that. This goes all the way back to Israel's psychological operations. But yes, Biggs and Cernovich are a part of it.

2e769e (3)  No.6058196>>6058235 >>6064305 >>6074312 >>6084485

File (hide): 612f50abe4e0891⋯.jpeg (91.35 KB, 644x422, 322:211, fullsizeoutput_23e2.jpeg) (h) (u)

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File (hide): d9bcc650f6745aa⋯.jpeg (230.21 KB, 1181x545, 1181:545, fullsizeoutput_23dd.jpeg) (h) (u)

>>6058023 (OP)

Why are MAGA Coalition and Mike Rothschild apparently working together? And why are they obsessed with boomers?

555728 (3)  No.6058200

I’ve also been suspect lately.

Why hasn’t anyone been digging?

Seems just…

Time to let it all hang out.

1c2e9c (1)  No.6058235


As they are a doomsday cult, possibly with a doomsday device, I suppose "boomers" could be people that will go "boom" when they destroy the world, with themselves and the select few kept safe in DUMBS.

405796 (3)  No.6058253>>6058456 >>6058596

I watched prayingmedic a lot.

He never ever made shilly moves or framed Q or the movement in a bad way.

He nerver spread disinfo.

He, so far, is a great win for thr awakening.

I sense that maga coalition has made contact with him, to now be able to attack a loud voice - like shills often did in the past.

Pm was attacked in many breads before, by waves of shills, completely inorganic, so this factic is not new.

As far as there are no real facts on him being anti Q, i consider this a

shill bread.

When they can’t attack the information provided, they attack the messenger.

Define ‘deflection’.

Logical thinking.

Shill count HIGH.


2e769e (3)  No.6058358>>6065796

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>>6058023 (OP)

One thing stood out to me from Praying Medic's video yesterday where he was describing how he got into the Q movement (which I'll go ahead and embed). He said he was familiar with the chans because he was really into posters like FBIanon. However, he later says he was aware of Q in the beginning, but wasn't interested. It was only from his wife that he eventually became interested in Q.

I call bullshit. How can you claim to be really into FBIanon but not Q? Especially when you consider how explosive Q's early posts were. It feels like Praying Medic is just making up this history, and it doesn't help that he's being completely silent on his ties to MAGA Coalition.

This is another way that these groups work. They will put out bits of information to test them on the public so that they can build a larger overall narrative. It's like when MAGA Coalition people started making posts trying to claim that the (you) screenshot wasn't really Doug's. Praying Medic, in my opinion, is intentionally being mum in order to see how he should play his cards. The guy seems to be hiding something.

2e769e (3)  No.6058456>>6058589 >>6065812


You don't understand how psychological operations work. It's not about people telling lies, it's about controlling the narrative. You want to build a following of people who trust you, so that you can tell them what they should focus on. You have to tell the truth in order to do this successfully. The trick is that these people intentionally leave out certain bits of information so that you don't connect certain dots (such as not digging deeply into Q's posts about Mossad, Israel, and MAGA Coalition). The people who go to PM and not directly to Q's posts won't understand how pivotal a role that Israel plays in all of this. Think of Alex Jones as another perfect example of this type of limited hangout.

Sure, it's possible that Praying Medic is legit, and MAGA Coalition just tried to co-opt or compromise him in some way, but so far the evidence doesn't really point to this. The longer that PM stays silent on this, the more suspect he appears.

405796 (3)  No.6058546>>6058596 >>6059134

shill bread confirmed.

>>6058373 lb

>>6058514 lb

(Muh jew shills attacking if shill narrative is questioned ..)

On Q reaearch anons don't attack people bc they have a feeling….facts and sauce is needed.

Is not provided, it's done by shills.

556abc (1)  No.6058555>>6066876

Praying Medic wants to be a "leader" but doesn't lead by good example, because if he really gave a shit about this movement, he would not have ever associated his bank account with anything Q related. He also wouldn't run over to inthematrix's bullshit while he is being called out over maga coalition connections. I don't give a fuck about this "people should get paid for their hard work spreading truth" narrative. Plenty of other people would easily replace Praying Medic and do the work for free.

405796 (3)  No.6058589>>6058596 >>6059134


>The people who go to PM and not directly to Q's posts won't understand how pivotal a role that Israel plays in all of this.

Muh jew shills confirmed.


b525dc (1)  No.6058596




You couldn't be more obvious if you tried, Doug.

