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File: e8636acc62fa6e2⋯.jpg (32.13 KB, 400x400, 1:1, Satan Digs.jpg)

6f422b  No.2574244

Centralized location for all Satan Digs

b18378  No.2574660

Read about half of all tweets and got bored.

Looks like somebody created a character parody account and is simply playing a humorous role.

Why would Q care about some stupid twit account? (messiah complex?)

There must be more to the story. I hope.

b18378  No.2574709

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

I found this video about s8n.

Twas made Tenacious D.

I think they made some sort of deal.

The devil is a disgusting pervert, but at least he loves metal.

27bada  No.2574727

>>2574244 hey look, more mindless busywork to keep the cult preoccupied. wouldn't want them to spend any time thinking.

b1ab93  No.2574757

File: 8efc2a02bcf33ef⋯.png (353.67 KB, 580x398, 290:199, satan.png)


Hints of pedo perversion…

b1ab93  No.2574815

File: ce9a686fb6e2216⋯.png (290.3 KB, 584x584, 1:1, satan2.png)



183cac  No.2574910


Q linked us to @s8n account for this hint i believe. www.thedevilkeyisinthedetails.com

Panic At the Disco played in Vancouver on same day q posts Q400 showing us to look at Canada

183cac  No.2574945

File: ba802d591efd31c⋯.png (1.88 MB, 1256x700, 314:175, Screenshot 2018-08-12 17.0….png)

File: ba802d591efd31c⋯.png (1.88 MB, 1256x700, 314:175, Screenshot 2018-08-12 17.0….png)

183cac  No.2574956

File: 92a279e240a4b99⋯.png (515.43 KB, 1017x596, 1017:596, Screenshot 2018-08-12 17.2….png)

dde492  No.2574957

File: a8da1a4239f3230⋯.jpeg (85.75 KB, 750x741, 250:247, 1654AE2D-3FEF-4E72-B5F7-5….jpeg)

Probably stumbled on this already. Newfag here, its prob nothin


9ca674  No.2574999

… I have things I need to do other than dig on this account. However, keep in mind several things. These names are families. Family incorporated. More similar to clans within Asian cultures. Fronts used by clan members and branches to publish announcements and to coordinate.

It would be nothing for one of these clans to set up businesses of many varieties used as fronts for "family inc."

Follow the Wives. The wives are the historic certainty of heritage. A woman can be unfaithful to her husband, but the maternity of a child is almost never in question. Matriarchal line is more important than the patriarchal line.

"Open secret" discussions cloak in pedantics, Smurf accounts, and 'disembodied' or 'dissoaciated' discussions. For example, I have left messages within breads to friends that match up with social media account messages and also point to forums where things that would interest them can be found… If they use a search engine or I can tell them in person where to look for the other parts of what is being said.

Think about how this can be used with Instagram, YouTube, Twitter, and more classic forums to create a very scattered system of communication where no single point of failure or exposure would net a complete compromise.

In order to decode what this satan chap is discussing or prompting by his posts you will likely need two or three more locations where these people are discussing things. They likely signal each other using symbolism… Not just occult. They might do something like pick a show - act like characters from that show, build a whole 'inside joke'. A fan community with an oddly active and exclusive group of members who seem to always be talking to themselves and largely ignore other fan discussions. This would then be used like a signaling system. Profile pictures, typing patterns, etc can be used to indicate affiliation and identity. Members can even use 'open' accounts that can be used by different people - a sort of mask to be worn as a symbol in and of itself.

They love ritual and theatrics, even the variety that may not be satanic in their behavior (… Jury is still out on that… Q has tools to know, I have weird shit to interpret).

b18378  No.2575099

File: 26007e892dac394⋯.jpg (59.68 KB, 953x731, 953:731, DemonCode.JPG)



Seems very relevant.

<The voice of the devil belongs to a 24-year-old Englishman who just failed his driving test.

