[–] ▶ Card Collection Q CARDS 03/06/18 (Tue) 11:02:30 7b9ebd (9) No. 566073 >>584984 >>586106 >>658196 >>920783 [Watch Thread] [Show All Posts]
Q Cards Collection
Stay Tuned for MOAR Q Cards!
▶ Anonymous 03/06/18 (Tue) 12:00:30 066be4 (5) No. 566294 >>567362 >>576833 >>683698
Don't forget the rare Q card errors!!
▶ Anonymous 03/06/18 (Tue) 15:49:54 bfaa10 (1) No. 567362 >>567376 >>576833 >>582578
These are awesome! God Bless You!
They are aiding to get some of the kids (20somethings) I used to play Magic with to see the culture war they didn't know was happening around them.
▶ Anonymous 03/06/18 (Tue) 15:51:57 f6f989 (2) No. 567376 >>576833
▶ Anonymous 03/07/18 (Wed) 00:02:56 be30ae (2) No. 572228 >>576833 >>645909
These are very well done. Cleanly crafted, concise, and good original artwork. I do however have some minor constructive criticism/suggestions (technically more of a nitpick for completionist's sake). All designed to comply with the heart and general theme of the material.
1. Since the war against the satanic cabal/deep state is global in nature, it feels a bit out of place to not have a "foreign good guy/ally" faction. This includes foreign leaders who are also fighting the cabal, foreign investigative journalists, etc. The Assange card would probably fit better under this grouping. Which brings me to the next topic.
2. Since these cards are heavily influenced by Magic the Gathering, I'm sincerely surprised that Green is not represented. We could use Green to represent the "Allies" grouping suggested above, ie the Assange card. This suggestion makes thematic sense since like Blue, Green is an ally color to White.
Card ideas:
Pizzagate Investigators: White/Green (refer to the hybrid cards in Magic). Detective, Patriot/Ally (they are multinational). "Citizen investigators dedicated to exposing human trafficking/pedophilia rings of the cabal".
Ben Garrison: White. Cartoonist. Patriot. Artist allied to the truth.
Pizzagate: Red (or black?) Political Scandal. "Scandal involving human trafficking and pedophile rings within the deep state and elites.
George Soros. Ravager. Black. Traitor. "Fake Philantropist who undermines the society and economy of many countries."
▶ Q Cards 03/07/18 (Wed) 11:05:37 699451 (2) No. 576833 >>576935 >>577088 >>583216 >>587502
KEK…! 😊
Thanks! I used to play them also!
TY anon!
Thanks for taking time and posting your suggestions!
1. I do plan on including foreign leaders and other allies. Using their flags in background images also, and using the white card as white-hats, /ourguys/ Patriots no matter what country.
2. As for Green, I was planning on using it for landmark/places (like GITMO, Trump Tower, etc…)
But I found it was more work and I thought it best to stick with 4 colors. (I'm kinda wishing I went with just black and white)
This is what I am thinking…
GOLD- POTUS, Q, ANONS, EOs, Trump Tower,
BLUE- Good News, Real News, Q Posts,
RED- Fake News/ Events, Propaganda, stuff like MKUltra, Sandy Hoax, etc…
WHITE- /ourguys/, people, company's, groups.
BLACK- (((them))) , people, company's, groups,
Also I was planning on making a Pizzagate red card and whitehat cards for the investigators.
I added your suggestions to my list… like your idea for Ben card, and was planning GS card… will use your text in it.
So much news and events! Been sooo busy making them, I haven't been able to follow all the new news and Q posts!
▶ Anonymous 03/07/18 (Wed) 11:53:09 59a178 (2) No. 576935 >>593614
Don’t forget codemonkey!
▶ Anonymous 03/07/18 (Wed) 12:37:31 d5da06 (1) No. 577041 >>577088 >>593614
These are great!
Is there a back?
▶ Anonymous 03/07/18 (Wed) 12:54:00 2b2b95 (1) No. 577088 >>593614
These are absolutely brilliant! I think a printed set these will make it so much simpler for so many people to explain everything on the fly.
If you're up for some future suggestions, I think a 46th (in the spirit of #45), could be symbolically used based upon the Q Posts -
>We The People
>You, the PEOPLE, have ALL the POWER.
>You simply forgot how to PLAY.
Also, Rocketman would look great with the stormy/calm waters backgrounds split a la style of the Choose Your Future card… Never played MTG specifically but did they have 'split' colored card themes?
If there's not a back, I think a The Storm styled back theme would work.
Regardless, Keep 'em up. I love seeing these each time they drop, they remind me so much of the Illuminati game :)
▶ Anonymous 03/07/18 (Wed) 18:53:07 db79e0 (39) No. 579041 >>581933 >>591072 >>593614 >>703840
How about making PLAYABLE cards? Three complete sets, about the corruption, revolution, and rebirth of America?
The MTG community is huge and full of autists. They're not just kids either.
Could be good for recruitment.
▶ Anonymous 03/07/18 (Wed) 23:12:47 32c597 (1) No. 581933 >>591072 >>591111
▶ Anonymous 03/08/18 (Thu) 00:19:29 79ebc4 (1) No. 582578
genius, got to make a deck of these.
▶ Anonymous 03/08/18 (Thu) 01:01:22 7e72a6 (2) No. 582990 >>593614
▶ Anonymous 03/08/18 (Thu) 01:20:16 4ad283 (1) No. 583216 >>591111 >>593614
Totally awesome. If I could buy them as a printed set, I would give them as Red Pill gifts.
As far as places? You have got to do a Shit Hole card.
▶ Anonymous 03/08/18 (Thu) 04:02:12 48ae4e (1) No. 584984 >>593614
>>566073 (OP)
Will you make a printed edition? You could throw proceeds General Flynn’s way btw Brilliant I started my Son on Magic The Gathering in their first printing….he sold original lace Lotus 2 help fund college
▶ Anonymous 03/08/18 (Thu) 04:51:58 820003 (1) No. 585394 >>593614
Absolutely Superb Job Q Card anon.
Some requests: MKU cards
Cruz Victimizer victim.
Also an obligatory Pepe card(s) Many.
8CH and 4 CH etc cards.
Board sliding BANNED card(s)
This is good stuff. PLEASE have these printed in decks of cards for sale. I will buy several for friends, family, myself, and history.
▶ Anonymous 03/08/18 (Thu) 05:11:00 336335 (1) No. 585540 >>593614
▶ Anonymous 03/08/18 (Thu) 06:42:40 47592d (1) No. 586106 >>593614
▶ Anonymous 03/08/18 (Thu) 12:22:38 875f3e (2) No. 587176 >>593614
Stellar achievement. When you think a set is complete set a marker, anons will
Download and print on heavy glossy card stock and print one set each Anon then we start trading them for sums. Collectible will catch fire prices skyrocket suburban kids in 7th grade will demand $ from normie mom and honey look at these cards Johnny brought home kek kek kek
▶ Rusty 03/08/18 (Thu) 13:50:07 b87e38 (2) No. 587502 >>587511 >>593614
brilliant! Also lots of good suggestions up here.
This could be on its way to become THE == REDPILLING PRODUCT == of the year.
2018 Will be Glorious! TY!
▶ Anonymous 03/08/18 (Thu) 13:51:36 b87e38 (2) No. 587511
Sorry for this bad taste namefagging, did't want to. Is a leftover from a bad prank from yesterday. Apologies!
▶ Anonymous 03/08/18 (Thu) 21:14:14 db79e0 (39) No. 591072 >>593614
Ok, here are these cards updated. Powercreep has crept up on me. I also wanted to make them better / more playable so that more people will get redpilled.
▶ Anonymous 03/08/18 (Thu) 21:19:37 db79e0 (39) No. 591111 >>591808 >>593614
Here are 5 more. This brings me to a whopping 1.3% of what is needed for a 3 set story arc.
▶ Anonymous 03/08/18 (Thu) 22:26:57 4b4cef (1) No. 591808 >>593614 >>594768 >>597026
Love these! I would love to buy them too.
How about the Magic Kingdom, Trump Tower, the Harpies (SR, VJ, SP)?
▶ Q Cards 03/09/18 (Fri) 00:35:58 ee601c (2) No. 593614 >>594768
Good idea!
Will make a CM card at some point… planning to make ANONS, 8CHN, ect…
No back yet… have been planning one… working on art for it!
Thanks Anon!
The illuminati Cards and MTG inspired me to make these also!
ROCKETMAN is on my list!
Very BIGLEY list now!
So much news and topics and people!!!!
I love these MTG versions!
Keep making these! I like your ideas! A PLAYABLE version is great! I took me to long to come up with card abilities… I gave up and just put info… MOAR MAGA to you!
Printing would be great!
However I'm using a phone and apps to make these… print quality might be bad.
(But I have the files maybe One day I can fix my PC and make these printable!)
>saved your suggestions!
I actually have plans for those cards… MKULTRA, CRUZ PAWN, UBER, ORION, PHARMA, SSRI, ect… to explain the abuse and money and other sh!t Cruz has gone through.
ThanQ anons!
KEK… futures prove pasts!
CheKeKed digits!
Like those ideas!
Planning a Trump Tower for sure..!
And have the others on my list!
Trying to juggle between current news events and adding all the older stuff characters and topics… I can see this becoming a 500 card set before I'm up to date!
For all the posts/responses and suggestions!
I have a list to make and i add any suggestions not on it yet!
>Stay Tuned!
▶ Anonymous 03/09/18 (Fri) 01:28:27 db79e0 (39) No. 594768 >>594930 >>609100 >>1159400
Thanks mate, your stuff is pretty awesome too, I am sure I will be coming back through your cards for ideas.
Good Idea, I am thinking Magic Kingdom should be able to gain control of kids and celebrities. Is VJ Valerie Jarett? SR Susan Rice? Who is SP?
Here are minor fixes to previous ones, plus three new ones, including Trump Tower.
▶ Anonymous 03/09/18 (Fri) 01:33:45 fb0fd3 (2) No. 594880
Qcardanon These are fucking awesome!!
▶ Anonymous 03/09/18 (Fri) 01:40:09 8afe54 (1) No. 594930 >>597026
I thought the social justice warrior card was Danny DeVito lmao
▶ Anonymous 03/09/18 (Fri) 02:29:51 572a9e (1) No. 595543
▶ Anonymous 03/09/18 (Fri) 04:26:40 fecf67 (1) No. 596964
so inspiring, thank you so much anon, they're AMAZING!
▶ Anonymous 03/09/18 (Fri) 04:31:31 db79e0 (39) No. 597026 >>637328 >>1134575
Magic Kingdom for you
This is the SJW known as Taco Toad.
Shit man, if this gets big I am gonna to get sued by Disney and Taco Toad.
Which gives me an idea. Church of Scientology! But for now, I must go to sleep.
▶ maga magick cards Anonymous 03/09/18 (Fri) 05:40:53 7c4506 (1) No. 597705
brilliant work though! thx for sharing!!
▶ Anonymous 03/09/18 (Fri) 06:41:15 61cb33 (1) No. 598163
These are an invaluable tool for homeschooling & all ages for educational purposes. I get it about not wanting to be doxx, maybe after this is all over you can make a print file for download & charge a small fee to help pay you for all your time & talent.
▶ Im In - Anonymous 03/09/18 (Fri) 07:54:49 648893 (74) No. 598713 >>599335 >>601872
Lets put together a mini set (300) or so.
I am adding a few I just created ;)
Post last edited at 04/04/18 (Wed) 00:31:35
▶ Anonymous 03/09/18 (Fri) 09:36:46 cae933 (1) No. 599322
I fucking love these!!!
▶ Anonymous 03/09/18 (Fri) 09:38:29 7e72a6 (2) No. 599333
▶ Anonymous 03/09/18 (Fri) 09:38:33 f6f989 (2) No. 599335 >>601179
think small error?
▶ Anonymous 03/09/18 (Fri) 11:10:45 875f3e (2) No. 599593
H o p e H I c k s her role will be revealed get the card ready
▶ Anonymous 03/09/18 (Fri) 12:42:24 c8ba05 (1) No. 600176
Nice cards!
The one for Snowden missppeellss "also" as "aslo".
Is it too early for a Kim card? Playing it bankrupts you (insider.foxnews.com/2018/03/08/north-korea-expert-kim-jong-un-willing-meet-because-country-essentially-bankrupt)
and it causes a split in the MSM.
▶ Anonymous 03/09/18 (Fri) 14:59:40 fb0fd3 (2) No. 601067 >>601561
QCardAnon….you're fuckin awesome!
▶ Anonymous 03/09/18 (Fri) 15:21:35 648893 (74) No. 601179
Post last edited at 04/04/18 (Wed) 00:31:41
▶ Anonymous 03/09/18 (Fri) 16:11:31 f23372 (1) No. 601561
I second that!!! These are the best idea ever for redpilling the masses. Card Anons you rock!!
▶ Snowden Q-Card Spelling Mistake Anonymous 03/09/18 (Fri) 16:19:15 db91bb (2) No. 601609
Bastard traitor.
Spelling mistke - also/aslo
Not a picky grammerfag but still…
7b9ebd No.566098
▶ Anonymous 03/09/18 (Fri) 16:55:45 db79e0 (39) No. 601872 >>602517 >>621316
Alex Jones, fuck yeah, that's some funny shit
Glad to see others making these playable. It's going to be a lot of work.
Tips on MTG for anyone who is starting out and wants to make cards playable with real magic cards:
The colored symbols represent mana, which magical energy drawn from the land. Each color has its own "personality".
White = law, order, God and Country, etc. Tends to have good combat tricks, and small creatures with decent abilities that get stronger in groups. Problem is that it sucks at card draw.
Blue = mind, psi powers, control. Great for card draw and winning on a technicality, but creatures generally suck.
Black = Evil, death, greed, satanism, etc. Best kill spells. Sacrifices its own creatures for fun and profit. The problem is that great power often comes at great price. Black can end up fucking itself.
Red is associated with fire, anger, chaos, and lightning. It has by far the best "direct damage" spells. The problem is that it sucks at draw and it tends to run out of gas.
Green is nature. I don't see it mattering much in this fight but will try to throw in a few cards. Maybe some land search. Green is good at that.
Usually there will be 3 sets of 250 cards, which together will make a "block", or 3-act story arc.
Each of the three sets will have a handful of creature types or play dynamics that generally go together and go with the story line. There will also be a bunch of utility cards, combat tricks, and cards that don't really do much besides add flavor.
For creatures, I'm going to try to plug into Goblins, Vampires, Humans, and Soldiers. There are already a bunch of cards out there to support them. This also means that our cards might trickle out into those decks and become conversation pieces. Goblins are a strong tribe favoring swarming and reckless tactics. Vampires are a strong tribe favoring draining life and getting stronger when they draw blood.
