[–]▶ 52b880 (24) No.287899>>288289 >>288679 [Watch Thread][Show All Posts]
>>279968 rt >>279898
>>285721 Videos of SOTU are disappearing. Archive before posting.
>>286850 RAW Video of SOTU
>>286613 , >>286746 FOCUS, "[something] Trump, you need to be shot."
>>284781 Lost & Found Photos of SOTU Phones. POST YOURS HERE PLEASE.
>>286590 How can we get the photo? Any LegalAnons here?
>>286601 , >>286614 , >>286575 , >>286625 , >>286633 Q Letting us know that Getty manupilates photos before posting?
>>286402 , >>286411 , >>286419 , >>286460 , >>286487 >>286489 , >>286510 Phone Screen Confirmed Shopped. Spread the word.
>>285836 , >>286363 Were the phone screens doctored?
>>286351 , >>286362 , >>286367 Focus on the TimeStamps on the phone (only thing not doctored)
>>285742 , >>285742 , >>285760 What is Q asking for exactly? Thoughts
>>285763 , >>285611 , >>285766 Photo updates
>>285681 , >>285707 , >>285714 The soundclip we're looking for? 3 seconds in "He oughtta be shooottt"
>>285547 , >>285562 , >>285551 Video Updates
>>285658 Can anyone access the ftp that was listed in the EXIF data of the photo on the Getty website?
>>285651 Beatty's Statement on Trump's SOTU Address
>>283537 rt >>283468
Updates: >>285423 , >>285771 , >>286339 , >>287019 , >>286912
Rothchilds selling investments. DOW crashing hard.
Re-read crumbs.
Nothing is coincidence.
Memo --> intelligence.house.gov/uploadedfiles/memo_and_white_house_letter.pdf
Rebuttle Of Charges Against The Memo --> intelligence.house.gov/uploadedfiles/hpsci_fisa_memo_charge_and_response.pdf
Rule 13. Correction of Misstatement or Omission; Disclosure of Non-Compliance --> fisc.uscourts.gov/sites/default/files/FISC%20Rules%20of%20Procedure.pdf
OIG Reports Page --> oig.justice.gov/reports/all.htm
▶ 52b880 (24) No.287901>>288446
Q's Private Board
Current Tripcode: !UW.yye1fxo
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>>283537 rt >>283468
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>>275719 rt >>275574
>>275572 rt >>275544 (pointed out by >>274871 )
>>274607 rt >>274601
>>274601 rt >>274558
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>>233024 rt >>232480
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▶ 52b880 (24) No.287904
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->Use Q/POTUS/trending #'s in your ice cream!<-
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Recent/Notable Posts
>>286828 ARM - American Resistance Movement?
>>286752 CDAN blind looks like it is probably about The Standard Hotel
>>286374 RED - Digging Required
>>286264 APACHE Finalized?
>>285866 Falcon Heavy Launching Today (Musk)
>>285776 Chess Update. R'childs Move Castle
>>285731 Soros Syphoning Tax Refunds
>>285705 Royals Update / Theory
>>285647 Hitler, Witchcraft & The Black Forest
>>284345 Article about Blunt (Q referenced "Blunt Statement")
>>283837 Building the Timeline
>>280858 & >>280944 Why Q doesn't just leak things
>>276713 Another Rothchild Investment Cut
>>276602 2.5.18 Q Mini-Graphic
>>276505 Possible APACHE reference
>>275707 & >>275774 "BLUNT Statement" meaning?
>>275665 Names to keep an eye on?
>>275520 More possible connections between Steele and 0's State Department
>>274733 & >>274848 Rothchild's Firesale of Austrian "Hunting" Estate
Previous Notable Posts
>>276417 , >>247024 , >>245078 , >>220292 , >>189512 , >>286207
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>>144077 Q Post Findings & Theories Consolidation
MemeFags Please Read This
>>272467 Get the Most From Your Post
New Bakers Please Read This
▶ 52b880 (24) No.287906
Sliding includes:
Squabbling among each other about the legitimacy of anons other than Q. This is pointless and contributes nothing to our tasks.
Famefagging & clickb8-style posts. Demanding anons to look at something makes you look like a shill. Simply post it and let the anons make their own opinions.
Compromisedfags. The board is not compromised unless there is confirmation from Q. Full stop.
You Decide. If there is a post that looks or smells like a slide, let it slide into obscurity and don't respond.
▶ 3b4283 (1) No.287907>>288665
That screen looks weird to me but I use Samsung.
Where is the edit box? Her keyboard is up, so she is typing a message -- but to me, a Samsung owner, it looks like she is reading a message.
On my phone, the edit box is always right above keyboard, even if I scroll up to previous messages.
▶ b226ec (6) No.287908>>287941
Newt Gingrich sounds like he's crying on Hannity.
▶ 79e450 (18) No.287909>>287934 >>287963 >>288036
Gay-pride parade?
Nope… It's just the FBI.
▶ f52322 (3) No.287910>>287924 >>287928 >>287931 >>287940 >>287947 >>287948 >>287957 >>287968 >>288008 >>288133 >>288343 >>288348 >>288430 >>288462 >>288474 >>288521 >>288545
http:// aldianews.com/sites/default/files/articles/13800993.jpg
▶ fa0676 (21) No.287911>>287914
if that's your first time baking, i'd say it was a smashing success. cheers
▶ 002994 (3) No.287912
▶ 52b880 (24) No.287914>>287920
No I took over real quick so we didn't have a new baker trying to figure it out.
▶ f08889 (7) No.287916>>287952
It seems we are doing such a great job with the memes and other posted info we have passed the Russian bot. Google:
Trump Supporters Share Fake News the Most According to Oxford University
▶ de1e8d (1) No.287917>>287959 >>288055
another CEO resigns for conduct
▶ 02423f (3) No.287920
Thanks it would have taken me a few minutes
▶ 79e450 (18) No.287921
▶ 160231 (1) No.287923
Interesting take, especially on the 'Designer' aspect. Raw intel I'd think would be the 'source code' of sorts, NSA data collection via telecoms, but also having military channel access. MIC sits at the top and designs the narrative for dissemination as 'Feeder,' but activity itself feeds back into the loop to reinforce the desired narrative. Collectors would be the heads of the media outlets, who distribute through their various media outlets in print and electronically. Leaking classified info thru the media is illegal, maybe that is why NewsWeak was raided. WaPo & NYT would also be in the crosshairs.
One thing for sure, giant clusterscrew with a built in wash, rinse, repeat cycle and so long as the perps get paid, they'll keep doing what they're paid to do.
With respect to the intercept of VJ/Schiffty, that is a high level intercept requiring one hell of a lot of justification and legal authority. I think we can trust Q to work with the law in their struggle against those who break it.
▶ b0cc8a (1) No.287924>>287930 >>287932 >>287940 >>287951 >>287992 >>288064
>http:// aldianews.com/sites/default/files/articles/13800993.jpg
and it is definitely a different picture on her phone.
▶ 6dcf13 (5) No.287925>>287935 >>287994 >>288117 >>288219
Anons y'all are leaving so much behind
Have y'all figured out the assange code yet?
Sure does look a lot like chan id's!
Wonder if you go back and look if maybe they correspond with q post? Perhaps have crumbs in them by an anon
Real crumbs to q post
Not to mention is a big part in reading the map
Q's iD is important to decoding messages
Mod Edit:
Obvious Red Herring is Obvious
Post last edited at
▶ 44bd19 (4) No.287928>>287940
Can't find any high-res matches on Tineye
▶ 1569d6 (2) No.287930
Looks like she is on a website. Trying to clean it up in PS now
▶ fa0676 (21) No.287931
nice find! this is the first time i've seen a high-rez photo from the SOTU that wasn't the same image we've all seen 30 times
▶ 017f7e (3) No.287933>>287944 >>288260
Apologies if it's been posted already, but here's a link to the names found on Weiner's laptop.
http:// archive.is/24a5s
▶ 08fe63 (1) No.287934>>288036
Our British police force is the same.
▶ fa0676 (21) No.287935>>287960 >>287967 >>287985
>Q's iD is important
you have about 30 seconds to explain in plain english before i filter you for being a retarded newfag
▶ 94d050 (12) No.287938>>287955 >>288335
https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=9yqvdTHI3WA
Three attorneys found dead in two weeks in Debbie Wasserman Schultz' district. Connected to lawsuit against the DNC regarding their cheating of Bernie supporters.
▶ 52b880 (24) No.287939>>288113
https:// www.judiciary.senate.gov/imo/media/doc/2018-02-05%20CEG%20to%20DOJ%20(Communications%20with%20Congress).pdf
▶ 08ca08 (11) No.287941>>288053 >>288245
Newt is in the swamp.
Newt is also an advisor to Barrick Gold.
He make s most of his money peddling Influence and pulling strings.
▶ 065b9e (1) No.287942
http:// jewsofnewyork.org/blog/video/the-descendants-of-jacob-schiff/6/
▶ a62942 (11) No.287944
don't be afraid to repost something important.
fake anons shouting at anons are also a tactic, chan culture is easy to weaponize against itself (newfags in particular)
▶ b4253e (5) No.287945>>288020 >>288041 >>288356
Just like Q predicted
Our war exposing corrupt minorities in govt. is taking effect
Help uplift the black community
▶ 2d91d6 (1) No.287946>>288008 >>288012 >>288173
here is a HUGE pic on which i circled everyone with a phone.
▶ 7fc7e9 (3) No.287947
Whos this fuck .. 1 of 4?
▶ c68c6b (2) No.287949>>287961 >>287990 >>287991 >>288093 >>288414
I can feel the life leaving some Anons ….. Find this Find that and yet not 1 Arrest …..60/40 My ass … 0/0 is more like it
Mod Edit:
Fake News!
Post last edited at
▶ 3cfba4 (14) No.287950
Have you got this data or you suspect it? I could try if you furnish me the ftp details
▶ 546606 (7) No.287951>>287965
Yep, phone pic is different than this one.
▶ f49db1 (1) No.287952
Well, that is subjective, I do see trump peeps spread wrong stuff. Many do not verify anything they just see it and pass it on. That is how LARPS are played, are they not, and to see how far they go? Always hate it when it's Trump Supporters that do not do due diligence. Oh well. Everything out of the other side is fake and they don't share. They are too selfish to share, so yeah, I guess we do. Because we share.
▶ beda79 (2) No.287953>>287964 >>288057
i think shes the one
▶ 72075e (6) No.287955>>287974
We have to remember these are crimes of epic proportion and they will try to have a scorched earth policy as they try to remove loose ends
▶ abd05f (6) No.287956
Kourtney Gibson of Loop Capital fame was just on CNBC's Closing Bell, discussion was Snapchat stock. They're still in business obviously, yet will not be forgotten. Now we know where to find her, if we ever care to look there
▶ 2d5768 (8) No.287957
It's another photo. Q said 1 of 4. So there must be 4 different onces.
▶ fa0676 (21) No.287958
some graphics fag should totally shoop 8chan into this screen for the lels
▶ 08ca08 (11) No.287959>>287966
Falling short of "standards of conduct" = fucking kids?
▶ a62942 (11) No.287960>>287985
"ok, what stupid goosechase can we send gullible anons down today? haven't used the IDs much, that could work"
▶ a8cb2b (4) No.287961
When the compactor closes all will be squashed at once. You obviously do not play chess.
▶ f7c2fe (5) No.287963>>288005
Hoover would be proud and able to come out.
▶ beda79 (2) No.287964
"we need some time" ??
▶ 8e5d25 (8) No.287965
agreed put couldnt this be taken a second later or earlier?
▶ 79e450 (18) No.287966
Resignation = The "Perp-Walk of 2018"
AKA "Justice".
▶ 6dcf13 (5) No.287967>>287973
There is no coincidences
Has to do with converting them which leads to other Intel that has to do with the q post
Not shilling actually seen this
I can't describe it to a detail but I've seen it work and happen
Not a newfag either been here though it all
Mod Edit:
(((Not shilling)))
Post last edited at
▶ 3065fe (1) No.287968>>288025 >>288051
What is up with the big black square under her thumb????
▶ 98bc28 (3) No.287969>>287976 >>287980 >>288001 >>288015
Speaking of flying cars,
any oldfags remember
this 1961 movie starring
Fred McMurray.
The Absent Minded Professor
invents an antigravity substance
and all the badguys want to get
their hands on it?
Launch of Elon's car brought this to mind
▶ 4ce72b (2) No.287970
On the new pic, to the left of phone in question, is a handwritten note held by some lady. To her left, is anothet black woman who appears to be trying to read what is on the paper.
Can anybody read the words on paper?
▶ b226ec (6) No.287971
>Rt. 66
>Follow Linc and Todd to a mountain adventure with a pretty girl
▶ 002994 (3) No.287972
that's a bit of a stretch
▶ a62942 (11) No.287973>>287999 >>288024
congratulations, you're this thread's best
▶ 94d050 (12) No.287974
>>283394 Re this Q post about Awan and DWS:
DWS threatens DC chief of police.
"There will be consequences." Looks like she is ready to stab him with her shoe through the eye.
https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=IAHGsyt2kZA
And the hypocrite DWS goes on about diversity. He has Awan's laptop and she is freaking.
▶ a8cb2b (4) No.287975
You think they launched Obama into orbit? One can dream…..
▶ 08ca08 (11) No.287976
flubber, yeah, so.
▶ bcd3f0 (3) No.287977>>287993
Guess what heritage these savages are? Watch these MFers destroy a store! Maybe some of them need to be send back to where they originally came from!
JUST IN: Philadelphia Police Release Video of Mob Destroying Convenience Store Following Super Bowl
▶ 997c57 (14) No.287978
Can you state categorically that the cooking pictures included with the letter that was certified by genuine by April Ryder? RYETH? AP?
Can you state categorically that the cooking pictures included with the letter that was certified by genuine by April Ryder? RYETH? AP?
▶ 563be7 (3) No.287979>>288216 >>288465 >>288474
Found photo gallery
>https:// www.whitehouse.gov/sotu/
Image URLs are highly predictable, I wonder if some codefag can run through a modest amount of URLs to see if there are any extra images in the upload directory that are not being used for the gallery.
> https:// www.whitehouse.gov/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/V20180130MC-2273.jpg
> https:// www.whitehouse.gov/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/V20180129MC-1222.jpg
> https:// www.whitehouse.gov/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/V20180129MC-1166.jpg
> https:// www.whitehouse.gov/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/V20180129MC-0901.jpg
> https:// www.whitehouse.gov/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/P20180130SC-3321.jpg
Again, I started down this rabbit hole because I wanted to see if there were clear pictures of who was video recording behind the cell phones in question, therefore we could potentially as for or find the original video roll.
▶ 1569d6 (2) No.287980
My mother was 3 that year oldfag.
▶ 00b432 (12) No.287981>>288016 >>288266
We all here went thru initial shock of pizzagate, that is our major motivation for digging in order to fight cabal. No problem anon, welcome.
