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a9dd74 (8) No.1649140>>1656236 [Watch Thread][Show All Posts]

Continuation of last bread



dab16d (1) No.1650717>>1651217

Just wanted to bump this thread and a helpful tip. I spent most of last night looking at satellite images and the strava heatmap. Just FYI, if you sign up for a free strava account, you get a little more detail. I used my anonymous protonmail account. I will post some of my finds tonight.

BTW, I definitely found heavily used trafficking routes from Mexico to the US…should I tip ICE or just drop them here?

7044b0 (12) No.1651217


Definitely post it here, many anons can go deep with the information.

Also, General Heads up to EVERYONE!

A friends personal e-mail accounts were hacked, and money was stolen.

Beef up security on all of your accounts, the child trafficking pedo satanists can hire really good hackers and they will fuck your shit up.

Enable 2-Factor Authentication on EVERY e-mail account you have, and make sure your passwords are more secure.

Use a Password storage serve like LASTPASS which probably helped a lot in this situation.

Secure your shit!

ae90fb (1) No.1651329>>1663485



So Madeline (if this is indeed the Maddie in the pic) was helped by her parents to escape a custody battle. Did her parents put them in the hands of traffickers? Wonder what the parents know about the trafficking scene?

7044b0 (12) No.1651588>>1651653

File (hide): 89caee1adf54e41⋯.png (3.02 MB, 1389x867, 463:289, Tracing the Tunnel 5.PNG) (h) (u)

So Tucson might not look wet, but when it rains, it pours.

It's no surprise that storm drains run all throughout Tucson, AZ.

But what is underneath these above ground storm drains, which are usually covered with grass and tiny bushy plants, is what really has some anons concerned…

In particular the appearance of a tunnel that runs underneath a "Monsoon Nightclub" in Tucson, AZ.

It appears the above ground storm drain is a drain to nowhere in the small patch of heavy brush to the west of the Diamond Casino.

7044b0 (12) No.1651653>>1651751 >>1663468


In Tucson, during the summer months, which actually start in a few weeks from today, the Monsoon's will start hitting the city.

These Monsoons can send so much water through the cities underground emergency drainage tunnels, that if you were caught inside, you would be drowned rather fast.

So, one might ask, why is there a nightclub, built right on top of an emergency storm drain, all of which have access points built all throughout the city of Tucson?

And why is it called Monsoon Nightclub?

Do you think they built it with the knowledge of its particular location and access to the drainage tunnels underneath the city?

I still need to show that these tunnels even exist…

7044b0 (12) No.1651751>>1651840

File (hide): 8a10eee460ff949⋯.png (305.14 KB, 638x320, 319:160, Tucson satan tunnels 1.PNG) (h) (u)


Local high schoolers are familiar with the tunnels that run under Tucson.

They sometimes jokingly refer to them as the "Satanic Tunnels"

This is a real thing, see for yourself in this video

WARNING: it's real footage from inside the tunnels found within Tucson city limits, so if you live there, this might give you the creeps


Pic Source: from this video

7044b0 (12) No.1651840>>1651875

File (hide): e84769df27da7f1⋯.png (272.64 KB, 635x318, 635:318, Tucson satan tunnels 2.PNG) (h) (u)


Upon seeing the outside one might not think much of it, however, inside, an adult male can stand up fully erect and walk through this tunnel system.

But what makes it so freaky is realizing that you aren't the first one who has been through these tunnels.

What you will find is red graffiti all throughout the tunnel, for miles and miles, people have used it to share messages.

Some of hope, and some are downright stomach churning.

7044b0 (12) No.1651875>>1651920

File (hide): 620d6c6a4706164⋯.png (409.52 KB, 637x322, 91:46, Tucson satan tunnels 3.PNG) (h) (u)


"I'm running with a gun please help"

Are some of the more disturbing messages you will find.

And all of these tunnels sit conveniently under traditional storm drains, that sit in peoples backyards.

Very ominous.

So, Tucson, I ask you, who, and what is going down in your underground tunnel network?

7044b0 (12) No.1651920>>1655372

File (hide): 8f67897f2aa2197⋯.jpg (309.5 KB, 1021x824, 1021:824, 8f67897f2aa2197af66b78c35b….jpg) (h) (u)


So why do I talk about this in particular?

Well, some lovely, and likely autistic person, traced the storm drain system from the child trafficking site that VOP Team Alpha stumbled upon.

And they traced it all the way to the point of our original interest:

The aptly named, Monsoon Nightclub.

Now, could it be possible, that girls could be smuggled under the cover of dark tunnels, from an abandoned Cemex factory, and retrieved from an access point that is conveniently hidden underneath the Diamond Casino?

Well, I can't say for sure.

But I can say, that there is more going on here than we may at first realize.

9a8616 (1) No.1651959>>1652283

Ok I'll bite. Whats the absolutely best intro video to this?

7044b0 (12) No.1652283



This video is pretty good, includes photos of the underground septic tank that only a child could enter into.

This is all in Tucson, Arizona, and it's really fucked up stuff.

686380 (2) No.1655046

File (hide): aad4bf08a5c56b9⋯.png (1.99 MB, 1536x732, 128:61, 3gyi[1].png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 518d635eed8248b⋯.png (2.05 MB, 1536x732, 128:61, 3gyj[1].png) (h) (u)

Hi Anons, I have been spending some time scouring the vicinity of the Cemex plant and surrounding areas using satellite images and strava. There are not many fresh tracks leading from the plant to distant places like summit , the casino, or the airfield…yes, it is possible without a doubt. But visible evidence of consistent traffic is not there.

I did find a couple of interesting things tho…

Pic#1 Lots of fresh tracks driving to the SW corner of property and then turning around. Not at all unusual in a truck yard…but…there is a well-worn footpath that leads outside of the cemex plant.

Pic#2 Footpath leads to something on interest in the wooded area. It is well worn and it does not look like a path through the woods as I do not see an exit that is well worn like the entrance. Also, of note, if you look at the wider "road" to the north of the footpath you can see vehicle tracks and footprints…none of them veer off toward our point of interest. They all go straight on by. This might be a point of interest for the boots on the ground.

686380 (2) No.1655108

File (hide): 888d0b094d0b2bd⋯.png (2.94 MB, 1536x732, 128:61, 3gyl[1].png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 433102bbc285257⋯.png (3.15 MB, 1536x732, 128:61, 3gym[1].png) (h) (u)

Pic 1: Something weird on Strava. When you look at the Enterprise Rent A Car, which is the first business to the west of Cemex, you will see straight lines going over structures..in other words, not likely you could walk that. I am not familiar with Strava and don't know if this is a glitch.