Humans are a decent all-around tribe.
Each block introduces a few new dynamics. So I will throw in child sacrifice and mana drain and maybe something else.
I made some Goblin cards and got shoah'd from Cardsmith just so you know. It is better to just use the direct download button. The problem is that you are always starting from scratch. Fucking annoying.
Here are three old Goblin favorites, plus two new ones.
▶ Anonymous 03/09/18 (Fri) 18:22:13 648893 (74) No. 602517 >>606425
Fixing some slights errors:
These are great playables -
Good Addition! Also lets not make to many OP cards (cept like God Empereor etc.)
Post last edited at 04/04/18 (Wed) 00:31:45
▶ Anonymous 03/09/18 (Fri) 20:54:40 f4f47b (3) No. 603725
Awesome Memes Anon.
Could you do something for Twatter fags? Combine some side by side (if main idea is from a single Q post or topic). Have to be twice as wide as they are high. Would make for easy download and distribute.
▶ Anonymous 03/09/18 (Fri) 21:52:13 ca13d6 (12) No. 604184 >>607674
As a twatter fag myself (only since T started running) the most effective memes are those that the "visible" area is good and the expanded area is better, highest re-twat….I will try to reshape/position to keep the visible area meaningful and extended area even better. The cards are universally loved atm, so many have expressed the effectiveness of bringing the normies out of their slumber. Not fncking with those unless I can find a great template for visible area.
▶ Anonymous 03/09/18 (Fri) 21:53:15 8caac4 (1) No. 604193
Q card anon that is splendid work !
As meme or as printed card, it is a very effective way to spread the message.
Suggestions :
OP Mockingbird
MK Ultra
Pizzagate (voat researchers, impressive work there)
Spirit cooking (abramovitch / Podesta)
▶ Anonymous 03/09/18 (Fri) 21:55:55 ca13d6 (12) No. 604214
W/out singling out a party or religion.
▶ Anonymous 03/09/18 (Fri) 23:28:06 648893 (74) No. 605172
7 Factions
WBB Artifact -> Institute (ES, AIGod, Google,)
BlackWR -> Commies (Xi,AM,Modi,Hussien,SB,JT)
RWB -> Patriot Alliance (q, potus, JA, etc.)
BWG -> Skull/Bones (bush, soros, kerry, AC, mornjoe, zbignew, bezos, @jack)
BBR -> House von Roth (UK Royals, Roth, Sauds, Abramovich etc)
Post last edited at 04/04/18 (Wed) 00:32:05
▶ Anonymous 03/09/18 (Fri) 23:30:08 648893 (74) No. 605200
Some cards/creatures fit into several factions..
Like H Clinton who will be Black/White -
Major Players will have two cards each..
A minor and major. Sending more shortly.. just got off work lol
Post last edited at 04/04/18 (Wed) 00:32:09
▶ Anonymous 03/09/18 (Fri) 23:32:55 648893 (74) No. 605256
Artifact set will be iconic -
Maga Hat
The Keystone (legendary)
Social Media
The Koran
US Constitution(Legendary)
Post last edited at 04/04/18 (Wed) 00:32:12
▶ Anonymous 03/10/18 (Sat) 01:10:07 db79e0 (39) No. 606425 >>608959 >>608981 >>689299
>Lets not make too many OP cards
Agree. A big, impressive card like the God Emperor isn't nearly as good as he seems. That's because you'll never get to cast him if a horde of Taco Toads has been fucking your shit up since turn 3. The game is usually decided by creatures that cost 2 or 3 mana and have some special magic trick that goes with the rest of your deck.
It's almost as if they have been hived by a Demon Vampire…
▶ Anonymous 03/10/18 (Sat) 02:54:18 f4f47b (3) No. 607674 >>608048
Without doxxing yourself what kind of engagement rate do you get (% wise)?
Mine is a few percentage points or less. Seems low (especially with media that needs to be expanded for full effect). Seems to be a cap on how many people can see my tweets.
When InternetBillOfRights arrives it will be an awesome wave of anons.
Great work Patriot. Keep it up.
▶ Anonymous 03/10/18 (Sat) 03:13:25 ae8e0a (2) No. 607865 >>608201
never get more than about 1% within first hour of post, all about who's paying attention and when, over 24 hours goes up to about 2% to 3%, 7k followers with an avg of 7 to 10k followers each, reach on a single good card is around 10 million or so…might be inhibited by twat…but most of the limits since T elected have been lifted, shadow work still ongoing surely.
▶ Anonymous 03/10/18 (Sat) 03:30:50 ae8e0a (2) No. 608048
10 million impressions, not likes or shares, lots just go into collective unconscious I'm sure.
Had more than a few people commenting on how useful the cards are to awaken sleepers. So much of the best part is unseen to the poster.
I highly doubt that the MTG specific stuff does much good in any other way than to assist in the explanation to normies, it's all cumulative and glorious.
▶ Anonymous 03/10/18 (Sat) 03:47:52 f4f47b (3) No. 608201
I DO NOT TRUST the numbers from Twatter. @Jack needs to be dealt with. Sounds like he has outlasted what Q expected.
I am small time, only been on twitter since fall. Only joined to follow Trump tweets. He is so the BOSS. I am enjoying the show.
Loving the cards. Keep 'em fresh Anons.
They are still in full control of social media. Waiting for the tipping point. It will be glorious.
▶ Anonymous 03/10/18 (Sat) 03:51:06 c5e9e8 (1) No. 608246 >>608881
So during some downtime I have been re-reading Q posts. When you read them in reverse, I feel like you can pick up on the "plot" in the upcoming months. Patterns tend to stick out and you can kinda feel the one "different" post ment for the mirror.
I have a theory that the stringers are activation codes for somethiing coming in the mirrored future. An example would be on Nov 15 - Bunker Apple Yellow Sky [… + 1]
Then on March 6 (Future date) we get this picture of KJU. Note the yellow sky…
There are other examples, but I know im already butchering this formating.
Anyways… if you go ahead and look at NOV 24 (Flip being 3/15…. the date that keeps getting tossed around here) You see
Seems like a GO CODE… and if you look at the following day (Nov 25/ Mar 16) you have this doozy
_FREEDOM-_vGER_US_yes_000BVx_LO_yes_[… + 1]_Conf_y
We have the roadmap guys… Sorry about the formatting
▶ Anonymous 03/10/18 (Sat) 04:46:55 648893 (74) No. 608881
Very Good. (My Take On This)
Operation Freedom:
Then Stages of different SubMissions
v - Internal Actions (DS)
v1 - DS Stage 1
v2 - DS Stage 2
v3 - DS Stage 3
v4 - DS Stage 4
vv1 Dismantle DS External Ops Stage 1
vv2 stage2
vSH Not sure on this one. (probably not shithole)
vSA_US - SAUD/US Relations
vGerm_US - Now German Relations
Post last edited at 04/04/18 (Wed) 00:32:17
▶ Anonymous 03/10/18 (Sat) 04:47:39 648893 (74) No. 608886
Whats being planned rn
Post last edited at 04/04/18 (Wed) 00:32:24
▶ Anonymous 03/10/18 (Sat) 04:50:17 648893 (74) No. 608914
Stand means Stand-Bye
Conf-go means Confirmed Go
This is def Military.
Post last edited at 04/04/18 (Wed) 00:32:39
▶ Chinese Factory!!!! Anonymous 03/10/18 (Sat) 04:54:18 648893 (74) No. 608959
Post last edited at 04/04/18 (Wed) 00:32:42
▶ Anonymous 03/10/18 (Sat) 04:55:53 648893 (74) No. 608981 >>612367
Great Additions!
Chinese Factory++
Post last edited at 04/04/18 (Wed) 00:32:47
▶ Anonymous 03/10/18 (Sat) 05:07:41 3e5cfe (1) No. 609100
These are MAGICAL ANON!!!! Great work
▶ Anonymous 03/10/18 (Sat) 05:24:14 6a310b (1) No. 609258
These are a real gift. thanks much
▶ Anonymous 03/10/18 (Sat) 05:37:51 648893 (74) No. 609353 >>609389
Order Processed -
Takeover>The 1871 ref is new to me - breadcrumbs?
Post last edited at 04/04/18 (Wed) 00:32:51
▶ Anonymous 03/10/18 (Sat) 05:43:25 ff85b5 (2) No. 609389 >>609882
Some references left online about - "The Act of 1871 formed a corporation called THE UNITED STATES. The corporation, OWNED by foreign interests, moved in and shoved the original Constitution into a dustbin. With the Act of 1871, the organic Constitution was defaced --- in effect vandalized and sabotage — when the title was capitalized and the word “for” was changed to “of” in the title."
▶ Anonymous 03/10/18 (Sat) 06:51:37 648893 (74) No. 609882 >>609935
Yes I do recall this, it is correlated with the StrawMan account and HRH owning SocialSec - Probably I would assume the SkullBones/nazis involved. So much information.. hard to know fact from fiction.
Pence? Which side is he on?
If a creature what colors? RWBlack? or RWblue? 1 of each? Time will tell I guess.
Post last edited at 04/04/18 (Wed) 00:33:01
▶ Anonymous 03/10/18 (Sat) 07:00:23 ff85b5 (2) No. 609935
was one of my first card attempts, cleaned up
▶ Anonymous 03/10/18 (Sat) 08:06:46 90b3b1 (1) No. 610210
These are soooo fucking good! Please keep going! Super eye catchy, informative, funny. Perfect red pill tool.
▶ Anonymous 03/10/18 (Sat) 09:05:00 ca13d6 (12) No. 610384 >>617292 >>617864 >>618383 >>621316 >>718196
From Daniel 5:27
TEKEL; Thou art weighed in the balances, and art found wanting.
▶ Q Cards 03/10/18 (Sat) 10:12:55 4f6e7a (3) No. 610594 >>617864
NEW #026
>fixed typo (aslo to also)
▶ Anonymous 03/10/18 (Sat) 16:37:42 db79e0 (39) No. 612367 >>616556
Hey man, that's a nice AI God you got there, would be a shame if you had to sacrifice it to Addicted Scrappers.
So I weakened Addicted Scrappers enough that it will only be a sideboard card against artifacts.
I also made Meme Magic cost 1 less. That way it doesn't compete with Deplorable Trolls on turn 3. With these two cards, it will be possible to convoke the God Emperor in all His glory on turn 4!
I fucking love these cards you made, I really do, I never would have thought of making them.
Just two playability quibbles:
Alex Jones's ability yields half a card on average, which makes him not worth playing. Suggest drawing 4 cards upon success. Then the average card yield is 1.5 cards.
Haku is effectively an 18/6 when fighting creatures in battle, plus he is a fat Lord (which means he gives bonuses to other creatures).
That's way overpowered for a cost of 5. Maybe say "other Samauri", reduce his attack to 4, and make his ability more expensive. You could also make him cost {1}{w}{w}{r}{r} to make him harder to cast. Gotta have him though. Love the card and his quote.
RIP Harambe, we will avenge you, and give you immortality as a meme. Harambe, Protector of Children is perfect for this set.
There will be some good lands in this set so maybe we need a protector of lands. Also gives more use for green. Behold Sasquatch!
▶ Anonymous 03/10/18 (Sat) 17:10:25 dc0368 (1) No. 612591
> Is the stage set for a drop of HRC +++ + +++++(raw vid 5:5).
> Is the stage set for a drop of HRC WJC + LYNCH (raw vid 5:5).
▶ Anonymous 03/10/18 (Sat) 21:30:20 db79e0 (39) No. 616556 >>617359
I realized that Sasquatch can be used to cheat certain lands into play (Trump Tower and others in MTG). Also wanted to expand his ability a bit. Therefore added extra green.
Ayahuasca Healer can now do multiple ceremonies per turn (screwed up by adding tap symbol).
▶ Anonymous 03/10/18 (Sat) 22:16:12 648893 (74) No. 617292 >>617552
The impact on the neurons would have been significant to say the least, and the area of neurons which was effected are incredibly sensitive to stimulus. The Injury itself was gnarly
Post last edited at 04/04/18 (Wed) 00:35:00
▶ Anonymous 03/10/18 (Sat) 22:19:21 db79e0 (39) No. 617359 >>617864 >>621316
Premature ejaculation. Derp.
▶ Anonymous 03/10/18 (Sat) 22:29:09 ca13d6 (12) No. 617552
Freaky stuff, half that guys face stopped aging after his "event" with the cern reactor.
▶ Anonymous 03/10/18 (Sat) 22:50:02 648893 (74) No. 617864 >>618383
Nice Drops - I am a fan
Major Or Minor Player?
▶ Anonymous 03/10/18 (Sat) 23:20:39 ca13d6 (12) No. 618383
Neither, just the messenger who scared the elite beyond measure and someone to remember and spread the message of.
▶ Anonymous 03/11/18 (Sun) 00:36:46 066be4 (5) No. 619748
Thoroughly enjoying all of these.
Please DO continue!!
▶ Anonymous 03/11/18 (Sun) 01:58:53 db79e0 (39) No. 621316
Realized green often has family values too. Also realized that most children are, in fact, Humans. At some point I should probably go back and change the other cards to reflect that, and to make children white, even when they are black. Can't tap enough autism for it this turn though.
The Vatican is new, two Goblins are new, and swapping out an old one's flavor
▶ Anonymous 03/11/18 (Sun) 02:16:39 ca13d6 (12) No. 621630
I should save them up and post batches =\ sry
▶ Anonymous 03/11/18 (Sun) 03:33:55 db79e0 (39) No. 623037 >>623052
One of the things that makes America great is that we have great national parks. These five "wedge lands" are just a few of the many things that make America worth fighting for.
▶ Anonymous 03/11/18 (Sun) 03:35:16 648893 (74) No. 623052 >>623940
Brilliant! - Currently Making some of the not so pretty places to coincide.
▶ Anonymous 03/11/18 (Sun) 04:43:03 db79e0 (39) No. 623940 >>624360
Thanks. Here's two, plus one more red white and blue. The floor is yours. Goodnight!
▶ Anonymous 03/11/18 (Sun) 07:12:07 ca13d6 (12) No. 625497
More recent photo of the scientist showing his half ageless face, reworked.
▶ Anonymous 03/11/18 (Sun) 07:29:50 486e7a (2) No. 625603 >>625643
These MAGA & SWAMP series are really great. Snapshots in history.
Am I missing it or is there no 79?
▶ Anonymous 03/11/18 (Sun) 07:35:48 ca13d6 (12) No. 625643 >>625685
click on the empty space, kinda glitching out
▶ Anonymous 03/11/18 (Sun) 07:42:14 486e7a (2) No. 625685
Should've noticed that. Got it, thanks!