▶ 4babc2 (6) No.287983
▶ f1d3bb (10) No.287984>>288000 >>288125 >>288441 >>288455
JPL and Caltech have a plan to put a permanet base on the moon, and to.harvest trillion dollar asteroids.
This can be done in 5 years. There's more much more tech sitting the trapped by cabal science subversion and sabotage.
Google "interplanetary super highway"
▶ 6dcf13 (5) No.287985>>288006
Believe me don't i don't really care your loss do some serious thinking about it this stems from FW anon who q did confirm
▶ 7fc7e9 (3) No.287986
Heeeeeey thats 2 dif high def pics used!!! Black MALES with phones change .. While the 3 females stay the same
▶ 33a700 (1) No.287987>>287989
Possible deniability works both ways amigos.
How many people post here?
Would you say…maybe 13 thousand, give or take?
▶ 4e1c7e (5) No.287988>>287997
…it looks likes she's on here?
▶ 00b432 (12) No.287989
▶ 79e450 (18) No.287990
"Ermagerd, ur so fugging filtered… KYS, meh. Free-beer is coming tomorrow, you shill" - Some faggot
▶ 3cfba4 (14) No.287992>>287997
Doesn't clean up well because it's been fucked with already
▶ 16f9e6 (22) No.287993
They will soon learn what Martial Law is and their friends will start dying until they figure out how to behave properly.
▶ 9b9f59 (1) No.287994
▶ 79e450 (18) No.287995>>288004
Now that is CIA AF
▶ 4e1c7e (5) No.287997>>288007 >>288129
Actually, here it looks nothing like 8ch.
▶ fa0676 (21) No.287998>>288018
any anons working on the "missing on"?
>Why did the #Memo drop a Friday [& before the SB]?
i haven't seen it discussed in several hours.
▶ 6dcf13 (5) No.287999
Yep sorry phone fagging ATM can only do so much
▶ d8d243 (3) No.288000
>a permanet(sic) base on the moon (…) in 5 years
lol…good one anon
▶ f7c2fe (5) No.288001>>288011 >>288028 >>288061 >>288168 >>288244 >>288285 >>288331
I remember this one too from childhood.
▶ bf3a6f (3) No.288002
What is that paper to her left what's written on it? Can be very easily destroyed as it is paper
▶ abd05f (6) No.288004
new collection anon, couldn't wait to use 'em
▶ f1d3bb (10) No.288005
Hoover wasnt queer.
He was celibate.
Clowns framed him post mortum to break bureau morale.
Felt knew.
▶ fa0676 (21) No.288006
>who q did confirm
sauce me faggot
▶ 7fc7e9 (3) No.288008
Different timing of pics .. Still same shit on her phone both pics… Just different shit than what we got last nite
▶ f08889 (7) No.288009>>288030 >>288038
HAHAHAHA The Dems newest tactics
Trump Supporters Share Fake News the Most According to Oxford University
▶ a62942 (11) No.288011>>288021
just another wholesome family movie about stealing children
▶ 855c91 (6) No.288012>>288568
is that yet another screen on Center's phone?
▶ a9e0c2 (2) No.288013
https:// wtfdown.com/HUZRjGEwqCg/state-of-the-union-2018-live-stream-president-donald-trump-delivers-first-sotu-address-abc-news.html
1:44:13 nice front view- useful for montage
▶ f1d3bb (10) No.288015
Flubber, the goo that flew, anon.
▶ a8cb2b (4) No.288016>>288042
▶ 4e1c7e (5) No.288018>>288039 >>288080 >>288222
Let's think this through.
>Why did the #Memo drop a Friday [& before the SB]?
Possible benefits: out of news cycle after only 2 days of coverage. Get the deep state worked up because they thought it would be worse.
Drop the other memos to do all the major damage.
▶ e703d3 (2) No.288019
▶ 79e450 (18) No.288020>>288044 >>288048
"Omg, awesome… Muh BASED black guys want to join us. Yaaaaayyy!" - Some faggot
▶ f7c2fe (5) No.288021
Escape from Witch mountain too as I recall
▶ 7e05c6 (2) No.288023
hannity just the audio of the prank on schitt re the GEOTUS nudes hoax…this is getting good
▶ 6dcf13 (5) No.288024>>288040
Actually fuck that I wasn't very vague at all I gave y'all very specifics assange code corresponds to chan ids nice and simple wanna see the relevance go back and look at the ids and there post
As far as q just a small push cause y'all still haven't figured that shit out and anytime anybody tries to actually help y'all boot em so as I said your loss and yours alone
▶ 997c57 (14) No.288025
its those create a message thing, you can write out shit. maybe to get around NSA (attempt)
▶ 7e05c6 (2) No.288027
▶ 08ca08 (11) No.288028
Well well well
neuschwanstein castle in the black forest, right?
▶ e34588 (5) No.288029>>288063 >>288067 >>288090 >>288101 >>288120 >>288638
The phone/case do seem identical!
▶ 00b432 (12) No.288030
There was an article cant remember even before election. Claimed that research demonstrated trump supporters are more likely to wear tinfoil heads. Not new.
▶ 855c91 (6) No.288031>>288077 >>288118 >>288156 >>288186
iphone fags - what's going on on this screen?
▶ f1f854 (1) No.288032
Another train incident
http:// www.washingtonexaminer.com/amtrak-train-from-dc-to-nyc-separates-while-traveling-at-125-mph/article/2648267
▶ 3cfba4 (14) No.288033>>288038 >>288147
Anyone know how to scape a website for images? I wanna scape the website that last high res pic came from.
▶ 767d9f (8) No.288034>>288052 >>288324
http:// www.spacex.com/webcast
Falcon Heavy Launch. Go to 40:15 and note what appear to be unmistakable bubbles floating….
I can only conclude that the whole first part of the launch was broadcast as it REALLY happened.
Once it reached orbit, they switched to the cover story of this ridiculous car, and played the FAKE parts for our consumption.
Real mission is CLASSIFIED and we don't get to see the super secret space program.
But come on guys, you need to up your game with some of this shit…. Allows cabal idiots to impugn the whole program as fake.
▶ e6f2b9 (3) No.288036>>288046 >>288058
>>287909 >>287934 >>287963
While you weren't looking a thing called the Yinon Plan was implemented too - and the same lizards behind that are behind the trans agenda (Common Core author David Coleman was integral to that) , the twisting of the narrative through the MSM, and the destruction of Europe - https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=MFE0qAiofMQ
So, if this is a research and red pill forum - swallow that, because (((they've))) been shoving it in your ears, down your throat and up you ass for ages.
▶ b226ec (6) No.288037
MS-13 is all over the Rockies, even into Canada.
▶ a62942 (11) No.288038>>288100
"Trump supporters more likely not to believe our bullshit"
read nothing about it in details, we'll just say it's been debunked already
▶ fa0676 (21) No.288039
anon the line i quoted is missing a word. the chances of it being an accident are extremely low. i'm not talking about the post's general meaning. i'm talking about possible meanings of "on" missing.
▶ 997c57 (14) No.288040
did you follow the !RR.E dude? seems to be the idea you have
▶ abd05f (6) No.288041
Men respect men, no denying that Trump is a man and acts as one, in STARK comparison to Hussein
▶ 79e450 (18) No.288042
And now, pizzagate has fallen by the wayside, because we decided uplifting our BASED black guys was more important… Good times. Psssshhh
▶ f5352f (9) No.288043
Disinformation (phone) happenings imminent
▶ a8cb2b (4) No.288044
Everybody has to learn the hard way I guess. Avoid the groid kek
▶ 382b74 (1) No.288045>>288054
Keep digging anons. The concern shills are in overdrive.
▶ 79e450 (18) No.288046
Faggots do faggoty-shit, man.
▶ ee25be (13) No.288047
Is sounding like the Falcon 9 center core failed to relight and slammed into and destroyed/may have possibly even sank the ASDS drone ship Ocisly.
▶ b4253e (5) No.288048>>288069
I gotta live next to them, so yeah, I'd rather have Trump-supporting church-going blacks in my area.
▶ bf183a (5) No.288050
https:// www.crunchbase.com/person/jeffrey-monroe
Prior to Dupont Fabros, he was Vice President of Real Estate, Design, Construction and Director of Operations for AboveNet Communications, responsible for the deployment of twenty-four class A domestic and international technical facilities and the operations that supported more than five hundred collocation customers.
Mr. Monroe also managed the build-out of some of the largest technical projects in the U.S., including the National Archives’ 1.7 million square foot storage facility, the headquarters of the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), including the primary IRS data center, and the primary data centers for America Online.
▶ 050a96 (3) No.288051>>288098 >>288165
Hmm, it looks kind of like 8ch to me.
▶ 997c57 (14) No.288052
yeah I seen a few things flying around too. good catch anon
▶ 98bc28 (3) No.288053>>288095 >>288153 >>288181 >>288245
>Newt is also an advisor to Barrick Gold.
That, unfortunately, is a direct signature
of affiliation with (((the swamp))). Shit.
I had pencilled in Newt as being better than that. Pitch him straight into the
//badguys// column.
▶ 79e450 (18) No.288054>>288070
No… Anons have legitimate concerns. Having concerns does not necessarily make one a shill.
Calling everyone who does not just nod their head in agreement a "shill", often implies one is in fact a shill though.
▶ 72f4bf (1) No.288055
if you look regularly into >>169315 you would know this for hours
▶ 855c91 (6) No.288056
can anyone tell if that's even a text screen?
▶ ef9f08 (1) No.288057
Why is she clapping, then?
▶ f1d3bb (10) No.288058
We are pretty conscious of their comprehensive sabotage but I haved seen a graphic presentation - even an incomolete list would be helpful anon if you have time to make
▶ 75560e (1) No.288060
Can any photo fags can see what pic related is?
▶ 094bf1 (2) No.288061>>288071 >>288081
Original book by Ian Fleming.
Yes. THAT Ian Fleming.
▶ d8a89f (4) No.288063>>288082 >>288120
OMG! Two iPhones look exactly the same! How the fuck is that possible???
▶ ac96aa (4) No.288064
No pics no images on that site. Racial Liberal Trash Media site. Perhaps removed now.
▶ 4e1c7e (5) No.288065>>288073 >>288097
“Adam Schiff can be heard discussing the committee's Russia investigation and increasingly bizarre allegations about Trump with a man who claimed to be Andriy Parubiy, the chairman of the Ukrainian Parliament.” Schiff has some explaining to do.
http:// www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-5355713/Adam-Schiff-spoofed-Russian-claim-nude-Trump-pic.html
https:// twitter.com/PoliticalShort/status/960985371000500224
▶ eb10dc (1) No.288066
Anyone bothered to sync the time on the phone and the point of the speech. Looks like the phone says 9:43. Sync that to the time of the message and see if that makes any sense.
▶ 8e5d25 (8) No.288067>>288120
> do seem identical!
youre right that is the same phone in the same case.
not completely unthinkable they would have the same phone+case
▶ bf3a6f (3) No.288068>>288194
Save offline!!! Maybe it isn't in phones but on notepads "offline" people are holding notepads can anyone clear those up? What's written on them?
Mod Edit: Nope. It's what is written on the middle phone, says Q.
Post last edited at
▶ 79e450 (18) No.288069>>288107 >>288183
Oh yeah… Their totally going to change and be just like your God-fearing, law-abiding, caucasian neighbors, now that they decided to support Trump because he put money in their pockets. Totally…
(Fist in the air).
▶ f5352f (9) No.288070
All know, but some think they know all.
▶ f7c2fe (5) No.288071>>288074
Been so long, all I remember is the car. Interesting.
▶ 44b5da (11) No.288073>>288091 >>288097
OMG….I'm dying laughing so hard HA HA HA
▶ 094bf1 (2) No.288074
Fleming's original novel involved French gangsters and counterfeiters.
▶ 848104 (3) No.288075>>288083 >>288176 >>288249 >>288269 >>288320
Can I just send a big ol' hug to whoever (NYPD, was it you?) leaked Anthony Weiner's ENTIRE laptop to Squawker?
https:// squawker.org/politics/somebody-just-leaked-every-phone-number-and-address-on-anthony-weiners-laptop-639-politicians-and-media-personalities-doxxed/
Absolutely makes my day! GATA!!!
▶ 4440be (2) No.288077
it looks like she’s texting
▶ 855c91 (6) No.288080>>288126 >>288323
it does not say "drop on a Friday"
the question is: What does "drop a Friday" mean? Was the Memo edited by the dems to remove a reference to something?
we're still waiting for future news to solve this one.
▶ f7c2fe (5) No.288081
Herbie (the self driving car)…German of course.
▶ 5a8e08 (10) No.288082
in a weird an insane move apple made more than one to make some money hopefully
▶ a62942 (11) No.288083>>288092
life insurance folder?
▶ bf183a (5) No.288084>>288094 >>288099
Keeps hiding phone in video being very suspicious
▶ 49f221 (3) No.288086>>288096
Campbell was repeatedly threatened by Mikerin and other Tenex officials and agents that
he would suffer harm if he did not cooperate with the extortion scheme.
65. When he was first hired, Campbell was accosted privately by Tenex official Polgorodnik
in Washington, D.C. Specifically, Polgorodnik asked Campbell, “Can we trust you?” Campbell
Case 1:16-cv-01888-MJG Document 1 Filed 06/06/16 Page 13 of 31
understood Polgorodnik was referring to Campbell remitting monies pursuant to the kickback and
extortion scheme.
66. The Defendants, particularly Mikerin, as well as Polgorodnik repeatedly reminded
Campbell between 2009 and 2012 that they were part of a network operating in the U.S., Europe, and
the Middle East that included several dangerous people who could harm him. Campbell was repeatedly
threatened with physical harm and the Plaintiffs were repeatedly threatened with economic injury from
the potential loss of their contract with Tenex were they to deny a kickback and extortion request.
67. On one such occasion, Mikerin warned Campbell that he may suffer harm if Mikerin
were to report to his network that there was a problem with the kickbacks. Upon information and belief,
the FBI has a recording of at least this one conversation.
▶ f986b0 (1) No.288087>>288278
Three Sony Pictures executives out in major studio shakeup
Home entertainment president Man Jit Singh, worldwide networks head Andy Kaplan and television marketing president Sheraton Kalouria are all stepping down, Sony Pictures Entertainment
▶ aee7d7 (1) No.288088
Here are some periscope feeds of the SOTU:
Sorry I don't have time to check them myself but I did save them using:
▶ abd05f (6) No.288089
Matches found :
https:// vs.hu/i/k-epa20180131006-jpg.jpg
http:// ocdn.eu/images/pulscms/MmI7MDA_/3545f9fe7fdc65e2310679fc2b1de8d9.jpeg
But is the timing the same as the photoshopped pic??? Notice that there are only 2 phones out, not 3
▶ 08ca08 (11) No.288090>>288120
government issued cell phones with phone case.
