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448928  No.5226263

Q zero delta marked by POTUS earlier today: soooo cool! Pics related.

Today was the 13th time @realdonaldtrump posted the word “Soooo” on twitter since October 2017. Each one is a specific marker and likely ties to a zero delta in some way. Sometimes they are Trump tweets to Q posts, sometimes they are retweets and backdates…I’ll demonstrate a couple I know of including today…

To clarify, Soooo = So(0:00)

DJT tweeted at 7:00 am EST as seen in attached pic… hours later at 13:28 and 13:29 EST, we have two straight “soooo” confirmations…

He did this on September 10th with a “Soooo” tweet in the morning, followed by a zero delta Q>tweet match later that day…the first I believe to be confirmed.

The other day, Trump retweeted jaguars from a year ago…and also had a Soooo tweet earlier that day…anons found a seal connection (I still have to dig to verify a delta match)…

Soooo - what’s the point? I’ll attach all the trump tweets (mine are central time) and I will need your help, anons, autists, and diggers of all types to match each Soooo marker to the appropriate zero-delta. This may not be easy, but look for my 9/10/18 soooo match below for an example…I will

I have screen shots of all the Trump tweets and will post in the thread ASAP.

Qanon phenomenon…I love this movie! Let’s goooo!!!

356d82  No.5226304


post this in the delta thread, good catch:




448928  No.5226341

File: e417f265b8f9bea⋯.jpeg (121.68 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, 7063DD93-3B7D-4E6B-92DA-D….jpeg)

File: d6eada2609c9e8a⋯.jpeg (216.84 KB, 575x617, 575:617, A71004E8-CDE4-41E0-B46F-5….jpeg)

File: 623aefb364b5c6a⋯.jpeg (293.54 KB, 750x908, 375:454, 317CFE85-2E0B-4C54-A7F2-7….jpeg)

File: ec385aa5876ac77⋯.png (2.11 MB, 1334x750, 667:375, 4E7C0D8E-A73C-4B81-AEAD-D2….png)


Here is the Soooo marker from 9/10/18:

Note how the soooo tweet came first, and the zero delta came hours later. Soooo is a warning, 0-delta to follow:

448928  No.5226357


Idk how - not a strong Chanfag… still posting moar below

448928  No.5226387

File: b907119bddad860⋯.jpeg (374.44 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, C85CCE69-0BB4-4513-A868-6….jpeg)

File: 515df5c3233485f⋯.jpeg (457.81 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, 44974092-5F31-4D21-A773-F….jpeg)

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DJT “Soooo” tweets to dig on (6 pics)

ed1bf8  No.5227074

File: df5ce1e24e3fcde⋯.jpg (507.87 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, 20190217_150920.jpg)

File: 47f60bf542c766c⋯.jpg (522.74 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, 20190217_150847.jpg)

I know it is not a 0 delta, but this a.m. i spotted a 17 min. Delta

7:24 a.m.

7:41 a.m.

Nice start to the 17th day of the month…

4ddb22  No.5236021



So, im out ona limb, but if you look at the 17 Q drops 724 to 741,

You see references to:


Corrupt Media

Red October


Prisons being populated to Max Capacity.


652f7e  No.5237364

Look at the POTUS re-tweets of things POTUS has said before, if the last two are like the rest, there is a counter imbedded in the hours and seconds, while the day delta and minute delta will remain constant. The last was 3d, 3h, 5m, 11s versus 3d, 2h, 5m, 22s. So the hours were decrementing while the seconds were incrementing. I predicted, incorrectly, that a new message would come out via Q or POTUS at the 1hr mark. But s/he and POTUS began posting about 20 minutes after my prediction had expired, so there may be a sliding scale baked in somewhere that we can't see. It reminds me of the citation that Q gave to NASA countdown holds but I'm not sure why the seconds were incrementing unless there were just two disconnected coincidences. Will post a proof later.

448928  No.5244494

File: 4509198cd4fa323⋯.jpeg (185.7 KB, 750x657, 250:219, EC9A033D-5D6D-43C7-AE24-E….jpeg)

File: b43f830a9da2a53⋯.jpeg (33.95 KB, 750x179, 750:179, 42AAC44A-9B4F-4919-804E-4….jpeg)


Good call anon - I actually found a countdown link in the math on this tweet. As the decode tells, it was in a holding pattern as of 2/11/19 and since May have changed.

The countdown breaks were oddly specific so I feel this connected somehow:

I was incorrect about the “shutdown” but maybe missed the mark on another clue…either way, the math works - see trump tweet pic for deets (below is my tweet from 2/11/19)


B+B+S = 2+2+19 = 23

11:03 = 2:3 = 23

Morse code T = — (long dash)


Caps = 66, @‘s = 16

66-16 = 50 = (5x5)+(5x5)

50-23 = 27

T-27 is a nasa countdown point.

“Clear NON-ESSENTIAL personnel” = shutdown RIF??

Watch for wall codes in ElPaso about shutdown.


652f7e  No.5247895


Good work. Not sure I'm smart enough to pull all that together. I'm grateful for SerialBrain and those who read his/her articles. Makes sense that we are coming out of T-27 and holding now.

Remember T-4437&T-4438 was paired up with T-4466&T-4467? All about FBI and McCabe?

T-4438 14FEB2019 21:55:09 is the same message as T-4466 17FEB2019 18:49:31.

T-4437 14FEB2019 21:39:50 is the same message as T-4467 17FEB2019 18:49:28.

4438 21:54:69

- 4466 18:49:31


3Days 03:05:38

Which is:


03. 03. 05. 11 (3+8=11)

4437 20:99:50

- 4467 18:49:28


3Days 02:05:22

Which is:


03. 02. 05. 22

Comparing the delta between the two we see the following:


03. [03.] 05. [11]

03. [02.] 05. [22]

I haven't taken that process against any other messages POTUS wrote and then retweeted but if this was intentional then I think the anons looking for zero second delays between tweets and Q posts are missing the bigger picture about what is being communicated via those deltas.

448928  No.5251975


Wow - that’s brilliant. I’m with you - there’s so much more XD chess involved with these codings that it takes 10 “you and me’s” to sniff this stuff out.

I’m impressed with your math… that’s insane. (In a good way)

Let’s be honest, 1/100 Americans are barely close to smart enough to spatially think these through - not to slam fellow patriots…but I’m glad the autists are attracted together on this movement to provide amazing brainpower… keep it up!

23ad27  No.5257610

Do NOT hire Rosen.

Rosen = end of the plan.

possibly end of the administration.

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