▶ Anonymous 03/11/18 (Sun) 14:46:22 db79e0 (39) No. 627727 >>630183
Nice job. Anonymous white/black lol.
I am honored that someone takes my memes and runs with them. I think I like your Q better.
Snowden can gain control of the God Emperor, and even summon him for free? Blasphemy!
That garbage island really exists, fuuuck, I didn't know that
▶ Anonymous 03/11/18 (Sun) 18:52:55 648893 (74) No. 630183 >>630801 >>632380
>>627727 Agree with snowden
Changing to two wizards with power 2 or less.
Only a few more slight revisions I have pending on existing.
Revised: Open borders (more friendly to goblin/orc theme) Goblins being crazed sjw leftists and Orcs being thirdworld immigrants.
Other Group being Vampires (Roth n friends) and Naga [ms13],la raza and zombies being druggies. (like ones that fill LA downtown)
Some new:
▶ Anonymous 03/11/18 (Sun) 19:45:17 db79e0 (39) No. 630801
Yes, Snowden's ability wouldn't work on the truly powerful. It is mainly to catch all the chump whistleblowers. (Wouldn't necessarily have to be a Wizard, and in general you don't want to be too restrictive in MTG. There are whistleblowers everywhere).
Skid Row LOL love it
Agree on adding red to open borders. Original blue-black was based on who was casting it- the hordes would stay in their shitholes if our politicians weren't controlled. But playability and redpill-spreading demands that a goblin-friendly card never have blue (or white, for that matter… And the Cabal is going to have a hard time coming up with the white mana that orcs sometimes use in MTG. BTW, Orcs in MTG are nothing like in Lord of the Rings. They are a shitty tribe with few cards outside of Tarkir, and no support. I threw in Orcish Settlers pretty much as a joke, as it is perfect flavor for the set.) I figured it was going to be just goblins + vampires because the more tribes you have, the more support cards you need and the fewer synergies you have. Diversity really isn't strength in MTG. I guess the point is let's make the SJWs AND the 3rd world hordes be Goblins and let's have a red/black dual mana open borders card. Not mixed mana, dual mana! Like {2}{b/r}{b/r} for example. I'll make one.
I now find myself looking for excuses to drop some of Edward Abbey's many great gems. Dude was extremely based for an anarchist.
▶ Anonymous 03/11/18 (Sun) 22:04:34 db79e0 (39) No. 632380
Three revised oldies but goodies
▶ Anonymous 03/11/18 (Sun) 22:58:48 648893 (74) No. 632942 >>634304
I just realized I am not even current on MTG:
Since I stopped Playing,
They now have colorless mana -
Also can Enchant Player - Aura Curse.
I need to make a few revisions.
I like the old Saloon -
AI - God and ArtifactLands will all be colorless based
▶ Anonymous 03/12/18 (Mon) 00:08:31 97ec1e (1) No. 633613
Q Cards are awesome - great work. Good red pilling for young ones.
▶ Anonymous 03/12/18 (Mon) 00:53:54 d783fc (7) No. 634017
Those amazing! I'm so glad you guys made them, I was wondering how I was going to redpilll all my peeps. Maybe this will help cuz it's hard to talk to someone when keep calling you crazy. Kek'n!. Hey I have a poem I made for us "Anon's" and I was wondering if one of you could make something out it? I don't want to drop it right now (clutter up your thread) I'll keep checking back and if your cool with it then I'll drop it. Thanks again!
▶ Anonymous 03/12/18 (Mon) 01:23:32 db79e0 (39) No. 634304
Artifact lands are cool. There are bunch of cards floating around that made it extremely broken to play with artifact lands. I think most if not all of the artifact lands have been banned from play. (not like it matters here- in fact I am sure there are people who would take a good excuse to play artifact lands again). I've heard stories of people getting their asses kicked consistently on turn 1 by multi-thousand dollar artifact decks (not even talking Black Lotus / moxen here).
I have been out of the loop for a couple years myself so to any lurkers, if I do something silly please point it out.
I assume you know that the puppetmasters have some kind of weird AI cult going on? It's not just about uploading consciousness or wanting perfect control, it's that they want to build a quantum computing AI that can be possessed easier than human flesh. A perfect vessel for whatever interdimensional nasties are trying to come through.
▶ Anonymous 03/12/18 (Mon) 04:28:13 648893 (74) No. 636016
Yes I do have a deck with artifact lands and its gnarly and believe it or not they are not banned from legacy - only modern.
My artifact affinity deck is good but I cant beat most of the top legacy decks (lucky to go 1 out of 3). Card that stops it - Force of Will..
My cousin has 2 revised Black Lotus's and all the moxes which is pretty sick.
Post last edited at 04/04/18 (Wed) 00:35:04
▶ Anonymous 03/12/18 (Mon) 06:06:04 648893 (74) No. 636770
Moloch Is messed up ^ lulz tedious work..
Post last edited at 04/04/18 (Wed) 00:35:18
▶ Anonymous 03/12/18 (Mon) 06:50:28 2ef58d (3) No. 637015
> bad lag when I posted before
▶ Cards IceManNT68 03/12/18 (Mon) 07:33:20 449d63 (1) No. 637256
Very nice job on the cards…
Semper Fi…
▶ Clueless 03/12/18 (Mon) 07:46:05 f0c79d (1) No. 637328 >>638392 >>1145439
You need a jonbenet ramsey card too.
▶ Anonymous 03/12/18 (Mon) 12:16:23 db79e0 (39) No. 638392 >>640086 >>653587
Wow, nice cards. The memes are spawning, mutating. May the best variant win. I see you picked up on the zombie druggie thing too. I hadn't got around to it but it kind of writes itself.
AI Overlord pretty much says "8: You win the game".
With your affinity deck I can see why you liked Chinese Factory. I couldn't make it an artifact land because then it could copy itself infinitely, and that is sure to be abused.
Which reminds me of another idea I hadn't gotten around to: Corporations. Much trolling can be had with the likes of MonSatan, Goldman Sucks, McDonalds, Blackwater, Hallibutron, Comcast, Disney, Bank of America, Big Pharma, etc. But you will really like Wal-Mart.
Moloch devour 3 or devour 2? 3 would be f'in crazy, given his counter doubling ability.
Here you go.
▶ Anonymous 03/12/18 (Mon) 16:30:22 db79e0 (39) No. 640086 >>644012
Minor fix for Wal Mart. Also have included Goldman Sachs. If Soros wasn't a goblin lord, he would be similar.
▶ Anonymous 03/12/18 (Mon) 23:12:55 648893 (74) No. 644012 >>645909
Zombified druggies are a plague of the west coast
AI Overlord is the goal of the techno fascist faction. (Which is blackblue and colorless)
But its hard to execute, they will need a wide variety of land types.
A single anon can destroy the ai if you can generate 8 mana first by removing in from lib, however he needs good hackers like Julian Assange(card coming) and/or counter spells to keep it from being played by hand.
techlords like es, google, MIT, CIT, who are obsessed with turning themselves into robots (i dub the institute) Yes Chinese Factory (as well as land remakes in this post are all very friendly to getting that AI God cast.
Moloch is very powerful demon (in the game) history is a little unsure on what exactly his origins are - Baal, Magog, Beelzebub, Lucifer(maybe) are going to be the other Major Demons (powerful yes but can be completely destroyed by bring to light (and other white based cards which counter powerful demons)
Demons verse AI Gods should be very interesting too. Bohemian Grovists can even use the cremation of care ritual to commune with Minerva to see if any demons are ready to be unleashed.
Nazi Faction is White-Black-Red
You can go either full Demon backed with red focus, or like Mccain start going colorless (technology backed) - so a little demonic activity to help better engineer death.
Patriots are RWB but some are more intel hacker based (WBlue - assange, anons, etc.) and others are more RW focused (Mattis, Marines,) Ill keep pumping more out for better pciture.
Post last edited at 04/04/18 (Wed) 00:35:23
▶ Anonymous 03/13/18 (Tue) 00:56:20 066be4 (5) No. 645100
▶ Anonymous 03/13/18 (Tue) 01:56:43 db79e0 (39) No. 645909 >>648218
My understanding of it is that lucifer = satan (even though the illuminati would say otherwise). He is black-blue-red and is more about deception and control, whereas moloch is more about sacrifice and power. Moloch = baal = beelzebub = chemosh = satan's right hand man. I could be wrong. It's a murky subject.
I like these extra faction(s) to round out the set. So we have RWU patriots, BRU Demons+Illuminati+minions, UB+artifact Tech Lords and the cult of the AI God, and maybe a secret Nazi faction. By the time we're done with it Goblins+Zombies might be also be a viable way to play, even without their overlords.
I would like to see Gaia (GWR) as a faction just to round out the set but don't see a way to make it both viable and plausible enough for redpilling.
Other possible ways to add Green… just spitballing here: Survivalists, totally feral gangs, oldschool hippies (from before the left was taken by the Dark Powers), Amish Mafia, some genetic engineer faction led by MonSatan (obviously GBU), maybe even throw in the Rothschilds. If you read the "Rofschild" disclosure, he obviously runs green (in addition to blue and black, of course). The Nazis were strong with red, white and black but they ran all five colors- including green.
Yes, Demons vs. AI would be interesting. In MTG, black has a problem getting rid of artifacts and enchantments. OTOH, certain people seem to be trying to create this AI God as a means of bringing the demons through. Interesting times!
▶ Q Cards 03/13/18 (Tue) 03:54:44 28a724 (2) No. 647310
> Edited
Fixed Text alignment…
and changed (payed to paid)
▶ Q Cards 03/13/18 (Tue) 04:02:43 28a724 (2) No. 647400
Check out this Amazing Q Card viewer made by another Anon!
https:// genesis55.github.io/QCards/
for passing these around!
>making MOAR
▶ Anonymous 03/13/18 (Tue) 05:27:24 648893 (74) No. 648218
Im still not 100% on factions but lets keep adding to collection and I feel it will come together rather nicely with the generic q cards as suggesstions and our combined knowledge of MTG gameplay and image impact.
Cards Incoming(Work Sucks)
Hannity - RWB - Citizen 3/4 Vigilence - Protection from Creatures
Shiff - BRB - Vampire 5/3 Flying Haste - Cannot untap during upkeep phase, Sacrifice a Child:untap
Gitmo - Land White or Black or tap: tap Creature Power 5 or greater - does not untap
Absolute Justice - (think 18KIndictments) - Enchantment with charge counters.
Bill Clinton - Venal Lawyer Black/White 5/4 Vampire Beaurocrat lifelink persist 1/white tap or untap creature 2black sac child - deal life equal to power to target player
Donald Trump - Methodical Architect White Blue 4/6 Human Citizen artifacts cost 2 less banding - White - tap target creature/ X search target library for artifact or sorcery with casting cost x and put in hand.
Potus Trump - Commander in Chief White/Red/Blue 7/7 Human Phoenix Haste, Flying, DoubleStrike, Shroud - when dies back into battlefield in play RWBTap - All Humans you control get +3/+ and are unblockable.
FLOTUS - Devout Follower 5/4 White Human Cleric - Defender-Lifelink Comes into play gain 4 life - search library for angel and put into play 4WW shuffle flotus into lib.
Controlled Propoganda BlueColorlessRed - Enchantment - each turn each player returns creature to hand. add two 1/1 red goblins
Criminal Government - Enchantment 2 Black Black White - black creatures cost 1 less and gain "If this creature would be targeted instead chooses another."
Minuteman - Human Citizen Soldier 1RWB - 2/3 Vigilance.
2st Amendment - LegendArtifact - Humans get +2/+2, First Strike. Citizens get +2/+2, First Strike
1st Amendment - LegendArtifact - Humans and Citizens cannot be the target of spells or abilities, wizards gain 2Tap counter target spell.
Defecter - Human Citizen WBB 2/2 - when this creature comes into play target opponent discards a card at random.
Mattis US Marine - Human Knight - 2RRWB 4/4 Knights and Soldiers have First Strike, Banding and Haste
James Comey - Turncoat Attorney 2/3 1BBW- Human Beauracrat Persist :Tap Target Human, Citizen or Wizard
Sessions - Articulate Prosecuter 1/3 4w - Human Citizen - Player must pay 2 for each attacking creature - when goes to gy search for target ench put in hand
Obama the Deciever - 4/4 3WB Human Beauracrat - Protection from White - blackblackblackblackblackblack Sacrifice Obama: Search library for creature named abomination of desolation and put it into play tapped.
abomination of desolation - 6/6 5BBRGB - Demon Nephylm - Flying Double Strike Haste Indestructible - When comes into play search lib for up to three demons and put into play tapped.
H - Prodical Parasite - 3WBBB 7-5 deathtouch lifelink persist 1w all vampires and beauracrats get 1/1 until end. 2black sacrifice chils untap all creatures you control - +2/+2 until end of turn.
Tribal Enchantments(Not Really Factions but toolkits to achieve AIGOD
Globalist Technocracy - Cyborg Wizard - Black Black Colorless Colorless Blue 3/2 Shadow 4Tap: Search opponents Library and remove target non-creature/non land. card from the game
5tap: Name a card - search lib if exist remove from game. 1 add two colorless to mana pool.
Whitehat Alliance - Human Wizard - RWBC - 2/3 Tap Draw two cards / 2Tap Counter target artifact spell or ability
Military Industrial Complex - Cyborg Soldier Black Red Red CCC
Catch{The attempted string was not legible enough for the reader to decipher its contents. Sorry -
See Input}
Post last edited at 04/04/18 (Wed) 00:35:24
▶ Anonymous 03/13/18 (Tue) 05:29:46 648893 (74) No. 648241
Now I have framework for cards -
All I need to do Is Imagry for each then cardgen
So I should get them done (above for sure 2days.)
Post last edited at 04/04/18 (Wed) 00:35:28
▶ Anonymous 03/13/18 (Tue) 05:35:15 648893 (74) No. 648296
Current Hope this doesnt break!
Post last edited at 04/04/18 (Wed) 00:35:31
▶ Anonymous 03/13/18 (Tue) 05:54:17 648893 (74) No. 648518
Just Rename 2nd Q Anon to just Q - Add Colorless to both.
Post last edited at 04/04/18 (Wed) 00:36:16
▶ Anonymous 03/13/18 (Tue) 05:56:11 648893 (74) No. 648543
I know missed like 4 or 5 too. ^^ But not bad - combined with the messy framework I have made.