That devil is @s8n, and the man behind the boisterous Twitter account is Michael. Since inheriting the dormant Twitter account from an acquaintance in 2015, he has amassed more than 200,000 followers thanks to a hilarious mix of topical musings, demented life advice and more recently, President Donald Trump’s rise to the top of American politics. For Satan, Trump has become a very relevant comedic gold mine.

“I just use the hatred of Trump to my advantage really because everyone refers to him as Satan or Satan’s son, so I tried using that to my advantage to get a huge reaction from my tweets,” Michael told the Observer in his first formal interview.

b18378  No.2575151

File: b8fa1c6ed114628⋯.jpg (18.12 KB, 260x194, 130:97, AGdigits.jpg)

>>2574999 Trips Confirm

> Matriarchal line is more important than the patriarchal line.

< Many arrows in one target.

c4adf9  No.2575232

File: 853887ffbc86ddf⋯.png (1.47 MB, 2392x1142, 1196:571, Screen Shot 2018-08-12 at ….png)

Jimmy Kimmel tweeting about "pizza"…

Tweet link here:


b1ab93  No.2575305



I apologize for those two posts, anons. I hadn't seen that @s8n had already doxxed himself and that the focus isn't on his account but on other accounts.

b18378  No.2575339

File: 4e78562a31cdd17⋯.jpg (59.92 KB, 1035x726, 345:242, DemonGel.JPG)


Doesn't matter how he likes his pizza.

Do we have evidence of baby meat in the pepperoni?

That's all that matters, evidence.

48e0e6  No.2575394

File: a367468f66be07b⋯.png (189.48 KB, 1080x1920, 9:16, Screenshot_2018-08-12-16-0….png)

For those that have time to dig, I have been going through the s8n followers and the people that follow them. See pic related as an example. Notice "Lolli fuck" and "a bank" as descriptions? Guess who their only follower is? EIG, a private investigation company. Lots of weird shit like this out in the open, and I am pretty sure I stumbled upon what appears to be accounts tied to "booking" agents for what appear to be underage girls (and their accounts) in asia. I won't put this part out yet until I have it all archived. I will also put this in general so other anons can get eyes on. WWG1WGA.

48e0e6  No.2575413

File: 9b5c67df6d7082c⋯.png (369.3 KB, 1080x1920, 9:16, Screenshot_2018-08-12-16-5….png)

Also, what the fuck is this verified account doing following the s8n account?? Pic related.

b18378  No.2575513


>I won't put this part out yet until I have it all archived.

You shouldn't have even said that. I hope you archive quick.

Good digs if accurate.

93730c  No.2575635

File: d7e00f827d6b444⋯.jpg (123.96 KB, 850x677, 850:677, DB04kfnUMAAG0Co.jpg)

File: 3bb835afff261b1⋯.jpg (24.63 KB, 893x319, 893:319, DB03cGbUQAAISAA.jpg)

File: 9852927b5aa3388⋯.jpg (69.88 KB, 921x575, 921:575, DB03SMQVYAAIQii.jpg)


Out in the open is right.

6f1ada  No.2575695


new paradigm

scary possibilities

Huge responsibility

"No one comprehends the power of this board"

What did you just highlight anon?

What is SM really?

Food for thought.


6f1ada  No.2575717


bro that theory is air tight


dde492  No.2575723


Vgood. Lots of diggin

183cac  No.2575775

dde492  No.2575927

File: 04f1a28cc07030b⋯.jpeg (404.64 KB, 2048x1335, 2048:1335, 2E9B5553-33EB-47B1-AB74-9….jpeg)



469cb7  No.2575959


IIRC the cell phones during SOTU with POTUS revealed the possibility that bad actors were using online collaborative games, like poker or bridge to communicate. We also are aware that a common gmail or google document was used to drop and pick up messages. I dont have a twattter or FB account, not do I game. But if someone can connect users to the twat account, then to an online game or you tube vid comment section, etc… Gamers would know what to look for if the connection was a game.