Pic 2 is depressing. Just to the west of Nogales, you can see jump-off points from main roads that lead directly to the border. What is depressing is the sheer amount of them when you start looking closely.

7044b0 (12) No.1655372

File (hide): d23f39b012045cf⋯.png (2.44 MB, 1367x864, 1367:864, Monsoon Nightclub 1.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 54d68a032c89364⋯.png (2.45 MB, 1329x934, 1329:934, Monsoon Nightclub 2.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 925d88084bedb7d⋯.png (2.67 MB, 1347x928, 1347:928, Monsoon Nightclub 3.png) (h) (u)


This Casino almost begs to be investigated further.

Not only does its Logo contain 2 FBI recognized logos for Pedophilia messaging, but it also site conventiently on top of one of these MASSIVE tunnel systems.

And at both ends of the tunnel, there is the Cemex Child Trafficking Sex Camp, and then the Tucson Airport.

Something is Fishy in Tucson.

And the Police department has already bulldozed the child sex trafficking camp without collecting items for fingerprinting or identification of victims.

e4457f (4) No.1656236>>1656266

File (hide): efad56bd9eb8d45⋯.jpg (103.97 KB, 1047x813, 349:271, Clipboard02333.jpg) (h) (u)

>>1649140 (OP)

why is there two active threads on this?

the other one.


ill just post this in both i guess

today VOP sent a drone over the original crime scene they discovered,. they cannot get any closer to it to film because Cemex has finally confessed to owning the property which allowed Cemex to tresspass VOP from the property, the police are keeping a close eye for tresspassers (protecting Cemex)

Today when VOP went next to the property to fly a drone the police showed up immediately and kept watch, surely waiting to arrest them if they took one step off public land onto Cemex property. which is why they sent a drone.

video of them sending the drone,


video of the drones footage.


you can clearly see the site has indeed been bulldozed

many shills were posting relentlessly both here in the chans and in the youtube comments and in discords that "its a lie it wasnt bulldozed its all a hoax"

this proves that was a shill effort to discredit this situation.

this proves the shills do not want us looking into this…

7044b0 (12) No.1656266>>1656317 >>1662317


So without even opening a criminal investigation, or taping off the area, like they should have done in this case, the Tucson Police Department has gone an bulldozed this entire spot.

In lower left corner, this is a Google Map picture from Before, and a Drone shot from After, notice the lower left, that big green tree which was covering the camp, has been completely demolished.

Tried to align these as much as possible for comparison.

This is what we're up against folks.

Bulldoze the evidence so it goes away.

Except we're not going away, get ready for a non-stop campaign, Tucson.

We're going to find your little skeletons, that's a promise.

7ec9e8 (21) No.1656298>>1656343 >>1656506

Don't fall for it.Screencap for zucctards.

Real name: Michael Lewis Arthur Meyer

Self proclaimed former addict.Has cult like following of those discarded by society.Homeless, addicts, weaponized autism.He started the gravy train camps under veteran camps for personal army and over 100k in gibs.Starts new causes when gibs run low.Baits muhguns for alphabet honeypot.Loves 511s,tac gear,patches, haji scarves,milspeak.VetLARP.Cannot carry weapon because felon,has PA carry weapons for him.Mark McConnell was his last handler.Sawyer may be his new one.Arthur has immunity.

Don't fall for it. Screencap for zucctards.

Long rap sheet in multiple states.Just to get you started:

Case # 08-03-K-03582 Felony Class C. Aggravated Assault

Multiple Criminal Mischief

Felony Contact with bodily fluids

Assault-MA, multiple

Multiple disorderly conduct

Felony Illegal Processing Drug Documents Case# 1998CRA01046

Felony Deception to Obtain Drugs

Petit Theft

5299 Weapon Offense DISMISSED by DA

Convictions in North Dakota, Arizona, North Carolina and more

Agent Provocateur. CI.

Bird Refuge Oregon Standoff.Pigeon drops.Smuggle from Minnesota.

Bundy Ranch

Blaine Cooper Jeff Kagan Batman John Hildinger

Ray Olsen John Wayne DV Grim Ken Schneider

Gary Hunt Deb Jordan Alyssa Bailey Mark West Greg Whalen Duane Ehmer Melina Grace

Called Jon Ritz during Oregon standoff at 3am stating a Walmart warehouse in Tucson was a FEMA deathcamp to bait him. Chased out of PHX. Elderly vets stolen money USMC woman vet with dementia.

Multiple affairs on wife Flora Flow Meyer. To include with Nikole Cooley.

Unsolved murder of VOP cofounder Tristan Knight at old camp at Salt River. Drowned in 1" of water.Arthur last to see him alive.






New personal fb page: VOP Alpha co-Team Pulaski. Latest videos hopped up.

Deleted real page due to tagging.Vulnerable women that stayed on camps say Louie gave drugs, sexual assault, rape.

Dont fall for it. Screencap for zucctards.

Screwy Louie's "ministry" are online holy rollers and his homeless followers.Built own militia to do bidding.No brick and mortar church.Research names given. Glow in the dark honeypot for radical right wing extremists baited to show up with guns for muh freedom. Refuge replay. AETV America on Fire.AKA Louie Prepper.Verified unemployed since 2002.Testified against Ritzheimer who is now in fed prison, Arthur testified in defense of Mark McConnell.PAID.Ask Ritz and Maureen Peltier about Arthur's physical attack on mentally handicapped homeless woman.He needs more gas and gift cards.The world is his stage.Arthur gathers intel on extremists, organizers,radicals and militias.His fb is a honeypot to amass intel.Feds want to know who is willing to bring firepower and donate gibs in the name of 'Merica.Where is the bulldozer video?

e4457f (4) No.1656317>>1656506


thank you thats a much better screenshot comparison.

im thinking it was cemex that did the bulldozing though not the pd since it is cemex property,

if its the pd thats even more alarming, as its totally out of the way of their call of duty to bother bulldozing suspected crime scenes.

Cemex has to go out of their way to do it as well since it is a cost not worth spending to be bulldozing one random camp…

there is no reasonable argument in favor of bulldozing this crime scene. only cover up explains this move.

e4457f (4) No.1656343


this is nothing more then a character attack, an ad hominum attack, you are trying to shoot the messenger to discredit the message.

that this man has accrued a rap sheet in his fight against a corrupt government as an activist, is not surprising, it is meaningless in this situation, that you would try and use it against him, and against the effort to expose the truth in this event, is telling.