Post last edited at 04/04/18 (Wed) 00:42:44
▶ Anonymous 03/13/18 (Tue) 06:12:13 648893 (74) No. 648692 >>652028
Also this set has to be strictly rulebook for mtg - only using there creature types (except I added Sorcerer) abilities so its not easily dubbed as "unhinged" and to make a better game of MTG than WOTC has in Years. This is serious MaGa - Look at what we are dealing with here.
http ://www.magatheblathering.com/
Post last edited at 04/04/18 (Wed) 00:42:34
▶ Anonymous 03/13/18 (Tue) 15:52:34 db79e0 (39) No. 652028 >>653836 >>653956
Wow, that's a high-quality set. Lots of cards, lots of facts, coherent story, good images, and it looks pretty clean as far as rules and playability go. I'm going to slowly steal some of their cards (with variations, of course). There was also a joke set called "Katrina: The Gathering" which some lefties made after Hurricane Katrina. Generally lesser quality and more Katrina-specific but still some funny stuff.
http:// onlinegamers.org/ktg/index2.html
MagaTheBlathering is a high bar to pass but I think it's doable. We have something they don't: The Big Picture. The Ugly Truths. This is why our side makes funnier memes. The left's "facts" are mostly from CNN. Even when they are true, they are quibbles designed to make Trump look bad and distract from the big picture.
▶ Anonymous 03/13/18 (Tue) 18:25:37 59a178 (2) No. 653587 >>653714 >>653790 >>653836
yours are NOT q cards they dont belong here
▶ Anonymous 03/13/18 (Tue) 18:39:43 8eff5c (7) No. 653714
It's all good… these other cards are still red pills… MOAR MAGA!
Check out this link for Q Card only Collection.
https:// www.captiongenerator.com/936012/Hitler-vs-Q-and-his-Anon-Army#.WqcMFE69bxx.twitter
▶ Anonymous 03/13/18 (Tue) 18:46:51 8eff5c (7) No. 653790 >>653956
However after looking at them again… I see why you don't like them… they don't really explain anything and just make liberals go reeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
▶ Anonymous 03/13/18 (Tue) 18:51:03 648893 (74) No. 653836
I disagree - the Magatheblabbering or whatever set is garbage.. Its simple, lacks substance and are total crap (minus a few based cards which we can use)… Just like left memes
Seems like we have two sets dropping. Some meme cards to spread around and actual collection of playable MTG. Both equally awesome imo
Post last edited at 04/04/18 (Wed) 00:42:26
▶ Q Cards 03/13/18 (Tue) 18:53:09 8eff5c (7) No. 653861
#096-099 + Card Back!
>Check out this New Q Card Viewer!
https:// www.captiongenerator.com/936012/Hitler-vs-Q-and-his-Anon-Army#.WqcMFE69bxx.twitter
The next post is the Most Epic Q Card yet!
>Q Card #100!
▶ Anonymous 03/13/18 (Tue) 19:02:28 db79e0 (39) No. 653956 >>654168
Oops. Here's one that can't snatch the AI God… or Dulce Base for that matter! I also made Fraudulent Eviction generally easier to cast, and fixed a dangerous technicality. The deportation card is the same card but 1 more expensive. It would be a shit card in any other set, but here it is worth running.
I see from your ID that you are Q Card Anon- So, out of respect, you get a say: What should I do with regards to these cards and/or this board?
▶ Anonymous 03/13/18 (Tue) 19:25:14 8eff5c (7) No. 654168 >>654302
Don't get me wrong… KEEP making them!
I can understand some people might not like them (probably not MTG players) they are looking for redpills 4 friends and family, and don't get the MTG stuff.
I can see the crack pipe and meth lab being misunderstood.
But it's all good… your not making these for them, your making for card players.
I'm glad your also making cards, I didn't know Dems made MaGa cards… we need a set to counter their cards, that's where yours come in!
▶ Anonymous 03/13/18 (Tue) 19:28:37 8eff5c (7) No. 654208
>Bonus Art!
<graphic I made for #100!
Check out the card viewer!
https:// genesis55.github.io/QCards/#qcards-source?card=POTUS
▶ Anonymous 03/13/18 (Tue) 19:38:20 db79e0 (39) No. 654302 >>654427
Thanks boss, will carry on!
Your cards for normies; Diptastick and I will take care of the MTG players. Half of them are spergs at the very least so they can swallow a redpill if it fits into the framework of their detailed fantasy universe. And they do need utility cards and combat tricks like the crack pipe, meth lab, lands, etc.- but normies won't appreciate them. Especially if there is not enough space left on the card for a decent redpill.
Awesome card #100 BTW
▶ Anonymous 03/13/18 (Tue) 19:52:01 8eff5c (7) No. 654427 >>658192
Although #099 & #100
Are for Anons Only
>just the sight of GEOTUS
<makes the libtards go reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! And then explode!
▶ Anonymous 03/13/18 (Tue) 21:27:09 c2a1e8 (1) No. 655219 >>658196 >>658215
"The truth of reality is harsh and difficult."
Or "the truth of reality is difficult and harsh."
Not trying to be an old grammarfag
▶ Anonymous 03/14/18 (Wed) 02:32:34 db79e0 (39) No. 658192 >>658240
Yes, yes, very triggering, LOL
Wait till they find out THEY were the real Nazis all along.
Pic related
▶ Anonymous 03/14/18 (Wed) 02:33:12 fb8961 (3) No. 658196 >>658215
>>566073 (OP)
>"The truth of reality is harsh and difficult."
Thanks for noticing!
Some of them I was trying to fit within the space… so I removed words and add words, and it made it a little odd…
Also a few cards I was up late making and didn't notice some of the words or misspellings.
I think if they are done correctly it adds to the power of the message… a single typo can make some non-pulled normies ignore the info as bogus.
▶ Anonymous 03/14/18 (Wed) 02:35:36 fb8961 (3) No. 658215
Oops forgot to post the card!
▶ Anonymous 03/14/18 (Wed) 02:38:14 fb8961 (3) No. 658240 >>659954
Head explode!
Top KEK!
▶ Anonymous 03/14/18 (Wed) 04:01:47 702f7d (1) No. 659038
Minor thing on Comey…wasn't it Leakin' instead of Lyin'?
Love love love them all though, anon, you're awesome!
▶ Anonymous 03/14/18 (Wed) 06:15:48 db79e0 (39) No. 659954 >>663128 >>692367
Thanks, glad you like it. Here is a variant which fully spells out the card name, but with no spaces. Awkward either way. This might be a bit better. I also made a better version of Jeff Sessions. He goes better with the new Gitmo card and with the Detain dynamic which some white/blue creatures use.
▶ Anonymous 03/14/18 (Wed) 16:30:42 db79e0 (39) No. 663128 >>667839
Making some nice playables for our side now.
▶ Anonymous 03/15/18 (Thu) 01:26:52 db79e0 (39) No. 667839
More playables. These cheap+versatile cards decide a game.
▶ Anonymous 03/15/18 (Thu) 02:28:40 648893 (74) No. 668642 >>669125 >>674240
Ive been too busy with work to get anything done -
You got some of my ideas..
BTW as a former marine I am offended by the Drill Sergeant Card. That is a Drill Instructor :P we get really offended by the confusion.
Post last edited at 04/04/18 (Wed) 00:42:22
▶ Anonymous 03/15/18 (Thu) 03:06:25 458741 (1) No. 669097 >>670535
Simply marvelous work. I hope one day these will be available in actual card form. I would love to have a set of these. Keep up the good work.
▶ Anonymous 03/15/18 (Thu) 03:08:33 db79e0 (39) No. 669125 >>670417
Good to know we're on the same page, except for Drill Instructor, OO-Rah.
Just out of curiosity, do you know other Marines who are into Q? If they're not following him now, they soon might be. I have a feeling this is the right-wing 60s and Q is the Grateful Dead.
▶ Anonymous 03/15/18 (Thu) 05:28:26 648893 (74) No. 670417 >>674240
Nice! I'm sure there are plenty of military among us but the marines first would learn how to stop eating crayons and navigate 8ch.. not sure how common that is :P
Ill drop the list I provided way above this weekend.
Post last edited at 04/04/18 (Wed) 00:37:40
▶ Anonymous 03/15/18 (Thu) 05:43:11 2715a5 (1) No. 670535
I was thinking it would be kool if each card referred something like 'involved in crimes against humanity' a dot in same place each card white or black and then the archived location for history of the person, bloodline, specific involvement in history. That way even kids 'playing' them would eventually be curious, keep the history that's been dug up alive for future reference. Better than history books
▶ Anonymous 03/15/18 (Thu) 15:08:01 3af093 (1) No. 673273 >>674240 >>678579 >>678625 >>679125 >>689895
I found this on twitter and wanted to add it to the Q-Card Collection - hope it's not off-topic
"My birthday cake from my daughter"
Happy Birthday
Deborah Covfefe @ALWAYSPsalm91
▶ Anonymous 03/15/18 (Thu) 17:14:00 db79e0 (39) No. 674240 >>677580
This is a good idea. One archived conspiracy link on appropriate cards, written on the bottom of the meme.
I'll have to use something better than MS Paint for my memes but in the meantime, anons are welcome to suggest links (or cards).
Bless you and your daughter. May you raise her to be wiser than the millenials.
Please forgive me, but I had to weaken the Gunny a bit. He can only toughen up his soldiers before battle. Working on more utility cards. Here's one for Angry Redneck.
▶ Anonymous 03/15/18 (Thu) 21:11:23 6d0392 (1) No. 676756
>Q Card Viewer!
https:// genesis55.github.io/QCards/#qcards-source?card=POTUS
▶ Anonymous 03/15/18 (Thu) 21:31:07 648893 (74) No. 676932 >>677580
Frekn Q -
Drops the Nazi crumbs and goes silent…
All the news for last 5 days has been difficult to bear.
Post last edited at 04/04/18 (Wed) 00:37:44
▶ Anonymous 03/15/18 (Thu) 22:43:23 db79e0 (39) No. 677580 >>680786
Dumpster Diving Goblins + Killdozers + Chinese Factories + Orcish Settlers FTW. I want to make this deck. Such ridiculousness. Always liked playing goblins.
Yeah, I know, man. I wonder if it is because everyone went into a frenzy over it, or did he get reined in?
▶ Anonymous 03/16/18 (Fri) 00:06:03 d783fc (7) No. 678579
Happy 🎈 Birthday Anon
▶ Anonymous 03/16/18 (Fri) 00:09:24 d783fc (7) No. 678625
Sorry I haven't figured out how to do "gif's right yet. double click
▶ Anonymous 03/16/18 (Fri) 00:46:49 d783fc (7) No. 679125
Sorry I haven't figured out how to do "gif's right yet. double click
▶ Anonymous 03/16/18 (Fri) 00:52:28 d783fc (7) No. 679204
The flower pic, "covfefe" doesn't do anything.
My computer keeps freeze up
▶ Anonymous 03/16/18 (Fri) 02:41:32 db79e0 (39) No. 680786 >>685465
These are mostly tweaks for playability.
▶ Anonymous 03/16/18 (Fri) 09:40:16 d783fc (7) No. 683698 >>688439
I wanted let you know that #36 & #38 and the same, wasn't sure if you meant for them to be like that. I'm digging them!
▶ Anonymous 03/16/18 (Fri) 20:59:27 39718d (4) No. 688439
Yeah that was a misprint!
I had the wrong #s
>These are the correct #s
(Pics related)
▶ Anonymous 03/16/18 (Fri) 21:01:53 39718d (4) No. 688467 >>688475
#026-Changed some text to make less confusing…. changed to Clown Double Agent, changed 'ES created' to 'He pushed', and changed quote to imply he is Not in Russia.
#110-Changed text to focus on IBOR… Card name changed from EXTREME to CENSOR, changed hashtag to #InternetBillofRights, changed quote to focus on social media.
▶ Anonymous 03/16/18 (Fri) 21:03:36 39718d (4) No. 688475
This one ☝️ Is EDITED…
▶ Anonymous 03/16/18 (Fri) 21:05:17 39718d (4) No. 688491
Accidentally double posted #026
Meant to post #110 with it.
▶ Anonymous 03/16/18 (Fri) 22:26:49 f77c88 (1) No. 689299 >>691163
missing word - This has been known <since> the 1960s,
▶ Lucky You! Anonymous 03/16/18 (Fri) 23:27:12 db91bb (2) No. 689895 >>701467
Open your eyes!
Don't just look… See!
Why only one ear?
Was it a taste test?
Where's the Cheshire Cat?
Where's the Mad Hatter?
Who's responsible?
Where are they now?
Expand your thinking!
Happy Birthday Anon!
What a great lass you have to make that for you!>>673273
▶ Anonymous 03/17/18 (Sat) 01:24:18 db79e0 (39) No. 691163
To the lurkers: I do NOT begrudge grammarfags, quibbling MTG autists, conspiracy theorists who want me to make a card for them, memefags who say I missed some obvious symbolism, etc. I want this set to be good. You might have noticed that I make cards more than twice on average, and this average will surely increase, as i have a backlog of minor fixes. Take Darkest Ritual, for example… How could I miss the subtle yet very important message of gaining 1 life after the sacrifice? These people are sick.
▶ Anonymous 03/17/18 (Sat) 02:52:55 f0753e (1) No. 692367 >>699527 >>715880
"Techniqe" should be "Technique".
▶ Q Cards 03/17/18 (Sat) 05:30:35 af888e (1) No. 694121
https:// genesis55.github.io/QCards/#qcards-source?card=POTUS
▶ Codex 03/17/18 (Sat) 06:07:34 0aa685 (2) No. 694378 >>694408 >>701528 >>738626
Nice work here anon. I was wondering if you could consider a few memes that are for my scrapbook.
Obviously you have plenty of memes to choose from so no worries if you can't make it happen. You've already used several of my memes for cards.
▶ Codex 03/17/18 (Sat) 06:11:54 0aa685 (2) No. 694408 >>701528
Some others to consider including the last pic related which made it into that shitty NewsWEAK article about Qanon.
▶ Anonymous 03/17/18 (Sat) 20:19:07 db79e0 (39) No. 699527 >>738595
Damn, you're right. And that one letter puts me over the edge, so I have to do some fiddline.
▶ Q Cards Collection: #2 Melania Trump Anonymous 03/17/18 (Sat) 22:14:59 ad91d2 (1) No. 700678
I have just been a "lurker" since the Q posts started to drop on 4-chan…hopefully I don't mess up protocol with this post. I mean no offense: Terrific Work! I had mentioned a few days ago the only thing was Melania looked like she had "5 oclock" shadow - just thought given she is a gorgeous woman and all the images of Pres. Trump look spectacular the one of her should be similar. Took the liberty of removing the "shadow" and subtle color enhancement. Hope you are doing these cards with 300dpi versions off line for offset printing. So often I have done on line art and then when wanting to make printed versions the detail just wasn't there and I had to recreate from scratch. Noticed you said you were doing these on a phone app - makes them even more amazing. Awesome job Patriot. They make for very "sweet" red-pills
▶ Anonymous 03/17/18 (Sat) 23:44:26 89c0ae (3) No. 701467
▶ Anonymous 03/17/18 (Sat) 23:45:46 89c0ae (3) No. 701482
▶ Anonymous 03/17/18 (Sat) 23:51:38 89c0ae (3) No. 701528
Q - AbsolutoW Fantastico!!