You don't believe that they would actually have to pay for phones and service like a commoner do you?
▶ 79e450 (18) No.288091>>288105
Fucking Ukraine…
I'm telling you anons… Ukraine, Kazakhstan and Israel… Fucking Khazarian "Jew" Mafia havens. Wipe them off the map and it all goes away.
▶ 4e1c7e (5) No.288092>>288102 >>288104 >>288112 >>288134 >>288157
laptop contents were not released unfortunately.
Only his contacts.
▶ 98bc28 (3) No.288093>>288103
Nah just majorly sleep-deprived.
True autists never give up the fight.
Through tempest, storm,
And darkest night,
Anons don't rest
'Til things are right.
Q needed our attention to some matters
last night and we gave it.
TOGETHER you are STRONG. >>>/greatawakening/44
APART you are weak.
▶ fd43d1 (4) No.288095>>288245
Don't forget that his lovely (urp) wife Callista is Ambassador to the Holy See - direct connection to the Pope
▶ a62942 (11) No.288097>>288114
the Schiff that keeps on Schiffing, magical
(maybe i do wish he runs for Prez after all, damn the puns overdose)
▶ ddd85f (1) No.288098>>288165
Hahaha I was thinking the same thing!!!! Hahahah
▶ bf3a6f (3) No.288099
Person with Pad leans in it's probably written on a notepad raw offline no photoshop
▶ f08889 (7) No.288100>>288188
It's just their way of trying to debunk any truth we put out there right now. We must be redpilling more then we think if they are really pushing this.
▶ 855c91 (6) No.288101>>288120
i noticed that before, but just thought they had the same pink cases.
▶ 997c57 (14) No.288102
dude this is nuts
there is a fucking goldmine of info here
▶ fa0676 (21) No.288103
>Nah just majorly sleep-deprived.
i've been called a shill a few times for telling anons they're fucking addicts and pointing out when they've been awake for so long they can't fucking read anymore they're doing more harm than good and need to go to sleep.
▶ d8a89f (4) No.288104
>Only his contacts.
Seems like a warning shot.
▶ 44b5da (11) No.288105>>288108 >>288119
The thing is…he BELIEVED these 2 comedians as REAL! He was dead serious!!
I'm going to try to get the vid in here cuz it's hysterical!
<iframe allowfullscreen frameborder="0" width="698" height="573" scrolling="no" id="molvideoplayer" title="MailOnline Embed Player" src="http:// www.dailymail.co.uk/embed/video/1622956.html"></iframe>
▶ b226ec (6) No.288106
Leafs are really good at profiling that is racism-baiting proof.
Mexicans love to drink and drive, and this keeps the degenerate ones out. A while back they even required visas, but Cuckdeau changed that.
The US, meanwhile, BTW "moral turpitude" to keep out anyone who ADMITS to smoking pot.
▶ abd05f (6) No.288107>>288121
Oh ye of little faith
The Great Awakening, right? Sounds like Q is advocating change to me
▶ 44b5da (11) No.288108
▶ b507f9 (2) No.288109>>288110 >>288115 >>288116 >>288234
Cleaned up audio file from FOX SOTU #1of 4
Approx 53 seconds in after president enters.
Sounds innocuous but wanted to get other opinions….have mp3 format and WAV file. both rejected here
▶ fa0676 (21) No.288110>>288135
>have mp3 format and WAV file. both rejected here
can't upload files (except pics & vids) on this board. just upload them to anonfile.com and post the links
▶ 056448 (2) No.288111>>288177 >>288187
Re: Last bread mentions of Corsi…
I don't think Corsi is ' all there ' either, he's just desperate to be relevant I think.
Like when he decided that Q had said that Assange was in Switzerland :/ just absurd and also disturbing in so much as, if Assange WAS ( which he isn't ) in Switzerland, Corsi would have been endangering Assanges life, in an effort to get his neb in.
IMHO Corsi should just be ignored and certainly not to be taken as being a serious deducer of all things Q!
Incidentally, where has Q been parking his recent drops, Great Awakening is still only showing 73 posts.
▶ ee2b37 (3) No.288112
Could that have been a shot across the bow? If they have that much, logic dictates they have the rest. No?
▶ e703d3 (2) No.288113
My guess that is in response to that one who said he was going to subpoena all of their communications
▶ 44b5da (11) No.288114
Schiff talking to supposed Ukrainian officals. Made my day.
What ya doing there Lil Adam Schifty?
▶ 050a96 (3) No.288115
▶ f19d48 (4) No.288116
Yes anon you are correct, as stated in bread 350!!!!
Find the film
Not the capture
▶ d9e9d5 (1) No.288117
Fuck a mod trying to gatekeep what gets posted.
▶ c1ef42 (2) No.288118
looks like FB messenger to me
▶ f08889 (7) No.288119>>288128
There a one where Maxine Waters thought she was really talking to a Russian. She was dead serious too. The guy that did it did a great Russian accent.
▶ e34588 (5) No.288120>>288143 >>288151 >>288154
Updated graphic with last hi-res.
It is possible they just have the same case. It's entirely probable the phone is government issued, but the case too? And what about lefty's? Yes, they have a choice of color. Still, the same design and coloured case?
▶ 79e450 (18) No.288121>>288148 >>288172
Oh yeah, of course… I just hope my daughter can pump out at least eight low-IQ, mulatto babies and destroy 40,000 years of my families selective-breeding. Ya know, for diversity n' stuff.
▶ 997c57 (14) No.288122>>288265
Hillary Clinton address from the leak
▶ f5352f (9) No.288123
Attacks by media not so misleading anymore, the WAR becomes more public. Remember Anons you are "stupid"….FUCK EM! The End is near, smell their fear.
▶ 767d9f (8) No.288124
https:// en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moshe_Chaim_Luzzatto
▶ 2d5768 (8) No.288125>>288433
O, boy… ya gonna be disappointed.
▶ d8a89f (4) No.288126>>288146
>What does "drop a Friday" mean?
Could be an insider euphemism, like 'drop a duece'? Meaning a news dump that you do on a Friday, normally to hide, but in some cases to own the early weekend news cycles?
▶ 44b5da (11) No.288128
ya I remember. "These people are STUPID"
ha ha
▶ 1e00be (4) No.288129
This is a different frame. Looks like she was texting. You can see the text circle on the top center. We need a higher res of the photo.
▶ b226ec (6) No.288130>>288215
https:// publicdbhost.dmca.gripe/random/mtgox_accounts.csv
▶ 767d9f (8) No.288131
https:// en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moshe_Chaim_Luzzatto
▶ 7ed2ec (2) No.288132
UFO issue is relevant. True deep state keeps info away from even POTUS/JCS/SecDefs in violation of the constitution under USAPs.
USAPs key thread to follow, and the group that controls them. Continuity of Government is at play, Rumsfeld Cheney made changes prior to 9/11 that modified trigger of CoG from nuclear war to the more generic national security "emergency"… Peter Dale Scott theorizes it is possible the shadow government was put into effect as of 9/11 and has never left, which is why each POTUS is forced to extend the "state of national emergency" orders.
Unconstitutional CoG-ShadowGov in DUMBs such as Raven and more hidden ones.
This has been the game: change the population via warfare:
(we are here, between terrorism and the next stage)
ThirdWorldCrazies (NK/Iran/etc)
Alien Invasion (hoaxed via technology in order to force the world gov to be accepted)
▶ 848104 (3) No.288134
>laptop contents were not released unfortunately.
>Only his contacts.
Sadly, true - I pulled the trigger too quickly.
That means that somebody has the rest of it, too, and could drop it any time. What if somebody at NYPD made a copy no one knows about? Possibility.
That laptop has got to be the biggest smoking gun in the history of law enforcement.
▶ b507f9 (2) No.288135>>288184 >>288197 >>288283
Thanks! amateur audiofag…
https:// anonfile.com/g49f64deb0/Clip_2_of_President_Trump_s_2018_State_of_the_Union_Address.mp3
sounds like "President Trump will be here tonight"
▶ 00b432 (12) No.288137
I dream a dream!!!
▶ 0275c2 (6) No.288138>>288144 >>288152 >>288214
▶ 04f11f (1) No.288139
that looks exactly like the pic in the center doesnt it tho? whats different what am i missing?
▶ 1e00be (4) No.288143
Cases are not the same. You can blatently see an indent on the one with candy crush. Stop spreading this idea. Look for other photos and gather as many as we can. Highest res.
▶ 52b880 (24) No.288144>>288150
Working on it! T-20 minutes.
▶ 90f1a8 (3) No.288145>>288155 >>288171
I know autist and photofags have been busy but I keep rereading crumbs and keep questioning myself if we are reading too deep. Are we supposed to find raw audio of a threat? Raw image of phone? Or just prove that it's shopped and spread to the masses to put pressure for a release of raw?
He ask could we read message
Said spread
Will go viral
Or Maybe I need to give my little brain a break before it explodes. Just want to make sure we are all headed the right direction.
Keep it up anons
▶ fa0676 (21) No.288146
maybe we're looking for a document or news report or tweet that's missing it? or maybe it's quite literal. as in a day (or a day's worth of info) was omitted?
just thinking out loud here
▶ 5390b8 (1) No.288147
Most web crawlers cost money.
You could use an advanced search operator and cruz Google images.
Google > site:cnn.com > Select Google Images Tab
▶ 2eb4a2 (6) No.288148>>288192
Leave children out of this, plus no one brought up race-mixing except you. Thanks for putting your fears out there for all to see. If you're teaching them better than, no worries right?
▶ 8e5d25 (8) No.288149>>288300
am i crazy or was that same "anthony weiner" list or a very similar one already posted a year ago ?
https:// steemit.com/cantstopthesignal/@the.masses/the-black-book-of-washington-d-c
▶ 0275c2 (6) No.288150
▶ 08ca08 (11) No.288151
Yes the case is provided.
The phones are rolled out in waves, not every member/employee is on the same upgrade schedule.
▶ 44bd19 (4) No.288152>>288158 >>288198 >>288259 >>288279 >>288494
Probably about as good as this one gets…
▶ d8d243 (3) No.288153
>Newt as being better than that
Gingrich told his wife he was divorcing her *as she lay on her dying bed*…think about the kind of man who does that…smdh
▶ 855c91 (6) No.288154
we have pics of each of them each holding a pink iphone in the same pic -> just 2 people w/ similar phones sitting next to one another?
▶ 02423f (3) No.288155
IMO we are just supposed to pester the photographer so Q can see the metadata patterns
▶ 1f55b3 (2) No.288156>>288186
Was texting someone who doesn't have an iphone as her text is green, its blue if the person has an iphone.
The bit on the left is her going back to screen with list of all messages.
▶ 3cfba4 (14) No.288157>>288162 >>288163 >>288169 >>288206
Life Insurance Folder From Weiner's Laptop. It's got everything including Hillary having sex with underage children.
https:// file.wikileaks.org/torrent/2016-06-03_insurance.aes256.torrent
▶ 0275c2 (6) No.288158>>288167
▶ f5352f (9) No.288159>>288166 >>288180 >>288448
Why would media personalities attack half their potential viewers? Do ratings matter? Who really funds them?
▶ b226ec (6) No.288161>>288191
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>287417
This and the Jeff Buckley versions are the best.
▶ 2eb4a2 (6) No.288162
and WHY would anyone want to download and have that in their possession? NO!
▶ 00b432 (12) No.288163
It cant include cp, its a pavement to prison for whoever distributed
▶ 4a2697 (3) No.288164
Whats the name of that photo we are looking for from the SOTU?
▶ 2d5768 (8) No.288165
I thought as well… catalog section.
▶ 52b880 (24) No.288166
This is actually a really good point!
▶ a62942 (11) No.288167>>288175 >>288178 >>288325 >>288354
so many young anons have discovered that hacker-hollywood-movie photo enhancers aren't real in the last 24 hrs. Doing god's work, Q (among other more serious issues)
▶ a1e05b (1) No.288168>>288285
Princess Diana said she and her cousins were made to watch this movie over and over and over.
▶ fa0676 (21) No.288169>>288185
>torrent allegedly with CP
fucking kek. welcome to the chans, newfags
▶ 767d9f (8) No.288170>>288179 >>288204 >>288258
Ruby, Emerson, and Maeve Luzzatto
Ruby & Em = Wizard of Oz
Luzzatto = Talmudic/Kabbalist
https:// en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moshe_Chaim_Luzzatto
This seems like some sort of verbal code used repeatedly:
Induction of Oz, signifies coded speach
Use of kabbalah indicates the kids are for "ceremonial" usage?
▶ f19d48 (4) No.288171>>288201 >>288326 >>288420
This was solved in bread 350!!!
The phrase can be heard at .54 sec's in the video-
https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=SVH9PYeNdB8
Find the film
Not the capture
▶ 9cd90d (1) No.288172
I can help your daughter with that!!!!!
▶ 12fc4b (1) No.288173
in this an other from this vantage point the middle is a video camera…could at some point that camera have been on the 3 phoning idiots giving us a closer view? FILM? it would give a closer view of them
▶ 050a96 (3) No.288174
<pic related
Just in case some graphicfags might find it useful.
▶ d9c575 (6) No.288175
▶ 089915 (1) No.288176>>288189
holy chit, have u seen the paste bin?
▶ 056448 (2) No.288177
and that voice of his just and his delivery just bores me rigid!
▶ 0275c2 (6) No.288178
Yep. Images are only as good as the cameras that took them. You can salvage a little with blending pixels but not much.
▶ 767d9f (8) No.288179>>288207 >>288408
What is the occultic significance of Maeve?
▶ 02423f (3) No.288180
Often It's better to have a niche in the market than to try and please everyone. CNN for example was in somewhat of an identity crisis before Trump came along.
▶ 08ca08 (11) No.288181
If Newt was any good, 41020 would have kept him around.
▶ bf183a (5) No.288182>>288208
https:// supremecourt.nebraska.gov/hon-douglas-f-johnson-0
The person she was tweeting
▶ f1d3bb (10) No.288183
Dude after the civil war blacks were almost civilized. It took 50 years of destructive educational and welfare programming to turn them despairing suicidal and psychotic.
Not asking to forget crime stats but to remember blacks like the rest of us, have been lied to about almost every important aspect of reality.
We are changing that reality by changing our selves into people who will never accept injustice and who never knowingly inflict injustice.
▶ fa0676 (21) No.288184>>288197
no offense, but i can't hear shit on that
▶ 3cfba4 (14) No.288185
Well we all know it's encrypted right? And we all know the content. We also know not to download it and decrypt it lol.
I was posting the link to show above posters that the contents of Weiner's laptop have been published long ago.
▶ 1f55b3 (2) No.288186
iPhones allow you the ability to slide your finger across the screen to go to the previous page.
Most likely she's doing that here. See annotations for detail.
