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71c7c6  No.9609[Last 50 Posts]

>be the change you want to see in the world

>there will endless opportunities to built a better society in the future

>in the future

We don't need to wait, we can start now. We don't need Supreme Court judges, we don't need political parties, we don't need mainstream support, we don't even need our current nations.

All we need are white people who believe in their cause. Form your own group, your own rules, your own way to live. Don't do anything illegal, just live, and most importantly, raise the numbers - not by advertising your lifestyle, not by adopting or converting, just through birth rates. If there are only a few white families with over-replacement fertility and the certainty that their offspring would continue their lines, than our destiny will be independent from these who need an artificially formed identity to find their purpose (for example, civnat cucks and their constitution).

Basically, copy the mechanism of the jews, and your group will live throughout the nations of millenias without ever fading - like the four thousand year old tribe. They don't care if the nations they're living in die, bcause they are their own nation - their nation is and always was their race, not Israel, like many people nowadays think, and it's them and only them who decide who can become part of this nation (pretty much noone since they don't do missionary work and very few converts are accepted).


>>>>>>>>>>>>>link very much related

Just very few, very simple rules are needed for eternal whiteness, to become an undying collective, to form the never-ending line of Evropa.

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71c7c6  No.9610

File: 824379c081f0efb⋯.jpg (76.48 KB, 236x419, 236:419, E V R O P A.jpg)

Please note that everything that is said here are just suggestions. Own ideas can be added, already existing ones can be omitted or changed at will. All we want is to provide an approximate framework for orientation.

>What's the basic concept?

The basic idea here is that some white Europeans get together and split off from the rest of the white gene pool, because nowadays it is open to everyone (race mixing) and there are also dygenic tendencies. I.e., one strives to have one's own ethno(religious) group (which I called Ethnoclan in my text), which is in complete reproductive isolation from all other people - technically, it is thus impossible for Europeans to become extinct in their entirety.

In other words: Ethnoclans are closed groups that live endogamously. Since they are not dependent on marriage partners outside the group, mixed marriages can be prevented. In addition, measures can be taken within the Ethnoclans to stop dysgenic tendencies and to raise the living standards of the members, for example by collectively sharing expensive goods, by taking care of each other's children if necessary, by working together to boost one's business etc.

If you want to learn more, please read all the chapters:

0: You're reading chapter 0 right now. This is chapter 0 (http://magaimg.net/img/8m0c.jpg ). This chapter was created to give a short summary of the idea, to add a contact info and to provide the text for the OP to start a /wecg/ thread. Just copy and paste these words.

1: http://magaimg.net/img/8lxk.jpg

2: http://magaimg.net/img/8lxl.jpg

3: http://magaimg.net/img/8lxn.jpg

4: http://magaimg.net/img/8lxo.jpg

5: http://magaimg.net/img/8lxp.jpg

6: http://magaimg.net/img/8lxq.jpg

7: http://magaimg.net/img/8lxr.jpg

8: http://magaimg.net/img/8lxu.jpg

9: http://magaimg.net/img/8lxw.jpg

10: http://magaimg.net/img/8m00.jpg

The list of chapters will be extended over time, so it is not yet complete.

Welcome to /wecg/. In this thread we discuss, edit and review /pol/'s first ever collectively written manual/book/. All ideas contained within are open for discussion and editing but all ideas should be inkeeping with /pol/'s well known and well established protocols.

How to build a white ethnoclan (and, someday in the very end, an ethnostate).

Written by:

pol /wecg/

All threads on /pol/ and 4plebs related with this idea should be tagged with

"/wecg/ white ethnoclan general".

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71c7c6  No.9611

File: 0e9de56a4e1183c⋯.jpg (35.24 KB, 1024x640, 8:5, S C H W A R Z E S O N….jpg)

Chapter 1

ITT, I'll explain how to secure the existence of our people and a future for white children. The basic idea is to create a white ethnoclan, a fork, a split-off of the white race, a backup-system.

We can't save our people in their entirety – too many have racemixed, too many have been lost to the liberal cult, but we don't need all of them, just the best.