036d7b  No.2576006

File: b6f9f45e1f1ec76⋯.png (6.38 MB, 1242x2208, 9:16, F0131E4A-40C5-4C95-9670-B3….png)

File: a03baddd4eed50e⋯.png (7.13 MB, 1242x2208, 9:16, 04C52414-40DB-4A09-99A7-65….png)

7be499  No.2576663

File: db2ab88c1d7bd20⋯.png (2.5 MB, 1210x1058, 605:529, Screen Shot 2018-08-12 at ….png)

File: 0c4bfde87864c16⋯.jpg (84.24 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, maxresdefault.jpg)

File: 675a93b9f04a3cf⋯.jpg (143.57 KB, 600x450, 4:3, jimmy-kimmel-600x450.jpg)

File: bbf16aebabfc1b1⋯.jpg (136.14 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, maxresdefault (1).jpg)

File: 4d93ffd2312d4a8⋯.jpeg (30.98 KB, 504x336, 3:2, pdwm.jpeg)



Pizza God?

From where?

5a31cf  No.2576699

Newer here- can someone dig deeper into Village Fettish on Twitter? Looks like he’s sending messages about current events ‘friend of a friend’ of Satan @botandy https://twitter.com/ruairirobinson/status/1027374139701637120?s=21

And this… just digging- not great at it but I’m TRYING! https://twitter.com/ditzkoff/status/1020882116148695041?s=21

4d76f6  No.2576738

File: 5be4ff1160f0ffb⋯.png (637.84 KB, 879x828, 293:276, Screen Shot 2018-08-12 at ….png)

File: 6f2509abc26a4e1⋯.png (54.53 KB, 905x699, 905:699, Screen Shot 2018-08-12 at ….png)

File: c0baa1d573ea797⋯.png (73.65 KB, 919x273, 919:273, Screen Shot 2018-08-12 at ….png)

09d2f0  No.2576754

apparently @s8n has an Instagram account


ac8efb  No.2576808



I know the webpage says his name is Michael

>of course his name is Michael, archangel who defeats satan

Reverse search the image and you get this site


Says his name is Rothwell when you translate the page. Fuckery afoot?

dde492  No.2576990

File: d3cb86a063877bf⋯.jpeg (381.87 KB, 2048x1536, 4:3, 008A02B6-9158-485F-9939-D….jpeg)

File: 05a75d86f7c5bfb⋯.jpeg (375.71 KB, 2048x1536, 4:3, B405B007-BE7B-44AC-B59A-E….jpeg)

File: 346571aff04087e⋯.jpeg (434.75 KB, 2048x1536, 4:3, 9D23FFAA-7483-4FA4-AA7B-F….jpeg)

File: c8cd5326ebf503d⋯.jpeg (275.36 KB, 1536x960, 8:5, 687129D9-C1B5-4E41-B85E-F….jpeg)

So here’s some stuff I’ve been looking through regarding Gunn and Jimmy Euringer (Aka Jimmy Urine) of the trash band Mindless Self Endulgenge….who is married to Chantal Claret. Anyway here are some pics with links showing they make each other money and are pushing lolli to the mainstream. Do what ya want, if I dig up more I’ll attach





dde492  No.2576998


Indulgence. Jack

7be499  No.2577191




sounds familiar

3784c1  No.2577398


Q means HOLD Security. It's a deep web security company in Britain

3784c1  No.2577426


Q means HOLD Security a deep web cyber company in Britain

3784c1  No.2577490


Q meant HOLD Security. It a cyber deep web company and its in Britain

3784c1  No.2577528

HOLD Security out of Britain

dde492  No.2577585

File: e10fcbc4ddc785c⋯.jpeg (596.14 KB, 2048x1322, 1024:661, BAA2AC9A-E06C-414C-903B-3….jpeg)


Forgot one

aa11fa  No.2577590


Q played them again,

Watch how many MSM articles will run with this

He is creating KEK chaos

aa11fa  No.2577611


Could you repeat that disinformation hust one more time?

Seem very persistent.