▶ d8d243 (3) No.288187>>288209
>I don't think Corsi is ' all there ' either, he's just desperate to be relevant
I have to agree with you, anon; from his ruddy complexion, we can deduce Corsi likes his liquor a wee bit too much…js
▶ f1d3bb (10) No.288188>>288202
Over a 100 million anon.
▶ 8e5d25 (8) No.288189
this list or a VERY similar one has already been posted in 2016
here look for yourself : https:// archive.is/rWZGf
▶ ee2b37 (3) No.288191>>288199
Thought that was the Spandau Ballet dude. LOL
▶ 79e450 (18) No.288192>>288224
>If you're teaching them better than, no worries right?
Uhhhh no, you dumb nigger… I can teach my children not to be thieves, murders and rapists, but that matters little when their degenerate dindu neighbors are robbing, killing and raping them.
Blacks have a shit-culture that is cancer to everyone around them. Period. Everyone knows it. Few have the spine to say it.
▶ e919ad (1) No.288194
whats the timestamp on this pic.. im sure she had many diff screenshots during entire event…
▶ 4babc2 (6) No.288195>>288251
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. Vocan and Lexus prank Adam Schiff
http:// www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-5355713/Adam-Schiff-spoofed-Russian-claim-nude-Trump-pic.html
▶ 2eb4a2 (6) No.288197
musician's ears confirm
>>288135 needs more than cleaning up
▶ 44b5da (11) No.288199>>288205
Thanks Anon. Now I gotta clean off my keyboard and screen after spitting out my beverage on that comment.
▶ 4a2697 (3) No.288200>>288330 >>288417
That CDAN blind from earlier about the Standard Hotel?
Today's Blind Items - Account Number 37911133339
▶ 0ad8ee (3) No.288201>>288268 >>288368 >>288419 >>288426 >>288486
>https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=SVH9PYeNdB8
Sounds like "FUCK TRUMP HE SHOULD BE SHOT" to me
▶ f08889 (7) No.288202
Damn. Works for me
▶ 5a8e08 (10) No.288203>>288217 >>288220 >>288232 >>288272 >>288447 >>288457 >>288649 >>288655
OMG I just found this guy George Webb on YouTube - he is like a super insider - I think he has a letter from some person that Schiff had beaten up -
▶ 767d9f (8) No.288204
relevant explanation
https:// voat.co/v/pizzagate/1786134
▶ ee2b37 (3) No.288205
▶ d8a89f (4) No.288206>>288460
You, being this retarded.
The date of the WL file is 4 months before the NYPD even found the laptop.
▶ e2a11d (3) No.288207
I believe that May 1st is one of the highest occult ritual days for human sacrifice. But don't quote me no that, going from memory.
▶ 3cfba4 (14) No.288208>>288211
Dude can't you tell by the outline of her finger that the image has been fucked with heavily? Her finger looks like it's in 3D ffs compared to the rest of the image.
▶ 8bdbbc (1) No.288209
>>288187 >>288111 I would think that if we were supposed to just listen to Corsi and depend on him to decipher Q, that instead of posting on 8ch, Q would have emailed him directly. Something just stinks… no need for a sacred cow.
▶ f5352f (9) No.288210>>288218
What ALWAYS happens after POTUS makes a claim?
▶ bf183a (5) No.288211
My thought being whoever changed it wanted that to be looked at. Just trying to expand the thinking
▶ 1e00be (4) No.288212>>288238 >>288281
Again we can do nothing with these. Need High Res. Or as little compression as possible. Did we pull all photos from the photog we can use or from MSM that are big like the first one we got (The 5000+ pixel one)
Thats what I need.
▶ fd0ccf (10) No.288213
Anyone find the Getty original image yet?
It is entirely possible that the CIA, who own TEGNA and GANNETT, edited the photo and supplied it to all the media who published it.
▶ e34588 (5) No.288215
Care to explain the contents the file anon?
▶ bfc014 (14) No.288216>>288253 >>288465 >>288474
I'm working on it. Just had a successful test with one of the files. I'd like to concentrate on the ones with 20180130 in the name since that was the date of the SOTU.
▶ 1e4b8f (1) No.288217
Put on you pith helmet, anon. And brace yourself.
▶ b41b10 (5) No.288218>>288233
this happens every time
▶ 63b865 (2) No.288219
▶ 44b5da (11) No.288220
newfag? GW? seriously, you're going with that?
▶ 0275c2 (6) No.288221
Yeah there's not much that can actually be done with a low quality image like that
▶ f48606 (1) No.288222
"Drop a"
Drop a pin
Drop a bomb
Drop a line
Drop a hint
"Drop a Friday"
▶ 00b432 (12) No.288223
It was better before changes cuz showed a different pattern on the screen, imho
▶ 2eb4a2 (6) No.288224>>288254 >>288264
Wasn't the question, you brought up mulatto, ideally you're teaching them not to have sex with blacks. And, have you met every black person in America to confirm that they are ALL thieves, murders and rapists? Man more than you would think have the same fears as you, and have to protect from degenerate blacks even more so than those not living near them. Degenerate is not a default setting, it's learned behavior.
▶ 4ff1c2 (5) No.288225
I'm narrowing down to those two also anon.
(Though Q did say it was middle woman)
Would appreciate names of the one you arrowed and the guy sitting on his left by the isle. I may have something but too early to tell…
▶ 4a2697 (3) No.288226>>288252 >>288261
Has anyone alerted the secret service about that photo? Wouldn't they be the most likely to take this on?
▶ 3cfba4 (14) No.288227>>288236
Press Alt-Ctrl-Q on that page. It should fix that for you :)
Have fun
▶ 49f221 (3) No.288228>>288256
http:// webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:GPdIsCvWX9YJ:bloonsconception.wikia.com/wiki/Kedke_Kedle_Dekde+&cd=6&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=ca
illuminati part near the bottom has that account number as price?? coincidence? Hell no.
▶ 997c57 (14) No.288229
What file is this?
▶ 7ed2ec (2) No.288230
https:// youtu.be/VL0Rpy0Dhhs?t=1206
▶ ee25be (13) No.288231>>288239 >>288240 >>288243 >>288263 >>288271
Where are all the flat Earth tards today? We need to have a talk….
https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=aBr2kKAHN6M
▶ 8e5d25 (8) No.288232
▶ f5352f (9) No.288233
Is he ever not proven right?
▶ 2d5768 (8) No.288234
I make the following of it:
"It won't be long before, we've got a minute of time."
https:// youtu.be/SVH9PYeNdB8?t=50s
▶ 9dff00 (3) No.288235
Just tried it on my phone it’s definitely a message not an email, email replies don’t have that format on IPhone.
Picture could be someone on another phone taking a picture closer to POTUS and typing he should be shot, or sending her a picture and that was her reply. Do we have any of the usual suspects using their phone in videos?
▶ 997c57 (14) No.288236
What wiki is this?
▶ 16f9e6 (22) No.288237>>288307 >>288316 >>288336
It really is sad how much the office of the President has been disrespected over the last couple of administrations that we are now to a point where we have people discussing having the POTUS shot during HIS SOTU address. It's the same thing as advocating shooting the King throughout history. It never ends well for those who said it.
I really, truly, hope that the POTUS is able to clean this mess up to the point where the respect for the office of the POTUS comes back and people learn to stop suggesting that the POTUS be shot under the pain of death.
Like someone else suggested earlier, it has to start locally. Our forefathers didn't have an amazing society without hanging a few people. The opposite side of having a low crime rate is dealing with the messy work of the death penalty. It's just the consequences of living in society.
In some ways we respect the individual human life too much in this day and age. We forget that historically, it's not individuals that are remembered, it's nations, societies, movements, good and evil. We know who the Spartans are, we can name the king, but can you name even 30 of his men? We know who Julis Casear is, but can you name 20 of his men? We know who Jesus Christ is, can you name 10 of his men?
A large part of the problem today, is the fact that, in the 1950's we were sold a bill of goods that included "needing" everything. Look around you. What do you have that you don't really "need"? Back then, the average person had a couple changes of clothes, a rope bed, a few pieces of furniture and a few pieces of kitchen wares. Check out any well-researched historical museum to understand how sparse their lives were.
On the other hand- there were many people who understood the power of the individual. White Americans have forgotten the power of the individual. Look at Yeshua, on the cross. Look at Rosa Parks. Look at Martin Luther King. Look at Benjamin Franklin. Look at Mother Teresa. Look at the suicide bombers in the Middle East. Look at what happened in Tienanmen Square. All are examples of individuals who have made a difference in society, have made the news, and are helping to change society.
Does it matter what your country does for you? Or does it matter what you do for your country? Be willing to lay your life down on the line for the change that needs to happen in this country.
▶ 3cfba4 (14) No.288238>>288322
Best I've got so far but I'd love to scape the site for more..
▶ 00b432 (12) No.288239>>288250
Fell off the edges
▶ 8cb437 (2) No.288240
Exactly what I was thinking as I was watching the footage.
▶ 82e2b5 (2) No.288241>>288270 >>288299
AS 187 (Anton Scalia Assassinated) Feb 2016
HRC Investigation Pivot Points (Bill and Lynch on Plane) June 2016.
JC (James Comey Dismissed Charge against HRC in July 2016
PS (Peter Strozak #2 in FBI) and WL (Wikileaks). Is the clue in Wikileaks "wet works" memo about Scalia and does it involve Strozak ?
▶ 79e450 (18) No.288242>>288262
Non-whites commit 90% of violent crime in America…
I rest my case.
▶ f5352f (9) No.288243>>288257
"bu…but that footage is fake!!"
▶ f1d3bb (10) No.288244
Ian F was a friend of the Spensers. Her brother was South African and involved with some dodgy shit - maybe "Mad Mike Hoares " merc outfit "foam blowers" coup attempt? Cant quite connect - but he cursed out the Windsors at her funeral. Suggested his fam had a better claim to the throne of UK than the Elector of Hanover.
Lotta humphing articles about insanity running in the Spencer family blah blah at the time.
His friends called Ian Fleming (who wrote this story) Thunderballs after his Bond title.
▶ 0bcf55 (1) No.288245>>288354
Newt's in the CFR, as well. He's not /ourguy/
▶ f1ac4f (2) No.288246
Hahaha. Schiff already saying his memo will need redaction before being released.
▶ 4ce72b (2) No.288247
CNN reporting that North Korea is funding its programs by stealing South Korea' s digital money.
▶ b7b83d (1) No.288248
>http:// www.thegatewaypundit.com/2018/02/adam-schiff-duped-russian-pranksters-claiming-putin-naked-blackmail-pics-potus-trump-tells-staff-collect-classified-materials-fbi-audio/
▶ 1895d0 (5) No.288249>>288255
▶ 00b432 (12) No.288250>>288342
I truly believe flat earth is a counter psychop to discredit pizza
▶ 6be36f (1) No.288251
^^^This --– Major KEkage!!!!!!!! Adam you schmuck! Crazy Ivan's hahaha
▶ 2eb4a2 (6) No.288252
We can presume that that part's happened already. Public awareness, that's our part in it. If we can find proof ourselves and send to the USSS, that'll be a bonus
▶ 563be7 (3) No.288253>>288364 >>288381 >>288398 >>288410
Appears as if one of the cameras is set with the wrong date.
Generally, based on what I saw in the gallery:
There could be more, but this is a good start.
▶ 79e450 (18) No.288254
▶ 82e2b5 (2) No.288255
Savage…this is gonna be YUGE
▶ f1d3bb (10) No.288256
▶ 0275c2 (6) No.288257
It's easy for them to believe something if all they have to do to disprove something is say IT'S CGI!!
▶ 017f7e (3) No.288258
Tamera Luzzatto 244-3542 H 224-0290 W 228-1948 C per the Weiner phone leak. No area codes contained in this one.
http:// archive.is/24a5s#selection-3979.25-3979.57
▶ 1db184 (2) No.288259
I tried too. There just aren't enough pixels. When it is enlarged, all you see are minecraft blocks. Does anyone have another copy of the picture with more pixels? Better resolution? A version taken with a better camera and not resized to be a smaller file?
▶ f813f2 (1) No.288260
There are some important people in his contact list
▶ 16f9e6 (22) No.288261
This CAME from them. It's been a WEEK since the SOTU. They've had a WEEK to build a airtight criminal case against this woman.
It's all about OPTICS. Wouldn't look good for who ever is handling this investigation to release video of evidence in a criminal case. However, it *was* online until it got scrubbed. That's why we've been running around trying to find copies. If we can find a copy of this video it will GO VIRAL as it is public evidence of a direct threat against the POTUS AT THE SOTU!!!!!
▶ 2eb4a2 (6) No.288262>>288317
>Calling everyone who does not just nod their head in agreement a "nigger", often implies one is in fact a nigger though.
▶ 255888 (2) No.288263>>288274
earth cannot be flat. all the cats would have pushed everything off by now…
▶ fa0676 (21) No.288264
>Demographics can't real: The Post
▶ 2500a2 (2) No.288265
the roof on the first pic looks like where the fire was ?
▶ 94d050 (12) No.288266>>288275 >>288301
https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=kOEvXPzrCP0
Quentin Tarantino says Roman Polanski did not rape the "13 year old party girl" who was "down for the party."
▶ f5352f (9) No.288267>>288276 >>288280
How is SCOTUS connected to FISA?
▶ f19d48 (4) No.288268>>288277
Doesn't sound good does it!!
Can you believe anons are still talking about pictures!!!
▶ ee25be (13) No.288269
Anyone find any new email addresses for Obama in this list?
▶ df3713 (10) No.288270
▶ 2d5768 (8) No.288271
Never heard of… Gopro wideangle lenses?
How small would the Earth be when you see it like this at a hight of 125km?
Seriously, you dare to call other retarded?
I'm not a flat earther, but come on. This is so fuckin' stupid…
▶ 5a8e08 (10) No.288272
no seriously George Webb might be onto something
▶ 00b432 (12) No.288275>>288288
I know, another one off my list to eatch movies, they are depriving me of good cinema
▶ df3713 (10) No.288276>>288296
Justice Kennedy selects the judges.
▶ 16f9e6 (22) No.288277>>288283 >>288318
has anyone clipped and enhanced that audio and put it out for distribution?
▶ 94d050 (12) No.288278
▶ 1db184 (2) No.288279
Still photos usually have better details than a "capture" still frame from a video clip. Keep digging!
▶ 16f9e6 (22) No.288280>>288287 >>288296 >>288304 >>288341
JUSTICE JOHN ROBERTS selects the judges on the FISA court.
CHIEF judge.
▶ fd0ccf (10) No.288281>>288322
All this talk about high res video made me think about RED.
It's a term that Q has used before.
And very very recently he said something very very odd. Not sure if civilian tech can capture at that distance.
We assumed this was because he knows about military satellite cameras. But could he mean PRO versus CONSUMER. Is it possible that POTUS team is using RED cameras somewhere specifically to spy on stupid Dems in public places?
https:// en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Red_Digital_Cinema_Camera_Company
So, what kind of cameras were in the House? What exactly is the RAW format that those cameras capture?
