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Pro Aris et Focis

File: f6efb030fd12376⋯.jpeg (113.49 KB, 723x475, 723:475, qanon2.jpeg)

0c3ec8 No.192365




Twt twt twt RT RT RT RT email email fb fb fb ETC.

>DO NOT FORGET Q: Reply to POTUS kindly, thankfully >>122874

this means that while tw_ts torming, reply and RT several of GEOTUS's tw_ts and add something positive (Anything will do)

we must spread GEOTUS tweets further, as MSM is not reporting

NOTE1 CURRENT##[5] Are listed on the GRAPH. Spread the Graph everywhere.

NOTE2 Pin the current graph to you Profile page 4 FREE PUBLICITY.

If NARRATIVE changes, ##s change


War Room Fags Plan Ahead so we can FOCUS FIRE

Hashes will b made with future news & Narrative in mind. When we expect a certain event (like the reading of the memo) You will get (an) Alternative Hash(es) to replace it on the Graph (we hired a psychic) so we don't loose precious meme momentum.

Focus Fire For Fucks Sake

Enou[g]h=En[o]ugh. We need to operate as ONE. It doesn't matter which hashes are used. As long as we make em TREND. We did good, but we can do MUCH MUCH better.

[g]raph [p]roves [r]esult.


WE will do our best to inform ALL anons. TY WRL2HU.


Voluntairy. important but 2nd priority


Call press-washington-Schiff-Feinstein 2 tell them “NOT A RUSSIAN BOT but PATRIOT, love POTUS etc.”

Be KIND, polite and friendly. We do NOT want the press to play recordings of our rude phone calls.

You call out of GEOTUS' and Q's name! So honor them with your behavior

Phone Numbers

FOX NEWS→1-888-369-4762 | CNN tips →404.827.1500 | CNN HQ in Atlanta→ 404-827-1500 | CNN Customer Service Washington D.C.→ 202-898-7900.[9] | CNN in Atlanta Customer Service→ 404-878-2276 and Fax Number→ 404-827-1995 | MSNBC→ (212) 664-4444 | NY TIMES→ 1 (800) 698-4637 | WAPO→ 202.334.6000 or 800.627.1150 | ABC → 818 973-4042 |

Government & Representative Telephone Numbers

CONGRESS→ 202-224-3121 | Adam Schiff's Office→ 202-225-4176 | Dianne Feinstein's Office→ 202 224 3841

NOTE1: No need to call them more than ONCE.

NOTE2: This is a great task for senior citizens that want to “so something”.

They will LOVE it, Give them a graph with the info and b4 you know it they have a phone circle set up.

If they do not understand what a BOT is, just let them call and say they are not RUSSIAN.



Stay On Target! >>74033 Like each other's tweets >>72810

Burner Email Adds & Phone Auth >>72619

10 Minute Mail 10minutemail.com

Twitterfall Web Based Ap Recommended >>72139

KEKMAKER 5000 Bulk Image Re-fingerprinter >>72783

Hashtag Trackers hashtags.org updates on the hour | trends24.in | tweeplers.com/hashtags/?cc=US

Facebook Groups >>71825

List of all Senators Twitter Handles >>92551 , >>92593

List of all Republican members of the House Intel Committee Twitter Handles >>91397

Always Add @realDonaldTrump or @POTUS To All Tweets


If Your Tweet Has @realDonaldTrump OR @POTUS It CANNOT BE BLOCKED

The Chink In The Armor Of The Beast is This >>77228



Main Meme Library

Over 11,800 images from Memes#1 thru Memes #10


Here you can preview images, download single images, entire categories, or all.

Images Scaled for Twitter 1024 x 512

The same images, transformed in shape for optimal display on Twitter:


If you're going to drop on Twitter, this format will be more effective.

Meme Threads for #ReleaseTheMemo

MEMES 11 >>116348 , WAR ROOM >>79768

Twitter Format Ready Memes from War Room

718 selected images from the War Room >>47341 (OP) harvested from General #49-#63

converted to Twitter format. Topics listed in >>64154


Links to All Meme Threads >>73906

Side-by-Side Graphics >>93735



OP Fake News Awards - Dough Consolidation


'''OP War Room General #2 – Dough Consolidation


OP 1st attempt at precision carpet bombing edition #3 – Dough Consolidation


Discussion about the hashes, War Room fags nazis?

No, we love bouncing ideas and strategies. Just do it on the War Room thread and not in general. Drop ideas, theories, requests and debate. But do it here.

Diggers dig, memers meme, coders code. War Room does strategy and informs general.

It's not important that YOUR hash trends. If we wud truly work together, we can make ANYTHING trend.

Weaponized Meme War … means that ==WHERE WE GO ONE, WE GO ALL!==

0c3ec8 No.192538

Welcome. just read your posts… great thinking

0c3ec8 No.192551


great plan. 3 hashes,,

0c3ec8 No.192713

Suggestions. (HOLD YOUR FIRE)

1) ReleaseTheMemo (+alternatives for the moment it gets released

2) FakeNews (stick it on ANY story that MSM will puke out of their arses the coming days

3) RACIST (this is a Trojan horse!)

Thinking (on#3):

- this # will reach FAR behind enemy lines

- Q pointed us to KKK hilz VID & PIX and MW living in a WHITE hood (racist!) and we have whats her name, Margarath Sanger (we have HRC on vid saying its her big example) that whore frm PP who is nazi pur sang. also add in pix of dem leaders in the KKK and find some nice vid AAAAAANd… Q gave us the "BLACK PREDATOR hrc vid"

What say ye? (where TF is everyone?)

da0156 No.192737


da0156 No.192745

Need to continue with the

#ReleaseTheMemo - definitely

0c3ec8 No.192761

File: 8310369a2f3f539⋯.jpg (404.31 KB, 1280x1024, 5:4, war room comm incoming.jpg)


i messed up the link.. LOL

then I noticed a missing M….

f87a7f No.192780

How about #SOTU to keep the focus on POTUS speech. #Release the Memo is played and people are tired of that.

da0156 No.192786


LOL… oh yes… yes you did. ;-)

da0156 No.192790




f87a7f No.192824





0c3ec8 No.192827

File: c36f1349d8e50ed⋯.jpg (173.25 KB, 893x767, 893:767, ReleaseTheMemo 28-1 1 pm ….jpg)

File: d87353e8af14700⋯.jpg (156.84 KB, 858x845, 66:65, sotu.jpg)


here's SOTU current graph. i ll post the others too

0c3ec8 No.192836


*doing hitler voice*

this is not a game.

we can not use those. b SERIOUS! lives depend on our fuckery

0c3ec8 No.192847

File: eadb7977e6c163d⋯.jpg (195.16 KB, 900x855, 20:19, corruption 28-1 1 pm EST.jpg)

File: 15cfc77969055a5⋯.jpg (172.69 KB, 884x865, 884:865, LiarLiar 28-1 1 pm EST.jpg)

File: c36f1349d8e50ed⋯.jpg (173.25 KB, 893x767, 893:767, ReleaseTheMemo 28-1 1 pm ….jpg)

File: 2fc6b6a11f17a54⋯.jpg (101.71 KB, 889x434, 127:62, overview trending now comb….jpg)

graphs and trending stuff

da0156 No.192862

would be great if they release the memo tomorrow.. and we can change that hash to:



0c3ec8 No.192877

LiarLiar made 3,4 million exposures in ONE day without even trying very hard.

Corruption from 63.4 million to 7.2 million exposures. Also: dont think we tried very hard/focussed.

Release the memo… loooks to slow down.. but still going strong.. 1783 unique tweets per hour (and I can honestly say i doubt if we've been REALLY pushing it)

Look at the suggestions… makes a nice story: corruption. money, trump, Trump scoring more than anything else…

in our faces.. #Trump We need to think & talk

pow wow

0c3ec8 No.192891

File: 7cdb5509643310b⋯.jpg (1.78 MB, 2480x3508, 620:877, GRAPH filled out incl IBO….jpg)


have you read the graph?????

if u had, you wud know that the alternatives r already laid out. This is a War Room. We prepare 4 the worst.

f87a7f No.192910

If we focus our hashtags on what POTUS tweets, I think that would keep it simple and emphasize his message. If we make it funny, even more memorable. His last one was on Economy, Chrysler, leaving Mexico, on the right track.

0c3ec8 No.192914


FUCK ME! my bad. it's not on the graph.

Damn that last minute InternetBillOfRights.

when memo is released redacted → #Unredacted

when memo is released unredacted -> ReadTheMemo (ReadMemo is shorter but my autism thinks it doesn't look as nice symmetrical… LOL

f87a7f No.192924

We can reply to his tweets with a hashtag.

da0156 No.192933


was typing as you posted…. don't be a dick out of the gate….

we're both here for the cause

0c3ec8 No.192986


thank u 4 input. In battleplan is added to RT and REPLY to geotus tweets. see top of page.

we dont need ### for that. just RT and REPLY or QUOTE.

We need to follow Q narrative for coming week, which is:

*fake news by the shitloads on its way (Probably handfed to fakenews by /ourguys)

*memo gets read

*lots of screaming and maybe FF.

*Q posted vids of hrc amd MW being racist

So thinking:

- the inevitable Memo

- make false/true memes and use for easy redpilling using hash FakeNews

* point out the racism, by hijack that hash, go behind enemie lines for enormous exposure (libs replying/RT and calling US a #racist counts too… LOL LOL) We would need a few PERFECT memes and vids (thank u Q) to point out the real racists and plaster twitter so full that it explodes.


by giving 3 hashes, anons are free to hijack whatever is trending, provided that they stick our hashes on it.

0c3ec8 No.192993


i cant b a dick. a cunt on the other hand.. LLLLOOOOLLLLLL

da0156 No.192997


ROFL….. well.. I'll second that… welcome fellow SisAnon

146b46 No.193058

Narrative to counter:

1. Trump and Repubs in Congress are working together, so the memo is PARTISAN.

2. Russian bots being used to release the memo.

3. Repubs are trying to derail Mueller.

4. The spying was justified since Trump was illegally working with Russia during the campaign.

8470cc No.193066

Research on the racist connections of the Clintons.

An old piece by Christopher Hitchens pointing out 'the most corrupt president in US history". Shows the connection to Orvil Faubus and lots of other old long forgotten dirt on the clintons.

https:// www.theguardian.com/world/1999/apr/18/clinton.usa

Piece on Orvil Faubus that also points out the Clinton connection.

http:// articles.latimes.com/1992-09-15/news/vw-739_1_orval-faubus

Video on William Fulbright, mentor to the clintons and proud KKK member.

https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Jc7OhIEwFw

Clinton gives a nice eulogy for his mentor

http:// articles.latimes.com/1995-02-18/news/mn-33379_1_j-william-fulbright

Clinton Gore 92 confederate flag button

http:// i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2015/06/23/10/29E320E500000578-3135820-image-a-7_1435053019578.jpg

Hope it's useful.

0c3ec8 No.193150



0c3ec8 No.193166

>>193058 (thinking with your train of thoughts)

1] truth/lie

2] "bots" are calling and the press has noticed it

3] we dont care about mueller, he's either /ourguy or /badguy whatever he sais we dont like -> LIES

4] more lies

0c3ec8 No.193170


thanks… helpfulL!

8470cc No.193172

Might also want to remind people that MW fought back against any increased oversight or regulation of lenders like Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac under the Bush admin. Her efforts enabled the housing crash by insisting that loaning money to people who cannot pay it back was justified by social justice, and if you disagree you were racist.

The red pilling goes deep here, lots have been taught in school of 'redlining' and how it was a race issue. It was not, it was banks doing what they have done since their invention, they looked at neighborhoods with high crime and high default rates and stopped making loans in areas that represented the biggest losses to the bank.

Much as we are told today that the high crime areas being statistically higher black populations is racist, statistics and math are racist if the facts they produce indict a protected class.

Mad Maxine arguing with the banking regulator insisting everything was fine at Freddie and Fannie. This is how she got her millions. Selling out the black community that suffered the most during the downturn in exchange for being a paid mouthpiece for globalists.

https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=bPoksfSf2nA


0c3ec8 No.193176

floating ideas, pls fire opinions



#RTFM (ReleaseTheFuckingManual or ReadTheFuckingManual… LLLLOOLLLL

gawd.. cant think,,,

0c3ec8 No.193185


thats the racist or sell out angle.

#sellOut ?? damn… Q! we need your help.

send us a sign.

da0156 No.193190


how did we come out on the poll?

8470cc No.193191


#racistroots of the democrat party



The DNC convention in 1924 was called the Klanbake and there are photos of them all wearing KKK garb.

http:// armored-column.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/klanbake-600x387.jpg

7d039c No.193192

File: 963ad46e703a6c9⋯.jpg (245.46 KB, 1051x572, 1051:572, allyoursotubelongtous.jpg)

We need to hit MSM hard and own their livestream chat rooms of the state of the union.

da0156 No.193201

Should we consider…

hash that does not divide but, closes up the great divide?


0c3ec8 No.193204

Q abused "stronger together"

#StrongerTogether cud b used in many ways?

* sarcastic 2 prove that dems dont give a rats ass

* to show MSM all stick together to peddle horseshit

* as a hijack that WeTHePeople r stronger together and shud not let them divide us??

shooting thoughts here..

need opinions…. help help pls

0c3ec8 No.193214


what poll?

0c3ec8 No.193217


stronger together?? LOL LOL steal her phrase and use it against her

ca51d3 No.193220


wait. Another M is missing?! oh comon.. Damn eurobrain..

7d039c No.193221


oh her and the burn

da0156 No.193223


someone put a poll out there for the maxine hash… I voted but never checked. let me see if I still have it in my history.. .my system clears history every night but… you and I both know… nothing can ever really be deleted rofl brb

0c3ec8 No.193245

File: 79b0e62ccfe5023⋯.jpg (45.67 KB, 861x144, 287:48, toptweet.jpg)


lol. do u hv English as a 1st language?

>>193221 this was my toptweet. look at the simplicity. had only 1/4 of my current following … imagine.. not even an @potus

da0156 No.193250




0c3ec8 No.193283


madmaxime won. MadMax wud b a better hash. shorter. i love hateful and mocking hashes, but want 2 follow Q's lead.

he posts about KKK and certain dems. and corrupt ppl. used "strongertogether". having hard time here…

ca51d3 No.193312


Second. Sadly. Doing my best. Have to turn off "auto correction" because all my words are red underlined due to it being "wrong language". done my darnedest to try and fix it but it always reverts back

da0156 No.193322


Keep It Simple … always more memorable

0c3ec8 No.193325


first thing: kill autocorrect

ca51d3 No.193338

File: 175cc32e4b7ba31⋯.jpg (459.5 KB, 1280x1024, 5:4, WRCM.jpg)


There. That should fix it.

Terribly sorry. Going through pastebin info now to check for errors. Super sorry.

0c3ec8 No.193351



* MadMax

* ReleaseTheMemo


* Racist (attracks enemy fire… LOOOOL)

* Sotu (naaah… obvious hijack material)

* FakeNews (versatile applicable)

* StrongerTogether (OMG,, that wud b FUN,,, libs wud explode)

da0156 No.193354


much better.. ;-)

0c3ec8 No.193356


dont worry bout it…

so we F up sometimes. we r human.

ca51d3 No.193360


And incoming has two I's.

0c3ec8 No.193361



0c3ec8 No.193367


a monty pythons schetch comes to mind about climbing the 2 peaks of the kilamanjaro.. nvm. LOL

ca51d3 No.193378

File: c791235eab4f173⋯.jpg (458.57 KB, 1280x1024, 5:4, WRCM.jpg)


There. That should be the final. FML this is so embarrassing.

da0156 No.193391


I have no comment ;-)

da0156 No.193397


0c3ec8 No.193404

notified general and triggered them to come 4 pow wow

90ba3e No.193417

File: db5aa72dca7339b⋯.png (627.21 KB, 660x439, 660:439, Screen Shot 2018-01-20 at ….png)


Read the Fine Manual

da0156 No.193422


good to do that here…. no need to go under fire with shyting up the board over there with this .. lol

da0156 No.193428



0c3ec8 No.193431


read (release) the fucking memo is what i meant… if we were to pick that (JUST FLOATING HASHES NOW) we wud just have 2 stick with RTFM and have em guessing

90ba3e No.193439

guessing = search for answer = socratic method = Q

0c3ec8 No.193441

0c3ec8 No.193453

shud we let go of #ReleaseTheMemo?

90ba3e No.193457

I tried to push #RTFM a while back, but it didn't gain any traction then. Short, sweet to the point, and less characters than #ReleaseTheMemo

da0156 No.193462

0c3ec8 No.193468

da0156 No.193470


>shud we let go of #ReleaseTheMemo?

I think so..

90ba3e No.193475

Well, I am not a strategist. I am mostly a lurker, I've made a few memes, and a part-time planefag. I got red pilled about 2007 because 9/11 weighed heavy on me. I dug, and got red-pilled pretty quickly. Been fighting ever since.

0c3ec8 No.193479


i m afraid its a dead horse. either its throttled BIGLY or its just dead.

0c3ec8 No.193487


we r glad 2 hv u. pls glance over our ponderings (start at strategy on top pls) and spew ur honest opinions

90ba3e No.193492

Sure. Pls give me a few moments.


0c3ec8 No.193506

File: 22608627bb6f041⋯.jpg (162.57 KB, 894x751, 894:751, trend 28-1- 4pm EST.jpg)

here's whats currently doing well

da0156 No.193521

JobAnon… that phonefags from said job ….teach at night..

Mostly here late night and weekends.