Your site?

dde492  No.2577622


Article is from 02/15/2017

5c0349  No.2577715

File: e2f5dd77ce7e7a3⋯.png (138.83 KB, 640x1136, 40:71, IMG_1551.PNG)

File: e4490ef7b287335⋯.png (109.42 KB, 640x1136, 40:71, IMG_1552.PNG)

File: 6d3fc6a313270c3⋯.png (242.79 KB, 640x1136, 40:71, IMG_1553.PNG)


Possible lead? Google analytics?

5c0349  No.2577801

File: 2dc8209d7c40369⋯.jpg (24.95 KB, 605x236, 605:236, IMG_1554.JPG)

File: b1ce03699bbcfd6⋯.jpg (25.79 KB, 640x306, 320:153, IMG_1555.JPG)


Sorry, meant to point out this singer guy…

434172  No.2577845

File: d34e60e351b8a24⋯.png (1.11 MB, 1975x2145, 395:429, FIMfiction.png)



Here's another platform that's EXACTLY as you describe.

Maybe it'll help us with this @s8n fuckery.


The above site has major ties to this guy:


>Tom Wysom, 55, has worked on TV productions such as My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic and Littlest Pet Shop, according to the Internet Movie Database.

>Wysom was sentenced earlier this month after pleading guilty to the charges in December, two months after police executed a search warrant at his home in Old Ottawa South.

>Police found 60,165 pictures — many of them duplicates — along with 1,626 videos, some of which depicted adults engaging in sexual behaviours with children. In some of the images, young girls had their hands and feet bound.

Everything I'm reading over there ranges from CP to NWO to Extinction of Humans.

It's all some sort of spoopy pedo / cabal coded-language story time over there.

2e2001  No.2577861


went to link from general (and will reply there also) and this was linked in article



There was a link to another article:



f03596  No.2578004



well done my friend!

544a3e  No.2578031


That was Dave Grohl right?

544a3e  No.2578111



It's clearly just satire.


Very poor taste satire that clearly knows the rumours.

It's a mainstream rumour nowadays, this isn't the same as the 80's satanic panic remember, everyone sees it on social media.

339e91  No.2578182




1ac93f  No.2578220


4c1dd6  No.2578488

Q said " these accounts " so maybe we should be looking at other spiritual characters as well ? They love mockery so maybe more " holy " parody accounts ?

dde492  No.2578527

File: d89af11740e3770⋯.jpeg (599.92 KB, 1863x1256, 1863:1256, 48DE5038-665C-4C43-B631-6….jpeg)

File: 04524e4b0c92552⋯.jpeg (567.76 KB, 1860x1202, 930:601, 9EDDE8DA-FA43-4948-940C-4….jpeg)

File: 21e0912b7f380ba⋯.jpeg (340.04 KB, 1862x1216, 49:32, 212A200A-17C2-4BE0-908B-F….jpeg)

File: fb2672415c8752a⋯.jpeg (623.75 KB, 1851x1199, 1851:1199, AAF38A99-15F8-4DC7-948D-D….jpeg)

File: 911323abc3b7fbe⋯.jpeg (497.42 KB, 1710x1189, 1710:1189, 3C7C350F-63D4-4F00-9BC7-2….jpeg)



Took a trip to JUs insta, possibly notable. Panda one is fucked

d9ac27  No.2578575


Nice dig anon

dde492  No.2578576

File: aef4cfcdb19f783⋯.jpeg (407.58 KB, 1863x1191, 621:397, F518155F-CC5C-48DF-994B-C….jpeg)

File: 79451cf538139a1⋯.jpeg (470.5 KB, 1857x1203, 619:401, 20CFBA0A-E0E2-4A00-9E6C-3….jpeg)

File: af318a75df93040⋯.png (2.09 MB, 1536x2048, 3:4, F3213472-0DCF-4063-8428-1C….png)

File: 83006bda76ca6f1⋯.png (3.86 MB, 1536x2048, 3:4, 6F9C2975-A9CC-440D-BE0C-6D….png)