4d1ef6 (2)  No.6058970

Apparently Dave likes claim jumpers

4d1ef6 (2)  No.6058978

nigga were everywheeeeeeeere

409532 (1)  No.6058990

File (hide): 44eaed7e83914a2⋯.jpg (4.86 MB, 4189x2271, 4189:2271, TMA.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): cdac3e282e675c6⋯.png (824.58 KB, 847x1250, 847:1250, 2019-03-15 - More Fencing ….png) (h) (u)

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File (hide): ef69e9b4b969a02⋯.png (672.49 KB, 875x1283, 875:1283, 2019-03-19 Fake Docs No Ch….png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 132de098f5543c3⋯.png (1.18 MB, 1189x1702, 1189:1702, 2019-03-12 Mexico 2nd Worl….png) (h) (u)


1 Served, Caught and Squeeled to Enemy

1 Dodged Draft, Refused to Take Up Arms to Defend our Nation As Its Being Invaded


-No Name did if for 50+ Years and was contained to one huge ISIS, and secret agent

-Draft Dodger just started and blew off for 2 years, to protect our nation from Criminal Illegal Foreign Invaders? And blew it off for another 2 years. Failed to take up arms to defend our nation as we are being invaded BY THE WORLDS #2 deadliest nation on planet Earth (behind Syria #1)

Funny, we have 10,000s of murders, attacks, by criminals illegally on our streets each day, yet Trump refuses to even ACT NOR MOVE TROOPS TO DEFEND OURSELVES!

Imagine how fast the US moved 100,000 Troops to the Middle East in 2 weeks to defend them, yet Trump refuses to do the same on our own Borders? Ask yourself why? Its because this General DUMBFORDSHIT is Deep State and was for BO! He's the one who told Trump it would take 6 Months for a 1 day operation!

Pray that China or Russia don't attack us on US Soil, as we'll all be conquered in hours, since Trump REFUSES TO EVEN ATTEMPT TO PROTECT US FROM HARM! And turned his back to the knee deep blood filed streets, and stacking of Childrens coffins lining our nations smalltown. So large cities don't see it, yet in 90% of all smalltowns have 50% criminals on OUR FRICKED STREETS RIGHT NOW.


Thats called a Traitor, to turn you back to all the dead bodies on our streets. Ask any ANGEL MOM what Trump did to this point - NOTHING! All laws he planned is AFTER THEY MURDER YOUR CHILDREN, and how they will process the crime. THERE's NOT 1 PLAN TO ATTEMPT TO PREVENT THE CRIME FROM HAPPENING, ONLY AFTER CARE PROCEDURES!

Trump has 10,000s of dead bodies of our children on his hands, so in our next life, make sure the families of Trumps sacrfices of your children, remind him he was part of the murder of them!

555728 (3)  No.6059134>>6063684



This is not an attack as the anon posted. There is clear evidence of medic being tied to the MAGA Coalition. So, if Q calls out the MAGA Coalition then why is medic not addressing it? If he IS on "our side" then he would be openly willing to discuss it or clear his name.

Just like War Drummer claimed that Kate was an assassin when she was clearly a witness. He made up for his mistake. He removed his SHILL shit video and worked with @Cordicon to wake the fuck up.

I think this Anon is clearly on to something.

So…I would even say



e9a86e (1)  No.6059816>>6074073

File (hide): 112859738d2ebe6⋯.png (129.18 KB, 308x242, 14:11, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

InTheMatrixxx is suspect


5fdf2d (3)  No.6061523

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

I went back and checked Praying Medic's old videos to see what he said about Q's posts mentioning MAGA Coalition. And guess what? He just quickly mentions the posts and then moves on to the next topic. He even says, "I'm not gonna go into this whole thread. It's fairly involved." This was in reference to drawandstrike's exposé on twitter that Q linked to.

We know that PM was friends with Adam Gingrich and the MAGA Coalition crowd way before Q ever mentioned them. Given this fact, you would think that PM would spend an entire show digging into them and telling the listener what he knows about them. But nope. PM just ignores them and moves along to the next topic. Praying Medic has a lot of explaining to do. Start listening to the video around the 9:32 mark for the part about MAGA Coalition.

3a59b1 (1)  No.6062108

Dr Gorka was connected too. I listen to him everyday he's a pro trump but one day after the qpost calling him out a caller talked about his connection to the Pac and he called qanon a snake oil. Here is a audio clip:


344d8d (3)  No.6062305

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Once you sniff out a couple, sniffing out the rest is like a layup.

They are like everyone else in the media. They have handlers, they get paid. They don't get filtered or censored on social media and all their numbers get pumped.

Plenty of the frauds are covered in Anons video here…

344d8d (3)  No.6062387>>6063856

Cordicon is a fraud as well.



344d8d (3)  No.6062425

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Anon crushed all fake Q actors months ago.

Anon don't play.

All fake Q actors

d3c878 (1)  No.6063684>>6063872


Ffs, shills, do research before coming here or get better briefings.

Kate was an assassin - and a therapist, 1= 2, Kate coke in hearing…

And there is no evidence pm being fake maga.

If you have, put it up.

But you don't, so you will just claim it is common knowledge for anons…

There are fake accounts, even plenty of them.

But attacking pm w/o any sauce on the claim is just shilling and attacking a loud voice.

467210 (2)  No.6063856>>6067495


Actually Anon…

@Cordicon is a friend back home. He has no agenda. He is just spreading the message and keeping the light on the dark. In fact, he is the exact opposite of these other folks. He's a normal hard working patriot.


467210 (2)  No.6063872


Pictures with MAGA Coalition isn't sauce enough for you on PM? GTFOH.