▶ Anonymous 03/18/18 (Sun) 02:23:05 066be4 (5) No. 703246 >>713121
to QCardAnon for his fantastic work. The last few nights, I've been placing five cards each (full size) onto a single page. It's tight, but they fit nicely. I'm using Libre Office Presentation files, exported as PDFs. There's a bug where the third and later pages of the PDF file screw up, so only two pages in each PDF file. Tonight I went to FedEx Office to print Cards 1-110 in full color on 100-pound glossy card stock, and they are FREAKING BEAUTIFUL!! I've used a paper cutter to get good square cuts, and now have cards 001 through 055 cut out and stacked.
Keep up the good work, QCardAnon!!!
▶ Anonymous 03/18/18 (Sun) 02:35:19 9ff2f4 (1) No. 703380
So good. Is it ok to reprint/ share. This is quite artistic, and tap into the feel of the Illuminati card game. Very professional and subtle. Well done anon.
▶ Anonymous 03/18/18 (Sun) 03:25:41 9aeb6d (1) No. 703840 >>715880
did you make a Lynn de Roth card? that would be good..
▶ Anonymous 03/18/18 (Sun) 05:17:19 648893 (74) No. 704784 >>715880
Illuminati Card Game is Eerie
Post last edited at 04/04/18 (Wed) 00:37:48
▶ Anonymous 03/18/18 (Sun) 22:06:53 2bd7d7 (1) No. 713121
Post a photo of your real life set
▶ Anonymous 03/19/18 (Mon) 02:01:35 db79e0 (39) No. 715880
Schiff, LOL
Wanna see his head on a stick (and many others)
Which Alter Ego do you think is better? I think it's creepier to have it as a separate creature, but could lead to bizarre situations. Or is that part of the fun?
Yes, very strange. I heard they threw in every conspiracy theory that was floating around at the time. And indeed, the outline of the stuff we know today has been known since the 60s, which is remarkable when you consider how difficult it was to do research back then. An anon today can do more research before breakfast than a dedicated professional could do in a week. And yet there were some who saw the outline of the Beast. Like the Birchers. They saw the outline, and everyone called them paranoid lunatics, but the truth was much WORSE than they suspected!
Still doesn't explain how the Illuminati card people came up with cards like the Frog God, or Terrorist Nuke (I do believe the WTC was nuked). This and many other subtle things make me suspect that time and even physical reality are not what we think they are.
I don't really know much about her except that she's a Vampire and is apparently a good blocker (helicopter attempt? Should add Reach?), but she's rather clueless, to the extent that she might even be a liability. She lets everyone know who the toadies are, possibly posts drunk on 8chan saying she wants to watch us all die of thirst, and is such a snowflake that she rage-quit Twitter due to a very small number of trolls. Her family has trillions of dollars and a license to steal from 99% of the population via counterfeiting, but she can't hire a single internet janitor for a few minutes per day which is what it would have taken to purge the trolls from her twitter account. Q says he can hear her breathing. Did I miss something?
▶ Anonymous 03/19/18 (Mon) 03:08:57 c8eafa (1) No. 716691 >>725955
Check out the Q Card Viewer!
https:// genesis55.github.io/QCards/
▶ Anonymous 03/19/18 (Mon) 06:00:16 0062a3 (1) No. 718196
he wasn't a cern scientist nor did he get swooped up by bilders
try again anon
▶ Anonymous 03/19/18 (Mon) 20:54:19 08e865 (1) No. 724724 >>725863 >>725955 >>726521
Dear anon. Wanted to let you know I Love your cards and artistic expression.
This is why I will give you a heads up.
People are making plans to copyright/print and sell these cards as decks for profit.
I thought you might appreciate.
Here's the discord link in case you want to let them know how you feel.
https:// discordapp.com/invite/pcXuhV2
God bless.
▶ Anonymous 03/19/18 (Mon) 23:03:41 db79e0 (39) No. 725863
Fuck those motherfuckers
We don't work for free for profiteers. We work for free to MAGA.
Discord is comped so I am a bit paranoid about using them. Whose cards are they after? Just QcardAnon's, or my cards + Diptastick's too?
Thanks for the heads up, either way.
QCardAnon, being able to prove "prior art" (i.e. you had the cards first) might help. IANAL so I don't know. They might be able to make slight changes and get away with it.
▶ Anonymous 03/19/18 (Mon) 23:13:41 db79e0 (39) No. 725955
QCardAnon, maybe you could sell them but say all proceeds go to General Flynn's legal defense fund. Maybe these assholes want to fuck with you, but do they really want to fuck with Flynn?
▶ Anonymous 03/20/18 (Tue) 00:14:11 648893 (74) No. 726521
Yea the non playable cards are not mine.
The playable cards - They will never be able to do that - its just rough first of all, second it needs a remastering before even considering print, third of all WOTC would sue the fuck out of them.
Post last edited at 04/04/18 (Wed) 00:38:03
▶ 609935 Anonymous 03/20/18 (Tue) 01:11:59 e35cab (1) No. 727130
In 1913, something changed which was worse than the Fed and the creation of Income Tax. It was the 17th Amendment. It changed the way Senators were elected and essentially removed State representation in Washington. Does Dianne Frankenstein care how her policies impact Californians? Does the Calif State (or any State) have representation in Washington, or is it just parties?
▶ Anonymous 03/20/18 (Tue) 03:01:51 0bee2f (1) No. 727568
▶ Anonymous 03/20/18 (Tue) 21:19:58 db79e0 (39) No. 735180 >>735188 >>738573 >>759228
Minutemen, Nice
MK-Ultra, Kek
Perhaps there could be another faction: Organized Crime? I know that the Cabal is a form of organized crime, but I realized something that might cause trouble later on:
Outside of EDH and Conflux, I have never seen anyone pull off a decent deck with more than three colors. Many have tried, but they always failed. 4+ color decks require too many specialty lands, and even then they are too slow to win. Which makes me worry about a Cabal deck. IRL they use all five colors. But thanks to George Soros, their three strongest colors are obviously blue, black, and red.
So, what to do about white-black cards?
I guess the first decision is whether to make them playable in a 3-color cabal deck by making them use split mana symbols. White represents law, and black represents corruption of the law.
But white-black is a fun combo to play in and of itself and there are a lot of Organized Crime flavored things we could throw in. For example, the Mafia is arguably white-black. So is the Vatican. So are the cops. So are the judges. There is the pre-existing Extort dynamic, which uses white/black. White/black decks tend to use a bunch of small creatures and they tend to be hard to permanently get rid of, and their deaths are profitable. Your Organized Crime card goes with that. I like the Choose a new target ability, LOL.
In the Ravnica sets there is a white-black banking crime syndicate masquerading as a church. It could be a good source of cards and keks because it's obviously based on the Vatican Bank. (The same sets also include a blue-black mindfucking secret bloodline which was supposedly killed off but is actually stronger than ever, and their symbol is a one-eyed squid. Obviously represents the Illuminati.)
At this point I am leaning towards a separate organized crime faction. Makes the whole set more interesting overall. Some cards could be split mana- like cops and judges- playable by patriots, cabal, Nazis, or mafia. Other cards could have the white mana separated out to make people choose what flavor of deck they will be playing (since requiring white for casting will make people leave it out of Cabal decks… unless someone wants to make a blue-black-white Gnostic Illuminati faction, but let's not get ahead of ourselves…)
Also, explicitly colorless mana is not produced by most lands, which effectively makes it another color, unlike generic mana. Colorless can pay generic but generic can't pay colorless. So the only faction which will be able to effectively play cards requiring colorless mana will be the blue-black-colorless Transhumanist / Tech Lords / AI God faction. I will have to add some more colorless lands for them. Deserts, wastelands, garbage lands, and maybe Chinese Factory.
Re: demonic possession, Illuminati seem to use them for card draw, but shamans say they eat our suffering and our awareness- we would be much more powerful if they were not here.
Will probably have to change this card later.
▶ Anonymous 03/21/18 (Wed) 02:52:36 648893 (74) No. 738547
>>735188 Needs two black for demonic activity
Post last edited at 04/04/18 (Wed) 00:38:12
▶ Anonymous 03/21/18 (Wed) 02:53:48 648893 (74) No. 738573 >>762550
Post last edited at 04/04/18 (Wed) 00:38:18
▶ Anonymous 03/21/18 (Wed) 02:55:38 648893 (74) No. 738595
>>699527 First Three Cards are Solid IMO
But the Quotes are just a little long… :/
Post last edited at 04/04/18 (Wed) 00:38:25
▶ Anonymous 03/21/18 (Wed) 02:59:03 648893 (74) No. 738626
This my favorite - Becoming A card called Immaculate Design.
Post last edited at 04/04/18 (Wed) 00:38:42
▶ Anonymous 03/21/18 (Wed) 16:40:53 68c918 (1) No. 745158 >>749368
i fuggin love these cards …
▶ Anonymous 03/22/18 (Thu) 00:44:42 648893 (74) No. 749368
Post last edited at 04/04/18 (Wed) 00:38:47
▶ Anonymous 03/22/18 (Thu) 00:46:30 648893 (74) No. 749387
Finally got some time for these
Post last edited at 04/04/18 (Wed) 00:38:56
▶ Anonymous 03/22/18 (Thu) 22:49:42 648893 (74) No. 759228 >>762550 >>763070
Cabal goes White Black, and sprinkles in a color of their choice.
Cabal Core White Black
Creature Races: Major: Vampires Minor: Humans, Zombies
Creature Subtypes: Bureaucrats, Rouge, Agent, Citizen, Soldier, Shaman, Child.
Taps opponents creature via political correctness, likes to sacrifice children to get power advantages. White is needed to take control of children and or generate the child tokens. Cabal also likes the white tapping, and arresting ability in combination with protection from white. (White Perversion)
We have theme stacks of 3 colors to help
cabal add its third color - adding a color will help get demons faster, but a player could stay W/B and get even more powerful ones.
But Remember:
9 Arch Demons travel this plane, (Obama is a Nephilim (Half Demon, Half Human)
1 is 4 Colors - Baal
3 are 3 color - Beleth, Paimon, Purson
4 are 2 colors Belial, Baphomet(lucifer), Moloch, Asmodai
1 is BlackSolid - Beelzebub
Technology and its Colorless based mechanisms are used by all factions - and Are a faction of their own if deckbuilder so chooses (AI GOD AIM)
Cabal is White/Black Core -
But its really 2/3 Black and 1/3rd White -
So WBB. That means when the third color is added - you would go 1/4 White, 1/4 Optional Color, 1/2 Black. (assuming you are playing to get a few of the 9 demons into play)
Remember Colorless can be added to Most 3 color combos seamlessly (our aim) except ones which contain green. CabalGreen does not like colorless and CabalBlue requires colorless. CabalRed is either and built both ways.
Cabal Red Technology + ( John Mccain, Soldiers, Cyborgs, Mutants and Pure Nazi Killing - Guns, Bio-Engineering - Doesnt care about demons, bio engineered nazi cyborg soldiers are all they need. Ready for Space Nazis? Maser Sattelite?
Cabal Red Technology -
Give me goblins, lots and lots of gobins..
Goblins are useful, they like kidnapping kids if granted a pass on their moral depravity.. And soros is the perfect overseer - He must summon Moloch and Asamodi Kings of Hell - much blood must be spilled and sacrifice with this faction.
Both Cabal Reds add Berserker Flavor
Cabal Blue Tech + (Silicon Valley and Cern who are in reality Evil Nazi Scientists and their pawns the Deepweb Blackhats.)
unlike Red+ blue+ does utilize the Arch9 Demons like Paimon who gives you the answers you seek, for a price. Watch out for Bezos, Gates and Merkel they will force you to discard all the while perverting the natural world with artifical abominations with the help of powerful demons.
Adds Constructs, Wizards and Assasins to further control creatures and draw/discard mastery. Focuses on the summoning and control of artifacts to win - Can you convince Paimon to disobey Lucifer and help construct the AI GOD.. or will the frequencies of Saturn control CERN and dematerialize our plane first? Screw your maser sattelites, snowden can take control of it.. Whitehats in the way? Summon Nabu to betray everybody.
Cabal Green Tech - (The root of all evil, or at least the controllers of it)
Skull and Bones, Rothschilds, Banks and all forms of money, economical and ecologic organizations. Other cabal factions kneel, they hold all the keys and ancient pacts.
This faction relies on Mana Generation and Graveyard control - and their Druids and Bohemian Council will maintain this power at all costs - They prefer beelzebub(graveyardcontrol), beleth(Mana/Graveyard/Creaturegen), Person(CreatureGen)
Adds Beasts, Advisors, and Druids Types is the best equipped faction to summon Baal (Most Powerful Demon)
Post last edited at 04/04/18 (Wed) 00:39:05
▶ Anonymous 03/22/18 (Thu) 23:30:02 648893 (74) No. 759681 >>762550
Card Count (Maga The Gathering)
Cabal is designed First - it is a complex dynamic and efficient faction: (Has 6 Manifestations)
Luciferians {form core of all manifestations} (WhiteBlack) 66 cards - 6 Unique Lands
SorosNazis (Black, Red, White) - 18 Cards - 3 Unique Lands
Cyborg S.S - (Black, Red, White, Colorless) - 16 Cards, 3 Unique Lands
Silicon Kingpins - (Blue, Black, White, Colorless) - 33 Cards - 3 Unique Lands
The Ancinet BloodLines - (Black, Green, White) 33 Cards - 6 Unique Lands
LuciferianAI (6 Unique Artifacts)
Post last edited at 04/04/18 (Wed) 00:39:10
▶ Anonymous 03/22/18 (Thu) 23:42:28 648893 (74) No. 759817
The Other Major Faction is The Alliance
Which is RWB = 77 Cards 7 Unique Lands.
Also Correction* Soros Nazis is 17 not 18
Post last edited at 04/04/18 (Wed) 00:39:15
▶ Anonymous 03/23/18 (Fri) 01:11:59 648893 (74) No. 760837 >>762550
Now the Sub Factions And Flavors
Total Count of CORE Cards which is
Alliance VS Cabal = 171 Spells and 21 lands.
192 Cards.
The Other 192 Cards are Sub Factions (which are build-able) and Flavors which are core to main factions and sub factions. Cores are counted in Sub Factions.
Each Subfaction has a lord.
21 Spells + 2 Lands + 1 Tricolor Lord Each
(7 Solo + 7 Dual + 7 Solo + 1 DualLand + 1 SoloLand))
Color(Name) -
WhiteBlueColorless (White Hats) - Wizards, Citizens, Humans, Tech
[unknown lord, Julian Assange?)