Been awake my whole life… thanks to my parents. father's career was military… brat.

grew up a Patriot and I want my country back.

f61007 No.193535


nice room

0fe582 No.193539




0c3ec8 No.193547

FLOATING THOUGHTS burn rm or like em

* MadMax

* MadMaxMonday v(LOL)

* ReleaseTheMemo (NEEs seem 2 have it)


* Racist (attracks enemy fire… LOOOOL)

* SOTU (naaah… obvious hijack material)

* FakeNews (versatile applicable)

* StrongerTogether (OMG,, that wud b FUN,,, libs wud explode)


0c3ec8 No.193557


tx and welcome.

90ba3e No.193577

OK, so I read the top.

When I came across the #RTFM idea, I liked it's duality of purpose; Constitution and the Memo.

I also came up with #MaxineHeadroom, e.g. progammed speech. That didn't seem to get much traction either.

da0156 No.193578

would love to use a hash that opens the mind to the lies…


Or the facts that they want to divide…


play on that?

0c3ec8 No.193583


yup, those too.

1) something maxime (??)

2) ??

3) ??


come on anons. we need to make this call .

f61007 No.193584

File: 29f8d6d36fdae31⋯.jpg (103.62 KB, 883x482, 883:482, twtwar38.jpg)

0c3ec8 No.193594


RTFM vote from u.

#maximeetcetcetc cant b so long

f61007 No.193597

cb742d No.193603

liking # StrongerTogether


90ba3e No.193604

File: 11c646b015c8f7e⋯.png (339.51 KB, 500x332, 125:83, Have you read.png)

f61007 No.193610


we can make any graph do that now.

0c3ec8 No.193619


thats the memo, it gets more retweets and more unique tweets,,, but 1/10th of the exposure. seems 2 me, ppl r fed up with #ReleaseTheMemo… they feel like "when its gonna come its gonna come"

→ insert your opinion here pls

da0156 No.193624





End hash @POTUS

0c3ec8 No.193631


"lies" is possible. lies/fakenews/strongertogether

all in the same corner.

your thoughts?

f61007 No.193637


Observation only, just to keep in mind.

Q has different narratives going at same time,

in different post.

ca51d3 No.193642


> they feel like "when its gonna come its gonna come"

Something about not being able to wait? #CantWaitForTheMemo



Also like #RTFM, #StrongerTogether and #MadMaxine

#HideandMemo ?

0c3ec8 No.193643


yup [5] [4] [3] wud b ideal.

but which 3????

cb742d No.193653

just a thought….#MuddyWaters…?

90ba3e No.193654


#ReleaseTheMemo is getting long in the tooth, IMHO. It's been running for several days, and normie attention spans aren't like us autists. #RTFM can be used toward the memo, and also towards educating normies about the entire Constitution document. I don't many have even read it at all, much less, in its entirety.

ca51d3 No.193656


maybe these 3



90ba3e No.193663

I *doubt…


f61007 No.193667


3] 4] LiarLiar, conitnue?

90ba3e No.193674

I like #LiesDivide, but how about #TruthUnites? more positive

0c3ec8 No.193677


ok anons. lets think AGAIN about Q's posts.

racism, killary.. kkk.. fake news. and a quote.

q's quote our 1st pick? #StrongerTogether

what say ye? thinking this will get raised eyebrows, let me check what the ground swell of the hash is

cb742d No.193690



90ba3e No.193696


It is a good message

ca51d3 No.193699


Why not both? Both are technically true.

#LiesDivide #TruthUnites #StrongerTogether #RTFM +/- possible hijack hashes

hows that for morning salvo?

f61007 No.193708





to long, eats space, typing.


imo opinion, remove one current hash only,

keep rest.

1 #LiarLiar



cb742d No.193710

They want to divide so the tags will counter that

90ba3e No.193713

I like, and am honored that my idea will be used as ammo!

f61007 No.193716


Keep in mind, #word matters not.

What matters?

da0156 No.193719


This is good…. I think the Maxine Memes speak for themselves… maybe we don't need a # for that? But our #'s will be more impactful?

0c3ec8 No.193728

File: 73fb1dd985dc82c⋯.jpg (189.3 KB, 879x768, 293:256, Stronger.jpg)

StrongerT is a weird hash…. looks artificially pushed.. that cud b FUN… I m willing to lay odds that its on of the secret Tat favs…. look at the graphs.. doesnt make sense

f61007 No.193733


"stronger together?"


May backfire and bring her support.

0c3ec8 No.193736


focussed fire matters. all together. as one.

90ba3e No.193742

File: ba9dfa956b1c192⋯.png (343.93 KB, 500x332, 125:83, Constitution #RTFM.png)

ca51d3 No.193750


IIRC, #MadMaxine was voted in a strawpoll. Depending on traction (or shadowbanning) could switch to #Muddywaters or whatever the second most voted was.

I feel like the Maxine drops should commence somewhat after SOTU is finished.


Always a issue of things backfiring. But the idea isn't that its "her" slogan. Its a group slogan for anyone standing together. Like we all are.

0c3ec8 No.193751


the other hashes r also in the tweet. it will NOT b throttled, and a NEW AUDIENCE clicks it.. unsuspecting.

90ba3e No.193752


I don't twatter or FB, anons, so Godspeed to you and other Patriots who are able.

f61007 No.193756




So keep old, find new, matters not.

However, change hashes and our base has to

change also.

da0156 No.193757


Was my thought. might backfire on us

0c3ec8 No.193759


i'd just write #RTFM on the bottom and have em guessing

0c3ec8 No.193771


well u hv a brain to help decide

90ba3e No.193780

File: ba9dfa956b1c192⋯.png (343.93 KB, 500x332, 125:83, Constitution #RTFM.png)

90ba3e No.193785

File: e5f03ef455ac7f0⋯.png (352.49 KB, 500x332, 125:83, Constitution.png)


Oops, copied wrong file

90ba3e No.193794

90ba3e No.193802

0c3ec8 No.193813

File: cf37ab3695265ef⋯.jpg (172.88 KB, 914x833, 914:833, treason now.jpg)

look at treason spiking

da0156 No.193819

#RTFM (Keep them guessing -but concerned about the OP reputation)



What else? Q made a heavy point about (((Them))) wanting to divide us…

f61007 No.193824


"But the idea isn't that its "her" slogan. "

imo she is associated with it.

If it start trending, narrative changes.

"Look at all this support of StrongerTogether,

they must be supporting Hillary" f_ke ne_s.

Be careful evil is sly, will get scratch trying

to contain.

0c3ec8 No.193848

ok… rollcall.

need 2 decide.


#ReleaseTheMemo still has thousands of RT and millions of views.

#Treason DOES GREAT. keeps peaking

#Corruption (maybe)

#LiarLiar (get rid of it)

see stats above

ca51d3 No.193855

regarding #standingTogether. If we weave it into the rest of the tweets. It still stands out. The "tweet" might count to her ego of her hash being big. But the information contained in the tweet will be counter to the narrative.

I wouldn't worry that much about it backfiring. At most the hash will get new life again. But the hash is words taken directly from Q himself. But there is always a problem with fake news.

BUT, if people actually looked up the hash, and saw redpills instead of 'imWithHer' stuff. Its a 50/50 thing that is..

My vote is #LiesDivide #TruthUnites #RTFM . And as >>193819 says. Something about "them"… #breakTHEMdown ? #TakeThemDown ? #EndThem ?


Treason is good. I like treason.

90ba3e No.193856

I do not like #LiarLiar, even if it may be true

0c3ec8 No.193857




LiesDivide as #3

suggesting #4: MAGA

90ba3e No.193861


>I do not like #LiarLiar, even if it may be true

90ba3e No.193870


I agree - treason is a powerful word

f61007 No.193871


humble exampL:

"MWalters heart is so dark and full of #Treason and #Corruption. She is a #LiarLiar. #ReleaseTheMemo."

Almost any hash word can work in a story.

Keep in mind C##[4] has already been retwted by 80,000K (probly more) in 30 hours, for me alone.

It is ours to let go,

or double down on.

Until twtr adjust algorithm against us.

Then easy change over, new hash

exampL (#HaHa, lol).

90ba3e No.193880


It works in that context

f61007 No.193889


seeded on our twtr followers, they are taking over


If they trust us, and we are kind, respectful,

thankful, they will continue.

da0156 No.193890

maxine is a tool….. poor thing knows it. She's just greedy and stupid

0c3ec8 No.193891

1-ReleaseTmeMemo (not RTFM)


3- LiesDivide (fake news memes here??


5) MAGA just bcause is always scored BIGLY

a52cf3 No.193908


HeartOfDarkness - get the american lit folks interested….

da0156 No.193910


I'm good with this…. so let's clean up the #

and make it so

0c3ec8 No.193915

Let me hear nee's and ayes for every number pls

0c3ec8 No.193923


2 long. poetic but doesnt sell.

ca51d3 No.193924








8470cc No.193928

The meme Q posted speaks a thousand words. He chose to point out that Republicans were opposed to slavery at the end of the civil war.

There is a mountain of disinformation to dispel here alone. Many normies have been taught out of school textbooks that the Southern Strategy was a real thing, and the parties switched sides in the 60's, all false narratives to undermine our founding principles.

Q has made it clear that this is part of our mission re Clintons and Democrats racist past.

We need to figure out a way to link the trending hashtags to ones that are harder to get trending, but are important to the red pilling process.

For example, could you not post #strongertogether and #RacistRoots togehter to raise exposure of the second hashtag? Hijack our own tags in a manner of speaking?

#strongertogether #KlanBake or something like it.

f61007 No.193930

File: 0343abe536a795d⋯.jpg (177.84 KB, 914x833, 914:833, Success6.jpg)

90ba3e No.193940

File: 08505f5ffae9504⋯.png (217.37 KB, 479x357, 479:357, Screen Shot 2018-01-20 at ….png)

Oh yeah; here was the other one.

It may be too early for this though.

90ba3e No.193949


I'm good with this. #RTFM may have its day later.

0c3ec8 No.193952


a hijack is always a good thing, just dont do 2 many hashes or u ll b considered spam.

f61007 No.193954


"Treason is good. I like treason."

Rembr when all hated #treason lol

0c3ec8 No.193959


keeping treason. will b THE WORD soon

0c3ec8 No.193971


u can use TREASON for black playing blacks 4 a fool. they betrayed their own.

da0156 No.193979

cb742d No.193983

0c3ec8 No.193985

Final thoughts, make it fast hammer time

hv new graph ready, what time does this go hot? mememakers need some time?

f61007 No.193991


Eurtw can pick them good, and knows when they

are dudes.

Trust her (after she trust herself, lol).

Tip: Keep them small, more room for

narrative, truth, thanks, etc.

Benefit 2: Less typing.

0c3ec8 No.193994

7 am EST ok??

cb742d No.193996

a52cf3 No.194002


if Treason were trending in association with HRC WhosWithHer or something like that could be used to extend to others

da0156 No.194007


Good time to start

0c3ec8 No.194019








Imagine "stronger together" with the pic of hillary kissing the KKK dude. or celebs with weinstein etc.

Can I leave the spreading of the happy news and instruction general and meme makers to you? getting near midnite here.

da0156 No.194023

We need a Schedule…

When to start using the Maxine meme's…. - after the SOTU?

90ba3e No.194031


Godspeed, Patriots!

cb742d No.194035

there are quite a few MWaters memes already in the meme threads

f61007 No.194044


"HeartOfDarkness" lol

I like but long.

Suggest #heart and #dark.

exampL " MW has a #dark #heart"

exampL2 "Trump has a good #heart, he will

remove the #dark ness soon."

da0156 No.194045


yeah.. I've seen them… good to plant the seeds ahead ..

we know she'll be running her mouth directly after… get a jump on it

a52cf3 No.194050


would be happy to….but even though my parent are american in america I am a dutch anon


Anonymous (You) 01/28/18 (Sun) 23:15:59 ID: a52cf3 No.194002>>194019

ca51d3 No.194053


I can start rallying the troops as early as 2 AM EST. Eurotroops are good at creating the vanguard. Will need handoff at about 12pm EST due to AFK.

But can hold command to let memers do their magic. Post the required hashes into Meme thread maybe?

f61007 No.194059


"keeping treason. will b THE WORD soon"

see eurtw can see the future.

only one person who can see further, lol

0c3ec8 No.194065

File: 7f248867b313d8d⋯.jpg (1.78 MB, 2480x3508, 620:877, FLYER DONE.jpg)

new flyer/graph

cb742d No.194070


"Maga"…in lowercase? Want to make sure.

90ba3e No.194074

File: d837653b311780a⋯.png (122.59 KB, 375x377, 375:377, Screen Shot 2018-01-28 at ….png)


In the instructions… I think it is @realDonaldTrump…. ?

0c3ec8 No.194075


listen. we fire ALL bombs RN we never stop.

just make diff memes if maxime does something weirder. the hashes suffice, whatever she does, right? she lies, she divides, treason, is strongertogether with ppl who exploit black ppl etc.

0c3ec8 No.194076



da0156 No.194082


This is correct

0c3ec8 No.194085

File: 51088e0fc49fbe8⋯.jpg (1.77 MB, 2480x3508, 620:877, FLYER DONE.jpg)



da0156 No.194087

I'm a jobAnon.. so will hit the waves… at 3mytime… and roll all night…

90ba3e No.194088

File: dee3c16589dff62⋯.png (58.32 KB, 507x128, 507:128, Screen Shot 2018-01-28 at ….png)

Might want to fix…

0c3ec8 No.194091


uppercase only

90ba3e No.194095


Nice job, faster than me… :)

cb742d No.194101

0c3ec8 No.194106


good plan. just as long as the thread with todays op Memes is posted in here.

da0156 No.194108


Good plan!!

0c3ec8 No.194109


just did so

90ba3e No.194119

I'm back to the research bread, anons. Good planning session. I'm an east coast workerfag, with IRL billiards faggotry on Wed & Thurs nights. Otherwise, I'm glued to GA and QResearch

0c3ec8 No.194126

WHO here can rile general?

some US fag has to take over.. get the meme makers woken up… and signalling GO at 7PM EST that 1,5 hrs frm now.

90ba3e No.194128


Yup, I think we cross posted - you beat me to it by a little bit. Great work!

90ba3e No.194139


I'll carry instructions over to /QResearch

0c3ec8 No.194144




Dropping the bomb on general and asking the baker to help NEED HELP making sure things go as planned. pls help really need to go offline now.

da0156 No.194147


Have one over there…in General yakkin about posting memes here in the war room lol care now lol

da0156 No.194153

Go forth Brave Patriots :-)

a52cf3 No.194179


if someone gives me what needs to be pushed formated and ready to go I can push it and get the Baker's support, but will have to sleep directly after….

90ba3e No.194182


You got it. Reat easy, anon. We got this.

25bb8c No.194194


Or how about #StrongerToGetHer

90ba3e No.194214


Too late, anon. The orders have been dispatched for tonight. But, I like this. Keep this in your back pocket. I think there will be a time real soon for this.

ca51d3 No.194233


Confirmed. Handoff in 1 hour for me.

Anyone still able to try and figure out new or adaptive hashes. Please use this thread or link others too it.

Other than that. I wish you all a good nights sleep. Godspeed.

da0156 No.194248


Godspeed Anons!!!

My the good Lord bless this OP!!

0c3ec8 No.194249


thanks,. posted this in general.


Updated hashes.







We debated long and hard and decided hashes must be usable for several days and purposes

Q's drops made us pick theses


4) TROJAN HORSE... Str8 to the libturds. this hash will NOT b throttled so anything you stick with it will slip thu. NEVER use it without #MAGA. This hash must b used to show KILLARY and the KKK or celebs and weinstein or other pervs, traitors, or scumbags. think millionair parties memes etc.

Mememakers pls do your magic

leave a link to the meme archive on the War Room thread.

We practiced b4, things went good and things went bad, This is not a game.


It's not important which hashes were picked, it's important that we ALL DO IT. and ALL DO IT TOGETHER.

>>193957 baker pls help, euranon must go offline now. pls put this in the dough and repost the msg to these glorious but very busy Q fags.


0c3ec8 No.194263

File: 51088e0fc49fbe8⋯.jpg (1.77 MB, 2480x3508, 620:877, FLYER DONE.jpg)


u goodnite too inna bit.

no more discussion, the hammer is dropped now.

we have our orders!

Meme makers do your magic pls!

g'nite warriors. godspeed

c28754 No.194319

#InternetBillofRights is being completely ignored still.

0c3ec8 No.194621


It was on the previous graph. For 2 days. And it didnt do FUCK. Graphs prove future.

0c3ec8 No.194639

File: 112342cd88f4681⋯.jpg (59.99 KB, 480x360, 4:3, image.jpg)

' ' ' stronger together ' ' '

f61007 No.194680


> Graphs prove future.

" Graphs prove future."


[g][i][f] = indicates


0c3ec8 No.195415


Memed till locked again. Seeing great results. I think our trojan horse StrongerTogether can go far… Was happily twotting dnc, hrc, abc etc asking to xplain the kkk pic LULZ…

da0156 No.195488


I'm seeing pushback in general about using a few other #'s. where where they when this was discussed?

da0156 No.195496

thank you..

1. #releasethememo

2. #internetbillofrights

3 #Trumptheestablishment (member the vid? I member)

Why liar? Why Treason? Maybe Kerrytreason treasonouskerry

We are in Idle MAGA is useless bc it was a campaign #

#strongertogether only to flood it with memes but no one will read the feed bc it runs so fast.. i object promoting enemy #

4d7736 No.195595

OK Annons….

We Got the Ammo

#Releasethememo. #internetbillofrights,#Trumptheestablishment

We Got the Mission

Wake up the Sheep, Unite the people, Shine LIGHT on the darkness

Go get your coffee, cigs, vapes, beer or what ever gets you through the night. Battle begins in 30 mins.

