So basically I just discovered a group of satanic nigger Nazis who might be the most intelligent and red-pilled of their kind. These are people who seem to pretty much understand how the world actually works and guess what, they're pro-white. Believing that the whites are not the evil racists whom the Jews portray them to be and that the Jew is behind all mankind's sufferings, turning the black man and the white man against each other. Enough explanation, I'll quote what's written in their website and you judge.
="The White Race"=
>he Jew has done a great job at convincing the other races, especially the Black race, that the White race is our eternal enemy and that we will always be oppressed, held down and unsuccessful because of them. The Jewish owned media has also made anything involving the white race evil and racist. The White race is another race from Satan, just like the rest of the races. They are our allies and comrades in this war against the Jews. I already covered on this website the differences between Jews and the White race. Jews only claim to be white when it fits their agenda and disgusting plans to destroy the White race and enslave the rest of the races under Communism. Jews are a separate race different from all Gentiles (non-Jews). Genetics prove this. Jews are NOT white, they admit this. Many Jews are very mixed with Gentile DNA especially the White race which is why it is easy to confuse the two. If you have not, please read these two articles on Jews as a race and how they plan to enslave the nations under the New World Order–The Jewish Race and Judaism and Communism. Jews are the one who have committed horrific crimes on the Black race, and they are the most racist of all! The Jews are using the Black race as tools to destroy the White race. The Jews have pinned all their crimes on them. They are also desperately trying to put us against Whites to start a race war.
="Satan and the White race"=
>Satan created all of the races through genetic engineering, but the White race is different from the other races because they come from Satan directly. If you havent noticed, Satan and some of the other Daemon Gods have fair skin and many have blond hair.
>Now some of you may have been brainwashed and conditioned to hate the white race because of Jewish lies. One black gentile came to me and asked me if I was really black because he said that I am trying to make blacks follow a "white god"..
>What he forgot to mention was that all the races of the world spoke of White looking gods who came from the sky in spaceships, etc. This has been documented. These ancient people were just showing the truth and what is. There are also different races of extra-terrestrial gods who are not White.
>The Black Race and the other non-White races were created by Satan and the other Daemons so that there could be new races/ bloodlines to be extensions of the divine family on Earth. The White race is an extension of Satan's bloodline on Earth, it is natural for them to have certain strengths or skills that some of the other races do not have. The White race has brought to the world technological advancement and modern civilizations, i.e the western civilization/ the 1st world.
>Now, I need to make something clear, because The Jew has created so many hostile vibes and negative associations with Race, Most people are sensitive and have an inferiority complex, thanks to the Jews trying to make the differences in the race's a bad thing. I had one Black member come to me and tell me that because the White race has certain talents and abilities, he felt down and sad about it. This of course will be common for many since the lie of JEWISH equality has created a backlash. I already wrote about this in: Race Reality and Evolution.
>Its imporant to know that nothing in nature is equal and thats just fine. Each of the races has strengths and weaknesses that the Jews exploit and use. The Jews have also done a great job in making Blacks feel inferior. This needs to change. I also see that degeneration and Jewish brainwashing has manifested in all the races according to their own traits.
Apparently there's even a Satanic Arab Nazi internet group that is pretty much similar to this too, can't find it though. All what is known is that all of these ethnic satanic nazis including whites are a big united satanic community called Satanisgod, a nazi internet fourm
Is this the perfect form of Nazism? Is Satanism the long awaited 42-pill?