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File: d1e7a2ee5e8a1ed⋯.jpg (26.29 KB, 610x459, 610:459, t10.jpg)

1da45c  No.9116

Need advice from people off the deep end.

> Be IT staffer for Trump's campaign (not WH)

> Have access to network drive

> Not want to working for impeached shit-stain

> Wanting to quit

> Needing financial security

> …

> Sell the network drive contents for $?

> How to sell it safely? How to avoid risks?

> Worth risk of jail time?

> YOLO my career, or just apply to other jobs like a normal?

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e43f77  No.9117

File: 3e424f8978a8f7f⋯.png (346.06 KB, 707x920, 707:920, 1565653653502.png)


> I have access to boring shit nobody cares about

> think I can sell it

> post my plans to commit a crime on a board actively monitored by feds looking for idiots to frame for crimes

How fucking retarded are you?

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ca6df2  No.9123


I mean, in all honesty, your best bet is to probably kill yourself. Preferably in a way that takes a long time and inflicts maximum suffering.

Jokes aside.

Selling out your country/people for money makes you no better than the other swamp creatures. But by all means, go right ahead. Your name will likely be revealed at some point and I doubt people will forget it.

Assuming of course the very unlikely case that this isn't LARP

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c4182f  No.9126


>IT Staffer

Press X to fucking doubt.

If you think moving, looking, or copying important stuff isn't rigged to email every distro list related to it, then you really are >>9117 fucking retarded.

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e5032b  No.9129


Do it only if it harms the jews. If it doesn't, it is useless.

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3aa9e6  No.9131

File: d865369bb563555⋯.png (220.43 KB, 960x1332, 80:111, 36ea2b57edc681b2c8e518f10c….png)


America has already been sold out to the fucking Jews. We have Stephen Miller on Fox comdemning White Nationalism and claling for legal recourse against BDS/Andy criticism against Israel.

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2385a0  No.9143


Correct chanswer

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93a2d7  No.9145


It's obviously a LARP, but unless he was an Israeli jew, he wouldn't be selling out his own people or country by leaking something related to the ZOG Emperor.

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