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Rules Log Spot Those Who Glow
Will the owner of a 2010 Dodge Challenger please clean up the blood stain in the parking lot?

File: c12574425623d0b⋯.jpg (42.86 KB, 725x375, 29:15, Sarah-Halimi-Kobili-TraorĂ©.jpg)

a4eec5  No.886

Frenchman Kobili Traore smoked some pot. Busted into a Jewish teacher's home. Beat her. Yelled that she was trying to kill herself. Then threw here off the balcony & recited Islamic verses.

Prosecutors are now dropping murder charges.

The poor guy isn't smart enough to be responsible for his own actions.


Here is to IsraAid for flooding Europe with "refugees."

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a4eec5  No.887

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191b59  No.888


>Frenchman Kobili Traore

Shut the fuck up, first of all that parasite is the reason France is failling.

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191b59  No.889

File: 86aaa4a58877233⋯.gif (130.24 KB, 300x100, 3:1, 8kun.gif)


Check 'em.

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06c9fe  No.897


any shitskin that focuses his or her rage in (((the right direction))) is cool with me. this nigger did nothing wrong, but he still needs to go back to his country

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82e5b4  No.902


> Frenchman


did you mean the literal sand-nigger?

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f75707  No.967



are you that stupid, jesus.

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8d95c1  No.1005


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ab2c0f  No.3319

The New Nazis: How the Latest Great Migration Is Reshaping Hate

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503255  No.3425

Honorary aryan

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f1b312  No.3436

Oh look the kikes golems are starting to turn on them. Who would have thought?(Anyone with a brain).

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ab2c0f  No.3449

A white neo-Nazi is just as much of a golem. Especially if they're involved with heavily ADL-advertised groups like TRS.

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e2521b  No.3456

File: cd948a7ea763e43⋯.gif (876.23 KB, 500x281, 500:281, cant stop laughing.gif)


>DiVeRsItY iS oUr StReNgTh

(Never thought this would ever be appropriate here.)

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8544e0  No.3458


It is hilarious when the people who get killed are the same type of people who as the ones who dropped the murder charges.

How do protect our redpilled friends while allowing the leftists to continue to reap the benefits of diversity?

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8544e0  No.3460


>nig did nothing wrong

He is part of an invasion of Europe. He would have raped you if he could have.

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37842a  No.3497

File: a715dabba2c5309⋯.jpg (16.53 KB, 326x326, 1:1, Jewish rat.jpg)

File: faa44686d283dbf⋯.jpg (51.64 KB, 536x622, 268:311, Kike rat.jpg)


What a rat faced cunt. Pity he failed.

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ab2c0f  No.3621


It says he killed the Jew, though.

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e39931  No.3690


Oh? I assumed she survived since the charges were dropped.

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e39931  No.3691

File: 58b0738ebfad860⋯.jpg (158.06 KB, 993x765, 331:255, Not today, merchant.jpg)

Don't look back in anger, kikes.

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1d4864  No.3699

i've got an urgent message for all of you anons:


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66778d  No.3733


Not a frenchman.

Literally a stoopid nigger.

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315332  No.3735



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ab2c0f  No.3970

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b8289c  No.4823

Yeah I'm thinking this guy is based

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6e14b5  No.4959

She's in heaven now with Allah.

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b1f72d  No.5359


and redpilled

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caf153  No.5375


He is not french. Nationality is race. But he did a good job nonetheless. Always kill jews, no matter where your are from.

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db36a4  No.5405

We must bring in more blacks so they do the jobs whites don't.

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75a36c  No.5560

File: edc957d304d8b9e⋯.jpg (31.91 KB, 350x256, 175:128, 1503945231878.jpg)

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ab2c0f  No.5861


but not white

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