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File: 02119488b0fb43c⋯.png (140.7 KB, 1687x976, 1687:976, boomercuckservative.PNG)

1530f1  No.9620

I'm trying to redpill normie cuckservatives on r/The_Donald about race but they will not let me. What do I do lads? I want them to be aware about what actually matters and for them to cease being cucks.

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75a7bf  No.9621

File: 872a95fae76c547⋯.jpeg (112.64 KB, 1292x874, 34:23, local genetic adaptations.jpeg)

File: a42db3b22713ca5⋯.png (1.2 MB, 962x3289, 74:253, 1568624558567.png)

File: 307e6872b37c7b7⋯.png (319.79 KB, 1000x625, 8:5, 1568040682287.png)

File: 0b0e8ec94cde3f9⋯.png (148.09 KB, 1058x1334, 23:29, 1567946465030.png)

File: 22b329976e545ae⋯.png (81.98 KB, 1000x900, 10:9, 1567547244960.png)

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041583  No.9633


Direct people to tidbits of information that aren't in the public consciousness, like the MAOA gene. Be subtle. When there's a mass shooting, regardless of the race of the shooter, say things like

>gee I wonder which MAOA allele he has.

or even crazier things like

>Mass shootings have been found to correlate with the MAOA allele which predisposes some people to violent impulsive actions. These mass shooters may have higher incidence of that allele because their mothers drank fluoriated water!

You can't redpill these people directly. They are two brainwashed (imo). What you CAN do is indirectly teach them about certain things that they don't know exist yet. We have to build these foundations first. For example,

>some people are more violent for genetic reasons.

Normies don't know this, and it might blow their minds to know it, but they will shut off immediately if you frame it in terms of blacks. So, subtlety is key.

Redpill fanatics are plagued by the so-called "curse of knowledge". Ask yourself what the foundations of redpilling actually are. What pre-requisite ideas are needed? What is the frame of mind that allows someone to be redpilled? Which redpills are easiest to swallow? Which facts relate to redpills but don't carry a lot of baggage?

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041583  No.9634


Another strategy that should be used heavily is false flagging. People are immediately opposed to blatantly "far-right" viewpoints, but they don't really know how to deal with allies who are unintentionally redpilling. Ask yourself: "What sorts of things would leftists fight about with each other?" and then try to start that fight, posing as someone on the Left.

Look at things that leftists are already saying. Use their talking points, but sprinkle them with redpills. You're playing the part of someone who is deeply compassionate, and has exactly the same goals as your opponents, but who knows certain facts that they may not know. So, for example, you might say things like

>The 70% fatherlessness of black children is proof that systemic racism is more prevalent than ever!

>SAT scores suggest there is still persistent systemic racism in schools, perhaps because teachers are disproportionately white.

>Maybe someone could make an app that helps mixed-race children find organ donors.

>The average IQ of Africa was over 98 before European colonists went there!

Note that in the last case, I outright lied. That's fine. Leftists are stupid and uninformed, and you're pretending to be one. One problem with trolling reddit is that people tend to comb through your history to see if you are inconsistent and therefore a troll, so you will get better results if you have a dedicated alter-identity for each account.

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7b4fb3  No.9673


You’re acting surprised when you’re being shut down on a jew-owned website where truth is not allowed to be posted. Do you even belong here?

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38d988  No.9734


>redpill a cuckservative

They're slaves to the same masters as liberals.

Treat them as you would any other estrogen addled mind.

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212177  No.9857

This needs to be bumped and discussed

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212177  No.9858

I've been trying to redpill people on twatter. I mainly use memes, links, and such. There are a lot of folks out there who are spelling jews, "***s," because they are afraid of being banned or something. I like to tell them how its spelled over and over again. I don't know what their problem is. So many people are afraid of calling out jews whereas I am not. I have been banned on twatter so many times I lost count, but these people are afraid of losing all their follwers - and REVENUE - that comes from their twitter accounts.

I'm almost tempted to report these faggots to twatter, in the name of accelerationism, for "antisemitism" because they are relying on twatter to get revenue. Fuck that They need to switch to a different platform so they can call out the jew freely and openly.