1cb6f5 (5) No.1656371>>1656506

The site was investigated by the PD, cadaver dogs were brought out and found nothing, ICE investigated, trafficking expert investigated. You can see it all in this video: https://www.facebook.com/1415347948612114/videos/1422911327855776/?t=556

I trust ICE. POTUS has AZ handled.

Louie Prepper is a scam artist and Craig Sawyer uses his NPO to make money off of people's feelings and boost his career.

We are not buying what you are selling.

7044b0 (12) No.1656506

File (hide): 91d4f449e4dff05⋯.png (361.52 KB, 464x477, 464:477, Blue Tarp Bulldozed Traffi….png) (h) (u)

File (hide): d28f35d1feceb31⋯.jpg (96.09 KB, 458x478, 229:239, Full Bulldozed Site 1.jpg) (h) (u)


Here are two more angles from above, screencapped from the Facebook Live video.




Fuck off shill. We ALL know who you work for.

None of us are falling for your retarded attacks.

The cadaver dog, one dog, notice how you said dog(s) plural? Yeah, that is you trying to bollster your very flimsy evidence. They didn't even bring the cadaver dog to more than one spot. They didn't bring the dog to the spot where they said they were smelling death when they were digging.

This was one main and disturbing camp, but there were other areas further into the bush.

Nice try shills.

They didn't even open an investigation into this spot.

They brought a dog, and then bulldozed it, didn't even clean it up, as the blue tarp is still visible in the spot.

fb972e (1) No.1657020>>1657277

File (hide): 40c9f68e2174600⋯.jpeg (18.28 KB, 242x245, 242:245, roy warden download.jpeg) (h) (u)

I watched Roy Warden protest illegal immigration in Tucson during 2000-2001, and I believe he was treated unfairly by law enforcement and even the city officials. you name it and it happened to him--he was arrested, slandered, sued…I recall that some people seemed to think there was something going on with children even at that time.

Warden used to have a site (now gone) called WardenburnsMexcianflags(dot)something.

Somebody in that area should contact him to find out his suspicions.

e4457f (4) No.1657277


>Warden used to have a site (now gone) called WardenburnsMexcianflags(dot)something.


theres his site, browse away, at first glance it seems like just a bunch of opinions on politics, general bloviating about his anti illegals stance, and a bunch of documentation of his own legal battles for activism related things.

7044b0 (12) No.1657539>>1662281

File (hide): fe42ce80d1f6ed1⋯.png (902.4 KB, 1195x396, 1195:396, Before and After Sex Camp ….png) (h) (u)

Want to share this comparison shot of the bulldozed camp, it's the real deal, there is a coverup

4b04c4 (1) No.1658644>>1658686 >>1658911


Supposed owner of the site in Tucson

God help us all


bf0ff9 (1) No.1658686>>1658757


sounds like some hobo tranny got paid off to act a shill to distract and discredit.

or the police stalled a week cemex refused to own up to the property for a week then bulldozed it immediately after owning up. all because of some trannys camp…. doubt it

even if that, the burried bloody knife? this tranny would be coping to burrieing that… who did he murder? why did the cops cover up that crime?

552350 (1) No.1658757


All valid questions that need to be answered.

cd16cc (1) No.1658911


Got a name or any background research? Anything more than a youtube link?

e259a8 (1) No.1659121>>1664402

Heads Up!


Mind blowing MUST READ thread.

FBI Anon, CIA Anon, NSA Anon, etc

Scottsdale is place to find big nest of pedo



921eaf (1) No.1660410

File (hide): 68910bb224189d4⋯.png (1.02 MB, 2806x1078, 1403:539, ConservationDig.png) (h) (u)

7ec9e8 (21) No.1660564>>1660975

Updated info. (((They))) are reacting. Screencap for normies. Can't give much more for now without compromising position.

Real name: Michael Lewis Arthur Meyer

DOB: 11-26-1978

Self proclaimed former addict.Has cult like following of those discarded by society and those that need a cause.Homeless, addicts, weaponized autism, boomer patriots, the sperg right, Qlarps and holy rollers. Meyer is very intelligent. He started the gravy train under veteran camps for personal army and well over 100k in gibs.Starts new causes when gibs run low.Baits muhguns for alphabet honeypot.Loves 511s,tac gear,patches,haji scarves,and milspeak.VetLARP.Meyer cannot carry weapons because he's a felon (+4×) has his personal army carry weapons for him.Mark McConnell was his last handler.Sawyer may be his new one. Never forget: Arthur always has immunity.

Updated info part II. Screencap for normies. Can't give much more for now without compromising position.

Meyer: Long rap sheet in multiple states (AZ, OH, ND, FL, NC, SC, VA). He has scrubbed records. Just to get you started:

1. Case # 08-03-K-03582 Felony Class C -Aggravated Assault-N.Dakota-Dec 2003

2. Multiple Criminal Mischief charges to include case #0803K03246

3. Felony Contact with bodily fluids Case #0803K02780

4. Assault-MA, multiple

5. Multiple disorderly conduct

6. Domestic Violence charges Case#99CRB03510 Ohio

7.Felony Illegal Processing Drug Documents Case# 1998CRA01046

8. Felony Deception to Obtain Drugs

9. Petit Theft

10. 5299 Weapon Offense DISMISSED by DA

Agent Provocateur. CI. Oregon Standoff.Pigeon drops.Smuggle from Minnesota.Bundy Ranch

Blaine Cooper Jeff Kagan Batman John Hildinger

Ray Olsen John Wayne DV Grim Ken Schneider

Gary Hunt Deb Jordan Alyssa Bailey Mark West Greg Whalen Duane Ehmer Melina Grace Maureen Peltier

Called Jon Ritz during Oregon standoff at 3am stating a Walmart warehouse in Tucson was a FEMA deathcamp to bait him. Ask why Meyer was chased out of PHX. Ask why Meyer left Phx for Tucson right after the death of VOP co founder Tristan "Batman" Knight.

Multiple affairs on wife Flora "Flow" Troy Meyer. To include with Nikole Cooley.

Unsolved murder of VOP cofounder Tristan Knight at old camp at Salt River. Drowned in 1" of water.Arthur last to see him alive.






New personal fb page: VOP Alpha co-Team Pulaski.

Updated info Part III. Screencap for normies.