You separate from the broad masses by practicing endogamy (it's the practice of marrying within a specific social group, caste or ethnic group, rejecting those from others as unsuitable for marriage or other close personal relationships (see Wikipedia)).

>How does it work?

Let me describe it with an example:

You're joining up with several couples (let's say three, ie six persons. You can group up with more, but this will increase the probability of dissens, trouble and infiltration (I never advocated for illegal actions, nor is anything I describe here even remotely illegal, but you still can't trust the glownogs).

Each couple needs to have at least four or five children (the more, the better) and to redpill them.

Once they're grown up, they don't just marry anyone who is white, but either someone of the other couples' family (preferably) or someone who shares the same values (ie, he's also a white nationalist and is fine with becoming part of the ethnoclan) and desirable genes (tall, intelligent, light eyes, fair hair, muscular, good looks, good charakter – at best all of these attributes). Sure, they can also marry someone outside the other's familes' grown-up children who isn't a white nationalist – all things I describe here are to 100% voluntarily- but this means, this person is no longer part of the ethnoclan. (S)he decided to leave the clan, and once it's done, there's no coming back. The person has proven to be unadapted, boiled off, in manner to speak (see: https://westhunt.wordpress.com/2012/12/23/boiling-off/ ).

Chapter 2

The final goal is of course strict endogmy (ie, either you leave completely or you marry only inside the clan without exceptions), but if you start with yourself and two other couples, this isn't possible at the beginning, even with extremely high birth rates. This phase, however, should be overcome very quickly, because as long as you rely on foreign genes, the purpose of the ethnoclan – reproductive isolation- isn't fulfilled. Reproductive isolation is this important, because even if everyone else will racemix, your genes will stay pure, as long as you can freely breed with other members of the clan, which is only possible if enough genetic diversity exists, otherwise there would be inbreeding depression.

This means, the needed genetic diversity should be accumulated very fast (one, maximum two generations [Update: Perhaps one or two generations are too optimistic and take longer. However, it should never take longer than four generations, though. As long as the process of accumulating foreign genes isn't finished, it stays a gateway for subversion.]).

>How much genetic diversity is enough?

I think, ~40 different genomes included are enough genetic diversity for the clan to move on to complete endogamy.

The Amish also only had 200 founders, grew to ~800 people (without having new converts) and then again splitted – all the 330k Amish that exist today are descendants of only one third of these 800 (who all descend from the original 200 founders).

However, it also depends on your approach, how the different genomes get recombined (for example, if you call the three men a, b and c and the women 1,2 and 3 and assume a TFR of six children, you can get the combination of 6x1a, 6x2b and 6x3c or 2x1a, 2x1b, 2x1c, 2x2a, 2x2b, 2x2c, 2x3a, 2x3b and 2x3c. However, I really doubt that the latter combination would be senseful. It's much better to stick with the traditional first combination (also called family, in case you didn't get it), even if the second combination would, from a solely mathematical point of view, ensure more genetic diversity.

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71c7c6  No.9612

File: 52a8b88c67ab98f⋯.jpg (98.73 KB, 872x1024, 109:128, C O M E H O….jpg)

Chapter 3

>Why is the genetic component so important?

The distribution of each attribute in the society can be represented as a normal distribution. For this example, let's take the attribute "right-wing attitudes". How much percent of the society have an /pol/ish attitude (even if they don't know about /pol/)? My bet are ~2%. This means, the other 98% won't be included in the gene pool of the ethnoclan (This equals two standard deviations (!!!). If you'd select for IQ instead of "right wing attitudes", the choosen 2% would have an average IQ of 130 – 30 additional points, or in other words, the difference between a nigger and a white). Of course, regression to mean has to be considered, but this won't change too much (read this: https://jaymans.wordpress.com/2015/10/21/regression-to-the-mean/ )

Well – are right-wing (and left-wing) attitudes hereditary? Not to 100%, but different studies found effects of 50% - Some people seem to believe that something such like political preferences have no genetic basis, but they do have, and it's well-documented through various studies (as a short search on the internet will confirm to you). See here: https://www.cell.com/cms/attachment/2007953794/2030545901/gr1.jpg

Because nearly ALL attributes found in human beings are to a large part hereditary (a recenty released huge study that examined 20,000 different attributes found that on average, half of the observed behaviour is due to genetics). It's the same with jewish power. How do you think this works? Through "culture"?

