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File: 689b738e0a22b99⋯.png (7.32 KB, 1079x568, 1079:568, NaziAmerica.png)

c41177  No.8508

Where are the faggots who wanted to create a NatSoc state at Oregon ?

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ade4e1  No.8510

They suddenly realized that you can't create a new state in the US and killed themselves.

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c41177  No.8511


it was still fun to watch their cringe LARP

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7c2919  No.8520

Why would we care about a fed honeypot that hasn’t accomplished anything in 30 years?

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a53f2c  No.8576


They accomplished being laughed at.

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b7e00f  No.8586


>Where are the faggots who wanted to create a NatSoc state at Oregon ?

Probably in Oregon

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1184c7  No.8590


I remember them. I even went to thei chatroom they had set up on some anonymous chat program. They just kept saying I had to move there and that they would help people find jobs or places but they wouldn't help financially. Seemed like LARPers or a honeypot to me.

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a03aff  No.8642


Why are you against self determination for white people, you filthy racist bigot?

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