382351 (7)  No.6064064

Well all of this is certainly interesting from a distance. Hell who needs TV when you have Youtube and the chans?

Carry on.

f9f6f7 (1)  No.6064305>>6065626

File (hide): 51db24968d8b1b3⋯.jpg (172.33 KB, 1202x1112, 601:556, Joe.JPG) (h) (u)


>>6058023 (OP)

While we are calling out shills we might as well warn about "Joe M." or @StormIsUponUs. You REALLLLLY think that is his name?


382351 (7)  No.6065626


So what makes Joe M a shill?

65ffa8 (3)  No.6065796


It is not unknown that this group of PAYtriots' web servers have been comprised. By whom?>>6058456

There are huge issues involved. Who the biggest problem is is a good question to be asking.

65ffa8 (3)  No.6065812>>6065979 >>6073601


There are huge issues involved. Who the biggest problem is is a good question to be asking.

a2dcac (3)  No.6065979>>6066195


Matrix's girlfriend is connected to Gannet.

65ffa8 (3)  No.6066195>>6066678


Another one that needs to be looked into in a major way. Among the PAYtriots crowd are people selling "Q stuff" that is not being delivered to the buyers.

a2dcac (3)  No.6066678>>6066917 >>6069048 >>6071341


> looked into in a major way.

Network of 501c3's(his family one is worth 2.6mil on paper) crossing statelines (IL/FL), Jesuit/Mason connections locally. Girlfriend works for Gannet. Does the limited hangout gatekeeping thing. His main foundation gives money to leftist organizations and SJWs including local groups associated with large NGO's.

>Among the PAYtriots crowd are people selling "Q stuff" that is not being delivered to the buyers.

Sauce? Delicious if true.

ed01bb (1)  No.6066876

File (hide): bd73c8c8268ad93⋯.jpg (56.91 KB, 404x500, 101:125, stalinIist_shills.jpg) (h) (u)


Don't pay PM then

I don't

He's redpilled thousands

Have you


d415a1 (1)  No.6066878

File (hide): e9935c0837a9306⋯.jpg (1.91 MB, 2049x1537, 2049:1537, AddictB.jpg) (h) (u)

Addicts only need the next FIX.

Trumps Addiction? Money

Chasing the Never Ending Money Deal on Earth.

Yet our Children are dying on Historic Numbers on our streets, our streets are more crowded with Criminal Illegal Aliens, and we have a Open Border. What does Trump do First and continually since getting into Office? Money Deals.

Given with LOVE to awaken him up that he has Totally Ignored our Small Towns Streets safety and the Historic Deaths of our children due to a Wide Open Border, he given Mexico 1+ year to "Slow" the flow. And after 1 year, if they do not slow, he will only GO AFTER THEIR MONEY (Tariffs); and only if that don't work in year 2 from now, will he "Consider" Closing the border. Seriously?

We have the size of NYC each 3 months criminally coming into the US and he only chases that China Trade Deal? Thats all he ever did for our nation - money deals after money deals. What about serving your US Citizens and protecting and beefing up Law Enforcement on our Very Streets? 100% complete Silence. What? Just being REAL.

Yet now Trump says "We Are Full" so does that mean we ARE GOING TO KEEP EVERYONE NOW? Why didn't Trump say we are overflowing? Yet Trump can not remove all these criminals from our nation is mass?

See how Trump has not been focused on the US Citizens that elected him and our Safety inside our Nation? His addiction of 100% focusing the next money deal, and nothing else. Think about it?

Addiction comes in many forms, but to Businessmen like Trump, MONEY is his "GAME" and OBSESSION! Anything else, is not important to him, and he doesn't care, because he needs his NEXT FIX in another MONEY DEAL!

Thats why Trump only knows MONEY, not human suffering of our dead children citizens on our streets, nor does he care. Only his NEXT FIX in the next money deal. Well Trump, ALL THE MONEY IN THE WORLD WILL NOT BRING BACK A SINGLE DEAD CHILD, so to you, MONEY IS #1 and Death and not your even attempt to save our very lives is #2? Wish I was wrong but in year 3, this is YOUR PATTERN!

When someone is raping your loved ones in front of you, and you will not even fight back against the criminals, what is one to say? What if your Leader didn't care and not even attempt to stop it, what is one to do? Our Nation is being raped to death right now, and you worry about China's money trade deal, and threaten Mexico you'll give them 1 full year to straight out, or I'll charge you more? WHAT? As they are raping your loved ones right before your eyes, this very instant? Instead of even showing you'll lift a finger and grab up arms to fight back, what did you do? Threaten them with money and not show of arms nor force of arming to show you mean business?

Clearly, you being A Billionare, you 100% always paid someone to stop things, at any price, but thats YOUR WORLD OF RICH! We live on the streets and have no money to throw around, but we pick up arms to fight back; something you never did, nor seem to plan on doing. Thats the difference that you 100% totally can NOT COMPREHEND!