Screwy Louie's "ministry" are online holy rollers and his homeless followers. He has built a militia to do his bidding.No brick and mortar church.Research names given. Glow in the dark honeypot for radical right wing extremists baited to show up with guns for muh freedom. Refuge replay. AETV America on Fire.AKA Louie Prepper.Verified unemployed since 2002.Testified against Ritzheimer who is now in fed prison, Arthur testified in defense of Mark McConnell.PAID.Ask Ritz and Maureen Peltier about Arthur's physical attack on mentally handicapped homeless woman.He needs more gas and gift cards.The world is his stage.Arthur gathers intel on extremists, organizers,radicals and militias.His fb is a honeypot to amass intel.Feds want to know who is willing to bring firepower and donate gibs in the name of 'Merica.

Ask yourself how Arthur makes money.Know who is signing over military benefits, SSI,SSDI monies for Arthur to "manage".Ask about POAs.Read article on Meyer getting arrested at Tucson hospital, where he brought an elderly female USMC veteran with dementia from Phx to Tucson. Meyer deleted his real personal paged due to tagging.Vulnerable women that stayed on camps say Louie gave them drugs, used drugs with them, sexual assault, and rape.

The happening will be an incident with cartels or an incident with TPD, DEA, BP or ATF.The ones in full kit and armed will be the ones that go down. The more patriots that come, the better. Meyer will conveniently be behind the fence, just as he was when his bros were arrested for trespassing at the initial "rape camp". Fast and Furious part 2? Never forget: Arthur has immunity.

fe875e (1) No.1660975>>1661068 >>1663587


Louie Prepper who is leading VOP killed Tristan Knight?

>Ask why Meyer left Phx for Tucson right after the death of VOP co founder Tristan "Batman" Knight. Unsolved murder of VOP cofounder Tristan Knight at old camp at Salt River. Drowned in 1" of water.Arthur last to see him alive.

7ec9e8 (21) No.1661068>>1661552

Updated info. (((They))) are reacting. Screencap for normies. Can't give much more for now without compromising position.

Real name: Michael Lewis Arthur Meyer

DOB: 11-26-1978

Self proclaimed former addict.Has cult like following of those discarded by society and those that need a cause.Homeless, addicts, weaponized autism, boomer patriots, the sperg right, Qlarps and holy rollers. Meyer is very intelligent. He started the gravy train under veteran camps for personal army and well over 100k in gibs.Starts new causes when gibs run low.Baits muhguns for alphabet honeypot.Loves 511s,tac gear,patches,haji scarves,and milspeak.VetLARP.Meyer cannot carry weapons because he's a felon (+4×) has his personal army carry weapons for him.Mark McConnell was his last handler.Sawyer may be his new one. Never forget: Arthur always has immunity.

Updated info part II. Screencap for normies. Can't give much more for now without compromising position.

Meyer: Long rap sheet in multiple states (AZ, OH, ND, FL, NC, SC, VA). He has scrubbed records. Just to get you started:

1. Case # 08-03-K-03582 Felony Class C -Aggravated Assault-N.Dakota-Dec 2003

2. Multiple Criminal Mischief charges to include case #0803K03246

3. Felony Contact with bodily fluids Case #0803K02780

4. Assault-MA, multiple

5. Multiple disorderly conduct

6. Domestic Violence charges Case#99CRB03510 Ohio

7.Felony Illegal Processing Drug Documents Case# 1998CRA01046

8. Felony Deception to Obtain Drugs

9. Petit Theft

10. 5299 Weapon Offense DISMISSED by DA

Agent Provocateur. CI. Oregon Standoff.Pigeon drops.Smuggle from Minnesota.Bundy Ranch

Blaine Cooper Jeff Kagan Batman John Hildinger

Ray Olsen John Wayne DV Grim Ken Schneider

Gary Hunt Deb Jordan Alyssa Bailey Mark West Greg Whalen Duane Ehmer Melina Grace Maureen Peltier

Called Jon Ritz during Oregon standoff at 3am stating a Walmart warehouse in Tucson was a FEMA deathcamp to bait him. Ask why Meyer was chased out of PHX. Ask why Meyer left Phx for Tucson right after the death of VOP co founder Tristan "Batman" Knight.

Multiple affairs on wife Flora "Flow" Troy Meyer. To include with Nikole Cooley.

Unsolved murder of VOP cofounder Tristan Knight at old camp at Salt River. Drowned in 1" of water.Arthur last to see him alive.






New personal fb page: VOP Alpha co-Team Pulaski.

Updated info Part III. Screencap for normies.

Screwy Louie's "ministry" are online holy rollers and his homeless followers. He has built a militia to do his bidding.No brick and mortar church.Research names given. Glow in the dark honeypot for radical right wing extremists baited to show up with guns for muh freedom. Refuge replay. AETV America on Fire.AKA Louie Prepper.Verified unemployed since 2002.Testified against Ritzheimer who is now in fed prison, Arthur testified in defense of Mark McConnell.PAID.Ask Ritz and Maureen Peltier about Arthur's physical attack on mentally handicapped homeless woman.He needs more gas and gift cards.The world is his stage.Arthur gathers intel on extremists, organizers,radicals and militias.His fb is a honeypot to amass intel.Feds want to know who is willing to bring firepower and donate gibs in the name of 'Merica.

Ask yourself how Arthur makes money.Know who is signing over military benefits, SSI,SSDI monies for Arthur to "manage".Ask about POAs.Read article on Meyer getting arrested at Tucson hospital, where he brought an elderly female USMC veteran with dementia from Phx to Tucson. Meyer deleted his real personal paged due to tagging.Vulnerable women that stayed on camps say Louie gave them drugs, used drugs with them, sexual assault, and rape.

The happening will be an incident with cartels or an incident with TPD, DEA, BP or ATF.The ones in full kit and armed will be the ones that go down. The more patriots that come, the better. Meyer will conveniently be behind the fence, just as he was when his bros were arrested for trespassing at the initial "rape camp". Fast and Furious part 2? Never forget: Arthur has immunity.


I will say this. On his now deleted old cuckbook page, Meyer suddenly went on an emergency road trip to El Paso for an unclear cause. For no reason, he was posting trip data to prove this travel. It was not public knowledge that Batman was dead. Meyer acted surprised to hear of his death while he was "in" Texas. Meyer was with Batman last. The timelines do not match up.

75cc34 (1) No.1661552


tasty sauce

Note: This next bit is probably too meta for many of you oldfags, but relevant to all of us so I'm posting it.