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212177  No.9859

File: 8e2f00df4b6a29c⋯.png (77.88 KB, 641x637, 641:637, I told you so.png)

see, I told you so

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30d2ab  No.10599



Sure it's a good try making it sound justified, but no, that's just not the way, we must not use the same tactics we are fighting against that the enemy uses. That's exactly how communists fight fascism, using same tactics, totally wrong IMO, that's just basics.


Indeed, except the "jew", no, world does not revolve around israel, even if it is a bit part of the globalist eliste, it's just one part, even if israel's mafia and the zionists are out of the game it wouldn't mean the end of the problem.


It's wasn't really the real historic jews, it's the zionist fake jews, but who cares what they call themselfs, if they're for the forceful world government, they're probably up to no good.

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cc547e  No.10606


We need to redpill more women. The most effective way to do that is to constantly talk about how pretty asian girls are when you are with your girlfriend or around a girl who likes yous.

Bitches get jealous.

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cf88eb  No.10621



Slaves of the jews are to be killed. Not saved.

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30d2ab  No.10627


this is just a joke at this point, the whole "it's all jews fault" thing

If that was even true, than means everyone that's ever believed or fell for any NWO propaganda or false flag should be killed, including myself, and everyone around here? Give me a break.

The exaggeration against jews is more like a false flag to discredit genuine conspiracy research.


indeed, but there's many other ways IMO

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cc2309  No.10630


You have it backwards. Kosher, so-called conspiracy "research" is used to discredit the truth about the jews. That's why Jonestein, the Q LARP, crisis actors, etc. get so much attention from the media.

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30d2ab  No.10641


Well not if I'm not a fanboy of those you just mentioned, ofcourse I don't believe everything AJ says, even if Q-thing is real or semi-real, we're ofcourse not suppose to rely on it and bet on it.

There's a lot more out there to research than just Alex Jones' stuff.

The globalists and their networks are multi-layered and sprinkled everywhere, it's extensive, they pretend to be many things, there's just a bunch who pretend to be jews, I guess the Jew-thing is just one of those that works like a well-oiled machine and the most bold example.

But anyhow, in the long run, blaming one of the lower to mid level groups for everything is wrong, for many general reasons, but most importantly because they want exactly that for people to fall into this trap, and it's so frustrating seeing how much this jew-thing sticks on all the chans and the people cannot seem to see it that it all feeds into ADL's argument of branding everyone jew-haters and trying to shut down chan sites.

Even if they are really jews, it still doesn't matter, who cares what they are, their agenda and unfair dealing is the problem.

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a606d8  No.10644

File: af49d4206988e11⋯.jpg (41.06 KB, 579x585, 193:195, aye.jpg)

It can be done, but cuckserves, especially boomers, are obnoxiously prone to "relapsing." Even when they finally see the truth about race with their own eyes, all it takes for some BASED BLACK GUY/MEXICAN/MINORITY/ETC IN A MAGA HAT OWNING A LEFTIST WITH FACTS AND LOGIC for them to forget everything you just showed them and go back to their old cucked beliefs that America is built on magic dirt that turns people of all races into traditional conservatives and that it is the fault of those racist Dumbocrats that blacks and Mexicans dominate murder statistics. They know the truth deep down, but they still look for the tiniest justification to retreat back to their comfortable lie like a morbidly obese person looking for any excuse to avoid cutting back on junk foods or doing exercise.

As for redpilling reddit, it's mostly a lost cause. The furthest you can go with them is "SJWs are fags" and pretty much go no further, likely sending them right into the arms of some right-wing gatekeeper like Soygon, Juden Peterson, or Ben Shoahpiro. I'd prefer that over the alternative, but it's still basically leading them nowhere at beast, and towards becoming a Patreon goy for some pseudo-right shyster at worst.

