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a11d41 No.503384

China - Dedicated Research Thread

This is a place to post anything relevant to Q's revelations about China!

Q once said something interesting:

> What if China, Russia, and others are coordinating w/ POTUS to eliminate the NWO?

What if indeed. China hasn't been mentioned too much, but more will surely follow. When Q posted pictures of an OP at a hotel, it was from Shanghai China. China is important.

Remember that Q does not provide all the answers, Q expects us to make the connections and fill in the blanks. This is where we deep dive about anything related to this. It can be history (ancient to recent), actors involved (good or bad), and any oddities you come across.

Please reread Q's posts on China, Clowns being outted

Q often connects China with Russia, POTUS, and everything being made in China, so any posts about those connections are relevant here.

6dffa4 No.503543

File: 9201195cf52627e⋯.jpg (29.28 KB, 750x351, 250:117, shooting-parkland.jpg)

Parkland Shooting: Emergency Responders Were Told to Wait Outside as Students Were Dying inside School''''

http:// www.thegatewaypundit.com/2018/02/parkland-shooting-emergency-responders-told-wait-outside-school-students-dying/

a11d41 No.503590


This is the CHINA thread, please post to the FF thread here:


ef1d5b No.503742

Hmmm.., the Reason because China is very important for the Commerce is the cheap labor.., Nobody in the present it has the population that China has.., I don't know if China is help us.., They are a stumbling block, And They has the most of the Gold..,

ef1d5b No.503764


Hmmm.., a new Chinese Emperor?

http:// rss.cnn.com/~r/rss/cnn_world/~3/Kkp_faHyVa0/china-communist-party-xi-jinping-rivers-lkl.cnn

ef1d5b No.503781



That and the Cold War in the South sea in Asia

https:// qz.com/1211014/south-china-sea-militarization-nothing-to-fret-over-says-philippines-president-rodrigo-duterte/amp/

http:// www.foxnews.com/world/2018/02/26/recent-developments-surrounding-south-china-sea.amp.html

a11d41 No.504403


CHINA/NK connection in the NK Thread

b8fc5e No.504954

File: 37668ceec680f62⋯.png (179.59 KB, 692x341, 692:341, Capture.PNG)

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Obama released Seyed Abolfazl Shahab Jamili as part of the Iran Nuclear giveaway:

< https:// www.politico.com/story/2017/04/24/obama-iran-nuclear-deal-prisoner-release-236966

Jamili worked with Sihai Cheng. The whole indictment (just found) is here:

< https:// uschinatradewar.com/files/2014/04/CHENG-INDICTMENT.pdf

There are unnamed Chinese co-conspirators in that indictment, I believe. But there's a larger implication to be drawn from the whole thing: China does not have the capacity to make these objects, and cannot be trusted with that knowledge. You can see this as a trend that has been playing out historically for years. For instance, I found this report from the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence:

< https:// www.intelligence.senate.gov/sites/default/files/publications/10625.pdf

It's big stuff, but it shows how China was -very- eager to get a hold of our satellite technology; Reagan allowed them to shoot them into space (cheaper for them to do it), Bush defunded the security component that made sure the Chinese didn't access the technology, and Bill Clinton basically gave the technology away. Also noteworthy is the Chinese attempts at bribery–$300,000 meant to go into Clinton's campaign.

I have a suspicion that the damage that China and Iran can do to Democrats is that they can reveal Democrat involvement in delivering Iran the capability to produce nuclear weapons.

This stems from research I've done on the Obama - Iran relationship. If you want a bigger picture, look here:


bf3ad4 No.509425

Phone and Internet Data Sent Through Undersea Cables Threatened by Chinese Monitoring

https:// www.theepochtimes.com/exclusive-data-sent-through-undersea-cables-in-asia-pacific-threatened-by-chinese-regime-surveillance_2439118.html

c6c2af No.509480

This one is easy.

China is the Globalist wet dream.

Full fledged Communist dictatorship.

*Total speech control

*Total ideological Control

*Total financial Control

*Total political control

China is a giant slave colonies

If you can effectively control Billions of people and have everything made there. You don't need the western world any more. You don't need the EU, US, Australia etc….. only theirs resources.

bf3ad4 No.509535

Exiled Chinese Billionaire, Guo Wengui (also known as Miles Kwok) Exposes Jiang Zemin's Embezzlement – Jiang became the President of the Republic of China in March 1993, for more than two decades Jiang's power has been intrinsic in all spheres of life in China

http:// www.visiontimes.com/2018/02/26/exiled-chinese-billionaire-exposes-jiang-zemins-embezzlement.html

bf3ad4 No.509567

Former Party Leader Jiang Zemin One Step Closer to Formal Arrest

http:// www.visiontimes.com/2015/08/24/former-party-leader-jiang-zemin-one-step-closer-to-formal-arrest.html

bf3ad4 No.509588

China’s President Xi Jingping Calls for Reform of Chinese Military

http:// www.visiontimes.com/2017/10/19/chinas-chairman-xi-jingping-calls-for-reform-of-chinese-military.html