One comment looked suspect (marked in red) and just a shot of their insta

3784c1  No.2578818


Sorry. Just figured I'd post about this. It's my first time

b79d07  No.2579174

File: 0159aa09e046681⋯.png (34.49 KB, 255x222, 85:74, ClipboardImage.png)

b79d07  No.2579182



b4476e  No.2579222

File: 32f3345f3e12564⋯.jpg (184.73 KB, 800x1280, 5:8, IMG_20180813_010521_150.jpg)

Anybody post this one yet? s8n and his friend Comey

8272e1  No.2579224

Have not dug through enough but suspect that some key players may have found it amusing to tweet confessions to the devil on the satin account and share it with their fellow perverts. These people have an uncontrollable need to brag and put things in your face. The symbols will be their downfall. So much to dig through but apparently Q knows. Possibly lighting a fire here as well.

b4476e  No.2579230


Somebody was being funny :)

27d371  No.2579233


Fake comey account.

b4476e  No.2579270

File: 414727e05d2ad83⋯.png (373.94 KB, 800x1280, 5:8, Screenshot_20180813-011110.png)

Spirit Cooker follows s8n. I got this on her page.

3f9177  No.2579536


Is this an actual spirit cooker or someone who chose that as her 2edgy4u twitter handle?

f639ed  No.2579548

File: 5dbdd7b3cd0150d⋯.png (472.37 KB, 526x523, 526:523, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ae2a32af9253594⋯.png (451.08 KB, 564x751, 564:751, ClipboardImage.png)

f639ed  No.2579573

File: ffd1df1140842ba⋯.png (250.24 KB, 526x359, 526:359, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2307cac88223bf1⋯.png (142.8 KB, 526x315, 526:315, ClipboardImage.png)

1023d4  No.2579713

@thetweetofgod seems to be the opposite yet the same as s8n

c01110  No.2579998

Very weak thread so far… What does Q want us to look for exactly?

b18378  No.2580011


Conversations between others on @s8n account.

f2ef94  No.2580760


This BradFitzPatriot faggot fell for the fake "secret menu" hoax cuckchan made

8bfd8f  No.2581040

Many games played on cell phones all have chat rooms of at least four levels. They are Overall Game environment chat, Group Chat of players in an alliance, Alliance leader chat with key players in an alliance, then Private Message. This chat is for one on one comms, private to all except board moderators. Those are the people/companies who have the text messages. >>2575959

427e8d  No.2581048


For a (((people))) supposedly "burned in ovens", they sure are fond of brick-ovens.

4d89c9  No.2581163

File: 018a38d2f47607c⋯.jpeg (321.74 KB, 927x1626, 309:542, 9312C13E-65CE-40BA-8130-3….jpeg)

File: 58bd565171c017e⋯.jpeg (229.65 KB, 1125x1390, 225:278, AACB8A74-E74B-41C2-B3ED-C….jpeg)

4d89c9  No.2581166

File: e6507ad51e24a5c⋯.jpeg (561.1 KB, 1123x1574, 1123:1574, 7B3A947D-9B31-4025-BDE6-6….jpeg)

8661bd  No.2581193

just a reminder … hell on earth

WARNING: very grafic speech of a survivor

TW: CIA Child Snuff Survivor Speaks Out


5dea30  No.2581296

File: 1dac9959d84edd5⋯.jpg (50.02 KB, 600x315, 40:21, main-qimg-4e53c3396f99e396….jpg)

I am not sold on this… seems like a parody account and nothing else.

Q you letting me down man… wtf.

e4c796  No.2581329


Well, damn. Part of the club.

4d89c9  No.2581510

4d89c9  No.2581584

Around the end of July the posts seem to get even more aggressive


ffba1b  No.2581681

File: 04929b5cc7d857a⋯.jpg (71.17 KB, 641x507, 641:507, S.A.TA.N..JPG)

S.atellite A.utomatic T.racking A.ntenna N.etwork

I'm not an expert, but maybe someone here knows if this has anything to do with Satan leaving the White House…and certain renovations.