Even if we cannot demand that Congress publish that raw video, we could use FOIA to learn these details.
▶ 24782d (3) No.288282
▶ fa0676 (21) No.288283>>288313
▶ a62942 (11) No.288285
i have only a vague recollection of seeing it a a kid, but it's not a positive one, for sure. A bit creeped out to watch it again…
▶ 53a098 (3) No.288286>>288536
I was looking up Carl ghattas and came across your high value detainee interrogation group.
The FBI administers an interagency body called the high value detainee interrogation group (HIG) that brings together Personnel from the US intelligence Community to conduct lawful interrogations that strengthen National Security.
In addition to its operational role in eliciting accurate and actionable intelligence from high-value terrorism subjects. the Hig serves as the government's focal point for interrogation best practices, training, and scientific research. all research is unclassified. researchers who work with the group are free to publish their findings and most do
▶ 5a8e08 (10) No.288287>>288304
not true he can select them - however hussein appointed a few
▶ 94d050 (12) No.288288
It's awful. I really like some of their movies. I guess my discernment is improving.
▶ c73e94 (9) No.288289>>288295 >>288311 >>288378
>>287899 (OP)
Is SPACEMAN really in SPACE?
https:// youtu.be/wbSwFU6tY1c?t=2508
See for yourself! What the actual fuck am I seeing here?
(relevant to Q since Q has mentioned spacex many times)
▶ 52b880 (24) No.288291>>288409
Fail. Cant get it any better.
▶ 255888 (2) No.288292
▶ 5a8e08 (10) No.288293>>288305
btw - I am using you all right now for a little social experiment regarding george webb - i have a number of followers who think he is legit - i am trying to show them what the anons think of him
i think he is full of shit
sorry for using you all but I knew no other way
▶ df3713 (10) No.288294>>288309
Adam Schiff sent his staff to try and collect 'classified materials for the FBI' after Russian pranksters told him Putin has NAKED blackmail pictures of Trump
http:// www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-5355713/Adam-Schiff-spoofed-Russian-claim-nude-Trump-pic.html
▶ ee25be (13) No.288295>>288306 >>288384
Before the Fairing was jettisoned… this is from inside.
▶ f5352f (9) No.288296>>288341 >>288365
Did Scalia do it before Kennedy?
▶ c68c6b (2) No.288297>>288445
Trump made sure that the Briefing would interfere with this Launch ….I think this was a Psyop ….
▶ 340198 (6) No.288298
yes, notice you shill for the cabal for free, and the goldmine is youtube
▶ cea47e (2) No.288300
At first glance it does look exactly the same. Well spotted.
▶ 3cfba4 (14) No.288301>>288319
Bit like the pope saying there are no pedos in the church IMO
▶ 3bb818 (1) No.288302
She's texting with someone. The image under her thumb is a photo she sent to another person, if I'm not mistaken.
▶ 16f9e6 (22) No.288304
https:// en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_Foreign_Intelligence_Surveillance_Court
Appointment process
The court's judges[28] are appointed solely by the Chief Justice of the United States without confirmation or oversight by the U.S. Congress.[29] This gives the chief justice the ability to appoint like-minded judges and create a court without diversity.[30][31] "The judges are hand-picked by someone who, through his votes on the Supreme Court, we have come to learn has a particular view on civil liberties and law enforcement", Theodore Ruger, a professor at the University of Pennsylvania Law School, said with respect to Chief Justice John Roberts. "The way the FISA is set up, it gives him unchecked authority to put judges on the court who feel the same way he does."[29] And Stephen Vladeck, a law professor at the University of Texas School of Law, added, "Since FISA was enacted in 1978, we've had three chief justices, and they have all been conservative Republicans, so I think one can worry that there is insufficient diversity."[32] Since May 2014, however, four of the five judges appointed by Chief Justice Roberts to the FISA Court were appointed to their prior federal court positions by Presidents Bill Clinton and Barack Obama.
There are some reform proposals. Senator Richard Blumenthal from Connecticut proposed that each of the chief judges of the 12 major appeals courts select a district judge for the surveillance court; the chief justice would still pick the review panel that hears rare appeals of the court's decisions, but six other Supreme Court justices would have to sign off. Another proposal authored by Representative Adam Schiff of California would give the president the power to nominate judges for the court, subject to Senate approval, while Representative Steve Cohen proposed that Congressional leaders pick eight of the court's members.[33]>>288287
▶ 2500a2 (2) No.288305
once he said trump slept with a 13 year old i was gone , guess he had to much wine that episode .
▶ c73e94 (9) No.288306>>288329 >>288334 >>288384
Nope, watch the link. Spaceman was already out. A second before you saw the Earth, and a second after you see the Earth again.
▶ 79e450 (18) No.288307
>we have people discussing having the POTUS shot during HIS SOTU address
Your first mistake was assuming communist-niggers are "people".
▶ 122dbc (1) No.288308
No Qdrops? Don't have the flavour of autism that's required for the most recent ones? Re-Read the Qmap!
Red Herrings be damned
Do it for yourself, first and foremost. Believe in your bones we're riding the greatest timeline in existence - Be a Virus of Confidence
No Qdrops? Don't have the flavour of autism that's required for the most recent ones? Re-Read the Qmap!
Red Herrings be damned
Do it for yourself, first and foremost. Believe in your bones we're riding the greatest timeline in existence - Be a Virus of Confidence
No Qdrops? Don't have the flavour of autism that's required for the most recent ones? Re-Read the Qmap!
Red Herrings be damned
Do it for yourself, first and foremost. Believe in your bones we're riding the greatest timeline in existence - Be a Virus of Confidence
No Qdrops? Don't have the flavour of autism that's required for the most recent ones? Re-Read the Qmap!
Red Herrings be damned
Do it for yourself, first and foremost. Believe in your bones we're riding the greatest timeline in existence - Be a Virus of Confidence
Stay Comfy~
▶ 55094e (3) No.288309>>288315
>>288294 yup. Heard the phonecall between Schiff and a "Russian" on hannitys radio show on my way home. He has the audio. Will play it again on tonight's show
▶ 5af06c (8) No.288311>>288314 >>288384
▶ e092ca (5) No.288312>>288328 >>288360
having trouble with this buffering…wondering if it has unaldulterated over head shots…
RAW VIDEO: Trump delivers first State of the Union address
http:// www.azfamily.com/clip/14089701/raw-video-trump-delivers-first-state-of-the-union-address
▶ 16f9e6 (22) No.288313
Ty good to see that. I'm HoH and not on social media so just wanted to confirm someone did it. Thanks again anon.
▶ df3713 (10) No.288315>>288339
this is going to be an excellent week.
▶ 53a098 (3) No.288316
Not just people but members of the House of Representatives or senators
▶ 79e450 (18) No.288317>>288376
TIL: Non-white = Nigger
▶ f19d48 (4) No.288318
Good question, any audiofags around?
▶ 94d050 (12) No.288319
The pope never said that. Give it a rest. Attacking the church with slander is not as popular as you think.
▶ f08889 (7) No.288320
I don't know. We are so use to having WikiLeaks get them and we know they would be real and not mess with.
▶ ee25be (13) No.288321>>288337
Sorry I know another Spacex post… but check out this object that flys behind the car.. pretty big piece of debris?
▶ 1e00be (4) No.288322>>288439
I will dig. Thanks for the link.
He did say it. They shoot in a native R3D codec which then has to be converted. Those files are huge- especially if its the entire SOTU. But if that comes more to fruition plz plz plz use their logo. Resolve is a free software that can handle those files if need be. They are huge though fair warning.
▶ d29981 (1) No.288323
It could mean
a) memo dropped a Friday market (market down 666 that day)
b) one instance of the word “Friday” was redacted (dropped) from Memo
c) Q accidentally a word; meant “drop on a Friday.”
My guess is c
▶ 2a3374 (2) No.288324
as the side boosters are landing, looking down from the rockets, the two vids looks very similar, but there are slight differences, so it appears to be separate cameras/rockets. and the commentary does say that while they appear similar, they are 'really' two cameras on different rockets. but as they get close enough to see the two pads below them, they both land on the same (lower) pad, looking down, leaving the other (upper) one empty. vid cued, pic related
https:// youtu.be/wbSwFU6tY1c?t=2259
▶ 1895d0 (5) No.288325
literally no.
I'll take "what is NASA" for $1000 Alex.
https:// www. nasa.gov/home/hqnews/2004/feb/HQ_04055_NASA_tech_FBI.html
and this was 14 years ago.
I'm paraphrasing Q here:
>I dont know if CIVILIAN tech can zoom that far
▶ 57c126 (1) No.288326
In search of: EXPERT FILM ANON to make a RAW high quality loop or gif of this with audio!!
▶ e092ca (5) No.288327
▶ b41b10 (5) No.288328>>288360
watched it a couple breads ago
wrong angles for the black cockintheass
section of the floor. did get a couple other people
with phones though
▶ 997c57 (14) No.288329>>288384
your right
it skips feed then its "closed"
▶ de91be (1) No.288330>>288393 >>288407 >>288417
Anyone else got the balls?
▶ 0508b8 (1) No.288331
Just watched this for the first time THIS MORNING. At least I've got electrical tape over the camera anyway.
▶ 9510c0 (1) No.288333
Lynn Rothschild lder(at)elrholdings.com lynn1(at)elrothschild.com 07787566038 PA 212-403-3683 PA 2073495500 H 212
980 0025 (geraldine) H 646-250-3567 H 7711979194 C 44-229-668-8204 H London 435 E. 52nd Street NY NY 10022 31
Tite St SW3 4JP London 435 E. 52nd St, NY 10022
▶ 997c57 (14) No.288334>>288384
sunspot same spot as "inside" and "outside"
▶ 9b4315 (3) No.288335
Oh thank god! Jarred Beck was not among them! That would have seriously pissed me off!
▶ a0d818 (3) No.288336
>"Be willing to lay your life down on the line for the change that needs to happen in this country."
▶ 5af06c (8) No.288337
Yea SpaceX it's letting it all go uncensored it looks like….
▶ 55094e (3) No.288339>>288345 >>288346
Yes it is. …and I was cracking up. Schiff was set up, and it was glorious to listen to it. Hannity had Gingrich on his show, and they were both laughing about it. It's quite funny. Wait til you hear it! It's a must. " Trump naked, we have pictures, ready to hand off the info to FBI!" Kek
▶ 647346 (1) No.288340
▶ df3713 (10) No.288341
you are correct sir. thought Kennedy was chief.
If Scalia was chief, then yes.
▶ a62942 (11) No.288342
yup, and "conspiracist" thinking in general.
pretty obvious, they were def not subtle about it
▶ 9d82b0 (2) No.288344
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. Shadilay Orchestral (meme farmer version)
▶ 00b432 (12) No.288345>>288357
Oh those russians, they pranked madmax too
▶ 44b5da (11) No.288346>>288357
I'm still busting a gut over it. Funniest thing all day!
▶ a9e0c2 (2) No.288347>>288359 >>288670
Trey Gowdy has been given the highest level of security clearance possible, granted with an executive order from the President himself.
It was probably already posted… but I didn't see it. So just in case…
https:// mediaconservative.com/2018/01/31/president-trump-just-made-trey-gowdy-the-most-powerful-man-in-capitol-hill/
▶ fd0ccf (10) No.288348
Where are the 3 ladies?
I only see two. Maybe the wrong person was accused of playing Candy Crush. Maybe the person furthest to the right is the one with the incriminating phone content.
This photo shows the Twitter reader, but her screen has changed suggesting that this was earlier or later than the published photo.
Details, anons. RIGOR !!!
▶ c0bfad (1) No.288349>>288438
...according to... (I don't trust any CPUs with MMUs from 1990 forward.)
▶ 8e5d25 (8) No.288350>>288363 >>288373
theres some major FUCKERY going on!!
Adress book anthony weiner??
has been on the internet since 2016!!!
https:// steemit.com/cantstopthesignal/@the.masses/the-black-book-of-washington-d-c
https:// archive.is/rWZGf#selection-748.0-751.77
Georgie web is now doing videos where he claims Q put that out today??
▶ 2b73c8 (2) No.288351
T minus 2 min
http:// www.spacex.com/webcast
▶ 79e450 (18) No.288352
https:// en. wikipedia.org/wiki/Apache_Corporation
▶ 1895d0 (5) No.288354>>288369
literally no.
I'll take "what is NASA" for $1000 Alex.
https:// www. nasa.gov/home/hqnews/2004/feb/HQ_04055_NASA_tech_FBI.html
and this was 14 years ago.
I'm paraphrasing Q here:
>I dont know if CIVILIAN tech can zoom that far
▶ 9b4315 (3) No.288356
No wonder the Dems are panicking and pushing hard on open borders, which means they are fucked because Trump is never going to allow it.
Been seeing allot of black conservative content creators on youtube lately. This has had to help with allot of this!
▶ 55094e (3) No.288357
Toooooooo funny. I was laughing my ass off in my car. …
▶ ee25be (13) No.288358
Elon might be a Deep State douchebag but at least he has a sense of humor!
▶ df3713 (10) No.288359
I'm thinking Gowdy has been chosen for 2nd special prosecutor.
▶ 3cfba4 (14) No.288360>>288371 >>288380
It's the audio that's important in this video.. Where the person shouts Trump should be shot! Find that and enhance it if pssible. It's around the time when Trump is speaking about Iran.
▶ 340198 (6) No.288361
especially if you can remember when MTV played music.
▶ 8caad0 (2) No.288362
@Q nets ! System of tubes !
▶ 44b5da (11) No.288363
I've been trying to tell these fags what a moron GW is. Lying asshole trying to make money off others and saying he found the intel. Been running off the mouth for a loooooooooong time.
▶ bfc014 (14) No.288364>>288381 >>288515
So far, I'm only getting the hits that you gave. It was a nice try though. Any other filenames to try?
While I was typing that, I got a single hit that lies outside of your set. File with correct name attached.
▶ fd43d1 (4) No.288365
Scalia was never Chief Justice
▶ 750db9 (1) No.288366
Wasn't it also McCabe who orchestrated 5 day review of the >500k new emails that came to light from NYPD investigation of Weiner and declared nothing found just before the election.
▶ e2a11d (3) No.288367>>288374 >>288383
Right…And who is taking the pics of the car? Rocketman?
▶ d9c575 (6) No.288368>>288432
▶ 1895d0 (5) No.288369
I apologize for duplicate post. lagging bad over here.
▶ 4440be (2) No.288370>>288551
So if Joyce Beatty was composing her SOTU response during the SOTU address in an email, does that mean she was texting the person she was sending the email to?
It looks like the part that is censored in the Getty pic might have been a note she made within the body of the email directly for the recipient. Who was she preparing her statement with/for? Was she asking for final approval before sending it?