So keep the border wide open and make sure you don't use any C-130 aircraft and mass deport illegals back to Mexico hey? Oh how simple. You have 1+ Million already convicted, waiting to be removed from US Soil, and you DO NOTHING? 4 years to remove them? See how your Military Advisors ARE NOT YOUR FRIEND, nor telling you the truth? Did you forget that 6 month plan for that Operation in Syria, but when you talked to your Troops, they said 1 day to get it done? But what do you expect from Dumbfordobama? He was BO's Military Advisor and HE'S AGAINST YOU? yet you can't comprehend it?

You want change yet you keep Mitch McConnell? He's changing our nation for the better just as much as PAUL RYAN DID! You have to change personnel to change the process. Mitch has far too many criminal ties and took far too many bribes, like his wife, who buys military aircraft for a foreign nation?

Trump - Time to get off your "FIX" of money for 1 year and 100% focus on the US STREETS and our Infastructure! Or did you forget that as well, as you were mainlining your MONEY FIX?

We have been forgotten long enough and you have abanded us and our children. You won't even increase the deportation of Convicted Illegals already judgement to Leave our soil? Tells you all we all see, and waking up to.

One thing, just pretend the border is locked and safe and no one is coming in like you did for the last 3 years. Reality isn't easy to fact for any ADDICT now is it? Time to MAN UP BUTTERCUP!

Sent with Tough Love from a Patriot, kicking you in your ass to wake you up to reality from your drug filled haze!

76462c (4)  No.6066917


Can confirm. Though it may be suppliers screwing Q people/Conservatives/Patriots. Some cases will know which it is soon.

2cb9e6 (1)  No.6067239

I stopped listening to PM months ago. Used the same MO of any carnival fortune teller. Vagueness…generalities…selective about certain topics…won't go near JQ, not even to condemn…he's spoopy at the very least. The MAGA PAC connections just add to smell of fuckery about him.

If he'll take money from gullible half-pilled Normies, he'd take it from anyone.

76462c (4)  No.6067495


I concur

d672d8 (1)  No.6068356

>>6058023 (OP)

PrayingMedic.. you have some ssplainin to do.

4e8d36 (1)  No.6068829>>6068948 >>6071368

>>6058023 (OP)

My question is couldn't MAGA Coalition have been targeting Q followers? Some of the followers could have unknowingly been supporting a fraud PAC?

I would be most leery of the ones who were promoting MAGA Coalition and aiding in collecting funds.

76462c (4)  No.6068948


People with big followings followers are the real targets. Fact. That's all that can be posted for now.

Q has warned us many times that big Followings will attract trouble. Including big trouble for the Followers. This is just one example.

76462c (4)  No.6069048>>6071962 >>6072441


We are being ripped off buying Q merch. The sellers have been notified. They all work through third parties, including Shopify.com and others.

Who ripped us off? As soon as we find out find out charges will be pressed where they apply. We will keep you posted.

5fdf2d (3)  No.6071341


Where is the info on matrix coming from? Do you have a link to the digs or sources?

5fdf2d (3)  No.6071368>>6089558


If PM is actually a victim of MAGA Coalition's attacks, then you would think he would be very vocal about this. Instead, he remains completely silent on the topic and ignored Q's posts about MAGA Coalition. You can't deny the red flags, anon.

a25c8f (1)  No.6071962


Wake the fuck up!

If you are stupid enough to buy it, your fault.

Wait till you are walking around with that retarded gear on, after the larp dies off…may have already.

Butt-end of the joke and butt-hurt.


049bc8 (1)  No.6072074>>6073157

PM is a useful idiot. He speaks as an authority of Q but gets a lot wrong and doesn't correct. He gives a disclaimer on things he thinks could be wrong but doesn't correct things he interprets wrong without the disclaimer. Small stuff and he is a good jumping off point for normies. His mouth sounds get on my nerves which I tried to ignore but his wrong conclusions and explanations outed him. He speaks from a point of an OG Anon and acts as a selected elite group of anons. He speaks about all the research and time he invests in Q but all of his research seems to be plucked off of what other anons have dug up. He seems very keen on building his following and pushing his book (with more to follow). There are many paytriots who Q has touched with the sword of legitimacy for certain posts they've made. The ultimate decision must come from yourself. Do they provide what you need? Do they require payment to get this? Or are they just capitalizing from those who find their product worthwhile enough to subsidize? I think Dave is a good guy who means well. Might have gotten a swollen head from being promoted by Q. This is why we should watch who we follow and think for ourselves. A little help from people like Dave on things we are searching for possible explanations is a good thing. I don't think he knowingly "colluded" with MAGA Coalition because they were fraudulent. I think he was just networking as he continues to do to gain a larger audience. He should really buy a mic-muff though because his mouth sounds drive me nuts.

bfa47d (3)  No.6072202>>6073145 >>6073189

this is a shill bread.

shills have no sauce on their pm attack.

only one photo showing him with fake maga guys

and it is not realy hard to get such a photo upfront to later be able to shill…

pm is not doing disinfo, he is not shilling on Q, he is not getting paid for the Q decodes he does, the plenty of YT videos on Q are without payment and without advertisement.

pm had a life before Q and he lives on his YT and healing stuff. that is fine and does not make him a paytriot.

since Q he puts endless ours into the Q movement.

if he does not do disinfo or get called out by Q - he is a patriot.

shills are desperate bc he is a loud voice and very effective in our fight.

shills will shill.

and Q predicted this.