I thought about posting my suspicions about this being a honeypot op the other day but decided against it because I had no proof. I was tempted to go down there to see for myself without looking through their objective lense, and help in the search for more clues, but that suspicion kept me home. Despite all that, I never once questioned Lewis' credibility.

What I learned:


It's easy to become complacent and forget to fully analyze everything, especially things I hold near and dear to my heart.

Being awake is one thing, but staying awake and aware of the illusion will be a constant effort I must maintain for the rest of my life.

There are many levels of "awake", so I must never become complacent in thinking I can always see everything for what it is, because there are (almost?) always an indeterminate number of angles to every decision made by anyone but myself.

564d73 (1) No.1662221

today VOP found a childs skull


936c67 (8) No.1662281


Huh, well I guess they figured "Hey nothing's here, better bulldoze it immediately" like most police forces do during an investigation with massive public outcry attached to it.

936c67 (8) No.1662317


>Except we're not going away, get ready for a non-stop campaign, Tucson.

Tucson thanks you, Patriot

e606fe (6) No.1663468


Try the Gis Mapping system for Pima County, many layers (utilities, rights of way, etc.), archival mapping as well.


e606fe (6) No.1663485


Missing Madeline Edmon, small 100 pounds 15 year old runaway. Biracial missing since 2005. May have become involved in sex trafficking. Is only listed Madeline that would potentially fit.



e606fe (6) No.1663587


>VOP co founder Tristan "Batman" Knight


915d11 (2) No.1664195

File (hide): fbffa862071c6ac⋯.png (26.7 KB, 239x223, 239:223, 1486433409860.png) (h) (u)

March 12 2017



753d65 (1) No.1664402>>1664807 >>1696623


Dumb. I live in Scottsdale and really doubt that it's a hotbed for child sex trafficking. It's definitively more of a Tucson thing, or AJ (Apache Junction)

936c67 (8) No.1664772

File (hide): bca9c27026df590⋯.png (869.99 KB, 706x534, 353:267, Screenshot from 2018-06-07….png) (h) (u)

Calportland cement plant near I-10 and Orange Grove has allegedly caught on fire.

936c67 (8) No.1664807>>1665449 >>1665531 >>1665536


There's a lead pointing to a different network. CDAN has made a post which anons think might be The Trinity Church in Scottsdale. Girls are allegedly flown in from eastern Europe.


4d46cf (1) No.1664887

File (hide): d7d31e347fc382f⋯.png (446.1 KB, 584x721, 584:721, bots.png) (h) (u)

Titus Frost using bots to spread BS CEMEX call.

https:// mayvanphong.us/2018/06/07/my-phone-call-to-cemex-about-their-tucson-facility-operationbackyardbrawl/titus-frost/

936c67 (8) No.1665141

File (hide): b3f4bc1a950c893⋯.png (417.71 KB, 755x844, 755:844, Screenshot from 2018-06-07….png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 43c556d3b99959f⋯.png (166.36 KB, 977x549, 977:549, Screenshot from 2018-06-07….png) (h) (u)

Board of supervisors rejected $1.4 million grant from the federal government for border security earlier this year. First time I've ever heard of them not wanting free money. Looks like Richard Elías from district 5 needs to be scrutinized more. More digging to follow on that.


936c67 (8) No.1665286>>1672873

Finally found a picture of the suspected cartel member on horseback from the first camp. Likely lives on the San Xavier reservation.

e606fe (6) No.1665449>>1665486


Not the Trinity Church. Scaped synopsis from The Annexin A2 Blind

Working Theory

Reposted from "the church" blind

"David Geffen is the mogul

DREAM CITY CHURCH in AZ/LA is the church.

DREAM Records is a partnership between universal music group (Geffen records) and Dream CITY CHURCH. Multiple "Christian" artists have been "discovered" through Dream CITY CHURCH worship and theater productions



The rehab(s) are called "Dream Centers"

SHORT CREEK DREAM CENTER is a 88 bed all girls sex trafficking "rehab" built in Hilldale Utah from Warren Jeff's (FLDS) former compound (FLDS owns Colorado City and Hildale)

FLDS is the other church

New England Dream Center in Worcestire MA is the attempt that failed up north.


"My colleagues, who are teachers in a local public school at the city of Worcester MA, mentioned a 'community outreach' outfit with ties to the Cesar Castellanos G12 movement. I have heard some disturbing details about troubled teens falling into this group's clutches, via the NE Dream Center"


"I have heard, firsthand, a report from a young teen who was a member. One of the immediate induction steps has to do with a purging ritual where one removes all clothing, somehow vomitting is induced (not sure how/what means involved here). Next steps involve cutting off relations with family members first, then friends."

George Cladis (founded/ran the New England Dream center)


"Member of a small team of pastors who met twice with Jeffrey Katzenberg, co-founder of DreamWorks Studio with Steven Spielberg and David Geffen-- part content consulting on the film Prince of Egypt and part learning experience about DreamWorks’ unique organization and film philosophy; DreamWorks Studio, Universal City, CA. March 8, 1997 & February 3, 1998."

We need to keep digging. Geffen has a few 501c3s. We are so close."


936c67 (8) No.1665486


Good digging! I thought the head of Trinity was too public to match the description of the BI. CDAN digs are tricky for me since I know fuck all about celebrity news.

e606fe (6) No.1665531


The Church Blinds and Links, May not be completely inclusive. There is a wealth of data here.

The Church

Four for Friday Annexin A2 (some info)

The Church’s New Investment

The Church’s Money

The New Celebrity Cult

We Can’t Let You Talk The Church

The Initiation Fee

On the Run For the Church

Details Details

The Cult’s Money Man

e606fe (6) No.1665536


Sorry those links I tried, major FAIL work around it it's worth it

7ec9e8 (21) No.1665984

File (hide): 2fe6013f0b2f482⋯.jpg (1.01 MB, 1056x2046, 16:31, Beardbrofuckery2013.jpg) (h) (u)

Here's an oldie but goodie from one of Michael Lewis Arthur Meyer's old psyop campaigns that failed in NC. Nice ride, glow fuck.

14154c (1) No.1667413

Arizona Daily Star article from yesterday evening. Gannett paper btw. The faggot who penned the article shaping the narrative even more and getting quite emotional in the comments on the related post on his facebook page. He's been in on the LARP from the jump.