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214507  No.10667

I drop race redpills on T_D all the time, it's fucking easy to do. Just make your character black, asian, or hispanic. Then you can say whatever the fuck you want within reason. My advice is to post in other forums for about a month before you use your account on T_D, just do basic stuff to make yourself not look like a shill. Like for every redpill post make 4 bullshit posts in a cat subreddit.

Then you can lead every comment with "Growing up as a black man in Cleveland I found [insert subtle red pill]. It's dishonest as hell but what you'll find is that as long as you don't lay it on too thick you can get away with posts you never could have dreamed about.

Advice, I never mention Jews by name or directly endorse what would be called a conspiracy theory. But I will hint at it in such a way that other posters will take the lead and name the Jew.

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dea65c  No.10682

File: f76e1ab9d37f1b1⋯.jpg (119.44 KB, 960x855, 64:57, io9nel33.jpg)


When last I looked at T_D it seemed to be an even split between red pilled people who are doing winks and nods about the jews, totally blue pilled boomers who love based trannypedes and really believe muh greatest ally and guys like my brother who know niggers are worthless and Epstein was Mossad, but just can't get their heads around why everyone is talking about Israel all the time because he works 60 hrs a week, has 4 kids and just upvoates everything on T_D while on the shitter.

I don't know who OP is trying to red pill, but none of these groups are going benefit from his efforts.

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041583  No.10735


>he works 60 hrs a week, has 4 kids

This is the crux of the issue here. People are worried about their children having a food to eat and a roof over their heads.

>The Jews are creating a NWO? So what? I have to work!

These people are entrenched in life, and when I have kids I can't say I'll be any different. Everyone wants something to be done, but nobody wants to be one of those first people to be made an example of by the government before Boston Tea Party 2.0 kicks off. We are all too comfy and content to be concerned with things that seem as distant to our immediate lives and needs as deep state corruption. It won't be until times get really hard that enough people will be discontent enough to lash out, but given the rate of growth of automation and bureaucracy, that could be anywhere from decades to years. This truly is the technological singularity, where it seems impossible to predict what the world will be like even a decade from now.

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5c2e83  No.10738


So in past weeks in 4chan /qa/ there is a spam about /int/’s transsexual mod using really ugly drawing. I dig more to find that these people are the one who post pic of underage girl all the time, getting mad for getting banned without reply and start making straws. So I make a reply and paste it on 4 threads. Now I have Ip range ban.

I’ve been mod 8chan before so I know ip range ban doesnt delete a post so I cant know if my ip range ban is due to my dynamic ip or those posts. Now if they ip ban me for posting those it shows they reinforce no ironic shitposting: dont fight shitpost with another. But the problem I've seen in /a/ since 2013 and still continue now is the base shitpost goes untouched. Those spam last for weeks already and I'm the one getting banned in just 1 hour instead of deleting those spams?

Or what if /qa/ mods are secretly approve them and just let them do it?

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5c2e83  No.10739


>Another strategy that should be used heavily is false flagging

I remember reading something in frontpage about not suggesting anything like this. wasn't this the reason 8ch was kill last time?

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dea65c  No.10968

File: 78b4fc7a689e373⋯.jpg (45.92 KB, 450x330, 15:11, The Chekist (1992).jpg)


> This is the crux of the issue here. People are worried about their children having a food to eat and a roof over their heads.

I don't think it's a problem. Lemmings only need to be red pilled to the extent that they understand nationalism is better than the alternative. A good percentage of them are already there, they see the leftist insanity and realize that pretty much anything is better than allowing commies to gain power.

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674f84  No.10996

How about asking them why Trump never mentions how muh greatest ally have themselves allied with muh greatest enemy China?

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9bcff5  No.11178

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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9ac4bc  No.11196



You're being foolish, it doesn't matter if they're spelling it out or not when everyone knows what it means. By keeping their account they can spoonfeed thousands of people sources on what jewish NGOs are doing that will only spread further.


It sticks because its correct, its frustrating to you because you don't want to admit that you've spent years believing bullshit meant to poison the well.