>When they can’t attack the information provided, they attack the messenger.

>Define ‘deflection’.

>Logical thinking.

>Shill count HIGH.


BO letting this unsauces shill bread happen is another proof (like bo supporting muh jew shilling so much) that BO is not helping Q and anon.

anons have to fight behind enemy lines. and anons win!

bfa47d (3)  No.6072228

shills provide unsauces claims and make it look lile pm being a shill is common knowledge.

it is not.

use search funtcion to see there was never attacks on pm and he hasn´t been discussed controversial.

all of a sudden, shills attack him every bread with same copy pasta and they even bake this shill bread.

pm must be very effective and shills must really be scared.

bfa47d (3)  No.6072441>>6082021

File (hide): ef35587745db2b6⋯.jpeg (91.45 KB, 1440x815, 288:163, mattis_we.jpeg) (h) (u)



try harder, newshill.

a0fbd5 (1)  No.6072768

File (hide): 347446abe6707da⋯.jpg (643.34 KB, 989x3556, 989:3556, e_bot&flat_tards&muh_joos_….jpg) (h) (u)

Veterans Advice for New Eyes:

muh_joos = shill

muh_evilmasons = shill

muh_flat_dick = shill

muh_cre[e]pbot = shill

muh_brainwash = muh_critical_thinking = muh_AI = muh_biden = muh_cat/CTA = shill

muh_ever_moving_standards = shill

It sounds like they're lumping prayingmedic in with past proven frauds, implying he is one too.

They pull the same shtick with AFLB.

Clowns gunna' divisionfag~

They all share the same network resources.

They get off deceiving (You).

Sunshine's the best disinfectant, eh~

e1e7c5 (1)  No.6073145

File (hide): e4741959deef246⋯.png (491.67 KB, 845x1100, 169:220, BM.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 17d4b5d7fbb0a9f⋯.jpg (234.31 KB, 880x563, 880:563, la-na-vegas-shooting-20171….jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): b8b3a4d6d3bd5a1⋯.jpg (96.25 KB, 1145x561, 1145:561, DkBY-_eUwAAC4kP.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): da5d4b9bac1136d⋯.png (418.79 KB, 690x522, 115:87, SSA4.png) (h) (u)


I stopped following Praying Medic when he refused to consider Las Vegas was a psyop where no one died.

3c2663 (2)  No.6073157


Perfect synopsis of PM. Agree totally.

3c2663 (2)  No.6073189>>6073257


PM doesnt give new info. He reads Q drops - that's it. In between reading those, he's trying to faith heal you or sell you a book. PM started out legit and maybe he still is, but his popularity has gone to his head. His vanity will bring him down.

872518 (4)  No.6073257



he uses Q drops and presents them in context with relevant news.

that is EXACTLY what Q wants patriots to do.

being loud and spreading the message.

his YT videos have no advertisement and he is not making money with them imo.

besides Q he does his healing stuff, which he did way before Q. he basically lives on that stuff, which is fine.

All you shills can´t put up any shilly move or disinfo by pm, bc he never did.

He is a patriot.

He is effective.

That is why shills attack.

872518 (4)  No.6073266>>6073275

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The Matrixxx Grooove Hour With Praying Medic


872518 (4)  No.6073275>>6073282 >>6073775 >>6073828

File (hide): b5cd6f97a2ddae6⋯.png (554.51 KB, 853x524, 853:524, pm1.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): c4037b800d90c9e⋯.png (543.28 KB, 853x525, 853:525, pm2.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): d22f6d922bce5a1⋯.png (560.73 KB, 853x526, 853:526, pm3.png) (h) (u)

872518 (4)  No.6073282>>6073775

File (hide): d6ac9e171d48ebd⋯.png (540.51 KB, 853x527, 853:527, pm4.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 72cf8ea4cd530b8⋯.png (649.14 KB, 853x523, 853:523, pm5.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 0dec0eb77bfd6dd⋯.png (463.45 KB, 853x524, 853:524, pm6.png) (h) (u)

c6ad56 (1)  No.6073375

Bill Mitchell is superfluous

Adj.1.superfluous - serving no useful purpose; having no excuse for being; "otiose lines in a play"; "advice is wasted words"; "a pointless remark"; "a life essentially purposeless"

36e1dc (2)  No.6073559>>6073601 >>6075307

File (hide): fd8d97dc8673401⋯.jpg (13.44 KB, 255x204, 5:4, POST2.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): c5803f97de72e82⋯.jpg (19.95 KB, 208x255, 208:255, QPOST.jpg) (h) (u)


I don't see this posted here yet--but yesterday an anon posted the below re PM. I added my thoughts (below).