915d11 (2) No.1667621>>1667714 >>1689328

File (hide): 955ba2f5f73790e⋯.jpg (904.34 KB, 1012x889, 1012:889, TucsonMagnusTohonoTrffckng.jpg) (h) (u)

Tucson/Chief Magnus/Tohono O'odham Nation/Trafficking connection


8aac78 (1) No.1667635

File (hide): 3377c03235cd085⋯.jpg (160.71 KB, 654x1024, 327:512, IMG_9724.JPG) (h) (u)

94373d (1) No.1667709

File (hide): b10a8e86be312a0⋯.png (1017.44 KB, 974x853, 974:853, hmmmmmm.png) (h) (u)

So there was a fire near another cemex plant in a green belt. I then asked what other fires were happening around other cemex plants or lumber mills. Apparently there was a fire at a special needs playground. Screengrabbed the lady they interviewed with logo of business

1b1e45 (1) No.1667714




1cb6f5 (5) No.1668237

File (hide): dab3a013f8b95f9⋯.jpg (441.77 KB, 1662x1246, 831:623, 58b9e3d61f376.image.jpg) (h) (u)

08fb61 (1) No.1668267

File (hide): f8fa9a2e676a78f⋯.jpg (13.53 KB, 236x419, 236:419, babys skull.jpg) (h) (u)

>adult skull

>no other remains


>millions of illegals cross in this region

>get murdered

we need a wall

92ced3 (1) No.1672662

member when pizzagate happened and AJ forbid his reporters to cover it? is it a coincidence that multiple Q deniers are also saying tuscon is 'debunked'? why would they quickly bulldoze the site if there were nothing to hide? do people really think the pd of an area with a Rothschild mayor would genuinely be allowed to 'investigate'? how does the size of the skull debunk all other evidence? doesn't it seem like a distraction? a lot of unanswered questions to this one. https://twitter.com/RealAlexJones/status/1004947139355701254

a9dd74 (8) No.1672861

File (hide): 6e9ad3f079b4c3e⋯.jpg (125.65 KB, 500x921, 500:921, 2bw8wa.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 5c5868cf005f0dc⋯.jpg (137.93 KB, 499x576, 499:576, 2bw8u5.jpg) (h) (u)

a9dd74 (8) No.1672873

File (hide): a020e0c387922d9⋯.jpg (95.18 KB, 646x500, 323:250, 2btywe.jpg) (h) (u)



a9dd74 (8) No.1673331

File (hide): 12fbfcd0f2136db⋯.png (634.61 KB, 1697x1990, 1697:1990, sawyer-revisions.PNG) (h) (u)

a9dd74 (8) No.1674129

File (hide): 5cff052faac9ef7⋯.png (980.47 KB, 1248x879, 416:293, provacateur.PNG) (h) (u)

a9dd74 (8) No.1674130

File (hide): f1ebf224ce38484⋯.jpg (519.89 KB, 1279x648, 1279:648, f1ebf224ce38484fa0d9066f25….jpg) (h) (u)

959f85 (1) No.1676187>>1680792

File (hide): 3cec777fcf1c6a1⋯.jpg (1006.11 KB, 1596x905, 1596:905, Desertcastle.jpg) (h) (u)

Thanks for checking my shit, anons. I'm here.

a9dd74 (8) No.1677145>>1677147

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Sawyer backtracks.

Because no one bought your bridge.

Take your skull football and go home.

You can fool normies, but you can not fool anons.

a9dd74 (8) No.1677147

File (hide): baac11adb94eedd⋯.png (41.86 KB, 962x666, 13:9, sawyer-backtracks.PNG) (h) (u)

936c67 (8) No.1680792


Did you manage to get any pics of the cement factory near orange grove?

283438 (1) No.1681207

A 23 y/o man just arrested for trying to purchase a child from it's "parents" (undercover police) in Gilbert AZ 1 1/2 hrs north of Tuscon on I-10

Need autists to look into "Cody Fay"

http://www. ktre.com/story/38385971/pd-man-arrested-for-attempting-to-have-sex-with-young-children

6f6a8b (3) No.1683773>>1684213

Doing massive dig into CDLN/Rothschild.

Here's something that came up: Jonathan Rothschild's dad is Lowell E. Rothschild, not Frank Rothschild as stated in previous breads. The man was a founder of a powerful law firm in Tucson.


6f6a8b (3) No.1684213

File (hide): 87cd34f029d7b6f⋯.jpg (451.81 KB, 1000x477, 1000:477, front-desk2.jpg) (h) (u)


Ok, first "this is weird" moment. Jacob Rothschild's staff and interns seems to consist solely of women. Pic is of interns.

Lisa Markkula, Communications Director

Karla Avalos, Senior Advisor

Irene Messina, Communications Assistant

Jaimie Galayda, Planning, Transportation & Sustainability Policy Advisor

Pat Burns, Special Assistant

Veronica Caseres Largo, Administrative Assistant

6f6a8b (3) No.1685012>>1685426


Possible pedophilia symbol present in news segment showcasing children for adoption.

ce335f (1) No.1685426

File (hide): 3f228fadaf62ef6⋯.png (45.79 KB, 982x412, 491:206, sauce.PNG) (h) (u)

ef5e72 (4) No.1686045

File (hide): eeb2e6f99a7e686⋯.jpg (2.12 MB, 4032x1960, 72:35, Castleinthedesertdesu.jpg) (h) (u)

You can't contain me glow niggers. I'm here.

ef5e72 (4) No.1686048

File (hide): 4f8ee3f79486705⋯.jpg (589.83 KB, 1048x1674, 524:837, Diggington.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 0be655337fbb193⋯.jpg (751.66 KB, 810x2462, 405:1231, Hilouie.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): b275d146162dc17⋯.jpg (584.12 KB, 810x1751, 810:1751, Sixlayers.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 2fe6013f0b2f482⋯.jpg (1.01 MB, 1056x2046, 16:31, Beardbrofuckery2013.jpg) (h) (u)

Hi Louie

ef5e72 (4) No.1686053

File (hide): 1f8f5996d6476c0⋯.jpg (1.97 MB, 4032x1960, 72:35, Notfarbehindfaggot.jpg) (h) (u)

It was nice seeing you today, Michael. Your latest vids show you're unraveling. Ramble moar.

ef5e72 (4) No.1686129>>1686261 >>1687294

File (hide): 6e46343f56c4626⋯.jpg (292.85 KB, 1024x1000, 128:125, Cantscrubitall.jpg) (h) (u)

Great bargaining chip, right, Michael? Why did you have to be away from your daughter for so long?