They Stole our country, They poison our Children, They steal our Wealth. Well tonight show them who they are fucking with. Good Luck out there on the twatter battlefield.

God Bless POTUS, The Untied States of America and the ANONS!!!

dd9e38 No.195743

the Maxine Waters memes are getting tons of retweets… the celebrity ones are being ignored

dd9e38 No.195744

Also getting a lot of hits on #SOTU

f61007 No.195860


You know who I have faith in,

who has never steered us wrong,

who works hard daily,

who makes it to where I can relax a lil,

knowing there is hard worker with us?

Do you know who?

# least of my concern, lol.

da0156 No.195875


This is true. getting lots of retweets on madmax

ca51d3 No.198647

Seems like a hijackable hash will be the one for "peoples state of the union".

Feels pretty fitting.

ca51d3 No.198724


"So, they plan to use the hashtags



#ResistanceMovement and

#Vote2018, huh?

Would be awfully sad if those hashtags got comped before their omega-list "event" (aka cry-circle), wouldn't it?"

7d039c No.198945

What about #WeThePeople

498e66 No.198995

hope your coffee is good.

ca51d3 No.199000


Ha. Turned cold 30 minutes ago.

Anyone seeing other Hijack hashes? Trying to track general atm but only found a few.

498e66 No.199287

File: 0163aaf9e030191⋯.jpg (32.19 KB, 283x385, 283:385, trendsList1.jpg)


I usually just use the ones along the side of twtr, but I'm SuperNew so there are probably better

ways someone will be eager to correct us on.

0c3ec8 No.199345

File: 51088e0fc49fbe8⋯.jpg (1.77 MB, 2480x3508, 620:877, FLYER DONE.jpg)

Coffee for the brave anons… reporting for Qanon duty. welcome to the war room.

am getting you the latest stats inna moment.

new hashes, pls check pic and spread em far

0c3ec8 No.199351

File: 51088e0fc49fbe8⋯.jpg (1.77 MB, 2480x3508, 620:877, FLYER DONE.jpg)


doesn't anyone EVER read the memo??

we hv new hashes..

and (as usual) no one bothers to read about it.

498e66 No.199428

File: c13ec70831a74cf⋯.png (368.78 KB, 581x501, 581:501, Success10.png)


dont worry, faith, rmbr.

498e66 No.199433

File: 0cbf92cfc91ced3⋯.png (16.92 KB, 591x235, 591:235, twtwar41problemswithash.png)

Problems with long hash.

498e66 No.199438

eur the other night,

when i stayed up to late,

and lost my mind,

that day,

were my post deleted by u,

or anyone you know.

jus curious jus thx

498e66 No.199453

Problem with enemy hash,

very difficult to spin it and use for our side,

much thinking, every time original post.

Much easier to use short words [multiple

reasons2]. #dark #cup #not #to #A cat in a box

has no choice but to rest, etc.

What is always true about the hash,

when we FocusFire?

498e66 No.199463


suggest imho

enemy hash #stronger…

[multiplereasons2] Our side wants nothing to

dowith there side, yuck. Do not make anons

use enemy words, demoralizing.


498e66 No.199484

Suggest imho

Once mission start, hard to go back with an

army. To win, must go forward, so going back

is the worst feeling, waste time, resource, for

what? (however good PRACTICE).

Consider all things before move forward.

Learn from past.

Trust those that have been right.

When blood starts pumping, slow down,

not speed up, and of course faith.

imo imho

0c3ec8 No.199502


hi! thanks… collecting memes

we need them. btw. saw the NOOSE meme doing great, just as the Hilz kissing one.

thinking we need to MILk that hillary KKK one bigly

0c3ec8 No.199509


dont use em all in 1 post,, for better spread. (LOL treason has 1 R.. LOL

0c3ec8 No.199511


weird. i didnt do it. weird AF

0c3ec8 No.199518

File: 51088e0fc49fbe8⋯.jpg (1.77 MB, 2480x3508, 620:877, FLYER DONE.jpg)


since yesterday. new graphs r released when there is an update. pls spread and pin 2 ur profile.

0c3ec8 No.199521

getting new graphs for 1st results.

498e66 No.199529


yes bring those ovr if time

498e66 No.199538


wha!? not all in one post.


imo disagree.

if some fat cat likes what you say,

35K X 4, not 2 or 1.

498e66 No.199546

File: a5752d2b9f8c5d8⋯.jpg (204.68 KB, 770x540, 77:54, twtwar40.jpg)


try this.

498e66 No.199600


you wanna talk about msp's, lol

I'll dig back up in WarRm2 and show you

some dozzyies ,lol

498e66 No.199606


who could do that

498e66 No.199610


"weird AF"


498e66 No.199618


35k x 5

ca51d3 No.199632


"As fuck". Its that new hippity hopp speak thats totally lit, or something like that

Good morning late sleepers! Back from my lunch walk now, ready to focus General.

cada63 No.199657

Operation State of The Union - JAN 29 & 30


Vote and see the latest results on hashtags for the State Of The Union OP






Amass your magic in there, dubs allowed.

NEW SEARCHABLE MEMES with collection for SOTU OP


(More being harvested today)

Suggest anons keep their eyes on the General threads for updates as plans evolve today.

Thank you, Godbless, General baker.

ca51d3 No.199667

Jesus fuck people are angry for missing #InternetBillOfRights over at general.

0c3ec8 No.199692

srry anons, hubby blew a fuse, computer crash.LOL praise Kek pc survived.

Getting those graphs now

0c3ec8 No.199699


oh great, more division.

*facepalm* oh well. lets see how we can get the whole team on one page.

0c3ec8 No.199725


they have had it for 2 FUCKING DAYS STR8 and didnt even fucking know it.

just HOW MANY FUCKING times do the snowflakes want the fucking Warroom to announce POW WOW, pls come give input??

It has been done every day all the time and noone bothers to fucking show up.

Did i say FUCKING a lot?? Guess that means I am FUCKING irritated by all the FUCKING egofags.

0c3ec8 No.199729

pardon my french, i m european LOL

498e66 No.199734


TY was driving me mad, good to know, lol

498e66 No.199740


what can you do?

do u know current hash?

ca51d3 No.199741


Your french is amazing. No worries! And i have to agree. The ones "online" now, are filter happy and seem to refuse to read past threads.

This is not on us (more specific, you). They're refusing to cooperate. They're Q hungry and just eager. We could just put it into the "war comm" message just to still the masses. I know we argued at length last night about not having to many hashes, We could add something like "Use 2 or more of these hashes:"

Sure we cant bend over backwards to please them. But just to still these people…

0c3ec8 No.199746

File: e60367e4e704393⋯.jpg (179.72 KB, 904x851, 904:851, IBOR 9AM EST copy.jpg)


here's todays graph.

gonna pull all the hashes for comparison and evaluate what works and what doesnt work.

just gimme a chance to post em all.

498e66 No.199747



would love to have eyes in General,

so much work here,

appreciate any news.

ca51d3 No.199752







these are the ones that got chosen after debate.

Sublist of hijack hashes will be applied on the fly and will be relayed onto General when its needed. (PeoplesSOTU is one of em for tuesday)

498e66 No.199753


again wonderful resource and setup,

my compliments to the humble anons,

that perform their small part,

making us greater.

498e66 No.199757


euru shall we oblige them #bill now?

498e66 No.199761

we can even practice focus fire LaserBlast


cada63 No.199762


Don't worry, we're all on the same page. Feel free to carry on with your ops, you have your own team here, or feel free to join us with this one.

0c3ec8 No.199766


we they've done is cut the team in 2. division.

sliders have gotten to them. Doesnt matter.

As long as we work methodically, we can still reach far and wide, even with a small team.

Gimme a chance to get all the graphs from all hashes we used so we hv something tangable to talk/think about.

0c3ec8 No.199770


analyse 1st, decide upon facts. gimme a minute.. need to run all analytics

0c3ec8 No.199778


we can all work together, when we debate and plan together. war room NEEDS input badly.

just that… if we decide, we need all 2 go same way. no offence… war room cud go with new suggestions. just pls gimme time to put stats up. We r blind without stats

498e66 No.199782



tell them FocusFire only this graphic,

short quick twts, stories and thanks to the twtr

followers with only #billof.. hash. Beg them to

retwt it for all of US, USA, ALL, USALL.


cada63 No.199786


No one has got to us anon, we are anon. We have fought two successful battles and are doing just fine. We won't be divided because we are one.

498e66 No.199787

File: 9d92a479cb4d9d1⋯.jpg (73.75 KB, 1054x512, 527:256, Qtrying.jpg)

498e66 No.199795


respect appreciated

498e66 No.199804



(almost yelled ate)

cada63 No.199806


We generally debate on the General. This room was set up to plan the first OP only, and was only used for that, one time. Now we are organized for big battles and run them from the general as usual. You are more than welcome to join us there, give your input and fight the battle alongside us.

498e66 No.199824


I hear you,

am apealing to eur,

but we must plan well,


498e66 No.199835

whoa this feel like working together

ca51d3 No.199839


General is going haywire (well, one of the posters) regarding missing the internet hashtag.

Starting to feel the board is getting comped slowly due to influx of new users and/or people being way too eager.

498e66 No.199843


appreciate greatly the invite,

need the scroll slow,

or lost i am.

498e66 No.199851


tell them when blood starts to rush,

slow down, stop, breath, slow breath, focus,

work together, respect, faith.

cada63 No.199860


You're welcome anon. The OP instructions during a battle are posted very clearly at the top of each general. Easy to follow and you don't need to follow the threads.

498e66 No.199865

so far…time


This is WR2, we appreicate your great effort,

We wish to suport, if you will have us.

Here is our plan, if you would join us.

It just might work, Eur will keep i on graph.

Do this to help our plan and effort:

Tell them FocusFire only graphic #billof..

Sort quick twts, stories and thanks to the twtr

followers with only #billof.. hash. Beg them to

retwt it for all of US, USA, ALL, USALL.


498e66 No.199872


that is helpful,

little time to learn,

i will attempt,

if things slow down ever,

copyn ur tip, TY

ca51d3 No.199883

Ok. So, according to the news. Theres a vote today 5.00 PM "America time" for the Memo.

If this goes through, would it be smart to drop "releaseTheMemo and maybe add the billof– just to cool peoples heads?

Just brain storming. Gotta go AFK soon and wont be back untill way later. Just a thought.

498e66 No.199892

so far…time


This is WR2, we appreicate your great effort,

We wish to suport, if you will have us.

Here is our plan, if you would join us.

It just might work, Eur will keep i on graph.

Do this to help our plan and effort:

Tell them FocusFire only graphic #billof..

Sort quick twts, stories and thanks to the twtr

followers with only #billof.. hash. Beg them to

retwt it for all of US, USA, ALL, USALL. Always

include @POTU_ AND @realDon… in your twts,

Like thank you "@POTU_ AND @realDon… "

In this way we will focus OP LaserBlast,

never been done with so many,

unsure results.


498e66 No.199895


will consider TY

0c3ec8 No.199898



ca51d3 No.199906


>Previous OPs did work perfectly and they weren't directed from The War Room. The War Room was set up to organize the first battle, and was used one time for that. Once organized, the OP ran from the general, as did #ReleaseTheMemo.

>The hive produced a plan together, as one, and the bakers baked it. We don't have directors nor need any. It's not the way we work. We are chaos.

ca51d3 No.199909


Im just gonna leave the computer untill i cool down..

0c3ec8 No.199919


chatter is WAY to high to debate a decent battle plan. think militairy. think decomparimentalisation.

army is not a democracy. War Room calls for POW WOW and debate. we spend hours on serious debate. after that: we decide. and with "we" i mean also every anon from other threat that show up. Q said "focus fire"thats what we r practicing.

scroll is slower here. excellent 4 debating.

498e66 No.199920

so far…time


This is WR2, we appreicate your great effort,

We wish to suport, if you will have us.

Here is our plan, if you would join us.

It just might work, Eur will keep i on graph.

Do this to help our plan and effort:

Tell them FocusFire only graphic #billof..

Sort quick twts, stories and thanks to the twtr

followers with only #billof.. hash. Beg them to

"retweet it for all of US, USA, ALL, USALL". Always

include @POTU_ AND @realDon… in your twts,

Like thank you "@POTU_ AND @realDon… "

KEY Kindness is what people want in the world,

torward them, give it them now, with our message,

they will respond. They might shut down twtr.

Future: If we ever get this right, they WILL shutdown twtr.

In this way we will focus OP LaserBlast,

never been done with so many,

unsure results.

(Optional for ___ RooM) waithing, begin above plan.

We will discuss more.


498e66 No.199925



agree to disagree,

0c3ec8 No.199928


me too. on general, its just screaming opinions. very HIGH on energy and well intentioned, but no basic in tactics, analytics of what works and what doesnt and not organized. thats not an army, its a loose well meaning group with a common goal, but doesnt know how to reach it.

We r getting there… but we r 30 MILLION strong and still not firing together.

0c3ec8 No.199933


IBOR is a great idea.. just gimme a sec posting stats

498e66 No.199939


oh i see, lol

don't worry, faith.


God willing either way.

Sometimes noGO becuase

not ready. Good job cooling

down, good TECHNI Q UE

498e66 No.199943

" we spend hours on serious debate."

mistake, trust Generals.

0c3ec8 No.199947


disagree. you THINK you pushed "ReleaseTheMemo" but it was WR focussed aim that did it without u knowing it.

We need strategy.

how many times has Q told us? we need to come together and FOCUS FIRE. its not about what hash, its about the focus. we all need to work together. rogue is bad

0c3ec8 No.199955

File: e60367e4e704393⋯.jpg (179.72 KB, 904x851, 904:851, IBOR 9AM EST copy.jpg)

File: 7d8fc6e11f1e4ce⋯.jpg (75.2 KB, 908x266, 454:133, LIESDIVIDE 9AM EST copy.jpg)

File: e747afc7536ea0c⋯.jpg (160.53 KB, 917x754, 917:754, MAGA1 9AM EST copy.jpg)

File: a63a5f734a1cc18⋯.jpg (155.82 KB, 893x795, 893:795, release1 9AM EST copy.jpg)

File: e8870f8f1b0f8a4⋯.jpg (213.71 KB, 1089x885, 363:295, release2 9AM EST.jpg)


=LiesDivide did NOTHING.. needs to go IMO

= we need alternative for RTM if they r voting (rediculous voting btw. potus can just read it)

498e66 No.199958


SuperNew here


0c3ec8 No.199962

IBOAR= 138K exposure per hour

RTM = 4,7 MILLION exposure per hour.

mic drop

18aeaf No.199964

Meme idea: STUCK ON STUPID with images of our enemies.

498e66 No.199966

" THINK you pushed "ReleaseTheMemo" b"

not #release…

the others,

sorry for confusion

apologies greatly, isee our misunderstanding

YOU all did #release.. I always knew that.

Forgive me.

0c3ec8 No.199968

File: e747afc7536ea0c⋯.jpg (160.53 KB, 917x754, 917:754, MAGA1 9AM EST copy.jpg)

File: a63a5f734a1cc18⋯.jpg (155.82 KB, 893x795, 893:795, release1 9AM EST copy.jpg)

File: e8870f8f1b0f8a4⋯.jpg (213.71 KB, 1089x885, 363:295, release2 9AM EST.jpg)

File: 0dcdf2a62d237c1⋯.jpg (165.31 KB, 877x743, 877:743, StrongerTogether 9AM EST.jpg)

File: fd318806ffeabd0⋯.jpg (248.95 KB, 1280x1024, 5:4, TREASON.jpg)

more graphs

0c3ec8 No.199972


hey. my bad… grumpy becauase LiesDivide did shit. just want us all to fire together.

regardless of hashes… WHERE WE GO ON, WE GO ALL

498e66 No.199992


it may not feel like i'm working with you,

it may not feel like i'm working with you,

if fact, bottom of my heart, i'm trying to give a

great weapon that i can see, but it doesn't

exist yet. If SUCCESS, you will have a tool

that can smite many enemies. I care not

where credit falls. When i remind that is only 2

encourage others to trust me.

future proves past.

I have had to learn here all of this,

slow scroll required, small steps, then i can

join without becoming demoralized.

remebr SuperNew, 6 days, or maybe lost count 8 9. forgive me.

0c3ec8 No.199995



ibor = 138K /hour

ReleaseTheMemo = 4,7 MILLION/hour

MAGA = 3,9 MILLION/hour

StrongerTogether = 264K/hour

#Treason = 576K/hour

#LiesDivide = doesnt even show up. ZERO



LiesDivide did NOTHING. AXE DAY


ReleaseTheMemo is top kek winner and has been for days. We need a back up once it gets released.

suggestions floating: (HOLD YOUR FIRE)






pls come to war room to debate strategy.


0c3ec8 No.200005


u r doing great. i dont care about credit. just want us all on the sme page. based on graphs, hunches, figures. whatever. we need to work TOGETHER.

498e66 No.200006

I am an attlelan(er), LIKE my fren(s) beside me.

It is where I fit, where I can help most.

This is not mine, it was built by all of USALL.

The ideas are not mind alone, the strategy

is not mine alone, I did not build the platform,

I do not know all you know, I cam only _(n)on|e








_P_ _ple_H_ _h

(_g_ _d)

Gr_p_i_D_op (Deploy blank sheet C##[x])

Did U enJOYTS?

Do you know the hash?


0c3ec8 No.200010

exposure continued

StrongerTogether did shit too. AXE DAY

498e66 No.200019



is that good? the result?

814e6e No.200023

How about #memo when the memo is released?

Q hinted at that # and we can refire many old memes then.