Found pic @ www.wb8erj.com/satan.htm

4d89c9  No.2581702

File: ec8a69885526567⋯.jpeg (256.29 KB, 1125x2436, 375:812, D774A113-0D4C-40B6-B38B-2….jpeg)


Since Q just mentioned RW

4e67a4  No.2581799


Link already down? Cannot access.

4d89c9  No.2581813


Google the title of the vid, it comes up

4e67a4  No.2581823


K thanks

4d89c9  No.2581826

File: 6a3e0e868365c00⋯.jpeg (333.74 KB, 1124x1730, 562:865, 55712621-8C07-4778-8F03-B….jpeg)

File: 8a7c32831fe9511⋯.jpeg (259.59 KB, 1113x1101, 371:367, B5A20EDF-24AF-406E-826C-3….jpeg)

File: f218af5cc022871⋯.jpeg (313.22 KB, 1125x2436, 375:812, 44A0F2E1-53EB-4961-8E11-7….jpeg)



4d89c9  No.2581880

File: 285be20e9200eab⋯.jpeg (371.3 KB, 1125x1568, 1125:1568, CCF3ADBC-07F1-4E88-AE86-D….jpeg)



db7344  No.2582371


googled it by the code Ng–1uY5Atc


8661bd  No.2582532


yes…looks like link has been deleted

check for title here:


45be2a  No.2582538

@ged (claims to work for twitter)

d5c5a6  No.2584283

they have a snapchat called satans too

284de6  No.2584307

Q pub BIG names in capitals…BIG imply Tom Hanks possibly?

8deaf7  No.2584457

File: 79c9b9f555edbd2⋯.jpeg (173.56 KB, 1266x1197, 422:399, fullsizeoutput_c23.jpeg)

b0df5e  No.2584534

Possibly. I am very curious about his "Hanx" alternate persona that he signs off his Instagram with. If you read enough of them, its like his split personality making really lame jokes that potentially have double meaning. I recently saw a few interviews with the guy, he seems like he is "acting" during his interviews. He kind of has some weird ass mannerisms that seem slyly forced.

edf0c5  No.2585000



May be of interest. Off board - /qresearch/

aa4bed  No.2585266

>>2582146 (lb)

this has been known for over a year. It lost me a friend who was not willing to acknowledge it was legalizing child prostitution. small loss for me.

I also lost 2 families of friends who will not stay in state and raise their kids here.

Where I live is paradise…if you don't think about who runs the state.

7b26de  No.2585309


OP for pic


27bada  No.2586195


>Looks like somebody created a character parody account and is simply playing a humorous role.

yeah, and you idiots are obsessing over it. When you going to learn that qanon is intentionally focusing your attention on completely meaningless bullshit so that you'll remain ignorant of what is currently occurring?

27bada  No.2586227


>Q linked us to @s8n account for this hint i believe

No, he directed you at the acct because it's completely meaningless and he doesn't want you stumbling on relevent information because of the threat that you'll wake up and his house of cards will come tumbling down

7764e8  No.2587325

File: 6779a5822945bd7⋯.png (1.41 MB, 920x760, 23:19, LOST.PNG)

A man of 'filth' degradation, and advocate of evil.

a host of demons.

one of the 'many''' fallen ones

5c0349  No.2587785

File: d077cb9cf039f43⋯.png (433.05 KB, 640x1136, 40:71, IMG_1514.PNG)

File: 32283aab8ef1650⋯.png (190.77 KB, 640x1136, 40:71, IMG_1515.PNG)

File: ef6cb65cb1943e3⋯.png (134.28 KB, 640x1136, 40:71, IMG_1516.PNG)

5c0349  No.2587811



5c0349  No.2587814

File: 7732138722f6684⋯.jpg (59.51 KB, 636x446, 318:223, IMG_1566.JPG)


Dammit! Forgot pic

af552d  No.2588313

==RED TEXT==Satan Sucks = RED TEXT

3dbc42  No.2588582


Lots of people think @s8n is Brandon Urie of Panic at the Disco!, according to twitter (if you search their names together), which when combined with the Beebo Russell operation….the whole thing really does seem to point to an attack at or during their show in Los Angeles on August 18th.