GREAT CATCH and work, anon!

I always hated listening to this guy for some reason. I would very seldom be able to listen to all of a video of his--without stopping it.

I hated his "milk-toast" bullshit style… seeminly always giving the bad guys the benefit of the doubt with his BS "motherly-tone" voice…

Total bullshit, milk-toast asshat calling himself a Christian and making bank from the sheep.

Now I see WHY my gut (or the Holy Spirit) was telling me something was off with this guy.

NOBODY would DELETE "Will Iran expose the names of corrupt officials?" in Q post 1359--NOBODY!!!

And if you are still not sold--ask yourself–WHY WOULD HE DELETE A KEY QUESTION IN A Q POST? (especially about IRAN!)

Thanks for this dig, anon! You are a true patriot and just exposed…



▶Anonymous 04/05/19 (Fri) 10:16:13 a8ca68 No.6060021>>6060048

File (hide): 8c94c2d592d5dbd⋯.png (30.17 KB, 407x500, 407:500, Q 1359 Pickle 2.PNG) (h) (u)

36e1dc (2)  No.6073601



>Anonymous 04/05/19 (Fri) 07:52:37 2e769e (3) No.6058456>>6058589 >>6065812 >>6058253You don't understand how psychological operations work. It's not about people telling lies, it's about controlling the narrative. You want to build a following of people who trust you, so that you can tell them what they should focus on. You have to tell the truth in order to do this successfully. The trick is that these people intentionally leave out certain bits of information so that you don't connect certain dots (such as not digging deeply into Q's posts about Mossad, Israel, and MAGA Coalition). The people who go to PM and not directly to Q's posts won't understand how pivotal a role that Israel plays in all of this. Think of Alex Jones as another perfect example of this type of limited hangout.Sure, it's possible that Praying Medic is legit, and MAGA Coalition just tried to co-opt or compromise him in some way, but so far the evidence doesn't really point to this. The longer that PM stays silent on this, the more suspect he appears.

555728 (3)  No.6073775>>6074017 >>6075307



Cute, Matrix. Who is paying you? Why the fuck are you trying to defraud Flynn? The billboard was not a good look. We are coming.


f48a61 (2)  No.6073828>>6074031 >>6074080 >>6074111 >>6074416 >>6075307

File (hide): eb807be9f6318fa⋯.jpeg (710.84 KB, 1125x1725, 15:23, 56B02915-47D6-45DA-BF2A-C….jpeg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 8b553266d8391cc⋯.jpeg (677.61 KB, 1125x1769, 1125:1769, 23BA1A94-1FA2-48A5-96E5-3….jpeg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 8e89edce1218f30⋯.jpeg (870.79 KB, 1125x2058, 375:686, 38ADF146-60E6-4639-B5CA-6….jpeg) (h) (u)

File (hide): ce7ed77a9b34c04⋯.png (1.41 MB, 1125x2436, 375:812, 6AB1F5D3-DD00-4C44-A4A2-67….png) (h) (u)


Matrix is good! I really enjoyed the show with him and praying medic. If it weren’t for the shills, I never would have seen this.

So I did on a little. Here is what i found.

Oh and fuck the MAGA Coalition, this thread is by Adam Gingrich and/or minions. Is he alternated to bohemian grove New Gingrich? Did on the ones that are the loudest.

@livid2point0- knows Gingrich from dixicup nation. Working together? Here is video of Gingrich and some fucked up guy as VP of MAGA Coalition.


@paulacblades001 matrix fixer

@dixiedoodle12- Dixie cup nation? Matrix doxed

@hawganon matrix doxer











Pretty much everyone in pics below.

Any REAL ANON would not buy into any of THIS SHIT. SEE VIDEO. ONE OF MANY.

Oh, And the voice is not who they say it is.

Very desperate attempt to attack messenger. Wake up anons. And kys clowns.


234c2b (3)  No.6073896

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Qanon December 21 - The 16 Year Plan to Destroy America


11f2ea (2)  No.6074017>>6074756 >>6075307

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


how did matrix defraud Flynn? His timeline doesn't match up with your story. Didn't know what you meant about billboard…looked it up. Here it is.

kek at the billboard. quickly becoming a fan of matrix.

11f2ea (2)  No.6074031>>6074416 >>6075307


this is notable!

good dig! expose the fucks

cab594 (2)  No.6074073

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I did not see this. Took time to watch. this is good shit anons!

cab594 (2)  No.6074080>>6074111 >>6074416 >>6075307




234c2b (3)  No.6074111>>6074416



please post also in general bread, anon.


9eb120 (2)  No.6074312

File (hide): ef0931497a5b56a⋯.jpg (60.18 KB, 400x569, 400:569, street-style-910.jpg) (h) (u)


Divide and conquer. That's all that is going on. Anons need to continue practicing their discernment as they draw their own conclusions. Be patient, stoic, and logical. We've all been deceived by those with bad intentions in the past. Always put yourself in someone else's shoes before warming up your stoning arm.