Don't forget: environment influences genes influences culture.

Why are there regions that fell without noteworthy resistance in the hands of globohomo control (Sweden, New England/ Yankeedom for example, whereas others like the American South offer fierce resistance?

Chapter 4

In a poll, conducted 2012, 29% of the republican voters in Missisippi said that racial mixed marriages should be banned. Why? Because of history? Historical events would actually be much better suited to convince whites of a cult of guilt (Slavery, KKK, lynchings, Jim Crow). Sure, the blacks, who make 37% of the state's population have a enormous redpill-effect on the whites, but this don't explain what we see. In Washington D.C., over 50% of the city's population is black, but only 17% of the whites voted republican, whereas in Missisippi nearly 80% did so.

You might want to look at the American Nations Series: https://jaymans.wordpress.com/american-nations-series/

Let's go to the phenomenon of ethnocentrism. Why are jews so goddamn ethnocentric? Why is basically EVERYONE except whites?

Sure, a huge part is to blame on subversive propaganda, which alters our culture itself – but culture only arises in interaction with genes, and if you behave in a way we call today "left-wing" (ie, universalist, openess to new experiences no matter how stupid they are ("Openness to experience" is one of the Big Fives (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Big_Five_personality_traits ) and is indeed positively correlated with liberalism), high trust towards out-group members, etc ), it's highly likely that you're already before birth predisposed to do so.

If you'd ask JayMan why Europeans score so low on Ethnocentrism he'd tell you that this is due to a history of outbreeding nowhere else seen on the world, and because of this, kin-bonds among europeans are weaker (and therefore the kind of behavior called ethnocentrism). I'm not sure if that's the whole story, but don't forget: the members of your ethnoclan will score anyway extremely different on a scale that would measure ethnocentrism compared to an average white, because they are the 2% most right-wing in the population (two standard deviations above the white mean).

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71c7c6  No.9613

Chapter 5

However, there are several phenomenns that will further increase the ethnocentrism of an ethnoclan:

-boiling off (those who are the least adapted to the new way of living will leave the clan, let's assume 25% of each generation will do so, which menas only the most adapted (in this case, adapted should mean 'right-wing' will stay, altering the gene pool of the next generation)

-Inbredness: It sounds like an insult, and it's clear that too close genetic kinship is harmful, but also the opposite is true:

"Previous studies have reported that related human couples tend to produce more children than unrelated couples but have been unable to determine whether this difference is biological or stems from socioeconomic variables. Our results, drawn from all known couples of the Icelandic population born between 1800 and 1965, show a significant positive association between kinship and fertility, with the greatest reproductive success observed for couples related at the level of third and fourth cousins. Owing to the relative socioeconomic homogeneity of Icelanders, and the observation of highly significant differences in the fertility of couples separated by very fine intervals of kinship, we conclude that this association is likely to have a biological basis."

(Source: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/18258915 )

> with the greatest reproductive success observed for couples related at the level of third and fourth cousins

> we conclude that this association is likely to have a biological basis

Furthermore, although I think it's by far not the only factor, the closer related you are to persons of your own country (in this case, your clan), the higher your ethnocentrism (Would you rather help your own cousin or a stranger?)

