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Will the owner of a 2010 Dodge Challenger please clean up the blood stain in the parking lot?

File: c43c77827e0d3f5⋯.jpg (683.82 KB, 760x980, 38:49, 1575265286109.jpg)

555eb0  No.846

This picture looks just like some cringy webcomic but if you look closer it's terrifying. This is, unconsciously, a perfect encapsulation of what Ted Kaczynski meant when he said that "The Industrial Revolution and its consequences were a Disaster for the Human Race". In the first panel, people are at some artificial consoomer party or club - look at what they're discussing. Their community, their kids, the state of the union, anything uniquely shared between them as a society that is unique to them? No they're discussing Corporate Baseball shit, Batman comics and Beer - Human interest and creativity and enjoyment and instinct outsourced to entertainment corporations who have no relation to them and see them as cattle. The unhealthy woman thinks that because there is also an unhealthy man that her lack of fitness is justified. Normative gender roles are all fucked. Everyone including the supposed female victim of the narrative is looking for instant sex and an easy dopamine explosion. This is a mirror-image of modern Western society as a whole, seeking endless nihilistic and self-destructive entertainment in hollow celebrations couched in corporate products, corporate entertainment and corporate contraception. The author of this comic wants you to think that there is a victim and a perpetrator in this comic - he is wrong. Everyone in this comic is a victim. A slave of corporatism, consumerism and nihilistic dopamine binges. The perpetrator resides in, on and all around them, in what they speak and what they desire.

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000000  No.850







do you understand what this means?

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d557b3  No.854


That's a thread title you daft tit

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000000  No.856







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8b61d9  No.1509

File: 30eb0d84684ac36⋯.png (104.16 KB, 295x391, 295:391, decker.png)


The cyberpunk dystopia is here and I don't even get to have a cyberdeck.

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a7aad7  No.1512


Fat Kevin is a fucking legend and some drawfag needs to make a comic around him.

He fucks a lot of fat women and drinks a lot and sometimes he commits a rape or two, good times!

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f55c0c  No.1620

File: c38c0933714e67c⋯.jpg (356.39 KB, 848x796, 212:199, 20191203_124845.jpg)


A striking analysis. I tend to agree with all your points.

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a7aad7  No.1723


It's ironic how these faggots always cut themselves with the double edged swords they are wielding

Fat Kevin, accepts himself, handles the bantz, out for a good time, getting laid.

Fat Fembeast, despises her hideous body, super sensitive, discussing pointless capeshit, a cunt as dry as the sahara.

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53a1a6  No.1918

shills working hard today

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20b6ef  No.1977

File: a06a0d7d3cff9cb⋯.png (2.4 MB, 1915x1520, 383:304, microchosim of modernity.PNG)


first screenshot of 8kun. Good post, anon.

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59464d  No.2011

File: e64ecdb0442d759⋯.png (522.63 KB, 1004x768, 251:192, Aliterate.png)


To add to that

>he knows who Kevin is and enjoys his company, Kevin is drunk as hell and having a blast

>the chick on the other hand is uninvited and, depending on how you interpret it

>either uninvited because nobody knows who she is (with her weight being insulted simply because that is the feature that is the most visible about her)

>or she is known and was uninvited due to being unwelcome in general, which the artist wishes to believe is due to body standards

What is funny is that what the artist doesn't see any of these interpretations as valid because the intended point was much simpler than that

<man doesn't like fat woman having sex

<man likes fat man having sex

And from how incredibly basic the artist has viewed the situation despite creating a dialogue with a lot more detail than that, I have to conclude that this is the artist giving a strawman of an actual personal experience. Especially from the fact that the man didn't say anything about sex regarding the chick, only that he expressed his disdain towards her. Which can be for an entire laundry list of potential different issues. The artist self-inserted into the first panel, confirming that the discussion about Batman was just so that she could get dicked by the cripple in the wheelchair. It sounds stupid but that is exactly what it is.

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000000  No.3935


bump holy shit, Ted was right

society has turned into a consumerist ratrace and reddit/tumblr types are fighting for the system, tricked into thinking they're fighting against it. God help us.

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d035ba  No.4012

ITT: Schizophrenia.

>all technological progress is bad and we should have stayed in the 17th century forever because I don't like thing

And you wonder why the number of people willing to join the hyper-puritan cuckfest that is nu/pol/ is minuscule.

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3a132e  No.4557

why do all college fags have to type so much text for such a shitty message, faggot.

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000000  No.6083



nice try shills

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000000  No.6088


>/pol/ is one person

>calls others new

At the risk of sounding like an after school special; I think we know who the real new faggot is.

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