>but it feeds into the ADL's argument

I do not care, you shatter that by attacking their moral high ground and pointing out that its a jewish supremacist group created to defend a powerful jew who'd raped a 13 year old girl and had her killed. Who pushed for the flooding of our country. Who were behind the push for action on WACO. Instead you cower to them calling you a name, people like you are utterly pathetic.

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9ac4bc  No.11198


> likely sending them right into the arms of some right-wing gatekeeper like Soygon, Juden Peterson, or Ben Shoahpiro

Shapiro and Peterson are obvious gatekeepers but I don't think Sargon is. I think he's kind of dumb but I've been keeping an eye on him for years and he's gradually gone from being a complete faggot civnat to drifting further and further to the right to the point that he's now stated that its important for countries to keep ethnic supermajorities to retain their culture. Like I said, he's a bit dim to have taken this long to get to this point and isn't someone that you'd want as a leader of anything but he's been more of a pipeline into racial thought, to see what I mean go check comments under his more recent videos. In contrast Peterson and Shapiro have made it their mission to stop white people from becoming racially aware, Shapiro because he's jewish and Peterson because he's a shabbos goy afraid of "muh nazis" reviving if white men work together collectively and he's directly stated this before.

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1bb1c7  No.11202


Sargon probably realized that people were moving further right so if he wanted to keep his e-bucks coming, he had to "change" his mind about ethno-nationalism.>>11198

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9ac4bc  No.11204


Quite possibly, this was my initial thought. Buddy of mine thinks that its because he was shattered because of his disastrous political campaign and after failing people are often open to new ideas. Doesn't really matter which is true, either way a new subsection of the internet adopting racial politics should be seen as positive.

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1bb1c7  No.11207


We should still be weary of him, he could just be steering his fans towards ethno-nationalism only to steer them away from it permanently after some manufactured drama.

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9bcff5  No.11211

File: 8e2cdf0fb977c81⋯.png (43.82 KB, 640x389, 640:389, Percent who say Russia pos….png)


It's definitely a matter of money. His political campaign cost him a fair amount as well so he has to regain his losses. Running as a politician would have earned him some money to compensate the initial costs if he didn't go full retard right out of the gate.


He is seeing where the river takes him and if he decides he is stronger than the current then he most certainly will do exactly that.

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d8a034  No.31167


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bbc2fe  No.31238

>trying to redpill philosemitic boomers

You may as well try to tell the christcucks that they're semite worshippers who actively aid the removal of european culture and genes.

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e40ea3  No.31242

>admits posting on reddit

>goys, it's totally not the jews.

Why is this thread still up?

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e40ea3  No.31244


OP is a literal kike see


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326a53  No.31259


Reported. Fuck off.

(USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST because he posts that he is reporting someone else)
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cce5a6  No.31776


The reason why most people, especially boomers, relapse into cuckservatism is because being racially aware and god forbid being aware of the JQ is socially unacceptable. These people latch on to "muh based black man" because its an excuse to go back to being redpilled and socially accepted, they would rather convince themselves of a lie than endanger their ability to mingle with the rest of the normie herd. On some level they may understand that the white race is under threat and they are a part of it but they value their job opportunities, shots at getting laid, and bullshitting with their friends more than the big picture. Anything larger than their own personal universe is automatically sidelined.

I find the only way to keep people from relapsing is to form a clique with you and at least a couple other JQ aware people at its center. Normies morph to fit their social surroundings, so if you and two other guys say invite Joe normie over and everyone makes fun of the Jews but him, Joe will adapt and start shitting on the kikes just to better fit in. The more you control your own little social microcosms, the more impact your words will have on the people around you.

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6091ea  No.31785


Cherry-pick quotes from "The Bell Curve: Intelligence and Class Structure in American Life".

Quote Thomas Sowell's work in the most insulting and possibly dishonest way possible.

You will mint racists!

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6b6cc7  No.31796

I've red pilled more college aged liberals to be honest, to many older MIGA tards know race realism deep down but avoid it.

We should be aiming our red pill efforts at Zoomers not Boomers who are stuck in their ways and kike owned Job. It's always the Youth who make up movements like these.