Chapter 6

Let's make the following assumption: Each generation of your ethnoclan will have a TFR of 5

-First generation: 6 persons, three couples

-second generation (15 persons), 20% leave, 40% outmarry but stay (~9 couples)

-second generation (54 persons), 30% leave, 10% outmarry: ~15 couples

-third gneration: 75 persons, 25% leave, 0% outmarry: ~25 couples

-fourth generation: 125 persons …

These numbers aren't high, but at best, thousands of clans will emerge, dozens or hundreds in each white nation, and it does not only prevent the whites to die out due to race-mixing, it offers also a lot of personal advantages:

A strong community, people who care for you once you're old (which means, you don't have to live in a nursing home with black and indian staff), the certainty your children will grow up in an environment that offers them more than only being a tax-slave for Mr. Shekelstein, the clannish structure allows it easily to homeschool, to amass money because you can for example share devices like lawn mower etc. You're basically building a white society within a nonwhite. You can build your own private swimming pool, so you don't have to use one with the nonwhites, you can create own businesses, you get the certainty that you're working for your OWN good and this of your people, not the (((government))).

The whole concept of an ethnoclan is fully informal – there's no club, no association, nothing. If it helps the cause (I'm not sure it does, but maybe there are benefits – you can appoint to religious freedom or whatever), you can brand it as Church of God No. 56789, though.

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71c7c6  No.9614

Chapter 7

There are some things I also want to mention:

1) It's all about kinship and genes, so it would be senseful to make a paternity test for each kid. It's possible even if the child isn't even born, because blood cells of the baby enter the blood system of the mother (however, in order to distinguish these cells, there should have been made a test before pregnancy, so you can compare the results), so there's still a lot of time left for abortion, if the result doesn't show what it should.

2) Once the numbers are big enough to further select who should have the children, you should do so [Update: I guess I was too enthusiastic with this approach and probably, it would do much more harm than good, that's why I've bracketed this part. In one way or another, the best members should have higher birth rates, though.]. {{{{For example, let's take the fourth generation with 125 persons. If only the upper 60% breed – those who are the most intelligent, assertive, creative, athletic, blue eyes and blond hair, etc you can basically create a super-race within comparatively short time. If the lesser 40% comprehend that the survival of our race is of paramount importance, they will agree. To this point of time, everyone will be related with everyone anyway, so their genes will still be present (that's also why you can't call them cucks, because through their behaviour they increase the quality of the gene pool and therefore their own genes (respectively some variations of those found in a near kin). Through this purging

( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Genetic_purging ), the remaining clan-members get a higher probability to survive and to spread their genes (which are highly related to those of the lesser 40% anyway), so everyone profits. If they don't agree – well, everything is 100% voluntarily, they are free to leave and to have own cildren, the only thing I care about is that these children won't be part of the clan.

However, it doesn't mean that the lesser 40% can't stay in the clan if they want so, or that they can't marry within the clan and have spouses, they also still can have offspring, just not their biological one (see embryo transfer, it's comparatively cheap).}}}}

3) It should be easy and unproblematical to leave, but for the first few generatons extremely hard to join (and after that it should not be possible at all (see Chapter 2).

Chapter 8

If someone joins, you have to make DNA-Tests to examine whether the person is white or have genetic diseases, also test him/ her on their fitness etc. After enough genetic diversity have been accumulated, it will be completely impossible to join, no matter who you are. That's the very concept of an ethnoclan.

From this moment on, you have to found your own ethnoclan if you want to become part of one (even one couple instead of the original three could create their own ehnoclan, even if it will take much more time as if there are three couples at the beginning).

>How do I organise the clan?

I have no idea – maybe democracy, maybe aristocracy, maybe something else.

I think it's better not to have just one central plot of land, but to make it decentral, for example the property spreaded over several villages. Thats's also important to prevent to get Waco'd.

You do nothing illegal, you don't gather at a central area, you don't ask random people on the internet to come and help to build something up, you don't brag online or offline about what you're doing – do it, but silent.

If you're too much of a coward because you fear to get Waco'd – well, then better prepare yourself mentally that it's not unlikely that your children or finally their children will end your genetic line anyway when they get convinced by media to stay childfree or to racemix. You can't loose, you can only win.

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71c7c6  No.9615

Chapter 9

You should regularly meet with the other members of the ethnoclan (AT LEAST two or three times a week), eat together, discuss together, let the kids play together, etc (a bit like a house church

( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/House_church ), but without the religious componente (you can add it, though))

Short, all you need to found an ethnoclan is a genepool that is big enough to practice endogamy for eternity without inbreeding depression, which means you'll never be dependent on foreign genes, all you need is already there (total reproductive isolation).