▶ 94d050 (12) No.288371>>288379 >>288380 >>288396
Can't someone just say where it is on the raw tape? How many minutes in? The raw video is almost two hours long.
▶ 24782d (3) No.288372>>288385
Planefags, leaving this only once. we need your help. Q posed a question on November 4 about POTUS pos. Being in Las Vegas the night of the LV shootings. Any of you have access to flight records from that time frame. We can’t pull it without doxxing. We have the rest of the info but need your help.
▶ 3cfba4 (14) No.288373
lololol noobs will be noobs :)
▶ 59e4f6 (1) No.288374
>Right…And who is taking the pics of the car? Rocketman?
Little Rocketwoman
▶ cb5070 (1) No.288375>>288382 >>288483
Do we have a consensus yet on EM? He is one of (((us))) or one of (((them)))?
▶ e0e8af (1) No.288376
I'm going to stop sliding the thread after this:
Stop with the feelz. My mulatto spic ass is obviously included by your definition, which is fine. I'll say this though, You wouldn't last a day being a nigger, as you define it. Likewise, many of them wouldn't want to be you, myself included. We're all who we are, yet our opinions & demographics don't mean shit when this life is done & we're out of the meat suit. Be proud of your meat suit, I'm proud of mine. Teach yours to love hate & protect, I'll teach mine to love understand and protect, hate is wasted energy.
Now, back to what I'm here for, which isn't teaching you that a nigger in white skin is likely the worst kind of nigger. Enjoy your meat suit.
▶ 16f9e6 (22) No.288377>>288386 >>288387 >>288392
People have suggested that Chief Justice Roberts was compromised. Anyone know why that might be? He WAS appointed by Bush in 2005… I know that Bush is another crime family as well.
▶ fa0676 (21) No.288379
anon can correct me if i'm wrong, but i think people are saying that occurred while trump was still walking down the aisle before the speech started
▶ b41b10 (5) No.288380>>288389 >>288454
i asked earlier and got the same bullshit
give timestamp to sauce it properly.. or dont mention it
▶ bfc014 (14) No.288381>>288398
Also, I'm noticing that the shooter with the wrong timedatestamp is up with POTUS and not behind the crowd. Wrong angle. <le sigh>
▶ 52b880 (24) No.288382
bad dude. reread crumbs. qcodefag.github.io
▶ 44bd19 (4) No.288383
There are external mounting brackets for cameras on front and side to provide multiple angles. Visible as they switch feeds in livestream:
https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=aBr2kKAHN6M
▶ c73e94 (9) No.288384>>288390 >>288395 >>288508
▶ 16f9e6 (22) No.288385>>288421
I've seen that asked many times, never saw a conclusive answer.
Q or POTUS as anon even gave us the airport he was at when that went down, I can't remember for sure but McHerron or something like that.
▶ 44b5da (11) No.288386
Has something to do with the adoption of his daughters.
▶ df3713 (10) No.288387
He did roll over on the Obamacare tax/penalty.
▶ 3cfba4 (14) No.288389>>288412
Look asshole I'm not your fucking babysitter. Get your own sauce instead of bashing and providing nothing - EVER!
▶ 16f9e6 (22) No.288390
▶ da8a7b (4) No.288391>>288397 >>288399 >>288567
I wonder who's corpse is in the suit…
Where are the bodies buried? Lol
▶ fd43d1 (4) No.288392>>288403
I've heard two rumors - one that dealt with illegal adoption of his children, the other that he's gay
▶ bfdc74 (3) No.288393
not with that wrong # toward the end I'm not! (4)
▶ fd0ccf (10) No.288394>>288402
Is POTUS using the UK courts in order to expose the criminal behavior of the FBI and DOJ? Watch the Assange case next week.
▶ ee25be (13) No.288395>>288413
Not to sound shilly… but its called an instant replay… They didnt get the fairing separation in the live feed so they skipped the feed backward.
▶ 05272b (1) No.288396
its going to be different on every tape but I know she was looking at her phone at 9:30 and 9:50 as per the clock on the wall
▶ bfc014 (14) No.288398>>288410 >>288515
Wait, another hit. This photog moves around. Image attached.
▶ 16f9e6 (22) No.288399
don't you hope it was Musk himself?
Fly me to the moon and
Let me play among those stars
Let me see what spring is like on
Jupiter and Mars
In other words,
Hold my handin other words,
Darlin kiss me
Fill my heart with song and
Dlet me sing for ever more
You are all I long for all I
Worship and adore
In other words,
Please be true
In other words,
I love you
▶ ac96aa (4) No.288401>>288416 >>288423 >>288427 >>288458 >>288466 >>288467 >>288472 >>288493 >>288507 >>288678
Good afternoon Anon's.
Obama is scheming. Hussein has planned a trip to New Zealand where the USA doesn't have an extradition contract in place. New Zealand doesn't have to send him back to USA when requested to stand trial.
▶ 52b880 (24) No.288402>>288437
no, he is using us military intel.
▶ 16f9e6 (22) No.288403
Oh yes, I remember the undocumented Italian? children story that was mentioned here a few days ago I think it was.
▶ fc1acd (1) No.288405
Thomas Paine called the MGM / Mandalay Bay people "dopes." Dopey.
▶ 8caad0 (2) No.288406
It's a gift to the Marians
▶ 8dafff (3) No.288407
Nah niggah. Enough fanfiction here, no need to go anywhere else
▶ 13efa6 (1) No.288408
Irish mythology.
▶ 9dff00 (3) No.288409
Anons just realised something about the phone!! The green message and the media is on the sent side meaning that she sent them to someone via SMS not iMessage.
Person then responds on the left hand side of the screen. Noticed some anons saying the person who messaged her wasn’t on iPhone however please see picture to show they are on the “sent” side not “received”
▶ 997c57 (14) No.288411>>288425
ANONS - I can't see anything talked about the RANDOM YELLING at the end of the PRESS BRIEF :
" Can you state categorically that the cooking pictures included with the letter that was certified by genuine by April Ryder? RYETH? AP? "
that's what I heard anyway
▶ b41b10 (5) No.288412
so you are admitting your bullshit
i have researched
and sauced every fucking time i was asked
▶ c73e94 (9) No.288413
Nope. Watch the Earth between shots.
▶ 9b4315 (3) No.288414>>288476
Not me! I am sick as a dog with a cold and I feel like I could do this for another 4 years!
We got into this mess by being asleep for decades! We care more about movies, TV and sports than the security of our own government! We let pencilnecks on TV tell us what was going on, rather than looking ourselves.
I have come to realize that the "swamp" is so massive and so pervasive, it is going to take a good while before it is completely purged!
I can see the strategy the POTUS is taking.
((These)) people are not just stupid, but selfish!
Q & Team are going to eat their empire from the bottom up.
One of them are going to push the red button for a bunch of underlings.
By the time the leaders realize that they are fucked, there will be very few left to protect them!
Carry on Anons! What else are you gonna do quit and let our last chance to get our country back fade away!? I will be here as long as I am able!
▶ e092ca (5) No.288415
POTUS asked to #ReleaseTheMemo at SOTU…
Viewer clip on CSPAN.
https:// www.c-span.org/video/?c4712162/releasethememo
▶ a0d818 (3) No.288416>>288423
Just saw those pics a while back with an HRC address almost next to the New Zealand embassy. No coincidences.
▶ 4ff1c2 (5) No.288417
faggot, we have way around that
https:// archive.fo/fwFu3
https:// archive.fo/ojasA
Both are holding pages on GoDaddy webhost.
Someone else can run a registration check, I'm going to attempt some image enhancement on phone footage I found
▶ 2d5768 (8) No.288418>>288436 >>288508
Damn studio lights always look the same… fake shit.
▶ d9c575 (6) No.288419
She was standing so close to the President, she wasn't trying to hide it, it's as if she said it for him to hear it.
▶ 90f1a8 (3) No.288420
▶ 24782d (3) No.288421
Thankyou anon, we have put together the shooters and what happened ,(timeline) we have part of audio but need the Planefags that can grab past Hx of flights.
▶ 52b880 (24) No.288422>>288431
My guess is right here is where she says 'He should be shot!"
▶ 997c57 (14) No.288423>>288562
check this
▶ d81269 (1) No.288424>>288542
Just more fodder to support evidence of a photoshop in phone pic.
Error level analysis shows sharp color changes in areas that have been manipulated. The only phone with smooth edge lines is the candy crush phone.
http:// content.tegnanc. com/photo/2018/02/01/GettyImages-912439238_1517521556700_12686834_ver1.0.jpg
https:// fotoforensics. com/analysis.php?id=743c0e3c2404ed0aa9a2c7c633ef633122278075.1886922
https:// fotoforensics. com/analysis.php?id=743c0e3c2404ed0aa9a2c7c633ef633122278075.1886922&fmt=ela
▶ fd43d1 (4) No.288425>>288429
it's a lameass joke about Ryan saying Sanders didn't make her own pecan pies - ignore it
▶ 1fa0fa (5) No.288426
bullshit! If anyone can clean this up so we can actually hear it clearly. Like someone is gonna yell "he should be shot" in the middle of congress on the night of sotu. GTFO. LMFAOOOO
▶ 00b432 (12) No.288427
I can assure you if we win the war and trump assumes full power, NZ will extradite him with or without a treaty, i am not worried
▶ 997c57 (14) No.288429
▶ 9fdf2f (4) No.288430
This picture was on last night and I joked that it looks like she is on 8Chan…
Never made the connection that it was a different screen or photoshop…
▶ 9dff00 (3) No.288431
Isn’t that the photoshopped “email” that we’re discrediting? I thought the one to dig was the text messaging one?
▶ 8d4646 (2) No.288432
Definitely heard it much clearer
▶ f1d3bb (10) No.288433
▶ 53a098 (3) No.288435
Make me a nothing burger made with that
▶ e2a11d (3) No.288436
I thought Kubrick was dead…lol
▶ a0d818 (3) No.288437>>288443
Don't think he won't use both, if he wants too. I have no doubt the UK IC has lots to say if given the chance, without, you know, dying.
▶ bb5bd1 (6) No.288438>>288449 >>288461
>I don't trust any CPUs with MMUs from 1990 forward
deep state trying to kill off every computer they can when Q drops the good stuff
every OS vulnerable, every cpu vulnerable
firejail and vm's don't matter, qubes is recommended by snowden, so....lol
what's the best preparation then?
▶ fd0ccf (10) No.288439
Since the files are so huge, they would probably need several to hold the whole SOTU. Maybe 4, say?
Would 4 files be about right?
We know the length of SOTU so someone familiar with RED cameras should be able to estimate total number of gigabytes. Portable media used to pass around video files come in certain magic sizes so if we know the total file size for a raw RED video file, anons can make a reasonable guess at whether that is likely to be 4 files.
▶ 72075e (6) No.288441>>288499
I say shrink NASA, we don't the the gov in the middle of everything, this is how things got so fucked up in the first place, power and money corrupts, how did EM get this all done so fast, because is the same companies that supply all space hardware, we don't need a DMV running the space programs, if it doesn't make money then it really needs to beg and not be given cash like it's free, remember Trump cutting the budget on the jets and the new AF1, took him what a phone call, that how business runs.
▶ c73e94 (9) No.288442>>288450
OK YOU'RE 100% RIGHT I'M SORRY EVERYONE I just watched the clip again and it indeed happens twice. And if I slow it down I can see the doors open. Sorry for freaking out. We have a Tesla in space. Repeat, we have a TESLA in SPACE.
▶ 52b880 (24) No.288443
UK intel, yes, but not their courts. Their courts have no jurisdiction here.
▶ dfb79e (1) No.288444>>288500
Are we sure that Elon Musk was sending his Roadster up on that Falcon Heavy?
▶ c1ef42 (2) No.288445
nah, because the launcg was delayed due to "wind"
▶ 246985 (5) No.288446>>288469
Some Q posts are in the wrong day.
All Q posts after >275719 are Tuesday's posts.
▶ a207cb (1) No.288447>>288458 >>288541
Oh boy. Here we go again.
▶ fbe366 (1) No.288448
Partly the advertisers
▶ 340198 (6) No.288449
well, I'm not addicted to intel so i trust up until 2012.
▶ 069454 (1) No.288451
Joyce Beatty, Ohio
▶ b4253e (5) No.288452>>288508
Newsweek is under federal investigation for shady financial and advertising practices, and has abruptly declared bankruptcy and fired all of their employees. Massive implosion of their operation.
Trump is finally going after the (((news media))).
Wasn't Newsweek a Clowns asset? Makes you think, doesn't it
http:// archive.is/ZJRvw
What the fuck?
▶ 4babc2 (6) No.288454>>288488 >>288510 >>288607
:54 secs Anon
▶ 72075e (6) No.288455
PS walk around the f'kn moon or bf some cosmonaut for a year in a space coffin, I mean station, our people are no more safe in earth orbit than the moon
▶ c57266 (3) No.288456>>288464
Why doesn't Kim Dotcom just send us a big file or some shit instead of playing this Q game?
▶ 8dafff (3) No.288458
▶ 2b73c8 (2) No.288459
▶ 3cfba4 (14) No.288460
And your point is?
WL have info long before others on many occasions, you do know that don't you?
▶ b4253e (5) No.288461>>288478
Have an air-gapped PC. Never let it connect to the internet ever.
▶ f4edb3 (1) No.288462>>288549
How the fuck are you niggers so slow?
We were on this picture within 30 minutes and some rich anon bought the source image.
You can't get anything out of it.
I can't even believe the stupidity here, every time I check in the same 10 minutes worth of research is being done on a fucking loop.
▶ 246985 (5) No.288463>>288470 >>288473 >>288492
He's now dead: 'suicided'.
▶ 8dafff (3) No.288464
▶ 4ff1c2 (5) No.288465>>288479
>re any extra imag
Are you yanking images with a scripted wget or curl?
If so, I'll go back to image enhance for an hour
▶ 41299e (3) No.288466>>288505
The plane would get turned around…
Plan all you want!
▶ 8388bb (1) No.288467>>288475 >>288490
Obama Now is in NZ?
▶ fa0676 (21) No.288469
you're looking at the time wrong, anon. 24 hour clock, not a 12 hour clock
▶ 4ef258 (3) No.288470>>288481 >>288485
Ronald Bernard dead?
▶ 2d5768 (8) No.288471
Hahaha, this is really serious.
So bad. Do they really think we are idiots. This is actually a fucking insult to intelligence.
▶ 94d050 (12) No.288472
https:// www.google.com/maps/place/2446+Belmont+Rd+NW,+Washington,+DC+20008/@38.9183176,-77.0547739,3a,75y,114.35h,90t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sn6cHXxRlTxCgmkuE7b3H7A!2e0!7i13312!8i6656!4m5!3m4!1s0x89b7b7cd643f5cdd:0x16cbd45f46222fb7!8m2!3d38.918218!4d-77.0545136
And of course his DC (money-laundering) house is on Embassy Row.
