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File: 2093d5ae3efd46b⋯.png (123.57 KB, 1255x892, 1255:892, reality.PNG)

79b899  No.9766

I hought this was interesting.


Signed by Samuel Chobrutsky, president of the Moscow Jewish Community which is now located in Tachkent, the message read: “On behalf of the Board of the Moscow Jewish Community and all religious Jews, on the day of the 25th anniversary of the October Revolution, we offered up our prayers with the Torah in our hands, fervently asking the Almighty to grant you, beloved leader and the man chosen by the Lord to express as you are the will of a great people 200,000,000 strong, long life and strength so that your wisdom may bring about the speediest and complete destruction of Hitler, the vile enemy of our beloved country and of all freedomloving people.”

The message concludes with the prediction that “God will grant victory” for Russia and that “the Fascist hordes will face the same inglorious, shameful death which befell Pharach, the Amalek and Haman.”

Btw the JTA archive is a great research tool.

So yea, under communism Jews exterminated Christians on a scale beyond comprehension and seized every bit of their property and Jewish life flourished.

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0e390f  No.9788

they sure sucked his cock real hard

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497ca8  No.9856

File: db1e57196df7c08⋯.pdf (2.47 MB, 1942-11-17_265.pdf)

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25d298  No.9863

File: f1eb7348a2d71ae⋯.jpg (72.15 KB, 961x690, 961:690, 78643789643978643647893467….jpg)


Why was this anchored?

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497ca8  No.9867



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36b359  No.9897

> Pharach, the Amalek and Haman.

And none of those individuals are real. These jews live in a literary fantasy world of victimization.

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a75cf6  No.9905


Jews will keep being killed, until their genocide is complete. There is no future for jews.

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19605e  No.9916

File: 9210a2da77fe3ee⋯.jpg (466.22 KB, 798x832, 399:416, jews in Russia pray for St….jpg)

Great find, but I think the scan makes better propaganda than the screenshot. Messed with the contrast a little to make it more readable.

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9599d4  No.10176

Israel was/is a Soviet satellite state.


>David "I am a Bolshevik" Ben-Gurion

>Mapam - who for a number of years in the beginning were the second biggest party - praising Stalin, Mao, and the USSR as their 'second homeland'

>Benny Gantz (close friend of Viktor Vekselberg) and Avigdor Lieberman looking to take the reigns if Bibi goes down

>the oligarchs and Russian/ex-Soviet population in Israel, which has been steadily growing in size and influence these last couple decades

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a04308  No.11560

I'm amazing no retard has said Stalin hated jews yet. He only killed politically powerful ones that threatened him. The motherfucker made discrimination against jews illegal.

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86e5a6  No.11567


Not only did they torture and murder Christians but they took the money that they made from their murders and used it to subvert the West and Western politics/nations. They used THEIR MURDER MONEY to destroy Western Civilization. They could not have done it without that AND the weakness of the European Males parasitic symbiotic relationship with the jews and their degeneracy.

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74dc58  No.11626


It pisses me off how many Christians praise jews. Its absolutely sickening and when you try to tell them how jews have treated Christians they just shut their minds off and go full muh greatest ally mode. I swear its almost as if they worship them, its fucking sick.

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760dff  No.11641


Jews have bad genetic lottery and are prone to schizophrenia.

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79b899  No.11667


Yep, they have a mortal hate for Christians or as they call them idol worshippers. They're using them as dupes as they use our military up until we collapse from debt. Every single day we pay well over a billion dollars in interest. I think our number one goal should be avoiding war w Iran ie voting for Bernie.

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982abe  No.11670

File: 01b00b5b3cd1662⋯.jpg (115.2 KB, 1024x970, 512:485, Haaretz - Jews are schizop….jpg)

File: f2bdf1d793bd641⋯.png (123.11 KB, 593x663, 593:663, Jews are schizophrenic.png)

File: 98cd95f54ff82ed⋯.png (60.1 KB, 586x749, 586:749, Talmud - Incest with niece….png)

File: d7019f523e5f862⋯.webm (10.81 MB, 384x332, 96:83, Jews,_Incest_and_Hysteria….webm)


Also part of that genetic lottery is due to incest. They like to project this desire onto the goyim when in reality they are a prime example of it.

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