0c3ec8 No.200026


favs now:

#ReleaseTheMemo = 4,7 MILLION/hour

#MAGA = 3,9 MILLION/hour

#Treason = 576K/hour

but we need back up when memo gets released. pls everyone leave your input on thread. need to fix dinner soon/

498e66 No.200028


hashes take a lil time, imo

better to trend one for 24hrs,

then 1 for a moment,

then switch.

message stronger WW.

0c3ec8 No.200030


pls read this >>199995 and see graphs i posted

498e66 No.200043

kind like #RTFM

vs #RTM

but I like #RTFM

but kids, idunno but I like #RTFM

see you choose, we go,

boom we are there.

Trust Generals.

498e66 No.200064


why is good to stay with [4] for long time, like a

week, or month.

Then the will can be seen, obviously.

The graph would be almost straight.

When power sees that. they see/know the will.

Same 4 hashes day in, day out, ask people

to help, same 4, soon all will be helping.

graph no longer up down, more steady line.

scary to those few in power, lol.

814e6e No.200071


#'s with fuck/fucking is not normie friendly, and can get people a ban when posting on news sites.

498e66 No.200092


humble suggestion

Narrative change is larger than daily news.

Don't chase daily news quick trends, soon over.

exampL [#releaseth..] Once memo released, narrative change, change one hash, keep three, report

to followers of the change, say TY and ask

them to help. more will help, more will help,

soon way many many helpers who want what

you want. Unstoppable.


498e66 No.200094


good tip TY

498e66 No.200105



Eur its only first day new hash.

when you change all people direction, takes

time to re-focus.

Look not at the numbers but the spike,

that is us, if it is small, it means we have much

to go, but if it spiked it means we are showing.

you are doing great. trust.

sometimes it gets a lil dark,

time to pray and rmber faith.

(dont mean to preach, jus wht i do)

498e66 No.200138

Eur how does this sound?

About to present to war room.


This is WR2, we appreicate your great effort,

We wish to suport, if you will have us.

Here is our plan, if you would join us.

It just might work, Eur will keep i on graph.

Do this to help our plan and effort:

Tell them FocusFire only graphic #billof..

Sort quick twts, stories and thanks to the twtr

followers with only #billof.. hash. Beg them to

"retweet it for all of US, USA, ALL, USALL". Always

include @POTU_ AND @realDon… in your twts,

Like thank you "@POTU_ AND @realDon… "

KEY Kindness is what people want in the world,

torward them, give it them now, with our message,

they will respond. They might shut down twtr.

Future: If we ever get this right, they WILL shutdown twtr.

In this way we will focus OP LaserBlast,

never been done with so many,

unsure results.

(Optional for ___ RooM) waithing, begin above plan.

We will discuss more.


0c3ec8 No.200151

>>200043 me like too .LOL

>>200064 agree with you. still analyzing what was previously used.

>>200071 F cud b Flipping, Frigging, etc… its just an F….

0c3ec8 No.200156


a ban? really? suace pls?

498e66 No.200159

"? suace pls?"\


0c3ec8 No.200161


very true, praise kek

0c3ec8 No.200176


yup… LOL arent we supposed 2 double check and not assume??? RTFM curse?

0c3ec8 No.200180


somethng like that we wud need, indeed.

gimma a min, need to finsiihed those graphs.

814e6e No.200188


referring to rtfm wont get a ban. Some write the message in full then tho, in memes and the text message.

Here is a rule summary of a random news site

As a privately owned web site, we reserve the right to edit or remove comments that contain spam, advertising, vulgarity, threats of violence, racism, anti-Semitism, or personal/abusive attacks on other users. The same applies to trolling, the use of multiple aliases, or just generally being a jerk. Enforcement of this policy is at the sole discretion of the site administrators and repeat offenders may be blocked or permanently banned without warning

498e66 No.200192


now thats sauce

498e66 No.200195

"RTFM cur"

ggrr hate being dumb.


498e66 No.200198

oh duh

498e66 No.200202

threw me off with out hash, lol

suddenly i don't like,

better one surely imo lol

498e66 No.200214

File: be0573c669c8275⋯.jpg (86.83 KB, 945x503, 945:503, PatTren.jpg)

File: de57009c4ca9bfb⋯.jpg (85.01 KB, 957x503, 957:503, FBtrend0124.jpg)

File: f678e37e346792b⋯.jpg (84.36 KB, 959x505, 959:505, rustrend124208.jpg)

my fav graphs

see the spikes,

thats our number/effort,

not impressive, but evident.

After everyone helps over time, higher, more

globalist flat line, whoa

498e66 No.200226

File: 5e7d301a37a1a2d⋯.jpg (88.3 KB, 959x505, 959:505, Trutrend0124.jpg)

this 1 is interesting, almost flat eh?

3ac8c4 No.200227


Have read a lot here but not all, please note for the Auntie Maxine hashtags the top 3 can be used:


As for War Room, I do like it being solely for operations. Perhaps we should make it more clear what War Room is for in general?

There shouldn't be any division.

Please give me your thoughts.

498e66 No.200239


perhaps someone could build a room for me

so i do not disturb,


498e66 No.200243


i am SuperNew, ignore my ignorance

3ac8c4 No.200245


A room for what?

0c3ec8 No.200276

File: f4d871a87c5eea1⋯.jpg (249.47 KB, 1280x1024, 5:4, corruption.jpg)

File: e8870f8f1b0f8a4⋯.jpg (213.71 KB, 1089x885, 363:295, release2 9AM EST.jpg)

File: 5c0f08dc704781d⋯.jpg (202.67 KB, 1260x896, 45:32, release4 9AM EST.jpg)

File: fd318806ffeabd0⋯.jpg (248.95 KB, 1280x1024, 5:4, TREASON.jpg)


bravo…. we like suace like that.

if RTFM (as abrev) results inna block or ban, than we shudnt

Here;s some more graphs

0c3ec8 No.200285


usually it means Read THe Fucking Manual.

but now it cud mean either Release or Read the fucking memo… LOL we wudnt write that out in full of course.

982ea1 No.200302


#RTFM #ReleaseTheMemo etc. will not trigger a ban IMHO

0c3ec8 No.200312


that wud b GREAT,, i know about maxime poll

we came up with #MadMax as its short, but willing 2 consider #MadMaxime LOL or whatever it will b.

0c3ec8 No.200314


dont b silly . join us

0c3ec8 No.200328


u r not ignorant. if u are, then we all are. we;re anons. some dig, others meme, others decode.

none of us has all skills. we just need to combine forces

498e66 No.200374

sorry quick break, catching up…

3ac8c4 No.200380


Ok. So what would you like me to relay to anons @ general?

Join this room for all SOTU ops content?

498e66 No.200391


also keep in mind, twtr may cheat us one day

so even graphs cannot be totally trusted sometimes,lol

however, the people can be trusted to cry

out for what they want/need/wish4, so power

will see graphs it and heel (boy, go on, go sit, lol)

498e66 No.200405


you know what I say, hash matters not,

I will comply, i trust them,

soon i will join after I build them a weapon that

test EFFECT positve.

Looking forward to that day,

maybe todaay if you think we should do this.


0c3ec8 No.200418


pls relay that all anons r welcome to join here.

Lets make it into 1 group. division gets us nowhere. pls make em understand that someone needs to hammer things once all opinions r heard. graphs and stats r used here for tractic and course. main focus is to all get on the same page.

goal: 5 hashes (2 long running and 2 focussed on current event, work with 1 flyer, and discuss stuff here in stead of on general. we speak as 1 voice to general, and general needs to understand that they need to follow as one. discussion, PLS do it here…

498e66 No.200419


trust me I am with them(u), for reals,

apologies if it appears I am not.

soon after perfect FocusFire,

almost done.

0c3ec8 No.200421

File: bac645b398a70f3⋯.jpg (248.44 KB, 1280x1024, 5:4, FakeNews.jpg)



heres overall fake news graph

498e66 No.200422


one moment longer plz TY, discussing..

0c3ec8 No.200428

File: f4d871a87c5eea1⋯.jpg (249.47 KB, 1280x1024, 5:4, corruption.jpg)

File: bac645b398a70f3⋯.jpg (248.44 KB, 1280x1024, 5:4, FakeNews.jpg)

File: 5c0f08dc704781d⋯.jpg (202.67 KB, 1260x896, 45:32, release4 9AM EST.jpg)

File: fd318806ffeabd0⋯.jpg (248.95 KB, 1280x1024, 5:4, TREASON.jpg)


show them our graphs pls.

we know shit. together, we can CARPETBOMB

3ac8c4 No.200429


ok. but this is ONLY for ops related things right? are we to only collab and gather before/during/after ops?

498e66 No.200439


"n after I build the"

apologies not I, WE, forgive me.

0c3ec8 No.200454

File: 51088e0fc49fbe8⋯.jpg (1.77 MB, 2480x3508, 620:877, FLYER DONE.jpg)

Hi welcome 2 war room new anons.

PLs read all the stuff on the thread and check out our graphs n shit.

Our goal: work as ONE, fast, adaptive and succesfull. still in op FOCUSFIRE as we r not fully focussed. (getting there tho)

glad to have u.

Eur anon off to make dinner now, will get back in hour or so, hv a debate and leave me some notes, TU!

e0f1d0 No.200457

File: 46db5a56ccb4d59⋯.jpg (53.41 KB, 645x364, 645:364, trumpflag.jpg)

0c3ec8 No.200477


general figures and debates news.

anons give input (current events, suggestion for new hashes etc) here.

we debate, make course, flyers, ask memewarrios to make memes or rehash old ones.

than GO GO GO to general with instructions on the flyer and time to go HOT HOT HOT

If hashes stay the same, results are posted on geeral thread with a warm thank you etc.

All pro twat tips… pls bring em too us!

498e66 No.200481


Wait Eur…lol… do you think we should swith to OP LaserBlast for #billl or stay focusFire?

0c3ec8 No.200500


its great but the hash isnt doing much.

LOVE that meme thougj/// simple bomb to drop behind enemy lines.

==perhaps we shud ask some anons to play special opps and give em hash bombs to drop on lib threads= (HOLD YOUR FIRE JUST A THOUGHT

0c3ec8 No.200504


first focus. perhaps we can finally get that today.

btw.. explain laser blasT LMAO


498e66 No.200509

File: 3bb8e2b2e7ab411⋯.jpg (32.64 KB, 587x121, 587:121, twtwar42.jpg)


humble example how to use,

498e66 No.200516

498e66 No.200527


OMG you don't know laser blast, we r gonna talk

later, lol

256dfb No.200597


#SOTU is what will be trending. Every tweet should use that hashtag, then include whatever else you want depending on the message of the tweet. It's important to use #SOTU to reach the masses, so please don't make the mistake not not using that. Otherwise, we are preaching to the choir.

498e66 No.200666

"#SOTU is what will be trending. "

TY Tip,

can you tell me which room exaclty im suppose

got to, think im at wrong room.

498e66 No.200754

OP FAIL, no interest. carry on, no change to

current goals. TY for signs of support, TY Eur.

44bce8 No.200844

Need someone to clear up what we are supposed to be doing. Pushing Internet Bill of Rights? What are our current #/s, I have seen varying results.

8470cc No.200914

POTUS just gave us a new tag #WitchHunt.

We need to be more agile to bring attention to what POTUS tweets.

0c3ec8 No.201108


great. no I dunno Laserblast. can w8 2 hear

0c3ec8 No.201137


good thinking. We can work out great stuff if we combine forces.

have you discussed Recon team yet?

(few anons going behind enemy lines. drop truthbomb with hijacked enemy hash and draw em out. if they reply: DING DING another of our hashes that counts. For the playfull and adventurous anons.

just floating an idea.. hold ur fire

0c3ec8 No.201152

File: 51088e0fc49fbe8⋯.jpg (1.77 MB, 2480x3508, 620:877, FLYER DONE.jpg)


witch hunt… noice… KEK

>>200844 there is a graph of current hashes on top of general and on top of this page. its repeated all the time, every anon shud know the hashed

0c3ec8 No.201153


baker? that you? what do you mean no interest.

498e66 No.201271


think i was in room room, or when i did,

not one comment about helping so , no interest.

resume regular focusfire [5]

noGO on LaserBlast

stil a lil bit more tweakn/practice.

0c3ec8 No.201286


wtf is laserblast?

and cant war room combine forces with general?

war room picks 3 long term… leaving 2 spots for general to on the fly in any direction needed (general takes our 3 ## too)

0c3ec8 No.201288


and what is laserblast??? LOOOL

0c3ec8 No.201298

File: 01746b4351d510a⋯.jpg (66.7 KB, 445x466, 445:466, fake news.jpg)

incoming fake news by the shitload

498e66 No.201350


oh i see better your idea.

trust, brings dis-organization to our efforts, the way we have it set up.

They are almost like 2 methods.

FocusFire steady combat, long term bombard-

ment getting stronger over much time.

LaserBlast 1 hash as in laser hash, when needed desperately

0c3ec8 No.201366

File: 7f8afd4fde557ee⋯.jpg (57.63 KB, 1176x236, 294:59, mcCabe OUT.jpg)


I understand betternow.

we will concentrate on steady 5's

and perfect that technique

498e66 No.201367

"(few anons going behind enemy lines. drop truthbomb "


OP OverLine

498e66 No.201375



forgot to add

498e66 No.201395

OP GeneralFire

war room picks 3 long term… leaving 2 spots for general to on

seperate from longer term FocusFire.

LaserBlasr, special moments

OP BehindLine behind enemy lines, truth bomb (nice one, eurt)

498e66 No.201406


thanks for update FBI, that is good news

probably cuz of your Hsh #Treason, lol

498e66 No.201417

"OP GeneralFire

war room picks 3 long term… leaving 2 spots for general to on"

needs major tweaking, practice, philosophy, etc

just like we did with FocusF…

498e66 No.201459

How long it takes us to perfect FocusFire is a

rough estimate of how long each new OP will

take, minus a bit of time due to practice. No

practice slows keeps us slow, confused, angry,

argumentative, so success is a great triumph.

Looking forward to that.

0c3ec8 No.201541


My bad… didnt understand diff between OpFocusFire and OpLaserBlast

thinking leaving laserblast (??for now??) to general, and concentrate here on fucosfire???

498e66 No.201594


The both do not exist yet,

we are still building them, lol

498e66 No.201620

"ving laserblast (??for now??) to general, and concentrate here on fucosfire?"

good idea,

flip coin,

IF they ever LAUNCH LaserBlast we also

fire to show support.



OP Beg

498e66 No.201631


For now FocusFire,

enJOYTS enjoy the show.

0c3ec8 No.201638

>suggestion (hold ur fire)

if we were to pick 3 "semi-Permahashes"

out of our current stock, which ones wud that b?

summing up a few here:

1) ReleaseTheMemo (+ fallback when released??)

2) WeThePeople

3) Treason

4) Corruption

5) MAGA ???

6) FakeNews

7) Patriots

8) NotABot

9) LiarLiar

10) Trump

11) FBI

12) Russia

13) ChuckCaved

13) TrumpWon

14) NoDACADeal (hmmm..that didnt age well)

15) AmericaFirst

new suggestions:








498e66 No.201645


you must be tired, we talked about Laser…

couple of days ago, lol

498e66 No.201653


we came up with it, probably in wr2 rom2 lol

0c3ec8 No.201662


but there were anons in here that…. oh well.. seems that there is another war room that is totally into SOTU and madmax. We cud offer them a deal… they take our 3, we take their 2 (if they let us know)

meanwhile… lets muze over what we have

498e66 No.201668


easy the three shortest ones.

hash word matters not rembr

actually hash word matters not , EXCEPT

in certain GREAT GREAT moments.

Future unlocks past.

0c3ec8 No.201669


i an a bit. got confused. diff ppl in here saying all sortof stuff. nvm awake now.

0c3ec8 No.201677


my heart wud bleed 2 let go of the memo… LOL


- Treason

- FakeNews

- MAGA or AmericaFirst or WeThePeople.. LOL what say ye?

498e66 No.201678


rest when you need, i get like that too.


Naps, the secret to save the world








498e66 No.201681


aww ruind it



0c3ec8 No.201687

File: 3dc38d6c56d94e6⋯.jpg (100.32 KB, 1094x556, 547:278, maga today.jpg)

File: e747afc7536ea0c⋯.jpg (160.53 KB, 917x754, 917:754, MAGA1 9AM EST copy.jpg)

498e66 No.201690


Thats how you feel truth, in your heart.

When you feel it there, sign, trust, faith.

498e66 No.201696

0c3ec8 No.201730

idea only, hold your fire

1 Treason


3 FakeNews

(4) ReleaseTheMemo (untill its released, then drop the hash)


+ ask General for their fav hijacks:

# (SOTU because bi-partisan attention

# something with maxime, probably MadMaxime (they didnt think about just MadMax… too bad)

3) lay out "behind enemie lines plan and get adventurous anons to help play bait n switch

what wud b your picks & why?

0c3ec8 No.201775

brb doing stuff

44bce8 No.201778

>>201152 I am sorry, but no the hashes don't always match plus there is discussions where it looks like they have changed. I am not stupid, but if I am doing a job, it has to be right.

498e66 No.201798


Hash [word] matters not, shorter better.

Worry not we can still get her MW

"After the #SOTU, MadMax is going to look like a dam fool" lol

498e66 No.201803

"e #SOTU, MadMax is going to lo"

u make make a hash trending by mistake, lol

498e66 No.201810


apologies for the confusion,

forgive us,

we need practice.

44bce8 No.201835



498e66 No.201844


there is a hicup with boards can't change thier

hashes, permenant so there will always be an

old list. I've advised no list, but then that also

presents confusion becuase people do not

know what current hashes are.