89f218 (3)  No.6074416>>6075307





Division fags right there- you are correct.

ALL i ever hear about is how bad everybody else is BUT THEM. That dont sound rite. Trying to distract us?

Truth is just that-Truth.

what those clowns are doing is trying to divide and ruin good Patriots name with LIES.

Patriots protect Patriots.

the shills on the type written list, are the ones I have noticed being the most active. I follow a couple on the graphics though. Matrix included.

Glad to see the support on this.

This is war after all.

carry on.

9eb120 (2)  No.6074756>>6075307


Keep practicing your discernment, anon. They are literally exposing themselves over and over the more they attack, and attempt to cheapen the movement with their reckless faggotry.

89f218 (3)  No.6075307>>6075601









shi;;s be lying thru their fake teeth. Truth is not in them. See how you feel after you listen to the videos. Do you feel dark>negative? or do you feel hopeful & positive.

That is my inner truth bell that rings true or not.

the decision will always be our.

division is THEIR job. It is what they are PAID to do.

sounds like Paid-triots to me…

382351 (7)  No.6075601>>6075628 >>6075653

File (hide): 923bfe3a82866fd⋯.jpeg (183.28 KB, 1280x800, 8:5, fullsizeoutput_3c8.jpeg) (h) (u)


You know who makes decisions on their feelz vs their intellect?

Fools and women.

234c2b (3)  No.6075628


dividers will fail, shill.


89f218 (3)  No.6075653>>6076504


nah dude- old enough to know.

Trust your gut.


382351 (7)  No.6076504


Its this sort of retarded boomer logic that got us in the dire straits we're currently in.

You fucks can't die off fast enough.

a34b39 (1)  No.6076520>>6090850

File (hide): 8c36256d3dcd53d⋯.jpg (256.86 KB, 1265x784, 1265:784, 4aH.JPG) (h) (u)

Give Denise some love from us.

We see ALL.

09c0cf (2)  No.6077847

File (hide): 0824b409202327f⋯.jpg (74.99 KB, 750x761, 750:761, IMG_20190324_175206.jpg) (h) (u)

Big followed accounts are scared their BOTTOM line is in trouble beautiful to watch.

🖕🖕🖕magacoali muhtrixxx shady joe medic

1b0ee1 (1)  No.6078018

File (hide): 941e26595d4f6e2⋯.png (342.26 KB, 600x600, 1:1, 1554560581486.png) (h) (u)

Imagine that. This thread turned into MAGA Coalition shills "arguing" back and forth. It's almost as convincing as in the main breads.

cd4fb3 (1)  No.6078122

If you are surmising that Q is a civilian effort w/o any government sub contract, cia or mil int. Where is the evidence? It’s plausible. Are you trying to kill the message? I suppose so. The message needs to be further clearified. Too many idiots shilling their own brainwashing.

d4e2db (4)  No.6080052

File (hide): 59551e271a1f1a4⋯.mp4 (8.89 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Divine Healing Class (720p….mp4) (h) (u) [play once] [loop]

File (hide): e9146916ecf3c9f⋯.png (138.29 KB, 1127x954, 1127:954, PayingPreyingMedic.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 525314dee04eedc⋯.png (234.46 KB, 540x360, 3:2, DivineHealing.png) (h) (u)

Will Iran expose the names of corrupt officials?

09c0cf (2)  No.6080735

File (hide): 15f27ded7715154⋯.jpg (112.42 KB, 1020x612, 5:3, ZomboMeme 06042019223138.jpg) (h) (u)

10a306 (1)  No.6080754









Surely, you have check and balance?


TRUMP - Close The Dam Border!

0bf5a9 (1)  No.6081408>>6084783

>>6058023 (OP)

Minor point…it's "sow", not "sew"

3e5493 (1)  No.6082021

File (hide): 4c35091bc6d70db⋯.png (442.89 KB, 2174x1136, 1087:568, reply-about-not-shipped.png) (h) (u)


One of several orders not delivered.

a2dcac (3)  No.6084430

File (hide): d9388bcee71a5a5⋯.png (206.05 KB, 1007x633, 1007:633, Screenshot from 2019-04-07….png) (h) (u)

How about the most interesting douchebag associated with MAGACoalition? Sebastian Gorka. Targeted by General Kelly. 'Hungarian-British' Intelligence (Think Ballsack Eyes and MI6 and 5Eyes). Likely upper management Mossad/lower management Jesuit. ITM and PM are bitch boys compared to Gorka. Gorka claims these niggers the (((Order of Vitéz))) who are founded by these niggers https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/House_of_Habsburg who are responsible for basically all the European kikes running all the precursors to modern European countries.

All their fucking matriarchs are named 'Maria' aka Mary, aka Jesuits aka the niggers that control the world. GO TRUMP GO.

f9da67 (1)  No.6084485>>6085634 >>6085748


>why are they obsessed with boomers?

b/c they are the most pro-Zionist demographic.

If the truth gets out that Israel isn't our greatest ally (but likely our greatest enemy), and it catches on with the boomers, (((they))) are totally fucked.