▶ 4ff1c2 (5) No.288473
Crap. Did he make parts 3 & 4
or only part 2?
▶ 563be7 (3) No.288474
From the early WH website picture showing what photographers and videographers had the best view of the cell phones in question. Do we have better pics of these poeple or can we identify who they are so we can request or find hi res photo/video archives?
▶ 44b5da (11) No.288475
Read the article. It says March
▶ 16f9e6 (22) No.288476
With God on our side this whole game will be rolled up in no more than about another 60-90 days. Russia implemented sanctions against I think it was US journalists for 6 months back in November. Once the problem is taken care of US and Russian relations will return to normal. Which according to these assholes proves collusion.
We're already gobbling up their empire and 99% of the groundwork has already been laid. The 1% has everything to do with optics.
Remember Mark Taylor prophecies about MSM Media. You are watching it happen in real-time.
We are ready to move when the time is right. "LOCK HER UP" has been in the back of everyone's minds since the election. Everyone has believed the LIE that it won't happen. They just need to be told that it IS happening and they need national, MSM proof that it is happening in what ever way shape or form. How that will be accomplished, I don't know. But I do know that National Geographic has put out a very very good video a few weeks ago, Chain of Command. It's all about the strategic moves and waking up the Sleeping Beauty to her Destiny.
The Anons are a force in the cabin, at the wheel of the good ship USS America. We are the watch men, blowing the whistle to alert the good people in the hold about what's coming and about the seas ahead. You don't spin the wheel quickly because the ship will overturn and sink… into a sea of a civil war. The shoals are directly ahead, and there remains but a narrow path just big enough for the USS America to steam through. With the help of God and the Anons we will steam through to the Promised Land on the other side.
▶ 8ae5df (1) No.288477>>288486 >>288498
Has anybody figured out who said Trump should be shot
▶ bb5bd1 (6) No.288478>>288518
i meant for downloading and distributing whatever Q might want us to spread - how to do that without frying our computers?
▶ bfc014 (14) No.288479>>288489
Curl, my friend anon. I'm wrapping it with a Ruby script.
▶ 2a3374 (2) No.288480>>288491 >>288600
wtf happened to our atmosphere??
▶ 00b432 (12) No.288481
Nope, there was misinfo circulating sbout the guy with the same name in florida, i think zublick bought it. Zublick is a separate story-genuine guy but no filters
▶ d53a60 (1) No.288482
On the last bread there was an anon post from CDAN about an acc # at a hotel - then further down there was a screen shot from a twatter user that just had a number……I think the number from the CDAN and the Twatter pic was the same number……I can't find it again.
▶ 08ca08 (11) No.288483
Well he just committed suicide by blasting him self into space in a roadster. And televised it.
This time line. Wooo!
▶ 5af06c (8) No.288484
At least the cloud patterns are different with each revolution :)
▶ fe6c0d (1) No.288485>>288504 >>288514
This has been covered again and again. It was a different guy with the same name, found murdered in Florida or something.
I'm Dutch myself, guy is still alive and kicking.
▶ d9c575 (6) No.288486
▶ b41b10 (5) No.288488>>288519 >>288607
been through that one
we need an audio anon to try and weed out the
chatter so we can clearly hear it.
sounds different every time i listen
i do concur.. this could be it
▶ 4ff1c2 (5) No.288489>>288515
OK thanks anon, I'll leave it with you. I'm out to do some image analysis for now..
▶ ac96aa (4) No.288490
The article says in March.
▶ 8e5d25 (8) No.288492>>288513 >>288537
>Ronald Bernard isnt dead
▶ 9fdf2f (4) No.288493
New Zeland is a part of FVEY (4 Trusted Allies and us). We would snatch and grab them and NZ would let us do it…that would be a very big mistake for them…
▶ 65ebdc (1) No.288494
is this from a video? If so, can previous and later frames be "Stacked" e.g., frame stacking?
▶ c5035b (1) No.288495>>288525
A Special Place for ball sack eyes?
▶ caa577 (5) No.288496>>288502 >>288506 >>288581
In this vid at :53 & :54 seconds, I can almost here her say "Don't applaud him, he should be shot!". This is the lady in the middle - the middle cellphone lady (Beatty??). You can also see the woman to her right nodding in agreement! Wow!!
Do you guys hear it? Please God, give us ears to hear and eyes to see the truth!!!
▶ 6b6358 (1) No.288497
If you don't know how the Earth's atmosphere works then don't bring Incredulity into this. Educate yourself instead of being some FlatFag.
▶ c57266 (3) No.288498
▶ f1d3bb (10) No.288499>>288553
Oh I agree with all this. This plan is not a gov plan. We have the tech and will liscence to anyone who want to mine space.
▶ 8a828d (1) No.288500>>288532 >>288563
>>288444 (Checked)
Good observation, Anon. This entire "send a car into space" schtick is shady as hell. What's really in the car?
▶ e092ca (5) No.288501
wondering what she is thinking?
▶ caa577 (5) No.288502>>288546
"Don't applaud, he should be shot!"
▶ 90f1a8 (3) No.288503>>288516 >>288522
Memo 2.0?
http:// www.foxnews.com/opinion/2018/02/06/sean-hannity-senate-releases-memo-2-0-and-it-should-scare.html
▶ 4ef258 (3) No.288504
As a Dutch person.. Mr Holleeder mentioned 'De Allesweter' recently
http:// capoditutticapi007.blogspot.nl/2012/01/her-majestys-secret-servie.html
▶ ac96aa (4) No.288505>>288530
If he is in New Zealand before the warrants are issued, he can travel..
▶ 91c2c3 (1) No.288506>>288524 >>288620
Only a deaf person couldn't hear that.
▶ fd0ccf (10) No.288507
If Obama goes to NZ and stays there, then Trump wins. This would be Obama stating that he is guilty of sedition and treason and therefore he is staying put where US law cannot reach.
This fact alone will red pill hundreds of millions of people around the world. That is one plane that WILL NOT BE TURNED AROUND.
Besides, New Zealanders have their own laws, can re-elect their own politicians, and some day, can sign a new trade and extradition treaty.
▶ 340198 (6) No.288508>>288523 >>288654
ok former Cable TV camera OP anon declares fake and gay…. slow the mp4 down and you can see the projector turn on and the iris adjust
▶ 246985 (5) No.288509>>288677
I keep a record of Q posts here:
board is locked so its not fucked with.
▶ 1fa0fa (5) No.288510>>288517 >>288584
dude…no body is going to shout, He should be shot, in the middle of this crowd. That's the dumbest fkn shit I've ever heard you retards say in here.
▶ f85c9d (1) No.288511
Is it possible to view a phone screen from the video? Like freeze the video and then screenshot the phone? Just asking…>>288312
▶ 16f9e6 (22) No.288512
http:// allnewspipeline.com/Bait_And_Switch_Senate_Memo.php
Forgive me if this has already been posted but I have NOT seen it mentioned here?
▶ 246985 (5) No.288513
I'll see if I can find the reference.
▶ bb5bd1 (6) No.288514>>288520
>I'm Dutch myself, guy is still alive and kicking.
have you seen him on tv there other than those pedo-banker videos? is he well-known there?
who's protecting him?
▶ bfc014 (14) No.288515
Did you see this additional ones I found using the script?
▶ 16f9e6 (22) No.288517
If someone offered to pay you $500 would you do it?
Maybe you wouldn't and I wouldn't but I'm sure there's plenty of idiots out there who would.
▶ b4253e (5) No.288518
Literally print shit out. Make little pamphlets. Distribute. Pretend it's 1982.
▶ fd0ccf (10) No.288519>>288529
Anyone got a lip reader to listen to the women just after the audio clip?
▶ 4ef258 (3) No.288520>>288577
This suggests he was okay earlier today
https:// twitter.com/SovereignBean/status/960910110703972352
▶ f52322 (3) No.288521
Originates from
Michael Reynolds/EPA
http:// www.epa.eu/politics-photos/government-photos/us-president-donald-j-trump-delivers-his-state-of-the-union-to-congress-photos-54077271
▶ 52b880 (24) No.288522
https:// www.judiciary.senate.gov/imo/media/doc/2018-02-05%20CEG%20to%20DOJ%20(Communications%20with%20Congress).pdf
▶ c73e94 (9) No.288523>>288539
I'm the OP.. after further review this is legit and straight
▶ 16f9e6 (22) No.288524
hey anon I AM deaf. Lol .
▶ deed49 (2) No.288526>>288668
Okay ladies and gents, I've drafted up a BASIC timeline of Lynch's SC shenanigans.
This is intended to be as normie/politically simple as possible.
Hence, it omits a lot of stuff, particularly Seth Rich (normie caustic), and doesn't get too redpilling until the end.
I've used only normie-approved sources (NYT, CNN, The Hill, Gawker).
The intent is to get them to ask questions and remember a few important names.
Looking for some feedback. I'll work on it more through the week.
▶ 5a8e08 (10) No.288528>>288556
i am not newfag i am oldfag with followers who think GW is legit - i posted earlier that I used the bread to gain opinions about GW
read up
▶ 16f9e6 (22) No.288529>>288676
I read lips…. what do you need?
▶ 41299e (3) No.288530
They are watching him, if he goes before a warrant, the plane will magically come back because of a faulty toilet or something.
I would not worry.
But it is interesting they are trying…
(the world is not big enough for them to escape)
But they could hide forever inside the "nothingburger"…
▶ 292b7e (3) No.288531>>288538 >>288560 >>288711
Seems no one has pondered FTP. Photogs for Getty can and often do upload direct to Getty via FTP. RAW or at least unretouched photos will reside there.
Note the following as evidence to my assertion.
https:// wikileaks.org/gifiles/docs/12/1254133_updated-getty-and-ftp-info-.html
http:// www.newsmakers.net/ftp/ftp_settings.htm
If there is a FTP pro around this can be researched and FTP servers are often easy to get into.
▶ 546606 (7) No.288532
Did you ever see the movie Heavy Metal?
It's an animated film from back in the early '80s.
It starts off with the space shuttle flying into an orbit around earth.
The bay doors open up and an old model corvette, convertible, comes out.
Man in an astronaut suit in the driver's seat, and starts to head down to earth.
▶ 002994 (3) No.288533
▶ da8a7b (4) No.288534
I'm gonna guess they got their info from here
http:// yournewswire.com/dutch-banker-illuminati-dead/
▶ 340198 (6) No.288535>>288539
not your vid, the car in space is fake and gay.
▶ fa0676 (21) No.288536
> high value detainee interrogation group.
sorry, what does this relate to? how is it relevant?
▶ 246985 (5) No.288537>>288555
>Ronald Bernard
After doing some quick searches seems I was wrong and that the stuff I saw was fake news. Very sorry about that.
▶ 80fe81 (6) No.288538>>288547 >>288561
IP address to getty that I found, need FTPFag to look at it:
▶ 340198 (6) No.288539
▶ e34588 (5) No.288542
That was also my analysis this morning. Thanks for confirming.
▶ 41299e (3) No.288543
Good observation "marketfag" anon!
▶ 1bffca (1) No.288545>>288625
this site has similar image..
also, a different image on screen..
▶ 292b7e (3) No.288547
Good find! From what I read, with tech as it is today, a photog can just click and upload. From the FTP they can access and edit as needed to post up on the public face.
▶ 9fdf2f (4) No.288548
This looks like if true. There is a team that the Cabal doesn't know about and they have tools to fight the economic warfare of the NWO. WOW!!
APACHE Team??? Huh…interesting if true…
▶ 22768c (3) No.288549>>288565
All Q team has to do is get a warrant to search the person's phone, then arrest them for threatening the POTUS. But I predict that no arrests will happen.
▶ c73e94 (9) No.288550
That's a 1134 point spread. Close to the 1175 drop on Monday
▶ c6d9e8 (1) No.288551
What are the odds Joyce Beatty congressional phone number is tied to that phone?
Stupid is as stupid does
▶ 4babc2 (6) No.288552>>288694
Biden: Trump Is ‘A Joke’ -- He’s ‘Doing Everything That Putin Ever Wanted’ www.breitbart.com/video/2018/02/06/biden-trump-is-a-joke-hes-doing-everything-that-putin-ever-wanted/
▶ 72075e (6) No.288553
I say live on the moon for 20 years, everything about mars is 1 way and for what? I'm sure you can learn more cruising around the moon in a buggy then in a space station. how about explore the dark side, must be some good space viewing from there.
▶ c73e94 (9) No.288554
▶ 8e5d25 (8) No.288555
good, thanks for correcting. was worried there. That guy is taking huge risks if what he says is true.
▶ ee25be (13) No.288558
OMG its GS in the space suit!, thanks for all that tech you sent to NK SpaceX!
▶ fa0676 (21) No.288559
https:// twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/961008057756127232
Today, we heard the experiences of law enforcement professionals and community leaders working to combat the threat of MS-13, and the reforms we need from Congress to defeat it. Watch here: http:// 45.wh.gov/MS13Roundtable
▶ 80fe81 (6) No.288560>>288666
And of note, DJT just twatted at same time this was displayed. Found another one of these earlier today, tried to get anon's attention. I THINK WE ARE LOOKING FOR AN FTP SITE FOR PHOTO/VIDEO.
▶ bfc014 (14) No.288561>>288566
I tried as 'anonymous' and failed.
▶ c21992 (1) No.288562
A treaty does exists between the 2 countries
https:// internationalextraditionblog.com/2011/05/25/new-zealand-extradition-treaty-with-the-united-states/
that being said I wouldn't be surprised if she paid someone off and had a tunnel made between her house and the embassy.
▶ 2b0324 (1) No.288563>>288576
yea I'm not buying that they sent a car weighing more than a ton into space.
Also shape of the earth is wrong in their feed, pic related.
▶ a62942 (11) No.288564
drop him off and forget him there!
▶ 52b880 (24) No.288565>>288587 >>288588
They cannot legally give it to us, thats why they wanted us to find it from our own sources.
▶ 80fe81 (6) No.288566>>288571 >>288582
me too… we need some sysadmin to look at it
▶ bfd143 (1) No.288567
I hope its carl sagan
▶ 7558ed (1) No.288568
Is she using the texting App SIGNAL that Q states they communicate on because it’s secure?
▶ e092ca (5) No.288569
video shows lots of before speech interaction.
https:// www.123vid.net/video/president-trump-delivers-2018-state-of-the-union-address-f5a5ca4e63b6c0fb002b39.html
▶ 888b99 (1) No.288570
I got another release of the blog site up. This time, I added posts listed in a recent bread. I had a little fun with the CSS, as you can see. I made the listing pages a bit more compact. The post titles and the font of the post text is smaller now on the index pages so that more posts will show. I tightened up the white space a bit, too. The size of the font remains the same on single post pages.
