A summary of events and potential meme vectors:
-In Orwell's UK, Centre for Global Development (CGD) researcher Maya Forstater lost her job after sharing tweets invoking the reality of men not being able to alter their biological sex, despite their hormone therapy and surgical procedures
-Employment judge James Tayler upheld the decision at a tribunal on the basis of her views being "absolutist" and not having "the protected characteristic of philosophical belief"
-J.K. Rowling came out on Twitter in support of Forstater, against the idea of forcing women out of their work "for stating that sex is real"
-The left went into meltdown, trannies and their acolytes yet again reigniting their conflicts with 'TERFs', and Rowling in particular, drawing comparisons of her Harry Potter universe and age-old stereotypes which they perceive to have been reinforced in the films that she did not even direct
If you are familiar with the Taylor Swift or Millie Bobbie Brown memes of the past then you probably get where I'm going here. The Harry Potter series is ripe for pulling on strings of tension in the already-anxious globohomo community. Greedy jew-goblin bankers, patriarchal wizards, accusations of both conservative and neoliberal values, constant WWII parallels, and now we have been handed another in the form of TERF oppression of trans* folk. After all, she's done so much for us over the years, we may as well give back to her and her audience in the form of fresh OC, right?
>Christopher Hitchens noted in The New York Times that the lightning bolt—the shape of the scar which Harry received as a result of Voldemort's curse, now considered to be emblematic of the series—is also the symbol of Sir Oswald Mosley's British Union of Fascists, a prominent group of Nazi sympathisers during the 1930s and 1940s.[26] The Nazis themselves, in their SS, made use of the symbol too.
This thread is dedicated to our frau, J.K. Rowling. May her Aryan spirit be a guide unto the browning nations, that she may lift us out of the mire of modern autogynephilic filth. For women, and for the European peoples everywhere.