We r in porcess of setting up a website with

always current list, but need help, resources,

experience, etc. Soon I hope. TY

498e66 No.201845



498e66 No.201852


Oh and your support is greatly appreciated.

256dfb No.202040


Agreed. Please have a definite game plan laid out. Post # 638 is giving me a panic attack. Please stop adding possible new tags. The more hashtags, the more diluted and unorganized, and the harder it will be to get stuff trending. Also, there is no need to change tags on a daily basis. That is counter-productive! Stick with primaries consistently.

Do the bakers in the general thread defer to this board for the hashtags? I've tried to get thru to them multiple times about the importance of streamlining hashtags but no luck. For anyone that has any pull there, PLEASE HELP. Effective dissemination is super important. It's especially important considering the algorithms are stacked against us. We're then working against ourselves further by not having a limited set of hashtags. I've spelled this out on a few of the general threads and it's as if my post is invisible every single time.

I recommend using these as primary hashtags:

#ObamaGate (Dr Gorka has already been plugging that)

#ReleaseTheMemo (already has momentum)

#SOTU (the obvious top trend for tomorrow)

#NoDACA (for anything related to immigration)

Every single tweet any of us post should have those three in it (or at least one of them). You can put add'l tags if you choose. The add'l tags are where you focus on daily topics. Make sense?

Ideally, once #ReleaseTheMemo is no longer relevant, you just use the other two. The less the better (#tcot used to trend 24-7 because every conservative used it.)

If you guys agree with the reasoning, please finalize and post to any other board that needs the info.

Best to all!

498e66 No.202117


thank you for your time.

lol, that is FocusFire, you nailed it.

Our practice has not overcome the need to

change every 8 hours.

It makes sense but when blood starts to rush

no hash is good enough.

Disipline it will take, which we do not have yet.

But time will bring practice will bring better

results. I pray that time is soon, but it depends

on ALL working together. That's the hardest

part but is KEY

Have faith we will continue to improve our


Forgive us this last confusion.

498e66 No.202135


These are still our battle plans. We will stick

to what hard work has brought.

0c3ec8 No.202157


I have a website. need space?


oh I speak HTML. just keep ur wishes simple so that it's readable on ALL servers

498e66 No.202169

" The more hashtags, the more diluted and unorganized, "

I recognize this is the challenge that blocks

our success.

If we select the hash and make it easy for

everyone, "burn them, the didnt vote, discuss,


If we ask everyone, no concensus every as of

yet. Someone is always hurt, someone

usually says I'm not a bot.

LOSE/LOSE until the people realize.

Either way God willing, so I worry not, just do

my best.

498e66 No.202174


>concensus every as of

"concensus ever as of"


498e66 No.202180


yes blank page, hash list, attach to our flyer.

498e66 No.202191


"h list, attach to our flyer."

attach to the address to flyer of this room.

498e66 No.202201

arrgh!! i can't type no more, lol

yes blank page, hash list, attach the URLaddress to the flyer of this room.

whew spit it out already, lol

0c3ec8 No.202217



ok,, read your comments. agree, stick with a few hashes and keep using them.

suggested battleplan:

War room stick to a few hashes, general jumps on whatever is trending and uses at lest 2 of our hashes in their twats

'war room will take a General trending hash and add it to its ammo as well.

>general drops it daily trending fav on the War Room thread (so that we know)

war room hashed stay for the long haul.

so we need to pick [4]? that can be used loooooong.

agreed so far? what say ye?

498e66 No.202238

"g and uses at lest 2 of our hashes in t"

brilliant, brilliant, brilliant

498e66 No.202243


0c3ec8 No.202248


NP, 2 stick hash list on blank page. but too late 4 today. (tomorrow)

Let's talk battle plan and pick longtime hashes.

here's my shortlist.

1) Treason


3) JailTime


hijack: SOTU and something mad max, whatever general comes up with. We start pumping these 4. memo gonna b dropped any moment so no use in wasting more breath on it. (????)

498e66 No.202254

war room hashed stay for the long haul.

so we need to pick [4]? that can be used loooooong.

agreed so far? what say ye?

we jus switched to new hash recently,

change again? new video?

498e66 No.202260

1) Treason


3) JailTime



498e66 No.202264


0c3ec8 No.202267


what we picked sucked. we shud stick with what works and will work. Treason does great. Jailtime can b used 4 everyone. MAGA get millions of shares. ObamaGate is the case to build.

498e66 No.202274

" moment so no use in wasting more breath"


498e66 No.202284

"es. ObamaGate is th"

agreed, feels out of narrative

498e66 No.202287

what does your gut say?

0c3ec8 No.202297

File: 4a80e7e5fb95616⋯.jpg (155.74 KB, 1162x677, 1162:677, obamagate today.jpg)


be amazed this is today

498e66 No.202302

File: 1940c6cea0751fe⋯.jpg (67.65 KB, 579x517, 579:517, treason.jpg)


fav graph

u pick that

256dfb No.202306

Please use the primary list I gave you. The reason is because people are already using these tags. Please no more than 3 primary long-term tags. #MAGA is already a long-term primary (that's basically the new #tcot).

No need for a set list of secondary (daily) tags if you're set on the primary tags. The point is to, for as much time possible each day, have the primary tags in the top trends.

0c3ec8 No.202323


ObamaGate is what will trend in the end. though it already does great. we released it b4

I LOVE TREASON…… "NOOSE FLASH" meme got shared allover the place.

MAGA is always millions of shares and

JAILTIME… for all of em.. its like a story…

it sortof sings

498e66 No.202331

File: 06a7b6b4aa047ee⋯.jpg (22.75 KB, 505x107, 505:107, treason2.jpg)

498e66 No.202338


thank you for your suggestions

0c3ec8 No.202340


seems a waste not to add a MAGA? do we HAVE to stick 2 just three?

If we do, can we get a promise from general that they add at least 2 of our 3 2 every tweet they send??

498e66 No.202352


your vote is my vote

498e66 No.202358

anon recommend this


your vote is my vote, not my suggestiong another helpful anon.

""I recommend using these as primary hashtags:

#ObamaGate (Dr Gorka has already been plugging that)

#ReleaseTheMemo (already has momentum)

#SOTU (the obvious top trend for tomorrow)

#NoDACA (for anything related to immigration)

0c3ec8 No.202368


>#ObamaGate >CHECK

>#ReleaseTheMemo > need 2 b replaced …. its gonna b released

>#SOTU >HIJACK FROM GENERAL, good 4 a day or 2 tops (so not on generals long list)

>#NoDACA >Geotus is dealing with DACA, so not good 2 use on long list.

pls ur feedback?

498e66 No.202371


suggested earlier 40 min ago

498e66 No.202376



same anon, consider, ur vote my vote

0c3ec8 No.202380



2) redundant in 5,4,3,2,1 ….(voting today)

3) SOTU we will adopt as general hijack of the day. here now, gone in 2 days. so not on our LONG list

4) cant use that. Geotus makes a deal. We cant say no when he sais yes.

256dfb No.202397

Forgot to mention this add'l recommendation:

If any Twatters with large followings read this, it would be super helpful if you would also use the hashtags. I don't care how many people follow you, if you do not use hashtags, you are only speaking to the people tha follow you. This is a huge waste because the people that follow you do not need convincing - they were already convinced when they opted to follow you!

In response to questions posted:

Yes, #MAGA can always be included! I just don't see a need to list that as a primary because it's already the general primary for Trump supporters. We are trying to target the #Obamagate scandal specifically.

#Treason is another good one, but that can be a secondary tag (again, those don't need to be listed maybe better if they're not if they take away from the primary tags).

Definitely no more than three primary tags!

I'll check back in a bit. Please get people on the General thread onboard. Like I said earlier, I've had no luck getting thru to them.

Thanks so much for taking my feedback into consideration. Let's kill it tomorrow night and then keep that momentum going!

498e66 No.202401

File: 06a7b6b4aa047ee⋯.jpg (22.75 KB, 505x107, 505:107, treason2.jpg)

good exampL

whatever we pick will increase,

that is us in graph, the increase.

what ever is selected will increase,

so word matters not.

even our old words




Expect increase, not expect trend (yet).

later we will get to trend, much later seems, lol

498e66 No.202404

") SOTU we will adopt as general hijack of the day."

this is good thinking.

0c3ec8 No.202406


i m considering, so r u.

damn this LOL LOL LOL

here we go again.




4 (hijjack ) check on genereal 4 ideas

5(hijjack) check on general 4 ideas


498e66 No.202431


Anon I believe i know eurt mind.

#SOTU will trend reguardless, we just attach

ourselves, then over, we disengage.

Eurt recognized a hijack hash.

They are special.

like a free word, right?

498e66 No.202461

1) Treason


3) JailTime



I already voted these


if u need me to change my vote, i will, lol

hash word matters not

but tips

short word, so easy and takes less space for story,

thank yous, explanations, etc

remmeber increase, not trend (yet)

498e66 No.202474



we can increase any word you want.

one day it might trend


0c3ec8 No.202478



whatever general wants to drop in, we will drop in. we need a long line hash thread going.

daca and memo need to go. can not say NODACADEAL for weeks on end when potus is negotiating. besides. majority US ppl want "something done" for (some) daca dudes.

retry possible longer list (for lets say at least a week)

1. ObamaGate

2. Treason

3. Jailtime

4. FakeNews or MAGA (or sneak a maga in here and there????

498e66 No.202505

"t say NODACADEAL for w"

HA almost spit coffee out.., lol

498e66 No.202530

"whatever general wants to drop in, we will drop in. we need"


But tell them think long term, hashes do better

as more people join us with familiar hashes on twitter. "more people join us" takes time. The

most patient hash will win the war. (_G_ _ d), lol

0c3ec8 No.202535


writing a concept to drop on general now.

what do u say, which 4?

FakeNews or MAGA?

damn damn damn… MAGA as a "sprinkle" when we some space left?

498e66 No.202536


consider and tip

Positive short words might serve us well.

498e66 No.202549

"damn damn damn… MAGA as a "

my vote, shorter

0c3ec8 No.202562

but what about FAkeNews???

Q pointed to that? how do we address that with current new [4] ? improvise?

498e66 No.202579

I must admit, it is a powerful hash.

"Watch out for that #FakeNews, kinda long.

#Fake I like.

498e66 No.202583

"that channel is #fake" lol

498e66 No.202589


"#Fake News told me last night, there is no

such thing as chem trails."

0c3ec8 No.202599


damn, hate sounding like drill sarge.

Geotus coined that word. We were even succesfull with #FakeNewsAwards (WWAAAYYYY to long).

# Fake…. versatile… I must agree to that.. short.. omg… *tempted*

498e66 No.202611


I can do some good writing with that word.

498e66 No.202615

but keep in mind also>>202536

0c3ec8 No.202617

File: b35cfa02b164b97⋯.jpg (132.61 KB, 1129x702, 1129:702, fake today.jpg)

File: f748f329174c24c⋯.jpg (142.41 KB, 1048x648, 131:81, fakenews today.jpg)

look and help decide

498e66 No.202622

"JayZ is so fake" lol

498e66 No.202625


woops #fake

""JayZ is so #fake" lol""

0c3ec8 No.202629


150 tweet/hour? against 1500/hour?

498e66 No.202631


word matters not, only expect rise, not trend (yet)

One day trend


they will shutdown twtr

ca51d3 No.202641


#Fake is easy to bake into tweets. #fakenews is for counter narrative.

"MSM says something bogus" - respond with "#fake news + actual facts" ?

Has general been updated on Hashes? Been busy all day, back now for Ops

498e66 No.202646

At first it looks puny, but thats jus becuase its

we few.

Once the idea catches,esp twtr, then see trend.

0c3ec8 No.202652

File: e23d872a06693a8⋯.jpg (144.56 KB, 1051x680, 1051:680, news today.jpg)

if you REALLY want to hit HARD… go with #Fake and hijack #News look at those numbers…

498e66 No.202656

"#Fake News is for counter narrative"

see works


498e66 No.202659

"#Fake is easy to bake into tweets. #fakenews is for counter narrative."


"#Fake News is for counter narrative"

ca51d3 No.202669


Confirm #Fake + #News. instead of #fakenews

Aye / nay?

498e66 No.202670

1 #Fake

2 #News



498e66 No.202673

498e66 No.202679

may i introduce

_G_ _d

3 #Good

0c3ec8 No.202680

File: 85d6a2925a958e5⋯.jpg (146.67 KB, 875x731, 875:731, NEWS long.jpg)


this is #news over long period. perfect hijjack or primairy… lures ppl… omg

0c3ec8 No.202694



we have




and need 1 more (or 2 LOOOOL) but they must all b long use and tell a coherent story

498e66 No.202706


you have sight, gj

ca51d3 No.202716


Maybe have #fake #news on same category, so they dont eat eachother?

Please General and add #InternetBillofRights ?

#LiesDivide = More of a statement of current climate.






all work for longterm. Need to please General with shortterm.

Concider addining


%%New hashes%%


%% Ones you mentioned%%

0c3ec8 No.202719

damn.. difficult choices,,,

damn damn damn dont want to screw this up

498e66 No.202739


thats when you have faith, pray,

make ur move. God's will after.

ca51d3 No.202759


Have faith Euroanon. Remember, your french is amazing! :)

Idea: ObamaGate kinda already means "Jailtime" and "treason". So they kinda already include eachother.

They work. and have good traction as you showed. But #ObamaGate already says what the others say.

So #treason and #jailtime kinda aren't needed if you understand my reasoning?

1:ObamaGate (longterm)

2:InternetBillofRights (Please those General asses)

3: XX

4: XX

Ideas? MAGA works, already has good traction… Dont have to be new ones?

Maybe save a spot until memo is realeased and have #ReadTheMemo ?

0c3ec8 No.202762


LiesDivide is very true, but we cant do that as longtime push. it did nothing. ppl ignore it. (Dunno why)

ABout IBOR -> that;s an add on. like you said

current events tag

long term hashes

1) ObamaGate


3) Jailtime

4) Choose: #Fake and/or #News or #FakeNews

how about this??????

0c3ec8 No.202778


and we have #MAGA as a sprinkle, when nothing else fits or the sentence demands something like it. always works on anything.

498e66 No.202790


was my humble suggestion

0c3ec8 No.202791

most ppl dont know that there is or will b an OBAMAGATE and #Treason and #jailtime cud apply to anyone

0c3ec8 No.202805


i appreciate but must go with gut feeling.. i m also willing to take the heat for making bad choices… LOL Hope #MAGA sprinkle on top works for you?

0c3ec8 No.202814

BTW LOVE u debating and thinking. thank you so much

498e66 No.202815


long, why i don't like, also all stories off the word will need to mention jail lol

you could use #time as in jail #time

498e66 No.202823


no problem, word matters not to me

just the increase on the graph

later trend

0c3ec8 No.202828

File: 79b0e62ccfe5023⋯.jpg (45.67 KB, 861x144, 287:48, toptweet.jpg)


let me show you my TOP tweet and you will understand why a simple thing as #JailTime is perfect without anything else added to the tweet

0c3ec8 No.202840


I had only a few hundred followers back then.

just 2 words #Qanon and #Winning

ca51d3 No.202843


War room transmission Incoming


Orders are in anons!

Current events





# ???







Spread tendrils far and wide,abuse the trending section to gain traction. Make sure to mix up Hashes!


thoughts? Aye? Nay?

0c3ec8 No.202860


they wont accept it like that.

I was preparing this… pls loook at it.

Battle Plan suggestion from the War Room

Join Forces with General/SOTU etc?

>War Room suggest shortlist of [4] long time use hashes.

War Room asks anons 2 use any 2 in all twat if possible

>General drops trending hash on War Room thread for the Hijack.

Example: #SOTU and #MadMax or something for now??

>War Room only gives out [4] long use hashes and makes graphs, stats etc.

>War Room keeps general updated on results and makes Twat Strategies

General helps War Room Tw0t Storming

Pls let War Room know if this is a workable plan for everyone.

War Room think Where we go one, we go all. General helps War Room, War Room helps General.

What say Ye?

498e66 No.202873


I will put it back in the OPs for later, lol


meh works one time, lol jk

u know i'm kidding right.

Congrats, hope I can do that one day,

my vote is your vote

ca51d3 No.202877



Include that you can check hash numbers for maximum focus. Looks good.

498e66 No.202882


ooohhh thought you were taling about #jailtime

humm interesting

I will remmber and consider, brain juice TY

0c3ec8 No.202883

hashes (long term)

1. #ObamaGate

2. #Treason

3. #JailTime

4. # FakeNews OR #Fake and/or #News

Magic sprinkle on top when you feel like it: #MAGA

256dfb No.202893

No offense intended but all these tags suck and I'll tell you why at the bottom (see if you can figure it out on the way down).





-almost everything listed in >201638






Why they suck:

1) They're not informative on their own.

2) They don't make clear what side you're on.

3) They have no existing following.

#ReleaseTheMemo, ObamaGate, #SOTU are good because they already have momentum, are informative on their own, and effectively emphasize the point of your tweet.

It's not by what sounds good (especially at this point). It's about what is already being used that works and what can be built upon. #MAGA is a great building block but is not specific to the #ObamaGate scandal. I always include it because it's a building block tag.

Crushing the Deep State - to do what is within our power - depends on hammering the living shit out of the #ObamaGate scandal and getting people's attention focused on the outrageous Constitutional overreach and the obvious danger associated with tsuch a massive abuse of power.

So we want to tags that are:

1) Specific to the scandal

2) Informative on their own

3) Already in use (to build on existing momentum)

Be back again in a bit.