WhiteGreen (ATWA SpirtualPriests) - Townsfolk, Clerics, Druids, Monks, Elf Animals.
{Mana, Creature Gen, Protection, Life}
[Not Sure - Maybe a Spirit of Modern Martyr?]
WhiteRed (BAMFuckers) - Warriors, Barbarians, Samurai's, Rebels
{Combat Superior Creatures - R/w Removal}
Green-Red (Tribalists-Wakanda)
Shamans, Beasts, Yeti's, Gorillas, Warriors
{Mana, ArtifactHate, Big Creatures, Tribal}
[Think Shaka Zulu, or Chief Seattle idk]
Druids, Shamans, Mystics, Faeires, Gnome
{Mana, Counter, Draw}
[I Like the Ayusaka healer card - similar]
Dwarves, Soldiers, Humans, Wizards
{Artifact Summons, Creature Control, Damage}
[Vladmir Putin OFC]
Red-BlackColorless (China-Iran)
Goblins, Ogres, Artifacts, Orcs, Djinn, Assembly Workers.
{Artifact Construction, Cheap Creatures, Land Destruction}
[President Xi]
Green-Black(Zombie Witches)
Mutants, Animals, Shamans, Zombies
{Mana, Creature Growth, Graveyard}
[Voodoo Priest]
Post last edited at 04/04/18 (Wed) 00:39:19
▶ Anonymous 03/23/18 (Fri) 04:11:48 75a788 (7) No. 762550 >>763586
Here's another. And in case someone gets too crazy with the garbage lands or land destruction, I have included a card to bring balance to the Force. Plus, it wouldn't be MTG if you can't get stomped to death by green.
Don't worry, I'm not trying to turn this into a Greenpeace set, just had to get a few cards out of the way.
Woah, whatever you're smoking, I want some!
You're on some kind of weird cyber-nazi-demonic autistic MTG trip. Appreciate the autism, but I'm gonna quibble like an autist… sorry.
Remember, the mission is to redpill people. Some obvious joke cards like Gaia's Revenge are OK, especially if they balance the game or appeal to groups we might not otherwise reach. A Nazi UFO or Antarctica base is OK because we could at least provide some sauces. But the backstory should be reasonably close to the known backstory. If we have a totally made up Byzantine backstory involving cybernetic space Nazis and demons that 99% of people have never heard of, they are going to think everything else is a joke. Reality is crazy enough. We already have moloch and lucifer and the AI God in the set! If you feel strongly about something, make the card anyway, but make sure you could have some way to explain it to a normie without coming off as a complete wackaloon.
For the same reason, we want to avoid white in the satanic Cabal factions unless there is compelling reason to use it. It's not a proper meme. Tap-down is commonly used by blue so we can use that instead. Using the law in a corrupt way can be black or blue. There are other ways in which the Illuminati have completely bastardized the idea of white, and turned it into a blue/black mindfuck. The Mafia has way more honor and decency than these baby eating satan freaks.
Here's my view of the colors:
Alliance (obviously red/white/blue)
Luciferians = black/blue, maybe splash red. Lucifer the demon = satan = black/blue/red.
Soros = equal measures of blue/black/red. He started out working for the Nazis but I don't think he was really one of them; he was just a psychopath who enjoyed screwing over his own people and taking their stuff.
Nazis = black/red/white, because that's their flag, and because those are the colors I would give them if I had to limit them to three.
Tech Lords = blue/black/colorless. Might as well throw the transhumanists and the AI God in this faction. They all seem to be working towards the Singularity.
Mafia, Mafia Cops, FBI, and the Vatican = black/white. Vatican is obviously a Cabal faction. Mafia I am not so sure. Cabal seems to have BTFO'd the Mafia in recent decades.
Ancient Bloodlines = Black/Green/Blue.
Green doesn't represent money in this case- Money is black in MTG (black includes greed). Green represents the knowledge of bloodline manipulation, and their obsession with their health and with studying Nature and the Natural Order. You can see this in the Rofschild disclosure.
I don't know much about demonology so will have to pass on it for now… but my understanding of it is that they're not all separate (i.e. Baal = Moloch = Beelzebub, and Belial = lucifer = satan). Baphomet might be separate. Could be wrong.
I'm keen to throw in a generally green/red or green/red/white faction of survivalists, shamans, barbarians, nature hippies, Warriors, etc. Want to keep the weird minor tribes like Ogres and Fairies and Gnomes to a minimum, though, unless it is an obvious joke- like Michelle is a Wookie faerie, some fat hairy feminist is an Ogre, etc. The more we sound like a demented fairytale, the less people are going to look into our redpills or spread our set around. For maximum spreading of cards we should also try to favor strong MTG tribes. Vampires and goblins are great; humans and zombies are decent. Goblins = Commie SJWs and their pets, and zombies = druggies are too funny to pass up. And of course the (((vampires))) are running the cabal.
My impression of Russia and perhaps China is that they are blue/black/white. Calculating, corrupt, no tolerance for chaos, not as aggressive as we make them out to be but within their borders, they would murder you in your sleep if you threaten their established order.
MAGA the Gathering- Perfect!
Please don't feel put off by my quibblings; you do make good cards.
▶ Anonymous 03/23/18 (Fri) 05:05:00 75a788 (7) No. 763070
OK, you win, space Nazis and demon-summonings gone scientific. Please not TOO over-the-top crazy though (LOL at this fucked up world)
▶ Anonymous 03/23/18 (Fri) 06:05:02 648893 (74) No. 763586 >>773493
>>762550 I value your input greatly!
Re Redpill:
I imagine a game which is brutally true and not seen initially as a redpill. Its something that has a really good game mechanism and slow released potent red-pill that people dont realize they have swallowed until they are hooked on the intense and intriguing game(I personally dont like joke cards.. im a bit of a sour grumpy dude lol)..
Response on bullets:
Luciferians = Lucifer is the most beautiful and talented of the angels, and Belial was made second and both become corrupted by pride of themselves. Lucifer is White/Black the ultimate perversion - he is the most beautiful to look at, and controls the realm and minds of white souls by appearing as one himself. Baal on contrary is the King of Hell and holds his own against Lucifer - Baal is all colors but white - and the most powerful demon. The Cabal is a luciferian base - politicians who appear as white, but are actual black and worship lucifer and belial - but some of the cabal hold other demons as their overlords. Beelzebub is your all black demon because he represents death itself. Baal is the king of hell and is everything but white - He is very approachable and calm - slow and potent and rarely intervenes in the realm of mortals. (but can be cast in this game by an ambitious luciferian)
Baphomet represents lucifer because thats how the catholic church worshipped him - baphoment became a term for lucifer. The luciferians are very much white/black, if they were all black or black and other colors the people would more easily identify them. They are the great perversion.
Soros = I originally wanted Rothschild to be RBB but I just couldnt make it conceivably work with the Cabal being the black white portion. The Cabal lie and convince people they are white, thats how they maintain power - but they only ever use a small amount of white (they have to get children somehow) Soros is a psychopathic Nazi who wants to destroy the world - he was and is 100% a nazi
I am well versed on the Demons - Read Mr. Crowley (It may not be real but its what the elites follow) The only ones who are not fully correct are Moloch and Baphamet. Moloch representing different ancient gods which ancient people sacrificed children for Baphamet ref above already.
Dont Worry there are some White equivalents - only 1/3rd of the Angels turned away.
Additional Stuff -
Arch Blue Demons are the ancient knowledge holders - Paimon
Arch Green Demons are the granters of worldly power and control (money - which represents mana)
Arch Red Demons are the fearsome ravagers.
Arch White Demons are the abominations (lucifer and belial)
Arch Black Demons rule over hell and all that is dead(in graveyard) - Beelzebub
Also if your interested - dig into crowleys books - just dont conjure these demons.. The Dark Side is tempting..
Post last edited at 04/04/18 (Wed) 00:39:24
▶ Anonymous 03/24/18 (Sat) 01:16:49 75a788 (7) No. 773493 >>773507 >>774918
OK, you have stated your case logically, I respect that. You have read more about them than I have and it will probably remain that way. I'm not going to read Crowley. I really don't want to spend months poring through all his odious stuff and then have it festering in my brain. And why should we expect him (or the demons he got this from) to tell the truth anyway. Are these guys anywhere else? Book of Enoch? Sumerian tablets?
I think if normies and MTG players see a whole bunch of weird demons they have never heard of, especially ones in green and white, they are going to go WTF.
There are ways to get children without using white- CPS, abduct them off the street, abduct them from some shithole, have a Muslim gang groom them and pimp them out, start a refugee crisis, breed them in a dungeon, have Michael Aquino mess with them in an Army daycare… the elite do all these things.
As for the Cabal white/black stuff, I think blue/black deceives even when there is no white, or maybe there is white but only towards their own bloodline. So many color issues going on, I can see this causing much confusion, so I am just going to sit back and brainstorm a bit. Here's some spitballing. Don't take it too seriously.
A few years ago I thought of doing a full MTG block similar to this, about a revolution against the Illuminati. I realized I didn't have enough autism to make 750 cards.
One of the dynamics in the first two sets would have been that the cabal didn't just control the entire system, but their demonic overlords had managed to corrupt the colors of mana themselves. All mana served black in some way. The white mana symbol would have become a sheep with a $ on it. Green would have been a tree stump with a $ on it. Red would have been a bomb with a $ on it. Black would have been a pentagram with a $ on it. Blue would have been an eye in the pyramid with a $ on it.
Set 1 was America goes straight down the shitter without even streaking the bowl. Set 2 was chaos, revolution, and the beheading of the entire establishment (back then I didn't see any chance of reforming the system from within). Set 3 was MAGA. In the 3rd set, all the mana symbols would have been restored, and black would have been weakened. Since adding custom mana symbols would be a PITA I have let this idea fall by the wayside. I mention it because sheeple mana isn't really white mana. It serves black and can be used to cast black spells. Likewise, black can rape the environment for tree-stump mana ramp.
One dynamic that I thought of back then but dismissed for being too slow and complicated was separate Sheeple cards (see below).
BTW have you been having trouble getting full-size images? Bill Gates must suspect me of copyright violation. This just started recently.
Here are a few cards to try out with your ideas from last night. Plus Michael Aquino. Definitely more blue/black than white/black, Soldier be damned. Shadow govt is full of psychopaths like this.
▶ Anonymous 03/24/18 (Sat) 01:17:44 75a788 (7) No. 773507
Sheeple would have worked like this: Eeach game could start with a bunch of special Sheeple cards per player. They all start out in the middle of the game space. They have their own turn but they don't have cards or 20 life and they generally don't attack either, but players can gain control of them, and even steal them from each other. We get them by redpilling. The cabal gets them by mind control (media, false flags, etc- various ways). There are certain politicians and political goals that require the support of a certain number of Sheeple, and since each side needs a majority of them to win, maybe that could be a parallel win condition in and of itself.
Sheeple would have "leveled up" based on how many anger counters they have. I lost my notes so am kinda pulling it all out of my ass here, bear with me, it's not thought through. It would have looked something like this:
Level 0 (no anger counters): On its turn, Sheeple removes an anger counter from another random Sheeple. Sheeple has "black: tap for two white (i.e. sheeple) mana." Any player may use this ability.
Level 1: Pay 2 to remove an anger counter from this sheeple. Any player may use this ability. Sheeple has "Black: Tap for 1 white mana." Any player may use this ability.
Level 2: Pay Red and tap to add an anger counter to this sheeple. Any player may use this ability. Pay red to tap for one Sheeple mana. Any player may use this ability.
Level 3: Red+blue, tap: Add an anger counter to this sheeple and another random Sheeple. Any player may use this ability. 1+Red, tap: Sheeple attacks target player. The player who is responsible for the most anger counters on Sheeple may use this ability.
Level 4: At the beginning of its turn, Sheeple adds an anger counter to another random Sheeple. Red+white/black+blue: Add the final anger counter to Sheeple. Gain control of it if you put most of its anger counters on it.
Level 5: Transform Sheeple. It becomes a 5/5 red Human Warrior creature with trample and persist. It is no longer a Sheeple. At the beginning of its turn, it puts an anger counter on two random Sheeple.
▶ Anonymous 03/24/18 (Sat) 03:33:02 648893 (74) No. 774918 >>783137
Im not gonna lie, this is purely from my imagination - In reality None of this exists in the form which we express it, and the form we express it depends on the context of our brain.
The White Black Demons are all the fallen angels - which is most of the demons. The non white demons are the demons of the non Judaic origin - Like Moloch, Aztec/Asian Demons etc. This concept is merely art, I dont see it as mirroring any exact defined reality.
In all honesty, Im only making this game to print it and play it with my mtg group of friends one day. And I want to make the mechanics and gameplay topnotch…
I started doing this just out of those motives, but then discovered the illuminati card game and realized that this may the seeds of a spiritual successor, and I want it to attract people who really love games.
Take the art/knowledge and make of it as they will, and imo if someone wants to be a normie nothing is gonna change that.. They like the matrix - they like the steak it tastes good.
If this game just opens one mind to the possibility of there being something more and begin to decipher the mysteries and question the status quo it would be worth all of my ti
I have only the file size we use in the threads.
"Set 1 was America goes straight down the shitter without even streaking the bowl. Set 2 was chaos, revolution, and the beheading of the entire establishment (back then I didn't see any chance of reforming the system from within). Set 3 was MAGA. In the 3rd set, all the mana symbols would have been restored, and black would have been weakened. Since adding custom mana symbols would be a PITA I have let this idea fall by the wayside. I mention it because sheeple mana isn't really white mana. It serves black and can be used to cast black spells. Likewise, black can rape the environment for tree-stump mana ramp"
Creative Imagination ^^ Episodic Swallow - good.
I figured that Black/Blue cannot exist in todays world without colorless - So that natural alliance I designated to the Black-Hats (Expert Hackers, Money Launderers and Procurement at the top level and 2bit hackers, Trolls and Silicon Phonies making the rest of the body.
As with all two color factions, most of the cards will consist of solo blue and solo black mixed with the higher level black-blue creatures.
Aquino would not fit in that group (though he is certainly networked) His card will be counted against the White-Black-Blue-Colorless Cabal Flavor as these three colored factions will have some dual colored cards counted in its designation. (Just need to edit the a little to correct errors. I have about 4 cards I have to remkae due to tiny errors… )
Post last edited at 04/04/18 (Wed) 00:39:28
▶ Anonymous 03/24/18 (Sat) 04:01:40 648893 (74) No. 775171 >>783137
I digested this lastnight
"My impression of Russia and perhaps China is that they are blue/black/white. Calculating, corrupt, no tolerance for chaos, not as aggressive as we make them out to be but within their borders, they would murder you in your sleep if you threaten their established order."