This is all twilight zone level shit, should this be reported to FBI? Would they just laugh us off the phone or what?

b4d7b5  No.2588598

File: df062d5ed015a0c⋯.png (41.47 KB, 773x448, 773:448, twitterdigging.png)

in twitter search box enter

@s8n since:2008-03-01 until:2014-12-31

or whatever date range you want to look for old tweets linking to the account before it was handed over

the one in the pic seems like an odd one out

8661bd  No.2588854

File: 77427e72f1d84bd⋯.jpg (173.5 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, hanxbam.jpg)


take it easy anons …

looks like she got lost and society ignored her call for help … her last tweet does not sound good?

yes, there is some symbolism and strange art with her account … but:

look at her older tweets!!!

8661bd  No.2588888


angel heart (1987)

1c7be8  No.2588920

File: af3c90e6536049d⋯.jpg (20.03 KB, 350x254, 175:127, exorcist.jpg)


yep played Lucifer

3dbc42  No.2588950


yeah, I don't like how hardcore some people are going on cyber bullying random people who may just be into emo/goth stuff because they are depressed or think it's cool or are just connected to something else randomly……looks terrible on the Q community

3dbc42  No.2588971

just saying last I thought we were trying to take down a satanic government order, not some depressed 20 year olds

8661bd  No.2589012


maybe a saint can check if she is ok …

521c08  No.2589061

Celebrities are super narcissist right?

So I wonder how many use anagrams or nick names for their real name? Celebrity and real name.

I wouldn't be surprised if most verified or users were just a bunch of celebrities. Twitter is pretty lame.

bf28ac  No.2589723


I agree, this is horrible. We can't just go swarming random people just cause they're into some strange shit. A lot of young people like this dark stuff but have no clue what some of the symbols really mean. This is not cool and the community needs to stop. You wanna look into some powerful/corrupt people go right ahead but don't ruin some lost/depressed person's life by posting they're into child sacrifice and shit.

I've been lurking for awhile now and hardcore Q fan, but I gotta be honest, the Satan post has really given me pause. If you're going to post something that has a lot of innocent people involved simply cause they follow that user, you've got to be very specific about the issue. Q reads the boards, he knows we have retards (especially on reddit) that just go after anything regardless of how relevant like, "this dude post the number 20! 20-3=17, connected?!"

As soon as I saw that Satan post I knew fuckers were going to get carried away, Q should've seen this coming as well. I'm hoping Q clarifies this or tells anons to stop attacking normal people.

5c0349  No.2589802

File: 820b4980b5bdd34⋯.png (404.38 KB, 640x1136, 40:71, IMG_1568.PNG)

File: 2ceddecec556076⋯.png (874.46 KB, 640x1136, 40:71, IMG_1571.PNG)

File: 9309e1cb186007a⋯.png (375.07 KB, 640x1136, 40:71, IMG_1572.PNG)

File: 50eee1719295294⋯.png (784.3 KB, 640x1136, 40:71, IMG_1573.PNG)

File: 1f50f5dd1f4fd18⋯.png (553.75 KB, 640x1136, 40:71, IMG_1574.PNG)





She's fine and I wouldn't call digging into someone's pictures they posted online cyber bullying. I'm pretty sure every lead should be exhausted because at the very least, there's a sick producer or a dad or a mother that's involved in satanic ritual abuse. Is this not the place to utilize multiple resources to find it the fuck out? I'm not saying she is a sexually abused model or someone who is involved with someone down the chain who knows plenty about it. You do the math(pic related)

8661bd  No.2589930


how do you know?

obviously u don't read between the lines … evil will look for lost souls … i am out of this

e3fdb6  No.2590404

looks like satan is taking a leak

fcb41f  No.2591138

Archived evidence, God twat is probably same. People will post the dumbest illegal shit on (parody) profile.