0c3ec8 No.202894

brb feedng the cat. pls give it some final thoughts

ca51d3 No.202897



you sure we shoudlnt add #InternetBillOfRights to please General= They will act like children if they dont get it. I know its low traction but… ugh…

498e66 No.202916


Nice, good hunting

good job


498e66 No.202928

. # FakeNews OR #Fake and/or #News

should decide now

or 3 different hashes, see?

498e66 No.202958

" #ReleaseTheMemo, ObamaGate, #SOTU are"


these are hijack hashes becuase of momentum,

ride like wave, also releasethememo soon over

as we already discussed here earlier.

ca51d3 No.202979


Honestly. I know what you mean. It doesn't show what the point is if theres just "#treason" in their. The labled scandals are already there, Ex: #Obamagate, which should be hammered like fuck.

And #ObamaGate almost covers the whole dilema with overreach.

So in all honesty. #ObamaGate #InternetBillOfRights and #SOTU18 should be the ones focused on primarily. Its whats important and whats going on. Using auxiliary hashes could work but shouldn't be the main focus.

The main drive should be getting #Obamagate trending. Redpill SOTU /SOTU18 and rev up #InternetBillOfRights

This is my vote. Objections?

498e66 No.202981


>t's not by what sounds good (especially at this point). It's about what is already being used that works and what can be built upon. #MAGA is a great building block but is not specific to the #ObamaGate scandal. I always include it because it's a building block tag.

>Crushing the Deep State - to do what is within our power - depends on hammering the living shit out of the #ObamaGate scandal and getting people's attention focused on the outrageous Constitutional overreach and the obvious danger associated with tsuch a massive abuse of power.

>So we want to tags that are:

>1) Specific to the scandal

>2) Informative on their own

>3) Already in use (to build on existing momentum)

much of this we have already discussed and have reasons against.

I would go thru all of it again but very sleepy.


498e66 No.202991


we cannot control how others act, unfortunately

498e66 No.203017

Honestly. I know what you mean. It doesn't show what the point is if theres just "#treason" in their. The labled scandals are already there, Ex: #Obamagate, which should be hammered like fuck.

And #ObamaGate almost covers the whole dilema with overreach.

So in all honesty. #ObamaGate #InternetBillOfRights and #SOTU18 should be the ones focused on primarily. Its whats important and whats going on. Using auxiliary hashes could work but shouldn't be the main focus.

The main drive should be getting #Obamagate trending. Redpill SOTU /SOTU18 and rev up #InternetBillOfRights

This is my vote. Objections?

Imagine 4

hope good pill dumb

now ignore the words.

Now imagine, everyone, no matter disagree or

agree, used them.

what results then?


498e66 No.203018

Imagine 4

hope good pill dumb

now ignore the words.

Now imagine, everyone, no matter disagree or

agree, used them.

what results then?


498e66 No.203024


now put those word in a cool lil sentence.

"I #hope the red #pill s are strong today. (They) are #dumb"

498e66 No.203035

File: 4d5dec00bc7110d⋯.jpg (204.08 KB, 641x901, 641:901, expl1.jpg)

humble example

498e66 No.203046


again do not see the words,

imagine all FocusFire on 4 short easy words in

nice lil messages of hope truth inspiration etc.

Retweet likely.

498e66 No.203054

4 short easy for our NEW retwtrs in future.


all of us


our current followers



498e66 No.203066

File: 06a7b6b4aa047ee⋯.jpg (22.75 KB, 505x107, 505:107, treason2.jpg)


what does graph do then?

ca51d3 No.203072


Yes, but that forces everyone to use almost the same sentence. And that could be a problem in the long run. It would just be a repeat of the last guy said.

Sure, Ill give you that we could have auxiliary hashes.

Eg. #Obamagate sure sounds a lot like #treason.

#BillOfInternetRights is something we need. Its a #miracle .

Do you understand the reasoning?

If we have 4 small set words, There are only so many sentences you can create to deliver the same message.

Having a group name for it will free up many anons imagination to fill the blanks themselves. And have room for hijack hashes that are bound to be there.

498e66 No.203077

does anybody like that idea?

498e66 No.203090


all we need is

[4] preferably short, that ALL can agree on.

That is the problem,

"that ALL can agree on"

498e66 No.203104

keep in mind not all will be happy with it,

but most important to help do it.

498e66 No.203107

0c3ec8 No.203108



we're not adding that. 4 hv 4.. let them add anything. War Room only asks 2 always add 2 of ours…. so they can do what they want, right?

ca51d3 No.203124


Do we add in the "add anything you seem fitting" and use that one as an example?

Sorry if im derailing a plan here, its getting late and im getting tired.

cc0f6c No.203130

File: 630b5c51d010364⋯.jpeg (520.48 KB, 2047x499, 2047:499, image.jpeg)

0c3ec8 No.203132



catching up on reading ur comments… 1 sec srry.. (cat is sick.. need to handfeed every 2 hrs)

498e66 No.203154


nice plan


nice plan, maybe, let them confirm their decision wht word they want so we don't misFIRE. good thinking, tho, jus need confirm

their word, nice plan.

ca51d3 No.203187

General claiming #SOTU Is gaining traction right now.

0c3ec8 No.203202

>>202928 *sigh* of course u r right

>>202979 SOTU is an add-onn. Over within 2 days. IBOR is add-on, since there IS no IBOR yet. We wud like one. if it's perfect. Remember that other thing that potus killed?

>Obamagate trending is our goal, but #Treason (or sedition) is not limited to obama. seditious conspiraty contains hundreds off SOBs who will get nailed really soon. We cud call #Treason on any of the ppl doing it or on the acts they did.

>>203035 must admit, looks great

>>203054 true true and true

>>203072 also true: u will get locked out. I have that prob EVERY day. sometimes several times. same sentences: no go zone

>>203090 LOL yup

498e66 No.203207



anon want to support bill of Internet rights

If #Hope is one of the hash, can say.

"I #hope they protect the Bill of Internet rights,

you have all our support for your effort,

all past rtwtrs that use #hope, and all future

sentences with #hope."

In mean time we hijack billiofrights, aagh tire of typeing it already, and insert our words to it,

ride its wave.

0c3ec8 No.203211


dont worry, just help vote, i ll put whatever we decide in general and tell the baker.

498e66 No.203219


" *sigh* of course u r right"

gets old doesnt', how do u think i feel, lol

498e66 No.203233

we are leaning, we will be stong, trust, faith TY

498e66 No.203246

everyones tired, lets rest, come back tomorrow,

keep everything as is for now,

retire the day,

for tomorw we will have strength again.

498e66 No.203252

498e66 No.203260

this will get us thru tonight, after rest, dreams

come back here and lets talk

LU guys.

498e66 No.203263


this will get us thru tonight, after rest, dreams

come back here and lets talk

LU guys.

256dfb No.203264

Let's decide the 3 (not 4 or 5!) primary hashtags first. Another thing I should have listed about the primary tags is they should stay relevant from start to finish. So #SOTU18 is going to be a temp and so is #InternetBillofRights (that's actually a separate topic). Let's set those aside and decide the hashtags to hammer from now until the Deep State is hopefully crushed. I would go with #ObamaGate as the anchor tag. That is the best one even though #ReleaseTheMemo has more momentum, because RTM is gonna drop off pretty soon. But we can still use it now to transition users of that tag over to #ObamaGate and then we can KEEP them using #ObamaGate. #GreatAwakening also has momentum and won't expire, and is pretty normie-friendly. Maybe we just consider those two as the primaries for now? Again, the fewer the better!

I just want to stress that limiting the primary tags does not limit the memes. It's just the hashtags you include in the actual tweet that need to be limited.

So in summary, #Obamagate and #GreatAwakening for long-term. Use #MAGA to build off of until we have those tags working enough to trend.

#ReleaseTheMemo and #SOTU18 (I guarantee that will end up as #SOTU) and #InternetBillofRights are secondaries (temps) that are being currently used.

You can add all your personal favs as you please as long as you stick to the use of the primaries. I like #Treason and #WeThePeople as secondaries but no need to get concurrence on those because only the primaries need to be agreed upon for the sake of getting stuff trending and keeping it trending.

Everybody cool?

0c3ec8 No.203284

LETSSSSS try again

suggestion DO NOT FIRE

1. #ObamaGate (Reason: seed the ppl that such a thing exists

2. #Treason

3. #JailTime

4. (pls dont scream @ me) #Fake and/or #News or #FakeNews, depending on how you want to use it in your tweets. If we wud stick with ONE of the 3, we wud limits ourselves too much and wudnt have anything to tweet. You need a sentence, and not just a string of hashes.

Trending stuff from General

whatever trends, we hijack here and there. General can throw us a bone, or we use our own judgement. RN we cud hijack IBOR or SOTU or MadMaxine or whatever.

General has to promiss they always add 1 or 2 of our primaries in their twats.

sprinkle on top

just in case u need something to fit your narrative:


your votes pls.

0c3ec8 No.203289


like me: 120 YO minimum LOOOOL

ca51d3 No.203295


Thing is. I understand the reasoning wanting to weave Hashes into the tweets. The example >>203035 posted is a good idea. Yes. BUT, the problem is that i dont think General will understand how to not make the same sentance.

You could make up a game plan that explicitly says to weave hashes into the message.

Eg: #Obamagate (Main target) is such a disgusting thing! This should count as #Treason (Weave hash).

Eg: Man! I do #love (wave hash) the @POTUS #SOTU (main) ! Its #amazing (weave)

I get the idea of spreading it through multiple channels. getting as many interactions as you can. But forcing anons to use set weave hashes will only piss them off.


And this anon hits the nail on the head.

We need to make the list of primary hashes smaller.

The added "weave" hashes could be anything, Just having #love or #hope will give the tweet traction. The weave hash shoudln't be forced, but appriciated if used.

498e66 No.203313

File: 38f79ed7f91775d⋯.jpg (30.23 KB, 299x414, 13:18, trendhijack.jpg)

this how i choose to hijack sometimes, worked

a couple of times gain new followers.

498e66 No.203330


" explicitly says to weave hashes into the message."

that is part of OP FocusFire, important part,

apologies if that was not clear

still practicing,

thats how we gain their trust, tell who we are, tell what we are trying to do.

0c3ec8 No.203332



>>203263 GN!


We all agree on #ObamaGate

if it HAS to be only 2 more hashes..

than I wud say

#Treason and


and use the WEAVE HASHES concept on the rest. #news or #fake cud b a perfect weave,

I think we r onto something bigly here.

==Globalists need to be scared out of their minds… so JAILTIME and TREASON… nice n scary??

what say ye?

498e66 No.203342

File: 33966e128cd5e52⋯.jpg (130.98 KB, 583x557, 583:557, exampL2.jpg)


humble exampL 2

498e66 No.203345

498e66 No.203349


"thats how we gain their trust, tell who we are, tell what we are trying to do."

0c3ec8 No.203356

1) primary hashes

2) hijack trends (get from general or pick yourself)

3) weave in smart hashes (#News, #Love, #amazing #MAGA #bigly etc. (weave is a BROAD and common hash

r we getting somehwere?

0c3ec8 No.203366


beautifully done btw!

498e66 No.203375


yes u r all doing greart,

me about to pass out, lol

but ur energy is sustaining.

gonna make tea, quick break


why thank you, glad you like, approve

HEAR HERE lol rembr that

0c3ec8 No.203470

another attempt at long term battle plan

hold your fire! just suggesting

Battle Plan suggestion from the War Room

Join Forces with General

'3 types of hashes

1] 3 LONG TERM hashes supplied by war room

2] hijack hashes: Everyone choose whatever they like

3] Weave hashes: whenever possible drop a short, broad, general term in your text to lure extra audience. Example: #News #Love #MAGA #Qanon #Trump #Peace etc etc.

>weave is like sprinkles on a Sundae. Sometimes it's #great and sometimes its not.

Let's make a deal!

General anons use 1 or 2 [1] primary hashes in their twats (if possible)

War Room uses hijacks when General notifies War Room

Example: #SOTU, #MadMax etc


>War Room makes graphs, stats, updates, keep track of hash performance and drops newsletter on general.

General helps War Room Tw0t Storming

Pls let War Room know if this is a workable plan for everyone.

War Room think Where we go one, we go all. General helps War Room, War Room helps General.

What say Ye?

0c3ec8 No.203484

Need to get some sleep.

back here tomorrow. pls leave a comment.

Lets plan ahead.


498e66 No.203515

good night weary anon,

u did not lose,

u advanced our efforts,

hard to see but I see.

" *sigh* of course u r right" gn

498e66 No.203530

i too am exhasted,


imo keep current plan, meet here tomorw.

TY ALL even other roo, and twters and ALL.

good night

256dfb No.203532


"General has to promiss they always add 1 or 2 of our primaries in their twats."

Yes, extremely important. That's the whole point! They need to include our primary tags at the top of their board.

Again, the secondary can be whatever you want - they don't matter! Just the primaries are what we need to agree on.


Good advice for building on something that's already trending. Also can always use #MAGA to build off of.


I don't have advice on weaving tags in except that that tweet given as an example is a mess and exactly what I'm trying to steer you away from - too many tags! Good tweet but a mess as far as trying to get a focused trend going. We're not trending so far except for #ReleaseTheMemo and I'm just trying it address why that is and get us over that hump. Again, we're only trying to pick the tags that will be used from now until this whole thing blows over. These are permanent everyday tags!

So we have #ObamaGate decided. We really don't need more than one primary. If you want to pick another I'd stick with #GreatAwakening. Neither of those will become irrelevant until this is over and everyone is already familiar with them and most are already using them. Again, build support for those tags by leaching off the #MAGA tag.

Temp tags (don't use the term daily - we don't need them changed daily - only when that specific thing is no longer relevant) will continue to be #ReleaseTheMemo. We so have #SOTU for tuse right now. But please remember to still include the primary.

The General board should simply execute what we decide. Their job is digging, ours is disseminating. They should defer to us, but I'll leave that part up to you guys because they can't see me (LOL).


I'm glad we're set on #ObamaGate. We really do not need to agree on any other tags. One is ideal. #jailtime isn't specific enough to Obama's actions and how he weaponized the federal gov't against us and I guarantee it will never trend. #Treason is a little closer but still better as a secondary used as people choose. #GreatAwakening is better because it's been in use since this thing started and the Pres himself has used that terminology and meets the criteria I listed earlier.

Are we good?

498e66 No.203537

498e66 No.203540


oh wait im reading, 1sec

498e66 No.203547


should agree on one, either one

"hey always add 1 or 2 of our prim"

498e66 No.203566

"p of their board."


they create board w hashes.

1hr later, hashes change.

now what?

do you see.

Thats why we do this



Twt twt twt RT RT RT RT email email fb fb fb ETC."

top of board.

498e66 No.203583


> something that's already trending. Also

thats call a hijack,

use their words against them with our short

versitle words.

498e66 No.203622

"I don't have advice on weaving tags in except that that tweet given as an example is a mess and exactly what I'm trying to steer you away from - too many tags! Good tweet but a mess as far as trying to get a focused trend going. We're not trending so far except for #ReleaseTheMemo and I'm just trying it address why that is and get us over that hump. Again, we're only trying to pick the tags that will be used from now until this whole thing blows over. These are permanent everyday tags!

I'm glad we're set on #ObamaGate. We really do not need to agree on any other tags. One is ideal. #jailtime isn't specific enough to Obama's actions and how he weaponized the federal gov't against us and I guarantee it will never trend. #Treason is a little closer but still better as a secondary used as people choose. #GreatAwakening is better because it's been in use since this thing started and the Pres himself has used that terminology and meets the criteria I listed earlier.

Are we good?

So we have #ObamaGate decided. We really don't need more than one primary. If you want to pick another I'd stick with #GreatAwakening. Neither of those will become irrelevant until this is over and everyone is already familiar with them and most are already using them. Again, build support for those tags by leaching off the #MAGA tag.

Temp tags (don't use the term daily - we don't need them changed daily - only when that specific thing is no longer relevant) will continue to be #ReleaseTheMemo. We so have #SOTU for tuse right now. But please remember to still include the primary.

The General board should simply execute what we decide. Their job is digging, ours is disseminating. They should defer to us, but I'll leave that part up to you guys because they can't see me (LOL). "

i tried to imagine it, but my brain is not workn

so fast.

May make a mistake. let me get back to you

on this, check back here probably 10 hrs.

apologies for delay.

imo stick to current mission till all are rested,

again apologiezzz

>>201152 < — these are current missions,

they save us right now.

498e66 No.203624

i tried to imagine it, but my brain is not workn

so fast.

May make a mistake. let me get back to you

on this, check back here probably 10 hrs.

apologies for delay.

imo stick to current mission till all are rested,

again apologiezzz

>>201152 < — these are current missions,

they save us right now.

498e66 No.203632

Also look at top of board. TY all for any effort

toward our hope.

44bce8 No.203683

The right must have raised hell. #StrongerTogether is dead on my twitter.

ca51d3 No.203729

So, How do we incorporate all this into a easy digestible message?

(((First, we have the main misson. So it starts something like this:)))




(((using this language usually spurs them HARD)))


#GreatAwakening (((to keep traction? It is allegedly shadowbanned..)))

# ?? (((Something long term for the operation, not anything small here)))

#BillOfInternetRights (((Yes i know, we've been through this before. But bear with me)))











Weave in popular words into the message. #Love #Hope #amazing #Treason #MAGA #news #fake #Hate #Terrible


How too:

When writing a tweet, incorporate 1 or 2 main target hashes. This is to spread out the message and cover as much ground as possible. MAIN TARGET IS #ObamaGate Untill Swamp is flushed . Use a few Aux/Weave hashes,


>Something like this?