bf3ad4 No.509604

Chinese Official Details Plot to Overthrow President Xi Jinping

http:// www.visiontimes.com/2017/10/22/chinese-official-details-plot-to-overthrow-xi-jinping.html

bf3ad4 No.509622

Once Powerful, Super-Rich Official Heads for Downfall in China

http:// www.visiontimes.com/2015/01/29/once-powerful-super-rich-official-heads-for-downfall-in-china.html

bf3ad4 No.509633

Claims that Rupert Murdoch’s Ex-wife Wendi Deng is a Chinese Spy

http:// www.visiontimes.com/2013/07/10/claim-that-rupert-murdochs-ex-wife-wendi-deng-is-a-chinese-spy.html

bf3ad4 No.509700

Arizona State Government Condemns Forced Organ Harvesting in China

https:// www.theepochtimes.com/arizona-state-government-condemns-forced-organ-harvesting-in-china_2452004.html

bf3ad4 No.509714

In Sharp Contrast to Apple, Asus Bows Out of China’s Cloud Storage Market to Protect Private User Data

https:// www.theepochtimes.com/in-sharp-contrast-to-apple-asus-bows-out-of-chinas-cloud-storage-market-to-protect-private-user-data_2442490.html

bf3ad4 No.509773

Chinese Communist Party to Eliminate Leader Term Limit, While Xi Jinping Battles With Faction

https:// www.theepochtimes.com/chinese-communist-party-to-eliminate-leader-term-limit-while-xi-jinping-battles-with-faction_2451236.html

bf3ad4 No.509813

China Has Built Intelligence Hub in Disputed Area of South China Sea, According to Think Tank

https:// www.theepochtimes.com/china-has-built-intelligence-hub-in-disputed-area-of-south-china-sea-according-to-think-tank_2445464.html

bf3ad4 No.509858

Tech Giant Apple Accused of Pandering to Beijing

http:// www.visiontimes.com/2017/03/22/tech-giant-apple-accused-of-pandering-to-beijing.html

bf3ad4 No.509889

Top 10 Tricks Corrupt Chinese Officials Have Used to Hide Their Money

http:// www.visiontimes.com/2017/07/14/top-10-tricks-corrupt-chinese-officials-used-to-hide-their-money.html

bf3ad4 No.510018

Jiang Zemin, You’re on Notice! Chinese State Media Warns Former Party Leader

http:// www.visiontimes.com/2015/08/12/jiang-zemin-youre-on-notice-chinese-state-media-warns-former-party-leader.html

bf3ad4 No.510362

Falun Gong, Organ Harvesting, Politics in China

https:// www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=1&v=ayH0oyV5Xwo

bf3ad4 No.538047

Lawyers Seek to Hold Murderers Behind China's Organ Harvesting Accountable

http:// www.visiontimes.com/2018/02/24/lawyers-seek-to-hold-murderers-behind-chinas-organ-harvesting-accountable.html

cfa03f No.543230

https:// canadafreepress.com/article/flashback-bill-clinton-gave-china-missile-technology

This article might shed some light on China's 'rise'

880d28 No.595392

Have you contacted your elected reps about IBOR yet?

22fe57 No.604069

Regarding what Q told us yesterday about President Trump meeting with KJU in the Forbidden City, take a look at this photo here.

https:// timedotcom.files.wordpress.com/2017/11/rts1izz4.jpg

Pay attention to the markers placed at their feet. Notice the Trumps have red circles and the Xi's are standing on red stars. What are the symbols on the NK flag? It might be nothing but then again it might. Q asks us if we believe in coincidences? Godspeed to you Q Patriot and all working with you.

28c1a6 No.680498

https:// nypost.com/2018/03/15/inside-the-shady-private-equity-firm-run-by-kerry-and-bidens-kids/

bf3ad4 No.717354

China Appoints First New Central Bank Chief in 15 Years

http:// www.afr.com/news/world/asia/china-appoints-first-new-central-bank-chief-in-15-years-20180319-h0xnur

bf3ad4 No.728327

Shanghai government says Tesla talks on track despite Musk outburst

https:// www.investing.com/news/technology-news/shanghai-govt-says-tesla-talks-on-track-despite-musk-outburst-1338356?utm_medium=referral&utm_source=idealmedia&utm_campaign=investing.com&utm_term=68895&utm_content=2202662

bf3ad4 No.728761

" A U.S.-Trained Technocrat, Not a Powerbroker, to Lead PBOC "

" As No. 2 for more than a decade, the former Indiana University economics professor also managed the country’s foreign exchange policy from 2009 to 2016 – a time when currency reserves were growing toward $4 trillion and China was easing trading restrictions on the yuan and increasing its international use.

What he lacks is the political standing of his predecessor, meaning he’s set to take direction from above. He was quick on Monday to signal he would maintain the PBOC’s recent policies. "

https:// au.investing.com/news/economy-news/a-ustrained-technocrat-not-a-powerbroker-to-lead-pboc-1052680

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