Chapter 10

>I think a good incentive would be that you get to live in a gated community and I imagine you could go ways about making things cheaper by living on the same piece of land but having contracts that make certain parts of the land certain people's. Could also pool funds for better investing

Good idea, but you should be aware that contracts are something official, it's something where lawyers and the state have control over, it is a possible point of attack so always keep things as informal as possible, always act (concerning official stuff) like it could fail, and also always have a second plan if it does so. Doesn't mean anyone shouldn't do it if he wants so, I like the idea, just always keep in mind that the basic framework should work fully informal, everything that is somehow related to contracts or something like this should be always optional, a nice bonus point, but not the core.


You can, but don't have to, live in close physical proximity, but it will probably only work really well if all clan members live within a 60-kilometer radius.


-One could (from the second or third generation on) increasingly detach oneself from the public mainstream. For example, one could stop with registering the marriages inside the clan at the state's office.

-Once could create own holidays (*shamelessly promoting 27th of July, the day when this idea was published for the first time*)

-You could give the clan a name (in the Warhammer Universe, there are names like Blood Ravens or Luna Wolves common, but it doesn't have to sound so martial). The last name would be enough, because even a name of one's own contributes to the consolidation of one's identity).

-You could create your own flag, hymn, coat of arms, oath. One could perform a recording ceremony for those who will be 18. The possibilities are endless.


I already mentioned this in Chapter 9 together with the concept of a house church. Discussion about politics should be encouraged and common.

It is especially important to redpill the children, but there is a difference between redpilling and brainwashing. Brainwashing means to indoctrinate. Redpilling means to discuss, to show data, facts, to debunk (((their))) lies in a rational manner. It is important for our children to know the arguments of the leftists and whats wrong with them, otherwise they will become easy prey.

>What country would be best to do it in?

Every nation whites live in. There are different political situations in each country, some have cucked speech, other free speech, some allow homeschooling, some not, so you have to adapt some rules to your country (we won't do something illegal). But (like I already said), I want ethnoclans to emerge in every country whites live in.


One could generally exclude all gays, but that would probably lead them to hide their sexual orientation (and their attitude would be channelled differently - presumably in a destructive way).

I suggest to tolerate them in some way, not to condemn their behaviour, but to regard it as a strange anomaly.


The state has a monopoly on punishment, which is why exclusion from the ethnoclane is the hardest practice that can be practised by yourself, everything else has the state to enforce.

Between "do nothing at all" and "exclude" there is still a lot of room for gradations - what exactly is appropriate for which violation will probably only become apparent in practice, which is why I do not want to make any general recommendations now.

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71c7c6  No.9616

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000000  No.9617

smiley dox goes in all threads

Kenneth Schueler

211 Corrie Crescent

Waterloo Ontario

Father: Jack Schueler

Mother: Eva Schueler

Sister: Emily Schueler

FringeMagick @ gmail.com


Smiley's first meltdown on /cow/


Some Schulers get jewed by the mob


Smiley finally learned how to cut bread


Various meltdowns on /4chon/






Smiley's Steam





Smiley's pastebin and some copies of his shit code







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9c2f12  No.9619

File: 2d6563ea8940061⋯.gif (13.4 KB, 400x650, 8:13, db5.gif)





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e7c588  No.9635

File: ff01a3438adf30b⋯.jpg (146.5 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, white-vote-2.jpg)

File: cb9c04f5dde310a⋯.png (502.31 KB, 1024x757, 1024:757, white-vote.png)

This seems to be a much more realistic idea than hoping for Nazi UFOs, a space SS or Jew-hating aliens. And you avoid the mistake that many WNs make, namely when it comes to white people, to neglect any biological differences and to pretend that every white person is equally good/suitable (see pics).