256dfb No.203863

We need to change the way the general is handled. We only need them to post the primary tags. If everyone uses them, we can get ANYTHING trending that we need to. That's the purpose if the primary tags.


Good start. I'd say just leave #ObamaGate and #GreatAwakening as permanent tags (label them a permanent). We really don't need more than two. If it were up to me, I'd just go with #ObamaGate alone as the sole primary tag.

#InternetBillofRights, #SOTU are secondary (temporary) meaning we expect them to become irrelevant at some point. Also, just go with #SOTU since that will end up being the main tag tomorrow night. Listing four variations of that tag is exactly what I'm advising against. Let's clean up all these counter-productive habits that have held us back thus far.

256dfb No.203878

Our main temp tag right now is still #ReleaseTheMemo until it comes out. Then we lose that tag.

256dfb No.203952

#QAnon is another good permanent tag. Lots of people use that. So how about we list #ObamaGate #GreatAwakening and #QAnon as permanent?

ca51d3 No.203972



>remove overuse of SOTU's (keeping the Hijackable 'PeoplesSOTU")

>Added a permanent target (Obamagate, Qanon, Greatawakening) (((only problem here is that im pretty sure two of those are quite heavily filtered right now)))

>added secondary targets and descriptions to when to change from ReleasetheMemo to ReadTheMemo

256dfb No.203990


Great, thanks! If those two are filtered, we will revise. Hard to tell until we are using them in a focused manner.

ca51d3 No.204014


will do!

Hitting the sack soon. Keep brainstorming and ill consolidate it tomorrow when i wake up for the rest of the gang! Gotta make it short and sweet. Im guessing OP time set at 5pm during SOTU, feels obvious to flood it then.

Catch ya later

256dfb No.204049


Sleep well!

7cf713 No.204247


New here, so apologies if I mess up.

Reports about shadow ban on #Great Awakening make sense of something I experienced earlier. Typed in this particular hashtag in search lines of DuckDuckGo and Gargoyle, but no Twatter feeds showed up. I tried other hashtags, and they worked. It makes sense…. #GreatAwakening is a superpowerful hashtag IMO. It appeals to an awful lot of people out there waiting for exactly such an event without knowing how or from where it might come. Be the awakening. Fight Fight Fight.

PS Do anons all use VPNs? Recommended?

256dfb No.204486


Regardless, as long as we use #OBAMAGATE on all tweets we're still gonna trend. If you see tweets using related tags, attach #OBAMAGATE and RT them. Also make sure to RT and follow each other. We need to build an army. Look for #MAGA and #QAnon and RT.

I'll defer to someone else on your tech questions.

256dfb No.204551

Use of the tags associated with whatever show is on Fox News at the time is a great way to push our tags, in addition to building off of #MAGA.

7cf713 No.204581


Thanks for the feedback. So tweeting is the weapon of choice? Perhaps it's time I created an account and learned how to use it. I've been dripfeeding info on Farcebook for years, trying to join the dots, but am perhaps only preaching to the choir at this stage. I'll try to get up to speed on Twatter fast. And I look forward to any tech feedback that comes this way. It's good to be here. If this is gonna help open people's eyes, I'm happy to contribute in whatever way I can. Justice must be done.

7cf713 No.204662


Thanks for the tips, but I'm non-US and people would think I'd gone off the rails if I posted #MAGA or even referred to FoxNews too much. I come from a different place perhaps, but we are fighting the same fight, that seems pretty clear. I'm crossing my fingers that the Memo will be dynamite that #OperationMockingbird can't spin. Heads must roll.

256dfb No.204842


Yes, please get on Twitter. Everyone should. I'm only addressing the approach on Twitter because I'm not on FB (never have been). If the same approach works on there, then let's be consistent.


Got ya. Cheers!

256dfb No.205124

Suggest that once the memo comes out we use #FISAmemo as a replacement for #ReleaseTheMemo (temporary tag) along with permanent primary tag #OBAMAGATE (always included!).

982ea1 No.205358


Agreed I'm sticking with #ReleaseTheMemo for now even though house intel com voted to release it. It has not been released yet. Once it is released then we switch gears ;)

10fb00 No.205483

Were to put Memes? Meme 11 is full

982ea1 No.205567


Go to the catalog. There are meme threads still open.

69579f No.206133

he's alive

982ea1 No.206269


Context please?

f61007 No.206846


>p. I tried other hashtags, and they worked.

KEY you may have discovered.

How's your faith?

f61007 No.206891

"e…. #GreatAwakening is a superpowerful hashtag IM"

Try find powerful meaningful short words.

Travel further well.

#hope play that against obumer,

"What happen to # hope obumer?

#good <-short

#nice <- "#nice they are all going down. Go

tell Mom." Lol.


f61007 No.206900

#nice <-

"#nice, they are all going down. Go

tell Mom."

982ea1 No.207205


Coming soon to a theater near you

1c665c No.207325


>o anons all use VPNs? Recommended?

probably safe too, but at this point no such agenci records the whole internet probably.

if you can afford, and reasonably price, i

would advise strongly if if you can afford, and reasonably price.

What I hope is white hats got out backs, lol.

1c665c No.207361


> info on Farcebook fo

Use FB like twtr, need two

good teams, different methods, different

platforms, same mission.

1c665c No.207375


twice the platform, twice the people,

4x the eyeballs.

982ea1 No.207436

We have secured all comms

1c665c No.207537

stay on mission




Twt twt twt RT RT RT RT email email fb fb fb ETC.

>DO NOT FORGET Q: Reply to POTUS kindly, thankfully >>122874

this means that while tw_ts torming, reply and RT several of GEOTUS's tw_ts and add something positive (Anything will do)

we must spread GEOTUS tweets further, as MSM is not reporting

1150bf No.207737

File: 5c5e621090c93ee⋯.jpg (331.22 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, ZomboMeme 29012018234656.jpg)

Some psychedelic shit!

a20ca8 No.207912

1150bf No.208173


Please explain? Not sure what you mean…

ca51d3 No.209517

ReleaseTheMemo is over. Its coming.

Switch it out for "NorRdaction" ?

Guys. we need to focus right now. SOTU is in a few hours and General is asking for battle plans.




For thoughts and arguments. It has the smaller words (Aka "weaves")

Focus and faith guys.

ca51d3 No.209556




(((using this language usually spurs them HARD)))


#GreatAwakening (((to keep traction? It is allegedly shadowbanned..)))


# ?? (((Something long term for the operation, not anything small here)))

#BillOfInternetRights (((Yes i know, we've been through this before. But bear with me)))

#ReadTheMemo (((after release)))





#PeoplesSOTU (((This is what the super normies will be using, Could be used alone maybe?)))





Weave in popular words into the message. #Love #Hope #amazing #Treason #MAGA #news #fake #Hate #Terrible


How too:

When writing a tweet, incorporate 1 or 2 main target hashes. This is to spread out the message and cover as much ground as possible. MAIN TARGET IS #ObamaGate Untill Swamp is flushed . Use a few Aux/Weave hashes,


(((Something like this? This is what we've got right now)))

ca51d3 No.209725







Motivation: ObamaGate will be a permanent target until the swamp is drained. Great Awakening has issues, this is know by the War Room. It is our biggest personal Hash. Release The Memo is already happening so it was removed, Its now a matter of getting to read it. #GreatAwakening MAY CHANGE AT ANY TIME! PLEASE ADVISE






Motivation: Secondary targets are for specific memes, these are “filler content” that try to give the tweet more meaning. Treason, for example can be used against any swamp dwelling creature. NoRedactions is strictly for the Memo.












Weave in popular words into the message. #Love #Hope #amazing #Treason #MAGA #news #fake #Hate #Terrible


Motivation: Aux weaves will give our tweets more ‘pins’ to hold onto. Super normies who don’t dwell onto trending topics but hang back in those comfy word hashes will see these tweets. Its to spread out the permanent target on as many hashes as we can, Just using One permanent hashtag will just focus your meme on ‘that’ hash. Having several smaller will cause a wake effect and let the waves catch it.

How too:

When writing a tweet, incorporate 1 or 2 Permanent target hashes. This is to focus our fire! Use 1-2 secondary targets to solidify message, This is to spread out the message and cover as much ground as possible. MAIN TARGET IS #ObamaGate Untill Swamp is flushed . Use a few Aux/Weave hashes,


(((Man! I sure am #happy for the #SOTU18 ! Theres been a #GreatAwakening !)))


Meme ammo




Where we go one, we go all

https :// pastebin.com/qAmV6mmw

ca51d3 No.209759


its #InternetBillOfRights. Not BillOfInternetRights.

Just so you guys know that i fucked up. Again…

ca51d3 No.209793


https:// pastebin.com/MVHrJGXY

Heres the final one i made. Spacing is fixed, typos is fixed. good to go!

8fc5a0 No.209917


Yes, it's good that you're attempting to work with anons. Thank you. Hopefully it's a start to working together. Regards your plan, #SOTU is a MAIN hashtag for tomorrow and as such should be No1.

Through #SOTU we will support POTUS and spread our meme magic to all following the hashtag.

Suggest making that #No1 in your plan, to match the general. The general will be using #SOTU. Thank you for considering.

0c3ec8 No.210158

File: f1c1f72411ac41b⋯.png (284.54 KB, 2713x5639, 2713:5639, 3 scoops B.png)




Hi Everyone. praise KEK for the memo 2b released..

I had a good rest and came up with an image in order for us all to permanenty work together. here's the image without explanation.

Think it's kinda magic (since it was allover fake news)

0c3ec8 No.210173

3 scoops

Our "permanent" hashes


hijack or "old faithfull" (your own choosing)


Daily news or something decorative (your own choosing.

no ice cream goes without at least 1 of the basic scoops.

Let me work that into graphic. have the feeling we can make something everyone can use and easily explainable.

If absolutely necessary:

Certain basic flavor "sold out" and replaced with another. New graphic cud give the 1 of the scoop diff color (or sumthing)

0c3ec8 No.210405

File: e73ad1583961478⋯.png (354.46 KB, 1280x1024, 5:4, twat scoop1.png)

here's the general idea. I'll keep the black canvas and make a design with text.

3df8f6 No.210523


"Just so you guys know that i fucked up. Again…"

important part is recognize it, learn from it,

and, what you did, admit it.

Besides other challenges here, one has

been LAUNCH method. If you had been

here through warRM2 warRM3, You would

agree. Why?

If you haven't been here since warRM2,

be careful not to make changes to a long

crafted plan.

There is only one other anon that I recognize.

Shouldn't I recognize more, if more were here

since WarRm2? Patience.

when blood rushing,

slow down.

Imagine the complaints had we launced

with "BillOfInternetRights". Disaster.

Confidence lost, ridicule, OP dies. With

enough failure, the people have right to

vote no confidence.

We learn move slow,


show respect.

0c3ec8 No.210538

File: 45f21cf10f10514⋯.png (409.28 KB, 1280x1024, 5:4, twatzooi 4 basic.png)


How about this?

0c3ec8 No.210553

File: fb18d6b75cb4fca⋯.png (413.76 KB, 1280x1024, 5:4, twatzooi basic 5 .png)

Thinking we could pick [5] basic flavors and leave the rest up to every anons imagination, as long as they make an ice cream with it.

No need 4 use to keep changing everything and no more fights. To each his own until we r working together and can do a LASERBLAST (one favor)

3df8f6 No.210561


how many total different hashes used? [ _ ]

0c3ec8 No.210566


try it. some want sprinkles, others dont.

I count


3 scoops (max)



3df8f6 No.210568

0c3ec8 No.210580


text is promising.

the "weave concept" has been translated into "sprinkles"

Or we have 2 do is pick [5] basic flavors that will taste great for a long time ,,, and we're good 2 go.

3df8f6 No.210581


Question, how long does it take to do new

hashes? What is involved? List them.

how long does it take to do new


What does it mean to hijack a hash?

Can you recognize a trending type word,

and a long term word?

"egards your plan, #SOTU is a MAIN hasht"

this statement means you don not SEE

a trending type hash.

What is the difference?

#SOTU and #hope

Think time.

0c3ec8 No.210601


yes… this is a blank canvas, so haven filled out the basic [5] flavors. floating idea on general, getting (good) response…

3df8f6 No.210604


very nice plan

i see little flaw in your logic,

much more work to do,

do LAUNCH your plan until you know,

it can't fail.

Expect failure, understand cause of failure,

want failure, so you can practice more.

Keep in mind, we are divided by how many

hashes we use. Every hash is a variable.

100,000/8 =

100,000/4 =

which is greater, which should we use.

jus keep in mind.

3df8f6 No.210610



"do LAUNCH your plan until you know,"

"DO NOT LAUNCH your plan until you know"

3df8f6 No.210613


how many possible different hashes?

0c3ec8 No.210616


let me run this by you again. perhaps i m not making sense.

War room picks [5] basic flavors. They stay. for a long time. Every anon has to add [1] of the 5 2 every tweet. that way, all 4 will trend and general anons will join, because they still have freedom to chaoticly run and jump anywhere. but they will be asked to spread out recipe.

0c3ec8 No.210625

BRB . think about it. back in 15

3df8f6 No.210644


I understand picking, room for choice.

May be necessary for others to feel good and

join us. Good plan. I am with you.

They won't understand this next part but you


Keep in mind, more hashes, higher

variable divide, understand?

How many possible hashes available in this

forming plan of yours? [_]

How many possible hashes available in

FocusFire? [_]

What are the dividing variables for each?

Keep in mind, ultimate goal of FocusFire,

What is goal of FocusFire?

What is the secret of FocusFire?

3df8f6 No.210669

eur favor, go to my twtr,

wht is my last post?

I may be sh_dow ba_nned.

a52cf3 No.210696


you need a feedback loop. ask for feedback on which hashes are chosen that seem to perform and track them….

inform general on performance which free choice hashes gain traction and which fall flat…

use the chaos to generate structure. the new structure is responsive to chaos and a loop of learning is born.

3df8f6 No.210715


I do love your ice cream cone exampL,

good thinking, General level thinking, bring the

people together and make them move this

direction and perform these actions, and we

win the war, but:

Generals must trust Generals.

Rooms must trust Rooms.

Soldiers must trust Generals.

Being a General does not make you special,

does only give you gray hairs,

all mistakes are yours,

no group will all agree perfectly,

soldiers are anxious,

time is too fast,

harder than them all, you must work,

Among gold, money, fame, and other traps,

also do not crave to be a General.

0c3ec8 No.210716


everyone picks at least ONE of 5.

If we pick [5] smart. they will all trend and tell a story. RN, General is not taking our 5 but going their own way. by giving them freedom to chaos, we can bind them. there is 30 MILLION of them, probably more. so we need them on board. RN.

0c3ec8 No.210718


dm me on twat?

3df8f6 No.210720


why didnt i think of that, so dumb here. ty.

0c3ec8 No.210723

0c3ec8 No.210735


i'll make a daily graph chart with the results.

so they can see what is going on. hv been doing that already. is that what you mean?

3df8f6 No.210740


Will you keep this in mind?

(and rmembr this is OP FocusFireAlt).

I have a feeling we will be back for FocusFire,

after your plan succeeds.


How many possible hashes available in this

forming plan of yours? [_]

How many possible hashes available in

FocusFire? [_]

What are the dividing variables for each?

exampL plez

0c3ec8 No.210741


LOL hv done that job 4 years… i know that. it's just what i do best. creating order out of chaos.. LOL LOL.. and i can take the critique. and the grey hairs.

3df8f6 No.210750


I have a feeling we will be back for FocusFire,

after your plan succeeds.

0c3ec8 No.210752

File: fb18d6b75cb4fca⋯.png (413.76 KB, 1280x1024, 5:4, twatzooi basic 5 .png)


basic thing is: ALL anons (well most of them) will use at least 1 of our [5]. possibly more. as they can respond lightning fast to anything going on.

If War Room wud insist on using more than 1 of the [5] it wud likely make them revolt. we must choose wisely.

the 5 will start rising high and singing. the ice cream concept is a lot simpler to sell to the normies. will give it even more traction.

I forgot to add the sauce…. LOL which is a link to something. will make it score even higher on twat

3df8f6 No.210753


are you going do new video, new graphic?

3df8f6 No.210759


"War Room wud insist on using more than 1 of the [5] it wud likely make them revolt. we must choose wisely."

are you tip toeing? lol

3df8f6 No.210762

"g more than 1 of the [5] it wud likely make the"

[9] bingo

3df8f6 No.210769

100,000 / [9] =

100,000/ [4] =

which is less, which would you prefer?

0c3ec8 No.210777


you catch more flies with honey than with vinegar. young enthousiastic anons have ego's. u hv 2 aprreciate that

e370e2 No.210780

You would think that today #SOTUwould be a really strong hashtag today??? what are er trying to get trending?

0c3ec8 No.210781


once the ice cream thing is done I will. a simple fast one.

3df8f6 No.210784

The four they chose could be anything (A),

and any amount of twtrs could use it (B).

A x B = C , none of variables known.

not FocusFire.

result unpredictable.

0c3ec8 No.210785


they re pushing SOTU. in my graph, SOTU wud b a cone 2 put your icecream in .

3df8f6 No.210789


i understand that you know,

i follow your lead.

i am just reminding is all.

when you didn't know LaserBlast,

now I must make sure, lol

3df8f6 No.210796


that is your free trending word,


different from long term work hash

used in FocusFire.

0c3ec8 No.210797


u r missing the point.

RN, they are NOT using our [3] or [5] hashes.

and the costant changing making stuff too complicated/

lets focus

think BASIC 5. name your FAVS. do NOT pick anything trendy today. thats either a cone of a topic. we need 5 flavors that r not boring

3df8f6 No.210798

reason why [4] is good.