Several of the images lack their full size versions. Where this is true, the name of the image isn't linked. The posts that contained these images got deleted at some point, and post archives generally do NOT include the full size images. I've set up a request for several of these on a Lost & Found page.
▶ bfc014 (14) No.288571>>288585 >>288593
I am a sysadmin. :)
▶ da8a7b (4) No.288572>>288612
I've played several times with headphones, last word spoken sounds like "time". too garbled to really make out what's being said.
▶ 9720d7 (1) No.288573>>288611 >>288621
Adam Schiff's Sister is Married to Robert Soros,
George Soros son.
George Soros' son is Adam Schiff's Brother-in-law.
▶ 08ca08 (11) No.288574
hahaha this is great!
Follow the law or you're not getting paid!
▶ 9fdf2f (4) No.288576
It's probably a model. Scale…can you really tell from Space. It's probably the size of a fist in front of an iphone…
▶ bb5bd1 (6) No.288577
oh, nice. still wondering why he is so untouchable, he must have friends in higher places than the Cabal
29 januari 2018
https:// financeleaks.blog/2018/01/29/ronald-bernard-what-is-the-future-of-banking/
▶ 63b865 (2) No.288578>>288650
Think mirror.
▶ d535ec (1) No.288580
▶ fd0ccf (10) No.288581
That is part 1 from Fox. Is it one of 4?
If so, then the 4th part is the key one where the phone screens have incriminating info. Has anyone asked Fox for their raw high res original file for part 4?
▶ fa0676 (21) No.288582
>we need a hacker to break in
▶ 16f9e6 (22) No.288583
Anyone else waiting for another tweet to find anon?
▶ caa577 (5) No.288584>>288595
I don't think you quite get the level of their anger, hatred and evil towards POTUS.
▶ 80fe81 (6) No.288585>>288590 >>288592 >>288621
can we run a security analyzer against the ftp to look for holes?
▶ 5a8e08 (10) No.288586
▶ 22768c (3) No.288587>>288603
But a pic from a camera will never hold up in a trial. Get the phone. Execute justice. Don't wait for days, weeks, months??
▶ 72075e (6) No.288588>>288603
Yes all these criminals are under surveillance I am sure , remember I can hear you breathing? They just can't share but they can point us in the right way.
IF you don't understand that I don't know why you are here, like the idiot today asking the Q team to give us the video, it's too hard… really I mean it's embarrassing to see some comments on here.
▶ bfc014 (14) No.288590>>288606 >>288621
Not gonna do that. I don't want to lose my security clearance.
▶ 970825 (1) No.288591
We are good friends with one of lanny davis’ kids. I guess he has a new book out and I hear that killary was at the book release party. Will ask if she was wearing a boot still.
On the pic of her house on whitehaven, it’s common knowledge that she lives there so not sure why the pics.
▶ ee25be (13) No.288592>>288599
Maybe you guys should stop talking about hacking into Getty's FTP site on a public forum… just sayin.
▶ 80fe81 (6) No.288593>>288606 >>288621
http:// www.secure-bytes.com/ftp-brute-force-tester.php ?
▶ 16f9e6 (22) No.288595
Yes… I live in the main town of a fully Republican county and I still don't understand their hate against the POTUS. I can only wrap my mind around it as a fight between good and evil. Dark & Light. Satan and God.
▶ bb5bd1 (6) No.288597
no body no crime kek
▶ 546606 (7) No.288598
Straight off of Fox's website:
NYSE President Farley: We had to have a market pullback
▶ 80fe81 (6) No.288599>>288609
we're just checking their security
▶ 1895d0 (5) No.288600
um yeah. and where is every single star?
▶ 22194e (1) No.288601>>288608
http:// www.breitbart.com/tech/2018/02/06/newsweek-abruptly-fires-editor-in-chief-more-top-staff-after-multiple-company-scandals-revealed/
▶ 45ce5a (4) No.288602
▶ 52b880 (24) No.288603>>288614
They have the actual text just like they have the Stzrok and Page texts.
▶ 07de64 (1) No.288604>>288651
▶ bfc014 (14) No.288606
▶ 7bde44 (3) No.288607>>288636
I caught it, it sounds like a woman.
Saying either:
"President Donald Trump should be f***''ing shot!"
"Donald Trump should be shot!"
▶ 72075e (6) No.288608
They got fired for reporting on the company that just bought them, the Korean cult
▶ bb5bd1 (6) No.288609
that's very kind of you, anon
▶ 017f7e (3) No.288611
Unfortunately I don't think that's true. Maybe a cousin at some point, but definitely not his sister.
▶ bfdc74 (3) No.288612>>288618
same, two pairs of headphone to be certain. could be our confirmation bias, idk, or she could have actually said what's being claimed. I do recall though, watching live on Fox, I turned the volume down because the applause picked up by the mics was annoying. Same here, hard to filter out the applause & listen through it.
▶ fa0676 (21) No.288613
ay yo. hol' up. so you be saying the bad actors took the dow down 666 points to prove they were still in control, then the good actors brought it back up to show the bad actors they don't have as much control as they thought?
▶ 22768c (3) No.288614
Trey Gouty would have escorted the woman out to a waiting van the night it happened.
▶ 9d82b0 (2) No.288615
5+6+7 = 18
18 + its side mirror 81 = 99
the upside down mirror of 99 = 66 …Countering the number sequence of 6's of the first market points drop.
▶ 49f221 (3) No.288616
I hear something about "good job"
▶ 546606 (7) No.288617>>288643
NASDAQ 7115.88 148.35 ▲ 2.13%
DJIA 24912.77 567.02 ▲ 2.33%
S&P 500 2695.14 46.2 ▲ 1.74%
▶ 94d050 (12) No.288618>>288642 >>288644 >>288659
>https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=SVH9PYeNdB8&t=54s
Was it "Oh, my God. He should be shot!"
OR "He could be shot!"
▶ 848104 (3) No.288619>>288641
Anons, I ain't archiving anything claiming to be data from Anthony Weiner's computer without two cops, my lawyer, the county DA, and a Superior Court judge in the room watching me, and they'd all have to sign release forms on videotape that excuse me from EVERYTHING. After they saw it, I'd want to take it way out back and burn it to a crisp.
▶ caa577 (5) No.288620>>288640
Hah! Maybe that's why we have both a audio of them saying it and a video showing them writing it!
Out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks!
▶ 08ca08 (11) No.288621>>288664
Well it is legit but I'm not going to try logging in.
▶ 5af06c (8) No.288622
Elon Musk sends Tesla car to Mars on SpaceX rocket
http:// www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2018/02/06/tech-giant-elon-musk-send-car-mars-aboard-worlds-powerful-rocket/
▶ 03df90 (1) No.288624
I can't help but think that post about the film--The Forth …trailer on youtube is relevant..
▶ fd0ccf (10) No.288625
So, is there enough information now to make a public accusation that the well-known photo was doctored to hide the true content on the screen?
▶ ee25be (13) No.288628>>288634 >>288635 >>288645 >>288653
Time for some planefaggery… four Talons out at Red Flag over Area 51 on an attack run toward what I assume is the enemy plane EVIL0071.
▶ 2d5768 (8) No.288630
It's like they do everything now for people to wake up, if you can still cannot see the fakery with this, you're lost forever…
▶ 16f9e6 (22) No.288634>>288645
top kek…. war games huh?
▶ 546606 (7) No.288635
Watching the AF get out and play a little?
▶ 4babc2 (6) No.288636>>288652
Yeah, I had to put headphones on to hear it but it sounded like a woman to me too! An Anon is saying how stupid WE are 'thinking someone would shout out 'Trump should be shot' in public'…Hmmm he must have forgotten we're dealing w/ freaking Liberals that wear "pussy hats" in public! lol
▶ 3dd50e (1) No.288638
If you look closely, you can see a slight line at the top of the immage. It is almost as if she was scrolling tyrough her open apps like when you double tap the home button.
Could there be an additional photo showing a previous screen? Maybe one she cleared?
▶ 08ca08 (11) No.288639
he looks like the kind of guy that wears swim trunks instead of underwear.
▶ 94d050 (12) No.288640
The other part with the lady with the brown bob and the one with Liawatha both look like they are saying "Shoot me."
▶ caa577 (5) No.288641
And a few fellow Anons or trusted friends, just in case the cops, DA & Judge are corrupt! Oh and also video tape the whole thing with audio.
▶ bfdc74 (3) No.288642
It "sounds" like "Oh, my God. He should be shot!", i can't be 100% certain though
▶ 5a8e08 (10) No.288643>>288663
when was the 567 loss to make the mirror
▶ 7bde44 (3) No.288644>>288667
I listened over 10 times to confirm:
Person is shouting "President Donald Trump should be f****ing shot!"
or "Donald Trump should be f***ing shot!"
▶ ee25be (13) No.288645>>288657
Looks like the Brits are playing the "Red Force" part for this particular exercise. Wish I was watching in real life..
▶ 8c3080 (4) No.288646>>288660
Anons, is there a way to search and compile by ID across all of 8chan?
▶ 5341d3 (3) No.288647
Having made this, if anyone asks
"Octopuses have 8 arms stupid"
the response should be
"You don't want to know where the 8th one is."
▶ 45ce5a (4) No.288648
I like yours better :)
▶ d6854a (2) No.288649
Have you ever heard of a movie called Goodfella's? It's good.
▶ f81d8d (2) No.288650
[T]hink [M]irror
[T]uesday [M]arket
▶ da8a7b (4) No.288651
Atlanta child murders?
▶ d9c575 (6) No.288652
They were using their during the SOTU itself and when asked about it, Joyce Beatty said she wasn't doing anything unusual because she'd read the speech one hour before and was drafting a response. They have no self-awareness.
http:// www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-5340391/Democrat-played-CANDY-CRUSH-State-Union.html
▶ 94d050 (12) No.288653
EVIL Bond, James Bond.
▶ 767d9f (8) No.288654>>288658
>Everything after the first two boosters land is Falsified…. notable bubbles at 10:15 as well.
CLASSIFIED mission, public COVER STORY (RocketMan)
▶ dd9509 (2) No.288656>>288696
Not a numbers fag, maybe you code fags can do more
▶ 16f9e6 (22) No.288657>>288699
I don't plane fag as I still haven't figured out how to find the interesting planes on the radar apps but I do enjoy seeing these shots on here. Thank you for sharing.
▶ 767d9f (8) No.288658
▶ 8ffcc7 (1) No.288659
When the Soul wants to experience something she throws out an image in front of her and then steps into it.
▶ 8c3080 (4) No.288660>>288669
or search for a certain term in all of this board?
example: I want every single post by !RRVe.ETIN
▶ bcd3f0 (3) No.288661
Rep. Beatty sure has a lot of replies to her tweets calling her a treasonous Cunt. Maybe she will read a few herself. I am sure her constituents have read a few of them. This bitch will regret her participation in treason!!!!!!!!!!!
▶ 546606 (7) No.288663
Not sure. Didn't start watching it until today.
But I have been hearing that it has been bouncing through a 1000 point spread for most of the afternoon.
▶ 1fa0fa (5) No.288664>>288674
you need the un and pw for the dude who took the pics. They will be in his folder.
▶ c7e2df (1) No.288665
She’s definitely typing a message
Note the return in the lower right and Send in top right
▶ 292b7e (3) No.288666
Exactly. Normal HTTP sites do not often house raw data that we are seeking, but the FTP will. It is an older but solid substructure to the net.
▶ 9e729f (2) No.288667>>288671
I just listened, I heard it too. Yelled at least two times. Something something he should be shot and then something he should be shot again.
▶ 0343c0 (1) No.288668>>288681
Excellent The more you read the better it gets…if it was a book it would be a page turner
▶ fa0676 (21) No.288669>>288675
from google.com run the search terms:
RRVe.ETIN site:8ch.net
▶ 9c515b (1) No.288670
▶ 1fa0fa (5) No.288671>>288691
wtf is the point of this? It's meaningless even if she said that. Q said find a pic, not listed to a fkn voice.
▶ 0ad8ee (3) No.288673>>288682
I read somewhere sum1 said GS would "Catch a bullet" a proven high intel soruce. Dude trump is just funny enough to shoot george then blast him into outer space. Alex soros will be left alone cuz hes nothing without daddy's money. witch is seized
▶ c57266 (3) No.288674>>288695
▶ 8c3080 (4) No.288675
Nada nothing there
▶ fd0ccf (10) No.288676>>288684
There is lots of fuss about some audio that was in a Youtube clip called Part 1 of SOTU from FoxNews. People think that as Trump entered the House through the crowd, someone shouted he should be shot. But after about a minute, it cuts to several women. One turns to her left and says something. Those women are in roughly the same area (Democrats) as the black caucus so if the shout came from that direction, we would like to know any additional info.
▶ cea47e (2) No.288677
▶ 0b2db9 (1) No.288678
The US can get anyone back from anywhere.
It is called Rendition.
▶ 23abfe (2) No.288679
▶ b3b563 (2) No.288680
▶ deed49 (2) No.288681
Appreciate it, I'll repost early in the next thread for more accessibility.
▶ 546606 (7) No.288682
Leave none behind.
Shot him and send him with his dad.
Or we'll be back here again.
▶ 52b880 (24) No.288683
▶ 94d050 (12) No.288684
It looks like the black lady says "Should be."
▶ 23abfe (2) No.288685
This is a good time to run with the fragile markets narrative and help people realize it isn't them causing the havoc but a few banks all aligned together. I think watching the market manipulation and the understanding of disconnect people have with these banks because of debt is a great time to wake people up to the rothschilds of the world
▶ 52b880 (24) No.288686>>288688
▶ 8c3080 (4) No.288688>>288700
▶ 52b880 (24) No.288690
▶ 7bde44 (3) No.288691
You are fucking glowing.
▶ 0ad8ee (3) No.288694
Notice TROLL PRESIDENT? Lmao, And the way their looking at biden Those are undercover agents, most likely posing as a MC gang trying to bribe him for a investigation. TROLL PRESIDENT. cmon guys lmfao
▶ 1fa0fa (5) No.288695
▶ 45ce5a (4) No.288696>>288709
some common numbers they are divisible by, but, I would maybe also look closer at the time stamps themselves as well, Q seems to like those as well.
▶ 52b880 (24) No.288697
▶ 1dafbe (1) No.288698>>288704
not sure if important but check this out:
▶ ee25be (13) No.288699
you can filter military planes on adsbexchange by going to menu -> options, filter -> enable, add military filter.
▶ b3b563 (2) No.288700>>288710
▶ bfc014 (14) No.288701
Patriots make the dough rise
▶ bfc014 (14) No.288703
▶ 5341d3 (3) No.288704
Very important, more important that we know
▶ bfc014 (14) No.288706
▶ dd9509 (2) No.288709
yes those are the time stamps
▶ 8cb437 (2) No.288710
I'm a pickle, Morty! Look at me, I'm a pickle!
▶ e34588 (5) No.288711
This is where and how you upload to Getty.