So to speak a backup, a pure, unmixed reservoir for Nordic Europeans. I like that.


nice Gif btw

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f18bad  No.9637



Either amerimutt or multiculturalism fag

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e7c588  No.9643

File: 0e188de2281ca52⋯.jpg (57.7 KB, 607x287, 607:287, 1553184055350.jpg)


>Either amerimutt or multiculturalism fag

>five words, no explanation, saging an effort post, making stupid claims

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f18bad  No.9649


Europe is not one culture and not one people.

This whole "white people" thing is from the perspective of a nigger and even they understand that they aren't all the same.

We shouldn't mix "whites" either.

Most kikes are white too but they are completely different from you.

I don't want to have Italians in my country either.

Furthermore greeks and turks are euros too but look at them they aren't germanic, nordic or anything. Just as an extreme example.

Get some German racial maps and books from before ww2

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f18bad  No.9650

File: 115729eac6a0ca4⋯.jpg (87.91 KB, 960x720, 4:3, e881c0e8bb1612663b7dcb98de….jpg)

To make my point clear.

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e7c588  No.9651

To do this you need the right to freely choose your mate, and you need the right to freely choose your friends. This should be possible in 99% of all countries in the world without problems. Subverting such an approach would be quite impossible, because if the groups are small (you said 3 families) and independent, at least 1/3 of all involved would have to be glow niggers, and the only information they could collect would be discussion notes on what kind of baby food is least jewed.


then I don't understand why you object. You probably just haven't read the thread. He says he doesn't want euromutting, but that every white nation should keep its own genetic makeup.

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f18bad  No.9652


Then he shouldn't write "Evropa"

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f18bad  No.9653

The idea of Europa is very modern.

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e7c588  No.9654


So how will you solve the problem of racemixing and euromutting?

With this idea, you can ==avoid== it, otherwise it will eventually happen.

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e7c588  No.9656

>Then he shouldn't write "Evropa"

Should he write "US"? "Bulgaria"? "France"?

Come on.

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e7c588  No.9657



>What country would be best to do it in?

Every nation whites live in. There are different political situations in each country, some have cucked speech, other free speech, some allow homeschooling, some not, so you have to adapt some rules to your country (we won't do something illegal). But (like I already said), I want ethnoclans to emerge in every country whites live in.

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a5e916  No.9658

File: aceacf0e72194e8⋯.mp4 (793.39 KB, 360x650, 36:65, wo ist mein Reich.mp4)


>I want ethnoclans to emerge in every country whites live in

And I want Schlesien and Pommern back!

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e7c588  No.9659


If someone writes "Evropa" instead of "Europe" then there will be a reason. Probably "Evropa" is used here in the sense of "Hyperborea" or similar.

You can't list dozens of countries that are majority white, you need a broader term.

Can we focus now on more important things?

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e7c588  No.9661


Retarded video, retarded comparison


In fact, you could get back the genetic makeup of those who lived there.

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a5e916  No.9662


The point is that polack nationalists won't give it back precisely because they are nationalists.

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e7c588  No.9664


The point is, that this is not the point of discussion and irrelevant to the thread.

>Topic dilution is not only effective in forum sliding it is also very useful in keeping the forum readers on unrelated and non-productive issues. This is a critical and useful

technique to cause a 'RESOURCE BURN.' By implementing continual and non-related postings that distract and disrupt (trolling ) the forum readers they are more effectively stopped from anything of any real productivity.

To add something of real quality:

How do you want to stop racemixing? In 100 years, everyone will have at least a few percent of nigger DNA if nothing is done.

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1c1aa3  No.9666


1. Don't racemix

2. Get out all niggers and mulattoes or kill them

It probably looks different for you Americans where there are already people who are 1/8th nigger which takes generations to happen.

Tbqh you should sterilise those too.

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1c1aa3  No.9667

No longer saging. Should have turned it off a few posts ago.

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e7c588  No.9672


>1. Don't racemix

As long as the gene pool of you and pink haired white-hating feminists is the same, this advice is useless. Those will accept this message wouldn't mix anyway. A nationalist would never mate with a nigger, but what's with someone who's 90% white and 10% native? 85%? 80%? Sooner or later it'll happen, unless there are strictly separated gene pools.