7aecc4 (1) No.1686261

a851d7 (3) No.1687294


fake as fuck

obvious photoshop line going across it

says source state is ky but has an address in nc listed

get the fuck out of here with that

1cb6f5 (5) No.1687463>>1687509 >>1687872

a851d7 (3) No.1687509>>1687563


1.) Bad photoshop is bad.

2.) There is no 6610 Roundstone Dr. in Monroe County, Kentucky.

Try harder.

1cb6f5 (5) No.1687563>>1687758


Sawyer has lived in NC. He has a rap sheet in multiple states. He's a grifter and a felon.

What would it take for you to stop defending him?

1cb6f5 (5) No.1687621>>1696567

File (hide): 90a8ec6272a4623⋯.png (257.08 KB, 1303x1079, 1303:1079, 8d71884f3abde0c9f28c88ef12….png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 6edf1dbbc32e3e3⋯.jpg (173.05 KB, 1150x504, 575:252, cheese.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 38ddc7ac98d8670⋯.jpg (232.46 KB, 1318x412, 659:206, Untitled-2.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 11fa5fcc5513511⋯.jpg (67.25 KB, 460x168, 115:42, Q713.jpg) (h) (u)

"Why was the Clowns In America tasked to kill/hunt/capture Bin Laden?"

Sawyer was SEAL team 6.

It was after this tweet that he flipped. Scrubbed all the videos. Looked upset.

a851d7 (3) No.1687758>>1687872


I'm not defending anyone. I'm pointing out the shitty Photoshop job that wasn't very well thought out and easily debunked.

36a0b1 (1) No.1687872



lol so bad

he doesnt even have blue eyes

so fake

10254c (1) No.1689328


I’m failing to see the link between the underage girl filing a lawsuit in CA and Magnus

1536bb (1) No.1689796

FWIW sawman's phone # listed in WL is a tucson area code.

60cf42 (1) No.1690672

Just had a random thought bout POTUS' twats he altered from 'councel' and 'counsel'

CS = Craig Sawyer?

7eddb6 (2) No.1696247

File (hide): 68e23e2b3d865ca⋯.jpg (24.83 KB, 411x344, 411:344, Canthideeverything.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 2fe6013f0b2f482⋯.jpg (1.01 MB, 1056x2046, 16:31, Beardbrofuckery2013.jpg) (h) (u)

Hey Michael. Why are you suppressing the homeless man who actually lived in and built your rape bunker? Why did you block him on cuckbook?

297c5a (2) No.1696567


i believe CS is a goon. if hes really wrking 4 ot side…. then he is completely evil to create vets 4 chids or watver his thing is

297c5a (2) No.1696623


… how does the fact that u live there detract as a pedo place????? i dont get ur logic. its not like these guys r putting signs up…. "pedo, plz drop ur kids off"

Los Angeles had pizza & ot places scandal… JUST LIKE comet pingpong… did ppl know about it fuk no… & these places literally had the pedo sign on their pizza flyers.

so, just cause u dont c something - doesnt mean shit.

7eddb6 (2) No.1696647

File (hide): 1240dd4b9997dca⋯.jpg (110.76 KB, 355x428, 355:428, HiLouie3.jpg) (h) (u)

I'm telling you now. Michael Lewis Arthur Meyer is going to emerge all fucked up, with a black eye and busted lip. Louie will say that he was attacked/jumped by unknown assailants. He will say that Sawman put a hit on him. Louie will garner mass sympathy and gibs.

7ec9e8 (21) No.1706341

File (hide): 042d72d240ed727⋯.jpg (381.54 KB, 1080x1599, 360:533, Crackheadlouie.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): cc3fa88ee538cc6⋯.jpg (545.63 KB, 1073x1540, 1073:1540, Shelivedonvopcamp.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): d246bc5654faab1⋯.jpg (627.1 KB, 1066x1703, 82:131, Jamielivedonvop2.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 1d107da260c1ab2⋯.jpg (527.19 KB, 1063x1596, 1063:1596, JamielivedonVOP.jpg) (h) (u)

7ec9e8 (21) No.1706366

File (hide): d03c14b564e0986⋯.jpg (600 KB, 1080x2044, 270:511, Louiegangrape.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 27669d80af83b9e⋯.jpg (573.75 KB, 1080x1759, 1080:1759, Rapistbisex.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 5970967ad98cc98⋯.jpg (400.03 KB, 1080x1601, 1080:1601, Louiebisex.jpg) (h) (u)

7ec9e8 (21) No.1706382

File (hide): c125059bbb05fe3⋯.jpg (525.35 KB, 1080x1414, 540:707, 2016cashgibs.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): e3a4ccdaee449c6⋯.jpg (1.02 MB, 1080x1874, 540:937, Opnorthernexposuregibs.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 0a0f887a701bd8f⋯.jpg (634.36 KB, 1079x1774, 1079:1774, Yardsalegibs2015.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 20062c5159b97f2⋯.jpg (952.62 KB, 1080x1920, 9:16, Stoiclarp2015.jpg) (h) (u)

7ec9e8 (21) No.1706394

File (hide): 9828592da4f26df⋯.jpg (427.51 KB, 1080x1248, 45:52, Vidstar5.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): da6c584c4f64880⋯.jpg (727.53 KB, 1080x1864, 135:233, Videostar22015.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 9fee91d96d93198⋯.jpg (681.76 KB, 1078x1729, 154:247, Noticemeeeeee2015.jpg) (h) (u)

7ec9e8 (21) No.1706416

File (hide): 43c538bcf3138c5⋯.jpg (664.71 KB, 1080x1920, 9:16, Opsbegin2015.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 581a6ab4bd9d359⋯.jpg (781.36 KB, 1077x1914, 359:638, Awsafesleep2015.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 9c6cbcc7498ed98⋯.jpg (637.88 KB, 1080x1911, 360:637, Corderogibs2015.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 7742f905713c810⋯.jpg (433.2 KB, 1080x1128, 45:47, Corderogibs2.jpg) (h) (u)

7ec9e8 (21) No.1706433

File (hide): 875a8f4039c312f⋯.jpg (879.64 KB, 1080x2099, 1080:2099, Vop2015.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 423735d6c8d1a5e⋯.jpg (705.11 KB, 1069x1900, 1069:1900, Mccaincoops2015.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 6cd3b139c182f53⋯.jpg (794.51 KB, 1080x1836, 10:17, Coopermccain2015.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 9056085457b7f3e⋯.jpg (910.95 KB, 1077x1916, 1077:1916, Chemtrailkelli2015.jpg) (h) (u)