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0454ba  No.31808



No bad anon, perhaps a revolutionary idea? It's important to do it in stages gradually though, you must gauge each individual and each journey is different. Some take months, some years, and you have to go about it the right way incrementally, basically making them the frog in the pot, they'll 1488 without realizing it one day. Just don't sperg out on them.


The youth are the future, but the boomers are the monied ones with the numbers. Both are important for different reasons, and each require different approaches. The common thread to unite them is usually the threat the foreign hordes constitute to Medicare, Social Security, and all the other gibs programs the old and most of the young are all dependent on these days.

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674f84  No.31809

Just show them these links and ask them why Le God Emperor Trump is sucking the dick of our 'greatest enemy's ally? And ask them why nobody in Trump's government EVER seems to mention these ties.

>How Israel and its hi-tech industry are winning the US-China trade war


>In Beijing, Netanyahu looks to ‘marry Israel’s technology with China’s capacity’


>Why is Israel outsourcing its national infrastructure to China?


>US warns Israel against Chinese investment, pushes ‘can’t be friends’ with China line


>U.S. Senate Warns Israel Over Deepening Ties With China, Citing 'Serious Security Concerns'


>Israel Is Giving China the Keys to Its Largest Port – and the U.S. Navy May Abandon Israel


>Unlikely partners? China and Israel deepening trade ties


>Chinese investment in Israeli tech is growing, and it's 'quite welcome' for some


>How Israel Used Weapons and Technology to Become an Ally of China


>China is hungry for advanced Israeli technology


>China's tech money heads for Israel as U.S. welcome wanes


>China’s Deepening Interest in Israel


>Report: Israel Passes U.S. Military Technology to China


>Scaling Chutzpah by the Billions — Israeli Ingenuity Hits the Ground in China


>Israel-China affair blooms even as culture gap weighs on rapport


>China’s New Generation Sets Its Sights on Israel


>Yifeng Zhou on China’s interest in Israeli innovation


>Israel, China set up first accelerator program in Beijing


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cce5a6  No.31823


Trust me I'm a master of "le oddly redpilled racist remark thats totally a joke" routine. The lefties who know me have a hard time placing where I actually stand politically. I come off as the "charming asshole" type of guy so its actually pretty easy for me to hide in plain sight. But its not all jokes, I do drop what redpills people can handle in confidence or in smaller circles.


Mostly its the Job. Boomers who work in certain trades or for big companies are the absolute worst cuckservatives because they have "le based blackman" on the crew and being openly racially redpilled would get them booted out and being closet redpilled causes far too much cognitive dissonance for them to handle. There isn't really much you can do there because the Boomers clever enough to say one thing and think another are typically already redpilled and sabotaging the shitskin in their own way. The rest however aren't going to see the light until the paychecks stop coming.

Now with younger people, you can reel more in if you can somehow help them gain immunity to the kike's economic warfare. You openly show your power level, you lose your job in 99 out of a 100 cases. So most people won't even risk being closet redpilled. Give em a backup option or say "hey bro, I'll call in a favor and get you a new shitty McJob because I know a guy who knows a guy" and suddenly they're a lot more bold.

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0454ba  No.31833


>Give em a backup option or say "hey bro, I'll call in a favor and get you a new shitty McJob because I know a guy who knows a guy" and suddenly they're a lot more bold.

I actually believe at this point with the law and system so stacked against us we need to start creating little networks like that to create our own, parallel social structures where we can hook each other up with little shit like that. We need to build ourselves up without creating a public visage or entity that can be attacked.

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dcd874  No.31839

>going to leddit.

Fuck off.

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ca2194  No.31957


>where we can hook up

translating anon to irl is never good

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000000  No.32007


>RedPilling zionists

>about zionism


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308c40  No.32144

if they don't want to believe it, and they want to disbelieve it, then theres no point to convincing them

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bfb04d  No.32600


He isn't dim, he has led his audience. He has been quite genius at it in fact, he knows way more than he lets on, he knows how to red pill while skating being banned. He has been jew woke for a long time and dropped subtle red pills on them for years.

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