>2. Get out all niggers and mulattoes or kill them

We need realistic ideas.

>you should sterilise those too

I don't say I don't agree, but it's MUCH more likely this will never happen than the opposite.

We need to stay realistic.

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e7c588  No.9675


Whites are more brainwashed and liberal and a smaller share of the population as never before in history. It's simply not realistic to assume a mass culling of nonwhites will occur someday in the next hundred years. And after this, it simply doesn't matter because everyone will have curly hair and a flat nose by then.

We need another approach to secure the existence of our people and a future for White children.

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1c1aa3  No.9676


>We need realistic ideas.

That is a realistic idea Mr. MURICAAAAAAAA

Until you can realise it you should seclude yourselfs with others of your kind.


>As long as the gene pool of you and pink haired white-hating feminists is the same, this advice is useless.

Most people will say it's okay to marry a nigger but won't actually do it themselves.

>pink haired white-hating feminists

That's the loud propagated "group" that consists of a handful of people but still apears on TV all the time.

They are not actually relevant. If you killed all racemixers (with non-hwhites) it would amount to nothing.

If you don't announce it no one would even notice.

>will occur

See seclusion; that is passive and defeatist, correct is: we are going to cull them

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c6c054  No.9702


Any solution without killing the enemies of white people will fail in the long run. Put into practice what you proposed, but always include mass killings of non-whites, by any means. There is no pacific solution. There is no political solution. A violent approach is the only solution.

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cb9c02  No.9774

File: 054c4d9a5070fe2⋯.jpg (90.33 KB, 950x534, 475:267, Dolph-Lundgren-Rocky.jpg)


I have 2 women that have informally agreed to breed my children and coexist with one another to raise them in an ideal manner. There's no real problem but one of them being eastern euro/russian and the other being irish/welsh (red-headed, tiny girl) I would prefer to keep my Danish genes in my progeny.

At some point next year we will be leaving the confines of the urban metropolis to our future off-grid, out of globo-homos camera sight, breeding grounds.

With these two women I hope to breed at least 10 children but would really like to have at least double that amount with more Scandanavian features / girls at some point in the future. I wanted a family and the traditional way of life, but I believe I am doing what is necessary given our circumstance and the times we live in. My offspring will be sharpened in their particular areas they show advanced acceleration in and placed meticulously into key positions throughout target areas.

Its my hope that once a formal colony has been formed, other women will be drawn to what we are doing. My desire is to bear over 20 children and as many as 60 if I can draw 4 others to join us. It would have been shameful to end what I carry genetically upon my passing and it nearly happened. I had no desire for the wife/family this world offers today but have a strong desire to breed for dominance and perserverence of a people.

How did I find the 2 women? Well, women want, as much as we do, to be a part of something bigger than themselves. I offered that, they accepted.

t. on the left of pic (doppelganger)

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25b4a1  No.9828





Nigger all butthurt about white pride

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828893  No.10215


Save the white race Chad… But try to save a little pussy for the rest of us! (working on baby#2 here, irish/german/spain) between the two of us! I do want to offer the following: pigs are easy as fuck to raise. Chickens are relatively easy. Get a moonshine stil going. I make apple moonshine every year.

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9595ab  No.10450

File: 59c5d875e3d8451⋯.jpg (19.42 KB, 460x454, 230:227, a1Q4VyG_460s.jpg)


>hurr kill all nonwhites problem solved

Yeah of course this would work.

Even better than a big black hole that swallows up the solar system.

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696e3a  No.10464


Probably LARP but on the off chance its not don't go around talking about this online, they'll likely classify you as a cult and try to pull another waco.

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226e41  No.10466


>oy vey don’t kill nonwhites

Nice selfie, kike.

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9595ab  No.10481


your answer is equivalent to one when someone is asked what they do when a family member gets cancer and they say, oh, not so bad, let's just kill the six jewmillion cancer cells.

But with 99.9% certainty this will not happen, and those affected would be well advised to turn to someone who has thought about this problem for more than 10 seconds.