Conclusion is that the redcolorlessblack subfaction that I called is the current band of psychopathic communists who murdered millions of their own people (Worshiping the Demon Yama and Colorless Constructs) in an alliance with the Timur Bloodline (Gunpowder meets Mongols descendants) {Isis/Islamic Terror and thier Djinn Demon Spirits)
The above only gets the 21 spell / 2 land designation because this set is focused on the American struggle and the foreign subfaction can be crafted, but are mostly meant to flavor your cabal factions favorite ally (Black hats like Steven Paddock {I dont want to make this card :/} or Crazed Technocrats like Mile Quack {This card will be fun! in the MongolTechnoCommiesFaction}.
Now if another eastern set was released later I would see red/blue/white asian factions etc to fight the MongolTechnoCommies etc.
The GreenBlue Subfaction has the same amount and that could be the Eastern Thinkers/Priests. Hindu Yogis and Bhuddist Priests.
Post last edited at 04/04/18 (Wed) 00:39:34
▶ Anonymous 03/25/18 (Sun) 00:15:11 75a788 (7) No. 783137 >>783395
OK, I see you have a very detailed creative vision and it would be unfair- and ultimately stupid- if I sit here going "Why is there white mana splattered everywhere, REEEEEEEE" so let's do this the Chan way: Order out of Chaos, Memetic Mutation and may the best memes win.
So bring out all your ideas in card form. Make them exactly as you like them. I will surely take some of your ideas and run with them, like the Nazi Cabal faction, AI God faction and the garbage lands. Others ideas I will take and change, whether for rebalancing or to make them fit better with other stuff. Changing a meme means that it is liked enough to be worth changing - and that's a good thing.
Maybe in the end you decide that you want to make a set where the cabal stuff is so esoteric that you can really only use my patriot cards and my lands- and that's fine too. Let's just see where it all goes.
Hopefully some other anons will jump in with a bunch of Book of Revelation / Deus Vult flavored cards, or a bunch of Call of Cthulhu flavored cards, or a bunch of Ayahuasca Healer flavored cards, or whatever floats their boat really. The sooner they get in, the easier it will be to shift the memetic zeitgeist.
Some general advice. Know I have already said some of it:
-A set can have all sorts of cards but when it comes to deck-building, a deck probably won't work if it has more than 4 interlocking themes or more than 3 colors. Colorless counts as a color but generic does not.
-Big creatures aren't nearly as great as they seem.
-Nobody wants to play against an entire deck of broken cards, especially if they are made up. It has to be a fair fight. But at the same time, cards should err on the side of being good, to account for future powercreep. I have a feeling deck construction won't be very tight in this set so that could make up for cards being pre-emptively powercreeped a bit.
-It saves a lot of time to get fundamental principles established early on, such as, what is the story arc? What are the factions? What are the main creature types? What are the main dynamics? What are the main colors? Is money black, green, colorless, or generic? (I notice in my past cards I have been using mostly generic, sometimes black). How does each faction try to win, and how could the other factions counter them? Even if you have to spend a few weeks talking to MTG geeks / hiking / smoking weed, whatever to get this stuff all figured out, it will probably be worth it.
-At some point we're going to have to go back through and make the redpills solid, and also put archived conspiracy links on the final images (an anon mentioned this above)
-Do comment. I would rather be told I fucked up a card somehow, so that I can fix it, instead of putting a munted card in the final set.
Red, white, and blue Asians would be the White Dragon Society- assuming they exist. I have only heard about them via Ben Fulford and he isn't exactly a reliable source. Does anyone else talk about them?
So Yogis and Buddhists don't run white, but satanists and demons do? REEEEEEEEE!
▶ Anonymous 03/25/18 (Sun) 00:50:40 648893 (74) No. 783395 >>783674
White exists as 50% of most Alliance Builds
White Exists as <=25% of Cabal Builds.
There are Demons without White (but these are not the fallen angels).. All of the Fallen Angels have a little white (they were once angels) but at the core are >=50% Black.
Pretty much the only things that white does in the cabal faction is procure child tokens and offer protection from white or black.
White and Black is symbolic to masonic control - that is what is represented with the two pillars.
If ancient cultures were to be added many would not have white - Chinese, Roman, Hindu, Aztec, Germanic, these cultures were brutal and ritual abuse and sacrifice was considered necessary. They were lead by the primal demons - (which we get to represent by their gods) and none of these have white. http: //usminc.org/humansacrifice.html <- Primal Demons
The Masonic Order emerges from the clash of civil morality and primal behavior and will be both good and bad and form core mechanics of set. The Cabal Builds are all the 20th century manifestations of the Masonic Power Structures.
Buddhists practice emptiness of black and white and harmony with the elements. Most are pacifist so dont embrace red, The shaolin monks however would be Red, Green, Blue.
Unfortunately as western media doesnt like to cover these days for some reason, hindi yogis could come in the Buddhist form (Green/Blue) but the majority of hindi priests would be Green/Black/Blue as most of their gods require human sacrifice (IE Primal Demons) and these traditions continue to this day at an alarming rate in india.
Post last edited at 04/04/18 (Wed) 00:39:40
▶ Anonymous 03/25/18 (Sun) 01:13:45 648893 (74) No. 783559
White's Arch Creatures are Divine Servants.
A Few Early Saints - And only the 4 most powerful Angels (Asahac, Radrematas, Fallcas (?), Anbonas, Anborac, Bera, Bolem, yaelem, Ladodoc, Acathel, Coplice, Piham, Sanca, harucara, Adonay, Barucaea, Oboi, Emagro, Iesu God, ) Plus the Alpha and Omega (Emanuel's core teachings will be sorcery/instants/enchantments {Counters Sacrifice Abilities}).
Such as the Enchantment "Only Begotten Son" which is White White White 4 and says "If a creature would sacrifice a creature instead gain control of target sacrificed creature and tap that creature.
Post last edited at 04/04/18 (Wed) 00:39:45
▶ Anonymous 03/25/18 (Sun) 01:19:28 648893 (74) No. 783606 >>793321
I would love to have ancient places as lands -
For instance the Roman Coliseum which generates a colorless mana, but has an additional Tap, If a creature was put into a graveyard this turn, Roman Coliseum generates BlackRedRed.
"Up to 20,000 people were killed in the Coliseum in one day during Hadrians Rule."
Or the great wall of china (which is known as the most haunted place structure in the world - the chinese used to sacrifice their workers and and put the bodies into the wall to appease their gods.) Think of the Dark Non White Magical Properties Here. - The Mongol Commies would love it.
Post last edited at 04/04/18 (Wed) 00:39:49
▶ Anonymous 03/25/18 (Sun) 01:28:02 75a788 (7) No. 783674
That is a good point about the Masons. I agree that they are white/black. They would go well with Organized Crime.
Have you played EDH format? Have you considered having a demon which would be a suitable Commander for each faction? The Commander has all the colors of his faction but no other colors, and he has abilities which combo with the dynamics of his faction. It's a format which tends to involve longer games and decks up to 4 and 5 colors.
Also agree about ancient cultures in general; it was not the bucolic existence we sometimes make it out to be, not even for the Indians (both types). It's funny how the snowflakes romanticize people who would consider them possessed by evil spirits and would probably murder them within a week if they tried what try here. That goes for the Muslim world too.
I'll shut up about the white mana now.
Look forward to seeing your angels and demons and stuff.
▶ Anonymous 03/25/18 (Sun) 01:58:29 648893 (74) No. 783881
I am familar with Eldrazi but have not played it alot tbh - I will have to take this format into more consideration. I believe you cannot have more than one of any card right - But I do have cards which would make good commanders -
Baal is a 4 colored (everything except white)
Each flavor of cabal is three colors - and three color creatures will be allowed in subfaction slots (just not to frequent) and yes much combo goodiness :)
Input is very valuable thanks!
Post last edited at 04/04/18 (Wed) 00:39:53
▶ Anonymous 03/26/18 (Mon) 00:55:13 75a788 (7) No. 793321 >>802067 >>829234 >>834741
Cool land idea. Except I had to weaken it, otherwise it would be too powerful- like a reusable Black Lotus. The death isn't much of a restriction. Black/Red usually kills someone before breakfast each day.
▶ Anonymous 03/26/18 (Mon) 21:20:44 4794bb (4) No. 802067 >>805747
Made Rainbow Gathering more playable. Plus more cards for the hippie faction.
I've figured out their game dynamic. Ask any REAL hippie what the endgame is, and they will say "Pure love will conquer everything" or "We'll get a whole bunch of small creatures, then use the Hundredth Monkey Effect to convoke a consciousness shift."
I'm going to go with the consciousness shift. It's kinda similar to what we are doing. The Pure Love strategy will never work on Satanists or Muslims, and SJWs have made a mockery of it anyway.
Remember when the acidheads tried some mass ritual to levitate the Pentagon? Obviously it didn't work but that's where they stuck flowers in the gun barrels of the guards. That meme probably did contribute to ending the war.
▶ Anonymous 03/26/18 (Mon) 23:24:55 4e2124 (2) No. 803096
So Q began on October 28, 2017? On 101010?
I've often wondered if the 'repeated' phrases are an indicator of something (gematria) to evaluate.
Finding something more cohesive than chaotic in all the anon stuff is easier said than done.
▶ Anonymous 03/26/18 (Mon) 23:26:11 4e2124 (2) No. 803113
sorry wtf the page I posted on was completely diff than the one it shows up on. Maybe I don't know how this works yet. Sorry to interrupt an obviously unrelated thread.
▶ Anonymous 03/27/18 (Tue) 03:11:32 4794bb (4) No. 805747 >>811715
More hippie cards. I decided to make Reality Shift playable by them even if they don't use blue.
▶ Anonymous 03/27/18 (Tue) 20:49:58 4794bb (4) No. 811715 >>814494
Some fixes / variants
Hippies are coming more into focus now.
They can get mana by doing psychedelics. It's always multicolored. Hippies will have less of a problem with mana screw and they will be less vulnerable to the land destruction / bankster lock-down which may hinder other factions. This represents their gypsy lifestyle giving them flexibility in times of chaos.
Hippies are going to be big on "draw cards, then discard cards" effects. They are perfect for a pre-existing MTG dynamic called FLASHBACK! Too many keks to pass up. Plus in MTG, the flashback cost is usually a different color than the initial cost, which is no problem for hippies. Flashback will give hippies partial protection against forced discard by the Cabal. They might even be able to mill themselves. It became a viable strategy during Innistrad block.
I decided to make some of them Elves. They are a very strong tribe, and elves go with what you said above, they also go with Saruman's quote about the left being elves once, but they were taken by the Dark Powers, and became a ruined and terrible form of life, now perfected as CIA minions. (This was flavor text on Goblin Arsonist, far above).
There are a lot of oldschool hippies who are way into conspiracy theories and will instinctively rebel against all control freaks, including commies and SJWs. These kinds of hippies could become redpilled enough to MAGA. We can entice them by allowing them to play MAGA The Gathering as themselves.
▶ Anonymous 03/28/18 (Wed) 18:30:57 b5e3c8 (32) No. 821111 >>822120
Am I the only one still here? QCardAnon? Diptastick? Any lurking fans? Does this project have any traction?
▶ Continue, great work by all artists Anonymous 03/28/18 (Wed) 20:29:24 988e0b (1) No. 822120 >>824025 >>832242
Yes, your cards are cool and will help us break into mainstream conciousness
▶ Anonymous 03/28/18 (Wed) 23:30:11 066be4 (5) No. 824025 >>829234
I've been patiently waiting for QCardAnon to return, but if people are stealing his work, I can't blame him for not returning. People are still jerks.
▶ Anonymous 03/29/18 (Thu) 00:34:35 c58294 (1) No. 824732 >>832242
This is my first time in this thread, been watching this great work in the main research thread. these are fantastic work. My compliments to you Anons. I think these will really get normies curiosity going. Since they are obviously in sets, people will automatically be curious to see more, after seeing one. Awesome contribution!
▶ Anonymous 03/29/18 (Thu) 08:45:00 d783fc (7) No. 829234
Still hard at work, I see. They are cool, copied your instructions. Gonna give it a shot.
Oh, QcardAnon, nicely done!
Thanks guys
I think he finished them, he has a site up where you can download a zip file of them all. I believe that's why he made them!
▶ Anonymous 03/29/18 (Thu) 18:31:31 b5e3c8 (32) No. 832242 >>832270 >>847994
Thanks anons, nice to know others are still here.
And apparently, Kek is here. Hi Kek! Thanks for countering Hillary. Here, I made you a card.
Sorry about the clutter; it was hard to fit so much goodness in such a small space.
That was my 2nd 11:11 get in this thread. The first was near the beginning, and there I was also grumbling about the size of the project. Then, right after making the Synchronicity card, I get the Synchronicity quads. Again.
I actually managed to cast that enchantment IRL some years ago. Kind of a fucked up story but that's par for the course. And now, after discarding more cards than I bargained for, I end up here.
▶ Anonymous 03/29/18 (Thu) 18:34:28 b5e3c8 (32) No. 832270
Oops, meant to post this one
▶ Anonymous 03/29/18 (Thu) 18:45:23 af75f2 (2) No. 832384 >>832405
My first meme, second attempt.
▶ Anonymous 03/29/18 (Thu) 18:47:34 af75f2 (2) No. 832405 >>835168
sorry posted to wrong board
▶ Anonymous 03/29/18 (Thu) 23:03:12 648893 (74) No. 834741 >>835168
Rainbow Gathering is Awesome LMAO
In response ot the pure love will win..
(That is a white concept, used by the blackest of black) - Only the blackest of black can use white so cheeringly.
Post last edited at 04/04/18 (Wed) 00:39:57
▶ Anonymous 03/29/18 (Thu) 23:49:01 882b74 (6) No. 835162
Top Kek! fucking awesome job man.
▶ Anonymous 03/29/18 (Thu) 23:49:41 b5e3c8 (32) No. 835168 >>837315
Thats OK. It keeps this backwater visible.
Thanks. Yes, black loves to get white to cuck itself into oblivion, or sacrifice itself for some 'noble' satanic cause. They do it because it gives the tastiest loosh, because they think it's funny, and because they long for the day when white has been socially engineered out of existence. Then they won't have to slink around in the shadows- because nobody will care. Everyone will toady up to the Beast for the chance to exploit others. That is their plan.
▶ Anonymous 03/30/18 (Fri) 03:24:47 b5e3c8 (32) No. 837315 >>846463
I realized only a Dorkmaster has d10's, so I made a new Kek.
Realized a televangelist really should have Persist.
Mana Tree is just a utility card.
▶ Anonymous 03/31/18 (Sat) 02:46:28 b5e3c8 (32) No. 846463
Forgot power/toughness on the mana tree.
