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File: 49cc5a1eb56ad9a⋯.png (31.35 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, nigger.png)

1023ce  No.8985

No single situations I want to see the numbers.

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e4f154  No.8995

File: 5a6152065e87520⋯.jpg (54.72 KB, 600x419, 600:419, whites vs etc crimes usa.jpg)

>wut are the fbinigger & DOJ crime stats

Go look them up instead of making another bread

You're no better than a lazy nigger.

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e4f154  No.8998

File: cf3ca0f6c1ffb6a⋯.jpg (69.9 KB, 784x767, 784:767, OY VEY GUNS FAX ARE RACIS ….jpg)


n i g g e r






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1023ce  No.9026

both bad statistics

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d37951  No.9036


Not an argument. Fuck off.

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1023ce  No.9041


one from twitter with no evidence and one is race under 18 not even half a humans life span. Fuck off and get better shit if you want to redpill people.

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7906a1  No.9829


>it doesn't matter that niggers are more violent when young than all other races because they aren't halfway dead yet

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7fa539  No.9840

File: d4beeb26e91b91c⋯.jpg (66.92 KB, 460x780, 23:39, am5PwY2_460s.jpg)

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e3b1d5  No.9842


What's the source? I want to know the state with the biggest delta between gun ownership and gun murder rate

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d37951  No.9843


>literally shows the sources on the image

>literally explains what the chart is about


This is a paid shill. Report it.

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b17b1e  No.9848


very nice, but always remember source

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d96674  No.9931

Around the black make sure you pack.

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000000  No.15069

<hurr muh race

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5d6a60  No.15286

File: a4a045e366b3ffa⋯.png (88.02 KB, 764x417, 764:417, Black on white rapes.png)

This is for 2008, but it held true for 2005-2008 when they stopped recording it due to the ridiculous disparity.

White men raped zero black women while black men raped 20,000+ white women. As reported by the victim.


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07c3d1  No.15298





wtf now i hate niggers

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44c248  No.15329


welcome to the dar- err i mean the white side lol

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000000  No.15338


WTF? I love Asians now

Fuck Wh*tes who are exponentially more likely to commit crimes than Asians!

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