Also, smearing Q as a "muh dumb boomers" group is likely a tactic to keep the younger generations away.

726994 (2)  No.6084783>>6085535


Gingrich was drunk… can not spell and he is a fucking dick

726994 (2)  No.6084787

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Look at these fucking criminals.

Who follows these fucks?

0e1d62 (1)  No.6085077

Last night's stream was all anyone needs to know about these low rent space cadets.

Adam is a low level district player who outed how little influence he really has with his 'I could call in a favor and have zero delta tweets with Trump all week' comment. Someone's dick was feeling reeeely small.

Glen is a low level mediocre firearms instructor / activist whose website is stuck in 1999. I've ran circles around holster sniffers like him on the range. And who wears sunglasses inside in 2019 ><

Best wait. No really, best part? We did this super scientific test where we put up a Q is ghey video. The premise was to gauge how many Q anons there really are by the number of dislikes the video got. There was only 60! (Adam chimes in to make this even more best - 'And I only got one, one, I say again, one, DM telling me to fuck off'. Did you knuckleheads ever consider that the reason for the low dislikes and DMs were simply because you've have little to zero effect and it's just that no one gives a fuck about you enough to be bothered?

34a956 (1)  No.6085424

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Qanon March 6 2019 - Those Awake Can See Clearly


382351 (7)  No.6085535


Remember what Newt's current wife is doing?

No way that a cohencidence.

382351 (7)  No.6085634

File (hide): 1bde781c0700619⋯.jpeg (220.58 KB, 996x832, 249:208, fullsizeoutput_2b4.jpeg) (h) (u)


I'd agree with most of what you say except the last sentiment. The cringy boomers out themselves in each and every thread.

8ca97e (1)  No.6085748>>6086558


Absolutely this. It’s also why boomers are the second-most defended group on here. Gotta keep the pro-Zionist Americans that way.

382351 (7)  No.6086558

File (hide): 5964592b69070c6⋯.jpeg (12.52 KB, 280x175, 8:5, th.jpeg) (h) (u)

17bdf2 (1)  No.6088797

The walls are closing in

What a glorious thing to see

What side of the rubble do you stand on?


f60a09 (1)  No.6089558


Damn your right. Here I thought praying medic was a man on God.

447dba (1)  No.6090850

File (hide): 5803ec4e32754de⋯.jpg (228.3 KB, 1524x1071, 508:357, EXIFD.JPG) (h) (u)


Got my attention Anon…..

What you getting at?

e16413 (1)  No.6095837>>6308836

Look at this cutie I found on twatter

d4e2db (4)  No.6103817

File (hide): 1384cdde1be5953⋯.png (382.55 KB, 484x643, 484:643, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

d4e2db (4)  No.6103828

File (hide): 25a3a3aff4fec82⋯.png (582.55 KB, 636x643, 636:643, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

d4e2db (4)  No.6114528

File (hide): 141f28d3bc0bb00⋯.png (87.73 KB, 642x80, 321:40, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

7f01a7 (2)  No.6308574

bump for great justice

f48a61 (2)  No.6308836>>6345883


thank you for showing me who this is…. subscribing to him now


bcb818 (1)  No.6345085

I actually thought that the Qresearch boards would be full of information, especially on these evil bastards like in this title ((fake) MAGA Coalition). But nooooooo. I find nothing but a bunch of whiney bitches, and some with the same shitposting style as those dipshits. Hmmm? What the fuck is this? It is this type of shit that makes this whole thing seem illegitimate. Anons are so smart and so great? How are they still operating, then? And the other shill-mills? Do y'all even know? Or are you too busy with your nasty things in your hand over the pornographic shitposts that they serve your sick, brainwashed minds?! Seriously?! I cannot imagine why any military intelligence would come here and speak to such imbeciles. Yes, I have seen the proofs and I trust those, but goodness. Where is the awesome that took that faggot actor guy's flag?! Were those guys who figured that out sitting around posting boobs with "thank you baker"? I seriously doubt it. Ya bunch of deranged fucks. "Let's scream Patriotism and fight the exploitation of fellow humans while further exploiting fellow humans for my/ our below feels." Did you even notice that the 2 loser manifestos are the same bullshit style as the shitposts that these bastards post? Did you notice that the latest even uses scripture? Does that not fire you up? Did you notice that they have been posting calls for bloodshed against Jews and others within the past few days? Clearly you assholes have zero information other than the Q post calling these guys out and their Social Media crap… QRV is nothing but these douchebags with their shitposting, and it really isn't any better here. No wonder this movement isn't as large as it could be. It's almost like a betrayal that y'all pretend to be so woke but aren't. Memes, right? That's where it's at, I guess. And porn. Not actually finding the bad actors that can actually be stopped by this movement….. Fuck you fake-MAGA and the like. You WILL go down. And fuck all y'all not-so-woke, bitching perverts, too. You're a major fucking let down.

7f01a7 (2)  No.6345883


>Unironically supporting MAGA Coalition.

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