There are many gems in the Rofschild disclosure. Hard to choose. Some will cause more REEEEEEEing than any card I have made thus far. I am probably going to make at least 10 of these and see which ones have legs.
▶ Anonymous 03/31/18 (Sat) 05:50:09 b5e3c8 (32) No. 847994
>They have hived this world to the devil. We will hive it back to God
Brief follow-up on reply to an old post in the Rothschilds/Archons/Demons thread and I roll this
▶ Anonymous 03/31/18 (Sat) 06:43:22 32ff18 (1) No. 848436 >>874547
huh, nobody copyrighted these so I'm going to get some chinamen to print them in foil packets and hawk them at republican events
▶ Anonymous 04/01/18 (Sun) 00:22:50 882b74 (6) No. 854558 >>874547
This is by far my most fave section of the boards. Once the set if finally complete with whole story told and a playable game like illuminati, consider me fucking pants shitted. Well done to all you very talented Anons who contribute to this ultra dank project.
▶ Anonymous 04/01/18 (Sun) 00:26:02 882b74 (6) No. 854585
MAGA! - The Great Awakening
▶ Trenches Soldier 04/01/18 (Sun) 04:18:38 94d4bc (1) No. 856535 >>863341
Q Cards are a genius idea!
▶ Anonymous 04/01/18 (Sun) 23:22:02 882b74 (6) No. 863341
I agree Namefag. I hope when complete it tells the whole story while being a functional illuminati/ magic type card game too.
▶ Anonymous 04/02/18 (Mon) 21:06:40 5bc6a8 (1) No. 871161
▶ Anonymous 04/02/18 (Mon) 22:33:23 be30ae (2) No. 871928 >>874547
Idea for a MAGA the Gathering card:
PG Investigator.
Color: White/Blue
Type: Human Detective
Don't really understand a lot regarding Magic though. The basic idea behind this card is that its poor in combat but very good against black and stealth.
What properties and effects would a detective have in Magic (stuff relating to exposing evil/crimes, undermining stealth, etc).
▶ Anonymous 04/03/18 (Tue) 02:56:04 b5e3c8 (32) No. 874547 >>881203 >>921337 >>940246
Thanks. That is the idea. Do you play MTG?
Here is your PG Investigator. I made him a Wizard because it fits better with previous cards and MTG in general, and because Wizard has a very special meaning for autists.
I like this card. He's tougher than he seems. Persist + counters means that once an opponent has sacrificed a few children, PG Researchers is very hard to get rid of. Then he can be used for blocking AND card draw. (Would like to have them grow whenever anyone sacrifices a child but then the Cabal might get ideas about running them in their own deck!)
I don't think it's possible for us to copyright them because they contain mana symbols, tap symbols, and card backgrounds are already copyrighted by Wizards of the Coast. The basic lands and some of the utility cards are straight-up copied except for the image and the flavor text. Some of the images are probably copyrighted by other people.
The SJW cancer has spread to Wizards of the Coast. They have also gone after people making fan stuff. I think it is safe to assume that they will invoke clause 5 of their T&C or invoke the "don't entangle us in your bullshit" clause if some Goblin Rights Lawyer wants to make a stink about hurt feewings.
http:// company.wizards.com/fancontentpolicy
It is theoretically possible to lawyer-proof these cards (see, for example, the "corrupted mana" symbols proposed above) but I think lawyerproofing is going to double the workload while making the cards confusing to MTG players and possibly still not providing foolproof protection. America has gone full retard with lawyers. For example, Games Workshop (maker of Warhammer) thinks it owns the fashion of having ridiculously oversized shoulder armor. They have gone after people for this.
A better way to approach this problem is to lawyerproof yourself. There are three ways to do this:
1. Remain anon.
2. Use a mail drop. If they can't find you, they can't serve process on you (or send SJWs to harass you).
3. Own nothing within the system. I dropped out years ago because fuck the Jews. Once you have done this, you will find that you have freedoms and lifestyle flexibility that you did not have before. For example, your ability to make troll MTG cards will be greatly increased.
For you, I suggest keeping things on the down-low. Don't make a business out of it. Don't advertise. Don't give out your name or any other contact info. Don't distribute at your favorite nerd shop.
Also, we are continuously improving the cards, and the final versions will have archived conspiracy links on the images. So wait a while.
BTW, After making the Rofschild cards I realized that sometimes one comes into an entire bottle full of dank redpills. In such cases there should be multiple versions of the same card, but with different flavor text. Which will mean some extra fiddling to get these cards into the mix in the proper ratios. The best way to disseminate these is on basic lands because they are widely seen.
Here are some 'pill bottles':
--Rofschild (not giving him any lands though)
--Edward Abbey (he's already on most Deserts)
--The Bible, especially verses which show that all this was predicted (will have multiple versions of Plains)
--Protocols of the Elders of Zion / Talmud. Will have multiple Swamps, each with a separate Protocol / Talmud quote.
--Islands could be for patriot quotes about the need for a public that has a friggin' clue.
--Mountians could be for rebellious quotes, Fight Club quotes etc.
--Forests for general hippie/green quotes.
--Q (of course. He's on many cards already.)
--There are probably others I haven't read, like Julius Evola, Bill Cooper, Law of One…
Strange that I consider such disparate sources to be 'pill bottles'.
Providing redpill quotes (or fully made basic land cards, which is even better) is something that anons with no MTG experience can help with. See Plains above for a start. Just change the mana symbols and the watermark for the other basic lands. Should be self explanatory.
Mountain images should be reddish, and swamps blackish, to match the mana produced by the land.
▶ Anonymous 04/03/18 (Tue) 19:04:02 b5e3c8 (32) No. 881203 >>884439
Decided BLM is more Zombie affiliated than Goblin. The death of an immigrant or white leftist doesn't trigger a chimpout. Most of the chimpouts have been over crackheads. Some of them have been over people who dindu nuffin (like Eric Garner). BLM still counts as Goblins because they are commies.
Also added consequences of chimping out in their own 'hood. Of course, the solution is to not even try to have have any artifacts or small businesses in the first place. To which I say, "My point exactly."
Multiple changes to kidnapper above. Now replaced with Illuminati Kidnapper.
▶ Anonymous 04/04/18 (Wed) 00:06:20 b5e3c8 (32) No. 884439
I think there are now enough Goblin cards for a decent deck. Not saying they are finished. I will probably think of a few more, plus some will require changes, and they all require links. But it's good to feel a bit of progress. That's one potential deck out of 8.
▶ Anonymous 04/04/18 (Wed) 15:16:10 b5e3c8 (32) No. 891824
Diptastick, did you see Q's crumbs about the four powerful demons worshipped on Epstein's island? Q posted a picture of the island and said:
Where do roads lead? Each prince is associated with a cardinal direction: north, south, east and west. Sacrifice. Collect. [Classified]-1 [Classified]-2 Tunnels. Table 29. D-Room H D-Room R D-Room C Pure EVIL. 'Conspiracy' Q
These demons are described by Anton LaVey. I don't know if how much they connect to Crowley's stuff but I figured you would be interested. Cards?
▶ Anonymous 04/05/18 (Thu) 18:46:24 b5e3c8 (32) No. 908229
Just some variants, rebalancings, and tokens
▶ Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 15:56:28 b5e3c8 (32) No. 919559 >>920298
More tokens. One of the last ones was supposed to be Trigglypuff.
▶ Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 16:55:27 b5e3c8 (32) No. 920298
Guess I'll have to do the Zombies now.
One is meth. Another is Krokodil. Another is Wal-Mart.
MTG zombies are generally 2/2 so I am going to change the old cards to that. This game has too many 1/1 creatures. Want some that aren't so vulnerable to mass wipeout. That would be Zombies for the cabal, and Soldiers for patriots (Soldiers usually have ways to strengthen each other so they would probably survive).
▶ Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 17:33:25 57f79c (1) No. 920783 >>921337
>>566073 (OP)
These cards are great! The first sets they can't touch you for, but I think the later ones with the mana symbols might give WoTC (HASBRO LIBTARDS something to complain about.
Might want to remove anything from the cards that are registered trademarks (mana symbols are.
I know they went after a few people that had made some bowling Tshirts that had the mana symbols a few years back.
Just and FYI
▶ Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 18:16:34 b5e3c8 (32) No. 921337 >>940304
Thanks. I already know about the mana symbols and other issues. See this: >>874547
Can't speak for QcardAnon- he seems to have left.
If WoTC is like most other libtards, the threshold for pissing them off will be so low that it almost doesn't matter what I do, so I might as well do what I want.
I don't intend to ever make a dime off this project. Not like it matters to them, but it does mean I could just put all the cards on an offshore website somewhere and let the Internet work its magic. WoTC can REEEEEEE all they want but they can't stop it any more than anyone else can stop all the other goodies in the troll-o-verse.
Of course, Q could shut me down with a single word if he thinks my cards are too spicy. I'll trust the plan.
▶ Anonymous 04/07/18 (Sat) 20:35:27 882b74 (6) No. 940246
Yes I have plyed it before. Once this ultra dank project is complete I'm gonna play it more often I cant tell that Sir :)
▶ Anonymous 04/07/18 (Sat) 20:40:08 882b74 (6) No. 940304 >>951596
Hell yeah Anon. telling the story and spreading the good word these cards will do it. Plus being a game on top will red pill alot of people. Red pilling folks would be a great payment imo.
▶ Anonymous 04/08/18 (Sun) 16:27:26 b5e3c8 (32) No. 951596
True that. And it will be interesting to see where they turn up. Maybe they will end up in the Meme Museum after the revolution.
Fixing a typo on old Rofschild card #6, plus adding a new one.
▶ Anonymous 04/09/18 (Mon) 23:03:51 b5e3c8 (32) No. 973064 >>982367
I think lands are first-draft done, with the exception of all the Swamp and Plains flavor text variants. As with Goblins, I am sure I will think of a few more lands.
▶ Anonymous 04/10/18 (Tue) 15:02:18 b5e3c8 (32) No. 982367 >>986820
Forgot P/T on shills
I've been thinking about releasing only two full sets at first, The third set would be released in outline.
For those who have wondered about the different symbols on the right side of the cards:
I have been kind of dividing them into three broad time periods. The first is "Illuminati Vampires take over the world." This time period begins approximately with the election of Bush I. I know this plan has been progressing for hundreds, if not thousands of years but there is too much material and we have to draw the line somewhere. At times I will allude to the past, as with Lightning Bolt.
The second set is "Patriots fight back" and it begins sometime around 2013. This time is characterized by shitholes, goblins, meme wars, the rise of Trump, and shadow government civil war. We are probably only in the middle of this stage.
The third stage is New Dawn and it probably involves war in Europe, mopping up underground bases, having child survivors on TV, release of secret technology, MAGA, SJWs killing themselves, all sorts of good stuff. The problem is, since it hasn't happened yet, it is hard to make the cards! Will there be Biblical happenings? Deus Vult? UFOs on the White House lawn? Rise of the AI God? Hard to tell until it happens!
Also, look at the factions which have the fewest cards right now. They are Transhumanists / Tech Overlords, Space Nazis, MS-13, and Organized Crime. Two of these are 'future' factions. Deus Vult (which I have been thinking of making) is also a future faction. MS-13 could become one with the Goblins for now; maybe make them a fully developed faction when they inevitably clash with the patriots.
As an unintended side effect of the hippies' game dynamics, it should be possible to make a really demented 5-color deck in which they use psychedelic mana ramp to power a bunch of mercenaries, televangelists, Orcish Settlers, Nazi UFOs etc.
I originally thought they would have a weenie deck and then try to play Consciousness Shift.
I'm giving them an oldschool way to win with a weenie deck: Overrun.
▶ Anonymous 04/12/18 (Thu) 00:29:20 b5e3c8 (32) No. 1003950 >>1017257
Fucked up the hippie bus again dammit.
Made redpill links on Ghost of JFK readable.
▶ Anonymous 04/12/18 (Thu) 23:04:13 b5e3c8 (32) No. 1017257 >>1025003
Strengthening BLM and adding Hillary quote.
How ironic that the Based Black Man in "Free the Slaves" is free from the plantation of the mind, but the white guy is not free and probably never will be. Protesting for BLM makes him one of the 4-6%.
▶ Anonymous 04/13/18 (Fri) 16:23:44 b5e3c8 (32) No. 1025003 >>1045528
Fixed Scrapyard
The Dump now replaces Garbage Mine
Realized there are possibly other demented hippie decks in which they do enough drugs to get a decent fraction of their library into their graveyard. A pre-existing card called Hermit Druid is perfect for this. Here is a variant of the hiker which replicates Hermit Druid.
This could lead to zombie infestations, big Garbage Monsters, maybe they could even false-flag Gaia into chimping out somehow.
▶ Anonymous 04/15/18 (Sun) 00:18:54 b5e3c8 (32) No. 1045528
More zombie cards.
Gravecrawler is a great MTG utility card in zombie decks, especially if they involve sacrifice. Now remastered!
▶ Anonymous 04/20/18 (Fri) 22:23:23 b95eb2 (1) No. 1119722 >>1145740
THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR CREATING THE Q-CARDS. I want you to know that anions appreciate the work you are doing. Im a loooong time lurker, learning the ropes. I LOVE these types of games! I hope you "go all the way" with them and get them printed for sale!
▶ Anonymous 04/21/18 (Sat) 20:19:08 7ef1d5 (2) No. 1134575 >>1145740
Scientology? Then Ron L. Hubbard discussing Nuked Volcano - Trapped Souls - Clearing - 500K Year Planetary War - Tom Cruise - John Travolta - Scientology Leader (real sick one)
▶ Anonymous 04/22/18 (Sun) 17:22:59 ecadb9 (1) No. 1145439 >>1145740
How do I get these cards?????
▶ Anonymous 04/22/18 (Sun) 17:51:30 b5e3c8 (32) No. 1145740 >>1160092
Thanks for your interest.
At this point, you just get the cards here because they are not finished. When done, I will try to set up a website that makes "booster packs" that can be printed on special sticker-sheets which you will be able to buy (Online Labels Product OL5030 - 3.375" x 2.3125" Labels). You will then be able to put the stickers on your own crappy Magic cards.
I haven't given up on this project. It's just that real life got in the way of it. This will probably continue for another few weeks. I don't expect to have as much time for cards over the next few months but will try to pop in and keep them going.
▶ Anonymous 04/23/18 (Mon) 20:06:52 7ef1d5 (2) No. 1159400
VJ = Valerie Jarrett
SR = Susan Rice
SP = Samantha Powers
These are the 3 Harpies of Hussein
▶ Anon 04/23/18 (Mon) 20:50:03 a2fd43 (1) No. 1160092
GTFO douche. Go to Reddit with this horseshit.