Here's a very interesting time line for a $1Billon dollar deal (details below) and other foreign deals that may relate to these pictures. Money laundering.
Both Hunter and Chris Heinz graduated Yale in 1996. Archer was Heinz's roommate and fund raiser. They called him a "baby bundler" He worked for Kerry in 2004 campaign as co-chair on his National financial committee. They are all political loyalists. +++++timeline++++
2008 Hunter Biden, Joe Biden's son, who was a federal lobbyist, and attorney, left his firm.
2009 Hussain is inaugurated P on 1/20/2009. Biden is VP
2009 Hussain institutes "Asia Pivot," meaning pivot away from Europe (that is left to rot) to China.
2009. In June, Hunter and Christopher Heinz (yes, ketchup fortune),step--son of John Kerry, (Chairman on Foreign Relations) started several private LLCs using Heinz Family Investment Fund money. Rosemont Seneca Partners, which they set up in DC w/in 1 mile from Kerry's Hous and 2 from Joe's WH office and where he lives at the Navel Observatory; Rosemont Seneca Technology Partners, and Rosemont Realty. Very soon they were billionaires. Devon Archer joined as managing partner +++NOTE RECENT Archer charged with $60 million financial bond fraud in US District Southern NY found guity in May 2018+++ not in the news; Seneca also joined up with Thornton Group, run by James Bulger, nephew of James "Whitey" Bulger infamous south Boston monster who disappeared while under Indictment for 19 murders
2009 - 2016. For seven years Joe Biden and Kerry negotiated high stakes deals deals with foreign governments, then the sons would land exclusive deals, some hidden.
2013 Dec. Hunter, with his daughter Finnegan, flew on AF2 w/Joe to Asia on an extended trip to Japan, China, S Korea, possibly other places. Joe met twice with China
10 days after the trip, Hunter/Rosemont Seneca created $1Billion dollar joint venture deal with government owned State Bank of China. Investment called Bo Hai Harvest RST (BHR), B=Bo Hai R=Rosemont T=Thornton Group