7ec9e8 (21) No.1706454

File (hide): 8ee308535bc7188⋯.jpg (467.39 KB, 1064x1892, 266:473, Cartelcoming2015.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 120890d214df5e8⋯.jpg (489.65 KB, 1052x2163, 1052:2163, Ritzandmeyer2015.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 4134c05c551f463⋯.jpg (456.85 KB, 1066x1895, 1066:1895, Blaineandmccain2015.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): e6f3c6218938e28⋯.jpg (698.55 KB, 1055x1726, 1055:1726, Bffcooper2015.jpg) (h) (u)

7ec9e8 (21) No.1706477

File (hide): c7e922b21cb5a74⋯.jpg (367.15 KB, 1080x1241, 1080:1241, Detainmccainsantilli2015.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): da77f409058c155⋯.jpg (285.68 KB, 1080x1266, 180:211, Email2015.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 6c84b806ab44a00⋯.jpg (828.03 KB, 1080x1853, 1080:1853, Vetsb4illegals2015.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 0dff39856778fe8⋯.jpg (871.87 KB, 1080x2038, 540:1019, Corderofame2015.jpg) (h) (u)

7ec9e8 (21) No.1706495

File (hide): 352f81c5628e3a2⋯.jpg (610.51 KB, 1061x1387, 1061:1387, Bbq4vets2015.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 1eef25c2c3f72b4⋯.jpg (688.38 KB, 1080x1589, 1080:1589, Corderodundee.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 72da4accc2f1be2⋯.jpg (629.85 KB, 1036x1462, 518:731, Makemeviralpole2015.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): d299dd2d2e57607⋯.jpg (821.84 KB, 1080x1920, 9:16, Lightpoleflyer.jpg) (h) (u)

7ec9e8 (21) No.1706517

File (hide): 4fdd50203195b7f⋯.jpg (838.19 KB, 1080x1856, 135:232, Gibsforgraves2015az.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 422a89aa38ca1aa⋯.jpg (940.67 KB, 810x2545, 162:509, 2015azwalkops.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): b108ef0a4abdfb6⋯.jpg (1016.64 KB, 1065x2038, 1065:2038, Bffbundy2015.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): fb8cd42fa7a4386⋯.jpg (798.25 KB, 1072x1906, 536:953, Alllivesmatter2014.jpg) (h) (u)

7ec9e8 (21) No.1706539

File (hide): 3949c2d7a10b250⋯.jpg (809.55 KB, 810x1959, 270:653, Nicehouse2nc2014.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): d30db33e15ecbe6⋯.jpg (853.7 KB, 799x2563, 799:2563, Kickoffnc2014.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): eb9c2f52a43a0b6⋯.jpg (791.89 KB, 1080x1781, 1080:1781, Sbwgayaz.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 3d4c65ec11c9496⋯.jpg (737.83 KB, 1080x1675, 216:335, Sbw2014.jpg) (h) (u)

7ec9e8 (21) No.1706578

File (hide): 52ea8d175d74a10⋯.jpg (1.16 MB, 1080x1840, 27:46, Vetlarp2014mlam.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): b203d6a2fa862e9⋯.jpg (796.69 KB, 1077x1539, 359:513, Shannonvita2014.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): c792ae56f1ea4b1⋯.jpg (847.12 KB, 1080x1626, 180:271, NiceAZhouseSept2014MLAM.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 19a76f921478b23⋯.jpg (934.52 KB, 1080x1879, 1080:1879, Ammonbundybff2014.jpg) (h) (u)

7ec9e8 (21) No.1706615

File (hide): 9d54f2beb2759da⋯.jpg (692.09 KB, 1080x1763, 1080:1763, 40dollagibsMLAM2014.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 27f800c70051ae1⋯.jpg (1.11 MB, 1064x1847, 1064:1847, Dadjeansmlamaz2014.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 54c40bb12b1f6b7⋯.jpg (722 KB, 1080x1571, 1080:1571, NicehousenicerideNC2014MLA….jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 54f552e3d7bf38d⋯.jpg (461.55 KB, 1073x1907, 1073:1907, AZmove2014MLAM.jpg) (h) (u)

7ec9e8 (21) No.1706642

File (hide): 719bf9b1dc3e5c8⋯.jpg (761.79 KB, 1045x1514, 1045:1514, Homeschool2014AZMLAMkid.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): b431b1af594c977⋯.jpg (319.61 KB, 1080x617, 1080:617, LeavingVA4AZMLAM.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 6e48641dc2ca746⋯.jpg (718.95 KB, 1080x2102, 540:1051, BluesteelNC2014MLAM.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 0f0714fbcdd694b⋯.jpg (641.53 KB, 1080x1506, 180:251, AZprepNC2014MLAM.jpg) (h) (u)

7ec9e8 (21) No.1706674

File (hide): ff434fcaea3547e⋯.jpg (515.63 KB, 1080x1144, 135:143, Coming2AZ2014MLAM.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): f3540f5e6611e74⋯.jpg (709.96 KB, 1066x1750, 533:875, NCvfwvets2014MLAM.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 9733a76cefa4c71⋯.jpg (937.19 KB, 1080x1768, 135:221, MCopsMLAM2014NC.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 416a97bb485ddef⋯.jpg (1.28 MB, 1080x2134, 540:1067, GibsVA2014MLAM.jpg) (h) (u)

7ec9e8 (21) No.1706707

File (hide): 34ead1ab99abb2f⋯.jpg (1.25 MB, 1080x2155, 216:431, GibsNC2014MLAM.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 0ff57216f422a1c⋯.jpg (853.38 KB, 810x2369, 810:2369, PressStatementNC2014MLAM.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 2e87e95acc61f22⋯.jpg (638.16 KB, 1080x1803, 360:601, OnSawyersjock2014MLAM.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 2c926971f6e9c38⋯.jpg (1.77 MB, 802x4657, 802:4657, MLAMNC2014egotrips.jpg) (h) (u)

7ec9e8 (21) No.1706727

File (hide): ac4d8be560694ac⋯.jpg (457.08 KB, 1065x1420, 3:4, 20180611_152651.jpg) (h) (u)

db53d7 (1) No.1722126

Q - "VOP Alpha Co - Pulaski team states @ 2:26 of this video (https://youtu.be/tLo0HDM8DHc?t=145) "Qanon is in the house" Please confirm or deny! ThaneQ

2ccd33 (1) No.1725417




crumb for you

q res bread 2160

not sure why they posted there and not here

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