Or another clown comm

More digging required to sort out muh conspiracy theories.

b3f079  No.2591305

File: 01d8b7752267e66⋯.jpeg (18.81 KB, 225x225, 1:1, jacks.jpeg)


i think im gonna be sick

b3f079  No.2591315

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


remember the book "the jungle" think it wass upton sinclair about chicago meatpacking industry early 1900s using human meat

b3f079  No.2591344

File: 16b09d2b2cbb496⋯.jpg (151.73 KB, 1368x770, 684:385, jungle.jpg)


Welcome to the Jungle

Guns N' Roses

Welcome to the jungle we've got fun and games

We got everything you want honey, we know the names

We are the people that can find whatever you may need

If you got the money, honey we got your disease

Jungle, welcome to the jungle

Watch it bring you to your shun n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n knees, knees

Uh, I, I want to watch you bleed

Welcome to the jungle we take it day by day

If you want it you're gonna bleed but it's the price to pay

And you're a very sexy girl, very hard to please

You can taste the bright lights but you won't get there for free

In the jungle welcome to the jungle

Feel my, my, my serpentine

Ooh, I want to hear you scream

Welcome to the jungle, it gets worse here every day

You learn to live like an animal in the jungle where we play

If you hunger for what you see you'll take it eventually

You can have everything you want but you better not take it from me

In the jungle, welcome to the jungle

Watch it bring you to your knnn knne knees, knees

I'm gonna watch you bleed

And when you're high you never ever want to come down

So down, so down, so down, yeah

You know where you are?

You're down in the jungle baby

you're gonna die

In the jungle welcome to the jungle

Watch it bring you to your shun n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n knees, knees

In the jungle welcome to the jungle

Feel my, my, my serpentine

In the jungle welcome to the jungle

Watch it bring you to your shun n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n knees, knees

In the jungle welcome to the jungle

Watch it bring you to you

Its gonna bring you down, ha!

b3f079  No.2591355

sweet child of mine etc

b18378  No.2591466

File: 7302cc621225005⋯.jpg (52.88 KB, 1024x715, 1024:715, TastyRiff.JPG)


Ummm, those are cows. Where's the beef?

4c8e3d  No.2599872

2591305: The Jungle is one of my all-time favorite reads, & it has nothing to do with human meat!

Sinclair wrote the book to expose the appalling working conditions in the meat-packing industry. His description of diseased, rotten, & contaminated meat, shocked the public & led to new federal food safety laws. It revolutionized the industry.

This is a “research” board; please do some before putting out falsehoods. Always spread Truth.

4c8e3d  No.2599964


Better to call & be safe than to not call & be sorry….

4c8e3d  No.2600455

File: bf796047f858063⋯.jpg (137.7 KB, 500x380, 25:19, NO ONE WILL EVER NOTICE TH….jpg)

File: c386428322ae0c2⋯.jpg (127.31 KB, 650x742, 325:371, Jesuit Black Pope and NWO.jpg)

File: 1277a9ad201e980⋯.jpg (47.9 KB, 794x466, 397:233, ELITE NETWORK.jpg)

File: 86935e12f0e1121⋯.png (129.29 KB, 500x522, 250:261, Vatican wealth.png)


The Catholic Church is one of the biggest fronts for satan's coven where they also perform satanic rituals at the vatican, which are reverse rituals of the catholic rituals. Definitely not a parody

7be499  No.2600986

File: b8c8c7351679b88⋯.png (1002.94 KB, 1200x814, 600:407, Screen Shot 2018-08-14 at ….png)

File: 43a286a0a6c2ae2⋯.png (1.18 MB, 1298x734, 649:367, Screen Shot 2018-08-14 at ….png)

File: b1255f6c0f49617⋯.png (1.45 MB, 1006x924, 503:462, Screen Shot 2018-08-14 at ….png)

File: 72cb5e053930142⋯.png (2 MB, 1346x774, 673:387, Screen Shot 2018-08-14 at ….png)



Abe's Oddysee was a documentary.

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