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5148cc  No.890

>Happy Germans try to revive legacy of Prussia in Kaliningrad under Kremlins nose

>Harm nobody

>Net benefit for Germans the German state

>Could literally become a geopolitical wedge against Russia in the Baltics in a few decades

>Nekminit Autistic shrieking by German media

>Kremlinfags catch wind, ban leaders of the movement

>Slimey kikeoid buys out land plot and evicts the German settlers who had lived there for over a decade

What the absolute fuck is wrong with the German national soul? Most Western countries are taught to hate themselves but Germans take it to another level - its like they want their own kind to fail. What are the causes of this complete demoralisation?

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87e632  No.1333


Remember WWII? Things didn't go so well for them when it ended. Might want to read about it.

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4d63a1  No.1336


The really bizarre part about all of this is that, in literally any other situation, Germans hate Russians even more than they hate themselves. But try to reclaim German clay that was stolen by communists and suddenly the Russians are the good guys.

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4a9bbe  No.2126


It's because germany likes to be the best kid in class, Normally this behavior leads to them constantly trying to improve themselves. However after WW2 the jew now sets the standard, so now germany tries to be the best goy. The DDR used to be led by stalinists for a long time after stalin died, because they wanted to be the best communists.

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3cbffc  No.2146


what kind of commie is merkel? stalinist or Putinist?

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831c20  No.2216


>What the absolute fuck is wrong with the German national soul?

The german hippies: The 68er boomers and RAF boomers are in power.

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5fae36  No.2276


You wish you had someone like Hitler on your side, kike.

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9bca52  No.2312

File: 0630d31f270b40a⋯.png (714.47 KB, 647x835, 647:835, What Patton found.png)



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e98db2  No.2369


>what kind of commie is merkel?

Whatever kind of communism will make her look best. Merkel didn't really have a brain of her own, she just always tried to suck the system's dick the best she can, and even now that hasn't changed much. She is like a collective consciousness of goody two-shoes.

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3af359  No.2397


So basically a real life Mary sue?

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3af359  No.2398


It's like overtime anything left of Stalinism or Nazbol are you start cucking hard

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e98db2  No.2601


Pretty much. She is very passive to a point where her actions seem to be based on pain avoidance. Her speeches when she holds press conferences are most of the time very vague, speaking a thousand words but saying nothing at all and often using words that seem very bland and childish for a politician. She isn't very present in day to day politics and tends to stay silent even when everybody expects a statement from her, even more so in the recent years when she really seems to vanish into the background. It seems she doesn't really care about Germany and thinks much more from the EU perspective.

People are finally getting sick and tired of her and she's getting old so she probably won't run for another term (there's not limit on how often you can run in germany). There isn't really a successor to her, at least not one people would take seriously. And that's true for most major parties in Germany. They have had an incompetence problem for a long time as their actions were only about staying in power and finding charismatic candidates. Now there aren't even incompetent but charismatic candidates anymore, only absolute zeroes are left.

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bc3f3f  No.2613


The older conservative people once Nazis wanted to go back to old or close to a capitalism Prussia state again. The 68er Boomers wanted socialism. The conservative people said "No, we had (nazi) socialism it was awful." 68er Boomers crying loud "We want socialism, revolution, you fucking nazis" This is were the narrative came conservative right-wing are evil or nazis are right-wing. Since the 68er Boomers are in power many places are starting to get less national identical.

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8f3dff  No.2699


Everything bad Hitler did was the EVIL ALLIES' fault.

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9231e7  No.2704

File: 6592db9a4fed686⋯.png (85.16 KB, 1000x600, 5:3, gw7f47mtj2gy.png)


They should just meet in the middle already and bring back a better socialist state without Stasi fuckery. East Germany was fucked over by western carpetbaggers buying everything up.

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e91f70  No.2711


>What the absolute fuck is wrong with the German national soul? Most Western countries are taught to hate themselves but Germans take it to another level - its like they want their own kind to fail. What are the causes of this complete demoralisation?

Well they where one of the few countries that stood up against all this garbage in the first place, but then they got takn down by shabbos goym mutts and brits. After that they got reeducated look that up if you don't know about it basically kikes stuffed them full with their propaganda and they couldn't do a thing because they where a defeated nation, so they had to take it all in. Epsecially the post war generation that had lost their fathers and thus their guidance was easy to manipulate. That went on over the years, they have not recovered since, because it still goes on and on.

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23e653  No.2729

>What the absolute fuck is wrong with the German national soul?

The hardiest Germans were killed in the war, and those who weren't were rounded up and starved to death in open-air prison camps. Kikes gave the German nation a frontal lobotomy so what your left with is largely a drooling dolt state.

The commie kikes did this with every country they toppled: kill the ruling class and leave the dumb proles. Decades later when the country inevitably collapses and the kikes scurry away, you're left with heroin addicts and feminine men.

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3af359  No.2733

I would chalk it up to German Nihilism

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022f05  No.2880


>East Germany was fucked over by western carpetbaggers buying everything up.

True, but that doesn't mean it wasn't shit to begin with. They were approaching collapse, the way it was handled after the wall came down just made everything worse. Imagine being such a shit country that you need to put a wall around it to prevent people from leaving. But I can agree with you in the sense that Germany may soon be shitty enough that this may be required again to keep qualified people in. Even if someone wouldn't care about all the niggers and cultural marxism, the taxation is insane in Germany.

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