And even if there is a civil war, it will not be white ethnonationalists against everyone else, but liberals against conservatives. If such a war were successfully won, the number of non-whites would probably shrink by 90% in the area concerned, but even if 90-95% whites and only 5-10% "well-integrated and right-wing" non-whites remain, racial mixing would still inevitably occur. A muttrace that has 90-95% European genes is still worse than one that has been pure and untouched for 50,000 years.

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000000  No.15070


Jews are white.

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ea4e71  No.15079

"Don't do anything illegal"

So don't do anything effective or anything the Jews courts tell you not to do. Reminder that Waco and Ruby Ridge and Red Flag checks are all perfectly legal according to them.

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ea4e71  No.15082

Oh and the "suicide" of Francis Parker Yockey, the framing and locking up of those two anti-busing kids. If you are effective legally they will thrown you in an aslyum (Rockwell) or something drag you through the courts and then kill you. You can not win a game where they invent all the rules as they go.

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ea4e71  No.15086

You can't out Jew the Jew.

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000000  No.15148


>pigs are easy as fuck to raise

hello jimbo

>flood detected


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000000  No.15154

I think OP is not a faggot, remember what Tarrant said. Someone's going to have to start bridging the gap sooner or later, and it's better now than never. However, I think >>9649 does raise a good point and that "white" has several different subsets just like any other race. However, there will come a point where you cannot be too picky about the women you meet and take what you can get.

Try to find a white gf who shares or is open to sharing with your beliefs within your specific lineage of Europe first. If there are absolutely none available, start branching out, but always make sure they're white.

Do you fags have any advice for finding a pure gf? Do you already have one? Are you married yet, planning to? Have any kids?

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000000  No.15287



Your wives/children will run away from you (fucking white neo-nazi) to the police.

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b8a94b  No.15373


Damn, all that red in the South, if Whites were like that all over we wouldn't have as many issues, and could probably fix the ones we do have easier.

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8b6d6e  No.15375



>One could generally exclude all gays, but that would probably lead them to hide their sexual orientation (and their attitude would be channelled differently - presumably in a destructive way).

>I suggest to tolerate them in some way, not to condemn their behaviour, but to regard it as a strange anomaly.

OR you could just exterminate them wherever you found them so that the DNA/pedophilia was exterminated in your populace. I prefer this actually.

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8b6d6e  No.15377


That post was about as far from Nazi ideas as anyone could get. I could understand if you thought he was a mormon…but Nazi? WTF? Will you pull your head out of your ass for a moment?

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f2f6c7  No.15383


TBH, i want a southstate, including bavaria, Baden-Wuerttemberg, switzerland austria and Tirol.

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696e3a  No.15388

I am so incredibly tired of people with this midwit take. We know for a fact that white communities are being targeted with infusions of Africans to disrupt any attempt at this sort of community building. You are not allowed some break away settlement. The only solution is a comprehensive one that does away with the system powers that are implementing this agenda.

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200802  No.15456


>boiling off (those who are the least adapted to the new way of living will leave the clan, let's assume 25% of each generation will do so, which menas only the most adapted (in this case, adapted should mean 'right-wing' will stay, altering the gene pool of the next generation)

You think mothers would be content with this?

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200802  No.15458


>Must be white

And what nationality would that be? White is too vague. Wouldn't that lead to a cultural void?

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855be1  No.16241


>Must be snownigger

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1273f9  No.16636


Why does everyone seem to think White nationalism leads to a cultural void? Most white Americans still have and hold most of their cultural heritage whether it be Anglo Irish or otherwise? There has been some blending but there always has been acting like a German ever had a real problem with marrying an Anglo chick is retarded it's happened numerous times throughout history recorded and otherwise, preserving your cultural heritage is not hard, you simply need to pass it down.

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ea4e71  No.16648


The literal same reasons multi-cultarism is a problem. I would rather keep my Slavic idenity than breed with a Anglo mutt and lose my phenotype and force my children to deicide which culture to adopt. You can't be two cultures at once. I would sooner fuck a Croation.

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972cc4  No.16651


lol ok Colin Kaepernick

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1153b1  No.16700

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