3df8f6 No.210808



this is only for study, like i said good plan,

i will follow.

but study this and see if you know my mind.

0c3ec8 No.210809


it's ok if we decide on 4. easy enough to erase a cone. its in PS… easy.

Just pls everyone shoot of 5 nice.. long term hashes. blast from the past, whatever. SHOOT

0c3ec8 No.210819

50 anons tweeting 4 ## => reach 20x50= 1000 (example)

1600 anons tweeting 1/4 of for reach 20*400 = 8000

3df8f6 No.210821


nice plan, nice instructions.

good hunting.

I follow your lead,

I trust.

0c3ec8 No.210825


see what I mean?

wud even work with 5, provided 5 times as many anons follow suit. which they wud, as they wud think they wud have all the freedom in the world to chaos and trend and hijack. our [5] or [5] would penetrate much further

3df8f6 No.210835


As i said good, plan, you have united our Rooms.

That was KEY.

ultimate goal of focus fire is everyone [4],

work toward that.

Then maybe you can do LaserBlast.

Do you know LaserBlast?

0c3ec8 No.210843

File: 3c913608076d510⋯.png (419.53 KB, 1280x1024, 5:4, twatzooi basic 6.png)


Now for the 5(or 4) basic flavors.

Let's dig up what we used b4

3df8f6 No.210845

oh can u still do current hashes on web site, so

people can check that for staying up-to-date.

And that put that url on next graphic, might work.

0c3ec8 No.210851


ONE hash in rapid fire trending within 1 hour.

1 scoop icecream. perhaps in a hijack cone

0c3ec8 No.210856


will do that once the decidig here is finished.

plan first, than launch

3df8f6 No.210858


its beautiful

3df8f6 No.210860


Only one part, help them understand basic flavor

a lil better.

0c3ec8 No.210864


does it need a large greyish Q allover the graph?

3df8f6 No.210865


whoa we think alike!

3df8f6 No.210867



3df8f6 No.210868


why not four cones?

get it?

3df8f6 No.210876


simple is better, but if you must express, please

bring hope to the people.

0c3ec8 No.210877


I havent researched what happens 2 ur tweet if you use the same # 10 times in your twt. do you know? does it count 1 times? Me thinnks not..

3df8f6 No.210888


me neither, don't know

still analyzing their system for advantages for us,

much time it will take, but am learning.

0c3ec8 No.210889


cones are just for optics. "Pick a Cone" any cone.

pls see text. u r making 1 icecream, so 1 cone, 3 scoops and sprinkles or no sprinkles. and perhaps sauce (url) and a cherry (meme)

814e6e No.210893


Adding @RealDonaldTrump or @POTUS is also a sprinkle

3df8f6 No.210898


that should be the cherry, mandatory

3df8f6 No.210900


i keep forgetting myself tho

814e6e No.210908


Right, perfect cherry

0c3ec8 No.210923

File: 92d1328fe893738⋯.png (428.46 KB, 1280x1024, 5:4, twatzooi 7.png)


no thats a must. good that u mentioned it. will put in on the graph

How bout this?

0c3ec8 No.210930




always give potus or realDonaldTrump an Ice Cream

0c3ec8 No.210954

File: b9ff34614bf3338⋯.png (431.17 KB, 1280x1024, 5:4, twatzooi 8 .png)

1 line disappreared on me. guess that caused confusion. this better?

0c3ec8 No.210988

asking input on general for design and see if they r willing to cooperate.

814e6e No.211008


i like it. So the war room tries to advise on these 2?

- Trending hijackable #'s

- Basic flavors, based on what's happening

0c3ec8 No.211013


war room picks basic flavors, general does what it wants. highly adaptable model. normie friendly (I hope)

3df8f6 No.211015


i can find no flaw in your logic.

0c3ec8 No.211016


if general wants, it can get a daily hint on whats trending ?

3df8f6 No.211021


it is good work, good thinking, brings people

together, gives people hope, makes it simple.

telling you.

General level thinking.

3df8f6 No.211031


be sure they know for sure what 1 basic flavor means.

0c3ec8 No.211046

pls make a list of what u like as basic flavors. think past, future, what defines us.


3df8f6 No.211048


yes this gives them their adaptability they have

been craving, these results, obscene. watch,


3df8f6 No.211055




0c3ec8 No.211066


those r toppings.. LOL… dont list those. think



#GreatAwakening or sumthing

long time.. defining us..

ca51d3 No.211083

The ice cream analogy looks good.

Gotta have a plan together before night time though. SOTU needs a battle plan. So does the Democratic answer speech.

296584 No.211090

A special friend asked for these. He seems to know about stuff that we don't. Can these be included as secondaries in the "Deplorables" pinned graphic? Should I make my own in paint on the old one?




814e6e No.211103

In the offense the happenings are

- SOTU speech

- FISA memo

- fbi corruption,

In the defense the happenings are

- Dems double down on the false Trump/Russia conspiracy

- People getting shadowbanned (#InternetBillOfRights)

- MSM fake news

Feel free to add to this list

43a31e No.211113

https:// youtu.be/3KunpwJUmFQ

Apache = Geronimo = RISE UP

0c3ec8 No.211148

File: b9ff34614bf3338⋯.png (431.17 KB, 1280x1024, 5:4, twatzooi 8 .png)




pls look at the ice cream.

you can put in anything you like.

war room puts in [5] basic flavors.

everyone picks 1 or 2 of those.

the rest: add what you like on top or as a cone. War Room can give some suggestions every day.

814e6e No.211156


Yea thats handy, especially for helping eurofags, and Ukfags, etc. They don't directly see what's trending in the US

3df8f6 No.211175


>https:// youtu.be/3KunpwJUmFQ

dam that truth made me cry.

be sure to put that in the flyer URL ty

0c3ec8 No.211183

suggestion for basic flavors







#ReleaseTheMemo (untill it's released)

==> when memo is released, REPLACE with

Unredacted or


Any other suggestions?? must b usuable for LONGER time (week/weeks)

SOTU is a CONE, (news or trending thing)

IBOR is a CONE (news or trending thing)

#RTFM wud b a personal flavor, #SOTU or #IBOR cud b personal flavors too.

sprinkles: (anything you like) suggestions:

#News #MAGA #Trump (all 3 always trending bigly) or ANY OTHER short # you want.

782925 No.211188

United States

1. #TuesdayThoughts Volume: 29189

2. #BlackPanther Volume: 188819

3. #VacationWasRuinedWhen

4. Berkshire Hathaway

5. #ThingsThatCreepMeOut Volume: 15538

Top 5 trending hashes today (tuesday).

Seriously abusable and able for sprinkle/weave

This is good. Way to good.

814e6e No.211193


Can make 2 lists?

- Basic offensive flavors

- Basic defensive flavors

3df8f6 No.211199


my vote is your vote.

I can prob make it work, lol

3df8f6 No.211205


every nice

3df8f6 No.211209

0c3ec8 No.211248


no. ever saw "confuse-a-cat" by Monty Pythons?

no can do. explaining a concept to autists all over the place decoding and hungry for whatever chaotic brilliance comes to mind needs strict guidance.

some one list of 5 "evergreen flavors" let them go all out on whatever they like. meme magic at its best. in return, they add at least 1 basic War Room flavor.

Daily trends: War Room will give

nice sprinkles list: War Room will give

chart with Penetration Powerrrrrrrr: War Room will make.

pls everyone… dump a few


Need to get rolling now…

0c3ec8 No.211255


top kek. r u sure thats really trending?

do a check against #MAGA. that always trends AF but isnt listed by the swamp

814e6e No.211265






#ReleaseTheMemo (until it's released)









0c3ec8 No.211277


pick 5 evergreens no more confusion

3df8f6 No.211286


all good planning

3df8f6 No.211292

File: cc90a058625d7a7⋯.jpg (186.81 KB, 768x511, 768:511, twtwar45.jpg)

do u like?

0c3ec8 No.211297


is that total volume or current volume per hour?

MAGA has 1700/hour at 9 am today (just example)

5a5593 No.211304

Ok. JobAnon here on fone

0c3ec8 No.211307

File: b9ff34614bf3338⋯.png (431.17 KB, 1280x1024, 5:4, twatzooi 8 .png)


fabulous meme, but we r switching to the ice cream way of explaining what to do.

we NEED to organize RN or we will fall away into oblivion real soon

PLs name 5 fav flavors we can use for at least 1 or 2 weeks, maybe longer

3df8f6 No.211313







0c3ec8 No.211323

File: b9ff34614bf3338⋯.png (431.17 KB, 1280x1024, 5:4, twatzooi 8 .png)


HI. tx 4 coming. this is our new concept.

We need 5 "evergreen hashtags" thank can b used for at least 1 or 2 weeks, I hope the graphs explains it self?

Here are my suggestions

suggestion for basic flavors







#ReleaseTheMemo (untill it's released)

==> when memo is released, REPLACE with

Unredacted or


suggest yours pls

3df8f6 No.211325






3df8f6 No.211329






0c3ec8 No.211336


please. we've been over this. those are sprinkles.

#hope doesnt even have 50 tweets/hour.

3df8f6 No.211345


we try to trend it.

3df8f6 No.211352






0c3ec8 No.211357


'luvPotus" ZERO per hour

0c3ec8 No.211366


any thoughts phonefag?

0c3ec8 No.211377


yup, think i agree,

MEMO stuff is also something currently news worthy. cud b a CONE or an extra scoop.

0c3ec8 No.211388

going once.. going twice… need to call it now… any final thoughts?

5a5593 No.211392


I like what you have going!

Followed up with @POTUS and @realDonaldTrump

5a5593 No.211399


Nice campaign! Effective

0c3ec8 No.211426

File: 573a78a847e00bb⋯.png (448.26 KB, 1280x1024, 5:4, 1-30-18 pick 5 ALFA.png)



Allright.. this is it.

Anything unclear? typo's? anything else?

814e6e No.211433


First pick a cone text line is a bit confusing.

Like when the SOTU speech begins #SOTU will be the main trend and that's not a hijack, and also not a main flavor scoop …it will be (based on the happenings) mandatory tho

3df8f6 No.211449


its beautiful

3df8f6 No.211451


yes examples for cone

0c3ec8 No.211455


ok./ good point.

5a5593 No.211473


It works!!!

0c3ec8 No.211478

File: 7d1cba5bc31d06d⋯.jpg (337.44 KB, 1280x1024, 5:4, 1-30-18 pick 5 C version.jpg)

this better?

5a5593 No.211485


Yes! Much!!

0c3ec8 No.211491

this better?>>211485

do ppl understand that those 5 are the basic flavors or does it need extra explanation?

0c3ec8 No.211506

Back later. fixing dinner. pls leave comments on final design on thread. have archived till this post.

814e6e No.211527


Adding the current top US trending as footer to the scoop meme? or make separate memes for that?

b62206 No.211562


The graphs are good and this is part.

When general hits gold on something arising from the chaos, call it out, and give thanks to kek.

Convince them that we need their chaotic tags in order to get #Obamagate to the top and have it stay.

Any anon that fails to see the need to trend #Obamagate is no friend of kek.

Product Marketing is how businesses harnass the chaos of free markets.

249e99 No.211574

I created a new Twitter account and it was really taking off for some reason, had a couple of well-knowns following me.

This account was created with no phone # and a protonmail email. Yesterday, the account was locked for "abusive behavior"…the referenced tweet was a HRC meme. Here is the question…Twitter is requiring a phone verification to unlock the account. I was hesitant to attach my phone number to any account…should I not worry about since we are on the verge of victory? Or start over with new account?

814e6e No.211590


Could buy a cheap prepaid (burner) phone/sim

ca51d3 No.211661


Sorry. Issue with internets. 522 and 502 errors.

It was just a summary of the ones "allowed" to be displayed.

b1e5e3 No.211678

File: 1d5dd74299f33ef⋯.jpg (136.32 KB, 883x419, 883:419, b902a7971422081c8f1e3c4c11….jpg)


Someone should Tweet sunlight @Comey

I don't use Twitter but:

JC Tweet Translation:

Special Agent Andrew McCabe stood tall over the last 8 months [DO NOT TALK], when small people [SHEEP] were trying to tear down an institution we all depend on [COVER]. He served with distinction for two decades [WE OWN YOU & YOUR FAMILY]. I wish Andy well [187]. I also wish continued strength for the rest of the FBI [GENERAL THREAT TO OTHERS]. America needs you [ACTIVATE SLEEPER CELLS].

https:// media.8ch.net/file_store/b902a7971422081c8f1e3c4c11b7070f8a3b7959a30138f72b6c766e6ad6c44b.jpg

b1e5e3 No.211738


Thank you to whoever just did that!

814e6e No.211778


Could make the cherry the upcoming big event what we like to make trending. Like now #SOTU

f27330 No.211898


Have been following your ice cream analogy. Seeing as I am not to right or not to familiar with Twitter. It is not clear to me what the difference is between the cone and the ice cream. Is it cone hashtag we are focused on. Top five. Ice cream any other hashtag we want and/or suggested alternatives.

10c957 No.211906


whoa, now we know how sensitive they are,

to avoid must back down on power of meme

or won't go through. Interesting. The can see us.

10c957 No.211941


This is spo_ky.

This is not a game.

Understand the power of a message.

Your idea for meme, excellent.

How to deploy safely?

How to create safely?

Who to send it?


10c957 No.211956


imo should be clearer on graphic.

Cone is trending word(s), exampL: #SOTU.

any trending word can be cone.

I believe this is correct imo imo

10c957 No.211967


Ice cream are words we can choose from.

Choose any 3 with cone = 4 words thus far.

10c957 No.211972


apologies dis-regard, slightly wrong information.

10c957 No.211982


Scoops - chose any three words, 1 basic word,

for sure.

Use at least 1 basic, add 2 of your own favs.

10c957 No.211986


imo imo

814e6e No.212012

The basic flavors (coloured ice scoops) are big general #'s, that were very active past 2 weeks and are expected to be very active coming 2 weeks.

b1e5e3 No.212014

File: 2243c3f033ca722⋯.jpg (165.8 KB, 640x1008, 40:63, ffCOMEY.jpg)


Added ff to someone's burger.

10c957 No.212057


Should be clearer on graphic.

Cone is trending word(s), exampL: #SOTU.

Any trending word can be cone.

I believe this is correct



Scoops - chose any three words, 1 basic word,

for sure.

Current basic words.






#GreatAwakening #ObamaGate #WeThePeople #FakeNews #Treason

(easier cut and copy)

10c957 No.212073

"t was a H_C meme. "

dropping H_C Meme, deleting.

recommend doing same.

0c3ec8 No.212094

>>211562 KEK! x 4

>>211778 pls look at graph again and try to understand where something goes. It needs 2 b perfectly clear.

BTW: I think of changing #WeThePeople (too long) into #JailTime (can b used as a wish or a conclusion)

814e6e No.212114


#JailTime doing good now? Think goal of the basic flavors is to make the best general trending even stronger.

10c957 No.212147



Should be clearer on graphic.

Cone is trending word(s), exampL: #SOTU.

Any trending word can be cone.

I believe this is correct



Scoops - chose any three words, 1 basic word, for sure.

Finally: [1 cone,,,,, 3 scoops (1basic), sprinkles,,,,,] =5 hashes

Cherry on top is meme graphic.

Always give ice cream to @POT_S and @realDon…

Want extra sauce? jus add a link(s)

Result : Perfect cone, amazing work.

Current basic words.






#GreatAwakening #ObamaGate #WeThePeople #FakeNews #Treason

(easier cut and copy)

0c3ec8 No.212157



>>211898 u get it.

CHOOSE A CONE (the thing you want your tweet to b about. so pick something trending, pick on from the 5 or hijack something.

today: probably SOTU or MEmo

than pick 3 scoops: one from the list of [5] (more if you like) and 2 others of your own choice.

Finally: decide if you want "sprinkles" on top.

this can b anything, but if u are smart, choose something short and preferably generally used ( #Fail #MAGA #Love, #Dems #GOP or whatever. entirely up to you.

CHERRY ON TOP: this is your MEME (if you have one)

SAUCE: if you have a link to a YT vid or a website to refer to: this is your sauce. add link to your tweet.

Send your icecream everywhere, but ALWAYS send an @POTUS or @realDonalTrump to your tweet. This way, twitter can not block your tweet (legal stuff)

0c3ec8 No.212166

0c3ec8 No.212173


lmfao i thought of doing burgers instead of ice creams, but ice creams graphics r better

0c3ec8 No.212190


JailTime does nothing now.

Do you ppl prefer #WeThePeople instead?

0c3ec8 No.212194


I will make one example ice cream to show how its done.

0c3ec8 No.212201

baking new bread now. dont fill the bread pls till i m done. or ppl will get lost.. LOOL

10c957 No.212237


>from the list of [5] (more if you like) an

the more basics u use, the more FocusFire-like.


10c957 No.212247


but only 1 basic required according to this good

plan. Which is fine.

jus keep in mind >>212237

f27330 No.212250


Yes ty got a little clearer on graph would be good for the many like me>>211478

Have been following your ice cream analogy. Seeing as I am not to right or not to familiar with Twitter. It is not clear to me what the difference is between the cone and the ice cream. Is it cone hashtag we are focused on. Top five. Ice cream any other hashtag we want and/or suggested alternatives.

814e6e No.212255


For now yea. …upto us to analyse what top 5 flavors have the strongest activity, and are most relevant.

814e6e No.212348


>probably SOTU or MEmo

If an upcoming big event # (#SOTU now) is considered as a cone, then ya should include that in the description below the cone.

Could also see the upcoming big (not yet trending #) as the cherry

0c3ec8 No.212399



0c3ec8 No.212402

letsssssssssssssssssssss go

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